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Modern Masters from the Cleveland Museum of Art October 12 , 2008 - January 18, 2009 Masterpiece after masterpiece after masterpiece. See them now. For tickets visit or the DIA Box Office. Members receive FREE tickets. Join today! 313.833.7971 • DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS Bankof America :=-,.:1;.... I support has been provided by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the City of Detroit. fill' c. 1917-18 Oil on canvas; 65 x 48.3 em. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of the Hanna Fund 1951.358. © The Cleveland Museum of Art. sur fa Colline) (detail), 1889. Oil on fabric; 61.6 x 45.7 em. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Bequest of Leonard C. Hanna Jr. 1958.32. CI The Cleveland Museum of Art. Oil on fabric; 81.3 x 65 em. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of the Hanna Fund 1942.1065. 0 The Cleveland Museum of Art. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
has been organized by the CJe,eIand Museum of Art. In Detroit. the exhibition proudly sponsored by Bank of America
Mocfogtianl (haRan. 1884-1920). Pottrait of a iMlman
van Gogh (Dutch. 1853-90) The Poplars at 5aint-RMiy (1.05 1841-1919) RomaineLacaux (det ail).
The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House
BRAVO is a Mic hi gan Opera Thea tre publication.
Rebekah J ohnson , Ed i tor
Mit ch Carter, Contributing Editor
Contributor s
Mitch Carter
Richard Danielpour
Nadine Deleury
David DiChiera
Karen V DiChiera
Rebekah Johnson
Steve n Marlette
Nikki Rudd y
Publi s h er
Ech o Publicat ions, Inc.
Roya l Oak , Michigan
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Tom Putt ers, president
Toby Faber, Advertising Sales Director
Physicians ' se rvices pro vid ed by Henr y For d Medi cal C enter
Pepsi-Co la is the official soft drink and Juic e provider of the Detroit Opera House.
Cadilla c Co ffee is th e official coffee of the Detroit Opera Hous e.
Stein way is th e offi cial piano of the Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre. Steinway pianos are provid ed by Hammell Mus i c, exclusi ve repre sen tati ve for Steinway and Sons in Michigan.
Pres id ent Tu xe do is th e official provider of forma lwear for the Detroit Opera Hou se
Michigan Opera Theatre is a nonprofit cultural organ ization , whose act are supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other individuals, co rpo rations and foun d ations. Michigan Opera Theatre is an Equa l Opportunity Emp loyer.
NATIO N AL EN D O W M E NT FOR T HE A RT S Detro i t Opera House A mi,hign" ro m"i/fOr n"dm/wru/ujfoin CONTENTS Fall/Winter 2008-09 W EL COME L ETTER FROM D AVID D ICHIERA 4 ON STAGE M ARGARET G ARNER 6 F EATURE STORY : Margaret Ga rne r: A Lo ok Back 8 FEATURE STORY: A no t e o n Margaret Ga rn er from Ric h ar d D ani elpo ur ................................... .... .... .. .... .... ... 9 H UBBARD STREET D ANCE CHICAGO 10 M ADAME B UTTERFLY . ............ . . .... ... ... .... . .. . .......... . .... ... ........ 16 FEATURE STORY : The Opera We Keep W ith Us Fo r eve r. ....... .... . 18 T oo H OT T o HA N DEL 2 0 T HE J OFFREY B ALLET: THE NUTCRACKER 2 4 ALVI N AILEY AMER ICAN D ANCE T HEATER .. .. .... .... .... .. . .. ........... 28 MICHIGA N OPERA THEATRE Arti s t P rofi les 34 Ch o ru s and Orc h estra 39 Ed u ca t ion at th e D e t roit Ope ra H o u se: Co mmu nity Prog r ams an d Lea rni ng at th e O pera Ho u se, D ance E duc a t ion , and the Mic h iga n Opera Th ea t re Chi ldre n 's Ch orus 4 0 Famil y Alb u m 46 Board of Direc t ors and Trus t ees 44 Ad m inis t ration a nd Staff.. 45 C ONTR IBUT ORS Increas ing Regi o n a l Ph il ant h ro p y Program U p date ....... .... . ... . . . . .... 5 0 Ava nti Socie ty .... . ... .. ... . ... . ....... . ..... . .. . ................................. .. . .. ...... 52 Cam p a ign to Restore t h e D e troi t Opera H ou se 53 Mic hi ga n Ope r a Th ea t re Co ntribu tors 5 5 Vo lunt eer Infor m a tion ..... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... .......... .. .. ...... ... .. . . ... . .. .... ....... 6 0 Genera l Informa ti on 63 www.M ic h iga n O p e r B RAVO 3 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's
38th season of opera, appropriately dubbed "Casualties of Love.
Our season opens wi th the re turn of an opera that premiered ri ght h ere at the Det roit Opera Hou se in May 2005. The wo rld premiere of Marga ret Gamer was an excit in g time , and it is even more thrillin g to see th e wo rk ret urn to th e ope r a hou se thi s season. It is also exciting to b e ab le t o tak e our produ ction on tour for fi ve performanc es at the Auditorium Th eatre in Chicago. Three roles in the opera will be double -ca st b y some very gifted singers, some of w hom creat ed th e world premie re ro les, an d others who are makin g their MOT debut s . We are thrill ed to brin g back m ez zo-soprano sup ersta r Denyce Graves as Margaret, the role sh e creat e d in the world premiere, al ong with h er counterpart Gregg Baker as Rob ert Garn er. Tracie Luck, the tal ent ed m ez zo- so pran o w h o und ers tudi ed for the rol e of Margaret in 2005 and who cre at ed the ro le recently for th e New York City Op era p rod u c tion , wi ll alternate with D en yce Graves in th e tit le role
W hil e we b elie ve in the va lue of Ameri ca n op era and the important legacy of Margaret Gamer, we are always p leased to p rese nt sta pl es of th e op eratic r epertoire and audi enc e favorites. Our seco nd opera of the fall season, Madam e Butterfly, is certain ly in th at cat egory
Amon g the most pop ul ar operas of all time, we proudl y pr esen t Giacomo Pu cc ini 's Madame Butt erfly, to clo se out our fall op er a season. We will have two fantasti c and e quall y gifted sin gers alternating in the role of Butterfly ; Alb anian soprano Ermonela J aho, w ho made h er MOT d ebut in La Boheme in 2005 , and J ap ane se soprano Mihoko Kinoshita, who is making h er anti cipat ed MOT debut.
As th e home of dance in De troit , the 13th seaso n of da n ce at the Detroit Opera H ou se hi ghlights so m e of th e mo s t popular and we llreceived repe rtor y favo r ites , as we ll as a co m pany Detroit pr emiere. Op en in g the 2008 fall dan ce season is the De troit Op er a H o u se d ebut of Hu bbard Street Da n ce Chi cago, a co mp an y that ha s won ove r dance critics an d audi en ces alike with their inno va ti ve arti s tr y.
Re turnin g to the Det roit Opera Hou se after a one yea r hi a tu s, Th e J o ffre y Ba ll et co me s hom e in Dece mber with The Nutcra cker A belo ved Det roit h oliday ritual , th e ball et cl as sic is a famil y traditi on at the Opera H ou se, an d we are pl ease d an d delighted to see it here again. Anot h er ho lid ay favorit e returning this yea r is Too Hot to Handel with the Ra ckham Sympho n y Choir. In our six th ye ar of partn ering with the cho ir, we are elated that this uniqu e so ulful jazz -gos pel ve rsion of Hand el's well -kn own Mess iah returns to th e Opera Hou se.
We are also ve r y pl ease d to celebrate Black His tor y m onth in Feb ruar y 2009 with th e ret urn of Alvin Ailey Am eri ca n Dance Theater, ce lebr ating th ei r land mark 50th anniversary with u s. Thi s is sure to be a uni qu e and sp ecia l eve nt to recognize th e ge niu s o f Alvin Ail ey and the st irrin g, emotional, and passionate performa n ces that co ntinu e to amaze and in sp ire.
We ar e always grateful for the support o f our spo n sors In th ese tough eco nomi c tim es, we es peci ally app recia te the conti nued and unwavering supp o rt of our corpora te sponsors , foundatio n s, and individu al donors. The generosity of our sponsors proVides critical support in con tinuing to brin g artists of th e high es t ca liber to the De troit Opera Hou se s tage.
We hop e yo u will join u s for many mor e exc itin g pro gram s and eve nts at the De troit Opera Hou se . As always, thank yo u for visiting u s a t th e De troit Ope r a Hou se, and enjo y the show I
4 BRAVO www MichiganOpera org Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
In order of vocal appearance
Margaret Garner.
Au ctioneer
Edward Gaines
Rob ert Garner
Ci ll a ... . . . .
Denyce Graves ( 18 , 22, 25)+ Tracie Luck (19,24)
Torrance Blaisd ell
J ames Westman 08 , 22, 25) Timoth y Mix 09 , 24)*
.. .. .. .. Gre gg Bake r Karen Slack ( 19 ,22,24)* Mary Eli zabeth Williams 08 , 25)*
Casey ........ .... . .. .... ........ .... ...... .... ... ...... .. ... Jason Collins*
Caro lin e Gaines Kristine Biller Mattson
George Hancock Ryan MacPherson
1" Jud ge Torrance Blaisd ell
2 nd Judge. Jeff MacMullen * t
yd Judge Aaron Stegemoller*
+ Denyce Graves ' performances made poss ib l e b y a generous gi ft from Sarah & Doug All ison.
* Michigan Opera Th eatre d ebut t Barbara Gibson Youn g Artist App rent ice2008-09 Jo yce H. Cohn You n g Artist
The las t Michigan Opera Theatre performances of Margaret Gamer; May 7-22,2005.
The opera b egins in darkness. A gro up o f slaves, begging for d eli ve rance from their suffe rin g, grad u ally b eco me s visi bl e.
The scene shifts to an auction being held in Kentucky in 1856. In th e crowd is Edward Gaines , a native of the region but absent for twent y yea rs. When Maplewood Plantation is brou ght to the block, h e interrupt s the proceedings, asserting th at it cannot be so ld as it belonge d to hi s deceased brother. Gaines is dismayed to learn that th e townsfo lk don't remember him , but no one di sp utes his claim , so he ac qui res Maplewood. As Ga ines sign s ownership papers, h e is captivate d by the singing of Margaret Garner, on e of the s laves. He nostalgically recalls hi s childh ood, and promises h imsel f that this tim e the town sfo lk wi ll not forget him.
The slaves return from an o ther d ay 's toil in the field s. Cili a , the mother of Margaret 's hu sb and , Robert, joins the couple fo r supper; th eir spirit s are light-hearted until Casey, Map lewood 's foreman, arr ives with sho cking news. Robert is b eing se nt away that night to another plant a tion , but Margaret is to remain at
Maplewood - where sh e wi ll work , at th e Masters request , in the main hou se Ga ines ho sts a lavish reception to celeb rate h is dau ghter Caro line's marriage. An arg ument erupts b etween Edward and hi s n ew so n-in -law, George, abo ut the nature of love ; to break the tension, the newlywe d s b egin a wa lt z. After the dan ce, Caro lin e as ks Margaret, no w the hou se se r va nt, for her views on love. The guests are outr aged to h ea r h er so licit a slave's op ini on, and lea ve abruptly Offende d , Ga in es lash es out a t Caro line. Later , Gaines lin gers , unseen, to watc h Margaret clean the parlor. He accosts h er, forCib ly dragging her away
Ant icip a ting a visit from Rob ert, Margaret goes to Cilia 's cabin Sh e becomes agitated when sh e find s h er packing and th e children miss ing , until Cill a discloses that Robert plans an escape atte mpt that evening. Margaret is ove rwhelm ed when he arrives and confirms the n ews , but disco n ce rted that Cili a refu ses to join them Casey sudd enly sto rms into th e cabi n ; a st ru ggle en su es which ends wi th Robert strangling Casey to death.
Robert and Margaret escap e from Maplewood, and are living in an underground sh ed in Ohi o. Robert asserts that fr ee d om and dignity are nearly theirs. But Gai n es su ddenl y arrives to claim hi s property, and capt ures Robert. Margaret attempt s to burn Ga in es with fier y coals, an d witnesses his men lynching Robert. Enraged, she murders her children so the y will b e spared slavery's horrors
Darkness again en ve lops the stage brie fl y With d e fi ant grande ur , Ma rga ret then embraces h er life's circumstances.
Ga in es transports Margaret back to Kentucky to s tan d trial for the "theft and destruction " of the children, cons id e re d hi s prop erty Caro lin e protests that Margaret sh ou ld prop e rl y be charged wi th murd er , for the children were hum a n beings. The judges sente n ce Margaret to be exec ut e d for theft. When Caro lin e b egs her father to see k clemency, Gaines realize s h e must choos e between the lo ve of his radical daught er and a traditional way of life
Grea t so rrow fill s the air as th e town s folk await Margaret's execution. At dawn , sh e is led t o th e sca ffold. Gain es runs in, wavi n g a docum en t - th e judges ha ve granted Margaret clemency I On th e ga ll ows, Margaret ex presses her d esire to li ve p eacefully in a jus t worl d , and then se izes "fre edo m " by hanging h e rself. Ed wa rd rea li zes that peace ne ver will be hi s. Although h e mad e the "ri ght " cho ic e - to fight for Margaret's freedom - he did it for the w rong r eason: he wa nt e d to win hi s dau ght er 'S respect. The onlookers proclaim a need for re p entanc e, an d pray that Margarets final journey home is a p eaceful one.
- Mary Lou Humphrey
Detl'oit Opera House www Mi c h ig a nOp e BRAVO 7 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Margaret Garner: A Look Back
It's hard to know wh at o n e has learned until a littl e time h as pa ssed since it was all so fresh and ra w.
With m y first op e r a, Margaret Garner; I r ealize no w that I wa lk ed into so much without b eing fu lly cognizant of its co ns equ ence and significa n ce. For inst ance, a t fir s t I did not realize th e magnitud e of th e work - epic in term s of length (as lon g as A id a) and size (a Rosenkavalier-sized orchestra and double chorus), its subject matter we ighty, ponderous , and demanding.
Toni Morrison and I knew that we were wr iting some thin g that n eeded to be writt en, ye t we had no idea o f th e scope of emotional reaction that this story was to elic it.
Much of this I learne d in Detroit. Of th e entire three years of wa tchin g Margar et Garner develop, the De troit production meant th e most to me. I stayed for all of the pe r formances, making little adju stments and cuts, wanting to get as close as possible to a fina l edition. But the most remarkab le thing o f all was the reaction of the Detroit au diences.
After its racial tensions ca m e to the forefront durin g the late 1960s , I came to regard Detroi t as a city for ever divided. Yet when the origin al p roduction of Margar et Garn er opened in Detroit on May 7 , 2005, tho se wh o came to experi en ce the performances demonstrated to me that perchance wh at I be li eved to be a p e rm anent rupture was in fact sho wing sign s o f h ealing. The au dience, co mpri sed eq uall y o f whites and African Am ericans, lau gh ed at the same moments, cr ied at the same moments. On those evenings at the Detroit Opera House , there was a coming together o f the people of th e city and a re cogni tion that we were all part of the same hum an famil y.
As productions of Margaret Garner continued in othe r ci ti es - Cinc innati , Philadelphia , Charlotte, New York - we found th e same typ e of reaction.
After the Chicago performances this fall, Margar et Garn er will ha ve had ab out 35 performances in three -and-a-half years. That is unu sua l for a new wo rk, espe cially a full-length opera.
While in Detroit from mid-April through May 22,2005, I felt I was away from home for a long time. But I was bolstered b y the p eop le in the city of Detro it: to tal strange r s, people on the board o f directors, the opera-goers. Their warmth and openness, and th e se n se of camara d eri e that I experienced gave m e th e s trength an d courage to mo ve forwa r d. I also owe much cr edit to David DiChiera , who had an atti tude toward th e project that said ' this is go in g to be specia l ; this is goi ng to be a uniqu e event in our history.' And becaus e he did that wit h such love and such care, I think people we re atten u ated to the possibility. Attending all of the performances , I noticed a num be r of people wh o were returning to see i t a seco nd or third time
As I was writing Margaret Garner, I started to understand that on some leve l this work was changing me. In genera l , I beli eve, artists have a tendency to b e sel f-ab sorbed - myself includ ed. But wi th Margaret Garner; I felt more sensitiz ed to the world. I becam e more aware of peopl e and th eir underlying s tories than I had b ee n b efo re. I ca n 't look u pon a mot h er in th e way I once did. I h ave a w h ole n ew respect for mothers, and motherhood. Part of this is because of m y wife, Kathleen: We were married a week after the sh ow closed in Detroit in May 2005. She has two sons from a previous marri age, and as I have watche d h er life as a m oth er , 1 h ave co me to a grea ter und erstan din g abo ut Margaret , and abou t the divine union between mother and child
I st ill believe that the essent ia l und erlying me ssage in Margaret Garner is that all peop le matter, no except ion s
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Det"oit Oper a House
Left: Gregg Baker as Robert and D enyce Graves as M a rg a ret Garn e r i n the 2005 wor ld prem iere.
A note on Margaret Garner from Richard Daniel pour
Originally printed in the Michigan Opera Theatre Margaret Garner World Premiere Commemorative Book, May 2005.
I began to seriously entertain the idea of composing an ope r a as early as 1994, when I was at work on completing my first ce ll o concerto for Yo-Yo Ma and the San Francisco Symphony I had started
to see that so many of my concert works were akin to "secret operas"-instrumental or vocal works with a hidden dramatic scenario. Realizing that I had been, in effect, an opera co mpos er in disguise ,
I began to ask myself w hat the criteria would be for an opera that I would actually write. I settled on three requirements. One, not only did I ne ed a strong story, but in addition a narrative involving great tension , a great dilemma and ultimately a commensurate and compelling catharsis. Secondly, I wanted a text that wou ld make music a natural and viable part of the drama. I've dreaded go in g to performances in which it was apparent that the opera in question co uld just as easily have been a play or film. I knew that I wo uld hate to have an audience ask, " why are these people singing?" Lastly, I knew that with a great story, the actual language in the libretto would have to exist somewhere between prose and poetry. This would ensure that the words coming out of the mouths of the singers!characters would not allow them to sounclllook awkward on stage.
When Toni Morrison and I met for lunch in New York City in early Jul y 1996, we each had an idea to propose to the other; little did we know that we were not only each proposing an opera, but an
opera based on the same story about Margaret Garne r! I knew soon enough that although Toni Morrison had never written a libretto before, that sh e wou ld be the ideal p erson for
this opera, she possessed a deep identification with the story, having used the historical account as material for one of her greatest novels , and intuitively understood from the start my prerequisites for the opera as if they were her own as we ll. It bears mentioning here that in addition to her already extraordinary gifts, Toni Morrison was able to assimilate so much of what was needed to create a libre ttoh er first libretto - in what amounted to a relatively sma ll span of time . That she was able to do this with such grace and steadiness was astounding . Her coolness uhder pressure and her unwavering confidence in our working relationship were a constant inspiration to me.
We began working on a treatment for Margaret Garner as early as January 1998. As we exchanged ideas, I quickly s tart ed to feel that apart from th e inherent potential of the story for the stage, that an inner urgency about writing the work began to take hold of me. Composers write some works because they want to
and others because they need to do so.
Toni began to give me a crash course in the unofficial history of America since the Civil War, through a different perspective - one that would never be found in most high schoo l or co ll ege textbooks. What I understood was tha t th e story that we were choosing was an archetype of perhaps the single greatest unhealed wound in out country's history, and that class and economics played ju st as great a role in this "wo unding " as the idea of race did. Indeed, it occurred to me that perhaps the only true way to begin to heal such a wound wou ld be by going directly into that wound-and I believe that we attempted such a thing in the creation of this opera.
It wasn't, however, until late 19 99 that our idea became a reality when David DiChiera of Michigan Opera Theatre asked to meet with me in New York. When he realized that we were indeed quite interested in seeing our work produced, he fou nd two companies to join him in a consortium (Philadelphia and Cincinnati) and by the fall of 2000 , a commission was in place for u s to write the opera. I saw the first five scenes of the libretto in rough draft by sprin g 2001, but it wasn 't until February 2002 that I began in earnest to compose the work. Nearly three years later, in early Dec emb er 2004, the work was fina lly completed. Within that time I had written the work on two continents (North America and Europe), had been involved in two workshops (August 2003 and Au gust 2004), and had made literally thousands of alterations and rewrites, both large and small to the work which will finally be heard this year.
-Richard Danielpour, March 2005
Jonathan Boyd , Rod Gilfry, Deny ce Graves, and Kelly Kaduce in the world premiere of Margaret Garner in 2005.
Denyce Graves as Margaret Garner, center.
Detroit Opera House
BRAVO 9 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (HSDC), under the artistic leadership of Jim Vincent, celebrates over 30 years as one of the most renowned dance institutions in the world. Critically acclaimed for its exuberant, athletic and innovative repertoire, the company features dancers of unparalleled versati lity and virtuosity in performances that inspire, challenge and engage audiences worldwide. HSDC was founded in 1977 by dancer and choreographer Lou Conte, who served as artistic director until his retirement from HSDC in 2000. Originally the company's sole choreographer, he developed relationships with emerging and world-renowned choreographers, including Daniel Ezralow, Twyla Tharp, Jiri Kylian , Nacho Duato and, through a relationship cultivated by both Conte and Vincent , Ohad Naharin Under Vincent's direction, HSDC has performed works unmatched in artistic excellence by Christopher Bruce, William Forsythe and Susan Marshall, and acclaimed choreographers Jorma Elo, Lar Lubovitch and Toru Shimazaki have created works specifica lly for the company Continually expanding its diverse repertoire with work by leading national and int ernational choreographers, the company also contributes to the art form's evo lution by developing new choreographic talent and collaborating with artists in music, visual art and theatre.
In March 1998, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago relocated to a permanent facility in Chicago's West Loop neighborhood. This facility, renamed the Hubbard Street Dance Center in fall 2006 , is the home of Hubbard Street Dance Chicago's main company, Hubbard Street 2 , HSDC's Education & Community Programs and the Lou Conte Dance Studio, serving as one institution dedicated to performance, dance training and community education Hubbard Street 2 has become a respected training ground for young, professional dancers and choreographers; a major component of HSDC's Education & Community Programs; a resource for new dancers for HSDC's main company; and a company performing a diverse and engaging repertoire nationally and internationally HSDC's Education & Community Programs enab le students to experience live dance performances and acquire life and learning skill s through mo veme nt, while educators discover how to incorporate movement into their teaching methods. The Lou Conte Dance Studi o (LCDS) attracts aspiring dancers from around the nation and dance Detroit Opera House
enthusiasts in the Chicago area, offering classes weekly in ballet, jazz, modern , tap, African, hip-hop and Pilates at levels from basic to professional , as well as workshops and master classes.
As Chicago's leading contemporary dance company, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago serves as an emblem of the city's international cultural profile. One of the only American dance companies to operate year-round, HSDC will continue to produce bold and passionate performances for Chicago, national and international audiences, always changing and evolving while maintaining the highest artistic standards.
HUBBARD STREET 2 (HS2) is a company of dancers between the ages of 17 and 25 who perform a repertoire of works b y some of the nation's most promising young choreographers. HS2 reaches more than 35,000 people annually through lo ca l , national and international performances in schools, community centers and theaters. In 10 short years, the company has become a respected training ground for young, profeSSional dancers and choreographers; a major component of HSDC's Education & Community Programs; a resource for new dancers for HSDC's main company; and a company performing a di ve rse and engaging repertoire nationally and internationally
HS2 has been honored with invitations to perform at such prestigious venues as the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Joyce Soho and North Carolina School of the Arts The company's first international appearance, in Johannesburg, South Africa, has been followed by multiple appearances in Germany as we ll as performances in Luxembourg and Switzerland.
As part of its mission to identify and nurture young choreographers, HS2 initiated a National Choreographic Competition in 1999. Each year, the competition pro vides each of three choreographers with a residenc y to create an original work on the company and conduct master classes for the community More than 20 new works have been created for HS2 as part of the National Choreographic Competition, including pieces by Robert Battle, Edwaard Li ang and, most recently, a work-in-progress by HSDC dancer Yarden Ronen.
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, under the direction of Kathryn Humphreys, bring students into the world of dance by actively engagi ng them in perception, research , reflection and discussion, assisting them in strengthening basic proficiencies to develop analytica l and abstract thinking, interpretation and problem-solving skills. HSDC's partnership s with schools provide teaching artists and educators the opportunity to plan, teach and learn together to create exc iting and meaningful integrated curriculum which challenges students and takes learnin g to new levels.
The LOU CONTE DANCE STUDIO (LCDS), founded by Lou Conte and under the direction o f Claire Bataille, one of the original four HSDC dancers, attracts aspiring dancers from around the nation and dance enthusi asts in the Chicago area. Named "Best Dance Class for Adults" by Chicago magazine, LCDS offers a wide variety of classes weekly in ballet, jazz, modern, tap, Afri can, hip-hop and Pilates at le vels from basic to professional, as we ll as workshops and master classes. As part of its commitment to providing quality training, LCDS maintains a scho larship program for advanced dancers that provides a definitive step into the professional dance world. With a faculty of experienced performers, choreographers and musicians from the Chicago community and an exceptional facility, LCDS continues to be at the forefront of the nation's dance training institutions.
JIM VINCENT (Artistic Director) joined Hubbard Street Dance Chicago in August 2000 follOwing an extensive background in contemporary dance. His distinguished career as a professional dancer, teacher, rehearsal director and choreographe r include s a 12-year tenure with Jiri Kylian's Nede rland s Dans Theater (NDT) and four years as associate art istic director with Nacho Duato's Compania Nacional de Danza in Spain. During his time in Europe (1978-2000), Vincent choreographed severa l works for NDT I and II and the Stadttheater Bern in Switzerland. Vincent's more recent choreography for HSDC includes counter/ part, Uniformity and Palladia, works that the company has performed with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the National Arts Centre Orchestra, both led by Pinchas Zukerman, as well as with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, conducted by Sir Andrew Davis.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
As bold in the classroom as on the stage, Hubbard Street Dance offers a broad range of programs for students and educators that enrich the learning process. HSDC's EDUCATION &
LOU CONTE (Founder) , after a performing career including Broadway musi ca ls such as How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Mame and Cabaret, estab lis hed the Lou Conte Dan ce Studio in 1974 and three yea r s later founded what is now Hubbard Stree t Dance Chicago Origin ally the co mpany's so le cho reo g raph e r , he developed relationships with e merging and worldrenowned choreographers as th e company began to grow, adding bodies of work by a variety of artists including Lynne TaylorCorbett, Margo Sappington and Daniel Ezralow. These rela tionships transformed HSD C into the int e rnationally ac claim e d repertory company it is toda y Co nt e continued to build HSDC's rep erto ire by for ging a key r ela tion s hip with Twyla Tharp in the 1990 s, acquiring seve n of her works, includin g an original work for the company Co nte further expand e d the com pan y's repertoire to include European cho reogra ph ers Jiri Kylian an d Nach o Duato and Israeli choreograp h er Ohad Na ha rin. Th ese long- term relationship s, along with Co nt e's participa ti on in selectin g Jim Vincent as the company's new artistic director, ha ve paved the way for H SDC's future . Throu g h o ut his 23 yea r s as the co mpany 's artistic director, Cont e re ce ive d numerous awards, including the Chinese Dance Coalition's inaugura l Ruth Page Artistic Ac hi eve m ents Award in 198 6 , th e Sidney R. Yates Arts Adv ocacy Award in 1995 and the Chicagoan of th e Year awa rd from Chicago ma gaz ine in 1999. H e h as be en cr e di te d b y many for helping to rais e Chicago's int ernational cultural profil e and for c r eating a climate for dance in the c ity, where th e art form now thri ves.
SHANNON ALVIS (Indianapolis, IN) trained a t th e Jord an Academy of Dance a t Butl er University an d at the University of Utah. She has p erfo rme d with th e Utah Ballet, Ind iana po li s Ballet Theatre and the Chautauqua Ball e t Company an d h as atten ded nume rou s s umm er programs including Boston Ballet, Pennsy lva nia Ballet, Sc ho ol of American Ballet, Royal Wi nni peg Ballet and American Ballet Thea tre. Alvis joined Hubb ard Street 2 inJune 1998 and moved to the full com pany in June 2000.
CHRISTIAN BROOMHALL (Colu mbu s, OH) rece ived classical training from Ball et Met Columbu s und er the direction of David N ixon a nd Yoko lchino. From 19 99 to 2001 he d ance d p ro fessiona ll y wit h the Ballet Met Co lu mbus. He then performed with th e No rth ern Ba ll et Th eatre un til 200 5, w h en h e
re turne d to dance with Ballet Met Co lumbu s until 2008. Broomhall joined Hubbard Street Dance Chi cago in August of 2008. He wOLLld like to thank his parents Jor always being supportive in hi s endeavors.
ALEJANDRO CERRUDO (Madrid, Spa in) rece ived hi s training at th e Rea l Conservatorio Profess ion al de Danza d e Madrid and in 1998 jo in ed th e Victor Ulla te Company where he danced for one year. Fro m 1999 to 2002 , Cerrudo danced with the St uttgart Ballet an d in 2002 he Joined Nede rl a nd s Dans Theater (N DT ) II und er th e direction Gerald Tibbs. Cerrudo danced with ND T II for three years befor e becoming an HSDC compa n y member in Augu st 200 5. Named an HSDC Ch oreogra phi c Fellow in 2008, Cerru do will crea te a new work for th e main co mp an y thi s yea r, ad din g to hi s two exis tin g wo rk s in the repertOire, Lickety-Split and Extremely Close.
;·v1EREDITH DINCOLO (Indianapolis, IN) began danCing at age seven in Ind ianap oli s and co ntinu ed her training und er Iacob Las c u in Mi chi gan. Sh e gra duat ed from the Un ive rs ity of Notre Dame in 1993 and moved to Chi cago to pur sue dan ce. In 1996, Meredith j oined HSDC , w here sh e spe nt four yea rs und er th e direction of Lou Co n te. In 2000, s he joined Lyon Ope ra Ballet and went on to th e Nat ionalth ea ter Mannheim, under Kevin O' Da y and Dominiqu e Dum ais. Me red ith re turned to H SDC in Nove mb er 2004.
AUTUMN ECKMAN (Atlan ta , GA) received h e r class ica l traini ng from the late Tom Paz ik of the Atla nta Ballet and from the Ho u sto n Ballet Aca d emy under Clara Cravey and Steve Brulee She h as performed with the Cangelosi Dance Project, Giordano Jazz Dance Chi cago, as a principal dancer for State Street Ball et and Luna Negra Dance Theater. Eckman j oine d HSDC in Aug u s t 2007 .
t his yea r, ad ding to his four existing wo rks in th e re p ert oi re, Dipthong and B-Sides for th e mai n com pany and Whip and Hall aig for Hubb ard Street 2.
KELLIE EPPERHEIMER (Los Osos, CA) began her d ance trainin g in 19 88 with the Aca d emy of Dance and Civic Ba ll et o f San Luis Obispo. Sh e ha s parti cipa ted in summ er programs with th e Joffrey Ballet and the Juilli a rd Schoo l. In 2002 , sh e h ad the op portunit y to tour Russia with th e Deyo Dan cers. Epp erheimer Joi ned Hubbard Street 2 in J anuar y 2005 before becoming an appren ti ce with the m a in company in De cem ber 2006. Epperheimer was made a full co mp any me mb er in J anu ary 2008. She would lik e to thank her ama zi ngJamily and Jli ends Jor being support ive oj all the choi ces she mak es in life
LAURA HALM (Baltimore, MD) began her dance training at age four and ha s s tudi ed a t Centra l Pe nn sy lvan ia Youth Ballet, Bo ston Ball et Scho o l , San Francisco Ballet School and the Baltimore Schoo l fo r the Art s. She received h er B.FA. in dan ce [rom th e Juilli ard Sc h oo l in May 2002 where she performed works b y J ose Lim on, O h ad Na harin and Rob ert Battle. She also had the privi lege o f performing with El Ba ll et Mo d erno y Folklori co de Guatem ala as a gues t arti s t befo re joining Hubbard Street 2 in J anuary 2004. Halm became an apprentice with HSDC in Au gus t 2006 before joining as a fu ll company memb er in Au gust 2007. She wo uld like to thank her parents Jor all oj th eir love, und erstanding and su pp ort.
JASON HORTIN (O ly mpi a, WA) gradu ate d from the University of Neva da , Las Vegas with a B.FA. in d an ce und er th e direction of Lou is Kavo ura s. Ja so n h as danced with Mo ving Pe o pl e Dan ce Th ea tre , the Eri ck Ha wk ins Dan ce Co mpan y an d River No rth Dance Chicago. Ja so n joined HSDC as a Hubb a rd Street Dan ce Cente r Appre nti ce in August 2007 and was prom oted into th e main co mp any inJul y 200 8. He would like to thank his Jriends, Ja mily and wife Melanie, Jo r their indeJatigab le support
ANA LOPEZ (A Coruiia, Spai n) began h er form al tra ini n g at Conserva tori o de Danza Disputac ion de A Co runa. Upon graduating fro m Isaac Diaz Pa rdo hi gh school, she co ntinu ed her tr ainin g at Centro Internac ion al de Danza Ca rme n Roche. Lop ez da n ced with J ove n Ballet Car men Roche, Compani a Nac ional de Danza 2 and Ballet The ater Munich b efore joining HSDC in J anu a ry 2008.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
BRIAN ENOS (Cotati, CA) began his dance training at age 14 and h as studi ed with the Houston Ballet Aca d emy, Maria Veg h , the Santa Rosa Juni or College and Sa ra Stub er. At age 18 , he joined th e Ho usto n Ball et w h ere h e performed wo rk s by Trey Mcintyre, Davi d Parsons, Lil a York, Ben Stevenson, Dominic Walsh, Prisc ill a NathanMurphy, J am es Kudelka and Fred ri ck As hton. En os performed with the Hou sto n Ba ll et for two yea rs before joining HSDC inJul y 2002. He was co mmi ss ion ed to crea te wo rk for Housto n Ballet in fall 2005, departing H SDC in Augu st and rejoining the co mp any in J anu a ry 2006. Named an HSDC Cho reog raphi c Fell ow in 2008, Eno s wi ll crea te a ne w work for th e main co mpan y www
Detroit Opera House
TERENCE MARLING (Chicago, TL) began his ballet training in 1982 at the Ruth Page School of Dance under the direction of Larry Long. In 1994 , he jo ined the Pittsburgh Ba ll et Theater directed by Patricia Wild e, whe r e he pe rformed leading roles in Don Quixote , Glen Tetley's Le Sacre du Print emps , Ba lanchine 's Rubies, Ohad Naharin 's Tabula Rasa, Paul Taylor 's Airs andJiri Kylian's Return to the Strange Land. Marling also originated roles in ballets by Kevin O'Day, Dwight Rhoden, Ib Anderse n , Lynne Taylor-Corbett and Robert Hill. Directors O'Day and Dom in iqu e Dumais invited him to join the Nationa lth eater Mannhe im in Germa n y in 2003 , where he part icip ated in the creat ion of ten works . Ma rli ng j oi n ed HSDC in April 2006. He continues to choreograph and teach in hi s spare time , and 2008 was a winner of HSDC's National Ch oreograph ic Competition, grant ing h im a 2-week residency to create an origin al work for Hubbard Street 2. He would lik e to thank his wife Lauren for being a constant source of inspiration , strength and support.
JAMY MEEK (Lu bbock , TX) r eceived a B.A. degree in performing arts from Oklahoma Ci ty Unive r sity He danced with Ballet Lubb ock, W illi s Ballet and th e San Anton io Metropolis Ballet , j oining H SDC in J u n e 1996. He thanks everyone in his life for being such incredibly supportive people and for teaching him the value of true and unconditional friendship
PABLO PIANTINO (Mendoza, Argentina) began dancing at th e age o f 14 His training incl ud es private semin ars wi th Hector Zaraspe and st udi es at both the Co lon Theatre Sc h oo l and th e Ju illi ard Sc h oo l , w h ere he received his B.FA. Having danced wi th b o th the Co lon Th ea tre Ballet Company and the Juilliard Schoo l Dance Ensemble, Piantino j oined the San Francisco Ballet in 1999 and became an HSDC com p an y m embe r in August 2005. He thanks his parents, grandmother and Maestro Zaraspe
ALEJANDRO PIRIS-NINO (Madrid, Spain) began hi s ballet studi es a t th e age of ten, when he j oined the Victor Ulla te School of Dance on scholarship and became an apprentice in 1995. W hil e with the Victor U ll ate Compa n y (rena m ed the Compani a d e la Co mmunid ad de Madri d ) , Piris-Nino performed a t Ci ty Center an d the Metropoli tan Opera House in New York and at The Royal Theater of Ma drid. Piris-Nino joined ABT's Studi o Company in 1999 and was promoted to American Ballet Theat re's
main Company in 2000. Upon joining ABT's main Company, he d anced Sanc h o Panza in Don Quixote, the Profiteer in The Green Table , in From Here On Out, as well as ro les in La Bayadere , Cinderella , Le Corsaire , Etudes, Glow - Stop, HereAftel; Jardin aux Lilas, Th e Nutcracker; Prodigal Son, Romeo and Juliet , Swan Lake, La Sylphide, Petit Mort , and Weren 't We Fools? Piris-Nino joined Hubbard Street Dance Chi cago in August of 2008. He would like to thank his brothers and sisters for being unconditiona lly helpful and supportive.
PENNY SAUNDERS (West Palm Beach, FL) recei ved her forma l d ance training at a nd grad u ated from the Harid Co n servatory in Boca Raton While furthering her training under Elisabeth Ca r ro ll , she joined the American Repertory Ballet in New Jersey Sau nd e rs h as also danced wi th Ballet Arizona , toured ex tensively with MOM IX a n d was a member of Cedar Lake Ensemble in New York b efore j oinin g HSDC in November 2004.
KEVIN SHANNON (Baltimore , MD) began hi s forma l dancing under the gu id an ce of Lester Holmes He graduated fro m th e Balti more Schoo l for the Arts, receiving addi ti ona l summer training at
the Sc h oo l o f Am e ri can Ballet, Miami City Ba ll et, Pa ul Taylor and Da vid Parsons. He received hi s B.FA. in 2007 fro m th e Juilliard Sc h oo l , w h ere he p er formed wor k s by Susan Marshall, Mark Morris, W illi am Forsyth e an d JiTl Ky li an. H e h as toured nationally w ith the Juilli a rd School Ensembl e and per form ed in the nationally-broadcast special "Live From Lin co ln Ce nt er, The Juilli ard Sch oo l: Celebratin g 100 Years." He is a co-fo und er of B0RDERLINE DANCE
CIR CLE-a troupe under th e ch oreogr ap hi c direc ti on o f Mic h ell e Mo la-for w hich he danced professionally and developed conce pt s since 2005. Sh ann on j oined HSDC in November 2007. He is excited to be a member of HSDC and thanks his loving and supportive family.
JESSICA TONG (Binghamton, NY)
received a full sc h olars hi p to the Ba ll et Department at the University of Utah and became a member of Utah Ballet as a junior in high school. She attended summer programs at American Ballet Theatre, San Francisco Ballet , Kaatsbaan an d Lou Conte Dance Studi o, am ong others. Jessica ha s danced with BalletMet in Co lumbu s , Ohio, Eliot Feld 's Ballet Tech in New York City and H u bbard Street 2 before joining the main company
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as an appren tice in J anua ry 2007 and a full company m ember in J an uary 2008. She would lik e to thank her fri end s and family who never stopped beli evi ng in her.
TIFFANY VANN (Ja ckso nvill e, FL) received her dance training from the Juilliard Schoo l and also summer s tudi es wi th th e Ki rov Acad e m y, the H arid Conservatory, Boston Ba ll et, Bates Dan ce Festiva l, Pe rry Mansfi eld and the Ball e t Divertim ento Professional Proj ec t. Si n ce rece ivin g her B.FA ., Va nn h as perform ed with Ball e t Memphis and Dayto n Co ntemp ora ry Dan ce Com pany 2. Vann j oined Hubb ard Stree t 2 in June 2006 , was appointed a Hubbard Stree t Dance Cen ter apprenticeship in Jun e 2007 and was prom ote d to full com pany member in J an u ary 2008. She would lik e to thank God for the many bl ess ings, and her dad, mom, Ernie and Shawn for all th eir love and su pport throughout th e years .
BENJAMIN WARDELL (M emphiS, TN) b ega n dancing at age ten. After compl e ti ng hi s training a t Classical Ballet Memphi s Sc hool , und e r the tutelage of Pa t Gill es pi e, h e dan ce d wi th Cincinnati Ballet for five seasons, ac hie ving the rank of so loi st. In 2006 , Ben moved to San Francisco to join Alonzo King 's LI NES Ballet, where he was given the opportunity to exp lore mind-openin g philosophies and phys icaliti es of m ovemen t w hile traveling extensively th ro u gh the Uni ted Sta tes and Europe. In additio n to being a dancer, Ben is a photographer and wri ter. A la rge p art o f hi s artis ti c interest is to co mbine multipl e di sciplines through methods that allow each a rt form to augm ent the capabiliti es of the others. He joined H SDC in J anuary 2008.
ROBYN MINEKO WILLIAMS (Lombard, IL) be gan d a ncing at age five under the direction of Yvo nn e Brown Co llodi. She co ntinu ed s tudying da n ce at the Lo u Con te D ance Studi o on full scho larship fro m 1993 to 1995. W illi ams danced wit h Ri ve r North Chica go Dan ce Co mpany for four years b efor e b ec oming an apprentice with HSDC in J une 2000. Sh e becam e a full company m embe r in Sep tember 200 1 . Thank you to her mom, dad and brother]. I
The Hubb ard Street Dance Cent er App renti ce prog ram was institut ed in May 2007 These dan cers act as co mpany m embers for both Hubbard Street Danc e Chicago and Hubbard St ree t 2.
JACQUELINE BURNETT (Pocate llo , ID) received her class ica l b all et training from Romanian Ballet Master Marius Zirra until his death in 2004 an d then s tudi ed with Sergiu Brindusa and Bet h Moore. Her training ha s inclu ded summ er int ens ives wi th Ba ll e t Idaho , Universa l (Kiro v) Ball et Academy, the Juilliard Sc hool and the San Franci sco Co n servatory o f Dance where sh e trained with Summe r Lee Rhatigan an d , under the tutelage of Thomas McManus an d Glenn Edgerton , s tudied the re pert oire of William Forsyt h e a nd J iri Ky lia n Burn e tt is a junior in th e Ail ey Sch ool!Fordham Unive rsity B.FA. pro gram in New Yo rk City. A recipient of th e Loyo la Scho lars hip from Fordham , Burnett was s elected by the Ailey Sch oo l to participate in the 200 7 Holl and Danc e Fes tival in The Hagu e, per form in g in wo rk s by Darre ll Moultr ie and Francesca Harper. Sh e j oi n ed H SDC as a Hubbard St ree t Dance Cent er Ap prenti ce in January 2008.
began his dance training at The Aca dem y of Movem ent and Mu sic in Oak Park, Illinois. He has stud ied on scholars hi p at th e Lou Conte Dan ce Studio, th e Boston Ba ll et and under Larry Long at th e Ruth Page Foundation. Mclaughlin has performed with Lyric Opera of Chicago . He jOined H S2 in Janu ary 2007 and b eca m e a Hubbard Stree t Dance Cent er App rent ice in July 200 8.
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Karin e Provost
Offi ce Manager
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A ccounting Manager
Mo ll y Beck
Accounting Clerk
Alli son Kami n sky
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Director of Mark eti ng & Communication s
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Marketing Manager
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Sal es & Ticketin g Associate
Erin Fitzp at rick
Mark eting Int ern
Martin j. Groch ala
Director of Deve lop ment
Sharon Barry
Manager of Corporate Develop ment
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Manager of Foundatio n & Gov ernment Relations
Meg Coc krell
Manager of Individua l Giving
Katie Eckste in
Mana ge r of Corpora te Relations
Samantha Fo rd
Deve lopm ent Associate & Database Admini st rator
Paula Petrini Lynch
Manager of SpeCial Ev ent s
Pil ar Ma rti n ez
Kemp er Fell ow
Olivi a Sa b ee
Deve lopment In tern
Kathryn Humphreys
Directo r of Education & Com munity Programs
Si n ead Kimb re ll
Man age r of School Program s
Sarah Perry
Progra m & Resea rch Coordinator
Che r yl O len dzki
Lead FS I Teac hing Artist
Lou Co nt e Found er
Claire Bata ille
Directo r
Chapman and Cutler, LLP
Bond Co un se l
D onald 1. Resnick , J enner &: Block
Lega l Co unsel
Ren a Shagan Associates, Inc.
Rena Shagan , Pres ident
16A W 88 th St.
New York, NY 10024
212- 873-97 00
in fo@s h aga n
Lou Conte
Fou nd er
Claire Bataille
Foundin g Dan ce r
Barbara G. Cohen
Founding Executive Direc tor
Gail Kalver
Executive Directo r 1984-200 7
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Pinkerton. Goro
Suzuki Sharpless. Cio-Cio-San
In order of vocal appearance
James Valenti (15, 19, 22)* David Pomeroy (16, 21, 23)
Joseph Hu *
.. Mika Shigematsu *
Daniel Sutin *
Mihoko Kinoshita * See Program Insert
Imperial Commissioner Jeff MacMullen t Registrar. Miroslav Manovski
The Bonze Aaron Stegemoller
Prince Yamadori.
Kate Pinkerton
*Michigan Opera Theatre debut
t Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice2008-09 Joyce H. Cohn Young Artist
MacMullen t
her ancestor's religion. The relatives instantly turn on the young b rid e. When Pinkerton angrily orders all the guests away, Butterfly is left weeping Pinkerton consoles her with tender words, and as night falls, the lovers share a moonlit duet.
ACT II , Scene 1
Three years later, with a gaze fixed upon the horizon, Cio-Cio-San patiently awaits her husband's return. Beside her, Suzuki prays to an image of Buddha, imploring the gods for aid. The money Pinkerton left is now almost gone. Butterfly bids her maid to have faith. One day, Pinkerton's ship will appear in the harbor and he will again embrace his beloved wife.
Soon Sharpless enters with a letter from the Lieutenant and tries severa l times unsuccessfully to explain the reason for his visit. The letter tells of Pinkerton's marriage to an American girl. But before he can break the news to Butterfly, Goro interrupts, bringing with him a noble suitor, the wealthy Prince Yamadori. Cio-Cio-San greets the prince with dignity, but firmly refuses his offer of marriage insisting that her American husband has not deserted her. Sharpless again attempts to read the letter, and gently advises the girl to accept the prince. He asks her what she would do if Pinkerton never returns. Cio-Cio -San proudly carries forth her young son, "Sorrow." As soon as Pinkerton knows of his son, she insists, he wi ll return to them and that day "Joy" will become the child's name. If her husband does not come back, she says she would rather die than return to her former life. Utterly defeated, but moved by Butterfly'S devotion, Sharp less quickly exits.
Last Michigan Opera Theatre performance of Madame Butterfly; November 8-16, 2003
At the turn-of-the-century, on the outskirts of the harbor town of Nagasaki, U. S. Navy Lieutenant Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton inspects the house which he has leased and is soon to occupy with his Japanese bride, Cio-Cio-San, known as Madama Butterfly Goro, the marriage broker, has arranged both the match and the house with a 999-year contract cancelab le at a month's notice. Presently, Sharpless, the Unit ed States Consul arrives, and Pinkerton shares with him his carefree philosophy of a sailor and the beautiful Japanese girl who has captivated him. Sharpless tries to persuade him that there is danger in his convenient arrangement; the girl may not regard her vows so lightly The Lieutenant laughs at such apprehension and proposes a toast to America and the American girl who wi ll someday be his "real" wife.
The hour for the wedding ceremony approaches. Butterfly, accompan ied by her friends , arrives joyously singing of her wedding . She tells Pinkerton that since the death of her father she has had to earn her living as a geisha. Her relatives noisily bustle in, commenting on the bridegroom. In a quiet moment, Cio-Cio-San shows Pinkerton her few earthly treasures and tells him that she has secretly renounced her traditional faith in favor of Christianity The Imperial Commissioner performs the brief ceremony, and the guests toast the couple when, suddenl y Cio-Cio-San's uncle, the Bonze, bursts in shouting. A Buddhist priest, he curses her for renouncing
A cannon roars from the harbor. Seizing a spyglass, Butterfly discovers that Pinkerton 's ship, the Abraham Lincoln, is coming into port. Deliriously happy, she orders Suzuki to help h er strew the house with blossoms. As evening falls, Cio-Cio-San dons her wedding gown and, with her maid and her son, she prepares to keep vigil throughout the long night.
ACT II , Scene 2
The pale light of dawn finds Suzuki and the baby asleep Eutterfly still stands watching and waiting Suzuki awakens with the sunshine and insists that Cio-Cio-San rest. Humming a lull aby, the young mother carries her boy to another room. Before long, Sharp less, Pinkerton, and Kate, his new wife, approach the house. Suzuki almost at once realizes who the strange woman is. Overcome with despair, she reluctantly agrees to aid in breaking the news to her mistress. Pinkerton, now surro und ed by evidence of his fragile Butterfly'S unwavering faith and devotion, bids an angUished farewell to the scene of his former happiness. He then rushes away leaving the consu l to arrange things as best he can. Cio-Cio-San hurries in expecting to find her husband, and instead finds Kate. She instantly guesses the truth and with touching dignity, Butterfly wishes "the real American wife" happiness. She asks Kate to tell Pinkerton that he may have his son if he will return for him in half an hour. Kate sadly departs with Sharpless.
Butterfly orders Suzuki and the child away She pulls from its sheath the dagger with which her father committ ed suicide. She reads aloud its inscription, 'To die with honor when one no longer can live with honor." As she raises the blade to her throat, Suzuki pushes the boy into the room. Cio-Cio-San drops the knife, and embraces her child, passionately imploring him to look well upon his mother's face. After finally sending him off to play, she takes her father's dagger in hand and stabs herself. As Butterfly dies, Pinkerton's vo i ce is heard crying out her name.
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Eva Evola
Detroit Opera House www .MichiganOpera.o rg BRAVO 17 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Courtesy oj Boston Lyric Opera.
The Opera We Keep With Us Forever: The Irresistible Charm and Timelessness of
Madame Butterfly
Wh en I spoke recently with Augusto Bini, whose grandfather was a good friend of Puccini , he recall ed with profound emotion the occasion when hi s grandfather introduced him to the great composer who affectionately chucke d him under the chin. Bini's grandparents spent their summers in Viareggio , Italy, where Puccini had a villa Often the two men walked together from Viareggio to Torre del Lago. Since that tim e, Bini ha s attended many productions of Madame Butterjly , as it is one of his favorite opera s in his native country and also here in Detroit. I never met Puccini , but being immersed in his mu sic during my 23 years at MOT has made me fee l like we are close companions.
This fall 's production will b e my sixth Madam e Butt erjly since joining the Michigan Opera Th eatre Orchestra in 1985. It has been interes ting to trace the origins of the story of Madame Butterjly to a novel, Madame Chrysantheme, w ritten in 1885 by French author and naval officer, Pierre Loti. Loti's novel inspir ed Andre Messager to compose his 1893 come die lyriq u e, Madame Chrysanthem e Writer and lawyer John Luth er Long followed with a magazine story, "M adam Butterfly, " in 1898, that caught American playwright David Belasco's interest. Puccini atte nd ed the Lond on premiere of Balasco's pla y, Madame Butterjly, on April 28 , 1900.
I have enjoyed rea ding Loti 's novel
and Long 's and Belasco's works , as well as the libretto before and after alterations. I found Belasco 's pl ay at the De troit Publi c Library (Six Plays b y David Belasco) and was touched to see, in the authors h and, "To Mrs. Lj. Bulkley - Faithfull y, David Belasco , March 22nd, 1929. " We can easi ly imagin e that Belasco ca m e to Detroit to attend a performance of one of his plays , which h e li kely wo uld h ave directed, th e p erfor-
mance being given in one of Detroit's beautiful theaters. Perhaps he ma y ha ve eve n stayed at the Grosse Pointe Park home of the Bu lkleys. But let 's come back to Loti's novel. Unlike Long and Belasco , or Giacosa and Illica (librettists of the opera) , Loti h ad lived in Japan , and his book is full of very detailed d escript ion s of the co lors, so und s, and smells of the country. The novel is based on the journal he kept from Jul y to September 18 85 wh ile hi s ship La Tnomphant e was being repa ired in th e h arbo r of Nagasaki. In his story, Lieut enant Loti , wanting to get the full experience of life in J apan, bu ys a hous e and a wife (O -Kiku-San , Madame Chrysantheme). His story la cks one vit al element for a successful opera - lo ve. ( It is to be mentioned th at unlike Cio-Cio-San , Loti 's "wife" was fully aware of the status of their "marriage. ") Loti did not succeed in lo ving ei ther O-Kiku-San or the co unt ry of Jap an. At the end of his novel ,
h e goes ba ck to say a la st good-bye to his wife , only to catch her coun ting and testing the quality of the go ld pieces he had given h er the night before. Definitely not a good
ending for an opera l
The librettists for Messager 's opera , G. Hartmann and A. Alexan d er, had to impro ve Loti 's story to m ake it appealing as an ope ra. In the last scene, Loti is shown to b e moved at the read in g of a letter from O-Kiku-San, telling of her lo ve for him and h er regrets for ha ving not met his expecta tions. Mess ager 's opera h ad some success, and some ari as are still part of the repertoire, even if the opera itsel f is mostly forgott en. It is said that he wrote it whil e a guest at the Villa d'Este wh ere Puccini often staye d. Thus , it is not too far-fetched to imagine both composers tal king about the story. In fact , Messager attended the opening night of Puccini 's Madame Butterjly at La Scala.
From Long to Belasco to Giacosa and Illica , th e ro les of Cio-Cio-San, Suzu ki and Sharpless have remained the same. Pinkerton, however, in Long and Belasco's stories , was a totally offensive characte r - conceite d , stubborn and co ld-h earted. Long even rece ived savage letters from American sailors objecting to his portrayal of the na va l officer. The role was not the conventional one that
an opera audience expect ed of an It alian operatic tenor. Giacosa and Illica 's libretto was exten ded from Belasco 's play to suit the conve ntion s of an opera , bu t the y did little to modify Long and Belasco 's unattractive portrayal of Pink erton. Th ese changes came lat er, and mostly before th e Paris premiere in 1906 , whe n the
Vl W ;:: I U "" « b :2 MADAME BUTTERFLY
Th e Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra cello sect ion rehearsing, including (front row L-R) Diane Bredesen, Nadine Deleury, (second row) Robert Reed and Minka Chistoff.
Yoko Watanabe in Mi c higan Opera Theatre's 1991 production of Madame Butterfly.
18 BRAVO De t roit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
director, Albert Ca rre, met wi th Puccini and asked the composer to make some alterations to sui t the tastes of Parisian audiences. As it turned ou t , the Paris production established the now familiar score of Butterfly. Seve ral derogatory names used by Pinkerton we r e removed and an aria was adde d in the third ac t. We can now believe that Pinkerton, sel fi sh and coward ly as h e was, was n eve rtheless sin ce r ely in love w ith Cio-Cio-San, and still loves her when
and I h ad to wa it for everyone to be in their seats before we could take ours once the trap door of the
uninspiring room wi th poor acoustics. The fall performances themselves were held at the Fisher Theatre an d in the spring at the Masonic Temple. Ne ith er orch estra pit was sa ti sfacto r y At the Masonic Temp le, m y stand pa rtner he ret urn s. Adelaide, his American wife in Long's story, like Pinkerton, thinks of Japanese girls as toys: "Will you kiss me , you pretty - p laythin g" Belasco will keep th e sa m e derogatory term
of "p layth in g" In hi s p lay, Kate i s still hi ghly insensitive to Butterfly's situ ation and fee lings. But Kate is transformed in Puccini's opera, and by th e second vers ion of the libretto, the callous woman is softened into a sympathetic, understanding lady
From the disastrous opening night at La Sca la on February 1 7, 190 4 , to the Metropolitan Opera H ouse premiere on February 11 , 1907, starrin g Ge r a ldine Farrar and Enri co Caruso, Madame Butterfly h ad a slow sta rt bu t we nt on to become a fa vorite of ope r a audi ences aro und the wo rld.
My first Butterfly production as a member of the MOT Orchestra occurre d during the fall of my second season with Joseph Rescigno conducting. At that time the orchestra rehearsals were held in the b and room of Wayne State University's Sha ver Music Building, an
sta ircase leadin g to the pit was closed! We then had to find the right angle to be sur e we h ad enough room for bowing. Th e ce ll os were often in the middle or back o f the pit, makin g contac t wi th the co ndu ctor difficult.
The conductor is the magician of an opera tic enterprise. The first two rehearsals are always for the orches tra alone, giving the co ndu ctor a cha n ce to h ave us ready for t h e singers . Every co n d u ctor h as hi s or h er own rehearsa l technique. Some let us play large passages right away t o give u s a ge n era l idea of th e ope r a, while o th ers stop us aft er the first few notes to train us to foll ow their baton technique and its demands. Steven Mercurio, who conducted Butterfly in 1999 with the enth u siasm he is known for, sings all the parts during the whole rehearsa l! Some sta rt with the last act to make sure it is properly covered. This season our maestro wi ll be Edoardo Mu ll er, the co ndu ctor for MOT's memorable concert version of Aida with Luciano Pavarotti. Rehearsa ls without the voices can be boring, but the orchestra part of Puccini's music is so r ich that it cou ld alm os t stand alon e The ce ll o lin es in Puccini are always gratifying to play, but in Madame Butterfly there is no prominent ce ll o so lo, as in Tasca. However, the cello is present for some
important moments o f the opera, and when Cio-Cio-San and her girlfriends appear on stage, a lovely duet with violin is heard. Th e unison of all the strings, sometimes alo ng with the soprano, are powerful, as when Butterfly imagines Pinkerton's r eturn in the second act. At th e ve r y end, there is another b eau tiful ce ll o lin e when Butterfly prepares to kill h erse lf.
Puccini wro te we ll for all instruments, including the harp. Patricia Terry-Ross, MOT's Principal Harpist, tells me, "He did not write pianistically chromatic harp parts. It's clear that he spent time listening to a harpist. He understood the sonority and co lor o f the instrument and wrote so that the pa rt s are almost always h ea rd , r ega rdl ess of r ange. He even wrote occas ional so los" And , she adds, "H is music is beautiful.. .it's a pleasure to play and hear." I co ul d not agree more.
Augusto Bini recounts another personal anecdote about a Butterfly performance. "I remember one performance in Pisa when Cio -Cio- San was played by Au gu sta Oltrabella. At the end of th e opera, m y gr andfat h er took m e backstage to m ee t h er an d she gave me the Ame ri ca n fl ag (t h e toy flag Cio -Cio -San gives to her son to play with at the en d of the opera). The flag has 4 8 stars. It has been with me forever."
Nadine Deleury is a member oj the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra, where she has been principal cellist since 1985. She studied at the Paris Conservatoire wi th Andre Navarra and at Yale University with AIda Parisot. She is currently the cello instructor at Oakland University, and co-artistic director oj Chamber Music at the Scarab Club
Scene from the 1986 Mi chigan Opera Theatre production of Butterfly
DetL'oit Opera House www.MichiganOpera org
Fran cesco Grollo as Pinkerton and Natalia Dercho as Cio-CioSan in MOT's 1999 production of Butterfly
BRAVO 19 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Co n cordia Orchestra of New York City com mission ed Too Hot To Handel in 1993, from arrangers Bob Christianson and Gary Anderson Since the first performance at Li nco ln Center, crowds h ave smil ed , ch ee r ed and dan ce d in th eir sea ts (a nd sometimes in the ais les!). Too Hot captures the essent ial core of Handel's famou s masterwork and r einterpret s it with ch ords of rh y th m and blues, jazz and gospel. The en d result ) A dynamic and uplifting cele br ation that must be experienced. Simpl y put: Too Hot To Handel is Messiah re-c r eate d
Music on loan Jrom the archives oj the Co nco rdia Orchestra, Malin Al sop, Jounding music director and conductor
Comfort ye
Every va ll ey
And the glo r y of th e Lord shall be revea led
Thus sa ith th e Lord
But who may abid e the da y of His com ing
And He sh all purify
Behold, a virgin sha ll conceive o thou that tallest good tidin gs to Zion
For beho ld , d arkness shall cove r the earth
The people tha t wa lked in darkness
For unto us a child is born
There we r e sh epherds abiding in the field
And sudd en ly ther e was with th e angel
Glory to Go d
Rejoice grea tl y
Then sha ll the eyes of the b lind be opened
He sh all feed his fl ock
Hi s yoke is easy
Behold the Lamb o f God
Surel y He h a th borne our griefs * *
All we lik e sh eep have gone astray
Behold, I tell you a mystery
The trumpet shall so und
Th e Lord gave th e wo rd
Why do th e nations so furiou sly r age
Halleluj ah l
* * with David Va u ghn , bass baritone Detroit Opera Hous e
Only li ve mu sic can cap ture the in tensity of a drama ti c pause, a reso unding ch orus, o r a shimmerin g hum Rackham Symp h ony Choir p resents musical expe ri en ces designed to insp ire, h ea l , and cele b ra t e the joy and magic in our lives.
As Detroit 's oldest chora l o rganiza ti o n , RSC enh ances the cu ltural richness of th e communit y th rough it s multi-media choral p erform ances an d ex tens ive stu d ent outreach programs.
Under the visionary leade r ship of Su zan n e Ma ll are Acton, the ch oir has expanded its ri ch trad ition of musica l performance both in th e scope o f its repe rtoire and perform an ce lo ca tions. Thi s yea r , RSC participated in th e Lex in gto n Bach Festival. The cho ir will per form the annual holiday eve nt , To o Hot to Han del at Roosevelt Universi ty's Auditorium Theatre in Chicago. The cho ir wi ll pe rform in 2009 with th e Detroit Symphony O r ch es tra in Dear Mrs. Parks , a powerfu l mo ving trib ut e to the late Ro sa Parks
RSC's goal is to incorporate e du cat ional components int o eac h co n ce rt performan ce, u sing state and n at ional arts stan dard s as a fr amework for th e d evelo pment of stud ent activi ties. RSC initiati ves include provid ing direct service to schoo ls and mentoring o f yo ung artists, with a particu lar emph asis in servi n g stud ents in unde r served districts wh ere arts programs have been restricted or eli m in ated.
A new initi ative entitl ed "S inging It Rea li Making Learni n g Co nn ec tions Th rough
Th e Relu ct ant Dra gon Musica l Presenta ti on" launches in 2009 in schools throughout the metropoli tan area. It is an interdisciplinary program that rep r esents the most Signifi cant educa ti ona l initi a tive in Rackham 's 60-year hi stor y An Artistic Fund was established in 2007 to provid e promising young singers opportunities to foster their music al growth throu gh studies and participation in profes sio n al perfo rm an ces. Through this fund , a High School Voca l Int ernship Program was laun ch ed and internships we re awarded to two s tud ent s for th e 2008-09 seaso n. '
Friends of Too Hot To Handel
Philip and Maureen Ab e le
Bet sy Baron
Fr an Bachmann & Bruc e R.
Bi sba ll e
Dr. Joh n and Jan Be rni ck
Ri c h ard and Susan Bi n g h am
Art hur and Nola Cheste r
William and Pamela D ay
Paul and Mary Su e Ewi n g
J effrey and G ermaine Fritz
De nni s and M arg G laza
Larry and Di an e J ones
Roger and Nan cy Nel son
H e l en Rowin
Phyllis Snow
Frank and Su sa n Sonye
Bud Uhl
M ary Lou Zi eve
Impresario: $1,000 and above
Anonymo us
Susan & Ri c h ard Bi ngh am
N o la & Arthu r C h este r
C ity o f Detro it Recrea tion
D epa rtm e nt
Commun ity Foundation for So uthea st Michigan
Susan and Tom Cucuzza
Emi ly & Joshua Ei ch en h orn
M ary Sue and Paul Ewin g
Germaine & Jeffrey Fritz
IBM Corporation
IBM International Fou nd ati on Kresge Fo und at io n
Mi c hi ga n Council fo r Arts & Cu ltu ral A ffair s (M CACA)
Phy lli s Snow
Bud Uhl
Conductor: $500 - $999
Phillip and Maureen Abel e
Suzanne Mall are Acton & David Osborne
Fran Bachmann & Bruc e Bisballe
Betsy Baron
Dr. John and J an Be rni ck
Arthur and Nola Chester
Wi ll iam and Pame la Day
Char les Thomas Deue l
Mary Sue & Paul Ewi n g
D e nn is and Marg Glaza
Gary H asley
Larry and Dian e J ones
Roge r and Nan cy N e lso n
H elen Rowin
Frank and Susan Sonye
M ary Lo u Zie ve
Benefactor: $250 - $499
D e nis e & Jam es J acob
Ann Kathryn e Mu e nk & Dona ld Muenk
Tina Topali an & Maury Okun
Mary and Charles A. Parkhill
Lo ri and Car l Pes t a
Patron : $100 - $249
J oa nn e Ricka rds Clark & Jon C lark
Andrea Kotch Duda & Walter Duda
D ali & Howard Gies e
Goodwe ll s Natural Food Market
M ar la & Jam es Gousseff
David Lebenb om
Ray Litt
Ly nn e M etty
Pat Minnick
N an cy & Roge r Nel so n
Suza n ne & Ma rk Rey nolds
Ra il e Ro thman
C li fton Shaw
Gail Sobecki
Family: $25 - $99
Haz e l A u stin
Char les Cerulla
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Caro l Cucuzza
Margaret & Rob ert Eid son
P.M. Evert
V irg in a & Tom Fette
Gary Fusciardi
Sara & Robert Galan
Murie l Gra y
Chr istine Lin d H age & Robe rt Hage
Ro bert J akob
Kel logg 's Fo und ati on
Barb ara & Pete r Kren it sky
N ancy & Arthur Kro li kow sk i
Andrea & Ri cha rd Landuyt
Mari e Martoff
Barba ra & Th omas
Susan Weiding e r & Robert
Hub e rt Wiley
Matching Gifts
IBM Co rporation
Textro n
Wac h ov ia
Memorials and Honorariums
In Memory of J o h n Mart off
In Honor of Emily Ei ch e nh o rn
In Honor of Nan cy N elso n
In-Kind Donations
Leo D ove lle
Mr. and Mrs. Pau l Ewing
Susan Fox
D on J e ns e n
Kilwin's Choco lates
Leo n & Lul u
Pat Minnick
Bern ie Rink
Pau l Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Ri chard D.
Char li e William s
M ary Lou Zie ve BRAVO
www M ic hi ga nOp
Su z ann e Mallare Acton
From opera to Handel 's Messiah to contemporary jazz, Conductor Suzanne Malla re Acton is recognized ",
for her versatility and dynamic style. For Michigan Opera Theatre , Ms . Acton's conducting credits include: West Side Story, Th e Barber of Seville, Music Man, Th e Pirates of Penzance, Th e Mikado , Die Fledermaus, La Traviata, The Daughter of the Regiment , La Boheme, El Capitan, and The Tender Land. Add i tional conducting credits include My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera, The Merry Widow and Madam e Butteljly for Artpark, and Tosca for Augusta Opera. Ms. Acton has served as gu est conductor for The Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings, Birmingham-Bloomfield Symp h ony Orchestra , Lake St. Clair Symphony Orchestra, the Lexington Bach Festiva l , and th e Saginaw Bay Symphony Orchestra.
As a leader in the Michigan art scene, Ms. Acton is known for her bold repertoire and ventures into mutimedia programming. As ArtisticlMusic Directo r of Rackh am Symphony ChOir, she has presented Carmina Burana with the Eisenhower Dance Ensemb le at the Macomb Theater for the Performing Arts, African Sanctus wi th the English composer David Fans h awe, and the Detroit premiere of Voices of Light, a work for soloists, orchestra, choir and the h istor ic sil ent fi lm "The Passion of Joan of Arc " at the State Theater, with composer Richa r d Einhorn.
Alfreda Burke
Soprano Alfreda Burke 's voca l artistry has bee n described as "voluptuous, creamy and luxuriant" (Howard Re ich,
Chicago Tribune). She h as appeared in concerts throughout North Ame ri ca and in Europe. Ms. Burke made her Carnegie and O r chestra Ha ll debut in Strauss' El ektra with the Chicago Symphony Orches tra led by Dan iel Barenboim. Highlighted performances include th e Chicago Symp h ony at Ravinia, Detroit Opera House , Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra , Umbria Music Festiva l (Ita ly), TodiMus icFest (USA), Lancaster Festiva l ,
Grant Park Music Festival , Millennium Park , Chicago Opera Theater, Chorus Angelorum, Aud it orium Th eatre (Too Hot to Hand el ), and Chicago land Pops Orche s tra , among others. Her numerous television and radio credit s include WnW-PBS, NPR, CBS, NBC, WGN, WFLD; 30 Good Minut es airing on WTTW and Dame Myra Hess Memoria l Concerts broadcast on WFMT-FM. Ms. Burke has performed in the Nationa l Tour of J erome Kern's Show Boat at the Kennedy Center and Auditorium Theatre directed by Harold Prince.
Her recordings include her solo CD, From the Heart (2002 ); and Rodrick Dixon Live in Co ncert featUring Soprano Alfreda Burk e (2008). Ms. Burke &: Mr. Dixon recorded and performed the Chicago Olympic 2016 An them, "I Will Sta nd."
Victor Trent Cook
A New Yorker b orn in Brooklyn, Tenor Victor Trent Cook began singing at the age of three in his home church, the House of David. After discovering his u nique talent, h e began his musica l training at the Brooklyn Boys ' Chorus School u nder the direction of James McCarthy and continue d h is study at the High Schoo l of Mu sic and Arts. Victor's Broadwa y and off-Broadway credits include The Haggadah, Romance in Hard Times, Don't Get God Started, Street Corner Symphony, and Starmites. H e is most no tab ly known for his 1995 Tony Award nomination in Smokey Joes Cafe. He has toured throughou t J apan wi th Ha rlem Symphony and Europe with Body and Soul, and most recently appeared in Rodgers and Hamme r stein's Cinderella, starring Eartha Kit. For televiSion, Mr. Cook's cred its includ e All My Children, Ryan s Hope, Th e Days and Nights of Molly Dodd as well as va rious commercials. Film credits include Hanging with The Hom eboys and Starlight. As a so lois t , he has performed at the White House , J ohn F Kennedy Center, Avery Fisher Hall and Boston Symphony H all, with conductors including Zubin Mehta , Leonard Bernstein and Se ij i Ozawa.
Rodrick Di x on
with Michigan Opera Theatre as Tonio in th e 2005 produc tion of The Daught er of the Regiment In 2008, for the Los Angeles Opera 's Recove red Vo ices Project under the baton o f J ames Conlon, Rodrick Dixon delivered a powerfu ll y gripping performance in the title role of Alexander Zemlinsky's Der Zwerg. Op era News considered his portraya l of the Dwarf a triumph. This spring, he sang the Bee thov en Ninth Symphony and appeared in the concert version of La Forza del Des tino at the May Fes tival. This fall, he will make his Phi ladelphia Orchestra debut singing excerp ts of Der Zw erg with Maestro Con lon. In 2009, Mr. Dixo n will make h is Los Angeles Phil harmonic debu t performing the role of Oedipus in Stravin sky's Oedipus Rex condu cted by Esa-Pekka Salonen and directed b y Pe ter Sellars.
Mr. Dixon's most recent recordings (So n yIBMG) include PBS Grea t
Performances: Cook, Dixon & Young Volume One (released in 2005); Follow That Star Christmas CD (2003), Liam Lawton's Sacred Land (2006) and Rodrick Dixon Liv e in Concert featuring Soprano Alfreda Burke (2008). Mr. Dixon &: Ms. Burke record ed and pe r formed the Chicago O lympiC 2016 Anthem, "I Will Stand."
Too Hot To Handel Auditorium Theatre , Chicago
December 12 and 14, 2008
An Affair To Rem ember - Evening of dining , silent auction and serenade. Club Venet ian Madison He ights February 14 , 2009
Dear Mrs. Parks with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Hall, Detroit , March 6-8 2009
The Armed Man: A Con cer t for Peace wit h origina l film, Ford Center for the Performing Arts, Dearborn , AprilS, 2009
www M ic hi ga nOp
Detro it O pera Ho u se
f '·"
J. 22 BR AVO
Rodrick Dixon 's dramatic stage presence and stunning vocal qua li ties have established him as one of the rising sta r s in ope r a, contemporary opera, oratorio, concert/recita l , musical theat er and tel evis ion Mr. Dixon last appeared
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
For more info www
Suzanne Mallare Acton
Artistic & Musi c Director
Melissa Bunker Administrative & Marketing Director
Bud Uhl, President
Emily Eichenhorn, Vice President
Susan Fox, Secretary
Julie McFarland
Administrativ e Assistant
Joseph Jackson Accompanist
Victoria Bigelow
Susan Cucuzza
William Day
Tom Deuel
Gary Hasley
Nathan Head
Ray Litt
Lynne Metty
Helen Rowin
Paul Silver
Gail Sobecki
John Wickey
Thomas Cucuzza,Treasurer
Suzanne Mallare Acton
Jeffrey Fritz
Marjorie Glaza
Patricia Minnick
Roger Nelson
Katie Aubuchon
Victoria Bigelow*
Kathy Boettcher
Joan Crawford
Susan Cucuzza
Jamila Davidson , HSI
Iris Diop
Sandra Dougherty
Edith Faires
Kimberly Franklin, HSI
Emily Gay
Avital Granot
Conda Green
Georgia Griffin
Carissa Herhuth
Megan Higle**
Katherine Kujala-Davis
Denise Kurowski
Carolena Mesaros
Jennifer Pasha
Christine Noel Pelot
Brenda Redding
Ruth Seranian
Carolyn Simon
Beth Smith
Deborah Webb
Robin Weidinger
Kim Witten
Anamaria Ylizaliturri
Maureen Abele
Beth Adams
Lisa Adams
Fran Bachmann
Deborah Dailey
Emily Eichenhorn
Louise Fisher*
DeAnn Forbes-Ervin
Susan A. Fox
Yvonne Friday
Kimberly Henderson
Victoria Isabell
Mary Johnson
Susan Joslin
Amy Kucera
Anne Maters
Milly Matis
Christine McComas
Andrea Mills
Patricia Minnick
Nancy Nelson
Sarah Piper
Regina Steiger
Patricia Stewart
Chelsea Stocks
Kelly Thorp
Linda Van Buren
Barbara Wilson
Ruth Zaromp
Philip Abele
Michael Boettcher
Fred Buchalter
Byron]. Burbank
Patrick Clampitt
Nate Clements
Joseph Dluzniewski
Eddie Dunn
Jeff Fritz
Donald Gay
Clarence Jones
Jeff Krueger*
James Marr
Jim Moore
Janet Oakes
Clifton Shaw
Stephen Stewart
Harry Williams, Jr.
Tim Cholyway
Douglas Cox
Tom Cucuzza
Tim Doty*
Gary Hasley
Tim Higle
Art Jones
Ray Litt
Homer Matthews
Steven P Pejuan
Laverne Schenk
Alan Sebastian
Bud Uhl
Dean Unick
David Vaughn
Will Yeats
* section leader
* *Recipient of 2007-08
Rackham Symphony
Choir High School Vocal Internship
Charlotte Merkerson
Laura Roelofs
Bryan Johnston
Beth Kirton
Victoria Haltom
Brooke Hoplamazian
Daniel Stychyra
Molly Hughes
Hemik Karapetyan
John Madison
Scott Stefanko
Kathleen Grimes
Nadine Deleury
Diane Bredesen
Robert Reed
Derek Weller
Chris Collins
Russell Mallare
George Benson
Jose Mallare
Keith Kaminski
Andrew Pelletier
Carrie Banfield
Kelly Daniels
Walter White
Gordon Simmons
Maurice Davis
Edward Gooch
Maury Okun
Greg Near
Leonardo Soto
Donnie Lewis
David Taylor
Alvin Waddl es
Fred R. Hughes, Jr.
Marion Hayden
Robert Tye
James Simonson
Diane Bredesen
Detroit Federation of Musicians Local #5
Detroit Opera House
BRAVO 23 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
ASHLEY C. WHE AT ER Artistic Director
C HRI STOPH ER C LI NT ON C ONWAY Executive Director
ROB ERT JO FF REY Founder GERAL D ARPI N O Founder Artistic Director Emeritus
Artists of the Company
Heat h er Aagard - Matthew Adamczyk - Derrick Agnoletti
Fabrice Calmels - Ra u l Casaso la - Apri l Daly - Jona than Dummar
The Chrysler Foundation
2008/09 Dance Series is sponsored b y The Chrysler Foundation
Erica Lynette Edwards - Brian Gephart - Jo h n Mark Giragosian - John Gluckman
David Gombert - Jenni fer Goodman - Elizab e th Ha n sen - W ill iam Hillard - An astacia Ho lden
Victoria Jaiani - Stacy Joy Keller - Ca lvin Ki t ten - Suzanne Lopez - Gra h am Maverick - Erin McAfee
Briah McSween - Caitlin Meighan - Thomas Nicho las - Emily Patterso n - Alexis Polito
Megan Quiroz - Valerie Rob i n - Ch ristine Rocas - Aaron Rogers - Tian Sh uai
Ab iga il Simon - Patrick Simoniello - Michael Smith - Lauren Stewart
Temu r Sul uas h vi li - Ka th leen Thielhelm - Mauro Villan u eva
Allison Wa lsh - Jennifer Warnick - J oanna Wozniak
CHA RTHE L ART H UR Ballet Master GRA CASA LE S Ba ll et Master
LESLI E B. DUNN ER Music Director & Principal Conductor
WILLY SHIVES Ballet Master
Pri n cipa l Stage Manager Stage Manager w w Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
A Ballet in Two Acts based on E.T.A. Hoffmann's The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (1816)
Conceived and Directed by Robert Joffrey
Choreography for "Waltz of the Snowflakes" & "Waltz of the Flowers" by Gerald Arpino
Originally Staged by George Verdak* and Scott Barnard
Music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Scenery by Oliver Smith
Creative Design for The Mice, Mother Ginger and Clara's Horse by Kermit Love
Lighting by Mark Stanley after original designs by Thomas Skelton
Children's Ballet Masters Joanne Cusmano and Judith Molina
* After the Ballet Russe de Monte Ca rl o 1940 production that was revived by Alexandra Fedorova from the original Petipa! Ivanov production for the Maryinsky Ballet.
World Premiere: The Joffrey Ballet, December 10, 1987, Hancher Auditorium, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
ACTI Scene 1
It is Christmas Eve in an American city in the 1850s. Mayor and Mrs. Stahlbaum and their domestic help are preparing for a party. The two children, Clara and Fritz, join their parents in the parlor and enthuse over the Christmas tree and its treasures Soon their guests arrive laden with gifts. The last to appear are the mysterious Dr. Drosselmeyer, Clara and Fritz's godfather, and Drosselmeyer's nephew. They have brought many wonderful gifts and surprises for the Stahlbaums and their friends. Young and old are delighted and amused by the mechanical dolls - Columbine, Harlequin, the Vivandiere, and the Soldier - which dance for the guests. As a special gift for Clara, Dr. Drosselmeyer has brought a Nutcracker. Fritz, who with his friends has been teasing the girls, snatches it away and accidentally breaks it. Godfather Drosselmeyer bandages the Nutcracker and comforts the heartbroken Clara. But now it grows late; the guests take their leave, and the family goes upstairs to bed.
Scene 2
It is midnight. Everyone is sleeping but Clara, who has returned to the parlor to fetch her Nutcracker from under the tree. She hears a noise. A small mouse scurries by, then another. The mice begin to tease her, but Godfather Drosselmeyer has returned to chase them away and transform the small Nutcracker into a life-size Nutcracker Doll. Suddenly the parlor disappears, and the Christmas tree grows before our very eyes. The toy soldiers that have been standing guard under the tree have grown to life size. The Nutcracker Doll summons the soldiers to battle with the mice, who are now led by the seven-headed Mouse King. Clara returns with her Godfather Drosselmeyer, and just in time she throws her slipper at the Mouse King and saves the Nutcracker Doll. With Clara's kiss, he is transformed into the Nutcracker Prince, who bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Drosselmeyer's nephew.
Scene 3
Godfather Drosselmeyer leads Clara and the Nutcracker Prince into the Land of Snow. Here they meet the Snow Queen and King and Snow Prince, who look remarkably like Clara's mother, father, and brother. The enchanted journey continues to the Kingdom of Sweets.
The Sugar Plum Fairy welcomes Clara, the Nutcracker Prince, and Dr. Drosselmeyer to the Kingdom of Sweets. The Nutcracker Prince tells the Sugar Plum Fairy about their magical battle with the mice. Gifts are presented to Clara. The subjects of this enchanted kingdom are the do ll s from under Clara's tree.
Divertissements from all over the world and the flowers from her Victorian bouquet have grown to life size and dance in her honor.
But all dreams must come to an end and children must return home to their loving families. Clara, too, departs the land of dreams and returns home where her parents wait to welcome her.
Joffrey Dancer: Erica Lynette Edwa rds
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Jaffrey Dancers
The Joffrey Ballet has b ee n hailed as "America's Ballet Company of Firsts. " The Joffrey Ball e t's long li st of "first s" includes first dance company to p erform at the White Hou se at J acque lin e Kenne d y's invitation, first to appear on television , first American company to vis it Russia , first cla ssical dance co mpany to go multi-media , first to commission a Rock 'n Roll Balle t and first and only danc e company to appear on the cove r of Time Magazine
For more than a half-century, Th e Joffrey Ballet 's commitmen t to taking world-cla ss, artisti ca lly vibrant work to a broad and varied audien ce ha s cr eated a solid foundation that continues to support the co mpany's unprecedented capacity for achieving import ant "fi r sts." Toda y, the Joffrey, which has b ee n hugely su ccess ful in its former residencie s in New York and Lo s Angeles, li ves permanently in a brilliant n ew fa cility, Joffrey To we r, in the h ea rt of America , Chicago , Illin ois. The company's commitment to accessibility is met through the most ex tensi ve touring sc hedule of an y danc e co mpany in history, an innovati ve and highly effecti ve education program and collabo r ations with myriad other visu al and performing art s organizations.
Classically trained to th e high est standa rds , The Joffr ey Ballet ex presses a uniqu e, inclu siv e p ersp ec ti ve on dance , proudl y reflecting the di ve r si ty of America with it s company, audiences, and repertoire w hi ch includ es major story ball ets, reconstructions of ma ste rpi eces an d co ntemporary w orks. Found e d b y vis ionary teac h er Robert Joffrey in 1956 , gUided b y celebra ted choreographe r Gerald Arpino from 1988 until 2007 , The Joffre y Ballet continues to thrive under internationall y renowned Artistic Dire ctor Ashley C. Wh ea ter who was recruited as a danc er in 1985 by J offrey and Arpino before returnin g to l ea d th e co mpany in 2007 after a h eralded tenure at San Franci sco Ba ll et. The Joffrey Ballet has b eco me one of the world 's most r eve r ed and recognizable arts organizat ions in Am erica and one of the top ballet companies in th e world. To lea rn more aboLLt Th e jaffrey Ball et pl ease visit
Artistic Director of Th e Jaffrey Ball et
Born in Scotland and raised in En gland, Mr. Wheater was trained at the Ro yal Ballet School. As a young dancer , he was cast in numerous productions at th e Royal Opera House, including Th e Sleeping Bea uty, Gisell e, Romeo and juli et , Macmillan 's Anasta Si a , and Rudolf Nureyev 's N utcracker. At the age of 13, he worked with Ashton on the world premi er e of Benjamin Britten 's Death in Venice , a production in which Wheater p erforme d throughout England and Europe. In addition, h e performed Marguelite and Armand with Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn at the London Coli seum.
Mr. Wheater began hi s professiona l career with The Ro yal Ballet and joined London Festi va l Ballet on the advice of Nureyev, wh ere he danced Romeo & juli et and Th e Sleeping Beauty Ther e he also danced in Swa n Lak e, Etud es, Sphinx, and man y oth er works. After two ye ars he was promot ed to principal dancer. In 1982 , h e joined The Australian Ballet, and under the d irection of Marilyn Rowe, danced a multitude of roles in both classical and co nt emporary works. He also gu ested in Western Australia and Asia with Barry Morland, who created seve ral ball ets on him.
In 1985 Mr Whea ter joined Th e Joffre y Ballet , w here he worked with Robert J offrey, dancing in many America n works by choreograph ers such as William Forsythe, Gera ld Arp ino , Eugene Loring , Mark Morris, and Laura Dean , in add ition to performing the lead in numerous Ashton and Cranko w orks. In 1989 h e joined San Francisco Ballet, dancing lead role s in all of the Company's full-length
productions. In addition to performing a vas t rep ertor y, Mr. Whea ter had man y wo rks created on him b y choreographers such as Helgi Tomassson , Jam es Kudelka, David Bintley, and Morris, among o thers.
In 1996 , Mr. Wheater ended his dancin g career aft er suffering a major neck injury. Mr. Wheater continued to perfo rm principal character roles with the San Francis co Ballet , including the crea tion of Drosselme yer in Tomasso n 's current production of Th e Nutcracker, Kitri's father in Tomasson / Po ssokhov's Don Quixote and th e father in Balanchine 's Prodigal Son.
After a long and successful career as a principal dancer , Mr. Whea ter assumed th e role of Ballet Master with San Francisco Ballet in 19 96 and was named Assistant to th e Artistic Director in 2002. Mr. Wheater r eh earsed and coached numerou s ball e ts of San Francisco Ballet's deep repertoire, work s b y choreographers from Ashton and MacMillan to Lubovit ch and Wheel don.
In 2007 Mr. Wheater was appOinted Artistic Director of The Joffrey Ballet. Since hi s appointment, he 's been teach ing , coaching , and shap in g the Company for their role ahead in b ein g able to dance a wide and va ried repe rt oire incorporating th e very b es t o f the 20th century and also b eing able to break n ew ground in th e future.
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
This year Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater CAAADT), America's cultural ambassador to the world, marks its 50th anniversary of bringing AfricanAmerica n cultural expression and the American modern dance tradition to the world's stages. In 1958, Alvin Ailey led a group of young black modern dancers in a performance in New York City that changed forever the perception of American dance Since then, the Ai ley company has gone on to perform for an estimated 21 million people on six continents, including two historic residencies in South Africa and the first performances ever by a modern dance company at the legendary Mariinsky Theatre in Russia.
Born in Rogers , Texas on January 5, 1931 , Alvin Ailey was first introduced to dance by performances of the Katherine Dunham Dance Company and the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. His formal dance training began when his friend Carmen de Lavallade encouraged him to join her in classes taught by modern dance pioneer Lester Horton.
When Mr. Ailey began creating dance , he drew upon his "blood memories" of Texas, the blues, spirituals and gospel music for inspiration, resulting in the creation of his most popular and critically acclaimed workRevelations. Since its premiere in 1960, Mr. Ailey's masterpiece has been seen by more people around the world than any other dance piece.
Although he created 79 ballets in his lifetime, Alvin Ailey maintained that his company was not exclusively a repository for his own work. Today, the Company continues Mr. Ailey's mission by presenting important works from the past and commissioning new ones to add to an ever-evolving repertOire that now encompasses over 200 works by more than 70 choreographers.
Before his untimely death in 1989 , Mr. Ailey chose Judith Jamison to become Artistic Director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. As the Company looks toward the next fift y years and beyond , Jamison's own remarkable vision light s the way for this celebration. Beauty, spirit, hope and passion know no bounds. That is the power of Ailey.
Judith jamison was appointed Artistic Director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Decemb er 1989 at the request of her mentor, Alvin Ailey, who personally chose her to succeed him before his untimely death. A native of Philadelphia, she studied with Marion Cuyjet and was discovered by Agnes de Mille and made her New York debut with American Ballet Theatre in 1964. She became a m ember of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in 1965 and danced with the company for 15 years to great acclaim. After leaving the Company in 1980 , Ms. Jamison appeared as a guest artist with ballet companies all over the world and starred in the hit Broadway musical Sophisticated Ladies. In 1988, she formed her own company, The jamison Proje c t ; a PBS special depicting her creative process, Judith Jamison: Th e Dan cema ker, aired nationally the same year. As a highl y regarded choreographer, Ms. jamison has created works for many companies. Her ballet Reminiscin' was inspired by great female jazz artists and Edward Hoppers famous painting Nighthawks. Love Stori es, with additional choreography by Robert Battle and Rennie Harris, was created in 2004. Ms. jamison is an author whose autobiography, DanCing SpiJit, was edited b y jacqueline Kenned y Onassis and published by Doubleda y in 1993. She is the recipi ent of many awards and honorary degrees , including a prime time Emmy Award and an American Choreography Award for Outstanding Choreography in the PBS "G reat Performances: Danc e In America" special, A Hymn for Alvin Ail ey, and an honorary doctorate from Howard University, the Kennedy Center Honor and the National Medal of Arts, the most prestigious award presented to artists in the United States. Ms. jamison ca rried the OlympiC torch during the rela y prior to the opening ceremonies in Salt Lake Cit y in 2002. In 2003, she received the "Making a Difference " Award by the NAACP ACT-SO. In 2004, Ms. jamison received the Paul Robeson award from the Actors' Equity Association in recognition for her outstanding contribution to the Performing Arts and commitment to the right of all people to live in dignity and peace. In 2007, she was awarded a Bessie Award for her lifetime commitment to the preservation and development of dance and the arts. Following the tradition of Alvin Ailey, Ms. jamison is dedicated to asserting the promin ence of the arts in our culture, spearheading initiatives to bring dance into the community and programs that introduce children to the arts. Ms. jamison has continued Mr. Ailey's practice of showcaSing www
the talents of emerging choreographers from within the ranks of the Company She was also a guiding force in establishing the B.FA program with The Ailey School and Fordham University She remains committed to promoting the significance of the Ailey legacy - dance as a medium for honoring the past , celebrating the present and fearlessly reaching into the future. The move to Ailey's permanent home, a state-ofthe-art bUilding located at 55th Street and 9th Avenue, was the realization of a longawaited dream.
Masazumi Chaya was born in Fukuoka , japan , where he began his classical ballet training. Upon moving to New York in December 1970 , he studied modern dance and performed with the Richard Englund Repertory Company Mr. Chaya JOined Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in 1972 and performed with the Company for 15 years. In 1988, he became the Compan y's Rehearsal Director after serving as assistant rehearsal director for two years. A master teacher, both on tour with the Company and in his native japan , he served as choreographic assistant to Alvin Ailey and John Butler. In 1991, Mr. Chaya was named Associate Artistic Director of the Company He continues to provide invaluable creative assistance in all facets of its operations. In 2002, Mr. Chaya coordinated the Company's appearance at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, broadcast on NBC.
Mr. Chaya has staged numerous ballets including Alvin Ailey's Flowers for the State Ballet of Missouri (1990) and Th e River for the Royal Swedish Ballet (1993), Ballet Florida (1995), National Ballet of Prague (1995), Pennsylvania Ballet (1996) and Colorado Ballet (1998) He has also restaged Th e Moo che, The Stack-Up, Episodes, Bad Blood, Hidd en Rites, Urban Folk Dan ce and Witness for the Company. At the beginning of his tenure as Associate Artistic Director, Mr. Chaya restaged Ailey's For ."Bird" - With Lov e for a "Dance in Ame rica " program entitled Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater: Steps Ahead. In 2000 , he restaged Ailey's Night Creature for the Rome Opera House and The River for LaScala Ballet. In 2003, he restaged The Riv er for North Carolina Dance Theater and for julio Bocca 's Ballet Argentina. Most recently, Mr. Chaya restaged Masekela Langage and Blue s Suite for the Company.
As a performer, Masazumi Chaya appeared on japanese tele vi sion in both dramatic and musical productions. He wis hes to recognize the artistic contribution and spirit of his late friend and fellow artist, Michihiko Oka.
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Detroit Opera House
Ronni Fa vo rs began dancing as a child in h er hometown of Iowa City, Iowa. After studying at the National Music Camp in Int erlochen , MI as th e recip ient of the Camp Sc holarship , s h e travel ed to New York to continue h er training at The Ailey School as a fellowship student. Ms. Favors was a member of Ailey II , Alvin Ailey American Dance Th eater (AAADT) and the Lar Lub ovitc h Dance Company, and a recipient of the Min-On Art Award. She served a s Lar Lubovi tchs assistant in setting hi s works on severa l co mpani es, includin g Cl evela nd Ball e t , the Juilliard Dance Ensembl e, Ballet du Nord and AAADT. Ms. Fa vors was the ballet instructor at Aile y Camp s 1989 inaugural session in Kan sas City and se rve d as Artistic Direc tor of the Camp in 1990. She was the founding Dire ctor of New York's CAS/AileyCamp and provided guidan ce in th e national implementation of the program. Ms Favor s was named Assistan t Reh ea rsal Direc tor in 1997 and Reh earsal Directo r in 1999. Ms. Favors engage d a nd rehearsed lo cal danc e st udents who perform ed with th e Co mpany in Alvin Ailey's Memoria in Johannes burg during AAADTS return to South Africa in 1998, as we ll as in Sea ttl e in 200 3 and 200 8.
GUILLERMO ASCA (Rego Park , NY), or "Moe," as h e is affectionately known , graduate d from laGuardia High Sch ool of the Performing Arts. He was a fellowship student at The Ailey Schoo l and danced with Ailey II, Balle t Metropolitano d e Caracas, Ball et Hisp anico , Dance Comp ass, Shapiro & Smith and Foot Prints Danc e Proj ec t. Mr. Asca joined the Company in 1994.
OLIVIA BOWMAN (Brooklyn, NY) grad uated from LaGuardia Hi gh School of the Performing Arts. She received scholarships from North Caro lin a Schoo l of the Arts and was a fellowship s tud ent a t Th e Ailey Sc h oo l. Ms. Bowm an was a m embe r of Donald Byrd! Th e Group and Complexions. Sh e jOined the Compa n y in 200 1.
KIRVEN J. BOYD (Boston, MA) began his formal danc e training at the Boston Arts Academy and joined Bo sto n Youth Moves in 1999 und er th e dire c ti on of Jim Viera and J ea nnette Neil l. He also trained on sc holarship at th e Bo s ton Cons ervatory and as a fell owsh ip s tud e nt at Th e Aile y School. Mr. Bo yd ha s d an ce d with Batt lew ork s Dance Company, The Parsons Dance Comp any and Ail ey II H e joined the Co mpany in 2004.
HOPE BOYKIN (Durham , NC) is a threetime reCipi e nt of the America n Dan ce Festiva l's Youn g Tuition Scholarship. She attended 30 BRAVO
Howard University and perform ed with Llo yd Whitmore's New World Dance Company in Washingto n , DC. Ms. Bo ykin was a student and int e rn at Th e Aile y School. She was assistant to the lat e Tall ey Beatty and an original memb er of Complex ions. Ms Bo ykin was a m emb er of Philadan co and receive d a New York Dance and Performance "Bessie" Award. In 2005 , Ms. Bo y kin choreographe d Acceptance in Su rrend er in co llaboration with Abdur-Rah imJackso n and Matthew Rushing for AAADT. She joined th e Company in 2000.
CLIFTON BROWN (Goo d year, AZ) traine d at various sc hools including Tak e 5 Dan ce Academy, Ballet Ariz o na , New School for th e Arts and The Ail ey Scho ol , w h ere he was a s tudent in the AileylFordham B.FA. Pro gram in Danc e Mr. Brown is a recipie nt of a Donna Wood Found atio n Award, a Le ve ll ARTS award given b y the Natio nal Foundation for Ad va ncem ent in the Art s, and was a 2005 n ominee in th e UK for a Critics Circl e Natio nal Da nce Award for best male dan ce r. In 2007 , Mr. Brown received a Bess ie awa rd in reco gnition of hi s work with the Aile y company. He ha s performed with Earl Mos ley's Diversity of Dance and as a guest artist with the Miami City Ball e t. Mr. Brown joined th e Co mpan y in 1999.
ANTHONY BURRELL (Phil ad elphia , PA) bega n his training at Point Bree ze Pe rforming Arts Center at the age of 12. H e la ter studied at variou s ins titution s including Philadanco, Pennsy lva nia Balle t , th e University of the Arts, and Th e Ail ey Schoo l. As a dan ce r and c h oreographer, Mr Burrell worked with artists including Beyon ce, Destinys Child, and Ri h anna and is fe atured in severa l co mmercials , videos, and fea tured film s. H e was also a memb er of Ailey II and is a national go ldmedalis t of the NAACP ACT-SO Co mpetition in Dance. Mr. Burrell fir st j oined th e Company in 2000.
COURTNEY BRENE CORBIN (B rentwood , TN) was born in Overland Pa rk , KS. Sh e began h er dance training at Balle t Oklahoma. She continued her formal training at Danc enter Nort h and the School of Nashvill e Ba ll et. Ms. Co rbin h as also film ed a pilot for N ickelod eon and mod e led in Harp e r's Bazaar/Japan magazin e. In Ma y 2004, Ms. Corbin graduated from The Ai leylFo rdh am B.FA. Pro gr am in Dan ce. Sh e was a memb e r of Ail ey II and joine d the Comp an y in 2005.
ROSALYN DESHAUTEURS (New Orleans, LA) studied at the New Orleans Ce nter for Creative Arts. She trained at Perr y Mansfield, the School of American Ballet and The Ailey Sc hool. After receiving her B.F A. degree from Th e Juillia rd Sch ool , Mrs. De sh auteurs became a m ember of Ailey II. She jO in ed the Company in 2000.
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rec eive d her dan ce training from Dan ce Thea tre of Harl em , the Baltimore Schoo l for the Art s and Th e Aile y School , where sh e wa s a fellowship student. Ms. Douglas s dan ce d wi th the Lula Washington Dance Th ea tr e and was a m emb e r of Aile y II Sh e joine d the Compan y in 200 5
b egan hi s danc e tr ai ning at age 16 a t the Cent er of Cont em porary Arts under th e dire ction of Le e Nolting and at the Al exa ndra Sc h oo l o f Ball e t. He also trai n ed at N orth Carolina School of th e Arts, the J offrey Ball et School, San Franci sco Ball et and the Dan ce Th eatre of Harl em Sc hool. After gradu a tin g from hi gh school in 1999, Mr. Douthit
b ecame a memb er of Dan ce Thea tre o f Harl em where h e appeared in fea tured roles in th e balle ts South African Sui te, Dougla , Concerto in F , Retu rn and Dwi g h t Rhod en 's Twi st. H e was pro moted to so loi s t in 2003. He also perform ed with Les Grands Ball e ts Canadie n s de Montr ea l. Mr. Douthit joine d th e Co mpany in 2 004.
VERNARD J. GILMORE (Chicago, IL) b egan dan cin g at Curi e Performing and Creati ve Arts High Sc h oo l in Chi cago and lat er studi ed at the J oseph Holmes Chicago Dance Theater wit h Marquita Le vy, H a rriet Ro ss and Emily Stei n. H e a ttended Barat Co ll ege as a dan ce scho larship reC ipi ent, rece ive d fir st pla ce in the all-City NAACP ACT-SO Competition in Dance in 1993 and studied as a fell owship student at The Ailey Sch ool. Mr. Gilmore is also a teache r an d cho reogr aph er, and a former m emb er of Ailey II. H e join ed the Company in 1997.
ABDUR-RAHIM JACKSON (Philadelph ia, PA) is a graduate of Franklin Lea rning Cente r High Sc hool and r ece ived hi s B.FA. from The Juilli ard Sc hool. He recei ved scholars h ips from Free dom Th eatre, Philadanco, Dan ce Theatre of Harl e m, Boston Ball e t and The Ail ey Sc hool. Mr. Jackson r ece ive d a Mar ion D. Cuyjet Award an d was featured in th e 200 3 PB S "A meri ca n Mas t ers " documentary Juilliard He dan ced with Ailey II in 2000 and joined the Com pany in 2001.
CHRIS JACKSON (Chica go, IL ) began dancing at The Stairway of th e Sta r s dan ce studio. In 1998 , h e s tarted his formal d an ce training at The Ch icago Academy for the Arts Hi gh Sc hool und er the direc tion of Anna Paskevs ka and Rand y Dun ca n. Mr. Ja ckson later we nt on to pursue trainin g at Th e Ail ey Schoo l w h e re h e was a reCipi e nt of t he 20012002 Alvin Ailey Fellowship. H e was an apprentice with Ri ve r North Dance Chi cago, and was a memb er o f Ailey II. Mr. J ackson join ed th e company in 2004.
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GWYNENN TAYLOR JONES (Berlin, PA) began her dance training with the Pittsburgh Youth Ballet at the age of 13 She continued her studies at the Ballet Met Dance Academy in Columbus, OH. Ms. jones mo ve d to New York where she studied at The Ailey School as a fellowship student and later became a member of Ailey II. She danced with Earl Mosley Diversity of Dance, Fred Benjamin Dance Company, Cedar Lake Ensemble and performed choreography by George Faison for Aretha Franklin. Ms. jones joined the Company in 2004.
WILLY LAURY (Paris, Fran ce) received his early dance training at the janine Stanlowa Institute de Danse and the Studio Harmonic in Paris. Upon moving to New York City, Mr. Laury continued his dance education at SUNY Purchase, the juilliard School, and The Ailey School where he performed works by judith jamison , Matthew Rushing , and Ballett Frankfurt 's Alan Barnes. Mr Laury was featured in the motion picture Ever After and appeared in Italian Vogue and Nylon Magazine. He also worked with Men's Health photographer Maria Elena Giuliani and was a member of Ailey II. Mr. Laury joined the Company in 2004
YANNICK LEBRUN (Cayenne, French Guiana) began training in his native country at the Adaclam School under the gUidance of jeanine Verin. After graduating high schoo l in 2004 , he moved to New York City to study at The Ailey School as a fellowship student. Mr. Lebrun performed works by choreographers Troy Powell , Matthew Rushing , Abdur-Rahimjackson, Debbie Allen, Scott Rink , Thaddeus Davis, Nilas Martins, and Dwight Rhoden and danced with the Francesca Harper Project Modo Fusion. He was also a member of Ailey II. Mr. Lebrun jOined the Company in 2008.
ROXANNE LYST (Annapolis, MD), began her professional dance training in Washington , DC under the tutelage of Alfred Dove and Adrian Bolton. She continued her studies at jacob's Pillow, Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet , and as a fellowship student at The Ailey SchooL Ms. Lyst was a member of Ailey II and Philadanco. She joined the Company in 2004.
AMOS]. MACHANIC,JR. (Miami, FL) studied dance at the New World School of the Arts and continued his training at The Ailey School, where he was a fellowship reCipient. He was a member of Ailey II and joined the Company in 1996.
Denyce Graves, Mezzo-Soprano and Warren Jones, Piano
Program includes works by Handel, Schubert , Saint-Saens and others
Tickets: $100
Chamber Music Society of Detroit
Ticket Service: (248) 855-6070
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RACHAEL MCLAREN (Manitoba, Canada) began her formal dance training at the Royal Winnip eg Ballet School. After graduating hi gh schoo l , sh e joined the Toronto cast of Mamma Mia!. Ms. McLaren m oved to New York to study at The Ail ey Schoo l as a fellowship s tud ent and lat er joined Ailey n. She has p erforme d works by Karole Armitage , Dwi ght Rhoden, Francesca Harp er, and N ilas Martins. Ms. McLare n joined the Company in 2008.
AISHA MITCHELL (Syracuse, NY) received her primary dance training at the Onondaga Dan ce In st itut e, Dance Centre North, and Tony Sa lati no o f Sy r acuse U ni versity. She s tudi ed at North Carol in a Dance Theater, Lines Ballet Sc h oo l , The J o ffr ey Ballet School, and The Ai ley Sc h oo l as a fellowship student. Ms. Mitchell is a gra duat e of the AileylFordham B.F.A. Program in Dance and was a member o f Ail ey II. She performed wo r ks by choreographers Alonzo Kin g, Dwight Rhoden, Debbie All en, Sea n Curran, and Nacho Duato. Ms. Mitchell is a bronze medalist of a 200 1 NAACP Na tional ACT-SO competition. She join ed the Company in 2008.
AKUA PARKER (Kinston, NC) began her ballet training at ag e three. In 2000, she j oi n ed Dance Theatre of Harlem, where she danced lead roles in Giselle, Agon, and The Four Temperaments. Th ereafter s h e danced with Cincinna ti Ball e t and Ballet San Jose. Ms. Parker had the opportunity to perform arou nd th e world and h ad the pleasure of working wit h legenda ry icons Fredric Franklin and Geoffrey Hol der. Sh e jo in ed the Com pany in 2008.
BRIANA REED (St. Peters b erg, FL) began h er danc e training at th e Academy of Ballet Arts an d The Pinellas County Cente r for Arts. She also studied at The Ail ey Schoo l as a fellowship stude nt. In 1997, Ms. Reed graduated from The Juilliard School and was a member of Ail ey II Sh e joined the Company in 1998.
JAMAR ROBERTS (Miami, FL) graduated from the New Wo rld School of the Arts He tra ined at the Dan ce Empire of Miami and as a fellowship student at The Ail ey Sc h oo l. Mr. Roberts was a m emb er of Ail ey II and j oined the Company in 2002.
RENEE ROBINSON (Washington, DC) began h er training in classical ballet at the J on es -Ha ywood Sc h oo l of Ballet. She was the recipient of two Ford Foundation scholarships to the Sc hool o f American Ballet and was awarded full sc holarships to the Dance Theatre o f Harlem Sch oo l and The Ai ley
White House State Dinner in h onor of the President of Kenya, Mwai Kibaki. Ms. Rob in son was a member of Ailey II and joined the Company in 1981.
MATTHEW RUSHING (Los Angeles , CA) began his dance training at the Los Angeles County High Sc hool for the Arts. He re ce ive d a Spotligh t Award an d was named a Pr es id ent ial Sc h olar in the Arts. He trained at The Ail ey School in New York City and later became a member of Ailey II , where he danced for a year. Du rin g h is career, he has performed as a guest artis t for galas in F r ance , Russia, Canada and Hungary and performed for former president Bill Clinto n 's in augura l presidential cele brat ion In 2003, Mr. Rushing performed at Th e W hit e Hou se Sta t e Dinn er in honor of the President of Kenya, Mwai Kibaki. H e join ed the Company in 1992.
GLENN ALLEN SIMS (Long Branch, NJ) began his dance training at the Academy of Dance Arts in Red Bank, Nj. He was a fe llo wship student at The Ailey Sc h oo l and performed in the Garden St ate Arts Center's Talent Expo in 1993. He attended The Juilliard Sc ho ol und er the artistic direction o f Benjamin Hark anry and performed works by Glen Tetley, Paul Taylor and Lila York. Mr. Sims ha s performed for th e King of Morocco wi th cho reograp h y by Fred Benpmin and wit h Urban Dance Theater and Creative Outlet Dance Theater of Brooklyn. In 2004, Mr. Sim s was indu cted into the Long Branch Hi gh School's Di st ingu ish ed Alumni H all of Fame. H e j oined the Com p any in 1997.
LINDA CELESTE SIMS (Bronx, NY) began h er dance training at Ballet Hi spanico Sc h oo l of Dance and is a gra duate o f La Guardia Hi gh Sc h ool o f the Performing Arts. In her senior year, Mrs. Sims won a Pres ident ia l Scho lar award give n b y the Nat iona l Foundation for Advance ment in the Art s. During the summe rs of 1993 and 1994, sh e was a scho larship stud ent at the Pennsylvania Ballet Sc h oo l. Sh e has danced with ' EI Piccalo Theatro del' la Opera and Ballet Hi span ico. Mrs. Si ms joined the Company in 1996.
YUSHA-MARIE SORZANO (M iami , FL) is origina ll y from Trinidad. Sh e received h er primary da n ce trai nin g from New World Sc h ool of the Arts, The Miami Conservatory, and Dance Theatre of Harl em Ms. Sorzano is a gr aduate of the AileylFordham B. F.A. Program in Dance and was a member of Ail ey n in h er ju nior year. Sh e performed with Nathan TricelRituals, TU Dance (Artistic Directors Uri Sands and Ton i Pierce-Sands) and was a m ember of Complexions. Ms. So r zano also performed with recording a rti sts Destiny's Ch ild and Rihanna. She joined the co mp any in 2007.
CONSTANCE STAMATIOU (Charlotte, NC) began her dance training at Pat H all 's Dance Unlimited and North Carolina Dance Theatre. In May 2002, s h e gra du ated from Northwest Sc h oo l of the Arts and stud ied at SUNY Purchase before becoming a fellowship student at The Ailey Sch oo l. Ms. Stamatiou was a member of Ailey II and joined the Compa n y in 2007.
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Sc ho ol. In 2003, she performed at The Specia l Performance by Sweet Ho n ey in the Rock on Saturday, Feb. 1 4 at 7:30 p.m.
TINA MON ICA W ILLIAMS (Elizabeth, NJ) started dancing at a local dance school under the direction of Michele SelvantoKowalski. In 1994, Ms. Williams began her formal trainin g at The Ailey Sc hool , receiving a fellowship after h er first year. She dan ced with Footprints Dance Company, The Millennium Project, The Shore Ball et Company and was invited to perform in Ital y in 1994 as part of a youth cu ltura l exchange tour. In 1998, she was invi ted to join Ailey n. Ms. Williams JOined the Company in 2000.
MA RCUS J AR RELL W ILLI S (Houston, TX) be gan hi s formal training at th e Johnsto n Performin g Arts Middle Sc h oo l , the High School for the Performin g and Visual Arts and Di scove ry Dance Group in Houston , Texas. At age 16 , h e moved to New York City and studied at The Ailey Sc hool as a fe llo wship student. Mr. Willis is a reC ipi ent of a Leve l l ART S award given by the Nat ion al Foundation for the Advancement in the Arts and has received sc ho larships to many schoo ls including the Juilliard Sch ool. He was a member of Ailey II and also worked with Pa sca l Rioult Dance Theater, Dominic Walsh Dan ce Th ea ter, and Tania Perez-Sa las Compania de Danza. Mr. Willis jOin ed the Company in 2008.
Sa turd ay, Feb ru a r y 14 at 7:3 0 p m
Sweet H oney in the Rock is a Grammy Award winning all-fema le a cappella vocal ensemb le who is s trongl y committed to create mu sic out of the rich textures of African American legacy and traditions.
Swee t Hon ey was formed by Bernice Johnson Reagon in 1973 at the D.C. Black Repertory Theater Company, and her music di s plays fl avors of Blues, spirituals, gospe l, reggae, Afri can chants, Hip H op, anc ien t lullab ies , and jazz impro visa ti o n. The group 's repe rtOire sp eaks from the music of the Black ch urch, the calls of th e civil rights movement and so ngs of th e st ru ggle for ju stice everywhere The nam e Swee t Hon ey in the Rock comes from Psa l m 81:16, whi ch describes the prom ise to a p eop le to b e fed by the honey from a rock. Sweet Honey ha s released over 20 albums including 2004's "Ra ise Your Voice," the ' soundtrack to the PBS film b y Sta nl ey Ne lson that docum ente d the life o f the group. Fo ll owing Reagon's ret i reme nt in 2004 , the Sweet Honey legacy conti nued. The group co nsist of 5 Singer s and 1 Sign-language interp reter and tours the world singing songs of hope, love, ju s ti ce, peace and re sis tance, Swee t Hon ey h as recently relea se d their latest CD "Experience .... 101 " that d elive rs pOSitive messages to yo uth s and adults a lik e.
Ch airman: Jo an H. Weill
President: H enry McGee
Chairman, Executive Committee: Philip Laskawy
Simin N. Allison Arthur]. Mirante II
Vice-Chairmen: Guido Goldman John H. Sc h aefe r Bruce S. Gordon Christopher]. Williams
James G. Abruzzo, Eleanor S. Applewhaite, Antoinette Coo per Blair, Judith Byrd -Blayl ock, Anthony M. Carvette, Mi chael]. Cavanagh, Kathryn C. Chenault, David S Daniel, Judith M. Davenport , Katherine Farley, Na dja Fidelia, Marion 1. Fischer, Deb orah Ho lmes , Judith Jamison, Richard L. Kauffman , Debra L. Lee, Linda M. Lind enbaum , Sharon Ge rs ten Luckman, Arthur]. Mahon, Gabriella E. Morris, N i co l as S Rohatyn , Peter K Scaturro, Ri chard Speciale, Lemar Swinney, Julia A Walker, Peter B. Walker
Chairmen Emeriti: Stanley Plesent, Esq Haro ld Le vine
Recipie nt of a National Medal of Arts
Executive Direct or - Sharon Gersten Lu ckman
Ca lvin Hunt - Senio r Director, Performance and Production
Ronald R. Law so n - Sen i or Director, Bus iness Affairs
Bennett Rink - Senior Director, Developme nt and External Affairs
Dacquiri TShaun Smittick, Company Manager
E.]. Corrigan , Te chnical Director
Kristin Co lvin Young, Stage Manager
J ennifer McGrath, Assistant Stage Manager
Jon Tayl or, Wardrob e Supervisor
Al Crawford, Lightin g Director
Evan O'Brient, Assistant Lighting Directo r
David Kerr, Master Electrician
J oe Gaito, Master Ca rp enter
Paul Allshouse, Sound Engineer
Samuel Deshauteurs, Property Master
Andrew Blacks, Flyman
Shaheem Litc hmore , Assistant Electrician
Corin Wright, Se n i or Wardrobe Assistant
Dante Baylor, Wardrobe Ass istant
Sarah Alexander, Assistant Co mpany Man age r/ Tour Merch andise Manage r
Masazumi Cha ya, Associate Artistic Direc tor/Comp any Teacher
Ronni Favors, Rehearsal Director/Co mpany Teach er
Donald]. Rose M.D., Directo r of the H a rkness Center for Dan ce Injurie s, Ho spital for Joint Disease
Shaw Bronner, Director of Physical Therap y
Sheyi Ojofeitimi, Physical Therapist
Laura Becica, Physica l Therapist
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Artist Profiles
Chorus Master, Margaret Gamer, Madame Butterjly
From opera to Handel's Messiah to contemporary jazz , Conductor Suzanne Mallare Acto n is r ecognized for her ve r satility and dynamic style . For Michigan
Opera Theatre, Ms. Acton 's condu cting credits include: West Side Story, The Barb er of Sev ill e, Music Man, Th e Pirates of Pen zance, The Mikado, Di e Fledermaus, La Traviata , The Daught er of the Regiment, La Boheme, EI Capitan, and The Tender Land. Additional co nducting credi ts includ e My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera , The Merry Widow and Madame Butterjly for Artpark, and Tosca for Augusta Opera. Ms . Acton has served as guest cond uctor for Th e Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings , BirminghamBloomfield Symphony Orchestra , Lak e St. Cla ir Symp hon y Orchestra , the Lexington Bach Festival, and the Sag inaw Ba y Symp h ony Orches tr a.
Rob ert Garner, Margaret Gamer
American bariton e Gregg Baker m ad e hi s Michigan Ope r a Th eatre debut in 1982, performing the role of Crown in Porgy and Bess, a role in which he discovered his gift for opera. A baritone of "imposing vo ice and sta ture ," Gregg Baker is a successfu l ve teran of Broadway and a Laurence Olivier Award n ominee. Mr. Baker h as performed with MOT in a number of ro les, including J ochanaan in Salome and Amonasro in Aida . He has also perform ed with the Met in th e ro les o f High Pri est (Samson et Dalila), Amonasro (A ida ), Escam ill o (Carmen), Silvio (Pagliacci) , Donner (Das Rh eingol d), and Belcore (rEli sir d'Amore), and performs leading ro les with the major opera houses around the worl d. In addi tion to hi s opera perform ances, Mr Bak er ha s performed and recorded with leading orchestras and conducto rs: the Royal Philharmonic, London Symphony Orchestra , New York Philh armon ic, Milwaukee Symp hon y Orchestra, Rad io Stuttgart Symp hon y, Sim on Rattle, and Zubin Meh ta. 34 BRAVO
Auc t ioneer, Judge 1 , Margaret Gamer American tenor Torr ance Blaisdell was last seen at Michigan Opera Thea tre in the fall 2007 season, creat in g the ro les of Capucin and Marquis d e Cuigy in the world premiere of Cyrano, and as Don Basilio and Don Curz io in Th e Marriage of Figaro. He made hi s debut wi th the com pan y in 2003 in A Mask ed Ball , and has since returned for several productions. Mr. Blaisde ll makes his caree r in both musical thea ter and opera; h e appeared on Broadway in the role o f Piangi in Phantom of the Op era, a ro le pa rt icularly suite d to his talents. Recent engagements have includ ed Don Basilio in The Marriage of Figaro for New Orleans Opera, the Third Jew in Salome with th e Natio nal Symphony Orchestra cond uct ed b y Leonard Sla tkin , and a role d ebut as Monostatos in The Magic Flute wi th Intermountain Opera
Casey, Margaret Gamer
A Sou th Caro lina native, tenor Jason Co llin s is already beginning to attract the attention of th e publi c, with both hi s robust but beautiful voice, and hi s commanding s tage presence. Margaret Garner marks his debut with Mic hi gan Opera Th ea tre. Mr. Collins has also recently made debuts at San Franc isco Opera, as Froh in Da s Rheingold, and Canadian Opera, as Comte de Lerme in Don Ca rlos. Other rece nt opera engageme nt s h ave included hi s debut s at Sea ttle Opera (Ste uermann, Del' jliegende Hollander), the Arizona Opera (Erik, Del' jliegende Hollander), the Kentucky Opera (Lenski , Eugene Onegin), and th e Austin Lyric Opera (Zinovy, Lady Macbeth of Mts ensk).
Stage Director, Madame Butt erjly Italian s tage directo r Mario Corra di r eturns to Michigan Opera Theatre to sta ge Madam e BLttterfly, his eigh teent h produ ction wi th " th e company Mr. Corradi made his Michigan Opera Theat r e debut wi th Carm en in 1996, and ha s returned to Detro it annua lly to direct, among others , Werthel ; A Masked Ball, Rigoletto and Faust. Most recently, h e directed the company 's produ ction of La Trav iata in the spring of 2008. Mr. Corradi h as directed productions in m any of the wo rld 's great opera hou ses, including Teatro Regio in Parma, th e Nat ional Opera of Ukraine, and many theaters throughout th e U.S. Having previous ly been an assistant to the acclaimed J eanPierre Ponnelle , he made his profeSSiona l directorial debut in 1982.
Kate Pinkerton , Madame Butterfly Sop rano Eva Evola mad e h er Michigan Opera Theat r e debut as Clotilde in the 2005 produ ction o f Norma. This season she returns in the role of Kat e Pinkerto n in Madam e Butterjly. Ms. Evo la is ve r y active on the classica l mu sic scene doin g conce rts and oratorios. Her most recent engageme nt s have included An nina in La Traviata, Ad ina in Th e Elixir of Lov e, and Lauretta in Gianni Sc hi cc hi, all with the Verdi Opera Th ea ter of Michigan. Future concerts include a recita l with famed pianist Martin Katz, and plans [or a co n cert cycle in Rome and Palermo Ital y Sh e is currently coac hing wi th tenor George Shirle y and Su zan ne Ma ll ar e Acton.
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Ma r gare t , Margaret Garn er (18 , 22 , 2 5)
Recogn ize d worldwid e as on e o f to d ay's mo s t excitin g vo ca l st ars , Am er ica n m ezz o -so prano Den yce Graves co ntinu es to gather unparall eled p opul a r and criti cal ac cl aim in performan ces on four contin ent s . Ms. Gra ves mad e her Mi chi ga n Op er a Th eatre d ebu t in 199 9 opp os it e Andrea Boce ll i in Werth er, and re turne d in 2005 to sin g the t it le ro le in th e world p remiere o f Marga ret Garn er , rep ea ting the role at Cincinna ti O p era , O p era Company of Philadelphi a, and Op era Carolina. She is particularly we llknown to operatic audience s for h er portr aya ls o f the title roles in Carm en and Sa mso n et Dalila , which ha ve brou gh t h er to th e wo rld 's great op era hou ses and con ce rt ha ll s The c ombin ati on o f h er exp ress ive, rich vo cali sm , elega nt stage prese n ce, and excitin g th eat ri ca l abiliti es all ows h er to pursu e a wid e brea dth of op eratic ro les , as we ll as d eli ght audi en ces in conc ert and recital app ea ran ces Ms. Graves wa s appoint ed a Cultura l Ambassador for th e Unit e d St a tes in 2003 , and she no w trave ls aro und th e world under th e au s pi ces o f the Sta te Department , appe ar ing in goo dwill mi ss ion s of mus ical p e rfo rm an ces , lec tures and sem ina r s.
Choreograph e r , Ma rgaret Ga rn er
Patdro Harri s is n ati on all y and interna tiona lly r ec o gnize d and res p ec ted b y fan s, coll eagues and crit ics, and was choreograph er and m ove ment s p ec iali st in the wo rld premiere of Margaret Garn er with Mi chi gan Op er a Th eatre in 200 5 He was voted "b es t direc tor " b y th e Star Tribune Minn ea polis, and the Wa shin gton Pos t h ails him a s a "s uperb choreogr aph er " He ha s dire cted at su ch di s tinguish e d th eat ers as Allianc e Th eat er , Sacr am ento Theatre Company, Round Hou se Thea ter , True Colors Theater Comp an y, and th e Trib eca Performing Arts Ce nt er Mr. Harris also served as chor eogr aph er , arti stic consulta nt , and m ove m ent director with th e Ore gon Shak es p eare Fes ti val , the Kenned y Cent er , Portl and Ce nt er Stage, and Broadway's Royal Th ea tre, among oth er s He h as travele d the wo rld as choreographer and lead d an ce r for Stevi e Wonder , and h e choreo gr aph ed the Tony Award-winning Bro a dway hit A Raisin in th e Sun , starring Se an Co mb s and Phylicia Rashad.
Gora , Madam e Butt erfly
Se t D es ign e r , Margaret Garn er Marj o ri e Bradle y Ke ll ogg is an awa rdwinnin g sce ni c d es igner wi th do ze n s of Bro ad way, off-Broad way and r egi o n al theater credit s, and des igned the se ts for the world pr emi er e o f Margaret Garn er at Michigan Op er a Theatre in 2005. Ms . Kello gg was resident d esign er for the 1992-9 3 se aso n of Tony Randall 's Nationa l Actors Th ea tre Oth er Bro ad way cred it s includ e Any Gi ve n Day; th e George C. Scott revival of On Borrow ed Tim e; LUcifer's Child, starring Juli e H arri s; Am erican Buffalo with Al Pa cino ; Da ; ReqUi em For a Heavyw eight ; A Day in Th e Death ofjoe Egg; Solomon 's Child; Arse ni c And Old Lace ; St eaming; and Th e Bes t Littl e Whorehouse in Texas Ms Kello gg al so writes science ficti on and fant asy n ov el s, and she is currently an assoc ia te profess or at Co lgate Uni ve r sity.
Cio-Cio-Sa n, Madam e Butterfly (16 , 21 , 23 )
Se t D es ign e r , Madam e Butt erfly
British de signer John Gunt er ha s d esign ed many productions on three co ntin ent s These include severa l for Glynd ebourn e, wher e hi s 1985 produ cti on o f Alb ert Herri ng was revi ved in 200 2 and 200 8 , and working fr e qu entl y with Sir Pe ter Hall Hi s d es ign s fo r Th e Marria ge of Fi garo opened th e n ew th eat er th er e in 1994 , and Porgy and Bess for Sir Trev or Nunn was seen on tel evi sion (wi nning an Emm y Award ) and a t Cove nt Gard en. He ha s also work ed w ith th e Sa n
Tai w ane se-Ameri ca n teno r Jo se ph Hu make s hi s Mi chi ga n O p er a Theatre debut this se ason in his sign ature ro le as Go ro in Mad ame Butt erfly, following a su cces sfu l internationa l d ebut with th e Isr ae li Op era in Tel Aviv Mr. Hu is on e of Am erica 's mo st important ch ar ac ter teno rs , sought after for ro les su ch as Goro , both Pang and Pon g in Tu ra ndot , the Steuermann in Del' fli ege nde Holl and er, the Hi gh Pri est in Mo za rt 's Id omeneo , and Spoletta in To sca. Las t seas on he performed in Sam son et Delilah , Th e Marriage of Fi garo, and II 1i ov atore, all at San Diego Op er a Up co ming engagem ent s includ e an additi on al three Fran cisco , La Scala Milan , Bu en os Aires product ions in San Di eg o and Au strali an op era c ompani es. Mr. Gunter d esign s for s poken thea t er as we ll , wh ere hi s acclaim ed produ cti on s includ e Jeffrey Bern ard Is Unw ell , and m a n y for Sir Pe ter Hall in th e Wes t End , including Lady Wind erm ere's Fan and Mr s. Warren's ProfeSS ion.
A native of Kagoshi m a, J apan, Mihoko Kino shita makes her MOT d ebut in th e rol e o f Cio-Cio-San durin g th e fall 2008 seaso n. She receive d h er Masters Deg ree at Musashino Aca d em y of Music before studying in Ital y where she was aw arded num erou s prizes, in cluding fir st pl ace in the Santa Margari ta Int ern ation al Comp etition and th e Bevagna Int ern ati onal Competition.
In 200 7 sh e was awarded fir st priz e in th e Li cia Alb an es e Pu ccini Found a ti on Comp e titi on . In 2008 she return ed to Japan t o si n g the Britt en War Requ ie m b e for e d eb uting in London at Wi gm or e H all in the Geo rg Solti Anniver sary Con ce rt Sh e m a d e h er Baltimore Op era d ebut in May 2008 as Butterfly follO Wing her d ebut with th e Mid la nd Symphon y Orch es tra in th e sa m e role In 2009 , Ms. Kin os h ita will r eturn to Japan to sin g Liu in Tu ra nd ot
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Conductor, Margaret Garner
Stefan Lana returns to Michigan Opera Thea tre this season to conduct Margaret Gamer, as he did for its wor ld premiere with the company in 2005, having since returned to De troit to conduct Salome in 2006. Mr. Lana also conducted another world premiere opera in 2005, Adamo 's Lysis trata at Hou s ton Grand Opera. Last seas on , he conducted the east coast pr em iere of DiChiera 's Cyrano with the Opera Company o f Phil a delphia and a hi ghl y successful debut at the Se mper Oper Dresden , where he will return for two productions in 2009: a reprise of Jak e He ggie 's Dead Man Walking, and a n ew production of Henz e's LUpupa. Th e world premiere of Mr. Lano 's Sinfonie Nr 3 took place in 2004 , with the co mpo se r conducting the Lithuanian Nation al Philharmonic Orchestra. He is current ly orchestrating his Sieben Li ede r on texts of Rain er Maria Rilke , and ha s been co mmis sioned to compose a n ew piano co n certo for Muza Rubackyte and the Lithuanian Nationa l Philh armonic.
Stage Director, Margaret Garner
Kenny Leo n return s to Michigan Opera Theatre to direct Margaret Gamer, a ft er directing its world premiere with th e company in 2005. A highly accla im ed actor, produ ce r and director, Mr. Leo n 's experience covers the spectrum from tel evi sion to stage to film. H e is fo under and artistic dire cto r of Tru e Co lors The at re Company, and directed th e Broadwa y r eviva l of A Rai si n in th e Sun , which featured Sea n Combs, Audra McDonald and Ph yli cia Ras h a d; th e sho w garnered two Tony Awards. Mr. Leo n directed August Wi lso n 's Gem of the Ocean (five Tony nomination s) and Radio Golf (four Tony nominations) , both for the Broadway st age. Most r ece ntl y, h e directe d the ABC TV film ve r sion of A Raisin in the Sun which was nominat ed fo r three Emmy awards. Mr. Leon also directed the wo rld premiere of the UK tour of Flashdance, th e Mu sical. This fall wi ll direct the stage adaptation of Guess Whos Coming to Dinner on Broadway
Margaret , Marga ret Garner (19 , 24 ) American Tr acie Lu ck, one of the most promi sing yo un g m ezzo -so pranos today, perform ed th e title ro le in Margaret Gamer to grea t ac claim in a new produ ction at the New York City Opera in 2007. Thi s came after cove ring the role for Den yce Gra ves in th e wo rld premiere with Michigan Opera Theatre in Detroit in 2005 , as well as performing th e ro le in the Margaret Gamer workshops. Ms. Lu ck had pre viou sly performed at the Detroit Opera Hous e in h er critically acclaimed debut as Maddelena in Rigol et to in 2004. She has p erformed many roles with the Opera Company of Philadelphia, including Flora (La Traviata ), Virgine ll e (La PeJic hol e) , and Annie (Porgy and Bes s).
George Hanco ck , Marga ret Garn er American tenor Ryan MacPherson returns to Michi ga n Opera Theatre thi s fall after debutin g in 2007 as Belmonte in Th e Abduction from th e Seraglio. As a grad u ate student at Yale Univers ity, h e sa n g the roles of, among others, Rodolfo in La boh eme, Vaudemont in Tchaiko vsky's lolanta , Fenton in Falstaff, and Eisenstein in Die Fled ermaus . Rece nt engagements includ e Ana th ol in Van essa and Ferrando in Cosi fan tutti for New York City Opera, Don Jo se in Carmen for Opera Mem phi s and at the National Concert Hall in Dublin , and debut s with Shre ve port Opera and Op era Nationa l de Pmis.
Registrar, Madame Butte1jly
Tenor Miroslav Manovski, a Michigan nati ve, made hi s Michigan Opera Theatre debut as the Second Nazarene in Sa lom e, and has been with the co mpany sinc e 1998. Mr. Manovski ha s also performed compromario roles in La Rond ine, Carmen, Daughte r of the Regiment, Th e Magic Flute, Semele, Il Tabarro (As pen , CO), including Dido and Aeneas within th e greater Detroit
Metropolitan area. Hi s oratorio credit s include: Bach's Magnificat; Britten's Rejo ice in th e Lamb ; Handel 's Mess iah; Israel in Egypt; Samso n; and Haydn 's Th e Creation. Mr. Manovski has also performed r ec ital s in Co lorado, Michigan , and South Dakota
Caroline Ga in es, Margaret Garner
Young American soprano Kristine Biller Mattso n made her Michigan Opera Th ea tre debut in 2005 covering th e role of Caroline Gaines in th e world premiere performances of Margaret Gamer. A yo ung , rising soprano in the opera world, she placed 2nd in the Florid a Grand Opera Competition in 2004. Re ce nt engagem ents include Micaela with the Hel ena Sym phon y, Hans el and Gretel with Opera Company o f Philadelphia , and Clorinda in La Cenerentola with Michigan Opera Th eatre. Upcoming engagem ent s includ e a p erformanc e with the Christchurch Symphony Orche stra in New Zealand, The Bells with the Hel ena Symphony and the Mahler 2nd with th e No rth Penn Symphony In December, she will b e performing a concert tour with r enown ed baritone, Kamel Boutro s.
Edward Gaines , Margaret Garn er (19, 24 )
Am erican baritone Timoth y Mix
mak es hi s Michigan Opera Theatre debut this fall as Edward Gaines in Margaret Garner. Recogniz ed for th e beauty of his vo ice and his compelling stage presence , Mr. Mi x recei ve d critical acclaim for his portra ya l of the same ro le in th e New York City Opera premiere of Margaret Gamer, in a new produ c tion by Taz ewe ll Thompson. Th e current season fea ture s anot her notable debut for Mr. Mix as the Duke of Nottingham in Donizetti's Rob erto Devereaux at Dall as Opera. He will also sing Faure's Requiem with the Buffalo Philharmonic ; Bee tho ve n 's Mass in C and Dvo rak 's Te Deum with Voices of Ascension, and co nclud es th e seaso n at Opera Th ea tre of Sa int Louis as Marcello in La Bohem e. During th e 2007-08 season, he made his
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debut at the Boston Lyri c Opera in La Boheme, and sang Ford in New York City Opera's Fa lstaff
Cond u ctor, Madame Butterjly
Ita li an co ndu ctor Edoardo Mu ll er r etu rn s to the Michigan Opera Theatre to lead th e Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra in Madam e Butterjly. Mr. Mull er la st ap p eared wit h the company co n duc tin g The Barber of Seville in 2006, after previously serving as cond u ctor of Aida in Concert, featuring Luciano Pavarotti, in 2000 . Mr. Mu ll er made his American opera debut in 1980 and h as since con duc ted productions with many of the nation s leading opera compani es . H e ha s been a fr eque nt guest a t the Me tr opo lit an Opera, and h as also conducte d for New York City Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago and Dallas Opera.
Pinkerton, Madame Butterfly ( 16m , 21, 23m)
Canadian tenor David Pomeroy made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in spring 2008 as Ruggiero in La Rondine. H e returns in the 2008 fall season as Lt. Pinkerton in Madame Butterfly, which he recently played at Ope r a Theatre o f St. Loui s. Quickly es t abli shin g himself as a leading young lyric tenor, Mr. Pomeroy is a regu lar presence with Canadian Opera Company Since his highly acclaimed U.S. debut in 2004 wit h Lyri c O p era of Kansas City, h e h as performed wit h opera compani es and orc h est ra s throu gh out th e U.S. and Cana d a. Recent engagements includ e the titl e ro le in Idomeneo wi th Pac ific Opera Victoria, the Duke in Rigoletto wi th Ca lgary Opera, and Skuratov in From the House of the Dead with Canadian Opera Company
Li ghting Des igne r , Margaret Garner
Duan e Sc hul er designed the lighting for the world premiere o f Margaret Garner at Michigan Opera Th ea tre in 2005, and has ac hi eved national and int ernationa l acclaim as a theatrical lighting designer for such organizations as the Metro p olit an Opera, Lyric
Opera of Chicago, New York City Opera, Manhattan Theatre Club , H ousto n Gr and Opera, Salzburg Festival , Deustche Opera Berlin , and American Ballet Theatre. The Wisconsin native is a founding partner of the theater planning and archi tectural lighting design firm Sc hul er Sh ook, with offices in Ch icago, Minneapolis and Dallas.
Su zuki, Madame Butterjly (l6m, 21 , 23) j apanese mezzo-soprano Mika Shigematsu makes h er Michigan Opera Theatre debut this fall as Suz uki in Madame Butterfly. Ms. Shigema t su has performed this role with, among others, Opera National de Lyo n , New York City O p era, David Freema n 's producti on in Roya l Alb ert Hall in Lond on , and , m ost recently, Cincinn ati Ope ra Born in Osaka, j apa n , she won first prize in th e co untr y's most prestigious music compe titi on in 1992. Ms. Shigematsu made international headlin es when she sang Elvira in the North Am erican premiere of Bellini 's I Puritani at Boston Lyric Opera in 1993. Recent en gageme nt s include Mozart 's Mass in C Minor and Bach's Magnificat with th e National Cho r ale at Avery Fisher Hall
Cill a, Margaret Garner (19,22,24)
American soprano Karen Slack makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Cill a in Margaret Garner during the fall 2008 opera season. A native of Philadelphia , Ms. Slack is a gradua te of th e Curtis Ins titu te o f Music. Hailed for possessing a voice of extraord in ary beaut y, a seamless legato, and sens itivity o f exp r ess ion, sh e h as already app eared on the stages o f the Metropolitan Ope ra , the San Francisco Opera, th e Melbourne (Australia) Symphony, and Lyric Opera of Kansas Cit y Ms. Slack has also been a winner of numerous prestigious voca l competitions, including the 2007 jose Iturbi Comp etition, 2005 Florida Grand Ope r a Co mp e titi on , th e Rosa Pon se ll e
Intern at ion al Co mp et ition , and sh e was a Na ti ona l Fi n ali st in the Metropolitan Opera Nationa l Council Auditi ons.
Li ghting Designer, Madame Butterfly
Kendall Smith returns to Michigan
Ope ra Th eatre thi s fall to design li ghtin g for Madam e Butterfly, hi s 56 th produ ct ion w ith the company
Mr. Smith m ade hi s Michi ga n Opera
Th ea tr e debut in 1988, with The Ballad of Baby Doe, and most r ece ntly designed li ghting for the co mp an y's sp rin g 2008 production of La T1'aviata. His wo rk h as been featured in num ero u s productions by r espected ope r a companies, th ea ters an d fes ti va ls, which includ e, am on g oth ers, Florida Grand Opera, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival , Indianapolis Opera, the Weston Playhouse, Ge va Theatre , Boston Lyric Ope r a, and Ope r a Pacific.
judge 3, Margaret Garner; The Bonze, Madame Butterjly
Thi s seaso n marks Am eri ca n bassbaritone Aaron Stegemo ll er 's debut in two pro du ction s at Michigan Opera Th eatre. Recent engagements inclu d e his role as Masetto in Don Giovanni with American Opera Group, a reprise of his Dr. Grenvi l in Ope r a Cleveland 's La Traviata, and his portraya l of Pish Tush in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado with Chicago 'S Light Opera Works. Mr. Stegemoller was also heard throug hou t Chi cago durin g his p erformances wi th O.PE.R.A. o f Elgin's La Traviata, Ch amb er Ope r a of Chi cago 's The Consul, and Intimate Opera's Cosifan tutte.
Sh a rpl ess, Madame Butterfly American baritone Daniel Sutin makes his Michigan Ope r a Theatre debut this fall as Sharpl ess in Madame Butterfly. In the 2007 - 2008 season, Mr. Sut in began his seventh season at the Metropolitan Opera as Paris in Romeo et Juli ette, foll owed by his debut at th e
Opera House
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Lyric Op er a of Chicago as the One-Eyed Brother in Die Frau ohne Schatten, as we ll as the ro les of Belcore in relisiJ' d'amore at the San Antonio Opera , and Germont in La Traviata at the Reisopera in the Netherla n ds. He made his Royal Opera House Covent Garden debut as Sonora in La Fanciulla del West in 2008 , and will return to the Canad i an Opera Comp any as Pao lo in Simon Boccanegra. In the summer of 2009 he will make h is debut at the Savonlinna Opera Festiva l as Sharp less in Madame Butterfly.
Costume Des igner, Margaret Gamer
Pau l Tazewe ll has designed extensively in the United States and internationa ll y for theater, dance and opera, and created the origina l costumes for the wo rl d premiere of Margaret Gamer at Michigan Opera Theat r e in 2005 Mr. Tazewell was a Tony Award nominee fo r his work on the Broadway hit Bring In 'Da Noise, Bring In 'Da Funk; other Broadwa y c redits include A Raisin in the Sun, Elaine Stritch, On The Town, and Fascinatin' Rhythm. At the Public Theatre in New York, he designed cos tumes for One Flea Spare, Henry V, Venus, and Blade to the Heat, and has design ed extens ively for regional theaters across the coun try, including Arena Stage, the Shakespeare Theatre, and th e Alliance Thea tre, among othe r s. Mr. Tazewell is currently a resident artist and associate professor of costume design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
Pinkerton, Madame Butterfly 05 , 1 9, 22)
Am erican tenor J ames Va lenti ma k es hi s Mich igan Opera Theatre debut in Madame Butterfly this fall , and wi ll perfo r m the same role at Teatro di San Carlo in Nap les in June 2009. He recently made a successfu l debut as Rodolfo in La Boh em e at Teatro alla Sca la in Milan, and at Florida Grand Opera in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. In March 2008, Mr. Valenti performed Lt. Pinkerton with Mark Lamos ' Madame Butterjly at New York Cit y Opera, which was nationally televised on PBS, and in January made a critica lly acclaim ed debut as Romeo
with Minnesota Opera. He finished 2007 making his San Francisco Opera debut as Pinkerton. Mr. Vale nti studied at the prestigious Academy of Vocal Arts in Phil ade l phia , and continues to study with Maestro Bill Schuman.
Edward Ga ines, Margaret Gamer ( 18, 22, 25)
Formerl y a successfu l boy treb le, Canadian baritone James Westman made his MOT debut as Sharp less in th e 2003 production of Madame Butterfly. Mr. Westman was the first boy ever to pe r form the fou rt h movement of Mahler 's Symphony No.4 (C hild's View oj Heaven), an d toured this work with th e Boston Phi lharmonic Orches tra, performing in Carnegie Ha ll at the yo u ng age of twelve. Mr. Westman was Barito n e in Residence with the prestigious San Francisco Opera Ad ler Fellows hi p program until 2000, and h as since performed leading ro les of Verdi, Pucc ini , Massenet , Donizetti , Yanacek, Bize t , Britten and Mozart for man y principa l opera houses in North America and Europe.
Cill a, Margaret Gamer 08, 25)
Mary Elizabeth Williams debuts with Michigan Opera Theatre this fall as Cilla in Margaret Gamer. Ms. Williams made her professiona l U.S. debut in Porgy and Bess with the Atlanta Opera; the Atlanta JoumalConstitution ca ll ed her voice "at once innocent , su lt ry and deep ly affecting."
Additiona l rec ent engagem ents include Leonora cover en Trovatore) at the Opera Bast ill e, the Countess (Le Nozze di Figaro) in a production that toured France and Belgium, and Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni) in the young artist program a t Seattle Opera. In the current season, Ms. Williams will make several company debuts, with the Seattle Opera and Indianapolis Opera in n Trovatore, and Virginia Opera in Tosca
2008 -09 Joyce H. Co hn Young Artist
2nd Judge , Margaret Garn er; Commissioner, Prince Yamadori, Madam e Butterfly
Baritone J eff MacMu llen is delight ed to mak e his debut with Michigan Opera Theatre this season. J eff has mos t recently per formed wi th Ohio Light Opera as Cur ly in Oklahoma , Pish- Tush in Th e Mikado, and Fr ancis in Marinka: The Mayerling Story, during the 2008 season. He h as received bo th his bachelor and master degrees in vocal performance from Michigan State Unive r sity: W h ile recently comp let ing his graduate studies, he performed the roles of Ping in Turandot , Don Giovanni in Don Giovanni , an d the four villains in The Tales oj HoJJmann with MSU Opera Thea tre. He was also a winner of the MSU Symphony Honors Co n cert compe tition. J eff h as also p erformed leading roles with the Bay View Music Festival. On the concert stage, Jeff has appeared as a so loist with th e Lansing Symphony and the J ackson Symphony:
Got Slides? www M ic h iga nO Get that bo x of slid es out of your atti c! Pro tec t yo ur fa mil y memori es fore ver and enjo y them on your TV! Prof ess ion al 35mm slid e scanning to DVD Call (248) 582-9690 www Printli7g D etro i t Ope r a Ho u se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Violin I
Charlotte Merkerson, Concertmaster" +
Laura Leigh Roelofs, Assistant
Co n ce rtm as ter +
Vel da Kelly+
Bryan J ohn s t on+
Beth Kirt on+
Molly Hughes+
Kevin Filewych+
James Kujawski
Janet Sullins
I-F u Wang
Violin II
Victoria Haltom * +
Brooke Hoplamazian+
Daniel Stachyra +
Henrik Karape tyan+
Anna Weller+
Sander Kostallari
Elizabeth Rowin
Tamara Sherman
J anet Su llin s
John Mad ison *+
Scott Stefanko+
James Greer+
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra
Kathleen Grimes+
Leah Lucas
Constance Markwick
Juli an n e Zinn
Barbara Zmich
Nadine Del eury*+
Di ane Bredesen+
Robert Reed+
Sa rah Cleveland
J ohn Iatzko
Stefan Koch
Eugene Zenzen
Derek We ll er * +
Clark Sutt le+
Brian Bowman * +
]. William King+
Suzanne Rozmary
Pawel Wnuk+
Roger Maki-Sc h ramm+
Nora Schankin
Andrew Pelletier+
Carrie Banfield+
Breda Anderson
Tamara Kosinski
Susan Mut te r
J ean Marie Posekany Trumpets
Robert Stiles
Shawn Wood
Pamela Hill *+
Laura Larson+
Dennis Carter
David Ammer+
Go rd on Simmons+
David Ammer
Mark Flegg
Derek Lockhart
Maury Okun "+
Oboe Gr eg Near+
Kristen Beene" + Ga r y Hellick
Sally Pituch+
Lynne Marie Flegg
Bryan Pokorney
Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus
Kara Alfano
Carol Ambrogio
Ken Anderson
Ryan Banar
Patrick Barnard
Victo ri a Bigelow
Errin Brooks
Kim W Brooks
Fred Buchalter
Stephanie Clark
Timothy Clark
Julie Craigo
Aida De la Cruz
J ohn Deierlein
J ea n Derricotte-Murphy
Adam Diekhoff
Gerian n e Ditto
Joe Dluzniewski
J ody Doktor
Isaac Droscha
Rebecca Eadd y
Detroit Opera Ho
Ken Ebaugh
Jacqueline Echols
Brandy Ellis
Rebecca Engelhard
Louise Fisher
Nich o las Fitzer
Ch arles Freeman
Yvonne Friday
Tim Gardner
Donald Gay
Emily Sharp -G ay
Jeremy Gi lpa tric
Conda Gree n
Lenora Gr ee n
Nicole Greenidge
Robert Griswold
Rosaline Guastella
Celeste Headlee
Lesli e Hi ll
Terrence Horn
Richard Jackson
Clarence Jones
Tom Kabala
J acque lin e King
Syl vester Lane
Brian Leduc
J onathan Lowrie
Ton y Lynch
Amy Malaney
Miros lav Manovski
Leslie Mason
Anthony McG laun
Elizabeth Mitche ll
Deborah Nero
Rachel Nofziger
Jennifer Pasha
DeAnna Patterson
Annie Radcliffe
Dustin Scott
Clifton Shaw
Ken Sh epherd
Adam Smith
Neal Cam pb ell
Patricia Te rr y-Ross*+
Leonardo Soto*+
Terrence Farmer
J ohn Dorsey*+
David Taylor
Dan DeSena
Jean Schneider
* Principal + Michigan Opera Theatre
Core Orc h est r a
Detroit Federation of Musicians Local #5
American Federation of Musicians
Step h en Stewart
Terrence Stewart
Gregory Stin son
Lu cy Th ompso n
Ange la Torres-Kutkuhn
Ca ri e Volkar
Marie Vavro
Tiffany Waldro n
Justin Watson
Deborah We bb
Norman Weber
Tamara W hitty
Amber Williams
Lonel Woods
Anamaria Yliz alitur ri
The American Guild of Musical Artists is the officia l union of the Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus
u se
www .Mi ch ig
BRAVO 39 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
A Landmark Year for MOT:
Community Programs Cel ebrates 30 Years!
Michigan Ope r a Theatre's Department of Community Programs celebrates a landmark 30 years of service , resources, touring programs, and opera education opportunities for all ages! The Michigan Opera Theatre Department of Community Programs was founded in 1977 by Karen VanderKloo t DlChiera, and th e department provides educational opportu ni ties to more than 200 ,000 people , of all ages and backgrounds, annua ll y. Programs include touring productions , lectures, workshops , and the summer learning series, Learning at the Opera House, which also celebrates its 10th anniversary this yea r
Let 's take a look back at 30 years of Education Programs at Michigan Opera Theatre:
The Well-Traveled Feet of Michigan Opera Theatre's Touring Artists
In the many yea rs of it s existence , Michigan Opera Th eatre's touring programs h ave criss-crosse d the sta te, th e co untr y an d th e world, brin ging the ma gic of li ve theater to groups of all sizes, ages, and abilities.
* MOT's touring artis ts perform all over Mi chigan , including Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, St. Cla ir, Li vi n gsto n , and Genesee cou nti es. Plus , they ha ve p erformed throughout the country, including Wisco n sin , Minnesota, and Illinois , and eve n int erna ti onally, in Canada.
Perfo rm anc es can take pl ace anyw h ere, including elementary, middle, and high- sc hools , communit y ce nt ers, religious instit ution s, universiti es, an d se nior centers.
Community Programs to u ring artists performing " Michigan Mus ic in Re vue," 1987
* Tourin g programs includ e existing wo rk s, Community Pro grams- co mmi ss ion ed wo rks , and eve n full operas!
Touring programs singe rs consist of ma n y who h ave be en touring for m an y year s, including Mark Vondrak, Maria Cimare lli , Karl Sc hmidt , Be tt y Lan e, Alvin Waddles, Madelyn Port er, Trish Shand or , Betsy Bronson , Alai na Brown , Cand ace de Lattr e, and Chris Va ught.
* Accomplished, awardwinni ng , de co rated - yo u bet! MOT's touring programs ha ve r ece ive d th e "Keys" to Sa ult Ste. Marie and So uth Ha ve n , and an award from the America n Lung Associa ti on for the opera "The N ight Harry Sto pped Sm ok ing. "
www.MichiganOpera .org
Learning and Advocating for Learning
Michigan O p era Theatre's Dep art ment o f Community Pro grams ha s k ept learnin g at the forefront of every thing, and has advoca ted on a national level for arts edu ca ti on funding.
* Opera and opera-relate d lectures are given b y Karen V DiChi era and Wallace Peace jus t about eve r yw her e! Both are known across the cou ntry and across the border in Cana d a for their knowledgeable, entertaining and in formati ve cl asses
* Workshop s p erform ed by Michigan Opera Thea tre sta ff ha ve attracted tal ented up -a nd-coming singe rs for yea rs
Th e Communi ty Pro gra m s department h as b ee n a staunch ad voca te and ally for sc hool s wh o n ee d help k ee pin g their a rt s programs from bud get cuts. Director Karen V DiChiera ha s se r ve d on grant co mmitt ees for th e Michiga n Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, th e Na tion al Endowm ent for th e Art s, th e Detroit Co unci l for th e Arts , and acts as a community liai son as a Verdi Opera Competition and Ca ll ahan co mpetiti on judge.
Michigan Opera T heatre's touring programs, performing Nanabush , an opera composed by Karen V. DiChiera wi th libretto by William Kirk, at the Marygrove College Inst itute for Arts- Infused Education Workshop, August 2007
Dett'o it Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Karen V. DiChiera working with disabled adults.
can rid the town of its rats, and in r eturn , the town will pay him handsomely When the town does not fulfill its promise of payment , the Pied Piper teaches the townspeop le a lesson. Like the Grimm fairy tale (only with a happy ending) , children learn the value of keeping promises. To book this program for your school or group, contact Dolore s Tobis at (313) 237-3429 or
Creating and Performing for 30 Years
The Department of Community Programs has always worked to make programs available to everyone, and has been praised for work with yo ung people and persons with disabilities.
Learning at the Opera Hous e instructor Francine Dent has taught such innovative classes as "Rappera" and "H ip Hoppera " to tell stories through rap and hip hop art forms.
Persons with disabilities have been a part of Community Programs from the very beginning , with sign language programs for many years in whic h Sign Language interpreters were costumed at the side of the stage.
The Detroit Opera House Becomes a Place to learn
Community involvement helped create the original Learning at the Opera House summer programs over ten years ago. With a group of influential Detroiters , including Josephine Love , Frank Angelo, Harriet and Irving Berg, Wallace Peace , Caro l Chadwick, Candace de Lattre, Guy Stern, Martin Herman , M.L. Lieb ler, William Colbern (founder, Preservation Wayne), and help from Community Programs staff, including Dolores Tobis, Mark Vondrak and "Time Out for Opera" producer Jonathan Swift - LATOH was born.
Th e LATOH efforts resulted in programs for all ages and abilities, including subjects that are a part of
opera but not usually presented by opera companies, such as music composition, architecture, art, history, poetry, writing, decorative plaster, personal oral histories of people involved in arts and education, daytime workshops for youngsters of all ages, and college-age "pre -professionals " hoping to enter the opera field.
Reflecting on the Past .. . looking to the Future
The history of the Department of Community Programs is full of shared ideas between Michigan Opera Theatre and the community it serves. Michigan Opera Theatre's Department of Community Programs is grateful for the generous support received, especially from the Mary Thompson Foundation, the Detroit Industrial School Village Woman's Club Foundation, and the Herbert and Elsa Ponting Foundation.
The future looks bright for the Department of Community Programs , which through their commitment to the community and providing resources for all, has never b ee n d e terred from this mission
Michigan Opera Theatre's Touring Programs present
The Pied Piper of Hamelin!
Follow along with Michigan Opera Theatre 's Touring Programs as they present The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Seymour Barab as our latest touring production offering The Pied Piper of Hamelin promises th e local village that he
in " Let Freedom Ri ng."
So You Think You Can Sing?
Calling all high-school singers! If yo u dream of singing professiona lly, the Michigan Opera Theatre Vocal Arts Performance Intensive is a perfect opportunity to advance your preprofes sional voice career. Taught b y renowned voca l health professional and Department of Community Programs Singing Voice Specialist Betty Lane , the program will give a jump start to high school students with a passion for singing to prepare for voice education at the college level The intensive will take p lace over five Saturdays in October and Nove mber , with a concluding student recital on Saturday, Novembe r 1 at 6 p m. For more information , contact Betty Lane at (313) 237-3238, or visit the MOT website,
r i
Students i n the 2008 "Create and Perform" workshop dur i ng Learn i ng at the Opera House
Detroit Opera House
Community Prog rams Operations Manager Betty Lane performs
BRAVO 41 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus
Sponsored by the Mande ll L. and Madelei n e H. Berman Foundation
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Direc tor
MOTCC Celebrates Its First Birthday!
Th e Michigan Op era Theatre Children's Choru s (MO T CC), led b y Michigan Op er a Theatre Choru s Master Suz anne Mallare Acton , is a permanent ch ild re n 's ensem b le for metro De troit youth int erested in th e voca l pe rforming art s. The MO T CC was fo und ed in the fall of 2007 with a generous grant from the Mande ll L. and Madeleine H Berman Found ation Th e culmin ation of the c horu s' inaugural season took place in the su cces sful premi ere of Seymour Bar ab 's op e ra , The Mak er oj Illu sio n s on the MOT main s ta ge Thi s was the first opera to be perform ed comp letel y b y c hild ren in Michigan on a grand scale. Cost umes, sets, props and li ghting were all de signed speCi ficall y for this perform an ce by MOT s taff.
Children's Chorus Plans
Ambitious and Exciting 2008-09 Season
Th e 2008-09 season find s th e MO T CC ex pandin g its season with performan ces in Th e N ut crac ker on Dece mb er 5 and 6, the 2 nd annual "Winter Fantasy" - a holid ay concert and fundraiser on Monday, Dece mber 15, th e MOT premiere of Han s Krasa's children 's opera Brundibar on Saturday, March 21 , and performan ces in the MOT s prin g
Magg ie Ma la ney as t he Queen and Veron ica Battersby as t he Genie with t he MO Tee in "The Make r of Il lus ions," May 2008.
produ ct ions o f I Pagli acci and Carmen. The c hildren h ave also been in vite d by the Chamber Music at the Sca r ab Club to p e rform in th ei r edu ca tional se ries a t Wayne State University and Marygrove Coll ege on Januar y 23. and 24, 2009. Brundibar is a children's opera b y J ewish Czech composer Han s Kra sa wi th a libretto b y Adolf Hoffmeis t er, originall y performed b y the children of th e
Th e re sien stadt co n ce ntration camp in oc cupi ed Czechoslovakia during World War II. Ela Stein Weissberger, a Theresienstadt s urvi vo r a nd one o f the original Brundibar cast members , wi ll be speakin g prior to the p e rform an ce.
T h e 2008 - 09 Mi ch igan Opera
Thea t re Childre n 's Chorus:
Ethan Anderson
Londari u s A nderson
El ena Ba ka luca
Vero ni ca Ba tt e rsby
Breanna Be t a n court
Brooke Bli zni k
A lexande r Bor re ll o
A n n Marie Ca lvaneso
Mary Grace Ca lvaneso
Nata li e C h a ik en
Ha nn a h C h e ri yan
Arcashia Conley
Rache l Curtis
C lare De La m ielleure
Dy lan Drean
A lyssa Dsouza
N icho las Full er
G reta Ginter
Nata li e Gratsch
Emma Hint zen
Caro li ne Hofman
N ico le Hu ot
Rya n Hu rley
Br itta ny J o h nson
J ade Kitchen
Kaylynn Lear
Sherene Levert
Kay la Ma rie Lu mpk in
Magg ie Ma la n ey
A laina Ma tth ews
Ke ll y McG raw
Emi ly Mich ielutti
O li v ia Motzer
Jacque li ne Navarra
Ell en O' Brie n
Christ in a O'Nei l
Kr ist ine Ove rman
Sara h Pidgeon
Anna li se Poco
Chad Sc hultze
Taylor St a rk
Patrick Takata
Madeline Thi bau lt
Jess ica Tifft
Jasm ine Tompk ins
Eli zabet h Watson
will present " Bru nd iba r" in Marc h 2009
The mi ss ion of th e Michigan Opera Theatr e Children's Chorus is to provid e exceptio nal chora l mu sic and theatrical performa nce instruction in a profess ion al environment to yo u ng peo pl e Thi s in st ru ction will foster their creati vity, perso nal ex pression and social grow th. Offering a curriculum that embraces div ers e cultures and tradition s and a rich and exte nsive range of musical gen res, the program will seek to instill personal and artistic exce llen ce in its students. Th e MOTCC accep ts children ages 10- 16 wit h uncha nge d vo ices by audit ion Children accepted into th e MOTCC learn th e various aspects of opera and voice training, including voice studi es, movem ent and auditio n techniqu es in a professiona l environment with internationa lly renowned opera Singers and voice spe Cialists as coac hes and mentors. More information on th e chorus ca n be found at www.m otcc. org, or by contact ing the chorus administrator at mlandry@motop e ra org or 313-237-3261.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ma laya Wa t son
Lauren Wi ckett
Tay lor W izner
Th e MO Tee
Detroit Opera House
News from the Margo V. Cohen Center for Dance at the Detroit Opera House
Ca rol Ha lste
d , Di recto r
Make it a Dance Film Night
Dance lovers from all over Detroit come toget h er for dance films at the Detro i t Opera H ouse Tues d ay n ights throug h ou t the year. The Dance Film series begins with an "Invitat ion to the Dance ," on Tue s da y, O c tob er 14 , 2008 a t 7:00 p .m ., where the disc u ss ion is "What Makes a Masterpiece)" Th e n igh t includes film excerpts from L e S pectre by Fokin e, Wa lpu rg is nac h t by Ba lanchine, and Aren a l by Duato plus more surprises I
The next even ing of dance film is W e dneda y, N o ve mber 19 , 2008 at 7:00 p m with the "Quee n Bees of the Ba ll et: Leadin g Ladies of the Past 100 Years."
Mexico, Ecuador, Co lomb ia, J apan and Canada. The ir four weeks of studying culminate d in a fina l performance fea turing excerpts from Sw an La k e and other noted selections from contemporary choreographers.
The Detro it Opera House was also hos t to its own Summer Dance Intensive. Facu lt y m embers Erin Lamont (origina lly from Mich igan) and Chri s toph e r Hu gg ins pushed students to move beyond their comfort zones and introduced them to new movement styles in jazz , h ip h op and modern dance.
D ance rs at t he 2 00 8 D etro it Op e ra H o u se Su mm e r D ance Int e n sive
From the Stage to the Studio
Don't just be a spec tator! Now you can em b race the opportu nity to flouris h in movement through th e many Master Class offerings thi s fa ll and winter. Master Classes are an exce ll ent opportu ni ty for stu d ents to interact and learn "ha nd s on" from the profeSSionals they see on stage. This season we are beginn ing a new payment opt ion for Master Classes t o make them mo r e affordab le and accessib le to more stud ent s. Buy a t icke t t o the corresponding dance performa n ce at the Detroit Ope r a H ou se and the ti cket s tub will grant you f ree ad mi ss i on t o that company 's Mas ter Class ! If you purchase a ticket to Hub b ard Street Dance Chicago on Saturday, November 1 at 2:30, com e e arly a n d ta k e the M as t e r C las s for fr ee ! Hubbard Street Dance Chicago gives a Mas ter Class on Saturda y, Nov ember 1 at 11 a. m. and Alvi n Ai ley gives a Master Class on Saturday, F ebru a r y 11 , 2009 at 11 a .m. See ing th e show th e day before .. just bring the ticket stub! If you do not have ticket/s tub the admission fee for each Master Class is $25. Pre-register at d ance@motope r to save your spo t in class!
No w y ou can " Talk Back" after the Show!
Beginning this 2008-09 dance season, audience membe rs ca n stay after th e sh ow for an in-dep th discussion in th e Cad illac Cafe. Jo in Di rector of Dance Carol Ha lsted, other dance lovers, and even members of th e cast as they d isc u ss the performance and answer qu es ti ons.
The evening 's films wi ll feature ladies of th e ballet, inclu ding Suzanne Farell, Ka ren Kain, Julie Ke n t, Maria Ta ll chief, Darcy Bu ssel, Pa lom a Herrera and Carla Fracci. A fil m ser ies o f fema le dancers is not complete without its male coun terpart, "King Bees o f the Ba ll et: Leading Male Dancers of the Past 75 Years. "
Films will include such leading men as Rudo l f Nurevey, Peter Martins, Mik h ail Barishn ikov, Ethan Steife l , and Angel Core ll a on Tu es da y, Janu a r y 20 , 2009 a t 7 p m Register via email by contac ting Caro l H alsted , Director of Dance at ch is $10 and inclu d es discuss ion , ligh t snack an d beverage.
2008 Summer of Dance Recap
Ce leb r ating 11 years this summer, the Detro it Opera Ho u se, Wayne State Unive rsi ty and th e Maggie All esee Depa rt ment of Dance p layed host to 1 72 aspiring ballet studen ts for the annua l ABT Summer Intensive. The students came to Detroit from over 30 states and internat iona ll y, inclu ding students from
Audition Call
Auditions for the Boston Ballet Summer Intens ive wi ll be held on Saturd ay, Ja nu a r y 10, 200 9 from 2:3 0-5 :00 p m ; registrat ion will begin promp tl y at 2:00 p.m. Th e Grand Rapids Ba ll et Company 's new production of A ladd in is holding auditions on Sund ay, J a nuar y 18 , 200 9 from 2-5 p.m for d a nc e rs ag es 9-18 . Th e production will premiere in Detroit on Fr iday, February 28,2009. Don 't m iss out on the opportu ni ty to meet the performers at the "Magic Carpet Parade " • after the show, and be dazzled by th eir elaborate costumes I Check out www.Mic hi or ca ll (313) 237-3251 for furthe r u pdates and details.
A BT Summ e r Inte n sive d an ce rs perfo rming exce rp t s fr om "Swa n Lak e ."
Ed wa
V ill
a D
b y Mi ami Cit y Ba ll et D e t ro i t Ope ra Ho u se www.M ic hi ga n BR AVO 43 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
e lla g
an ce Talk b e for e a p e rfo rman ce
Mr. R. jamiso n William s, jr. , C hairm an
D r. David DiCh ie ra, Preside nt
Mr. Ca me ro n B. Duncan , Treas urer
Mr. C. Thomas Toppin , Sec reta ry
Mrs. Rob e rt A. All esee
Mr. Dou g las F Allison
Mr. j oseph Angileri
Mr. Lee Barthel
Mr. j a m es Be rlin e
Mr. Step h e n E. Biegun
Mr. Richa rd A. Brodie
Mrs. W illi am C. Bro ok s
Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Aj luni
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. &: Mrs Douglas F Allison
Dr. Lou rd es V An daya
Mr. &: Mrs. joseph An gileri
Mr. &: Mrs Thomas V Angott
Mr. &: Mrs. Gebran SAnton
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene
Appl e b aum
Dr &: Mrs. Agu s tin Arbulu
Dr. H aro ld M. Arrington
Dr. &: Mrs. I ngida As fa w
Mrs. Donald]. Atwoo d
Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin
The Ho n &: Mrs Edwa rd Avadenka
Mr. jon Barfield
Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mr.]. Add iso n Bartush
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Alan Baun
Mr. &: Mrs. Pe ter Beer
Mr. W Victor Benjamin
Mrs. Ara Berber ian
Mr. &: Mrs. j ames Berline
Mr. &: Mrs. Mande ll Berman
Mr. Ste phe n E. Biegun
Ms. Deb ra Be rnstei n-Siegel
Mr. &: Mrs. j ohn A. Boll, Sr.
Betty]. Bri gh t
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri c hard A. Brodie
Mr. &: Mrs. William C. Brook s
Mr &: Mrs. Roy Calcagno
Mr. &: Mrs. Thoma s Celani
Mr. &: Mrs Alfred C h eese brough 1Il
Mr. &: Mrs. Mi c h ae l Chirco
Mr. &: Mrs. Fred erick H. Clark
T he H o n &: Mrs. Ave rn L. Co hn
Mr. Th omas Cohn
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Cooper
Ms. joa nn e Danto &: Dr. Arnold Weingarden
Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin l. Danto
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud
juli a Donovan Darlow &: John C. O'Mea ra
Mr &: Mrs. j e rr y 10. D'Avanzo
Mr. &: Mrs Lawrence N Dav id
Mr. Th o ma s H Delane y
Mrs. Ma rga ret De m ant
Mr. Kevin Dennis &: Mr. j ere m y Zeltze r
Dr. David DiChiera
Mrs. Karen Va n derKloot
DiChie ra
The H o n &: Mrs John
Dinge ll
Ms Mary j ane Do e rr
Mr. Thomas Ce lani
Mr. Ric h ard G. Goetz
Mr s. F re d er ick H Clark Mr David Ha nd leman
Mrs. Pe te r Coope r
Ms. j oanne Da nto
Mr. Ta rik S. Daoud
Mr. Ken n e th E H art
Mr. Gary E. j ohnson
Mr. Ode ll j o n es 1Il
juli a Donovan Da rlow Mrs Pet e r Karmanos
Mr. Law r ence N. David Mrs. C harl es Kess le r
Mrs . Charl es M. End icott
Mrs Alex ErdeUan
Mr. Pau l E. Ewing
Mrs David Fischer
Dr. Marjori e M. Fisher
Mrs Barb ar a Frankel
Mr H erma n F r anke l
Mr. D ean F r iedma n
Mr. Thoma s M. Krikorian
Dr Me lvin A. Lester
Mr. A. C. Li e bl e r
Mr. Harry A. Loma so n II
Mr. Alph onse S. Lucare ll i
Mrs. Robe rt A. Lutz
Mr. Steven Marl ette
Mrs. Manuel Moro un
Mr. james M. Garavaglia Mrs j ennife r Nasse r
Mr Timo th y Nasso
Mr. j ames N ic h o ls
Mr Daniel Pehrson
D r. Charlott e Podows ki
Mr. W j ames Prowse
Mrs. Ruth Rattn e r
Mr. Roy S Roberts
Ms. Patri cia H. Rodzik
Mr. William Sandy
Mr. Gregory Schwartz
Ms. E lham Shayota
Mr. Frank D. Stell a
Mrs. George Strumbos
Dr. Lorna Th omas
Mr. Mic ha e l Twedd le
Mr. George C. Vi n ce nt
Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Dun can
Mr. &: Mrs. Ke nn e th Eisenberg
Mrs. Cha rles M. Endicott
Mr. &: Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Dr. Fern R. Es pino &: Mr. Thomas Short
Mr. &: Mrs. Ro lan d C. Eu gen io
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. &: Mrs. Step hen Ewin g
Dr. Haifa Fakhour i
Margo Co h en Fei nb erg &: Robe rt Fei nb e rg
Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar Feldman
Mr &: Mrs. john Fe rron
Mr. &: Mrs. David Fischer
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred j. Fisher, jr.
Dr. Marjori e M Fisher
Mrs. Elaine Fontana
Mr &: Mrs. Car l B. Fontana
Mr. &: Mrs. Mit ch e ll B. Foste r
Mrs. Ba rbara Franke l &: Mr. Ron Micha lak
Mr. &: Mrs. Her man Frankel
Mr. Marvin A. Frenkel
Mr. &: Mrs. Dea n Friedma n
Mr. &: Mrs. james Garavaglia
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawren ce Garberd ing
Amb assado r &: Mrs. Yousif Gha far i
Mr. &: Mrs. Vito P. Gioia
Mr. &: Mr s. Richard G. Goetz
Mr. &: Mr s. Arno ld Gordon
Mr. &: Mrs. Ha rvey Grace
Mr. &: Mrs. Sa muel Hab e rman
Mrs . Be rj H H a idostia n
Mr. &: Mrs. David H an dl e man
Mr. Ke nn e th E. Hart
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Hartwig
Mrs. David B Herme lin
Mr. &: Mrs Derek Hodgson
The Hon. &: Mrs. j osep h N. Imp astato
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Is rael
Mrs Una jackman
Mr. &: Mrs. Darnell D. Ja c kso n
Mr. &: Mrs. john P. j agger
Mrs. Sybil j aq u es
Mr. Don j e n se n
r. &: Mrs. Kentjido v
Mr. &: Mrs. Gary E. j ohn son
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence S. j o n es
Mr. Odell jones III &: Ms. Ceci ly Hoagland
Mrs. William Kahn
Mr. &: Mrs. john Kaplan
Mr. &: Mrs Peter Karmanos
Mr. Patr ick]. Ke rz ic &: Mrs. Step hani e Germack
Kerzi c
Mrs. Cha rl es Kess ler
Mr. &: Mrs. Euge ne L. Kle in
Mr. &: Mrs. Rob e rt Klein
Mr. &: Mrs. Mik e Kojaian
Mr. &: Mrs. Thoma s M. Krik o rian
Dr. &: Mrs. Ri c hard W Kulis
Dr. &: Mrs. ja mes Labes
Dr. &: Mrs. Al d e n Leib
Dr. Melvin A. Les t e r
Ms. Lin da Dresner Levy &: Mr. Edward Levy
Dr. &: Mrs. Kim K. Lie
Mr. &: Mrs. A. C. Li eb ler
Dr. &: Mrs. Rob e rt 10. Lisak
Mr. &: Mrs. Harry A Loma so n II
Mrs Lawre n ce LoPatin
Mr. &: Mrs. james H LoPret e
Mr. Alp h onse S. Lu ca relli
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Lutz
Ca rd in al Adam Ma id a
Ms. Florine Mark
Dr. &: Mrs. Rona ld Martella
Mr. &: Mrs. Steve n Ma rl ette
Th e Hon. j ack Marti n &: D r. Bettye Ar ringto nMartin
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri c h a rd Mc Brie n
Mr. &: Mrs Eugene A Miller
Mr. &: Mrs. j e ffr ey Miro
Mr. &: Mrs. Glen Mit c h ell
Ms Monic a Moffat &: Mr. Patr ick McG uire
Dr. Ali Mo iin
&: Dr. Wil li a m Kup sky
Mr. &: Mrs. Th eodore Monolidi s
Mr. &: Mrs. Manue l Moro un
Mr &: Mrs. E. C la re n ce
Dr. &: Mrs. Ste phen Munk
Mr. &: Mrs. E. Michael Mutchl er
Mrs. j ennife r Nasser
Mr. &: Mrs Ti mothy L. Nasso
Mr. &: Mrs. j ames Nichols
Mr. &: Mrs. I rvin g N u s baum
Mr. &: Mrs. G ra ham Orley
Mr. &: Mrs. j ames Pamel
Mr. &: Mrs. Sp encer Partric h
Mr. &: Mrs. Dan iel Peh rson
Dr. Rob e rt E. L. Pe rkin s
Mr &: Mrs. Bro ck E. Plumb
Dr. Ch a rl otte &: Mr. Cha rl es
Po dowsk i
Mrs. H ei nz Prec h ter
Mr. &: Mrs. W jam es Prowse
Mr. &: Mr s. john Rakolta, jr.
Mrs. Ruth Rattn e r
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rea
www.M i chiga n Ope r
C h a i rmen E m e ri tus
Mr. Robert E. Dewa r t
Mr. Lynn A. Townsend t
Di rec t o r s Emeri tu s
Mrs. Donald C. Au st in Mr.]. Add ison Bartush
Mr. Frank W Dono va n t
Mr. james H. Gram t
Mrs. William johnston t
Mr David Polla ck t
Mrs. Irvin g Rose
Mr. Robert Van derKloot t
Mr. Richard Webb
Mr. George M Ze1tzer
Mr. Mort Zieve t
Dr Irvin D. Rei d &: Dr. Pam e la Trotman Re id
Dr. &: Mrs j a me s Rigb y
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy S. Rob erts
Ms. Patri cia H Rodzik
Mr. &: Mrs. Pet er Ronan
Mr. &: Mrs. Irvin g Ro se
Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld
Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ro ss
Mr. &: Mrs. Antho n y Ru giero
Dr. &: Mr s. He rs h e l Sa ndb e rg
Mr. &: Mrs. William Sa nd y
Dr &: Mrs. No rman R. Schakne
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Sc hmidt
Mr. &: Mrs . Do u glas A. Schubot
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Sc hwartz
Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory j. Schwartz
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Schwendemann
Mr. &: Mrs Merton Sega l
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Sh aevsky
Mr s. Frank C. Sha le r
Ms. Elha m Shayota
M r. &: Mrs. Roger F. Sh er ma n
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Sloa n
Mr. W illi am H . Smith
Ms Phy lli s Funk Sno w
Mr. &: Mrs Da vid Sn yde r
Mr. Anthony L. Soave
Mr. Ri chard A. So n e nk lar
Mr. &: Mrs. Rich ard D. Starkweath er
Mr. Frank D Ste ll a
Ms. Mary Ann Ste ll a
Dr. Calvin Steve n s
Mr. &: Mrs. Willia m Sto n e
Mr. &: Mrs. Step h e n Stro m e
Mr. &: Mrs. George Strumbo s
Mr. Rona ld F Switze r
Mr &: Mrs. j oel Taub e r
Dr. &: Mrs. Anthon y R Tersigni
Dr Lorna Thom as
Dr. Rob erta &: Mr. Sh el don Toll
Mr. &: Mrs. C. Thoma s Toppin
Mr. &: Mrs. George To rrea no
Mrs Lynn A. Townsend
Mr. Micha el Twe ddl e
Mr. &: Mrs. Me lvin VanderBru g
Mr. &: Mrs. Pa ul Vic tor
Mr. &: Mrs. Steve n l. Victor
Mr. &: Mrs. George C. Vin ce nt
Mr. Gary L. Wasserman
Mr. &: Mrs . Ken ne th Way
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri c h a rd C. Web b
Mrs. Amelia H Wilh e lm
Dr &: Mrs. Christopher D Wilhelm
Mr. &: Mrs. R. jamiso n Williams,jr.
Dr. &: Mrs. Sa m B. Williams
The Hon. j oan E. Young &: Mr. Thomas L. Sc hellenb erg
Mr. George M. Zeltzer
Mrs. Morton Zieve
Mrs. Paul Zuckerma n
T ru stees Emeri tu s
Mrs. james Me rri a m Barnes t
Mr. t M rst Rob e rt E Dewar
Dr. t &: Mrs . t Rob e rt Gerisch
Mrs Aaron Gers h enson t
Mr. t &: Mrs. j ames Gram
Mrs. Kath er ine Gr ibb s
Mrs. Rob e rt Hamady t
Mrs. &: Mrs. E. j a n H a rtmann
Mr &: Mrs. Maxwell j ospey
Dr. Zophia and Mr. Mit ch e ll Kafarski
Mrs. Walton Lewis t
Mrs. J esse Mann t
Mrs. Wa d e H McC ree jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. j u les L. Poll o n e
Mrs. Ralph Po lk t
Mr. t &: Mrs t David Pollock
Mr. &: Mrs. t Fred Schneidewind
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens t
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Robert VanderKloot
Mrs. R. Alexand er Wrigley
Fo u n d i n g Me mb ers
Mr. t &: Mrs Lynn A. Townsend , Fou n d ing Chairman
The Hon. &: Mrs. tAvern L. Cohn
Dr &: Mrs. John DeCa rlo
Dr. &: Mrs David Di Chi e ra
Mr. t &: Mrs t Aaron H Gershenson
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Graves
Mr. t &: Mrs. t John C. Griffi n
Mr. &: Mrs. Harr y L. J on es
The Hon . t &: Mrs. Wade McCree J r.
Mr. Harr y ]. Nederlande r
Mr. E. Harwoo d Ryd h o lm t
Mr. &: Mrs. Nei l Sno w
Mr. &: Mrs. Ric h ard Strichartz
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Rob ert C. Va nd e rKl oot
Dr &: Mrs. Sam H Willi a ms
Mr. t &: Mr s t Th eo dore 0
Detro it Ope loa Ho u se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Administration & Staff
John Eckstrom, Vice President & ChieJ Financial Officer
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director oj Community Programs
Carol Halsted , Director oj Dance
Dewan Mitchell, Director oj Booking s & Events Management
Rock Monroe, Director oj SaJety & Security
Laura R. Nealssohn, Director oj Communications
David W Osborne, Direc tor oj Produ ction
Mary Parkhill, Director oj Dev elopment
Jason Warzecha, Director oj Theatre and Parking Center Operations
William Austin, Executive Assistant to the General Di rector
Timothy Lentz, Archivist & Administrative Assistant Jor Ford Center Jor Arts and Learning
Kimberly A. Mogielski, Patron & Ticket Services Manager
Michael Hauser, Marketing Manager
Kimberly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Jane Kennedy Coe, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Jenise Collins, Group Sales Manager
Tunisia Brown, Communication & Ticket Services Associate
Felicia Burgess, Administrative Assistant
Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator
Rebekah Johnson , Public Relations Coordinator
John Grigaitis, Photographer
Crystal G. Ratledge, Account Executive, Solomon Friedman Advertising
Toby Faber, BRAVO Sales
Bill Carroll, Public Relations Volunteer
Mark Vondrak, Associate Director & Tour Manager
Betty Lane , Operations Manager & Singing Voice SpeCialist
Dolores Tobis , Marketing Manager
Trish Shand or, Special Projects Coordinator
Betsy Bronson, Maria Cimarelli, Bernard
Holcomb, Joseph Ja ckso n , Betty Lane , Amy Dolan Malaney, Madelyn Porter, David Pulice, Amanda Sabelhaus, Karl Schmidt, Trish Shand or, Chris Vaught, Mark Vondrak, Alvin Waddles, Karin White
Detroit Opera House
John Grigaitis, InJormation Technology Manager
Shelly Ratliff, LAN Administrator
Kim Curtis, Administrative Assistant
Kim-Lan Trinh, Associate Director oj Development , Pl anned Giving & Major Gifts
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager
Michelle DeLand , Corporate Campaign Manager
Heather Hamilton, Special Projects Manager
Katherine Kucharski, Membership Manager, Database Consultant
Nikki Ruddy, Volunteer Manager
Matthew Talbot, Foundation & Government Grants Manager
Jane Westley, General Director's Circle Campaign Manager
Stephani Yates, Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager
Derrick Lewis, Controller
Kimberly Burgess-Rivers, Rita Winters, Accountants
Holly Eckstrom, Accounting Assistant
Angela Donaldson, Food & Beverage Manager
Bernard Williams, Building Maintenance
Corey Scott, Executive CheJ
Dennis Wells, Facilities Manager
Demetrius Barnes, Building Engineer
Jesse Carter, Senior Building Engineer
Lashanya Littlejohn , Assistant Food & Beverage Manager
Rand y Elliott , Hous e Manager
Robert Mettetal, Building Engineer
Timothy Johnson , Building Maintenance
Ben Latimer, Building Maintenance
Lorraine Monroe, Lt. /Supervisor
Leroy Banks, Dave Williams, Carey Fleming, Rico Osborne, Stage Door OJJicers
Rashid Avant, Dondra Mainor, Pamela Scott, Daryl Stuckey, Derrick Sykes, Control Center Officers
Robert Neil, Manager Paul Bolden, Event Manager Jor Parking
Elizabeth Anderson, Production Coordinator
Sharon Faulkner, Production Administrator
Nadine Andrews *, Kristen Barrett+, Maribeth Chaprnka+, Matt Jackson * Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski, Production Volunteer
David DiChiera, Music Director
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Director & Chorus Master
Roberto Mauro, Artistic Consultant
Diane Bredesen, Orchestra Personnel Manager
Laurent Phillipe*, Jean SchneideH Repetiteurs
Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director
Monika Essen, Property Master & Scenic Artist
Kendall Smith, Lighting Coordinator
Andrew Griffin, Asst . Lighting DeSigner & Asst. Technical Director
Dee Dorsey, Supertitle Operator
Daniel Dene, Recording Engineer
Rudi Lauermann, Assistant Recording Engineer
Adrienne Goloda, Technical Assistant
Suzanne M. Hanna, Costume Director
Laura Brinker, Cutter/Draper
Alice Moss, Wardrob e Mistress
Katie Hein, First Hand
Margaret Bronder, Susan A. Fox, Stitchers
Monika Essen, Costume Painter
Sarah Hatten, DeSigner
Elizabeth Geck, Assistant Wig & Makeup Designer
Detroit Local Wig and Makeup Crew
John Kinsora, Head Carpenter
Robert Mesinar, Head Electrician
Alan Bigelow, Head Property man
Paul Moraites, Head Sound
Robert Martin, Head Flyman
Gary Gilmore, Production Electrician
Mary Ellen Shuffett, Head oJ Wardrobe
lATSE Local #38, Stage Crew
lATSE Local #786, Wardrobe
* Margaret Garner + Madame Butterfly
i I " I
BRAVO 45 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Family Album BravoBravo! 2008
ds Cleveland st co-nost Carmen Harlan speCial gu e 'Ive r and Browns wide reC e crowd. tne Bravo welcome
46 BRAVO www .MichiganOpera . o rg
Bravo Bravo! CO-chairs Anthon '. awards to and Leah n as committee member Jerrid';s e Inda Anderson ooney looks on .
B I 2008 neadliner band Bravo ravo. k The Killer Flamingoes roC on stage at the Detroit Opera ouse.
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Photos by John Grigaitis
Detroit Tigers Opening Day
Golf Outing
Mary Lyneis, Rich Nahh
The Schreiber Roofing team: Patt Wenn, Marty Millinik, Steven Schreiber, and Jason Emery.
MichiganOpera Theatre Chairman ofthe Board Rick Williams, MOT Volunteer Freddie Robinson, Dr. David DiChiera, and Carter Williams Detroit Opera
Nick Thoma Steve Gaspe s ;, Hand/eman, ean Friedman
Photos by John Grigaitis
BRAVO 47 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
WJR personality Frank Beckmann Interviews Dr. DiChiera in the Cadillac Cafe during the T' o . penlng Day live broadcast.
Family Album
MOTVA Soiree
Richard and Gwen Bowlb y, Jim MCClure and R S· on wltzer
d Derek Hodgson
Karen an
Don Jensen, Gloria Clark, Deborah Meade, and Dr. DIChlera
Photos by Kim-Lan Trinh
48 BRAVO Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dr. DiChiera, Bernard Holcomb K , Ism a Jordan, and Kevin Miller
Registration & light horsd'oeuvres: 5:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m.
Program: 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Detroit Opera House 1526 Broadway
Detroit, MI 48226
RSVP by November 5, 2008 to Kim-Lan Trinh at (313) 237-3408 or email ktrinh @
This seminar is free to you and a guest.
Seating is limited, so RSVP today!
A pair of tickets to a future opera or dance performance in Dr. DiChiera's private box will be presented to one lucky attendee!
D et r o i t Op e r a H o u se www.M ic biganO pe ,"a.o rg B R AVO 49
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Increasing Regional Philanthropy Program Ends!
Following the success of th e Touch the Future Program to educat e attorneys, nonprofits and the ge n eral public ab out the b enefi t of planne d giving and endowment build ing, th e In creasing Regional Phi lanthro py (IRP) ini tia ti ve was started at the Communi ty Found ation for South east Michigan in October 2005 , offerin g an $11.4 million match pool for all endowments.
Michigan Opera Th ea tre (MO T), along with 86 other age n cie s, was all owe d to raise add itiona l gifts up to $ 1 milli on total and r ece ive additi ona l matching funds up to $5 00 ,0 00 to tal , b y Dece mber 3 1 ,2008 or wh en the matc hing pool is exhau s ted. In April 2008 , the IRP Pro gram ended.
Sin ce the initiative was l aun ch ed in 2005 , with matching fund s exceed in g $16 million, donors' gifts have generated over $5 0 million in new endowmen t , whi ch will generate an increasing amo unt of su pport for Southeast Michigan's charities fore ver. We thank a ll our donors for th ei r generosi ty that ha s mad e it poss ible for u s to p articipat e in thi s matching opportunit y and succeed in rai sing a total o f $437,023 in en do wment gifts, thu s not only en suring th e stability of MOT and it s many and diverse pro grams for many years to come, but also all owi ng the organiz ation to rece ive annual di s tributions from our endowm ent fund at the Commun ity Found a tion.
Wi th the closing of the IRP Pro gram, we ar e more diligent in our efforts to raise endowment funds and hope that yo u w ill co ntinue to support u s with yo ur generos ity as well. It 's a way for yo u to pla ya specia l part in perp e tuating a caus e th at means a lot to yo u an d will prov id e a stead y dependable sourc e of inco me to Michigan Opera Theatre. Wit h a sign ificant endowm ent, MOT will b e ab le to expand it s repertoir e , d evelop n ew produ ction s, fund the Center for Art s and Lea rning programs , an d continue its rich tradition o f fea turin g minority artists, works and p roduc tio n s. In addition , as this fun d grows, we will b e ab le to recei ve larger annua l di s tribu tio n s to help with o ur gen era l opera tion s Consequen tl y, yo u he lp us ensure th e future and sup port th e pres ent at the sa m e time with your gift s.
If you have qu est ions ab ou t es tate plan ning , planned givi ng and endowment , p lease do not h esi tate to ca ll Kim-Lan Trinh , Associa te Director, Planned Giving and Maj or Gifts, at (313) 237-3408 or email her at
Increasing Regional Philanthropy Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. All iso n
Bar-Levav Fa mil y Fo unda t ion!
Dr. Leora Bar-Levav
Mr. and Mrs. ]. Addison Bartush
Mr. W Victor Benjamin
Bett y and Art Blair
Mr. Robert Bomier
Mrs. Do reen Bull
Re v. Paul Chatea u
Hon. and Mrs. Ave rn L. Cohn
Minka and Douglas R. Cornelsen
Dr. Rob ert A. Co rnette and Mr. Alan Murdock
Ms. Joann e Damo
Mr. Ran dal Darby
D r. David DiC hi era
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Mr. Wayn e C. Ever ly
Mr. an d Mrs. David T Fischer
Ms. Barbara Frankel and Mr. Ron Micha lak
Mr. and Mrs. Alb e rt L. Glover
Dr. Robert A. Green
Mr. Ernest B. G uti e rrez
Mr. and Mrs. J erome Hal perin
Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. H appel
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Hart wig
Ms. Reb ecca P. H ein
Ms. Nancy B. H e nk
Mr. and Mrs. Ste rling C. J ones J r.
Mrs. J osephine Kessler
Barbara and Edward L. Klar man
Mr. and Mrs. Dan iel B Ko lto n
Dr. a n d Mrs. Myron laBan
Mr. Edward C. Levy J r. and Ms. Linda Dresner Levy
Mr. H annan Li s
Ms. Florence LoPat in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lutz
Mrs. Mitc h e ll Malicki
Mr. Bruce A. Miller
Mrs. Betty Mu e ll er
Ms. Ruth F. Rattn e r
Dr. an d Mrs. David B. Rorabac her
Mr. and Mrs. Nor m an H Ro senfe ld
Mr. and Mrs. Ge rald F. Ross
Mrs. H a rr iet Sa p ers te in
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwa rtz
Ms. E ll en Sh ar p
Mrs. Loretta Skewes
Ms. Mary Anne Ste lla
Mr. and Mrs. Nor m an ]. Tabor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Thurb e r
Mr. and Mrs. Pa ul Tomboulian
Salome &: J on at han T Walton
Mr. Andrew N. Wise
Fo u ndations
Th e McGregor Fu n d
T he Kresge Foundat ion
50 BRAVO Give. Receive. Receive. Receive.
lets you contribute
the fut ure financial
guaranteed income for life.
of the
ig an
Th eatre at
MICHIGAN communityfoundation connecting those w ho C ARE in partnership with I FO R SOUTH EAST MICHIGAN W ith causes that M ATIE R CFSEM
Gift Annuity
health o f the Michigan Ope r a Theatre and rece ive
To find
more, call Kim- Lan Trinh
Mi ch
Detroit Opera HO ll se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
with General Director, Dr. David DiChiera
Here is your chance to imerse yourself in each upcoming production before the curtain goes up.
Learn little-known facts about the music and the singers, get hints on what to listen for, and go "behind-the-scenes" with Dr. DiChiera and cast members.
Hear tantalizing excerpts and enjoy insights from the performers and the creative team responsible for staging the opera!
David DiChiera, General Director
Enjoy light refreshments!
Just $10 per person / $5 students AT THE DETROIT OPERA HOUSE
Complimentary parking in the surface lot adjoining the Detroit Opera House. Enter from Madison Avenue.
To reserve your seat, call 313.961.3500 or visit
SUNDAY OCTOBER 12, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M.
Panel members: Tracie Luck (Margaret), Kenny Leon (Director), Gregg Baker (Robert Garner), Stefan Lano (Conductor).
Moderated by: Dr. David DiChiera
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2008 At 7:00 P.M.
Panel members: Edoardo Muller (Conductor), Ermonela Jaho (Cio Cio San), Shu-Ying (Cio Cio San).
Moderated by: Kelly Rinne of WRCJ FM
SUNDAY MARCH 22, 2009 AT 2:00 P.M.
Panel members: Ailyn Perez (Adina), Stephen Costello (Nemorino).
Moderated by: Dr. David DiChiera
SUNDAY APRIL 19, 2009 AT 7:00 P.M.
Panel members: Bernard Uzan (Director).
Moderated by: Dr David DiChiera
SUNDAY MAY 3, 2009 AT 7:00 P.M.
Panel members: Kate Aldrich (Carmen), Ron Daniels (Director).
Moderated by: Dr David DiChiera
Featuring :
new this MICHIGAN
Kate Aldrich Carmen , Carmen
Stephen Costello Tracie Luck Nemorino , Margaret, Th
Elixir of Love Margaret Garner
to be announced. Panelists subject to change Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ailyn Perez Adina , The Elixir of Love
Ensuring the Future
a gift that outlive s yo u-tha t touches future gene r atl ons m yo ur absence- to ex p en enc e and enjo y the world of opera
Th at's th e goa l of the Avanti Society, Michigan Opera Theatre's Planned Gift Recognit ion Program
Th e Ava nti Socie ty represe nt s a d esignate d group of fri ends of Michigan Opera Theatre w ho h ave made plans to includ e the organization in thei r es tate plans-whe th er b y will , tru s t , in suran ce , or life in come arrangement. Member ship in the Avanti Society is op en to al l
Mr Robert G. Abgalian
M r. & Mrs. Robert A. All esee #
Mrs. Ad el Amerma n * # +
Dr. Lourd es V And aya*
Mr. & Mrs. Agus tin Arbulu *
C hester & Eme lia Arno ld *
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mr & Mrs. J Ad di so n Bartu s h *#
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Batterson *
M r. & Mrs. Mandell Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Art Blair*
Mr. Ro bert Bo m ier
Gwen & Ric h a rd Bowlby * *
Ro y E. & ll se Calcagno'
Gl adys Caldroney*
Mr. & Mr s. Daniel Kolton
Misses Phyll is & Sel m a Korn *
Mr. & Mrs. Art h ur Krolik owski *
Mr. Max Lepler & Mr Re x Dotson
Mrs. Wade H McC ree*
Ms. J ane McKee*
Mrs. Lucie B. Meininger
Drs. O rla ndo & D orothy MilIer*
Monica Moffat & Pat McGuire* *
Mrs. Ella M. Montroy
Mr. Ronald K. Morriso n *
Ruth Rawlings Mot[
ers of the Ava nti Socie ty r eceive a b ea utifull y d es ign ed lap el pin , r ecognition a t the annual Avanti Ev ening and in vita tion s to specia l event s and pe rform ances, and are li s ted as m emb ers in our program books throughout each seaso n.
Th e grow th of Michigan O p era Theatres permanent Endowm ent Fund en sures th e growth an d future vitalit y of one of th e r egion s greatest cultural asset s. You are invite d to crea te yo ur own legacyyo ur Avant i-throu gh Michigan Op er a Th ea t re.
You m ay u se th e attac h ed confidential rep ly card to indicate yo ur gift , or contac t Kim-Lan Trinh at (313) 237-3408 to di sc u ss gift op ti ons that m ay b en efi t yo u, yo ur heirs and Michigan Op era Theatre
Dr. & M rs. Victor]. Cervena k *
Mr Allen B. Ch,istman
Mr. & M rs. Robert C Comsto ck #
Dr. Rob e rt A. Co rn e tte* #
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud * #
Mr. T hom as J Delaney
Ms. MaljO/ie Adele DeVlieg
Mr & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar *#
Mr Ja mes P. Diamond
Dr. David Di C hie ra #
Karen VanderK loot DiChi e ra *#
Ms. Ma ry Jane Doerr #
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H Du ncan*
Mrs. Charles M. Endicotl * #
Mrs. Charlotte BUS /l Failing
Mr. & Mrs. H erb Fishe r *
Mrs. Anne E. Ford **
Pamela R. Fran cis *
Barbara Fra nke l & Ronald Michalak*#
Mr. & Mrs. H erma n F ra n kel*#
Confidential Rep l y: Pl ease re turn this form to Ki m-Lan Trinh , Mic hi gan Opera Th ea tre, 152 6 Bro adway, Detroit , MI 48226, or e- ma il ktrin h@
Na me(s) ________
Address ________
Cit y ____ Stat e Zip _ _
Ph one (day) _ _ (eve) _____
Best tim e to ca ll: _ _
o Yes, pl ease se nd in forma ti on regarding planned gifts.
o Vwe already qualify for th e Av anti Society
Plea se brieOy describ e the es ta te gift th at qualifies you [or membership (a ll informat ion submitt ed will be kep t confide ntial):
Mrs Rema Frankel* #
Mr. & Mrs. H a r vey Freema n
Mrs. Jan e Sh oe maker French
Mr Edward P. Frohlich
Dr. & Mrs. Byro n P Georgeson*
Pl isc ill a A. B. Goodell
Mr Ernest Goodman
Mrs. Freda K. Goodman
Prisc ill a R. Greenberg, Ph.D *#
Mr. & Mrs. Ste phe n Ha gopian
Mr. Lawrence W H all*
Mr. & Mrs. J e rome Halp eri n '
Mrs. Rob ert M. Ha mady
Mr. D av id Hand lema n * #
Mr. Kenne th E. H art*
Mr. & Mrs Eugene L. Ha rt wig*
Dr. & Mrs. Ge rh a rdt A. H e in
Ms. Nancy B. H enk
Ms. MalY A. Hester
M,: Bruce Hillm an
Karen & D e rek Ho d gson *.
Mr Gordo n V Hoial men
Dr. Cindy H u ng*
Mr Cw·!) Huss
Kristin Jaramillo*
Mr. Donal d J e n sen*
Ms. Hel en Barbara jo/mston
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein #
Mrs. Jose ph ine Kleine r
Mr & Mrs. Er win H. Klop fer*#
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Mrs. Betty J. Mue ll er
Dr. & Mrs. Stephe n Munk
Mr. Dale J. Pan gonis*
Mary & C h a rl es A. Parkhill
Mrs Elizabeth Pecsenye
CIa/ice Odge rs Percox
Mr. TIwmas G. Porter
Mr Richard M. Raisin*
Mrs. Ruth F. Ra ttn e r ' #
Mr Joshu a Rest
Marguerite & Jam es Rigby*
Mr. Bryan L. Ri ves
Ms. Patricia Rodz i k *
Mr. Mitchell]. Romanowski
Ms. J oann e B. Rooney
Ms. Su sa n Sc h oone r *
Drs . H einz & Ali ce Platt Sc hwa r z*
Mrs. F ra n k C. Shal e r *
Ms Laura Sia s
J une & Harold Sieber t **
Mrs. Ma rge Slezak
Ms. Phy lli s Funk Sn ow'
Mr. Edward L. Sta hl
Mr. & Mrs. Ri c hard Stark weather* # +
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens * #
Mr. Stanfo rd C. Sto ddard
Jo nath an Swift & Thomas A. St. C h a rles*
Mr Rona ld F. Switzer *
Ms. Mary Ell en Tappan * #
Donald & Marga ret Thurber *
Mr. Ed wa rd D. Tusset*
Mr. & Mrs. George Vince nt *#+
Mr.]. Emest Wilde
Mrs Am elia H. Wilhelm* #
Mrs. Helen B. Wittenberg
Elizabeth & Wa lte r P Work *
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer*
Avanti Logo & Pin De s ign
Monica Mo ffa t & Pat McG u ire
Keys : * Foundin g Membe rs
# Touch th e Future donors
+ Ava nti SOCiety Spo nsors
Ita lics = deceased m e mbers
** = new members si nce 200 8 Spring Progra m Book was pub li shed Detroit Hou se
52 BRAVO ww w. MichiganOpera org
Contributors to Michigan Opera Theatre's Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House
Michi gan Opera Th ea tre extends ap precia t ion to th e ma n y dono rs w ho con t ributed so generou s ly to the three p h ases o f th e De tro it Ope ra H ouse fundraising initia t ive from 1989 t02004. F ollowing is a c umulati ve listing of gifts of $5, 000 and above to The Capital Campaign to Restore th e Detroit
$5, 000 ,000 +
Fo rd Motor Com pany
The Kre sge Founda tion
$2, 000 ,000 to $4,999,999
The Chrys le r Fou nd ati on
General Motors Co rporati o n
The Stat e of Mich iga n
$ 1 ,000 ,000 to $ 1 ,99 9 ,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robe rt A.
All esee
Eugene Applebau m Family
Found ation
Le e & Floy Barthel
Mr. & Mrs J ohn A. Boll, Sr.
Herman & Sharon Fran kel
Da ni all e & Pete r Karmano s
John S. and J a mes L. Knigh t Foundation
Th e Skillman Foundat ion
$500,000 TO $999 ,999
Ano n ymous Bank of America
JPM organC h ase
The Co h e n Family
Phi la nth ropic Fu nd of the Community Foundat ion for Southeastern Michigan
Come rica
Detroit Grand Opera
Assoc iat ion
DTE Energy Foun d at io n
Mr. & Mrs. Max M. Fisher
Herman & Barbara Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Samue l Frank el
Mr. David Handleman, Sr.
Lear Corporation
Mr. & Mr s. H ar ry A.
McGrego r Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Pen ske
Ralph L. & Winifre d E. Polk
Found ation
Mr. & Mrs. R. J am ison
William s, Sr.
$25 0 , 000 TO $499,9 99
BASF Corporat ion
Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Benton,Jr.
Mande ll & Madelei n e H
Berman Foundation
Blue Cross and Blu e Shield of Mich igan
Dayton Hud so n
F ounda ti onlHudson's
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar
Ghafari Assoc iates, In c.
Robert & Al ice Gustafson
Hudson-Webb e r
Found a tion
Kma rt Corporat ion
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lavins
Masco Co r poration
No nprofi t Fa ci lities Center
Raymond C. Smith
Foundation Fund o f the Communi t y Foundation for Sout h eastern Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. George
Strumb os
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A.
Detroit Opera House
TRW Foundation
Mr. & Mrs George C.
Vince n t
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
Wasse rma n
Mr. R. j ami son Wi ll iams, jr.
$ 100 ,000 TO $249 ,999
Ms. j a n e E Agost in e lli
Dr. & Mrs. Dona ld C.
Aust in
Ms. Anne Lom ason Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard A.
Vicki & Tom Ce lan i
The H on & Mrs. Avern L. Co hn
Co m a u Pico
Da im lerCh rysler Services
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud
DeRoy Tes tamentary Foundation
Di c kinson Wright P LL C
Downtown Develop m ent
Authorit y, City o f Detro it
DTE En ergylMic h Con
El Paso En ergy Foundat ion
Mr. & Mrs. Roland C.
Eu geniO
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewin g
J ennife r & David Fische r
Barbara Fran kel & Ron
Micha lak
M r. & Mrs. Presto n B.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kle in
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Krikorian
O liver Dewey Marcks
Fou n dation
Nationa l City Bank of
Mic higan
Opus One
Karen & Drew Peslar
Fo undation
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ro ss
Mr. Anthony L. Soave
Walbridge Ald inge r Co mpan y
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Wi lson, Jr.
World Heritage Foundat ion
Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge M.
$5 0 , 000 TO $99,999
Dr. & Mrs. Ro ge r M. Aj lun i
All ie dSignal Foundation,
Dr. Lo urd es V Andaya
An onymous
Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arb ulu
Mr. Wi lli am P Ba e r
Mr. & Mrs. Don H Ba rden
Mr. & Mrs J Addison Bartush
Mr. Tho mas Co hn
Co n s um ers En ergy
Fo und a ti on
Mr. & Mrs. Mar vi n I. Danto
Deloitte & Tou c he LL P
T h e Detro it News/Gannett Foundation
Dr. David Di Chi e ra
Rosanne & Sandy Duncan
Op era House (198 9 -1998), The New Centw y Fund Ca mpaign (1999 - 2001) and Th e Crowning Achievement Campaign (2002 -2004).
We a lso th ank the many donors w h o cont ributed gifts below $5,000 for their comm itm ent and be li ef in the Detroit Opera H o u se proj ect.
Mrs. C h a rles M. Endicott
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erde ljan
Mr. & Mrs. Alfre d J Fi s h er, J r.
Dr. Marj or ie M. Fisher
Anne E. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Stan ley Frank e l
Mr. Edwa rd P. Frohli ch
The GM Card
Mr. & Mrs. Ala n L. Gorn ic k
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn C. Gr iffin
H a n d le man Co m pa n y
David & Rose H and le man
Mr. & Mrs E. J Hartmann
Al ice Ka les Hartwick
Founda t io n
Mrs. David B. H ermelin
Huntin g ton Na t iona l Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. [stock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jan es
Mrs. Syb il J aq u es
J oh n son Co ntrol s
William & Elle n Kahn
Ch a im, Fanny, Lo u is, Benj a min & Anne Florence Kau fma n Memoria l Trust
Mr Gerald Knechtel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kojaian
Nancy & Bud Lieb ler
Mr. Alpho n se S Lu ca relli
Mr. & Mrs. Eugen e A. Miller
Milli ke n & Comp any
Nei m an Marcus
Lind en D. Ne lson
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbau m
Mr. & Mrs. Graham A Orley
Mr. & Mrs. joseph Orley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E.
Mr. & Mrs. H arold A. Po lin g
Mr. & Mrs. David Po ll ack
PVS C h emica ls Inc.
Mrs. Ruth Ra ttner/A nn F. Katz & Norma n D. Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Ala n E. Sch wartz
Mr. & Mrs. Do n ald E. Sc hwendeman n
Mrs. Ro semary Sk u pny
Mr. & Mrs. S Kinni e Smit h , Jr.
Mr. Richard A. Sonenk lar
Mr. Sta nford C. Stoddard
T h ysse n Inc., N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. C. T homas
Mr & Mrs. H er b ert Tyner
The Sa muel L. Westerman
Found atio n
Dr. & Mrs. C lyde Wu
$25,00 0 TO $49,999
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F.
Mr. & Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Mrs. J o hn V Balian
Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant
The Wayne Boo k er Ch aritable Foundation
The Budd Compa n y Covansys Co rporati on C rain Comm unications In c.
Juli a D Darl ow &John C.
O'Mea ra
Larry & Dod ie Da vid
D r. & Mrs. George A. Dea n
De lphi Fo und a t ion
Mrs. Margaret Demant
Detro it Inte rnational Brid ge
Eaton Corporatio n
Ernst and Young
Mr. & Mrs. Herbe rt Fi s h er
Mrs Aaron H. Gersh enson
Andrew & Wa n da
Giancami lli
Th e G ilm our Fund
Hilda &Joel Hamb urger
Mr. & Mrs. Kennet h E. Ha rt
Juliu s & Cy nthia Huebn er
Foundati o n
Ma rio &Jane Iacob elli
T h e Hon. & Mrs. J oseph N.
Ke nwal Steel Co rp o ration
Mr. & Mrs. Rona ld C.
Lampart er
Robert & Victo ria Liggett
Magna Internatio n al
The Hon. Ja ck & Dr. Be n ye
Arrington -Martin
Ann & William McCorm ick,
Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Milner
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mic hael
Mutc hler
Mrs . J en n i fer Nasse r
Mr. & Mrs. H a r ry
Nosanc huk
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T O'Connell
Frances H Parce ll s
Memoria l
Mr. & Mrs. Hu ghes L.
Potik er
Mr. & Mrs. W James
Pro wse
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Reuss
Roy & Maureen Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. J ack Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
Mrs. Loui s R. Ro ss
D r. H ershel & Lois
Mr. Ri cha rd Sa nders
The Sandy Family
Fo undat ion
Mrs. Em ma L. Sc h aver
Mrs. Shirley K. Sc h la fer
Diane & Morton Scho ln ick
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J
Mr. Jo seph Schwa rtz
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Shal er
Mr. Mickey Sha pi ro
Elha m Shayo t a
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Smith
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens
United American Health Care Corpo ra tion
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C.
Va n derBrug
Mr. & Mrs. Art Va n
Els land e r
Mr. and Mrs. Stev en I. Victor
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
www.MichiganOpe loa.o r g
Neva W illi ams Arts
Fo undation
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
$15,000 TO $24,999
Alc an Aluminum Corpora ti on
Al doa Compan y
Dr & M rs. Rob yn J
Arri n gton , Sr.
Mrs. Dona l dJ Atwoo d
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bright
Betty & Bill Brooks
Mr. David C h ivas
Gloria & Fred Cla rk
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Dona ld C utler
Mr. & Mrs. J oh n W Day, J r.
David & Jo anne Denn
Mrs. Karen VanderKloot
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn R. Edman
Mr. & Mrs. Burton D. Farbman
Ela in e Font ana
Mr. Kenneth H Fox
Ann & Larry Garberd ing
Ke ith & Eileen Gifford
Grea t Lakes Ex te ri ors
Mrs. Robert M Hamady
Mrs. Robe rt H amilton
Eugene & D onna Hartwig
Louise Ho dgson
Gordon V H oialmen Trust
Mrs. David Ja cknow
Mrs. Wi lli am E. J oh n s ton
Mr. & Mrs. Maxw e ll Jo s pey
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Kaplan
Bru n o & Mo ll ie Leonel li
Mr. & Mrs. David Baker Lewis
Mr & Mrs. Wal ton A. Lewis
Richa rd & F lorence McBrien
Dr. & Mrs Ste ph en A. Munk
Mr. & Mrs. Henr y N icko l
Mr. & Mrs. E in o N urme
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partrich
Mr. J o hn E. Pe rr y
Ph il lips Servic e Indu s tries, Inc.
Dr. Charlo tt e & Mr. Charles Podowski
Meyer & Anna Pre nti s
Famil y Founda t io n , Inc.
Antonio & Suzanne Rea
Famil y
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sch midt
St. John H ealth Care
Syste ms
Ro berta & Di ck
St a rkweat h er
Mr. F rank D. Ste ll a
Mr. Ronald F. Swi tzer
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R
Mr. & Mrs Rob e rt C.
Vande rKl oot
Mrs. Ric h a r d Va n Du sen
Ve nture Indu st ri es
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L.
Wasse r.m an
Richard & Kathlee n Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Weber
Danial le &: Peter Karmanos
Broadway Fa(ade
Wi lli am &: Ellen Kahn
Co-Star Dressing Roo m
C haim, Fanny, Louis, Benjamin &: Ann Floren ce
Kaufman Me m or ial Trust
Gra nd Lobby Side
C)w nd elier
Wa ll is &: Robert M. Kle in
Gra nd Lobby Sta ircas e Mirror
Delores &: Pau l Lavins
Gra nd Lobby Side
Cha nd el ier
Gra n d Lob by Staircase
Lear Corporation
Rehea rsal St udi o I Lobby
Tnl st ee Circle Level in
Opera Hall
The Lomason Family
Th e William K. & Neva
Loma so n Opera Lounge
Oliver Dewey Marcks
Third Floor Promenad e
S taircase Lobby to 2"d
Flool ; Madison
MichCon Foundation
Grand Lobby Boutique
The Karen &: Drew Peslar
Co-Star Dress ing Room
Mr &: Mrs. John Rakolta
Rehearsa l St udi o II
Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Patron Elevator, J ohn R
Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross
Grand Lob by S taircase
Raymond C. Sm it h
Foundat ion Fund o f the Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Ray mond C. S mith Lobby
Contributo rs to Annual Campaigns
Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn Townsend
Ii"Ustee Circle Lobby,
Mr. &: Mrs. George C.
Madison L ob by
Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Wasse rman
Box Level Prome nad e
Dr &: Mrs. Sam Williams
Barbara Gibson Sta irw ay
Ex hibit , Broadway
World Herit age Foundation
Co nductor:s Dress in g Room
Michigan Opera Theatre gra tefu ll y acknow ledges th e generous corp o ra te , foundat io n , government and ind ividua l donors whose contributions were made between J u ly 1 , 2007 and Ju ne 30, 2008. Their generosit y pl ays a n integral part in t h e company's financial s tability, necessary for p rodUCing quality grand opera an d dance, and awa rd-winning educationa l ac tivi ties.
Schreiber Roofing
The Chrys le r Foundation Cyra no Performance
Detroit Jaycees
Golf Outi n g Million Dollar $ 100 ,000 +
Dance Season Sponso r Sponsor BravoBravo Crys tal Leaf Hol e Sponsor The Kresge Foundation
A lvin Ailey A meri ca n Lexus Sp onsor
Danc e Th ea ter Ope ni ng BravoBravo Present ing G laceau
Solomon Friedman McGrego r Fund
Nig h t Sponso r Spo nsor Br avoBravo C rys tal Leaf Golf Outing Beverage
Opera Ball Sil ve r Sp onso r Masco Co rporat ion Spo n sor Sta t ion Spo n sor $ 25 ,000 - $99,999
Compuwa re Corpo r a ti on Foundation
Lakeland Preferred Voice Wolve rine Packing Commu n ity Fou n dation for Cyra no Pro du ct io n Title Cyra no Weeken d Fes ti val Center Company South ea st Mic hi gan
Sponsor Benefactor Cy ra no Supporte r Cyrano Festival Weekend
Ford Motor Company Fun d Genera l Ope r ati n g Mea d owbrook In sura n ce CONTRIBUTOR Signal Bene fa ctor
Fall Opera Seaso n Spons or Support Golf Outing Lunch $ 500 - $999 DeRoy Tes tamentary
Cyrano Festival Weekend BENEFACTOR Spo n so r Ad va n ced Ai r Services Fou nda t ion
Signa l Benefactor $15 , 000 - $24 ,999 Metropolitan Tit le Gol f Outing Tee Sponsor Young Artist Apprentice
Opera Ball Platinum AAA Michigan Brav oBravo Crysta l Lea f Al b ert Kahn Associates Program Sponsor
Sponsor Ope ra Ball Silv e r Spo n sor Sponsor American Premium Blends La Traviata Perfo rm ance
Alvin A il ey Am erica n Golf Outing Gift Bag Peace Tree Investments Bra voBravo Terra Cotta Spo n so r
Dan ce Th eater Sponsor BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor The Karen &: Drew Peslar
Pe r fo rmance Spo nsor DTE Ene rgy Foundation Sponsor Co merica Insurance Foundation
General Motors Corp o ra tion La Traviata Performance Smith Barney Services Cyrano Festiva l Weekend
Spr ing Opera Season Sponso r BravoBravo Crysta l Leaf Go l f Outing Tee Sponsor Major Ben efactor
Sponso r Alvin A il ey America n Spo n sor
Fandangle Events
Community Programs Danc e T heat er Target BravoBravo Terra Co tt a General Operating
Support Performance Sponso r Com muni ty Programs Sp o n sor Support
Opera Ba ll Sil ver Sp onsor North ern Trust Supp o rt
Light Source, Inc. Mande ll L a n d Madele in e Opera Ba ll Go ld Sponso r Telecom Technicians, In c Golf Outing Tee Spo n sor H. Berman Foundation
SIGNAL BENEFACTOR Opus One Golf Outing Go lf Cart Maddin, H auser, Wartell, MO T Children's Chorus
$50,000 - $199,000 Cuisine For A Cause Sponsor Roth et al Sponsor
Come rica Bank Supp ort
The Farbman Gro up Madison Electric Matilda R W il son Fund
Cyra no Openin g N igh t UAW GM Cente r Bra voBravo Crysta l Lea f Manpower Oliver Dewey Mark s
Gala Sponso r Cyrano Fe ll ow Spo n sor
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Foundation
La Ii -av iata Pe rformance Alvin A il ey America n US NavylDetroit Radiant MCM Management Cyrano CD Sponsor
Sponsor Danc e Theater Produ cts Go lf O uting Tee Sponsor
BravoBravo Go ld Spo n sor Pe r formance Sponsor BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Mel Ball Entertainment BENEFACTOR
Dow Automot ive Spo n sor Golf Outing Tee Sponso r $ 15 ,000 - $ 24 ,999
Cy rano Productio n FELLOW
Sponsor $ 10 ,000 - $ 14 ,999 DO N OR
Hab erman Fabrics Da n ia ll e Kar m anos ' Wo r k $ 1 , 000 -$ 2 ,499
Moffa t McGu ire , Inc. H udson -Webber
Golf Outing Tee Sponso r Foundation
Payc h ex Ida &: Conrad H. Smith
Cyrano Fabric &: Costu m e It Out Ash Stevens Go lf Out ing Tee Sponsor Fund o f the Community
Benefactor Go lf Ou t ing Presenting Community Programs
Preferre d Bu il ding Services, Foundation for So ut heast
JP Morgan Chase Sponsor Support LLC Michigan
Cyra no Student Matinee MGM Grand Detroit Africa Ch anne l RenKim Corporation La Ii -aviata Performance
Sponso r Cyra no Patron African Footpr int Stude nt Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Sponsor
Miami C it y Ballet A lvin A il ey A merican Tickets Spo n sor Russell Indu stri al Ce nt e r Sage Foun dation
Per forma n ce Sponsor Danc e Th ea ter Adopt-a -Barris, Sott, De n n &: Driker, Golf Outing Tee S pon so r Whitney Fund
Peter Pan Performance Sc h ool Sponsor PLLC
Sponsor Blue Cross Blue Sh ie ld of
A lvin A il ey A m erican SUSTAINER Michigan
Dan ce T heater $5 ,000 - $9,999
Performance Sponso r Dykema Gossett
Afli ca n Footpri nt Adopt-a-
W h ole F oods Ma rk et
BravoBravo Terra Cotta
Sponsor $10 ,000 - $14 ,999
W illi ams W ill iams Rattner Ann and Gordon Getty
School Sponsor &: Plun kett, PC Fo undatio n
G ise ll e Perfo r ma n ce Cy ran o Patron Com cast Cab le Golf Outing Tee Sponsor The Elizabeth, Allan and Sponsor Great Lakes Beve r age Aflican Footpri nt Studen t Warren Sh e ld en Fund BravoB ravo Go ld Spo n sor Tickets Sp o n sor
MAJOR BE NE FACTOR Grunwell -Cash ero CN
FOUNDATION &: Four County Commun ity
GOVERNMENT Fou ndation
$ 25 ,000 - $49, 999 Com p any, Inc. Commercia l Ma int enance, SUPPORT Mary Th om pso n
Ar vinMe ri tor Go l f Out ing Dinner/ In c.
OPERA &: DANCE Fo undation
The Sa mu el L. Westerm an La Rond in e Performance Spo n sor Sponsor
Cy rano Artist Sponsor HospitalitylBeverage Go lf Ou t ing Titanium
GOVERNMENT Founda tion
Sponsor H og Brothers Recycling Comcast Cab le $ 298 ,800
Go lf Outing Bronze BravoBravo Si lver Leaf Alvin Ail ey Amer ica n Michigan Council for Arts
Spo n so r Sponsor Dan ce Theater Sponso r and Cu ltural Affairs
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
D e troit Opera H ouse www Mi c higa n
Services Visteon Corporation lATSE - Lo cal 38 $40,000
A lvin A
Patron Pepsi Na tional Endowment
Go l f Outing Vo lunteer
th e Arts
LaSa lle Bank $2,500
il ey A merican
for Danc e T heate r Education
$200 ,000 +
- $4
Dr. & Mrs. Hers h el
Mr. & Mr s. George
Sandberg St rumbos
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Knas
Mr. & Mrs. Roy H.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Mrs. Carolyn Stubbs Koponen
Saperstein Mr. & Mrs. john P Tierney Father Ralp h E. Kowalski
Mrs. R.]. Sc hlitte rs Ms. Carmen Wargel & Dr. Ms. Mary Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Ryan Fringer
Mr. & Mrs. j ames
Mr. & Mrs. H e rman W Kuykendall
Mr. Stephan Sh a rf Weinreic h
Dr. & Mrs. Hyun Ch a n Sh in Amba ssa dor & Mrs. Rona ld
Dr. & Mrs. Michael ]. Sh ort Weiser
Ms. Laura Sia s & Ms. Betty
Mr. & Mrs. H enry Whiting.
]. Muell er jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Stark
Mr. j o hn Wick ey
Mr. & Mrs Richard D. D r. lucia Zamorano
Mrs. Nor m an ]. Tabo r GDC OPENING NIGHT
Mr. & Mrs. j oe l D. Tauber INTERMISSION
Dr. Robe rta & Mr. Sheldon SPONSORS
Toll Dale & Don Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Beverly & Ed Avadenka
Vande rBru g Thomas Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Steve n l. Victor Gloria & Fred Clark
Dr. & Mrs. john Wald Dodie & Larry David
Mr s. Ph y lli s C. Webb Ro n Switze r & jim McC lure
Mrs. Beryl Winkelman
Mr. & Mrs. John A Wise, jr MEMBERSHIP DONORS
Mrs. Carl Lanfear
Dr. Lydia H. Fischer
Mr. Ron Fisch er
Anonymous (2) Dr. Evelyn Fi sh er
Ms. Kimberly Aike n
Mr. & Mrs. james E. Fisk
Mrs. Adel Amerm an Ms. Melissa jane F lones
Mr. Ralph Anthony Mrs. Susan A. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Baer Mrs. leslee Franzel
Mr. & Mrs. Kennith R. Ms. Carol Friend
Mr. Ray H. Lawso n Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Leich
Mr. Edward lekki
Dr. & Mrs. Step h an].
Lo gin sky
Mr. & Mrs. Dani el E.
Mrs. Alvin E. Ba lmes F rohard t-Lane
Mr. Henry Bareiss
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Dr. Leora Bar-Levav Gabrys
Mr. & Mrs. C. Robert Mrs. Elizabeth W Gage
Dr.]. Lonsway Barn ard Ms. Clara Garbon-Radnoti
Mr. john Lovegren
Mr. Bruce Magu ire
Dr. & Mrs. H enry W Maicki
Mrs. Catherine Barthwell
Mr.]. Add ison Bartush
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Bedford
Mrs. j oseph Man iscalco j r.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven 1.
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Ben son
Mr. & Mrs. joseph
Mr. George G. Matish Berwange r
Ms. Katherine McCullou gh
Ms. Mary McGough
Ms. H ele n Millen
Mr. Cyril Moscow
Mr. & Mrs. Germano L.
Mr. & Mrs. larry Zangerle Mu laroni
Mrs Morton Zieve
Mr. Geoffrey Nathan & Ms.
Mr. & Mrs. David ]. $500-$999 Margaret Winters
Zmyslow ski
$1 ,000 - $1,999
Ms. N ina Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice S.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brasie
Mrs Dina Brodsky
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Peter 0 & julie Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Driker
Dr. Leopold Eisenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Lionel
Finkelstei n
Mr. j ay A. Fishma n
Mr. J ohn Fleming
Burke & Caro l Fossee
Ms. Iren e M. Garc ia
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Geheb
Thomas M. Gervasi
Dr. Robert G reen
Mr. Ernes t Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Halperin
Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A.
Dr. & Mrs. J ack H. Hertzler
Deanna & David Holtzman
joshua & judi th Lowitz
Mr. & Mrs. George
Adl er N icholso n III
Dr. & Mrs. j oel Appel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L.
Mr.& Mrs. Chester Arno ld Norling
Dr. & Mrs. Raul Bacon
Mr. j ohn H. Barbes
Mr. Stan is la w Bia log lowski
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Billes
Mr. Robert Bomi e r
Mr. & Mrs. jack Bourget
Mr. & Mrs. joseph Nuyen
Ms. julie Owens
Mr. Thomas G. Parachini &
Ms. Donna]. Donati
Mrs. Mary A. Perna
Dr. & Mrs. Claus
Professo r & Mrs. Da le E. Petermann
Ms. Kerry Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Br zenk
Evelyn Burton
Ms. c. R. Campite ll e
Miss Helen H. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carter
Mrs. Cather ine L.Ci otti
Ms. Ma rgery L. Coutts
Mr. Char les Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pe terson
Mr. & Mrs. Ph ilip
Pfahl ert
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Pflum
Lynn & Sharon Phill ip s
Ms. Ire n e Picco n e
Mrs. Miriam C. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge
Mrs. Rosa Mary Craw ford Robinson
Mrs. Eva Curry
Dr. & Mrs. Donald D itmars
Mr jam es E. Rodgers
Mr. john Romani & Ms.
Mr. J ohn Dreifu s Barbara Ande rson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elias
Mr. William F Fisher
Mrs. Shi rl ey M. Flanagan
Ms. Jose p hine E. Franz
Dr. Yvonne Friday
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Rose
Mr. Alle n Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Gera ld FRoss
Ms. Mary P Rossio
Ms. Jo anne Mary Ruzz a
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Frost Charles R & PhylliS Scales,
Mr. & Mrs. David Gaskin J r.
Dr. & Mrs. Byron P
Mrs. Almeda Hunter Georgeson
Mr. Henry M. Kassen
Mr. & Mrs. Hu g h Randy
Ms Id a King Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Leona rd
La C ivita
Mrs. Pa tri cia Greenwood
Mr. & Mr s. Jos eph Gua ltieri
Ms. Ca th erine LaMont & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hage
Mr. Michae l Donovan
Mrs. Claus Sc haefer
Mr. & Mrs. Ted]. Simon
Mrs. Loretta Skewes
Mrs. He len 1. Slat e r
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Smit h
Mr. & Mrs. j ohn Snyder
Ms. Re nate Sou len
Mr. & Mrs. H. Ri c ha rd Nadine & Ken Sperry
Mrs. Rob ert E. l azze r in, jr. Haines
Mr. David Lebenbo m
Dr. & Mrs. H enry H
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Sprague
Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leo n ard Hoesch ele
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore]. Sr.
Bet h Hoger & Lisa Swem Antoi n e
Mr. Paul Horn
Ms. Pa t ricia McKanna Nancy & J oe J acobson
Mr. & Mrs. Wi lli am
Mr. and Mrs. J oseph F.
Micha luk J eannette
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F.
Mrs. Samue l Pea rls tein
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J eryan
Mr. & Mrs. Ri ch a rd].
J ess up
Dr. & Mrs Arthur L.
Miss Alma M. Pe trini J o hnson
Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Polidori
Mr. & Mrs. J ack Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. ChoisJones
Ms. Mary C.B. j ones
Mr. & Mrs. George Dr. & Mrs. Howard C.
Roumell ,Jr. Joondeph
Mr s. Markus Sc hmid t
Mrs. M. 1. Keefe
Gabriel & Martha Stah l
Mr. & Mrs. Allan St ill wagon
Mrs. E. Ray Stricker
Richard & M. J oanne Taylor
Mrs. Norman T horpe
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P Thu rber
Mrs. Dorothy Ali ce Tome i
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Topliss
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Trock
Ms. Susan Tro ttie r
Mr. Steven R. Van Beve r
Mrs. Doris Ke ith Waddell
Mr. Charles S. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Ro bert D.
Mr. Lawrence 1. Garcia
Ms. Catherine H Ga rdn er
Dr. & Mrs. H erb Ga rdner
Dr. & Mrs. j a mes W Gell
Mrs. Chery l Ann George
Dr. Marilyn Gerwolls
Mr. & Mrs. William N
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bessette Gilmore, jr.
Ms. Kant a Bhambhani
Ms. Wanda L. Biernacki
Dr. & Mrs. David Bloom
Ms. Ruth Bozian
Dr. & Mrs. Sa nd er ]. Brein er
Ms. Patr icia Godell
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Goo dman
Dr. & Mrs. Pau l Goodman
Mr. & M rs William R.
Ms. joann F Brooks Goudie
Ms. Margery E. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Mr. Norman Bucknor
Mr. Donald Bud
Mr. & Mrs. William Gour ley
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. juli an M.
n y Greenebaum
Dr. & Mrs. Roger C. Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Efstrat ios
Mr. j ohn Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C.
Mr. Henry Grezlik
Mary K. Grim es
Mr. Nizam i H alim
Robert and Eli zabet h Hamel
Mr. Robert F Hanna
Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Mr. & Mr s. L. B. Ch appuis Harmon
Mrs. Margaret Chorney
Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald
C io kajlo
Dr. & Mrs. Na tan HarPaz
Mr. Harland H arris
Nancy & Ch arles Harrison
L. Ms. joann H atton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Closson
Ms. Derenda Co llins
Mrs. james M Colvill e
Mrs. Mary Alice Heato n
Dr. G loria H eppner
Mr. Norman H e rb ert
Dr. & Mrs. Martin M.
Dr. Rob ert A. Cornette Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Ms. Olimpia H e rnandez
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Cox
Dr. K Crawford-F ull er
Beverle y & j o hn Crump
William & Pamela Day
Mr. & Mrs. Arman do
Deli cato
Mr. Don Hi nckfoot
Mr. Michael E. Hinsky
Mr. Stan ley Hirt
Mr. Edward N. Hodges III
Mr. & Mrs. J an Hom a n
Mrs. Ann Howe ll
Mr. & Mrs. j ames L.
Dr. & Mrs. Anthon y Deluca Howlett
Mr s Mary DeTomaso
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hud son
Mr. & Mrs. J oseph L.
Dickelm ann, Jr. Hudson, Jr
Ms. Barbara Diles
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert H
Dobb s
Dr. H ele ne
C. Dombrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B.
Ms. Dian e B. Drayso
Mr. Art H ug,jr.
Dr. Karen & Mr. Alan Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Iacobelli
Ms. Linda jac kson
Mr. & Mrs. Zo ltan J. Janosi
Mrs. Esther Jaruga
Mr. & Mrs. Fra n k M.
Dr. & Mrs. Haro ld Duchan Jerneycic
George and Barbara Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Will iam Eagen
Ms. Ing rid Brit Eidnes
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Ehlert
T he Hon. & Mrs. S. J. Elden
Mr. john W Ji ckling
O. M. J ohnson
Mr. Sco ltJorge n sen
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kapatos
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D.
Dr. & Mrs. A. El-Magrabi Kas le
Dr. & Mrs. Richard FElton
Mr. F Jo se Engel
Dr. & Mrs. N. Cary
M r. Daniel]. Ke ho e
Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin
En gleberg Kleinhomer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Ensign
Mr. & Mrs. Th omas
Mrs. Linda EUer Kli mko
Mr. Wayne C. Everly
Cy ru s & Jan e Farrehi
Mr. & Mrs. Jo sep h Ferrario
Mary Kaye and Mason Fe r ry
Mr. Daniel B. Kolton
Ms. Erin Kopkowski
Mrs. Linda Krame r
Dr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms. Judith Fietz Ku lb ersh
The Hon. Sharon Tevis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sil veri M r. & Mrs. J ohn Kendrick Wa ll in Finch
Mr. Frank D. Stella III
Mr. Jeff Stoller
Mr. & Mrs. Will iam Sto n e
Mr. J ohn Keros
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Klimko
Mr. Robert D Welchli
Drs. julie B. Finn & Bradle y
Mr. Lawrence Williams Row e n s
Dr. Ruth A. Worthi n gton
Mrs. Ade lin a Firnschild
Ms. Rosemary Kurr
Mr. & Mrs. John Labr iola
Mr. joseph W Labuta
Mr. & Mrs. Al La croix
Ms. Christin e Laing
Detroit Op era House BRAVO 57 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Martha Bird &: Robert R.
Sc r ase
j anet &: Larry Sherma n
Lois Singer
Mary N &: j ohn D. Slocum
Mary C &: Frank S. Smith
Marilyn &: Don O Stanit zke
Warren &: Lawrence B. Stout
David &: Gloria Thomas
Rita Van Kuymeu len
Linda A &: Richard D. We ll s
In Memory of Marjorie
H elen M. Millen &: Heather
In Honor of Richard
Sonenklar 's Birthday
Gary Elei nk o
In Memory of Madeleine
Blanche Soubeyrand
H elen M. Millen &: Heather
Mary &: Charles Parkhill
BravoBravo 2008
Colonial Party &: Event
Levitation Staging
Me dia
After 5 Detroi t
Ambassador Magazine
Crain's Detroit Business
Detroit Fashion Pages
Real Detroit
Six Degrees
In-Kind Donors
BravoBravo 2008
Abso lu te 100
Addison Graphics
American Coney Island
Andiamo Dearborn
Arco Containers
Asian Vill age of Detroit
Bell &: Sons
Bourbon Steak and Salt
Wate r
Bra ylon Edwards Foundation
Cadillac Cafe at the Detroit
Opera H ouse
Canadian Club
Canape ' Cart, In c.
Cannella Patisseri e &: Crepe rie
Cheli's Chili Bar
Chen Chow Brasserie
Co lonial Party &: Rental
Commercia l Maintenience
Como 's
Corporate Optics
Creative Gourmet
Culinary Associa t es "A Taste of El ega n ce "
Detroi t Beer Company
Detroi t By Design
Detroit Fa sh ion Week
Disp lay Group
Eclipse Creative
Eph 's DownLown
Espresso jazzy Cafe'fThe
Bloomfie ld Cheesecake
Comp any
Finlandia Vodka
First Class Vale t
Gemini II Marketing &:
Gemini II Salon
j acoby's
j aguar Vodka
JAS Events
Ketel One Vodka
La Bistecca Ita lian Grille
La Zingara Trattoria
Lorien Stud ios - John
Sobcza k Photography
Majestic Cafe'
Mario's Restaurant
Mason Radio/l07.5
Maverick Media
McNab Ca rp et
Melting Pot
MGM Catering
MGM Grand Detroit
Mich igan Green Safe
Milagaro Post
Mon J in Lau
Moo Moo 's Vege tarian
Octane Design
O p us One/Opus To Go
Pic ture This Detroit
Pl anterra
P resident Tuxedo
Progressive Print ing
Pure F ood 2U (Organic
Home Food Delivery) &: 2
Unique Cate ring and Event
Show Off's Body Art
Six Sa lon
Sky Vodka
Slow 's Bar B Q
Sma ll Plates Detroit LLC
Smokies BBQ ' N ' Cater ing
Source Au d i o
SP Grace Event Group
Stage 3
Status Quo Marketing Street Vision
Sydney Fra n k Co
The Century Grille
The DeSignate
The Hill Seafood &: Chophouse
The Town Pump
Three Olives Vodka
Tommy Bahama Rum
Traque International Model &: Talent Management
Two Unique Caterer
U n ion Street Saloon, I nc.
U r ban Life Promo
US Foods
Ve ri tas W ine
Vicente); Cuban Cu isin e
Vintage Wine
Viviano Wine
Whole Foods Market
Wolfgang Puck Grille
Woodford Reserve
Zodiac Vodka
Floy &: Lee Barthel
George Batsikouras
CBS Radio Detroit Group
J oanne Danto
Dr. David DiChiera
Louise H odgson
Don Jensen
H enry Kassen
MAC Va lves Foundation
Eva Meharry
Mon ica Mo ffat &: Pat
McGu ire
Nora Moroun
Curtis Posuniak
The Lion King Gazelle Tour
La-Z-Boy, Inc.
Golf Outing 2008
llO Couture
J ill Admonius
Allegra P rint &: I maging
Renaissance Center
Beau J ack's Food &: Spirits
Big Rock Chophouse
Carl's Go l fland
Carter Williams
Chen Chow Brasserie
Come rica Bank
crave restaurant + sushi bar + lounge
Cu lin ary Associates "A Taste of Excellence "
Dalgleish Cadillac
Deaton Golf
Dick Scott Dodge
Firefly Phones
First Class Valet
Flash Accessories
Fuschia Frog
Gem &: Century Theatres
Great American Chopper
Lori Karbal
W ilham King
Legends Of Ice
Dr. Mel Lester
Majestic Cafe'
Mario Max
Michigan Opera Theatre
P epsi
Radrick Fa r ms, U of M
Re ddeman Farms Golf Clu b
The Roostertail
Lisa Rosenberg at the Bradley Co
The Scarab Club
Shepherd's H oll ow Go lf
C lub
Slows Bar BQ
Smart Car Bloomfield
Janet Sullins
Th e Detroit Zoo
The Tennis &: Go lf Company
Ticke tmaster
Blake Will iams
Vintage Wine
Vitamin Water
Harvey Ya t es, LB Office Supply
Grand Benefactor
$2 00,000+
Mr &: Mrs. Lee Barthel
Michael Tweddle
ja net Pau l Victor
$ 20 ,000
Danialle &: Peter Karmanos
Gree ti ngs from the Michigan O p er a Theatre Vo lu nteer Associa tion!
Over th e past yea r , we ha ve accomplished great thing s with the ass is tance of the many dedicate d vo lunt ee r m ember s w ho make up our association. As we celebrate our 15th ye ar, the members of MOTVA co ntinue to provide se rvic e, ed ucation and advocacy in support of Michigan Op era Theatre.
Like many of yo u , I was first introdu ce d to s taged opera and dance productions locally through Michigan Opera Thea tre. Over the yea r s, I have come to appreciate the many volunteers r equired to bring th ese world-class p erformances to life In short , vo lunt ee r s are th e h eart of Michigan Opera Theatre. There isn 't a b etter way to p erpe tuat e Detroit 's opera and danc e scene than b y engaging in one of our many vo lunteer groups.
Your tax-deductible membership entitles yo u to participate in as many of th e individ ual vo lunt ee r groups as you wish. In these difficult eco n omi c times, Michigan Opera Theatre truly appreciat es the support of its vo lunteer m emb ers w ho h e lp to make each season a success.
If yo u woul d like to j oin our organization, please complete the m emb ership form and return it along with yo ur du es. We will co nta ct yo u and get you engaged in the gro up s of yo ur choice.
We look forward to wo rkin g with yo u and thank yo u for yo ur intere st and invo lve ment in the Michigan Opera Theatre Volunteer Assoc iati o n.
Steven Marlette Pre sident MOTVA
MOTVA Soiree Hosts
j oanne Danto &: Arnold Wei n ga rd en
Susan &: John Entenman
Deborah Meade
Dr Ali Moi in &: Dr William Kupsky
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Gl oria &: Stan ley Nycek Detroit Opera House
www . MichiganOpera. org
Michi ga n Opera Theatre and the De troit Opera House prese nt two of the finest and most di ve r se opera and dance series in the country. Such an achievement requires many voices and many willing hands helping out behind the scenes. The ta len ted, giving hands of each vo lunteer has a significant impact on the overall operatio n of the company. We all thank you for your dedication and support! We thank them for their ex traordinary gifts of talent and time that help to make Michigan Op era Theatre a success yea r after yea r.
MOTVA Executive Committee
Steve n Marlette, Pres ident
Na n cy Moore, Secretary
John McMullin, Treasurer
Judith Slotkin , Past President
Dodie David, Past President
Gloria Clark , Pas t Presi d ent
Betty Brooks, Past President
MOTVA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Melinda Anderson, Young
Professs ional s, BravoBravo! Li aso n
H elen Arnoldi-Rowe, DivaslDi vos
Gwen Bo wlby, Publicity &: De velop m ent
Gloria Clark , Dodie David,
Opera l eague
Danielle DeFa u w, Bou tique
Annette De lorenzo, Dan ce Counci l
Kevin Dennis , Technology
Marianne End icott, Community
Pro gram s
Don J en se n , Board Member
Amy Jido v, Members h ip
Helen Millen, Ambassadors
Ali Moiin, Supers
Wallace Peace, Vo lunteer Education
Curtis Posuniak , Foo tligh ts
Elaine Sc honberger, Board Member
Terr y Shea, Board Member
Rob erta Starkweather, OV I Rep. Board Member
Gail Urso, Board Member
J er em y Zeltzer, Board Member
TBD , Office Volunteers
TBD , Opera Hous e Ushers
TBD, Volunteer Voice
2008 OPERAtors
Helen Arnold i-Rowe
Gloria Clark
Dodi e Da vid
Marianne Endicott
Alan Israe l
Steve n &: J ennifer Marlette
Robert Martin
Dr. John Nova k
Eva Powers
Anthon y Ruda
Mark &: Elain e Schonberger
Caro le Tibb itts
Detroit Opel'a House
Larry Glowczewski
larry Glowczewski h as been a member of the Michigan Opera Theatre Volunteer Associa tion for the past seve ral yea rs. Serving on the Dan ce Co uncil , larry ha s b een actively invo lved in Council meetings, eve nts and other vo lunt eer ac tivities.
During th e past two yea rs , larry h as been instrum ental in ed itin g and arranging a highly popu lar set of films for th e Dance Fil m Series. Th anks to countless h ours of his hard work, our MOT audience can now enjoy watching the se fi lms on schedu led even ings throug h out th e year in th e Chrys ler Found atio n "Bla ck Box" Theater.
In addition, l arry vo lunt eers in the Allesee Danc e and Opera Resource Librar y one da y a week using hi s tec hni ca l skills to copy video and la se r di scs of ballet and opera to DVD for the futur e enjoym ent of library patrons.
la rr y has a lso vo lunt ee red every yea r b y helping to tak e pictures with Santa during performanc es of The Nutcrac ker an d selling flo we rs at the ABT Int ensive final performa n ces.
Alt ho u gh larry li ves in Sa line, Mic hi gan , he still mak es the drive to the Detroit Opera H ouse on a re gular basis. We are b lessed by hi s ex pertise , profess iona lism and ha r d work. larr y tru ly d emons tra tes the spirit and tireless de votion o f a great vo lunteer.
YES, I want to join MOTVA
To join , simply till out this form and mail to: Detroit Opera House , Volunteer Coordinator, 1526 Broadway, Detroit, MI 48226
For /I/Ore inj(mnation, please contact Nikki Ruddy , Volullteer Manager, at (313) 23 7 3407 or,
Ple as e indic a te th e type o f member s hip :
o Individu al
o Cou ple
o Patron: OPERAtor
o Senior /Us h er
o Stu d ent
$3 5 00 $60.00 $100 ,00 $25.00 $10,00
(A1embership is validJor Olle )'eO/; alld is 0/1 the allllil)CI'Sal)' dClte.)
P lease indi ca te vo lu ntee r gro u ps o f interest:
o Amb assa dors
Learn th e history of the Opera H Ollse alld sha re your kllowledge by guiding tours
o Boutique
Sell opera and dan ce merchandise during performances at the Opera HOllse Boutiqu e.
o C ommun it y Pro gr a m s Promote and inspi re participation ill olltreach and educa tional programs.
o Da nce C ouncil
Broaden t he audience for dance wilh events which highlight and support productions ill the dance series.
o Di vas / Di vos l111 rodll ce vis itin g artists to D etro it and help to make their s ta y more enjoyable.
.-------------------------1 0 Yo ung Professional s
T o t a l :
o My check to Michigan Opera Th eatre i s enclosed
o Please charge m y credit card in the amount of: $_-
o Visa 0 MC 0 AMEX 0 D iscover
Accou nt Number ______________
Exp , _ _
Network with yo un g professionals and rai se fill/cis/o r the co ntinlled preservatio ll a/the Detroi l Opera HOllse
o F oo t li gh ts
FOSler LBGT tinity ill suppor t of Michigan Opera Theatre and irs programs.
o M ove r s
AssisllVirh the transportarion ojvisiling artists alld dignitaries
o Offi ce Voluntee rs Ass;:)'! wirh office duties and other tasks wh ich help keep Michi gan Opera Th emres "wheels" t llrnill g.
o Op er a Leag ue
Si gn atur e __________________ Plan opel/illg lIi g ht festivities alld otiler
eve llfS su pportin g opera prodll c ti o n s.
o S up er s
P eljorm silent roles which add atmosphere and d im ens ion to opera productions.
o Us he r s
Take tickets alld seat patrons at D etroit Opera H ouse events.
o Vo lunteer E duca tion
Promote opera alld dance wi rh informative talks.
Ad dress _ _ City/ State / Z ip ____ Home Ph o ne ______________ E m a il www.M ichiga n Opera o r g
Na m e
B R AVO 6 1 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Charitable Gift Annuity is a Win-Win-Win!
Michi ga n Op er a Thea tre Volunt ee r Associ ation (MOTVA) merr.tb er s ha ve a starrin g rol e in th e co ntinu ed su ccess o f Mich igan Ope r a Thea tre and the Detro it O p era H ou se. Two su ch stars are Gwe n and Di ck Bowlb y.
Gwe n and Dick are b o th form er sys tem s an alys ts and co mput er pro gra mmer s w ho got invo lve d in vo lunt eer wo r k a yea r aft e r t h ey r etired . Both are Board m emb er s of th e De troi t Symp h on y Orch es tr a Vo lunt ee r Counci l , and Gwe n is a board m emb er o f th e Wo m en's Divi sion for Proj ec t HOP E, an d Wayne Sta te Uni ve r sit y Press
In 20 0 3 , th eir eighth year of vo lu nteerin g fo r th ose orga ni za tions, Gwe n was invited to j oin th e Mi chi ga n Op er a Th eatre Volunt eer As sociation
Boa r d of Direc tor s Peo pl e w ho kn ow h er are aware th at th ey will ge t "two vo luntee r s for the price o f one" wh en sh e is ass ign ed a j ob , b eca u se sh e and Di ck al ways wo rk as a tea m. In fa ct , Gwe n kn ows sh e r ece ives r esp ons ibility n o t only b eca u se sh e h as a h ard tim e sayin g "n o " to a vo lu nt ee r r equ est, but b ecause the pe r so n asking rea lly wan ts Dick to b e invo lve d , to o . One of Gwen's happi est mom ent s ca m e wh en sh e was award ed a "Vo lunt ee r of th e Yea r " award b y Dr. Davi d Di Chi er a in 200 5.
MO T qu ickl y fel t li ke an extend ed famil y to the co upl e as they to ok on th e job of MOTVA publici s ts, wi th Dick as th e ph o to grapher and Gwen as th e cont ac t pe r so n with va rio u s publi ca tio n s. They h ave ha d a m ar velo u s tim e m aki ng m an y wonde rful n ew fri end s in th e pro cess of wo rkin g wi th n ews pap er s It is a r ea l th r ill ev ery tim e on e of Dick 's ph otos (and occas ion ally, on e of Gwe n 's sh ots) gets int o p rin t. Bo th o f them love ca llin g fr ien d s wi th t h e good news th at th ei r pi c tures a re in th e pa p er.
Di ck h a d b ee n th in k ing fo r som e tim e ab out co ntribu ting to th e Michi gan Ope r a Thea tre End owme nt Fund a t th e Co mmunit y Found ati on fo r So u th eas t Michigan. A casu al co n versa ti on wi th a fri end was th e cat alys t that prompt e d th e couple to ta k e action In Jun e, Dick and Gwe n b eca m e m emb er s o f the Ava nti Soc ie ty b y d on ating a ch ari tabl e annui ty to th e MO T End owment Fun d a t the Co m m u n i ty Found a ti on Not onl y are b o th o f th em h app y th at th eir dona ti on will h elp sec ure th e fut ure o f MOT (win #1) , th ey are also d eli ghte d tha t th e annu ity provi d es them wi th imme di ate tax benefits (win #2) and a li fe time in co m e (win # 3) Sa id Gwe n , "Wh en I saw th e in co m e we wo uld h ave for th e
r es t of both o f our lives comp are d t o w h at w e r ece ive fro m our comm ercial CD, I was am azed Now it 's all tak en ca r e of, and I don't have t o wo rr y ab o u t a th in g. It is d e fi ni tely a win -win -win situ ati on. " A ch ari tab le gift ann u ity is a contra c t b etwee n th e ch arit y and th e d onor and can b e esta bli sh ed at the m inimum level o f $ 10 ,0 0 0 In th e case of Michigan Op era Th ea tre's pa rt ners h ip wi th the Com m u n ity Fo und a ti on to build MOT's en do wment, th e ch arit abl e gift annuit y is a contrac t b etwe en th e Co mmunit y Found atio n and the d on or and is secured by th e Fo u n d a ti on 's assets (c ur re ntl y app roac h ing $ 1 billion ) The Fo und ati on agr ees to pay th e d on or a life time annui ty in r eturn fo r a gift o f cash or m a rketabl e securiti es . Th e paym ent m ay continu e for th e life of a seco nd ind ivid u al , u su all y the s p ou se . At the end o f th e do n o r 's life,
Thomas V Angott
i. e , w h en th e gift m a tur es, a sign ifi ca nt residuum wi ll b e turne d ove r t o the ch arit y.
In addit ion to b eing MO TVA memb ers, Dic k and Gwe n joi n e d th e Ge n era l Direc to r 's Circle two years ago. Sa id Dr. Da vid Di Chi er a of Gwe n and Di ck 's con tributi on: "Gwen and Di ck Bow lb y's ge n erou s ges ture and gift m ean a lo t to th e future o f opera and d an ce. It mea n s th at our d ive r se p rogr am s will co nt inu e to enri ch th e lives o f our chil dre n and a dult s alike in m etro Detro it , th e ve ry co mmunity th at we serve. We are trul y bl esse d to have Gwe n and Dick as our fr iend s. "
There was an articl e publi sh ed r ece ntly in a John s H opk in s med ic al n ews le tt er whi ch fascin ate d Gw en and Di ck. Staffers [ro m th e Corp or a ti on for Nation al and Co mmunity Se rvice (a gove rn ment age n cy) r eviewed two d ecades of d ata fro m ove r 30 s tu d ies and fou nd th a t volunte e rs r ep orte d gre at er sa ti sfac tion wi th life and live d longer than th ose w h o did no t vo lu nteer. Gwen and Di ck kno w tha t those staffers were ri gh t ab out on e thin g: vo lu nt ee r is m pro vides "gr ea ter sa tis facti on wi th li fe " With th eir m an y ye ars of vo lunt eer se rvi ce, they are al so h op eful th at th e resea r ch e r s were co rre c t ab out th e ad de d lon gevi ty
Michigan Ope r a Theatre m ourn s th e loss of a bel oved fr iend and supp ort er, Th oma s V An go tt , w h o rec ently pa sse d away at th e age o f 82. A Gene r al Directo r 's Circl e m em be r and longtim e MOT sub scrib er , Th om as was a Capit al Dono r and n am ed two sea ts in the Detro it O p era House. An int egra l p art o f th e co m mu nit y, th e De troi t O p era H ou se was always a pri orit y, and in 19 95, h e b ecame th e au c ti onee r for that year 's Opera Ball In h is work life, h e was a Co-Ch airm an o f C. F Burger Creamery and a form er Fire Co mmissione r for th e Ci ty of Detroit. A p ro ud Wo rld Wa r II ve tera n of the U.S. Arm y Air Fo rce , Tom was very active in th e De tro it Civic Comm u n it y an d th e Ca th oli c Church
Virginia Cl em enti
Virgini a "Gin n y" Cl em enti was a d ea r friend o f min e and o f Michigan O p era
Th ea tre Aft er retiring as a p ro fesso r at Oa kland Com munity C oll ege, sh e enthu sias tica ll y jo in ed Mic higan O p era
Th eatre 's O p era Gu ild Wh en Be tt y
Ge r ish b eca m e p res id ent of th e O p er a Gu ild , Ginny d ecide d to serve in seve ral p os ition s. When Bob and Be t ty Garish b eca m e se ri ou sly injure d in an accid ent , Ginn y d evoted h ersel f t o them , even taking th em to d octor app ointments , p r epa rin g mea ls, an d h elpin g them move Ginn y serve d as th e ve r y las t O p era Guild pre sid en t b efore the found ing of the n ew Mich iga n Ope r a Theat r e Vo lunt ee r Assoc iat ion (MOTVA). We will fond ly re m emb er Ginn y's favo rit e co lor s of ch ampagne and whit e, h er so lo d an ci ng at ga th erings, h er int eres ti ng ob serva tion s, and h er littl e giggle . We w ill always reme mb er h er u n iq u e an d endearin g ways an d h er love o f o p era and Mic higan O p era Th ea tre
- Karen V DiChiera
62 BR A VO
www.MichiganOp e ra org
D e troi t Op era Hous e
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
General Information
Unauthorized ca m e r as and reco rdin g d evic es a re not allowed inside the lobb y o r th ea t e r at a n y tim e. Th e taking of photographs o f th e theat e r or a n y performance is s trictl y prohibited As a co urt esy to our gu ests , we ask that a ll paging devices, ce llul a r tel ep h one s and alarm watches b e switched to sil ent mode prio r to the start o f all p erformances
Doctor s and parents are advi se d to leave the ir sea t location (lo cate d on ticke t) an d our emergency numb er, (313) 237-3257 , w ith th e service or s itt e r in case of an emergency: Pl ease ob serve the lighted exi t sign s located throughout the thea ter. In eve nt of fire or simil a r emergency, pl ease remain calm and wa lk - do not run - to the n eares t exit. Our u shers are trained to l e ad yo u out o f th e bUildin g sa fel y. A train ed Emergency Medica l Tec hni ci an (EM T) is onsite during mo st events. Pl ease see an u sher or s taff member to contact the EMT.
Ladi es' restrooms ar e located off the Ford Lobb y (Broadway Street entran ce), down th e s t a ir s and a lso on the third fl oor (Ma di son Street entran ce) - pl eas e press "3 R" on the elevator to reach thi s facility: Gent lemen's restrooms are lo ca ted un der the Grand Staircase and also in the third fl oo r (Broa d way Stree t side) - pl ease press "3" on the el eva tor to reach thi s facilit y: Pl ease note: All third floor restrooms are w heel cha ir access ibl e A uni sex, wheelchair ac cess ible r est room is locat ed in the Cadill ac O p er a Ca fe.
The Detro it Opera H ouse is a smo k e-free faC ilit y: As h r ece ptacl es a re pro vided on the exterior of all entr y door s for th ose who wish to smoke.
Us h e r s are s tati one d at th e top of eac h aisle. If yo u hav e a qu est ion or co n cern, please inform an u sh e r , and they w ill co ntact management. If yo u are interes ted in becoming a vo lunt eer usher, please ca ll the usher hotline a t (313) 237-3253.
La tecome r s will be seated on ly during an appro pri a t e pause in the program. La t e sea tin g po li ci es are at the di scre tion of t h e production, n o t opera hou se management.
Lo s t and Found is located in the Safe ty and Security De p a rtm ent. Plea se see an u sh er if you ha ve misplaced an article , or ca ll (313) 96 1-3500 if yo u h ave a lr ead y left the thea ter. It em s wi ll be h eld in Lo st and Found for 30 d ays
The Detroit Opera Ho u se Pa rking Ce nt er, located n ex t to the Detroit Opera Hou se, i s now o p e n. Thi s new sta t e - o f-th e-art faci lity is rese r ve d s pecifi ca lly for De troit O p era H ouse patrons during regu larlysche dul e d performances. Entrances and exits a r e lo ca t ed on both John R. Stre e t a nd Gr a nd Ri ver Ave. for a dd e d co n veni en ce Prepaid par k ing is availab le. Ca ll (313) 237- SI N G (7464) for mor e in fo rmati o n
Accessib le sea ti ng locat ions for p a trons in wh ee lchair s are located in all pri ce ranges on the orches t ra leve l. When i nquir in g about ti cke ts , please as k about th ese lo ca tion s if yo u r eq uire spe cial accommodat ions.
Ass iste d Listening Devices are availab le on a first -co me, first-served ba sis. Pleas e see a n usher to request this serv ice, or v isit th e Guest Services desk located in th e Vin cent Lobb y (Madison S tre et entra n ce). Although t hi s is a comp limenta ry service, we wi ll r equ es t to h o ld a piece of personal identifi cat i on w hil e yo u a r e u s ing th e dev ice. Plea se contact th e tick e t o ffi ce at (313) 237SING (7 464 ), shou ld you desire spe cial consideration.
C hildren are welco m e. How ever, a ll guests, regard le ss of age , are r equired to hold a t icke t. Babes in a rm s are not p ermitted .
A Na ti onal Ci ty ATM i s ava ilabl e 2417 in side the Parking Cente r
Co n cessions st ands ar e l oc at ed o n all leve ls. Pl ease not e that foo d and drinks are not all owe d in the auditorium a t any time. Co at Check is located at th e Guest Se r v i ces desk, in th e Vince nt Lobby (Madison St reet side). Cost is $ 2.00 p er coat. Pl ease not e that the Detroit Ope ra H ouse does not accep t respons ibilit y for any personal articl es that are not ch ec ked at th e coat check. A Publi c Pa y Phone is lo cate d near th e third floor l a die s'
re s troom. Take th e elevator to "3R" an d turn to th e l ef t. This pay phon e is wh eelc hair accessibl e .
Be advised th at, for purposes of Michiga n Compiled Laws, Section 28.4250 ( 1)(0, thi s is an ent erta inment facilit y whi ch has a sea ting capac it y o f mor e than 2,500 individuals. It is therefo re against the law to ca rr y a concea l ed weapon on t h e premi ses.
Th e Detroit Ope r a House is ava il able for rent b y yo ur organiza tion Pleas e ca ll (313) 961-3500, and ask to be dire c ted to the Specia l Events Depa rtm ent .
Th e Detroit Opera H o u se ticket office hou rs are as follo ws : N on-p er formance weeks - Monday-Friday 10 :0 0 a.m. t o 5:30 p.m. Per forman ce days - 10:00 a.m t h rough t h e first int e rmi ssio n of the evening 's p er forman ce, except Saturd ays and Sunda ys, when th e ticke t o ffi ce wi ll o p en two hours pri o r to c urtain time. Tick ets for all public events at the Detroit Op era Hou se are also availabl e throu gh all Ti cketMas t er ou tlet s, b y phon e at (248) 645-6666, or a t
Come join th e Opera House Am bas sado r s for a b ac kst age tour of the Detro it Opera Hou se. Learn about the hi story of the Opera Hous e and its restoration Meet the peopl e behind the scenes, tour the stage and see ho w it operates. Tours are $ 10 .00 per person. For m ore information, pl ease ca ll (3 13 ) 2 37 -3407 , or vis it www. Michi ga nOp era org
EMERGENCIES (313) 237-3257
Michiga n Op era Theatre (313) 96 1-3500
Gen eral In formation (313) 96 1-3500
Lost and Found (313) 96 1-350 0
Ticket Office (313) 237-SING (7464) Ush er Hotlin e ..... (313) 237-3253
Th eater Rent al Information .... (313) 961-3500
De troit Opera Hou se Fax. (313) 237-3412
Press an d Publi c Rel ati ons (313) 237-3403
Detroit Opera Hous e Parking Center (313) 965-4052
Website www.Michi
D e troit Op e ra Hou se
BRAVO 63 Copyright
Michigan Opera Theatre
LINDA DRESNER Wh e re can Linda take you? BIRMINGHAM 299 W Maple Rood, Birmingham, MI, 248,642 ,4999 NEW YORK 484 Pork Avenue, New York, NY, 212 ,308,3177 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Hannah Moss