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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
B~VO The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House
CONTENTS Spring 2008 W ELCOME Letter from David DiChiera ....... .... ... ........... ...... .... ........ ........ ... 4
BRAVO is a Michigan Opera Theatre publication. Rebekah Johnson, Editor Mitch Carter, Contributing Editor Contributors Mitch Carter David DiChiera Karen V DiChiera Rebekah Johnson Stephen Lusmann
ON STAGE Peter Pan .................. .. .... .... .... ... ....................... ............. ... .. .. ..... .... 6 History of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company ....... ... .... .... ... ... .. 10
Th e Joffrey Ballet: Giselle .. .... ... ..... ... .. .. .... .. .. .... .... ........ ..... ... ...12 La Sonnambula ... .... ........ .... .... .... .... ... .. .. ... .. .... ..... .... ....... .. .. .... ...16 F EATURE STORY:
Publisher Echo Publications, Inc. Royal Oak, Michigan Tom Putters, president Toby Faber, Advertising Sales Director Physicians' services provided by Henry Ford Medical Center. Pepsi-Cola is the official soft drink and juice provider of the Detroit Opera House. Cadillac Coffee is the official coffee of the Detroit Opera House. Steinway is the official piano of the Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre. Steinway pianos are provided by Hammell Music, exclusive representative for Steinway and Sons in Michigan. President Tuxedo is the official provider of formalwear for the Detroit Opera House. Michigan Opera Theatre is a nonprofit cultural organization, whose activities are supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other individuals, corporations and foundations. Michigan Opera Theatre is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Renata Scotto Awakens La Sonnambula from its Slumber ..... .... 18
La Rondine .... ... .... .... .. ... .. .. ....... ..... .. ..... .... .. .. ..... .... ... .... .... .... ... .. .20 FEATURE STORY:
Lotfi Loves Opera T-H-I-S Much ..... ... ............ ......... ..... .. .... ..... .22
La Traviata .... ....... .. ...... .. ... .. ..... ... ... .. .. ... ... .... ... .. ...... ... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. 24 FEATURE STORY:
Traviata Brings Teacher and Students Together ........................ 26
MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Artist Profiles ............... .... ...... ............ .... ............... ... .. ... ........ ... ... ... 28 Chorus and Orchestra ................. .. .. .. ... ....... .... .......... .................... 4 1 Education at the Detroit Opera House: Community Programs and Learning at the Opera House, Dance Education, and the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus ......... .... ...... ... 36 Family Album .. ................ .............. ..... ........ .. ............. ..... ...... .. ......44 Board of Directors and Trustees ........... ... .... ......... ... ......... .... .... .... ..42 Administration and Staff .................. ........ .... ... ...... ........ < ..... .• . . .. . . . . . 43
CONTRIBUTORS Increasing Regional Philanthropy Program Update .... ..... .......... ... ..48 Avanti Society .... ... ........ ....... .. .......... ............... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .50 Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House ..... ................... ...... 51 Michigan Opera Theatre Contributors ....... .... ........ ............. .. ......... 53 Volunteer Information ...... .. .. ... .... ...... .. .. .. .. .... .... .......... ...... .... .... .... 58 General Information .......... ...... .... ... ...... ....... .. ..... .... ... ....... ..... .. .... .. 62
Detroit Opera House
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Welcome to the 2008 Spring season of Opera and Dance!
our 37th seaso n of opera continues th is spring , I am please d to prese nt hree operas that span nearly a century of Italian opera. We open with La Sonnambula , one of th e great be l canto operas b y the greatest of all bel canto composers, Vincenzo Bellini, who also composed Norma. This great masterpiece is a first for MOT and could very well be the first time it has been performed in Michigan. Opera star and household name in the opera world - Renata Scotto - makes her Mi chigan Opera Thea tre debut directing the production. Returning after a 19-year absence, Australian conductor Richard Bonynge, one of the world's foremost authorities on bel ca nto opera, directs the Michigan Opera Thea tre orchestra. The cast of La Sonnambula features a MOT debut by one of opera 's new shining stars, Ekaterina Siurina in the role of Amina , alternating in the role with Eglise Gutierrez wh o mad e her acclaimed MOT debut last season as liu in Turandot. Our second opera of the season, La Rondine, returns to the Michigan Opera Theatre stage for the first time since 1972 , following a 36year absence. Puccini's tragic masterpiece will b e stage d b y wo rld-renowned director and opera impresario Lotfi Mansouri , who returns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first tim e since Anna Eolena in 1984. La Rondine also includes a U .S. opera premiere by Tiziana Caruso, who will be alternating in the title role of Magda with MOT vete r an Pam ela Armstrong. One of the world's most popular operas, and a standard of the Michigan Opera Th ea tre repertoire, La Traviata closes out our sp ring 2008 season. A h ea rt -wre n ching story of forbidden love, La Traviata sees the return of two artists w ho m ade their debut in las t season's Romeo and Juliet - Din a Kuznetsova and Arturo Chacon-Cruz return to th e Michigan Opera Theatre stage as Violetta and Alfredo.
Ou r 12 th seaso n o f d a n ce cl oses in March with performances by two different but eq u a ll y en ch antin g dance co mpani es. March 1 , 2008, marks the return of the Grand Rapid s Ballet Company, who made their debut at the Detroit Opera Hou se la st seaso n . This year, they return to bring us a charming production of Peter Pan. The Grand Rapids Ballet Company is Michigan's premiere dance tro up e, a nd we are delighted to b e close "neighbors" with su ch a youthful and energetic company. The Joffrey Ballet, which for the past few years has performed The Nutcracker annually at the Detroit Opera House, returns in March to perform Gis elle, regarded as one of th e first masterpieces of traditional romantic ball et. A favorite among dance aficionados and novices alike, ballet's most famous ghost sto ry about love and redemption from the world beyond will be sure to enchant you. O f co ur se , we are most gra teful fo r the generous support of ou r sponso rs that make each seaso n possib le. I fee l an excep ti o nal gratitude for our co rporate partners, as we ll as the foundations and individua l donors who have graCiously extended their support so that we may enrich lives with opera and dance. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to our 2008 spring opera season sponso r, Cadillac , and our 2007-08 dance season spon so r, the Chrysler Foundation , whose support for the past eleve n yea rs h as been cri ti ca l to our success. Thank yo u for joining us for th is mo s t exc iting 2008 spring season of opera an d dance Enjoy the show l
UD~ 4
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
A M ESSAGE F ROM THE ARTISTIC D IRECTOR Welcome to Neverlandl For the next couple of hours do yourself a favor and don't grow up. I guarantee you the dancers won't. After more than one hundred years this story still has the power to enchant young and old alike. After reading the book I decided to take some of my favorite moments and attempt to recreate the exuberant feeling of being young and in control of your own life story, like Peter Pan himself. One moment he's focused on killing pirates and the next he's on to a new adventure - as he says, "After I kill them I forget them. " I tried to reflect this easily distracted thought process through the musical arrangement of the score. I made a rule whatever I felt would fit a scene musically I would do and not worry whether it went along with the rest of the score. We may go from a divertissement by j acques Ibert to The William Tell Overture and use those pieces only because they suit the action of their particular scenes. I also wanted to use music that 1 felt a chUd would choose if he or she was asked to score the scenes of the ballet. As a kid I was particularly fond of the Tell Overture and the Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah , but I also remember the theme song to the TV show Alfred Hitchcock Presents and felt it would be great to use it as the music [or Smee and the pirates. Now, I welcome you to suspend reality and become a kid again. Enjoy the performance. Gordon Peirce Schmidt
j acques Iben
Scene 2 Bedroom of the Darling Children Divertissement * j acques Ibert II. Conege III. Nocturne IV Valse Scene 3 Neverland Escales .. II. Tunis
j acques Iben
Scene 4 Lost Boys' Camp Overture: William Tell Gioacchino Rossini La Giaconda: Dance of the Hours Amilcare Ponchielli Scene 5 Pirate Ship Funeral March of a Marionette Overture: Light Caval1y
Charles Gounod Franz von Suppe
ACT II Scene 1 Indian Camp Pas Des Ethiopians Song of India Dance Bacchanale Invitation to the Dance
Leo Delibes Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Camille Saint -Saens eM. v Weber
Scene 2 Pirate Ship Overture: The Queen of Spades
Franz von Suppe
Scene 3 Bedroom of the Darling Children Homage to Mozart j acques Iben
THE CAST Peter Pan .. . .......... ...... .. ............................... Alexey Kulpin Wendy Darling .......... Laura McQueen john Darling ... Nicholas Schultz Michael Darling. . ..... .David Schultz Tinkerbell ... ... ...... ... . ...... Dawnell Dryja Captain Hook ....... Akop Akopian Smee ..... Attila Mosolygo Tiger Lily ..... Gaiane Akopian Lost Boys. . ..... Kara Bond, j amie Brege, Chelsea Clow, Antonio Allison, Sophia Beck, Alyssa Buss, Steven Eatmon , javonjones, Madeline Kunert, Baylee Merkel , Savannah Moeller, Ian Smith, Seth Weinstein .. ... Martha Bellamy, Grace Berman, Indian Princesses Katie Brown, Megan Foster, Ashley Harrison, Aidan Hughes , Maggie Madden , Leslie VanWinkle Pirates .................. Kateryna Derechyna , Mindy Mosolygo , Stephen Sanford , Larissa Tanis, Ericka Goss, Emily Kolenda , Nathan Harr, jimmy Russ Fairies ........ Martha Bellamy, Grace Berman, Megan Foster, Ashley Harrison, Aidan Hughes, Maggie Madden
Detroit Opera House
ACT! Scene 1 Kensington Gardens Divertissement * 1. Introduction
GRAND RAPIDS BALLET COMPANY PROFESSIONAL DANCERS Akop Akopian, from Armenia , currently in his seventh season with the Company Gaiane Akopian, from Armenia, currently in her seventh season , with the Company Kara Bond, from Grand Rapids, currently in her tenth season with the Company David Braciak, from Grand Rapids, currently in his seventh season with the Company Chelsea Clow, from Illinois, currently in her third season with the Company Kateryna Derechyna, from the Ukraine, currently in her third season with the Company Dawnell Dryja, from Detroit, currently in her sixth season with the Company Alexey Kulpin, from Russia, currently in his third season with the Company Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
laura McQueen, from Grand Rapids, currently in her fifth season with the Company Attila Mosolygo, from Hungary, currently in his twelfth season with the Company Mindy Mosolygo, from Grand Rapids, currently in her fifteenth season with the Company Stephen Sanford, from Missouri, currently in his seventh season with the Company David Schultz, from Grand Rapids, currently in his third season with the Company Nicholas Schultz, from Grand Rapids, currently in his fifth season with the Company larissa Tanis, from Illinois, currently in her third season with the Company
Laura Schwenk-Bennan, Associate Artistic Director and Director of the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company began her career dancing principal roles with the Garden State Ballet. She then danced with Chicago Ballet, Boston Repertory Ballet, and for seven yea rs with the Pa cific Nort hwest Ba ll et in Seattle. While with the Pa cifi c Northwest Ballet, Ms. Berman h ad the opportunity to perform as a soloist with Gelsey Kirkland in Swan Lake, and with Mikhail Baryshnikov as part of the Pacific No rthwest Ballet / Baryshnikov Tour. Also with PNB , she danced in the film, Nutcracker: Th e Motion Picture directed b y Ca rrol Ballard , se ts and cos tum es by Maurice Send ak , and choreography by Kent Stowell . Ms. Berman has toured extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. As a guest artist she has performed with Chicago Repertory Dance Ensemble, Momenta l Performing Arts Company, Joan Lombardi Dance Company, Rondo Dance Theatre , The Peirce Group, and with the American Repertory Dan ce Theatre helping to recreate the early works of American modern dance pioneer, Doris Humphrey. Ms. Berman ha s ch o r eograp h ed wo rk s for the Northwes tern Universi ty Dance Ensemble, Momenta l Performing Arts Company, Chicago Rep ertory Dance Ensemble and the Grand Rapids Ballet Company Professional Trainees. She also regularly stages and rehearses full-length ballets for the Grand Rapids Ballet Company. Ms. Berman has tau ght dan ce a t the University of Washington, Columbia Co ll ege, Hop e Co ll ege, No rthwestern University and Loretta Heights College as well as at Hubbard Street Dance Company, Oak Park Academy of Movement and Music, th e Chicago Acade my for th e Performing Arts and the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company. She se rved as GRBCs Ballet Mistress in 1997 and as Interim Artistic Director in 1998 when, in the fall , she hired Gordon Peirce Schmidt to choreograph the ballet DRACULA for the company. They were hired as Artistic and Associate Artistic Director, respectively, in January of 1999. Ms. Berman earned her Bachelor of Science Degree from Skidmore College and her Masters Degree in Theatre from Northwestern University where she graduated with honors. She and her husband Scott have two children, Grace and Adam. GRAND RAPIDS BALLET COMPANY PRODUCTION STAFF Evangeline Rose Whitlock , Production Stage Manager Kevin Hoekstra , Technical Director Jamie Tinker Heeringa , Costumer Randy DeBoer, Head Carpenter Stasia Savage, Head Properties Matthew Taylor, Head Electrician Carlos Aguilar, Electrician Sue Grannis, Clare Gardeski, Melissa Leitch , Costume Assistants Margaret Nawara, Assistant Stage Manager 8
Gordon Peirce Schmidt, Artistic Director and Choreographer of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company, began his dance training with Phoebe Brantley in Baton Rouge, LA. After a short time he was accepted as a scholarship student at the Ellis DuBoulay Studio in Chicago, IL. From there he went on to perform with many companies in the United States and Europe dancing with th e Maryland Ballet, Milwaukee Ballet, Chi cago Ballet , Chicago City Ba llet, and as the first American to receive a full time contract with the Vien na State Opera Ballet. He received his first comm ission to create a ballet from Larry Long, Artistic Director of the Ruth Page Foundation School. The ballet, BY DJANGO, a lively evocation of the jazz-age, went on to become the signature work for Ballet Chicago for whom Mr. Schmidt was Resident Choreographer between 1989 -1 995. During that time he co-found ed and directed the dance, th eater and performing arts compan y The Peirce Group in Chi cago, and choreographed and staged numerous musicals for th eaters throughout Chicago and the Midwest. He has received th e Ruth Page Award for Choreography for his ballets THE GIFT OF THE MAGI , and HANSEL AND GRETEL, and Ruth Page Award nominations for his works THE SLEEP OF REASON , BRAHMS QU INTET IN G MAJOR, SCENES FROM AN lTALlA N SONGBOOK, BY DJANGO and the holiday hit IN A NUTSHELL In 1993 he made his television debut as director!choreograp her of his "strictly for television" ball et GESUALDO created for PBSIWTTW Chicago, for which he received a Prime Time Emmy Award Nomination for Outstanding Individual Achievement Cultural Programming. A long and varied perform ance career has afforded Mr. Schm idt the opportunity to dance with and choreograph on some of th e world's most accomplished dancers, including ballet legend s Rudolf Nureyev, whom he performed with in Vienna in 198 1, and Maya Pliesetskaya who danced the role of the "Vamp" in his ballet BY DJANGO during the 1992 season in Chicago. Tn 1998 he performed the role DR. COPPELlUS opposite Damien Woetzel and Nichol Hlinka of the New York City Ballet in Ballet Chicago's production of COPPELlA at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago. In the autumn of 1998 Mr. Schmidt was commissioned by the Grand Rapids Ballet Company to create a full-length adaptation of Bram Stokers DRACULA, which he set to his own arrangement of music by Rachmaninoff. Since that time he has created more than fifty new works for the company including: the contemporary Shakespeare adaptation CAUG HT IN A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, set to the classical score by Mendelssohn and jazz arrangements of the score by Ed Clifford ; the premiere ballet adaptation of THE PRISONER OF ZENDA in 2001 , set to the music of Dvorak and Brahms; a modern day telling of CINDERELLA in 2002 ; the amazing 2003 premiere of SCHEHERAZADE, an historic premiere collaboration with Grammy-winn ing artists Bela Fleck &: the Flecktones in 2004; the energetic CAN-CAN that brought 19 th Century Paris to life in 2005; and PETER PAN fl ew like never before in 2006. Mr. Schmidt is also co-founder and Artistic Associate of RPM Productions, a non-profit performing arts production company based in Chicago.
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History of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company elebrating its thirty-sixth season, the Grand Rapids Ballet Company (GRBC) r emains committed to its mission , to liJt the human spirit through the art oj dance. A proud recipient of the ArtServe Michigan Governor's Arts Award for Outstanding Cultural Organization, Michigan's only professional ballet company hils a rich history marked by steady growth, a commitment to excellence, and strong community support. In 1971 the Company started as the Grand Rapids Ci vic Ballet under founding Artistic Director Sally Seven . In 1983 the Grand Rapids Civic Ballet merged with the Summerfest School of Grand Rapids, a conservatory school for de velopment of professional dancers, and subsequently was reorganized to form the Grand Rapids Ballet Company along with the Scho ol of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company Under th e artistic direction of Chartel Arthur, GRBC moved into regional status and joined the Midwest Regiona l Ballet Association/Regional Dance America. During the 1993-1994 season, profeSSional dancers were placed under contract for the first time. Toda y, the professiona l company consists of fifteen full time dancers; the School of th e Grand Rapids Ballet Company has an enrollment of over 300 students taught by instructors from professional dance backgrounds; an additional 700 students receive free introductory classes through the awardwinning "S teps in a New Direction" program; and the educational programs GRBC offers to the commu nity are outstanding ways to foster th e co nn ection b etween the art s and education. Since the appointment of Artistic Director Gordon Peirce Schmidt in 1999 , th e Company ha s seen tremendous growth and presented more than fifty new works, including the spectacu lar premieres o f Caught in a Midsummer Night's Dream, Prisoner oj Zenda, Can-Can, Peter Pan , and two incredible collaborations with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. GRBCs performance
season encompasses three main stage productions; three Dancers ' Theatre Series productions ; and various benefit performances and tours throughout the state - totaling over 60 performances per season. The Company has performed in Quebec , Canada , LanSing , Detroit , Bo yne City, Cadilla c, Midland, Muskegon , St. Jo seph and more; and with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Grand Rapids Symphony, Opera Grand Rapids, the J ackson Symphony, Richmond Symphony, Midlan d Symphony, and West Shore Symphony, among others. Through the generosity of an artsconsciou s community, Th e Next Step Campaign all owed the Company to transform an old abandoned bus garage into a well-designed dance rehearsal space and school faCility Since its opening in 2000, this permanent home has allowed the Ballet to add n ew opportunities for the community such as the popular Dancers' Theatre Series, an expanded schoo l schedule, and a popular field trip for students, "Escape to the Ballet," where children learn what it takes to run a profeSSional ballet company. Responding to the demand of the Dancers' Theatre Series and tremendous growth of the Company and School , GRBC announced another exciting $6.2
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
BRAVO -------
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million expansion in September 2006. Stage 2: A Campaign Jar Ballet includes the addition of a 300-seat theatre adjacent to th e Compan y's current facility, creating the Meijer-Royce Center for Dance. The new Peter Martin Wege Theatre opened in September 2007 and houses the Company's Dancers' Theatre Series, as well as performances by the students of the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company, including the 700 central-city youth of the Company's "Steps in a New Direction program. " The 300-seat design keeps the intimate feel of the Dancers ' Th eatre Series th at audiences have come to love, while also allowing access to the Series for more patrons. The space will also offer expanded opportunities for educational programs and any number of new ventures the Company wis h es to undertake. Original programming , inno va ti ve cho reo graphy, and a commitment to excellence are hallmarks of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company With artists invested in th e communit y and a community that supports the arts, the Grand Rapids Ba ll e t Company has created a flourishing arts center for all of Michigan, and continues to provide the highest level of exce llence in dance theatre and education for all individuals.
Detroit Opera House
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Original Choreography by Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa.
Staged by Frederic Franklin CBE after choreography by Nicolas Sergueeff Mr. Franklin assisted by Christina Johnson Vojvodich
*Music by Adolphe Adam. I
Costumes and scenery courtesy of Houston Ballet ,
Costumes and scenery designed by Peter Farmer Lighting by Randall G. Chiarelli Libretto by Theophile Gautier on a theme by Heinrich Heine
SYNOPSIS Act I In a Rhineland village lives a young peasant girl named Giselle. It is a joyous time as the local villagers are harvesting the last of the grapes before the Wine Festival. Hilarion, a local gamekeeper, is desperately in love with Giselle, who does not return his affections. Her heart has been captured by a man known only as Loys. In reality Loys is Prince Albrecht, who has disguised himself as a peasant and hidden his royal trappings in a nearby cottage. Loys and Giselle are profeSSing their love and commitment to each other when the suspicious Hilarion interrupts them. A quarrel ensues and Loys, forgetting he is in peasant attire, reaches for his sword. Hilarion's suspicions deepen. ; The villagers enter ano proclaim Giselle the Queen of the Harvest. She joins them in a dance to celebrate the fruits of their labor. Berthe , Giselle's mother, is concerned that Giselle will over-exert herself. A horn sounds in the distance and the royal hunting party enters the village led by the Duke with his daughter, Bathilde. Giselle is enamored by Bathilde who, in return, is enchanted by the innocent Giselle and gives her a necklace when she discovers that they are both engaged to be married. The hunting party is refreshed and departs as the villagers continue their celebration. Hilarion disrupts the festivities denouncing Loys as an imposter. He summons the royal hunting party and Bathilde recognizes her fiance, Prince Albrecht, in Loys. She questions why he is dressed as a peasant. Giselle, realizing the duplicity of Albrecht, goes mad and plunges Albrecht's sword into her breast and dies. Act II The second act opens near midnight in a nearly deserted churchyard where peasants are casting dice as Hilarion arrives to pay his respects at Giselle's grave. The scene is interrupted by fleeting glimpses of Wilis. Hilarion and the peasants run from the clearing. The Wilis are sorrowful souls of young girls who have been betrayed in love and died. Their spirits are condemned to roam the forest in the dark of night seeking vengeance on any man they encounter. Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis, summons her brigade to initiate Giselle into their sorority Albrecht, laded with guilt, visits Giselle's grave, and seeing a vision of Giselle, follows it into the forest. The Wilis discover Hilarion and drive him to his death. The same fate awaits Albrecht, but Giselle intervenes and protects him. He is saved as dawn approaches and the Wilis return to their graves. Giselle has forgiven him, and a forlorn Albrecht is left alone at her grave.
* Music for the Peasant Pas de Deux by Friedrich Burgmuller Music for Giselle's variatiOn Act I by Ludwig Minkus Detroit Opera House
History of the Joffrey Ballet Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino's uniquely American vision of dance first took form in 1956. The original company consisted of six dynamic and highly individual dancers. While Joffrey stayed in New York to teach ballet classes and earn money to pay the dancers' salaries, Arpino led the troupe as they crossed America's heartland in a station wagon. They would unload the car, rosin the stage, set the lights, iron the costumes, and get everything ready for the evening performance. Yet what really set them apart was their repertoire of original ballets by Joffrey The Joffrey Ballet became the first American company to tour the former Soviet Union and the first dance company to perform at the White House. The co-founders also commissioned early and new ballets from Alvin Ailey, Laura Dean, William Forsyth , Jiri Kylian, Mark Morris, and Twyla Tharp, to name only a few. It also resurrected and reconstructed "lost" works from the early 20th century, primarily Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. The company's repertoire covers the gamut of 20th century choreography, from the cubist style of pre- and post- World War I Paris (Massine's Parade), the Americana of the old West (DeMille's Rodeo and Loring's Billy the Kid), and the counter-culture freedom of the '60s (Arpino's Trinity, The Clowns, and Sacred Grove on Mount Tamalpais, Joffrey's Astarte), to the MTV generation (Billboards with music by Prince)
RobertJoffrey, Founder Robert Joffrey was born in Seattle, Washington in 1930 and died in New York City in 1988. In 1953 he established The Joffrey Ballet School! American Ballet Center. In 1956 he founded The Joffre y Ballet - an ensemble of American dancers for whom he choreographed, taught, commissioned original ballets , and reconstructed rare classics. In the process, he built what is now acknowledged to be one of the major international dance companies. Joffrey was a master teacher and a respected authority on dance. He was sought after world-wide as an adjudicator for festivals and competitions. His legacy lives on not only in his company but also in the network of ballet workshops he created across the country In 2000 Robert Joffrey was inducted into The National Dance Museum.
Gerald Arpino, Founder and Artistic Director Emeritus Gerald Arpino was born in Staten Island, New York. He cofounded The Joffrey Ballet with Robert Joffrey in 1956 and served as associate director. Upon Joffrey's death in 1988, Mr. Arpino succeeded him as artistic director. Mr. Arpino choreographed his first work, Ropes, in 1961. Shortly thereafter, he became the company's resident choreographer. To date, he has created more than one- third of the company's repertoire. His ballets are in the repertoires of companies around the world. Mr. Arpino is the first choreographer commissioned to create a ballet to honor the office of the American presidency; he was the first American commissioned by a city, San Antonio, to do a ballet. In 1993, he produced America's first full-evening rock ballet, Billboards, set to the music of Prince. Mr. Arpino has received numerous awards and honors over his long and prestigious career. In 1995, he moved The Joffrey Ballet to Chicago. In July 2006 , Gerald Arpino was named Artistic Director Emeritus. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ashley Wheater, Artistic Director of The joffrey Ballet Born in Scotlan d and raised in England, Mr. Wheater was trained at the Royal Ballet School. As a young dancer, he was cast in numerous pro du ction s at the Royal Opera House, including The Sleeping Beau ty, Gis elle, Romeo and juliet, MacMillan's Anastasia, and Rudolf Nureyev's Nutcracker. At the age of thirteen, he worked with Ashton on the world premiere of Benjamin Britten's Death in Venice, a production in which Wheater p erformed throughout England and Europe. In addition, he performed Marguerite and Armand with Nureyev -"
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including Drosselmeyer in Tomasson's current production of The Nutcracker and Kitri's father in TomassonIPossokhov's Don Quixote. Afte r a lon g and su ccessful career as a principal dancer, Ashley Wheater assumed the role of Ballet Master wi th San Francisco Ballet in 1996, and was named Assistant to the Artistic Director in 2002. His responsibilities include teaching Company class, rehearSing ballets, and coaching both principal dancers and soloists in va ri ou s ro les. Mr. W h eate r h as rehearsed numerous ballets from the Compan y's diverse repertory, by choreographers including Artistic Director Helgi Tomasson (several one-act works and the fu ll-length productions of Giselle, The Sleeping Beauty, Romeo & juliet, and Swan Lake); Sir Kenneth MacMillan ; William Forsythe; Sir Frederick Ashton ; George Balanchine; Harald Lander; David Bintley; Lar Lubo vi tch ; Flemming Flindt; Ben Stevenson; Christopher Wh eeldon; julia Adam; and Peter Martins. He has also rehearsed works by Marius Petipa (including Natalia Makarova's stagings of La Bayadere and Paquita), Rudolf Nureyev, j erome Robbins , Ro land Pe tit , jules Perrot, Mark Morris, and Yuri Possokhov. In 2007 , Mr. Wheater was appointed Artistic Director of The j affrey Ballet.
Frederic Franklin, CB.E. ,
Victoria Jaiani and Temur Su lu ashvili , center.
and Margot Fonteyn at the London Coliseum. Mr. Wheater began his professional career with The Royal Ballet and joined London Festival Ballet on the advice of Nureyev, where h e danced Romeo & juliet and Th e Sleeping Beauty. There h e also danced in Swan Lake , Etudes, Sphinx, and many o ther works. After two yea rs h e was promoted to principal dancer. In 1982 , he joined The Australian Ballet, and under the direction of Marilyn Rowe, danced a multitude of roles in both classical and contemporary wo rks. He also guested in Western Australia and Asia with Barry Morland, wh o created several ballets on him. In 1985, Mr. Wheater j oined The j offrey Ballet, where he worked with Robert joffrey, dancing in many American works by choreographers such as William Forsythe, Gerald Arpino, Eugene Loring, Mark Morris, and Laura Dean , in addition to performing the lead in numerous Ashton and Cranko works. In 1989, he joined San Francisco Ballet, danCing lead roles in nearly all of the Company's full-length productions, including Romeo & juliet , Swan Lake, Th e Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker. In addition to performing a vast repertory, Mr. Wheater had many works created on him by choreographers such as Tomasson, j ames Kudelka, Bintley, and Morris, among others. In 1996, Mr. Wheater ended his dancing career after suffering a major n eck injury. Mr. Wheater co ntinu ed to perform principal character roles with the San Francisco Ballet,
Frederic Franklin, C. B. E., was born in 1914 in Liverpool, England, and began his career in Paris, at age seventeen , with j osephine Baker at the Casino de Paris. In England , he appeared with Wendy Toye and Anton Dolin in cabare t , va ri ety, concert ballet, vaudeville and theatre and danced with the VicWells Ballet , precursor to to d ay's Royal Ball et. In 1935, Franklin joined the Markova-Dolin Ballet. From 1938 to 1952 , he was premier danseur with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, becoming Ballet Maste r in 1944 and performing over 45 principal roles. Mr. Franklin and Alexandra Danilova created one of the legendary partnerships of the twentieth century. Among his other ballerinas have been Alicia Markova , Irina Baranova , Agnes de Mille, Ruthanna Boris, Yvette Chauvire , Moira Shearer, Rosella Hightower, Maria Tallchief, Alicia Alonzo and Mia Slave n sk a . He has worke d w ith suc h cho r eographers as Fokine, Massine, Nijinska, As ht on , Balanchine, de Mille, Page and Bettis. He co -founded the Slavenska-Franklin Ballet and was founding Director of the National Ballet in Washington. From 1977 through 1986, he served as Ch oreographer-In-Residence and as Acting Director of the Cincinnati Ballet, where he is now Director Emeritus. During the same period , Mr. Franklin mounted works on over twenty other companies in the U. S. and abroad, performed at The Kennedy Center and Covent Garden and staged many works for Dance Theatre of Harlem, including Creole Giselle for which both he and the company received the Laurence Olivier Award . Mr. Franklin's choreography for both the Harlem Giselle and his current staging of Giselle for The joffrey Ballet is taken from the 1933 Nicolas Sergueeff staging for the Saddlers Wells
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Romeo and Juliet, the Tutor in Swan Lake and, most recently, the Charlatan in Fokine 's Petrouchka. In 2004 he staged excerpts of Ashton's lost ballet Devil's Holiday for the Royal Ballet, Covent Garden. In the same year Mr. Franklin was inducted as a Commander of th e British Empire at Buckingham Palace b y H er Royal Highn ess Queen Elizabeth II for services to dance. Looking for ward to his 76th yea r on sta ge, h e is currently featured in the recent much acclaimed Geller-Goldfine historical documentary "Ballets Russes ." Other credits include Broadway and television.
Victoria Jaiani and Temur Suluash vili
Ballet which Sergueeff, in turn, based upon his personal notes as Regiseur of the Imperial Russian Ballet. Mr. Franklin has worked with The George Balanchine Foundation in "the recreation and taping of excerpts" from early Balanchine works and has worked with the Foundation and the Dance Collection of the New York Public Library on a 41 transcript oral history of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. During his continuing eleven-year association with American Ballet Theatre, Mr. Franklin has staged Coppelia, Gaite Parisienne, and Polovtsian Dances and continues to perform mime roles such as Madge in La Sylphide, Friar Laurence in
Christina Johnson Vojvodich Born in Vienna, Austria , Christina began her dance training at age seven. She trained at Boston School of Ballet , School of American Ballet and Dance Theatre of Harlem . Sh e was a member of Boston Ballet for two years before joining Dance Theatre oT Harlem , where she rose to become principal dancer during her thirteen year tenure. She danced leading roles in much of the company's repertoire, including Swan Lake, Giselle, Prodical Son , Voluntaries, The Four Temperaments and Fancy Free. Christina worked with distinguished choreogr ap h er s and coach es, among them , J erome Robbins, Frederic Franklin , Su zanne Farrell and Sir Anthony Dowell. She also has had original works created on her by Glenn Tetley, Alonzo King and Dwight Rhoden among others. She was a member of the Swiss companies, Le Ballet du Grand Theatre de Geneve and Ballett Basel, where her repertoire expanded to include works by William Forsythe, James Kudelka , Ohad Naharin, Twyla Tharp, Amanda Miller and David Parsons to name a few. Christina has been a featured guest artist with various companies worldwide , including the renowned Royal Ballet of London. Sh e is a founding member of Complexions Dance Company in New York. After her performance career Christina has been sought after as a teacher, coach and ballet mistress and has worked with companies such as Dance Theatre of Harlem , Washington Ballet, North Carolina Dance Theatre, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Gotesborg Ballet and Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo to name a few. In additi on she h eld the po siti on of Rehearsal Director for Cedar Lake Dance Company in New York. Christina continues her work as teacher, coach and ballet mistress both nationally and internationally.
Victoria Jaiani and Temur Suluashvili.
Detroit Opera House
Copyright "" 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
MARCH 29-APRIL 6, 2008 Composer: Vincenzo Bellini Librettist: Felice Romani Opera in two acts World Premiere: Teatro Carcano, Milan; March 6, 1831 Sung in Italian with English surtitle translations Running time: 21/2 hours Conductor: Richard Bonynge Director: Renata Scotto Chorus Master: Suzanne Mallare Acton Production Design: Carlo Diappi Lighting Design: Guy Simard Hair and Makeup Design: Sarah Hatten Assistant Director: Marco Pelle Stage Manager: Ken Saltzman Surtitles: Roberto Mauro La Sonnambula is a co-production of Michigan Opera Theatre and Florida Grand Opera Scenery Constructed at Ravenswood Studios, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Props constructed at Florida Grand Opera Shop Costumes constructed at GP 11 Flying Effects provided by ZFX, Inc.
The 2008 Spring Ope ra Season is sponsored by Cadill ac
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detroit Opera House
THE CAST In order of vocal appearance
ACT 1. The village square. As the villagers hail Amina, to whom Elvina has just proposed marriage, Lisa alone is not pleased-because she also loves Elvina. Alessio, in love with Lisa, tries to embrace her, but is rebuffed. Amina emerges from the mill where she lives and thanks the villagers for their good wishes. She singles out Alessio and Lisa. Teresa, the mill owner and Amina's adopted mother, notices that Lisa is not happy A notary announces that Elvina is on his way The young man soon arrives, apologizing for his delay He has been praying at his mother's tomb for blessings on their marriage. Before the notary and the people, Elvina pledges all his possessions to Amina. She replies that all she has to give is her heart. He gives her a ring, and they are now betrothed. Rodolfo arrives. He is en route to the castle, but because of the late hour accepts a room at Lisa's inn. Rodolfo finds to his surprise that he has seen this village before. Noting the festivities , he asks who the bride is. He is taken with Amina. As dusk approaches, Teresa asks the crowd to disperse because, at night, a white-clad phantom wanders the area. After the incredulous Rodolfo takes his leave, singling out Amina, Elvina is jealous. Amina soothes him. The lovers part for the night.
lisa .. ... .. ... ..... ............. ...... .. .. ........... .... ......... ....................... ............. TBA Alessio ........... ........... ..... .... ............................... ....... .... ... ...... Seth Caricot Amina ....... ..................... ........ ...... ................ Ekaterina Siurina (29 , 2, 5)* Eglise Gutierrez (4, 6m)
Teresa ................................................................................ Kathleen Segar Notary ........................................ ..... ......................... .......... Aaron Sankot Elvino ........................................................ Charles Castronovo (29, 2, 5) Andrea Cesare Coronella (4, 6m) ¥ Rodolfo ............. ...... .............. .......... ........... Andrew Gangestad (29, 2, 5) Daniel Borowski (4, 6m)
*Michigan Opera Theatre debut t Young Artist Apprentice ¥ U.s. opera debut Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program Seth Carico, De Roy Testamentary Young Artist ' Aaron Sanko, Joyce H . Cohn Young Artist 2008 marks Michigan Opera Theatre's first production of La. Sonnambula.
believing in Amina's innocence, wraps Amina in Lisa's kerchief. The others, though, believe their eyes. Elvino tells her that the sound of her voice is horrible to him. ACT II. A valley between village and castle.
At the inn. The villagers travel to the castle to put Amina on trial before Count Rodolfo. Teresa attempts to comfort Amina. They are Joined by Elvino, who will not listen to Amina's protestations. Even the villagers, returning from Count Rodolfo, who has proclaimed her innocence, do not sway him. He takes back his ring.
convinced. As he leads Lisa to the church, Teresa arrives, begging for quiet. The distraught Amina has finally fallen asleep. Teresa is horrified when she realizes that Elvino and Lisa are about to wed . Lisa says that, unlike Amina, she wasn't alone in a man's bedroom. Teresa produces Lisa's kerchief-proof that Lisa was, in fact, in the room, and that she has lied.
Lisa reveals that she knows that Rodolfo is the new count. He tells her she's pretty; she says he's joking Suddenly a noise scares Lisa, and she hurriedly leaves, dropping a handkerchief. Amina, dressed in white, comes in, calling for Elvina, and Rodolfo realizes that this sleep-walking young woman is the village ghost. He leaves her asleep in his room.
The village square.
The villagers arrive to hail their new count. Seeing a sleeping woman in his room, they try to leave. Lisa, though, brings in Elvina and Teresa, and denounces Amina. The girl wakes up to hear Elvina calling her a traitor. Teresa,
As Lisa prepares to marry Elvino, Alessio tries to sway her. How can she treat him this way7 Lisa has made up her mind, though. They are interrupted by the villagers and the Count, who proclaims Amina's innocence. Elvino is not
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Suddenly, the Count notices Amina. She is sleepwalking- and in grave danger. He cautions all to be quiet-a sound could kill her. When she is safely on the ground, Elvino replaces his ring on her finger, awakening her to JOY and happiness.
-Courtesy Lucie Spieler ©2006 by Florida Grand Opera
Renata Scotto Awakens La Sonnambula from its Slumber Star Makes Her Michigan Opera Theatre Debut Directing All-New Production By REBEKAH JOHNSON
made him the quintessential enata Scotto has composer of bel canto opera, a type performed many roles in Italian opera requiring of elegant her li fetime - and not highly trained singers. Bellini's ·ust th e hu n d r ed or so romantic approach to sound took operatic roles to her credit. She is a shape in La Sonnambula, one of his visionary and now director for a last and most widely known brand new production of La operas. Amina's role includes one of Sonnambula, Bellini's bel canto the most well-known arias written masterpiece. As a living legend in in the Romantic style, titled "Ahl the opera world, Scotto had Non credea mirati." Having performed in Metropolitan Opera performed the aria numerous tours to Detroit, but had never times, Scotto believes it is one of performed or directed w ith the tenderest moments in the Michigan Opera Theatre before. To opera. "I believe [it] is the most be certain, it is an opportune time beautiful melody ever," says Scotto. for Renata Scotto to do what she "The melody is so pure." does best at MOT. Who is a better Singing Amina was a daunting candidate to transform a Bellini task in itself, but directing La classic than th e woman who Sonnambula was a different helped define the lead role herself! challenge altogether. For Scotto, the Renata Scotto got her start in journey from singing to staging singing early By the time most of began about twenty years ago, today's teenagers are going off to when in 1986 the Metropolitan college, Scotto had already made Opera requested that she direct and her operatic debut, and by 19 she "Yes, I'm romantic; I guess I'm a bit oldsing in Madama Butterjly. Though was singing at La Scala, one of the hesitant, she accepted the role and fashioned that way. I like life with more world's most famous opera houses stage directorship because she in Milan. In 1976, she moved from little words, said at the right moment." loved the opera. It seemed like a Milan to New York City, where she -RENATA SCOTTO natural fit, as Madama Butteljly was met and married Lorenzo Anselmi. her first role with the Met in 1965. Soon, Scotto was the ultimate As a new director, she loved being "If I had to identify with [Amina], I'd like working mom, with a demanding career able to give her ideas to the rest of the and busy family at home. "I had two lives: to be like her, " says Scotto. "She's simple, cast, and since 1986 has directed many she's good, she's full of love and very a Prima Donna on stage, because of the new productions all over the globe. "I respectful. " Her famous interpretation of leading roles. I loved what I did with have so much fun, especially when I have Amina was enjoyed by audiences acting and singing. But when the curtain a new production that begins with my throughout the world, including those at came down, I was a woman, a mother, a own ideas," says Scotto. A production of Covent Garden, La Scala, and every opera wife. I sacrificed a lot of social events La Traviata directed by Scotto in 1995 house in Italy because I was more interested in my won an Emmy award, and she is private life, my children. I enjoyed every Undoubtedly, it was the charm of frequently asked to stage operas second." Bellini that had taken hold of her artistic The birth of Michigan Opera Theatre's sentiments . "For me , Bellini is special. A hugely successful opera star with presentation of La Sonnambula began in Bellini's operas - you really have to frequent engagements at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Scotto performed in study hard to get into the character. There Miami at Florida Grand Opera with General Director Robert Heuer, the over 120 operas, but Amina, the lead is a lot of emotion inside the music, but former Founding Managing Director for soprano role in La Sonnambula always it's simple at the same time. It is beautiful, Michigan Opera Theatre from the held something special for her. In her romantic and simple. It goes right to the beginning of the company to 1979. own way, Scotto could relate to Amina heart of people," says Scotto. Scotto was immediately taken with the Vincenzo Bellini's career as a composer and at the same time desire to be like her.
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Bellini is deep and never superficial. Even the happiness comes from the inside out. Breathing from the inside out ... It has to be no less than perfect. " Although Scotto has not worked with Ekaterina Siurina or Eglise Gutierrez, the two Aminas performing in Michigan Opera Theatre's presentation of Sonnambula, Scotto can relate to them and their process of getting in character. "In my career I Leah Partridge as Amina and Bruce Sledge as Elvino in Florida try to always identify with Grand Opera's 2007 production of La Sonnambula. the characters, because they all have a human idea of directing a new production. "Bob side. In this case I think you can identify Heuer thought that he would like to do with [Amina] in the fact that she's a very, Sonnambula ... and then I was very happy very emotional character, delicate , and when he asked me [to direct], because I very human. " always wanted to direct Sonnambula in In Scotto's conception of the this country I'm glad we get a chance to production, Amina, the orphan adopted present it in Detroit." by a mill-owner, and betrothed to Elvino , A new opera production is a goes through a nightmare in her monumental feat, but in the right hands sleepwalking. In her nightmare, she - in this case Scotto, conductor Richard dreams that she is found in another man's Bonynge and the cast - can turn out to bedroom. Elvino , Amina's fiancee, be a tremendous success. Scotto says that believes she betrayed him , but in the end she and Bonynge "get along very well ," she is proved to be innocent. "The and that the relationship between the production is very simple," says Scotto. director and conductor is essential for any "It's very Switzerland - you see small production. Ultimately though, opera is pieces to represent larger ideas. It should in the hands of the singers, says Scotto. represent the ideas of the country, of the "Opera is ultimately in the hands of people I wanted to place in the period of singers. They have to understand that
Bellini. We're in the beginning of the 19th century, the costumes are very romantic, and it's very elegant." Scotto's long relationship with set and costume designer Carlo Diappi helped the collaboration take shape into what she had envisioned. "The scenes are very simple ... the costumes are in the style of Bellini , light colors, so lighting and costumes are important. " When rehearsals begin in March for La Sonnambula , the cast and production team will have a lot of work to do. The high artistic standards and tough demands set by Scotto will help create the kind of opera she envisions. "There are never enough rehearsals," says Scotto. The quality of music and the presentation of the visual elements should be refined by this woman whose critical eye makes her one of the most sought-after artists and stage directors in the world. While she describes the production as "simple ," putting an opera together is never simple, and requires a great cast and production team. Michigan Opera Theatre's long reputation of high artistic standards means that the company should certainly be able to meet those challenges with Scotto in the director's chair. It's not unnatural to have Scotto finish a conversation with glowing remarks about her grandchildren. Family, it seems, has always been a top priority, and while many women have trouble balanCing work and home lives, Scotto seems to have succeeded marvelously in both. These days, she is very selective about what operas she directs, but she is both excited and nervous to make her directorial debut in Detroit. "I feel nervous about directing in Detroit, because I want to make sure everything goes well," says Scotto. "I have to be nervous, because it's never a calm job, because you have a big responsibility I'm looking forward to coming over [to Detroit] and waiting to have a beautiful production."
Rebekah Johnson is the Public Relations CoordinatOl' Jor Michigan Opera Theatre and Bravo editor. You may contact her at
Leah Partridge as Amina and Bruce Sledge as Elvino with the cast of Florida Grand Opera's 2007 production of La Sonnambula. Detroit Opera House
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APRIL 19-26, 2008
Composer: Giacomo Puccini Librettist: Giuseppe Adami Opera in three acts World Premiere: Monte Carlo, Monaco; March 27, 1917 Sung in Italian with English surtide translations Running time: 2 lj2 hours Conductor: Steven Mercurio Director: Lotfi Mansouri Chorus Master: Suzanne Mallare Acton Choreographer: Jeffrey Rebudal Set Design: Ralph Funicello Costume Design: Sam Kirkpatrick Lighting Design: Jeff Harris Hair and Makeup Design: Sarah Hatten Assistant Director: Amy Axelson Stage Manager: Joe Gladstone Surtides: Roberto Mauro The scenery and costumes were originally created for the New York City Opera.
The 2008 Spring Season is sponsored by Cadi llac
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
SYNOPSIS ACT I: During a dinner party at the Parisian home of Magda, a courtesan , conversation turns to the subj ect of love. A poet in the group, Prunier, warns the women that everyone in town is being bitten by the love bug. But, he asserts that romance is just a fad- an epidemic of madness. The women laugh off the advice except for Magda, who is more serious about love. Then Prunier mentions Doretta, the heroine of his latest poem , who has been bitten by the bug. Encouraged to share the song, Prunier sings that Doretta dreams that she is pursued by a king who offers her riches if she will just love him. Prunier trails off claiming he doesn't know how the lyric should continue. Magda says Doretta moves on and discovers the meaning of passion after one intense kiss from a young student. Magda's lover, Rambaldo, compares romance to weakness and says it's something he's armed himself against. He then surprises Magda with an expensive necklace. Though she accepts the gift, she is not impressed with it. Rambaldo leaves the room to greet a visitor at the door. Magda's friends remark how fulfilling her life must be with the Rambaldo's generosity Magda quickly retorts that money doesn't buy happiness. She recalls an intensely romantic evening spent with a young man at a night spot called Bullier's several years earlier. She doesn't share much of the details, to the dismay of her friends . Rambaldo returns to the room, accompanied by the guest, who is the son of a childhood friend. As the men talk, Prunier reads Magda's palms. He sees that she is like a swallow, destined to fly toward love. Prunier then reads that destiny will present two faces. But, no one knows Detroit Opera House
if it's a smile or anguish. With that, Prunier moves on to the other women. The conversation then turns to Ruggiero, who is asking where . he should go that night to meet people, as he's new to Paris. The group offers a quick list of suggestions and decide he should head to Bullier's. With that, the group disbands, everyone leaving the house. Magda dashes off to change her outfit as she's secretly decided to go to Bullier's, as well . Prunier returns to meet Magda's maid, Lisette , with whom he is having an affair. ACT II: Magda enters Bullier's and stands out from the crowd because she is dressed as a working class woman. She catches the eye of Ruggiero, who invites her to sit with him. They hit it off, though he doesn't realize he was just inside her house. As the evening proceeds, Magda begins to feel young again. She is reliving the memory she spoke of earlier in the evening. Prunier and Lisette enter Bullier's and eventually spot Magda and Ruggiero , though Prunier pretends she is someone who just looks like Magda. Lisette is convinced otherwise. The couple walks over to greet Ruggiero and the three of them play along that Lisette is just drunk and imagining the woman is her employer. However, the game ends when Rambaldo walks in. Prunier tells Magda to leave but she insists on owning up to what she's doing. When Rambaldo asks her to go home with him, Magda ends their relationship by proclaiming her love for Ruggiero. ACT III: As Magda and Ruggiero are enjoying a quiet morning at their seaside hotel in southern France, he confesses that he's asked his parents for money and their blessing to marry Magda. She is elated but
wonders if she should tell him of her life as a courtesan. Meanwhile, Prunier and Lisette arrive in the same town, having failed at turning Lisette into a singer. She speaks of returning to her life as a maid. Prunier spots the hotel and they ask for Magda. He explains that Lisette wants her job back. When Lisette leaves the room, Prunier reveals his real reason for coming there. He encourages Magda to return to Paris, to her real life and Rambaldo . Prunier says Magda has to
abandon this illusion with Ruggiero. He tells Magda that Ruggiero's mother can only bless their union if Magda is good, mild, pure and possesses all the virtues. With that, the illusion fades and Magda realizes she can never stay with Ruggiero. She can be a lover but never a wife. Ruggiero begs her to remain as he can't live without her, but Magda, older and wiser, leaves him knowing that her past would prevent them from ever being happy
-Courtesy oj The Dallas Opera
THE CAST In order of vocal appearance
Yvette .. ....... :.. .. ..... ... ......... ..... ... ..... Kimwana Doner* Bianca .... .... ...... .... ........ .... ..... ....... .. .... .... .......... .. TBA Prunier .. .. .......... .................... Victor Ryan Robertson Magda .... ............ ...... Pamela Armstrong (19,23 , 26) Tiziana Caruso (20m, 25)¥ Usette .. ....... .. ... ... .... .......... ..... ....... ...... ...... ......... TBA
Suzy ... ....... .. .................... .................... Leah Dextert Rambaldo ....... ... .......................... .. .. Philip Skinner* Govin ..... ... .. .... .................. .... .............. Aaron Sankot CrebillonlMaggiordomo .. .. .. ... .. .... .. .... ... Seth Carico t Perichaud ... .. ...... .... .. ................. ... ......... Wes Mason t Ruggiero ...... .. .. .. ........ David Pomeroy 09,23,26) * Arturo Chacon-Cruz (20m, 25) Georgette .... ........... ........ .. ............. .... ...... ....... ... TBA Gabriele .... ... ....... .... ..... .. ... ... ..... ... ............. ..... .. .TBA Lolette .. ... ..... .... .... ... ...... ....... ... ...... ....... Leah Dextert
*Michigan Opera Theatre debut t Young Artist Apprentice ¥ U.S. opera debut Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program Seth Carico, De Roy Testamentary Young Artist Aaron Sanko , Joyce H . Cohn Young Artist Last Michigan Opera Theatre production
of La Rondine, 1972 Directed by: Carolyn Lockwood Conducted by: William Byrd
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
La Rondine director continues to shape the world of opera
ranian-born Lotfi Mansouri loves Western music , poetry, drama, the symphony and the ballet, and he devotes h is life to the craft that integrates th em all . "I've always sai d Opera is the greatest art form created by the human mind. It's what I'm writing on my tombstone. " In his distinguished career as a stage director (1960- 1976), general director (1976-2000) , and now stage director again, Mansouri has helped create a new base of opera fans. Also, thanks to his effons, many established opera fans are adopting a more favorable opinion of La Rondine, which he directs for Michigan Opera Theatre this spring. Indeed, Giacomo Puccinis WWI era work is among the composer's leastloved. "La Rondine is a difficult piece to present and difficult to get a hold of," says Mansouri, "audiences are so used to La Boheme, Butterfly, and Tasca. They come in expecting blood and thunder. " What they'll get instead , Mansouri
assures us , is a lyric comedy of fine delicacy, unlike any other Puccini work. "It reminds me a lot of an impressionist painting." Mansouri brought his vision of a subtler La Rondine to a revival production at New York City Opera , which has made its way to the Detroit Opera House this spring. "It's a simple set. I chose an unembellished design in order to concentrate on the characters. Funicello [Ralph, the deSigner] had designed a lot more plays than operas. This piece is basically like a musical play and I do it like a play" Mansouri compares Puccini's character, Prunier, to a theater personality from the era , playwright Noel Coward: "He's a musician, he's charming, and he offers witty dialogue. And now, because of the titles , the audience can follow the details. " By "titles ," Mansouri is referring to live supenitle translations, which he invented in 1983 out of frustration. "We were so concerned with characterization that we
would work hours on a single line , getting every nuance, and then the audience wouldn't know what the hell was going on." One day he and his wife, Marjorie, were watching the The Ring on television, with English subtitles. At one point Marjorie - not much of a Wagner fan - turned to him and said "You know, this isn't as dumb as I thought. " He chose Elektra , with its great literary value, for the trial run of supertitles. "Hofmannsthal's libretto is brilliant; you could even do it without Strauss's music. " The Canadian audience connected to the drama in a way they never had before, and the use of supertitles spread rapidly to other houses, often to the chagrin of opera old-schoolers. A London writer called supertitles "The Plague from Canada." Others accused Mansouri of "vulgarizing opera. " But supertitles don't diminish the art , they raise its audience. And if any critics remain, Mansouri's reply to them is his life's work. He is fond of saying "Opera is for everyone. "
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre ,'vw,v.M_
Detroit Opera House
Supertitles have allowed once-obscure The phrase Opera is for everyone may be truer in Europe than in North works to emerge. One of the more America . Here , Mansouri says , "just the apropos examples, says Mansouri, is word 'opera' is foreign." The difference is Capriccio , a dialogue-intense opera that due in part to how the art is funded, he Strauss subtitled A Conversation Piece for Music. "Cappriccio was hardly on the says. A European opera company will be radar but now it's a success. Audiences funded publicly, with the government often picking up 80% or more of its appreciate its dramatization of the eternal annual budget. On this side of the argument regarding what's more Atlantic there's often the attitude important - words or music. " "if rich people want opera , Another opera "Go to dinner with let them pay for it. " that got a boost from When Mansouri someone you love and supertitles - as well became general director at as from Mansouri's order a wonderful Canadian Opera Company revision of it - is bottle of wine, then he met his first marketing La Rondine. "People come to this piece. La will love La Rondine department. "Before that, I thought marketing was Rondine is for lovers." for the collaboration when you went of its wonderful - LOTFI M ANSOURI shopping " His prior elements; the employer, Geneva Opera , had no staging, costumes, lighting, and titles marketing department. "The only balance one another. I wanted the thing we did was put a small audience to say 'wait a minute - this is a lovely piece'." announcement in the newspapers that tonight's performance is Rigoletto and that Mansouri calls Magda's third-act exit "one of the most beautiful exits in all of it starts at 7:30. There usually were about opera. And if it's done well, the audience 2,000 people on the waiting list for subscriptions. " But in Toronto , a full will cry " But doing this opera well means house was not guaranteed and, unlike letting it be what it is. "It's a delicate piece in Geneva, ticket sales were vital to the and you should respect that and not doctor it up with melodrama. It isn't operational budget. So Mansouri was forced to innovate, and supertitles were Tosca. " La Rondine has impact when the an innovation that grew audiences by characters are seen as "real people with "breaking down the mystique" of opera. real dilemmas."
"I'm a cockeyed optimist."
Detroit Opera House
The Future of Opera "I see it as very bright. I'm a cockeyed optimist. " Mansouri will extemporize at length on the exciting changes taking place throughout the world of opera, such as simulcasting and computergenerated stage graphics. America, a latecomer to opera, is now "finding its voice. " There are more houses, more performances, and audiences are growing - and growing younger. New American works are finding their way into the repertoire, and American singers are "better prepared and more flexible" than their European counterparts. Through the combination of young artist programs at opera companies and opera workshops at universities, singers here "get a fabulous music education. A lot of American artists are now the major artists in Europe. " Though innovations are making opera more accessible, Mansouri warns that opera must never lower itself in order to widen its appeal: "Never try to undersell it. You must excite people to come up to opera. It's not spaghetti, it's not a hamburger... it's caviar. It takes time to develop a taste for it. " That doesn't happen passively The audience , he says, must "take an active part in preparing themselves. " Mansouri calls opera a "composite art, " as distinguished from the "singular arts" such as the symphony and ballet. People often come to opera after first learning to appreciate its separate elements. Okay, say you've done your homework, you've developed your taste for opera and you're holding tickets to La Rondine - now what! "Before you come to the performance ," says Mansouri, "go to dinner with someone you love and order a wonderful bottle of wine, then come to this piece. La Rondine is for lovers." "I want to share opera with people. I want to say 'Guys, this is fantastic I Come and take a taste and experience this world, filled with so many different treasures.' That's why even at my age, and after nearly a half century in this profession, I haven't given it up. "
Mitch Carter is Michigan Opera Theatre's Web Coordinator and Bravo's Contributing Editor. You may contact him at
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
MAY 10-18, 2008
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi librettist: Francesco Maria Piave Opera in three acts World Premiere: Venice, Italy; March 6, 1853 Sung in Italian with English surtitle translations Running time: 3 hours Conductor: Giuliano Carella Director: Mario Corradi Chorus Master: Suzanne Mallare Acton Choreographer: Jeffrey Rebudal
Set &: Costume Design: Thierry Bousquet lighting Design: Kendall Smith Hair and Makeup Design: Sarah Hatten Assistant Director: TBA
Th e 2008 Spring Season is sponso red by Cadil lac
Stage Manager: Ken Saltzman Surtitles: Roberto Mauro The scenery and costumes were originally created for the New York City Opera
May 17 perfo rmance made possible by the Ida and Con rad Smith Fund of the Community Foundation for So uth east Michigan.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.M
May 16 performance ma d e poss ible by the De Roy Testamentary Foundation
Detroit Opera House
SYNOPSIS SETTING: Paris, 1850 ACT I At a party in Violetta's salon, Flora, the Marquis and the Baron arrive late, followed by Gastone and Alfredo. Gastone introduces Alfredo to Violetta and tells her that he visited her every day that she was ill. As all sit down to dinner, Gastone asks the Baron to propose a toast but he refuses, while Alfredo accepts. Music is hea rd from another room and all are invited to dance. As the guests leave the room Violetta has a coughing attack. Alfredo remains behind and expresses his concern for Violetta's health , proclaiming that only he truly loves her. Violetta can offer only friendship , and suggests that he won't find it difficult to forget her. As he starts to leave, Violetta stops him and offers him a camellia inviting him to come back when the flower has faded. The guests reenter and bid good night. Violetta is forced to take Alfredo's words seriously. Confronted with the power of his affection and commitment, she considers if it is possible for someone like her to find true love. She dismisses the idea as ludicrous and proclaims she was meant for freedom and enjoyment. ACTn Alfredo and Violetta have lived together for three months in a country house outside Paris. Alfredo's satisfaction comes from Violetta's abandonment of her fo rmer life to devote herself to him. Violetta's maid, Annina , greets Alfredo and he asks where she has been. Though she has been sworn to silence, she tells him she has been to Paris selling Violetta's possessions. Alfredo resolves to fix the situation. He leaves, ordering Annina not to reveal his departure to her mis tress. Violetta returns and is brought an invitation from Flora to a party Giuseppe then Detroit O pera House
announces there is a gentleman to see her. The visitor reveals himself as Germont , Alfredo's father. He is concerned that his daughter cannot marry into the family she has chosen unless Alfredo gives up this current life. Germont wants her to give up Alfredo completely She refuses, explaining that she has no friends and no relatives. She doesn't have a lot of time left. Eventually she gives in , and asks Germont not to allow Alfredo to curse her memory and to tell him of her sufferings. Violetta is writing a note as Alfredo enters , wondering what she is doing. Violetta hides the letter and Alfredo reveals that he is concerned that his father will visit them. Violetta confirms Alfredo's love for her and runs out. Alfredo's contentment is later disturbed when it is announced that Violetta has left for Paris and a letter is given to him that Violetta wrote earlier. He reads the letter and learns of Violetta's abandonment. As he turns to leave he runs into his father. Germont tries to comfort his son who is now fu ll of vengeance. He sees Flora's invitation and realizes where Violetta has gone. Later, at a party in Flora's salon, the Marquis informs the Doctor and Flora that Alfredo and Violetta have split and that Violetta will be coming to the party with the Baro n. A group of party ladies enter disguised as gypsies , singing about telling the future. A group of men enter led by Gastone disguised as matadors and picadors. They sing of a brave matador who faced five bulls in a single day LO win the heart of a young lady All are surprised as Alfredo enters. He starts to gamb le at cards. Violetta, with the Baron , enters. The Baron sees Alfredo, points him out to Violetta and warns her not to talk to him. Violetta agrees. Alfredo keeps winning at cards and recklessly announces that with his winnings he will go back to the country but not
alone. The Baron challenges Alfredo to a card game. Alfredo wins. As supper is served , Violetta stays behind, having asked Alfredo to slip away to join her. She begs him to go away because he is in danger the Baron might challenge him to a duel. He refuses unless she comes with him. She refuses, answering that she loves the Baron. Alfredo calls all the guests and humiliates Violetta by throwing the money he has won at her. The guests turn on him. Germont , who has arrived at the party and seen this display, asks if this is his son . Alfredo feels remorse immediately Finally, the Baron challenges Alfredo to a duel for the offense as the other guests comfort Violetta. ACTm Violetta is ill in her deserted home. When she awakens, she calls Annina , who apologizes for sleeping. Violetta wants to rise but she doesn't have the
strength. The Doctor enters in time to help Violetta back to bed. He confides to Annina that Violetta has only hours to live. Violetta rereads a letter from Germont, which reveals that the Baron was wounded in a duel with Alfredo and that Germont has told his son everything about the departure of Violetta. Annina , hurrying into the room , prepares Violetta for a surprise. Violetta guesses the secret as Alfredo enters. He is ready to take her to the country She gets up and starts to dress but is too weak. The Doctor enters, followed by Germont. Violetta tells Germont and his son that they have come too late. She then gives a miniature to Alfredo in order that he will remember her. Violetta has a moment of remission - no pain , no heaviness and a resurgence of strength. She collapses and as Alfredo holds her, she dies.
- Courtesy of Opera America
THE CAST In order of vocal appearance Violetta .. ...... .. ..... ... .. .. ..... ... Dina Kuznetsova (la, 14, 17) TBA Doctor Grenville .. ........................................ Seth Caricot Baron Duphol ...................................... Stephen Lusmann Flora Bervoix ......................... .. .. ............ ..... Barbara Bland Marchese D'Obigny ............ .. .. .. ...... ...... .. .. .. .. Wes Masont Armina .. .... ... .. ... .... ... ... ........ ... .... .... .... .. ....... Leah Dextert Gastone de Letorieres .. .... ................ Bernard D. Holcomb Alfredo .. .. .. .. ........ ...... .. .. Arturo Chac6n-Cruz (la, 14, 17) Mark Panuccio (lI m , 16, 18m) Giuseppe ............. ......................................... Lon el Woods Germont .................... .. ...... Marco Di Felice (la , 14, 17)* TBA Messenger ......................... ... ......... ... ......... ..... ... ... ... ... TBA Flora's Servant ..... .. ....... .... ................. ............. .... ........ TBA
*Michigan Opera Theatre debut t Young Artist Apprentice ¥ U.S. opera debut Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program Seth Carico, De Roy Testamentary Young Artist Last Michigan Opera Theatre production of La Traviata , 2001 Directed by: Harry Silverstein Conducted by: Giuliano Carella
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Traviata Brings Teacher and Students Together By STEP HEN L U5MANN
ver twenty-five years ago I was singing the role of Baron Duphol wi th age make-up making me look more appropriate for the role. Today I don't need the make-up. I was a member of the young artist program of the Cincinnati Opera and beginning my career as an opera singer. This young artist program was my first professional engagement after receiving my graduate degrees from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. While a youn g artist with that company I also sang the roles of Germont, Eugene Onegin, Marcello, Rossini's Barber, Be1core, Guglielmo in matinee performances and understudied many more. This step after academia introduced me to many outstanding profeSSional stage directors, conductors, more established singers, agents and general directors of other opera companies who helped me proceed with more confidence in pursuing my dream in New York and Europe. In fact my first engagement after the Cincinnati Young Artist Program was to sing Sivio in I Pagliacci with Dayton Opera. David DiChiera gave me that chance. He also played matchmaker by introducing me to Maryanne Telese who sang Nedda and became my wife seven months later. While enjoying a very fulfilling twentysix year career performing throughout the United States and Europe J also taught singing privately when time permitted. In
1998 passing on what I had learned in my performing career became an extremely important part of my life. This led me to my current position as a voice professor at the University of Michigan and the Seagle Music Colony, which is the oldest Michigan Opera Th eatre DeRoy Young Artist Apprentice Seth Carico, summer vocal Professor Stephen Lusmann , and Young Artist Apprentice W es Mason. training program in the United States. with outstanding potential to sing opera as I have had many talented young singers well as great innate ability to communicate come through my studio in the past eight genuine emotions through their characters. years and two of them are sharing the stage Seth decided to come to the University of with me in Michigan Opera Theatre's Michigan to earn his Masters Degree in production of La Ii'aviata. What a joy! It is Vocal Performance and Wes to earn his wonderfu l to wo rk with my students in a Bachelors. 1, along with my colleagues , have profeSSional setting and see them bring to worked to foster their complete artistry by rehearsals and performances all of the craft developing their musicianship, language they have learned. 1 also know tha t they skills, acting and vocal technique. We have love to see me take direction from someo ne also instilled in them the idea thal the else. Although we are at d ifferent stages in ultimate goal is to become increasingly our careers we still need to add ress the independent and eventually to become their same attention to detail own best teacher. in our performances. The first profeSSional steps after Both Seth Carico, who academia are crucial for a yo un g singer and is singing the ro le of Dr. Michigan Opera Theatre has offered these Grenville, and Wes young men a wonderful profeSSiona l Mason, who is singing atmosphere in which to grow. Perhaps one the role of Ma rquis day they will recall this experi ence as they d'Obigny, began studying are passing along their knowledge to their with me at the Seagle students and even have the opportunity to Music Colony. The first share the stage with them. time I heard Seth he was singing Gideo n Ma rch in Stephen Lusmann is an Associate ProJessor oj Mark Adamo's opera Voice at the University oJ Michigan, and ULtle Women and the first regLllarly appears in Michigan Opera Theatre time I heard Wes he was singing Pasquale in Frank productions. In May 2008, ProJessor Lusmann appears with two oj his students, Seth Calico Loesser's The Most Happy and Wes Mason in La Ii'aviata. Fella. They both possess beautiful strong voices
Susan Patterson as Violetta and Mi'sha Didyk as Alfredo in Michigan Opera Th eatre's 200 1 produ ctio n of La Traviata.
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Chorus Mastel; La Sonnambula, La Rondine, La Traviata
Flora Bervoix, La Traviata
RodolJo, La Sonnambula (4, 6m)
Mezzo-soprano Barbara Bland received her B.A. in Music from the University of Michigan and went on to Oakland University where she earned her Master's Degree in Vocal performance. Ms. Bland was selected as one of the finalists in the Metropolitan Opera Auditions for the Detroit District Competition in 1995 , and a winner of th e Michigan Opera Theatre Young Artist Apprentice Award in 199697. Barbara's roles with the Michigan Opera Theatre ha ve included Mercedes in Carmen , Second Lady in The Magic Fhlte, Annina in La Traviata, The High Priestess in Aida, Countess Ceprano and Giovanna in Rigoletto and Kate in Madama Batte1jly. Currently, Ms. Bland is a voice instructor and lecturer at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan .
Polish bass Dan.iel Borowski made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Sarastro in the 2004 production of The Magic Flute, and he returns in the sp ring 2008 season to perform the role of Rodolfo in La Sonnambula. Having studied in Warsaw and London , his professional career began at the Polish National opera and the Gret Theatre in Poznan. In 1995 he was awarded first prize at the 3rd International Stanislaw Moniuszko Singing Competition in Warsaw, and in 1998 he received the Glyndebourne Festival Opera's John Christie Award. At his debut at the New York City Opera in 200l, he was named "Debut Artist of the Year. " Recent engagements for Mr. Borowski includ e II Commendatore in Don Giovanni with New York City Opera , Sparafucile in Rigoletto with Teatr Wielki Warszawa and Beethoven's Symphony NO.9 with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra . Upcoming performances include Ramfi s in Aida in June 2008 with Teatr Wielki Warszawa and I PUlitani in Amsterdam in February 2009.
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Michigan Opera Theatre's Chorus Master and Assistant Music Director, is recogni zed for her versatility and dynamic style from the concert hall to the opera stage. A Michigan Opera Theatre veteran, she has conducted the MOT chorus for 26 years. Conducting credits include West Side Story, The Barber o[ Sevi ll e, Music Man, Pirates oj Penzance, Mikado, Daughter oj the Regiment, and Die Fledermaus for Michigan Opera Theatre, My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera , Merry Widow and Madame BaLLe/jly for Artpark, and Tasca for Augusta Opera. As Artistic DirectorfMusic Director for Rackham Symphony Choir, she has directed Carmina B,rrana, AJrican SancLus, Too Hot to Handel, and Amahl and the Night Visitors.
Conductor, La Sonnambula
Magda, La Rondine (ApnI19, 23, 26)
Acclaimed Australian conductor Richard Bonynge returns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first time since conducting Norma in 1989. Recent engagements have included performances of La Traviata in Athens, I CapuleLi ed I Montecchi in London, Norma, Lucia di Lammermoor, La Scala di Seta, Signor Bruschino, Romeo & Juliette in Sydney, Lucia, Norma and Fallst in the United States, La Favorite in Barcelona, I Lombardi in Buenos Aires and Semiramide (Meyerbeer) at the Wildbad Festival , Germany Mr. Bonynge's extensive career includes innumerable performances with his wife, Dame Joan Sutherland, culminating in her farewell engagements in opera and recital throughout the world. His accomplishments as conductor and musical scholar were recognized when Queen Elizabeth II, during her Silver Jubilee Celebration in 1977, made him a Commander of the British Empire. In the summer of 1989, the French government honored him with the rank of "Commandeur de l'Ordre National des Arts et des Lettres".
American soprano Pamela Armstrong made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in 1997 as Countess in The Marriage oj Figaro and most recently sang in the 2004 p erformance of Faust as Marguerite. Ms. Armstrong has been praised for performances with man y of the world's leading operatic theaters including the Metropolitan Opera , Opera National de Paris, Hamburg State Opera , Grand Theatre de Bordeaux, Theatre du Capitole, Teatro Regio Torino , Houston Grand Opera, New York City Opera and at the Glyndebourne Festival. Her international career began in 1996 when she made her New York City Opera debut as Mimi in La Boheme. Her recent engagements include Konstanze in The Abduction Jrom the Seraglio with Houston Grand Opera, Alice Ford in FalstaJJ for New York City Opera, and La Traviata with Opera Colorado. Following La Rondine in Detroit, Ms. Armstrong will be performing in Carlisle Floyd's S,lsannah with Opera Pacific. 28
BRAVO Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Set and Costume Designer; La Traviata French set and costum e designe r Thierry Bousquet has designed production s for opera and theater professiona lly since 1964, and he has designed th e sets and costumes in Michigan Opera Theatre's spring 2008 production of La Tra viata. In his long career in theater, Mr. Bousquet has designed scenery and costumes for many opera production s, including Die Fledermaus , The Merry Widow, Tasca, Of/' Rosenna vali er, and Th e Magic Flate. GIULIANO CAREllA
Conductor, La Traviata Italian maestro Giuliano Carella last conducted the Michigan Opera Theatre orchestra for Aida in the spring 2006 season. He returns in the spring 2008 Detroit Opera HOllse
season to conduct La lj'aviata. Mr. Carell a studied in Milan and Padova , compleling his co nd ucting studies at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena under Franco Ferrara. Since making his debut in 1987 he has conducted in Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Paris, Marseille , Barcelona , Lisbon , Strasbourg, Monte Carlo and Amsterdam. In Italy he has conducted in the principal opera houses in cluding Palermo , Bologna , Trieste, Genova , Arena of Verona and the Festi vals in Pesaro , Martina Franca and Torre del Lago . Gi uliano Care lla has many recordings to his credil including unusual works such as Pacini's L:U!timo Giomo di Pompei. TIZIANA CARUSO
Magda, La Rondine (20m, 25) Italian so prano Tiziana aruso makes her US opera debut as Magda in La Rondine in Michigan Opera Theatre's spring 2008 season. A young and accom plished so prano , Ms. Canlso's recent engage ments include Puccini's Manon Lescaut at Smetana's Litomysl Opera Festival in the Czech Republic In No ve mber 2007 , Ms. Caruso won 3rd place in the International Lirico Iris Adami Corradetli competition. Following her performances in Detroit , Ms. Caruso will be performing Tosca in Venice this May CHARLES CASTRONOVO
Elvino, La Sonnambula (29, 2, 5) American tenor Charles Castronovo made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the fall 2005 season as Rodolfo in La Boheme , and he returns in the spring 2008 season to sing the role of Elvino in La Sonnambula. One of the wo rld's most sought-after artists and recognized internationally as an talented young lyric tenor, he has ap'pearecl with the Metropolitan Opera, Royal Opera , Covent Garclen, Berlin State Opera, Hamburg State Opera , Vienna State Opera , Opera Nat ional Paris, Detroit Opera House
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(313) 839-4100 • Toll Free (800) 241-3131 • Toulouse Ope ra , Los Angeles Opera , San Francisco Opera, and several other opera companies throughout Europe and the US Recent engagements ha ve included a revival of Lalo's Le Roi D'Ys in Toulouse, Don Ottavio in Los Angeles Opera's Don Giovanni , and his third revival of La Traviata for Covent Garden . Following his performances in Detroit, he will sing his first Tome Rakewell in Stravinsky'S The Rake's Progress at Covent Garden. ARTURO CHACON-CRUZ
Ruggiero, La Rondine (20m, 25); Alfredo, La Traviata (10, 14, 17) Mexican tenor Arturo Chacon-Cruz made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut last spring as Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, and returns in the spring 2008 season to sing the roles of Ruggiero in La ..• Rondine and Alfredo in La Traviata. A ti! protege of Ramon Vargas, Mr. ChaconCruz is a graduate of the Houston Grand Opera Studio where he appeared in several productions. In recent seasons, he has made many important international debuts, including his Italian stage clebut as Rodolfo in La Boheme at the Teatro Comunale, Bologna, and his Spanish debut in Valencia as Christian in Alfano's Cyrano de Bergerac opposite Placido Domingo. Recent engagements have included a concert of the Verdi Requiem at Los Angeles Opera conclucted by Placido Domingo and Rod olfo in La Boh eme with Washington Opera , Los Angeles Opera and Staatsoper Berlin. Following his performances in Detroit, he will be debuting with the Cincinnati Opera in Catan's Florencia en el Amazonas.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.Mich
Elvino, La Sonnambula (4, 6m) Ilalian tenor Andrea Cesare Coronella makes his US opera debut in spring 2008 as Elvino in La SOllnambula. A promising yo ung tenor, he has studied vocal technique uncl er Maestro Arrigo Pola - Luciano Pavarotti 's teacher - and later wi th Maestro Tito Turtura and soprano Margherita Guglielmi. He has won various international competitions, including first place at the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale of Spoleto Competition . Despite his young age, Mr. Coronella is highly estimated by critics for his capaCity in the high registe r, a talent that critics have likened to a young Pavarotti , from whom Mr. Coronella has studied interpretation. He has performed in several noted Italian theaters, including Teatro Regio of Parma, Teatro Comunale of Modena, Teatro Donizetti of Bergamo, Teatro Bellini of Catania, Teatro Carlo Felice of Genova and Stadttheater of Klagenfurt , Opernhaus of Leipzig and Teatro Municipa l of Caracas. In his free time , Mr. Coronella enJoys eating pizza, shopping, visiting museums ancl learning more abou t archeology MARIO CORRADI
Stage Director; La Traviata Italian stage director Mario Corradi returns to Michigan Opera Theatre to stage La Traviata , his seventeenth production with the company Having made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut with Carmen in 1996, Mr. Corradi has BRAVO
returned to Detroit annually, directing productions ranging from Werther to A Mas /led Ball, Rigoletto and Faust among others. Most recently Mr. Corradi directed th e co mpany's production of The Barber of Sev ille last fall. Mr. Corradi has directed productions in many of the world 's great opera houses and theaters, including Teatro Regio in Parma, The National Opera of th e Ukraine, and many theaters throughout the U.S. Having previously been an assistant to the accl aimed Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, he made his profeSSional directorial debut in 1982. CARLO DIAPPI
Set and Costume Designer; La Sonnambula
include first prize at Conco rso Europeo del Teatro Comunale di Modena , first prize at Concorso Internazionale Giuseppe Di Stefano and first prize at Concorso Intemazionale dellArena di Verona. Recent engagements include his debut at Arena of Verona as Silvio in I Pagliacci and Amonasro in Aida, Escamillo in Carmen for Fondazione Petruzzelli of Bari, Alfio in Cavallelia Rusticana at Teatro Real in Madrid , Don Carlo in Emani at Teatro Regio in Torino, Renato in A Masked Ball at the Metropolitan Opera and Sharpless in Madama Butterjly at Teatro Comunale in Florence , Italy. Mr. Di Felice's hobbies include history and literature. KIMWANA DONER
ltalian set and costume deSigner Carlo Diappi makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut designing sets and costumes for La Sonnambula . After receiving a degree in architecture from the University of Milan, Mr. Diappi's first production was of Don Pasquale at the Cantiere d i Montepulciano. Since then , he has created productio ns at all the prestigious theaters in Italy, as well asi n Germany (Cologne, Munich, Dusseldorf, Schwetzinger Festspeile) , Austria (a Salzburg Festival production of Le Nozze di Figaro for the Mozart bicentennial in Vienna) , France (Opera Garnier, Bastille, Chatelet, Nice , Bordeaux), Switzerland (Zurich, Lausanne, Bern), Spain (Bilbao , Barcelona, Seville), the Netherlands (Amsterdam , Anvers, Utrecht) , and the U.S.A. (Charleston Festival) Recent engagements include La Traviata at the National Theater in Tokyo, Mojse et Pharaon (opening production at La Scala in Milan, available on DVD), Norma in Helsinki , Aida in Turin , and Falstaff in Florence. Beside opera, drama, and ballet , he has designed costumes for several movies.
Yvette, La Rondine Kimwana Doner, a native Detroiter, is an alumna of Cass Technical High School and the University of Michigan . Doner is a student of the legendary opera star Shirley Verrett, and a former Adler Fellow with the San Francisco Opera , where she performed the roles of Clotilde in Norma , Countess Ceprano in Rigoletto, and Pamina in The Magic Flute for Kids. Ms. Doner has also performed the roles of Fiordiligi in Cosi Fan Tutte, Countessa in Le Nozze di Figaro , Leonora in II Ii'ovatore , Liu in Turandot, and Musetta in La Boheme to name a few. She has been seen on the opera stages across the country including Opera Theatre of Saint Louis , Opera North, Seattle, and Boston Lyric Opera. Ms. Doner has also been seen in concert with several organizations including Modesto Symphony, Saint Louis Symphony, Yakima Symphony, Napa Valley Opera House, the Music at Meyer Concert Series and the Eureka Chamber Music Concert Series.
Rodolfo, La Sonnambula (29, 2, 5) American bass Andrew Gangestad made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the 2006 production of Cinderella, and returns in the spring 2008 season to perform the role of Rodolfo in La Sonnambula. A rare young singer, he is the first place winner of the 2005 Fritz and Lavi nia Jensen Foundation Voice Competition and the recipient of the Robert Lauch Memorial Grant from the Wagner Society of New York. His recent engagements have included Colline in La Boheme with the Metropolitan Opera, Tom in A Masked Ball with the Metropolitan Opera, Colline in La Boheme with Opera Pacific, Timur in Turanelot with Kentucky Opera and Ferrando in II Ii'ovatore for Toledo Opera. His upcoming engagements include his debut with the Welsh National Opera as Ramfis in Aida. EGLISE GUTIERREZ
Ralph Funicello is a renowned set designer for opera and theater around the globe. He has designed the scenery for over 250 productions of plays throughout the United States and Canada , including Broadway productions of Julius Caesar, Broo1<lyn Boy, Henry IV (for which he
Cuban-American soprano Eglise Gutierrez made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Uu in Turanelot in the spring 2007 season and returns in the spring 2008 season to as Amina in La Sonnambula. A rising star in the international opera world , Ms. Gutierrez made her professional debut as Lucia in Lucia eli Lammermoor in Bogota, Colombia just four years ago. In Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detroit Oper·a House
Germont, La Traviata (10, 14, 17) ltalian baritone Marco Di Fe lice makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the spring 2008 season as Germont in La Ii'aviata. A winner of several national and international competitions, Mr. Di Felice's accolades BRAVO
Amina, La Sonnambula (4, 6m) RALPH FUNICELLO
Set DesigneJ; La Rondine
received Outer Critic's Circle, Drama Desk and Tony Award nominations), King Lear, QED and Division Street , and Off Broadway productions including Ten Unknowns and Plide's Crossing. He has received the Merritt Award for Excellence in Design and Collaboration , a Los Angeles Music Center Distinguished Artist Award, as well as awards from the Bay Area Theatre Critics' Circle, the L.A. Drama Critics' Circle, Dramalogue magazine, Backstage West and the United States Institute for Theatre Technology. Mr. Funicello has served on the Theatre Panel of the National Endowment for the Arts. He currently holds the position of Powell Chair in Set Design at San Diego State University.
the seasons since, she has made notable debuts on European stages including the Finnish National Opera in Helsinki and Teatro dell Opera in Rome, as well as in South America at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires. In the United States she has performed with numerous opera companies and orchestras, including the Opera Orchestra of New York , Santa Fe Opera, Sarasota Opera and Sacramento Symphony Recent engagements include Rigoletto and La Sonnambula at the Teatro Verdi di Trieste , Mendelssohn's Elijah with the Utah Symphony, and a new production of Lucia di Lammermoor at the Savonlinna Opera Festival in Finland. Following her performances in Detroit, Ms. Gutierrez will be debuting at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden as Gilda in Rigoletto and returning to the Savonlinna Festival in the lead role in Lucia di Lammennoor. JEFF HARRIS
Lighting Designer; La Rondine A native of West Palm Beach, Florida , Jeff Harris is making his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the spring 2008 season designing lighting for La Rondine. For New York City Opera he has designed productions of Aliane et Barbe-bleue, La Rondine, The Magic Flute, Die tote Stadt, Rigoletto, and La Boheme. For Baltimore Opera he has designed La Boheme, Carmen, Tasca and Les Contes dHoffmann. He has been the director of lighting at New York City Opera since 1996 and lighting director at Glimmerglass Opera since 1993 where he has designed Salome and Barber of Seville. SARAH HATTEN
Wig and Makeup Designer; La Sonnambula, La Rondine, La Traviata Sarah Hatten returns to Michigan Opera Theatre in the spring 2008 season to design hair and makeup She has recently designed wigs and makeup for Des Moines Metro Opera and Michigan Opera Theatre, and her last designs included the fall 2007 season's The Marliage of Figaro. She has also recently worked as an Detroit Opera House
Assistant Wig and Makeup Designer for Central City Opera , Cleveland Opera , Omaha Opera and Nevada Opera. She has recently moved to the Los Angeles Area from her hometown in Iowa, and is pursuing work in California. BERNARD D. HOLCOMB Gastone de Letorieres, La Traviata
American tenor Bernard D. Holcomb , a Detroit native, made his Michigan Opera Theatre main stage debut as Nelson and Crab Man in Porgy and Bess in the fall 2006 season, and returns in the spring 2008 season to sing the role of Gastone de Letorieres in La Tl-aviata. With a long history at MOT, Mr. Holcomb is a Learning at the Opera House alumnus, where he was involved in the Create & Perform workshop, Operetta Workshop and Opera Camp. Recently, Mr. Holcomb was honored to be one of the three regional winners from the Metropolitan Opera regional auditions held last November at the Detroit Opera House.
Baron Duphol, La Traviata American baritone Stephen Lusmann made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in Jake Heggie's Dead Man Walking, in 2003. For the 2008 spring opera season he returns as Baron Duphol in La Tl-aviata. During the course of his rich operatic career, Mr. Lusmann has performed more than forty leading roles, with many of the world's leading opera companies, including Oper der Stadt Bonn, Opera de Monte Carlo , Stadttheater Luzern, Washington Opera, Cincinnati Opera, Boston Lyric Opera and Opera Carolina among others. Mr. Lusmann is an Associate Professor of Voice at the University of Michigan and is also a member of the voice faculty at the Seagle Music Colony He can be heard on recordings of Strauss' Der Fliedenstag on the Koch International label, Operangala on Tonstudio AMOS and on E. E. Cummings: An American Circus on Centaur Records. LOTFI MANSOURI
Stage Director; La Rondine
Violetta, La Traviata (10, 14, 17)
A native of Iran, stage director Lotfi Mansouri returns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first time since the 1984 production of Anna Bolena. Mr. Mansouri is the former General Director of San Francisco Opera and the Canadian Opera. He attended UCLA and took U.S. citizenship before becoming resident stage director at Opernhaus Zurich in 1976. He has directed at many opera houses throughout Italy including Teatro alla Scala in Milan. In North America, his work has been seen at the Metropolitan Opera , New York City Opera and in Chicago, Houston , Santa Fe, Philadelphia, Dallas and many other cities, and he has a lengthy association with Opera Australia at the Sydney Opera House. He is the author of Loifi Mansouri, An OperatiCLife and his film credits include operatic portions of Moonstruck and Yes, Giorgia Mr. Mansouri holds the honor of the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Government.
Russian-American soprano Dina Kuznetsova made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Juliet in last season's Romeo and Juliet and returns in the spring 2008 season to sing one of her signature roles the role of Violetta in La Traviata. Known [or passionate portrayals of the heroines of Italian and French opera, Ms. Kuznetsova has attracted the attention of the world's major opera companies with her outstanding musiCianship and compelling stage presence. She has performed with several noted companies including Chicago Lyric Opera , Boston Lyric Opera , Opera Pacific, Cincinnati Opera and Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin. Other recent engagements include Tatyana in Eugene Onegin with Lyric Opera of Chicago and Pamina in The Magic Flute with San Francisco Opera. Ms. Kuznetsova's interests and hobbies include hiking, reading and traveling
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre '\\
Conductor, La Rondine
Ruggiero, La Rondine (19, 23, 26)
American maestro Steven Mercurio returns to Michigan Opera Theatre as conductor for La Rondine, his fourteenth production with the company. Mr. Mercurio debuted with the company conducting Tosca, in 1995, and most recently led the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra for Porgy and Bess in 2006. The internationally acclaimed conductor and composer is a frequent guest of many of the world's great opera companies and symphonies, having conducted more than forty-five different operas in six languages. In the U.S., Mr. Mercurio has appeared with San Francisco Opera, Washington Opera, Opera Company of Philadelphia, Florida Grand Opera and Opera Pacific , among others. Mr. Mercurio has also conducted for several television broadcasts and recordings. His latest recording, a compilation of his own vocal compositions, features notable artists including Andrea Bocelli, Sumij o, Marcello Giordani , Gino Quilico, Ana Maria Martinez and Rolando Villazon and was recently released on the SonylBMG Masterworks label.
Canadian tenor David Pomeroy makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the spring 2008 season as Ruggiero in La Rondine. Quickly establishing himself as a leading young lyric tenor, he is a regular presence with the Canadian Opera Company, where he began as a member of the company's ensemble. Since his highlyacclaimed US debut in 2004 with Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Mr. Pomeroy has performed with opera companies and orchestras throughout the U.S. and Canada. Recent engagements include ldomeno with Pacific Opera Victoria , the Duke in Rigoletto with Calgary Opera, and Skuratov in From the House of the Dead with Canadian Opera Company. FollOwing his performances in Detroit , Mr. Pomeroy will be singing the role of Pinkerton in Madama Butterfly with Opera Theatre of St. Louis.
MARK T. PANUCCIO Alfredo, La Traviata
American tenor Mark T. Panuccio returns to Michigan Opera Theatre after debuting with the company as Casey in the student performance of Margaret Gamer; and most recently performing the role of 4th Jew in the 2006 production of Salome. Mr. Panuccio has appeared with the Sarasota Opera, Opera Pacific, Opera Circle of Cleveland, Utah Festival Opera , Nevada Opera , Portland Summer Opera in a variety of different roles ranging fro m Cavaradossi in Tosca to Mao Tse-tung in Nixon in China. This past February he performed in Cyrano at the Opera Company of Philadelphia Upcoming ·engagements will see Mr. Panuccio in the role of Edgard in Donizetti's Lucie de Lamme rmoor at Cincinnati Opera.
Choreographer, La Rondine, La Traviata A Honolulu , Hawaii native, Jeffrey Rebudal made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut last spring, choreographing Romeo and Juliet. His previous opera credits include L' Etoile for Cincinnati Opera , Opera de Montreal, and New York City Opera , and its premiere at Glimmerglass Opera in 2001. Mr. Rebudal is an Assistant Professor of Dance at Wayne State University. VICTOR RYAN ROBERTSON
Prunier, La Rondine American tenor Victor Ryan Robertson made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut last season as Count Almaviva in The Barber of Seville and returns in the 2008 spring season as Prunier in La Rondine. With a versatile singing ability and style allowing him to cross between genres, Mr. Robertson has received acclaim in Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
roles from classical to contemporary, pop and Broadway. His most recent engagements include Count Almaviva in Th e Marriage of Figaro with PORT Opera Festival, and Sponin' Life in Porgy and Bess in his debut with Los Angeles Opera. Following his performances in Detroit, Mr. Robinson will continue to perform additional off-Broadway performances of 3 Mo' Tenors in New York City and throughout the u.s He will also be performing in this year's Spoleto Festival U.S.A. as Ramiro in Cinde rella. RENATA SCOTTO
Stage Director, La Sonnambula Legendary opera star Renata Scotto makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as stage director fo r the spring 2008 production of La So nnambula. In recent years, Ms. Scotto has established herself as a prolific stage director, adding to her already-long list of accolades as a singe r. Her recent engagements have included directing a new production of La Son nambula and La Traviata for Florida Grand Opera , her directoral debut of Norma in Helsinki, her first La Wally in Bern, Switzerland , Lucia di Lammermoor in Thessalonki , Greece, opening the 2006 season in Genova with a revival of her 1986 Madame Butterfly , and staging a new production of La Boheme at Lyric Opera of Chicago. KATHLEEN SEGAR
Teresa, La Sonnambula American mezzo-soprano Kathleen Segar made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the 198 1 production of Carmen, and returns in the spring 2008 season singing the role of Teresa in La SOl1nambula. A Michigan resident , she currently serves on the voice faculty at Eastern Michigan University. After winning the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions early in her career, Ms. Segar has since performed for many major opera companies worldwide. As a Michigan Opera Theatre regular, Ms. Segar has performed a multitude of roles such as Amneris in Aida, Anoush's Mott D e tl'oit Opera House
in Anoush, Smeton in Anna Bolena , Driad in Aliadne auf Naxos, Meg Page in Falstaff, Mercedes in Carmen, Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro , Suzuki in Madame ButtCljly, and Auntie in Peter Glimes.
Figaro at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Her upcoming performances include a performance of Leila in The Pearl Fishers at San Diego Opera. PHILIP SKINNER
Rambaldo, La Rondine GUY SIMARD
Lighting Designer, La Sonnambula Born and raised in Montreal , noted lighting designer Guy Simard made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the spring 200 1 season designing lighting for The Tales of Hoffman. He has taught lighting design at several schools including the National Theatre School of Canada and at the l. S.T. S Institut Superieur des Techniques de Spectacle in Avignon, France. Mr. Simard has an impressive depth of experience as lighting designer, theater consultant, and technical director, having worked for numerous theatres such as [Opera de Montreal, Seattle Opera, and Florida Grand Opera. Throughout the years he has been lighting designer for many productions such as Tasca and Madame Butterjly. He has received several awards for his achievements in lighting and in 2000 he was the prizewinner of the Price of the Public of the first edition of the International Symposium of Light of Canada. EKATERINA SIURINA
Amina, La Sonnambula (29, 2,5)
Already establishing herself as one of the leading sopranos of her generation, Russian soprano Ekaterina Siurina makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the spring 2008 season as Amina in La Sonnambula . She has performed in many concerts and operas throughout Europe and Russia, including Najade in Aliadne auf Naxos at the Deutsche Staatoper in Berlin, Snowmaiden and Gilda in Rigoletto at the Novaya Opera opposite Dmitri Hvorostovsky at the Savonlinna Festival. She has performed Carmina Burana with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London and with the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra. Recent engagements include Rigoletto and Le Nozze di Detroit Opera House
Bass-baritone Philip Skinner makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the spring 2008 season , performing the role of Rambaldo in La Rondine. With an everexpanding repertoire and successful career on the operatic stage, Mr. Skinner has performed all over the U.S. and internationally, including Monterone in
Rigoletto with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Sprecher in Die Zauberjlote with Vancouver Opera and First Soldier in Salome with Teatre de la Monnaie in Brussels. Recent engagements include Abimelech in Samson et Dalila for San Diego Opera, Lieutenant Ratcliffe in Billy Budd for Pittsburgh Opera, Angelotti in Tasca and Bertrand in The Maid of Orleans for Washington Opera.
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Lighting Designel; La Traviata Kendall Smith returns to Michigan Opera Theatre in spring 2008 to design lighting for La Ii'aviata , his 55th production with the company. Mr. Smith made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in 1988, with The Ballad oj Baby Doe , and most recently designed lighting for the company's fall 2007 production of The Maniage oj Figaro. Mr. Smith 's work has been featured in numerous productions by respected opera companies, theaters and festivals, including Florida Grand Opera, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Indianapolis Opera , the Weston Playhouse , Geve Theatre, Boston Lyric Opera, and Opera Pacific, among others. LONH WOODS
Giuseppe, La Traviata Tenor Lonel Woods, a native Chicagoan, made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the role of Parpignol in the company's 2005 production of La Boheme. Mr. Woods also performed most recently as the Prince of Persia in Turandot. Previous operatic performances include: Lord Cecil in Donizetti's Roberto Deveraux, and Federico in Verdi's StifJeho, with Washington Concert Opera; and the roles of Atilano, in Dona Francisquita and The Second Duelsman, in Dangero,(s Liaisons with The Washington National Opera. Mr. Woods' recently performed Beethoven's Ninth and Bach's St. Matthew Passion with Christ Church Grosse Pointe's Chorale and Orchestra.
2007-08 DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Young Artist SETH CARICO
American bass Seth Carico made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the role of Antonio in The Marriage oj Figaro in the fall 2007 season, and returns to sing BRAVO
the roles of Servant to Flora in La Ii'aviata and Paris in Romeo et Juliette with the Virginia Opera Association. Recently, Wes appeared as the Shoe Salesmen in the University of Michigan's production of PostcardJrom Morocco as well as Marcello in La Boheme. This past summer, he returned to the Seagle Music Colony for his thi rd season where he has performed the roles of Curly in Oklahoma! , Harry in the World Premiere of Ricky Ian Gordon's Morning Star, Mr. Cole in the workshop of Stephen Schwartz's Seance on a Wet AJternoon, Bi on in Mark Adamo's Lysistrata and Cascada in The Meny Widow. He is also the recent 2nd place winner in the Mid-South Regional Finals of the Metropolitan Opera Competition. Wes is a junior at the University of Michigan where he pursues his Bachelor's in voice under Professor Stephen lusmann, who he performs alongside in La Ii'aviata.
2008 Joyce H. Cohn Young Artist
Suzy, Lolette, La Rondine; Annina, La Traviata American mezzo-soprano Leah Dexter made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Annie and The Woman in Porgy and Bess in 2006. Following her most recent performance as Bridesmaid in The Maniage oj Figaro, Ms. Dexter returns to sing Suzy and lolette in La Rondine and Annina in La Traviata in the spring 2008 season . A Michigan native , Ms. Dexter holds both bachelor's and master's degrees in music from the University of Michigan. She has performed with the University of Michigan Opera, Toledo Opera , Motor City Lyric Opera, New Opera Festival of Rome and the Brevard Music Center among others. WES MASON
Perichaud, La Rondine
Alessio, La Sonnambula; CrebillonlMaggiordomo, La Rondine; Doctor Grenville, La Traviata
several roles in the spring 2008 season . Hailing from Chattanooga, Tennessee , he holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Michigan, where he sang Seneca in Monteverdi's Lincoronazione di Poppea, Aristotle Onassis in Michael Daugherty's Jackie 0, Don Alfonso in Mozart's Cosi Jan Tutte, and Kecal in Smetana's The Bartered Bride. Most recently, Mr. Carico debuted with Arbor Opera Theater in Ann Arbor as Colline in Puccini's La Boheme and in summer 2007, sang the role of Olin Blitch in Floyd's Susannah with the Brevard Music Center's Janiec Opera Company. In February 2008 he will debut as the First Soldier in Richard Strauss's Salome With the Florentine Opera Company in Milwaukee , Wisconsin. In his free time, Mr. Carico enJoys cooking, watching fi lms, playing Ultimate Frisbee and spending time with his cat , Clara.
Baritone Wes Mason makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as a Barbara Gibson Young Apprentice in the 2008 spring season as Perichaud in La Rondine and Marchese D'Obigny in La Ii'av iata. Wes Mason hails from Norfo lk , Virginia , where he performed Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Notary, La Sonnambula; Govin, La Rondine Tenor Aaron L. Sanko, a native Detroiter, is making his Michigan Opera debut in La Sonnambula. His experience includes performances in roles such as Unfea in Cavalli 's La Calisto, Rodolfo in La Boheme , Tamino in Die Zaubeljlote , Il Duca in Rigoletto , Belmonte in Die Entfuhrung auJ dem Serail, and Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus. Oratorio credits include Handel's Messiah , Schubert's Mass in G-major, and Bach 's Mass in B-minor. He has graced recital stages with performances of Schubert's Die Schone Mullerin and Britten's Serenade , among other repertoire. Most recently, in 2007 , he participated in the OperaWorks Performer's Workshop, under the direction of Ann Baltz. Mr. Sanko received his undergraduate training from the Eastman Schoo l of Music, after graduati ng from the Interlochen Arts Academy. In his free time , Mr. Sanko entertains his hobbies of philosophy, languages and mm. Detroit Opera HOllse
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre Children s Chorus Spo nsored by the Mande ll L. and Madeleine H. Berman Foundation Suzanne Mallare A ct o n, Direct or MOTCC Off to a Great Start! The Mich igan Opera Theatre Ch ildren 's Chorus san g its debut p erformance at the Fox Theatre during Mich igan Opera Th eatre's presentation o f Cincinnati Ballet's performances of The Nu.tcracker. On December 17 , 2007 the MOTCC presented "A W inter Fantasy," a [undraising event that featured the Chorus in music for the h olidays and scen es from Hansel and Gretel. Prior to the even t, the Chorus was invited to sing live on the Fox 2 Morning Sh ow and on th e Paul W Smith show on WJR AM 76 0. Many than ks to the p arents , children and directors wh o h elp ed m ake th e MOTCC a smashing su ccess! Chorus Presents First Full-Length Opera Production On May 19 , 200S, the MOTCC will premiere The Maker oj Illu.sions, by Seymour Barab . This one act op era written for children is a new p roduction that will be p erfo rmed on the MOT m ain stage and features several m embers of the Ch orus in leadin g roles. Know a boy or girl aged 10-16 who loves to sing? Th e Michigan Op era Theatre Ch ildren's Chorus will be au ditioning for its 200S-09 season on May 2S30. The Michigan Opera Theatre Children 's Chorus is always looking for more singers to audition . For m ore information on the ch orus, or to register for an audition online, visit www. Michigan or call Megan Landry, Michigan Op era Theatre Children 's Ch orus Administrator at (313) 237-3460 or email Vl
l? Z I
Th e MOTCC performs at th e annual Trustees Meetin g on November 13, 2007.
MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE CHILDREN'S CHORUS STAFF: Suzanne Mallare Acton, Director Dianna Hochella , Assistant Director Megan Landry, Chorus Administrator Donna Edwards, Accompanist
MAy 19, 2008 AT 7:30 P.M .
Cond uctor: Dianna Hochella Director: Alaina Brown Set Design: Monika Essen Costu me Design: Suzanne Hanna Lighting Design: Kenda ll Smith Hair/Makeup Design: Elizabeth Gec k Stage Manager: Dee Dorsey Pianist: Donna Edwards THE CAST
In order oj vocal appearance Genie: Veronica Battersby (Understud y: Madeline Thibault) Queen: Maggie Mala ney (Understudy: Ayla Stackhouse) Girl: Molly Rooney (U nderstudy: Lauren Ellsworth) Boy: Chad Schultze (Understudy: Patrick Takata) Old Woman : Amanda Walker (Understudy: Jessica Tifft) GoblinsITownspeople: Elena Bakaluca Jade Ki tchen Akaash Kolluri Sara Barron Ann Malie Calva neso Kaylynn Lear Mary Grace Calvaneso Sherene Leve rt Dylan Desai Kayla Ma ri e Lumpkin Maddie Dorsey Maggie Malaney Lauren Ellsworth Alaina Matthews Kaitlyn Forbes Ke lly McGraw Michelle Proschek Jack Fordon Greta Ginter Connor Reinman Patrick Takata Natalie Gratsch Emily Helman Scherrer Dominique Tay lor June Teifer Jared Helman Scherrer Rebecca Helman Scherrer Madeline Thi bault Caroline Hofman Roosevelt Tid well Nicole Huot Jessica Tifft Brittany Johnson
Synopsis: For transgressions against her people, a wicked Queen has been imprisoned on a lonely mo untai n top where she is being guarded by a Genie and his Goblins. The Queen, ho rrified to discover that she is lOSing her beauty, believes it is due to the hostile climate but the Genie exp lains that she has squandered her Life Force on evil deeds. The Queen demands that the Genie bring her a mortal whose Life Force will be sacrificed to restore her bea uty. The Genie works an illusion on a Boy of the va lley below, causing him to run away from his home and go up the mountain , where he feels a ha ppy fa te awaits him. The Boy's sister, fearing he wi ll freeze or starve , goes in pursuit of him. The Genie, by creating illusions and with the help of the Goblins, tries to sto p he r but her determinat ion overcomes his efforts and she rescues the Boy in the nick of time. In the end , the Snow Queen lea rns that the beauty of a person lies in their affection and compassion.
www.M_ ichiganO pe Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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D et roi t O pe l"a H o use
News from the Margo V. Cohen Center for Dance at the Detroit Opera House Carol Halsted, Director
Enjoy"A Day of Ballet!" For dance lovers, there's no better way to spend your Saturday than with ballet I Offe ring master classes, thrilling and entertaining dance performances - and now lunch in-between at the Cadillac Ca fe at the Detroit Opera House - it's easier than ever to learn and enjoy the magiC of ballet. The next date is Saturday, March 15 with the Joffrey Ballet. On Saturday, March 15 at 11:00 a.m., the Joffrey Ballet will hold an Intermediate/Advanced level ballet class for dancers 14 and up , followed by lunch in the Cad ill ac Cafe, and the performance of Giselle with the Joffrey Ballet at2 p.m. All dance classes cost $15 and students can register by emai ling Tickets for each performance are available by calling 3l3.237.S1NG. Please call Director of Dance , Carol Halsted at (313) 237-3426 for more information. ABT Summer Intensive Returns in '08 Now in its 11th season, the American Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive returns to the Detroit Opera House and Wayne State University for the summer 2008 session. Beginning on June 23 , the summer intensive includes four weeks of intensive ballet classes for students ages 12 - 18 years old. Students take daily classes with teachers from American Ballet Theatre at the Detroit Opera House and Wayne State and are housed in the Wayne State dorms. The culmination of
Dancers at the 2007 Detroit Opera House Summer Dance Intensive.
the four-week intensive is a final performance July 18, 2008 on the magnificent Detroit Opera House stage. ABT Summer Intensive performances are always open to the public. Email or call (313) 2373426 for more information.
countries, Japan and the United States. Both Detroit Opera House Workshops are for intermediate/advanced level dancers ages 14 - 18. To register, or for more information on the intensive, email or call (313) 237-3426.
Detroit Opera House Summer Intensive Taps World-Renowned Instructors The Detroit Opera House Summer Intensive begins July 21, with daily ballet classes with Guiseppe Canale , an internationally renowned dancer and teacher who is also a ballet master for the American Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive. Mr. Canale has taught and judged ballet internationally, and has toured extensively as a dancer with such companies as Maurice Bejart's Ballet of the 20th Century. Following the Canale Intensive will be a one week works hop the week of August 4, 2008 with Christopher Huggins , formerly with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. As a dancer, teacher and choreographer, he has worked in five European
Join Other Dance Lovers for a Dance Film Series at the Detroit Opera House This spring, join other dance lovers for a "World Tour" of great choreographers! Travel to England on Tuesday, March 11 , 2008 with films featuring choreographers Frederick Ashton , Anthony Tudor and Kenneth MacMillen. Come home to the USA. on Tuesday, April 15 , with dance films featuring Jerome Robbins and Tuesday, May 13 , with films featuring world-renowned choreographer George Balanchine. It's back to Europe on Tuesday, June 17, for films featuring French and German choreographers such as Christophe Maillot and Hans Van Manen. All programs begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Chrysler Foundation Black Box Theater on the sixth floor of the Ford Center for Arts and Learning at the Detroit Opera House. Admission is only $10 and includes fi lm , discussion, beverages and snacks I
Dancers at th e ABT 2007 Summer Dance Intensive at the Detroit Opera House Dell'oit Opera House
'w Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS News from the Michigan Opera Theatre Department of Community Programs and Learning at the Opera House KAREN
Get Ready for an Exciting Learning at the Opera House: Summer 2008! Learning at the Opera House 2008 is sure to have something for everyone: children, adults, and everyone inbetween. Returning Learning at the Opera House programs include the popular Create and Perform class June 30-July 11 , 2008; Operetta Workshop July 14August 1, 2008 , and Opera Campi Workshop , August 4-August 15, 2008 which will concentrate on the Baroque era. Another Learning at the Opera House favo rite that re turns is the Opera Overviews series in the evenings that includes each of the five operas for the 2008-09 season. A specific series of lectures will cover the themes and artistic elements of the opera that wi.ll open the 2008 fall season. Dance lectures return to the Learning at the Opera House programs and will cover music and dance history, theater, music , story and videos. A lecture series in cooperation with Preservation Wayne is another Learning at the Opera House staple, which this yea r will cover the theme: "What Makes a City7" and delves into the question , "what makes a city vibrant 7" For more information on summer 2008 Learning at the Opera House programs, and for an updated list of offerings, dates, and times, visit www.
eMU Offers Unique Opportunity for Graduate Students Michigan Opera Theatre's department of Community Programs, as part of a long-standing partnership with Central Michigan Uni versity, is offering a threecredit graduate-level course in opera towards a Masters of Humanities. The first of its kind in the Detroit area at the graduate level, the opera course runs over five Saturdays : March 29, April 5, 12 , 19 and May 3, 2008. Students will attend two operas and get a comprehensive overview of Michigan Opera Theatre meeting stage directors, artists, and attending rehearsals. Open to all adults, anyone may attend the program to partiCipate, or for credit through Central Michigan University For more information on this program, contac t Operations Manager of the program, Karen V DiChiera at (313) 237-3406 or
Michigan Opera Theatre Touring Programs Go To Petoskey! Michigan Opera Theatre's touring programs have criss-crossed the state and, this May, they will go all the way to Petoskey I Michigan Opera Theatre provides touring opera programs for thousands of children and adults throughout the state of Michigan every year, and has even recently performed at the Farmington Players Barn in Farmington Hills on Saturday, February 9 , 2008. Touring programs include teaching materials that meet state standards for education . For the 2007-08 season , the touring program schedule includes Community Programs popular Learning at the Opera House Operetta W orkshop final favo rites Nanabush , Let p erformance Freedom Ring! and The American Songbook.
BRAVO Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Nanabush , by Karen V DiChiera and William Kirk, is an intriguing opera that introduces young audiences to Great Lakes Indian stories based on the many adventures of the popular Great Lakes Indian character, Nanabush , who was sent to teach his people about the earth and all its beauty The stories, told
through opera, explain why rabbits have long ears, the origin of the seasons, the birth of agriculture, the virtues of kindness and truth, and the obligation to provide for family & community Let Freedom Ring! is a history of Black Americans and the African-American experience as told through song, dance and spoken word from the songs of slavery to hip-hop. The performance brings the rich legacy of AfricanAmerican culture and contributions to life in a celebration of the ongoing struggle for freedom of body, mind and soul. The American Songbook is a dynamic cabaret-style revue of the most beautiful music from Broadway's greatest composers: George Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Rogers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Andrew Lloyd-Webber, and many more. For more info rmation on any of the touring programs, or to book a touring program for your school or group, contact Dolores Tobis, Community Progra ms Marketing Manager at (313) 23 7-34 29 or dtobis@motoperaorg.
Detroit Opera House
Michigan Opera Theatre in Your Community "Create and Perform" in your own backya rd I Michigan Opera Theatre's Community Programs is offering two programs this winter and spring through Peop le's Community Services in Hamtramck and Del Ray Offering a "Create and Perform" class at both centers, children nine and up can create and perform stories and songs through acting, singing, and playing instruments. Scholarships are available to People's Community Service's students to attend any Learning at the Opera House program , courtesy of People's Community Services. A big "Thank You" to People's Community Services for making this possible for their students I Also, at the Troy Communi ty Center, the Italian Study Group of Troy hosts a Special Performing Arts Club for adults who are mentally impaired. Adults enrolled learn to create poems, songs and perform their own work! For more information on an y of these programs, contact Karen V DiChiera at (313) 237-3406 or
Learn to Sing at the Detroit Opera House Calling all aspiring divas and divos ... you can stud y voice at one of Michigan's premier institutions for voice and opera I Voice and music lessons will be conducted by Michigan Opera Theatre's Community Programs' professional music teachers. Private lesson offerings are held yea r-round at the Detroit Opera House by appointment. Opera Workshops will also be offered during the spring, taught by professional voice instructor Candace de Lattre. Candace de Lam e's Opera Workshop will be offered once a week, and adults with trained voices will be accepted by audition . A nominal fee will be charged , and a final performance at the completion of the workshop will be held in the Chrysler Foundation "Black Box" Theater. More information on private lessons or workshops can be found online at or by calling the Learning at the Opera House hotline at (3 13) 237-3270.
Learning at the Opera House Alumni Make Us Proud! Former Opera Camp and Opera Workshop alumnus Krysty Swann was featured on the cover of the July 2007 issue of Opera News magazine, where she was interviewed as an up-and-coming student of the Manhattan School of Music, one of the top music conservatories in the country Another Learning at the Opera House alumnus, Bernard Holcomb , was one of the three regional winners from the Metropolitan Opera regional auditions held at the Detroit Opera House on November 11 th, 2007. Bernard has been involved with Learning a the Opera House since he was in middle school, participating in the Create & Perform workshop , the Operetta Workshop , Opera Camp , and teaching private lessons as an assistant and intern . BRAVO to Krysty and Bernard - we are so proud !
Cuisine \, lIiCause
Mondays- Thursdays Feb. 1st-April 26th (ex . 2/11- 2/17 & 3/17 -3/23)
And Friday, March 14th & Saturday, March 15th
Staff Karen V. DiChiera, Director Mark Vondrak, Associate Director
Presented by Opus One and News/ Talk 760 WJR
& Tour Manager
Thinking of dining out? Dine at Opus One & Support Michigan Opera Theatre! 25% of your bill (excluding tax and gratuity) will be donated to MOT. For more information, visit: or
Betty Lane, OperatiOns Manager & Singing Voice Specialist
Dolores Tobis , Marketing Manager Trish Shandor, Special Projects Coordinator Candace de Lattre , Voice Instructor and Director oj Opera Camps and Works hops
~~ • 1
Detroit Opera House
Ford Motor ComPMY Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra Violin I Charlotte Merkerson, Concertmaster* + Laura Leigh Roelofs, Assistant ConcertmasteH Velda Kelly+ Bryan Johnston+ AndrewWu+ Beth Kirton+ Kevin Filewych+ Elizabeth Rowin Janet Sullins I-Fu Wang Melody Wootton Violin II Victoria Haltom * + Brooke Hoplamazian+ Molly Hughes+ Henrik Karapetyan+ Anna WelleH Daniel Stachyra+ Sander Kostallari Constance Markwick Elizabeth Rowin Tamara Sherman Janet Sullins Melody Wootton Viola John Madison*+ Scott Stefanko+ Kathleen Grimes+ Barbara Zmich+ James Greer Julianne Zinn
Cello Nadine Deleury*+ Diane Bredesen+ Minka Christoff+ Robert Reed+ John Iatzko Eugene Zenzen Bass Derek Weller*+ Clark Suttle+ Aaron Keaster Jean Marie Posekany Shawn Wood Flute Pamela Hill*+ Laura Larson+ Dennis Carter Oboe Kristen Beene*+ Sally Pituch+ Stephanie Shapiro
Hom Carrie Banfield+ Kelly Daniels Janine Gaboury-Sly Tamara Kosinski Susan Mutter Andrew Pelletier Denise Root Pierce Trumpets Gordon Simmons+ David Ammer Mark Flegg Derek Lockhart Mitch Wechsler Trombone Maury Okun* + Greg NeaH Gary Hellick David Jackson John Rutherford Tuba Neal Campbell
Cimbasso Phillip Sinder Harp Patricia Terry-Ross*+ Timpani Leonardo Soto*+ Percussion John Dorsey*+ Keith Claeys David Taylor Celeste Jean Schneider
* Principal + Michigan Opera Theatre Core Orchestra Detroit Federation of Musicians Local #5 American Federation of Musicians
Clarinet Brian Bowman*+ J William King+ Georg Klaas
'" Gi
» :::j
Bassoon Roger Maki-Schramm+ Theresa M. Koenig Nathaniel Zeisler
The Michigan Opera Th eatre orchestra with maestra Jane Glover during th e fall 2007 production of Th e Marriage of Figaro.
Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus Dan Aggas Kara Alfano Wallace Ayotte Ryan Banar Monique Bates Victoria Bigelow Heidi Bowen Kim Brooks Fred Buchalter Amanda Cantu Patrick Clampitt Stephanie Clark Julie Charlton Craigo Deborah Dailey
Aida de la Cruz Leah Dexter Rebecca Eaddy Brandy Ellis Rebecca Englehard Marko Farion Louise Fisher Yvonne Friday Jeremy Gilpatric Conda Green Rosaline Guastella Celeste Headlee Leslie Hill Branden C.S. Hood Richard Jackson
Tom Kabala Jacqueline King Sheena Law Brian Leduc J Layton Lowrie Susan Lowrie Tony Lynch Amy Malaney Miroslav Manovski Wes Mason Anthony P McGlaun Elizabeth Mitchell DeAnna Patterson Annie Radcliffe Aaron Sanko
Dustin Scott Kenneth Shepherd Adam Smith Stephen Stewart Gregory Stinson Lucille E. Thompson Christopher Vaught Tiffanie Waldron Justin Watson Norman Weber Craig Wickham Amber Williams Lonel Woods Anamaria Ylizaliturri
The American Guild of Musical Artists is the official union of the Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus. Detroit Opera House
Copyright",, 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2007-08 Mr. R. Jamison Williams, Jy. , Chairman Dr. David DiChiera, President Mr. Cameron B. Duncan, Treasurer Mr. C Thomas Toppin , Secretary Mrs. Robert A. Aliesee Mr. Douglas F. Allison Mrs. Jon Barfield Mr. Lee Barthel Mr. James Berline Mr. Richard A. Brodie Mrs. W illiam C Brooks
My. Thomas Celani Mrs. Frederick H. Clark Mrs. Pete r Cooper Ms. Joanne Danto My. Tarik S. Daoud Julia Donovan Darlow My. Lawrence N. David Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Mrs. Alex Erdeljan Mr. Paul E. Ewing Mrs. David Fischer Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Mrs. Barbara Frankel Mr. Herman Frankel Mr. Dean Friedman Mr. James M. Garavaglia
Mr. Richard G. Goetz Mr. David Handleman Mr. Kenneth E. Hart Mr. Gary E. Johnson Mr. Odell Jones 1Il Mrs. Peter Karmanos Mrs. Charles Kessler Mrs. Carlita E. Kilpatrick Mr. Thomas M. Krikorian Dr. Melvin A. Lester Mr. A. C Liebler Mr. Harry A. Lomason II Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mrs. Robert A. Lutz Mrs . Manuel Moroun Mrs. Jennife r Nasser Mr. Timothy Nasso
Mr. James Nichols Mr. Daniel Pehrson Dr. Charlotte Podowski Mr. W James Prowse Mrs. Ruth Rattner Mr. Roy S. Roberts Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik Mr. Will iam San dy Mr. Gregory Schwartz Ms. Elham Shayota Ms. J udith Slatkin Mr. Frank D. Stell a Mrs. George Strumbos Dr. Lorna Thomas Mr. Michael Tweddle Mr. George C Vincent
Chairmen Emeritus Mr. Robert E. Dewar t Mr. Lynn A. Townsend t Directors Emeritus Mrs. Donald C Austin Mr. J Add ison Bartush Mr. Frank W Donovan t Mr. James H. Gram t Mrs. William Johnston t Mr. David Pollack t Mrs. Irving Rose Mr. Robert VanderKloot t Mr. Richard Webb Mr. George M. Zeltzer Mr. Mort Zieve t
BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2007-2008 Dr. & Mrs . Roger M. Ajluni Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Allison Dr. Lourdes V Andaya Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V Angoll Mr. & Mrs. Geb ran S. Anton Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ap plebaum Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu Dr. Harold M. Arrington Dr. & Mrs. lngida Asfaw Mrs. Donald]. Atwood Dr. & Mrs . Donald C Austin The Hon. & Mrs. Edward Avadenka Mr. & Mrs. J on Barfield Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel Mr. J. Addison Bartush Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun Mr. & Mrs. Peter Beer Mr. W Victor Benjamin Mrs. Ara Berberian Mr. & Mrs . James Berline Mr. & Mrs. Mandell Berman Ms. Debra Bernstein-Siegel Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boll, Sr. Betty J. Bright Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie Mr. & Mrs. William C Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Roy Calcagno Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Celani Mr. & Mrs . Alfred Cheesebrough 1Il Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chirco Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Clark Ms. Virginia Clementi The Hon. & Mrs. Avern L.Cohn Mr. Thomas Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper Ms. Joanne Danto & Dr. Arnold Weingarden Mr. & Mrs. Marvin I. Danto Mr. & Mrs. Tarik S Daoud Julia Donovan Darlow & John C O'Mea ra Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P D'Avanzo Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. David Mr. Thomas H . Delaney Mrs. Margaret Demant Mr. Kevin Dennis & Mr. Jeremy Ze ltzer Dr. David DiChie ra Mrs. Karen VanderKloot DiChie ra The Hon. & Mrs. John Di ngell Ms. Mary Jane Doerr Mr. & Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan 42
My. & Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg Mrs. Charles M. End icott Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan Dr. Fern R. Espino & Mr. Thomas Short Mr. & Mrs. Roland C Eugenio Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ewing Dy. Haifa Fakhouri Margo Cohen Feinberg & Robert Feinberg Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Feldman Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Ferron Mr. & Mrs. David Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, Jr. Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Mrs. Elaine Fontana Mr & Mrs. Carl B. Fontana My. & Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster Mrs. Barbara Frankel & Mr. Ron Michalak Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel Mr. Marvin A. Frenkel Mr. & Mrs. Dean Friedman The Hon . Hilda Gage Mr. & Mrs. James Garavaglia Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Garberding My. & Mrs. Yousif Ghafari My. & Mrs. Vito P Gioia Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Goetz Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Grace My. & Mrs. Samuel Habe rman Mrs. Berj H. Haidostian Mr. & Mrs. David. Handleman Mr. Kenneth E. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hartwig Mrs. David B. Hermelin Mr. & Mrs. Derek Hodgson The Hon. & Mrs. J oseph N. Impastato Mr. & Mrs. Alan Israel Mrs. Una Jackman Mr. & Mrs. Darnell D. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John P Jagger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Janes Mrs. Sybil Jaques Mr. Don Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Kent Jidov Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. J ones Mr. Odell Jones 1Il & Ms. Cecily Hoagland Mrs. W illi am Kahn Mr. & Mrs. John Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kannanos
Mr. Patrick J. Kerzic & Mrs. Stephanie Germack Kerzic Mrs. Charles Kessler The Hon. & Mrs. Kwame Kilpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kojaian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Krikorian Dr. & Mrs. Richard W Kulis Dr. & Mrs. James Labes Dr. & Mrs. Alden Leib Dr. Melvin A. Lester Ms. Linda Dresner Levy & Mr. Edward Levy Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie Mr. & Mrs. A. C Liebler Dr. & Mrs. Robert P Lisak Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason II Mrs. Lawrence LoPatin Mr. & Mrs. James H. LoPrete Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli My. & Mrs. Robert A. Lutz Cardinal Adam Maida Ms. Florine Mark Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Martella The Hon. Jack Martin & Dr. Bettye ArringtonMartin Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBrien Ms. Blaire H . Miller Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Miro Mr. & Mrs. Glen Mitchell Ms. Monica Moffat & Mr. Patrick McGuire Dr. Ali Moiin & Dr. William Kupsky Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Monolidis Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Moroun Mr. & Mrs. E. Clarence Mlilaroni Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Munk Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler Mrs. Jennifer Nasser Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Nasso Mr. & Mrs. James Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum Mr. & Mrs. Graham Orley Mr. & Mrs. James Pamel Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partrich Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pehrson Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plumb Dr. Charlotte & Mr. Charles Podowski Mrs. Heinz Prechter Mr. & Mrs. W James Prowse Mr. & Mrs. John Rakolta , Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Rattner Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rea Dr. Irvin D. Reid & Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid Dr. & Mrs. Jam es Rigby Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Roberts Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ronan Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rugiero Dr. & Mrs. Hershel Sandberg Mr. & Mrs. William Sandy Dr. & Mrs. Norman R. Sc hakne Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schmid t Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A Schubot Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz Mr. Gregory ]. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Schwendemann Mr. & Mrs. Merton Sega l Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaevsky Mrs. Frank C Shaler Ms. Elham Shayota Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan Ms. Judith Slotkin Mr. William H. Smith Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow Mr. & Mrs. David Snyder Mr. Anthony L. Soave Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Starkweather Mr. Frank D. Stella Ms. Mary Ann Stella Dr. Calvin Stevens Mr. & Mrs. William Stone Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strome Mr. & Mrs. George Strumbos Mr. Ronald F. Switzer Mr. & Mrs. Joel Tauber Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Tersigni Dr. Lorna Thomas Dr. Roberta & Mr. Sheldon Toll Mr. & Mrs. C Thomas Toppin Mr. & Mrs. George Torreano Mrs. Lynn A Townsend Mr. Michael Tweddle Mr. & Mrs. Melvin VanderBrug Mr. & Mrs. Paul Victor Mr. & Mrs. Steven 1. Victor Mr. & Mrs. George C Vincent Mr. Gary L. Wasserman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Way
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.M ichiga
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C Webb Mrs. Amelia H . Wilhelm Dr. & Mrs. Ch ristopher D. Wilhelm Mr. R. Jamison Williams, Jy. Dr. & Mrs. Sam B. Williams The Hon. Joan E. Young & Mr. Thomas L. Schellenberg Mr. George M. Zeltzer Mrs. Morton Zieve Mrs. Paul Zuckerman Trustees Emeritus Mrs. James Merriam Barnes t Mr. t Mrs. t Robert E. Dewar Dr. t & Mrs. t Robert Gerisch Mrs. Aaron Gershenson t Mr. t & Mrs. James Gram Mrs. Katheline Gribbs Mrs. Robert Hamady t Mrs. & Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Jospey Dr. Zophia and Mr. Mitchell Kafarski Mrs. Walton Lewis t Mrs. Jesse Mann t Mrs. Wade H. McCree Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jules L. Poll one Mrs. Ralph Polkt Mr. t & Mrs.t David Pollock Mr. & Mrs. t Fred Schneidewind Mrs. Mark C Stevens t Mr. t & Mrs. t Robert VanderKloot Mrs. R. Alexander Wrigley Founding Members Mr. t & Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend, Founding
Chairman The Hon. & Mrs. t Avem L. Cohn Dr. & Mrs. John DeCarlo Dr. & Mrs. David DiChiera Mr.t & Mrs. t Aaron H. Gershenson Mr. & Mrs. Donald C Graves Mr. t & Mrs. t John C Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Harry L Jones The Hon . t & Mrs. Wade McCree J r. Mr. Harry J Nederlander Mr. E. Harwood Rydholm t Mr. & Mrs. Neil Snow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strichartz Mr. t & Mrs. t Robert C. VancierKloot Dr. & Mrs. Sam H. Williams Mr. t & Mrs. t Theodore O. Yntema
Detroit Opera House
Administration & Staff DAVID DICHIERA, FOUNDER & GENERAL DIRECTOR John Eckstrom, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
John Grigaitis, Information Technology
Manager Shelly Ratliff, LAN Administrator
Elizabeth Anderson, Production
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director of
Amanda Woodcox, Administrative
Community Programs Carol Halsted, Director of Dance Dewan Mitchell, Director of Bookings & Events Management Rock Monroe, Director of Safety & Security Laura R. Nealssohn, Director of Communications David W Osborne, Director of Production Mary Parkhill, Director of Development ADMINISTRATION
William Austin, Executive Assistant to the
General Director Timothy Lentz, Archivist & Administrative
Assistant for Ford Center for Arts and Learning COMMUNICATIONS
Kimberly A. Mogielski, Patron & Ticket
Services Manager Michael Hauser, Marketing Manager Kimberly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant
Manager Jane Kennedy cd, Ticket Services
Assistant Manager
Assistant Stage Managers DEVELOPMENT
Kim-Lan Trinh, Associate Director of
Development, Planned Giving & Major Gifts Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager Michelle DeLand, Corporate Campaign Manager Heather Hamilton, Special Projects Manager Katherine Kucharski, Membership Manager, Database Consultant Nikki Ruddy, Volunteer Manager Matthew Talbot, Foundation & Government Grants Manager Jane Westley, General Director's Circle Campaign Manager Stephani Yates, Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager FINANCE
Derrick Lewis, Controller Kimberly Burgess-Rivers, Rita Winters ,
Jenise Collins, Group Sales Manager Tunisia Brown, Communication & Ticket
Holly Eckstrom, Accounting Assistant
Services Associate Felicia Burgess, Administrative Assistant Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator Rebekah Johnson, Public Relations Coordinator John Grigaitis , Photographer Crystal G. Ratledge, Account Executive, Solomon Friedman Advertising Toby Faber, BRAVO Sales Bill Carroll, Public Relations Voluntee r
Mark Vondrak, Associate Director & Tour
Manager Betty Lane, Operations Manager & Singing
Voice Specialist Dolores Tobis , Marketing Manager Trish Shand or, Special Projects Coordinator
Betsy Bronson, Maria Cimarelli, Roland Hamilton, Bernard Holcomb , Joseph Jackson , Betty Lane, Amy Dolan Malaney, Shawn McDonald, Madelyn Porter, David Pulice, Amanda Sabelhaus , Karl Schmidt, Trish Shandor, Chris Vaught, Mark Vondrak, Alvin Waddles, Karen White, Tamara Whitty Detroit Opera House
Nan cy Krolikowski, Production Volunteer MUSIC DEPARTMENT
David DiChiera, Music Director Roberto Mauro, Artistic Consultant Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Director & Chorus Master Diane Bredesen, Orchestra Personnel
Manager Jean Schneider, Repetiteur TECHNICAL & DESIGN STAFF
Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director Monika Essen, Property Master & Scenic
Artist Kendall Smith, Lighting Coordinator Stacey Boggs, Andrew Griffin , Assistant Lighting Designer Dee Dorsey, Supertitle Operator Christopher Barbeau, Fight Coordinator Daniel Dene, Recording Engineer Rudi Lauermann, Assistant Recording
Engineer Elizabeth Moss, Assistant to the Technical
Director Jason Warzecha, Manager of the Detroit
Opera House Angela Donaldson, Food & Beverage
Manager Bernard Williams, Building Maintenance Corey Scott, Executive Chef Dennis Wells, Facilities Manager Demetrius Barnes, Building Engineer Jesse Carter, Senior Building Engineer Lashanya Littlejohn, Assistant Food &
Beverage Manager Randy Elliott, House Manager Robert Mettetal, Building Engineer Timothy Johnson, Building Maintenance SAFETY & SECURITY
Lorraine Monroe , Supervisor & Stage Door TOURING ARTISTS OF COMMUNITY PROGRAMS
Carolyn Geck, Production Administrator Darin Burnett */\, Kim Forbes+, Matt Jackson * /\, Jennifer Rimmer +;
Officer Leroy Banks, Dave Williams, Carey Fleming, Stage Door Officers Rashid Avant, Dondra Mainor, Pamela Scott, Daryl Stuckey, Derrick Sykes,
Robert Neil , Manager Kristina Chaney, Office Manager and Head
Copyright Michigan Opera Theatre Cashier2010,
Suzanne M. Hanna , Costume Director Laura Brinker, CutterlDraper Alice Moss, Wardrobe Mistress Katie Hein, First Hands Susan A. Fox, Rosemarie Tedesco ,
Stitchers MAKEUP & HAIR
Elizabeth Geck , Assistant to Wig &
Makeup Designer Detroit Local Wig and Makeup Crew STAGE CREW
John Kinsora, Head Carpenter Robert Mesinar, Head Electrician Alan Bigelow, Head Property man Paul Moraites, Head Sound Robert Martin, Head Flyman Gary Gilmore, ProdLlction Electrician Mary Ellen Shu ffett , Head of Wardrobe IATSE Local #38, Stage Crew IATSE Local #786 , Wardrobe
* La Sonnambula + La Rondine
/\ La Traviata BRAVO
World Premiere of Cyrano on Saturday, October 13,2007
Patti and Jim Prowse 44
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detroit Opera House
Trustees Annual Meeting November 13, 2007
Director Em eritus Dale Austin, David DiChiera and Don Austin
Newly elected Ti rustees Toby and Sam Hab
friedman, . nd Dean AVlva a d MOT Director newly electe
Mattie and Nora Moroun newly elected MOT Dire;tor
Newly elected MOT Director Odell Jones Roger Sherma
judi Sh e
n and retiring MO . erman with D .d . T Director
Detroit Opera House
and Cecily Hoagland
aVI DIChiera
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Opera Ball October 12, 2007
Oenyce Graves and Oavid O"Ch" ~ I lera
David DiChiera and Roy Roberts
Neal Walsh
d C " nstina OI"Ch"lera
Mattie and Nora Moroun, Marlene and John Boll
" h I k and Barbara Frankel Ron Mlc a a ALL PHOTOS COURTESY JOHN GRIGAITIS" 46
Gregory Haynes and Richard Sonenklar and friends
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.i\'
Detroit Opeloa House
Classical Days. Jazzy Nights.
We back the arts so they can move forward. At (omerica Bank, we believe the arts play an important part in the community. They enrich our lives , stir our souls, and give us inspiration. Supporting the arts is a reflection of one of our core beliefs-that giving back to the communities we serve is our responsibility. But it's not simply a responsibility, it's also a great pleasure to see the joy it brings. And that's what we refer to in the banking business as a great return on an investment.
'i.,hS;S·!=NUI We listen. We understand. We make it work~ Member FDIC. Equal Opportunit y Lender. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Increasing Regional Philanthropy Program Update
s you know, following the success of the Touch the Future Program to educate attorneys , nonprofits and the general public about the benefit of planned giving
and endowment building, the Increasing Regional Philanthropy ORP) initiative was started at the Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan in October 2005 . With this initiative, the Community Foundation offered a $11.4 million match pool for all endowments, of which $7 .9 million was reserved specifically for agency endowments.
Announce "I was here" while you're still here. Making a gift to the endowm ent of the Michig an Opera Theatre is a way of leaving an inde lible imprint. Find out more by ca lli ng Kim- Lan Trinh of the Mi chigan Opera Theatre at 313.237.3408.
in partnership with
oundatio n co nnectin gthosewho C ARE FOR SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN
©2006 CFSEM
With causes that MATTE R
Michigan Opera Theatre, (MOT), along with 86 other agencies, is allowed to raise additional gifts up to $ 1 million total and receive additional matching fu nds up to $500 ,000 total, by December 31, 2008 or when the matching pool is exhausted. The minimum gift allowed per donor is $1,000 an d the maximum is $300,000. All gifts are matched on a 1-for-2 basis. For example, a $1,000 gift will receive a match of $500 for a total of $1,500 to Michigan Opera Theatre. A $50,000 gift will receive a match of $25,000 for a total of $75, 000. A maximum $300,000 gift will receive a m atc h of $ 150,000 for a to tal of $450,000, and a $1 million maximum to tal will receive a match of $500,000 for a total of $1.5 million to MOT. To learn more about this effo rt to build char itable resources for Sou theast Michigan, pl ease vis it the Co mmunity Founda ti on Web si te, www.cfsem .org. We thank all our donors for their generosity that has made it possible for us to receive a 2: 1 matching gift from th e Commu ni ty Foundation , thus not only ensuring the stability of MOT and its many and diverse programs for many years to come, but also allowing the organization to receive annual distributions from our endowment fund at the Community Foundation. As you know, your gifts and matching funds are deposited at the Michigan Opera Theatre Endowment Fund at the Community Founda tion, and will help grow this fund to our ultim ate goal of $50 million. In addition, as this fund grows, we will be able to receive larger annual distributions to h el p with our gene r al opera ti ons. Consequently, you help us ensure the future and support the present at the same time with your gifts. To date , we have recei ved $429,441 including match monies, and there is an $590,074 balance in match monies awaiting. We are confident that, as you ponder a time for a special gift in 2008 , you will have MOT in mind and help us to secure the matching funds that are still needed to complete our goal of $1,000,000 in new gifts, with a subsequent $500,000 in match monies for a total of $1,500 ,000 by December 3 1,2008. For further information or assistance with estate planning and planned giving, please do not hesitate to ca ll Kim-Lan Trinh , Associate Director of Development, Planned Giving and Major Gifts, at (3 13) 237-3408 or em ail her at
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.MichiganOpera.o rg
Detroit Opera House
INCREASING REGIONAL PHILANTHROPY DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F Allison Bar-Levav Family Foundation! Dr. Leora Bar-Levav Mr. and Mrs. ]. Addison Bartush Mr. W Victor Benjamin Betty and Art Blair Mr. Robert Bornier Mrs. Doreen Bull Rev. Paul Chateau Hon. And Mrs. Avem L. Cohn Minka and Douglas R. Com elsen Dr. Robert A. Cornette and Mr. Alan Murdock Ms. Joanne Danto Mr. Randal Darby Dr. David DiChiera Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Mr. Wayne C. Everly Mr. and Mrs. David T. Fischer Ms. Barbara Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Glover Dr. Robert A. Green Mr. Ernest B. Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Halperin Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. Happel Mr. Kenneth E. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwig Ms. Rebecca P Hein Ms. Nancy B. Henk Mr. and Mrs. Sterling C. Jones ]r. Mrs. Josephine Kessler Barbara and Edward L. Klarman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Kolton Dr. and Mrs. Myron laBan Mr. Edward C. Levy Jr. and Ms. Linda Dresner Mr. Hannan Lis Ms. Florence LoPatin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lutz Mrs. Mitchell Malicki Mr. Bruce A. Miller Mrs. Betty Mueller Ms. Ruth F Rattner Dr. and Mrs. David B. Rorabacher Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Gerald FRoss Mrs. Harriet Saperstein Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwartz Ms. Ellen Sharpe Mrs. Loretta Skewes Ms. Mary Anne Stella Mr. and Mrs. Norman]. Tabor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter P Thurber Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tomboulian Salome &: Jonathan T. Walton Mr. Andrew N. Wise Foundations The McGregor Fund The Kresge Foundation
Detro it Opera House
Love of Opera and the Arts leads musician-to become volunteer, subscriber and donor of numerous gifts to Michigan Opera Theatre i c hi ga n Op e r a Thea tre's 37 years of exciting history would n o t b e p ossib le with o ut the support of committed patrons who have kept the op era thriving with variou s levels and categories of gifts. One su c h p a tron is Laura Sias, a graduate of Eastman School of Music with a b ac h e l o r 's in d o ubl e b ass, and currentl y a teacher o f Suzuki violinists, violists, ce llis ts and bassis ts. La u ra firs t b ec am e involved with Michigan Ope r a Th ea tre as a mu si ci a n , play in g Principal Bass in the very first performance of the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra in 1978. Sh e l ove d p l ay in g in the orchestra and remained Principal Bass for seven years. She said, "I hated giving it up wh en , as O rch estra Directo r in the Ro yal Oa k Publi c Sch oo ls, I w as ch allenge d by conflicts with matinee performances during the school week " Despite these chall en ges, Ms. Sias c ontinu ed h e r in vo lve m e nt with Michigan Opera Theatre as a volunteer, patron and subscriber over the years . She s ta rt e d as a m emb e r o f th e MOT Vol unt eer Association th en became a Camerata don or and rapidly moved on to joining the General Director's Circle. Laura h as a ls o contribu te d to the Michigan O p era Thea tre Endo wm ent Fund at the Community Foundation of So uth eas t Mi chi ga n thro u g h the In c re as in g Region a l Phil a nthro p y Program. Sh e believes in playing a special part in perpetuating a cause that means a lot to her and also will provide a steady dependable source of incom e to MOT. Sh e furth er d e m o n s tra t e d h er commitment to the opera by becoming a member of the Avanti Society (Michigan Opera Th ea tre's l egacy soc i e t y) . Sp ecifi ca ll y, the Ava nti Soc i e t y is a recognition society fo r friends of MOT wh o h ave m ad e plans to in clude the
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.Michigan
o rga n ization in the ir es ta te plan s, whether by will , trust, insurance or life income arrangements. Ms . Sias said sh e knows wh at sh e's
talking about. "I know how expensive it is to present opera performan ces. I am glad to give financial assistance to the op era. The op era b rings su ch a go od cultural experien ce for Detroit and the suburbs. It must continue to do this for all of us." "It's special people like Laura Sias who a ll ow Mi chi ga n O pera Thea tre to continue expanding its repertoire as an opera compan y, and we are truly blessed to have Laura as a friend and supporter," added David DiChiera, Michigan Opera Theatre General Director. Laura Sias is a true supporter of her community in many ways. In addition to contributing to Michigan Opera Theatre, s h e h as a lso end owe d the Princip al D oubl e Ba ss C hair at th e Wa rr en Symphon y w h ere she pla ye d for 23 years. And , for 16 years, she was organist a t the Ascen sio n o f Chri st Luthe ran Church in Berverly Hills, where she was vote d "Wo m an of the Yea r " fo r h e r volunteer ac tivi ties direc ting the choir and raising fund s for n ee d y p erson s . Laura's commitment to the arts will be remembered and appreciated for years to come.
Ensuring the Future . I rna Qlne
a gift that outlives you- that touches future generations in your absence-to experience and enjoy the wQd of opera That:S the goal of the Avanti Society, Michigan Opera Theatre:S Planned Gift Recognition Program. The Avanti Society represents a designated group of friends of Michigan Opera Theatre who have made plans to include the organization in their estate plans-whether by will, trust, insurance , or life income arrangement. Membership in the Avanti Society is open to all. Members of the Avanti Society receive a beautifully designed lapel pin, recognition at the annual Avanti Evening and invitations to special events and performances, and are listed as members in our program books throughout each season. AN AVANTI FOR TOMORROW The growth of Michigan Opera Theatre's permanent Endowment Fund ensures the growth and future vitality of one of the region's greatest cultural assets. You are invited to create your own legacy- your Avanti-through Michigan Opera Theatre. You may use the attached confidential reply card to indicate your gift, or contact Kim-Lan Trinh at (313) 237-3408 to discuss gift options that may benefit you , your heirs and Michigan Opera Theatre.
----------------------------------, Confidential Reply: Please return this form to Kim-Lan Trinh, Michigan Opera Theatre , 1526 Broadway, Detroit , Ml 48226 , or e-mail
Name(s) __________________________________________________ Address _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ City _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ________State _____ Zip __________
THE AVANTI SOCIETY MEMBERS M I: Robert G. Abgarian Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. All esee # Mrs. Adel Amerman* # + Dr. Lourdes V Andaya* Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu * Chester & Emelia Arnold * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barthel Mr. & Mrs. J. Addison Bartush *# Mr. & Mrs. Brett Batterson * Mr. & Mrs. Mande ll Berman Mr. & Mrs. Art Blair* Mr. Robert Bomier Roy E. & lise Calcagno*
Gladys Caldroney* Dr. & Mrs. Victor J. Cervenak * Mr Allen B. Ch ,istman M,: & Mrs. Robert C. Comstock# Dr. Robert A. Cornette* # Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud * # Mr. Thomas J. Delaney Ms. Maljolie Adele DeVl.ieg Mr & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar* # Mr jam es P. Diamond Dr. David Di Chi era # Karen VanderKloot DiChiera* # Ms. Mary Jane Doerr # Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Duncan * Mrs. Charles M. EndicoLt * #
Mrs. Charlotte Bush Failing Mr. & Mrs. Herb Fisher* Mrs. Anne E. Ford ' * Pamela R. Francis' Barbara Fra nkel & Ronald Michalak* # Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel* # Mrs. Rem a Frankel * # Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Freeman Mrs. Jane Shoemake r French Mr Edward P. Dr. & Mrs. Byron P Georgeson * Pliscilla A B. Goodell
Phone (day) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _(eve) _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Mr Ern est Goodman Mrs. Freda K. Goodman
Best time to call: _________________________
Priscilla R. Greenberg, Ph.D. ' # Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hagopian Mr. Lawrence W Hall ' Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Halperin ' Mrs. Robert M. Hamady Mr. David Handleman* # Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart * Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwi g* Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein** Ms. Nan cy B. Henk & Ms. MQly A. Hester
D Yes, please send information regarding planned gifts.
D l/we already qualify [or the Avanti Society Please briefly describe the estate gift that qualifies you for membership (all inrormation submitted will be kept confidential):
Mr Bruce Hillman Mr Gordon V Hoialmen Dr. Cindy Hung * M,: Carl]. Hu ss Kristin Jarami llo' Mr. Donald Jense n * Ms. Helen Barbarajol1l1ston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein #
Misses Phyllis & Selma Korn* Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Krolikowski * Mr. Max Lepler & Mr. Rex Dotson Mrs. Wade H . McCree' Ms. Jane McKee * Mrs . Lu cie B. Meininger Drs. Orlando & Dorothy Miller* Mrs. Ella M. Montroy Mr. Ronald K. Morrison*
Ruth Rawlings Matt Mrs. Betty J. Mueller* * Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Munk Mr. Dale J. Pangonis* Mary & Charles A. Parkhill
Mrs. Elizabeth Pecsenye Clalice Odgers Percox M,: Thomas G. Porter Mr. Richard M. Raisin' Mrs. Ruth F Rattner' # Mr. J oshua Rest Marguerite & James Rigby* Mr. Bryan L. Rives Ms. Patricia Radzik * Mr Mitchell J. Romanowshi Ms. Joanne B. Rooney Ms . Susan Schooner' Drs. Heinz & Alice Platt Schwarz' Mrs. Frank C. Shaler* Ms. Laura Sias Mrs. Marge Slezak Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow' M,: Edward L. Stahl Mr. & Mrs. Richard Starkweather' # + Mrs. Marl1 C. Stevens' # Mr. Stanford C. Stodda rd Jonathan Swift & Thomas A. Sl. Charles' Mr. Ronald F Swi tzer* Ms. MQly Ellen Tappan * # Donald & Margaret Tlwrber* Mr. Edward D. Tusset ' Mr. & Mrs. George Vincent' #+ M,: J. Ernest Wilde Mrs. Amelia H. W ilhelm * # Mrs . Helen B. Wittenberg Elizabeth & Walte r P. Work * Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer* Avan ti Logo & Pin Design Monica Moffat & Pat McGuire Keys: • Founding Members # Touch the Future donors + Avan ti Society Sponso rs
Italics = deceased members
= new members since 2007 Fall Program Book was published
Mrs . j osephine Klei ner Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Kl opfer* # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kolton 50
www.Mich Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detroit Opera House
Contributors to Michigan Opera Theatre's Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House Michigan Opera Theatre extends apprec iation to the many donors who contributed so generously to the three phases of the Detroit Opera House fundraising initiative from 1989 t02004 . Following is a cumu lative listing of gifts of $5,000 and above to The Capital Campaign to Restore the Detroit $5 ,000,000 + Ford Motor Co mpany The Kresge Foundation $2 ,000 ,000 to $4,999,999 The Chrysler Fo undation General Motors Corporation The State of Michigan $ 1,000,000 to $1,999 ,999 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Eugene Applebaum Family Foundatio n Lee & Floy Barthel Mr. & Mrs. j ohn A. Boll, Sr. Herman & Sharon Frankel Danialle & Pete r Karman os j ohn S. and j ames L. Knight Foundation The Skillman Foundation $500,000 to $999,999 Anonymous j PMorganChase The Cohen Family Fund Co merica Detroit Grand Opera Association DTE Energy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Max M. Fisher Herman & Barbara Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Frankel Mr. David Handleman , Sr. LaSa lle Bank Lear Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason McGregor Fund Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske Ralph L. & W inifred E. Polk Foundation Mr. & Mrs. R. j amison Williams, Sr. $250,000 to $499,999 AAA
AT&T BASF Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Benton, j r. Mandell & Madeleine H. Berman Foundation Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Michigan Dayton Hudson FoundationlHudson's Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar Ghafari ASSOCiates, Inc. Robert & Alice Gustafson Hudson-Webber Foundation Kmart Corporation Mr. & Mrs . Pau l Lavins Masco Corporation No nprofit Facili ties Center Raymond C. Smith Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge Strumbos Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend Detroit Opera House
TRW Foundation Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Wasserman Mr. R. j amison Williams, jr. $100,000 to $249,999 Ms. j ane E. Agostinell i Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Austin Ms. Anne Lom ason Bray Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brod ie Vicki & Tom Celani The Hon. & Mrs. Avern L. Cohn Comau Pi co DaimlerChrysler Services Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Dickinson Wright PLLC Downtown Development Authority, City of Detroit DTE EnergylMichCon Foundation EI Paso Energy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Roland C. Eugenio Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewing j ennifer & David Fischer Barbara Frankel & Ron Micha lak Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Happel Mr. & Mrs. David B. Herm elin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kl ein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Krikorian O live r Dewey Marcks Foundation National City Bank of Mich igan Opus One Karen & Drew Peslar Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross Mr. Anth ony L. Soave Walbridge Aldinger Company Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. W ilson, jr. World Heri tage Foundation Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer $50,000 to $99,999 Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Aj luni AlliedSignal Foundati on , In c. Dr. Lourd es V Andaya Ano nym ous Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arb ulu Mr. W illiam P Baer Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Barden Mr. & Mrs. j. Addison Bartush Mr. Thomas Cohn Consumers Energy Foundation
Opera House (1989 - 1998), Th e New Centw y Fund Campaign (1999 - 2001) and Th e Crowning Achievement Campaign (2002 -2004). We also thank the many donors who contributed gifts below $5, 000 for their commitment and belief in th e Detroit Opera House project.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvi n 1. Danto Deloitte & Touche LLP The Detroit News/Gannett Foundation Dr. David DiCh iera Rosanne & Sandy Duncan Mrs. Charles M. Endicott Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred]. Fisher, j r. Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Anne E. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Sta nley Frankel Mr. Edward P Frohli ch The GM Card Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Gornick Mr. & Mrs. j ohn C. Griffin Handleman Company David & Rose Handleman Mr. & Mrs. E. j. Hartmann Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation Mrs. David B. Hermelin Huntington National Bank Mr. & Mrs. Ve rne G. Istock Mr. & Mrs. Richard j anes Mrs. Sybil jaques johnso n Controls Foundation William & Ellen Kahn Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Benjamin & Anne Florence Kaufman Memorial Trust Mr. Gerald Knech tel Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kojaian Nancy & Bud Liebler Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Mi ller Milliken & Com pany Neiman Marcus Linden D. Ne lson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum Mr. & Mrs. Graham A Orley Mr. & Mrs. j oseph Orley Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Poling Mr. & Mrs. David Pollack PVS Chemica ls Inc. Mrs. Ruth RattnerlAnn F Katz & Norman D. Katz Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Schwendeman n Mrs. Rosemary Skupny Mr. & Mrs. S. Kinnie Smith, jr. Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar Mr. Sta nford C. Stodd ard Thyssen Inc., N.A. Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tyner The Samuel L. Westerman Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu $25 ,000 to $49,999 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F Allison
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Gebran S. An ton Mrs. john V Balian Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant The Wayne Booker Charitable Found ation The Budd Company Cova nsys Corporation Crain Communications Inc. julia D. Darlow & j oh n C. O'Meara Larry & Dodie David Dr. & Mrs. George A. Dean Delphi Foundation Mrs. Margaret Dema nt Detroit International Bridge Company Eaton Co rporation Ernst and Young Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fisher Mrs. Aaron H . Gershenson Andrew & Wanda Giancamilli Th e Gi lmour Fund Hild a & j oel Hamburger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart j ulius & Cynthia Huebner Foundation Mario & j ane Iacobelli The Hon. & Mrs. Joseph N. Impastato Kenwa l Steel Corporation Mr. & Mrs . Ronald C. Lamparter Robert & Victoria Liggett Magna International The Hon. jack & Dr. Bettye Arrington-Martin Ann & William McCormick, j r. Mr. & Mrs. E. R Mil ner Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler Mrs . j ennifer Nasser Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nosanchuk Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O'Connell Fran ces H. Parce ll s Memori al Mr. & Mrs. Hughes L. Potiker Mr. & Mrs. W j ames Prowse Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Reuss Roy & Maureen Roberts Mr. & Mrs. jack Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Roge l Mrs. Loui s R. Ross Dr. Hershel & Lois Sandberg Mr. Ric hard Sanders The Sandy Family Foundation Mrs. Em ma L. Schaver Mrs. Shirl ey K. Schlafer Diane & Morton Scholnick Mr. & Mrs. Gregory]. Schwartz Mr. j oseph Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Shaler Mr. Mickey Shap iro Elham Shayota Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Smith Mrs. Mark C. Stevens United American Health Care Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. VanderBrug Mr. & Mrs. Art Van Elslander Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Victor Neva Williams Arts Foundation Mati lda R. Wilson Fund Mrs. Paul Zuckerman $15 ,000 to $24,999 Alcan Aluminum Corporation Aldoa Company Dr. & Mrs. Robyn ]. Arrington, Sr. Mrs. Donald]. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brigh t Betty & Bill Brooks Mr. David Ch ivas Gloria & Fred Clark Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cutler Mr. & Mrs. john W Day, j r David & joanne Denn Mrs . Karen VanderK loot DiChiera Mr. & Mrs. j ohn R. Edman Mr. & Mrs. Burton D. Farbman Elaine Fontana Mr. Kenneth H. Fox Ann & Larry Garberding Keith & Ei leen Gifford Great Lakes Exteriors Mrs. Robert M. Hamady Mrs. Robert Hamilton Eugene & Donna Hartwig Louise Hod gson Gordon V Hoialmen Trust Mrs. David j acknow Mrs. William E. j ohn ston Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell j ospey Mr. & Mrs. j ohn Kaplan Bruno & Mollie Leonelli Mr. & Mrs. David Baker Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Walton A. Lewis Richard & Florence McBrien Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A Munk Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nickol Mr. & Mrs. Eino Nurme Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partrich Mr. john E. Perry Phillips Service Industries, Inc. Dr. Charlotte & Mr. Charles Podowski Meyer & Anna Prentis Family Foundation Anton io & Suzanne Rea Mr. & Mrs . Mark Schmidt St. j ohn Health Care Systems
Roberta &: Dick Starkweather Mr. Frank D. Stella Mr. Ronald F Switzer Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony R Tersigni Mr. &: Mrs. Robert C. VanderKloot Mrs. Richard Van Dusen Venture Industries Mr. Gary L. Wassennan Ri chard &: Kathleen Webb Mr. &: Mrs. Keith Weber Dr. Ma rilyn L. Williamson Mrs. Beryl Winkelman Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Worsley The Y &: R Grou p Dr. &: Mrs. Dieter Zetsche
$10,000 to $14,999 Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Angott Anonymous Mr. &: Mrs. Chester Arnold Mrs. Irene M. Barbour Barris, Sott , Denn &: Driker, PL.L.c. Bethlehem Steel Corporation Mr. Charles A. Bishop Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard T. Brodsky Mrs. Pearl Brodsky Mrs. Martin L. Butzel Dr. &: Mrs. Joseph L. Cahalan Mrs. Eleano r A. Christie Mr. David A. Clark Sheldon &: Barbara Co hn Co mmunity Cou nseling Services Co., Inc . Shelly &: Peter Cooper Mr. &: Mrs. Rodkey Craighead Cherrill &: Richard Cregar &: Family Decision Consultants Inc. Ms. Mary Jane Doerr Mr. Don Francis Duggan Drusilla Farwell Foundation Anthony F &: Sarah M. Earley Rona &: Herbert Freedland Mrs. Roy Fruehauf James &: Barbara Garavaglia Charles &: Elaine Gunderson Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Hagopian Miss Mary A. Hester Judith Hicks &: Eric Hesp enheide Alan &: Eleanor Israel Mr. &: Mrs. Albert A. J adach Ms. Elizabeth Judson Johnson JPRAlPeterhansrea Architects The Han. Mitchell I. Kafarski &: Zona Drozdowska , M.D. with sons Erik M. Kafarski &: Konrad C. Kafarski Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen D. Kasle &: Family Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas G. Kirby Mr. &: Mrs. John A. Kirlin Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Klein Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Kline Ms. Eleanor Korn Mr. &: Mrs. Robert C. Larson La-Z-Boy Mr. Raymon d A. Leh tinen Dr. &: Mrs. Leonard Lerner Dr. &: Mrs. Kim K. Lie Locniskar Group
Mrs. Lawrence LoPatin Mr. Frank E. Miller Marsha &: Jeffrey H. Miro Glen &: Ca rmel Mitchell Foundation Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Monolid is Mr. &: Mrs. Charles R. Moon Ronald K. Mo rrison Dr. &: Mrs. Moon]. Pak Mr. &: Mrs. Ju les Pa ll one Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins Plunkett &: Coon ey Pc. PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Rauth Mr. James Reddam Mr. &: Mrs. Dean E. Richardson J ames &: Marguerite Rigby Mr. &: Mrs. William R. Roberts Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Ronan Mr. &: Mrs. David P Ruwart Saturn Electronics &: Engineering Inc. Dr. No rman &: Marilyn Schakne Dr. Barbara &: Mr. Laurence Schiff Mr. &: Mrs. Laurence Schultz Simmons &: Clark Jewelers Dr. &: Mrs. Sheldon Sonkin Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Strome Dr. &: Mrs. David Susser D r. &: Mrs. L. Murray Thomas Thompson- McCully Co. Dr. Roberta &: Mr. Sheldon Toll Mr. &: Mrs. Robert G. Vallee, Sr. Ann Kirk Warren Ro nald &: Eileen Weiser Mr.]. Ernest W ilde The Han. Joan E. Young &: Mr. Tho mas Sch ellenberg Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Zegouras
$5,000 to $9,999 The Randolph]. &: Judith A. Agley Foundation Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Airasian Mr. &: Mrs. Assad Amine Anonymous Mr. &: Mrs. Robert L. Anthony, IV Joseph E. &: Kathleen A. Antonini Foundation Ms. Helen Arnoldi-Rowe Dr. Robyn]. Arrington , Jr. A &: S Supply Company Dr. &: Mrs. Ingida Asfaw Andrea &: James Balcerski Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Barefoot Brian &: Heidi Bartes Dr. &: Mrs. John G. Bielawski Mr. &: Mrs. W George Bihler Mr. &: Mrs. David Bird Mr. &: Mrs. G. Peter Blom Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Bockoff Mr. &: Mrs. Ch ester E. Borck Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas Borden Mr. &: Mrs. Donald ]. Bortz , Jr. Louis &: Carolyn Bruno Tracey &: Mark I. Burnstein Sally Carlson CenTra, Inc. Dr. &: Mrs. Victor]. Cervenak
Dr. Barbara Chapman &: Mr. Dr. &: Mrs. John M. Lesesne Frank Andrews Mr. &: Mrs. Charles E. Letts, Mrs. Maria M. Chirco Jr. Mr. Wi lliam G. Clark Dr. &: Mrs. Murray B. Levin Ms. Virgi nia M. Clementi Ms. Mary Sirotkin Lewis Lewis &: Thompson Agency, Dr. &: Mrs. Julius V Combs Dr. Mary Carol Co nroy Inc. Mr. John A. Co nti Jodi &: Ivan Ludington , J r. Mrs. Rose mary Cotter Benard L. Maas Foundation Mary &: Sal Craparotta Mrs. Ruth MacRae Dr. &: Mrs. Victor Curatolo Mrs. Barbara J. Mahon e &: Sarah Lou Simpson Fund Barbara &: Pau l W Mr. Donald W Maine Czamanske, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry P. D'Avanzo Ms . Mary C. Mazure Mr. &: Mrs. David E. Davis Mr. &: Mrs. Mark McCartin Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony DeLuca Mr. &: Mrs. Angus ]. Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas D. McMillan Mrs. Lucie B. Meininger Demery Mexican Indust ri es In David K. Diski n , M.D. &: Dorothy Diskin Michigan , Inc. Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence F. Mr. &: Mrs . George Milidrag Rita &: Markus K. Mitrius DuMouchelle Frank G. &: Gertrude Monica Moffat &: Patrick]. Dun lap Foundation McGuire Mr. &: Mrs. George R. Ehlert Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Mr. Ri chard Engel Morganroth Mr. &: Mrs. Francis A. Mr. Edwin Lee Morrell Engelhard t Mr. &: Mrs. Joel Morris Mrs. Joan M. Mossner Dr. Fern R. Espi no &: Mr. Tom Short Mr. &: Mrs. David C. D r. Haifa Fakhouri , ACC Mulligan A. San dy Munro Dr. &: Mrs. Herbert Feldstein Mr. Charles Nave Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Firnschild Sandra &: Jeanne' Naysmith Frank &: Karen Nesi Ms. Linda Fane &: Mr. Tyrone Davenport Dorothy I. &: Geo rge W Nouhan Mr. &: Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster Dr. Marie C. Nowosielski Mrs. Rema Frankel Oxford Automotive PaineWebber Mr. &: Mrs. George E. Frost Dr. &: Mrs. Juan Ganum Mr. &: Mrs. James Pamel Mrs. Frank Germack, Jr. Manuel L. &: Lou ise ]. Papista Mr. Mic hael Gerstenberger Mr. Joseph Giacalone Mr. &: Mrs. David P. Parr Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas Penna Family The Private Bank Giancarlo Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard Quinlan Mrs. Ernest Goodman Mr. &: Mrs. Ca rson C. Darrel &: Dawn Reece Drs. Robert &: Patricia Reed Grunewald Mr. &: Mrs. Josep h Gualtieri Mr. &: Mrs. John B. Re nick Suzanne &: Robert L. Rewey Mrs. Alice Berberian Haid ostian The Ritz-Carlton , Dearborn Mr. Lawrence W Hall Patricia Radzik Dulcie &: Norman Rosen feld Margot &: Jerry Halperin Mr. &: Mrs. Mort Harris Mr. &: Mrs . Gerald FRoss Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard Mr. Thomas FRost Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey Roth Hartman Ms. Lindsay Roth &: Dr. Derek &: Karen Hodgson Mr. &: Mrs. I. Martin Inglis Harvey Day Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Colette &: Darnell Jackson Gary E. &: Gwenn C. Rugiero Mr. &: Mrs. Lee C. Johnson Saperstein Johnson &: J ohnson Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard]. Ms. Rosemary Joliat Schliuers Lawrence &: Diane Jones Mark &: Sally Sch wartz Elliot &: Carolyn Joseph Benjamin Schwegm an &: David G. J udge &: Laura A. Tchorznski Judith TapperoKater Foundation Schwegman Lois &: Mark Shaevsky KDS International Mr. &: Mrs. Roge r F Dr. &: Mrs. Cha rles Kessler Mr. Arthur H . Kirsh Sherman Dr. &: Mrs. Michael Short Harvey &: Aileen Kleiman Mr. Robert Sievers Mrs. Carolyn Knechtel Barbara &: Roge r B. Smith Barbara &: Michael Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow Kratchman Dr. &: Mrs. Alfred M. Ms. Anne Markley Spivak Kreindler Mr. Edward L. Stah l Ms. Mary Ann Stella Dr. Richard &: Victoria Kulis Mr. &: Mrs. Bob G. Mr. &: Mrs. Lee E. Landes Stevenson Mr. &: Mrs. Richard M. Larson Joel &: Shelley Tauber Dr. &: Mrs. Alden M. Leib Lorna Thomas, M.D. Michael &: Nancy Timmis Christine &: Elmore Leonard Rita &: Lan ce Leonelli Mr. George C. Turek Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Universal Forest Products, Inc. Dr. &: Mrs. Leon ard Van Raaphorst Joseph &: Rosalie Vicari ViCtory ReSteel, Inc. Mr. &: Mrs. William P Vititoe Mr. &: Mrs. Richard C. Ward Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L. White Mr. &: Mrs. William Widmyer Chris &: Susan Wilhelm Mr. &: Mrs. Eric A. Wiltshire Mr. Todd A. Wyett Ms. Shiao-Fong Yin NAMED GIFTS We extend our gratitude to the
Jollowing donors to all three phases oj th e capita l campaign - the Campaign to Resto re tile Detroit Opera House, the New Centwy Fund Campaign, and the Crowning Achievement Campaign - who underwri.tten deSignated areas in the Detroit Opera House. AAA
Proscenium Arch Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Aj luni
Grand Lobby Staircase Mr. &: Mrs . Robert A. Allesee
Allesee Dance Patron Lounge Allesee Dance & Opera Resou rce tibralY Anonymous Donor
Grand Lobby Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Grand Lobby Central Chandelier Lee &: Floy Barthel
Costume Center, Center Jor Arts & Learning Volunteer Lounge BASF Corporation
Flexible Classroom, Center Jar Arts & Learning Mr. &: Mrs. John A. Boll
Marlene Boll Hall Margo V Coh en
Dance Cenlel; Center Jor Arts & Learning Comerica Charitable Foundation
Grand Dome Lobby, Center Jor· Production & Administration DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Community Performance Th eatel; Center Jor Arts & Learning DaimlerChrysler Services
Patron Elevator, Center Jar Arts & Learning Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S Daoud
Grand Drape DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
ConJerence Room, Center Jar Production & Administration Detroit Edison Foundation
Mezzanine Level in Opera Hall Mr. &: Mrs. Robert E. Dewar
Trustee Circle Lobby, Madiso n
Detroit Opera House
Mary Sue & Paul Ewing
Broadway Box Office Ford Motor Company
Backstage Renovation Broadway Lobby Center for Arts & Learning Barbara Frankel & Ron Michalak
Patron EIevatOl; Center for Production & Administration Herman & Barbara Frankel
General Director's Circle Lou nge Herman & Sharon Frankel
Parking Garage
General Motors Corporation
Wallis & Ro bert M. Klein
Grand Lobby Stai rcase Mirror
Cadillac Cafe Opera Plaza Robert & Alice Gustafson
Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Madison David Handleman, Sr.
Media Studio, Center for Arts & Learning William & Ellen Kahn
Co-Star Dressing Room Chaim, Fanny, Louis , Benjamin & Ann Flo rence Kaufman Memorial Trust
Delores & Paul Lavins
Grand Lobby Side Chandelier Grand Lobby Staircase Mirror Lear Corporation
Rehearsal Studio J Lobby Trustee Circle Level in Opera Hall The Lomason Family The William K. & Neva
Lomason Opera Lou nge
Grand Lobby Side Chandelier
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
Third Floor Prom enaf!f Staircase Lobby to 2 n Floor, Madison MichCon Foundation G rand Lobby BOLitique
The Karen & Drew Peslar Foundation
Co-Star Dressing Room
Raymond C. Smith Foundation Fund of the Commun ity Foundation for Southeast Michigan Ray mond C. Smith Lobby Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Townsend
Trustee Ci rcle Lobby, Broadway Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. j ohn Rakolta
Madison Lobby
Rehearsal Studio 1l
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Wasserman
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Patron Elevator, John R Towe r Mrs. Carolyn L Ross Grand Lobby Staircase Mirror
Box Level Promenade Dr. & Mrs. Sam W illiams
Barbara Gibson Stairway Exhibit, Broadway World Heritage Foundation
CondLictor's Dressing Room
Contributors to Annual Campaigns Mich igan Opera Theatre gratefully acknowledges the generous co rporate , foundation, government an d individu al donors w h ose contrib utions were m ad e b etween July 1, 2006 and J une 30, 2007. Their generosity p lays an integral part in the companys financial stability, necessary for producing quality grand opera and dance , and award -winning edu cational activities. CORPORATE SUPPORT OPERA & DANCE GRAND BENEFACTOR $200,000 + The Chrysler Foundation Dance Season Sponsor Color-ography Opening Night Sponso r Opera Ba ll Platinum Sponsor Ford Motor Co mpa ny F und Fall Opera Season Sponso r Opera Ball Platinum Sponsor General Operating Support General Motors Corporation Spring Opera Season Sponsor O pera Ball Platinum Sponsor Tango for Two Sponsor Community Programs Support SIGNAL BENEFACTOR $50,000 - $199,000 Compuware Corporation Nutcracker Production Sponsor GMAC Financial Services Dayton Da nce Company Educational Outreach Sponsor Tango for Two Title Sponso r JP Morgan Chase Dracula Performance Sponso r
MAJOR BENEFACTOR $25,000 - $49 ,999 Comerica Bank
Parra and Bess Per ormance Sponsor
Abduction fro m the Seraglio O pening Night Sponsor Opera Ball Silve r Sponsor BravoBravo Gold Sponsor LaSalle Bank Midwest Sprin~ Opera Season Satur ay Series Sponsor
Too Hot to Handel Production Sponso r Lexus BravoBravo Presenting Sponsor BENEFACTOR $15,000 - $24,999 AAA Michigan Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Golf Outing Sil ve r Sponsor Anonymous Nutcracker Benefactor ArvinMeritor Turandot Performance Support Cadillac Tango for Two Sponsor DTE Energy Foundation Future O pera Performa nce Greek town Casino BravoBravo Platinum Sponsor Opus One Cuisine For A Cause SKF Automotive Division Tango for Two Sponsor
The Nutcracker Performance Sponsor Color-ography Performance Sponsor Swan Lake Performance Sponsor Ope ra Ball Gold Sponsor Masco Corporation Foundation Color-ography Family Day Sponsor Community Programs Support Tango for Two Sponsor General Operating Support Detroit Opera House
FELLOW $10,000 - $14,999 Grunwell-Cashero Company, Inc. Golf Ou ting Presenting Sponsor Meadowbrook Insurance Group
Rom eo and Juliet Performance Sponsor National City
Where the Wild Things Are Performance Sponsor
Payless Shoe Source Swa n Lake Performance Sponsor Ryder L1aistics Tango or Two Sponsor Visteon Corporation Opera Ball Silver Sponsor VSA Arts Community Programs Support SUSTAINER $5,000 - $9 ,999 Audette Cadillac Tango for Two Sponsor Domino's Pizza LLC Tango for Two Sponso r EDS Tango for Two Sponsor Great Lakes Beverage BravoBravo Gold Sponsor johnson Controls Co mmunity Programs Support Metaldyne Corporation Tango for Two Sponsor MGM Grand Dayton Contemporary Dance Adopt-a-School Sponsor Sl. j oseph Hosp ital Health System Tango for Two Sponsor UAW-GM Center for Human Resources Color-ography Performance Sponsor Gretchen Valade, Mack Avenue Reco rds Too Hot To Handel Sup port PATRON $2,500 - $4,999 Ash Stevens Blu e Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Tango for Two Sponsor Cintron Energy Group BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor Colasanti Construction Sefv1ces, Inc. Golf Outing Bronze Sponsor The Fa rbman Group BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor
Macy's Dance Education Suppo rt McLeod USA Golf Outing Lunch Sponsor Metropolitan Title Company, Commercial Division BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor Quali ty First Lending BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor Right Management Consultants/Quality First Lending BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor Target Community Programs Support DONOR $1 ,000 - $2,499 Advanced Air Services, Inc. Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor Barris , SOlt, Denn & Driker,
PLLC First Class Valet BravoBravo Terra Cotta Sponsor Michigan Oncology Nordstrom Pepsi Company Golf Outing Volunteer Shirt Sponsor Residence Inn by Marriott Detroit Southfield Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor Rinke Pontiac GMC, Rinke Cadillac, Rinke Toyota Scion, Honda of Bloomfield , Toyota Scion Bloomfield, Hyundai of Waterford Golf Ou ting Titani um Sponsor Schreiber Corporation Gol f Outing Million Dollar Ho le Contest Sponsor Wolverine Packing Company
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
CONTRlBUTOR $500 - $999 Albert Kahn Associates Ariana BravoBravo Bricks & Mortar Sponsor Catalyst Events BravoBravo Bricks & Mortar Sponsor Colony Town Club Maddin, Hauser, Wandl , Roth et al Mo ffat McGu ire, Inc. Golf Outing Tee Sponso r PPG Foundation Preferred Building Services, LLC The Professional Group BravoBravo Bricks & Mortar Sponsor Reliant Pattern Golf Outing Tee Sponsor RenKim Corporation Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Sa fety Technology International, Inc. Side Project Creative Group Special Events Party Rental Golf Outing Patron Sponsor General Operating Support Tee Time, In c. Golf Outing Ball Sponsor FOUNDATION & GOVERNMENT SUPPORT OPERA & DANCE GOVERNMENT Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs National Endowm ent for the Arts SIGNAL BENEFACTOR $100,000 + J ohn S. and j ames L. Knight Fo undation McGregor Fund MAJOR BENEFACTOR $25 ,000 - $99,999 DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Young Artist Apprentice Program Sponsor BRAVO
• CONTRIBUTORS The Abduction from the Snaglia Perfo rmance
Sponsor Matilda R. Wilson Fund The Skil lman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel BENEFACTOR
Romeo and Juliet
$15,000 - $24,999
Performance Sponsor Detroit Opera House Projects General Operating Support
$10,000 +
Hudson-Webber Foundation Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Sage Fou ndation Whitney Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
$10,000 - $14,999
Mr. Michael Twedd le
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation The Elizabeth, Allan and Warren Shelden Fund Ida & Co nrad H . Smith Endowmen t for the Michigan O pera Theatre
The Abduction Jrom the Seraglio Performance Sponsor j . Ernest an d Almena Gray Wilde Foundation Mary Thompson Foundation The Samuel L. Westerman Fo undation Golf Outing Bronze Sponsor SUSTAINER
Benefactor FELLOW
$5,000 - $9,999
$10,000 - $14,999
Betty, Marvin & j oanne Danto Dance Endowment Swan Lake Opening Night Performan ce Sponso r Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer Swan Lake Prod uction Sponsor
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Allison Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alon zo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel Rosalie & Peter Beer Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant Ms. Mary C. Caggegi Mr. Thomas Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Davidson Dr. David DiChiera Mrs. Cha rles M. Endicott Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Haberm an Mr. Kenneth E. Hart Mrs. Harriet Hull Beth Chak Lai Mr. & Mrs. Harry A Lomason Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. McAlpine Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBrien Ms. Monica Moffat & Pat McGuire Mr. j ames A. Nichols Dr. Cha rlotte & Mr. Charles Podowski Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross Mrs. Arlene Shaler Ms. El ham Shayota Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar Dr. Ca lvin L. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Terrell Mrs. Lyn n Townse nd joyce Urba & David Kinsella Mrs. Richard Van Dusen Mr. Richard D. Ventura Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vi ncent Mr. R. j am ison W illiams, Jr. Dr. Marilyn L. Will iamson
Mr. & Mrs. Eugen e Applebaum Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Kramer Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Mr. & Mrs. Paul Victo r
The Abduction fro m tile Seraglio Perro rmance Sponsor SUSTAINER
$5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Rem a Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Mario Iacobel li Mr. & Mrs. W james Prowse
$5,000 - $9,999 james & Lynelle Holden Fund Ralph L. and Winifred E. Polk Foundation PATRON
MOTVA SUNDAY SOIREE HOSTS Kevin Dennis j eremy Zeltzer Don jensen & Leo Dovelle Ali Moiin & Bill Kupsky
$2,500 - $4,999 Arts Midwest
Color-ography Performance Spo nso r Capital Region Community Foundation Clarence and j ack Himmel Foundation Frank and Gertrude Dunlap Foundation Golf O uting Bronze Sponsor New England Foundation fo r the Arts Color-ography Performance Sponsor Young Woman's Home Association DONOR
$1 ,000 - $2,499 Commun ity Foundation of Greater Flint Detroit Industrial Schoo l Drusilla Farwell Foundation Edward and Helen Mardigian Foundati on junior League of Detroit Louis & Nell ie Sieg Foundation Golf Outi ng Bronze
Spon so r The Sigmund and Sophie Rohlik Foundation Vil lage Woman's Clu b Found ati on
$50,000 - $199,000 Marlene &john Boll Family Foundation The Shirley K. Schlafer Foundation MAJOR BENEFACTOR
$25,000 - $49,999
$10,000 - $14,999
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Allesee Swan Lake Performance Sponsor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Dr. Lourdes V Andaya Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Austin Hon. & Mrs . Edward Avadenka Mr. & Mrs. james M. Balcerski Mrs. Irene M. Barbour Mandell L. and Madeleine H . Berman Foundation Lee & Paul Blizman Mrs. Margaret Borden Mr. & Mrs . Bernard T. Brodsky Dr. Carol S. ChadwickSpivak Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough III Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ch irco Mr. David Chivas Mr. Edward Cody Hon . & Mrs. Avern L. Co hn
$5,000 - $9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Swan Lake Stud ent Ticket Sponsor PATRON
$2,500 - $4,999 Mr. & Mrs. j ohn A. Boll, Sr. Color-ography Afterglow Sponsor NUTCRACKER GAIA SPONSOR PARTY HOSTS Vicki & Tom Celani
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Calcagno Mrs. Barbara Frankel & Mr. Ron Michalak Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel Mrs. Rema Frankel Mr. W illiam H. Smi th j anet & Paul Victor
Mrs. Robert Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson Dr. Mary Caro l Conroy Drs. Laura & Jeffrey Corrigan Mr. & Mrs . Norman H. Mrs . Mary Rita Cuddohy Rosenfeld Mrs. Victor Curato lo Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Ross Mr. Josep h D'Anna Mr. & Mrs. W illiam Sandy Ms. Georgia Scappaticci Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Dr. & Mrs. John M. Dee Dr. & Mrs. Norman R. Schakne Mrs. Margaret Demant Leslie Desmond & Philip Dr. Barbara & Mr. Laurence Stoffregen Schiff Mr. & Mrs.Keith A. & Kim & Dona ld Schmidt Virginia Dodsworth Drs. Kathryn & Karl Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Duggan Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Cameron B. Mr. Gregory ]. Schwartz Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Dr. Charles H. Duncan Schwendemann Dr. Raina N. Ernstoff & Mr. Mark & Lois Shaevsky Sanford Hansell Mr. & Mrs . Erwin S. Simon Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewin g Mr. & Mrs. S. Kinnie Smith , Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Feldman Jr Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Fell Ms. Phyllis Sn ow Dr. & Mrs. Robert ]. Sokol Mr. & Mrs. John Ferron Mrs. Sheldon Son kin Mrs. Max M. Fisher Mrs. Elaine Fontana Mr. & Mrs. Pau l Spica Mrs. Nadele Spiro Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Frankel Mr. & Mrs. j ames Ga ravaglia Dr. Gregory Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mr. Jeff Stoller Gian camilli Dr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Mr. Allan D. Gilmour Stollman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Goetz Dr. Jonathan Swift Mr. Ernest Gutierrez Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Dr. Lisa Guyot & Mr. Bassel Thomas Dr. Lorna Thomas Y. Banny Mr. & Mrs. David Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Handleman Toppin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hartwig Dana &John Weber Mrs. Am elia H. Wilhelm Mrs. David B. Herm elin Mr. & Mrs. Derek Hodgson Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hopp Mr. Wil liam Hulsker Ms . Nancy S. Williams & Ms . Eleanor & Alan Israel Sharon Backstrom Amy & Kent jidov Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. J ohnson Hon. Joan Young & Mrs. Thomas ]. Schell enberg Mr & Mrs Sterling C Jones, J r Mrs. Paul Zuckerman Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Jospey Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. Katz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kellman DONORS $2,000 - $2,499 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kesler D r. & Mrs. Richa rd W Kulis Mr. & Mrs. Gebran S. Anton Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Dr. William Kupsky Applebaum Dr. & Mrs. james Labes Dr. Harold Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Laker Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Arrington Mrs. Donald]. Atwood Larson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lavins Ms. Leslie Banas & Mr. Dale Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leonard Buras Dr. & Mrs. Zvi Levran Mr. & Mrs. jon Barfield Mr. & Mrs. Don Bauder Mrs. Florence LoPatin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mr. W Victor Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Major Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Mancuso Mrs. John G. Bielawski Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Martella Mr. & Mrs. j oseph Bloch The Hon. j ack & Dr. Bettye Mr. & Mrs. G. Peter Blom Mr. &'. Mrs . John A. Bo ll , Sr. Arrington Martin Mr. & Mrs. James Bonahoom Ms. Mary C. Mazure Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowlby Meyer & Ann a Prentis Famil y Foundation Mrs. Betty Bright Trustees: Barbara P Mr. & Mrs. Richa rd A Brodie Mrs. Doreen Bull Fren kel Ms. Patricia Hill Burnett & Marvin A. Frenkel , Dale P. Frenkel, Ronald P F renkel, Mr. Robert Sil er Dr. & Mrs. Victor ]. Tom P Frenkel, Denise L. Cervenak Brown, Cindy Frenkel Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Kanter, Nelson P Lande Mr. & Mrs. Glen Mitchell Clark Ms. Virginia M. Clementi Ms. Anne Moroun Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper Mr. & Mrs. j ames Morrill Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Munk Julia Donovan Darlow & john C. O'Mea ra Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Mr. & Mrs . j erry D'Avanzo Mutchler Dr. & Mrs. Peter Nickles Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. David Mr. & Mrs. joseph R. Papp Mrs. Adeline ]. DeBiasi Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plu mb Mr. & Mrs. Bill Powers Mr. Thomas]. Delaney Drs. Irvin & Pamela Trotman Ms. Mary Jane Doerr Ms. Linda Dresner & Mr. Reid Edward Levy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Richert
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www .l\'lic biganOpe ra.o rg
D e tro it Opera H o use
CONTRIBUTORS Mr. &: Mrs. Roben B. Fair, Jr. Ad rienne &: Robert Z. Feldstein Dr. Michael Flores Mrs. Anne E. Ford Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Freeman Mr. &: Mrs. l awrence Garberding Dr. &: Mrs. Michael Geheb Mr. &: Mrs. Keith E. Gifford Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, III Mr. &: Mrs. Arnold Gordon Dr. &: Mrs. Jure Grahovac Mr. &: Mrs. Carson C Grunewald Dr. &: Mrs. J oe l I. Hambu rger Dr. &: Mrs. Gerhard t A. Hein Mr. &: Mrs. David H. Hill Mr. &: Mrs. JuliUS Huebner Elanah &: Rick Hunger Mr. &: Mrs. John Irvine Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. Istock Don Jensen &: leo Dovelle Ms. MalY B. Jolliffe Mr. Patrick J Kerzic &: Mrs. Stephanie Germack Kerzic Mrs. Charles Kessler Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Klarman Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene L. Klein Ms. Les lie Landau &: Dr. Glendon M. Gardner Dr. Jenn ifer Langowski MD Dr. Alden &: Loraine Leib Ms. Corrine Lemberg Mrs. Leonard Lerner Dr. Melvin A. Lester Mr. &: Mrs. Charles E. Letts, jr. Dr. &: Mrs. Kim K. Lie Dr. &: Mrs. Robert P. Lisak Ms. Florine Mark Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Matthews Mrs. Wade H. McCree, Jr. Mrs. Susanne McMillan Dr. Lisa Meil s Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Miller Mr. Phillip D. Minch Mr. &: Mrs. Carl Mitseff Dr. &: Mrs. Van C Momon , jr. Mr. &: Mrs . Eugene Mondry Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Monolidis Mr &: Mrs E Clarence Mularoni Mr. &: Mrs. David Mu lligan Mrs. Jennifer Nasser Mr. Arthur A. Nitzsche Mr. &: Mrs. George W Nouhan Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Nusbaum Mr. &: Mrs. Graham A. Orley Mr. &: Mrs. John O tto Mr. &: Mrs. James Pam el Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins Ms. Ruth F Rattner Mr. &: Mrs. j o hn B. Reni ck Mrs. Ba rbara Richardson Dr. &: Mrs. James Rigby Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik Dr. Wayne] Ruchgy Mr. &: Mrs. Luigi Ruscillo Dr. &: Mrs. Hershel Sandberg Mr. &: Mrs. Lee C Saperstein Mrs. RJ Schlitters Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz Mr. &: Mrs. Merton Segal Dr. &: Mrs. Hyun Chan Shin Dr. &: Mrs. Michael j. Short Ms. Laura Sias &: Ms. Betty Mueller Mrs. Rosemary Skupny Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sloan Mr. &: Mrs. David S. Snyder Mr. &: Mrs. Walter M. Stark Mr. &: Mrs. Richard D. Sta rkweather D etroit O pe ra H o use
Dr. &: Mrs. Mack C Stirling Mr. &: Mrs. George Strumbos Mr. Ronald F Swi tzer Mrs. No rman J. Tabor Mr. &: Mrs. Joel D. Tauber Dr. Roberta &: Mr. Sheldon Toll Mr. &: Mrs. Melvin C VanderBrug Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Victor Mr. &: Mrs. Jonathan T Walton Mrs. Ph ylliS C Webb Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Whiting, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. W illiam Widmyer Mrs. Beryl Win kelman Mr. Andrew Wise Mr. &: Mrs. John A Wise, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Zangerle Mrs. Mary Lou Zieve Mr. &: Mrs. David J Zmyslowski CAMERATA CLUB
$1 ,000 - $1 ,999 Ms. Nina Abrams Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Angott Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond G. Antos Mr. &:Mrs. Donald Brasie Mr. &: Mrs. Ge rald Bright . Mrs. Dina Brodsky Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas E. Carson Dr. &: Mrs. Adel EI-Magrabi Burke &: Carol Fossee Mr. &: Mrs. George E. Frost Ms. Irene M. Garcia Mr. Edmund A. Gaston Thomas M. Gervasi Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome Halperin Dr. &: Mrs. j ac k Hertzler Deanna &: David Holtzman Mr. &: Mrs. Addison Iglehea rt Mr. Henry M. Kassen Ms. Ida King Father Ralph E. Kowalski Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Kratch man Mr. &: Mrs. Leonard LaCivita M r. Patrick Lancaster Mr. &: Mrs. David Lebenbom Mr. Max Lepler &: Mr. Rex Dotson Ms. Ann K. Lesesne Mr. &: Mrs. john D. Lewis Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. lutz Amy &: Dennis Malaney Ms. Patricia McKanna Mr. &: Mrs. William Michalu k Ms. Mary Nickolas &: Mr. Bruce Mi ller Mr. &: Mrs. Craig F Moncher Mr. &: Mrs. Richard F O'Brien Mr. J onathan O rser Mrs. So phi e Pearlstein Miss Alma M. Petrini Dr. &: Mrs. Peter J. Po lidori Vera Rea Mr. &: Mrs. Jack Robinson Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose Ms. Janice Ross Mr. &: Mrs. George Roumell, Jr. Mrs. Markus Schmidt Mr. Stephan Sharf Mr. Frank D. Stella Mr. &: Mrs. William Stone Mrs . Caro lyn Stubbs Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn P. Tierney Mrs. Cathy Villanueva
Ms. Carmen Wargel &: Mr. Rya n Fringer Mr. &: Mrs. Herman W Weinreich Ambassador &: Mrs. Ronald Weiser Mrs. James A. W illi ams GDC OPENING NIGHT INTERMISSION SPONSORS F10y &: Lee Barthel Barbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak Amy &: Kent Jidov Elaine &: Gerald La ker Marge &: Bill Sandy Ron Switzer &: Jim McClure Inge &: George Vi ncent MEMBERSHIP DONORS LUMINARY
$500 - $999 Joshua &: Judith Lowitz Adler Ms. Kimberly Aiken Mr. &: Mrs. Chester Arno ld Dr. &: Mrs. Rau l Bacon Mr. John Barbes Mrs. Ginny Berberian Mr. Stanislaw Bialoglowski Dr. &: Mrs. Eric Billes Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene W Blanchard Dr. &: Mrs. David Bloo m Mr. Robert Bomier Ms. Deirdre Bora Mr. &: Mrs. Jack Bourget Ms. Kath leen Bozek Professor &: Mrs. Dale E. Briggs Ms. Kerry Bruce Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Brzenk Evelyn Burton Ms. CR. Campi telle Miss Helen H. Cannon Mr. &: Mrs. Ron Carter Ms. Margery L. Cou tts Mrs. Rosa Mary Craw fo rd Mrs. Eva Curry Mr. &: Mrs. joseph DeOro Dr. &: Mrs. Donald Ditmars Mr. &: Mrs. John F Doherty Mr. J ohn Drei[us Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Driker Dr. Patricia L. Edwards Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Elias Dr. &: Mrs. Li onel Finkelstein Mrs. Shirley M. Flanagan Mr. J ohn Fleming Ms. Josephine E. Franz Dr. Yvonne Friday &: Mr. Stephen Black Dr. &: Mrs. Byron P Georgeson Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas Giancarlo Mr. &: Mrs. Hugh Randy Gill Mr. &: Mrs. William N . Gilmore , jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Phillip L Gray Dr. &: Mrs. Peter Green Dr. Robert Green Mrs. Helen J. G ridle~ Dr. Rosalind E. Gri[ in Mr. &: Mrs. Josep h Gualtieri Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Hage Mr. &: Mrs. H. Richard Haines Mrs. Mary Ali ce Heaton Ms. Barbara Heller Dr. Phi ll ip Hertz &: Ms. Teresa Roman Dr. &: Mrs. j ames D. Hoeschele Mrs. Almeda Hunter Mr. &: Mrs. Zo ltan J. Janosi
Mr. &: Mrs. Richa rd Jeryan Mr. &: Mrs. Richard J. Jessup Dr. &: Mrs. Arthur L Johnson Ms. Mary C B. Jones Mrs. M. T Keefe Mr. &: Mrs. Barry Keller Mr. John Keros Mr. &: Mrs. Justin Klimko Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory Knas Mr. &: Mrs. Roy H . Koponen Miss Aleksandra Krsteva Mr. &: Mrs. James Kuyken dall Miss Catherine laMont &: Mr. Michael Donovan Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Landes Ms. Bernadeu e L. Lane Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene leich Mr. Edward l ekki Mr. Jason Leung Mr. Bruce Maguire Ms. Mona K. Majzoub Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Maniscalco Mr. &: Mrs. Steven T Ma rlette Mr. Timothy Mayer Ms. Katherine McCullough Ms. Mary McGo ugh Ms. Helen Mi llen Mr. W J. Morris Mr. Geoffrey Nathan &: Ms. Margaret Winters Mr. &: Mrs. Richard L. Norling Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Nuyen Mr. Thomas G. Parachin i &: Ms. Donna J. Donati Mrs. Mary A. Perna Dr. &: Mrs. Claus Petermann Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Peterson Mr. &: Mrs. Philip E. P[ahlen Ms. Irene Piccone Mrs . Ann Piken Mrs. Miriam C Ri chardson Mr. &: Mrs. George Robinson Mr. James E. Rodge rs Mr. john Roman i &: Ms. Ba rbara Anderson Ms. Joanne B. Rooney Dr. &: Mrs. Anhur Rose Ms. Mary P. Ross io Dr. &: Mrs. Alexander Rota Mr. &: Mrs. Nick Sabo l Charles R &: PhylliS Scales Jr Mrs . Claus Sc haefe r Mr. &: Mrs. Morton L Scholni ck Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Schwartz Ms. Heather Sikorski Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Sil veri Mrs. l oretta Skewes Mrs. Helen T Slater Mr. Melvin E. Smi th Ms. Renate Soulen Nadine &: Ken Spe rry Ms. Mary Ann Stella Mr. &: Mrs. Allan Stillwagon Mrs. Norman Thorpe Mr. &: Mrs. Peter P. Thurber Mr. &: Mrs. John Top liss Dr. &: Mrs. Gary Trock Ms. Susan Trotti er Mr. Roman H. Tucke r Mr. &: Mrs. John E. Utley Mrs. Doris Keith Waddell Charles S. Wagner MD Mr. &: Mrs . Roben D. Wallin Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin G. Webb Mr. John Wickey Mr. Lawrence Wi ll iams Dr. Ruth A Wo rth ington Mr. Robert E. Wu rtz
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre '\V\vw.M..ichigan O pera. org
$250 - $499 An onymous (3) Mrs. Adel Amerman Mr. Paul E. Anders Dr. Peter Andreana Mrs. Doris I Arms Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Baer Ms. Sophia Bakris Mrs. Alvin E. Balmes Mr. Henry Bareiss Mr. &: Mrs. C Roben Barnard Mrs. Catherine Barthwell Mr. &: Mrs. James D. Beauvais Mr. &: Mrs. Dean Bedford , J r. Mr. &: Mrs. Robert D. Bennett Dr. &: Mrs. Ronald Benson Mr. &: Mrs. Roland Bessette Ms. Dawn Boesen &: Mr. l eo Zimmer Dr. &: Mrs. Sander J. Breiner Ms. Joann F Brooks Mr. Norman Bucknor Mr. Donald Budny Mr. &: Mrs. Efstratios Calagias Mr. &: Mrs. Brian C Campbell Mr. Gene Carver Mr. &: Mrs. L. B. Chappuis Mr. &: Mrs. Reginald L. Ciokajlo Volna Clermont, MD Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Closson Dr. &: Mrs. Eudoro Coe llo Mr. Edward Cole Mr. &: Mrs. James Co llins Mrs . Lois Collins Esq Mrs. j ames M. Colville Mr. &: Mrs. John P. Conn olly Robert Cornette, PhD. , PC Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene A. Cosma Dr. &: Mrs. Tim Cox Dr. K Crawford-Fuller Dr. John Crump Mr. &: Mrs. Paul W Czamanske, J r. Ms. Beatrice D'Ambrosio Mr. and Mrs. Bob Damschroder Mr. &: Mrs. Norman Dancy Ms. Suann Darmody Mrs. Crysta l Davidso n Mr. &: Mrs . Richard de Bear Mr. &: Mrs. Armando Delicato Dr. &: Mrs . Anthony Deluca Mrs . Dina Desjardins &: Mr. Frank Ring Mrs. Mary DeTo maso Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Di onne Dr. &: Mrs. He rbert H. Dobbs Mr. &: Mrs. Harold B. Doremus Ms. Diane B. Drayson Dr. &: Mrs. Harold Duchan Drs. Paula &: Michael Duffy Ms. Dolores Dumas George &: Barbara Dunn Ms . Ingrid Brit Eidnes The Hon. &: Mrs. S. J Elde n Dr. &: Mrs. Ri chard FElton Dr. &: Mrs. N. Cary Engleberg Mr. &: Mrs. Paul S. Ensign Mrs. Linda Etter Mr. Wayne C Eve rly Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert E. Everss Ms. Bernita Fenner Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Ferrario Mr. Daniel Ferrier Mary Kaye &: Mason Ferry Ms. Judith Fietz BRAVO
• CONTRIBUTORS Hon . Sharon Tevis Fin ch Drs. J ulie B. Finn &: Bradley Rowens Mrs. Adelina Firnschild Dr. Lydia H . Fischer Mr. William F Fisher Cynthia Fisher Dr. Evelyn Fisher Mr. Jay Fishman Mr. &: Mrs . James E. Fisk Ms. Melissa Jane Flones Ms. Su e Force Dr. &: Mrs. Sau l Forman Mrs. Harold L. Frank Angelyn Frankenberg &: Randy Essex Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas A. Fraser Mr. &: Mrs. Dan iel E. Frohardt-Lane Mrs. Elizabeth W Gage Mr. &: Mrs. Roberto Gamarra Ms. Clara Garbon-Radnoti Mr. Lawrence T. Garcia Mrs. Cheryl Ann George Ms. Diane Geo rge Mr.]. Robert Gillette Ms. Brejette Gipson Ms. Patricia Godell Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Gold Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Gold Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Goldman Dr. &: Mrs. Paul Goodman Mr. &: Mrs. William R. Goudie Mr. &: Mrs. Will iam Gourley Mrs. Shirley Gray Mr. &: Mrs. Julian M. Greenebaum Mrs. Patricia Greenwood Mr. Henry Grezlik &: Mrs . Rita Grezlik Mary K. Grimes Mrs. Claire L. Grosberg Mr. &: Mrs. Leonard Grossman Mr. Nizami Halim Mr. &: Mrs. Wi lliam R. Harmon Mr. &: Mrs. Hugh G. Harness Dr. &: Mrs. Natan HarPaz Mr. &: Mrs . Sean Harrington Mr. &: Mrs. John K. Harris Mr. Harland Harris Ms. Mary Harrison Ms. Joann Hatton Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey K. Haynes Dr. &: Mrs . Michael Hepner Dr. Gloria Hepp ner Mr. Nonnan Herbert Dr. &: Mrs. Martin M. Herman Ms. O limpia Hernandez Ms. Susanne F. Hilberry &: Mr. Richard Kandarian Mr. Don Hinckfoot Mr. Stanley Hirt Mr. &: Mrs. Edward N . Hodges, III Beth Hoger &: Lisa Swem Mr. &: Mrs . Jan Homan Mr. Charles Hook Dr. Linda S Hotchkiss &: Hon. Rob ert P Young J r. Mrs. Ann Howell Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Hudson Ms. Daisy Marguerite Humes Mr. &: Mrs. Mario Iacobelli Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph F. Jeannette Mr. &: Mrs. Frank M Jerneycic Mr. John W Jickling O. M. Johnson Mr. Michael R. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Ch oisJones Ms. Hilda Jongkind Mr. Scott Jorgensen 56
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Kalakailo Miss Shirly Osier Nikki &: Russell Kane Mr. &: Mrs . Bert G. Ms. Darlene Karle Osterberg Ms. Julie Owens Mr. &: Mrs. Alex Karp Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen D. Kasle Ms. Diane Paratore Mr. &: Mrs. AlanJay Ms. Margot Parker Kau fman Mr. Ralph Pedersen &: Ms. Ann Loveland Mr. Douglas Kearney Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Kelly Mr. &: Mrs. Wil liam Dr. Sh irley Kocur Piontkowski Mr. &: Mrs. Robert]. Koffro n Ms. Mildred D. Pitts Mr. Daniel B. Kolton &: Ms. Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Place Mary Christner Dr. &: Mrs. Charles A. Mr. &: Mrs. Nicholas P Porretta Kondak Dr. &: Mrs. Fritz Port Ms. Erin Kopkowski Mrs. David W Porter Dr. &: Mrs. Richard Kulbersh Mr. Garrod Post &: Mr. Ms. Rosemary Kurr Robert A. Hill Mr. &: Mrs. John Lab riola Mrs. Barbara Quinn Mr. J osep h W Lab uta Mr. Donald Rafal Mr. &: Mrs. Al Lacroix Dr. Robin Jo Ramsay Ms . Christine Laing Mr. &: Mrs. j ohn W Reddy Mr. Henry ]. LaMotte Mr. &: Mrs. Darrel ]. Reece Dr. Joseph Lapides &: Ms. Mr. Dennis C. Regan &: Miss Arlene Gorelick Ellen M. Strand Ms. Karen Larkin Mr. &: Mrs. John ]. Riccardo Mr. &: Mrs. Robert E. Mr. M. M. Roberts Lazzerin, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Th omas P Mr. Philip Leon Rockwell Ms. Adrienne Leonard Mr. &: Mrs. Peter]. Roddy Ms . Amy Lesperance Ms . Graciela Rojas Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Levin Mr. &: Mrs. Sidney Rose Dr. &: Mrs. Murray B. Levin Mr. Allen Ross Mr. &: Mrs. Casimir B. Drs. Donald &: Diane Levine Dr. &: Mrs. John H . Libcke Rozycki Mr. Irving Lich tman Mr. &: Mrs. Leroy H. Runk Mr. &: Mrs. Rich ard T. Dr. &: Mrs. Willi am H . Salot Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Saperstein Lindgren Ms. Karen Linnell Karen L. Saxton Drs. Robert &: Franziska Ms. Shi rley Verrett Lomonaco Schoen fe ld Mrs. Frank Loria Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Schwartz Mr. &: Mrs. John Lowe Mr. &: Mrs. Paul &: Susanne Mr. Ivan Ludington , Jr. Dr. &: Mrs. Sol Lu ft Scott Dr. John ]. Lupini Mr. &: Mrs . Kingsley Sears Mr. Michael Madigan Dr. &: Mrs. Nathan P Segel Mr. Roman Maev Prof. Rich ard A. Seid Michael &: Elizabeth Mr. &: Mrs. Steven Sell Ma honey Mr. Marc Shaberman Dr. john E. Sheard Cardinal Adam ]. Maid a Ms . Suzanne Mal daver Dr. &: Mrs. Donald Sherman Mr. Craig Mancu so Dr. &: Mrs. Pau l Siatczyn ski Ms. Jan et Groen ing Marsh Mrs. Bluma Siegal Cmdr. Nonnan Silverman Dr. &: Mrs. David E. Massignan Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony R. Skwiers Mr. George G. Matish Ms . Laurie McCaul ey Mrs. Alma ]. Sn ider Mr. Frederic McCoy Jr Dr. Gino Sovran Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph McCreedy Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore ]. St. Ms. Annette McGruder Antoine Mr. &: Mrs . Patrick Gabriel &: Martha Stahl McKeever Ms. Bonita Stanton John &: Penny McMul li n Dr. Mildred Ponder Stennis Dr. &: Mrs. Herman ]. Merte Dr. &: Mrs. Sheldon Stem Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Father Anthon y Sulkowski Michielutti Dr. &: Mrs. Komol Surakomol Mr. Myron L. Milgrom Dr. &: Mrs. Ronald Miller Dr. &: Mrs. Eric ]. Szilagy Mrs. Jane S. Miller Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Tavoularis Stan ley &: Doreen Millman Hon. &: Mrs. Cli fford W Mr.John Mills Taylor Dr. Edward Missavage, J r. Richard &: M. j oanne Taylor Mrs. Lucille A. Monark Dr. Arnie Taylor Ms. Mary Teachout Dr. &: Mrs. Eliezer Monge Mr. Cyril Moscow Mr. &: Mrs. Fran k Tenkel Dr. J ames L. Moseley Mr. &: Mrs. j oseph A. Test Mrs. Earl A. Mossn er Mr. &: Mrs. George W Mrs. Neva A. Moyer Tewksbury Dr. Gretchen M. Thams Mrs. Betsy Muir j ack W Theisen Mr. &: Mrs. Germano L. Mularoni Mr. Marlin D. &: Mrs. Karen R. Todorov Miss Surayyah Muwwakkil Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Tombouli an Mrs. Orion Nazzaro Dr. &: Mrs. Rennard B. Mrs. Cynthia Nostrant Tuc ker Mrs. Henrietta V Dr. &: Mrs. Dimitry M. Turin Nowakowski Mrs. Barbara Numbers
Dr. &: Mrs. Vainutis K. Vaitkevicius joseph Valentin, DDS Mr. John Varick III Miss Lisa M. Varnier Mr. &: Mrs. Gerrit Vreeken Ms . Margaret Walter Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Weiermiller Mr. Robert D. Welchli Mr. Pau l Wenig Ms. Terees Western Dr. &: Mrs. Fred W Whitehouse Mr. &: Mrs. Robert F. Whitman Mrs. Charles Whitten Mr. Allen Wierzbicki, CPA Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Wiggins Mr. john Wilk j r Dr. Magnus A. Wilson Mr. Alfred Wood , j r. Mr. David D. Woodard Ms. An drea L. Wulf Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Yates Mr. John Yavruian Mr. Robert Ziegelman &: Ms. Nanci Rands Mr. Irvi n Zwicker INDnnDUALSUPPORT -DANCE DANCE PATRON CIRCLE DIRECTOR $5,000 + Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Celani Sue &: Van Conway/Conway MacKenzie &: Dunleavy Mrs. Una Jackman Mr. &: Mrs. Elmore Leonard Ms. Joyce Urba &: Mr. David Kinsell a CONDUCTOR
Ms. Phyllis Snow Mr. &: Mrs. David Trott Mr. &: Mrs. Jeff Van Cleave DANCE MEMBERS PREMIER DANCER
$1,000 - $1,499 Mr. &: Mrs. Michael H . Acheson Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick Adams Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Bingham Dr. &: Mrs. Mich ael Carr Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick Clark Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence David Ms. Terri Fenner Mr. Ernest Gutierrez Jean &: Jay Hansen Darlene &: M. David Jackson Kelly Services Foundation Ms . Deborah Lyddon Mr. Charles Peters Ms. Ruth Rattner Mr. &: Mrs. Joel D. Tauber Mr. Michae l Tweddle Ms. Patrice Weaver SOLOIST
$500 - $999 Frank G. &: Gertrude Dunlap Foundation Mr. &: Mrs. Stuart Frankel Dr. &: Mrs. Jun Garcia Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Hartwig Ms. Barbara Heller Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Kleiman Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene F. Leich Mr. &: Mrs. Sergio Mazza Mr. &: Mrs. James B. Nicholson Mr. Dennis Slatkin Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar Mr. &: Mrs. Padraic Sweeny Dr. &: Mrs. Seymour Ziegelman
$2,500 - $4,999 Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel Dr. David DiChiera Mrs. Charles M. En dicott Mrs. Barbara Frankel &: Mr. Ron Michalak Mr. &: Mrs . Herman Frankel Elizabeth &: Mich ael Kojaian Mr. &: Mrs. Darnel Moore Mr. James Nich ols Ms. Diana Omecinsky Mr. R. Jamison Williams, Jr. CHOREOGRAPHER
$1,500 - $2,499 Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas An derson Mrs. Debra Bernstein -Siegel Ms. Suzanne Burks Mr. David Chivas Ms. j oanne Danto Ms. Linda Dresn er &: Mr. Edward Levy Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Feldstein Lauren &: Philip Fish er Dr. &: Mrs. Clifford Furgison Mr. Lawrence Glowczewski Mr. &: Mrs. David Hand leman Mr. Will iam Hulsker Dr. Jean Kegler Mr. &: Mrs. Harry A. Lomason Dr. Ali Moiin &: Dr. William Kupsky Mrs. Florence Morris Ms. Linda K. Rodney Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross Mr. &: Mrs. Gilbert Silverma n
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre www.MichiganO
$250 - $499 Ms. Leah Arnold Mr. &: Mrs. Russell Ayers Ms. Michelle Barrett Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Brzenk Dr. &: Mrs. Dana Busch Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas E. Carson Jeff &: Dance Cowart Mr. Frank DeMarco Mrs. Carol Ewing Mr. &: Mrs. John B. Ford, III Ms. Margaret Franz Ms. Michelle Guisewite Ms. Janet Gumenick Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Haller Miss Mary A. Hester Ms. Charlyn M. Idler Mr. &: Mrs. David Joswick Mr. Michael Kelly &: Ms . . Theresa Flint Mr. &: Mrs. Kevin Kleinhomer Mr. Philip Leon Mr. Glenn D . Maxwell Mr. Jonathan Orser Mr. James Plemmons Mrs. Kathryn Pothier Mrs. Holly So rscher Ms. Carole Tibbitts Mr. &: Mrs . John Urso Mr. &: Mrs. Damien M. Woody
Detroit Ope ra H o use
In Honor of Richard Brodie J im Stedman
In Memory of Maria D'Anna j oseph D'Anna
TANGO FOR TWO EVENT HOSTS Bob &: Deni se Lutz $10,000 - $ 14,999 Herm an &: Sharon Frankel DO H Ga rage Sign age SPECIAL EVENTS $ 15,000 - $24,999 Denise &: Bob Lutz Tango fo r Two $5 ,000 - $9 ,999 David Evola BravoB ravo Si lver Leaf Sponsor $1,000 - $4,999 Marlene &: j ohn Bo ll Family Foundat ion J oanne Danto O lga &: Irvi ng Dwo rkin Barbara &: Thomas Gottschal k Maureen Kempston-Da rkes Suzanne &: Joseph Orley Meryl &: Terry Podo lsky A. Alfred Taubman $500 - $999 Alice &: julius Co mbs Alro Steel Foundat ion Sally &: Don Baker Maril yn Barnett J udy &: Irwin Elson Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Carl-Peter Fo rster Maxine &: Stuart Frankel Ann &: Larry Ga rberding Pau la &: Mark LaNeve Nancy &: Bud Liebler j oy &: Allan Nachman Chri stop her Preuss Tec hy Rodriguez- Doyle &: Patrick Doyle Carolyn L. Ross Nancy &:joh n Sm ith H elen &: Pete r Strallon Beth &: Mark Taylo r Bernie &: Tom Toppin Kathy &: Ri chard Wagoner $250 - $499 Tracey &: Mark Burnstein Lynn &: Bharat Gandh i Donna &: Gene Hartwig Karen &: Derek Hodgson Mado &: Kim Li e Debra &: Ri chard Part rich Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald Pniews ki Frank Stel la H elen Zuckerman INTRlBUTE FebruQI) 28, 2007 to
January 28, 2008 In H onor of the 55th Wedding Anniversary of the Hon. Edward &: Beverly Avadenka Shelly &: Peter Cooper In Memory of Marion Bartush Shell y &: Peter Cooper In Honor of Karen Bowman &: Rick W illiams' Engagement SI1ell y &: Peter Cooper
D etroit Ope ra House
In Honor of David DiChiera's Cyrano World Premiere Christ ina DiChiera &: Nei l Walsh Dr. &: Mrs. Th omas Giancarlo Sylvia Serwin In Honor of Lisa DiChiera &: John Kane's Birth days Ginny Be rberian And rew Fisher Steve Gutterman james Kane j enni fer Marling Brian McCormick Ma rija D. Rich Mrs. Lynn Townsend Malt. &: Barbara Vande rKloot Kevin, Andrea, &: Claire Webber Bradfo rd W h ite In Honor ofJulia Donovan Darlow's Birthday J ason Li nd auer In Honor of Marianne Endicott Ann &: ji m Wi lliams In Memory of Eileen Ewing Glo ria &: Fred Clark Suzy and Bruce Ge rshenson Barba ra Franke l &: Ro n Mic halak Richard &: Lea h Trosch In Honor of Herman Frankel's Birthday Ted &: Mary Ann Simon In Honor of Herman &: Sharon Frankel Harvey &: Aileen Kleiman In Memory of Donald Grant Barbara Frankel &: Ron Micha lak I n Honor of Donna &: Gene Hartwig's 50th Wedding Anniversary Bob &: j anet Neary In Honor of the Doreen H ermelin &: Mel Lester's En gagement Shelly &: Peter Cooper In Memory of Louise H odgson Jeffrey D. Ca llison Dav id DiCh iera Michele. Kem ler John M. Lopez Paul a &: Charli e Mad igan Wa lter &: Vicki Owe ns Brent Slavin Phy lli s Snow Kenneth Stapp Ron Swit zer &: jim McClure Co letta Thomas John Tyminski Jeremy Zeltzer &: Kevin Denn is In Memory of Vera Johnson Jane Alessandrini
In Memory of William Kahn jo hn R. Axe Ei leen Bielfield &: Budd y Kahn Florence M. Morris Maida Frank Portnoy Anne Markley Spivak j anet &: Robert. Swanso n In Memory of Robert Keydel j uli us &: Cynth ia Huebner In H onor of Stephanie Germack Kerzic &: Patrick Kerzic Robert &: Caro l We ndze l In H onor of Dr. William Ku psky Mary jane &: jeff Ku psky In H onor of Dr. William ]. Kupsky &: Dr. Ali Moiin Elizabeth S Ku psky In Memory of Leonard Lerner Ed ith Tannen baum In Honor of The Hon. J ohn C. O'Meara's Birthday Jason F. Lindauc r In Memory of Luciano Pavoratti The Ho n. &: Mrs. Averil Cohn In Honor of Mr. &: Mrs. James L. Pfiefer's 50th Wedding Anniversary Dr. &: Mrs. Paul G. Thomas In Honor ofJudy &: Gerry Primak Annie, Rob , Kath i, &: Rick Cohen In Honor of Ruth Rattner Linnea Lan non &: Ri ck Ratt ner In Memory of Eu gene Robelli Susan &: Daniel Fox Nancy Gogo The Katz Family Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Kroli kowski j oan Nagrant Mr. &: Mrs. Lewis Olgiati ,J r. Bil l &: Toni Pilchak Sidney Rose Sandy &: Lenny Schafer Q uinto Vit.ale Sarah Vitiell o In Memory of Luigi Ruscillo Angelo &: Anna Lanni Mr. &: Mrs. j oseph R. Papp Mr. &: Mrs. Mic hael Pittiglio Famil ie Ro lo ff Emilio &: Carmela Troiani Nazza reno &: Adriana Troiani Susan &: J ohn Za retl i In Memory of Marjorie Scott Barbara Fran ke l &: Ron Michalak David &: Rose Hand leman Fred &: Sheila Osann George M. Zeltzer &: Ellen Kahn Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Kro likowski
In Memory of Neal Shine Barbara E. Cun ningham Darlene Ka rle In Honor of Richard Sonenklar james Sted man In Honor of Ronald Switzer's Birthday Sue and Alan Buratto In Memory of Pearl Zeltzer Ma rcia &: Eugene App lebaum Patricia Barbe r Gwen &: Richard Bowlby Gloria &: Fred Clark Dodie &: Larry Davi d Stan &: Heather Dickson Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Franke l Denese Grove Heathe r Hamilto n &: Helen Mi llen Rose &: David Handleman Maxwe ll &: Marjo rie jospey Bruce S. Kahn Harvey &: Aileen Kleiman Barba ra Franke l &: Ronald Michalak Harold Milinsky Ali Moiin &: Bi ll Kups ky Bc rn ie &: Muriel Mo ray Dr. &: Mrs . Bohdan Pichurko Jack A. &: Av iva Rob inson Barbara Roden Mr. &: Mrs. Mi lLOn Rotenbe rg Leon &: Debbe Sape rstein Darryl Trembath Gay la Zogh lin &: Eric Li nden In Honor of Mary Lou Zieve Irv &: O lga F Dworkin IN KIND DONORS Operal Ball 2006 110 Coutu re Rosette &: Roge r M. Aj luni Maggie &: Robe rt A. All esee Ame rican Coney Island Dr. Lourdes Andaya And iamo Riverfront Dale and Don Aust in Bacco Beau Jack's Beyond j uice Big Rock Chopho use Birm ingham Tower De li Bo nefish Grill Ka ren Bowman &: Rick Williams joanne &: Richard Brod ie Betty &: Bill Brooks Ca ie Cort ina Roy &: lise Calcagno Camero n's Steak House Carl Sterr Carol Lewis Day Spa Centaur Wine &: Marti ni Bar Century Gril le Gloria &: Fred Clark Coach Insign ia Comerica Como's Shelly &: Peter Cooper Crave Restaurant + sushi bar + lounge Dan Stall [ne., The Auct ion Team Maureen &: j erry D'Avanzo Dod ie &: Larry David
""", Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michelle DeLand '&: Brent Kelso Detroit Beer Company The Detro it Tigers Debbie &: j ohn Di ngell Linda Dresne r &: Ed Levy Rosanne &: Sandy Du ncan/joh n Hart Fine W ine j udith &: Irwin Elson Li l &: Alex Erdeljan Dede &: Oscar Fe ld man Dr. Marjorie M. Fishe r Flash Accessories Ford Li rlColn Mercury Forte' Fox &: Hounds Barbara Fra nkel &: Ron Michalak Aviva &: Dean Friedman Fuschsia Frog Ann &: Robert Greenstone Greenstone's Fine j ewelry Heathe r Ham il ton &: Helen Millen Rose &: David Hand leman Harp's Lingerie Donna &: Eugene Hartwig The Hen k Studio, Inc. Doreen Hermel in The Italian Dish Renee? &: Charles janovsky Christine &: Gerald Kageff Patrick j. Kerzic &: Stephanie Germ3ck Kerzic La Co ntessa in Windsor La Dolce Vita Dr. Mel Lester Mado &: Ki m Li e AI Lucarell i MajestiC Ca fe Margo's Spa Mario's Mart in Luther Ki ng High School Band Shahida Mausi MGM Grand's Ruby on Th ird Michigan Opera Theat re Mon ica Moffat &: Pat McGuire Mon J in Lau Mosaic Motor City's Iridescence Neiman Marcus North Po inte Insurance Company Opus O ne Sally &: Graham Orley The Palace of Auburn Hills Mary &: Charlie Parkh ill Deb ra &: Rich ard Partrich Plan terra Mery l &: Terry Podolsky Charli &: Chuck Podowski The Ratt lesnake Clu b/J illlmy &: j o Marie Schmidt Ruth Rattner The Ritz Carl ton Roma Cafe Nik ki Ruddy &: Ha rry Lomason, J r. Salon Sydney Sydel l &: Douglas Schubot Seege r People/Lori Karbel Sinbad 's judith Slotk in Slows Small Plates Darlene & Tony Soave Sposita's Risto rante Starbuc k's Christi ne &: George Strumbos Sweet LOlTaine's Downtown Th is Is Me The Tow nsend Hotel ViaNove Vicente's Cuban Cuisine BRAVO
Vintage Wine Co mpany Vivio's WDIVIN BC Ma ry Lo u Zieve Tango for Two 2006 Aggre ko LLC Ann Arbor Residence In n , a Marriott Ho tel Blue Water Group Campbel l-Ewald Adverti sing D. E. Mc Nabb Co. EDGE Inte rnati onal Forte- Belanger Catering Futu re Reprod uctions In c. Gerych's GM Creati ve Se rv ices General Mo tors Go lf Digest Light So urce In corporated Li ttle Faxes Los Esq uin os Carlos Ga rd el Den ise &: Bob Lutz Metro Ca rs Rosalind Meyer Michigan Business Review Nei man Marcus Northwest Airlin es O utdoor Event Services Passion Growers Peisach Family Pern od Ricard Th e Ritz-Ca rl ton Dearborn Sherato n Buenos Aires Shows and Shoots Special Events Party Rental Style Magaz ine Superi or Electric Tip pin's SpeC ialty Wines &: Foods Travis Po int e Coun try Cl ub Ambassad o r Ronald &: Eileen Weiser Golf Outing 2007 Addison Graphic Solutions Alan So ifer Jewelers of Troy, MI Al Long Ford Aud i Baci Salo n &: Spa of Birmingham Beau j ack's Food &: Spi rits Big Rock Cho p House Natali e Cochran Cadillac Co lTee Centaur Bar &: The Tow n Pum p Ch ris Webber/Detroit Pisto ns Comerica Bank Crave Restaurant + suslli bar + lounge Th e Detro it Zoo Dick SCOlt Dodge Firefly Phones Fran klin Hairca re Grace Th orson Design Greektown Casin o Harvey Yates, LB Office Products Legends of Ice Dr. Mel Leste r Majestic Cafe Microsoft Nex link Com m uni cati ons
Residence In n by Ma rriott Rinke Pontiac GM C Residence Inn by Marriott Detro it Southfield The Roostertail j oanne Sh ango Shep herd 's Holl ow Golf Club Sho rel ine Custom Frami ng Skylin e Club Ticketmaster Vitam in Water Miscellaneous Fl ay &: Lee Barthel joanne Danto Fo rd &: Earl Assoc iates Maria &: j im Kokas Rainy Day An &: Framing Co m pany Eugen e Robelli Savo r t he Th ym e Catering IN-KIND SPONSORS BravoBravo! 2007 Platinum C rave Restaurant + sushi ba r + lo unge li almod a Levitati o n Staging Six Deg rees Magazine Gold Ad d ison Graphi c Soluti ons Coloni al Party Eve nt Rental Great Lakes Beve rage Octan e Design Silver Leaf Blue Water Techno logies Commercial Maintenance Paxa hau So urce Audi o Crystal Leaf Bell &: Sons BB &: J Li nens Display Grou p Plantcrra Bricks &: Mortar Detroit By Design MEDIA After 5 Detroit Ambassador Detroit Fashion Pages Rea l Detroit Six Degrees WD IV IN-KIND DONORS BravoBravo! 2007 The Alley Grill e Ambassado r Magaz in e Andiamo Riverfro nt Band Wi th No Na me's j eff G utt Barefoot Wine Bella Blue Bikram Yoga Bi xy Lutz's Greg Hanson Blackman &: Arn o ld Wo rld Jazz Q uartet Bud weise r Select Ca fe' Corrina Canape Ca rl Canne ll a Pat isserie &: C repe rie
Capital Event Prod uctio ns Th e Capital Grille The Cent ury Grill e Chair Cove rs &: Li nens Chateau C hantal Como's Co rner Prod uctio ns C rave restaurant + sushi bar + lo unge Darakjian j ewelers Deluxe Flo ral Detroit Beer Company Detroit Therapeuti c Massage Detroit Yacht Club The Detro it Zoo Leah Dexter Ms . Christina Di Ba rtolo meo OJ Captain 20 OJ Rubix Cu be E &: J Gallo Winery EastWest Prod uctio ns Eden Epoch Events Catering FLO Frank lin Athleti c Club Rachel Grace Lesley Ann e Graham Greektown Casi no Holi stic Healer &: Wellness Center Hot Club of Detro it idu nit ed LLC II Posto Indianwood Golf &: Country Club j acoby's Kaizen Hea lin ~ Arts La Bistecca Ita ian Gril le La Zin gara Trattoria Liquid Exposure Lucky St ri ke Lanes Luigi Bruni Salon Luxe Clo thier Majesti c Cafe' Mario's Ryan McPherson Mead e Lex us of Sterlin g Heights M LE Transpo rtation Moo Moo's O rgan ic Bistro Mosaic Nestle Waters No rth Am eri ca NOl11i Opus O ne/Opus To Go Pat Scott jewelers Paxahau Powe r Nutrition Psychic Sisters Renee &: Wend y Pu lse Bar Real Detroi t Rising Sun Yoga Roosten ai l Shep herd's Holl ow Golf Club Skin Logics Slow's Bar BQ Small Plates Starbuck's Co ffee Wood wa rd/Mack Locat ion Sweet Geo rgia Brown/Seldo m Blues Mr. Rodn ey Sypitowski That 80's Band The Town Pump/Ce nt aur Uni on Street Vice nte's Cu ba n Cu isine Vi ntage W ine Visage Spa Vitamin Wate r
Volunteers Dear Opera and Dance Lovers, ichigan Opera Theatre Volunteer Assoc iation m emb er s h ave a starring role in the continued success of Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House. Since 1993 , the mission of MOTVA has been two-fold: to provide financial support for Mi chi ga n Opera Theatre productions and co mmun ity progra m s , an d to cu lti va te pub lic awareness of and interest in opera and dance as art forms.
MOTVA members participate in meaningful activities that include sponsoring fund raising events, presenting social and edu cat ional p rogra ms, wo rking behind the scenes to provide advocacy and audience development and much needed administrative services. Member benefits include wonderful opportunities to m ak e n ew fri end s whi le contributing to a prestigious community asset. Most importantly, you will know that your volunteerism helps bring the very finest opera and dance production s to the stages of the Detroit Opera House, providing the most exciting and glamorous theater experiences available in our community Your tax-deductible membership allows you to participate in as many of the individual volunteer groups and activities as you wish . Simply fill in the membership form and return it with yo ur dues. We look forward to welcoming you to the Michigan Opera Theatre family through yo ur me mb ership in the Mi ch igan Opera Theatre Volunteer Association . Most Sincerely,
Judith Slotkin President MOTVA Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detro it Ope ra House
ichigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House present two of the finest and most diverse opera and dance series in the country Such an achievement requires many voices and many willing hands helping out behind the scenes. The talented, giving hands of our Opera League, Ushers, Dance Council, Young Professionals , Ambassadors; office, education and Boutique workers; and Mover and Super volunteers have a significant impact on the overall operation of the company We thank them for their extraordinary gifts of talent and time that help to make Michigan Opera Theatre a success year after year.
MOTVA Executive Committee
Marianne Endicott, Community Programs Don j ensen, Board Member Amy jidov, Membership Nancy Krolikowski, Movers Helen Millen, Ambassadors Ali Moiin, Supers Kurtis Posuniak, Footlights Elaine Schonberger, Board Member Terry Shea, Board Member Roberta Starkweather, OVI Rep. Board Member Gail Urso , Board Member Wallace Peace, Volunteer Education TBD, Office Volunteers TBD, Opera House Ushers TBD, Volunteer Voice
judity Slotkin, President Steven Marlette , Vice President Nancy Moore, Secretary john McMullin, Treasurer Dodie David, Past President Gloria Clark, Past President Betty Brooks, Past President Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Melinda Anderson, Young Professionals , BravoBravo l Liasion Helen Arnoldi-Rowe , DivaslDivos Gwen Bowlby, Publicity 5;[ Development Gloria Clark, Dodie David , Opera League Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Kevin Dennis, Technology
Volunteer Operators
Gloria Clark Dodie David Alan Israel Dr. 5;[ Mrs. Richard Kulis juetta Letts Mary MacNee Steven Marlette Robert Martin Dr. john Novak Debra 5;[ Richard Partrich Myrna 5;[ Spencer Partrich Eva Powers Margaret Prizer Anthony Ruda Mark 5;[ Elaine Schonberger Roberta Starkweather Carole Tibbitts
Please indicate volunteer groups of interest: o Ambassadors Len", Ibe bislory of Ibe Opem HOlfse nlld shareYOllr klloJl·ledge 0 guidillg /ollrs.
o Boutique
BravofBravo!, an
annual event celebrating the tastes, Sights and sounds of Detroit presented by the young professionals group of Michigan Opera Theatre's Volunteer Association, would not be the incredible success it has been over the past several years without the extraordinary time, effort and talent of Bill Bowen. Bill's contributions included helping with graphic design, designing the Bravo!Bravo! website ( and designing and creating sponsorship packets. In 2007 , as Co-Chair of Bravo!Bravo!, Bill was instrumental in putting the entire event together, including attending and running meetings, coordinating correspondence, and communicating needs to the group as a whole. Bill's efforts for Bravo!Bravo! 2007 were rewarded with the most successfu l BravofBravo! ever, raising over $ 160,000 for the Detroit Opera House. But Bill's tireless effort and devotion do not stop there - you may have seen his afterglow invitations or production materials for many Detroit Opera House events. His professionalism and generous attitude make him a great volunteer.
Detroit Opera House
Sell opera al/d dal/ce lIIercbn "rlise tll/riJlg peifomlflnces ill/he Opem HOllse BOlltiqlle.
o Community Programs
Please indicate the type of membership: 0 0 0
Individual Couple Patron: OPERAtor Senior/Usher Student
Prolllote alld iI/spire pmlieipafioll ill olltreneb alld edlfmtiolllliprogmllls.
$35.00 o Dance Council $60.00 Bronden tbe nltdiellce for dtlllCP JIIith (fl)en/s $100.00 which bighligbt aNd slIppod pronllrtiolls ill the dance series. $25.00 o Divas / Divos $10.00 Jt1'odllre Ilis;tillg miisls to De/roit. (lilt/
0 (Me!I,benbip is vnlidJor olleyear, alld is ""ell'nble 011 Ib, nllllil;,rsmy dnle.)
belp 10 /IInke Ibeir slny 1II0re en/liynble.
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Ne/work II lith y OllllgprrljcsSiOJJfl/S (llld mise jlfllds Jor the cOl/til/lfed prf'servatioll
o My check to Michigan Opera Theatre is enclosed
of Ib, DellVil Opera HOllse.
o Please charge my credit card in cile am ount o f $_ - - - - -
Fosler LBGT III/ity ill sllppori of Mirhignll Opem Theatre and its prograllls.
o Footlights
o Visa
MC 0 AMEX 0 Discover
Account Number______________
o Movers ASJist IIlith tbe tmJlspmintioJl tij ,!jsiting mtisfs alld dignitaries.
o Office Volunteers Exp. _ _ __ Signature____ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___
Assislll'itb office dllties nlld olher lasks wbirb belp keep Mirbignll Opem Theatre's (~Jlheels" fllmillg .
....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 0 Opera League Narne __________________________________
Plnn opel/illg /light festi/1ilies (llld other eNe/tis Slpporting opera pror/llrtioIlS.
Peiforlll silent 1"O/es 1JIhirh add atlllosphere alld dill/f'IIsio" to opera pror/llctiollJ,
o Supers
City/State/Zip_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
o Ushers Tnkf tickets fllld seal pntrolls a/ Dffroil
Home Phone _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Opem HOl/se events.
o Volunteer Education Proll/ole opera aud dallce JI,itb iliforlllnlil'c Inlks.
IN MEMORIAM We are deeply sorry about the passing of several of our "MOT Family" members and pay tribute to them. They demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for the arts and cultural life of our community Marion Bartush (September 2007) Marion Bartush and her husband Addison have been enthusiastic and generous supporters of MOT since the earliest days. In fact, they sponsored the first production of Johann Strauss' Die Fledennaus in 1974 and continued spo nsoring operas and events. Marion was ve ry forthrigh t with her ideas about what was good for the opera company's developmelll and what was not. They were thrilled about the creation of the new Detroit Opera House. Even when her health began to fail, Marion attended every event and performance that she could . Not only is Marion remembered by MOT, she is also a proud Distinguished Woman of Northwood Un iversity Dr. John Bielawski (April 2007) Dr. Bielawski was an accomplished pharmacist, physician, internist, cardiologist and great supporte r of the arts. He was honored by num erous medical professional and cultural organizations during his lifetime. Dr. Biewlaswki and his wife An ne first became season ticket subscribe rs in 1989 and members of the General Director's Circle in 1991. They generously supported the capital campaign and attended many special events. W . Wayne Booker (October 2007) Mr. Booker retired as a Vice Chairman of Ford Motor Company in 2002. During his tenu re he was cred ited with the company's expa nsion in Asia. Not only was he an extraord inary business execu tive, but he also was an outstanding corporate citizen, back to the comm unity philanthropically He made a generous contribution to the capital campaign and was a supporter of the Opera Ball. Mr. Booker was a member of the MOT Board of Trustees from 2000 - 2002 until he moved to Virginia. Bernice Gershenson (April 2007) As new owners of their refurbished Pontchartrain Hotel in the 1970s, Bernice and Aaron Gershenson made the hotel into a welcoming and elegant place to entertain and to be entertained. They were two of the ea rliest sup porters of Michigan Opera Theatre and became Founding Members. 60
As a result , the burgeon ing MOT was a beneficiary of the Gershensons' graciousness and civic pride. They helped define our mission and our importance to the City of Detroit and the whole Metropolitan Area . Bernice was an elegant woman whose sense of ou treach to the whole community encouraged the development of the opera company's Community Programs. Believe rs in the conti nuat ion of ope ra as a growi ng art form, (the Gershensons spo nso red and helped sponsor fund-raising events and presented as well as an exquiSite dinner for MOT's first grand opera commission, Washington Square composed by Thomas Passatieri) They helped point the way for the city and Southeast Michigan to recognize Michigan Opera Theatre as a potential new major cultural institution, capable of helping with the region's revitalization. Mary Hester (March 2007) Although Miss Hester lived in North Carolina, she supported Michigan Opera Thea tre for many years a\lending performances as a subscriber since 1989 and as a GDC member beginning in 1995. Miss Hester remembered MOT in her estate plans with a generous bequest. Louise Hodgson (November 2007) Although Louise Hodgson's professional career was as a Labo r Negotiator for Michigan Bell Telephone Company, she is fondly remembered as the lady who dressed up for performances as her favorite character from each production she attended. Thorough research with scores of dress-makers and costume designers preceded the final creation of each masterpiece. At each performance, (especially openingsl), audience members would wa it in excited anticipation to see what Louise was wearing! She also introduced people to opera by bringing them to performances and opera events. Louise left her vast costume collection, as well as props, costume jewelry, a Steinway piano, and costume storage units, to MOT. These wi ll be used for years to come in productions for the Main Stage, Community Programs, Learning at the Opera House and the MOT Children's Chorus. Wheneve r they are used, it will be a continuing tribute to Louise Hodgson's zest for life, learning and the arts. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
William Kahn Gune 2007) Mr. Kahn, the nep hew of th e late renowned architect Albert Kahn, was a natural lover of the arts. He and his wife Ellen were opera and dance subsc ribers since 1996 and generous donors to the Dance Initiative at the Detroit Opera House. In 2004 Bill and Ellen named the reception area in the Margo V Cohen Center for Dance at the Detroit Opera House. Dorothy Lewis &: Kathleen McCree Lewis (October 2007) Michigan Opera Theatre's relationship with Dorothy and Wa lton Lewis began when their son, David, took a req uired music history class from David DiChiera, then Chair of the Oakland University Music Department. The Lewises loved opera and became Trustees of our b urgeo nin g opera company that had its first offices at Oakland University. Wa lton Lewis became a Board Member and he and his wife , Dorothy, made special efforts to attend school performances by the Department of Commu nity Programs' performers. The Lewises would tell the children that they had freedom to pursue their passions through th e arts and Mr. Lewis wou ld proudly show them his medal that had the wo rds "From Slavery to Freedom" insc ribed on it. The Lewis' friends The Hono rab le Wade McCree and his wife Doris also loved opera and were fou nding members of Michigan Opera Theatre when asked by Lynn Townsend, Founding Chairman o f MOT. The Lewis's son, David, and the McCree's daughter, Kathy, got married, becoming successful lawyers and Trustees of Michigan Opera Theatre. Dorothy, Doris and Kathy all gave valuable input on the development an d comm ission of the new ope ra Margaret Gamer with music by Richard Danielpour and libretto by Toni Morrison. Sadly, both Dorothy Lewis and Kathy McCree Lewis passed away on the same day in October of 2007, following long illnesses. Doris is doing well and reports that she will be attending the opera performances. She said, "Everyone wou ld want me to. Opera was the love of our li ves l" Detroit Opera House
Luigi Ruscillo (November 2007) Mr. Ruscillo was a passionate opera love r, and he and h is wife Edith neve r missed a perform ance as subsc ribe rs since 1989. He was th e prou d co-founder o f th e Itali an Ameri ca n Cultural Center and a membe r o f the Italian Chamber of Commerce . Mr. Ruscill o made man y cOlllrib ut ions to MOT beginning in 1972 and allend ed many spec ial evellls, specifi call y the Opera Ball where he demonstrated his nn e ball roo m dancin g skills. Neal Shine (April 2007) Mr. Nea l Shine, retired Detro it Free Press pub lisher and column ist, was eve rything a good citize n should be - ge nerous with h is time, himself and his resources. He and h is wife Phyll is sup po n ed many nonp ro fit ca uses, includin g MOT as subsc ribers since 1995 an d as dono rs. James Williams (February 2007) Mr. W illiams fo unded th e law firm Williams, W illiams, Rattn er and Plu n ke tt , PC in 1972. He served on many co rpo rat e and nonp ro fit boards, voluntee ring fo r several worth y ca uses in the co mmun ity. He and h is wife Michel we re members of th e General Director's Circl e and O pera Ball attend ees. Pearl Zeltzer (April 2007) The 2007-08 Dance Season at the Detro it O pera House is ded ica ted to the memory of Pea rl Ze ltze r, ardelll suppo rter of dance at the Detro it O pera House for ove r ten yea rs. As a Trustee of Mich igan Opera Theatre, Pea rl played a key ro le in establishing the dance programs at the Detroi t O pera House . Pearl and Mike became seaso n subscribers to dance and ope ra in 1996 when the Detro it O pera House opened , and began their outstandin g support o f th e Dance In it ia tive in the 1996-97 Seaso n. Pea rl's effort s were no t simply fin ancial; she also se rved on the Mich igan Ope ra Thea tre Board of Trustees since 1997 and was a member of th e Vo luillee r Dance Co u ncil.
From campsites to concert stages around the word flamenco is traditional, personal, beautiful, and heroic.
"The Blues artist for today" creates a clean, modern sound that caters to today' s musical ears without losing the pain of the past.
The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley brings this beloved character to a new generation of families through song, dance and the spectacle live theater.
STARSOF~~~~~~~~ APR I On one stage for two spectacular nights, ballet royalty and Broadway greats unite for an unforgettable
THE lOAN RAICHEL PROJECT APRIL 27TH, 7:30 PM *Programs are subject to change. For an updated schedule visit WWW. MUS.CHALL.ORG To purchase tickets call 313.887.8500, visit Music Hall's Box Office or buy on-line at
D etroi t Oper'a H o u se
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General Information seating policies are at the discretion of the production, not opera house management.
Un auth o rized came ras and reco rding devices are not allowed inside the lobby or th eater at an y time. The ta king of photographs of the theat er or an y performance is strictly prohibited . As a co urtesy to our guests , we ask that all paging devices, cellular telephones and alarm watches be switched to silent mode prior to the start of all perfonnances.
Lost and Found is located in the Safety and Security Department. Please see an usher ~f you have misplaced an article, or call (3 13) 96 1- 35 00 if you have alread y left the theater. Ite ms will be held in Lost and Found for 30 days. PARKING
Doctors and parents are advised to leave their seat location (located on ticket) and our emergency number, (3 13) 237-3257, with the se rvice or sitter in case of an emergency Please observe the lighted exit signs located throughout the theater. In event of fire or similar emergency, please remain calm and walk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our ushers are trained to lead you out of the building sa fely. A trained Emergenc y Medical Tec hnician (EMT) is onsite during most events. Please see an usher or staff member to contact the EMT. RESTROOMS
Ladies' restrooms are located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway Stree t entrance) , down the stairs and also on the third floor (Madison Street entrance) - please press "3R" on the elevator to reach this facility Gentlemen's restrooms are located under the Grand Staircase and also in the third floor (Broadway Street side) - please press "3" on the elevator to reach this facility. Please note: All third floor restrooms are wheelchair accessible. A unisex, wheelchair accessibl e res tro o m is lo ca ted in the Cadillac Opera Cafe. NO SMOKING
The Detroit Opera House is a smoke-free facility Ash receptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for those who wish to smoke.
The Detroit Opera House Parking Center, located next to the Detroit Opera House, is now open. This new state-of-the-art facility is reserved speCifically for Detroit Opera House patrons during regularly-scheduled performances. Entrances and exits are located on both John R. Street and Grand River Ave. for added convenience. Prepaid parking is available. Call (3 13) 237-SING (7464) for more information. ACCESSIBILITY
Accessible seating locations for patrons in wheelchairs are located in all price ranges on the orchestra level. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about these Iocations if you require special accommodations. Assisted Listening Devices are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please see an usher to request this service, or visit the Gu est Services desk located in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street entrance). Although this is a complimentary service, we wi.!l request to hold a piece of personal identification while you are using the device. Please contact the ticket office at (3 13) 23 7-SING (7464), should you desire special consideration. CHILDREN
Children are welcome. However, all guests, rega rdless of age, are required to hold a ticket. Babes in arms are not permitted. ATM
A Nationa l City ATM is ava ilable 24/7 inside the Parking Center.
Ushers are stationed at the to p of each aisle. If you have a question or concern , please inform an usher, and they wi ll contact management . If you are interested in becoming a volunteer usher, please call the usher hotline at (313) 237-3253. LATE SEATING
Latecomers will be seated only during an appropriate pause in the p rogram. Late
Concessions stands are located on all levels. Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium at any time. Coat Check is located at the Guest Services desk, in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street side). Cost is $2.00 per coat. Please note that the Detroit Opera House does not acce p t responsibility for any persona l articles that are not checked at the coat
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
check. A Public Pay Phone is located near the third flo or ladies' restroom. Take the elevator to "3R" and turn to the left. This pay phone is wheelchair accessible. CONCEALED WEAPONS
Be advised that, for purposes of Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 28 .4250(l)(f) , this is an entertainment fa cility which has a seating capa city of more than 2 ,5 00 individuals. It is therefore against the law to carry a concealed weapon on the premises. RENTAL INFORMATION
The Detroit Opera House is available for rent by your organization. Please call (313) 961-3500 , and as k to be directed to the Special Events Department. TICKET INFORMATION
The Detro it Opera Hou se ticket office hours are as follows: No n-performance weeks - Monday-Friday 10:00 a. m. to 5:30 p .m . Pe rform an ce da ys - 10:00 a. m. throu gh the fir st intermi ss ion of th e evening's performance, except Saturdays and Sundays, when the ticket office will open two hours prior to curtain time. Tickets for all public events at the Detroit Opera House are also available through all TicketMaster outlets, by phone at (248) 645-6666, or at wwwTicketMaster. com. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE TOURS
Come join the Opera House Ambassadors for a bac kstage tour of the Detroit Opera House. Learn about the history of the Opera House and its resto ration. Meet the people behind the scenes, tour the stage and see how it operates. Tours are $10.00 per person. For more information, please ca ll (3 13 ) 237 -340 7, or visit IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS
EMERGENCIES . ( 3 1 3 ) 237-3257 Michigan Opera Theatre (313) 961 -3500 General Information .(313) 961 -3500 Lost and Found .(313) 961-3500 Ticket Office ..... (3 13) 237-SING (7464) Usher Hotline ..(313) 237-3253 Theater Rental Information.. . . . ( 3 1 3 ) 961-3500 Detroit Opera House Fax .. (3 13) 237-341 2 Press and Public Relations...... .. (313) 237-3403 Detroit Opera House Parking Center . ...(313) 965-4052 Website .... .. ..... ...
Det roit Opera Hou se
Every little piece plays a part in the greater whole - t hat's true for a masterpiece and for a community. In the spirit_ of partnership, everyone from arts organizations to individua ls t o cor porate supporters , are working together-to. nurture the world-class quality of our theaters and concert halls . We're proud to be playing a part in this local
LaSalle Bank A Bank of America Company- -,:.-: Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
AT THE NEW DIA. From bars to beaches to boxing, Ashcan artists caught Americans at play 100 years ago. Use your free time to see how th ey spent theirs. Life's Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists' Brush with Leisure, 1895-1925. March 2-May 25, 2008 T ickets, or Box Office I Members see it FREE, 313.833.7971 This exhibition was organized by the Detroit Institute of Arts . Support has been provided by the Mich igan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the City of Detroit. George Bellows. Dempsey and Firpo. 1924. oi l on canvas. Purchase with funds from Gertrude Vanderbi lt Whitney (31.95). Whitney Museum of Ameri can Art. New York. _
S200 Woodward 313833 Copyright 2010, MichiganAve Opera Theatre7900
~~. Erin Wall-Violetta (May 11 m, 16, 18m) Assistant Director: A. Scott Parry Orchestra Catherine Franklin Viola Leah Lucas - Viola Dancers Triston O /Day Brandon Richardson Beth Stolzenfeld Bryan Strimpel Supers Bruce Davis Denny Dorsey Corey Garff Brian Koziara Michael Sandusky Local Wig and Make-up Crew Suzanne Batmanghhelichi Kinsha Bigham Susan Fox Tammy Graebert Gregory Henson Myranda Jennings Nei I Laperriere Denise Llombart Shawnta McDougle Jessy Trudell
Canadian-Ameri can soprano Erin W all is fast establishing herself as one of today's most sought-after sopranos. She makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut this sea son as Vio letta in La Traviata. Ms. Wall's 2007-2008 opera season started with on e of her signature roles, Donna Anna in Don Giovanni, at the Washington Opera, followed by two new rol es: Love Simpson in Carlisle Floyd ' s Cold Sassy Tree with th e Atl anta Opera and Violetta in La Traviata with the Arizona Opera. Among the award s and career grants that Ms. Wall has received are the 2004 ARIA Award from the Ari a Foundation, a Richard Tuc ker Award (2004) and a Sara Tucker Study Grant (2002) from the Ri c hard Tuc ker Foundation . She represented Canada in the fin als of the 2003 BB C Singer of th e World in Cardiff competition to criti cal accl aim.
Luis Ledesma-Germont (May 11 m, 16, 18m) Mexica n bariton e Luis Ledesma makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut this season as Germont in La Traviata. He has establish ed himself as a singer with powerful, yet refin ed vocal and theatri cal gifts with a career that already includes appearances in several international opera houses around the world, including Teatro alia Sca la in Luisa Fernanda ; the Li ce u in Barcelona as Alphonse in La Favorite, Ri cca rd o in I Puritani and M arce llo in La Boh em e and the Kl angbogen Festival in Vi enna in Leonca vallo' s La Bohem e. In 2008 and beyond, he performs Jac k Rance in La Fanciulla del West with L'Opera de Montrea l and the St. Bart' s Festival, Germont in La Tra viata with Florida Grand Opera, Sca rpia in Tos ca w ith San Antonio Opera and Ari zo na Opera, Enri co in Lucia di Lammermoor with the Mobile Opera and Escamill o in Ca rmen w ith Au stin Lyri c Opera inaugurating th eir new opera house.
Christoph er Vaught hail s from San Angelo, Texas w here he recei ved his Bac helor' s degree in Mu sic from Angelo State Uni versity. H e al so holds a M aster of . Musi c D egree in Voca l Perform ance from Bow ling Green State Uni versity in Bowling Gree n, Ohio w here he studi ed w ith Andrea s Poulimenos. Mr. Vaught' s perform ance experi ence includes leading ro les in Th e M arriage of Figa ro, Albert Herring, M erry Wives of Windsor, Gianni Schicchi, and La Boheme . H e and hi s wife Tam ara c urrentl y reside in the D etroit M etro area . Christopher has performed with the Mi chi gan Opera Thea tre Chorus sin ce the spr ing of 2001 and has performed rol es in MOT's productions of M arga ret Garner, II Trovatore, Otello, Don Pa squale, and David DiChiera ' s Cyrano.
Branden Hood-Flora's Servant. Branden C.S. Hood earn ed hi s Bac helor of Music in Opera Emphas is/ Voca l Perform ance at The Boston Co nse rva tory in 2005. There he rece ived Th e Presser Fo undati on Awa rd and th e w on th e Encouragem ent Awa rd from the M ari o Lanza Institute. Mr. H ood rece ived hi s M aster of Music from The Unive rsity of Michi ga n in 200 7. Whil e at The Uni ve rsity of Mi c hi ga n he crea ted the rol es of th e O verseer in D e O rga nizer, Si gnor D eluso in Signor D eluso, and Gugli elmo in Cosi fan tutte. Rece ntl y, Mr. Hood perfo rm ed Petrus, Pilatus, Judas, and Pontifex, in St. M atth ew' s Pass ion with the D etroit Sympho ny Orchestra, this past M arc h. Mr. Hood is currentl y pursuin g the Spec iali st Deg ree at The Uni ve rsity of Copyright 2010, Michigan Mi c hi ga n, studyin g w ith Prof. Stephen W est.Opera Theatre
Opera Camps & Opera Workshop Candace de Lattre, Opera CampIWorkshop Director & Voice Technician
217-x/317x Opera Camp An opportunity for solo and/or ensemble casting (by audition) in an all day/evening intensive opera camp (14 days) that includes master classes, Alexander Technique, vocal & acting coaching, dance/movement, lectures on arts and opera history, vocal health seminars, Opera Camp Master Class Recital, and costumed, staged performance of opera scenes.
By audition only: Participation limited to 20 Minimum age: College undergrads, graduates and adults. Advanced high school students may be considered. When: 10am-9pm daily, July 28-Aug 10. Sunday rehearsals may be required. Final Performance: Sunday, Aug 10, 3pm Includes on stage performances at the Detroit Opera House: • Recital Workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 6 • Final Performance of Opera Scenes on Sunday, Aug. 10, 3pm Fee: $1000 (Opera Workshop included in camp fee. Housing, college credit, and scholarship available on an individual basis-caIl313.237.3419 for more info.)
218-x/318-x Opera Workshop This evening-weekend workshop offers vocal coaching, rehearsal and blocking of operatic solos, ensembles and scenes for an on-stage presentation.
By audition only: participation limited to 10 Minimum Age: College undergrads, graduates and adults. Advanced high school students may be considered. When: Mon-Fri, 6-9pm daily, July 30-August 10 (final Sunday performance) Final Performance: Opera Scenes, Sunday, Aug 10, 3pm Fee: $500
218-c Opera Chorus Participation in a limited number of scenes as a chorus member By audition only Minimum Age: Advanced singers from 11 th and 12th grade, college undergrads, graduates, and beyond. When: Mon-Fri, 6-9pm daily, July 28-Aug. 10 (final Sunday performance) Final Performance: Opera Scenes, Sunday, Aug 10, 3pm Fee: $250
Scholarship information: Students may apply for Opera CampI Workshop scholarships after audition submissions and acceptance into the program. For more infonnation and descriptions of classes go to
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 219 Arts Camp Instructor: Julie Ann Newland, MFA, Drama/Theatre/or young people A day camp (nine days) for children who will experience the art and drama of the opera. Children willieam basic acting skills, improvisational techniques, and encouraged to expand their creativity into a live performance. Activities Offered: drama, opera, improvisation, plot development Age: 6-10 When: Mon-Fri, June 30 - July II , IO:30am-3 :30pm. No class July 4 Fee: $200
220 Create & Perform Instructoa;s.: Karen V. DiChiera, Director o/Community Programs and Leaming@ the Opera House Fran Dent, Detroit 's own edutainer & comedienne A day camp (nine days) for young people who would like compose music, act, dance, write poetry and short stories, and learn improvisation with an opportunity to convert their creativity into a live performance! Activities Offered: composition, acting, improvisation, writing, singing, staging Age: 10 through high school When: Mon-Fri, June 30 - July II, IOam-4pm. No class July 4 Fee: $200 (Some Scholarships available; call (313) 237-3419)
223 Operetta Workshop Instructor: Julie Anne Smith, Director o/Vocal Music at Norup International School A three-week day camp in which young people act, sing, dance, and prepare a Gilbert & Sullivan 0pyretta (Iolanthe) for a fully costumed, staged production. (An operetta is a short, light musical drama) Activities Offered: Operetta, dance, acting, understanding voice & audition techniques Age: 10 through high school When: Mon-Fri, July 14 - Aug I, lOam-4pm. Final performance is Fri, Aug. 1 at 6pm Fee: $300
224 Acting is Fun Instructor: Fran Dent, Detroit 's own edutainer & comedienne A two week camp for young people interested in acting through dramatic and comedic performance. Class performance will be held during the Anniversary Gala. Age: 10 through high school When: Mon-Fri, - July 2I-Aug. I IOam-4pm. Performance Aug. 2, 2008 Fee: $200 ,.e
PERFORMANCES CREATE & PERFORM: Friday, July 11 at Spm .. , ... .... .. ... ... ...... ....... ............... free admission ARTS CAMP: Friday, July 11 at 4pm ...... .... ................... .. ........ .... .... .. .. .... ..... free admission OPERETTA WORKSHOP: Friday, Aug. I at 6pm .. .. .... .... .. .. ........ .. ........ ..... $10.00 admission COMMUNITY PROGRAMS ANNIVERSARY: Saturday, Aug. 2nd ..... ....$S.OO admission ACTING IS FUN: Saturday, Aug. 2nd .......................................... .. .$S.OO admission OPERA CAMP RECITAL: Wednesday, Aug 6 at 6pm .......... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .... $S.OO admission OPERA CAMP/WORKSHOP Sunday, Aug 10, 3pm ........................ .. .....$10.00 admission For more information and descriptions of classes go to
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
VOCAL ARTS 221 Recital Master Class Instructor: Betty Lane, Singing Voice Specialist and Vocal Health Educator A three-day vocal master class in fundamentals of singing for young people and adults who are interested in opera and recital performance. Who can participate: For singers with some vocal training Age: High School through adult Class meets: Mon, July 21, 6-8pm, Tues, July 22, 6-8pm, Wed, July 23, 5-7pm Concert: Wed July 23, 7:30pm Fee: $60
222 All About Voice for Singers Instructor: Betty Lane, Singing Voice Specialist and Vocal Health Educator A vocal workshop to learn basic principles of voice production, vocal health and stage presence with "Open Mic" opportunity for constructive feedback. Who can participate: For singers, speakers, actors, poets and other aspiring performers Age: Open to all ages When: Mon & Tue, July 14-15, 6pm-8pm Fee: $20 per night
PRIVATE LESSONS The Detroit Opera House currently offers ongoing private lessons in voice, piano, and composition. Please check our website at further details or call 313-237-3238 for lessons and scheduling information. VOICE & MUSIC STAFF Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Piano, Composition, Singing Candace de Lattre, Opera, Voice Technician Betty Lane, Singing Voice Specialist & Vocal Health Educator Trish Shandor, Multi-genre Vocalist & Style Master, VOICE 911 Bernard Holcomb, Beginners & Beyond Rebecca Eaddy, Beginners & Beyond
WRITER'S CORNER 239 Adult Poetry & Creative Writing Instructor: Dawn McDuffie Inner creativity is part of what makes us human. In this five session class Dawn McDuffie will guide participants through a series of writing experiences. The class members will experiment with poetry, narrative and personal memoir. Whether you write every day or have always dreamed of writing, you will find your creative voice encouraged and expanded. Age: 18 and up When: Tues. July 8, Tues. July 15, Thurs. July 17, Tues. July 22, Thurs. July 24. 6pm-8pm Fee: 5 classes for $50 For more information and descriptions of classes go to www.michiganoperaorg/cp/latoh.html
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
LECTURES Architectural Lecture Series:
Margaret Garner Lecture Series
What Makes A City Vital? 420-1 Design Lecturers: Mitch Cope & Gina Reichert Date: Wednesday, July 9,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
420-2 Greening of Detroit Lecturer: Rebecca Salminen-Whitt Date: Wednesday, July 16,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
420-3 Public Art in Detroit Lecturer: TBA Date: Wednesday, July 23,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
420-4 Neighborhoods
320-1 Underground Railroad Lecturers: Dr. McCray & Don Vest Date: Tuesday, July 8 , 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15 320-2 Margaret Garner Lecture Lecturer: TBA Date: Tuesday, July 16,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15 320-3 Margaret Garner Lecture Lecturer: TBA Date: Tuesday, July 22 , 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
Lecturer: Mary Leonard Date: Wednesday, July 30,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
320-4 Margaret Garner Lecture Lecturer: TBA Date: Tuesday, July 29 , 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
Opera Lecture Series
Rock-n-Roll History Series
321-Madame Butterfly Lecturer: Dr. Wallace Peace Date: Thursday, July 10,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
Lecturer: Trish Shandor Date: Monday, July 7, 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
322-Elixir of Love Lecturer: Shirley Harden Date: Thursday, July 17,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
421-2 The 50's & early 60's Lecturer: Trish Shandor Date: Monday, July 15,2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
323-Carmen Lecturer: Dina Soresi-Winter Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
421-3 Woodstock & Beyond Lecturer: TrishShandor Date: Monday, July 21, 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
324 -I Pagliacci Lecturer: Dr. Martin Hermann Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15 325 Margaret Garner Lecturer: Lamar Richardson Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008 Time: 6pm-8pm Fee: $15
421-1 The Birth ofthe Blues
Dance Lectures 326-Dance: Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow Lecturer: TBA
Date: Wednesday, July 16,2008 Time: 6pm-7:30pm Fee: $15 327-What Makes a Great Dance Masterpiece? Lecturer: TBA Date: Wednesday, July 23 , 2008 Time: 6pm-7:30pm Fee: $15
For more information and descriptions of classes go to www.michiganopera.orglcp/latoh.html
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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UII_='IM" VincBRZo,Balllnfs
A*ltiJnaJ Pl'OIUltiun Clidts ThoroI8 of Lisa will be purfornBl by:
S!DnuJMnr!BB AnIIIIIIa Majlllki Soprano Amanda Majeski from Gurnee, Illinois, is currently pursuing her Masters degree at the Curtis Institute of Music. At Curtis she recently performed the roles ofErisbe/ L 'Ormindo, Magda/La Rondine, The woman with the cake boxiPostcardfrom Morocco, Nuria/Ainadamar, and Soprano/La voix humaine. The young sopIllno recently made her debut with Opera Company of Phi lade1phia as Countess Ceprano/Rigoletto. Ms. Majeski will be a participant in the Merola Opera Program this summer, singing Donna Anna/Don Giovanni. Other upcom ing engagements include Vittelia/La Clemenza di TUo with Chicago Opera Theater, and Musetta/La Boheme with Opera Theatre of St. Louis.
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre