Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Official Magazin e of the Detroit Opera House
BRAVO is a Michigan Opera Theatre publication.
Rebekah Johnson, Editor Mitch Ca rt er, Contributing Editor
Mitch Carter
Ron Daniels
Rebekah Johnson
Steven Marlette
Roberto Mauro
Echo Publications , In c. Ro ya l Oak, Michigan
www.echopublications com
Tom Putters , pres id ent
Toby Fab er , Advertising Sales Direc tor
Physici ans ' services provid ed by Henry Ford Medical Center.
Pepsi-Cola is the official so ft drink and juice provider of th e Detroit Opera Hou se.
Ca dill ac Coffee is th e official co ffee of th e Detroi t Opera Hou se.
Steinway is the official piano of th e Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre. Ste inway piano s are provided by Hammell Music , excl usive represe ntative for Steinway and Sons in Mi chigan.
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Eclipse Creative is the offi cial medi a pro duc tion co mpany of th e Detro it Opera House.
Michigan Opera Theatre is a nonprofit cu ltural organization, who se act ivities are supported in part b y the Mich iga n Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment fo r the Arts, and ot h er ind ividua ls, corporations and foundations. Michigan Opera Theatre is an Equa l Oppo rtuni ty Emplo ye r.
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS A great nation deserves great art Detro it Op era House • ",ich'gm, "''''''.;//''. m,mdw/wm/'ff';" CONTENTS Spring 2009 WELCOME L ETTER FROM D AVID DICHIERA 4 ON STAGE THE GRA ND RAPID S B ALLET: ALADDI N 6 AMERICAN BALLET TH EATRE: R OMEO &: J ULIET ........................ 10 THE MI CHIGAN OPERA TH EATRE CHILDRE N'S CHORUS: BRUND IBAR ................ .. .... .................... . ......... . .... . .. .. ..... . . ... 14 THE ELI XIR OF L OVE 18 F EATURE ST ORY : D ON IZE TTI AN D HI S MI RAC LE " ELI XIR " 20 CARME N ... .. ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... .. ... . .. . ... ..... . ............. ............... 22 fEATUR E ST O RY: A N OTE ON C ARMEN FR OM DIRECTOR RO N D AN IELS 24 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Artist Profiles ............................. .. . . ... .. . ....... . . ... . ...... .. . .. .... .. .. .. ....... 26 Choru s and Orchestra . . 3S Ed ucation at th e Detroit Opera Hou se: Community Programs and Learning at the Opera Hous e, Dance Education ..... 30 Family Album ..... . ......... .. ................ .. . . . .. .. . ..... .. ... .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . ... .. .. ... 34 Board of Directors and Trustees 32 Administration and Staff. ... .... ...... .. ... .. . . .. . ... ..... . ...... . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. 33 CONTRIBUTORS Avanti Society 36 Ca mpai gn to Restore the Detroit Opera House ............. . .. ............. 37 Michigan Opera Theatre Contributors ...... .............................. ...... 39 Endow Your Gift &: Build the MOT En d owment Fund ......... ........ 46 Volunteer Information . ............. ........... . ... . .. . . ... .. .. ..... . ............... . . . . 4S General Information 47 www.M ich i BR AVO 3 " Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
dear friends, and welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's 2009 spring season of opera and dance.
As we begin this season , let me take this opportunity to thank the countless individuals w ho mak e up the Michigan Opera Theatre family for your generosity. Whether you have made a donation, purch ase d a ticket for a p erformance , participated in our community outreach programs, parked in our garage, or vol unte ered your tim e on our behalf, I want you to know how deeply appreciative I am for your support
Despite the challenging economic climate, we have assembled a season of world -class opera and dance presentations that is among the best we have yet offered. Our spring season opens with two very different but equally charming dance productions. On February 28th , the Grand Rapids Ballet Company will present Aladdin in the neighboring company's third trip to Detroit over the past three years . The Detroit Opera House is pleased to present this charming, comical, and magical production that the entire family can enjoy. And, after a two year hiatus , American Ballet Theatre also returns in March for their renowned production of Romeo and Juliet, a ballet staple performed by an American national treasure. An audience favorite performed by ABT since 1985 , Romeo and Juliet embodies everything that is moving and beautiful about a live ballet performance.
After less than two years in existence, the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus has grown into a 50-member group of talented boys and girls. After a very successful operatic debut with last year's The Maker of Illusions , the MOTCC has undertaken opera on an even larger scale this year, mounting Brundibar, an opera written by Jewish Czech composer Hans Krasa with libretto by Adolf Hoffmeister. Performed with a live orchestra, Brundibar will be performed entirely by the MOTCC on the Detroit Opera House main stage with professional sets and costumes. As part of our commitment to support the efforts of the MOTCC, you will find the program notes for that opera in this very program book.
Our spring 2009 opera season is a tribute to opera classics that withstand the test of time. First, our spring opera season opens with an all-new production of the lighthearted Donizetti comedy The Elixir of Love. Set in Napa Valley prior to World War I, the scenery and costumes are a refreshing slice of Americana. Both returning to Michigan Opera Theatre after their highly-antiCipated debuts la st season, Ailyn Perez and Amanda Squitieri will alt ernate in the role of Adina.
One tenor making his exciting MOT debut in the role of poor and dutiful Nemorino is Stephen Costello, who performed the role of Christian in Cyrano with Opera Company of Philadelphia.
Our 2008-09 "Casualties of Love" season closes with the return of Carmen to the Detroit Opera House , an encore production last presented in 2001. An opera classic in every sense of the word, Carmen is an audience favorite for the fiery and passionate musical score which includes "Ha banera " and the "To reador Song." The seductive gypsy Carmen will be performed alternately by Kate Aldrich , who performed the role in 2001, and Kendall Gladen , a talented, fresh young artist in the opera world. The role of Don Jose will be performed by alternately by Roger Honeywell and William Joyner, who will be making his MOT debut.
As you might imagine, the current economic climate has brought about unprecedented challenges for the entire cultural community, and Michigan Opera Theatre is no exception. And, while we ha ve weathered economic slowdowns before , this one has really hit home, especially for so many of our friends and patrons. Our organization, as ha ve the other fine non-profit arts organ iz ations in our communi ty, has experienced th e same challenges of downSizing , whil e maintaining the world -cl ass standards of opera and dance that you are accustomed to experiencing at The Detroit Opera House.
Michigan Opera Theatre has been a part of Michigan's cultural legac y for nearly 40 years, and we'd like to remain a viab le part of this community and your lives. Please keep Michigan Opera Theatre in mind for your charitable, tax deductible gifts. No gift is too small - and you can be reassured that every dollar will be utilized wisely for main stage productions that you are accustomed to attending, along with our award winning learnin g series and community outreach programs, which we have been prodUCing for audiences throughout the state for nearly 40 years.
Again , thank yo u for joining us for this exciting season of opera and dan ce, and enjoy the performance!
4 BRAVO Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Aladdin Alexey Kulpin
Jasmine Dawnell Dryja
Genie Stephen Sanford
Jafar Arion Tanabe
Sultan Gordon Peirce Schmidt
Act I
Jasmine's Attendants ................................. Katie Brown, Briana Dean, Oksana Maslova
Act I
Th e ballet opens with the Sultan and his daughter Jasmine having a quarrel over whom she is to marry. Not satisfied with the choices her father makes for her, Jasmine decides to escape from the palace and explore the market, a place she has not been allowed to visit before.
Anton Kandaurov, David Schultz, Nicholas Schultz
Market Women Chelsea Clow, Kateryna Derechyna, Mindy Mosolygo, Amy Price, Yarinet Restrepo, Laura Schultz, Larissa Tanis, Martha Bryan, Catherine Doyle , Julia Doyle, Jennifer Swanchara
Aladdin's Sidekick Victor Jarvis
Coffee / Oil Vendor.. ................................ Terry Madden
Rug Bearers ......................... .Jesse Powers, Ben Winegar
Street Urchins Antonio Allison, John Brenner, Chauntel Byrd , Aisha Carter, Reid Conlon, Elizabeth Ranck, Alysha Reimel, Ian Smith, John Vandevert
Cave Dwellers Kateryna Derechyna, Mindy Mosolygo, Nicholas Schultz
Keeper of the Lamp Attila Mosolygo
Jewels Chelsea Clow, Yarinet Restrepo, Laur a Schultz, Larissa Tanis
Jasmin e Amy Price
Aladdin David Schultz
Sultan's Attendants .Jesse Powers, Ben Winegar
Courtiers Kateryna Derechyna, Mindy Mosolygo, Amy Price, Martha Bryan, Catherine Doyle, Julia Doyle, Jennifer Swanchara
Act II
Jasmine's Friends Katie Brown, Chelsea CloW; Briana Dean, Kateryna Derechyna , Oksana Maslova, Mindy Mosolygo, Amy Price, Yarinet Restrepo, Laura Schultz, Larissa Tanis
Guards Anton Kandaurov, David Schultz, Nicholas Schultz
Exotic Divertissement I.. Kateryna Derechyna, Nicholas Schultz
Exotic Divertissement II Amy Price, David Schultz
Jewels Chelsea Clow, Kateryna Derechyna, Mindy Mosolygo, Yarinet Restrepo, Laura Schultz, Larissa Tanis
Keeper of the Lamp Attila Mosolygo
Production Manager
.John Ferraro
StageManager Tom Mehan
Costumer........ Jamie Tinker Heeringa
Production Carpenter. Randy DeBoer
Production Properties
Stasia Savage
Production Electrician ............... .. .... Carlos Aguilar
Assistant Stage Manager Margaret Nawara
Costume Assistants Melissa Leitch, Clare Gardeski
At the market Aladdin, a young thief, is stealing his breakfa st from the shopkeepers. Keeping the palace guards busy is a daily JOY for Aladdin and he quickly outsmarts them. While playing this game Aladdin sees a beautiful new face at the market and becomes friends with her. Caught up in their new friendship they don't see the guards sneaking up on them and they are captured by jafar, the Sultan's advisor, who has been sent to find jasmine and caught Aladdin stealing as well.
jafar has jasmine taken back to the Palace, but keeps Aladdin with him. He believes Aladdin will be a useful thief to steal the magic lamp he has longed for from the Cave of Wonders. Aladdin wants nothing to do with it, butjafar convinces him that all he wants is the lamp and Aladdin can have anything else he finds in the cave. Aladdin agrees and enters.
The cave is truly filled with wonders including beautifully Jeweled statues that come to life and entice Aladdin to dance with them. Upon finishing his dance with the jewels he meets the Keeper of the Lamp who offers the treasure to Aladdin based on his pure heart. Aladdin takes the lamp, rubs it, and in doing so a Genie of great power appea r s and offers Aladdin his true hearts desire for summoning him. Aladdin is not quite sure what it is that he wants. At fir st he is enticed by the Jewels and the prospect of a magic carpet. The Genie then shows him a vision of the girl he met at the market and illustrates for him the power true lo ve holds. When Aladdin imagines them dancing together, he chooses that over material things. He says to the Genie "That's what I want, but first get me out of this cave, and make me a Sultan so jasmine will lo ve mel " In a flash the Genie does his bidding and Aladdin comes to the palace bringing gifts to jasmine and her Father.
jasmine's Father wants to know who this Su ltan is and asks jafar to find out. jafar recognizes him as the thief , and with the guards help steals the Magic Lamp from Aladdin's sidekick. The magic gone, Aladdin loses everything the Genie has granted him.
Act 2
In the Palace of the Sultan, jafar has taken over contro l of the Genie and demands that the Sultan make jasmine marry him. The Sultan succumbs to the power of the Lamp and begs Jasmine to wed jafar. She will have none of it and, despite the fact that he is no longer a Sultan, dreams of Aladdin the boy in the market. Her Father sees how distraught she is and realizes the power of true love is greater than that of the lamp.
Meanwhile the Genie is miserable doingjafar 's bidding. He finds Aladdin and jasmine together and begs for their help. Through their lo ve for each other, Aladdin and jasmine break the bonds that bind the Genie to jafar. The Genie uses his magic to entertain jasmine and Aladdin, conjuring a magical journe y of exotic interludes and dive rtissement.
Aladdin must now recover the Lamp fromjafar and return it to the Cave of Wonders to see that the Genie remains free. He and jasmine trick jafar into going into the Cave , and use the Genie's power to imprison jafar in the Lamp eternally
Detroit Opera House BRAVO 7
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Artistic Director 's Statement
Thi s is the story o f a yo u ng thief w ho, after hold ing the powe r of the uni ve rse in hi s hand s, gives it up for a happiness lhal ca n only co m e from a se lfl ess act. It see m s fitting , in li ght o f our current eco nomic cris is ca u sed by gree d and se lf inte res t , to b e telling th e tale of a yo un g man 's journey from the lure of mate ri al wealt h to th e ultimate n ob le ac t - freeing an o th er from th e b ond s of greed and p ower
W h e th er that was t he intent of this very, very ol d tal e we d on 't know, but it h as become appa rent in our ballet adap tati on and is actua ll y th e important th eme o f the wo rk. No t onl y does Alad d in find it within him se l f to fre e th e Gen ie from th e Lamp foreve r, thus finding gr eate r happiness; but th e Sultan , J as min e's father, d iscove rs th a t a ll Owi n g J asmi ne to fo ll ow a path not preordained b y him se lf , is th e ri gh t thing to do.
-Gordon Peirce Sc hmidt
Choreograp h y by Go rdon Pe irce Schm idt
Stagi ng and Directio n by Gordon Peirce Schmidt and Laura Be rman
Mu sic by Alexa nd er Borodin , Arranged by Gordon Peirce Sc hmidt
Scenery and Co s tumes Courtesy o f Ball etMet Columbus
Se t Des ign by Dan Gray
Costume De sign by Linda Pisano
Chelsea Clow, from lJIino is , c urrently in he r fourth seaso n with the Com pany.
Kateryna Derechyna, from t h e Ukraine , currentl y in her fourt h se ason with th e Company.
Dawnell Dryja, from De troit , currentl y in h er seve nth seaso n w ith th e Co mpan y.
Anton Kandaurov, from the U krain e, currentl y in his first seaso n with the Company.
Alexey Kulpin, from Rus sia, currentl y in hi s fourt h se ason wit h the Co mpan y.
Oksana Maslova, from th e Ukraine , currentl y in h e r fir st seaso n with th e Compa n y.
Attila Mosolygo, from Hu ngary, currently in his tw elfth seaso n w ith the Com pan y.
Mind y Mosolygo, from Grand Rapids , current ly in her fift ee nth season wi th th e Company.
Amy Price, from Ontario, current ly in h er fir s t seaso n with th e Co mp a n y
Stephen Sanford, from Indi ana, currently in hi s e ig hth season with th e Company.
David Schultz, from Grand Rapid s, currentl y in hi s fourth season wit h the Co mpan y.
Laura Schultz, from Grand Rapid s, cur ren tl y in her six t h season w ith the Co mpany.
Additiona l Costume Design b y
J am ie Tinker H eer inga
Li ghting Des ign b y Matth ew Ta ylor
Tru c kin g provided by the Gainey Co rpor atio n
The Gran d Rapid s Ba lle t Company is supp orte d b y th e Mi c h igan Council for Arts and Cul tura l Affair s an d the Na ti ona l Endowme nt for the Arts.
Nicholas Schultz, [rom Grand Rapids , current ly in his sixth seaso n wit h the Co mpany.
Arion Tanabe, from Illin o is, cur ren tl y in his fir s t season with th e Co mpan y.
Larissa Tanis, from Illin o is, curre ntl y in h e r fourth season wit h t he Company.
Yarinet Restrepo - Apprentice, from Florid a, currentl y in h e r fir s t seaso n with th e Compa n y.
www.MichiganOpera org - -
ENDOWMENT fOR T HE ARTS A greJt nation desefvesgreat.ln.
Detr"oit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
History of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company
Celebrating its thirty-seventh season, the Grand Rapids Ballet Company (GRBC) remains committ ed to its mission, to lift the human spirit through the art of dance. A proud recipient of the ArtServe Michigan Governor's Arts Award for Outstanding Cultural Organization, Michigan's only professional ballet company has a rich history marked by steady growth, a commitment to excellence, and strong community support.
In 1971 the Company started as the Grand Rapids Civic Ballet under foundin g Artistic Director Sally Seven. In 1983 the Grand Rapids Civic Ballet merged with the Summerfest School of Grand Rapids, a conservatory school for development of professional dancers, and subsequently was reorganized to form the Grand Rapids Ballet Company along with the Schoo l of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company Under the artistic direction of Chartel Arthur, GRBC moved into regional status and joined the Midwest Regional Ballet AssociationiRegiona l Dance America
During the 1993-1994 season, professional dancers were placed under contract for the first time.
Today, the professional company consists of sixteen full-time dancers; the School of th e Grand Rapids Ballet Company has an enrollment of over 250 students taught by instructors from professional dance backgrounds; an additional 500 students receive free introdu ctory classes through the award-winning "Steps in a New Direction" program; and the educationa l programs GRBC offers to the community are outstanding ways to foster the connect ion between the arts and education.
Since the appointment of Artistic Director Gordon Peirce Schmidt and Associate Artistic Director Laura Berman in 1999, the Company has seen tremendous growth and presented more than fifty new works, including the spectacular premieres of Caught in a Midsummer Night's Dream, Prisoner of Zenda, Can-Can, Peter Pan, and two in credib le collaborations with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. GRBC's performance season encompasses three main stage productions; three Dancers ' Th eatre Se ri es productions; and various benefit performances and tours throughout the state
Detroit Opera House
- totaling over 60 performances per season. The Company has performed in Quebec, Ca n ada, Lan sing , Detroit, Kalamazoo, Boyne City, Cadillac, Midland, Muskegon, St. Joseph and more; and with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Grand Rapids Symphony, Opera Grand Rapids, the Jackson Symphony, Richmond Symphony, Midland Symphony, and West Shore Symphony, among others.
Through the generosity of an artsconscious community, The Next Step Campaign allowed the Company to transform an old abandoned bus garage into a well-designed dance rehearsal space and school facility Since its opening in 2000, this permanent home has allowed the Ballet to add new opportunities for the communit y such as the popular Dancers' Theatre Series, an expanded school schedu le, and a popular field trip for students, "Escape to the Ballet," where children learn what it takes to run a professional ballet co mpany
Responding to the demand of the Dancers ' Theatre Series and tremendous growth of the Company and School, GRBC announced another exciting $7.5 million expansion in September 2006. Stage 2: A Campaign for Ballet includ es the addition of a 300-seat theatre adjacent to the Company's current facility, creating the Meijer-Royce Center for Dance. The new LEED-Certified Peter Martin Wege
Theatre opened in September 2007 and houses the Company's Dancers' Theatre Series, as well as performances by the students of the Schoo l of th e Grand Rapids Ballet Company The 300-seat design keeps the intimate feel of the Dancers ' Theatre Series that audiences have come to love, whil e also allowing access to the Series for more patrons. The space also offer s expanded opportunities for educationa l programs and any number of new ventures the Company wishes to undertake.
Original programming, inn ovative choreography, and a commitment to excellence are h allmarks of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company With artists invested in the community and a community that supports the arts, the Grand Rapids Ballet Company has created a fl ourishing arts center for all of Michigan, and continues to provide the highest level o f exce ll ence in dance theatre and education for all individuals.
For more information on the Grand Rapids Ballet Company, please visit ALADDIN
BRAVO 9 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Alexe i Ago udin e . Eun Yo un g Ahn . Ge m ma Bond· Ke ll ey Boyd· Isa b ell a Boylston· julio Braga d o-You ng· Maria n Bu tler
Maria Bystrova . Ni co la Curr y· Gray Davis · Gran t D el ong· Ro dd y D ob le · Caroline Dup rot . Tobin Eason· Kenne th Eas te r
Ka rin Elli s -Wen tz· Zh on g-j ing Fan g· Th o m as Fors t er · j effrey Go llad ay · Ni co le Gr an iero Alexa nd re H am mo udi
Mel anie H amrick· Bl aine H oven· Mikha il Ilyin Ca rri e j ensen · Vi tali Kra u ch enka Isado r a Loyo la D an iel Ma n tei
Am anda McGui gan · Eliz ab e th Mer tz · Simo ne Messm er· Elina Mie tt in en . An ne Mil ewsk i * * Patr ick Ogle · Luc ian a Paris
Rena t a Pavam j oseph Phillip s · la uren Pos t · Ke ll ey Potte r · j acq u elyn Reyes · lui s Ri b agor d a j essica Sau n d Arro n Sco tt Hee Sea · Ch ri s tine Sh evc h en ko Sarah Smi th · Isaac St ap p as Sean Stewa rt · Eric Ta m m . Devo n Teuscher· Mary Mill s Tho m as Mel issa Th o ma s · l ea nn Un derwoo d · Karen U ph off j ennife r W h alen· Ka th erine W illi am s· Ro m an Zh ur bin App re ntices j ose ph Gorak . J ose Seb as ti a n
Victor Barbee A sso ci at e A rtisti c Director
Ormsby Wilkins
Music Directo r
Wes Chapman Arti s tic Direc tor, A BT II
Charles Barker Principal Condu ct o r
Ballet Masters
David LaMarche Conductor
Susan Jones· Irina Kolpakova Clinton Luckett · Georgina Parkinson· Nancy Raffa " on leave
"* 20 0 9 J enn ife r Alexander Da ncer
The Board , Dancers and Staff of American Ballet Theatre honor the enduring legacy of Peter T. joseph (1950-1998).
Saks Fifth Aven ue is the Leadin g Cor p ora te Sp on sor of Amer ican Ba ll et The atres Costume Fu nd. JP Morga n is th e Offic ial Sponsor of M a k e a B a ll et. American Air lin es is th e Offic ial Airlin e o f Am erican Ball et Th eatre.
No rthern Tru st is th e Lead ing Un derwri ter of Th e J acque line Kenne d y Onassis Schoo l at American Ballet Th ea tre.
Majo r fun d ing is provided by the Na ti ona l En dowment fo r th e Arts, th e New Yo rk State Council on the Arts, a sta te agency, and the New York City De p artment of Cu ltura l Affairs.
The ABT Artistic Director's Chair is generously supported through an endowed gift from Edward A . Fo x.
Betty, Marvin and Joanne Danto Dance Endowment Opening Night Sponsor
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
w ww M i c higanOper a .o rg The Chrysler Foundation Jeep 2 008 / 09 D ance Se ries is spon sor ed b y The Chrys ler Fo undation D et roi t Op era H ou se a: o z z 8 b w v> o a:
George M Zeltzer Production Sponsor
Ba ll e t in Three Ac t s
Sce n e 1: T h e m a r k e t p lace Th e scene is Ve ron a. Ro meo , s on of Mont ag u e, tri es u ns u ccess fu lly to decla re h is love for Rosa lin e and is con sole d by h is fr ie nd s Mercut io an d Ben vo li o. As d ay breaks th e to wns p eo p le m ee t in t h e m ar ke t p lace and a qu arre l devel ops b etween Tyb alt , a n e ph ew o f Cap ul e t , and Rome o and hi s frie nd s. The Ca pul e ts and Monta gu es a re swo rn en e mi es and a fi gh t soon b egin s Th e Lord s Mo nt ag u e a nd Capule t j oin in th e fr ay, which is s topp ed by th e app earan ce of th e Prin ce o f Verona who comman ds th e famili es to end their feud
Sce n e 2: ant eroo m i n t h e Capu le t h ou se. J u li et, p layi n g wit h h e r nurse, is int e rru p te d by h e r parents, Lo rd a nd Lady Cap ul e t. Th ey prese nt h er to Pari s, a wea lthy yo ung n obl em an w h o h as as ke d fo r h er ha nd in m arriage.
Sce n e 3 : Ou ts ide t h e C apul e t h ous e Gu es ts arri ve for a b all at th e Capu lets' hou se. Rom eo, Mercut i o an d Ben vo li o, d isgui se d in m asks, dec id e to go in purs uit of Rosa line.
Scene 4 : T h e b all ro o m Rom eo and his fri end s a rri ve a t the h ei gh t of t he fes ti vi ties. Th e gu es ts wa tch J u lie t d an ce. Me rcuti o, see in g th a t Rom e o is en tr an ce d by h er, d an ces to d is tra c t attention from him Tyb alt recogn izes Ro m eo and ord ers him to leave, b ut Lo rd Capu le t in terven es an d welco m es him as a gu es t in hi s h ou se.
Sce n e 5 : Ou ts id e t h e Ca pul et h ou se As th e gu ests leave th e b all Lad y Ca pu let res t rai n s Tyba lt fro m pursui n g Rom eo.
Sce n e 6: b a lco ny. Un ab le to slee p , Juli e t co m es out on to h e r b alc ony and is think ing o f Rom eo wh en he sud den ly app ea rs in th e garden. They co nfess th eir love for eac h othe r.
Int ermiss i on
Rom e o and Juliet - Produ c ti o n Hi s tor y
Sc en e 1: Th e mar k e t p la ce Ro meo can th in k on ly of J uli et , and as a we ddi ng pro ces sio n pa sses, h e d rea ms of th e d ay w h e n h e wi ll m arr y her. In th e m ea ntime, juliet's nurse pu s hes her way th ro u gh th e crow d s in s earc h of Romeo to give him a lett er from Ju li et. He read s tha t Juli et h as conse nt ed to b e h is wife
Scen e 2 : Th e chap e l. The love rs are sec re tl y marrie d by Fria r Lauren ce w h o h opes th a t th eir uni on wi ll en d th e strife b e twee n th e Mo nta gu es and th e Cap ul e ts.
Sce ne 3: T h e m ark e t p la ce. Inter rupting th e revel ry, Tyb alt fi ght s wit h Me rcuti o and kills him. Rom eo avenges the d eat h of his frien d an d is exil ed
Int ermi ss io n
Sce n e 1: Th e bedroom At d awn n ex t m orn in g the h o u se h old is s ti rr ing an d Rome o mu s t go. He e mb races Ju lie t an d leaves as h er p arents enter wi th Pari s. Juliet refu ses to marr y Pari s, and hurt by h er rebu ff, h e lea ves J uli et'S p arent s are angr y and th reaten to di s ow n h er. J uli et ru sh es to se e Friar Lauren ce .
Sce ne 2: T h e c h ap e l. Juli et fa ll s at th e Fri ar's fee t and b egs for hi s h elp. He gives h er a vial of slee ping p o ti on tha t will ma ke h er fall int o a d eath - lik e s lee p . Her pa ren ts, b eli evin g h e r d ea d , will bur y h er in th e famil y tomb. Mea n wh il e, Rom eo, wa rn ed by Friar Laurenc e, will re turn und er cove r of da rk n ess and ta ke he r away fro m Verona.
Sce ne 3: Th e b edroom. Th a t eve ning Julie t agree s to marry Pa ris, but the nex t morn ing , when her pa rent s arrive, th ey find h er a pparent ly li fe less on the bed.
Scen e 4: Th e Capu let f amily Cl y pt. Romeo , fa il in g to rece ive th e friar 's message, re turns to Ve ro n a stunned by gr ief at th e n ews of Ju li e t's d eath Di sgUi se d as a mon k he enters t h e crypt and , fi nd ing Pari s by julie t's body, kills h im Beli evin g J uli et to b e d ead , Ro m eo drinks a via l of poiso n J uli et awakes an d, fi n d ing Rom eo dea d , s ta bs h er se l f.
Ro m eo and Juli e t rece ive d its World Pre miere b y Th e Roya l Ba ll e t at th e Royal Op era Ho u se, Cove nt Ga rden , Lond on on Feb ru ar y 9, 1965, d ance d b y Ma rgo t Fonteyn and Rud o lf Nureyev
Rom eo and Juli et was given it s Am erica n Ball e t Th eat re Comp an y Premi ere in Was hingt on , D. C. at the Kenne d y Ce nt er fo r t h e Pe rform ing Art s on J anuar y 3, 198 5, d an ce d by Les li e Browne and Rob e rt La Fosse
Am erica n Balle t Th eat re is rec o gn ized as on e of t he grea t d ance co mp anie s in th e wo rld Few b all et com p ani es equa l ABT fo r its co mbin ati on o f size, sco p e, and outreach. Re c o gniz ed as a li vin g n a ti ona l treas ure since its fo u nding in 19 40 , ABT annu ally tours th e Unit ed Sta tes , p er formin g fo r more t h an 6 00 ,000 peop le, and is th e o nl y m aj or cultur al in s ti tu ti on to do so. It h as also ma d e m ore t han 3 0 int ernat iona l to ur s to 42 co unt ries as per haps th e m os t rep rese nta t ive Am eri can b all e t co mp any and h as b ee n spons ored b y th e Sta te Dep a rtm ent of the Un i ted Sta t es on many o f th ese en gage ments.
W h en Ame ri can Ball et Th eatre was lau nc h ed in th e Autum n of 1939, the aim was to deve lop a re pe rt oi re of th e b es t ba ll ets from th e pas t an d to e nco urage th e c rea tion of n ew works by gi ft e d young ch ore ograp h ers , w h ereve r they mi ght b e fo u nd. Und er th e d ir ec tion o f Lu cia Ch ase an d O li ve r Smith fro m 19 40 to 1980 , th e Co mpa n y mo re th an fulfill ed th at aim. T h e rep ert Oire, pe rha ps unma tc h ed in th e hi s tor y of ballet, includ es all o f th e grea t fu ll -lengt h ball e ts of the nin e tee nth cen tury, su ch as Swa n L a k e , T h e S lee pi ng Bea u ty and Gis e ll e, the fi nes t works from the ea rl y p art o f thi s century, su ch as Apo ll o , L es Sy lp hi d es , J ardin aux Lil as and Ro d eo and accla im ed co nt em po rary m as terpi eces su ch as A irs , Push Co m es to S h ov e and Du e t s. In ac quirin g su c h an ex traord inar y rep erto ire, ABT h as commi ssi oned work s b y all of the great ch o reogra phi c ge niuses of th e 20th ce ntur y : Geo rge Balan chin e, Antony Tudor, J e rom e Robbin s, Agnes de Mill e and Twy la Tharp , am on g o t he rs
In 198 0 , Mik h a il Bar ys hn i k ov b eca me Art is tic Directo r o f Ame rica n Ba ll e t Theatre, su cceedin g Luci a Ch ase and O live r Smit h . Und e r h is lea de rsh ip , n um ero u s class ic al ba lle ts we re s taged, restage d an d refurbi sh e d , and the Co m pa n y exp erience d a stre n gt h ening and refining of th e class ica l tr ad i ti on. In 199 0 , J an e He r mann and O li ver Sm i th su ccee d e d Bar ys hniko v an d imm ediat ely es tabli she d an age nd a that was ded i ca te d to m aint ainin g th e grea t tra dit io n s of th e past while aggressive ly p ursuin g a vi tal an d inno vati ve future
In Oc tob er 1992, for m er Ame ri can Ball et Theat re Prin ci pal Da n ce r Kevi n McKenzi e was app Ointed Arti s tic Di rector. Mc Ken zie, s tea dfa s t in hi s vis ion o f ABT as "Am erican ", is co mmitte d to m ai nt ain ing the Co mp an y's vas t re p ertoire, and to bringing the art o f d an ce t heater to th e great sta ges o f th e wo rld.
In kee ping with th e Co mp an y's lon g-s tandin g commitm ent to bringing th e fi nest in dance to th e wid es t int ern ati on a l aud ience , ABT h as rece ntly enj oye d tr iumph ant su cces ses wi th e ngage ments in To kyo, Lon do n , Paris, Buenos Aires and Mexico Ci ty.
Ove r it s 68 - ye ar hi s to ry, th e Compa n y has app eare d in a tota l of 131 ci ti es in 42 co untri es. ABT h as also app ea red in all fifty s ta tes o f th e Unite d Sta tes and embarked on it s fir st tri p to Chi na in 2001, app ea rin g in both Shangh ai an d H on g Kon g .
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
On April 27, 2006, by an act o f Con gress, Am eri ca n Ball et Th eatre became Ameri ca's Natio n al Ball e t Comp an y. BR AVO 11
Det r o i t O p era Hou se www.M ic h
Jacqueline Kenne dy Onassis (1929-1994), Honorary C hairman E m erita
Caroline Kenned y, Honorary Chairman
Edward A. Fox, Chairman
Lewis S. Ranieri, Chairman Emeritus
Anne M. Tatlock, Honorary Chair, Executiv e Committee
Mildred C. Brinn, Susan Fal es- Hill , Andrew F Barth, Vice Chairmen
Sharon Pa trick, President
Br ia nJ Heidtke , Vice President & Treasurer
Rod Brayman , Secretary
Ali Wambold, Chair, Nominating Committee
Susan Fales-Hill, Jam es M. Orphanid es, Co-Chairs, D ev elopment Committee
Brian J Heidtke, Chair, Education Committee
Sharon Patrick , Chair, Strategic Planning & Governance Committ ee
Konr ad R. Kruge r, Chair, Finance Committee
LawrenceJ Shaw, Chair, Audit Committee
Mark Wainger, Chair, Human Resources Committee
Lisa Smi th Cas hin
Nancy H ave n s- H asty
James S. Regan
David H. Koch , Andrew F Barth , Vic e Chairmen
Martin Sosno ff, Chair, Investment Committee
ABT gratefully acknowledges support from The R. Chemers Neustein ABT Artistic Initiatives Fund.
ABT gratefully acknowledges The Linda Allard and Herbert Gall en Costume Fund
ABT gratefully acknowledges j a m es S. and Amy Regan for their endowe d gift in recognition of the PrinCipal First Violin/Concertmaster Chair.
ABT gratefully acknowledges Barbara Hemm er le Go llust and Keith Go llust for their endowed gift in recognition of th e Principal Conductor's Chair.
American Ballet Theatre gratefu lly acknowledges Karin and Sta nl ey Sc hwalb for their genero us endowed gift made in recognition of the amazing artistry and talent of ABT's dancers.
ABT gratefully acknowledgesjoellen and Tom Melone as the founding ben efactors of the ja cquelin e Kennedy Onassis School at American Ballet Th eatre.
David LaMarch e's performances with ABT are ge nerously supported through an endow ed gift from Nancy Havens-Hasty and]. Dozier Hasty.
AB T gratefully acknowledges Th e Peter T joseph Foundation for it s endowed gift in recognition of The Specia l Needs Fund.
ABT gratefully acknowledges MacDonald and C harlott e Mathey for their endowed sponsors hip in recognition of a Corps de Ballet m emb er.
Joan Taub Ades
Ho ward B. Adler, Esq.
Linda Allard
Adrienne Arsht
Muffie Potte r Aston
Devon F Briger
Dirk Donath
Nancy Elliso n
Susan Fe instein
Sonia Florian
William J Gillespi e
J oyce Giuffra
Audre D. Carlin
Ricki Gail Conway
Alexander C. Ewing
StephenJ Friedman
Anne Grauso
Judith M Hoffman
Wendy Evans Jo sep h
Cheryl Bergenfeld Katz
J Jeffer y Kauffman
Th er esa Khawly
Kathi Koll
Donald Kramer
Paula Mahoney
Kevin McKenzie
S. C hristopher Meigher, III Tara Milne
Deborah , Lady MacMillan
Robin Chemers Ne u s t ein
Mrs. Byam K. Stevens , Jr
Hamilton E. J ames
Lucia Chase (1897-1986)
Ch arles H. Dyson (1909-1997)
Gage Bush Englu nd (1932-2009)
Mrs. Ward S. Ha ga n ( 1927-2005)
Peter T. J oseph (1950-1998)
C harl es Payne (1909-1994)
Nora Kaye Ross (1920-1987)
Oliver Smith (1918- 1994)
Rachel S. Moore
Edward L Morse
Ruth Newman
Matth ew Rubel
Cindy L Si tes
Florence Low Sloan
Melissa Smith
Susan F Sosin
Blain e Trump
Jean Volpe
John L Warden, Esq. Mrs. William Zeckendorf Melville Straus
AB T is grateful to the follOWing sponsors o f So loists and members of the Corps de Ballet : Stella Abrera - Edward H. Smith, Jr.
Misty Copeland - Susan Fales-Hill
Veronika Part - Olga and Eric Jorgensen
Maria Riccetto - Peggy and Lewis Ranieri , in lo vi ng memory of Margaret Ranieri
Gennadi Saveliev - Brian and Darlene Heidtke
Zhong-Jing Fang - Fred and Iren e Shen
Melanie Hamrick - Margaret King Moore
Dancer Award
Luciana Paris - Adrienne Arsht
Joseph Phillips - Linda and Edward Morse
Christine Shevchenko - Theresa Khawly
Sarah Smith - Chr istian Baha
Cory Stearns - MacDonald and Charlotte Mathey
Blaine Hoven is the recipient of the 2008 Chris Hellman Award from the Princess Grace Foundation-USA.
Misty Copeland and Sarah Lane are recipients of 2008 Leonore Annenberg Fellowships in the Arts.
American Ball et Theatre wishes to express its appreciation to Theatre De velop men t Fund for its support of thi s seas on.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Yamaha is the official piano of the Metropolitan Opera House. Detroit Opera House
Artistic Directo r Kevin McKenzie
Executive Direc tor. Rachel S. Moore
Artist in Res id e nce
Alexei Ratmansky
Associate Artistic Director Victor Barbee
Artistic Administrator C risti na Escoda
Ba ll e t Masters Susan jon es, Irina Ko lpakova, C linton Lu ckett, Georgina Parkinson , Na nc y Raffa
Rehearsa l Coo rd inat o r j en nife r Anderson
Assistant to the Artis ti c Staff Frances H owo rth
Company Teac h ers N ancy Bielski , Ethan Brown, Wes Chapman, Rinat Imaev, Clinton Lu cken, Na nc y Raffa , Craig Sa lste in , Vlad il e n Seme no v, Lupe Serrano
General Manager David G. Lansky
Compa n y Manager jus t in Sweeney
Associa te Company Manager Kyle P ickles
Co ntract Coo rdin ator.. Ko Tagu ch i
Assistant to the Executive Director....... Laura Simp son
Produ c tion Manager
N. james Whi tehill III
Technical Dire c tor Richard Koc h
Principal Stage Manage r
Stage Manager
Dathan Manning
Dani elle Vent im iglia
Ass istant Stage Ma n ager Matthew La cey
Li ghti n g Director Br ad Fiel d s
Assista nt Ligh ting Director. Kristina Kloss
Master Carpe nte r Fran k laMantia
Assistant Ca rp en ter Dan De Prenger
F lyman.. Daniel Hix
Master E lec tr ician Laura Carte r
Assis tant Electric ians james Wrobel , Paul Gibson
Prop e rty Master................... Paul Well s
Ass is tant Property Man , Steven Dunbar
Wardrobe Supervisor Bruce Horo wi t z
Assistant Wardrobe Hilarie jenkins, Caryn Wells, And rew Corbo
Make-up Master Ri va Pizhadze
W igs and Make-up .j ose ph Parl
MUS IC Mu s ic Direc tor.
Pri n cipa l Co n ductor..
Ormsby Wilkins
C h arles Barker
Con du cto r a n d Music Administra tor... David laMa rche
Concertmaster.. Rona ld Oakland
Orchestra Personne l Manager.. Matthew Dine
Rehearsa l Pia ni sts Barbara Bilac h , David laMarche, Henrie tta Ste rn, Daniel Waite
Direc tor of D evel opment
Associate Director of De velopment
Director of In s t i tuti o n al Su pp ort
Director of Majo r Gifts
D i rector of Spec ia l Events..
Assistant D irector, Ind ividua l Gi ving..
Database and Finan ce Man ager..
Coordinator, Spec ia l Events
P e ter W Lyden
Amy Brown
Mimi Bradley
Leah Cohen
Wendy Fisher
jillian Barsa lou
Carol Radel
Brie W il so n
Coo rdinator, Membe r Events and Se r vices Lauren j ohnston
Development Associate Sa rah Baker
Development Associa te.............. Kathy Liu
Developme n t Assoc iate
Brannan Osburn Berman
Member Associate, Patron Ti cket ing.. Ca itlin Diebo ld
Members hip Associa te, Dancers Circle. Lily Arbi sse r
Assista nt to Director of Development. Shell y Wolfe
Dir ec tor of Press and Pnblic Rel a tions Ke lly Ryan
Direc tor of Marketing and Brand Management .J a m e s Timm
Press Associate.. Su sie Morgan
Marketing Assoc iate. Deird re H oe tmer
Gro u p Sa les Manage r.. Ellen Koga
Press Assoc iate. Rebecca Kim
Pre ss Associate and Staff Photo g rapher.. Myra Armstrong
Photographer.. Gene Schiavo n e
Associate Staff Photogra pher Rosa li e O'Connor
Detroit Opera House
C hief Financial Officer Ra c hel Pivnick
Payro ll a nd Benefits Ma n ager Ca therine P. Brown
Fin ance Manager Mary Sorm eley
I. T. Ma na ger.... Vin ce Lingner
Bookkeepe r Marianne Van aselj a
Office Manager Roseanne Forn i
Finance Assistant.. Sarah Surber
Direc tor of Education and Training Mary Jo Ziesel
Artist ic Directo r o f AB T II.. Wes C hapman
Principa l, jacqueline Kennedy Onass is Sc h oo l Franco De Vita
Di rector o f Trai nin g Pro gra ms.. Mo ll y Schnyde r
Di recto r of Educatio n al Outreach.. Den ni s]. Walters
Direc to r of Summer Intens ives. H e id i Gunter
Arti s ti c D i rector of Summe r Int ensives Me li ssa Alle n Bowman
Art is ti c Associate, ABTINYU Masters Pro g ram Ra ymond Lukens
ABT II Compa n y Manage r Rafael Garcia
Artistic Coo rdi nator for Educational Outreach. Richard Toda
Educat ion Programs Mana ger... Kevin Edwa rds
Artistic Assoc iate for Educational Outreach H a rriet Clar k
National Tra inin g Curriculum Coordinator j enna Bitterman
Summer Intens ive Coo rdinato r Miki Shinta ni
Train in g Programs Coord inator. Rebecca Schwa rtz
ABT ]] Assistant E li zabeth Aymong
Educat io n Intern Steve n Kaplan
Co nsu ltin g Ort h o p edist.. Dr. W illi am Hamil ton Assista nt Orthopedist Dr. Ph ili p Bauman
Ph ysica l The r apis ts.. Peter Mars h all ,julie Daugh erty
Massage The ra pi s t ...Olinda Ce d eno
Imm igrati on Cou nsel Wormse r, Kiely, Ga lef & jacobs LLP
Labor Co unsel Kenneth A. Margo lis o f Kauff, McC lain, and McGuire
Acco u nti n g Lutz & Carr
Ins u rance Broke rs DeWitt Ste rn
Chai rman of t h e Medical Advisory Board Dr. Gary Wadler
American Ballet Thea tre is a memb er of the Amer ican Art s Alli ance, t h e Arts a nd Bus iness Counc il , Inc. and D a n celU.5.A.
The dancers and stage managers of Am erica n Ba ll e t Theatre are represe nte d for t he purp ose o f co ll ec ti ve ba rga ining b y t h e Am e ri can Guild of Mu sical Artists, AFL-Cl O.
Tru ck in g by Clar k Transfer Inc
Barbara Mat era, Ltd. is the Offi cial Costume Shop of Ame rican Ballet Th eatre.
Physical therapy equi pment generously donated by th e Anna-Ma ria and Step h en Kellen Foundation in recognition o f Dr. Phillip Bauman for his extraordinary work in t h e field of medicine.
IT cons u ltin g se r vice fo r ABT is provided by Ad va n ced Micrographic Systems
In corpo r a ted, www.amsnyco m.
Tour booking by j ea n-j acq u es Cesbron , Col u mbia Artists Man ageme nt , LL C.
Ha rl equ in is the officia l fl oor of America n Ba ll e t Th ea tre.
Va ler ie Addas, julio Alegria, Caro l Bec k er, Melvin A. Be rnstei n , Paul Cahill, Anuar Carvaja l, judi Chan don , Katherin e Cole, Eva T. Co mita , john Condon, Chris tina
A. Cowe ll , jos ep h Davis, Barbara DefaziO , Vivien Delugg, Indira Devi , Marjorie Faver, Anne Frankel, Rebecca Friedman , Adam Roy Gale, jud y Ginesi , Norma and Ted G latzer, Bob Greene an d Chris All en, Brad H arlan, Yvonne an d Warren H erbst, Hon ey Hil zen, Teresa H ood, Laura In ge, Wa n da j ones, An d rew Cha r les Ki n g, Kit Kreilick, Soraya Kurban, Lu cy Lee, Maggie Le mont , She lley Limmer, H o lly Martin , Keiko Mats umura, Ka th y McDonald , j ess ica McMe n a min , Su e Gayle Merk, Audrey
M. Messer, Ina M. Mishkin , Ange la Modena, Barba ra Q. Mye rs, Mic h ael Norma n dy, Ger ry Os ter, Me li ssa Ozawa, Ma ril yn Pesk in, Es p e ran za Reguera , Ma rce lla Raphae l, Geri Richards, Be tsy Rum l, Gail Ryan, Na n cy Salis bury,jua nita Seidel , Ms. Este ll e Se lze r, David Sham il zadeh, Beth Sh apiro, Nancy L Sifto n , Lind a Sitnick, Marianne Stegela nd , Sidn ey Su garman, jennifer Sutt meier, j en nifer Tarlow, Steven Toback , Donna Tur ian, Tom Vasi loff, Sta cey Warady Gillett, johanna Webe r , Per i Winkler, Anthony Yazzett i.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
www.Mic BRAVO 13
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Brundibar Synopsis
In order of vocal appearance
Teacher Mary Lou Zieve
Annette Brooke Bliznik
Joe ' .Alexander Borello
Ice Cream Woman
Milkmaid Policeman
Cat Dog
Sara h Pid geon
Clare DeLamiellure
Rachel Curtis
Ryan Hurley ............. Maggie Malaney
Kayla Marie Lumpkin
Veronica Battersby
Madeline Thibault
Chorus Michigan Opera Theatre Children 's Chorus
Annette: Olivia Motzer
Joe: Nicholas Fuller
Ice Cream Woman: Malaya Watson
Baker: Ethan Anderson
Milkmaid: Malaya Watson
Policeman: Ethan Anderson
Brundibar: Madeline Thibault
Bird : Nico le Huot
Cat: Brittany John so n
Dog: Kristine Overman
Original Production by Th e Graduate Ce nt er; CUNY, Office of Cont inuing Education and Public Programs:
Thaddeus Strassberger; set designer
Mattie Ullrich, costume designer
Shawn Kaufman, lighting designer
By arrang ement with Bot e & Bock Berlin and Boosey & Hawkes, In c.
Brundibar is the story of two children, Little Joe and Annette, who have no money to buy milk for their ailing mother. Seeing passersby givin g coins to the organ grinder Brundibar, the children try to earn money by singing on the street corner. Brundibar chases them away, but a friendly Dog, Cat, and Sparrow help them round up the oth er children in town , who form a choir large enough to compe te with the organ grinder When Brundibar steals Little J oe's hatful of coins, the children overpowe r him. Littl e Jo e succeeds in hi s quest to buy milk, and t h e children are victorious!
Brundibar History
The chi ldren 's opera Brundibar has enjoye d renewed interest in recent years, in part because of the book adaptation with beautiful illustrations by Maurice Sendak that came out in 2003. Brundibar's performance history is as dramatic as the story it tells. The opera was written before World War II , but it became famous because of its extended run in the Terezin Concentrat ion camp in German -occup ied Czechoslovakia. As sc h o lar Bl anka Cervinkova notes "it helped make th e tra gic fate of the prisoners more hum an and b earable - both of those who played in the opera and of those w ho we nt to see the more than fifty performances of it. " In a few cases, it may have saved lives as well. Though most of the young performers in Brundibar were tran sported to extermination camps where th ey died, some the children, espec ially those in leading roles, had their transports d ela yed. Though they still were eventually taken to camps as we ll , a few, such as Rudolph Freudendfe ld (la ter Franek) and Ela Weissberger miraculously survived the war. Michiga n Opera Theatre is trul y honored to present thi s bra ve, ch arming op era and to welcome holocaust survivor Ela Weissberger, who played the ro le o f the Cat in the origin al Terezin production.
D,: Lauren McConnell is an assistant professor in the departm ent of Communication and Dramatic Arts at Central Michigan University. Her area of scholarly interest is East European theatre and drama, particularly in Czechoslovakia. She was a Fulbright professor in the Slovak Repub lic in 1996, and receive d a Boren Graduate Int ernational Fellowship to st udy censorship in Czechoslovakia for a year in 2001-2002.
Mandell L. and Madeleine H. Berman Foundation, Chorus Spo nsor Brundibar Chorus:
Ethan Anderson
Londarius Anderson
Elena Baka luca
Breanna Betancourt
Ann Marie Calvaneso
Mary Grace Calvaneso
Hannah Cheriyan
Natalie Chaiken
Caroline Hofman
Dylan Drean Nicole Huot
Al yssa Dsouza
Brittany Johnson
Nicho las Fuller Jade Kitchen
Greta Ginter Kaylynn Lear
Natalie Gratsch Sh erene Leve rt
Emma Hintzen Alaina Matt h ews
Kelly McGraw
Emily Michielutti
Olivia Motzer
Ellen O'Brien
Christina O'Neil
Kristine Overman
Anna li se Poco
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Director
Dianna Hochella, Asst. Director/Conductor
Megan Landry, Chorus Administrator
Jos eph J ackson, Accompanist
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Chad Schultze
Taylor Stark
Jessica Tifft
Elizabeth Watson
Malaya Watson
Lauren Wickett
Taylor Wizner
Detroit Opera House
www.MichiganOpera org
We would like to thank Ela Stein Weissberger for appearing as our special guest for the performances of Brundibar.
Ela Stein Weissberger (Special Guest): is an original Brundibar cast member from the Terezin concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. A renowned speaker, lecturer and advocate, Ms. Weissberger is dedicated to traveling the world to te ll her story in honor of the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Born in Prague, she currently resides in Tappan , New York. Ms. Weissberger is one of 100 Terezin children who survived Worlel War II. She was born to Max and Marketa Stein in 1930. In 1942, Ela , her sister, mother, grandmother and uncle were deported to Terezin for three and a half years While there, Ela was a cast member in the children's opera Brundibar, and played the role of the Cat in 55 performances while at Terezin. Ela and her family were liberated on May 5 , 1945, and in 1949 they moved to Israel. It was there she met and married her husband , Leopold Weissberger. Ela has two children.
Artist Profiles
Veronica Battersby (Cat) is 14 years old and attends Mercy High School. She l oves singing, acting , and dancing. This is Veronica 's 2nd year with the MOTCC. Veronica has been on stage numerous times, including Les Miserables (Young Cosette) , Beauty and the Beast (Chip), Sound of Music (Louisa) , The Little Princess (Sarah Crewe), Meet Me is St Louis (Miss Duffy) , and MOTCC's 2008 production of Mak er of Illusions (Genie) She was also part of the children 's chorus of Turandot at MOT.
Brooke Bliznik (Annette) is an 11 year old student at Hartland Farms Intermediate. She enjoys singing, acting , writing poetry, reading, skiing, piano, and p l aying the clarinet. She is a member of the Livingston County Children 's Choir and the 2008 MI El ementary Honors Choir. Brooke has performed with the Howell Community Theatre , including Alice in Alice in Wonderland She has sung the National Anthem at various community and professional events.
Destination Theatre . Rachel also has vocal and dance training.
Clare DeLamielleure (Baker) is 15 years old and a freshman at South Lyon High School. She loves to sing , act , and see her friends in her spare time. Clare has been singing since she was 3 years old and recently played Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ at her school.
Eric Einhorn (Director) made his MOT debut as the assistant director for The Magic Flute (2004) and returned most recently for Faust (2005). He has recently directed Alcina for Wolf Trap Opera , Orpheus in the Underworld for Glimmerglass Opera, The Diary of One Who Vanished for Gotham Chamber Opera, Cosi fan Tutte for Florida Grand Opera outreach, Oedipus the King for Klasikos Theater in Pittsburgh , as well as Xerxes for the Pittsburgh Opera. Eric has served on the directing staff of the Metropolitan Opera since 2005.
Ensemble Theatre. Her most recent appearances include performances with Second City in Detroit performing with a New York cast of "The Vagina Monologues." Since 1955, she has been a commercial announcer, actress, spokesperson and narrator on local and national television and radio , slide, and industrial film. She was a frequent reporter for many auto shows and conventions, and was awarded a CLIO and two Golden Mike Awards (1973 , 1974) for outstanding female announcer in Detroit.
Alexander Borrello (Joe) is 13 years old and attends Our Lad y of Sorrows. He loves acting , singing, dancing , and golf. Alexander has performed in over 20 theatre productions , including A Christmas Carol (Tiny Tim) at the Detroit Music Hall, Nutcracker at the Fox Theatre His on-camera work consists of one feature film , a TBS movie , and an HBO pilot.
Elizabeth Geck (Wig & Makeup DeSigner) has been coordinating the Michigan Opera Theatre wig and make -up crew for the l ast five years, as well as assisting the Wig and Make-up designer for main stage opera productions. Ms. Geck has assisted with several new productions including Aida, Cyrano, Margaret Gamer and Pearl Fisher. Elizabeth designed wigs and make-up for Motor City Lyric 's production of Amahl and the Night Visitors as well as Grosse Pointe Theater 's production of West Side Story.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
www Mich i
Detroit Opera House
.. - ",) \. 1;' I
Mary Lou Zieve (Teacher): has an extensive background in broadcast media and theater. Her acting experience includes leading roles with the Vanguard Theatre and Jewish 16 BRAVO
Rachel Curtis (Milkmaid) is a 12 year old at Renton Jr. High School in Huron Township . She loves theatre, dance , singing , and reading. Rachel has been in numerous EverAfter Productions including Seussical OoJo), Peter Pan, Aladdin , jr., Annie, jr: , Les Miserables, jr., and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. She was also in Canton Fo ll ies I and II with the
Andrew Griffin (Lighting Designer) designed last years Michigan Opera Theatre Children 's Chorus production The Maker of Illusions and is happy to be back in Detroit. A freelance lighting designer based in Washington, DC, Andrew is the resident Assistant Lighting Designer for Michigan Opera Theatre where he has assisted on the last ten productions. When not in Detroit, Andrew designs for companies including : Toledo Opera, Olney Theatre Center, Woolly Mammoth, Synetic Theatre, Studio Theatre , Imagination Stage , the Delaware Shakespeare Festival , and Adventure Theatre where he is also a resident artist .
Suzanne Hanna (Costume Designer) is the Costu m e Director for Michigan Opera Theatre. She assisted John Pascoe with th e costume design for David DiChiera's Cyrano. In addition , she has served as costume design er for Michigan Opera Theatre (Madame Cadillac), The New Studio Theatre (A ngels in America, Millenium Approaches , Master Class) , Performance Network (Doubt , Candida, Boston Marriage , Kimberly Ahimbo , I Am My Own WiJe) , a nd The Motor City Lyric Opera (Amah l and the Night Visitors).
Dianna Hochella (Conductor) is the assistant director and conductor of the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus. She is presently Director of Music at Littlefield Presbyt erian Church in Dearborn , Michigan. Ms. Hochella serves as a vocal instructor for Shrine Catholic High School in Royal Oak and has a private voice studio in Ann Arbor As a member of the Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus , Ms. Hochella has performed on the MOT main stage produ ctions in the world premiere of Margaret Gamer, Madama Butterfly, L es Pecheurs de Perles , and Un Ballo in Maschera.
Ryan Hurley (Policeman) is 10 years old and attends Burton Elementary School in Huntington Woods He plays the piano and is beginning the saxophone. He likes to sing, dance, draw, and enjoys playing tennis and soccer He is also on the HWAC swim team. Ryan was a supernumerary in the World Premiere of Cyrano at the MOT. He attended Camp Broadway in New York at the age of 7. He has attended theatre camp at th e Marquis Theatre in Northville and the Community House in Birmingham
Kayla Marie Lumpkin (Bird) is 11 years old and in the sixth grade at the Cranbrook Kingswood Middle School. She enjoys getting lost in a good book. Kayla Marie has performed in several musicals and plays; Sound oj Music (Marta), Honk Jr. (Beaky), Charlie and the C h oco lat e Factory (Mrs. Bucket), Cat on a Hot Tin RooJ (D ix ie ) , Wizard oj OZ, Maker oj Illusions and Les Miserables.
Maggie Malaney (Brundibar) is 14 and attends Our Lady of Sorrows School. She loves Irish dancing, ballet, reading , and theatre. Maggie played the Queen in the MOTCC production of Maker oj Illusions, and Susan in Irving Berlin's White Christmas. She performed with the MOT in Carmen , Turandot, Dead Man Walking, and La Boheme. Maggie has been a competitive Irish dancer for 9 years with Tim O 'Hare School of Dance.
Sarah Pidgeon (Ice Cream Woman) is a 12 year old 7th grader at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills . Sarah has studied piano for 5 years. She also enjoys cook ing , drawing , fashion, and running crosscountry. Sarah has appeared in several yout h theater productions at the Birmingham Community House. Last summer, she participated in the Interm ediate Musical Theater Production program at the Interlochen Arts Camp.
Thaddeus Strassberger (Set Designer) is active as both a scenic designer and director in the US and Europe Recent new productions include: Orfeo Ed Euridice (Augsburg) , La Cenerentola (Opera IrelancllStaatstheater Wiesbaden), La Gazzetta (Ro'ssini in Wildbad Festival), Aida (Lyric Opera Of Kansas City), The Magic Flute (Uta h Opera/Arizona Opera) , Ariadne AuJNaxos (Wo lftrap ) , La Fanciulla del West de Montreal) and La Traviata (Arizona Opera). Upcoming productions includ e Hamlet (Washingto n National Opera), Le Nozze de Figaro (Norwegian National Opera), The Tum oj the Screw (Opera Les Azuriales) and Les Huguenots (Bard Summerscape).
Madeline Thibault (Dog) is 14 and a freshman at Regina Catholic High School in Warren. She loves singing , acting , youth ministry, tennis , piano , and guitar. This is Madeline 's second year with the MOTCe. She was also part of Turandot with the MOT, and has performed in Pirates oj Penzance (Edith) and Iolanthe (Iolanthe).
News from the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus
MOTCC Returns for Carmen
The MOTCC will return to the Detroit Opera House stage to perform as the children's chorus in MOT's main stage production of Carmen! This fiery and famous tale of the gypsy Carmen will run at the Detroit Opera House May 9-17, 2009.
Know a Boy or Girl Who Loves to
The Michigan Opera Theatre Chi ldren's Chorus will hold auditions for the 2009-10 season on May 27 and May 30, 2009. Times will be announced. Contact chorus administrator, Megan Landry, for more information at
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detroit Opera House
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
[n order of vocal appearanc e
.......... See Program In sert
Ailyn Perez (28, 4 )
Amanda Squitieri (27, 29)
Stephen Costello* (28,4) See Pro gr am In se rt
Dalibor jenis
Doctor Dulcamara ... .... Burak Bilgili
*Michigan Opera Theatre debut
The la s t Michigan Opera Theatre performance of The Elixir of Lov e was May 9-17, 1998.
Scene 1
Nemorino, a shy and simple young man is in love with Adina , a wealthy country girl. But Adina is willful, and his offers of lo ve are constantly rejected. Adina is seated apart from a group of townspeople reading, and Nemorino wonders how he could possibly win her love since she is so wonderful and much better than him. She has just come across the legend of the potion, which bound Tristan and Isolde with undying love and reads it aloud to amuse the others.
At this point a drum is heard, and a platoon of soldiers enters, headed by the dashing and bombastic Sergeant Belcore. Belcore at once begins to woo Adina , and in spite of his self-assurance and arrogance , she is flattered; however, to his hasty proposal of marriage she answers that she would like a little time to think it over. Nemorino, naturally, is very jealous and when everyone else leaves, he begs Adina to return his love, but in vain; she prefers to remain fancy free.
Scene 2
Dr. Dulcamara, a picturesque and loquacious quack, arrives in the town square, and, before the assembled townspeople, he sings the praises of his wonderful remedy, guaranteed to cure all ills. The naive Nemorino is impressed and asks whether he also sells the love potion of Queen Isolde. Naturally Dulcamara obliges him , but warns him that the potion will take effect only after twenty-four hours - which will give him enough time to leave town - and that no one must know about it. Nemorino is now so pleased and sure of himself that Adina is surprised to find him in a cheerful and confident mood; he assures her that his heart will be cured within one day In a fit of pique, she then tells Belcore that she will marry him in six days ' time. Nemorino is not worried· he knows that tomorrow she will fall at'his feet. But a message reaches Belcore with an order to leave town in the morning , so Adina agrees to marry him that very day Nemorino is now desperate, but his entreaties to Adina to postpone the wedding for just one day are all in vain. She invites everyone to the marriage feast, and they all mock the distraught Nemorino.
Act II
Scene 1
The marriage feast in anticipation of the wedding is in progress and Dulcamara is among the guests. When the minister arrives, Adina hesitates to sign the marriage contract , as Nemorino is not there and her vengeance would not be complete without him As the company goes off elsewhere, he enters and finding Dulcamara alone , asks for help. Dulcamara prescribes another dose of his remedy, but Nemorino has no [mlore money The doctor gives him a quarter of an hour to find it. Belcore now enters and persuades Nemorino to enlist in the arm y if he wants money, commenting to himself with glee that to enlist one 's own ri val is quite a clever stroke. Nemorino accepts in the hope of winning Adina 's love before having to leave.
Scene 2
The news is spreading throughout the town that Nemorino's rich uncle has died, leaving him sole heir. All the local girls surround him with attention and
then Nemorino, in his simplicity, belie ves this to be the effect of the potion. Adina is astonished at his popularity, and so is Dulcamara, who tells her about the potion. She is deeply moved, especially when she hears that Nemorino has sold his freedom for her. She realizes that she is , in fact , in love with him. Nemorino notices that she is weakening and is delighted. When Adina comes back with the enlistment papers, which she has just bought from Belcore, she admits to Nemorino that she loves him; and when Dulcamara lets slip the news he has just heard about the inheritance , Nemorino 's happiness is complete. Dulcamara , of course, attributes all this good fortune to his own magic elixir , and all the townspeople rush to buy it. Finally everyone except Belcore blesses him as he departs for the next town.
Synopsis Courtesy Opera Colorado
Synopsis partially provided by: John I Gates, Stephen F Austin State University School of Music.
Detroit Opera House I THE ELIXIR OF LOVE I
BRAVO 19 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Donizetti and his Miracle Elixir
By Roberto Mauro
It is generally accepted that life in the nineteenth century moved at a slower, saner pace than the e-mail, instant communication, computer-driven culture of today. However, in at least one area, that of opera composition, life was actually more stressfu l 150 years ago. During this era, the passion for new operas and new music was far greater than today, and composers, along with librettists were kept busy trying to fulfill the public 's voracious appetite. It was into this environment that Gaetano Donizetti was born in the northern Italian town of Bergamo in 1797 - a mere six years after the death of Mozart A series of tragedies prompted him to settle in Paris in 1838 Suffering from the effects of his exhaustive work schedu le and syph ili s, the musician finally went mad and had to be confined to an asylum in his native town in 1846.
Although Donizetti lived only 5 1 years, music seemed to literally flow from his pen. Occasiona ll y he managed to produce more than 3 operas in a single calendar year. In total, he gave us some 70 operas - both comic and dramatic , liturgical masses and numerous chamber works. However, not everyone was impressed with Donizetti 's rapid compositional skill. These staggering statistics prompted the German Philosop h er and Wagner disciple Heinrich H eine to remark sarcas tically, "in fecundity Donizetti is surpassed only by rabbits." Donizetti's fame peaked in 1835 after the premiere of his most famous opera, Lucia
di Lamm ermoor. Th e year 1835 also marked the death of Vincenzo Bellini and the retirement of Gioachino Rossini, the two composers who are synonymous with the bel canto school.
As noted above, Donizetti 's composit ion al period was characterized as somewhat of an operatic factory Composers and
librettists were expected to churn out new compositions at an extremely rapid rate. Donizetti's fellow bel canto exponent, Rossini, also left a prodigious body of work. Future king of the Italian Operatic Mountain, Giuseppe Verdi characterized his early period as "the ga ll ey years ." It was only Bellini who bucked the system, refusing to compose at such a rapid rate, leaving only ten operas.
It was precisely Donizetti's ability to whip something up quickly that brought the evergreen Elixir of Love into being. When another composer reneged on his commission for the Teatro alia Canaobbiana, its impresario turned to Donizetti. The impresario suggested that Donizetti simply revi se one of his earlier works, the composer replied. ''I'm not accustomed to patching up my own works. You 'll soon see that I am quite energetic enough to make you a brand new I opera in 14 days. I give yo u my word Now, you give me Felice Romani. "
Romani was a well-known librettist who had provided libretti for Bellini and also collaborated previously with Donizetti
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
on Anna Bolena. For th e subj ect, Romani borrowed the text by Eugene Scribe from Auber's opera Le Philtre. This opera had been a smash hit at its 1831 Paris premiere, and wou ld receive close to another 250 performance s over the next 30 years. Romani kept the plot line intact - a village boy is duped into buying a love philter that will supposedly make him irresistib le to every girl in town. Despite Donizetti 's admiration for his librettist, their collaboration was not always smooth. For examp le, when Donizetti asked for an aria for the tenor in the 2nd act , Romani bristled , "what's the point of that rustic bumpkin coming in and whining pathetically when everything must be festive and gay?" Fortunately, Donizetti won out, for what would Italian Opera be without the ravishing aria, "Una Furti va Lacrima"7 It has been the show piece for every tenor from Caruso to Pavarotti, and is un decidedly the best known piece of the opera.
Amazingly, Donizetti met his deadline, giving us one of the world's most popular comedic operas. When told of Rossini 's ability to turn out an opera in 18 days, Donizetti is said to have remarked, "Ah, yes, but then Rossini was a lways lazy!" The opera premiered on May 12 , 1832 to unanimous high praise. Soon after, the world was drunk (as I'm sure Michigan Opera Theatre audiences will be!) on this intoxicating opera.
Roberto Mauro is the Artistic Consultant for Michigan Opera Theatre and Senior Director of Artistic Operations for Arizona Opera.
Photos by Matthew Staver, courtesy Opera Colorado
Barry Banks as Nemorino
Maria Kanyova as Adina (reading) with Opera Colorado chorus
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
III order of vocal appearance
Morales Wes Mason
Micaela Janinah Burnett
Don Jose Roger H on eywe ll (9,13, 16 )
W illiam Jo yner (10, 15 , 1 7)
Zuniga Stephen Lu smann
Carmen ......... Kate Aldrich (9, 13, 16)
Kenda ll Gladen (l0, 15, 17)*
See Program In se rt .... Lisa Agazzi *
Homero Vel ho * Escamillo
Le Dancairo Wes Mason
Le Remendado See Pro gram Ins ert
*M ichi gan Opera Theatre debut
The last Michigan Opera Th eat r e production of Carmen was October 1321,2001
In a square in Seville , town sp e opl e and so ldi ers rela x in the sun A pretty co untr y girl , Micaela, co mes in looking for h er sweet h eart, Corporal Don Jo se; an o ffi ce r, Morales, tells h er J ose wi ll be th ere later, and sh e leaves. As the guard is ch an ge d , a band of chi ldre n parade around , imit ati ng the so ldi ers ("Avec la grande mont ant e") wh ose numb er now include s Jo se. To th e sound of th e n oon bell , girls from th e n ea rb y Cigarette fa ctor y wa nd er in to s moke and chat , as passersb y look on in fascination (" Dans l' ai r ") Carm en enters las t , flirtin g, joking an d exp laining h er philosophy of life: Love is a wild b ird th at ca nn o t be tam ed (Habane ra: 'Tamour est un oisea u rebe ll e") J ose sits apa rt , s ull en and distracted. Drawn b y hi s indifference, Carmen tosses him a flo wer as th e wo rk b ell ca ll s the girls back. Th e square grows quiet, and Micaela returns to give Jo se n ews o f hi s mother (" Parle-moi de ma m ere"). No soo n er ha s she left than a disturb anc e is h eard in the fac tor y; Carmen is in vo lve d in a fi ght , and the gi rl s run out arguin g over who sta rt ed it. Cap tain Zuniga orders J ose to arrest Ca rmen , but sh e res ists their questions with brazen nonc h alance. Her wrists bound , s h e sin gs "to herself" about th e rendezvo us sh e might arrange with Jose (Seq uidill a: "Pres des ramp art s de Sevill e"). Fal li ng und er h er spe ll , he loosens h er bonds. Th e crow d returns to see Car m en led to pri son, roaring with d elight when sh e escapes; J ose is arrested for letting h er get away.
D e troit Opera House
A month later, at Pastias Inn , Ca rm en jo ins h er companions in a gypsy so n g (" Le s tringles des sistres ti ntaie nt ") and exe rts h er charms on the matador Escamillo, who boasts o f hi s exp loi ts in th e aren a ("Vo ne toast ") . W h en th e inn clo ses, Carme n te ll s four fri end s - Frasquita, Me rcedes, Dan ca iro, Rem end ado - that love for Jo se keeps her from go ing alon g on their next smugglin g tr ip (quint et: "Nous avo ns en te[ insert h at over fir st el te une affa ire") They laugh at h er, then hide as Jo se is h eard approaching. Carm en si n gs and dances [or him , but a bugle is h eard so unding th e retrea t , and h e starts to return to his barra ck s. Thi s an gers h er, and he pauses to show h er the fl ower sh e threw at him , telling gwh at it m eant to him in prison (" Le fl eur qu e tu m'ava is jetee ") Sh e invites him to join h er wild mountain life, but h e refu ses. Suddnl y, Zuniga brea ks in , pro vo king an atta ck b y J ose. Carmen ca ll s the gypsies , w h o se ize Zuniga. Jose is now for ce d to join th e ou tlaws.
In their m ou n ta in hid eo ut , the smugglers congratu late themselves on th ei r su ccess ful career, but Jo se is unhappy in their midst. Carmen find s hi s home sickne ss tire so m e and bu sies h er self with her friends in telling their fortun es at card s. Frasq uita sees an ardent lover, Mercedes a
wea lth y hu sband and Carmen on ly death ("E n va in pour evi ter ") Th e gypsies leave , and Micaela ente rs in sea rch of J ose (,Je dis que ri e n n e m'e pou va nt "). A shot rin gs out , and s h e flees. It was Jo ses gun , aimed at Escam illo , w h o has co me looking for Carm en. The two sta rt to fight wi th kni ves and are se parat ed b y the gypsies; Escami ll o in vites th em all to his n ext bullfi ght and leaves a fte r in sultin g J ose, wh ose j ealo usy is reach in g dangerous bound s. Remen d ado brings in Micaela, and sh e begs J ose to return h om e. Car men , tired as sh e is of him, agrees, but h e knows w h at's on h er mind and vows to find h er after he h as seen his mother.
In Sevi ll e's P laza de Toros, th e crowd gathers for th e bu llfi ght, hailin g Esca millo. Carmen is with him an d assure s him of h er lo ve; s h e wa it s in th e square, though h er gi rlfri end s wa rn that Jo se ha s been seen prowling aro und , looking desperate . Ca rm en is a fatalist ; s h e knows sh e must fa ce J ose eventua ll y. Sure enough , he enters ("C'est toi? " "C'es t moW ), d e mandin g that sh e give up Escami ll o. But she and J ose are fini shed, s h e says, tossing his ring in hi s face, as th e crow d is h eard ch ee rin g for Escamill o. W h en Carme n trie s to run pas t J ose into the arena, h e s tab s h er, fallin g in despair b y h er bod y.
News GRANDVALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY www.gvsu .edu BRAVO 23 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
of Opera
Notes on Carmen from Director Ron Daniels
Th e question that immediately springs to mind on thin king about Carmen is why is a platoon of so ldiers stationed near a cigar factory in the heart of the indu stria l district of Sevilla ? This is no remote border outpost and no foreign invasion is expected There is n o terrorist ale rt. Why, then, are the soldiers there, in stea d of confrontin g some enemy on foreign soil?
The answer perhaps lies in Carmen, the original novel by Prosper Merimee on which the Georges Bizet's opera is based.
In the novel, we lea rn that Daniels in the large fa ctory "four or five hundred women work in th e manufacture of cigars and men are not permitted to enter the building because, in the intolerable heat the women, especia lly the you n g ones, work in a state of undress" What 's more, in the previous chap ter of the novel Merimee has already described how, when the angelus str ike s, the young working class women take o ff their clothes and go down to the Guadalquivir River to bathe whi le high above them, on the quay side, men gather to stare with bulging eyes at the naked bathers
In th e opera, of course, th e women come ou t of the hot factory into the fre sh air to smokeand it's worth remembering that for a Victorian man, a woman smoking a cigarette was a sure sign of her questionable morality! - and to sing about love, not as the m ainstay of stable marriage, but of a love as transient and as insubstantial as the smoke that rises from their cigarettes. Not exact ly the foundation upon which respectab le, bourgeois SOCiety is built.
What a wonderfu l image! Young bucks from as far away as Paris, M. Merimee's hero amo n g them, gaping in awe at the nearly naked, cigare tt e smoking women'
Could this be why the soldiers are stationed near the factory - to prevent a possible breach of the pea ce by keepin g these eXCita ble , lu sty young men at bay and at a safe distance from so many tempting young women?
Perhaps. However, these are not prim, proper, refined yo ung ladi es who delicately sip tea in elegant, cosmopolitan drawing rooms. They are strong, uninhibited women who earn their living by the sweat of their labor and who, b ecause they are financially independent, can claim as much freedom as their male counterparts. They are an unruly, combustib le work force that cou ld str ike at any moment, enda ngering production, or become, as in fact in the opera they do become, vio lent and create a riot!
And then of course, there's la Carmencita, the beautiful, se nsuou s, and fearless gypsy, not
Lili del Castillo in Carmen Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010,
Irina Mishura as Carmen in Michigan Opera Theatre's 2001 production.
Michigan Opera Theatre
to be trusted, who scoffs at authority and is ready to pick a quarrel with her fellow workers if she feels in any way slighted. As lethal with her tongue as she is with a navaja - she draws an X in blood on the face of her adversary - she is the ultimate outsider, who meditates on the elusive, turbulent nature of love and her own affections - "lo ve is a bird that cannot be caged love is a gypsy child who knows no law"l
One look at Carmen and Don j ose is doomed. The title Don means he is an aristocrat - he calls hims elf a "vieux
Chretien" because his is an ancient, impoverished Christian family of landowners that predates the in vasio n of Spain by the Moors. Though he was destined for the priesthood, he is no limp wrist ed effete , but a man prone to vio lenc e, having killed a companion over a friendly game of paume. Impulsive and insanely jealous, he cannot fathom or tolerate the freedom that Carmen claims fo r herself.
The gypsy and the aristocrat. Chien et loup ne font pas longt emps bon menage. The dog and the wolf do not live together long. The gypsy Carmen is the quintessential free spirit, for whom love is an exhilaratin g adventure and wh o prizes her fr eedom above life itself. On the other hand, the aristocra t Don jose wants to have and to hold all for himself - and if he cannot possess her, he wi ll make her eternally his own by ta king her life.
We can imagine the creator of these extraord inary
characters, Prosper Merimee himself, perhaps, (with Georges Bizet follOwing in his footsteps some years later) and many other Parisian gentlemen, leavin g the chilly banks of the Seine, heading southwards to warmer climes and the stunning sight of the naked women bathing in the Guadalquivir. Exchanging for a moment - in the imagination, at least - their bourgeois respectability for a life of daring adventure and sensual bliss in the company of cigarette smoking girl s, freedom loving smuggl ers and death defying bullfighters. Imagining th emselves seduced by the exotic gypsy, the "strange and savage" witch with her magically scented flowers and irresistible, devilish charms, a woman to be had but never possessed. Knowing all the time that this elu sive dream wou ld be almost too much to bear, and would inevitably come to a tragic end.
And as we watch and listen to the opera, we also travel towards the bright, warm colors of the So uth and we too share in the vision of beauty as the scanti ly clad women pour out of the Cigar factory. Like Don jose, we too are seduced by the beguiling Carmen, though she warns us that h er love cannot be trusted. And when indeed her love starts slipping away, we share in Don jose's increasing despair and finally, as the knife plunges into her heart, in his sense of devastation and loss.
And I wonder if, beyond the glorious music which is so familiar to us but still always takes our breath away, one of the reasons we feel so attracted to the opera is because these two mythic characters, Carmen and Don jose, somehow embody con flicting tendencies within each one of us - our dream of riding forever on horseback over fields and mountains, free from the travails of our humdrum daily lives, as well as our realization that this freedom is, sad ly, utterly impossible.
By Ron Daniels
Detroit Opera House CARMEN
Michigan Opera Theatre's 2001 production of Carmen
BRAVO 25 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Photos: Mark Mancinelli
Artist Profiles
Chorus Master, The Elixir of Love, Cannen
As MOT's long term Assistant Music Director and Chorus Master, Suzanne Mallare Acton has prepared the adult and children choruses for more than 125 -
•productions. She is the Director of Michigan Opera Theatre Ch il dren 's Chorus and also serves as th e company resident conductor. For MOT, conducting credits include West Side Story, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Music Man , Th e Pirates of Pen z anc e, The Mikado , Di e Fledennaus , Th e Daught er of th e Regim ent , La Boh em e, Th e Tend er Land, and La Traviata
Additional conducting credits include My Fair Lady and La Jj -aviata for Dayton Opera , Th e Merry Widow and Madama Butterfly for Artpark , and Tosca for Augusta Opera. As gu est conductor, Ms. Acton has worked with the Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings, Birmingham-Bloomfield Symphony Orchestra , The Auditorium Theatre , Lexington Bach Festi val Orchestra , and the Saginaw Bay Symphony Orchestra.
Merc e des , Carmen
American Mezzo-Soprano Lisa Agazzi makes h er Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the rol e of Mercedes in Carmen, a role she has also sung with San Diego Opera , Utah Opera and Musica Riva Festival in Italy. She most recently sang the role of Feodor in Boris Godunov opposite Ferruccio Furlanetto and the Third Lad y in The Magic Flute, both with San Diego Opera. She won first place and th e Audience Choice Award in the San Diego District Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions and a Borsa di Studio Award in the Riccardo Zandonai International Opera Competition. A Metro Detroit native , she is active as a so loist here, most recentl y singing a solo concert including Les Nuits d'ete at the Macomb Center for the Performing Arts with the Warren Symphony Orchestra.
Carmen , Cannen (9 , 13 , 16)
American mezzo-soprano Kate Aldrich made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in 2001 , performing in both Falstaff and the title role in Carmen. She is rapidly earning international recognition as one of today 's leading vocal artists, and has been heard at leading theaters throughout the world including the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera , Sa lzburg Festival, Teatro Co lon in Buenos Aires, the Hamburg State Opera, Teatro Regio of Torino, Los Angeles Opera , [Opera de Montreal , th e Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Duesseldorf, Teatro Sao Carlos in Lisbon, New York City Opera, and many more. Recent engagements include Theatre du Capitole as Giulietta in Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann , her first Verdi Requiem at the Sanxay Soirees Lyrique , La Pulcinella in the Montpellier Festival with Daniele Gatti, and Adalgisa in Nonna with the Orches tre Symphonique de Montreal. Upcomin g engagements include the title role in Cannen with Deutsche Oper Berlin, Lenore in La Favorite in Spain and Oktavian in Der Rosenkavalier with Opera Marseille.
Dulcamara , The Elixir of Love
Micaela , Cannen
Soprano Janinah Burnett made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the fall 2006 season as Bess in Porgy and Bess. A winner of the 2008 Sull ivan Foundation Award , her timeless vocal qualit y is evident in her poignant portrayals of signature roles , such as Micaela in Car m en.
Ms. Burnett was a member of the sister group to Three Mo ' Tenors entitled Three Mo ' Divas and recently toured to Austria, Sweden, and Japan wi th the New York Harlem Productions company performing the roles of Clara and Bess in Porgy and Bess. Additionally, Ms. Burnett has performed with Ray Charles , Dr. Billy Taylor, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, and at Oprah Winfrey's personal birthday celebra ti on at the home of Maya Angelou. Upcoming engagements include Donna Anna in Don Giovanni with Opera Cleveland.
Turkish bass Burak Bilgili returns to Michigan Opera Theatre to perform the role of Dulcamara in The Elixir of Love, aft er his debut in the fall 2004 season production of Rigol etto. From the time of his professional operatic debut at the Teatro all a Scala in the 2002-03 season as Don Alfonso in Lucrezia Borgia, bass Burak Bilgili has enjoyed a busy international schedule of engagements. He opened the 2007 -2008 season as the Villains in Les Contes d'Hoffinann at the Virginia Opera , followed by his debut at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino as Guardiano in La Forza del Destino, Don Basilio in Toronto , and Nourabad in Les Pecheurs de Perles at the Florida Grand Opera in Miami. Future engagements include II Piccolo Marat at Teatro Gratticielo and Ferrando in II Trovatore at Grand Th eatre Geneve and San Francisco Opera.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
N emorino , The Elixir of Love (28, 4) American tenor Stephen Costello makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Nemorino in The Elixir of Love during the spring 2009 season. His recent engagements included the ro le of Christian in David DiChiera 's Cyrano at Opera Company of Philadelphia, the Duke in Rigoletto with Deutsche Oper Berlin, Cassio in Otello at the Salzburg Festival with Riccardo Muti, and Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor with Fort Worth Opera. A graduate of the Academy of Voca l Arts in Philadelphia , Mr. Costello won first prize in the 2006 George London Foundation For Singe r s Competition as well as first prize and audience prize in the Giargiari Competition. Future projects include opening the 2009-2010 Covent Garden season, a return to the Metropolitan Opera, for the opening production of the 20 11-2012 season , Rodolfo in La Boheme with Deutsche Oper Berlin and Cincinnati Opera , and a debut with Lyric Opera of Chicago. Detroit Opera House
Stage Direc tor , Carmen Ron Daniel s return s to Mi ch i gan Opera Th ea tre in the sprin g 2009 season t o sta ge Carmen , aft er hi s de but wi th th e compan y d irec tin g th e sa m e p roduction in 20 0 1. Bo rn in Brazil and c urrently re sidin g in New York , Ron Daniel s is an H on or ar y Assoc ia te Direc tor o f th e Roya l Sh akesp eare Comp an y and form e r Art is ti c Dire ctor o f the RSC's Th e Oth er Pl ace Th ea tre at Stra tford -uponAvo n , England . Hi s wo r k ove r 15 year s wi th the RSC includ es m an y pro du ction s of Shak es p ea re pl ays including The Tempest , A Midsummer Dream , tw o produ c ti on s o f Haml e t as we ll as m ajor n ew wo rk s b y Da vi d Ed ga r , Da vid Rudk in , Pa m Gems, Paul a Miln e , Nao mi Walla ce, Steph en Poliak o ff an d Anthon y Burgess, with whom h e co ll ab or a ted on an adapt a tion o f A Clockwork Orange , wi th mu sic specia lly written for the p rodu ction by Bono and Th e Edge o f U2
Choreogr ap h er , Ca rm en Choreogr ap h er Lili d el Castill o mad e h er MO T deb ut in th e 2 0 0 1 p ro du c ti on of Carm en an d r e turn s in 2 009 in the sa m e ro le . Sh e train ed in Spain wh er e sh e b ec am e a m em ber o f the An to ni o Alon s o Trou p. Aft e r h er re turn to th e U.S. , sh e fo r m ed her own gro up , Ri nco n Flam en co. As i ts direc to r sh e h as app eare d in venu es throu gh out the So uth wes t an d p erforme d as a so loist in co njun cti on with oth er comp an ies Sh e h as app ea r ed with p artner Manolo Ri ve ra in th e op er a Car men in O rl ando , New O rl ea n s , an d wi th th e Flo re ntin e O p era . As a so lo ist , sh e h as b een a chor eo grapher , d an ce and mo ve m ent coach as we ll as a p er form er in Carm en and La Travia ta wit h H ou ston Gra nd Opera, Ope ra Pacifi c , and Atlant a O p er a. W ith Kentu cky Opera, sh e p a rtne red wi th Ant oni o Hid algo in Carm e n and w as as k ed t o return for their produ ct ion of La Tra vi a ta O ther cre dit s includ e p erform an ces wi th New Mex ico O p era The at re and O pe r a Sou th west in Prod u c tion s o f Car m en , La Die Fleder mau s, and A mahl an d the Nig ht Vi sit ors
Co ndu c tor , Carm en Condu cto r Ma rk D. Flint return s to Mi chigan O pe r a Th eatre to co ndu c t C armen , hi s 28 th p rodu ct ion wi th the co mp an y, and th e o p era th at h e co ndu c ted in hi s debut wi th MO T in 1977. Mos t r ece ntly, Mr. Flint co ndu cted th e wo rld p r emi er e produ cti on o f Davi d DiChi er a's Cy rano , w hich h e also orch es tr at ed. A n ative of Wes t Virginia , h e p revio u sly serve d as Mu sic Direc tor and Prin cipa l Gu es t Condu ctor for Michi gan O p er a Th ea tre, Mu sic Direc tor o f Sa n Fra n cisco O p era 's Wes tern O p era Th eatre, and Arti s tic an d Mu sic Director of the Illinois Ope ra Thea tre at th e Uni ve r si ty of Illi no is. Au gu s ta Ope r a Arti s ti c Di rec tor and Princip al Co n d u ctor, h e h as led th e maj o rit y o f or ch es tr as in wo rl d -re n owne d op era hou ses and symph oni es throu ghout th e Unit ed States and Canada.
Ca rmen , Carm en ( 10 , 15 , 1 7)
Young Am erica n mezz o -sop r ano Ke nd all Gl ad en m akes her Mi chi ga n Ope r a Thea tre de but in the s pring 2 009 produ cti on o f Carmen Sh e is qui ckl y earnin g a reputation as an import ant yo un g arti st and h as b ee n h eard th ro u gh out the Uni ted Sta tes at the Was hing ton Na tional Op er a, Op era Thea tre o f St. Loui s, Sar aso ta Ope ra and Op era No rth. Sh e is currently in h er seco n d yea r as an Adl er Fell ow wi th Sa n Fran cisco O p era , wh er e sh e was p reviou sly a p arti ci p ant in th e Merola Op er a Program. Rece nt en gage m ents includ e perform an ces o f Beet ho ve n 's Sy mphony No 9 wi th th e Sa n Fra ncis co Sym ph on y in Sa n Fra n cisco and New Yo rk a t Ca rn egie Hall , and a p erforman ce as Merce de s in Carm en with Los Angeles Ope ra.
fall 200 8 seaso n 's M adam e Bu t terfly. Previou sly, sh e h as al so wo r k ed as an Assistant Wig and Make up DeSigne r [o r Centr al Ci ty Ope ra , Cl evela nd O p era , Om ah a O p era and Neva d a O p era.
Cos tum e Design er, C arm en
A gr a dua te o f the universities o f New York and Californi a, Co n s tanc e H o ffman is Assoc iat e Pro fesso r and Hea d o f Co stum e Des ign at New Yo r k Uni ve r sity, and was th e r ec ipi ent o f th e Out er Critics Circl e Award in 2000 O p era cred its includ e Grendel , Der Fli egend er Hollander, La Grande-Duchess e d e G eralst ein (Los An geles); Giulio C esare (Virgini a, Fl orid a); Lucia di Lamm e rmoor (Mi nn eso ta); Ri g ol e tto (Sa n Fr an cisco); Salsipu edes , Carm en (Houston ); Orph ee, [ E toile , Tasca, Madama Butterfly, La Janciulla del W est , Acis and Galat ea (G li m m erglass/NYCO); The M erchant and th e Paup er (Sa int Lo u is); La Traviata (Tel Aviv); Salom e (Li thu ani an Op er a); Th e Qu ee n oj Spad es (Baye ri sc h e Staato p er); Tannhiiuser (Op era Na tional d e Pari s, Tokyo Op era No m ori) Th eatr e credi ts inclu de The Green Bird (Broad way); Mr. Marmalad e (Round ab ou t Th eat re Compa n y); Tin y Alic e (Se cond Stage); A Midsummer Dream (Sh ak espea re Th ea tre, Wa shingto n , Ce nt er St age, Ba lt imo re).
Do n J ose, Carm en (9, 13 , 16)
Canadian ten or Roge r Hon eywe ll m ad e hi s MOT d eb ut in the s prin g 200 5 season in the wo rld p remier e o f Ma rga ret Ga rn er, an d retu rn s this season in the role of Don J ose in Carmen Rece ntly Mr Hon eywe ll ma d e hi s d ebu t wi th th e Me trop o li tan O p er a in a ne w p ro d uc ti on o f Doctor Atomic, wh er e h e r epri se d the rol e of Capt ain J ames No lan . O th er rece nt en gage m ents inclu de Ma cduff in M acbe th wi th O p er a d e Mo ntreal and hi s d ebut wi th Fort Worth Opera as Don J ose in Car m en Foll owing hi s p erform ances in De tro it , he
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
W ig and Make u p Des ign e r, Th e Elixir oj Love, Ca rm en Sarah Ha tt en re turns to Mi chi ga n O p era Th eatre in th e spring 200 9 se ason to d es ign h air and m akeup for Th e Elixir oj Love and Carme n Sh e ha s r ece ntl y d eS igned wigs an d m ake up for Des Moines Me tr o O p er a and Mi ch iga n O p era Thea tre, and h er las t design s includ ed th e www.MichiganOpera Ol g
Detroit Op e ra House
will perform the role of Geo ff Hammond in th e wo rld premiere of Paul Moravec 's The Lett er with the Sa nta Fe Opera.
Lighting D esigner , Carmen
Lighting designer Jim Ingall s mak es his MOT d ebu t in the spring 2009 season designing lighting for Carmen. For Lyri c Opera of Ch ica go, Mr. Ingall s has desi gn e d J ohn Adams ' Dr. Atomic direc te d b y Peter Sell ars; Salome , direc te d b y Francesca Za mb e llo
Metropolitan Opera: Orfeo et Eurydice , directed by Mark Morris; Salome; Les Troyens ; War and Peace; The Gambler; Wozz ec k For Op era Na tion a le de Paris, h e h as d es i gne d Tristan und Isolde , with Bill Viola video; Kaija Saa riaho 's Adriana Mater and de Loin. Recent produ c tions include: Caroline , or Change for Baltimore's Ce nter Stage ; Romeo and Juliet, On Motifs of Shakespeare for Mark Morris Danc e Group ; Kafka on th e Shore for C hica go's Steppenwolf Theatre. H e frequently co llab o r a tes with Melanie Rios-Glaser and Saint Jo seph Balle t in Sa nt a Ana, CA.
Belcore , The Elixir of Lov e Slova ki a n baritone Dalibor J en is made hi s Michigan O pera Theatre d ebut as Figaro in Th e Barb er of S ev ille in the fall 2006 season, and returns in the spring 2009 season in the role of Belcore in Th e Elixir of Lov e. In the 2007 -200 8 Season, Mr J e ni s perfo r med Enrico in Lucia di Lammermoor a t th e O pera de Oviedo in Spa in , fo llo we d b y performances as Renato in Un Ballo in Mas chera at th e Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin with J ossi W iel er-Sergi o Morabito and Philipp e J ordan . He debuted a t th e Bayerische Staat sope r Munchen in the titl e role of Eugene Onegin , which h e su bs e quentl y performed in Tokyo. He returned to the Staat sope r H am burg as Germont in La Traviata and performed Lescaut in Manon Lescaut at th e Pal ermo Ope ra.
Don J ose, Carmen (10, 15, 17)
American teno r William Jo yner m akes hi s Mi chigan O pera Theatre d ebut in the
s prin g 2009 product ion of Carmen A native of North Carolina , Mr. J oyner has esta bli sh e d him self as one of the most so ught after tenors o n the international opera scene. Mr. J oyner has performed wi th m ore than 40 opera co mp anies and symphony o rchestras aro und the wo rld , including Th e Wash ingto n Opera, the New York City Opera, Hou sto n Grand Opera, Teatro alla Sca la in Milan , the Rome Opera, Opera Na tional d e Paris, the D eu tsc h e Oper Berlin , an d the D eu tsc h e Staa tsoper Berlin. Recent e n gage m ent s include performances with Opera Memphis as Alfredo in La Traviata , D on Jo se in Carmen at Austin Lyric Opera, and Arind al in Di e Feen at Theatre du Chatel e t. In July 2009 William J oyne r wi ll crea te t h e role of Le J ournaliste in the wo rld premiere of Wainwright 's Prima Donna.
Co ndu cto r , The Elixir of Love Maestro Ste ph en Lord made his MOT co ndu cting debut in the spring 2004 prod u ctio n o f The Magic Flute, and returns to cond u ct the spring 2009 produ c ti on of Th e Elixir of Lov e Maestro Lord is co ntinually praised for cond u cting both tradi tional an d co nt em por ary op erati c works, an d is current ly music director for Ope ra Th e atre of St. Louis. Recent co ndu ct in g engageme nt s this sea son included a production of La Traviata with Portland Opera, Madama Butterfly for O per a Co lorado and Macbeth with Opera de Montreal.
Zu ni ga, Carmen American baritone Stephen Lusmann made his Michigan Opera Theatre d ebu t in Jak e H eggie's Dead Man Walking in 2003. For the 200 9 Sprin g Op era Season h e returns as Zuni ga in Carmen During the course of hi s rich o p era ti c career, Mr. Lu s mann ha s performed more than forty l ea din g ro les, wi th m a n y of th e wo rld 's leading ope ra co mp anies, includin g Op er der
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Sta dt Bonn, O p era d e Monte Carlo, Stadtth ea ter Luz ern, Washi n gton Opera , C incinnati Opera, Boston Lyric Opera and Opera Caro lina among others Mr Lusm an n is an Associate Professor of Vo ic e at th e Univers ity of Michigan a nd is a lso a member of the voice fac ul ty a t the Seag le Music Co lon y H e can b e heard on recordings of Strau ss' Der Friedenstag on the Koch Intern ational lab e l , Op era ngala on Ton s tudi o AMOS and on E. E. Cummings: An American Circus o n Ce nt aur Records.
Dancairo, Morales, Carmen Bari ton e Wes Maso n made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as a Barbara Gibson Youn g App renti ce in the 2008 sp rin g season as Peric haud in La Rondine and returns thi s sprin g season as Dan ca iro and Mora les in C armen Re cen tl y, Mr. Maso n a pp eared as Sid in th e U niversity of Michigan's production of Albert H errin g as we ll as the titl e ro le in Eugene Onegin. This past summer, h e returned to Seagle Music Colo n y for hi s fourth seaso n , performing the roles of Marce ll o in La Boheme , Curly in Oklahoma! , Cascada in The M erry Widow and Harry in Ri cky Ian Gord on's Morning Star. In May of 2010 , he wi ll app ear in the s taring ro l e of Reinaldo Are n as in the wor ld premiere of Jorge Martin's Before N ight Falls with Fort Worth Opera Wes, a 2008 Mid-South Regional Fina li s t of th e Me trop oli tan Opera Na ti ona l Counc il Audition s, rece ntly graduated from th e Un iversi ty of Michigan wit h his Bachelor's in voice performance und er Professor Ste ph en Lu smann.
Se t Designer, The Elixir of Love
Set designer Allen M oye r is a gra du a te of New York Univers ity Tisch Sc h oo l of the Arts, and h as d es ign ed n um ero us productions fo r opera and musical theater. Hi s credits include Street Scene for th e Wil li amstown Th eatre Festival; Moth er Courage for Stepp enwolf ; The Abduction From Th e Seraglio for Houston Grand Opera; Miss Havisham s Fire for Opera Theatre o f St. Louis; L e Nozze di Figaro for Dallas Opera; Detroit Opera House
La Boheme and The Mother of Us All for New York City Opera and Glimmerglass Opera; Luisa Miller for Spoleto Festival ; Friend of The People for Scottish Opera; A Streetcar Named Desire for the Gate Theatre in Dublin.
Costume Designer, The Elixir of Love
A graduate of Wayne State University and the University of Michigan , Martin Pakledinaz designed the costumes for the new MOT spring 2009 production of The Elixir of Love. His work in opera includes works with the Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera, Seattle Opera, Los Angeles Opera , Opera Theatre of St. Louis , Santa Fe Opera, and Houston Grand Opera. Mr. Pakledinaz 's work in dance includes an extensive collaboration with Mark Morris , and dances for such diverse choreographers as George Balanchine, Eliot Feld , Deborah Hay, Daniel Pelzig, Kent Stowell, and Lila York. Among other awards , Mr. Pakledinaz is the recipient of Tony Awards, a Drama Desk , and Obie Award
Lighting Designer, The Elixir of Love
A graduate of the New York University MFA program in theatrical design, Paul Palazzo has worked in opera, theatre , and ballet all over the world. On Broadway he has been part of the lighting design team for such hit musicals as Sunset Boulevard, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon, Big, and Falsettos. He has designed lighting for the Houston Grand, Los Angeles , Portland, Minnesota, and Wolftrap Operas, in addition to numerous North American regional theatres. Recent engagements include lighting design for The Elixir of Love with Opera Colorado , Nabucco with the Dallas Opera, Don Pasquale with Houston Grand Opera, and Der Rosenkavalier with the Seattle Opera.
Adina, The Elixir of Love (28 , 4)
American soprano Ailyn Perez made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Susanna in The Marriage of Figaro during the fall 2007 opera season. A native of Chicago, Ms. Perez's "inner radiance combined with vocal luster " has made her one of the most promising and exciting young artists today Recently, Ms. Perez appeared as Marzelline in Fidelio with Opera Company of Philadelphia and at the Salzburg Festival singing Juliette in Romeo etJuliette. This past summer, she bowed as the Four Heroines in The Tales of Hoffmann with Opera Theatre of St. Louis. Prior to this engagement, she appeared as the Countess in Le Nozze di Figaro with the Salzburg Festival on tour to Japan. Future engagements include a performance as Le il a in The Pearl Fishers with Teatro Municipal in Santiago, Juliette in Romeo and Juliet with San Diego Opera , and Lauretta in Gianni Schicchi at Opera Company of Philadelphia.
Stage Director, The Elixir of Love
American stage director James Robinson makes his Michigan Opera Theatre staging debut with the spring 2009 production of The Elixir of Love. Regarded as one of America 's most inventive and sought after directors, he has won wide acclaim for productions that range from the standard repertory to world premieres to seldom performed works. The 2007 -08 season included productions of Abduction from the Seraglio and La Boheme for Houston Grand Opera, The Elixir of Love for Boston Lyric Opera and his widely seen production of Nixon in China for Opera Colorado. Upcoming engagements include Il Trittico for San Francisco Opera, Nixon in China for The Canadian Opera Company, and Abduction from the Seraglio for Welsh National Opera.
Adina, The Elixir of Love (27, 29)
Soprano Amanda Squitieri made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Lisette in last season 's production of La Rondine. Praised for her "warm soprano " voice, "bright, ripe" sound, and "crystalline" soprano tones, Ms. Squitieri recently made her debut with Opera National de Paris as Esmera lda in The Bartered Bride. Other recent engagements include La Rondine with Los Angeles Opera, Don Giovanni with Washington N ational Opera, and the New York City premiere of What!> Next? She also recently sang the role of Papagena in Die Zauberjlote at Los Angeles Opera conducted by James Conlon, and she will return to Los Angeles Opera in 2009 for the world premiere of Daniel Catan's Il Postino with Placido Domingo and Rolando Villazon.
Detroit Opera House
Reach Metro Detroit's Best Audience Plan now to advertise in BRAVO for next season! lEe". PUBLICATIONS, INC. Call (248) 582-9690 or visit BRAVO 29 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
A Landmark Year for MOT:
Learning at th e Op era Hou se Cel ebrat es 10 Years!
News from the Michigan Opera Theatre Department of Community Pro gram s and Learnin g at the Opera House
Karen V. DiCh iera, Dire ctor
Better than ever ... Learning at the Opera House Returns for 2009
Dreaming of a Career in Opera?
Learning at the Opera House Celebrates 10 years!
In a landmark yea r ce lebr a ti ng the 3 0th annive rsar y o f th e MOT Co mmuni ty Prog ram s Departm ent, an o ther important anniver sar y thi s ye ar include s the 10th annive rsa ry of Learnin g a t the Op er a Ho u se.
Buildin g on in p ut and in sigh ts from the communit y, Learning at the Op era H ou se b ega n it s groundbreaking se ri es of summer p rog r ams ove r ten years ago. Communit y Programs Director Kar en V DiChiera d eve lop ed the c onc ept and co llabo ra ted wi th loca l lea d ers to form the edu ca ti on al proj ec t. W ith a group of influenti al Detroiter s - includin g Frank Angelo , H arri et and Irvin g Be rg, Dr. Wa lla ce Peace, Martin Herm an , M. L. Li ebler and h elp from Co mmunity Programs staff, including Dolo res Tobis , Ma rk Vo ndrak and "Time Out fo r Opera " pro duc er J o n a than Swift - LAT O H w as b orn.
The LATOH effort s r es ulted in p rog ram s fo r all ages and abiliti es, including subj ects th at are a pa rt o f op era but not u su ally prese nt e d b y op er a co mpani es, su ch as mu sic comp osition , ar chit ec ture, art , hi stor y, po e tr y, w riting , d ec orative pl as ter, p erso nal or al hi stori es of p eopl e in volved in arts and edu cation, d ay time wo rk shop s for yo un gs ters of all ages, and co ll ege -age "p re-profess io nals " h oping to ent er th e o p er a field . As a r es u lt, Learning at th e Opera Hou se has created un iqu e opp o rtunities t o all ow gi fted p eop le of all ages tra ining for a ca r eer in the arts
Learnin g at the O p era Ho u se is on ce again th e pl ace to lea rn thi s su mmer. Running June 22 through Augu s t 2 , ther e are pro gr ams , cla sses, and wo rk shop s for eve ryon e : children , adults , and eve r yon e in-b etwee n Re turning Learn in g at th e Opera House pro gr ams includ e the popular Cr eate and Perform cl ass, O pere tt a Wo rksh o p , poetr y cl asses, op era lectures, archite c ture lectures in partnership with Preservation Wayne, and Op er a Cam p. Thi s year 's LATOH pro gr ams wi ll h ave a Gr ee k th em e.
Returning thi s summer is a uniqu e famil y learning pro gram. More d etai ls on th e famil y p rogram and oth er LATOH programs will be available onlin e at www. MichiganOp
If yo u 're in hi gh school and dream o f sin gin g professionally, the Michigan Op era Th ea tre Voca l Art s Perform an ce Int en sive is a p erfec t opp o rtunit y to ad van ce your pre- profes sion al voi ce caree r. Taught by re no wne d voc al h ea lth profess iona l an d Department of Community Progra ms Singing Voic e Sp eci ali s t Bett y Lan e, th e p rog ram w ill give a jump start to h igh sc h o ol stud ent s with a p as sion for sin ging to pr ep ar e for voic e e du cation a t th e coll ege level. The inten sive will take place ove r fi ve Saturd ays in Marc h and April , wi th a con cluding stud ent recital on Saturda y, April 4. For more informa ti on , conta ct Betty Lan e at (313) 237- 3238, b lan e@ motope r a o rg o r visi t th e MO T we b site, www.MichiganO p .
Department of Community Programs Launches New Touring Shows
The spring 2009 season includes the foll owing exc iting new programs th at will trav el to schoo ls, churches, an d commu nity groups.
Footst e p s to Free dom
Footst eps to Free dom chronicles the histo r y of b lack Americans and the AfricanAmerican ex p erience. Stu dents will learn about the rich legacy and many contributions of African Americans in to da y's society, grown ou t of the sounds, songs, rituals, music , d an ce, spo k en word , and rhythms of ancient Kemet, now known as Africa.
Th e Pi e d Pip e r of Hamelin
Fo ll ow along with Michigan Opera Theat r e's to urin g progr am s as they present th e Pied Pi per of Hamelin b y Seymour Ba r ab as the latest touring production offe ring . The Pied Piper of Hame lin promises the loca l village th at h e can rid the town of i ts rats , and in return, the town will p ay h im h an dso m ely. Whe n th e town does not fu lfill its promise of p ayment, the Pied Piper teaches th e towns p eople a lesson. Like the Grim m legend Co nly with a h appy en di ng) , children learn th e value o f keeping prom ises.
To b ook an y touring programs for yo ur sc h oo l or gro u p , co ntact Do lores To b is at (313) 237 -3429.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Stude nts from Opera Camp 2008
www.Mic h iganOpera org M i ch ig an Op e ra Theatr e Tour in g Prog ram s art is t s Tr is h Sh andor and Ma rk Vondrak in Th e Pi ed Pip er o f Ham e l i n Detroit Opera House
News from the Margo V. Cohen Center for Dance at the Detroit Opera House
Carol Halsted, Director
Cozy Up for a Dance Film Night
Dance lovers from all over the Detroit metro area are finding their way to the Opera House on Tuesday nights for the biggest bargain and hottest ticket in town - the Dance Film series. On Tuesday, February 24 there will be a special showing of the film "Burn the Floor" plus other clips of ballroom dance from the 20th and 21st century
And on Tuesday March 24, our curator of films, Larry Glowczewski, has chosen the complete ballet Sylvia w ith choreography by Frederick Ashton and music by Leo Delibes On April 21, there will be an special showing of excerpts from the choreography of George Balanchine to the music of Tchaikovsky The season ends May 19 with an ABT Summer
dancers performing excerpts from "Swan Lake." evening of dance in musicals
- remember Busby Berkley? Come in from the cold, sip some wine and enJoy the films.
Learn from Professional Dancers at the Detroit Opera House!
Master classes with professional companies continue to be a popular and well attended event. Coming up this winter will be the Grand Rapids Ballet special ballet class for 10 - 13 year olds on Saturday February 28 at 10 a.m. followed by a master class with American Ballet Theatre on Saturday March 14 for intermediate/advanced dancers from ages 14 - adult. Classes are free with corresponding Opera House performance ticket or ticket stub. Without a ticket, the master classes are $25 per class. For information email
Dream of Being on Stage with ABT?
The Opera House is offering a very special opportunity for dancers and actors to perform in American Ballet Theatre's Romeo and Juliet as supers March 13 - 15 with rehearsals beginning March 6. For registration forms email or visit Imagine dancing on the same stage as David Hallberg or Gillian Murphy and see the entire performance from the stage!
Special Dance Studio Fundraising Opportunity
The Detroit Opera House launched a new fundraising program for area dance schools this past fall. For each ticket sold by the studio or school, the Opera House will send back $10.00 to your dance studio. For example, Sherry'S Academy in Carleton, Michigan , made over $1,000 from Nutcracker tickets alone l For information on this program contact Kim Curtis at (313) 237-3251.
Ballet Renaissance Now Offers Classes at the Detroit Opera House
Ballet Renaissance is now teaching weekly ballet classes at the Detroit Opera House. Classes are held on Monday and Tuesday evenin gs from 5:15 - 8:15. Mr. Radoslaw Kokoszka and Ms. Brianna Furnish are co-directors. Ca ll 313-4690694 for further information and registration.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
ABT Summer Intensive 2008 students in the final performance at the Detroit Opera House
Students at the Detroit Opera House summer intensive 2008
Mr. R Jami son Williams, Jr., C hairman
Dr. David Di Ch ier a, Pres ide nt
Mr. Ca m eron B Duncan , Treasurer
Mr. C Thom as To ppin , Sec reta ry
Mrs Robert A. All es ee
Mr Doug la s F Allison
Mr. Joseph Angil eri
M r. Lee Barth e l
Mr. Ste ph en E. Biegun
Mr. Richard A. Brod ie
Mrs. William C Brooks
Mr. Thomas Celani
Mrs. Frederick H. Cl ar k
Mrs. Peter Cooper
Ms. J oanne Danto
Mr. Ta rik S. Daou d
Juli a Donovan Darlow
Mr. Lawre nce N. David
Mr. Rich ard G Goetz
Mr. David H a ndleman
Mr. Kenneth E. H art
Mr. Ga ry E. J oh nson
Mr. Odell J ones 1Il
Mrs. Pet er Kar manos
Mr s. Charles Kessler
Mrs. C h arles M. En dico ll M r. Thom as M. Krikorian
Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Mr. Pau l E. Ewin g
Mrs. David Fisch e r
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
M rs. Barbara F rankel
Mr. Herma n Fran ke l
Mr. Dea n Friedman
Mr. J ames M. Garavaglia
Dr. Melvin A. Lester
Mr. A. C Li eb ler
Mr. Harry A. Lomason II
Mr. Al phonse S. Lucarelli
Mrs. Ro bert A. Lutz
Mr. Steven Mar lette
Mrs Manu el Moroun
D r. Steph en Munk
Mrs. Jennifer Nasser
Mr. Timothy Nasso
Mr. J a m es Nicho ls
Mr Daniel Pehrson
D r. Cha rl otte Podowski
Mr. W J ames Pro wse
Mrs Ruth Rattn er
Mr. Roy S. Ro b erts
Ms. Pa t ricia H Rodz ik
Mr. W illiam Sandy
Mr. Gregory Schwartz
Ms Elham Shayot a
Mr. F ran k D. Ste ll a
Mrs. George Strum b os
Dr. Lo rna T h omas
Mr. Michael Twe ddl e
Mr. George C Vincent
Dr. &: Mrs . Roger M. Ajluni
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. &: Mrs. Doug las F Alli son
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Juli e Douse-An g il e ri &: Joseph Angileri
Mrs. Thom as V An gott
Mr. &: Mrs. Ge br an S. Anton
Mr. &: Mrs. Eu ge n e Ap plebaum
Dr. &: Mr s Ag u s tin Arbulu
Dr. Harold M. Arr ing ton
Dr. &: Mrs. In gi da Asfaw
Mr s. Donald j. Atwood
D r. &: Mrs. Donald C Austin
T h e Hon &: Mrs. Edward Ava d enk a
Mr. J on Barfi e ld
Mr. &: Mrs. Le e Barthel
Mr. j. Ad diso n Bartush
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Alan Baun
Mr. W Vi cto r Benjamin
Mrs. Ara Berb eria n
Mr &: Mrs. Mand e ll Berman
Ms. Debra Bernstei n-Sie gel
Mr. Ste phen E. Biegun
Mr. &: Mrs. Josep h Blo ch
Mr. &: Mrs. Jo hn A. Boll , Sr.
Betty j. Bright
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard A. Brodie
Mr. &: Mrs. Wil li am C Brooks
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy Calcagno
Mr. &: Mrs. Th omas Celani
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebro u gh 1Il
Mr. &: Mrs. Michael C hirco
Mr. &: Mrs. Freder ic k H. C lar k
The Hon. &: Mrs. Ave rn L Co hn
Mr. Thomas Co hn
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Coo per
Ms. J oa nne D anto &: Dr. Arnold We ingarden
Mr. &: Mrs. Marvi n I. Danto
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daou d
Juli a Donovan Darlow &: John C O' Mea ra
Mr. &: Mrs. J erry P. D'Avanzo
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N.
D avi d
Mr. &: Mrs. Ethan Davidson
Mr. Thomas H Del a ne y
Ms. Annette De Lore nzo
Mrs. Margaret Demant
Mr. Kevin Dennis &: Mr. Jeremy Zeltzer
Dr. David Di Chi era
Mrs. Kare n Va n de rKloo t
The Hon. &: Mrs. John
Ms. Mary Jan e Doerr
Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Dun ca n
Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg
Mrs. C h a rl es M. Endi co tt
Mr. &: Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Dr. Fern R Espino &: Mr. Thomas Sh ort
Mr. &: Mrs. Roland C Eugenio
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri
Margo Cohen Fei nb e rg &: Robert Fein berg
Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar Feldman
Mr. &: Mrs. John Ferron
Mr. &: Mrs. Davi d Fischer
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, Jr.
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
Mrs. Elaine Fontana
Mr &: M rs. Ca rl B. F o nt a na
Mr. &: Mrs. Mitc h e ll B. F os ter
Mrs. Barbara Frank e l &: Mr. Ron Michal ak
Mr. &: Mrs. Herm an Frankel
Mr. Marvin A. Frenkel
Mr. &: Mrs. Dean Friedman
Mr. &: Mrs. Jame s Garavaglia
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawre n ce Garberding
Amb assador &: Mrs. Yousif Ghafari
Mr. &: Mrs. Vito P. Gio ia
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard G. Goetz
Mr. &: M rs. Arnold Go rdon
Mr. &: M rs. Harvey Grace
Mr. &: M rs. Sa mu el Hab erma n
Mrs. Berj H Haido s ti an
Mr. &: Mrs. David H an dl e m a n
Mr. Kenneth E. H art
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugen e Hartwig
Mrs. David B. Herm e lin
Mr. &: Mrs. Derek H odgson
T he H o n &: Mrs. J osep h N. Impastato
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Is ra el
Mrs. Una Jackman
Mr. &: Mrs. Darn e ll D Ja ck so n
Mr. &: Mrs. john P. J agger
Mrs. Syb il Jaques
Mr. Don J ense n
Mr. &: Mrs KentJ id ov
Mr. &: Mrs. Gary E. Johnson
Mr. &: M rs. La wre n ce S. Jones
Mr. Odell J o nes 1Il &: Ms. Cec ily H oag lan d
Mrs. Wi lliam Kahn
Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn Kaplan
Mr. &: Mrs Peter Karm an os
Mr. Patrick J Kerzic &: Mrs. Ste ph ani e Germack Kerzic
Mrs. Charles Kessler
Mr. &: Mrs. Eu gene L. Kl e in
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Kl ei n
Mr. &: Mrs. Mike Kojaian
Mr. &: Mrs. Th o mas M. Krikorian
Dr. &: Mrs. Ri c hard W Kuli s
Dr &: Mrs. James Lab es
Dr. &: Mrs. Alde n Leib
D r. Melvin A. Les ter
Ms. Linda Dresner Le vy &: Mr. Edward Levy
Dr. &: Mrs Kim K. Lie
Mr. &: Mrs. A. C Liebl er
Dr. &: Mrs. Robert P. Li sak
Mr. &: Mrs . H arry A. Lomason II
M rs. Lawren ce LoPatin
Mr. &: Mrs. J ames H LoPre te
Mr. Alphon se S. Luc are lli
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe rt A. Lutz
Ca rdinal Adam Maida
Ms. Florine Mark
Mr. &: Mrs. Steven Marlette
D r. &: Mrs. Ronald Martella
The Hon J ac k Martin &: Dr. Bettye ArringtonMartin
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri c h ard McB rie n
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene A. Miller
Mr. &: Mrs. J effrey Miro
Mr. &: Mrs. Glen Mitchell
Ms. Monica Moffat &: Mr. P a tri ck McGu ire
Dr. Ali Moiin &: Dr. Wi ll iam Kupsky
Mr. &: Mrs. Th eo dore Monolidis
Mr. &: Mrs. Manue l Morou n
Mr. &: Mrs. E Clarence Mularoni
Dr. &: Mrs Ste phen Munk
Mr. &: Mrs. E. Michael Mu tchler
Mrs. Jennife r Nasser
Mr. &: Mrs. Timothy L Nasso
Mr. &: Mrs. J ames Nichols
M r. &: Mrs. I rvi n g N u sbaum
Dr. Juliett e Okotie-E b oh
Mr &: Mrs. Gra h a m O rl ey
Mr. &: Mrs. J ames Pame l
Mr. &: Mrs. Spe n ce r Partri c h
Mr. &: Mr s. Daniel Pehrson
Dr. Rob e rt E. L Perkin s
Mr. &: Mrs. Brock E. Plu m b
Dr. C harlotte &: Mr. Charles Podowski
Mrs. H e inz Prechter
Mr. &: Mrs. W Jame s P rowse
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn Rakolt a, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Rattner
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rea
www.Michiga n Opera . org
Chairmen Emeri t us
Mr. Robert E. Dewar t
Mr. Lyn n A. Townsend t
Directors Emeritus
Mrs. Dona ld C Austin
Mr. j. Addison Bartu s h
Mr. Frank W Do n ovan t
Mr. James H Gram t
Mrs. William J ohnston t
Mr. Da vid Pollack t
Mrs. Ir ving Rose
Mr. Ro bert Vande r KloOl t
Mr. Rich ard Webb
Mr. George M. Zeltzer
Mr. Mort Zieve t
Dr. I rvin D. Reid
&: D r. Pamela Tro tman Reid
Dr. &: Mrs. James Rigby
Mr. &: M rs . Roy S. Roberts
Ms. Patricia H. Ro d zik
Mr. &: Mrs. Pete r Ronan
M r. &: M rs. Ir ving Rose
Mr. &: Mrs. Norma n Rosenfeld
Mrs. Ca rolyn L. Ro ss
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rugi ero
Dr. &: M rs. Hers hel Sandb erg
Mr. &: Mrs. W illi a m Sa nd y
Dr. &: Mrs. Norman R. Sc hakne
Mr. &: Mrs D ona ld Sc hmidt
M r. &: M rs. D o ug las A.
Sc hubo t
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Sc hwartz
Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory j.
Sc hw artz
Mr. &: Mrs. D o n ald E.
Schwe ndema nn
Mr &: Mrs. Merton Segal
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Shaev sky
Mrs. F ra nk C Sh aler
Ms. El ha m Sha yota
Mr. &: Mrs. Roger F Sh e r ma n
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Sloa n
Mr. Wi lli am H. Sm ith
Ms. P h y lli s Funk Sn ow
Mr. &: Mrs. David Snyd er
Mr. Ant hony L. Soave
M r. Richard A. Sone nklar
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard D. Starkweather
Mr. Frank D . Ste ll a
Ms. Mary Ann Ste ll a
Dr. Ca lvin Stevens
Mr. &: Mrs. William Stone
Mr. &: Mrs. Ste ph en Strom e
Mr. &: Mrs. George Strumb os
Dr. J onat han Swift
Mr. Ronald F Switzer
Mr. &: Mrs. Jo e l Taube r
Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony R. Tersigni
Dr. Lorna Thomas
Dr. Rob erta &: Mr. Sh eldon
To ll
Mr. &: Mrs. C Thomas Topp in
Mr. &: Mrs. George Torreano
Mrs. Lynn A. Townse nd
Mr. Mi c hael Twedd le
Mr. &: Mrs. Melvin Van d erB ru g
Mr. &: M rs. Pau l Victor
Mr. &: Mrs. Steve n I. Victor
Mr. &: Mrs. George C Vi n ce nt
Mr. Gary L Wasse r man
Mr. &: Mrs Richard C Webb
Mrs. Amelia H Wilhelm
Dr. &: Mrs. C hri s top h er D. Wilhelm
Mr. &: Mrs. R. Jam ison Williams, Jr.
Dr. &: Mrs Sa m B. Williams
The Hon J oa n E. Young &: Mr. Th o m as L. Sche ll enbe rg
Mr. George M. Ze ltze r
Mrs. Morton Zieve
Mrs. P a ul Zucke rm an
Trustees Emeritu s
Mrs. J ames Me rriam Barnest
Mr. t Mrs. t Robert E. Dewar
Dr. t &: Mrs. t Rob ert Gerisch
Mrs. Aaron Gersh enson t
Mr. t &: Mrs. J ames Gram
Mrs. Kath e rine Gribbs
Mrs Rob ert Ham a d y t
Mrs. &: M rs. E. Jan Hartma nn
Mr. &: Mrs. Maxwell j ospey
Dr. Zophia and Mr. Mitchell Kafars ki t
Mrs. Walton Lewis t
Mrs. Jesse Mann t
Mrs. Wa d e H. McCreejr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Jul es L. Pollone
Mrs. Ralph Polk t
Mr. t &: Mrs. t David Po ll oc k
Mr. &: Mrs. t Fred Schneidewind
Mrs. Mark C Stevens t
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Rob er t VanderKloot
Mrs. R. Alexa nder Wrigley
Founding Members
Mr. t &: Mr s. Lynn A. Townsend, Found in g Chairman
The H on. &: Mrs. tAvern L. Cohn
Dr. &: Mrs. John DeCa rl o
Dr. &: Mrs. Da vid DiChiera
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Aaron H Gershenson
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald C Graves
Mr. t &: Mrs. t john C Gri ffin
Mr &: Mrs. Harry L J ones
The H on. t &: Mrs. Wa d e Mc Cree Jr.
Mr. H arry j. Ne derla nde r
Mr. E. Harwood Ryd h o lm t
Mr. &: Mrs. Nei l Sn ow
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Strichartz
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Rob ert C VanderK loot
Dr. &: Mrs. Sa m H . W i lliams
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Th eodore O. Ynt ema
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Administration & Staff
John Eckstrom, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director of Community Programs
Caro l Halsted , Director of Dance
Dewan Mitchell , Director of Bookings & Events Management
Rock Monroe , Director of Safety & Security
Laura R. Nea lssohn , Director of Communications
David W Osborne, Director of Production Mary Parkhill, Director of Development
Jason Warzecha, Director of Theatre and Parking Center Operations
William Austin , Executive Assistant to the General Director
Timothy Lentz, Archivist & Administrative Assistant for Ford Center for Arts and
Kimberly A. Mogielski, Patron & Ticket Services Manager
Michael Hauser, Marketing Manager
Kimberly Gray, Ticket Servic es Assistant Manager
Jane Kenned y Coe, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Tunisia Brown , Communication & Ticket Services Associate
Felicia Burgess, Administrativ e Assistant
Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator
Rebekah Johnson , Public Relations Coordinator
John Grigaitis, Photographer
Crystal G. Ratledge, Account Executive, Solomon Friedman Advertising
Bill Carro ll , Public Relations Volunteer
Mark Vondrak, Associate Director & Tour Manager
Betty Lane, Operations Manager & Singing Voice Specialist
Dolores Tobis, Marketing Manager
Trish Sha nd or, Special Projects Coordinator
Bets y Bronson , Maria Cimarelli , Bernard Holcomb , Joseph Jackson , Betty Lane , Amy Dolan Malaney, Madelyn Porter, David Pulice , Amanda Sabelhaus , Karl Schmidt , Trish Shand or, Chris Vaught, Mark Vondrak, Alvin Waddles, Karin White
John Grigaitis , Information Technology Manager
Shelly Ratliff , LAN Administrator
Kim Curtis , Administrative Assistant
Kim-Lan Trinh , Associate Director of Development , Plann ed Giving & Major Gifts
Danielle DeFau w, Boutique Manager
Michelle DeLand, Corporate Campaign Manager
Heather Hamilton , Special Projects Manager
Katherine Kucharski, M embership Manager, Database Consultant
Matthew Talbot , Foundation & Government Grants Manager
Stephani Yates, Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager
Derrick Lewis, Controller
Kimberly Burgess-Riv ers, Rita Winters, Accountants
Holly Eckstrom , Accounting Assistant
Angela Donald son, Food & Beverage Manager
Bernard Williams , Building Maintenance
Corey Scott , Executive Chef
Dennis Wells , Faciliti es Manager
Demetrius Barn es, Building Engineer
Jesse Carter, Senior Building Engineer
Lashanya Littlejohn, Assistant Food & Beverage Manager
Randy Elliott , House Manager
Robert Mettetal , Building Engineer
Timothy John son, Building Maintenance
Ben Latimer , Building Maintenance
Lt. Lorraine Monroe , Supervisor
Lero y Banks , Gernell Cardwell , Marcellus Wheeler, Da ve Williams , Stage Door Officers
Dondra Mainor, Pamela Sco tt , Kevin Stafford, Sgt. Daryl Stuckey, Derrick Sykes, Control Center Officers
Rob e rt Nei l , Manager
Paul Bolden , Event Manager for Parking
Elizabeth Anderson, Production Coordinator
Sharon Faulkner, Production Administrator
Matt J ackso n+ *, 7+*, Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski , Production Volunteer
David DiChiera , Music Director
Rob e rto Mauro, Artistic Consultant
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Director & Chorus Master
Dian e Bredesen, Orchestra Personnel Manager
Jean Schneider, Repetiteur
Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director
Monika Essen , Property Master & Scenic Artist
Kendall Smith , Lighting Coordinator
Andrew Griffin , Asst. Lighting Designer & Asst. Technical Director
Dee Dorsey, Supertitle Operator
Rudi Lauermann, Recording Engineer
Adriene Goloda, Technical Assistant
Suzanne M. Hanna , Costume Director
Laura Brinker, Cutter/Draper
Alice Moss, Wardrobe Mistress
Katie Hein , First Hand
Su san A. Fox, Margaret Bronder, Stitchers
Monika Essen, Costume Painter
Sarah Hatten , Designer
Elizabeth Geck, Assistant Wig & Makeup Designer
Detroit Local Wig & Makeup Crew
J ohn Kinsora , Head Carpenter
Robert Mesinar , Head Electrician
Alan Bigelow, Head Property man
Paul Moraites, Head Sound
Robert Martin, Head Flyman
Gary Gilmore, Production Electrician
Mary Ellen Shuffett, Head of Wardrobe
lATSE Loca l #38 , Stage Crew
lATSE Lo cal #786, Wardrobe
* The Elixir of Love + Carmen
Detroit Opera House
BRAVO 33 Copyright 2010,
Michigan Opera Theatre
Family Album
Margaret Garner Gala
Opera Ball
Kent and Amy Jidov, Floy and Lee Barthel, Dolores Levey and Ken Hart
Karen V DiCh·lera and Dr DI Ch·lera
Opera Ball honorees receive their gifts from general chair Betty Brooks, committee member Nora Moroun, and co-chairs Stephanie Germack Kerzic, Danialle Karmanos, and Denise Lutz.
Barbara Munk, Monique Poitrinal-Fournier
Stephen Munk, Karen and Derek and guest.
Opera Ball co-chair Stephanie Germack Kerzic, Dr. DiChiera, and Opera Ball general chair Betty and Bill Brooks
(L-R) 20080 Okotie-Eb pera Ball honor Nelso oh, Karla Hall K· ees Pamela Alex Glenda Price, Shirllmberlydawn juliette Pt n, Barbara Mah ey Stancato L· m, Faye a nCla Bennett one, Vivian p. k ' Inda Forte K th , and Monica Em IC ard, Carol Go' a ryn erson. ss,
34 BRAVO Detroit Op e ra House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Photos by John Grigaitis
Violin I
Charlotte Merkerson, Concertmaster* +
Laura Leigh Roelofs, Assistant Concertmaster +
Velda Kelly+
Bryan Johnston+
Beth Kirton+
Molly Hughes+
Kevin Filewych +
Violin II
Victoria Haltom * +
Brooke Hoplamazian+
Daniel Stachyra +
Henrik Karapet yan+
Anna Weller+
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra
John Madison*+
Scott Stefanko+
Kristen Beene*+
Sally Pituch+
James Greer+ -OboelEnglish Horn
Kathleen Grimes+
Nadine Deleury*+
Diane Bredesen+
Robert Reed+
Derek Weller * +
Clark Suttle+
Pamela Hill * +
Laura Larson+
Brian Bowman*+
J William King+
Pawel Wnuk+
Andrew Pelletier +
Carrie Banfield+
David Ammer+
Gordon Simmons+
Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus
Kara Alfano
Carol Ambrogio
Ryan Banar
Patrick Barnard
Victoria Bigelow
Heidi Bowen
Kim W Brooks
Cynthian Brundage
Fred Buchalter
Amanda Cantu
Adam Diekhoff
Isaac Droscha
Rebecca Eaddy
Ken Ebaugh
Jacqueline Echols
Brandy Ellis
Rebecca Engelhard
Louise Fisher
Nicholas Fitzer
Charles Freeman
Yvonne Friday
Jeremy Gilpatric
Conda Green
Lenora Green
Rosaline Guastella
Edward Hanlon
Celeste Headlee
Leslie Hill
Terrence Horn
Richard Jackson
Jacqueline King
Brian Leduc
Jonathan Lowrie
Susan Lowrie
Anthony Lynch
Amy Malane y
Leslie Mason
Anthony McGlaun
Kim Millard
Elizabeth Mitchell
Rachel Nofziger
Annie Radcliffe
Valerie Said
Dustin Scott
Ken Shepherd
Ramesh Srinvasan
Stephen Stewart
Gregory Stinson
Maury Okun*+
Greg Near+
Patricia Terry-Ross*+
Leonardo Soto*+
John Dorsey*+
* Principal + Michigan Opera Theatre
Core Orchestra
Detroit Federation of Musicians Local #5 American Federation of Musicians
Lucy Thompson
Carie Volkar
Tiffanie Waldron
Justin Watson
Norman Weber
Tamara Whitty
Amber Williams
The American Guild of Musical Artists is the official union of the Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus
Detroit Opera House
BRAVO 35 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ensuring the Future
Imaginea gift that outlives you-that touches future generatIOns m yo ur absence- to expenence and enjo y the world of opera.
That 's the goal of the Avanti Society, Michigan Op era Theatre's Planned Gift Recognition Program
The Avanti Society represents a designat ed group of friends of Michigan Opera Theatre who have made plans to include the organization in their estate plans- whether by will , trust , insurance , or life income arrangement. Membership in the Avanti Society is open to all.
Members of the Avanti Society receive a beautifully designed lapel pin , recognition at th e annual Avanti Evening and invitations to special events and performances , and are listed as members in our program books throughout each season.
The growth of Michigan Opera Theatre 's permanent Endowment Fund ensures the growth and future vitality of one of the region 's greatest cultura l assets. You are invited to create your own lega cyyo ur Avanti-through Michigan Opera Theatre
You may use the attached confidential reply card to indicate yo ur gift, or contact Kim-Lan Trinh at (313) 237-3408 to discuss gift options that may benefit you , yo ur heirs and Michigan Opera Theatre .
Mr Robert G. Abgarian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Al lesee #
Mrs. Adel Amerman* # +
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya*
Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu*
Chester & Emelia Arno ld *
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mr. & Mrs. J. Addison Bartush *#
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Batterson*
Mr. & Mrs. Mandell Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Art B1air *
Mr. Robert Bomier
Gwen & Richard Bowlby
Roy E. & lise Calcagno*
Gladys Caldroney*
Dr. & Mrs. Victo r J Cervenak*
Mr Allen B. Christman
Mr & Mrs. Robert C. Comstock #
Dr. Robert A Cornette* #
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik D aoud* #
Mr. Thoma s J. Delaney
Ms. Mwjorie Adele DeVlieg
Mr & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar' #
M,: James P Diamond
Dr. David DiChiera #
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera' #
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr #
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Duncan'
Mrs. Charles M. Endi cott' #
Mrs. Charlotte Bush Failing
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Fisher'
Mrs. Anne E. Ford
Pamela R. Francis'
Barbara Frankel & Ronald
Michalak' #
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel' #
Mrs. Rema Frankel' #
Confidential Rep ly: Please return this fonn to Kim-Lan Trinh, Michigan Opera Theat re , 1526 Broadway, Detroit, MI 48226, or e-mail ktrinh@
Na me(s) ___
Address _______________________ City ______________________ State _ Zip ________
Phone (day) _____________
(eve) ____
Best time to ca ll: __________
o Yes, pl ease send information regarding planned gifts.
o Vwe already qualify for the Avanti Society
Please briefl y describe the estate gift that qualifies you for membership (a ll information submitted will be kept confidential):
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Freeman
Mrs. Jane Shoemake r French
Mr Edward P Frohlich
Dr. & Mrs. Byron P. Georgeson'
Priscilla A B. Goodell
Mr Ernest Goodman
Mrs. Freda K. Goodman
Priscilla R. Greenberg, Ph.D.' #
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H agopian
Mr. Lawrence W Hall '
Mr. & Mrs. J erome Halp eri n'
Mrs Robert M. Hamady
Mr. David Ha nd leman ' #
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart'
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwig'
Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein
Ms. Nancy B. Henk
Ms. Mwy A Hester
Mr Bruce Hillman
Karen & Derek Hodgson
Mr Gord on V Hoialmen
Dr. Cindy Hung*
Mr Carl). Huss
Mrs. Ilen e). Intihar
Kristin Jaramillo*
Mr. Donald Jensen'
Ms. Helen Barbara Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein #
Mrs. Josephine Kleiner
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Klopfer' #
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kolton
Misses Phyllis & Selma Korn'
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Krolikowski'
Mr. Max Lep ler & Mr. Rex Dotson
Mr. Philip Leon '*
Mrs. Wade H McCree'
Ms. Jane McKee*
Mrs. Lucie B. Meininger
Drs. Orlando & Dorothy Miller'
Monica Moffat & Pat McGuire
Mrs. Ella M. Montroy
Mr. Ronald K. Morrison'
Ruth Rawlings Matt
Mrs. Betty]. Mue ller
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Munk
Ms. Julie A. Owe ns "
Mr. Dale J Pangonis*
Mary & Charles A. Parkhill
Mrs. Elizabeth Pecsenye
Clwice Odgers Percox
Mr Thomas G. Porter
Mr. Richard M. Raisin *
Mrs. Ruth F Rattner' #
Mr. Jo shua Rest
Marguerite & James Rigby'
Mr. Bryan L. Riv es
Ms. Patricia Rodzik *
Mr Mitchell). Romanowski
Ms. Joanne B. Rooney
Ms. Susan Schooner'
Drs. Heinz & Alice Platt
Sc h warz *
Mrs. Frank C. Shaler*
Ms. Laura Sias
June & Harold Siebert
Mrs. Marge Slezak
Ms. Anne Sullivan Smith"
Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow'
Mr Edward L. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Starkwea th er* # +
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens' #
Mr. Stanford C. Stoddard
J onatha n Swift & Thomas A. St. Charles'
Mr. Ronald F Switzer*
Ms. Mary Ellen Tappan * #
Donald & Margaret Thurb er'
Mr. Edward D. Tusset*
Mr. & Mrs. George Vincent* # +
Mr J. Ernest Wilde
Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm' #
Mrs. Helen B. Wittenberg
Elizabeth & Walter P Work'
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer*
Avanti Logo &: Pin Design
Monica Moffat & Pat McGu ire
Keys: , Founding Membe rs
# Touch the Future donors + Avanti Society Sponsors
Italics = deceased members
'* = new members since 2008 Fall Program Boo k was published
36 BRAVO www.Mic h iganOp
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Contributors to Michigan Opera Theatre's Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House
Michigan Opera Theatre extends appreciation to t h e many donors w h o co ntribut ed so ge n e rousl y to the three phases of the De troit Opera Hou se fund rai si n g initiative from 1989 t02004. Followin g is a cumulati ve li st ing of gifts of $5,0 00 and above to The Capital Campai gn to Resto re the D etroit
$5,000,000 + Ford Motor Co mp any
The Kresge Foundation
$2,000,000 to $4 ,999,999
The Chrys ler Foundation
Genera l Moto rs Corporat ion
The State of Michi ga n
$1,000 ,000 to $1 ,999,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Alle see Eugene Appleba um Family
Founda tion
Lee & Floy Barthel
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boll , Sr.
H erman & Sh aro n Franke l
Danialle & Peter Karma no s
John S. and J ames L. Kni ght
Found a ti on
The Skillman Foundation
$500,000 TO $999,999
Anonymou s
Bank of Am e ri ca
Th e Coh e n Family
Philanthropic Fund of th e Community Foundation for South eas t e rn Michigan
De troit Grand Opera Association
DTE Energy Fo undation
M r. & Mrs. Max M. Fisher
H e rman & Barbara Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Sam ue l Franke l
Mr. David Handl e man , Sr.
Lear Corpo ration
Mr. & Mrs. Harry A.
McGregor Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Ro ger S. Penske
Ralph L. & Winifred E. Polk
Founda t ion
Mr. & Mrs. R. J a mi son Williams, Sr.
$25 0 ,000 TO $499 ,999
BASF Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Philip E.
Benton, Jr.
Mandell & Madeleine H
Be rm an Fou nd ation
Blu e Cross and Blu e Sh ield of Michigan
Dayton Hu dso n
Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert E. Dewar
Ghafari Associates, In c.
Robert & Ali ce Gus tafson
Hudson -Webber
Founda t ion
Kmart Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul Lavins
Masco Corporation
Nonprofit Fa c iliti es Center
Raymond C Sm ith
Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. George
Strumbo s
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A.
TRW Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. George C
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin
Mr. R. Jamison Williams, J r.
$100,000 TO $249,999
Ms. J ane E. Agostinelli
Dr. & Mrs. Donald C
Ms. Anne Loma so n Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Richa rd A.
Vicki & Tom Celani
The Hon. & Mrs. Avern L.
Coma u Pico
Da iml erChrysle r Services
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud
De Roy Testamentary
Foundatio n
Dickinson Wrigh t PLLC
Downtown Developme nt
Authori ty, City of Detroit
DTE EnergylMichCon
Foun dation
El Paso Energy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Roland C
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Jennifer & David Fischer
Barbara Frankel & Ron
Mr. & Mrs. Preston B.
Mr & Mrs. Rob ert Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Th omas M
O li ve r Dewey Marcks
Na ti ona l City Ban k of Michigan
O pu s One
Karen & Drew Pe s la r foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ross
Mr. Anthony L. Soave
Wa lbrid ge Aldinger
Compa n y
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L.
W il so n,Jr.
World H eritage Found ation
Mr. & Mrs. George M.
$5 0,000 TO $99 ,999
Dr. & Mrs Roger M. Aj luni
AlliedSignal Found atio n , Inc.
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Dr & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Mr. William P Bae r
Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Barden
Mr. & Mrs. ]. Addison
Mr. Thomas Cohn
Consumers Ene rgy
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin I. Danto
Del oitte & Tou che LLP
Th e Detroi t News/Gann ett Foundation
Dr. David DiChi e ra
Rosanne & Sand y Duncan
Op era House (1989 -1998) , The New Century Fund Campa ign (1999 - 2001) and Th e Crow n ing Achi evement Ca mpaign (2002 -2004).
We a lso thank the many donors who contributed gifts below $5, 000 for their commitment and belief in th e Detroit Opera House proj ect.
Mrs. Cha rl es M. Endicott
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erd eljan
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred]. Fisher, Jr
Dr. Marjorie M. Fish e r
Anne E. ford
Mr. & Mrs Stanley Frankel
Mr. Edward P Frohli ch
Th e GM Card
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Gornick
Mr. & Mrs. John C Griffin
Handleman Co mpan y
Da vi d & Rose Handlem an
Mr. & Mrs. E.]. Hartm ann
Alice Kales Hartwick
Found at ion
Mrs. David B. Herm e lin
Huntington Na tional Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Ve rne G. Istoc k
Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard J anes
Mrs. Syb il Jaques
John so n Contro ls
William & Ellen Kahn
Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Benj a m in & Anne
fl o rence Kaufman
Memoria l Trust
Mr. Gera ld Knechtel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kojaian
Nancy & Bud Liebler
Mr. Alp h onse S. Lu ca re lli
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller
Milli ke n & Company
Ne ima n Marcus
Lind en D. Ne lson
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Graham A Or ley
Mr. & Mrs. Jo se ph O rl ey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E.
Pe t er se n
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Poling
Mr. & Mrs. David Polla ck
PVS C h em ica ls Inc.
Mrs. Ruth Rattner/Ann F.
Katz & Norman D Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Sch wartz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Sc h we nd ema nn
Mrs. Rosemary Skupny
Mr. & Mrs S. Kinnie Smith , Jr.
Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar
Mr. Stan fo rd C Stodd a rd
T h yssen Inc., N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. C Thom as
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tyn er
The Sa muel L. Westerman
Foun d a tion
Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu
$ 25 ,000 TO $49 ,999
Mr. & Mrs. Dougla s F. Alli so n
Anon ymous
Mr. & Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Mrs. J o hn V Balian
Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant
The Wayne Booke r Ch aritable Founda ti on
Th e Budd Compan y Covansys Cor poration
Crain Communications Inc.
Julia D. Dar low & John C
O' Meara
Larry & Dodi e David
Dr. & Mrs. George A. Dean
Delphi Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Demant
Detroit Int ernat ional Bridge
Eaton Corporation
Ernst and Young
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fish er
Mrs. Aaron H Gershenson
Andrew & Wanda
The Gilmour Fund
Hilda & Jo el Ham burger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart
Julius & Cyn thia Huebner
Found ation
Mario & Jan e Iacobell i
The Hon & Mrs. Jo se ph N
Impasta to
Kenwal Steel Co rporation
Mr. & Mrs. Rona ld C
Lam pa rter
Robert & Vic to ria Li ggett
Ma gna Int ernation al
The Hon Ja ck & Dr. Bettye
Ann & William McCormick,
Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Milner
Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael
Mrs Jennifer Nasse r
Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Mr. & Mrs Robert T.
O'Conn e ll
Franc es H Parcells
Mr. & Mrs. Hughes L.
Mr. & Mrs. W James
Pro wse
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Reuss
Roy & Maureen Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
Mrs. Louis R. Ross
Dr. Hers hel & Lois Sandb erg
Mr Richard Sand ers
The Sand y Family
Foundati o n
Mrs. Emm a L. Sc ha ve r
Mrs. Shirley K. Sc hl a fer
Dia ne & Morton Scho lnick
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J.
Sc hw artz
Mr. Jos e ph Sc hwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C Shaler
Mr. Mickey Sh apiro
Elham Shayota
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Slo an
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Smith
Mrs. Mark C Steve ns
United American Health Care Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C
Vande rBru g
Mr. & Mrs. Art Van Elsland er
Mr. and Mrs . Steve n I. Victor
Neva William s Art s
Matilda R. W il so n Fund
Paul Zu ck e rm an
$15,000 TO $24,999
Al ca n Aluminum
Corpo ration
Aldoa Compan y
Dr. & Mrs. Ro byn ].
Arr in gton , Sr.
Mrs. Dona ld]. Atwoo d
Mr. & Mrs. Geral d Bri gh t
Betty & Bill Brook s
Mr. David Chi vas
Gloria & Fred Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Pet er D.
C ummings
Mr. & Mrs. Do na ld Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. John W Da y, J r.
Da vi d & Joanne De nn
Mrs. Karen VanderKloot
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Edm an
Mr. & Mrs. Burton D. Farbman
El ain e Fontana
Mr. Kenneth H Fox
Ann & Larry Garberding
Ke ith & Eileen Gifford
Great Lakes Exteriors
Mrs. Robert M. Hamady
Mrs. Robert Hami lt o n
Eugene & Donna Hartwig
Loui se H odgson
Gordon V Hoialm en Tru s t
Mrs. David Ja cknow
Mrs. William E. Johns ton
Mr. & Mrs. Maxw e ll Jo spey
Mr. & Mrs. John Kaplan
Bruno & Mollie Leo n ell i
Mr. & Mrs. David Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Walton A. Lewis
Richard & Fl orence
Dr. & Mrs. Step h en A.
Mr. & Mrs. H enry Nicko l
Mr. & Mrs. Eino Nurm e
Mr. & Mrs. S penc er Partric h
Mr. John E. Perry
Phillips Service Industrie s, Inc.
D r. Cha rlotte & Mr. Ch arles
Meyer & Anna Pre nti s
Family Founda tio n , In c.
Antonio & Suzanne Rea
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sc hmidt
St. John Health Ca re
Sys tems
Roberta & Di ck
Sta rk wea th e r
Mr. Fra nk D Ste lla
Mr. Ronald F. Switzer
Dr. & Mrs. Anth ony R
Mr. & Mrs. Rob ert C
Mrs. Richard Van Du sen
Venture In dus tries
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Wasserman
Ric hard & Kathl een Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Ke ith Weber
Oper a House
BRAVO 37 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Danialle &: Peter Karmanos
Broadway Fa,ade
William &: Ellen Kahn
Co-Star Dressing Room
Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Benjamin &: Ann Florence
Kaufman Memorial Trust
Grand Lobby Side
Wallis &: Robert M Klein
Grand Lobby Staircase
Delores &: Paul Lavins
Grand Lobby Side
Grand Lobby Staircase
Lear Corporation
Rehearsal Studio I Lobby
Trustee Circle Level in
Opera Hall
The Lomason Family
The William K & Neva
Lomason Opera Lounge
Oliver Dewey Marcks
Third Floor Promenade
Staircase Lobby to 2""
Floor, Madison
MichCon Foundation
Grand Lobby Boutique
The Karen &: Drew Peslar
Co-Star Dressing Room
Mr &: Mrs. John Rakolta
Rehearsa l Studio II
Me. &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Patron Elevator, John R
Mrs. Carolyn L Ross
Grand Lobby Staircase
Raymond C. Smith
Foundation Fund of the
Community Foundation
Contributors to Annual Campaigns
Southeast Michigan
Raymond C. Smith Lobby
Mr &: Mrs. Lynn Townsend
D'Ustee Circle Lobby, Broadway
Mr &: Mrs. George C.
Madison Lobby
Mr &: Mrs. Alvin
Box Level Promenade
Dr &: Mrs. Sam Williams
Barbara Gibson Stairway
Exhibit, Broadway
World Heritage Foundation
Conductor's Dressing Roo m
Michigan Opera Theatre gratefully acknowledges the generous corporate, foundation, government and individual donors whose contributions were made between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Their generosity plays an integral part in the company's financial stability, necessary for prodUcing quality grand opera and dance, and award-winning educational activities. CORPORATE
Supporter Cyrano Festival Weekend Ford Motor Company Fund General Operating Meadowbrook Insurance
Signal Benefactor Fall Opera Season Sponsor Support Golf Outing Lunch $500 - $999 DeRoy Testamentary Cyrano Festival Weekend
Advanced Air Services Foundation Signal Benefactor BENEFACTOR Metropolitan Title Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Young Artist Apprentice Opera Ball Platinum $15,000 - $24,999
Crystal Leaf Albert Kahn Associates Program Sponsor
AAA Michigan Sponsor American Premium Blends La Traviata Performance
Alvin Ai ley American Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Peace Tree Investments BravoBravo Terra Cotta Sponsor Dance Theater Golf
Sponsor Alvin Ailey American Products Golf Outing Tee Sponsor BravoBravo Gold Sponsor Dance Theater BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Mel Ball Entertainment BENEFACTOR
Dow Automotive Performance Sponsor Sponsor
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor $15,000 - $24,999
Cyrano Production Moffat McGuire, Inc. Hudson-Webber
Sponsor FELLOW DONOR Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Foundation
Haberman Fabrics $10,000 - $14,999
$1,000 - $2,499
Cyrano Fabric &: Costume Danialle Karmanos ' Work Ash Stevens
Benefactor It Out Community Programs
Paychex Ida &: Conrad H. Smith
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Fund of the Community
Preferred Building Services, Foundation for Southeast
JP Morgan Chase Golf Outing Presenting Support LLC Michigan
Cyrano Student Matinee Sponsor Africa Channel RenKim Corporation La Traviata Performance
Sponsor MGM Grand Detroit African Footprint Student Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Sponsor
Miami C ity Ba ll et Cyrano Patron Tickets Sponsor Russell Industrial Center Sage Foundation
Performance Sponsor Alvin Ai ley American Barris, Sott, Denn &: Driker, Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Whitney Fund
Peter Pan Performance Dance Theater Adopt-a- PLLC
Whole Foods Market
Sponsor School Sponsor Blue Cross Blue Shield of BravoBravo Terra Cotta
Alvin Ailey American Michigan
Sponsor $10,000 - $14 ,999
Dance Theater SUSTAINER African Footprint Adopt-a- Williams Williams Rattner Ann and Gordon Getty
Performance Sponsor $5,000 - $9,999 Schoo l Sponsor &: Plunkett, PC Foundation
Giselle Performance Dyketna Gossett Comcast Cable
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor The Elizabeth, Allan and Sponsor Cyrano Patron African Footprint Student Warren Shelden Fund
$25,000 - $49,999
Great Lakes Beverage Tickets Sponsor
BravoBravo Gold Sponsor CN
FOUNDATION &: Four County Community
Grunwell-Cashero Commercial Maintenance, SUPPORT Mary Thompson
ATvinMeritor Company, Inc. Inc.
OPERA &: DANCE Foundation
The Samuel L Westerman La Rondine Per ormance HospitalitylBeverage Sponsor
Cyrano Artist SFc0nsor Golf Outing Dinner/ Golf Outing Titanium
Sponsor Sponsor Comcast Cable
Golf Outing Bronze Hog Brothers Recycling Alvin Ailey American Michigan Council for Arts
Sponsor BravoBravo Silver Leaf Dance Theater Sponsor and Cultural Affairs
Detroit Opera House Sponsor www.Mic h iga n Opera . org BRAVO 39 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
SUPPORT GMAC Financial Services Visteon Corporation lATSE - Local 38 $40,000
&: DANCE Alvin Ailey American Cyrano Patron Pepsi National Endowment for Dance Theater Education Golf Outing Volunteer Shirt the Arts
+ LaSalle Bank $2,500
$4,999 Schreiber Roofing SIGNAL BENEFACTOR
Chrysler Foundation Cyrano Performance Detroit Jaycees Golf
Sponsor Solomon
Glaceau Advertising Night
Sponsor Station
Outing Million Dollar $ 1 00,000 + Dance Season Sponsor Sponsor
Crystal Leaf
Sponsor The Kresge Foundation Alvin Ai ley American Lexus
Fund Dance Theater Opening
Sponsor Sponsor
Crystal Leaf
Outing Beverage
BENEFACTOR Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Masco Corporation
0 - $99,999
Sponsor Benefactor Cyrano
Corporation Foundation
Preferred Voice
Foundation for Cyrano Production Title
Weekend Festival Center Company
Outing Gift Bag BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor The Karen &: Drew Peslar Performance Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Come rica Insurance Foundation General Motors Corporation DTE Energy Foundation Smith Barney Services Cyrano Festival Weekend Spring Opera Season La Y;-aviata Performance BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Golf Outing Tee Spons or Major Benefactor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Fandangle Events Community Programs Alvin Ailey American Target BravoBravo Terra Cotta General Operating Support Dance Theater Community Programs Sponsor Support Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Performance Sponsor Support Light Source, Inc. Mandell L and Madeleine Northern Trust Telecom Technicians, Inc. Golf Outing Tee Sponsor H.
Gold Sponsor Golf Outing Golf
Sponsor Roth
Sponsor Comerica
Cause The Farbman Group Madison
Night Support BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Manpower Oliver
Gala Sponsor UAW GM Center Sponsor Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Foundation La Traviata Performance Cyrano Fellow US NavylDetroit Radiant MCM Management Cyrano
Hauser, Wartell, MOT Children's Chorus
- $199,000
et al
For A
R Wilson Fund
Dewey Marks
Status Quo Marketing Go l f O u ti n g 2008 The Detroit Zoo
Andiamo Dearborn La Bistecca Italian Grille Street Vision 110 Couture The Tennis & Golf Company
Areo Containers La Zingara Trattoria Sydney Frank Co. jill Admonius Ticketmaster
Asian Vi ll age of Detroit Lorien Studios - john The Century Grille. Allegra Print & I maging Bl ake Williams
Bacardi Sobczak Photography The Designate Renaissance Cente r Vintage Wine
Bell & Sons Majestic Ca fe' The Hill Seafood & Beau jack's Food & Spiri t s Vitamin Water
Bourbon Steak and Salt Mario's Restaurant Choph ouse Big Rock Chophouse AndrewWu
Water Mason Rad io/l07.5 Th e Town Pump Carl's GolOand Harvey Yates, LB Office
Braylon Edwards Maverick Med ia Three Olives Vodka Carter Wi ll iams Supply
Foundation McNab Carpet Tommy Bahama Rum Chen Ch ow Brasserie
Cadillac Cafe at the Detroit Melting Pot Traque I nternationa l Model Comerica Bank
Opera H ouse MetroMix & Ta lent Management crave restaurant + sushi bar OPERA
Canad ian Club MGM Catering Two Unique Caterer + lounge
Canape ' Cart, In c. MGM Grand Detroit Un ion Street Saloon , In c. Culinary Associates "A Taste Grand Benefactor
Cannella Patisserie & Michigan Green Safe Urban Life Promo of Excellence " $2 00 ,000 +
Creperie Products US Foods Dalgleish Cadillac Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel
CENTAUR Bar Milagaro Post Veritas Wine Deaton Go lf
Cheli's Chili Bar Monjin Lau Vicente's Cuban Cuisine Dick Scott Dodge $30,000
Chen C ho w Brasserie Moo Moo's Vegetarian Vintage Wine Firefly Phones Michael Tweddle
Ciroc Cuis in e Viviano Wine First Class Valet janet Pau l Victor
Colonia l Party & Rent al Mosaic WDlV Fla sh Accessor ies
Com m e rcia l Ma intenience Octane Design Whole Foods Market Fuschia Frog Benefactor
Como's Opus One/Opus To Go Wolfgang Puck Grille Gem & Centur y Theatres $20,000
Corporate Optics Patron Woodford Reserve Great American Chopper Danialle & Peter Karmanos
Creat ive Gourmet Paxahau Zodiac Vodka
Allesee Dance and Opera Resource Library Going Online in June 2009!
Michigan Opera Theatre is pleased to announce that the Allesee Dance and Opera Resource Library is going digital!
Starting i n June 2009, the library will be offe r ing its catalog to the public, including books, scores, CDs, videos, and hundreds of unique items from the history of MOT productions. From reviews of thirty years of performances, to photographs, to an immense recording collection, MOT i s proud to offer this unique resource to the public All library and historical items will be easily searchable using an innovative new search system specifically developed for Michigan Opera Theatre by Wayne State University
Intern Paul Gallagher
With assistance from the Wayne State University Library and Information Science Program, the
library is currently cataloging and digitizing the MOT archives, both helping to preserve the history of dance and opera in Michigan, and providing a unique training experience for a large, talented Dr Tim Lentz and Paul G all agh e r in the Allesee Dance group of WSU and Opera Res o urce Library Library Interns , Archivist and professionals." library director Dr Tim Lentz says, Keep an eye on the MOT "In bringing the Allesee Library website (www.MichiganOpera. to life over these last two and a org), starting in June, for a half years, we have been thrilled "Library/Archive" tab to preserve history, support Please contact Dr. Tim Lentz, MOT and create this Dance and Archivist & Administrative Opera Resource Library, as well as help educate WSU Library's next generation of information
Assistant for the Ford Center for Arts and Learning for more information: ,
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
IN-KIND SPONSO RS Cul in ary Associates "A Taste Picture This Detroit IN KIND DONORS Lori Karbal BravoB r avo 2008 of Elegance " Planterra Misce ll aneo u s William King P lati n um Detroit Beer Company PostNet Floy & Lee Bart h el Legen d s Of Ice Colon ia l Party & Event Detroit By Design President Tuxedo George Batsikouras Dr. Mel Lester Rental Detroit Fashion Week Progressive Printing CBS Radio Detroit Group Majestic Cafe ' Italmoda Display Group Pure Food 2U (Organic joanne Danto Mario Max Levitation Staging Ec li pse Creative Home Food Delivery) & 2 Dr. David DiChiera Mic hi gan Opera Theatre Eph 's Downtown Unique Catering and Event Louise Hodgson Pepsi Media Delicatessen Planning Don jensen PostNet After 5 Detroit Esp resso jazzy Cafe'fIhe Recy-clean H enry Kassen Radrick Farms, U o f M Ambassador Magazine Bloomfield C h eesecake Show Off's Body Art MAC Va lves Foundation Reddeman Farms Golf Club Crain's Detroit Business Company Six Sa lon Eva Meharry The Roost ertail Detroi t Fashion Pages Finlandia Vodka Sky Vodka Monica Moffat & Pat Lisa Rosenb erg at th e Real Detro it Fi rs t Class Valet Slow 's Bar B Q McGuire Bradley Co. Six Degrees Gemini II Marketing & Small Plates Detroit LLC No ra Moroun The Scarab Club Shepherd's Hollow Go lf Promotions Smokies BBQ ' N ' Catering Curtis Posuniak In-Ki nd Donors Gemin i II Salon Source Audio The Lion King Gaze ll e Tour Club BravoBravo 20 0 8 j acoby 's SP Grace Eve n t Group La-Z-Boy, Inc. Slows Bar BQ Absolute 100 j aguar Vodka Stage 3 Smart Car Bloomfield Addison GraphiCS J AS Events Sta rbu cks IN-KIND DONORS janet Sullins American Coney Island Ketel One Vodka
www.M ic hi ganOpera.<?rg
Detroit Opera House
Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House present two of the finest and most diverse opera an d dance series in the country Such an achievement requires many voices and many willing hands helping out behind the scenes. The talented, giving hands of each volunteer has a significant impact on the overa ll operation of the company
We all thank you for your dedication and support I We thank them for their extraordinary gifts of talent and time that help to make Mich igan Opera Theatre a success year after year.
MOTVA Executive Committee
Steven Marlette, President
Nancy Moore, Secretary
John McMullin, Treasurer
Judith Slo tkin, Past President
Dodie David, Past President
Gloria Clark, Past President
Betty Brooks, Past President
MOTVA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Melinda Anderson, Young
Professsionals, BravoBravo l Liason
Helen Arnoldi-Rowe, DivaslDivos
Gwen Bowlby, Publicity &: Development
Gloria Clark, Dodie David, Opera league
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique
Annette Delorenzo, Dance Council
Kevin Dennis , Technology
Marianne Endicott, Community Programs
Don Jensen, Board Member
Amy Jidov, Membership
Helen Millen, Ambassadors
Ali Moiin, Supers
Wallace Peace , Vol unt eer Education
Curtis Posuniak, Footlights
Elaine Schonberger, Board Member
Terry Shea, Board Member
Roberta Starkweather, OVI Rep. Board Member
Gail Urso, Board Member
Jeremy Zeltzer, Board Member
TBD , Office Vo lunte ers
TBD, Opera House Ushers
TBD , Volunteer Voice
2008 OPERAtors
Helen Arnoldi-Rowe
Gloria Clark
Dodie David
Marianne Endicott
Alan Israel
Steven &: Jennifer Marlette
Robert Martin
Dr. John Novak
Eva Powers
Anthony Ruda
Mark &: Elaine Schonberger
Carole Tibbitts
Detroit Opera House
Greetings from the Michigan Opera Theatre Volunteer Association!
Over the past year, we have accomplished great things with the assistance of the many dedicated vo lunteer members who make up our association. As we celebrate our 15 th year, the members of MOTVA continue to provi d e service, ed uc ation and advocacy in support of Michigan Opera Theatre
like many of you, I was first introduced to staged opera and dance productions lo cally through Michigan Opera Theatre. Over the years, I have co m e to appreciate the many vo lunte ers required to bring these world-class performances to life. In short, volu nte ers are the h eart of Michigan Opera Theatre. There isn't a better way to perpetuate Detroit's opera and dance scene than by engagin g in one of our many volunteer groups.
Your tax-deductible membership entitles you to participate in as many of the individua l volunteer groups as you wis h In these difficult economic times, Michigan Opera Theatre truly appreciates the support of its volunteer members who help to make each season a success.
If yo u wou ld lik e to join our organization, please comp let e the membership form and return it along with your dues. We will contact you and get you engaged in the groups o f your cho ice.
We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest and involvement in the Michigan Opera Theatre Volunteer Association.
Steve n Marlette President MOTVA
Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus vo lunt eer Sandra Tifft is a committed hard-working parent and a true asset to the MOTCe. She was comm itted from the very beginning to helping the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus get off the ground.
San dr a has served as the Committee Chair for both the fund ra ising and uniform!spiritwear committees for both the past two seasons. She helped raise funds for the chorus during the Winter Fantasy silent auction for the past two years, found donors (both monetary and in-kind), helped design the MOTCC logo an d spirit wear, sized for and ordered blazers and spirit wear several times, distributed and collected blazers, and performed any other necessary tasks asked of her.
Sandra manages meetings with both committees alm ost every week, all without needing any direction from the MOTCC staff.
"Sandra is a real team worker! " says MOTCC Director Suzanne Acton. "She understands what needs to be done, and how to accomplish it. "
The MOTCC staff, along with all of us at Mic higan Opera Theatre, thank Sandra for her hard work l Bravo l
For more information on one of the many ways to volunteer at Michigan Opera Theatre, please contact Kathi Kucharski at (313) 237-3433 or email
MOTVA Soiree Hosts
Joanne Danto & Arnold Weingarden
Susan &John Entenman
www.Mic higanOpera .org
Deborah Meade
BRAVO 45 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dr. Ali Moiin & Dr. William Kupsk y Gloria & Stanle y Nycek
Endow Your Gift and Build the MOT Endowment Fund!
"'\ X Th at does endo wi n g yo ur gi ft m ea n ?
V V It m ea n s to m ak e yo ur gi ft las t for ever.
For ex ampl e, tak e an annu al gift o f $ 1 ,5 00 H ow mu ch wo uld it ta k e to end ow the gift so that a ch a rit abl e organization could receive th at am ount ind e finitel y? Since the m aj orit y o f n onp ro fit s have a poli cy for s p end in g end owme nt in com e at ab out 5% an n uall y, sim ply di vi d e the annu al gift am ou n t o f $ 1,5 00 b y 5 % and yo u ge t $30,0 0 0. Consequ entl y, m akin g an end owment gift o f $30, 000 ca n co ntinu e th e $ 1 ,5 00 an nu al gift ind efini tely Give twen ty times the amo unt o f your annu al co ntributi o n t od ay, and yo u will h ave a p erp etu al gift endo wm ent. In other word s, give a littl e n ow and m ak e the gift las t for eve r.
In a wea k en ed ec on om y a nd h ars h econo m ic times, we ar e m or e conscio u s and d ili ge nt th an eve r in our e fforts to r aise en d owm ent fun ds an d hope that yo u wi ll co n t inu e to supp ort u s wi th yo ur ge n ero sity It 's a way for yo u to p laya spec ial part in p erp etu ati n g a ca u se th at m ea n s a lot to yo u an d will
p ro vi d e a steady, d epen d abl e so urce of inc om e to Mi chi ga n Opera Thea tre. W ith a signifi ca nt en d owmen t , MO T will b e able to expand its r eperto ire, d evelop n ew produ cti on s, fund the Ford Cent er fo r Arts and Lea rnin g pro gr am s , and continue it s rich tr aditi on of featuring minority arti sts. In additi on , as this fund gro w s , we wi ll b e ab le to rece ive large r annu al di stri b u tions to h elp wi th our ge n era l op er a ti on s. Co n sequ ently, you help u s en sure th e future and su p port the prese nt at th e same tim e w ith yo ur gift s
You m ay co ntri bu te to th e Unres t ricted Gen era l End owme nt Fund a t MOT at an y level, o r set up a spe cifi c N amed End owm ent Fu n d for th e purpose of yo ur choic e Se ttin g up an endo wm ent co uld b e th e mo st farsi ghted an d enduring act of your life time !
If yo u h ave q u es ti ons abo ut es tat e p lanning, pl ann ed givi n g and end owm ent , p lease d o n ot h esi ta te to call Kim-La n Tri nh , Associa te Direc tor, Pl ann ed Givin g and Maj or Gi ft s, a t (313) 237-3 4 08 or emai l h er a t k trinh @ motop era .o rg
MOT Endowment Fun d Donors
Allison, Sarah and Do u g
Berman, Made le ine an d Mandell
Bla ir, Arthur
Cohn, joyce H.
Damo, Betty and Marvin
Damo, Joanne
De t ro it Grand Oper a Associa tio n
Gibson, Barbara an d Sam W illiams
Goodma n, Freda K.
H amb urge r, Hilda and J oel
Hoialmen, Gordon V
Jo h n S. and J ames L. Kn ight F o und ati on
Ke ll er, Caro le
Lep le r, Max and Rex Dotson
Masco Corpora ti on Fou n dati o n
Meininge,; Lucie B.
Wittenberg, Helen B.
Zeltzer, Pearl an d George
Italics = deceased
Mr. and Mrs Robel't A Aliesee
Mr and Mrs Douglas f Allison
Bar-Levav Family Foundation/Dr Leora Bar-Levav
Mr and Mrs.). Addison Ba rtush
Mr W Victor Benjamin
Betty and Art Blair
Mr Robert Bomiel'
Mrs. Doreen Bull
Rev. Paul Chateau
Hon. and Mrs. Avem L Cohn
Minka and Douglas R Comelsen
Dr. Robert A Comette and Mr. Alan Mu rdock
Ms joanne Danto
Mr Randa l Darby
Dr. David DiChie ra
M,'s. Charles M. Endicott
Mr Wayne C Everly
Mr and Mrs. David T Fischer
Ms. Barbara Fmni1el and Mr. Ron Michalak
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Glover
Dr Robel't A Green
M,: Ernest B. Gutie 'Tez
Mr. and Mrs. jerome Halperin
Mr. and Mrs. Preston B Hap pel
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Ha rtwig
Ms. Rebecca P Hein
Ms. Nancy B Henk
Mr. and Mrs. Ste rling C j ones jr.
Mrs. josephine Kess ler
Barba"a and Edward L. Klarman
M aking a gift to the end o wment o f the Michigan Opera The atre is a wa y of leaving an indelible imprint. Find o ut more b y callin g
Kim-Lan Tr i nh o f the Mi c hig an Oper a Theatre at 313.23 7. 3408.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Kolt on
Dr and Mrs Myro n laBan
Mr. Edward C Levy]l: and Ms. Linda Dresner Levy
Mr. Hannan Lis
Ms. Florence LaPatin
Mr and Mrs. Robe rt A Lutz
Mrs. Mitchell Malicki
Mr. Bruce A Miller
Mrs Betty Mueller
Ms. Ruth f Rattner
D,: and Mrs David B. Rorabacher
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Gera ld f Ross
Mrs. Ha "riet Sapel'stein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sc hwa rtz
Ms. Ellen Sha rp
Mrs. LNetta Skewes
Ms. Ma ,y Anne Stella
Mr and Mrs. Norman). Tabor}/:
Mr and Mrs. Peter P Thurber
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tombo ulian
Salome & jonathan T Walton
Mr. Andrew N. Wise
The McG "ego/' Fund
The Kresge Fo undation
"I was here" while you're still here.
MICHIGAN com m unityfou ndation con ne ct ing t h ose w h o CAR E in partners hip with I FOR SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN W it h causes tha t MATTE R ©2006CFSE M 46 BRAVO www.Michiga
Detroit Op e ra Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
General Information
Unauthorized cameras and recording devices are not allowed inside the lobby or theater at any time. The taking of photographs of the theater or any performance is strictly prohibited. As a courtesy to our guests , we ask that all paging devices, cellular telephones and alarm watches be switched to silent mode prior to the start of all performances.
Doctors and parents are advised to leave their seat location (located on ticket) and our emergency number, (313) 237-3257 , with the serv ice or sitter in case of an emergency Please observe the lighted exit signs located throughout the theater. In event of fire or similar emergency, please remain calm and walk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our ushers are trained to lead you out of the building safely A trained Emergency Medical Technician (EM T) is onsite during most events. Please see an usher or staff member to contact the EMT.
Ladies' restrooms are located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway Street entrance), down the stairs and also on the third floor (Madison Street entrance) - please press "3R" on the elevator to reach this facility Gentlemen's restrooms are located under the Grand Staircase and also in the third floor (Broadway Street side) - please press "3" on the elevator to reach this facility Please note: All third floor restrooms are wheelchair accessible. A unisex , wheelchair accessible restroom is located in the Cadillac Opera Cafe.
The Detroit Opera House is a smoke-free faCility Ash receptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for those who wish to smoke.
Ushers are stationed at the top of each aisle. If you have a question or concern, please inform an usher, and they will contact management. If yo u are interested in becoming a vo lunteer usher , please call the usher hotline at (313) 237-3253.
Latecomers will be seated only during an appropriate pause in the program. Late seating policies are at the discretion of the production, not opera house management.
Detroit Opera House
Lost and Found is located in the Safety and Security Department. Please see an usher if you have misplaced an article, or call (313) 961-3500 if you ha ve already left the theater. Items will be held in Lost and Found for 30 days.
The Detroit Opera House Parking Center, located next to the Detroit Opera House, is now open. This new state-of-the-art faCilit y is reserved specifically for Detroit Opera House patrons during regularlyscheduled performances. Entrances and exits are located on both John R. Street and Grand River Ave. for added convenience. Prepaid parking is available. Call (313) 237-SING (7464) for more information.
Accessible seating locations for patrons in wheelchairs are located in all price ranges on the orchestra level. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about these locations if you require special accommodations.
Assisted Listening Devices are available on a first -come , first -served basis. Please see an usher to request this service, or visit the Guest Services desk located in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street entrance) Although this is a complimentary service, we will request to hold a piece of personal identification while yo u are using the device. Please contact the ticket office at (313) 237SING (7464), should yo u desire special consideration.
Children are welcome However, all guests, regardless of age, are required to hold a ticket. Babes in arms are not permitted.
A National City ATM is available 2417 inside the Parking Center.
Concessions stands are located on all levels. Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium at any time. Coat Check is located at the Guest Services desk , in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street side) . Cost is $2 .00 per coat. Please note that the Detroit Opera House does not accept responsibility for any personal articles that are not checked at the coat check. www
Be advised that, for purposes of Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 2842500)(0, this is an entertainment facility which has a seating capacity of more than 2,500 individuals. It is therefore against the law to carry a concealed weapon on the premises.
The Detroit Opera House is available for rent by your organization. Please call (313) 961-3500, and ask to be directed to the Special Events Department.
The Detroit Opera House ticket office hours are as follows: Non-performance weeks - Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Performance days - 1000 a.ill. through the first intermission of the evening's performance , except Saturdays and Sundays, when the ticket office will open two hours prior to curtain time. Tickets for all public events at the Detroit Opera House are also available through all TicketMaster outlets, by phone at (248) 645-6666, or at
Come join the Opera House Ambassadors for a backstage tour of the Detroit Opera House. Learn about the histor y of the Opera House and its restoration Meet the people behind the scenes, tour the stage and see how it operates. Tours are $10.00 per person. For more information, please call (313) 237-3407, or v isit www.
Michigan Opera Theatre (313) 961-3500
General Information ....... (313) 961-3500
Lost and Found ....... .. (313) 961-3500
Ticket Office. (313) 23 7 -SIN G (7464)
Usher Hotline..... (313) 23 7-3253
Theater Rental Information (313) 961-3500
Detroit Opera House Fax. (313) 23 7- 3412
Press and Public Relations. (313) 237-3403
Detroit Opera House
Parking Center ...(313) 965-4052
BRAVO 47 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dr. Ko ren Heidelbe rg LNDA DRESNER Where con Lindo toke you? www 299 W. Maple Rood , Birmingham. MI 248 642 4999 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre