PROGRAM: Bravo 2010 Fall Opera and Dance

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Renee Fleming soprano Hartmut

Hall piano

Sun, Jan 16 I 4 PM


On e of the most beloved and celebrated mus ical ambassadors of our time , soprano Ren e e Fleming captivates audiences with her sumptuous voice , consummate artistry, and comp e lling stage presence . This great American soprano returns to VMS after her 1997 recital a nd h e r 2005 appearance in a concert version of R!c hard Strauss 's Daphne


Liebeslieder Waltzes: Songs and Waltzes of Love

Genia Kuhmeier soprano

Bernarda Fink mezzo-soprano

Michael Schade tenor

Thomas Quasthoff bass-baritone

Malcolm Martineau piano

Justus Zeyen piano

Sat, Apr 23 I 8 PM






Spanische Liebeslieder, Op . 138 (1849)

Liebeslieder Walt zes , Op 52 (186 8- 69)

Four Songs from Quartets for Four Voices and Pianos , Ops. 64 & 92 (186 2- 84)


Neue Liebeslieder Waltzes , Op. 65 (18 74)


ums 10111
::i\-J£RS'r)- Call or click for tickets! ums 734.764.2538 I 6' ::=::;:;.ti;.. (' -f( HOURS : MON - FRI : 9 AM TO 5 PM SAT: 10 AM TO 1 PM ='"'- Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Th e Official MagaZin e of th e Detroit Op era Hous e

BRAVO is a Michigan Op e ra Theatre publication

Rebekah Johnson, Editor

Mitch Cart e r , Contributing Ed i tor

Co ntributor s

Fred Buch alt e r

Mitch Ca n e r

Karen V DiChi e ra

Rebekah Johnson

Tim Le ntz


Echo Publi cat ion s, In c. Royal Oak , Michigan www.echopublications com

Tom Putters , Pre sident Tob y Fab e r, Adv e rtising Sales Director

Ph ysi cians' se rvices provid ed b y Henry Ford Medical Center.

Pepsi-Cola is th e o ffi cial soft drink a nd juice pro vid e r of the Detro it Op e ra House

Cadillac Coffee is the offi cial coffee of th e Detroit Opera Hous e

Steinwa y is th e offi cial pi a n o of th e De tro it Op e ra House and Mi c hi gan Op e ra Th ea l re. Stein way pi a no s are pro vid ed by Steinway Piano Ga ll e r y of De troit , ex clusi ve represe nt a ti ve for Ste inwa y a nd Sons in Mi c hi gan .

President Tuxedo is th e o ffi cial provid er o f fo rm alwear for th e Detroit Opera H ouse

Eclipse Creative is t he officia l media producti o n comp a ny of th e Detroit O pe ra H ou se.

Mi c hi ga n Ope ra Th ea tre is a n o n pro fi t c ultura l orga ni za t io n w h ose ac ti vi t ies a re s upp o rt ed in pa rt by th e Mi c hi ga n Co un c il fo r A rt s a nd C ultural Affa irs. th e Nation a l End o wm e nt for th e A rt s. a nd o th e r in di v idu a ls. co rp o rat io n s a nd fo und a ti o n s. Mic h iga n O p era Th ea tre is a n Eq ua l Opport unit y Em pl oye r

NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS A great nation desefves grea t art Detl"o i t Opera H o u se • 9" ",·",,,,d ",1" ·,1ajJ";n CONTENTS Fall 2010 WELC PME L ETTER FROM D AVID DIC HIERA 4 ON STAGE T HE MI KADO ... .... . . .. .... .. .... .. ..... .. . . . . .. . .. . . ........... . ..... ... ...... . .. 5 T HE DYNA MI C Duo: Tw o ME N WH O CH ANG ED ENG LI SH OPERA 7 l-A B O HEME 10 THE CAFE MOMU S, STILL FRE SH AFTER 3 0 yE ARS 12 T HE G RAND RAPIDS B ALLET: TH E N U TCRACKER 14 T oo H OT TO H ANDEL 18 T HE]OFFREY B ALLET 22 40 Y EARS OF RI CH H ISTORY: A MICHI GA N OP ERA TH EATRE TI MELl N E 26 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Board of Di rectors and Trustees 25 Arti st Profil es ... ... . ............. . . .. . . . . . ... . .. .. . ..... ... .. .. .. . ... ..... . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... 28 Com munit y Programs and Learnin g a t th e Opera Hou se, Dan ce Education , and MOT CC .... . ........ . .. .... 32 Cho rus an d Orches t ra 35 Administr ation and Staff . .. . ... . ...... . .... . ....... . ....... . ... . .... .. .. . ....... .. . . ... 46 CONTRIBUTORS Avanti Society .. ............................. . .. . .. .................. .. . . . .......... . .... . ... 36 Ca mpaign to Restore th e De troit Opera Ho u se . ... .. .... .. . .. . .. . .... . .. .. . 37 Michigan Opera Theatre Co ntribut ors 39 Vo lunt eer Information 45 Ge neral Informatio n ... .... . .. . . . ... . . . . ...... .. . .... . .. . . . . . . .... . . .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . . . 47 www BR AVO 3 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's 40th season of opera.

Over its 40 year history, MOT has become known for prese nting opera standards while integrating groundbreaking new works, fulfilling our mission through four decades of performance excellence and community involvement. Through the years opera has been a forc e for positiv e change in our city, th e most visible being the opening of the Detroit Opera House in our reborn Theater District. We have also witnessed three world premieres, including the landmark Margaret Gamer, Andrea Bocelli's operatic debut in Werthe, ; and the beginnings of man y opera careers. Stars who graced our stage early in their careers include Gregg Baker, Marcello ' Giordani, Leona Mitchell , Maria Ewing , Kathleen Battle, and Leah Partridge.

I'm immensely proud of what we , as a company and a community, have been able to accomplish in our 40 year history, but there is so much work left for us to do. Main stage works that entertain, inspire , and move us are at the core of what we do as a company.

As the curtain rises on Michigan Opera Theatre 's 40 lh anniversary season , we commemorate this occasion with a season of audience favorites.

Celebrating the 12yh anniversary of Gilbert and Sullivan's most famous operetta , our season opens with The Mikado - one of our most requ este d works , and one that has not been seen on the MOT stage since 1991. Journe y to the fictitious town of Titipu , Japan as we witness a beloved satire of a bureaucratic society gone haywire. The musical score contains some of the bestloved songs of all time, including "Three Little Maids, " "The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring " and ''I've Got a Little List." The cast includes some familiar MOT favorites, including conductor Mark Flint and mezzosoprano Melissa Parks as the fiery Katisha ; along with several MOT debuts , including Canadian tenor David Curry in the role of Nanki-Poo and Andriana Chuchman as Yum-Yum.

In November, by popular d emand, Giacomo Puccini 's timeless, tragic , La Boheme returns to the Detroit Opera House stage. We are delighted to present the MOT debut of Sardinian tenor Francesco Demuro in the role of Rodolfo , who has become a major tenor to watch He will alternate in the role with Noah Stewart, who made his MOT debut in fall 2009 in Nabucco and has become

one of the country's leading young tenors.

Performing th e role of Mimi is American soprano Kelly Kaduce, who since her MOT debut as Caroline Gaines in the world premier e of Margaret Gamer in 2005 , has become a major star. She will alternate with Italian soprano Grazia Doronzio, who will make her MOT debut following her performances as Liu in Turandot at the Met.

As the home of dance in Detroit , the 1yh season of dance at the Detroit Opera House is marked with audience favorites and unprecedented collaborations that highlight Michigan 's regional dance talent.

Th e Nutcracker comes home to the Detroit Opera House in November with the Grand Rapids Ballet. A beloved Detroit holiday tradition , we are pleased to welcome the company back to our stage following widely acclaimed performances of Aladdin , Where the Wild Things Are, and Peter Pan. Another favorite returning this year is Too Hot to Handel , presented in partnership with the Rackham Symphony Choir. Now in its eighth year on the Detroit Opera House stage, this jazz and gospelinfused rendition of Hand e l's Messiah has become a holiday tradition that lifts spirits and inspires danCing in the aisles.

On this, our 40 lh anniversary, it is paramount to thank our donors , friends, and volunteers - thos e who have supported us and believed in our vision. Without you, these 40 years would never have been possible We still have much work to do , but I know that with your support we will continue to serve as a cultural resource for the State of Michigan for years to come.

In these difficult economic times , we espeCially appreciate the continued and unwavering support of our fall opera season sponsor, Ford Motor Company. I would also like to thank individual donors whose generosity of time and investment in our vision is truly unparalleled. And of course, our hardworking volunteers who serve as ushers , envelope stuffers, and tour gUides, among many other duties , a heartfelt thanks to all of you

We are delighted that you have decided to join us for this exciting anniversary season. Enjoy the performance!

4 BRAVO Detroit Ope.oa House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre



THE MIKADO is presented in two acts

World Premiere in London , England , March 14 , 1885

Sung in English with English supertitles

Running time: 2 1/2 hours







Made possible by Ford Motor Company













Scenery & costumes were originally created for New York City Opera

Special thanks to Arizona Opera for use of marketing production materials

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

www. lVlicbiganOpera.ol g Detroit Opera House


In order oj vocal app earan ce

Nanki-Po o David C urr y *

A N oble .............. .. .... .. ... .. .. .............. ...... ... Kurt Fra nk *

Pi s h-Tu s h Edwa rd

Pooh-Bah .... . .... . . ..... ........ . .. . ....... . ......... Andrew G r ay #

Ko -Ko Mic h ae l Wa nk o

Yum-Yum Andri a n a C hu c hm an *

Pee p-Bo J ac qu elin e Kin g +

Pitti-Sin g ..... .... ........ .... .......... .... .. . .. .... Mo n ica Sciaky +

Katisha Me li ssa Pa rks

Th e Mik a do .. .. .................. .... ........ ....J a mi e Offen bac h

* Mi chigan Op era Th eatre debut

+ Barbara Gibson Yo ung Arti st Apprentic e

# Joy ce H. Cohn Youn g A rti st

Las t Mi chigan Op e ra Th eatre produ ction oj Th e Mikado : Nov embe r 1991. Feat w ing Jeffr ey Lentz , Zal e Kess ler and Ma ry Calla ghan Ly nch Co nduct ed by Suza nn e A cton and direc ted by Greg Ganaka s



Nan ki-P oo, a w a nd erin g min s trel, co m es to th e tow n o f Titipu in searc h o f Yu m- Yum , a girl w i t h w h o m h e h as fa ll e n in Ko -Ko , h er g u a r d i an , was co nd emn ed t o d ea th und e r th e Mi ka d o 's c apr ic i o u s law aga in s t fl irtin g, b ut h as s in ce b ee n app o inte d Lo rd Hi g h Exec uti o n er, o n th e ass umpti o n th a t h e will be un wi llin g to e nfo r ce a law of w hi c h h e him se lf mu s t b e th e fi rs t vic tim . Whil e Ko -K o plan s to marr y Yum- Yum him se lf, Na n k i- Poo woos th e b ea utiful g irl. Yum- Yum r e turn s hi s a ffec t io n , but s h e is un w illi ng to d efy h e r g u a rdi a n

Mea n whil e , Ko -K o l ea rn s th a t hi s p os t is to be ab o li s h e d b y th e Mik ado fo r n o n-p erfor m a n c e o f dut y. H is searc h fo r a v ic tim is inte rrup te d by th e a pp ea r anc e of th e d espo nd ent Na n k i- Po o , b ent o n sui ci d e. T h e two m en s tri ke a d ea l that Na nki - Poo m ay m a rr y Yum -Yum , i f h e w ill ag ree to b ec om e Ko - Ko 's fi r s t vic tim a t th e end o f a m o nth

T h e ge n e r al rejoi ci n g t h at fo ll ows t hi s ann o un ceme nt is h a lte d b y th e a rri va l o f Ka ti s h a , a n el d e rl y la d y o f th e Mi k a d o 's co urt T h wa rt ed in h er e ffort s to cl aim Na nki-P oo as h e r lover, s h e atte mpt s t o revea l hi s tru e id ent i t y, but th e en tire to w n s h o ut s h e r d ow n a s th e ac t e nd s.


Act II find s Yum- Yum and Na nki -Poo pr ep arin g for th e ir w eddin g . But Ko -K o produ ces a s urpr ise - "b y th e Mik a d o 's law, w h en a m a rri ed m a n is b e h ea d e d , hi s wife is buri e d a li ve !" Yum- Yum is h avin g seco nd th o u g ht s w h e n th e app roac h o f th e Mi ka d o him s elf is a nn o un ce d . Ko- Ko p anics a nd decid es th a t a dea d b o d y w ill n o t b e n ee d ed if th e p ro p e r p ape r s a r e p rodu ce d. H e se nd s Na nki -Poo away t o m arry Yum- Yum a nd pre p ar es a " cert ifi cate " o f Na n k i-P oo 's exec u tio n Th e Mik a d o is d e li g ht ed to rece ive th e n ews until h e sees th e na m e o f th e v ic tim Ko -K o n ow l ea rn s fo r th e fir s t t im e th a t Na n k i- Poo is t h e so n o f th e Mi k a d o. Alo n g with Poo h -Bah and Pi tt i-Si n g , w h o h ave ac t ed as wi tn esses to t h e fa ke exec uti o n , Ko-Ko is se nt e n ce d to b e b o il e d in o il fo r "co mp ass in g th e d ea th of th e H eir Appa r ent. "

W h en Ko -K o goes to Na nki- Poo for help , t h e m in s tre l exp la in s t h at h e or ig in a ll y di sg ui se d hi mse lf in or d e r to esca p e Ka ti s h a 's a tt e n t ions, a n d h e h as n o int en ti o n o f be in g an yt hin g b ut " d ea d " until s h e is ma rri ed to so m eo n e el se. To save his ow n n ec k , Ko- Ko woos an d win s t h e la d y in r ecord t im e Wh e n th e Mik ad o r e turn s from lun ch to find h is so n s ti ll a live, a nd Ko-Ko m a rri ed to Ka ti sh a , h e d ecl ares th at "n o thin g co uld poss ibl y b e m o r e sa ti s fac t o r y."

Co urt esy oj Th e New Yor k G ilb e rt & S ulli van Play e rs

Director's Notes

It is always a great pleasure to come back to a work in my repertory that I know will hold many pleasures for both performers and audiences alike It is also very special when that piece is one that I don't get the opportun ity to work on as often as I would like The Mikado is one such piece and this is only the third time in my twenty year career that I have had the great fortune to direct one of Gilbert and Sullivan's most witty and popular pieces

When The Mikado first premiered on March 14, 1885 in London, it ran at the Savoy Theatre for 672 performances ; this was the second longest run for any work of musical theatre and one of the longest runs of any theatre piece up to that time By the end of 1885 it was estimated that at least 150 companies were producing the opera in Europe and America.

So, what accounts for the incred i ble popularity of the piece? Like many of the other works in the G & S canon, The Mikado manages to satirize British politics and institutions with a cutting wit that few before or since have been able to do. The biting lyrics of W. S Gilbert and the sometimes truly sublime music of Arthur Sull ivan atta i n a level of soph i stication almost unequaled in the lyric theatre. By clothing their piece in the guise of an exotic locale, in this case the fictional town of Titipu in Japan, Gilbert and Sullivan were able to take aim at the very people that flocked to see their shows.

But the essence of their gen i us is in how timely their work still is even today At the heart of The Mikado is a story of moral repression and class structure , things that we still encounter on a day -to-day basis Let's face it; there is as much talk about death , torture and execution in The Mikado as we hear in an hour of news reporting on CNN! Of course these very serious subjects are couched in a series of brilliant parodies and wordplay thereby render i ng the serious nature of the subject almost unnoticeable But it is these very subjects that also make the piece so relevant today a l l the more so because of the tradition of changing lyrics and adding verses to Ko-Ko's brilliant " List Aria" in Act One and the title character's second act aria " A more humane Mikado "

Allow me to thank my incredibly talented choreographer Dan Knechtges who worked side - by-side with me these past few weeks to create the staging, my brilliant lighting designer Chris Rynne and our wonderful conductor Mark Flint This show would not be what it is without their unflagging support and dedication

And I would be remiss if I did n ot take this opportunity to acknowledge Michigan Opera Theatre's General Director David DiChiera and not only thank him for assembling the brilliant cast of singing actors you ar e about to see and for trusting me to create this production with them, but to congratulate him on the honor of be i ng named one of this year's recipients of the prest i gious National Endowments fo r the Arts Award I know you will all join me in saluting him on receiving this honor and wish him all the best as we open the 40t h Anniversary season of this very special company

Now please sit back and enjoy I hope we are able to give you as much pleasure watching the show as we have had preparing it

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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The Dynamic Duo: Two Men Who Changed English Opera

In 19 t h Ce ntur y En gla nd , lo t s o f co mi c op e r a wa s p e rform ed , but m os tl y writt e n b y J ac qu es O ffe nb ac h fr o m F ra n ce. Ita li a n Gr a nd O p e ra w as p e rfo rm ed too , but ve ry few o ri g in a l E n g li s h o p e ras o r c omi c o p e ras we re c rea t ed o r p e rfo rm e d Thin gs we re a b o ut to c h a n ge.

Th e p a rtn e rs hip o f G ilb e rt a nd Sulli van was ac tu all y a pa rtn e r s hip o f fo ur peo pl e: Willi a m G ilb e rt , Arthur Sulli va n , Ri c h a rd O'Oy ly C art e , and H e le n Le n o ir ( O ' Oy ly Ca rt e 's ass is t a nt a nd eve ntual Wife).

Bo th G ilb e rt and Sulliv a n initiall y tri ed to es t a bli s h th e msel ves as se ri o u s a rti s ts In s pit e of thi s initi a l goa l , G ilb e rt b ega n to w rit e fo r th e m ag a z in e Fun w hi c h publi s h ed hi s co mi c p oe tr y ca ll ed T he Bab Ba l/ a ds. Thi s c han ge d hi s direc ti o n In turn , Sulli van eve ntu a ll y rea li ze d th a t hi s o n e g ra nd o p e r a , Iva nh oe , a lth o u g h g ree t e d w ith c h ee rs a nd exc ell e nt r e vi ews , was n o t go in g to g ive him th e fa m e a nd fo rtun e th a t th e co mi c o p e ra w o uld brin g him

Th e ir fir s t co llab o r a tion was a pi ece ca ll ed Th es pi s, or Th e God s G ro wn O ld G ilb e rt kn ew th e m a n age r o f th e Ga iery Th ea t e r in Lo nd o n , w h o a s k ed G ilb e rt to w rit e Th es pi s fo r th e Chri s tm as seaso n a nd as k ed S ulli va n to w rit e th e mu s ic.

In th e m ea ntim e , Ri c h a rd O'Oy ly Ca rt e , m a n ag in g direc t o r o f th e Roya lty Th ea t e r, was pr ese ntin g O ffe nb ac h's La Perici1Ol e , a nd want e d a n En g li s h c urt a in ra ise r. In 1876 , as fa t e w o uld h ave it , Trial by Jury w as th e o ut co m e o f th e seco nd " G & S" co ll a borati o n . G ilb e rt , edu ca t ed in th e pr ac ti ce o f la w a nd n o te d fo r hi s in vo lve m e nt in law s uit s , h a d g rea t fun w ritin g it. Thus b eg an o n e o f th e m os t infa m o u s pa rtn e r s hip s in mu s ic. G il be rt a nd Sulli va n 's mu s ica l r e la ti o n s hip was o ft e n fill e d w ith ma n y di sag r ee m e ntsa lth o u g h n o on e can d o ubt th e qu a lit y o f mu s ic th a t res ult ed!

O ' Oy ly Ca rt e lon g wa nt e d to se t up a n a nnu a l se ri es of E n g lis h co mi c o p e ra

In 1879 , with th e s u cc ess o f th e o n e-ac t Trial by JUl Y , h e found inv esto rs t o c rea te th e Co mi c Op e ra Co mpan y th a t wo uld p e rfo rm in th e Op e r a Co miqu e Th ea tr e. Th e n ex t s t e p wa s to build a n ew th ea t e r ex clu s ive ly for th e wo rk s o f G ilb e rt a nd S ulli van O'O yl y Ca rt e a nd so m e wea lth y in ves tors b o u g ht la nd in th e Sa voy a rea. H e r e , th e n ew Savoy Th eatr e was built , thu s Gilb e rt a nd Sulli va n o p e ras we re ca ll e d Savoy O p e ras a nd th e p e rfo rm e rs w e re call ed Savoy ard s. G ilb e rt a nd Sulli va n 's Iolanth e o p e n ed th e th ea t e r.

D e tl'oit Op e r"a Hou s e

, As a s tage dir ec tor, G ilb e rt wa s m e ti c ul o u s , workin g tir e less ly with ea ch p e rfo rm e r to p e rfec t hi s co n ce pt o f h o w eac h c h a r ac te r was to m ove a nd pron o un ce eve ry thin g. H e wo rk e d o ut hi s bl oc kin g b e fo re h a nd b y u s in g a mini a ture s t age a nd s m a ll w oo d e n bl oc k s re pr ese ntin g th e p e rfo rm e rs Sulliv a n 's co mp OS iti o n a l t ec hniqu es in vo lve d fir s t m a ppin g o ut th e rh y thm o f eac h pi ece. Aft e r c rea tin g th e m el o di es, h e gave th e mu s ic t o th e Sin ge rs a nd w o u ld impro vise acco mp a nim e nts a t th e pi a n o durin g r e h ea rs al s. He wo uld n o t s ta rt to o rc h es trat e until a few d ays befo r e o p e nin g ni g ht , oft e n g iv in g th e orc h es tr a onl y o n e re h earsa l of a brand n e w sco re.

F o ll o win g th e o p e nin g o f th e Sav o y Th ea tr e, A rthur Sulli van b ega n to ex pr ess th a t h e want e d to c rea te m o re logi cal o p e r as , o n es with o ut fa iri es, w it c h es o r so rce re rs - so m e thin g diffe r e nt than w h at th ey h a d d o n e G i lb e rt too k iss u e ; wh y c h a n ge a s u ccess ful fo rmula ?

To und e r s ta nd th e diffi c ult y Sulli van was facin g , we n ee d to co n s id e r th e fee lin g of b e in g a c hild prodi gy in mu s ic. Sulli va n had w o n man y h o nor s during hi s c hildh o od , in c ludin g th e M e nd e ls s ohn Award , e nablin g him to s tud y mu s ic with fin e p ro fesso rs in Ge rm a n y. As a res ult , p e opl e in En g la nd h a d g reat ex p ec tation s fo r him to w rit e symph o ni es a nd g r a nd o p e r a. In s t ea d , h e was w ritin g co mi c op e r a w ith b o un cy rh y thm s.

Sulli va n fe lt th a t if G ilb e rt co uld g ive him l o n ge r phr ases a nd o pp o rtuniti es to ex pand hi s mu s ica l s t y le , th a t th e r e co uld b e a g rowth in th e ir w o rk in s t ead of goin g ba c k to wh a t h a d alrea d y b ee n d o n e.

Ne ith e r Gilb e rt n o r S ulliv a n w a nt e d to e nd th e ir partn e rs hip

Th e ir diffe re n ces were fin a ll y se ttl ed in th e ir n ex t o p e ra, Th e MiJwd o, w hi c h is a lso kn o wn as Th e G ilb e rt a nd Sulli va n M as t e rpi ece

With th e J a pan ese Ex p os iti o n in Lo nd o n in 188 4 , En g li s h socie t y d e vel o p e d a k ee nn ess fo r a n y thin g Jap a n ese. Thi s e nthu s ias m ex t e nd ed to G & S's n e w "J a p a n ese " o p e ra e ve n thou g h it is rath e r Briti s h Th e pl o t o f Th e Milwd o,

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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ba se d o n th e comp lex iti es of complyin g with co urt e tiqu e tt e and av o idin g exec uti o n , is a c tu a ll y a se ndup of British c u s tom s. Th e p o pul a rit y o f Gilb e rt & Sulli van 's o p e ras led to so m e n ew iss u es . F o r s om e ye ar s, a udi e n ce a nd o rc h es tra m e mb e rs with ac ut e ea r s w e re piratin g G&S op e re tt as a nd prodU Cing th e m throu g h o ut th e British Is les a nd Am e ri ca Th ese " thi eves " realiz ed th a t th e re w e re n o t ye t int e rn a tion a l co p y ri g ht laws, and m o n ey co uld b e m a d e b y m o untin g th ese p o pul a r pi eces and k ee pin g th e profit s. Gilb e rt a nd t h e O 'O y ly C art es tri ed to sto p th e pra c ti ce, but we re rul e d aga in s t b y th e Am e ri can C ourt s.

Gilb e rt a nd Sulli va n 's famou s pa rtn e rs hip e nd ed wh e n Sulliv a n di ed o f h ea rt a nd kidn ey fa ilur e in 19 00 a nd w as g ive n a s ta te fun e r a l by Qu ee n Vi cto ri a. Ri c h a rd O 'Oy ly Ca rt e had b ee n ill fo r so m e tim e a nd di ed seve ra l months la te r.

G ilb e rt purc h ase d a large es ta t e a nd b ega n co ll ect in g a utom o bil es a nd go in g to m o ti o n pi c tures. Whil e tr y in g to save a d ro wnin g g irl o n e da y, Gilb e rt d rown ed

To d ay, w e mu s t g ive thank s to H e le n O'O y ly Ca rt e fo r k ee ping a liv e th e wo rk s o f th ese m e n. It w as sh e who ran th e Savoy Th ea t e r a nd th e Sav o y Hot e l. Sh e kep t to ur s runnin g throu g hout Th e Briti s h Is les, E ur o p e, A m e ri ca , in fac t - th e wo rld , all owin g u s to e njo y th ese o p e r as to d ay.

In a b oo k publi s h ed in 18 99 b y a fri e nd o f Sulliv a n 's, Arthur Law re n ce , e ntitl ed Ar thur S uI/i van , LiJe St o ry, Le tt ers and Rel11ini sc nces, Lawr e n ce a n s w e red qu es ti o n s put to him about br eak-up s a nd m a k e -up s of th e pair thi s w ay: " It is, ind ee d , a privat e a nd p e r s on a l m a tt e r, a nd is th e refo re qu estionabl e wh e th e r th e re w ill e v e r be a n y s uffi ci e nt ju s tifi ca ti o n fo r a re la ti o n o f th e in c id e nt s w hi c h pr ece d ed di sso lution s in th e ir profeSS io n a l re la ti o n s hip " o t lik e o ur 2 1" ce ntur y re p o rt e rs ! Ah fo r th e goo d o ld da ys !

Karen V Di C hi e ra is th e Direc to r oj Co mmunity Pro g rams at Mi c hi g an Ope ra Th eatre.




APERFORMANCE BY Sh e n Yun is tradition a l C hin ese c u l ture as it was m ea nt to b e - a pro fo und stud y in gra ce a nd wi sd o m d ist ill e d from 5, 000 ye ars o f c ivi l iza ti o n.

Shen Yun f e atures on e of th e most ex pr ess ive, and a lso on e of th e most dem an din g, art form s in t h e wo rld: classica l C hin ese danc e. It is a co mp lete system of dan ce refined through thousands of yea r s The class ica ll y t r a ined dancers, musicians , a nd s in ge r s of Shen Yun d ed icate t h e ms e lves to r evivin g t h e esse n ce of hum a nity 's divin e ly in sp ir ed c ultur e. T h ey be liev e t h at to c r ea te t ru e a rt , t h ere

mu s t fir st b e inn e r puri ty. Thu s, th ey a r e sur e to includ e study a nd m e dita ti o n into th e ir rigorous tr a inin g r e gim e n

Choreog r a ph ers find an inexh a u stibl e source of in spiration in C hin a's many dynasti es and e thnic groups. The y bring to life ta le s of we ll -known legends a nd timehonored va lu e s, displaying goodness a nd loyalty, courage and traged y

This winter, Shen Yun wi ll again debut a spectac ular orig ina l produ c tion with a ll new dances, costumes, and music.

Ex p er ie n ce th e extraordinary.

"Brilliant choreograph y... ex travagantly bea ut iful. "
" A visually dazzling tour of 5,000 years of Chinese history and culture."
- San Francisco Chronicle
..... .... Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
" as if the dancers, drummers and vocalists had waited centuries to break out in song. And in a way, they have."
/ Jan 20 - 23, 2011 Detroit Opera House ALL-NEW 2011 PROGRAM WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA Hotline: (888) 880-4110 TicketMaster : (800) 745-3000 tic ketmaster com/she nyu n d etro it Presented by MI Falun Dafa Association & DCA al\m_ SHENYUN PERFORMING ARTS WWW.SHENYUNPERFORMINGARTS ORG Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
- Philadelphi a Ciry Paper



LA BOHEM E is prese nt ed in fo ur ac ts Wo rld Premi e re in Turin, Ita l y, Fe bruary 1, 1896 Sun g in Italian with E nglish s up e rtitl e tra n s la ti o n Runnin g tim e : 3 hour s










10 BR A VO
GAMMON DTE Energy FoundatiOn Nov 13 Performan ce Sponso r STAGE MANAGER KEN SALTZMAN Mad e poss ibl e by Ford M ot or Co m p any www Mi c hi g anOp e l"a .o rg
ROBERTO MAURO Production originally created for l'Opera de Montreal. D et roi t O p e r a H o u se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


In order oj voca l app earanc e

Marcello Marian Pop (13 , 17 , 20)

Corey McKern C19 , 21) *

Rodolfo Francesco Demuro * (13, 17, 20) Noah Stewart (19 , 21)

Colline Andrew Gray#

Schaunard Lee Gregory *

Benoit Jason Budd

Mimi Kelly Kaduce (13,17,20)/\ Grazia Doronzio (19, 21) *

Parpignol.. Bernard Holcomb

A Child Anne Koziara (13, 17 , 20) Lauren Hackett (19 , 21)

Musetta Kimwana Doner

Alcindoro Jason Budd

Sergeant Christopher Vaught

Custom House Officer Edward Hanlon+

* Michigan Op era Th eatre debut

+ Barbflra Gibson Young Artist Apprentice

# Joyc e H Cohn Young Artist

/\ Kelly Kaduce's pe rJormances mad e possibl e by a generous giJt Jrom the Jos ephin e Kleiner Foundation

Last Michigan Op era Th eatre pe rformanc e oj La Bohem e:

November 2005 Featuring Charles Castronovo , Attila Fehete, Liping Zhang and ErmonelaJaho Conducted by Steven Mercurio and directed by E. Randahl Hoey.


Act I

An atti c apartment in Paris's Latin Quart er on Christmas Eve

The po et Rodolfo and his roommate , Marcello, a paint e r, are trying to work but it is too cold to concentrate. Rodolfo offers to burn his manuscript to stay warm. Colline, a philosoph e r, arrives as the play burns . All three try to warm thems elves. Schaunard, a musician, arrives soon after with a bounty of food and wine . As the four toast their good fortune, Benoit , the landlord , arrives to collect rent, which is past du e. The four friends invite him in , offer him wine and reassure him they will pay what is owed. With ingenuity they distract and confuse Benoit , ultimately forcing him out before he is able to collect. To celebrate th e holiday and th e ir luck , the y d ec ide to din e at Cafe Momus. Rodolfo sta ys behind to finish an article, promising to join them shortl y.

There is a knock on th e door Rodolfo opens it to find a beautiful young woman , Mimi at the threshold. She asks Rodolfo for a light for h e r cand le He invites her in. She faints suddenly, dropping the ke y to her apartm e nt. When she recovers, the y begin to search for her ke y but both of their candles go out. They are left with only moonlight to guide them. Th e two search for Mimi 's key, and in the darkn ess,

Rodolfo touches h e r hand. Th ey begin to confide in one another, sharing their hopes and dreams. Rodolfo 's fri e nds call from below, asking him to join them at Cafe Momus. Rodolfo tak es Mimi 's arm , and they leav e for the cafe.

Act II

Outside th e CaJe Momus, the stre et is bustling with holiday shoppers and vendors

On the way to the cafe , Rodolfo buys Mimi a bonn e t. The two join his fri e nds at a sidewalk table outside Cafe Momus Th e toy seller Parpignol is followed by a crowd of children. A littl e while lat er , Musetta , Marce llo 's old flam e, arrives accompanied by Alcindoro , a wealthy, older gentleman . Although Marcello feigns indiffe r e nce , he finds it increas ingl y difficult to ignore Musetta. To gain his attention she sings about her captivating beauty. No long er wanting Alcindoro 's company, Musetta cries out that her shoe pinches her. She demands that Alcindoro run and buy her a new pair. The moment Alcindoro is out of view, Musetta runs into Marcello 's arms. They join their friends and are swept up in celebration . By th e time Alcindoro returns , th e group has left th e cafe and h e is left with the check


Early dawn on a bitt er, co ld February morning outside a tavern nea r one oj th e city ga tes.

Customs officers search people coming into th e city for work. Mimi , in a weakened state, seeks out Marcello to ask for his help She co nfides in him that Rodo lfo 's j ea lous y is the cause of their constant fighting. Rodolfo comes looking for Marc e llo , and Mimi hid es . She overhears Rodolfo explain why h e is so tormented. Mimi is ill, and his poverty is weakening her condition. Rodolfo hears Mimi cough and rushes to her . At the same time , Marcello hears Musetta laugh and goes inside th e tavern to find out what she is up to At first , Mimi and Rodolfo try to end th e ir relationship but they are still deep ly in lov e. They decid e to stay together until the springtime , when it will be easier to separate Meanwhile Marcello 's worries are confirmed; he catches Musetta flirting with a stranger. He drags her out of the tav e rn to confront her, they quarrel, and Musetta storms off leaving Marcello behind. Meanwhile , Rodolfo and Mimi depart arm and arm , blissfully reunited

Act IV

Th e Jo ll owing summer in Marcello and RodolJo's attic apartment

Marcello and Rodolfo are tr ying to work but each is distracted by thoughts of the woman he loves. The somber mood changes when Coll ine and Schaunard arriv e to share a paltry mea l. The four of them forget their worries , improvising a sword fight when suddenly, Musetta arrives with Mimi. Mimi is dying and wants to be with Rodo lfo again. Musetta and Marcello leave to find a doctor. Colline leaves to sell his overcoat. Schaunard follows them out. Rodolfo and Mimi are left a lone They recall their first meeting. The others return with medicin e, but it is too late Mimi has died At first , no one dares tell Rodolfo. Looking at their faces , he realizes she is gone.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Detroit Opera House www.M ichiganOpera .org BRAVO II
Courtesy oj Boston Lyric Opera



The musical travels of a s e ason e d chorist e r

Ihav e n ever actuall y b ee n t o Pari s but I h ave travel e d th er e man y tim es. T h e s am e ca n b e sa id fo r Ro m e, Cairo , Saint Pe t er sburg , Sevill e , Pekin g, and C h a rl es ton I ha ve b ee n a d ea th ro w i nm a te and th e 108 yea r- o ld Emp eror o f C hin a In fac t , I h ave inh abi te d t h e s ou ls and liv es of pri es ts a nd p easants, nobl e m en a nd vill age r s, so ldi er s, pri so n ers , a s lave own er a nd a H e brew s lave .

Th e ve h icl e for th ese a mazin g j o urn eys was, and r e m ain s, op er a . At a youn g age I discove r ed th e t r a n s form a ti ve po we r o f mu s ic : it's ability to m ove m e b o th ph ys icall y and e m o tion a lly. I a tt end e d m y fir s t o p e r a in th e s pring o f 19 79 ( L a Tra v iata w ith Ca th erin e Ma lfit ano ), I was o n s tage in th e ch o ru s o f m y fir s t p ro du c tio n si x m o nths la te r , a nd n ow, 3 0 yea r s late r, I h ave th e gr ea t fo rtun e to c ontinu e m y j o urn ey as a m emb er o f th e Mi chiga n Ope r a Th ea t re C h o ru s.

Befo re th e d ays o f th e De tro it O p er a H o u se, m y j o urn ey a lso includ ed ve nu es in De tro it 's T h eat er Di s trict : th e Mu si c Ha ll , th e F is h e r Th eatre and Maso nic Te mpl e. Th ro u gh o ut m y ca r ee r I h ave tak e n part in man y op e r as a nd hund re d s o f p e rfo rman ces Am o n g th e p ro du c ti o n s we r e th e cl ass ics , A id a , Tur a ndot , Ca rm en a nd M ad a m e Butt erfl y; a n ew op e r a, D ead M an Wa l l?in g, and tw o w o rld pre mi er es, M arg are t Ga m er a nd Cy ran o. I h ave sun g so m e o f t h e m os t b e autifu l ch o ru s mu s ic ever writt e n , with o n e of th e m os t m e m o r ab le , Va Pens iero, co min g in o ur p ro du c ti o n o f N abu cco l as t seaso n

Yo urs tru ly (circl e d ) ce le b rat in g anot h er C hr istmas Eve at t h e Cafe M omus N ico le Cabe ll (f oregro un d) was ou r M usetta.

La Bo h em e, o n e o f thi s seaso n 's p ro du c ti o ns, h as pl ayed a spec i al p a rt in m y ca ree r a nd tr avels as a c h o ru s m e mb er w ith Mic hi ga n O p era T h eatre. I h ave b ee n in fo ur p ro du ct io n s of La Bo h em e, in severa l d i ffe r en t ci t ies an d ve nu es. An d in 1996 w h e n we ope n ed th e m ag ni fice nt Detro it O p e r a House , La Bohe m e was

our very firs t p rod u c tion W hil e th e th eater i tsel f was ope n fo r m u sic , our dress in g roo m s and re h earsa l faci liti es we r e n ot. So fo r th at fi rst pro d uc ti o n , t h e ch o ru s h a d to re h earse , warm- u p, a nd get in to costu m e an d m ake- up at th e YWCA severa l bl ocks away. W h en we we r e rea d y, we we r e take n b y bu s to t h e load ing dock a n d wa it ed b ack s tage for our ent ra n ce . An d wh e n we co m p le t ed o ur secon d ac t sce n e a t th e Cafe Mom us , we ma rch ed d irec tl y o n to th e bu s an d were take n b ack to th e YWCA. Des pit e h av i ng t o m ake o ur e n tr an ce by s huttl e bu s , a ft er so m an y seasons as gyps i es moving from th eate r

12 BR A VO w w w 1Vi ic hi ga n O p er a .o l·g
IIWho knows, there may be someone in the audience that evening seeing their first opera as I did those many years ago. II
Detro i t O p era H o u se Copyright
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

to th ea t e r, w e we r e fin a ll y h o m e O n e o f th e qu es ti o n s I am o ft e n as k e d is wh e th e r it ge t s bo ring doin g t h e sa m e s h ows o ve r a nd over aga in M y a n swe r - unlik e eac h p er fo rm a n ce - is a lways th e s a m e. Wh e th e r it is o p e r a, mu s i ca l th ea te r , o r a s ta ge pl ay, n o tw o p ro du c ti o n s o r pe rfo rman ces a re e ve r th e sa m e. E ve r y tim e I s te p ont o a s ta ge it is a uniqu e o pp o rtunit y to r ec r ea te a nd r e di sc o ve r It 's li ke ge ttin g to kn ow a n o ld fri e nd a ll over aga in Eac h tim e I wa lk th e s tr ee ts o f Pa ri s, eac h tim e I wi tn ess Mu se tt a 's tantrum a nd h ea r h e r m a r ve l o u s Quand o m en vo, eac h tim e L c el ebra t e C hris tma s Eve a t th e Cafe Mo mu s a nd s in g th e b ea utiful mu s ic o f Mr Pu c cini , i t is a n ew a nd exc i t in g a d ve nture. W h o k n ows , th e r e m ay be so m eo n e in t h e a udi e nc e th a t eve ni ng see in g th e ir fi rs t o p e ra as I did th ose m a n y yea r s ago

T h e j oy gift o f b e in g a p a rt o f a p r o du c ti o n goes b eyo nd m y s p e cifi c

in vo lve m e nt in th e c h o ru s I o ft e n fin d m yself'i n t h e w in gs w h e r e I h ave a " front row seat " fo r th e g rea t mu sic a nd dr a m a o f t h e o p e r a I h ave b ee n p r i vil ege d to b e in t wo diffe r e nt p rod u c ti o n s o f Po rgy & Bess as th e coro n er a nd in eac h p e rfo rm a n ce , a fte r m y ro l e o n s tage was fini s h e d , I wo uld s t a nd o ffs tage w a tc hing th a t fin a l sce n e. A nd as P o rgy wh ee l e d him s elf o ff to New Yo rk to find hi s Bess, I was wi th him eve r y tim e . But th e fir s t ac t o f L a Bohem e, with Rodo lfo a nd M imi 's p o ig nant a ri as, Che geUda m anin a and Mi citi amaJ1 0 Mimi , and th e i r hauntin g du e t , 0 soav e Ja nciulla a t t h e e nd o f th e act, is s till o n e o f m y favo rit es a n d n eve r fa i Is to m ove m e.

As Michi ga n O p e r a T h ea tre e mbar ks o n its 40th yea r with th e 2010 -2 011 seas on , 1 loo k fo r wa rd to n ew a d ve ntures a nd tr av el s.

P e rh a p s 1 w ill b e o ff to th e co urt o f th e Duk e o f Ma ntu a in Ri go /etto, o r

Meltlories Can Blooln

Memories of lives lived weave th e fabri c of a fam il y's histOlY . VVhite Chape l invites you to ell.l) lore a pl ace of une ndin g b ea uty where yo w ' famil y can remember for ge nerations to come.

Oll e ifour pre -pLaT/lliT/g specialists caT/ reznew]o llr persOT/al desires and provide mmry ([/Jordablf optiolls, induding iT/tereslj'ee pLans.

m ay b e t o Titipu a nd Ko Ko 's p a lace in Th e Milwd o. What eve r and wh e r eve r it mi g ht b e, Lkn o w it will find a s p ec ia l pl ace n e xt to th e m e m o rabl e j o urn eys I ha ve alre ad y ta k e n. And I a ppl a ud yo u fo r j o inin g u s W h e th e r it's yo ur fir s t tim e o r on e o f man y, I know yo u too will h ave a w o nd e rful trip Aft e r a ll , yo u d o n 't n ee d to p ac k a suitc ase, th e r e is no c h a rge fo r yo ur ca rr y-on and eve r y sea t is a w indo w sea t w ith a s p ec tac ul a r vi ew.

F red Bu chalt er j oin ed th e Mi chi gan Op e ra Th eatre C holLl s in 19 79, and ha s pa rti cipat ed in man y produ cti ons and hundreds oj peljo nn ances. He ha s als o perJonn ed with Mead ow broo h Th eatre, J ewi sh Ens embl e Th eatre, Ra chham Sy mphony C ho il; G ree nfi eld Villa ge Holiday N ig ht s and many loca l dinn er th ea ters

D e tr o i t O p era (-l o u se w w w.M i c hi ga nOp e loa.o rg LA BOHEME
Jt7tere Memory Lives In Beauty. 62 1 Long Lake Rd. Troy, MI 48098 whitechapelcemetery .com (248)362-76 70 Pr ivately O wne d - S erv ing All Fai ths BR A VO 13 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The Nutcracker Story

Our story begins in a G e rman town in 1860 , in the darkening hours of deep December, at the annual Christmas Eve party of h ead town councilor, Herr Stahlbaum , and his ch a rming wife , Frau Stahlbaum. Clara and Fritz , the Stahlbaum children , are full of excit e ment as the time for the party draws near! When the guests arrive, the children dance with each other and with their gifts while the adults converse and dance with one another.

Dr. Drosselmeyer, godfather to Clara , arrives at the party Renowned as a manufacturer of clockwork dolls and a bit of a magician, he delights young and old alike with two life-sized dancing dolls As a sp e cial gift for Clara , Dr. Drosselmeyer has brought a Nutcracker. Soon it begins to grow late , and the guests d epart Clara leaves her beloved Nutcracker alone and goes upstairs to sleep.

It is approaching midnight. Clara awakes and goes downstairs to look for her Nutcracker. Dr. Drosselmeyer returns as strange and wondrous things begin to take place. Clara 's Nutcracker grows to tremendous size , as do the mice and her brother 's toy soldiers! The Mouse King appears and threatens Clara. The Nutcracker and his soldiers battle the Mouse King and his mice until the Nutcracker is overcome. Clara throws caution to the wind , and her shoe at the enemy, mortally wounding the Mouse King. Dr. Drosselmeyer's magic transforms the fallen Nutcracker into a handsome prince. As the Mous e King is taken away, Clara is led by her Nutcracker prince and Dr Drosselmeyer into a glorious land of wind driven snowflakes.

Clara 's journey continues to another land in the second act. The Sugar Plum Fairy and the Nutcracker Prince welcome Clara and Dr. Drosselmeyer to their Kingdom of Sweets. The Nutcracker tells of Clara's brav ery and the defeat of the dreadful Mouse King. The Sugar Plum Fairy's friends , from all different lands , dance in her honor.

Clara watches with delight as dancers perform Spanish , Arabian , Chinese , and

Russian variations. She is captivated by the beautiful Reed Flutes and thrilled when the clowns bring Mother Ginger in and invite her to dance with the The Flowers waltz in her honor and the Sugar Plum Fairy and Nutcracker Prince perform a beautiful dance before all friends come together in a final farewell. Before long , as with all dreams , Clara 's must come to an end , and she returns home to her loving family.

Where did The Nutcracker ballet come from?

The first staged performance of Th e Nutcrack e r took place in St. Petersburg , Russia on December 18 , 1892 , and was a collaborative effort between the great composer Peter Tchaikovsky, and the legendary choreographer Marius Petipa Petipa fell ill shortly into the rehearsal process and the choreography was compl e ted by his assistant Lev Ivanov It is hard to believe , recognizing the popularity of the ball e t today, that Th e Nutcracker was dropped from the St. Petersburg repertoire after only fourteen performances I The ballet didn 't even premiere in Moscow until twenty-seven years later, and didn 't make it to the west until 1934 when Nikolay Sergeyev brought his notes with him from St. Petersburg to the Sadler Wells Ballet of London. In 1954 , in creating the first full-length ballet for the New York City Ballet , Balanchine asserted The Nutcracker's hold over the American public

The actual tale of The Nutcracker dates back to 1816 , and was written by E.T.A. Hoffmann. Now, almost 200 years later, the story of a little girl 's Christmas adventure with her mysterious Godfather, evil Mouse King , and handsome Prince continues to enchant and enthrall audiences the world over!


Clara Fritz


Frau Stahlbaum

Herr Stahlbaum

Dr. Drosselmeyer


Party Girls

Party Boys

Party Women

Party Men

Young Couple




Harlequin Dolls

Soldier Dolls


Adult Mice


Mighty Mouse





Mouse King


Snow Queen

Wind King





Sugar Plum Fairy

Nutcracker Prince






Reed Flutes


Mother Ginger

Bon Bons



Opera House
BRAVO 15 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Chelsea Clow, from Illinois, currently in her sixth season with the Company.

Kateryna Derechyna, from the Ukraine, currently in her fourth season with the Company.

Dawnell Dryja, from Detroit, currently in her ninth season with the Company

Leonid Leonidovich Flegmatov , from Russia, currently in his second season with the Company.

Anton Kandaurov, from the Ukraine , currently in his third season with the Company

Alexey Kulpin, from Russia , currently in his sixth season with the Company.

Francis Lawrence, from Australia , currently in his second season with the Company

Oksana Maslova, from the Ukraine, currently in her third season with the Company.

Attila Mosolygo, from Hungary, currently in his fourteenth season with the Company.

Rachael Riley, from Florida , currently in her second season with the Company.

Stephen Sanford, from Missouri , currently in his tenth season with the Company.

Laura Schultz, from Grand Rapids, currently in her eighth season with the Company.

Nicholas Schultz, from Grand Rapids, currently in his eighth season with the Company.

Larissa Tanis, from Illinois , currently in her sixth season with the Company.

Kyohei Giovanni Yoshida, from Japan, current guest artist with the Company.

Apprentice - Martha Bellamy, from Grand Rapids , currently in her first season with the Company.

Apprentice - Katie Brown, from Grand Rapids , currently in her first season with the Company.

Apprentice - Sadie Brown , from Indiana , currently in her first season with the Company.

Apprentice - Marisa Fazzari, from Washington , currently in her first season with the Company.

History of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company

Celebrating its thirty-ninth season, the Grand Rapids Ballet Company (GRBC) remains committed to its mission , to lift the human spirit through the art of dance. A proud recipient of the ArtServe Michigan Governor's Arts Award for Outstanding Cultural Organization, Michigan 's only professional ballet company has a rich history marked by steady growth , a commitment to excellence, and strong community support.

In 1971 the Grand Rapids Civic Ballet began under founding Artistic Director Sally Seven. Summerfest School of Grand Rapids, a conservatory school for development of professional dancers , began in 1983 and later merged with the Grand Rapids Civic Ballet. Subsequently the two reorganized to form the Grand Rapids Ballet Company a long with the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company. Under the artistic direction of Charthel Arthur, GRBC moved into regional status and joined the Midwest Regional Ballet Assoc'/Regional Dance America. During the 1993-1994 season, professional dancers were placed under contract for the first time.

Today, the professional company consists of fourteen professional dancers and three apprentices; the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company has an enrollment of over 250 students taught by instructors from professional dance backgrounds ; an additional 500 students receive free introductory classes through the awardwinning "Steps in a New Direction " program; and the educational programs GRBC offers to the community are outstanding ways to foster the connection between the arts and education

After the appointment of Artistic Director Gordon Peirce Schmidt and Associate Artistic Director Laura Berman in 1999, the Company saw tremendous growth and presented more than fifty new works. The 2010 - 2011 season welcomes Patricia Barker as Interim Artistic Director. Ms. Barker brings a world-class talent and a plan to add renowned works to GRBCs repertoire.

throughout the state - totaling over 50 performances per season The Company has performed in Quebec, Canada , Lansing, Detroit, Kalamazoo , Boyne City, Midland, St Joseph and more ; and with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra , Grand Rapids Symphony, Opera Grand Rapids , the Jackson Symphony, Richmond Symphony, Midland Symphony, and West Shore Symphony, among others.

Through the generosity of an artsconscious community, The Next Step Campaign allowed the Company to transform an old abandoned bus garage into a well-designed dance rehearsal space and schoo l facility. Since its opening in 2000, this permanent home has all owed the Ba ll et to add new opportunities for the community such as the popular Dancers ' Theatre Ser ies, an expanded school schedule, and a popular field trip for students , " Escape to the Ballet ," where children learn what it takes to run a professional ballet company

Responding to the demand of the Dancers ' Theatre Series and tremendous growth of the Company and School, GRBC announced another exciting $7.5 million expansion in September 2006. Stage 2: A Campaign for Ballet included the addition of the 300-seat Peter Martin Wege Theatre adjacent to the current faCility, creating the Meijer-Royce Center for Dance. The LEED-Certified theatre opened in September 2007 and houses the Company 's Dancers ' Theatre Series , as well as performances by the students of the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company. The 300-seat design keeps the intimate feel of the Dancers ' Theatre Series that audiences have come to love , while also allowing access to the Series for more patrons. The space also offers expanded opportunities for educational programs and any number of new ventures the Company wishes to undertake.

Original programming, innovative choreography, and a commitment to excellence are hallmarks of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company With artists invested in the community and a community that supports the arts, the Grand Rapids Ballet Company has created a nourishing arts center for all of Michigan, and continues to provide the highest level of excellence in dance , theatre and education for a ll individuals.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Grand Rapids Ballet Company regularly performs at DeVos Performance Hall , the Peter Martin Wege Theatre, Forest Hills Fine Arts Center and various tours

Opera House

Patricia Barker, Interim Artistic Director a nd fo rm er prin ci pal d a n ce r with Pac i fic No rth wes t Ba ll e t , is co n s id ere d o n e o f th e wo rld 's m os t g ift ed ba ll er in as. Sh e r ece ive d h er ea rl y b a ll e t tra inin g fro m Lyn n e W illi a m s in Ri c hl a nd , WA, studi ed o n sc holars hip bo th at Bos t o n Ba ll e t Sc hoo l with E. Virg ini a W illi a m s a nd Vio le tt e Ve rdi a nd Paci fi c No rth wes t Ba ll et Sc h oo l wit h Fra n c ia Ru sse ll , Perry Brun so n a nd J an e t Reed .

Ms. Ba rk er ha s d an ce d in m a n y o f th e g rea t full le n g th b a ll e ts a nd co nte mp o r ar y wo rks fro m r e n own e d ch o r eog raph er s. Sh e pe r for m e d w ith Pac ific No rth west Ba ll et ex te n s ive ly th ro ug h o u t Eu ro p e , As ia, Au s tra li a a nd No rth Ameri ca. Sh e a pp ea red as a gu es t a rtis t w ith n a ti o na l a nd in te rnati o nal ba ll e t co mp a ni es a nd p e rfor m ed in m a n y ga las th ro ug h o u t th e wo rld

Ms. Ba r ker d a n ce d th e lea d rol e o f Cla r a in Nu t crac k er th e Mo ti o n Pi ct ure , a nd s ta rr ed as Titani a in th e BBC's fil m , A M ids umm er D rea m in a celeb rato r y re-o p e nin g o f th e Sa dl er 's We lls T h eat r e in Lo nd o n. Sh e gra ce d th e covers o f Dan ce Magaz in e , Da n se r, Poi n te Maga zin e , Dan ce Aus tra li a , Dan ce Teac h er , Da n ce Pages, Ba ll e t Review a n d Da n ce Int e rn a ti o n a l. Sh e s tages, re h ea r ses a nd coac h es ba ll e ts for p ro fess io n a l co mp a ni es in cl u d in g s tag in g w o rk s fo r th e Ba la n c hi ne Tru s t o n th e Slo va k Na ti o n a l Ba ll et a nd th e Hun ga ri an Na ti o n a l Ba ll e t. In her ro le as Arti st ic Ad visor for th e S lovak a ti o n a l Ba ll e t , sh e a lso a d vi sed o n progra mmin g and fund ra is in g.

Ms. Ba rk e r is a jud ge fo r int e rn a tion a l b all e t co mp e tition s a nd teac h es a t n a ti o n a ll y r e n own e d b a ll e t sc hoo ls. Sh e co ll ab o ra te d with F r ee d o f Lo nd o n , produ ci n g a n in s tru c ti o n a l vid eo a n swe tin g da n ce r s ' m ost fr e qu entl y as k ed qu es ti o n s ab o ut th e a rt o f w ea rin g Po int e sh oes As a m e mb er o f th e a rti s ti c tea m o f Broa d way Bo und , s h e ch oreog r ap h ed full sca le p ro du c ti o n s pe rfo rm ed b y childre n b e twee n th e ages o f 5 to 18

Ms . Ba rk er 's e ntrepren e uri a l and man age m ent ex p eri en ce includ es produ c t d es ig n a nd d eve lo pm ent fo r h e r own d ancewea r co mp a n y; a p a te nt awa rd w hil e co n s ultin g w ith a lea din g d a nc ewea r m a nufac tur e r ; a nd p ro du c t d eve lopm ent co nsultin g for a d a n ce accesso ri es co mp a n y.

Ms Ba r ke r 's in vo lve m e nt in fundr ais in g includ es Cap it a l Ca mp a ig n s, E nd owm e n ts a nd Sc h o la rs hip s. Sh e is c urre ntl y a bo ard m e mb e r o f th e Ta teu c hi Ce nt e r, a p erfo rmin g a rt s ce nt er in Be ll evu e , W as hin gto n and o n th e ad v iso ry b oa rd s fo r Po int e Magaz in e , C rit ica lD a n m , Ca lifo rni a Ba ll e t a nd Broa d way Bo und . Sh e h as pr ev i o u s ly se r ve d o n th e adv is or y b oa rd s o f T h e M a ri o n O li ve r McCa w Ha ll , Sea ttl e 's p re mi ere p e rfo rm a n ce h all , a nd Minn eso ta Da n ce T h ea t er.

Sh e is also d e di cate d to brin g g r ea t er a ware n ess t o bo n e a nd j o int h ea lth b y ac tin g as a spo kes p e r so n for th e Unit ed Sta t es Bo n e a nd J o int Deca d e Ms. Ba rk er h as b ee n ins trum e n ta l in crea tin g Fit t o a T p rog r ams fo r yo un g d an ce r s to s prea d awa ren ess ab o ut b o n e h ea lth a nd os t eo p oros is.


Grand Rapids Ballet Company

Production Staff:

Int e rim Arti s ti c Dir ect o r - Pa tr ic ia Bark er

Produ c tion Ma n ge r - John Fe rr aro

Co mpan y Sta ge Ma n ag e r - Me lli ssa Slac k

Cos tum e r - J ami e Tink e r H ee rin ga

Cos tum e Ass is ta nts - Clar e Ga rd es ki , M e li s sa Leit c h

Ba ll e t Mi s tr ess - Mind y Moso lygo

Re h ea rs a l Directo r - Kara Tay lo r

Grand Rapids Ballet Company

Upcoming Events

N ine Sinatra Son g s Fea turin g Twy la Tharp 's g lam oro u s cl ass ic , J ose lim o n's Th e PaVQ n e and mor e !

J anu a r y 28 - 3 0 & Fe bru a r y 4 - 6

Pe t e r Ma rtin Wege T h eatre -G r a nd Ra pid s, MI

Moth e r Goos e Suit e & Th e Boy Who Wouldn 't Do His Hom ework

G R Ba ll e t a nd G r and Va ll ey Sta t e Uni ve r s it y co ll a bo r a te to int ro du ce c hildr en to ba ll e t a nd o p e ra.

Febru a r y 19 - 2 0 & 25 - 26

Pe t e r Martin Wege Th ea tr e & Lo ui s Arm s tron g Th ea tr e - Gr and Ra pids , M I

Spring Breal? for Kids!

Th e popul a r Sprin g Br ea k eve nt re turn s with a n ew ba ll e t for children

April 5 -9

Pe ter Martin Wege T h ea tre - G ra nd Rapid s , MI

Rom e o and Juli e t

A pa ss io n a t e w o rld pr e mi e re by Mari o Rad aco vs k y

May 13 - 15 & 20 - 22

Pe t er Martin Wege T h ea tre - G r a nd

Ra pid s , MI

e tl'oi t O p e l'a H o u se
www Mi c hi ga nO pe ,·a o l·g
BR A V O 17 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


The Concordia Orchestra of New York City commissioned Too Hot

To Handel in 1993, from arrangers Bob Christianson and Gary Anderson. Since the first performance at Lincoln Center, crowds have sm iled , cheered and danced in their seats (and sometimes in the ais les l ). Too Hot cap tures the essential core of Handel 's famous masterwork and reinterprets it with chords of rhythm and blues, jazz and gospe l. The end result? A dynamic and uplifting celebra tion that must be experienced. Simply pur: Too Hot To Handel is Messiah re-created.

Music on loan from the archives of the Concordia Orchestra, Malin Alsop, fOLlI1ding music director and conductor



Comfort ye

Every va ll ey

And the glo r y of the Lord shall be revea led '

Thus sai th the Lord

But who may abide th e da y o f His comin g

And H e sh all purify

Behold, a virgin sha ll conceive

o thou that tellest good tidings to Zio n

For behold, darkness sha ll cover th e earth

The people that walked in darkness

For unto us a child is born

There were shepherds ab iding in the field

And sudd enl y there was with the an gel Glory to God



Rejoice greatly

Then shall the eyes o f the blind be opened

He shall feed his flo ck

His yoke is easy

Behold the Lamb of God

Surely He hath borne our griefs * *

All we like sh eep h ave gone astray

Beh old, I tell you a mystery

The trumpet sha ll sound

The Lord gave the word

Why do the nations so furiously rage

H all eluj ah l

* * with David Vaughn, bass-baritone


Now entering its 60th year, Rackham Symphony Choir (RSC) is considered one of Michigan 's major choral organizations . RSC has enjoyed a rich musical heritage of p er forming with many of the world 's most celebrated artists ranging from conductors Thomas Schippers and Antal Dorati to singers Luciano Pavarotti and Joan Sutherland. Under the visionary leadership of Artistic and Music Director Suzanne Mallare Acton, the choir has distinguished itself with a r epertoir e of groundbreaking works with timely themes , multi-media experiences and innovative programs. Recognized for its artist i c contributions to th e community, RSC was awarded Michigan 's 2008 Governor 's Arts Award

To learn more about the non profit membership organization and its current schedule, visit www.rack h amchoir org.

Contributors to Too Hot To Handel :

Fri ends

Phillip & Maureen Abele

Fran Bachmann & Bruce


Jonathon & Betsy Baron

John & Janice Bernick

Richard & Susan Bingham

Arthur & Nola Chester

Bill & Pamela Day

Emily & Joshua Eichenhorn

Susan A. Fox

Jeff & Germaine Fritz

Robert & Teresse Krause

Denise Kurowski

Bud Uhl

John V. Wickey

Mary Lou Zieve

Pat r ons

Joan McCaskill

Ronald Michalak & Barbara


Contributors t o Rackham

Symphony Choir :

Impresario $1,000 and above

Richard & Susan Bingham

Bill & Pamela Day

DeRoy Testamentary Fund

The Fred A. & Barbara M Erb

Family Foundation

Jeff & Germaine Fritz

Kresge Foundation

Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs

Michigan Humaniti es Council

State of Michigan

Bud Uhl

John V. Wickey

Lula C. Wilson Trust

Conductor $500 -$999

Suzanne Mallare Acton & David Osborne

Verizon ww,v.Mic

Patron $1 00- $ 249

Robert Bomier

Dennis & Marjorie Glaza

Frank & Nancy Glover

Ron & Sara Gurdjian

Ken & Judy Pardonnet

Family $ 25 -$ 99

Rudolph & Diane Bernick

Steven & Carol Breshgold

Suzette Chaiken

Jenina Felici

Arthur & Nancy Krolikowski

Kenneth & Anne Miller

Victor Pytko & Barbara Porter

Marion Priebe

La ve rne & Lois Schenk

Wine for Humanity

In Kind

John & Janice Bernick

Canoe Circle Graphics

Robert Cucuzza

Tom Cucuzza

Tom & Beth Deuel

Detl'oit Opera House
h iga n
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Suzanne Mallare Acton

From op e ra to Hand e l's Mess iah to cont emporary jazz , condu c to r Suzann e Ma llare Acton is rec ogniz ed for h e r ve r satilit y and dynami c style. For Mi chi gan Op e ra

The atre , Ms . Ac ton 's condu c ting cre dit s includ e : Wes t Sid e Story, Th e Ba rb e r oj

Sevill e, Mu s ic Ma n, Th e Pirat es oj Penz an ce, Th e Mikad o, Di e Fl edermau s, La Traviata , Th e Daughte r oj th e Regi m ent, La Boh em e, El Capitan , a nd The Tend e r Land. Additi o nal co ndu ctin g c redit s include My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Da yton Op er a, Th e Merry Widow and Madam e Butt erfly for Anp a rk , and Ta sc a for Augusta Opera. Ms Ac ton h as se r ve d as gu es t c ondu c tor fo r Th e De troit C hamb er Wind s and Strin gs , Birmin gham-Blo omfi e ld Symph on y Orc hes tra , Lake St. Cl air Symph o n y O rc hes tra, th e Lexin g ton Bac h Fes ti va l, and th e Saginaw Ba y Symph o n y Orch es tra.

As a lead er in th e' Michigan a rt sce n e, Ms . Ac to n is kn own fo r he r bo ld re pe rt q ire and ventures into multim e di a p rog rammin g As a rti s ti c/mu sic direc tor o f Rac kh am Symph o n y Ch o ir , sh e has prese nt ed Ca rmin a Bura na with th e Ei se nh owe r Da nce En se mbl e a t th e Maco mb Ce nt er for th e Perfo rmin g Art s, AJri ca n San ctu s with th e En gli s h comp ose r Davi d Fan s ha we, a nd th e De troit premi ere of Voi ces oj Li ght , a wo rk for soloi sts , orc hestra , choir and th e hi st o ri c s il e nt film "The Pa ss ion o f J oan of Arc" a t th e Stat e Theat er , with co mp ose r Ri c hard Einh orn

Alfreda Burke

Sop r ano Alfreda Burke 's voca l art istry has been described as " voluptuous , creamy and luxuriant " (Howard Reich , Chicago Tribun e )

Sh e has appeared in co n cert throughout North America a nd in Europe; filmed 2010

Prague PBS specia l , Hallelujah Broadway and r ecorded it on EMlIMa nh attan Records label (Cz e ch National Symp hon y Orchestra Studios )

Ms . Burke made h er Carnegie and Orc h estra Hall debut in Strau ss ' Elektra with the C hic ago Symphony Orc hestra led by Daniel Barenboim. Highlighted performances includ e t h e C hi cago 20

Symphony at Ravinia under Erich Kunzel , Detroit Opera House , Rackham Symphony Cho ir under the baton of Suzanne Acton , Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Prague Symphony Orchestra , Umbria ¥usic Festi va l (Ita ly) , TodiMusicFest (USA ), Lancaster Festiva l , Grant Park Music Festiva l , Millennium Park Ga la , Kennedy Center, C hic ago Ope r a T h eater, Audi torium Theatre (Too Hot to Handel ), Chorus An ge lorum and Chicago land Pops Orchestra , among oth e rs Ms Burke performed in the Nationa l Tour of Jerome Kern 's Show Boat at the Kennedy Ce nter and Aud it o rium Theatre directed by Haro ld Prince. Her recordings include her solo CD, From the Heart (2002); Hallelujah Broadway (2010, EM!). Ms. Burke recorded and performed th e C hi cago O lymp iC 2016 Bid Ant h em, "1 Will Stand"(2008). Upcomi n g 2010-12 engagements includ e Alex North 's N egro Motl1el; Beethoven Mass in C, Hall e lujah Broadway ai rin gs and national tour. She received Master and Bachelor of Music degrees from Roosevelt Univ ersity and currentl y serv es on the RU CCPA Adv isory Boa rd . Visit

Rodrick Dixon

Rodrick Dixon film e d in 2010 the PBS specia l "Hall eluj ah Broadway " in Prague. The DVD and CD we re released in Septemb er by EMIIMan h attan records. Mr Di x on 's ot her extens ive television credi ts include the PBS sp e cia ls: US Air Fo rce 60t h An ni versary Ga la , Cook , Dixon &: Young Volum e On e, Washington Opera Ga la a t Constitut ion Hall , The Twain Awards Honoring Whoopi Go ldb erg at Ke nn edy Center and My Favorit e Broadway: Th e Love Songs at City Center. In 2010 , Rodrick Dixon made his Sydney Festival debut as Oed ipu s Rex directed by Peter Sellars , joined the Metropolitan Opera roster, returned to the Cin cinnati May Festival a nd a pp eared in co n c ert with Madison Ope r a InJuly 2010, Albany Records released a new classical CD titled "Record ed Mus ic oj th e AJrican Diaspora "

Mr. Dixon performs th e tenor rol e in th e song cycle t itl ed "OJ Vis ions and Truth " co mp osed by O il y W. W il son. This is t h e 9th year of appea r ances in the produ ctio n of " Too Hot to Handel. " Rodrick Dixon is very happ y

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

to return to th e Rackham Symp h on y Choir, Detroit Opera h o use and Auditorium T h eatre in Ch icago un der th e baton of Suzanne Acton. Visit www. t enorrodd ixon .com.

Karen Marie Richardson

Alto Karen Ma ri e Richard son 's voi ce ha s bee n d esc rib ed b y Ed gec hi cago .co m as "A gift fro m Go d " and "h e r a bilit y to ex press eve ry face t o f r ej ec ti on th ro ugh the subtl ety o f h e r mu sicalit y", as "simpl y go rgeo u s. " Ri ch ard so n return s in 2 010 t o th e De tro i t O pera H o u se aft er h er d ebut in la st yea r 's Too Hot To Ha nd el. Her b ac kground includ es th eatre , mu s ic , and voi ce -ov er work includin g the LLl sters Silk Smoo th Touch radi o ca mpaign. Am on g h e r r ece nt stage a pp ea ran ces are Ragti me th e Mu sica l at Dru ry Lan e Oa kb rook fea turin g Q u entin Earl Da rringto n , Th e Mi st ress Cy cl e a t C hicago 'S Audi torium T heat re, Buddy: The Buddy Holly S tory at Drur y La ne Th ea tre , a nd Hairspray th e Mu sica l a t Fires id e Th ea tre o f Wi sco ns in In additi o n to he r s in ging caree r sh e work s ass is te d th e vi s uall y impaired , m os t rece ntl y he lpin g th em p arti cip at e in Chi cago's 2 00 9 cit y el ec tions. Sh e is c urrentl y wo rkin g on a n ew so lo mu sic proj ec t , fu sin g the ge nres o f j azz , so ul , an d p o p to crea te a new so u nd. She r ece ive d a Ba ch elo r o f Fin e Art s d eg ree in Mu sica l T hea tre from Millik in Uni ve rsi ty


Too Hot To Handel

Januar y 15 &: 16, 2011

Auditorium Th eatre , Chicago

A Gers hwin Rhapsod y March 12 , 2011

De troit Op era Hous e Featuring Alvin Waddles in Rhap sody in Blu e and a conc ert version of Porgy and Bess highlights with Kim wana Doner, soprano , Rackham Symphony Ch oir and t he Detroit Op era House orch estra.

An Eve nin g of Theatre Favorites: Opera to Broadway

Ma y 6 , 2011

Ro ya l Oak Presb yterian Church

A ben efit for Rackham Choir's Hi gh School Int ern Program

For more information, visit:

www.1\'\i c hi ga n Ope r a.o l g
Detroit Ope,"a House



Suz a n ne Ma ll a r e Acton

Arti sti c & Music Direc to r

Adm ini stra ti ve & Mark eti ng Direc tor Ju li e Mc Fa rl a nd Admin istr ativ e Ass ista nt

Meli ss a Bunk e r

Bud U hl , P res id e nt

J ose ph J ac kso n Acco mpa nist


Sco tt Magga rt , Vic e Pres id ent

Su za nn e Ma ll are Acto n

Victor ia Bigelow

Th o mas Cuc u zza

Will iam Day

To m De u e l E mil y Ei c h e nh o rn j effr ey Fr itz

Susa n Fox

Ma rj o ri e G laza

Lyn nj ov ic k

Ray Lilt


P a trici a Minni ck

Lave rn e Sc h e nk

Ga il Sob e c ki

Ang el a Vo hs


Be th Smith Deu e l Cla re n ce j o n es Victo ri a Isa b e ll

Vi c toria Bi ge low * Judi Sze fi j e ff Kru eger * We n dy Ke ebl e r

Ka th y Boe tt c h er LaNyc k W as hin gto n J a m es M Moo r e Am y Ku ce r a J oa n Craw fo rd D ebo r a h W ebb C lift o n Sh aw Ann e Mat er s

No r a C uri el Ka te W illi a m s Bill Stein e r Mill y Ma ti s

Ed it h Fa ires Kim Witt e n Ste ph en Stewa rt Andrea M ill s

Va n essa F e rr io le Bre tt T h o mps on Pa tri c ia M inni c k

Emil y Gay TENOR Ha rr y W illiam s , Jr. Na n cy Ne lso n Avit a l G ra n o s Philip Abel e D eb o ra h Nero Co n da G ree n Mi c h a el Boe tt ch er ALTO Sar a h Pip e r Ka te Hutt e n loc h er *** To n y Ca mill e tti Ma ur ee n Ab el e Reg in a St e ige r Noe ll e j ac qu ez Patri c k Cl a mpitt Bet h Ada ms Pa tri c ia Stewa rt j ess i ca K nott Na te Cl e m ents F ra n Ba c hm a nn Abi ga il Strub * **

Ka thl ee n Koo m e n *** M ic h ae l Cove rt La ur a Bay ley Lind a Va n Bur en De n is e Kuro ws ki Te r ra n c e C r anda ll Sa ndra Bo m a r Ba rb a ra W il so n

Mijun g Lee j os e ph Dlu z ni ews k i Ka th e rin e Ca rr Ruth Zaro mp

Mo rga n Lork o ws ki ** E dd ie Dunn Kars hibi a Dav id so n J e nn i fe r Pas h a j eff F ritz Em ily Eic h enh o rn BASS

C hri s tin e Noe l Pelot D o n a ld Gay Lo uise Fis h er * Tim C h o lywa y Kath y Samp so n Erik H e rn a nd ez ** Su sa n A Fox Dou g las Co x

Arthur j o n es

J ose ph Leppe k **

Ga r y Lind e ll

Ray Lin

Sco tt Magga rt

H o m er Ma tth ews

Steve n P. Pej u an

Lave rn e Sc h enk

Ala n Se bas ti a n

Bra nd on Sp e n ce r **

Law r en ce Ste pn ey

Bud U h l

Dav id Va u g hn

Will Yea ts

* Sec ti o n lea d e r

** Rec ipi e nt of Rac kh a m Hi gh Sc h oo l Int e rn Award 20lO - 20ll

Gil es Simm e r D a ni e l In g lese *** Yvo nn e Fr i d ay Tim D o t y * *** Stud en t M emb e r o f j a ni c e Sim o n Chri s J o n es Kimb e rl y H end erso n Gar y H as l ey Ra ckh a m





C h a rl o tt e Me rk erson , john Ma di so n C hris Co ll ins Edw ard Go oc h Fred R. H u ghes , jr. Co n cert m as t er Sco tt Stefa nk o Ru sse ll Ma lla r e Ma ur y O kun

Ve l d a Ke ll y j am es Gr ee r Geo rge Be nson Greg Nea r BASS

Br ya n j o hn sto n julia nne Zinn J ose Ma ll a re Ma ri o n Hay d en

Andrew Wu Ke ith Ka m ins k i


Be th Kirt o n CELLO j o hn D o rs ey ELECT RIC GUITAR

M o ll y Hu g h es Na di ne Del eu ry HORN Ala n Ay oub

Di a n e Bre d ese n Andrew P ell e ti er


VIOLI N II Ro b ert Ree d Su san Mutt er Donni e Le wi s


Vic tor ia Ha lt o m j o hn l a tzk o Ta mara Kos in s ki GUITA R

Dani el Stac h yra

Kevin F il ewyc h BASS

DRUM SET jam es Sim o n s on

TRUMPET Dav id Tay lor

Ann a We ll e r De re k W e ll er David Amm er MUSIC

Eli za be t h Row in Gord on Si mmo ns

P IANO CONTRACTO R Ma uric e Davis Alvin Wa ddl es Di a n e Br ed ese n

D e tro i t Op e ra H o u se ww w Mi c hi ga nOp e r a or g BRAVO 21 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Choreography by GERALD ARPINO



Lighting Design by JACK MEHLER

BALLET NOTES: A neoclassical , pure dance ballet and a perfect example of the "Arpino " style - high lifts , a flying pace, and classic beauty. This fast-paced and physically challenging ballet is set to Tchaikovsky's "Variations on a Rococo Theme for cello and Orchestra , op. 33. " Arpino recreated the ballet in 1985 , after having been out of active repertoire since 1976.

WORLD PREMIERE: Thejoffrey Ballet, February 3 , 1971, Auditorium Theatre, Chicago , IL

" smile with my heart"

Choreography by LAR LUBOVITCH

©( 2002 )

Music by MARVIN LAIRD , " Fantasie on Themes by Richard Rodgers "

Costumes by ANN WHITLEY

Re-staged by SANDRA BROWN



l) " Do 1 Hear A Waltz?" and "It Might As Well Be Spring "

2 ) " The Sweetest Sounds "

3) "I Didn't Know What Time It Was" and "Where Or When"

4) "My Funny Valentine"

BALLET NOTES: " smile with my heart " (from the lyric by Lorenz Hart from " My Funny Valentine " ) was created for American Ballet Theatre in collaboration with the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company, which deeply appreciates the generous support of the Rodgers Family Foundation , the Harold &: Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust and the Irene Diamond Fund.

MUSIC CREDITS: "It Might As Well

Be Spring," Music by Richard Rodgers , Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II. " The Swe e test Sounds , " Music and Lyrics by Richard Rodgers. "Do I Hear A Waltz?," Music by Richard Rodgers , Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. "My Funny Valentine, " " Where Or When " and "1 Didn 't Know What Time It Was, " Music by Richard Rodgers , Lyrics by Lorenz Hart These selections are used by special arrangement with the Rodgers

and Hammerstein Organization, 1065 Avenue of the Americas #2400 , New York , NY 10018. All Rights Reserved.


Choreo,graphy by GERALD ARPINO





BALLET NOTES: S ea Shadow, which has been called "a poem-in-dance, " is a pas de deux inspired by the romantic Ondine fable. The late Walter Terry, dean of American dance critics, described this lyric work as "one of the most beautiful duets in all ballet. " This was the third ballet created by Gerald Arpino, and Terry wrote , " [Arpino] introduced a synthesis of torso-oriented modern movement with classical ballet that was a special quality he gave to ballet. "

WORLD PREMIERE: The Joffrey Ballet , December 12 , 1962 , Damascus , Syria. * Concerto in G for Piano and Orchestra, 2 nd Movement, Adagio Assai MUSIC CREDITS: By arrangement with Boosey &: Hawkes, Inc., publisher and copyright owner.


Gan. 29, 201l)

Choreography by EDWAARD LIANG


Costume Design by MARIA PINTO

Lighting Design by JACK MEHLER aJter MARK

BALLET NOTES: This ballet, inspired by the novels ofJane Austen, tells the story of females of the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth-century. It's a story of societal repression and of the strength of the human spirit. Age oj Innocence was created with funds from the Prince Prize for Commissioning Original Work, which was awarded to Edwaard Liang and The Joffrey Ballet in 2008.

WORLD PREMIERE : TheJoffrey Ballet, October 15, 2008, Chicago, lIlinois, The Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University



Symphony #3 - Movement 2 &: 4 composed by Philip Glass , Performed by Bournemouth Symphon y Orchestra , Conducted by Marin Alsop and courtesy of Naxos of America

"The Poet Acts " by Philip Glass, Published by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.

The Poet Acts composed by Philip Glass from the motion picture "The Hours " . Michael Riesman , Piano ; Lyric Quartet; Nick Ingam, Conductor.

Little Children -EndTitle written b y Thomas Montgomery Newman

All rights owned or administered by © SONGS OF UNIVERSAL, INC. on behalf of NEW LINE MUST C CORP. (BMI)

Used By Permission.


Gan. 30, 20ll)

Choreography by JAMES KUDELKA


Costumes by DENIS LAVOIE

Lighting Design by JACK MEHLER after MICHAEL MAZZOLA

BALLET NOTES : In a collision of worlds, Pretty BALLET explores the balance between romantic ideals and industrial ideas as they relate to art.

WORLD PREMIERE: The Joffrey Ballet , April 28, 2010, Auditorium Theatre , Chicago , IL

MUSIC CREDITS: Bohuslav Martinu , Symphony #2, Performed by the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine , Arthur Fagen , conductor and Courtesy of Naxos of America. By arrangement with Boosey &: Hawkes , Inc , publisher and copyright owner.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Movement 2 &: 4 from Symphony No.3 , The Secret Agent by Philip Glass BRAVO 23
Miguel Angel Blanco and Christine Rocas. © 1995 Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc. Used by Permission.

History of The Joffrey Ballet

The joffrey Ballet has been hailed as "America 's Company of Firsts. "

The joffrey Ballet's long list of " firsts " includes being the first dance company to perform at the White House at Jacqueline Kennedy's invitation , the first to appear on television, the first American company to vis it Russia , the first classical dance company to go multi-media, the first to commission a rock 'n ' roll ballet, the first and only dance company to appear on the cover of Time magazine, and the first company to have had a major motion picture based on it, Robert Altman 's The Company.

For more than a half-century, The Joffrey Ballet's comm itm ent to taking world-class , artis tica ll y vibrant work to a broad and varied audience has created a solid foundation that continues to support the company's unprecedented capacity for achieving important " firsts. " Today, the Joffrey, which has been hugely successful in its former residences in New York and Los Ange les , lives permanently in its brilliant new facility, Joffrey Tower, in the heart of America , Chicago, Illinois. The company 's commitment to accessibility is met through the most extensive touring schedu le of a n y dance company in history, an inno vative and highly effective education program including the much lauded Academy of Dance, Officia l Sc h ool of The joffrey Ballet , and co ll aborations with myriad other visual and performing arts organizations.

Classically trained to the highest standards, The Joffrey Ballet expresses a unique , inclu sive perspective on dance, proudly reflecting the diversity of America with its company and aud iences and repertoire which includ es major story ballets , reconstructions of masterpieces and contemporary works. Founded by visionary teacher Robert Joffrey in 1956 , guided by celebrated choreographer Gerald Arpino from 1988 until 2007 , The Joffrey Ballet continues to thrive under internationally renowned Art istic Director Ashley C. Wheater and Executive Director Christopher Clinton Conway. The Joffrey Ballet has become one of the most revered and recognizable arts organizations in America and one of the top dance companies in the world .

Ashley C. Wheater

Ashley C. Wheater has dedicated his life to dance. He was born in Scotland and trained at the Royal Ballet School in England. While at the school he worked with Frederick Ashton in Benjamin Britten 's Death in Venice, and performed at Covent Garden in numerous productions such as Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Gise ll e and The Dream

Having graduated to the upper school of the Royal Ballet, Mr. Wheater danced in many of the full-length productions and performed with Rudolph Nureyev in Nureyev and Friends at the London Coliseum

After leaving the Royal Ballet, Mr. Wheater joined the London Festival Ballet where he continued to work with Nureyev in his Romeo and Juliet and Sl eepil1g Beauty and Glen Tet ley in SphirtX and Greening a long with a huge repertoire of classics and new creations . Under the artistic dire ction ofJohn Field he was promoted to principal dancer at the age of 20.

In 1982 he joined the Australian Ballet where he continued dancing principal roles in both classical and contemporary work, especially in the john Cranko full-lengths.

At the in vitation of Gera ld Arpino in 1985, Mr. Wheater joined Thejoffrey Ballet. For the next four years he performed various works by American choreographers including William Forsythe, Gerald Arpino Mark Morris , Paul Taylor , and Laura Dean, as well as repertoire by Ashton and Cranko.

joining the San Francisco Ballet in 1989 he continued to cultivate his creative career while working with Helgi Tomasson , James Kudelka , David Bintley and many more. In 1997 he retired from dancing and was appointed ballet master at the San Francisco Ballet and later named assistant to the artistic director.

Since his appointment in 2007 as artistic dire c tor of The j offrey Ballet , his passion and commitment to the joffrey have been evident in the quality that h e has brought to the dancing as well as the repertoire. Under his direction he has brought world-class choreographers as well as young, up-and-coming choreograp h ers to create for the company. Mr Wheater has added a new full length to the Joffrey's repertoire, Lar Lubovitch 's ground-breaking Othello. This season a lone will feature two world premiers.

In 2008 Mr. Wheater was the recipient of the Boeing Game-Changer Award in recognition of his commitment to reaching out to Chicago communities promoting diversity through the many forms of dance

I m '" 0:> m '" --< >:: G\ o o r= Detroit Opera I-louse Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Fabri ce Calmels and Victoria Jaiani

Michigan Opera Theatre: 40 Years c

1981 MOT continues its commitment to Detroit's Armenian community by presenting the American premiere of Armen Tigranian 's Anoush.

1963 David DiChiera becomes director of Overture to Opera, an education-oriented program of the Detroit Grand Opera As sociation

1971 Michigan Opera Theatre is founded in fall 1971 by Dr. David DiChiera. The company establishes a Board of Trustees and reopens the Music Hall , saving the historic theater from the wrecking ball.

1979 David DiChiera is elected as president of Opera America, a position he wou ld hold for four years.

1981: Ellen Kerrigan in the American premiere of Anoush.

1986 MOT establishes itself as the nation 's tenth largest opera company.

1970 Overture to Opera presents its first full-length opera , Rossini 's The Barb e r oj Seville, starring Maria Ewing making her professional debut.

1976 MOT presents its first world premiere, Washington Square

1974 Detroit

Mayor Coleman Young declares a citywide Michigan Opera Theatre Day.

1978 Michigan Opera Theatre's Department of Community Programs is founded by nationally prominent composer and arts educator Karen VanderKloot DiChiera.



A stunning production of Anna Bolena , starr in g Dame Joan Sutherland , features the Midwest premiere of English supertit les.

Luciano Pavarotti makes his De troit concert debut at Joe Louis Arena

1963: David DiChiera and Karen V. DiChiera 1971: David DiChi era outside Music Hall.
Ov('rlurl' To Opera
1978: Karen V. DiChiera. 1970: Poster from Overture to Opera's first full-length opera, The Barber of Seville.
1984: Dame Joan Sutherland in Anna Bo/ena Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
1974: Detroit Mayor Coleman Young and David DiChiera.

of Bold Vision and Soaring Voices

1991 Pavarotti returns for an encore performance atJoe Louis Arena and announces he will return to perform at the opening of the Detroit Opera House

1996 The Detroit Opera House opens to international acclaim with an inaugural gala on April 21 , featuring Luciano Pavarotti and Dame Joan Sutherland.



1992 Polish opera King Roger makes its American Midwest premiere , and the Polish community responds with an international outpouring of support.

1997 MOT inaugurates its first season of dance at the Detroit Opera House with two special presentations by American Ballet Theatre.


Six years in the making , MOT hosts the world premiere of Margaret Garner , a powerful American opera written by Richard Danie1pour, libretto by

Opera Theatre presents David DiChiera's very own opera, Cyrano, to w id e acclaim and immense Detroit pride. Toni Morrison and starring Denyce Graves.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

1999 MOT hosts The Three Tenors at Tiger Stadium in the trio 's only North American performance that year. Massenet's Werther makes many exciting firsts at the Detroit Opera House, marking Andrea Bocelli's North American opera debut and the first webcast of an American operatic production www.MichiganOpera.Ol·g

2006 The Ford Center for Arts and Learning opens, making facilities available to expand the Community Programs and Dance Departments.

2010 MOT General Director David DiChiera is honored by the National Endowment for the Arts with the Opera Honors Award, the highest honor the United States government bestows in opera.

Deu"oit Opera House 1999: Andrea Bocelli and Denyce Graves in Werther. 2005: Gregg Baker, Denyce Graves and Angela Brown in Margaret Gamer. 2007: Marian Pop and Leah Partridge in Cyrano. Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti



C horu s Master, The Mihado, La Boheme

From opera to Handel 's Messiah to co nt emporary jazz , Conductor Suzanne Mallare Acton is recognized for h er versatility and dynamic style.

For Michigan Opera Theatre, Ms. Acton's conducting credits includ e: West Side Story, The Barber oj Seville, Music Man, The Pirat es oj Penzance, The Mihado , Die Fledenl1aus, La Traviata, Th e Daug ht e r oj the Regiment, La Boheme, El Cap itan , a nd The Tender Land. Additional conducting credits include My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera, The Merry Widow and Madame Butterfly ror Artpark, and Tosca for Augusta Opera. Ms. Acton has served as guest co nductor for The Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings , BirminghamBloomfield Symphony Orchestra, lake Sl. Clair Symphon y Orchestra , the Lexington Bach Festival , and th e Saginaw Bay Symphony Orchestra.


Benoit &: Alcindoro, La Boh em e Bass-baritone Jason Budd mad e his MOT debut in 2005 as the Sacristan in Tosca. Hi s recent performanc es includ e Sacristan in Tasca with Virginia Opera, Dulcamar a in d'Amore with Cedar Rapids Grand Opera , th e title role in FalstaJJ with Opera in th e Heights, Frank in Die Fledermaus with th e Mississippi Opera , th e title role in Gianni Schicchi and Major General in Pirates oj Penzance with the former Orlando Opera, and BenoitiAlcindoro in La Boheme with the Arizona Opera , Opera Cleveland a nd the Princeton Festival.


Conductor, La Boheme

Italian con ductor Giuliano Carella returns to Michigan Opera Theatre

after conducting Tosca in the spring 2010 season. Since making his d ebut in 1987 , Maestro Carella has led operatic productions in the most prestigious venues around the

world in a wide range of rep erto ire from Paisiello to Ferrero , and all the most important works in th e Italian and French repertoire. Upcoming engagements include Nab ucco at Staatsoper Stuttgart , Puccini 's Messa di Gloria with the Orchestra d ella Toscana in Florence, Rigol etto at Opera de Monte Carlo, Un Ballo in Masch e ra at Oper Frankfurt, La Traviata at the Nederlandse Opera in Amsterdam, Cavalleria Rusticanall Pagliacci and in Algeri at Opera de Marseille , and multipl e productions over the next several seasons at Opera Toulon Provence Mediterranean.


Yum-Yum, The Mikado

Canadian soprano Andriana Chuchman makes h er MOT d ebut in the rol e of Yum-Yum in The Milwdo. She recently sang the titl e role in Flora, an Opera at the Spoleto Festival USA. Other recent e nga ge m ents have includ e d Alinda in G iason e and Dorinda in Orlando at the Chicago Opera Theater, an appearance at the Ravinia Festival as a guest on the Prairie Hom e Companion radio show, a recital with th e Dam e Myra Hess Concert Series , and Handel's Messiah with the Int e rnational Music Foundation of Chicago. This season, Ms. Chuchman r e turns to th e Lyr ic Opera of Chicago , appears with Manitoba Opera as Pamina in Die ZauberJlote and in performances of Handel's Messiah for her debut with the Toronto Symphony.


Stage Director, La Boheme

toire. Sin ce 1995 h e has returned nearl y eve r y year to stage opera at MOT and hop es to continue to do so.


Nanki-Poo, The Mikado

Ca nadian-born David Curry mak es his MOT debut in the role of Nanki-Poo in The Mihado. He is renowned for his recent performances as Henri ck in A Littl e Night Music at Theatre du Chatelet in Paris, and Franz in the British Pre mi er of Offenbach 's Die Rhein enixen at Cadogan Hall in London. Over the past Christmas season he sang Tassilo in Countess Maritza for Toronto Operetta Theatre and was featured in th e 125th Anniversary Co nc ert of The Milwdo at London 's Royal Festival Hall. Future e ngag e m e nts include a return to Theatre du Chatelet for My Fair Lady.


Rodolfo , La Boheme (13 , 17 , 20 )

Sardinian tenor Francesco Demuro makes his MOT debut in the role of Rodolfo in La Boheme following his acclaimed U.S debut with Seattle Opera last fall in La Traviata.

D emuro 's voice has an extraordinary timber and is characterized by an incr edible clarit y. This, combined with hi s desir e to study and perform rarely h ea rd traditional Sardinian song , ha s m ade him uniqu e. Recent engag eme nts include Cos i Jan tutte a t Suntory Hall in Tokyo, La Traviata in Valencia , Lucia di Lammermoor in Hamburg and Sassari , and Lelisir d'amore in Wien.


Mus e tta , La Boheme

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mario Corradi made his MOT d ebut in 1996 staging Cannen and returns in the spring 2010 season to direct La Boheme. He began his th ea trical career with th e Yale University Theatre , but as he could not get rid of his Italian accent , he mov e d from acting to dir ec ting In 1977 , he metJean-Pi erre Ponnelle and for the next five yea rs worked as his assistant all over Europe. After his debut in Palermo in 1982 with Cimarosa 's II Matrimonio Segreto , h e ha s worked on all continents excep t Australia and has added more than 50 titles to his reperwww.MielliganOper"a .org

American soprano Kimwana Doner returns to pla y th e role of Musetta in La Bohem e She made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in La Rondine in 2008 as Yvette. A nativ e De troit er, she is an alumna of Cass Techni ca l High School and the University of Michigan. Doner is a form e r Adler Fellow with the San Detroit Ope loa Hous e

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Franci sco Opera. She ha s been se e n on opera stages across the country including Op era Th ea tre of Saint Louis , Opera No rth , Seattle Opera, Boston Lyric Opera , and San Francisco Opera. Ms Don e r has also b ee n see n in concert with several organizations including Mod esto Symphony, Yakima Symphon y, Na pa Valley Opera Hous e, Rackham Symphony Choir, and Sa int Loui s Symphony.


Mimi , La Boh em e (19 , 21m ) Italian soprano Grazia Doronzio mak es h er MOT debut as Mimi in th e fall 2010 production of La Boh em e. A r ece nt graduate of th e Metropolitan Op e ra 's Lindermann Young Artist Develo pm ent Program , she is also a winner of th e First Pri ze at th e Elardo International Opera Co mp e tition. Rece ntl y, Ms. Doron z io ,performed in Turandot as Liu at th e Metropolitan Opera and in Cavalli 's Giasone as Is ifil e with th e Chicago Op era Th ea tre. Future engagements include appearanc es with Atlanta Opera , Portland Opera, Deutsc h e Oper Berlin , Deutsch e Oper am Rh e in , Du essel dorf, Frankfurt Opera , and the Canadian Opera Co mpan y.


Conductor, Th e Mihado

Conductor Mark Flint has led the majority of orchestras in worldrenowned opera hous es throughout th e United States and Ca nada , includin g th e New York Cit y Opera, I..:Opera d e Montreal , Op e ra Company of Philadelphia, Florida Grand Opera , Opera Theatre o f St. Louis , Fort Worth Opera , Arizona Opera , and Hawaii Opera Th ea tr e , among others. H e conducted th e int e rnational pr emi er e of Tobia s Picker 's Therese Raquin at I..:Opera d e Montreal , th e pre mi e r e of Ne d Rore m 's Our Town at Lak e George Opera, and orchestrated Cy rano , a new opera co mp ose d b y David Di C hi e ra and libr e ttist Bernard Uzan, which h e co nduct ed a t the Michigan Opera Theatre 's world premi e re in 2007 , and will conduct th e up co ming production of Cyra no at th e Florida Grand Op e ra


Schaunard , La Boh em e Bariton e Lee Gregory makes his Michi ga n Opera Theatre d ebut as Schau n a rd in La Boh em e H e h as a wide and varied r e p e rtoire that includes his re ce ntly acclaim ed role of M erc utio in Rom eo et Juli. ette. Rec e nt engag e ments includ e Th e Rap e of Lucretia as Junius with th e Toledo Opera, 1 pa g /iacci in the rol e of Silvio with Opera Omaha, th e titl e rol e in Le no zze di Figaro with Eugene Opera, A Littl e Night Musi c as Carl Magnus with Op e ra Th ea tre of St. Louis , Th e Fall of the Hous e of Usher performing William with Nashvill e Op era , and La Grande-Duchesse de Gero/stein as Princ e Paul with Opera Boston.


Parpignol , La Boheme

American t enor Bernard D. Holcomb r ece ntly sa ng th e role of Alfredo in Verdi's La Traviata with th e Pine Mountain Music Festival, and was fea tur ed as Paolin o in II Matrimonio Segreto with the festival in th e 2009 summer seaso n H e is a lso a winner of th e Michigan Distri c t Me tropolitan Opera Na tional Council Auditions. As an apprentice with Sarasota Opera h e sang the role of th e Villager in 1 Paglia cc i , and Federico in I..:Amico Fritz Mr. Holcomb 's lea din g roles includ e Rodolfo in La Bohem e , Jenik in The Bartered Brid e, Lyric Tenor in Postcard from Moro cco, a nd Lensk y in Eugel1e Onegin. At Michigan Opera Th ea tr e, h e was fea tured in th e roles of Nelson and Crabman in Michigan Opera Theatre 's producti o n of Po rgy & Bess and as Gastone in La Traviata


Mimi , La Boh em e ( 13 , 17,20)

American so prano Kelly Ka duc e r e turns to Michi ga n Opera Theatre after h e r most r ece nt MOT p erforman ce as Do nna Elvira in Don G ioval1l1i in 2010. With her warm and rich voic e, stun-

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c higanOpe.oa.o og


ning b eaut y, and superb acting ability, Ms. Kadu ce has recentl y p er form ed the title role in Madama Butt e rfl y with Sa nta Fe Opera , Nedda in I Pagliacci with Teatro Municipal d e Santiago , Princess Lan in Tea: A Mirror of Soul with Op era Co mpany of Phila delphia , and the Countess in Le no zze di Figaro with Eug e n e Opera. Upcoming e ngageme nts includ e th e title role in Ru s laha with Opera Co lorado and Ca therin e Earnshaw in Wuthering Heig hts with the Minnesota Opera.


C horeo g raph e r, The Mihado Dan Kn ec htges is a Ton y No mina ted choreog raph er and director working in theater, opera, television , film and music vid eos.

Mr. Kn ec htges has direc t ed and choreographed for num ero us theatr es across th e co untry on shows ranging from Gilbert and Sullivan to Rodgers and Hamm er s t ein to Brecht. His choreography has be e n not ed for it s exce ptional storytelling, d eft humor and good "show biz. " Dan 's Broadwa y c r edits include Xanadu (direct ed b y Chris Ashley, Ton y nomination , Dram a Des k nomination ) , 110 in Th e Shade (s tarring Audra McDonald ) and Th e 25th Al1l1ual Putnam Coul1ty Spellil1g Bee ( dir ecte d by James Lapin e. ) In addition to his ex tensive Broadwa y ex perien ce, h e had th e unique experience of choreographing Leo nard Bernstein 's Mass for th e Dallas Symphony to commemorate th e 40th anniversary of the assassination o f JFK.


Marc e llo , La Boh eme (19 , 21m) Baritone Co r ey McKern 's re ce nt engagement s include Marce llo in La Boheme at Opera Hong Kong, Masetto in Don G iova l1ni and Marcello in La Boh em e with Santa Fe Opera, Papa ge no in Di e Zaube'f!ote with Arizona Opera , Count Almaviva in Le Nozze di Figaro with Opera Cleveland , Valentin in Faust with Opera Carolina, Figaro in II Barbi ere di Siviglia with Opera Birmingham , Morales in Carm el1 with New York City Opera, and John Rutter's Mass of the C hildrel1 and Moz a rt's Requi em at Ca rn eg ie Hall.

Detroit Ope.oa Hous e



The Mikado, Th e Mihado

Bass-baritone Jami e Offenbach 's m os t recent en gage m e nt s includ e Th e Gra nd Inqui s itor in Don Ca rl o and Basilio in II Barbi ere di Siv ig lia a t Hawaii Opera Th ea t e r, Sc ia rron el Angel o tti in Tosca at th e San Di ego Opera , Dr. E ngl e in Th e St L!d ent Prince at th e Nas hvill e Opera , and T.j. Ri gg in E lm e r Ga nt ry , Cape lli o in I Cap ul etti ed [ Mo ntecc hi a nd An gelotti in Tosca at F lo r entin e O p era of Milwaukee. Nex t , h e performs Mephistopheles in Faust and Dr Grenvil in La Traviata at Hawaii Opera Th eat e r , and Salom e at th e San Di ego Opera.


Katisha , The M ihad o American m ezzo -sopran o Melissa Parks ha s appeared with th e Me trop oli ta n O p era in both Daug ht er

of th e Regi m ent and Th e Ri se and Fa ll of the City of Mahagonny and debuted thi s summer w ith th e New York Philh ar m o nic as Mescalina in Li ge ti 's Le Grand e Macabre. Thi s p as t seaso n s h e made h er It a lian d ebut as Mrs Love tt in Sweeney Todd w ith the Teatro Co mmun al e di Bologna, Teatro Lucian o Pavarotti di Modena, Teatro Ross ini di Lugo and Teatro Municipale di Piacenza. Recent en gage m ents include Dritte Da m e in E lehtra w ith Sea ttl e Ope ra , Azu cena in II Trovatore with Michigan Opera Theatre, Dame Quickly in Fa lstaff with Cleveland Opera a nd Erda in Das Rh e in go ld with New O rl ea n s Ope r a


Marce ll o, La Bo heme (13, 17 , 20)

Romanian baritone Marian Pop made hi s U S. debut as Ma la t es ta with the Portland O p era , and n ow p erforms regularly in the Sta t es. Rece nt e n gageme nts includ e the titl e role in th e world pr emi e r e of David Di C hi era 's Cyra no at Michigan Opera Th ea tre and at O p era Co mp a n y of Philadelphi a, Dandini in La Cene rent ola a t th e Florid a

Gra nd Opera , Ping in Turandot wi th Cincinnati Opera , Figaro in II Barbiere di Siviglia at th e Arizona Opera , Silvio in I Pagliacci a t Portland Opera , and the Black Ca t and the Grandfather Clo ck in [Enfant et les Sort il eges in a return to O p era Corhpany o f Phi la d elphi a


Lighting Des ig n er , The M ilwdo

C hri s Rynn e m akes hi s MOT d ebut designing li g htin g for The Mihado. He la s t co ll abora te d with direc t o r Mic h ae l Scaro la at Madison O p e ra on a production o f F ly in g Dutchman ear li er thi s year and lit Scaro la 's produ c ti o n of Lucia di Lamm ermoor in 2008 , a lso at Madison Opera. Mr Rynn e's d es ig n s h ave b een seen at o th er o p e r a a nd th ea tr e co mp ani es of not e, including H o uston Grand Opera , Sa n Diego Opera , Th e O ld Glo b e, Pa sa d e n a Playhouse , So uth Coas t Rep a nd th e Sa n Diego Reperto r y Th eatre. In a dditi o n to hi s theatrical d es ign work , C hris d es igns lightin g fo r art in s t all ations a nd museum ex hibiti o n s.


Stage Director, The Mihado

The Mikado m a rks stage dir ec t or Michael Scaro la's d ebut w ith Mi c hi ga n O p er a Theatre. Recen t en gage m ent s includ e La Rondine a t the Dallas O p er a, [Elisir d'Amo re with Tulsa Opera , Reg ina a nd Be rn s t ei n 's Mass with Uta h Symph o n y a nd Opera , La Bohem e with th e fo rm er Opera Pacifi c, Macbeth a t th e Da y ton Opera, The Fly in g Dut chman with Madison Opera , Anna Bo lena at the Acade m y o f Voca l Art s, " Evening w ith Co le Porter " co nc er t wi th th e Bosto n Pops , and E lij a h w ith th e Co ll eg ia t e C h o rale a t Ca rn eg ie Hall. He was on the Metropolitan Opera dir ec tin g s taff fo r five seasons with productions includin g La Ceneren tola starring Cecelia Bartoli , co ndu cted b y J a m es Levi n e a nd te lecas t o n PBS, among m an y oth er high-profil e productions.


Lighting Des ig n er, La Boheme

designed li g htin g for mor e than 60 produ c tion s wit h th e co mp an y, m ak in g hi s debut in 1988 with The Ba ll ad of Baby Doe , a nd mo s t r ece ntl y d es ignin g li ghti ng for th e co mp a n y's spr ing 2010 p ro du cti o n o f Don Giova nni. His wo rk h as b ee n featured in num ero u s productions b y respected op era co mpani es , theaters a nd fes tival s, includin g Florida Grand Opera , the Oregon Sh akes p ea r e Fes tiv a l , Indianapolis Opera, the Weston Playhouse , Geva T h ea tr e, and Boston Lyric Opera.


Rodolfo , La Boh em e ( 19 , 21m)

Ame ri can tenor oa h Stewart made his MOT d eb ut as Is maele in Nab ucco in the fall 2009 seaso n and re turn ed in th e s pring 2010 seaso n as Cavaradossi in Tosca. Hi s recent en gage m ents includ e Macd uff in Macbeth at San Francisco O p era, Aug ustu s Gloop in The Go ld en Tich et and Rodo lfo in La Boh em e a t th e Wexford Fes ti va l in Ir ela nd , Narra b o th in Sa lome at th e Ari zo na Opera, Rodolfo in La Bo hem e a t Opera Caro lin a , a nd T h e Prince in J o hn Ad a ms ' A Flowering Tre e a t Chica go Ope r a Theater and in concert wit h th e Gulbanki a n Symp hon y in Paris and Lis b o n H e joined th e Metropolitan Opera roster in 2008 cove rin g Art ur o in Lu cia di Lammennoor.


Sergeant, La Boheme

C hri s toph er Vaug ht hails from Sa n An ge lo, Texas w h er e h e received hi s Bac hel or's d egree in Music from An gelo State Universi ty. He also h o ld s a Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from Bow lin g G ree n St a t e Uni vers it y w h e r e h e s tudi e d w ith Andreas Poulimenos. Mr Vaug ht 's p erfo rm an ce expe ri en ce includ es l ea din g ro les in The Marriage of Figaro , A lb e rt Herring, Merry Wiv es of Windsor; Giann i Sc hi cch i, La Boh em e, Don Giovanni , a nd m ost r ece ntl y as Enri co in Lucia di Lamm e rmoor. He and hi s wife Tamara

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Kendall Smith r e turns t o Michigan Opera T h eatre thi s fa ll t o d es ign li g hting for La Boh em e At MOT, h e ha s

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www.IVl ic hi ga nOp e ra .or g
etroit Opel'a House

currently r es id e in th e Detroit Metro a r ea. Chri s toph er h as performed with the Michigan Opera Th ea tre Chorus since the sp ring of 2001 and h as perform ed roles in MOT's productions of Cyra n o, Margaret Gamer; II Tro vato re, Ot ell o, Don Pasqual e, La Boh em e, a nd La Traviata.


Ko-Ko , Th e Mikado

Am eri can bass-bariton e Michael Wanko mak es hi s MOT d ebut in the role of Ko-Ko in Th e Mikado. With th e unique ability to p e rform within the dra m ati c rep e rtoire in additi o n to th e maj o r buffo a nd comedic roles in bel ca nto wo rk s, Mr . Wanko performs regularl y across the co untr y in th ese roles. Rece nt en gage m ent s includ e Tosca in New O rl ea n s and Salt Lak e Ci ty, Th e Pirat es of Penzanc e in Lo ui svill e, Gianni Schi cc hi in Sa lt La k e Ci ty, a nd Th e Eli x ir of Lov e in Sa nt a Barbara.


H air & Makeup Des ign, Th e MihadolLa Boh em e Or igin a ll y from En g la nd , Joanne Weav er re turn s t o Michigan Opera Theatre a ft e r m ost rec entl y designing

wigs and mak eup fo r the wo rld premi ere of Davi d Di Chi e r a 's Cyra no in 2007. Ha vin g m a d e h er co mp a n y d ebut with Tosca in 19 95, Ms. Weaver h as designed wigs a nd m ake up for num erous Michigan Opera Theatre produ ct ion s since, including Wert her with Andrea BoceHi and De n yce Graves and th e wo rld premiere of Margaret Gamer.

Additiona ll y, Ms. Weav e r frequentl y d es igns wigs and makeup for n otab le opera co mpanies throu g h o ut th e U nit e d Stat es , including Wa shin gto n Nati o nal Opera , Ope r a Com pan y o f Philadelphia , Sarasota Ope r a, Palm Beach Op era , a nd Gli mm e rglass Opera

Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program


Pish-Tush, Th e Mikado; CustomH ouse Officer, La Boh em e Edward Hanlon , a 20lO Metropolitan Opera National Counci l Auditions Semi-F in a list , returns to Michigan Ope ra Th eatre for hi s second seaso n afte r last performing the ro le of Sciarrone in last spri n g's Tosca A recent gra du a te of the Unive rsit y of Michigan wi th a SpeC ia li st in Vocal Perfor m ance , h ighlights from his tim e on the university stage include the title ro le in Le noz ze di Figaro, Bottom in A Midsummer Dream , Co Uine in La Boh em e and Prince Gremin in Eugene On egin He has also taken part in several young artist programs in the past year, singing as an Apprentice Artist wit h Ash Lawn Opera and a Studi o Art ist wit h Ch auta uqu a Opera.


Peep-Bo , Th e Mikado

American soprano Jacqueline King first performed with Michigan Opera Theatre as a bridesmaid in Le no zze di Figaro in the fall 2007 season. T hi s past season, J acque lin e made her New York City debut

Joyce H. Cohn Young Artist


as Papagena with New York Lyric Opera Theatre, reprised The Boy in Rackham Symphony Choir 's outreach presentation of The Reluctant Dragon , and took on the ro le of Despina with The Primo Passo Ensemble in Ann Arbor. A few of her favorite roles include Grete l in Hansel and Gretel and Mabel in The Pirates of Penzanc e J acqueline received her education at the Univers ity of Wisconsin-Madison and Viterbo University in laCrosse, Wisconsin. She currently studies voice with mezzo-soprano Kathleen Segar.


Pitti-Sing, Th e Mikado

Mezzo-soprano, Monica Sciaky, recently rec eived her Master's Degree in Vocal Performance from the University of Michigan where she sang th e roles of Cherubino in Le nozz e di Figaro, Bepp e in LAmico Fritz, and La Haine in Gluck's Annide. In 2008 and 2009 , she performed as an artist in r es idence at the Castleton Festival in Loren Maaz el's production of the Op e ra at his private estate in Castleton , VA. This past summer, Monica was a member of the Victoria]. Mastrobuono emerging artists program at Opera New Jersey.

Pooh-Bah , Th e Mikado; Co Uin e, La Bohem e

Australian-American bass-baritone Andrew Gray made his MOT debut as the Sacerdote di Belo in Nab ucco in 2009. Hi s most recent engagements include Masetto in Don Giovanni with Michigan Opera Theatre and Ange lottilThe J ai lor in Tosca with Michigan Opera Th eatre and Arizo n a Opera; The Imperia l Commi ssioner in Madame Butt e rfly with Phoenix Opera; Gianni Sc hi cchi in Gia nni Schicchi with Oberlin in Ital y; the King in A ida with Phoenix Opera; and Baron Dupho l in La Tra viata Mr. Gray studied voice a t the Univers ity of Arizona. After receiving wonderful reviews , he was accepted into the Marrion Roose Pullen Arizona Opera St udi o. FollOwing that, he was in vited to si n g the title ro le in Gianni Schicchi for the Obe rlin in l taly program in Arrezo , It a ly.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

t·:'·· • if.··•...... ;\ . .
Detl'o it Opera Hous e ARTIST PROFILES
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News from the Department of Community Programs and Learni ng at the Opera House

Chase Foundation Grant Helps Students Experience Don Giovanni

Made possible by a grant from the Chase Foundation, the Department of Community Programs had the opportunity to work with students in two new Detroit Public schools: Detroit International Academy for Young Women and Fredrick Douglass School for Young Men During classes twice a week, Karen V DiChiera, MOT's director of community programs , assisted by educator Lamar Richardson, had the opportunity to prepare the students for attending Mozart's opera bon Giovanni

The students were amazed that in the courts of Europe in the 18 ,h century, social behavior had a great deal to do with affairs of the heart , and gossip , and "gangs " would fight to defend their beliefs. ' Detroit International Academy

Bring Opera to Your Home, Work, School, or Community Group!

Would you like to have a group of professional singers entertain right in your own home or office, club or school? We have a lot of great programs to tempt you!

The touring artists from Michigan Opera Theatre's Department of Community Programs travel all over Michigan, from Cheboygan to Jackson, from Marine City to Benton Harbor, from Mackinaw to Detroit , from Ann Arbor to Marine City, from Flint to Escanaba and every place in between. We have performed in private homes , new and restored theaters, school auditoriums, places of worship , office buildings and on a few yachts!

shop We can provide a boxed meal or a sit down dinner prepared by our chef and served by our wait staff.

We can arrange to have our Touring Artists sing or orchestra members play. You can learn about public relations, ticket sales, how our repertoire is chosen , and how the opera house is run.

To find out how a club or school group can come to the Detroit Opera House and learn , or to arrange to bring a performance to your area , please contact Dolores Tobis , Community Programs Marketing Manager, at (313) 237- 3429 or

Upcoming Events

students became fascinated with the personalities of court life and how these were used in the opera; depicting haughtiness , flirtatiousness , seduction , depression , bragging and spying.

Jennifer Rowley, who performed the role of Donna Anna, and Kimwana Doner, who sang the role of Donna Elvira , visited the school and spent time talking to the girls prior to the performance. In all , over two hundred students and faculty from both schools attended Don Giovanni.

Following the performance , students presented a " thank you " performance to

Performances are for every age , and can be one- act operas , educational shows for elementary school children and workshops plus a performance for middle and high school students

We can create sophisticated revues for adults and we can have sing-alongs for senior citizens, clubs members and families.

Or, if your group would like to visit the Detroit Opera House in person, we offer tours for all ages throughout our building. You can learn about the architect and the beautiful plaster work and go back stage and into the costume

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


• Join us on Wednesday, December 8 at 7:30 p.m. for Holi day Fun with MOT at the Farmington Players Barn Theater (32332 W 12 Mile Rd ., Farmington Hills) For more information and tickets, call Farmington Hills Cultural Arts at (248) 473-1848

• Our celebrated performance of Th e American Songbook , a Broadway Revnue celebrating great composers from American Musical Theatre , will be performed on Saturday, November 20 , at the Marine City Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m The performance will include familiar melodies from your favorite Broadway hits! For more information and tickets, ca ll the Marine City Concert Series at (810) 765-9688.

Lecturer Lamar Richardson speaks before a performance of Footsteps to Freedom Kimwana Doner in Don Giovanni
Karen DiChiera, David DiChiera , MOT board member Marianne Endicott and Lamar Richardson Denoit Opera House

Master Classes Offer Learning Opportunities

Learn from professional dancers when they come to Detroit to perform on the Detroit Opera House stage I This is a great opportunity for any level of dancer looking to learn from the professionals. This November, the Grand Rapids Ballet wi ll h old a BeginnerlIntermediate Ballet Class for Ages 11-15 on Saturday, November 27 , 2010 from ll:OOam12:30pm. In add ition , when The Jaffrey Ba ll et visits in January, they will hold an Intermediate/Advanced Ballet Class for ages 14 and up on Saturday, January 29 , 20 11 from ll:OOam -12:30pm. In spring 2011 , Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater will hold a master class on Saturday, March 5, and Eisenhower Dance Ensemble will conduct a class on Saturday, March 19.

All classes are ' open to the public and free with a correspon din g ticket stub or $25 ' without a stub , and take place in the Margo V Cohen Center for Dance or the Chrys ler Black Box Theater in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning Pre-registration is required. To register, please send your name and contact information to or call 313.237.3251.

Enjoy Dance Film, Refreshments, and Discussion!

Dance lovers from all over Detroit come together for dance films, food, drink , and discussion on Tuesday evenings. The series opens on October 12 , at 7:00 p.m. with "Great Partnerships in Dance, " featuring examp les from Fonteyn and Nureyev, Martins and Farrell , and Fracci and Bruhm.

Continuing November 9, is a series entitled "Dance Scenes in Taverns , including scenes from Golden Age, Merry Widow, Fancy Free and more. Diaghilevs Ballet Russes highlights the January 18th film series, featuring wonderfu l choreography by Fokine and Nijin ska including The Rite of Spring, Petrouchka and Les Noces.

All dance films take place at the Detroit Opera House in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. A $10 donation is payable at the door, and this

includes refreshments. No reservations are required. For more information, ca ll 313.237.3426.

Revelations Project to Inspire Students

W ith grants from the Shir ley Sch lafer Foundation and JP. Morgan Chase, Alvin Ailey is bringing their Revelations Project , a 2 week reSidency, to Detroit International Academy Jan 24 - Feb. 4. This reSidency helps students take their life experiences and create movement. Students not on ly become inspired by working closely with the Ai ley teachers , they a lso learn diSCipline , self-esteem and ways to express their own uniqueness. During that time even in g outreach classes wi ll also be offered J an. 25 &. 27 and Feb. 1 &. 3 6:00-7:30p open to the public , Intermediate/Advanced Modern, ages 14 and up ($20 per person, the "free with ticket " does not apply to these even in g classes). For more information or to register , con tact or call 313.237.3251.

Year-Round Dance Classes at the Detroit Opera House

313.469.0694 or visit www.balletren. org. Inner City Dance Scope offers ballet, hip h op, jazz and modern classes on Sa turda ys. For more information , ca ll 313-926-6654 or visi t www.innercitydancescope. webs. com.

Upcoming Auditions

EDE Performance of " Get Ready " Eisenhower Dance Ensemble

January 9,2011


January 9,20 11 , from 2:00pm - 4:00pm


Select dancers wi ll be chosen by audition to perform in "Ge t Ready " to the music of The Temptations , choreographed by EDE Associate Artistic Director, Stephanie Pizzo. Dancers for this work must be 16 or older to participate.

ABT Summer Intensive Audition

When: January 15 , 2011

lOOp-ages 12-14

3:00p- ages 15 an d up

Interlochen Center for the Arts


January 29, 2011 , 10 :00am - 12:00pm

For information on auditi ons, contact Kim Smith at or 313-237-325 1.

All auditions take place at the Detroit Opera House Please vis it our website, www.MichiganOpe ra.o r g for more information regarding audition requirements.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Ballet Renaissance and Inner City Dance Scope, two of Detroit 's best dance schools make their home here at the Detroit Opera House , offering year-round dance classes for students of all ages. Ballet Renaissance offers classes Monday through Friday from 5:00-8:00 p.m. For more information or to register, call

D e u"oit Opera House
Members of Ballet Hispanico teach salsa classes in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning
BRAVO 33 o I Z Gl '" Gl » =i Vi

News from the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus

The MOTCC is Celebrating Four Seasons!


Performance Schedule

Concert at Franklin Community Church, Franklin, Michigan

Sunday, October 24 at 7:00 p.m

La Boheme

Detroit Opera House

November 13-21, 2010

A Winter Fantasy: MOTCC

Winter Concert and Fundraiser

A Holiday Concert

Ring in the season with beautiful choral music sung by th e children of Michigan Opera Theatre Children 's Chorus . Treat yourself, family and friends to an elegant evening at one of Detroit's c ultural gems , at an unbelievable price!

Detroit Opera House

NovembeI 29th , 2010

6pm Silent Auction

7:00p.m. Concert

The evening will include: Cash Bar

·Silent Auction and SO/SO Raffle

• Beautiful Music

Doors Open at S:30pm [or Adult Tickets Including Strolling Hors d ' oeuvres $28 .00

• Children (16 & Under) Including Strolling Hors

d ' oeuvres $lS .00

• Doors open at 6pm [or general Adult Tickets $18.00

• Children (16 & Under) $S.OO

• Children 4 & Under Free when accompanied by an adult

For more information and to order tickets call 248-914-1966 or visit

Concert at Ida Holiday Festival

Friday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m. St. Joseph 's Catholic Church , Ida, Michigan

The Maker of Illusions by Seymour Barab

A light children's opera with moral lessons about inner beauty

Invited Student Dress Rehearsal:

Friday, March 2S, 2011 at 11 :00 a.m. at the Detroit Opera House Tickets: $10/Student; 1 FREE Chaperone Ticket for every 10 Students

Public Performance: Saturday, March 26 , 2011 at 2:30 p.m. at the Detroit Opera House


Child - $lS.00

Adult - $30.00

Patron - $SO.OO

Grand Valley ce l ebrates the imagination , creativity, and beauty of the fine arts We appreciate the performances that inspire and enlighten us. And, we applaud the artists who share our passion for excellence and our commitment to personal achievement. I (800 ) 748-0246

BACKSTAGE TOURS of the Detroit Opera House available following the Friday Invited Student Dress Rehearsal!

Enhance your cultural experience! Reserve your spot quickly - at only $2 per person , tours are filling quickly!

For more information about tickets or about the MOTCC , please contact Chorus Administrator Megan Landry :

CHORUS} Maggie Malaney and Veronica Battersby in the 2008 production of The Maker of Illusions
Ye a rs of Shaping Lives IiIII"'" 34 BRAVO
Detroit Opel"a House
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Violin I


James Greer

Charlotte Merkerson, Kathleen Grim es+

Concertmaster + Barbara Zm ich +

Laura Leigh Roelofs, Cello

Assistant ConcertmasteH

Velda Kelly+

Bryan Johnston+

Beth Kirton+

Mo ll y Hughes+


Kevin Filewych

Violin II

Victoria Haltom * +

Daniel Stachyra +

Opera Theatre Orchestra

Clarinet Harp

Brian Bowman * + Patricia Terry-Ross* +

J. W illi am King+

Suza nn e Rozmary Timpani

Keit h Claeys

Nadine Deleury"+

Diane Bredesen+

Robert Reed+

John Iatzko

Eugene Zenzen


Derek We ll er*+

Clark Suttl e+

Greg Sh eld on

Henrik Karapetyan+ Flute

Anna WelleH

Janet Su llin s

Elizabeth Rowin


John Madison*+

Scott Stefanko+

Laura Larson+

Dennis Carter

Hel en Near


Sa ll y Pituch+

Geoffr ey J ohnson

Kristin Reynolds

Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus

Heidi Bowen

Errin Duane Brooks

Kim W Brooks

Cynthian Brundage

Fred Buchalter

Elizabeth Cedroni

Laurie DiSabatino

Ken Ebaugh

Brandy Ellis

O li via Ferguson

Michael Fowler

Kurt Frank

Yvonne Friday

Conda Green

QuiShaun Hill

Rosaline Guastella

Edward Hanlon

Bernard Holcomb

Richard Ja ckson

DeAnna J ohnson

Tom Kabala

J acqueline King

Brian Leduc

Amy Malaney

Stacey Mason

Peter Morgan

Kim Mill ard

Ann ie Radcliffe

Monica Sc iaky

Dustin Scott

Ken Shepherd

Gregory Stin son

Curtis Storm

Lucy Thompson

Chri stopher Vaugh t

Mari Voe lka r

Tiffanie Waldron

Ju s tin Watson

Tamara W hitty

The American Guild o f Musica l Artists is the offic ial union of the Mich iga n Opera Theatre Chorus


Pawel Wnuk*+

Terence Farmer

Roger Maki-Schramm Percussion


Andrew PelletieH

Carrie Banfield+

John Dorsey*+

David Taylor

Dan DeSena

Susan Mutter Ke y board

Tamara Kosinski J ean Sc hn eide r


* Principal

David Ammer*+ + Michigan Opera Th eatre

Gordon Simmons+ Core Orc h es tr a

Mark Flegg

Detroit Federation of

Trombone Musicians Local #5 American

Maury Okun*+ Federation of Musicians

Greg NeaH

Bryan Pokorney

Gary Hellick

MOT Children 5 Chorus

November 13 , 17,20

Isabe ll e Bepl er

Alex Capeneka

Hos ey Cusumano

Matthew Ebaugh

Ursu la Fuller

Nata li e Gratsc h

Aurora Haziri

Caroline Hofman

Ryan Hurley

Brittany Johnson


Anne Koziara

Na talie Krauss

Teagan Lewis

Alain a Matth ews

Kylie McGuirk

Olivia Motzer

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

C h ristina O'Nei l Lauren Hack e tt

Krist in e Overman Cheyenne Johnson

Madeline Reardon Ryan Kotlinski

Sam Sl ocum Leah Lin e nfelser

Taylor Stark Kaila Madison

J ess ica Tifft Dylan Marcero

Christina Wallag Em il y Michielutti

Claire Yonkus Rachel Miltimor e Grace Muawad

November 19 , 21m Avey Rausch

Jamila Ammary Isabel Rocha

E le n a Bakaluca Steffi Roch e

Tyler Bouque Ameerah Sh akoor

Cassia Bur ley Arie ll e Sturr

Emi ly Crombez John Vandevert

Elena Dsouza

Miles Eichenhorn

Klara Ei ch off

Deu'o it Opera House

Ensuring the Future

Imaginea gift t h at o u tli ves yo u - th a t to u c h es futur e ge n eratIO n s In yo u r abse n ce- to exp ene n ce a nd e nj oy the wo rl d o f ope r a.

That s t h e goa l of th e Ava nti So cie ty, Mic h igan Opera Th ea tre's P lann e d Gi ft Recogniti o n Prog r am

Th e Avant i Soc ie ty re pres e nt s a d es igna ted gro up o f fr ie nd s o f M ic h iga n O p e r a Thea tre w h o h ave made pl an s to includ e t h e o rga n iza ti o n in th eir es ta te p lan s- w h e th e r b y will , tru s t , ins ura n ce, o r li fe in co m e a rra n ge m e nt. Me m bers hip in th e Ava nti Socie ty is o p en to all.

Mem b e rs o f the Ava nti Socie ty receive a bea ut i full y d esign ed lap el p in , r ec ogn i tion a t th e a n nua l Avan ti Ev e n ing a n d in vi tat io n s to s p ec ial eve nt s a n d p e rfo rm an ces , an d a re li st ed as m embe r s in o ur progr am th rough o ut eac h sea son.


T h e grow th o f Mi c h iga n O p e ra Th ea tr e's p e rm an e nt End owm e nt F un d e n s ures th e gro w th and futur e vi talit y o f on e o f t h e reg io n 's g rea tes t c u ltur a l assets. Yo u a r e invi te d to c rea te yo ur own legacyyo ur Av'a nti- th ro u gh Mi c hi ga n O p e ra Th ea tre.

Yo u m ay u se t h e a tt ac h ed co n fide nti a l re pl y ca rd to in d ica te your gi ft , or c o ntact Ki m -Lan Trinh at (313 ) 2 3 7-3408 to d iscu ss gift optio n s t h a t m ay b e n e fi t yo u , yo ur h eirs a nd Michi ga n Ope r a Th eat re

Mr. Robe rt G. A bga ri a n

Mr & Mrs. Ro b e n A. A ll es ee #

Mrs. Adel A m e rm a n * # +

Dr. Lo urd es V And aya *

Mr. & Mrs. Ag u s tin A rbu l u *

C h es te r & Emeli a Arn o ld *

M r. & M rs. Lee Ba rth e l

M ,: & Mrs. ]. Addi so n Ba rtu s h*#

Mr. & Mrs. Bre ll Ba ll e rso n *

Mr. & Mrs. Ma nd e ll Be rm a n

Mr. & M rs. A rt Bla ir *

Mr. Ro be rt Bo mi e r

G w e n & Ric ha rd Bow l b y

Mary C. Cagg eg i

Roy E. & Use Ca lc ag n o *

G lady s Ca ld ro ney *

Dr. & Mrs. Vic tor]. Ce r ve n a k *

M ,: A ll e n B C h ris tlllan

Pro f. Ke nn e th Co llin so n

Mr. & Mrs. Ro be n C. Co m stoc k #

Dr. Ro be rt A. Co rn e ll e * #

Mr. & Mrs. Ta rik Dao ud * #

Mr Th o m as ]. De la n ey

Ms Marjor ie Adel e DeV li eg

M ,: & Mrs. Rober t E De war * #

M': j a mes P D ia m ond

Dr. Dav id Di C h ie ra #

Ka re n Va nd e rKl oo t Di C hi e ra * #

Ms. Ma r y jan e Doe r r #

Mr. & Mr s. C ha rl es H Dun ca n *

Mrs. C h a rl es M . E ndi co ll * #

Mrs. C har/ ott e Bus h Fa ilin g

Mr. & M rs. H e rb F is h e r *

Mrs. A nn e E. Fo rd **

Pa m e la R Fr a n cis *

Ba rb a ra Fra nk e l & Ro n a ld Mi c hal a k * #

Mr & Mrs. He rm a n F ra nk e l* #

Co nfid e nti a l Re pl y: Pl ease return thi s fo rm to Kim-La n Trinh , Mic hi ga n O pe ra Theatre , 1526 Broa d way, Detro it , Ml 48226 , or e-m ail kt rinh @ mo top e ra.o rg

Nam e(s ) ___

Address ___

Cit y _____ Stat e ___ Zi p ___

Pho ne (da y) _______________________________ (eve) _______________

Bes t tim e to ca ll : _____

o Yes, please se n d inform at ion rega rd in g p lanned gi ft s.

o Vwe a lread y q u ali fy fo r t he Ava nti Soc iety

Please brie Oy d esc ri be th e es ta te gi ft th at qual ifi es you for memb e rs hip (a ll info rmat ion s ubm itted will be ke pt co nfid e ntia l) :

Mrs. Re m a Fra n kel * #

Mr. & Mrs . H a r vey Free m a n

Mrs. jan e Sh oe m a k e r F re n c h

Mr. Ed wa rd P Fro hli c h

Dr. & Mrs. Byr o n P Geo rgeso n *

Prisci ll a A. B. Good ell

Mr. Emest Good lll a n

Mrs Fred a K. Good lll a n

Pri sc ill a R G ree nb e rg , Ph D.* #

Mr. & M rs. Ste p h e n Hago p ia n

Mr. Law r e n ce W H a ll *

M r. & Mrs. J ero m e Ha lp e rin *

M r s Rob e rt M Ha mady

Mr. Da vid Ha nd le ma n * #

Mr. Ke nn e th E. Ha n *

Mr. & M rs Eu ge n e L. Ha rt w ig *

Dr. & Mrs. Ger h ardt A. H e in

Ms. Na n cy B H e nk

Ms. Mary A Heste r

Mr. Bru ce Hilllll an

Ka re n & De re k H o d gso n

Mr. Gordo n V. Hoi a lm el!

D r. C in dy H u ng *

Mr. Ca rl). H uss

K ri s tinj a ra mill o *

Mr. Do n a ldJ e n se n *

Ms H el e n Bar bara j o llll stD n

Mr. P a tri c k]. & M rs. St e ph a ni e Ge rma c k Ke r z ic**

Mr. & Mr s. Ro b e n Kle in #

Mrs. j os ephin e Kl e in er

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr. & Mrs Er w in H Klo pre r *#

Mr. & Mrs Da ni e l Ko l to n

M isses Ph yllis & Sel m a Ko rn *

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kro lik ows ki *

Mr. Max Le p le r & Mr Re x Do tso n

M r. Philip Leo n

Mrs Wa d e H McC ree *

Ms. J a n e M c Kee *

Mrs. Lu cie B Me inin g e r

Drs. O rl a ndo & Doroth y Mi ll e r *

Mo n ica Mo rrat & P a t McG uire

Mrs. Ell a M Mo ntroy

Mr Ro na ld K. M o rri so n *

Ru t h Raw lin gs Molt

Mrs. Bell y ]. Mu e ll e r

Dr. & Mrs. Ste ph e n Munk

j o n a th a n f O rse r

Ms juli e A. Owe ns

M r. Da le ]. Pa n go ni s *

Mary & C ha rl es A. Pa rkhill

Mrs Eli z ab et h Pecs enye

CIa li ce Odg e rs Perco x

Mr. T homa s G Po rt e r

Mr. Ric ha rd M Ra is in *

Mrs. Rut h f Ra ttn e r * #

Mr j os h u a Res t

Ma rg u e r it e & jam es Ri g b y*

Mr Br ya n L. Ri ves

Ms. Pa tri cia Ro d z i k *

Mr. M it chell). Ro ma nows /l i

Ms. j oa nn e B Roo n e y

Ms. Su sa n Sc h oo n e r *

Drs. H einz & Ali ce PIa ll Sc h wa rz *

Mrs. F ra nk C. Sh a le r *

Ms. Laura Sias

jun e & H a ro ld Sie be rt

Mrs. Ma rge Sleza k

Ms. Ann e Su ll iv a n Smith

Ms. Ph yllis Funk Sn ow *

Mr. Edw ard L Sta hl

Mr. & Mrs. Ri c h a rd Sta rk wea th e r * # +

M r s Mark C. Stev e ns * #

M r. S[a nro rd C. Sto dd a rd j o n a th a n Swi rt & T h o m as A. St. C harl es *

M r Ro na ld f Swi[ze r *

Ms. Ma ry Ell en Tappa n * #

Dona ld & Margar et T h urb e r *

M r. Ed wa rd D. Tu sse t *

Mr. & M rs. Geo rge Vin ce m *# +

Mr.). En/ est Wi lde

Mrs. Amel ia H Wi lh e l m * #

Mrs. Helen B W ill en berg

Eli za be th /5[ Wa lt e r P Wo rk *

Ma ry Lo u & La rr y Za nge rl e

Mr & Mrs. G eo rg e M Ze l tze r *

Ava mi Logo & Pi n Design

Mo ni ca Mo rfa [ & P a t McG uir e

Ke ys :

* Fo undin g M e mb e rs

# To u c h t h e Future d o n o rs

+ Ava nti Soc iety Sp o nso rs

lt a li cs = dece ased me m be rs

** New

36 BR AVO ww w . Mic hi ga n Op e , a,o "g
Det r oit Ope l'a H o u s e

Contributors to Michigan Opera Theatre's Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House

Mich iga n Opera Thea tre ex te nd s apprec ia ti o n to the m a n y d onors w h o co ntribut ed so ge n e rou s ly to th e three phases o f the Det roit Opera Ho u se fundr a is in g initia ti ve [rom 1 989 to 2004. Fo ll ow in g i s a c umulati ve lis tin g of g ifts of $ 5,0 00 and abov e to Th e Ca pital Campai gn to Resto re th e Detroit

$5,000,000 +

Ford Moto r Co mpany

Th e Kresge Foundation

$2,000,000 to $4,999,999

Th e C hr ys ler Fo undati o n

Genera l Motors Corpora ti on

Th e St a t e o f Michigan

$1 ,000,000 to $ 1 ,999 ,999

Mr. &: Mrs. Ro b e rt A A ll esee

Eu ge n e App le b a um Fa mil y

Foun dation

Lee &: Floy Barthel

Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn A. Boll , S r.

H e rm a n &: S haron Fra nk e l

Dan iall e &: Peter Karmano s

J o hn S. a nd J ames L Kni g h t


Th e S killman Foundation

$500 ,000 TO $999 ,999

Anon ym ous

Ban k of A m e ri ca

J PMorganChas e

Th e Co h e n Fa mil y

Phil a mhropi c Fund of th e

Co mmunit y Foundati on

for So uth eas te rn Mi c higan

Co m e ri ca

De t ro it Gra nd Ope r a


DTE Energy Foundation

Mr. &: Mrs. Max M. Fisher

He rm an &: Barbara Fran k e l

Mr. &: Mrs. Samuel Frank el

M r. Da v id Ha ndl eman, S r.

Lea r Corpo ra ti o n

Mr. &: M rs. H a r ry A.

Lo m aso n

McG rego r Fund

Mr. &: Mr s. Roge r S. Pe nsk e

Ra lph L &: Winifr ed E. Polk

Fo und a ti o n

Mr. &: Mrs. R. J amison

Wil li a m s, S r.

$250,000 TO $499 ,999


BA S I" Co rp o rati o n

Mr. &: Mrs. Philip E Bemon ,

J r.

Mandell &: Made le in e H. Be rman Fou n datio n Blu e Cross an d Blu e Shi e ld o f Michigan

Dayton H udso n Foundation!

Hud so n 's

Mr. &: Mrs. Rob e rt E. Dewar

G h a fari Assoc ia tes, In c.

Ro b e rt &: Ali ce G u s tafso n

Hud so n-We bb e r Founda ti on

Km art Co rp o ration

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins

Masco Co rporation

No np ro fit Facilit ies Center

Ra y mond C. Smi th

Founda ti o n Fund o f Lhe

Co mmunit y Foundation

fo r So uth eas te rn Michigan

Mr. &: Mrs. Geo rge Str umb os

Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn A

Town se nd

TRW Foundation

Mr. &: Mrs. George C.

Vi n ce m

Mr. &: Mrs. Alv in Wasserman

Mr. R Jamison Wi lli ams

$100,000 TO $249,999

Ms. J a n e E Agos tin e lli

Dr. &: Mrs. Dona ld C. Aust in

Ms. Ann e Lo m ason Bray

Mr. &: Mr s. Ri c h a rd A. Bro di e

Vick i &: To m Cela ni

Th e H on. &: Mrs. Ave rn L.

Co hn

Co m au P ico

Da iml e rC hr ys le r Se r vi ces

Mr. &: Mrs. Iarik Daoud

De Roy Tes ta m e mary

Fou nd a ti o n

Di c kin so n Wright PUC

Dowmown Deve lopme m

Au th o r ity, Cit y of De tro it

DIE En e rg ylM ic hCon

Fo und at ion

EI Paso Ene rgy F o und at ion

Mr. &: Mrs. Roland C.

Euge ni o

Mr. &: Mr s. Pau l E. Ewing

J e nnife r &: Dav id Fischer

Barbara Fra nk e l &: Ro n

Mic h a lak

Mr &: Mrs. Presto n B.

H a pp e l

Mr. &: Mrs. Ro b e rt Kl e in

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas M.

Krik o ri a n

O liv e r Dewey Marcks

Foundati o n

Na ti o n a l C it y Ba nk of

Mic h igan

Opus O n e

Ka re n &: D rew Pes la r

Fo und a ti o n

Mr. &: Mrs. Irvin g Ros e

Mrs Caro ly n L. Ross

Mr. An th o n y L. Soave

W a lbrid ge Aldinge r Co m pany

Mr. &: Mrs. C h a rl es L

W il so n , Jr.

Wo rld He rita ge Foundation

Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Ze ltz e r

$50,000 TO $99,999

D r. &: Mrs. Roger M. Aj luni

Alli edS ignal Fo undati o n , In c.

Dr. Lourdes V Anda ya

An o n y m o u s

Dr. &: Mrs Agust in A rbulu

Mr. W illi a m P. Baer

Mr &: Mrs Don H. Barden

Mr. &: Mrs. j. Add iso n

Ba rtu s h

Mr. Th o m as Co hn

Cons um e rs En e rgy


Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin I. Dant o

De loi ll e &: To u c h e LLP

Th e Det ro it News/Gannett


D r Dav id D iC hi e r a

Rosa nn e &: Sa nd y Dun ca n

Mr s. C h a rl es M. Endi co tt

Mr. &: Mrs. Alex E rd elj an

Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred j. Fisher,


Dr. Marjorie M Fi s h e r

Ann e E Fo rd

Opera House (1989 - 1998), Th e Ne w Ce ntw y Funcl Campaign (1999 - 2001) and Th e Crow nin g Achi eve ment Ca mpaign (2002 -2004)

We a lso th a nk th e many donors who con tributed gifts bel ow $5,000 for th e ir com mitm e nt and b e li e f in th e De troit Opera Hous e proje c l.

Mr. &: Mrs. S tanl ey Frankel

Mr. Edward P. Frohlich

T h e GM Card

Mr. &: Mrs. A la n L. Gornick

Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn C. G riffm

H a ndl e m a n Co mpan y

David &: Rose Ha ndl e man

Mr. &: Mrs. E. j. Hart m a nn

Ali ce Kal es Ha rtwi c k


Mrs. Dav id B. He rm e lin

Humin g to n Nat io n a l Bank

Mr. &: Mrs. Ve rn e G Is t oc k

M r &: Mrs. Ri c h a rd J anes

Mrs. Sy bil J a qu es

John so n Co ntrol s


William &: Ell e n Kahn

C h a im , Fan n y, Lo ui s,

Be njamin &: Ann e Floren ce

Kaufm a n Me m or ia l Tru s t

Mr. Ge ra ld Kn ec htel

Mr. &: Mrs. Mik e Koja ian

Na n cy &: Bud Li eb ler

Mr. Al phon se S. Lu ca re lli

Mr. &: Mrs. Eu ge n e A Miller

Millik e n &: Co mp any

Ne im an Marcu s

Lind e n D. Ne lso n

Found a ti o n

Mr. &: Mr s. Irving Nusba um

Mr. &: Mr s. G ra ham A O rl ey

Mr. &: Mrs. J osep h O rl ey

Mr. &: Mrs. Do n a ld E.

Pe te rse n

Mr &: Mrs. Haro ld A Polin g

Mr. &: Mrs. Da vid Po ll ack

PVS Che mi ca ls Inc

Mrs. Ruth Ralln e r/A nn f Katz &: Nor m a n D Katz

Mr. &: Mrs. Ala n E. Sc hw artz

Mr. &: Mrs. Dona ld E.

Sc h we nd e m a nn

Mrs. Ro se m ary S kupn y

Mr. &: Mrs. S. Kinni e S m ith ,


Mr. Ri c hard A. So n e nkl a r

Mr. S tan fo rd C. Sto ddard

Th ysse n Inc. , NA

Mr. &: Mrs. C. Thom as

Topp in

Mr. &: Mrs. Herbe rt Ty n e r

Th e Sa mu e l L. Westerman


Dr. &: Mrs. C lyd e Wu

$ 25 ,000 TO $49,9 99

Mr. &: Mrs. Dou g las f Alli s on

An o n y m o u s

Mr. &: Mrs. Geb ra n S. Amon

Mrs. J o hn V Balian

M rs. Lor is G. Birnkrant

Th e Wayn e Book e r

C h a rit ab le Fo und a ti o n

Th e Budd Co mp a n y

Covansys Cor poration

Crai n Co mmuni ca ti ons In c.

Juli a D Da rl ow &: John C.

O ' Meara

Larry &: Dodie David

Dr. &: Mrs. Geo rge A. Dean

De lphi Fo und a ti o n

Mrs. Margare t De mant

De tro it Inte rn a ti o nal Brid ge

Co mp a n y

Eat o n Cor p o rati o n

Ernst and Young

M r. &: Mrs. He rb e rt Fisher

Mrs. Aaro n H Gers h e n so n

Andrew &: W a nd a

Gia n ca milli

Th e G ilm o ur Fund

Hild a &: J oe l H a mburger

Mr. &: Mrs. Ke nn e th E Hart

Juliu s &: Cyn thi a Hu e bn e r

Found a t ion

Mario &: Jan e Iaco b e lli

Th e H on. &: Mrs. J osep h N. Impa s tato

Ke nw a l Stee l Co rp o r a tion

Mr. &: Mrs Ro n a ld C.

La mpart e r

Rob e rt &: Vi c to ri a Li gge tt

Ma g n a Int e rn at ional

The Hon J ack &: Dr. Beuye

Arr in g to n-M art i n

Ann &: William McCo rmi c k,


Mr. &: Mrs. E R Miln e r

Mr. &: Mrs. E Mic h a el

Mut c hl e r

Mrs. J e nnife r Nasse r

Mr. &: Mr s. Harry Nosa n c huk

Mr. &: Mrs. Roben T

O'Co nn e ll

F r ances H Pa rce ll s Me morial

Mr. &: Mrs Hu ghes L.

Pot ik e r

M r. &: Mrs. W J a m es Prowse

Mr. &: Mrs. Ll oyd Reuss

Roy &: Mauree n Ro b e rt s

Mr. &: Mrs J ac k Ro bin so n

Mr. &: Mrs. Ric h a rd H Roge l

Mrs. Loui s R Ross

Dr. H e rs hel &: Lois Sa ndbe rg

M r R ic h ard Sa nd e rs

Th e Sa nd y Fa mil y


Mrs. E mm a L. Sc h aver

Mrs. S hirl ey K. Sc hlafe r

Dia n e &: Monon Sc h olnick

Mr. &: Mrs G rego ry j.

Sc h wa rt z

M r. J oseph Sc hwanz

Mr. &: Mrs. Frank C. S ha le r

Mr. Mickey S h apiro

Elha m Shayota

Mr. &: Mrs. Ric hard S loa n

Mr. &: Mrs William H

S mith

Mrs. Mark C. Steve n s

United Am e ri ca n Hea lth

Ca re Co rp orat io n

Mr. &: Mrs. Me lvin C.

Va nd e rBru g

Mr. &: Mrs. An Van

Els la nd e r

Mr. and Mrs. Steve n I. Victor

Neva Wi lli a m s Art s

Fo und at io n

Ma tild a R Wil so n Fund

Mrs. Pa ul Zucke rman

$15 ,000 TO $ 24 ,999

Alcan Aluminum Co rp orat io n

Aldoa Com p any

Dr. &: Mrs. Rob yn J

Arrington , S r.

Mrs. Donald j. Atwood

Mr. &: Mrs Ge ra ld Bright

Be ll y &: Bill Brook s

Mr. David C hi vas

G loria &: F re d C la rk

Mr. &: Mrs. Pe te r D.


Mr. &: Mrs. D o n a ld Cu tl e r

Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn W Day, Jr.

Da vid &: J oanne De nn

Mrs. Karen Va nd e rKl oot


Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn R Ed m a n

Mr. &: Mrs. Burton D

Far bman

El a in e Fon ta n a

Mr. Ke nn e th H. Fox

Ann &: Larry Gar b e rdin g

Keith &: Eil ee n Giffo rd

Great Lakes Exterio rs

Mrs Rob e rt M Ha m ady

Mrs . Ro b e rt Hamilt on Eugene &: Do nn a Ha rt w ig

Loui se Hod gso n

Go rd o n V Hoia lm en Tru s t

Mrs. Da vid J a cknow

Mrs. Will ia m E. J o hn sto n

Mr. &: Mrs Maxwe ll J ospey

Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn Kaplan

Brun o &: Mo lli e Leo n e lli

Mr. &: Mrs. David Ba k e r

Lew is

Mr. &: Mrs. Walton A. Lew is

Richard &: F loren ce McBr ie n

Dr. &: Mrs. Ste ph e n A. Munk

Mr. &: Mrs. H e nr y N ic k o l

Mr. &: Mrs. Ein o N urm e

Mr. &: Mrs. Spe n ce r Pa nri c h

Mr. John E. Per ry

Phillip s Service Indu str ies,


Dr. Cha rl olle &: Mr. C h a rl es


Me ye r &: Ann a Pre nti s

F a mil y Fo und at io n , In c.

Ant o ni o &: S u za nn e Rea

Fa mil y

Mr. &: Mr s. Mark Sc hmidt

Sl. J ohn Hea lth Ca re Systems

Roberta &: Di c k


Mr. Frank D. S te ll a

Mr. Ron a ld f Sw itz e r

Dr. &: Mrs. Antho n y R

Te rs ign i

Mr. &: Mrs. Roben C. Van d e rKl oo t

Mrs. Ri c hard Va n Du se n Ve ntu re Indu st r ies

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L.


Richa rd &: Kathl ee n Web b

Mr. &: Mr s. Ke ith Weber

Dr. Maril y n L. Wi ll iamson

Mrs. Beryl W ink e lm an

Mr. &: Mrs. Dona ld E.

Wors ley

Th e Y &: R Gro up

Dr. &: Mrs. Dieter Ze tsc h e

$10,000 TO $14 ,999

Mr. &: Mrs. Th omas V Angoll

An onymous

Mr. &: M rs. Chester Arnold

M rs. Ire n e M Barbour

Barris , SO lt , Denn &: Drik er, P.LL C.

Bet h le h e m Stee l Co rp o r a ti o n

Mr. Charl es A. Bishop

Mr. &: Mrs. Be rn a rd 1. Brod sky

D et roit Opera House
BRAVO 37 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Robe rt &: Ali ce Gustafson

Ti1ird Floor l obby A lcove ,

Mad ison

Dav id Handl e man , Sr.

Media Studi o, Ce nt er Jar

Arts & Leami ng

Dania ll e &: Pete r Karm anos

Broadway Fa(ade

W illi a m &: Ell e n Kahn

Co-S ta r Dre ss in g Room

C haim, Fann y, Louis ,

Be njamin &: Ann Flore nce

Ka ufm a n Memo rial Tru s t

Gm nd Lobby S id e

Chand eli er

Wa lli s &: Robe rt M Kle in

Gmnd l obby Sta ircase

M ir ror

De lo res &: Pa ul Lav in s

Grand l obby S id e Cha nd el ier

Grand l obby Stai rcase


Lear Co rp o ra tion

Rehearsa l St udi o I lobby

Tru st ee C i rcl e l evel in

Opera Hall

Th e Loma so n Fam il y

Ti1 e W illi am K. & Nev a

lomason Op era Lounge

O li ve r Dewey Marcks

Fou nd ation

Th ird Floor Prom enad e

Sta ircas e lobby to 2"<1

Floor, Madi so n

MichCo n Fo und a tio n

Grand l obby BoutiqLle

Th e Karen &: Drew Pes la r

Foundat io n

Co-S tar Dress ing Room

Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn Rak o lta

Rehearsa l St udi o 11

Mr. &: Mrs. Ir vin g Rose

Patron Elev ato l; J ol1l1 R

Tow er

Contributors to Annual Campaigns

Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ross

Grand lobby S taircase

Mir ror

Raymond C. Smith

Fo undation Fund of th e

Com munity Fo und ati o n

fo r

So uth east Michigan

Ray mond C. Smit h lobby

Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn Tow nse nd

Tru stee C ircl e Lobby ,


Mr &: Mrs. Geo rge C.

Vince nt

Madison lobby

Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Wasser man

Box Level Prom enade

Dr. &: Mrs. Sa m Will ia ms

Barbam Gibson S tairway Exhibit , Broadway

World He ritage Fo undati o n

Co nductor's Dress ing Ro om

Mich iga n O pe ra Theatre gratefull y ack nowledges the ge nero us cor po ra te, fo und at io n , gove rnm e nt and indi vid ua l donors w hose contr ibution s we re mad e between Ju ly 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Th eir gene ro s ity plays a n int eg ral part in t he co mpa n y's finan c ial sta bilit y, necessary for prodU Cin g qu a lit y gra nd ope ra a nd d ance, and award-w innin g edu ca ti o na l acti vities

CO RPORATE SUPPORT Motor Ci ty Cas in o Hote l Po liti ca ll y Smart , LL C PPG Fo undati on $5, 000 - $ 9 ,999



All esee Lo u nge, Ma in BravoB ravo l Spon so r Gene ral Opera tin g Arts Midwes t Stage Ba r &: Entran ce Res um e Writ e rs co m Suppo rt The Cincil1atti Ba ll et

Lo bb y Br avo Bra vo Bra vo Bravo ! Spo nso r Sc hrei be r Co rp orat ion Nutcra cker Pe rforman ce Sponsor

$5 0 ,000 - $ 199 ,000 Spo nsor

Ford Moto r Co mp a ny Fun d

Fa ll O pe ra Seaso n Sponsor FELLOW

RB C Wea lth Ma nage me nt Go lf O utin g Spo nsor He rbert and El sa Po nti ng

Don Giova nni Edu ca tion al Specia l Evel1ls Part y Re nt al Found ati on

O utreac h Sponsor Ge nera l Ope rat in g Elizabeth , Allan a nd Warren

Ball et Hi spa ni co $ 10 ,000 - $ 14 ,999 Target Supp o rt She ld en Fund

Edu cat io na l O utreach Mack Avenue Records Commu nit y Progra m Ma ry Thomp so n

Sponsor Too Hot to Handel Su ppo rt Fou ndati o n

J P Mo rgan C hase Produ cti o n Spo nsor Wol ve rin e Packing


GOVERNM ENT $ 1 ,000 - $ 4 ,999

SUPPORT Frank G. a n d Ge rtrud e Ou treac h Spon sor Fou ndation Ge ne ral O pe rat ing

Don Giova nni Edu cat i o nal MGM Mi rage Voice Com pa n y

OPERA &: DANCE Dunla p Fund

Ball et Hispal1ico MOT Childre n 's Ch o ru s Su pp o rt Gene ral Operatin g

Educat io nal Ou t rea ch Spo nso r

Spon so r PNC Fo undation


Alvin Ailey Am erican Ge ne ra l O pe ratin g Supp o rt $ 1 ,000 - $2 ,499

DCL/lCe Theater Education al Th e Pri va te Ba nk As h Stevens


Michi ga n Counci l for Arts Go O utin g SI)o nso r

and C ultura l Affair s Dru s illa Farwel Fo und at io n

National Endo w me nt for Jame s &: Lynell e Ho ld e n th e Arts Fund

O utreac h Spon sor Th e Nut crac ker Co mmun ity Progra ms Frank &: Mary La mbe rso n

Co mmunit y Programs Per for mance Spon sor Supp or t $ 100 ,000 + Fo unda tio n

Support Bar ri s, SOll, Denn &: Dr iker, Th e Com munit y Lee &: Maxine Peck

Masco Co r poration SUSTA INER PL.L.c. Fo und a ti o n for Sou th eas t Fo und ation

Foun d a ti o n $5, 000 - $9,99 9 Ge ne ral O pera tin g Michi gan MO T Childre n 's Cho rus

Ge ne ral O perat in g Grea t Lakes Beve rage Suppo rt

The Kresge Founda tio n Music Librar y Spo nso r McG regor Fund Karen &: Drew Pes la r Supp ort Bra voB ravo l Sponsor Kindermo rga n Foundat ion Foundat ion

Co mmunit y Program s Gree ktow n Casi no Ge ne ral Ope rat in g $3 0 ,000 - $ 99 ,999 Ralph L and W in ifred E. Supp o rt BravoBravo Spon so r Supp o rt Ma nd el.! L. a nd Mad e le in e Polk Fo und a ti on Bank o f America

MGM Grand Cas in o O pa l E Even t Pl a nnin g LL C H. Be rman Foundat ion Sigmund a nd So ph ie Rohlik BravoB ra vo Prese ntin g BravoBravo l Sponsor BravoB ravo Spo nso r MOT Childre n's Cho ru s Found a ti on Spo nso r Mc Do na ld 's So lo mon Fr iedm a n Spon so r Louis and Ne ll ie Sieg Fu nd BravoB ravo l Spon so r Advertising


$25 ,000 - $ 49 ,999 PAT RON

Arv in Meri tor

Ge n e r al O pe ratin g Yo ung Woman 's Hom e Suppo rt Associa ti on

Go lf Ou tin g Spo nso r Max M &: Ma rjo ri e S.

Th e Wes tin Book Ca dill ac Fisher Fo und at io n $ 999 and Be low

$ 2 ,500 - $4,999 Bra voB ravo l Hospi ta lit y Sage Fou n da t ion Det roit Indu st ri al Sc h oo l 0011 Giova l1ni Ash Steve ns Sponso r

Perfor ma nce Spon so r Ge nera l O pera tin g

$ 10 ,000 - $29 ,999 MAJOR G IFT S

Ge nera l Ope ra tin g Sup po rt CONTR IB UTOR DeRoy Tes ta me nt a ry OPERA

Supp o rt Boy le Burd ett DiDio $50 0 - $999

Go lf O utin g Sponsor BravoBravo! Sponsor C U Corp

Fo und a ti o n

Young Artis t Apprent ice

$ 35 ,000 a nd above

Pro gra m Sponso r Mr. &: Mrs. He rman Frankel

GMAC De Land &: Ke lso, Howe, Ge nera l Ope rati ng 0 0 11 Giovanni Perfo rm a nce Ball et Hi s pa ni co Kerw in Fami li es Supp o rt

Spo nsor

Edu cati o nal Out re ac h Bra vo Bra vo l Spon sor T he Ca pita l Gr ill e Fred A. a n d Ba rbara M. Erb

Sponsor Detro it Radi a nt Produ cts/ Bra vo Br avo l Spo nso r Fam il y Foundatio n

$ 25,000-$30 ,000

Mr. Ri chard So nen klar

Mr. &: Mrs. R J am iso n

Lex us Alpine Accepta nce Clark Hi ll PL C Ali ce Ka les Ha rt wic k Wi lliam s

BravoBravo Automotive Hol din gs

BravoBravo! Spo nso r

Spo nso r Bra voB ra vo l Spon so r Co me ri ca Bank

Foundat ion

Oliver Dewey Marc ks

Foundat io n

$ 10 ,000- $ 12 ,000

T he Fa rbm a n Group/ Bravo Bravo! Spo nsor Id a &: Con rad H. Smith Barbara Franke l &: Ron

BENEFACTOR Garde n Co urt

$ 15 ,000 - $ 24 ,999 Co nd o miniums

The Des ig nate

Endowme nt fo r the Michalak

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Lutz

BravoBravo! Spo nso r Mich iga n Opera Thea tre

Mr s. Su sa nn e McMi ll a n DTE Ene rgy Fo undati o n BravoB ravo l Spon so r Madd in , Hause r, Warrel l, Tasca Performance Mrs. Rut h Ra lln e r A littl e Nigh t Music IATSE Roth et a l Spo nsor Mr. &: Mrs. Pau l Victo r Sa muel L. Wes te rma n Per for ma nce Spo nso r Ge nera l O pe ratin g Ge ne ral O pera tin g Founda ti o n Marat ho n Supp o rt Support J. Ernest &: Alm e na Gray $5, 000 Ball et Hispal1ico Ku t insky/Brager O pu s O ne Wild e Fo undati o n Penske Corporat io n Edu ca ti ona l O utreach BravoBravo ! Spon sor Ge ne ral O pe rat in g Matilda R Wil so n Fund Robert Thib od ea u Spon so r Su ppo rt Barba ra Wi lli ams Detroit Opera House www.M ic hi BRAVO 39 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


$5 00-$999

Ms. Nancy E. Ada mson

Dr. Kimberly Aiken and Mr. Thomas Wilson

Ms. Rumia Ambrose-Burbank

Mr. Pa ul E. An d ers

Ms. Robyn Anspach

Mr. a nd Mrs. Ge bran S. Anton

Dr. a nd Mrs. j oe l Appe l

Mr and Mr s. C h este r Arnold

Mr. john H Barbes

Mr. Walter Baug hm a n

Ms. Ruth Berean

Mr. Stanis la w Bialoglowski

Dr. and Mrs. Eri c Bille s

Dr. a nd Mrs. Davi d Bloom

Professor a nd Mrs. Da le E. Briggs

Ms. Margery E. Brooks

Ms. Eli zabe th Bunn

Ms. Eve lyn Burton

D r. &: Mrs. Dana Busch

Dr. and Mrs. Roger C. Byrd

Mr. a nd Mrs. Erstra tios Ca lagias

Mr. an d Mrs. Bri a n C. Campbell

Ms. C. R. Ca mpit e ll e

Reverend Pau l f C h a tea u

Mrs. Cat h e rin e L.Cioui

Mrs. Rosa Mary Craw fo rd

Mr. Walter C ukrow s ki 11l

Mr. an d Mrs. Ri c h a rd d e Bea r

Mrs. Ade linej. De Bia s i

Dr. &: Mrs. Anth o n y DeL u ca

j effr ey T Diffenderfer

Dr. a nd Mrs. Do nald Ditm a rs

Dr. Hele n e C. Dombrowski

Mr. a nd Mrs. Euge n e Driker

Ms. Irene Dz ia lak

Mon ica E. Eme rso n

Th e Ho n. Sh a ron Tevis Fin c h

Mrs. Pa ul Firn sc hild

Dr Evelyn Fi s h e r

Mr. William f Fi s h e r

Mrs. Shirley M. Fla n aga n

Mr. Marvin Fre n kel

Dr. Yvo nn e Frid ay and Mr. Ste ph en Black

Dr. and Mrs. Mic h ae l Geheb

Nat h a ni el Good

Ms. Shirl ey G ray

Mrs. Patr ic ia Gree nwood

Mr He nr y G ri x

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ha m el

Mr. Robert f Ha nna

Mr. Michael E. Hinsky

Be th Hoge r and Li sa Swe m

Mr. and Mrs. Ia co be lli

Mr. and Mrs. j osep h f jeannette

Mr. a nd Mrs. Ri c hard j e r ya n

Ms. Mary C. B j ones

Mr. a nd Mrs. Davi d joswic k

Mr. a n d Mrs. Alex Karp

Mrs. M. T Keefe

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ke ll y

Mr j o hn Keros

Mr. an d Mrs. ju s tin Klimko

Mr. and Mrs. G regory Knas

Mr. a n d Mrs. Roy H Ko pon e n

Mr. Ro be rt L. Kyes and Ms. Dagmar K Moo re

AI an d Susa n Lac roi x

Mr. Max Lep ler a nd Mr. Rex L. Dotson

Mr. a nd Mrs. Ar mando Lop ez

Mrs. J ose ph Maniscalco

Mr. and Mrs. Steve n T Ma rl e tt e

Ms. jennife r Marling

Dr. and Mr. Crys ta l an d Da vid


Mr. Elin Math ews

jud ge and Mrs. George G. Mat is h

Ms. Mary McGough

Mr C. David Cam pb e ll

Mr. a nd Mrs . j a mes Mc Le nn a n

Ms. Marion Me lo d y

Ms. Helen Millen and Ms. Hea lth e r Hamilton

Mr. j o hn More h ouse

Mr. Cy ril Moscow

Germano a nd Ann Mularoni

Ms. Margaret Murphy

Mi ss Sura yya h Muwwakkil

Mrs. Mar y Joan Nardi

Mr. Geoffr ey Nat h an and Ms. Margaret Winters

Mr. a nd Mrs. Geo rge

N ic h o lso n , III

Mr. a nd M rs. Jam es B.

Nic hol so n

Mr. a nd Mrs. Jo se ph u ye n

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. O lso n

Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwa rd D. Pa ley

Ms. Haryani Pe rm a n a

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pe terso n

Ms. Irene Pi cco ne

Mrs. Lo rai n e Pi cke rin g

Mr. a nd Mrs. Richard Pla ce

Mr. Garrod S. Po s t a nd Mr. Rob e rt A. Hill

FeliCity Rafal sk i

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rau t h

Dr. Moniqu e Reeves

Mr Paul Rego ni

Mr. and Mrs. Ll oy d Re uss

Dav id a nd Ama nda Ri c hard s

Mrs. Miria m C. Ri c hard so n

Mr. j a mes E. Ro d ge rs

Dr. j ohn Romani a nd

Dr. Ba rbara And e rso n

Dr and Mrs. Arthur Ro se

Ms. Mary P Rossio

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Rot a

Dr. a nd Mrs. William H Salo t

Mr. and Mrs. Alv in Sa perste in

Mrs. Claus Sc h aefer

Mr. and Mrs. Morton L.

Sc h o lni ck

Mr. and Mrs. Te d j. Simon

Mrs. Ro se mar y Skupn y

Mr. and Mrs. j o hn Sn yd er

Na din e and Ke n Sperry

Mr. a nd Mrs. Theodore j. St.


Gabri e l and Martha Stah l

Mrs. E. Ra y Stricke r

Mr. a nd Mrs. Lee Tavo ul a ri s

Mrs. No rman Thorpe

Mr. and Mrs. Pe te r P Thurb er

Ms. Ca rol e Tibbitt s

Mrs. Doroth y Ali ce Tomei

Mr. and Mrs. Ge rrit Vree k en

Mrs. Dori s Ke ith Waddell

Mr. a nd Mrs Robert D. Wallin

Mr. and Mrs Ri c hard

We ie rmill e r

Mr. Har vey L. Weisberg

Mr.john Wilkjr

Dr. Ma rgo and Mr. Dou g la s


Mr and Mrs. Ri c hard D. Wo ods

Dr. Ruth A. Worthington

Dr. a nd Mrs. Robe n E Wurtz

SUPPORTER $25 0 -$ 499

Mr. an d Mrs. C h a rl es Mank e and Ann e Acosta

Mr. a nd Mrs. Dav id j. And e rso n

Ms. De borah L. Amhony

Ms. Eli za beth Aprahamian

Mrs. Alvi n E Balmes

Dr. Gregory A. Ba nazak

Dr. Leo ra Bar-Levav

Mr. a nd Mrs. C. Robe rt Ba rn a rd

Mr. j. Addison Bartu s h

Mr. a nd Mrs. j a mes D Bea u vais

Mr. Floyd Bell

Dr. a nd Mrs. Rona ld Benso n

Mr. a nd Mrs. Do nald Beye r

Ms. Kanta Bhambhani

Alma Moncivais-Binroth

Ms. Dawn Boesen and Mr. Leo Zimm e r

Mr. and Mrs. j ac k Bourget

Mr. Sta cy Br ac kens

Mr. Kev in J. Bradb ur y

Dr. and Mrs. Sand e r j. Bre in e r

Ms. Gera ldine Brooks

Ms. j oa nn f Bro oks

Mrs. Milena Brow n

Mr. Sh e ld o n Brown

Dr. Cy nthia Brown e

Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk Brzenk

Mr. No rm a n Bu ck n or

Dr. Co ll een Bull ard

Dr. &: Mrs. Gerald Burke

Mr. Dal e A. Bu ss III

Mr. Pe rr y Ca ldw e ll

Ms. Ne tti e Ca lhoun

Miss He le n H Ca nn on

Dr. Ka rson Carpenter

Mr. and Mrs Ron Ca n e r

Mr. and Mrs L. B C happuis

Dr. a nd Mrs. Arthur C hester

Mrs. G us C ife ll i

Mr. a nd Mrs. Regi nald L. Ciokaj lo

Claudia a nd Ca rlo s C iv e riani

Ms. Mary Lou Coc hran

Ms. De re nd a Co llin s

Ms. G rac ie la Rojas Co nl ey

Mr. Roben Cos te ll o

Mr. David Lorim e r C rai g

Dr. K C raw ford-Full e r

Dr. a nd Mrs. Vic tor C ruz

Mr. a nd Mrs. No rm a n Dancy

Ms. Ga il Da nt o

Ms. Sua nn Dannod y

Ms. Na din e De le ur y

Mr. a nd Mrs. Arnlando De li ca to

Dr. Fra n k DeMa rco

Dr. Fra nk DeMa rco

Mrs. Mary DeToma so

Mr. and Mrs. Lawre n ce H.

Dickelmann, jr.

Barb a ra Dil es

Dr. and Mrs. He rb e n H Dob bs

Dian e and Roland Drayso n

Mr. j o hn Dre ifu s

Ms. Nina S Droli as

Mr. a nd Mrs. Da ni e l Dru cke r

Dr. and Mrs. Ri c hard Dryer

George and Barb a ra Dunn

Ro bin a nd Leo Ei se nb e rg

Th e Ho n . a nd Mrs. S.j. Eld en

Mr. f j ose En ge l

Mr. a nd Mrs. Pa ul S. Ensign

Mrs. Li nda B. Etter

Mr. Way n e C. Everly

Mary Kaye a nd Maso n Ferry

Ms. judith Fi etz

Mr. C h a rl es Fin e

Dr s juli e B Finn a nd Brandl ey

Row e ns

Dr. Lydi a H Fi sc he r

Mr. a nd Mrs. j ames E. Fisk

Ms. Sue Force

Dr. a nd Mrs. Sau l Forman

Kathl ee n andjoesep h Byrn e

Mrs. Susa n A. Fox

Mr j erry Earle and Mr. George


Mrs. Haro ld L. Fra nk

Ms. j osep hin e E. Franz

Ms. Caro l Fri e nd

Mr. an d Mrs. Dani e l E.

Fro hm'dt-La n e

Mr. a nd Mrs. Ri c h a rd M.

Gab rys

Ms. Ka thl ee n Ga han

Mr. a nd Mrs. La wr ence

Garberdin g

Ms. Ca th e rin e H Gardner

Dr. a nd Mrs . He rb Ga rdn er

Mr. a nd Mrs. Dav id Gask in

Ms. Bet h Gen n e

Dr. a nd Mrs. By ron P.

Geo rgeso n

Dr. Maril yn Ge rwolls

Mr. a nd Mrs. Jo sep h Gilmore

Ms. Pat ri c ia Godell

Dr. an d Mrs. Theodore A.

Go ld en

Dr. an d Mrs. Rob e n Go ldman

Mr. a nd Mrs. Gary Goo dman

Det."oit Operoa H o u se
www.MichiganOp era.o rg ClassiGal Music with Weekdays 6am 7pm rtit · .:._ . ..A listener supported service of DetrOit Public School s and DetrOit PubliC TV BRAVO 4 1 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr. and Mrs Ra b e n F

Wh itma n

Mr. Ric hard W il ke s

Mr. a n d Mrs . J am es D

W il k in g

Mr. La w re n ce William s

Ms Ka ri Wil so n

Dr. N i la Wil s on

Dr s. Chri s t in e Win d e r a n d

Ru sse ll C h e vey

M r and Mrs J o n Woj t ala

M r. Alfred Wo od , Jr.

Mr. David D. Wo od a rd

Dr. a n d Mr s Jo se E. Ya n ez

M r. a nd Mrs Th o m as V

Ya tes

Mr. J o h n Ya vrui an

D r. a n d Mrs Grego r y

Ze m e n ic k

Mrs Dav id B H e nn e lin

Mr. a nd Mr s Fred Bae r

Mi ss Ann e tt e M De Lorenzo

Mr. and Mrs Wi ll iam R.

H a n non

J o hn a n d Nan cy Prin ce



$ 25 ,000

Be tt y, Mar vin 6;[ Joann e

Da mo Dan ce End owm e nt

Slee pin g Bea uty Produ c t ion

Spo n so r

Mr Ge orge M Ze it e r

$10 ,000 - $24 ,999

M r. 6;[ Mrs J o h n A. Bo ll , Sr.

Th e Pri va te Ba nk

The N t/tem ell e r



$ 5 ,000 - $ 9 ,999

J o ann e Dam o 6;[ Dr. Arno ld

Wein ga rd e n

Drs Ali Mo iin 6;[ Wi lli am

Kup s key


$ 2 ,500 - $ 4 ,999

Mr. 6;[ Mrs Ro b e rt A

All esee

Mr 6;[ Mrs. Th om as

And e rso n

Mr. 6;[ Mr s Lee Barth e l

Mr. 6;[ Mr s Ri c h a rd


Dr. Da vid Di C hi e ra

Mrs. Ch a rl es M. End icott

Mrs . Ba rb a ra Fra nk e l 6;[ Mr. Ro n Mi c h a la k

Mr. 6;[ Mrs R. J a mi so n W illi a m s


$1 ,500 - $ 2 ,499

M rs. Kay A lb e rt ie

Dr. 6;[ Mrs Cli ffo rd Fu rg iso n

Mr. Law re n ce G lo wc z e w s ki

Mr. J o nat h a n Orse r

Mr. C h a rl es Pe te rs

D r. Ann ett e U Ri c k el

Ms. S u sa n Sill srrh e Sill s Fo u ndati o n



$ 1 ,000 -$ 1 ,4999

Mrs. Ir vin g Be rg

Mrs Sylv ia Ga rdn e r

M r. Law re n ce J o hn 6;[ Dr.

Lillian Li

Ms . T h e resa S pea r 6;[ Mr.

J e ff Do um a

Mr. 6;[ Mrs. J oe l D, Ta uber


$250 - $999

Mr. 6;[ Mrs Wi ll iam Bro o ks

D r. 6;[ Mrs. Thoma s E

Ca rs on

Ms Ma r y Mazure

M r. Ri c h a rd

So n e n kl a r 6;[

M r. G rego r y Ha yn es





Ad el Am e rm a n , Dr. Da vid

Ba ll e 6;[ Thoma s J o rd an

D r. Lo u rd es And aya, Do n

J e n se n 6;[ Leo Dove ll e,

J o Kess ler, Ma r y Be th 6;[ S.

Ki nn ie Smi t h

Bett y 6;[ Bi ll Brook s

Gre tc h e n Dav id so n 6;[

Do rot h y Ge rson

Ma ria n n e En di co tt

He rm a n 6;[ Sh a ron F ra n kel ,

Bi ll 6;[ Ma rjori e San d y

Max in e 6;[ St u a rt Fra nk e l

All an Gilmou r 6;[ Er ic

J i rge n s

P a ul How o les ki 6;[ J o hn

J o va n ov ich

Ba rbara 6;[ Mic ha e l

Kra t c hman , J oy and All a n

Nac hm a n

Ma r y La m p a rt e r, Ca n n e l

Mi tc h e ll 6;[ N o ra Ma roun

Nan cy 6;[ Bud Li e bl e r, Rut h

Rattn e r 6;[ Ma r y Lo u Zieve

D e ni se 6;[ Bo b Lut z

Drs Ali Moiin 6;[ Wi ll ia m

Ku ps k y

Lind say 6;[ Ma tth e w Mo roun

No ra 6;[ Manu e l Ma roun

Lin d a O rl a ns

Dr. C h a rl o tt e 6;[ C h a rl es

Pod ows ki

Pa tri c ia Rad z ik


Magg ie 6;[ Ro b e rt All esee

Lil 6;[ Al ex Erd e lj a n

Ma r y S ue 6;[ Pa ul Ewin g

Ba r b a ra F rank e l 6;[ Ro n

Mi c h a lak

Avi va 6;[ D ea n Fri e dm a n

Elh am Sh ay ota

Ka re n 6;[ Ric k W ill iam s


$25 ,000 +

M a nd e ll L. 6;[ Ma d e le in e H.

Be rman Fo undati o n

Na ti o n a l End ow m e nt fo r

th e A rt s

$ 1 ,000 - $ 5 ,000

Dan Yes sian Mu s ic In c.

Lee 6;[ M ax in e P ec k

F o und a ti o n

$500- $ 999

Ele an o r 6;[ A la n Is ra el

$ 100 - $ 499

S uz a nn e Ac ton 6;[ Da vid

O s born e

Mile s E ic h e nhorn


f ebru a ry J , 20 10 to

Se pt embe r 24,20 10

In M e mor y of Mr. A rmin


Mr.J ose ph Assa d

In M e mor y of Mr. Norman


J a n e t C h e rn ow

R.A. Hill

Da rl e n e Ma ka rs ki

Ju a nita Sco tt

In Honor of Dr. DiChi e r a 's N a tional Endowm e nt for the Arts Op e ra Honors Award

Fl o re n ce LoPa tin

Sh e ll ey a nd J oe l Ta ub e r H e le n Zu c ke rm a n

In Honor of Dr. DiChi e ra 's 75 'h Birthday

Dr 6;[ Mrs . Roge r M. Ajluni

Mr. 6;[ M rs. Ro b e rt A. A ll esee

Mr. 6;[ Mrs. Ri c h a rd A lo n zo

Mr s. Adel A m e rm a n

Mr Willi a m A u s tin

Mr. 6;[ Mrs . Lee Ba rth e l

M r. j. Addi so n Bartu s h

Mr. 6;[ M rs. Ma nd e ll L.

Be rm a n

Mrs A nn e V Bi e la ws ki

M r. 6;[ M rs. Pa ul Blizm a n

M r. 6;[ Mrs .J o hn A. Bo ll ,

S r.

Mr. 6;[ Mr s. Do n a ld Bra s ie

Mr. 6;[ M rs. Willi a m C

Bro o k s

Mr. 6;[ M rs. C Dav id

Ca mpb e ll

D r. 6;[ Mrs Th o m as E

Ca rso n

Mr. 6;[ Mr s. Mi c h a el C hirco

Mr. 6;[ M rs Fre d eric k H

C l a rk

H a n &: Mrs. Ave rn L. Co hn

Mr. 6;[ M rs. P e t e r Co op e r

Mr. 6;[ Mr s Eth a n Dav id s on

Mr. 6;[ Mr s. Eu ge n e

Hart w ig

Ms. H ea th e r H a milto n

Ms. Na n cy B H e nk

Mr. 6;[ M rs Addi so n

19 leh eart

M r. 6;[ Mrs Al a n Is r a el Mrs. Ell e n Ka hn

Mr 6;[ Mr s . Ro be rt]. Ke ll y Mr s Jo Kess le r

Dr. 6;[ M rs . G e rald La k e r

Mr. M ax Le pler 6;[ Mr. Rex Dot s on

M r. Ed wa rd Levy J r. 6;[ M rs. Lind a Dr es n e r Levy

M r. 6;[ Mrs. A rthur C Liebl e r

Li e bl e r Fa m il y F o und a ti o n

Mr s Fl o re n ce LoPa tin

J e re m y Ze ltz e r Mr s. Ba rb ar a F. Ma ni sca lc o Ms Ve ra Ma nnh a rdt

M r. Ke v in D e nni s 6;[ Mr.

Ms. In g rid Brit Eidn es

M rs. Ma ri a nn e Endi co tt

M r. 6;[ Mrs . A lex Erd e lj a n

Ms Fl o rin e Ma rk McG reg or F und Ms . H ele n Mill e n

Mr. 6;[ M r s David 1. Drs. St e ph e n A. 6;[ Ba rb a ra Fi sc h e r M unk

M rs Shirl e y M . F la n aga n

Mr. 6;[ Mrs. Ca rl B Fo ntan a

Mrs. Ba rba ra Fr a nkel 6;[

Mr. Ro n M ic h a la k

Ms. S hirl ey G r ay

M r. 6;[ Mrs A llan N ac hm a n Ms. J oa n Nag ra nt

M rs. Mar y J oa n Na rdi M rs. Ba rb a ra N ic kl es

Mr. Jo se ph R Pa pp

Mr. 6;[ M rs. Ro b e rt Ha ge M a r y 6;[ C h a rles A. Parkhill

Tribute to David Handleman

Th e Single m os t imp o rtant co n sid er ati on in Davi d Handl em an 's d ec isio n to und erwrit e th e Edu ca ti on al Reso urce Ce nt er a t th e De tro it O p er a Hou se and to endo w th e edu ca ti o nal p rogra m s th at t ak e pla ce in that s p ace was hi s p ass ion fo r art s edu ca ti on and MO T Ge n e ral Direc tor Davi d Di Chi e ra .

We ar e o f co urse talkin g ab o ut th e la te Dav id H andl e m an , o f Handl e m an Co mp an y in Tro y, w hose beginnin g in w h olesa le di s tributi o n o f pha rm ace u tica ls lat er ev ol ve d to cove r co mput er so ftwa re , vi d eo tap e and b oo k di s tributi on.

Ch arl en e Handl em an , hi s wife , s p ea ks fondl y o f him. "Da vid b eli eve d in art s edu cati on and love d the a rt s We rarely went out in th e evenin g . In stea d , we talk ed . H e was so ve r y impresse d with th e h ard wo rk o f Davi d and Kare n V Di C hi e ra and th eir e du ca ti on al p rog ram s. He was exci ted b y the growin g int er es t and pa rtic ip a ti on b y th e city in thi s pro gra m , n o t ju st th e co r e ope r a fan s. "

And so, b eca u se o f th e vis ion o f our s peC ial d on o r, MOT n ow h as th e Ma ri on and Davi d H andl e m an Community Cent er for Lifel on g Lea rning in th e Art s , co mpl e t e with cla ss room s, p erfo rm an ce s p aces , and a m edi a studio , wh e re eac h yea r d oze n s o f Handl ema n sch o lar s will b e abl e to p arti cip ate in Art s Edu ca ti on

"T hank yo u, Cha rl ene, for sh aring the memories and th e thoughts Th ank yo u , Dav id , fo r you r vision, yo ur pass ion, and yo ur ge neros ity; yo u are truly mi ssed." - Dav id DiC hiera

No te: Davi d Handl em an was a m emb er of th e Ava nti So ci e ty, MOT s gro up o f fri end s wh o h ave m a d e arrange m ent s to includ e MOT in th eir es tat e pl an s .

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

D e troit Ope ra House
www.Mi c higanOp e BRAVO 4 3

In Memory of Ruth

H a rrod Sa lazzi

Mr. &: M rs. Ga r ry Fix

Ms. j a ni ce Fix

Mr &: Mrs. Edwa rd

He nk e

Mr. &: M rs.John

Li n ge nfelten

Mr. &: Mrs. Mik e

Lo ma s n ey

M r. &: Mrs. Pe t e r

Tra n c hida

Mr s So phi e P ea rl s t e in

Dr. C h a rl otte &: Mr.

C h a rl es Podo ws ki

Mrs. Ruth F Ratln e r

M rs. E dith Ru sci ll o

Dr &: Mrs. He rs h e l

Sa ndb e rg

Mr. &: M rs. Alv in

Sa p e rste in

M rs. Barbara Sape rs t e in

Mr. &: Mrs. Dona ld W

Sc hmidt

Mr &: Mrs. Ala n E.

Sc h wa rtz

Mr &: Mrs. Ro ge r F.

S h e rman

Mrs. Roberta D.

Sta rk wea th e r

Dr. &: Mrs. L. Murray


Dr. Lo rn a Thoma s

Mr. &: M rs. Geo rge C.

Vin c e nt

Mr. &: Mrs. Wi ll ia m].

Wa ls h

Mr &: M rs. He rman W

We inre ic h

Dr &: Mrs. Ro b ert E.


Mr. Geo rge M. Ze ltze r

Mrs. Mary Lou Z ieve

In Honor of Mrs. Marianne E ndi co tt and Michigan Opera Theatre

J a n e R Le hman

In Me mor y of Mr Co le man Friedman

G lo ri a a nd Fred C la rk

j o Kess le r

Ka re n a n d Ri ck W illi ams

In Honor of Mr. jon

G ree n 's 55 ' h Birthda y

Ms Na n cy Sc hre ib e r

In Memory of Dr Phillip

H e rtz

Mrs. Mi ldred Moss

Di a n e Rose n b lum a nd

Mark Mitshkun

In Memory of Mr. George Killoran - S upport of the Da n ce Se ri es

Ri c h ard So n e n k la r a n d

G regory H ay n es

In M e mor y of Mr Dan

Ko lt on

C leo a nd jam es L.

Ha milt o n

In h o n or of Mr. De nnis

La b e au 's Bar Mitzvah

Mr. J ames St ed m a n II a nd

Mr Tom Be nn e r

In H o n o r of Michigan

Op e r a T h ea tr e

A li Lycos a nd M ic h ael


In Honor o f Dr. A li Moiin a nd Dr. Bill Kupsky

Ms Mary J a n e Deasy

Kupsk y

Ms. Barb ara Martin

In Me m ory o f Mrs

Doroth y Papp

J ose ph Papp

In Memory o f Mrs

Es tell e Moggel

Ma r y &: C h a rl e s Par khill

In Me mor y of Mr. Rich a rd

S tarkw ea th e r

Ms. Lau ra A m endt

Mr. &: Mrs No rm a n F

E hl ers

Ms. j o A nn M H o lt o n

Mr. &: Mrs A rthur].

Kro li kow s ki

Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn

McMu llin

Ma r y &: C h a rl es Park hill

Mrs. A m e li a Wilhelm

In Me mor y of Mr Roman


Daria N. &: Fra nk W

Adamk iew icz

In Me m ory of Mrs.

Ro s in a Weissman

Mr &: Mrs. J o hn F is h

Mr. &: M rs. Wa lt e r

Ko tl a rczy k

In Memor y of Mrs.

Verlene H W e ll s

Mary &: C h a rl es A.

Park hill

In Memor y o f Dr Marilyn

L. William so n

Tim W illi a m so n


2010 S pon sors

Prese ntin g Sponsor

$5 0 ,000

Bank o f Amer ica

$ 10 ,000- $ 20 ,000

Motor C it y Cas in o Hot e l

1-800- LAW- FI RM

$5 ,000- $ 10 ,000

MGM Gra nd De tro it

$ 2 ,5 00 -$5, 000

G rea t Lak es Beve rage

G ree kto w n Cas in o

McDona ld 's

Ca b a n alS ky box Spo n sors

$ 2 , 500

Boyle Burd e ll DiDio

De La nd &: Ke lso, H owe,

Ke rw in Fa m ili es

De troit Radi a nt Produ c ts!

Alpin e Acce pta n ce


C hri s tina DiBa rtolom eo

Fa rbman Gro up/Gard e n

Co urt Co nd o minium s

Kutin sky/B rage r

Po li t ica ll y Sm a rt , LLC

Res um eWr it e m

Co u ch S p o n so r $ 2 ,000

Opa l E Event Pl ann in g


$ 500- $ 750

Th e Cap ita l Gr ill e

Clark Hill PL C Co m er ica Ban k

H os pitalit y Sponsors

Amy Kam in s ky

Pro du ct ions

Courtya rd b y Ma rri oll

De tro it Dowm ow n

Th e Desig n a te

He id i Bas h a r Sa lo n -

So m e rse t

Th e West in Book Cad ill ac

In-Kind Donors

7 Res ta ura n t &: Ultra

Lou nge

1515 Broad way Cafe

Abso pure

All eg ra Prim an d Im aging

Re n Ce n

Am e ri ca n Co n ey Is la nd

Andiam o

A nge lin a I ta li an Bistro


Bare foo t Wine &: Bu bbly

BBJ Lin e n

Bookies Bar

Bourbon STeak

Breeze Des ign Stu dio

Bro w n-Forman

Canap e Ca rt

T he Ca pi tal Gr ill e

Ce m a ur Ma rt ini Ba r

Cent ur y Sec urit y

C h a ir Cove rs a nd Lin ens

Co lo nial Event Re m a l

Co mm e rc ia l



Paxahau Prom ot io ns Group

Piece of Cake Li quer

Co mp a n y

Pirat e Rum

PostNe t

Pres id e nt Tu xedo

Pro xi m o S pirit s

Sa lt wate r

Sa nd e rs Fin e C h oco latiers

SEE Eyewear

Sidney Frank

Slows Bar BQ

Ba nqu e ts Moo Moo 's Vege ta r ia n C ui s in e Mo sa ic Res taurant


A mb assa dor Magaz ine

F ox 2 WJBK Dero it

Khalil Ra madan

Help ensure the future o f the Mi c higan Opera Th eatre by co ntributin g to our endowment fund at the Community Foundation for Southeast Mi c hi gan. State l aw entitles yo u t o a tax c red it of 50 perce nt o f th e am ount you co ntribute, subjec t t o ce rtain limit s Just write a check payable t o the Commun ity Foundat ion for Southe as t Mi c higan, indi ca te th e Mi c higan Opera Th eatre endowment fund in the "s ubj ec t" lin e, and m ail by De ce mber 31 t o:

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan 333 W. Fort St., Suite 2010 Detroit, M I 48226-3134

For mor e informat io n o n the Mi c higan t ax cre dit, ca ll 888-WE-ENDOW (933-6369) .

Mainte nan ce , In c. Co m o 's Crave Res taurant + Su s hi Ba r + Loun ge C u a t ro C iri os D'Am ato's Detroit Bee r Co mpan y Dis p lay G roup OJ Cap tn 20 OJ XIS Dragon Ble u Vo dka Eclipse Crea ti ve Espresso Jazzy Cafe Extre m e Va le t LL C Fash io n in De t roi t Fl owe r to Flo ur Ba ke r y Ga ll o Win es Ge n e ra l Lin en Ge n eral Wine &: Li q u or Good Peop le Popcorn Grea t Lakes Beverage G ree n s tree t G uin ess Hard Luck Li q u or Heaven Hill J acoby 's Ge rm a n Bi e r Garte n J o rd a n Mac a nd Th e Copycats La Zin ga ra Tra tt oria Stag in g LeXLls LM Studi os Majestic Care Makeup By Dee Sanc h ez Mar io 's Mc Do n a ld's Meteo r Grap hi CS MGM Gra nd
your generosity, please take some credit. NWS O PT ICS O pu s O ne Companies
Sm a ll Pl a te s Sm a rt Wa te r So urce Aud io Spa 192 4 g rill e Tas te Pizzabar Tubby Gr ill ed Subm arines Ultim a t Vod ka Un io n s St ree t U.S. Foo d se r vice Vice ntes C uban Cuisi n e Vintage W in es Vivia no W in es W ill Sess ion s Wolfgang Puck Gri ll e l umb a Mexican Gr ill e Med ia P a rtn e r s 9 44 Magazi n e Afte r 5
M I CH l CAN co nnecting those who •• CA RE I in partnership with with ca uses that MATTE R co m m u n ,tyfo un dation FOR SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN ©2006 CFSEM www.Mic hi ga nOp c oa.o og Detroit Opcl"a Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Me tromix

Me tro Tim es

M i Es tilo Ma g azine

Rea l De t roit Wee k ly

Style Line Ma g azi n e

WDET 101. 9 FM

WGPR 10 7.5

Ye lp !


20lO Go lf O utin g

All eg ra Prim a n d Ima g in g -

De troit Renai ssa n ce Ce m e r

Beau J a c k 's

Bi ll King

Ce ntaur Martini Bar

C ra n brook In s t iture of Sc ie n ce

C ra ve Res tau ra n t + S u s hi Bar

+ Lo un ge

C u e te r Ch rys ler Jeep Do dge

Dou g la s ]. Av e da Ins titute

Em e ry's Creat ive J e w e le rs

Fire n y Phon e

Flo we r to Flour

H o m edi cs

J ea nn e &: J ack Bourge t!

] &: J Impon e rs

Lege nd s of le e

Lui g i Bruni Sa lo n Birmingham

Mario 's De t ro it

Me l Les te r

MGM G rand De tro it

Mic h e ll e De land &: Bre nt

Ke ls o

Radri c k F a rm s Gol f C ourse

Sa nd e r's Fi n e C h oco la tes

So d a J Ha ndba gs

Ti c ke tmas te r

Vitamin Wa te r

Wa bee k Countr y Club

Th e Wes tin Boo k Cadi ll a c

Ha rvey YatesfL B Offi ce

Product s

Zllmb a Me x ican G rill e

Haunted in th e Hou se

Ce nt aur M a rtini Bar

De troit Bee r C ompa n y

Mos a ic

Papp y's S ports Ba r &: G rill e

Pe bb les Lil ' Edib les

Pegas u s

Tubb y's Grill ed S ubmarin es

So uth g at e

H au n te d in the Hou se Media

Spo n so r s

93.9 Th e Ri ve r

A fte r5

Fas hi o n In De t roi t

Rea l De t roit

In-Kind Mi sce ll a n eo u s

All eg ra Pr im &: Im ag in g -

De troi t Re n Ce n

Dodi e Dav id

J an e Fannin g

H a be r man Fabrics

Mo ffat Mc Guire, In c.

Sand e r's Fin e C ho cal a t es

ACCESS Opera &: Dance

Rece ption Hosts

Ce nta ur Ma rtini Ba r

Co m e ri ca

T h o m as J De lan ey &:

Me tropolitan Title

Sand e r's Fin e C h oco la tes

Media S pon s o r - Betw ee n th e

Lin es


Greetings from the Michigan Op era Theatre Volunteer Association!

As we e njo y a 40th yea r of wo rld class p e rfo rman ces h e re a t Mi c higan we want to tak e a mom e nt to once aga in th ank our vo lunt ee r s. Our volunteer m e mb e r s hip co ntinu es to be th e "h eart " o f Michigan O pera Th ea tr e. Th e ir co untl ess e ffort s help thi s organiza ti on maintain it s rightfu plac e as o n e o f De troit 's fines t c ultural tr eas ures.

Michigan Opera Th eat re trul y appreciates th e s upp ort o f it s vo luntee r m emb e rs who a re c riti ca l to th e success o f eac h se ason. The re are so m an y who co ntribute in su ch a va ri e ty o f ways - the host s of our ni ght dinners, cast parties and so irees, o ur co mmitt ees who c rea te our hallm a rk Bra vo Bra vo ! eve nt , our re sident historians w h o co ndu ct our Opera H ou se tours, and of co ur se , our ex traordin ary co rp s of u s h e r s. To eac h o f yo u as well as th e man y vo lunt ee r s who support u s throu gh yo ur ge n ero u s gift of tim e and reso urces , pl ease acce pt our sin ce re gratitud e

Th ere isn 't a better way to p er pe tuat e De troit 's o p e r a a nd dance scen e than by en gagin g in one of o ur m a n y vo lunt ee r groups. So, how ca n yo u get in vo lved? By beco min g a m emb e r l Your tax- d edu ctibl e m e mbers hip e ntit les yo u to parti ci pate in as man y o f th e indi vidual vo lunt ee r groups as yo u wish If yo u wou ld lik e to join our orga ni za ti on , pl ease contact LI S and we will h e lp yo u e n gage wi th th e gro up s of yo ur c hoi ce.

We look forw a rd to work in g with yo u a nd th ank yo u for yo ur int e rest a nd in vo lvem e nt in th e Michigan O p e r a Th ea tre Volunteer Assoc ia tion. Enjoy thi s seaso n as we foc u s on honoring the p as t a nd laun chin g th e futur e !

Steven Marl e tt e MOTVA Pres id e nt

Michi gan Opera Thea tre and the De troit Opera H ou se present o n e of th e finest an d m os t di ve rse opera and dan ce se ri es in the co untry Thi s ambit iou s e nd eavo r requires the co ll aboration o f m a n y including th ose w h o help o ut behind the sce n es. Th e ta le nt ed , giving h a nd s of o ur co rp s of vo lunt ee r s mak e a signifi ca nt positive impa c t on th e ove rall operation of th e company We all th a nk yo u for your dedi ca tion and s upport I

MOTVA Executive Committee

Steve n Marl e tt e , Pres id e nt

Na n cy Moore, Sec re ta ry

Te rr y Sh ea, Treasure r

Judith Slotkin, Pas t Pr es id ent

Dodi e Dav id, Pa s t Pres id e nt

Glo ria Clark , Pa s t Pres id e nt

Be tt y Brooks , Pa s t Pres id e nt

MOTVA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs (alphabetical)

H e le n Arno ldi-Rowe , Div asfDivo s

Gwe n Bowlby, Publicity &. Dev elopm ent

Gloria Clark , Opera Leagu e &. So irees

Dodi e Da vid , Opera Leagu e

Dani e ll e DeFauw, Boutiqu e

Kevin Denni s , Tec hn olo gy

Mari a nn e Endicott , Co mmunity Pro grams

H ea th e r H amilton , Sp ec ial Proje cts Mana ge r

Amy Jid ov, Me mb ers hip

C h e r yl Mcl lh on, Dan ce Co uncil

H e le n Mill e n , Ambassadors

J e rrid Mooney, C 4

J oan Nag ra nt , Offi ce Vo lunt ee rs

Dr. Walla ce Peace, Opera Lec tures

Cu rti s Pos uniak , F oo tli g ht s

J e re my Zeltzer, Boa rd Me mb e r

2010 OPERAtors (alphabetical)

Lee Barth e l

Robe rt Bomier

Gwen Bowlb y

Toya Chand ler

Gloria C la rk

Dodie Da vid

Marianne Endicott

Barbara Fr a nk e l

Alan Isr ael

Amy Jido v Virg inia Joli et Charles Lett s

Steve n Marlette

Cindy Marriott

J ohn ovak

Eva Pow e rs

2009-2010 MOTVA Soiree Hosts

Kennet h H a rt and Dolores Le vey

Dr. Mi c h ae l Sh e rbin and Lenore Gimp e rt

Sa ndie a nd Jo e Knollenb e rg

De bbi e and Rick Partrich

BravoBravo! 2010 Co-Chairs

J e nnife r Knapp

J e rrid Mooney

Ri chard Ri ce

For more information on one of the many ways to volunteer at Michigan Opera Theatre , please contact Jonelle Bowers at (313) 237-3236 or email

jbowers@motopera .org

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

www.Mic hi ga nOp era.o r g

Det "o i t Ope."a H o u se

Administration & Staff



Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director of Community Programs & Learning at the Op era Hous e

Carol Halsted, Director of Danc e

Dewan Mitchell , Direct or of Bookings & Events Manag ement

Rock Monroe , Director of Safety & S ecurity

Laura R. Nealssohn, Director of Communications

David W. Osborne , Direc tor of Production

Mary Parkhill, Director of Development

Jason Warzecha, Director of Theatre and Parking Center Operations


William Austin, Executive Assistant to the General Director

Timothy Lentz , Archivist & Director of th e Allesee Dance and Opera Resource Library


Kimberly A. Mogielski, Patron & Tick et Services Manager

Michael Hauser, Mark eting Manager

Kimberly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant Manager

Jane Kennedy Coe , Tichet Services Assistant Manager

Tunisia Brown , Communication & Ticket Services Associate

Felicia Burgess , Administrative Assistant

Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator

Jeff Strayer, Communications Coordinator

RebekahJohnson, BRAVO Editor

John Grigaitis, Photographer

Crystal Ceo , Account Executive, Solomon Friedman Advertising

Toby Faber, BRAVO Sales

Bill Carroll , Public Relations Volunte er


Mark Vondrak, Associate Director & Tour Manager

Betty Lane , Operations Manager & Singing Voice Specialist

Dolores Tobis, Marketing Manager


Betsy Bronson, Maria Cimarelli , Dan Greig, Bernard Holcomb,Joseph

Jackson, Lois Kaarre, Betty Lane, Debbie Lannen, Amy Dolan Malaney, Kim Parr, Michael Parr , Madelyn

Porter , David Pulice , Amanda

Sabelhaus, Karl Schmidt, Trish

Shandor, Christopher Vaught, Mark

Vondrak, Alvin Waddles , Karin White


John Grigaitis, Information Technology Manager

Shelly Ratliff, LAN Administrator


Kim Smith , Administrative Assistant


Kim-Lan Trinh, Associate Director of Development, Planned Giving & Major Gifts

Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager

Michelle DeLand , Corporate Campaign Manager

Carolyn Geck, Assistant Project Manager, BravoBravo! 2011

Heather Hamilton , Special Projects Manager

Jonelle Bowers, Annual Fund Manager

Katherine Kucharski, Foundation & Government Grants Managel ; Database Consultant

Stephani Yates , Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manag er & Project Manager, BravoBravo! 2011


Derrick Lewis, Controller

Kimberly Burgess-Rivers , Rita Winters, Accountants

Nick Williams , Accounting Assistant



Randy Elliott , House Manager


Dennis Wells , Facilities Manager

Jesse Carter, Senior Building Engineer

Ben Latimer, Building Engineer

Robert Mettetal , Building Engineer

Timothy Johnson , Building Maintenance

Bernard Williams , Bui lding Maintenance


Angela Donaldson, Food & Beverage Manager

Lashanya Littlejohn , Assistant Food & Beverag e Manager

Corey Scott, Executive Chef

Edna Robinson , Sous Chef


Lt. Lorraine Monroe, Supervisor

David Marshall , Dave Williams, Stage Door Officers

Darryl Gramham, Lamont McPhail, Pamela Scott, Sgt. Daryl Stuckey, Control Center Officers



Robert Neil, Manager

Paul Bolden, Event Supervisor for Parking



Elizabeth Anderson, Production Coordinator

Carolyn Geck , Production Administrator

Ken Saltzman , Stage Manag e r

Matt Jackson , Nan Luchini , Assistant Stage Managers

Nancy Krolikowski , Production Volunteer


David DiChiera, Music Director

Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Director & Chorus Master

Roberto Mauro , Artistic Consultant

Diane Bredesen , Orchestra Personnel Manager

Jean Schneider, Repetit eur


Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director

Monika Essen , Property Master & Scenic Artist

Kendall Smith , Lighting Coordinator

Andrew Griffin , Asst. Lighting DeSigner & Asst. Technical Director*

Orsin Thanasi , Technical Assistant

Bobby Tacoma , Asst. Lighting Designer+

Dee Dorsey, Supertitle Operator

Rudi Lauermann, Recording Engineer


Suzanne M Hanna, Costume Director

Laura Brinker, Cutter/Draper

Alice Moss, Wardrobe Mistress

Katie Hein , First Hand

Susan A. Fox, Stitcher

Monika Essen, Costume Painter


Elizabeth Geck, Assistant Wig & Makeup Designer


John Kinsora , Head Carpenter

Robert Mesinar, Head Electrician

Alan Bigelow, Head Propertyman

Henry Ruiz , Head Sound

Robert Martin, Head Flyman

Gary Gilmore , Production Electrician

Mary Ellen Shuffett , Head of Wardrobe

IATSE Local #38, Stage Crew

IATSE Local #786, Wardrobe

* The Mikado + La Boheme

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Detroit Opera House

General Information


Photography or r ecord in g durin g a n y performance is strictly prohibited. You are welcome to tak e ph otog raph s in the lobby before or after a p e rfo rman ce a nd during int ermission As a courtesy to our gu es ts, we ask that all pa gin g de v ices, ce llul ar telephones and alarm watches b e switched to silent m ode pri o r t o th e s tart of all performan ces


Docto r s and parents are advised to leave their sea t lo ca tion (located o n ticket) and our em e rgenc y numb er, (313) 2373257 , with th e service o r s itt er in case o f an em ergency Please observe the li ghte d ex it signs located through o ut th e th ea ter. In eve nt of fire or simil ar emergency; pl ease re main calm a nd walk - d o not run - to th e nearest ex it. Our u s h er s are trained to l ea d yo u out of th e buildin g safely. A tra ined Emergency Medical Tec hni c ian (EMT ) is o n s it e during mo st eve nt s. Pleas e see a n u s h er o r sta ff m emb er to contact the EMT.


ladi es ' res trooms ar e lo ca t ed off the Ford lobb y (Broa dway Street en tr a n ce), d own th e ' s tairs and also on th e third fl oor (Madiso n Street entrance) - please press "3R" o n th e elevator to reac h this fac ility. Gen tl em en 's restrooms are lo cated under th e Grand Staircase and a lso in th e third fl oo r (Broadw ay Street s id e)pl ease press "3 " on the e levator to r eac h thi s facility. Pleas e n o t e: All third floor r es trooms are wheelchair access ibl e. A unisex , wheelchair access ibl e restroom is lo ca t ed in th e Cadillac Opera Ca fe.


The Detro it Opera Hou se is a s m oke -fr ee faCility. As h r ece pt acles are pro vi d ed in the ex t er ior o f all entr y d oors for those who w is h to smoke.


Ushers are stationed at th e top of eac h aisle. If you have a question or concern, please inform an ush er, a nd th ey will con ta c t manag e ment. If yo u are int eres te d in becoming a volunteer u s h e r, pl ease call th e u s h er hotline at (313) 237-3253.

LATE SEATING latecomers will b e sea te d o nl y during a n appropriate paus e in th e program. l ate sea ting policies are at the discretion of the production , not opera hous e mana ge m e nt.

Detr"oit Opera House


lost and Found is locate d in the Safety and Security Department. Please see an usher if yo u ha ve mi sp laced an article, or call (313) 961-3500 if yo u ha ve already le ft th e th eater. It ems will be held in lost and Found for 30 d ays.


We encourage all our gu es ts to tak e advantage of the Detroit Opera House Parking Cen te r , loca ted n ex t to the De troit Opera H o u se. Pre-paid parking is ava ilabl e for all o ur g u ests for only $10, and can b e purc h ased with tickets online, or throu g h th e Detroit Opera House box office. This facility is res e rv ed specifically fo r Detroit Opera Hou se patrons durin g reg ul a rl y-sch edul e d performan ces. Entrances and ex its are lo cated on b ot h J o hn R Street and Grand Ri ver Ave. for a dd ed co n ve nien ce. Prepaid parking is ava ilabl e. Ca ll (313) 237-SING (7464) for m ore information .


Access ibl e seating loca tion s for patrons in wheelchairs a r e locate d in all pric e rang es on th e o r ch es tr a l eve l. Wh en inquiring about ti cke ts , pl ease ask about thes e locati o n s if yo u require special acco mmod ation s.

Assisted lis t e nin g Devices are available o n a first-come , first- se r ve d basis Please see an u s h er to request thi s se rvic e , or visit th e G u es t Se r vic es d es k lo ca ted in th e Vin cent lobby (Madi so n St reet e ntrance) Alt h o u g h this is a complimentary serv i ce , we will request to hold a pi ece o f perso n a l identification whi l e yo u are u sin g th e d evice Pl ease co nta c t th e ti cke t o ffi ce a t (313) 237SING (7464), s h o uld yo u d es ire special consideration.


Children are welco m e; how ever, a ll gu es ts are required t o h o ld a ti cke t , re ga rdl ess o f age. In a ll cases, bab es in a rms are n o t permitted.


Concessions stands are loca te d on all levels. Pl ease n ote th a t foo d and drink s are not allowed in th e aud itorium at a n y tim e. Coat Check is loca t ed a t the Guest Services d esk , in the Vin ce nt lobb y (Ma dison Street s id e). Cost is $ 1.00 p e r coat. Ple ase n ote that th e Detro it Opera Hous e d oes n o t accep t responsibility for any p e r sona l articles th a t are not checked at th e coat check.


Be adv ised that , for purposes of Mi c hi ga n Comp il ed laws , Section 28.42500)(f) , this is an e nt erta inment facilit y which ha s a sea ting capacity of m o r e th a n 2 ,500 individuals . It is th e refor e against the law to carry a concealed pistol on th e premises.


The De troit Opera Hous e is ava ilabl e for rent b y yo ur organization. Please ca ll (313) 961-3500 , and ask to s p ea k w ith th e Dir ec tor of Bo o king an d Events Management.


The De troit Opera House ticket o ffi ce h o urs are as follows: Non-performance weeks - Monday-f'riday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Performance da ys -10 :00 a.m. through the first int er mi ss ion of th e eve nin g's performance , exce pt Sat urd ays a nd Sund ays , w h en th e ticket office will o p en two hours prior to c urtain tim e. Tickets for all public events a t th e De troit Opera House are also ava il ab le through a ll TicketMaster o utl e ts, b y ph o n e at 1-800-745-3000, or at .


Co m e join th e Opera House Amba ssado r s for a backstage to ur of th e De troit Opera House! learn ab out th e history o f the Opera House and its r es t ora tion Meet th e p eop le behind th e scenes , tour the s tage and see how it operates. Tours are $10.00 per person. For more informati o n , please ca ll (313) 237-3425, or visit www. MichiganOpera org


EMERGENCIES .......... ......... (313) 237 -3257

Michigan Opera Theatre (313) 96 1-3500

General Infonna ti on (313) 961 -3500

lost and Found (313) 961-3500

Ticket Office (313) 237-SING (7464)

Usher Ho dine ....................... (313) 23 7-3253

Theater Rental

Informatio n (313) 961-3500

Detroit Opera House Fax (313) 237-3412

Press and Public Relations .. (313) 237-3403

Detroit Opera House

Parking Center (313) 965-4052

Website www.Michi

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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