Give. And the state will give back.
So you w a n t t o give t o imp rov e n ei g h b o rh oods, supp o rt th e a rt s, even ma ke gree n e r pa r ks. T h e Co m mu n ity Fou nd atio n for Sout h east M i c hi ga n ca n h e lp a nd ca n k eep your d o n at i o n g iv i ng f o r ge n e r atio n s to co m e. And un t il t h e e n d of the year, w h e n yo u g iv e , t h e stat e w ill give back too But hurry, your st a te t a x cre dit e xpires a ft e r December 31,2011.

V is it CFSEM.o r g o r ca i i 1- 888-W E- END O W f or mo re info rm atio n abo ut h ow to ta k e adva ntage o f th e st ate of Mich i gan t ax credit.
communityfoundation FOR SOUTH EAST MI C H IGA N Bringing people together with the causes that matter most to them.
The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera Hous e
BRAVO is a Michigan Opera Theatre publi cation
Jeff Strayer, Editor Mitch Carter, Contribu tin g Editor
Contribu tors

David DiChie ra
John Grigaitis
Mark Streshinsky
Publisher Echo Publications , Inc . Royal Oak, Michigan www.echopublications.com
Tom Putters, Preside nt Tob y Faber, Advertisin g Sales Director
se rvices provided by Henry F ord Medical Center.
Pepsi-Cola is the·offi cial soft drink an d juice provider of the Detroi t Opera H ouse.
Cadillac Coffee is the official coffee of th e Detroit Op era Hou se.
Sanders Fine Choco lates is the official c ho colatier of the De troit Ope ra Hou se
Steinway is the o fficial piano of the Detroit Opera H ouse and Michigan Opera Th ea tre. Steinway pianos are provid ed b y Steinway Piano Gallery of De troit , exclusive representative for Steinway and Son s in Michigan .
Pres id ent Tuxedo is the official p rovider of formal wear for the Detroit Opera House.
Eclipse Cr ea tive is the official m edi a produc ti on compan y of the De troit Opera Hou se.
Michiga n O pe ra Th eatre is a n onprofit cu ltura l o rga nization , w hose activiti es are s upported in part by t he Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affa irs, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other individu als, corporatio ns and found ations Michigan Ope ra Theatre is an Equal O pportunity Employe r.
Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's 41st fall season

Welcom e to a fall season featuring a spectacular company premiere of Cannina Burana in an all-new production. We have titled our season simply "Fate," as each opera poses the eternal question: do we decide our lives for ourselves, or are our fates determined b y destiny?
The season opens with Menotti's The Medium paired with Orff 's masterpie ce , Cannina Burana. This double bill pres e nts two compositions written in the past 100 years and, fittingly, the production fea tures new sets and costumes from awardwinning Detroit stage designer Monika Essen, constructed in our very own .Opera House.
I'm d elig hted that we' re able to celebrate lOO 'h birthday of one of America's m ost significant opera composers, G ian Carlo Menotti. The Medium, which we have not produced since 1972 , explores the fatal actions of a charlatan fortun e telle r , and is one of the composer's most exciting works. Returning to our s ta ge for this production are lo vely yo ung soprano Andriana Chuchman and dramatic mezzo -soprano Melissa Parks, who appeared together in last fall's The Mikado, along with a return by Romanian ba ritone Marian Pop, who crea ted the title role in the world premiere of Cyrano.
Carl Orff composed Cannina Burana in 1936 as a gran d w ork for chorus, so loists and orchestra, to which we have added dramati c visuals, d azzling cho reogra phy and stunning aeri al fea ts. We're pleased to co llaborate once again with metro Detroit's Eisenhower Dance Ensembl e and to fe ature incredible acrobats who h ave performed with Cirque du Soleil The work b egins and ends with th e s tunning "0 Fo rtuna," which is , of course, a complaint to the Rom an god d ess of fate .
In November, we travel somewh at further b ack in time with Mo zart's T h e Marriag e of Figaro, whic h is wi thout question amo n g the greatest operas of a ll time. Th e delightful romantic comedy involves a wildly e ntertaining parade of mistake n ide ntiti es , d ecep ti on and infidelity - con cepts not so unfamiliar in our own era - but of course all are fat e d to end up h appy. In this production we welcome a number of both familiar and new fac es , including th e company d ebut of the impress ive y oung
conductor Kazem Abdullah The cast includes baritones Corey McKern and Ian Greenlaw as our philandering Count, and sopranos Rachel WillisS0rensen and Sian Davies as his wifeto name just a few.

Our 16' h season of dance at the Detroit Op era House is made possible by a generous gift from Maggie Allesee. Many of you know that Maggie has been a friend to this organization for many years, continually raising the bar throu gh her steadfast co mmitment to th e city's cu ltural life. She h as raised that bar higher still this season by sponsoring our 2011-12 danc e series. If you happen to see Maggie at a performanc e, please thank h er for th e gen eros ity that has mad e u s the home of world- class dance in Detroit.

T h e fall dance season features two D etroit premieres. In October, we welcome dance superstar Rasta Thomas' Bad Boys of Danc e, who have appeared around the globe , including performances with Elton] ohn and Lady Gaga. Th eir amazing versatility a nd ta l ent push the bounds of dan ce with at hletic jumps, endless turns and e ndearing individu ality.
November marks the return of our annual holid ay tradition , Th e Nut crac k er. This year, in their first appearances o n our stage, BalletMet Co lumbus performs th e classic family favorite. And our holiday season wo uld no t b e co mplete without a presentation of the jazz gospel Messiah , Too Hot To Handel, performed by Rackh am Symphony Cho ir. We're proud that both productions feature our very own Mic higan Opera T h eatre Orch estra.
As always, we ar e esp ecially gra teful for the co ntinu ed support of our fall opera seaso n spo n sor, Ford Motor Company. We also r ecogni ze and t hank those individual donors and vo lunteers w h ose generosi ty of time and investment in our vision i s tru ly ex traordinary. It is t hrou g h your support and dedication that this organiz ati o n e ndu res.

I hop e yo u enj oy this impressive fall seaso n Thank yo u for v isiting, and enjoy the show!

Mr. R. jamison Wi ll iams, Chairman
Dr. Da vid DiChiera , Presid e nt
Mr. Ca m ero n B. Duncan , Tre as ure r
M r. C. Thomas To ppi n, Sec ret ary
Mr s. Robert A. All esee
M r. D ougl as F Allison
M r. j oseph Angile ri
Ms Lori Arpin
Mr. Lee Barthel
Mr Ste ph e n E. Biegun
Mr Richard A. Brodie
Mrs. Wil h am C. Brooks
Mrs. Fre d erick H Clark
Mrs Peter Cooper
Ms. J oa nne Dan to
Mr. Tarik S Dao u d
julia Do n ovan Da rl ow
Mr Law re n ce N. Dav id
Mr. Ethan Davidson
Mrs Charles M. Endicott
Mrs Alex Erd eljan
Mr Pa ul E Ewi ng
Mrs Dav id Fisc h er
D r. Ma rj o rie M. Fishe r
M rs. Barbara Frankel
Mr. H erman Frankel
Mr. Dean Friedman
Mr. Richa rd G Goe t z
M r. David Handle m an
Mr. Kenneth E. H art
Mr. Gary E. j o hnso n
M rs Pete r Karmano s
Mr. Th o mas M. Krikorian
Mr. C h arles E. Le tts Jr.
Mr. Harry A. Lomason !I
Mr. Alphonse S. Luca re lli
Mrs Robert A. Lutz
Mrs Manu e l Maroun
Dr. Stephen M un k
Mrs. J ennifer Nasse r
Mr. Timothy N asso
Mr. Daniel Pe h rso n
Dr. C h arlotte Podowski
M r. W j ames Prowse
Mrs. Ruth Ra ttne r
Dr. I r vin D Re id
M r. Ro y S Robe rts
Mr. Gregory Sch w artz
Ms. Elham Sh ayo t a
M r. Terry Shea
Dr. Lorna Thomas
M r. M ich ael Tweddle
Mr Geo rge C. Vincent
Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Ajluni
Mr. & Mrs. Ke nn Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A All esee
Mr. & Mrs Douglas F All ison
Dr. Lourd es V An daya
julie Dolise-Angileri & j ose ph Angileri
M rs. Thomas V An gott
Mr. & Mrs. Eu ge n e App lebaum
Dr. & Mrs Agusti n A r bulu
Lori & j am es Arpin
Dr. H arold M. Ar rington
Dr. & Mrs , lngida As faw
Dr. & Mrs Dona ld C. Au s tin
Th e H on. & Mrs. Ed ward Ava d e nka
M r. j o n Barfie ld & Dr. Vivi a n Car p e nte r Bar fiel d
Mr. & Mrs Lee Ba rt h el
Mr. ]. Addison Bartush
Mr. & Mrs. Ma rk A la n Ba u n
M rs Ara Be rb e ri a n
Mr. & Mrs. M an d e ll Be rman
Ms D ebra Be rns tein -Siegel
Mr. Ste phen E. Biegun
Mr. & Mrs. j osep h Blo ch
Mr. & Mrs. j ohn A. Boll , Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowlby
Be tt y]. Brig h t
Mr & Mrs Ric h a rd A Brodie
Mr. & Mrs W illiam C. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Th omas Celan i
M r. & Mrs Alfre d C h eesebro u g h Ill
Mr. & Mrs Mic h ael C h irco
M r. & Mrs Fre d e ric k H Cla rk
T h e H o n. & Mrs. Ave rn L. Cohn
Mr. Th o m as C o hn
Mr. & Mrs Pe te r Coo p e r
Ms j oa nne D a n to &: Dr. Arno ld We in ga rd e n
Mr. Marvin I. D a nto
Mr. & Mrs. Ta rik S. Dao ud
julia Donova n Da rlow & j ohn C. O 'Meara
Mr. & Mrs J e rry P. D 'Ava n z o
Mr. & Mrs. Law re n ce N. D a vid
M r. & Mrs Etha n Da vid son
Mr. Tho m a s j De la n ey
Mr. Ke vin D e nnis & Mr. j e re m y Zeltze r
D r. D avid Di C hie ra
Mrs. Karen Va nd e rKioot DiChi era
The H o n & M rs john Dinge ll
Ms. Ma r y jane Doe rr
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Do lan
Mr. & Mrs Camero n B.
D u ncan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenne th
Eise nbe rg
Mrs C h arles M. Endicott
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Dr Fern R. Espi n o & Mr. Thomas Short
M r. & Mrs Paul E. Ewing
Dr. H a ifa Fa kho uri
Margo Co h en Fe inb e rg & Robe rt Feinberg
Mr. & M rs Oscar Fe ld man
Mr. & Mrs D avi d Fisch e r
Dr. Marjorie M Fish e r
M rs. Elaine Fonta na
M r & Mrs Ca rl B Fontan a
M rs Barbara Fran kel & Mr. Ron M ic h alak
H erman & Sha ro n Frankel
Mr. Marvin A. F r en kel
Mr & Mrs Dean Friedma n
Mr. & Mrs. j a m es Ga ravagli a
Ambassado r & Mrs. Yo u s if
G h afari
Mr. & Mrs Vito P Gioia
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G Go e tz
Mr. & Mrs. Arno ld Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Ha r vey G ra ce
Mr. & Mrs. Sam u el
H a berm an
M rs. Be rj H. Haidost ia n
Mr. & Mrs. D avid Hand leman
Mr. Ke nne th E. Hart
Mr. & Mrs Euge n e H a rtw ig
Mrs David B. H e rmeh n
Mr. & M rs De re k H odgs on
The H on & Mrs. j ose ph N Im pasta to
Mr. & Mrs . Ala n Is rael
Mrs . U n a j ackman
Mrs. Sybil J aq u es
Mr. Don J en s en
Mr. & Mrs. Ke n t jidov
Mr. & M rs Gary E. j o hns on
Mr. & Mrs. Lawre n ce S.
j ones
Mrs . W illiam Ka h n
M r. & M rs j o h n Ka p lan
Mr. & M rs Pete r Karma n os
Mr. Pa tric k ]. Kerz ic & Mrs. Ste ph a n ie Ge rm ac k
Ke rz ic
Mrs. C h a rles Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Eu ge n e L Kle in
Mr. & Mr s. Robe rt Klein
Mr. & Mr s. Mike Koj a ia n
Mr. & Mrs. Mich ael Kratc hm an
Mr. & Mrs. T h omas M Kriko ria n
Dr. & Mr s. Ri c h ard W Kulis
D r. & Mr s. Alde n Leib
D r. Me lvin A. Lest e r
Ms. Linda Dresn er Levy & Mr Edward Levy
Mr. C h a rles E. Letts Jr.
D r. & Mrs. Kim K. Li e
Mr. & Mrs. A C. Li e ble r
D r. & Mrs. Ro b e rt P. Lisak
Mr. & Mrs. H a rr y A. Lo m aso n !I
Mrs Lawre n ce LoPa ti n
Mr. & Mrs j ames H LoPrete
Mr. Al p h onse S. Lucare lli
Mr & Mrs Rob e rt A Lutz
Ms. Fl orin e Mark
Mr & Mrs. Ste ve n Ma rlette
D r. & Mrs Rona ld Ma rte ll a
T h e H on j ack Mar ti n & Dr. Bettye ArringtonMartin
Mr. & M rs. Ri ch a rd McBrie n
Mr. & Mrs Eu ge n e A. Mille r
Ms. M o n ica Moffat & M r. Patric k McGuire
Dr. Ali Moiin & D r. W illi am Kups k y
M r. & Mrs . Th eod o r e Mo n olid is

Mr. & Mrs. Man u e l Maroun
M r. E C la re n ce Mul aron i
D rs . Ba rbara & Step h e n Mu nk
M r. & Mrs. E. Mi c h ael Mutch ler
Mrs j e nnife r Nasse r
Mr. Timo th y L Nass o
Mr. & Mrs Irvin g N u s b a um
Dr. ju lie tte O k o ti e - Eb o h
Ms. Linda O r lans
M r. & Mrs. Grah am Orley
Mr. & Mrs Ric h a rd Partrich
Mr. & Mrs . Sp en ce r Pa rt rich
M r. & Mrs Dan ie l Pe hrs on
Dr. Robe rt E L Pe rkins
M r. & Mrs. Broc k E P lu m b
D r. C ha rlotte & Mr. C h a rles
Podows ki
Mrs. H e inz Pr ec hte r
Mr. & Mrs W j a m es Prowse
Mr. & Mrs j o hn Ra ko lta , j r.
Mrs. Rut h Rattne r
Mr. & Mrs Anth o n y Rea
Chairmen Emeriti
Mr. Robert E De w ar t
Mr. Lynn A. Town send t
Directors Emeriti
Mrs. D o n ald C. Austin
Mr.]. Addison Ba rt u s h
Mr. Fran k W Don ova n t
Mr. james H Gram t
Mrs. W illiamjohnsto n t
Mr. David Po llack t
Mrs. I rving Rose
Mr. Ro bert Va nde rKloot t
Mr. Ric h ard We b b
Mr. Geo rge M. Zeltzer
Mr. Mort Zi eve t
Dr. Irvin D. Re id & Dr. Pame la Trotman Reid
Dr. & M rs. j ames Rig b y
Mr. & Mrs. Ro y S. Roberts
Ms. Patricia H Ra d z ik
Mr. & Mrs Pe te r Ronan
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rose nfeld
Mrs. Caroly n L Ross
Mr. & Mrs. An t h ony Rug ie ro
Dr. & Mrs H ershel Sand be rg
Mrs Ma r ilyn Sc h a kne
Mr. & Mrs Don a ld Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E Schwa rt z
Mr. & Mrs G regory ].
Sc h wa rtz
Mr. Bret A. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Me rto n Sega l
Mr. & Mrs. Mar k Shaevsk y
Mrs. Frank C. Sh a ler
Ms Elham Sha yota
Mr. Te rry Sh ea
Mr. & Mrs Roger F Sherman
Mr. & Mrs Richa rd Slo an
Mr. Wil ha m H. Smith
Ms. Ph y llis Fu n k Snow
M r & M rs. D avid Snyd er
M r. Anth ony L Soave
Mr. Ric h ard A. Son en klar
Ms. Mary Ann Ste lla
Dr. Calvin St evens
Mr. & Mrs. W illia m Stone
Mr. & Mrs Geo rge Stru m bos
D r. j ona than Swift
Mr. Ro n a ld F Switze r
Mr. & Mrs. joel Tau b e r
Dr. & M rs Anthony R. Ters ign i
Dr. Lorna Thom as
Dr. Robe rta & M r. Sh eldo n
To ll
Mr. & Mrs C. Thomas Topp in
Mrs Lynn A. Town se n d
Mr. Mi ch ae l Tweddle
Mr. & Mrs. Pa u l Victo r
Mrs. Steven I. Victor
Mr. & Mrs. Ge o rge C. Vincent
Mr s Amelia H Wilhe lm
D r & Mrs C h ris to phe r D. Wilhe lm
M r. & Mrs R j am ison
Wi ll ia m s
Mrs. Sa m B Will ia m s
The H o n j oa n E You n g &M r. Thom as L Sch elle n b e rg

Mr. Geo rge M. Ze ltzer
Mrs Morton Zieve
Mrs Paul Zuc k erma n
Trustees Emeriti
Mrs. J am es Merriam Earnest
Mr. t Mrs . t Robert E. Dewar
D r. t & Mrs t Robert Gerisc h
Mrs Aaron Gershenson t
Mr. t & Mrs. t ja mes G ram
Mrs. Ka th erin e G rib b s t
M rs. Robert H amady t
M rs. & Mrs E. j a n H art m a nn
Mr .t & Mrs t Maxwe ll j os p ey
Dr. Zo p hia and M r. t Mitch ell
Mrs. Walton Lewis t
Mrs. j esse Mann t
Mrs. Wade H Mc C ree J r. t
Mr. & Mrs. jules L Po!lone
M rs Ra lph Po lk t
Mr. t & Mrs t David Pollo ck
Mr. & Mrs . t F red
Schneide wind
M rs Mark C. Steven s t
Mr. t & Mrs t Rob ert VanderKloot
Mrs. R Ale xand er Wrigley
Fo unding Members
Mr. t & Mrs. Lyn n A Town send , Foun ding C h airman
T h e H o n. & M rs. t Ave rn
L Cohn
D r. & Mrs J o h n DeCarl o
D r. & Mrs . D a vid DiCh ie ra
Mr. t & Mrs. t Aa ro n H Gers h en son
Mr. & Mrs Dona ld C. G ra ves
Mr. t & Mrs t J o h n C. G ri ffin
Mr. & M rs . H a rry L j ones
The H o n t & Mrs t W ad e Mc Cree J r.
Mr. H ar r y j Ned e r la nde r
Mr. E H arwood Ryd h o lm t
Mr. & Mrs. Ne il Snow
Mr. & Mrs . Rich ard Strich a rtz
Mr. t & Mrs t Ro b e rt C. Va n d e rKloot
D r t & M rs Sa m H W illia m s
Mr. t & Mrs. t The odore 0 Ynte ma
By GIAN CARLO MENOTTIWorld Premiere: New York City, May 1946
In English with English supertitles

World Premiere: Frankfurt, Germany; june 1937
In Latin and German with English supertitle translations
Two hours , thirty minutes with one intermission
Sets and costumes mad e possibl e b y a gen e rous gift from Ford Motor Company.
Scenery constructed by MOT Production Dept. and members of Detroit Stage Empl oyees, IATSE Loca l 38
" The Medium" is supported in part by a n award from the National End ow ment for t he Arts
Costumes constru cted by MOT Costume Shop. Costume materials provided b y Hab erman Fabrics , Ro yal Oak, Mich.
Ru ss Stark, Aeria li st Assistant

In order of vocal appearance. Parentheses denote understudy.
Monica ........ .... ........ ... .. .............. Andriana Chuchman (Angela Theis t)
Toby, a mute justin VandenHeuvel *
Madame Flora (Baba) Melissa Parks
Mrs . Gobineau . ....... ........... ... .. ........... Tanya Roberts *t
D eRoy Tes tam en tw y Foundation Young Artist
Mr. Gobineau Marian Pop
Mrs. Nolan ... . ......... ... ..... . ..... ... ......... .... Sarah Nisbettt
* Mi chigan Opera Theatre debut
t Barbara Gibso n Young Artist Program
Michigan Opera Theatre last produced The Medium in1972
THE MEDIUM present ed by arrangement with G. Schirmer, INC. publisher and copyright owner.
Menotti & "The Medium"
To open our 41st season , I hav e chosen a short dramatic' opera by Gian Carlo Menotti in celebration of the lOOth anniversary of his birth When Menotti was only thirteen he came to America from Ita ly, where h e had already composed two operas. After graduating from the Curtis Institute of Music , hi s next opera , Goes to the Ball , was so successful that it was immediately taken up by th e Metro politan Opera. Thus began one of th e most successful and influ ential opera tic careers of th e twenti e th century. Like Pu cc ini , he brought a grea t melodic talent of writing for the voice combined with an un canny theatrical flair for pro viding the exact music for what is h appening on s tage.
Unlike any o ther composer in America, Menotti introduced opera to a widening audience by composing works specifically for radio and television His C hristmas opera Amahl and the Nig ht Visitors, commissioned by NBC and premiered in 195 1 , b ecame a Christmas Eve broadcast tradi ti on for m any years and continues to be one of the most freq u ently performed operas in the country. In his constant desire to popularize opera, Menotti a lso insisted that some of his works be premiered on Broadway.
T h e Medium , one of his most drama tic and trag ic works , not only had a run on Broadway in 1947 but was l ater made into a very e ffec tive film and tele vision production I h ad the p l easure o f producing it in our second season in 1972 at the Music Hall , starring Detroiter Muriel Greenspon as Baba and actor Sa l Mineo as Toby.
Menotti t ells us that h e was inspired to write a nd co mpos e The Medium after a ttending a seance in a small town in Austria . "It gradually became clear to me ," he recall ed, " that my ho s ts , in th eir pathetic desire t o believe, actually saw and h eard their dead daughter. It was I , not they, who felt ch eate d ."
- David DiChieraAct I
T h e curtain opens in the parlor o f Madame Flora , the medium , wh ere her daughter, Monica , and Toby, a mute servant boy r escued from the streets, play dress-up. When Madame F l ora, or Baba as th ey call h er, arrives h o m e drunk , she violently chastises them for not preparing for that night's seance. Soon the guests arrive: Mr. and Mrs. Gobineau , regulars , and the widow Mrs. No lan , w h o is attending fo r the first time. With Madam e Flora in a trance in h er ch air, a fake seance is held. Mrs Nolan speaks with what she thinks is her d ecease d sixteenyear-old daughter, but is really Mo nica b ehind a screen. As Monica disappears, Mrs. Nolan rus h es toward th e figure but is restrained by the Gobineaus. Once order is restored, Mr. and Mrs. Gobineau "communicate " w ith their dec eased two-yearold son Mickey, who does nothing but laugh. After they tell him good-bye , Madame Fl ora sudd enl y clutches at h er throat with both hands. She feels a phantom h and grasping her throat and is stricken with terror. After demanding that th e guests leav e, she ca lls for Monica and tells her what she felt , even tually blaming Toby, who was in the oth er room the whole t ime. In an effort to ca lm Baba's d runk en rage toward Toby, Monica sings her a dark lull aby, but is interrupted by a voice that Baba hears. T his cau ses h er to Oy into a terrified rage at Toby for not telling her where the voice is coming from. Monica again s ings the lullaby whil e Baba recites her "Ha il Mary "s.
Ac t II
A few days later, Monica is watching Toby perform a puppet show for her; then she dances for him . She realizes that Toby is tryin g to tell h er that he l oves her so, pretending to be his vo i ce , she speaks for him. Baba arrives and again resumes her accusations of Toby, sure that he knows what went on the other nig ht. The guests arrive , expectin g anoth er seance, but are driven away when Madam e Fl ora tries t o co n vince th em that the whole thing was a s h am. She reveals a ll th e tricks that sh e and Mon i ca used , but the gu ests refu se to believe h er Once they are gone , Baba drives Toby out d esp ite Monica 's pleas on his behalf. With everyone gone and Monica in her room , Baba con tinu es to drink and ques ti ons h er own sanity, becoming wild w ith drink and even tually passing out. Toby sneaks back in and tries to ge t into Monica's room, but finds it locked and eve ntually goes to the trunk to find his tambourin e. Whil e searching, he knocks down the lid of the trunk , waking Baba, and hides in the puppet th ea t er. As Baba tries to see where the noise came from she fetches a revolver. Hysterically she shouts, "Who is it ? Speak or I'll shoot ," and th en sees the puppet theater mov e. Baba screams and fir es several times As Toby's bloody body co llapses, grasping th e curtain , Baba shouts , "I've killed th e g host! I've killed th e ghost! " Moni ca en t ers , h avin g h eard the gunshots, sees Toby's lifeles s body and runs for h elp. As th e curtain fa lls, Baba asks in a hoarse whisper, "Was it you? "
Andriana Chuchman, soprano
Jason Wickson t, t enor

joyce Cohn Young Artist
Marian Pop, baritone
Sita Acevedo , aerialist, dancer
Darren Haddrell, Cyr wheel, acrobat, breakdancer
Isabelle , hand balancer, acrobat
Emilie Livingston, rhythmi c gymnast, aerialist
joseph Pinzon, aerialist, acrobat
Laurence Racine, aerialist, contortionist, hand balancer
Eisenhower Dance Ense mble
Mary Bischoff
Gregory Blackmon
Andrew Cribbett
Alicia Cutaia
Rebecca McLindon
Willjordan Peake
Morgan "Mo " Williams
Emily Zatursky
Michigan Opera Theatre premiere t Barbara Gibson Young Artist Program
Carl Orff CA RMI NA BARANA used by arrangement with European Ameri can Musi c Dis tributors LLC , so le U S. and Ca nadian agent for Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, publisher and copyright owner.
Carm ina Burana is a scenic oratorio compose d to the texts of Goliard poems from the 13th century. The manuscript con taining these verses was discovered in 1803 at a Bavarian monastery in Benediktbeu ern ; th e t erm "Burana" in the titl e is th e Latin adjective identifying this lo ca tion . The s ubtitle of the work m eans "Secu lar so ngs for soloists and chorus, accompanie d by instruments and s uppl emented by scen ery. " Although th er e are a numb er of con t ex ts for human inte raction in som e of th e pi eces, th er e is no plot co ntinuity or ov erall dra matic ac tion in this se ries of so n gs. Co mpo se r Carl O rff envisioned Ca nnina Burana with optional a c tion and dance , a lthough h e did not provide written ins truc tions as to h ow it sh o uld b e s ta ged. T hu s, it has b een prese nted in a wide varie ty o f ways a nd , a lthou gh mos t fre qu ently seen in co n cert form , the work is ex tremely thea trical and ada pts well for the s tage

The medieval Go liards (the te rm is a nicknam e m eaning "big mouths ")

were scholars , monks and priests who had abandon ed conformity to the Catholic church. Individualists in a time when such behavior was considered h e resy, they liv ed vagrant lives, begging, thieving, and singing . They wrote their verses mostly in Latin , although portions of their texts are in the vernacular languages of the areas where th ey lived. Their b es t poetry is a frank avowal of their pleas ures , their simple zest in living , and the joys of an earthy existence.
The manuscript discovered in the Benediktbeuern monastery co ntained the most extensive collection of Go liard poetry ever found. Its authors were various and anonymous, and it is surprising that a monastery's library contained a volume of such scurrilous material. The justification for this is that the volume h ad originally belonged to a secular court and had been assigned to the monaste r y for archival purposes.
In Carmina Burana , Orff chose to set only a portion of the manuscript to music. The melodic language he emplo ye d mixes folkson g elements from his native Bavaria with a parody of Gregorian plainch a nt , matching the ridicule of religious forms found in th e t ex ts T h e musical fabric is bold and colorful , and its strong rhythmic e mphasis demands an enlarged percussion section Although these effects are striking , they are not complicated. The melodic material is tonal and straightforward, unadorne d by counterpoint or formal variation. The harmonic effec ts are reduc ed to bare essentials. All of these choices m agnific ently enhance the po e tr y's attention to what is simpl e, sensuous , vigorous, and direc t.
Orff chose to organize the t ex ts of Carmina Burana into three contrasting sections: exploring themes of renewal and sexual awakening in Early Spring ; a lienation , debauchery, and corruption in In The Tav e rn ; and both unrequit ed and req uited love in Th e Co urt of Love These three gro ups of poems a re fl anked b y identical musical settings of the same poem "0 Fortuna " ( Oh F ortun e), b emoaning man's fate as a mere pawn of d es tiny's mighty and ofte n cruel hand.
Ca rmina Burana has won a firm place in the musi cal repertoire of Western culture. It ha s e njoyed enormous popularity and has often b ee n adapte d effectively for theatrical purposes for both stage and film

FORTUNA IMPERATRIX MUNDI (Fortune, Empress of the World)
1. 0 Fortuna
Co mpany
2. Fortune plango vulnera
Andriana Chuchman, Marian
Pop, jason Wickson, Justin

Vanden Heuvel , Chorus, Emilie
Livin gston
I. PRIMO VERE (Early Spring)
3. Veris leta fa cies
Andriana Chuchman , justin
Vanden Heuvel , Chorus , Isabelle , Laurence
Racine, Eise nhower Danc e Ensembl e
4 Omnia sol temp era t
Andrian a Chu chman , Marian
Pop , Justin Vanden Heuvel, Darren Haddrell , Eisenhow er Danc e Ensemble
5. Ecce gratum
C h orus , Darren H a ddre ll
. UF DEM ANGE R (On the Green)
6. Tanz Choru s, E is enhower Dance
Ensemb le
7. F lo ret s ilva
Ch orus , Eisenhower Dan ce
E ns e mble
8 C h ra m er, gip die v arwe mir
C h o rus , Eis enhower Dance
En semb le
9 Rei e
Swaz hie ga t umbe
Cho r u s , Darren Haddrell ,
Eis e nhower Dance Ensemble
C hume, chum , ge s e lle m i n
Swaz hie ga t umb e
C h orus , Darren Ha ddrell
10. Were diu werlt aile min
j a son Wi ckson , C horus , Darren
H a ddrell , joseph Pin z o n
II . IN TAB E RNA (In th e Tavern)

11. Es tuan s interius
Marian Pop , jason Wickso n ,

E ise nh o w er Dan ce Ens e mb l e
12. Olim lacus co lu eram
Ma ri an P o p , Jason Wick son ,
C h o ru s
13 . Ego s um a bba s
Ma ri an P op , Choru s , Darren Haddrell , Isab ell e, J os e p h Pin z on, Eis enhow er

Da n ce E n sembl e
14. In taberna quando sumus Chorus, Darren Haddrell , Isabelle , joseph
Pinzon, Eisenhower Da n ce E n semble
Ill. COUR D ' AMOURS (The Court of Love)
15. Amor volat undique
Andriana Chuchman, jus tin Vanden Heuve l , C horu s
16 Dies , nox et omnia
Marian Pop, justin Vanden
Heuv el , E is enhower Dance
17. Stetit puella
Andriana Chuchman , Laurence Ra cine
18. Circa mea pectoral
Marian Pop , Ch oru s, Isab elle , Laure nc e Ra cin e
19 Si puer cum peullula
Marian Pop , Chorus , Isab ell e, Laurence Racine
20. Veni, veni, venias
C horus, Isab ell e, Lau r en ce Ra cine

21. In trutina
Andriana C hu chman , Sita
22 Tempus et iocundum
Andriana C hu c hm an , Marian
Pop , Justin Vanden H euvel, C horus
23. Dulciss ime
Andriana C hu c hman , Justin Vanden Heuvel, C h orus , Isabe ll e, ] os e ph
Pinz on
24 Ave formosissima
Andriana Chu chman , Marian Pop , justin VandenH eu vel , C h o rus , Sita Ac ev edo , Darren Ha dd rell , Isab ell e, Emili e Livingston , joseph Pinz on, La uren ce Ra cin e

Rasta Thomas, Artistic Direct or
OCT. 29-30, 2011
Adrienne Canterna- Thomas, Associate Artistic Director & Choreographer
Phillip Carman, Ballet Mast er & Resident Director
Robbi e Nicholson, Danc e Captain
Lutin Tanner, Lighting Design er & Production Stag e Manager
Anthony]. Cutrona, Managing Director & Treasurer
Brandon Perry Russell, Op erat ions M anager
Dancers: james Boyd, Ryan Carlson, Lee Gumbs, Brandt Martinez, Shane Ohm er, Timmy Olson , Rasta Thomas
Guest Artist: Adri enn e Canterna- Thomas, courtesy of "Pretty Girls of D anc e"

I GOTTA FEELING- Black Eyed Peas
CARMEN - Maria Callas (Choreographed by Rasta Thomas)
CRASH- Dave Mathews Band
VIVA LA VIDA- Coldplay
FAITHFULLY - journey
NE ME QUITTE PAS- jacques Brel
INTRO - Clint Mansell
IN THE CLOSET- Mi chael jackson
PYT- Michaeljackson
BABY I'M A STAR - Prince
WANNABE STARTIN ' SOMETHIN ' - Michael jackson
MAN IN THE MIRROR- Micha e l]ackson
BILLY JEA N- Michael jackson
SMOOTH CRIM I NAL - Michael]ackson
T'HE WAY YOU MAKE YOU FEEL- Michael]ackson
BAD- Michael jackson
About the Company
Bad Boys of Dance was found e d by dance s up ersta r Rasta Thomas in 2 00 7 . BBD d ebuted a t the 75'h anniver sar y season of th e world renowned American dance festival "j acob's Pillow. " Today the co mp any brings th eir magic to the masses , giving over 150 shows a year, and ha s p erformed for over 500,000 fans worldwide. The Bad Boys are a hit with every crowd , whether it b e dancing on th e ca twalk at NYC Fashion Week for designer Richie Rich or appearing on th e famou s Swiss TV s how "Benissimo. " BBD dancers have performed · on Broadway and in feature film s, a nd have b een adored b y millions o n hit TV s h ows lik e " Dancing with th e Stars. " In 2 010 th ey performed at Ca rnegi e Hall with Sir Elton john for a Rainforest ch a rity even t also s tarring Lady Gaga , Sting, and Bruc e Sprin gs teen. Th ey also had th e distin ct honor of performing a t the op e ning cer emoni es of th e USA Interna tion al Ba lle t Comp e tition In 2 011 they m ade a spec ia l guest performance on "S o You Think You Can Da nce " and are currently touring the world with th eir hit s hows " RO C K th e Ba lle t " a nd "Tap Stars. "
RASIA THOMAS (Artistic Director)
Rasta Thomas was born in San Francisco in 1981 and raised in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia. Rasta studied at the world-renowned Kirov Academy in Washington D C. , and, as a t eenager, made dance comp e tition history with honors including th e Special jury Prize from the 1994 Paris International Dance Competition , the Go ld Medal in the Junior Men's Division from the 1996 Varna Internationa l Ballet Competition, and the Gold Medal in the Senior Men's Division from the jackson, Miss., USA-IBC. In 1995, he becam e a m ember of Lejeune Ballet de Fra nc e and, in 1997 , was invited to b e a Principa l Dance r with the Hartford Ballet. Some of his guest cr e dits includ e American Ballet Th eatr e, Victor Ullate Ballet of Spain , Na tiona l Ballet of China, Jaffrey Ballet, lin es Contemporary Ballet , Comp lex ions Contemporary Ballet, Lar Lubovitch Dance Company and Pacific Northwest Ballet. In 2001 Rasta was the first American to become a memb er of the Kirov Ballet in St. Petersburg , Russia, and in 2003 h e joined Dance Theatre of Harl em. Rasta has danced diverse roles including Albrecht in Gise ll e, Basilio in Don Quixote , Ali in L e Corsaire, and in works by Balanchine, ] erome Robbins, Debbie Allen, Ulysses Dove and jerry Mitchell. Rasta has be en in several TV documentaries, performed at the Academy Awards , was a feature d dancer in an interna tional ad campaign for GAP, and appeared in the fea ture film " One Last Dan ce" starring Patrick Swayze He h as performed at the White Hous e and has appeare d at Harlem's famou s Apo ll o Theater. In 2005, Rasta s tarred on Broadway in Twyla Tharp's hit musical Mavin' Out. In 2007 , Rasta perform ed as a gu es t artist in Othello as th e title role with American Balle t Theatre In 2008 he created the international hit show Rasta Thomas' ROCK The Ballet. www rastathomas com
(C horeograph er/Danc er)

A Kirov Academy of Ballet scho larship graduate , Adrienne Canterna is the recipient of numerous national and international awards including th e 1998
Women's junior Gold M edal at the USA International Balle t Co mp etiti o n in Ja ck son , Mississippi. Other pres tigious awards includ e winning th e titl e of Teen Miss Danc e of America a nd the Grishko Award of Excellence in Ballet. Adrienne has traveled ex t en sive ly throughout the United States , Europe, Asia, Australia a nd the Caribbean. As a principal gu es t ballerina she dan ce d the roles of Gamz a tti in La Bayad ere, the Sugar Plum Fai ry in Th e Nutcracker, and Kitri in Don Quixote with th e Universa l Balle t in Seoul , South Korea She has also danced wi th the Wa shington Ballet a nd C omp l exions Contemporary Balle t. She has appeared in numerous galas including th e prestigious Gala des Eto iles , where she p erformed the Le Corsaire pas d e deux with international ballet star Carl os Acosta. Sh e appeare d as a soloist in th e Placido Domingo Tribute to th e Was hing ton Opera , p erforming to "S tars a nd Stripes " in a segm ent direc t ed a nd ch oreographed by D ebbi e Allen, a iring on PBS Adrienne travels the world as a d a n cer, m aster t eac h er, choreographer and judge. Sh e can b e seen as a ballet so lois t in the motion picture "Step Up. " Adri enn e is the ch oreograph er of th e intern a tional hit show Rasta Thomas ' RO CK the Ballet a nd is th e founder and Artistic Direc tor of Pretty Girls of Dance www.pre ttygirlsofdan ce co m

James was born and raised in Jacksonville , Florida, and started dancing at age eleven at Dansations Performing Arts Center. His training led him to earn his B. FA from Suny Purchas e College in 2010 , where he be came fluent in ballet , jazz , hip hop, breakdance, modern and tap. James has received numerous scholarships from the conventions L.A.D F, UrbanJamm, Company Dance, and NYCDA .
Ryan was born and raised in Jacksonvill e, Florida , and began his dance training at age eleven at Center Stage Dance Company. Ryan has trained in ballet, jazz, modern , lyrical , contemporary, hip hop and gymnastics. He is a graduate of the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts and has received many awards as a competition dancer including Teen Mr Dance of Florida. He has a lso won numerous awards for c horeography and began teaching with the Dancer's Spotlight co nvention at age 15 Ryan is a m ember of the award winning "Systematic " dance crew with recqgnition as the winner of BET's "Best Dance Crew," and has been a featured dancer in several music videos and TV commercials:
Lee Gumbs started dancing at age 5 and by age 7 had received scholarships for ballet and jazz classes. Shortly after, he started signing himself up for more classes without permission! This is when his mom realized this was more than a hobb y, and he went on to win numerous regional and national dance competitions. Lee started traveling solo at 15 to L.A ., New York, Las Vegas and Virginia Beach to take advantage of scholarships he had won. At 16 he was th e first boy chosen by Dance Spirit magazine as one of the top three cover models from thousands of entries, and was featured in the magazine for four months. As a senior, Lee became an alumni of the Young Arts and attended Marymount Manhattan College in New York.
Brandt is originally from Peoria, Arizona. Brandt trained at a very young age at Spisak Dance Academy in ballet, tap, jazz , and hip hop. He later furthered his dance education at Tempe Dance Academy where h e learned many different styles that make him the versatile dancer h e is today. Brandt has b een a featur ed dancer in the Inte rnational Dance Alli ance where he toured five countries in Europe. He was an
inaugural dancer in the show "Ballroom Blitz!" through Stiletto Entertainment, where he traveled the Caribbean and Mediterranean on a vista class Holland America ship. Brandt has worked with many choreographers including Tabitha and Napoleon, Tyee Diorio, TOKYO, Joe Lanteri,Joey Dowling, and Jason Parsons. He has been a featured dancer in the annual show "T he Spirit of Christmas" in Phoenix, Arizona, for the past two years. Brandt is very excited to become a m emb er of the Bad Boys of Dance Family where he will continue to further his dance education.
Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio , Shane began his dance training at th e High School for Creative a nd Performing Arts. Upon an ea rly graduation , he finished his training in Pacific Northwest Ballet School's Professional Division. He has danced in Pacific Northwest Ballet, River North Chicago Dance Company, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal, and m ost recently has been a guest artist for numerous companies around the world. Shane ha s toured extensively throug hou t the U.S. , Canada, the Middl e East and Europe performing in works
*Opt ion al adaptive cru ise co ntrol and co lli sion warning with brake support and sus• (Blind Spot Information Syst em) with cross-traffic alert. Availability varies by vehicle.by Mats Ek , Ohad Nah ari n , Stijn Celis, Nac h o Duato , William Forsythe, and George Balanchine. H e r ecently created choreography for ce lebrity fashion d esigne r s The Blonds in New York

Fas hion Week. Besides dancing, Shane h as been a runwa y mod el in New York Fashi on Wee k for Commonwealth Utilities and Armani Exchange, and was featured in GQ and GAP Press magazines.
Tim Olson originally hails from Anoka, Minnesota. Dancing since th e age o f three an d t eac hing since 15, Tim , n ow 21, has studied variou s s tyl es of dance including j azz, tap , b alle t, contemporary and hip hop at N orthland School of Dance and other various schools of dan ce including Broadway Danc e Ce nter an d Steps o n Broadway. He h as travel ed t h e country with some of the industry's top chore ograph ers and has also taug ht master classes and choreogra phed for different projects. His achievements include the 2004 National Teen Titl e , . at West Coast Dance Explosio n , 2005 Tanzsommer Dance Festival in Austria , and top t h r e e senior male at NYCDA. . Tim continues to assist for NY C DA, touring the co untry th e past two
seasons. T his past year , h e danced with Odyssey Dance Theater in Salt Lake City, p erforming produ ction s including m a Wonderful Life, Giselle , and Romeo and juli et. Tim continues to pursue his dreams and goa ls and is excited abo ut upcoming future proj ects.
PHILLIP CARMAN (Resid ent Director/ Ballet Master)
Former Artistic Direc tor of the Maryland Ballet , Phillip Carman h as enjoyed an illustrio u s career in the ballet. As a m emb er of the PA Ballet, Na tiona l Ba ll et of Cana da , Les Grands Ballets Cana di ens, and Tanz Projekt Munchen , he has amassed a wealth of experie nc e. Phillip is in popular d e m and as a Master Teacher, Choreographer & Arts Council specia list. He has served as a Cu ltural Am bas sador in Italy, and his ch oreograp hy continues to receiv e enthusiasti c r eviews in Europe and th e U.S. As Artis tic Director of the Maryland Ballet , h e was r eco gnize d b y th e City of Baltimore for his contributions to the cultural fabric of the city. H e e njoys his work as an interna ti o n a l comp e titions coach , judging top danc e comp e titions and serving as Artistic Director of St. Pa ul Cham b er Balle t.
LUTIN TANNER (Lighting Design er/ Production Stage Manager/Tech Direc tor )
Hailing from Mankato, Minn eso ta , Lutin received a B.A in Danc e and Theatre from Western Michigan University. He started his ca ree r as a dancer with Garth Fagan Dance, where h e performed nationally and internationally for fiv e years. H e then went o n to b eco me Resident Lighting Designer & Production Manager for Dance New Amsterdam. In recent tim es Lutin has lit pieces for Arthur Aviles, Sara Ba ird , Brian Brooks , Theresa Duhon , Larry Keigwin , Alex Beller, Earl Mosley, Oliver St eele, Camille A. Brown, Troy Pow ell a nd Kevin Wynn. H e is currently Resident Lighting Designer for EMIA Using his uniqu e da n ce lighting p er spective he has lit theatrical p erformanc es s u ch as 7 Veils and F un era lo gues Lutin is proud to have been with Rasta T h omas's Bad Boys of Dance sin ce its pre mi er at jacob's Pillow in 2007. Thanks and love to his wife Adrienn e , fo r h er understanding of the late nights . Big UP! to his sons Lucien and Ellingto n , Love & Peac e !

F igaro

In ord r of vocal appeara nce
.jason Hardy (12 , 16, 19) * Andrew Gray (18 , 20)
Susanna Grazia Doronzio (12, 16 , 19)
Andriana Chuchman (18 , 20)
Doctor Bartolo j ason Bud d
Marcellina Melissa Parks
C h e rubino Lauren McN eese Performance made possible by a gift from th e j oseph in e Kl ein er Foundation
Count Almaviva Corey McKern (12, 16 , 19) Ian Greenlaw (18 , 20)
Don Basilio .. ...... .. .. .. .......... . ....... .. ..... .... .. Brian Leduc t
Almav iva Ra chel W illis-S0 r ens en (12 , 16 , 19 )*

Sian Davies (18 , 20) *
Antonio Timothy Bruno *t
Barbarina Angela Theis *t
Don Curzio j ason Wicksont
joy ce Cohn Young Artist
Bridesmaids Tanya Rob ertst
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Young Artist Sarah Nisbettt
,. Michigan Opera Th eatre debut
t Barbara Gibson Youn g Artist Program
Michigan Opera Theatre last produced T h e Marriage of F igaro in November 2007 .
Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro is an opera of schemes, the exact plot of which l eaves even scholars bemused and befuddl e d. To enjoy the opera it is only important to know that the central scheme involves the count Almaviva. After a few years of marria ge, th e co unt has grown tired of his wife, Rosina , and is no w h aving lustful feelings towards Figaro 's fiancee, Susanna. Figaro is the count's valet and steward and Susanna is th e Countess ' maid. The Count schemes to initiate an affair with Susanna de spite th e fact that h e has recen tly abolished the droit du seigneur , the feudal right of the master to deflo wer any female of his estate before she is given to h er husband. Figaro schemes rig ht and left , always one step ahead of his master, in order to keep this from h ap p ening . Susanna creates sc h emes d esigne d to avo id th e wand ering hands of th e co unt , w hil e trying to help th e Countess win him back. Cherubino , th e teenage page , who can't keep his hands off any woman w ith in clos e proximity, participates in the schemes of the oth ers wh il e trying to avo id th e Co unt himself. Marcellina sc h e m es to marry F igaro u sing a l ega l loophol e. Dr. Bartolo , h e r former emp loyer, participates in Marcellina 's schemes - in order to take revenge on his enemy Figaro , w h o h e lp e d th e co unt steal Rosina from him. Basilio , th e mu s i c t eac h er and factotum, s ti cks his nose in everyo n e's schemes . By th e end of the day, th e count has l earned an important lesso n about double checking w ho he is ac tu a lly hav ing a tryst wi th. Figaro is married to Susanna an d a ll is well.

- Courtesy of Mark S t res hinsky. Steshinksy direc t ed MOT's 2007 production of Figaro.

A conversation with Kazem Abdullah
BY jEFF STRAYERWh en it comes to Mozart, American conductor Kazem Abdullah has an id ea why the three operas the composer wrote with Lorenzo da Ponte (Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Cosi Jan tutte) remain so popular some 200 years later.
"Even though they were set in a different time period, people can relate to the characters and the situations, " Abdullah said. In Figaro, for instance , " Cherubino is this y oung adolescent who has a humongous crush on the countess. He has that sort of t eenage angst and p ent-up lust , and I think we have all gon e through that ourselves. "
Growing up with music

Abdullah 's first memory of opera came as a yo ung adolescent himself, around age 11.
· - "One of the first things I saw was the Me t on television, " he said "The opera was Di e a nd I rem ember b eing amazed by the story an d th e voices and the acting. "
Like many American c hildren, Abdullah's involv em en t in music began in public school w h en h e started playing the clarinet in fourth grade. As a yo ung man gro wing up in Da y ton, Ohio, discovering th e arts at school sparke d what would b eco m e a passion a nd , ultimately, a career
"Th e arts were a great creative outlet for expression that didn't have to do with words , nec essarily," Abdu llah said. But at th e s am e time , "it w as a lso a social thing , wh e re you c ould me e t and work with oth er young p eople."
H e wou ldn't see hi s first liv e op era for seven more years after watching th e Met on TV In th e m eantime , he co ntinu ed to study cl arin et , and attended th e Interlo ch e n Arts Camp in north ern Michigan for six summers and on e school yea r. It was there th a t h e also b ega n to s tudy condu c ting .
Finally, on a trip to Berlin at age 18 , h e go t to see Elehtra.
" It's such a l arge pi ece with a large orch es tra and very drama tic, " h e said "T h a t r eally m a d e a n impac t. "
After h igh sc h oo l , Abdullah s tudie d a t th e Cin cinn a ti C onserva t ory of Mu si c a n d th e Univ ers ity of So uth ern Ca lifornia In 2 00 6, he b ecame an assis tant a nd cover co nductor a t the Me tropolitan Op er a , working with the Me t's l ongtim e mu sic direc tor j ames
Kazem Abdullah
feelings for Michigan because I spent so many summers at Interlochen ," Abdullah said. "The Midwest has always had this great tradition of kids being involved in music and the arts, and that's always been very strong in cities like Cincinnati, Cleveland and Detroit. "
This time he returns to conduct one of the most celebrated operas ever written, Mozart's Th e Marriage of Figaro.
"You 're dealing with real human beings with r eal human emotion , in real situations One theme that's prevalent is the idea of fidelity and its importance , and I think that's something that's consistent th ro ugh time "
Levine. When h e made his Met debut And what of the famous overture ?
"It h as its own sense of suspense. in 2009 conducting Gluck's Orfeo ed Eu ridice, Abdullah was just 29 years old
Mozart in the Midwest
Although this fall marks Abdullah's debut with Michigan Opera Theatre, he has worked in Detroit before, including c onducting for the De troit Symphony Orchestra in 2010.
" I always enjoy co ming ba ck to th e Midwest, and I feel particularly warm
It starts comp letely pianissimo (s oft) but presto (fast), a nd with these two qualities , Mozart starts the overture with a qu es tion mark that doesn 't get answered until later.
'Just come and list en and enjoy the music , and y ou'll find it makes th e story more interesting and bring out certa in subtleti es that a play just can not do."
We can't offer better advice than that.
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Experience the world's premier classical chinese dance company.
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- Cate Blanchett Academy Award-winning actress -Donna Karan Creator of the Do nna Ka ran Co llection and DKNY - Stephen L. Norris, Co-founder of The Carlyle Group -John McColgan RJVerdance Producer"An extraordinary experience "
"A mesmerizing performance "
"Truly nourishes and lifts the spirit."
" Elegant and very athletic, very skilled"
Artistic Director
Gerard Charles
Executive Director
Ch e ri Mitchell
Ballet Mistress: Rebec c a Rodrigu ez-Hodory I Balle t Master: Hisha m Omardien
Conceived and created by Gerard Charles and Robert Post Choreography by Gerard Charles I Music composed by Pe ter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky Scenery for Act I d esigned by Peter Horne I Scenery fo r Act II d esigned by Dan Gray
Costumes d esigned b y Rebecca Baygents Turk , Aimee Gr eer, Lynn Ho lbroo k Lighting d esigned by David Grill Na rra t ed by Roger Mo ore
Accomp anied by the Mi chigan Opera Th ea tre Orch es tra Condu cted b y Peter Stafford Wils on

Company Dancers: Adrienne Benz , Andrew Brader, jessica Brown, Olivia C la rk , Andres Este v ez, Aus t in Finl ey, E mily Gotschall , Drew Grant , Dustin james , Be tha n y Lee, Sa m a ntha Le wis , Anni e M a llonee, Courtney M usc roft , jimmy Orrante, Ty Parmenter, E mily Ra mirez , Ke rri Riccardi , j ac kson Sarve r , G a briel Smith, David Tla iye , Zoi ca Tovar, jorge Villarini , David W a rd , Carri e W es t, Ke lly Ya nkle Addi t iona l Da n cer s : Braed e n Ba rnes, M arissa Pa rme nte r. C omp a n y Traine es : Louisa C h a pma n , La ure n Sh erwood , Be ila Ungar
Balle tMe t's Company Dancers are m emb er s of the American Guild o f Musical Artis ts , the Union of profess ional singers and dancers who crea te Am erica's Op er a tic, Ch o ra l , a nd Dance Heri tage
Thi s presentation is supported by the Performing Arts Fund , a program of Arts Midwes t funded by th e National Endowme nt for the Arts , with additional contribu tions from Michigan Council fo r the A1ts & Cultural Affairs , General Mill s Found ation , and Land O'Lakes Foundation.
Act I
It is Christmas Eve, a night of magi c, when anything can happen. The newly fallen snow glistens on the rooftops and excitement is in the air. Herr Drosselmeyer, a very old friend of the Stahlbaum fam ily, passes by thei r house and leaves an ea rly presen t for the fami ly Insid e the Stahlbaum hou se Clar a and Fritz wait as their family makes sure everything is r eady for that evening's grand party. The gu ests arrive and the fun b egins. Of course, there is lots of dancing and m any presents
When Herr Drosselmeyer, who is also Clara 's Godfather, comes to the h ouse, magical things always happen. Every year h e crea tes delightful to ys unlike any thing else in the worl d . This year h e h as some ver y special surprises for Clara and h er fami ly
Although Clara loves the lifelike Sp anis h doll , and Fritz the · exciting Chinese doll , they canno t b e left for the children to play with. Instead Drosselmeye r ha s another very special and unusual gift, a remarkable nutcracke r that h e gives to Clara. An ger ed that h e too cannot crack nuts with his t eeth , Fritz regrettably b r eaks the nutcracker. Drosselmeyer is quick to r epair th e nutcracker for Clara, but Fritz is still looking for tro uble and finds a rat with which to tease Cla ra.
Once all the gu es ts leave the part y, th e Stahlb aums go t o b ed. Clara is awake n ed by a strange sound. Worried that h er nutcracker is alone downstairs, she goes to find him and falls aslee p on the couch. Suddenly mice surround h er. Drosselm eye r is acting ve ry strangely and h er nightmare continu es as the whole house transforms aro und her. A m enacing Mouse Ki n g orders his minions to stea l the nutcracker from Clara The Spanish and Chinese dolls come to h elp h er but th e m a rauding mice carry th em off. Ju st w h en Clara thinks all is los t , h er nutcr acker suddenly comes t o life an d temporarily sca res the mice away A huge battle b etween the to y so ldiers and th e mice foll ows. The Mo u se King is abou t to defeat the nu tc racker, but Clara saves the day Sh e discovers that by d efeatin g the Mouse Ki n g, sh e has free d the prince who had b een t ra ppe d in the nutcr acker , an d she u nd ers tands that Drosselm eyer h a d a purpo se in all the s trange things h e h ad done that night. Clar a and her prince p ass through a wondFous snowy lan d as they b egin their j ourney together to his h ome in the land o f the Su ga r Plum Fairy
Act II
New s that th e young prince is fina lly r eturning home r eaches the Land of the Sugar Plum Fairy, wh e re p eopl e from all c orners of the w orld - and the world of the im agination - come to gr ee t Clar a and h er Prince After h earing th e story of Clar a r escu ing the Prince, the Su gar Plum Fairy arranges a grand celebra tion in Clara's honor fi lled with m an y wondrous surprises , inclu d in g b eing r eunite d wi th the Spanish doll "This mu st b e what it's like," Clara thinks, "to be inside on e of Godfath er's inventions."
Sadly, th e n ight comes to an end Eve n thou gh Cla ra w ants to st ay, it is time to leave this en chanted land. Like a wonder ful dream, this ma gica l nigh t will stay with h er forever. Comp le te Ballet N otes are availab le at www.balle tme t .org.
BALLETMET CO LUMBUS, known for its ve rsa tility and innovative rep ertory, ranks among the nations 15 largest d an ce com panies, and its Dan ce Acad em y r anks am on g the five largest pro fessional d an ce -training centers. Since its incep tion in 1978 , Balle tMet h as added 152 comp an y premier es to its re p ertoire and produ ce d 124 w orld premieres. It h as also d eveloped Dan ceReach , a series of edu cation al and outreach progr ams th at serve 35,000 p eople annually, as well as a sch olarsh ip p rogr am that p rovid es full tuition for talented minority and u n d erser ve d yo ut h.

Gerard Charles (Artistic Director & Choreographer) w as named BalletMet Artistic Director in 2001, having se r ve d as Interim Artistic Direc tor. Born in Folkestone, England , Mr. Charles trained at the Royal Ballet Sch oo l in Lond on and dance d in Europ e and North Amer ica. Upon r e tiring from the stage , h e was Balle t Mas ter for BalletMe t and Les Grand s Balle ts Canadiens befo r e re turning to BalletMet as Associate Artistic Direc tor.
Cheri Mitchell (Executive Direct or) was named Execu tive Director in 200 1, having served as Balle tMe t 's Director o f Marketing and Co mmunications . Prior to JOining BalletMet, she w as Managing Director o f Con temporary Ame rican Theatre Compan y in Co lumbus.
Robert Post (Co-Creator) h as earne d national renown with his on e-man sh ows that sh owcase his acute sen se of the absurd and unp aralleled skills of physica l p r esentation. A Columbu s n a ti ve, Mr. Post has crea t ed more than 3 0 works, includin g Robert Pos tIn Perfo rmance, an award -winning special aired on PBS, an d has toured 4 5 sta tes in the U .S. , Ca n ada, Mexico and J apan.
Roger Moore (Na rrator) , bo rn in Clapham , London, attende d the Royal Aca d em y of Dramatic Art. While h e starred on st age and screen , the h eight of h is ca ree r cam e in 1972 when h e was cast as J ames Bond , a series he con tinu ed for seven film s. He was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Am b assador in 1999. Recently, Moore ha s voiced several animate d ch ar ac ters in fil ms and h as appeared in Lond on 's Wes t End an d on Bro adway He re ceived a star on the Ho llywoo d Walk o f Fame in 2007.
Reb ecca Rodriguez-Hodory (Ballet Mistress) d anced with Balle tMe t for nine years, and wa s named Balle t Mistress full-time in 2004 . She attended the Philippin e High Scho ol for the Arts and The Fabe lla -Elej ar Dance Stu d ios b efo re j oining the San Fran cisc o Ballet Sch oo l. Sh e has d anc ed with Man ila Metrop olis Balle t , Dallas Ballet , Cin cinnati Balle t and as a guest with Ballet Philippines and Philippine Ballet Th eater.
Hisham Omardien (Ball et Master) danced w ith BalletMet for seven years and is in his six th season as Ballet Master. Born in Worces ter, South Africa , h e train ed at the Julia Hickman Academ y o f Dan ce and the University of Cap e Town Balle t Sch oo l. He d an ced w ith the Cap e Town Ci ty Balle t an d Sta te Theatre Balle t and is a two-time r ecipient of th e South African Balletomaines Award Mr. Omardien also r eceived the 2004 Violetta Boft Memorial Aw ard.
Reb ecca Bay gents Turk ( Co stume Design er) is a profession al cos tume d esign er and artisan wi th an exten sive background in direc ting costume pro du c tio n She h as d esigned costumes for co mpanies ac ro ss the country and sp ent over a yea r as an Artis tin -Resi dence/C ostume Designer w ith the New York City Balle t.
Lynn Holbrook (Co stume Designe r) ser ve d as Assistant Costumer at Wrigh t Stat e University and for eight seas ons as BalletMet 's Ward rob e Su p er visor H er o the r cos tuming cr edits inclu d e universi ty, pro fessional and regional theatres in Ohio, Michigan , New York and California, including the Colu m bus Light Opera.
David Grill (Lighting Designer) has designed lighting for Theater, Dance , Opera, Television , Architectural Projects, and Indu strials taking him from the Great Wall of China to the Great Stage of Radio City Mu sic Hall H e has b een fea tured in numerou s publications including Lighting Dimensions and TCI and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor and Co-Chairman of the Design/Te chnology Department at Purchase College , State University of New York.
Adrienne Benz (Dancer), a New j er sey native returns to BalletMet fo r h er ninth She trained at Theatre Arts Dance Academy where she perform ed with Theatre Dance America. She ha s also studied with American Ballet Thea tre. Ms. Benz ea rned a Prin cess Gr ace Award (2 006) and the Violetta Bo ft Award (20 09 ) and was n am ed one of Dance Magazine's 25 To Watch in 2010.
Andrew Brader (Dancer) traine d with Karen H eb ert at the New Orleans Cente r for the Creative Arts. H e then attended The Harid Co n servatory and th e j aqu eline Kennedy Onasis Sc hool at American Ba lle t Theatre. He h as d an ced with the Houston Ballet and Lo s Angeles Ballet for four yea r s. Thi s is his 3'd season with Bal1e tM et.
jessica Brown (Dance r ) , a Kansas City n ative, r eceived h er training at Ameri can Dan ce Center. Sh e h as studie d at Bost on Ba lle t and Milwaukee Ballet summ er programs and p erformed in the RDA Honors Ch oreography Proj ect at th e 2002 Int ernational Balle t Compe tition This is Ms. Brown's seventh season with BalletMe t after d ancing for one year as a trainee .
Olivia Clark (Dancer) was born in Bellville, Ohio , and trained in the Pre -Professional Training Program of BalletMet Dance Acad emy, where sh e re ceived the Lu cy Porter Scholarship N ow in h er fourteen th season with BalletMe t , Ms. Clark h as d an ce d p ro fessio n ally with Festival Balle t of Rhode Island and Na sh ville Ball et. O livi a is also the recipi ent o f the 2010 Viol etta Boft Award
Andres Es t evez (Dance r) b egan his trainin g in H ava na , Cuba , and lat er d an ce d with Balle t Nacional d e Cuba and Balle t Clasico d e Ia H avana. His career incl ud es tours o f several cou ntries as w ell as win ning silver and bronze in the Ali cia Alon so comp e ti ti on in Cub a and a
gold m eda l in a comp etiti on in Brazil. Mr Estevez joined the Miami City Balle t in 1996. In 199 8 h e j oined Orlando Ballet as a p rincipal dancer.
Austin M .G. Fi nley (Dance r ) b egan hi s training in Clearwa te r, Fla. H e studied with teachers including Lidia Fomina , Pavel Fomin and Suza nne Pomerant zeff. He trained with Ch autauqua Ins titu te , Pitt sburgh Balle t Theatre, Miami City Ballet , Sch ool of American Ballet and American Ballet Theatre H e trained at the jacquelin e Kenned y Onassis Sch ool at Ame rican Ballet Th eatre prior to joining Balle tM et in 200 9.
E mily Gotschall (Dancer ) r eturns t o Ball etMet fo r h er se venth season A C olu mb u s, O hio , native, sh e tra ined at th e Ball e tMe t Dan ce Aca d em y and was a m emb er o f th e Professional Trainin g Program Prio r to j o inin g Ball etM e t , Ms. Gotsch all d an ce d for seve n seaso ns with Dayton Ba llet and wi th Te rp sicorps Th ea tre of Dan ce in Ash evill e , NC.
Drew Grant (Dan ce r) Bo rn in Phil ad elphia , Mr. Grant train ed with The Rock Sch oo l , the j acqu elin e Kenne d y Ona ssis Sch oo l at American Ballet T h ea tre, and wit h th e Sch oo l of Am er ican Ball et. After hi s gr adu ation he
spen t two seas ons with the Lo s An geles Ballet. Thi s is h is first season with BalletMet.
Dustin james (Dancer) b egan his training at age 11 in H oust on , Texas. From there h e went to Disc ove r y Dance Group. Mr. j ames s tudied at the H igh Sch oo l for the Perfo rmi n g and Visual Arts and at Ben Stevens on 's Hou ston Ballet Academy He w as a member o f H ou ston Balle t 2 for tw o years. This is his fourth season with BalletMet.
Bethany l ee (Dancer), origin ally fro m Ch ar lotte, N.C. , re turns to BalletMet fo r h er se venth seaso n . Sh e gradu a ted from Hou ston Ball et in 20 05 wh er e sh e was a part of Hou ston Ball et 2 W hile in Hou ston , sh e enj oye d work ing with su ch ch o reo gr ap h er s as Stant on Welch and Clau d io Munoz.

Samantha Lewis (Dancer) joins Balle tMe t for h er fourt h season after one season as a trainee. A Co lum b u s, O h io , n ati ve, sh e traine d a t Balle tM et and is a grad u ate of the Profession al Trainin g Progra m Sh e was a reci pien t o f the Daryl Ka m er, Lu cy Porter and Nan cy Strau se sch olar ship s. Ms . Lewis h as studie d with Amer ican Ballet Th eatr e and as an app r entice with the Ch autau qua Ball et.
Annie Mallonee (Dan cer ) , fro m Plac erville , Ca lif. , is in h er eigh th seas on with Ba ll etMet. Prior to j oin in g t h e company, sh e trained with Balle tMet and rece ived the Lucy Porte r Sch olars h ip. Sh e h as also stu died with the Sacram ento Balle t , Lines Ball et , and Id yllwild Arts Aca d em y Sh e h as p articipa ted in the Co lumbu s Choreogr aphy Proj ec t an d ap p ear ed wi th O p era Co lu mb u s and ProMu sica Ch ambe r O r ch es tra.
Courtney Muscroft (Dancer) was born in Columbus, Ohio, and studied with Columbus Youth Ballet and for one year at Canadas N ational Ballet School. She attended summer courses at the School of American Ballet, Pacific Northwest Ballet and Miami City Balle t. Sh e was an apprentice with New York City Ballet and became a member of the corps de balle t in 2007. This is her third season with BalletMet.
Jimmy Orrante (Dance r) r ece ived a 2005 Princess Grace Choreography Award. Now in his 1 7 th se ason with Balle tMet, the Los Angeles native has choreographed several works for BalletMet. He attended the Los Angeles County High Scho ol for the Performing Arts and the No rt h Carolina School of the Arts. He has p er form ed with Me mphis Balle t , Nevada Dance Th ea tre, Los Angeles Ch am be r Ballet , Dance Kaleidoscope , N orthern Ballet Theatre and Dance St. Louis
Ty Parmenter (Dancer) s tudie d a t Canad a's N ational Ballet School in Toronto Upo n gradu ating h e JOine d Fe stival Ba lle t Pro vid ence fo r three Ty then went on to p erform with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens d e N.ontreal and th e Mozart Summer Festival in W urzburg , German y. Prior to j oining Ball etMet this seaso n , Ty d ance d w ith Do minic Walsh Dance Th ea ter in H ou st on .
Emily Ramirez (Dan ce r ) is in h e r eighth se ason with Balle tM et aft er d an cing with Hou s to n Ballet 2 and the Sand r a O rgan Dance Compan y. Born in Pasa d en a, Texas , sh e stu d ie d at Hou s ton s High Schoo l for the Perfo r m in g Arts. Sh e rec eive d sch olarship s t o Ad amson Ballet Sch ool and Hou sto n Ba lle t. Sh e was a winne r of the 200 8 Columbu s Ch oreography p roj ec t.

Ke rri Riccardi (Dancer), a New Yo r k n a tive, j oins Balle tMe t for h er third sea son. Ms Ricca rd i r eceived h er train ing from Balle t Academy Eas t as w ell as the Sch oo l o f Am erican Ballet. Sh e h as s p ent sum m er s s tu dyi n g with Boston Ba llet , Am erican Balle t Thea tre and San Fran cisco Ballet .
Ja cks on Prescott Sarver (Dancer ) , re turning for his eighth se as on , train ed a t Nan Klinge r 's Excellence in Dan ce an d per formed wi th th e Cu ya h oga Valley Yo uth Ba lle t in Akron, O hio . He spent s u mmer s a t th e Sc hoo l of Am er ican
Balle t, Chautauqua Dance Festival and Houston Ballet Academy. He attended college at the North Carolina School of the Arts , graduating in 2008 with a BFA in Dance.
Gabriel Gaffney Smith (Dan ce r), from Saugerties, New York , b egan dancing at the Saugerties Ballet Center. After studying in t he Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School Graduate Program, h e joine d the Company in 2 005 as a corps d e b allet memb er. Mr Smith has also p er fo rmed with Ri ve r N orth J azz Co mp an y and Hisa t o mi Yoshiko Ballet. This is h is fo urth season with BalletMet.
David Tlaiye (Dancer) was born in Puebla , Mexico , and b egan dancing a t Myr a Mie r School of Balle t in New Orlean s a t age 11. H e s tudied at Sou th Carolina Dan ce Con ser va to ry's su m m er session and at Houston Ballet Academy. Now in his eighth season with BalletMet , Mr. Tlaiye d ance d previou sly wi th Bruce Wood Dan ce Company and Te rp sico rp s Thea tre o f Dance
Zoica Tovar (Dan cer) b egan h e r trai ning at age nine at the Alejo Ca mp entie r Ball et School in Cub a . After graduation , she was acce pte d at Ballet Clasico d e Ia Havan a . Sh e b ecam e a p rincipal b a ller in a shortly a fter JOining the com pan y. Sh e r eceive d a silve r m edal in the Alicia Alonso co m petitio n in Cub a and a silve r m ed al in Brazil. Ms. Tovar m o st recentl y d an ce d with the O rlando Balle t.
Jorge Andre s Villarini (Dan cer ) h ails from San Ju an , Pu erto Rico . He recently rece ive d a BFA in Dance with a concen tra tion in Balle t fro m Marymo unt Man h attan Co ll ege. During his t ime a t Marymo u nt , Mr Villa rini was th e firs t r ecipient o f the Lisa Tac hick- H ooper Sch olar sh i p as well as be ing o n a full sch o larshi p to train at t h e J acqu eline Ke nned y Onassis Sc h ool a t Am e rican Ball et Thea tre
D avid Ward (Dan cer) born in Lewish am , England , joins Balle tMe t fo r his second season Pr ior t o coming to Balle tMet , Mr. W ard train e d a t th e Doro thy Mars h all Sch oo l of Dance and Dra m a , th e English Natio n al Balle t Sch oo l , and s p ent 5 years d an cin g wi th North ern Ba lle t Th eatr e in Leed s, En gland
Carrie We st (Dance r), born in Cali fo rnia, r eceived h er training wi th the Sacramen to Ba ll et as we ll as th e Sa n Fran cisco Ballet
School, the School of American Ballet and the Ho uston Ballet Academy. Prior to joining BalletMet in 1998 , she danced exclusively with the Sacramento Ballet. Ms. West was the recipient of the Violetta Boft Memorial Award for Excellence in 2004.
Kelly Yankle (Dancer), studied at The School of Canton Ballet. She received scholarships to Pacific Northw est Ballet, Chautauqua Institution , The Sch o ol of American Balle t , Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet and particip ate d in a profession al workshop with Alon zo King. Prior to joining BalletMet this season, Kelly danced for the Cincinnati Ballet for five yea rs
Braeden Barnes (Dancer) studied at the Faubourg School of Ballet , Academ y o f Dan ce Arts, and was a trainee for 2 years at the Jaffrey Ballet. He attended the Houston Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and Hubb art Street Dance summer programs u n der a full scholarshi p He n ow is thrilled to join BalletMe t fo r his l s t season
BalletMet Columbus Production Staff
Pro d uc tion Man age r J amie S. Gross
Stage Manager . .. ..Malia Argu ell o
H ead Carpenter Vernie Ward *
Assis tant Carpenter ........ .. William Cecil *
H ea d Flyman Bob b y Stevens*
Hea d Props Jennifer Bull en *

Head Electrician Judy Barto *

Costume Shop Man age r Shuj ie Hu
Asst. Costume Shop Man ager/ Ward robe Mistress ................. Erin Rollin s
Wa rd rob e Assistant Liz H opkin
*Me m bers of IATSE Lo cal No. 12 of the Interna tional Allian ce o f Theatrical Stage Em ployees.
Balle tMet Columb u s 322 Mount Verno n Ave. Columbu s, O hio 43215
T: 6 14.229.4860 I F : 6 14.22 9.4858 1 www balletmet.o rg

Sponsored by Mack, Avenue Records
Pre-concert lecture, Sunday, December 4 at 2 p.m.
Th e Con cordia Orchestra of New York City co mmissioned Too Hot
To Hand el in 1993 , from arrangers
Bob Chris ti anson and Gary Anderson
Sin ce the first p erforma nce at Lincoln Center, crowds h ave smi led, ch eered and danced in their seats (and sometimes in th e aisles !) Too Hot captures the essential core of H andel's famou s mas terwork and reint erprets it with chord s of rhythm an d blues , j azz and gospel. Th e end result? A dynamic and uplifting celebration that mus t be experience d . Simply put : Too Hot To Handel is Messiah re-created
Music on loan fro m th e archi ves of the Co ncordia Orches tra , Ma rin Al sop , foundin g music directo r and conductor.
Comfort ye
Every valley
And the glory o f the Lord shall b e revealed ,
Thu s saith the Lo rd
But wh o may abid e th e day of His coming
And He sh all purify
Behold , a virgin shall conceive
0 thou that t ellest goo d tidings to Zion
For b ehold , darkness sh all cover the earth
The p eople that walked in d arkness
For unto u s a child is b orn
Th ere were sheph erds abi ding in th e fie ld
And suddenly there wa s wi th the an gel
Glory to God
Rejoice greatly
Then sh all th e eyes of the b lind b e op en ed
H e sh all feed his fl ock
His yo k e is easy
Beh ol d the Lamb of God
Surely He hath borne our grie fs **
All we like sh eep h ave gone astray
Beh old , I tell yo u a mys tery
Th e trump et sh all sound
The Lord gave the wo rd
Why do th e nations so furiou sly rage
Halleluj ah!
* * with David Vau ghn , ba ss-barit one

Rackham Symphony Choir launches its 62nd season with th e lOth Anniver sary of its signature p i ece , Too Hot To Handel. The work exemplifies Ra ck ham's m ission of b r inging bo th classical and con temporary ch oral mas terpieces- someti mes with a twist - t o appreciative au di ences throughout southeast Michigan U nder the visio nary leadership o f Suzanne Mallare Acton, both th e rep ertoire and educational pr ograms , such as th e High Schoo l Vocal Internship Program , have expan d ed RSC has enjoyed a rich musical h eri tage of performing with many of the world's most cel ebra ted artists , ranging from con du ctors Thomas Schippers and Antal Dorati t o singers Luciano Pavarotti and joan Sutherland. RSC was awarded Michigan's 2008 Governor's Arts Award
To l earn more about Rackham's current sche dule, vi s it www rackhamchoir.org.
Contributors to Too Hot To Handel:

Student Dress Rehearsal Sponsor
Phyllis Snow
Afterglow Sponsor
Carl & Lo ri Pesta
Philip & Maureen Abele
John & Jan Bernick
Richard & Susan Bingham
Bruce Bisballe & Fran
Jonathan & Betsy Baron
Arthur & Nola Chester
Willi a m & Pamel a D ay
C Thomas & Beth L. D e ue l
Jeff & Germaine Fritz
Joshua & Emily Eichenhorn
Susan A. Fox
Dennis & Marg Glaza
James & Dawn Hughes
Rog er & Nancy Nelson
Jim & Sara h Piper
Bud Uhl
Mary Lou Zieve
Joan McCaskill
Ronald Michalak & Barbara
Contributors to Rackham

Symphony Choir:
Impresario ($1,000 and above)
Suzan ne A cto n & D av id
Bing h am Fam ily Foun dation
C N A Fo und ati on
D e Roy Testa mentary
Fo undati o n
Josh ua & Emily Ei c h e nh orn
The Fred A. & Barb ara M. Erb
Fami ly Found ation
J eff & Germa i n e Fritz
Robert & Te resse Kra use
The Kresge Foundati on
Lu la C. Wil son Tru st
Mi c higan Co un c il for A rts &
Cul tura l Affai r s
Ca rl & Lori Pesta
Wi l li am H Pi pe r
Frank & Susa n So n ye
State of Mi c hi g an
John V. Wi c ke y
Conductor ($500-$999)
W al ma rt Fo u nd ation
Benefactor ($250 - $499)
C h arity Moto rs
Lar ry Ki tc h en
Patron ($1 00-$249)
James P & Constance L
A ndres
M argaret J Cowa n
Rog e r & Kath lee n Fe ndt
Ba rb ara Frankel & Rona ld
M ic h alak
Gre g Gil lham
Ke llog g 's Corpo rate
Citizenship Fund
J im & Sa rah Piper
Family ($25-$99)
P M Campbe l l
Brown Re h abi l itation
M a nage m ent
Arthur & N an cy Kro lik o wski
Denise Kurowsk i
Mary E Mal ey
Andre a M i l ls
J am es & M arion Pr ie b e
A n dre w Rothman
Ell en Sc hn eiter
Eli zab e th A. Rash id
Bre nda Redd ing
Win es fo r Hu man ity
Suzanne Mallare Acton
From opera to Handel's Messiah to contemporary jazz, conductor Suzanne Mallare Acton is recognized
for her versatility and dynamic style. For Michigan Opera Theatre , Ms. Acton's conducting credits include: West Side Story, Th e Barber of Seville, Music Man , Th e Pirat es of Penzance, The Mikado, Di e Fledermaus, La Traviata, The Daughter of the Regiment, La Boheme, El Capitan, and Th e Tender Land. Additional conducting credits include My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera, The Merry Widow and Madam e Butterfly for Artpark, and Tasca for Augusta Opera. Ms. Acton has served as guest conductor for Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings, BirminghamBloomfield Symphony Orchestra, Lai<.e St. Clair Symphony Orchestra, the Lex ington Bach Festival, and the Saginaw Bay Symphony Orchestra .

Rackham Symphony Choir under Suzanne Acton, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Prague Philharmonic , Umbria Music Festival , TodiMusicFest, Holders Season Gala in Barbados, Liu in Turandot at Lancaster Festival, Grant Park Music Festival, Millennium Park Gala , Kennedy Center, Auditorium Theatre , Chicago Opera Theater, Chorus Angelorum , and Chicagoland Pops Orchestra. Ms. Burke filmed the 2010 Prague PBS special Hallelujah Broadway and recorded it on EMI/Manhattan Records label in the Cz ech National Symphony Orchestra Studios She performed in the national tour of]erome Kern's Show Boat at the Kennedy Center and Auditorium Theatre, directed by Harold Prince Her recordings include her solo CD, From th e Heart (2002) ; Chicago Olympic 2016 Bid Anthem , I Will Stand (2008); and Hall elujah Broadway (2010). She received Master and Bachelor of Musi c d egre es from Roosevelt University and currently serves on the RU CCPA Advisory Board. Visit www.sopranoalfredaburke.com and Alfreda Burke on Facebook.
Rodrick Dixon
Detroit Opera House and at Auditorium Theatre under the baton of Suzanne Acton. Visit www.pinnaclearts com
Karen Marie Richardson
Alto Karen Marie Richardson's voice has been described by Edgechicago.com as "a gift from God" and "her ability to express every facet of rejection through the subtlety of her musicality " as "simply gorgeous ."
As a l eade r in the Michigan arts scene, Ms. Acton is known for h er bold repertoire a'nd ventures into multim e dia programming. As artistic/music directo r of Rackham Symphony Choir, she ha s presented Ca rmina Burana with the E isenhower Dance Ensemble at the Macomb Center for the Performing Ans, African Sanctus with the English co mposer David Fanshawe, and the Detroi t premiere of Voices of Light, a work for soloists , orchestra, choir and the historic silent film "T he Passion of joan of Arc " at the State Theater, with composer Ri ch ard Einhorn.
Alfreda Burke
Soprano Alfreda Burke's vocal artistry h as b een d escrib ed as "vo luptuous , crea my and lu xuriant " (Howard Reich , Chicago Tribune).

She has appeared in concert th roughout
No rth America and Europ e Ms. Burke
mad e h er Carnegie
a nd Orchestra Hall
debut in Strauss' Elek tra with th e Chicago Symph ony Orchestra l ed by Danie l Bare nboim. Highlighte d p erformances include the Ch icago Symphony at Ravinia under Eri ch Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Symp hon y Orchestra under john Morris Ru sse ll , De troit Opera Hous e and 24 BRAVO
ln 2011, tenor Rodrick Dixon appeared at the Ravinia Festival, the May Festival , the Cincinnati Symphony presentation of Classical Roots and Pops, the premiere of the PBS Special Hallelujah Broadway, and made his d ebut as the Duke in Cincinnati Opera's production of Rigoletto In 2010 , he had three major recording and film releases: Arthaus Musik DVD/DVD Blu-ray Ze mlinsky's Der Zwerg (Conlon, LA Opera); Albany Records CD Recorded Music of the African Diaspora; a nd EMU Manhattan Records DVD/CD release of the PBS Special Hall elujah Broadway filmed liv e in Prague. He made his Los Angeles Philharmo nic debut in the title rol e of Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex conducted b y Esa -Pekka Salonen and direc t ed b y Peter Sellars, and repea ted the production a t the Sydney Arts Fes tiva l in Australia. He has appeared with opera companies throu ghout the U.S. including Michigan Opera Theatre. Mr Dixo n has con certize d with soprano Alfreda Burke throu ghout Umbria in Italy, the U.S. and Barbados. His recent PBS specia ls include th e Washington Op era Gala a t Consti tution Hall and the Mark Twain Awards honoring Whoopi Goldberg a t the Kennedy Center. Annually, Mr. Dixon h as p erform ed concerts of Too Hot To Handel a t the

Richardson's 2011 appearance in Too Hot To Handel at the Detroit Opera House will be her third in as many years Her background includes theatre, music , and voice -over work including the Silk Smooth Touch radio campaign. Among h er recent stage appearances are Rag tim e th e Musical at Drury Lane Oakbrook featuring Quentin Earl Darrington , The Mistress Cycl e at Chicago's Auditorium Theatre , Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story at Drury Lan e Theatre, and Hairspray th e Musical at Fireside Theatre of Wisconsin . In addition to h er singin g career s h e works assisting th e visually impaired , most recently helping th em participate in Chicago's 2009 city elections. She is currently working on a new solo music project , fusin g the genres of jazz, soul, and pop to create a new sound She received a Bachelor of F ine Arts d egree in Musica l Theatre from Millikin University
An Affair to Re memb er February 11 , 20 12
Andiamo, Warren Dining and auction with Marion Hay den , Dave Taylor and Alvin Waddl es
Ma rch 23 , 2012
Seligman Theater, Bloomfield Hills
Featuring so prano Irina Mis hura
Sounds of Et ernity
April 29, 20 1 2
De troit Film Theatre
Bac h 's Mass i n B Minor performed with Bastia n C lev e's film
Musical Journey from Bach to Broadway
May 6, 2012
Nardin Park United M ethodis t C hurc h , Fa rming ton Hills
Third Annu al High School Inte rnship Showcase
May 20 , 20 12
F irs t Presbyt eria n C hurch of Ro ya l Oak
Melissa Bunke r
Marg Glaza
Executive DirectorAdministrativ e & Marketing Direc tor

Bud Uhl, Pres ident
Scott Maggart , Vic e Pres ident
Maureen Abel e
Suzanne Mallare Acton
Alisha M. Baker
julie McF a rland
Su zanne Mallare Acton
Artistic & Music Direc tor
Administrative Assistant
Victoria Bigelow
William Day
Tom De u e l
Emily Eichenhorn
jeffrey Fritz
Susan Fox
Bryan Hoeft
Arthur jones
j ames Leyerle
josep h j ac kso n Accompanist
Patricia Min n ick
Lavern e Schenk
Gail Sobecki
Lawrence Stepney
Angela Vohs
Victoria Bigelow*
Kathy Boettcher
joan Crawford
Nora Curiel
Edith Faires
Vanessa Ffi:rriole
Em il y Gay
Avital Granot
Beth Smith Deuel
judi Szefi
Ayana Thomas
Diana Turner
Kate Williams
Rachel W illiams**
Kim Witten
Sofie Zane
Noellejacquez ALTO
j essica Knott
Kath leen Koom en ***

Denise Kurowski
Mijung Le e
Sarah McGovern
j eanine Mill er
j ennifer Pasha
Kathy Sampson
julie Siders Byrum
Kate Sikora
Gil es Simmer
j anice Simon
Maureen Abele
Beth Adams
Fran Ba chmann
Laura Bayley
Sandra Bomar
Karshibia Davidson
Kathleen Duffy
Em ily Eich e nhorn
Victoria Isabell
Mi cha el Covert
We ndy Keebl er jose ph Dlu z ni ewski
Ann e Maters jeff Fritz
Milly Matis
Andrea Mills
Patrici a Minnick
Nancy Nelson
Donald Gay
Erik Hernandez **
Chris jones
jeff Krueger *
Sarah Pip er jim Moore
Janna Roop
Regina Steiger
Patricia Stewart
Linda Van Buren
Lori Weath erwa x
Barbara Wilson
Ruth Zaromp
Philip Abele
Louise Fisher * Mi chael Boettcher
SusanA. Fox
Yvonne Friday
Kimberly Henderson
Fred Buchalter
Tony Camill etti
Patrick Clampitt
Clifton Shaw
Bill Steiner
Stephen Stewart
Brett Thompson
Harry Williams , Jr.
Thomas Younger
Dominik Belavy **
Simone Bonino
jason Brown
Tim Cho lyway
Douglas Cox
Darren DeWitt *
Charlotte Merkerson, john Madison
Co n certmas t er
Scott Stefanko
Bryan johns ton james Greer
Andre wWu julia nn e Zinn
Molly Hughes
Kevin Filewych CELLO
jane t Sullins
Chris Co llins
Russell Mallare
jose Mallare
Mark Berger
Ru ss Miller
Nadine Deleury HORN
Diane Bredesen Andrew P elle ti er
VIOLIN II Rob ert Reed
Victoria Ha ltom john Ia tz ko
Daniel St yc h yra
Henrik Karap e tyan BASS
Elizabeth Rowi n Derek Weller
Moni ca jackson
Su sa n Mutter
Tamara Kosinski
David Ammer
Gordo n Simmons
Maurice Davis
Tim Doty *
Gary Hasley
Arthur j ones
Gary Lind ell
Ray Litt
Scott Maggart
Homer Matthews
Steven P. Pejuan
Lave rne Schenk
Alan Sebastian
Lawrence Stepney
Bud Uhl
Will Yeats
* Section lea der
** Recip ie nt of Rackham High School Intern Award 2011-2012
***S tudent Member
Edward Gooch
Maury Okun
Greg Near
john Dors ey
Donnie Lewis
David Taylor
Alvin Waddles
Fred R Hughes , jr.
Marion Hayden
Ala n Ayou b
j am es Simonson
Co nductor, Marriage of Figaro
This fall marks the MOT debut of maestro Kazem Abdullah, who is quickly becoming one of th e most watched yo ung Am er ican condu c tors on th e scene toda y. Las t season included performanc es with the Sinfonieorchester Aachen , Napa Valley Symphony, Elgin Symphony Orchestra, and Atlanta Opera , where h e co nducted Cosi fan tutte. Mr. Abdullah spent three successful seasons as Assistant Co ndu cto r at the Metropolitan Opera , whe re h e worked with Loui s Lan gree, Kirill Petrenko , Lorin Maazel and j ames Levine. He has also conducted the Chicago Sinfonietta , Detroit Symphon y Orchestra , and the interna tionally re n own ed Orqu estra de Sao Paulo.
Co nductor, Carmina Burana/Medium; Chorus Master, Carmina Buranal Medium, Marriag e of Figaro
As long-term Ch orus Master of MOT, Su za nne Ac ton has received wide critical acclaim for her choral direc tion involving more than 125 productions in seven languages. Co nducting cr edits
inc lud e West S ide Story, Barber of Seville , Music Man, Pirat es of Penzance, Th e Mikado, Daughter of the Regiment , C a rmen , La Traviata and Die Fledermaus for MOT; My Fai r Lady and La Traviata fo r Dayton Opera; M e ny Widow and Madame Butterfly for Artpark; and Tasca for Augusta Opera. As founding Director of the MOT Children's Chorus, Ms. Acton was instrumental in developing th e in a u g ural 2007-08 season.
Doctor Barto lo , Marriage of Figaro
American bass -barito n e j ason Budd most recen tly appeared with MOT in las t fa ll's La Boheme. Rec ent p erfo rma nc es includ e Montfleury in David Di Chiera's Cyran o with MOT, Sacris tan in Tasca with Virginia Opera, Dulcamara in E lixir of Love w ith Cedar Rapids Grand Op era , the title rol e in Fa lstaff w ith Opera in th e Heigh ts , Frank in Di e Fledennau s with Mississipp i Opera, the title ro le in Gianni Sc h icchi and Major Gen eral in Pirates of Pen z an ce with the form er Orlando Opera , and Benoit/Alcindoro in La Bohem e with Arizona Opera , Opera Cleveland and the Princeton Festival.
Moni ca, M e dium ; Sopran o , Carm ina Burana; Susanna , Marriage of Figaro (18, 20)
Canadian soprano Andriana Chuchman r e turns after h er MOT debut as Yum-Yum in last fa ll's Th e Mikado This seaso n sh e makes h er Canadian Opera Company debut as O lympia in Tal es of Hoffmann , and r e turns to th e Toron to Sym phony for p erform an ces of Mahle r's Symp h o n y No. 8 , a nd t o the Edmonton Opera as Yum-Yum. Other r ece nt en ga gem en ts in clude the titl e r ol e in F l ora, an Opera and Irm a in L oui se at the Spol eto Festival USA, Alinda in Giason e and Dorinda in Orland o at Ch icago Opera Theater, a nd as a gu est o n the Prairie Home Companion ra di o sh ow.
Stage Direc tor, Marriage of Figaro
Mario Co rradi made his MOT d ebut in 1996 staging Cannen and most r ece n tly dire c ted the fall 2010 produ c tion of La Boheme for t h e compan y. H e b ega n hi s thea trical car eer with th e Yale U niv ersi ty Th ea tre but , as he could not get rid of his Italian accent, he moved from acting to directing Mr. Corradi has worked o n all continents excep t Australia and has added more than 50 titles to his repertoire. Since 1995 , h e has return ed to MOT nearly ever y year and hop es to continue to do so

Countess Almaviva, Marriage of Figaro (18, 20 )
American soprano Sian Davi es makes her company d ebut this fall as the Countess in Mania ge of Figaro, a role she p erform ed with Indiana University and covered as an apprentic e with Santa Fe Opera. Sh e recently made h er professiona l d ebut wi th Chicago Opera Th ea ter singing the role of Elcla in Rossini's Mose in Egitto. Earlier this season , Ms. Davies covered the role of Antonia in Tal es of H offmann with Lyric Opera o f Chi cago under Emman u el Villaume.
Susanna, Marriag e of Figaro ( 12 , 16, 19)
Italian soprano Grazia Doronzio re turns to MOT after most r ecently appearing last fall in La Boh eme. Ms D oronzi o is a recent gradu ate of the Metropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artist Dev elopm ent Program, and this seaso n p e rforms Suzel in ramico Frit z with F r ankfurt Opera, Mimi in La Bohem e with An gers Nantes Opera, and Liu in Turandot with Seattle Opera. Recent appearances include th e Deutsche Op er am Rh ein , Deutsche Oper Berlin , the Me tropolitan Opera , Po rtland Opera , Chicago Opera Theater, and the Savonlinna Festival in Finland.
Produ c tion D esigner, Carmina Burana/M e dium
Monika Essen is an award- winning nationally recognized artist and designer. Th e recipient of th e prestigious D etroit Free Press Lawrence DeVin e Award for Outstanding Contribution to Th ea tre , s h e s tudi ed interior arc h it ec ture and environmen tal d esign a t Parsons Sc h oo l of Design and receive d h er MFA in scenography from th e renowned Hilb erry Repertory Comp any, attending on a full fellowship Ms Essen has desig n ed se ts, costumes and props for co untless produ ctio ns in th ea tre , opera and fi lm. Ad d i ti onally, she creates interiors and full sensory, multim edia en viro nm en ts for resid enti al and comm erci al cli ents , including the D etroit Zoo .


Figaro, Marriage of Figaro (18, 20)
Australian-American bass-baritone Andrew Gray most recently appeared at MOT in last spring's Rigoletto , after appearing with the company in numerous roles as a Young Artist apprentice. Recent engagements include Masetto in Don Giovanni, Angelotti in Tasca , and Mr. Lindquist in A Little Night Music with MOT; the Imperial Commissioner in Madame Butterfly and the King in Aida with Phoenix Opera; and the title role in Gianni Schicchi with Oberlin in Italy. In the upcoming season, Mr. Gray performs Nourabad in Pearl Fishers with MOT and returns to Phoenix Metropolitan Opera for Rigoletto.
Count Almaviva, Marriage of Figaro (18, 20)
American baritone Ian Greenlaw returns to MOT after last appearing in 2003 's Die Fledermaus. He made his La Scala debut as th e protagonist in Lorin Maazel's opera 1984. Recent engagements include Strauss' Interm ezzo with New York City Opera, the title role in Mozart's Don Giovanni , an appearance with the Los Angeles Philharmonic as a so lois t in Britten 's War R equiem, Mercutio in Rom eo and juli e t with Atlanta Opera, Grandfather Clock/Cat in renfant et les Sortileges with New York Philharmonic, and the soloist in Bartok's Cantata Profana with the St. Louis Symphony.
Figaro, Marriage of Figaro (12, 16 , 19)
American bass jason Hardy makes his MOT d ebut this fall. Recent engagements include Lepore llo in Don Giovanni at New York City Opera , the Speaker in Magic Flute at Atlanta Opera, Figaro in Maniage of Figaro and the King in Aida at Opera Birmingham , and debuts with Opera Omaha and Madison Opera as Figaro. In co ncert h e sang with th e Richmond and Kansas City symp honies for Handel's M essiah. Additional engagements for th e curre nt season include The Go lden Tick e t for Atlanta Opera, Leporello for Portland Opera , and Nerbulone in Cavalli's Eliogabalo for Gotham Chamber Opera.
Set Designer, Marriage of Figaro
American d esign er Allen Charles Klein is one of the world's most soughtafter scenic artists. The only American designer to h ave focused his career exclusively on production and design for the operatic stage, his work ha s been fe ature d by m an y of the world's great opera companies and fe s tivals , including the Me tropolitan Op era , Op era de Montr ea l , Deutsche Op er Berlin , Vienna State Opera , th e Edinburg h Fes tival and the Gly ndebourn e Festival. Notab le recent MOT productions include Turandot , Aida and Rigol e tto.
Hair &: Makeup Designer, Carmina Burana!Medium
Cindy Ludwig most recently designed hair and makeup at MOT for last spring's Rigol etto She has been involved with over 225 opera productions throughout the Americas since 1987 with more than 28 opera companies, including Baltimore, Cincinnati, Cleveland , Glimmerglass , Miami , Palm Beach , Sarasota and Syracuse. Ms. Ludwig was the wig des igner for Ringling Brothers Barnum &: Bailey Clown College from 1989 until its closing in 1998 , and has also worked in film , television and on Broadway.
Count Almaviva, Marriage of Figaro (12 , 16 , 19 )
American baritone Corey McKern returns to MOT after his company debut last fall as Marcello in La Boheme. Recent engagements includ e Marcello at Opera Hong Kong, Masetto in Don Giovanni and Marcello with Santa Fe Opera , Papageno in Magic Flute with Arizona Opera , Count Almaviva with Opera Cleveland, Valentin in Faust with Opera Carolina , Figaro in Barber of S eville with Opera Birmingham, Moral es in Carmen with New York City Opera , and john Rutter's Mass of th e Children and Moz art's R equiem at Carnegie Hall
Cherubino , Marriage of Figaro
American mezzo-soprano Lauren McNeese returns to Michigan Opera Theatre this fall after previously app earing with the co mp an y as Stephana in Romeo and juliet. Other engag ements for the current season include Hansel in Hans e l and Gretel with Intermountain Opera, and Second Lady in Magic Flute with Dallas O p era, San Francisco Opera, and the Ravinia Festival. Recent highlights include Wagner's Rin g cycle wi th Los Angeles and San Francisco Operas , Bellino/ Teresa in H omecoming with Minnesota Opera , and La Ciesca in Gianni Schicc hi direc ted by Woody All en with Los Angeles Op era.
Madam e Flora, Medium ; Marcellina , Marriage of Figaro
American m ezz o-soprano Melissa Parks most r ecently appeare d at MOT in last fall 's Th e Mikado. Sh e h as appeared with the Metropolitan Opera in b o th Daughter of th e R egim ent and Rise and Fall of th e City of Mahagonny. With the New York
Philharmonic she d ebute d last summer as Mescalin a in Lige ti's L e Grand Macabre an d performed the Forrester's Wife/ Owl in Th e Cunning Littl e Vix en co ndu cted by Alan Gilb ert. Ms Parks made h er Italian d ebut as Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd and performed Mistress Quickly in Fa lstaff with Utah Opera , a role she will repris e this seaso n in Boston.

Mr. Gobineau, Medium; Baritone, Carmina Burana
Romanian baritone Marian Pop most recently appeared with the company in last fall 's La Boheme, after appearing as the title role in the world premiere of Cyrano at MOT. Recent engagemen ts include Ping in Turandot with Cincinnati Opera, Dandini in La Cenerento la with Florida Grand Opera, and Black Cat and Grandfather C lo ck in et les Sortileges at Opera Company of Philadelphia. Next, he performs Mercutio in Romeo and juli et at Opera Company of Philadelphia , and the Count in Marriage of Figaro with Lyric Opera of Baltimore
Choreographer, Carmina Burana
Los Angeles native Bianca Sapetto competed as a rhythmic gymnast, claiming five U.S. National Champion gold medals and an alternate position on the 1992 U.S. Olympic Team. She launched her professional career performing and choreographing on tour with Cirque du Soleil for 1001 shows. Ms. Sapetto is renowned for exploring a vast array of genres and m e diums in her field , and h er performance, choreography and direction hav e been received q n fiv e continents for such companies as C irqu e du So l eil, Disney, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, and the Grammy Awards.
Lighting Designer, Carmina Buranal Medium , Marriag e of Figaro
Kendall Smith has designed li g hting for more tha n 60 productions w ith Michigan Opera Theatre , making his d ebut in 1988 with The Ballad of Baby Doe, and most rece ntly designing lighting for the company's spring 2011 produ c tion of The Magic Flute. His work has been featured in numerou s productions b y respected opera comp ani es, th ea t ers and fes tivals, including Florida Grand Op era , the Oregon Shakespeare Festival , Indianapolis Opera, the Weston P layhouse, Geva Theatre and Boston Lyric Opera
Stage Director, Carmina Burana/Medium
This fall m arks the MO T d ebut of director Rob ert Swedb erg, who was the General Director of Orlando Op e ra from 1990 to 2007. He previously held positions as General Director of Syracu s e Opera , Manager and Artistic Director of North Caro lina Opera, and Direc tor of Specia l Edu cationa l Projects for Seattle Opera. Mr. Swe dberg has produ ce d or dire c t ed more than 125 produ c tions, including produ cing a nd directing the doub le bill pres entation of Paglia cci and Carmina Burana for Orl ando Opera in 2003, featuring choreographe r Debra Brown and h e r troup e of C irqu e du Sol eil p erformers
Toby, Medium

American actor Justin P. VandenHeuvel makes his Michigan Opera Theatre deb ut this fall as Toby in The M edium He has performed on stage for eight years and in film for one. Mr. Vanden Heuvel trained in Russia at the Moscow Art Theatre School, and was a 2010 Wilde Award nominee for his performance as Puck in A Midsummer Nights Dream at the Hilberry Theatre. He would like to thank his famil y and friends who support him al ong the way
Countess Almaviva, Marriage of Figaro (12, 16 , 19)
American soprano Rachel WillisS0rensen makes her MOT debut this fall as the Countess in Marriage of Figaro, a role she a lso debuts at Royal Op era HouseCovent Garden under Antonio Pappano. Previous roles include Kate in Madame Butterfly and Masha in Pique Dame at Houston Grand Opera, and First Lady in Magic Flute at Sa nta Fe Opera. Ms. WillisS0rensen was th e first prize winner of the 2011 Hans Gabor Belvedere Competition in Vienna and a 2010 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions Winner Future seasons include returns to the Royal Opera House and Hou s ton Grand Opera.
Eisenhower Dance Ensemble
Now ce lebrating two d eca d es of d a nce in Detroit, Eisenhower Danc e Ensemble (EDE) was found ed b y Artistic Direc tor Laurie Eisenhower in the summer of 1991. Along with Ms Eisenhower's highly ac claimed choreography, EDE has also boaste d works by internationally known choreographers such as David Parsons, Stephen Koester, Michael Foley, Kiesha Lalama -White , Mark Dendy, Jo el Hall, Eddy Ocampo, Lila York , Colin Connor, Jos e Lim on , and Billy Siegenfeld
With s upp ort from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cu ltura l Affairs, the co mp a n y h as also co llaborate d wi th Mi chigan Opera Theatre, the Warren Symphony, the Immigrant Suns, the Rackham Symphony C hoir in Carm ina Burana, and with the Motor City Lyric Opera and Toledo Opera in Amahl and th e Ni g ht Visitors. Through a grant from th e National Endowme nt for the Arts, EDE restaged Lar Lubovitch's Angels Feet during the 2 010 - 20 11 season .
EDE h as produced sever a l full -evening l en gth touring productions. T hes e include Motown in Motion , a visual salute to the tunes that made Motown records fa mous; Laugh Track s , an evening of comedy in dance; Igor Stravinsky's A Soldiers Tal e with De troit Chamber Winds & Strings as part of the Great Lakes Chamber Mu si c Fes ti val ; and Danc es from th e Heart of Rock and Roll , a h eartfel t tribute s e t t o fo lk and rock music
In Septemb er of 1995, E DE op e ned the doors to the ED E Center for Danc e, and in January of 2 008 , the Center was relocated to a beautiful n e w facility on Sou th Str ee t in Rochester. A se cond EDE Center ope n ed in Birmingham in Septemb er 2008 The Centers serve as bas es for the co mpany's community outreac h and edu ca tion programs.
Barbara Gibson Young Artist Program
Antonio, Marriage of Figaro
Making his MOT d ebut this fall , Am erican bass Timothy]. Bruno is a re ce nt graduate of the Masters program at Cincinnati 's College-Conse rvatory of Music. In 2011 h e perform e d and covered e ig ht roles , including Timur in Turandot and th e Storytelle r in John Adam's A Flow e ring Tree, and als o d ebuted with Cin ci nn a ti Op era . On the c oncert s tage, Mr. Bruno has b een fea ture d with m a n y orchestras including the Dayton Bach Soci e ty, lucerne Symphony Orchestra , and Moravian Symphony Orchestra . Thi s fall h e also makes his Tol edo Op era d ebut as the Mandarin in Turandot.
Do n Bas ilo , Marriage of Figaro
Tenor Brian M. Le du c, a native o f
D e troit , most rec entl y app e ared with MOT as Mo nostatos in las t spring's Mag ic
Flut e a ft er making hi s main s tage d ebut
w ith th e co mpany in 2010 as Sp ol e tta in Tosca. H e s ang in th e MO T choru s for th e d ebut of David
Di C hi e ra's Cyrano and continu e d in La Travi a ta, Madam e Butte rfly , Carm en , Nabu cco , Don G iovanni , T h e Mikad o and La Boh em e Mr. leduc studi e d music at Detroit's Wayn e State Univ ersity, where he re ceive d acclaim in op er a t ic and mu si cal th ea t er produ c tions.
Mrs. Nolan , M e dium ; Bridesm aid , Marriage of Figaro
Mezz o -s oprano Sarah Ni sb e tt , an Ann Arbor n a tiv e, m a de h er pro fessi o n a l d ebut with th e co mpany in la s t sprin g's Ma g i c Flut e, foll owe d b y Ri go le tt o. Ms. Nisbe tt was fi rs t prize w inn er o f th e Na tio nal O p era
Ass oc ia tion Vo cal C omp e titi o n , fir s t runn er-up in the 2010
W illi a m C. Byrd Inte rn a ti o nal Yo ung Artis t Co m pe titi on , a nd a pri zew inn er a t th e 2 011 Sh re vep ort Si nger o f t h e Year c o mpe titi on Op er a ti c s tage r oles include Ma rcellin a in Ma rri age of Fig aro , Prin ce O rl o fs ky in Di e F led ermau s , and th e Q ueen in j o hn H a rbiso n 's Full Moo n in M arc h a t th e Tan glewoo d Fes ti val o f Con te mp ora r y Mus i c.

De Roy Tes t a m entary F oundation
Young Artist
Mrs. Go bineau , M e dium ; Bridesm ai d , Marriag e of Fig a ro
Ca n adi an sopran o Ta n ya Rober ts m a k es h er MOT debut after p er form in g with th e co m pany in th e e n sembl es of Nab u cco and Don G i ov an n i. A recen t gradu ate of McG ill University's Mas t er of M u s ic p rogra m , Ms. Ro b erts h as p e rformed throu gh o ut North Am eric a w ith l ea ding region a l o p era co mp ani es a nd festivals, including Ash Lawn Op e r a , Arb o r
Opera Theater, Moto r City l yri c Opera , Italian Op era
Chicago , Royal Op e ra Canada and Montreal New Musi c F estival. Season highlights include the title role in Al cina , F rasquita in Carm en , and Fiona in Brigadoon.
Moni ca U nderstudy, Medium ; Barba rin a, Marriage of Figaro
An ge la Theis , a native of Gro sse Pointe, mak es h er MOT d e bu t this fall. Sh e recentl y compl e te d a pos tg ra duate fellowship at th e Unive rsitiit Mozarteum in Salzburg , Austri a , s tudying under Barbara Bonn ey Ms Th e is ha s p erformed as a young a rtist with U tah Symphon y & Op era as Be th in Littl e W om en and as the Dew F airy in H an se l and Gre tel , in addi t ion t o so pran o s olo s in Me ndelsso hn 's A Midsumm e r N i g h t 's D ream , H oliday Pop s, an d Hand el's M essiah
Joyce Cohn Young Artist
Tenor, Carmina Burana ; Don Curzio, Marriag e of Fi ga ro Ten o r J as on Wi c k so n , a De tro it n a ti ve, m a d e hi s MO T d ebut las t sprin g in Mag ic F lut e, follow ed by Ri go l e tt o Hi s cr e dits includ e Rodolfo in La Boh e m e, Fenton in Verdi 's Fa ls taff, Nemorin o in E li x i r of Lov e, Tamin o in M agic Flute , Gon zalve in Ravel's espagno l , Al fr ed o in La Traviat a , a nd the titl e ro l e in A lb e rt H erri ng. Mr. Wickson h as p arti cipated as an apprenti ce wi th Santa Fe O p e ra a nd a Resid ent Artist with Palm Beach Oper a, and h as performed w ith Win te r Opera Sa int l o uis , D e t roit Symph o n y Orch es tra, De troi t Con cert Choir and Wind so r Symph o n y Orch estra
Carmina Burana Acrobats
Los Angeles native Sita Acevedo graduated from CSULB with a BFA in modern dance. She danced with Diavolo Dance Theater for five yea rs , acting as rehearsal director while on tour In 2003 , she participa ted in the creation of Cirque du Soleil's KA, which she performed in Las Vegas for three years. She appeared in the film "Water for Elephants," and is also a certified Pilates and GYROTONIC instructor
Darren Haddrell trained at the Ramb ert School of Ballet in London and went on to work extensively in tel evision, film , commercials , music videos and fashion shows. He has performed in the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games, for Royal Variety shows, the Laureus World Sports Awards, the Doha Tribeca Film Festival , Notre Dame de Paris, and Cirque Du Soleil's Beatles Love show
Isabelle is an accomplished acrobat with l3 years of training in gymnastics. He made his d ebut in performing arts as a street entertainer, and eventually joine d Cirque du Soleil, where he .was involved in the d evelopment of the famous show 0 in Las Vegas. He has worked as an actor with Dynamo Theatre , performing in a number of their in Canada, Europe and japan.
News from the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus
2011-2012 Performance Schedule
•:• C armina Burana
D e troit Op era Hou s e • Oc tob er 15 - 23, 20 11
•:• A W inte r F antasy: Holiday Concert & Fundrais e r
D e troi t Op era Hou se • November 28 , 2011 , at 7 p m
Ring in the seas on wi t h b eautiful ch o ral music. Treat y ourself, fa mily and fr i ends to an e legant evening at one of De troit's cu ltura l gem s a t an u nb e lievab l e pri ce ! Doors op en a t 5 :45 p .m . to register for s il ent au c tio n a t 6 p .m .
Ti ck e ts are $ 28 for ad ults 18 and u p , $ 15 for chil dren , an d fr ee for children 4 and u nd er Ti ck e ts include en tra n ce to th e co n ce rt, s i lent a u c ti o n , and s tro lling h o r s d ' oeu vr es
F o r mo re info rma ti o n a n d to o rd e r ti ck e ts ca ll (248) 9 14 - 196 6 or visit www m otcc org
•:• Con cer t a t F irs t Unit e d M e thodis t C hurch in Bir mingham
Sunda y, D ecemb er 11 , 20 11 , a t 7 p m
Currently the Entertainment Director for Playhouse Hollywood , Emilie Livingston was three-time gymnastics National Champion of Canada and the 1999 Pan American Champion, a title that qualifi ed her a spot at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. She graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in 2007 , and has been featured on the LXD web series and perform ed with Kanye West at Coachella.
Los Angeles native joseph Pinzon attended the National Circus School in Montreal after earning his B.A. in psychology from UCLA. On completing the three-year program, he began working with Cirque du Soleil, the 7 Fingers, and La Clique. He help e d create and then toured in the show Nebbia , a co- produ ction of Cirque Eloize and Teatro Sunil , and was most rec en tly see n in Circle of Eleven's Versus and Soap in Berlin.
In 1990 , after two years at the Natio nal Circus School of Montreal, Laurenc e Racine began performing with the Cirque du Soleil as a contortionist, performing over 3 ,000 s hows with the company. In 1997 she joined th e troupe of Debra Brown , Cirqu e du Soleil's main choreographer, performing as dancer, hand - to-hand and aerial hoop artist. She also freelances all over th e world in many prestigious events.
T h e MOTC C is Ce l e b ra ting its Fifth Bir thday !
•:• H .M.S. Pinafore
D e troi t Op era Ho u s e
A classic co mic o p er a of the h igh seas !
Th e p lot re vo lves aro un d a na va l captain 's d au ghte r who is in l ove with a l ow er class sail or, eve n th ou gh her fa th er intends h er to marry th e h ea d of the Royal Navy
A surprise twi s t ch a n ges ever y thin g !

S tu d e n t Dr es s Re h ears a l:
F riday, Marc h 23, 201 2, a t 11 a. m
Ticke ts are $ 10 fo r stud ents w h en purch ase d in adva n ce, o n e free ch a p eron e ti ck e t for ever y t en s t u de n ts
Pe rform a n c e : Saturday, March 24, 2012 , a t 2:3 0p .m .
Tic k e ts are $30 for a dul ts and $ 15 for c h ild ren
•:• I Paglia cci
May 12-20 , 201 2
• Detroit Op era Hou se
M GM Voice Foundat ion sponsors MOTCC
For more information about tickets or about the MOTCC , visit www.motcc org
Violin I
Charlotte Merkerson , Conc e rtmaster+
Laura Leigh Roelofs, Assistant Concertmaster+
Velda Kelly+
Bryan johnston+
Beth Kirton+
Molly Hughes+
Violin II
Victoria Haltom *+
Daniel Stachyra +
Henrik Karapetyan+
Anna Weller+
janet Sullins
Elizab e th Rowin
Kevin Filewych
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra
john Madison*+
Scott Stefanko+
Kathleen Grimes+
Barbara Zmich+
james Greer
Nadine Deleury*+
Diane Bredesen+
Robert Reed+
john Iatzko
Eugene Zenzen
Daniel Thomas Bass
Derek Weller *+
Clark Suttl e+
Greg Sheldon
Amanda Sparfeld *+
Laura Larson+
Dennis Carter
Sally Pituch+
jan Eberle
Brian Bowman ·k +
]. William King+
Sandra Jackson
Pawel Wnuk *+
Roger Maki-Schramm
johanna Sterba
Andrew Pelletier+
Carrie Banfield+
Susan Mutter
Tamara Kosinski
David Ammer *+
Gordon Simmons+
Derek Lockhart
Maury Okun*+
Greg Near+
Bryan Pokorney
Neal Campbell
Patricia Terry-Ross
john Dorsey +
Tere n ce Farmer
Michigan Opera Th eatre Chorus
Andrea Apel
Gregory Ashe
Ryan Banar
Moniqu e Bates
Heidi Bowen Zook
Kim Brooks
F r e d Buchalter
Eliz ab e th Cedroni
Patrick Clampitt
Aida d e la Cruz
Laurie DiSabatino
Gerianne Ditto-Harvey
Amy Dolan- Malaney
Isaac Droscha
Rebecca Eaddy
Ken Ebaugh
Brandy Ellis
Reb e cca Engelhard
Marko F arion
Michael Fowler
Kurt Frank
Yvonne F riday
Conda Green
Rosaline Guastella
N ed Hanlon
Quishaun Hill
Branden C.S. Hood
Richard jackson , jr
Tom Kabala
Annie Kla rk
Tony Lynch
Sta cey Mason
Bra d Mill er
Carmina Burana
john Dors ey *+
David Taylor
Dan DeS e na
Norman Fick ett
Ray Riggs
Harpsichord/Piano/ Keyboard
jean Schn eider
Robert Conway
*Principal + Michigan Opera
Theatre Core Orch estra
Detroit Federa tion of Musicians Loca l #5
American Federation of Musicians
Elizabeth Mitchell
Pette Moore
Peter Morgan
Monica Sciaky
Ken Shepherd
Kyl e Stegall
Greg ory Stinson
Lu cy Thompson
Mari Voelker
Tiffanie Waldron
justin Watson
Tamara Whitty
Thomas Younger
Sara Zeglevski
The Am e rican Guild of Musical Artists is the official union of the Michigan Op e ra Theatre Chorus
Rachham Symphony Choir MOT Children's Chorus
Maureen Ab el e
F r an Bac hm ann
j as on Brown
Tim Ch o lyway
Mi cha el C ove rt
Nora Curi e l
Darre n D ewitt
jose ph
Dlu zni ew s ki
Tim Doty
j oseph E dm o nds
Emil y Gay
N oe ll e j acqu ez
Arthur jones
W end y Keebl er
j essi ca Knott
jeff Kru eger
Gary Linde ll
Sc ott M aggart
Sa r ah M cG ov ern
Cat Menzies
Patricia Minnic k
jim Moore
j e nnifer Pa sh a
St even P. Pejuan
Clifton Shaw
Gil es Simm er
Pa tr i c ia St ewart
Ayana Thomas
Bre tt Thomp s on
Ka t e Willia m s
(15 , 21 , 23) Auro ra Ha ziri

J a mila Amma ry Arni e H eitchu e Tyler Bouqu e Bri ttan y johns on C h a ilyn Bryce Nyj a e jones
Ale x Capen eka Tea gan Lewis
N atalie C orrigan Ra ch el Miltimore
E mily C romb ez Olivia Motzer
H osey C u s umano Aver y Rau sc h
El en a Ds ouza Madeleine
Kris te n Dubicki Reardon
Mil es Ei ch en h orn Bail ey Sp ry
Gab r ielle Feh er Arielle Sturr
La ure n Ha ck e tt
(19 , 22) Ala ina Matthews
Isab elle Bepl er Farrah Mech a el Ca ssia Burley Ta mara Mecha el Anto nio Cipri an o Isab e l Rocha
Elizabeth Duus Ste ffi Roch e
Emily Finkelstein Isab e lle Ross
Ryan Hurl ey St efanni e Savoy
C h eyenne Elizab e th Sh eeren j o hns on Gabri elle Tifft
Ril ey Kalt j o hn Vand ev en
Ma d elyn Kapl an C h ris ti na Wa ll ag
Rya n Kotlinski Claire Yo nku s
Anne Ko z ia ra Annie Yo ungs
Ka il a Madis on
Where ca n you go to find topics yo u , your club, yo ur local library, and yo ur c hildren's sc h oo l would love to learn 7 You ca n go on line to expl or e topics, programs, and lec tures with one of the many speakers that we have at o ur fingertips.
Several lecturer s can also p erform for you. Contac t u s, and l e t others know that we are offering this exciting new servi ce! Visit www.MichiganOpera.o rg and click on "Learning. "
Ih is past s umm er we ran four ca mp s for over 120 students of all ages from New Jersey, Alaska, Boston , Chicago, Canada and Michigan. Large audien ces not only enj oyed the exci ting performances but gave the stude nts standing ovations!

Every yea r th e Department of Community Programs sends perform ers and performances throu g hout Mich igan a nd to n eighb o ring s tates a nd Canada.
El e mentary & Middle School
This year we offer a choice of three tour programs. Little Red Ridin g Hood and The Pied Pip er of Hamelin are written and comp osed by Seymour
Barab, known as t h e Dean of Children's Opera. Aesops Fab les, by l ocal composer Larry Singer and former Detroiter Douglas Braverman , a lso tours this season. These s hort "o p eras" for children fit nice ly into the elem entary curriculum , along with teaching guides to help with geograph y, history, literature and morals. Also appropriate for middle schoo lers, Aesops Fabl es lead s students to write their own fabl es, learn about An cient Greek m yths, and discover who Aeso p was and wasn't
High School
With many sch ools without mu sic t eac h ers, and so m e wi th music te a chers overbooked, w e can bring
workshops and master classes in voice to your school. Schools with fine and secure music programs book us for master classes w ith you n g singers in preparation for the Michigan Solo and Ensemble Competitions.
Footsteps is abo ut the history of African American s from s lavery to Motown , and includes music and s inging from spi ritu als to opera and ragtime. This historical revue is popu lar with a ll ages an d gra d es in many different venues, including sch oo ls, c hurch es, co ll eges and libraries.
Or, in En glish , Pi zz a With Mushrooms. By pop ular d emand , we are offering Seymour Barab's comic one-act out-and-out spoof of op era. Who murd ers w h om b e tween the maid, the mas t er, the mis t res s and the lover? This b elov ed work is gr ea t both for those w h o love opera and n ovices to the art form. Practically a n y ven u e works for this d elig htful farce.
For booking and more information , contact Dolores Tobis at (313) 237 -3429 or dto bis®mo topera. org
Students in Create & Perform! , underw ri tten by PNC Foundatio nMaster Classes
Learn from professional dancers when they come to the Detroit Opera House. Master Classes are an excellent opportunity for dancers of any level to learn from the professionals the y see on stage. Classes are FREE with a ticket to the corresponding performance ; otherwise , each class is $25. Classes take place in t h e Margo V Cohen Center for Dance or the Chrysler Black Box Theater in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. Advance registration is r e quire d ; to register, send your name and co ntact information to dance@ motopera.org or call (313) 237-3251.
Rasta Thomas ' Bad Boys of Dance
Saturday, October 29, 20ll
Intermediate/Advanc ed Mod ern Class
ll a.m. to' 12: 3 0 p m.
Ages 14 a nd up
BalletMet Columbus
S;tturday, November 26, 20ll
Beginner/Intermediate Balle t Class
ll a.m. to 12 :3 0 p.m.
Ages ll-15
Hubbard Street 2
Friday, March 2 , 2012
Intermediate/Advanced Modern Clas s 6-7:30 p m.
Ages 14 and up
$25 (this class is not fre e with a tick e t)
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Family Workshop, 12:3 0 to 1 :3 0 p m. (free with ticket)
Alvin Ailey
Saturday, March 31 , 2012
Interm ediate/A dvanc ed Modern Cla ss
ll a.m. to 1 2 :30 p.m .
Ages 14 and up
Get Involved!
Do yo u love d an ce and hav e a d esire to support the a rts by volunteering?
Bec ome a m ember of the De troit Ope r a Hou se Dance Council. This g roup is in n ee d of hig hly motivate d dance love rs who are w illing to ho s t ga th erings , d eve lop n ew fundraising ideas and , mos t of all, enjo y danc e in De troit . For more information , c onta c t Ch e r yl Mcllho n a t mcilhon@comcast.net.
D e troit Op era House
Dance Film Series
Dance lovers come together for dance films , food , drink , and discussion on Tuesday evenings All dance films take place at the De troit Opera House in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. A $10 donation is payable at the door, and refreshments are provided No reservations required. For more information , call (313) 237-3426. All films begin at 7 p.m.
October 18: "Opening Spectacular: All HD Performances " fea turing Ro yal Ballet's E lit e Syncopations , Concert, and Chroma, and the Paris Opera Ballet's La Pe tite Danseuse d e Dagas
November 29: " Contemporary Choreographers " fea turing Paul Taylor, Alonzo King, Mark Morris and more
February 9, 2012: "It's EasyReminiscences of Gene Kelly" with Gene Kelly's dau ghter, Kerry Kell y Novick
Summer of Dance Reflection
The Detroit Opera Hous e, Wayn e State Unive rsity's Maggie Allesee Departme nt o f Dance, a nd American Balle t Theatre once a gain hoste d a s uccessful ABT De troit Summer Inten s ive Over 140 aspiring ballet dancers, chosen from thou sands of applicants , came to Detroit from over 30 states and six countries , including Italy, Belgium , Sw ed e n , japan , Pu erto Rico and Ca nada. After an inten se four weeks of dancing and lea rning , students p erformed excerpts from Coppel ia, Le Corsa ire , and other n o t ed se lec tions from ABT repertory a nd contemporary chore ogra phers.
The Detroit Opera Hou se also hosted its own Summer Dance Works h op. Faculty m emb ers Marcu s White a nd LaDerryl "JiG" Hart pushed loca l s tude nts to mov e b eyo nd their comfort z o n es, and introduced them to n ew movem ent s tyles in co ntemp orary and hip h op Stud ents worked h ard to l ea rn these n ew dance s tyl es a nd put on a wond e rful info r m a l s ho wcase
www.M i c h iga nOp e 1a . o 1·g

Students in th e 20 11 ABT Summer Dance Intensive
after just five days of classes. We hope to continue exposing mo re dancers to differen t and familiar styles throughout the 2011-12 performanc e season and n e xt summ er.
Year-Round Dance Classes
Balle t Re naissance makes the Detroit Opera House home, offering yearround classes for students ages 4 -a dult , Mo nda y throu gh Friday from 5 -8 p m. For m ore information or to register, call (313) 469- 0694 or visit www.balletren org
Inner Ci ty Danc e Scope also ca lls the Detro it Opera House home, offering year-ro und classes including ballet, j azz, tap, modern, pointe , hip hop , and o ther styles. Classes take place on Saturda ys fr o m lO a.m -3 p.m. for both children and adults , ages 2lf2 a nd up. F or more informa t ion or to register, call (313) 926 -6654 or visit www. innercitydancescop e. webs. co m
All audi tions and class es t ake place at the De troit Opera House. Pl ease visit www. mi chiga nop era.org for more information.
Ensuring the Future
Imaginea gift that outlives you-tha t touches future generatwns m yo ur absence-to expenence and enjoy th e world of opera.
That's the goal of th e Avanti Socie ty, Mich iga n Opera Theatre's Planned Gift Recognition Program.
The Avanti Society rep r esen ts a d esignate d grou p of friends of Michigan Opera Thea tre who have made plans to include the organiza tion in their estate p lans- wh e th er by w ill , t ru st , insurance , or li fe income arrangement. Membe rs h i p in the Avanti Society is open to all.
Memb er s of the Avanti Socie ty receive a bea utifully designed lapel pin , rec ognition at the an nua l Avanti Evening and invitations to specia l events and pe r formances , and ar e listed as m embers in our program books throu ghout each season.
The growth of Michigan Opera Theatre's permanent Endowment Ftind en sures th e growth and future vitality of one of th e region's greatest cu ltural assets. Yo u are in vi ted to create yo ur own legacyyour Avant i-through Mich igan Op era Thea tre
Yo"u 'may u se the attached confi d entia l r eply card to indicate yo ur gi ft , or con ta ct Kim- Lan Trinh at (313) 237-3 408 to discu ss gi ft options t h at may benefit you, your heirs and Michigan Opera Theatre.
M1 : Robert G. Abgarian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. All esee #
Mrs. Adel Amerma n * #+
Dr. Lourdes V An daya *
Mr. & Mrs. Ag ustin Arbulu *
Chester & Eme li a Arno ld *
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mr. & Mrs.]. Add iso n Bartush * #
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Batte rso n *
Mr. & Mrs. Man de ll Berma n
Mr. & Mrs . Art Bla ir *
Mr. Robert Bo mie r Mrs Marga ret Borden**
Gwen & Ric ha rd Bow lby
Mm y C. Caggegi
Roy E. & ll se Calcagn o*
Gladys Ca ldw ney*
Dorothy Ozog Carso n & Thomas E. Carso n **
Dr. & Mrs. Victo r ]. Cervenak *
M1: Allen B. Christman
Prof. Kenne t h Colli nso n
M1: & Mrs. Robe rt C. Comstock#
Dr Robert A. Cornette * #
Mr. & Mrs Tari k Daoud * #
Mr. Thomas ]. Delaney
Ms Mmjorie Adel e DeVlieg
Mr & Mrs Robert E. Dewar*#
Mr. jam es P. Diam011el
Dr. David DiCh iera #
Karen Van d erK loot DiChiera * #
Ms. Mary j a n e Doerr #
Mr & Mrs Cha rl es H Dunca n*
Mrs Charl es M. End ico tt *#
Mrs Charlotte Bt1 sh Failing
Mr. & Mrs He rb F is h er *
Mrs. Anne E. Fo rd **
Pam ela R. Francis *
Ba rbara Fran ke l * #
Co n fi d entia l Re ply: Please return this form to Kim-Lan Trinh , Michigan Ope ra Theatre, 1526 Broadway, Detro it , MI 48226, or e- mail ktrinh@ motopera.org
Name(s) ____
Address _______
Ci ty __ State _____ Zip _____
Phone(day) ______
(eve) ___
Bes t time to call :
DYes, please send in fo rmation regarding planned gifts.
D l/we already quali fy fo r the Avanti Society
Please b rie fly d esc ribe the estate gift that qu ali fi es you for membersh ip (a ll information submitted will be kept co nfid ential):
Mr. & Mrs. Herman & Sh aron Frankel * #
Mrs. Rema Franke l*#
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Free man
Mrs. J a ne Sh oema ker F re nc h
Mr Edward P. Fro hli ch
Dr. & Mrs Byron P Georgeso n*
Priscill a A. B. Goode ll
Mr Emest Goodma n
Mrs Freda K. Goodman
Priscilla R. Greenb erg, Ph.D .*#
Mr & Mrs. Stephe n Hago pi an
Mr Lawren ce W Ha ll *
Mr. & Mrs. J ero me Ha lpe rin *
Mrs. Robert M. Hanwdy
Ms. Heather Ha mil ton **
Mr David Ha ndlemcm* #
Mr Ke nn e t h E. Ha rt *

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwi g*
Dr & Mrs Ge rhardt A. Hei n
Ms. Nancy B. Henk
Ms A Hes ter
Mr Bruce Hillman
Patli cia Ho bar**
Karen & Derek Hodgso n
M1 : Gordon V Hoialm en
Dr Cindy H u ng*
Mr. Cad]. Hu ss
Kristin Jarami ll o *
Mr. Donald J ense n *
Ms. Hel en Barbarajo lm sto n
Mr Patrick ]. & Mrs. Stepha ni e
Genn ack Kerzic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kle in#
Mrs. j oseph ine Kleiner
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H Klopfer* #
Mr & Mrs. Dan iel Kolton
Misses Ph yll is & Selma Korn *
Mr. & Mrs Arthur Kroli kows ki *
Mr Max Lep ler & Mr Rex Dotso n
M1: Philip Leon
Mrs. Wade H McCree*
Ms . J a n e McKee*
Mrs. Lu ci e B. Meininger
Drs. O rlando & Dorothy Mill e r*
Mo ni ca Mo ffat & Pat Mc Gu ire
Mrs. Ell a M. Montroy
Mr. Ro n ald K. Morrison*
Ruth Raw lin gs Matt
Mrs Betty]. Muell er
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Munk
Jo n at han F Orser
Ms. Julie A. Owens
Mr. Dale]. Pa ngo n is *
Mary & Cha rles A. Parkh ill
Mrs. Elizab et h Pecseny e
Clarice Odgers Percox
Mr Thomas G. Porter
Mr Rich a rd M. Raisi n*
Mrs. Ru th E Rattn er * #
Mr. J oshua Rest
Ma rgu eri te & Ja mes Ri gby*
Mr. Brya n L. Ri ves
Ms. Patricia Rodzik *
Mr Mit chell]. Roman ows hi
Ms. Joanne B. Roo n ey
Ms. Susa n Sc h ooner *
Drs He inz & Alice Platt Sc hwarz *
Mrs. Fran k C. Shaler*
Ms Laura Sias
Jun e & Harold Siebert
Mrs. Marge Slezak
Ms. Anne Su ll ivan Smi th
Ms. Phy llis Funk Snow *
Mr Edward L. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs Richard Starkweather*#+
Mrs. Marh C. Stevens*#
Mr. Stanford C. Stoddard
Jonath an Swift & Thomas A. St. Charl es *
Mr. Ronald F Switzer*
Ms. Mm y Ell en Tappan * #
Donald & Marga ret Tllurbe r *
Mr. Ed ward D. Tusset *
Mr & Mrs George Vince nt* #+
Mr.]. Ern est Wild e
Mrs. Amelia H. Wilh elm * #
Mrs Rut h Wi!hin s
Mrs. Hel en B. Witt enberg
Eliza beth & Walter P. Work *
Olga & j oseph]. Zafarana **
Mary Lou & Larry Zangerle
Mr. & Mrs George M. Zeltzer *
Avan ti Logo & Pin Design
Mon ica Moffa t & Pat McG u ire
Keys : * Fou nding Members
# Touch th e Future donors
+ Ava nti Society Sponsors
Ita lics = dec eased members
** New Detroit Opera House
Contributors to Michigan Opera Theatre's Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House
Michi gan Ope ra Theatre exte n ds appreciation to the many do n ors w ho contributed so generously to the three phases of the Detroit Oper a House fund rais ing ini tiative from 1989 to 2004. Following is a cu mul a tive listing of gifts of $5,000 and above to Th e Capital Campa ign to Restore th e Det roit
$5, 000 ,000 +
Ford Motor Co mpany
The Kresge Foundatio n
$2, 000 ,000 to $ 4 ,9 99 ,999
The C hrysl e r Foundation
Ge n eral Motors Corporat ion
Th e State of Michigan
$1,000 ,000 to $ 1 ,999 ,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Eugene Apple bau m Family
Lee & Floy Barthel
M r & Mrs. john A. Bo ll , Sr.
H erman & Sh aron Frankel
O an ialle & Pe t e r Karmanos
j ohn S. and j a mes L. Knight
Found a tion
T h e Ski ll m a n Foundation
$5 00 ,000 TO $9 99 ,999
Bank of Amer ica
jPMorganCha se

T h e Cohe n Family
Philant h rop ic Fund of the Co mmun ity 'Foundation for So utheas te rn Michigan

C om e ri ca
Detroit Grand Opera Associa ti on
DIE Energy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Max M. Fish er
H e rman & Barbara Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Sa mu e l Franke l
Mr. David H a ndle m a n , Sr.
Lear Co r p o rat ion
M r & Mrs. H a r ry A
Lomas on
M cGrego r F und
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske
Ra lph L. & Winifred E. Polk
Mr & Mrs R j a mis on W illiams, Sr.
$25 0 ,000 TO $499,999
AT & T
BAS F Corp orati o n
M r. & Mrs. Philip E. Be nton , J r.
Mand e ll & Made le ine H
Be rman Foundati o n
Blue C ross a nd Blue Sh ield
o f Mi c hi gan
Day to n Huds on Foundation/
Hudso n 's
Mr. & Mrs . Ro b e rt E D ew ar
G h a fa ri Asso c ia tes , In c.
Ro bert & Ali ce Gus tafs on
Hud son -W e bbe r F oundation
Km a rt Co rporation
Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul Lavi n s
Masco Co rp o ra tio n
Nonprofit F acilities Center
Raymon d C. Smith
F o u n da ti o n F und o f t h e
Co mmun ity Founda tio n
fo r Sout h eastern Mic h igan
Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge Strumb os
Mr & Mrs. Lynn A.
To wnse nd
TRW Found a tion
Mr. & M rs. Ge orge C.
Vin cent
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Wasserman
Mr. R jam iso n Williams
$100 ,000 TO $ 249,999
Ms. jane E Agos tin elli
Or & Mrs. Do n ald C. Austi n
Ms. Ann e Lomason Bray
Mr. & Mrs Ric h ard A
Brodi e
Vicki & Tom Celan i
The Hon. & Mrs. Avern L.
Comau Pico
Daim lerCh r ys ler Serv ices
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud
DeRoy Te stamentary
Found a tion
Dickins on Wright PLLC
Downtown De ve lopm e n t
Authority, C ity of Detroit
DIE En e rgy/M ic hCon
Found a tion
El Pa so Ene rgy Foundat io n
Mr. & Mrs. Ro land C.
Eugeni o
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E Ewing
j e nnife r & David Fisch e r
Barbara Franke l & Ro n
Mi c h a lak
Mr. & Mrs Presto n B.
Happe l
Mr. & Mrs Robert Klein
Mr. & Mrs. T h omas M.
Krikori a n
Olive r D ewey Marcks
F o und at ion
N a ti o n a l C ity Ba nk o f
Mi c higan
O pus On e
Karen & Dre w Pes la r
Mr & M rs. I r v in g Rose
Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ross
Mr An t h ony L. Soave
Walb ri d ge Aldinge r
Compa n y
Mr. & Mrs C harle s L.
Wil s on , Jr.
World H eritage Fo und atio n
Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge M
Zeltze r
$5 0 ,000 TO $99, 999
Dr. & Mrs. Roge r M Ajluni
All iedSignal F oundati on ,

In c.
D r. Lo urd es V Anda ya
Anon ym o u s
Dr. & Mrs. Ag u s tin A rbulu
Mr W illiam P Bae r
Mr. & M rs. Don H Ba rden
Mr. & Mrs J Add is on
Bartus h

Mr. Th o m as Cohn
Cons um e rs En ergy
Fo und a ti o n
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin l. Danto
De lo itte & To u c he LLP
T h e D e tro it New s/Ganne tt
Fo unda t ion
Dr. D avid D iC hie ra
Rosa nne & Sand y Dunc an
Mrs. C h a rles M Endicott
Mr. & M rs Alex Erde ljan
M r. & M rs. Al fre d].
F is h e r, J r.
Dr. Ma rj orie M. Fis h e r
Ann e E. F ord
Ope ra Hous e (1 989 -1998) , Th e N ew Cent wy Fund Campai gn (1999 - 2001) and Th e Cro wn ing Achievem ent Camp aign (2002 -2 004)
We also tha n k the many donors w ho c ontrib uted gifts be low $ 5,000 for their commitment a n d belief in th e D e troit Opera House project
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Frankel
Mr. Edward P. Frohlich
The GM Card
M r. & M rs. Alan L. Gornick
Mr & M rs. j oh n C. Griffin
H a ndleman Compan y
David & Rose H a ndl e m a n
Mr. & Mrs E J Ha rtma nn
Ali ce Ka les Ha rtwick
Mrs. David B. Hermelin
Huntington Na ti o n al Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. !stock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Janes
Mrs Sybi l Jaques
johnson Contro ls
Wi lliam & E ll e n Ka hn
C h a itn , Fa nny, Lo uis, Benjamin & Anne F lorence
Kaufma n Memorial Trust
Mr. Ge rald Knechtel
M r. & Mrs Mike Kojaian
Na n cy & Bud Li e b le r
Mr Alphon se S. Lu ca re lli

Mr. & Mrs Euge n e A Mill er
Milliken & Compan y
N e iman Marc u s
Lind e n D. N e ls on
Foundat ion
Mr. & Mrs Irving Nus baum
Mr. & Mrs Graham A Orle y
M r. & M rs j ose ph O rl ey
Mr & M rs Dona ld E.
Pete rse n
M r. & M rs. H a rold A Po li ng
Mr & Mrs. Da vi d Po lla ck
PVS Ch e m ica ls In c.
Mrs. Ru th Ra tt ne r/ Ann F
Ka t z & No r man D Ka tz
Mr & Mrs Ala n E. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs Dona ld E
Sch we nd e mann
M rs. Rose mary Sku p ny
Mr. & Mrs S. Kinn ie
Sm ith , Jr.
M r. Rich a rd A. Son e nkl ar
Mr. Stanford C. Stoddard
T hysse n In c., N. A
Mr & Mrs. C. Th o ma s
Topp in
Mr. & Mrs. He rbe rt Tyne r
T he Sa muel L. Wes te rm a n
Fo undation
Dr. & Mrs. Clyd e Wu
$25, 000 TO $49 ,999
Mr. & Mrs. Do u g las F
All ison
An ony m o u s
M r & Mrs Ge bra n S Anto n
M rs. john V Ba li an
Mrs. Lori s G Birnkrant
T he Wa yn e Booke r
C h aritabl e Found atio n
T h e Budd Co m pa n y
Covansys C orpora tion
C ra in Commu n ica tio n s Inc.
j u li a D O a rl ow & j o h n C.
O 'Meara
La rry & Do d ie Da vid
Dr. & Mrs George A. Dea n
D elph i F o undation
Mrs Margare t Demant
D e troit Inte rnational Bridge
Com pany
Eato n Co rp o ra t io n
www.Mic hi ganOpera .o rg
Erns t and Young
Mr. & Mrs. H e r b ert F isher
Mrs Aaron H. Gershenson
Andrew & Wan d a
The Gilmour Fund
Hilda & joel Ham burge r
Mr. & Mrs. Ke nn eth E. Hart
julius & Cynthia Hu eb n e r Foundation
Mario & jane Iaco b elli
The Hon. & Mrs. j os eph N.
Imp astato
Kenwal Steel Corpora tion
Mr. & M rs. Ron a ld C.
Lam parter
Robert & Victori a Liggett
Magna Inte rnation al
Th e H o n. j ac k & Or Be ttye
Arrin g ton - Ma rt in
Ann &William
McCormick , jr
Mr. & Mrs. E. R Milne r
Mr. & Mrs E Mich ae l
Mu tch ler
M rs j e nnife r Na sser
Mr. & Mrs. H ar ry
N osanc hu k
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
O 'Conne ll
Frances H. Parcell s Memoria l
Mr. & Mrs. Hughes L. Potiker
Mr. & Mrs W j a mes Prowse
Mr. & Mrs Llo yd Reuss
Ro y & Mauree n Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. j ac k Rob inson
Mr. & Mrs. Ri c h ard H Rogel
M rs. Loui s R Ross
Dr. H ersh e l & Lois Sand b e rg
M r. Ric hard Sand ers
The San d y Famil y
Mrs Emma L. Schave r
Mrs. Shirley K. Sch la fe r
Diane & Morton Scholnic k
Mr. & Mrs. Grego r y J
Schwart z

Mr jose ph Sch wartz
Mr. & Mrs. Fra n k C. Shal e r
Mr Mi c k ey Sh a pi ro
Elham Shayota
Mr. & Mrs . Richard Sloan
M r & Mrs Willia m H Smith
Mrs. Ma r k C. Stevens
United Ame ri ca n Health
Ca re Corpo ration
Mr. & M rs. Melvin C.
Vand erB rug
Mr. & Mrs. Art Van
Elsla nd e r
Mr a nd Mrs Steve n l. Vic tor
N eva William s Arts
F o unda tio n
M atilda R. Wil s on F u nd
M rs. Pa ul Zu c k erman
$ 1 5, 000 TO $24 ,999
Alcan Alu m in u m
Corp o ra tio n
Aldoa C ompany
Dr & M rs. Rob yn J
Arrington , Sr.
Mrs. Dona ld J Atwood
Mr & Mrs Gera ld Bright
Be tty & Bill Broo ks
Mr. D avid C hi vas
Glor ia & Fred Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Pete r D.
Cummi n gs
Mr & Mrs. D ona ld Cutler
Mr. & Mrs j ohn W Day, Jr.
David & j o an n e Denn
Mrs. Kare n Va n de rKioot
DiCh iera
Mr. & Mrs john R. Edm a n
M r. & Mrs Burto n D
Far bman
Elaine Fontana
Mr. Kenneth H. Fox
Ann & Larry Ga rberding
Ke ith & Eileen Gi ffo rd
Great Lakes Exte riors
M rs. Robe rt M Hamady
Mrs. Rob e rt Hamilton
Eugene & D o nn a H artwig
Louise Ho dgson
Gordon V Hoi a lmen Tru s t
Mrs. Davidj acknow
Mrs. Willia m E. j ohnston
Mr. & Mrs Maxwe ll jos pey
Mr. & Mrs. john Kap lan
Bruno & Mollie Le on e lli
Mr. & Mrs. David Bake r
Lew is
Mr. & Mrs. Walto n A. Le wi s
Ric ha rd & F lo re n ce Mc Bri e n
Dr. & Mrs. St e phen A. Munk
Mr. & Mrs. H enry N icko l
Mr. & Mrs . Eino Nurme
Mr. & Mrs. Sp encer Partri c h
Mr. john E. Perry Phillips Se r vice Indu stri es, In c.
Dr. C h arlotte & Mr. C h a rl es Podows k i
Meye r & Anna Pre nti s
Family Foun da tion , In c.
Antonio & Suza n n e Rea
Famil y
M r. & Mrs Mark Schmi dt
St. john H ealth Ca re Sys t e m s
Roberta & Dick Stark weath er
Mr. Fra n k D Ste lla
Mr. Ro n a ld F Switze r
Or. & Mrs. Anthon y R
Mr. & Mrs. Robe rt C. VanderKioot
M rs Richard Van Duse n Venture Indust r ies
M r. & Mrs. Gary L.
Richard & Ka th lee n We bb
Mr. & Mrs Keit h We b e r D r. Ma ril yn L. Wi llia m so n M rs. Ber yl W inke lm an M r. & Mrs . D onald E. Wors ley
The Y & R Group
Dr. & Mrs D iete r Zetsc h e
$ 10 ,000 TO $ 14,999
Mr. & Mrs Thomas V Angott
An onymous
M r. & Mrs. Cheste r A rno ld
M rs !ren e M Ba rbo ur Ba r ris, Sott, Den n & D riker, P.L.L. C. Be thle h em Steel Co rporation
Mr. Ch a rles A. Bish op
Mr. & Mrs Berna rd T. Brod sky
Robert & Ali ce Gus tafso n
Third F loor Lobby Alcove, Madison
David Hand leman , Sr.
Media Studio, Center for Arts & Learnin g
Da nialle & Pete r Karmanos
Broadway Fa (ade
Wi lli am & Elle n Kahn
Co-Star Dre ssin g Room
Ch ai m , Fan n y, Louis , Benj a min & Ann Flo re n ce
Kaufman Memorial Trust Grand Lobby Side
Wa llis & Ro bert M. Kl e in
Grand Lobby Staircase
Delores & Paul Lavins
Grand Lobby Side
Chandeli er
Grand Lobby Staircas e
Lea r Co rpo ration
Rehears al S tudio I Lobby
Trustee Circl e Level in
Opera Hall
The Lo m ason Family
Th e William K. & Neva
Lomason Opera Lounge
Oli ve r Dewey Ma rc ks
Fou ndatio n
Th ird Floor Prom enade
Staircase Lobby to 2""
Fl oor, Madison
MichCon Foundation
G ra nd Lobby Bou tiqu e
Th e Karen & Drew Pes la r
Fou ndation
Co-Star Dressing Roo m
Mr. & Mrs. john Rako lta
Rehearsal Studi o II
Mr. & Mrs. Irvi n g Rose
Patron El ev ato 1 ; john R
To we r
Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ross
Gra nd Lobby S taircase
Raymo nd C. Smit h
Found ation Fund of the Community Found ation for South east Mich igan
Raymond C. Smith Lobby
Mr. & Mrs Lynn To wnsen d Trust ee Circl e Lobby, Broadway
Mr. & M rs George C.
Vincen t Madison Lobby
Cont ributo rs to Annua l Cam paig ns
Mr. & Mrs Alvin
Wasse rman
Box Level Prom enade
Dr. & Mrs. Sa m W illia ms
Barbara Gibson Stairway
Exhibit, Broadway
World Heri tage Founda t io n Co ndu ct or's Dress ing Room
O lga & j oseph J Za farana
G rand Lobby Bar
Michiga n Ope ra Thea tre gratefull y ac kno w led ges the ge n e rous c o r p o rate, found atio n , governme nt , a nd individu a l donors whose contribut ions were ma d e between july 1 , 2010, and june 30, 2011. Their generosity is vita l to t he com p any's financia l s tabi lit y, necessary to sus t ai n MOT's position as a valu ed cu ltural resource
CORPORATE SUPPORT Mill e r Ca n fi eld Micro n Ele ctri c/Co nt i Maddin , H au se r, Wartell, Shirl ey Schla fe r Fo unda ti o n
OPERA & DANCE O pe ra Ba ll Tabl e Sponsor Electric
Roth e t a l Alvi n Ailey Ame rican O rl a n s Associat es PC Bra voB ra vo l Sp o n so r Gen e ra l Operati ng Dance Theater Education
SIGNAL BENEFACTOR O p era Ball Tab le Sp on sor Scarlet Commun ica ti o n s Support Sp o n sor

$50 ,000 - $199,000 P NC Foun da tion BravoBra vo l Sp on sor Ida & Conrad H Smi th Ford Motor Company Fund Community Programs Wo lve rine Packing FOUNDATION & Endo wment for th e
Fall Opera Season Sp onsor Sp onsor Com p an y GOVERNMENT Mic higan O pera T h ea tre
Alvi n Ail ey Sig m a Associates, ln c/E lha m Ge n e ral Ope rating
SUPPORT - OPERA & Rigol eu o Per form an ce Dance Th eat er Ed u cationa l Sha yo t a Su pport
DANCE Sponsor
Oucreac h Sp on s o r Oper a Ba ll Silve r Sp o n s o r Ma ry Th o m pson
Opera Ball Sil ve r Spo n sor
Ge n era l Mo t.or s Founda ti on SUSTAINER
GOVERNMENT Foun dation
$ 1 ,000 - $2,499 Mi c h igan Coun ci l for Arts Sa mue l L. Westerm an Co mmuni ty Program s $5,000- $9 ,999 Am bassa d o r Bridge/Nora & and C ultu ral Affairs Found ation
Spo n s o r Arts Midwest Manu el Maroun N a tion a l End owment for Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Masc o Corporat ion · The jaffrey Ball et Spon so r O pera Ba ll Box Spon s o r th e Arts
Foundation Emagine En t ertainmen t An tonio 's Cuci n a l t a li a na
$5, 000- $9,99 9
Gen e ra l Ope ra t in g BravoB ravo l Gold S pon s or General Oper at in g $ 100 ,000 + Frank G and Gertru d e Support Great La kes Beve rage Su ppo rt T h e Commun it y Dunla p Fun d Communi ty Prog ram s Bravo Bravo l Go ld Spon s or As h Steven s Fo und a tion fo r South eas t Ann an d Gordon Getty
Su p port Mara th on Ge neral O p e ra ting Mi chiga n Fo und ation
A lvin Ailey Ameri ca n Supp ort T h e Kresge Foun dation He rbert and Elsa Panting
MAJOR BENEFACTOR Danc e Theate r Edu ca ti ona l Barris, Sott , Denn & Driker , McG rego r Fu n d Foun d at ion
$25 ,000 - $49 ,999 O ut reach Sponso r PL.L. C. Eli zab e th, Allan a nd War re n
DTE En e rgy Fou n dation Mo roc h Gen e ral O pe ra ti ng
$3 0 ,000 - $99,999 Sh elde n Fund
La Boheme Ope ra Bra vo Bravo l Gold S pon s or Su ppo rt Mand e ll L. an d Madeleine Lo ui s and Nell ie Sieg Fund
Pe rforman ce Spon so r No rt h e rn Tru s t Ba nk C N Co rp o ration H Be rman Fo un dation You ng Womans H o me
Alv in Ai.ley A merica n Dan ce Ope ra Ba ll Gene ral Ope ra t in g DeRo y Tes ta m enta ry Asso c iation
Thea ter Pe r for m an ce Q u ic ken Loan s Su pport Found atio n Spo n so r BravoB ravo l Go ld S p o n s or H oward & H owa rd Yo ung Art is t Ap prent ice $1 ,000 - $4 ,999 j P Morga n C h ase Somerset Co ll ecti o n Ope ra Ba ll Box Sp on sor Progra m Spon s or An onymous
Alvin Ail ey Ch arit able Found a ti o n J a ffe Rait He u e r & We iss Rigo lett o Pe r form ance Det ro it Ind u strial Sc h oo l Da nce Theate r Educa tio n al Vo lks wage n o f Ameri ca O p era Ba II Box Spon s or Sp on s or De t roit Pu b li c Libra ry O u treach Sp o n s or Genera l Oper atin g Kin d erM o rga n Fou n d a ti on Max M & Marjorie S. Fri e n d s Foun datio n
Meri t o r Suppo rt Ge n er a l O p e ra tin g Fis he r Founda t ion j a m es & Lyn elle Ho lde n
Gen e ra l O pe ra ti n g BravoB ravo l Spon so r Su ppo rt Sage Founda t io n Fun d
Suppo rt MO T Ch ildren 's Chorus Michael Coyn e Des ign Be n ard L. Maas Fo und a ti o n
O pera Ba ll Silver Sp o n s or Spo n s o r O p e ra Ball Box Sp o nso r $ 10 ,000 - $29 ,999 MO T Childrens Ch o ru s Go lf O utin g Sp o nso r Po li tica lly Sm art , LLC Ar ts Mid west Performance Spon sor
Fen ske Corp o ration PATRON Bra voBravo l Spon s or Grand Rap id s Ballet The Lee & Maxine Peck
Ope ra Ball Platinum $2 ,5 00 - $4 ,999 Sil verma n Desig n N utcracker Pe r forman ce Fou n d a tion

Spo n s o r Eclipse C rea tive Opera Ba ll Bo x Sponsor Sp o n so r MOT C hi ldren's Ch oru s BravoBravol Sky b ox The Wes ti n Boo k Cadill ac Alvin Ail ey Am e rica n Mu s ic Li b rary Sp o n so r
FE LLOW Sp o n sor BravoB ravo l H os pita li ty Da n ce Th eate r Ed ucatio n Ka re n & Drew Pes la r
$ 10,000 - $ 1 4 ,999 IATS E - Lo ca l 38 Sp o ns o r Sp onso r Fou nda tion
Ban k of Am e ri ca Gen er a l Oper a tin g W i lli am s, Wi ll ia m S, Rattn e r F re d A. a n d Barbara M Erb Ralp h L. and Winifre d E BravoBravo l Spon s o r Su pport & Plun k e tt Fa mily Fo u n d a tion Po lk Fo u ndati on
Compu wa re Corporatio n Mead owb rook In surance Opera Ball Box Spons or Sa lly Mead Ha n d s Sigmund and Sop hie Ro hli k
Ope ra Ba ll Table Sp on s or Agen cy Found ation Fou n d ation
Doe ren May h ew Go lf O u ting Spon s or C ONTRIBUTOR Alice Ka les Hartwick Vi ll age Wom an's Clu b
Opera Ba ll Tab le Spo n s or Gen e ral Operatin g $5 00 - $ 999 Fo u nd a t io n Fou nd a tion
Mac k Ave nu e Record s Su pport
AME Am e rica n Mus ic H u d s o n -We b b e r We is b lat Found a tio n
Too Ho t to Handle Spon sor MGM Mirage Voice Envi ro nm ents, Inc /To m & Fo unda tion
MGM G ra nd Cas ino Fo undation Debbie Kriko rian O li ve r Dewey Marck s
BravoBravo l Sponsor MOT Ch il dren 's C h orus Golf O utin g Spon sor Foundation
O pe ra Ball Box Spo n s o r Sp ons or
$5 0 ,000
Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll , Sr.
$ 30 ,000
Herman&: Sharon F rankel
$ 10 ,000 - $ 12 ,000
Susa nn e McMilla n
Cyr il Moscow
Ru t h Rattner, Anne F. Katz &: No rman D. Ka tz
$5, 000

Anne &: John Roberts
$ 10 ,000+
Mr. &: Mrs. Richa rd Alonzo
Mr. &: Mrs. E th an Davidson
Mrs. Marianne Endicott
Mrs. Barbara Frankel&:
Mr. Ronald Michalak
Sharon &: Herman Frankel
Mrs. Susa nne McMill an
Mr. Wil li am Sm ith
Mr. Richard So n enklar &:
Mr. Gregory Haynes
Mr. Richard D. Ventura
$5, 000 - $9,999
Mr &: Mrs. Douglas F.
All ison
Ano n ymous
The Hon. &: Mrs. Edward Avadenka
Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mrs. li se Calcagno
Mr. Thomas Cohn
Dr. David DiChiera
Ms. Nell Duke&: Mr. David Ammer
Ms. Marjorie M. Fis her
The Ca role &: No rman
H afley Foundation
Mrs. Harriet Hull
Mr. &: Mrs. Addison
Mrs. Stephanie Ge rm ack
Kerzic &: Mr. Patrick
D r. Will iam Kupsky &: D r. Ali Moiin
Mr. &: Mr s. Harry A.
Lomason I!
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Lutz
D r. &: Mrs Stephen A.
Dr. Charlotte &: Mr. Charles Podowski
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy Robe rts
Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross
Ms. Elham Shayota
Mr. &: Mrs. Kinnie &: Mary Beth Sm ith
Ms. Phyllis Snow
Dr. Calvin L. Stevens
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Terrell
Mrs. Barba ra Van Dusen
Mr. &: M rs. George C. Vi n cent
SUSTAINER $2,5 00 - $4,999
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. All esee
Dr. Lourdes Andaya
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Anderson
Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Angiler i
Dr. &: M rs. Agustin Arbulu
Dr. Haro ld Mitchell
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn Axe
Mr. &: Mrs James M.
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Alan Baun
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Bl izman
Mr. &: Mrs. G. Peter BJorn
Mrs. Margaret Borden
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Bowlby
Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Bright
Dr. Carol S. Chadwick &:
Mr. H. Taylor Burleson
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough lii
The Ho n &: Mrs. Avern L. Cohn
Mrs. RoseA nn e Com stoc k
Dr. Mary Caro l Co nroy
In his own words
At my age (79) it's time to ensure my desire in some way to keep ope ra and b all e t alive and available to Southeast Michigan music love rs and th e y out h of to morrow, who ca n only lea rn by exp o sure to th e grea t mu si c of th e world - voi ce and dance.
Drs. Laura&: Jeffrey Corrigan
Jill &: Jay Cra ig
Mrs. Mary Rita Cuddohy
Mrs. Victor Curato lo
Ms. joanne Danto &: Dr. Arnie Weingarden
Ms. Julia Donova n Darlow &: The Hon. John C. O 'Meara
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry D 'Ava nzo
Mr. &: Mrs. Antho n y Earley
Mr. Sanford Hansell &: Dr. Ra ina Ernstoff
Ms. Do ris Ewing
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. &: Mrs. Ll oyd C. Fell
Mrs. Max M. Fisher
Mr. &: Mrs. Carl B. Fontana
Mrs Elaine Fontana
Mr. &: Mrs. Stuart Franke l
Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Freeman
Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew
Gi ancamilli
Mr. Allan Gilmour
Mrs Alfred R. Glancy, III
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Goetz
Mr &: Mrs. Euge n e Hartwig
Mrs. David B Herme lin
Mr. &: Mrs. Derek Hodgso n
Mr. William Hulsker
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Israel
Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. !stock
Mr. &: Mrs. Gary E. J ohnson
Ma rjori e &: Maxwe ll J ospey
Mr. &: Mrs. Martin Kellman
Mr. &: Mrs. Steve Kes ler
Mr. &: Mrs Chak Lai
Dr J ennifer Langowski &:
Mr. Tom Kostecke
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins
Mr. Ch arles Letts
Dr. &: Mrs. Zvi Levran
Mrs. Linda Dresn er Levy &:
Mr. Edward Levy,Jr.
Dr. &: Mrs. Miguel
Lis- Plane lis
Mrs. Florence LoPatin
Mr. Alphonse S. Luca relli
Mr. &: Mrs. Ste phen
Mr. &: Mrs. Ron Ma rtella
Ms. Mary C. Mazure
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard McBrien
Mr. Phillip D. Minch
Ms. Anne Maroun
Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Maroun
Mr. &: Mrs. Xavier Mosquet
Mr. Jonath a n Orser
Mr. &: Mrs. Stanford
Ovsh insky
Mr. Joseph R. Papp
Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Pehrson
Mr &: Mrs. Brock E Plumb
Mr &: Mrs Bill Powers
Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner
Mrs Pamela Trotman-Reid &: Dr. Irvin Reid
Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Mr &: Mrs. Norman H Rosen fe ld
Mr &: Mrs. Hug h C. Ross
Ms. janice Ross
Mrs Luigi Ruscillo
Mr. &: Mrs. Wi lliam Sandy
Ms. Georgia Scappaticci
Dr. Barbara &: Mr. Laurence Schiff
Kim &: Donald Schmidt
Lois &: Mark Shaevsky
Arlene Sha ler
Mr. Stephan Sh a rf
Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin S Sim on
Ms Phyllis Snow
Mr. &: Mrs. David S. Snyder
Dr.&: Mrs. Robert]. Sokol
Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Sonye
Dr. Grego ry Stephens
Dr. &: Mrs. Ge ra ld H
Dr. jonat han Swift
Mr. Ro n ald F. Switze r
Dr. Lorna Tho m as
Mr. &: Mrs. C. Thomas
Dr. Dana Zakalik &: John Weber
Mr. john Wickey
Mrs. Ame lia H Wilhelm
Mr. &: Mrs. R Jamison
Williams, Jr.
Mrs. Be ryl Wi nkelman
Dina&: Eric W in ter
Mr. Andrew Wise
Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Zangerle
Mrs. Paul Zucke rman
o wn m ot h e r and her friends to Michigan Ope ra Theatre .
$2,000- $ 2 ,499
Mr. &: Mrs Kenn Allen
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene
Mrs. Donald]. Atwood
J. Addison Bartush
Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell Be rman
Mrs. J ohn G. Bi elawsk i
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene W
Blanch ard
Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll, Sr.
Mr. J im BonahoomWolverine Packing Company
Mr. &: Mrs. D. Robert Brasie
Mrs. Betty Bright
Mr. &: Mrs. William Broo ks Dorothy Ozog Carson &: Dr T h omas Carson
Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Ch irco
Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick H. Clark
Mr. Ed ward Cody
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Coope r
Mr.&: Mrs. Lawrence N. David
Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Dean
Mr. Tom Delaney
Philip Stoffregen&: Leslie
Kristin &: Pete r Dolan
Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan
Dr. C h arles H. Duncan
Frances &: Kenneth Eisenb e rg
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert B. Fa ir, Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs Oscar Feldma n
Ad ri enn e&: Robert Z. Feldstein
Mr. Marvin Frenkel
Aviva &: Dean Friedman
Zoe &: Clifford Furgiso n
Dr. Gle ndon Gardner&: Ms. Leslie Landau
Mr. &: Mrs. Keith E. Gi fford
Mr. &: Mrs. Sam Haberman
Mrs. Hilda I. Hambu rge r
Mr. &: Mrs. David H and Ieman
Kenne th E. Hart
Dr. &: Mrs. Gerhardt A. He in
Mr. &: Mrs. David H Hi ll
and opera and ba ll et of o ur world, right here and now."
-Ronald F. SwitzerMy m eet in g with Dr Da vi d DiC hi e r a so m e 40 y ea r s a g o m a d e me realize how deep hi s commitment and drive is to bring great op era to Detroit a nd Mi c higan. Sinc e the beginning, I w a s ab le to bring my
My ear lie st memories of op e ra, op e r e tta a nd cl ass i ca l musi c ca me from our
family weekend gatherings at our summer hom e on Lake Sai nt Clair.
My mother sang ope ra and operetta and my au nt p layed the piano I h ave such w onderful m usica l m e morie s All I e v e r h eard w as op e r a, and I st ill h av e all th e o ld r ec ords.
I want to do my part, wheneve r I ca n, for tomo rrow's youth of our c ity, offer them the ex posure a nd ava ilab ility to h ear and see th e great mu sic www.l\lli
and all major fun dra isers and special events . He is a memb er o f
Sinc e 1985, M r. Switzer has been a staunch support er of MOT, parti c ipating i n all ph ases of our cap ita l ca mpa igns as w e ll as annu a l campa igns for opera and dance, Michigan Opera The atre offers world -class opera an d ballet to all in the m ag nifi cent Detroit Opera Hou se - a treas ure for the c ity of D etroit in cu ltu r e a nd art s
the General D i rector's Circle and th e Av anti So ciety, MOT's group of fri e nd s who have m a d e arrangements to in clude MO T i n th e ir estate pla ns
" Th a nk you , Ron , for the memories and the ki nd thoughts! "
- David D iCh i e r a
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & M ich e ll e Coste llo
Douglas & Patricia Cygnar
jul ie Cy ll a
Ms. Beatrice D 'Am brosio
Mr. & Mrs. Norm an Danc y
Will iam & Pame la Day
Ms. Nadine O ele ury
Mr. & Mrs. Arman do
De li cato
Mr s. Mary D eTomaso
Mr. & Mrs Lawre n ce H. Di c kel mann , J r.
Ms. Dianne Dicke lmann
Mrs. Kimbe rl y Dic kens
Mr. & Mrs Kei t h & Virginia
Mr. j ohn D re ifus
Ms. N ina S Drolias
Mr. & Mrs. Dani el Drucker
Mr. & Mrs. Don f Duggan
Mr. & Mrs. H enry Eckfeld
Robin & Leo Eisenberg
Mr. & Mrs Ziggy Ejsmom
T h e H o n. & Mrs S .]. Eld en
Ms Wand a V El li son
Mr. f j ose Enge l
D r. & Mrs. N.C. En gleberg
Mr. & Mrs. Pau l S. Ensign
The j o hn Ermann i Family
Ms Lind a B Ette r
M r. Wayne C. Eve rl y
Dr. Ha ifa Fakhouri
Mary Ka ye & Mason Ferry
Th e H o n . Sharon Tevis
Fin c h
Drs Juli e B Fi nn & Bradley
Rowe n s '
Dr. Eve lyn Fishe r
Mr. & Mrs Ja m es E Fis k
Ms. Ma rgaret M F itzpatri ck
Mrs. Shirl ey M. Fl anaga n
Ms. Su e Force
j ay Fra d en bu rg
Mr. Geo rge Francoeur
Mrs. Harold L. F ra nk
An ge lyn Frankenbe rg &
Ra n dy Essex
Ms . Ka thl ee n Gaha n
Mr. & Mrs. Lawr e n ce
Gar b e rdin g
Law re n ce T. Ga rc ia
Dr & Mrs. H e rb Ga rdn e r
Ms. Ca th er in e H Gardn er
D r & Mrs. Mi c h ael Geh eb
Dr & M rs. Byron P
Geo rgeson
Dr Ma rilyn Gerwo lls
Mr & Mrs. A lbert L. G lover
Ms. Patricia Gode ll
Dr. & Mrs. Th eodore A.
Go ld e n
Dr. & Mrs. Ro b ert Go ldman
Or & Mrs. Paul Go odman
Mr & Mrs. Arno ld Go rdon
M r & Mrs. Wi ll iam R.
Go udi e
Mr. & Mrs. William Gou rley
Ms. Re m ona Green
Mr. &Mrs.jonath an Green
Mr. & Mrs j o hn E Green
Mr. H enry G rez lik & Mrs
Rit a G rez lik
Mary K Grim es
Danie l H add ad MD
Ms. Juli e Hal e
Mr. N iza m i Halim
Mrs. Dorothy E. H a ll
Mr. Ron a ld H all Sr
D ebo rah Fran Ha ll er
W ill iam Han smire Ph D & Mrs. j ulia Ryan
M r & Mrs. W ill iam R.
H a r mon
Dr. & Mrs Natan H arPaz
Mr. Harlan d H arris
Nancy & Charles H arriso n
Dawn Yue n H a r vey
Ms. j oa nn H a tt on
Mr. & M rs j e ffrey K. H aynes
Dr. julia Hays
Dr. & Mrs. Michael H e p ner
Dr. Gloria H e ppn e r
Mr No rm an H er bert
David & Lisa Hergott
Dr. & M rs. Martin M.
H erm an
Mrs. Hele n L. Hertler
Mr. Pau l H ill ego nd s
Mr. Don Hi n c kfoo t
Miss Patri cia H inojosa
Mr. Edwa rd N. H o dges Ill
Mr. & Mrs J. Hogan
Be t h H oger & Li sa Swe m
Mr. & Mrs. j a n Homan
Mr. & Mrs. j ames L. Howle tt
Mr & Mrs. J oseph L.
H ud so n , Jr.
M r. & Mrs. Al an H udson
M r. & Mrs. Zolta nj. j a n osi
Dr. Louise M. j effe rson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M
j emeyc ic
Mr. & Mrs. Ri cha rd]. J essup
Mr. J o hn W J ic klin g
0. M j o hn s on
Dr. & Mrs. Leo na rd j o h nso n
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W
joh n s ton
Mr. & Mrs. Ste phen
johnsto n
Mr. De n nis j o hnsto n
Ms. j e nn ifer J olliffe
Ms. Stephanie jones
Dr Ze maJordan
Mr. Sco tt j o rgensen
Mr. Geo rge Kalligeros
Daniel E Kane
Mrs. Eliza be th Ka p lan & Mr. Rex C. D o na hey
Mr. & Mrs. Alan j ay
Mr. Dan ie l]. Kehoe
Mr. Douglas Ke ll e rman
C h a rl es H Keys & Mrs Ma r y L. E lwart-Keys
Ms. Lee Kh achaturia n
Mr. Norbe rt Kidd
Mr. & M rs. Tom & Linda
Kl e in
Mr. & Mrs. T ho mas N. Klimko
Mrs. Ma ry f Knaue r
M r Mario J. Ko caj
Prof. Pa t ri ck Koeh n
Mr. & Mrs. Ma r k Ko li n s
Mr & Mrs. Nic h o las P.
Ko nd ak
J effrey & Ann marie Koo n
Ms Ma ry Kramer
Mr. Albe n]. Kurt
Dr & Mrs. J ames La bes
M r. j oseph W Lab ut a
Ms. Cath er in e LaMo n t & Mr. Mic hae l Donovan
M r Be n e di k t La n g

.J a nin e La n za & Adria n Ch o
Dr. Joseph Lapid es & Ms. Arle n e Go re lick
Mrs. Amy Lapinski
Mrs. Richard M La rson
Dr. Lawre n ce & Rob in Las h
Mrs. Robe rt E. Lazze rin, J r.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Leic h
Ms. Cor rin e Le mb e rg
D r & Mr. Corey Leon
Ms. Adri enne Leona rd
M r. & Mrs. Ya le Lev in
D r. & Mrs . Ke nne th Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M.
Mr. Norman Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Ric hardT.
Ms Susan I. Lindquis t & Mr. Richard Sawdo n
Mr. & Mrs Mi c h ae l
Li n e baug h
D r. J. Lonsw ay & Ms.
Ta m my G leeso n
Mr & Mrs. Armando Lopez
Mrs. Ma ry Loria
Bob & Li nda Lo n
M r. & Mrs j o hn Lowe
M r. Ma rc u s Lozse r
Dr. & Mrs. So l Luft
Dr. Roman Maev, Dr Elen a Maev
Ms. Vera C. Magee
Mr. & Mrs. C h ar les Manke & Anne Acosta
Mr & Mrs. j e ff Ma rcero
j a m es Ma rtin & j a n e t
La Regina
Mr M atthew Maso n & Ms. Ren ate Klass
Dr. & Mrs David E. Massignan
Ms. julie Matte i
Mr Grego ry C. May
Pete & C he r y l McCree dy
Mr. Ron McCu ll ick
Mr. & Mrs. T h o m as C. Mc Don a ld
Mr. & Mrs. J a m es Mc l e nn a n
Mr. & Mrs. Do n a ld McMechan
Ban Mech ael MD
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Meer
Dr. Nicole M e tca lfe & Family
M r. Wi ll iam Metz
Dr. & Mrs. Anth o n y B
M r. & Mrs. Robert
M ichie lutti
M rs. Barbara Mi ck
Or & Mrs Ste ph e n Mi gdal
Mr. Anth ony Miko y
M r. Kim L. Mi ll ard
Ms. Anita L. Mill er
D r & Mrs. H arvey Minkin
Dr. Anne Mi ssavage & Mr.
Robert Borc h erd in g
jan ice Blac k M oore
Mr. & Mrs. E Alan
Moorhou se
Brian & Ton i Sanchez
Mu rphy
Mr. & Mrs. Metod ij a & An na Naumovs k i
Ms . C h inye re Neale
Fra n k & Fran c in e Nest i
Mr. Michae l Ne um a n
Mr. & Mrs. Th eod o re
N iforos
Ms Lo is E Norman
Mrs H enrietta V
Nowakows ki
Mr. Ma ury Okun & Ms. Ti na
To pa li a n
Mrs. Beve rley A Pack
Ms. jane t P age
jan e K Pa is
Ms . D ia n e Pa r at ore
Ms Margot Park e r
Cou rtn ey C. & D ani e l A.
Pas ia k
Mr. & Mrs. Fra nk K
Pen irian , J r.
Robe rt P ensler MD
Dr. & Mrs. Claus Petermann
Davi d & Caro Pete rson
Mr. & Mrs. j ames Pike
jim & Sa rah Pipe r
Mr. & Mrs. T ho m as
P lunkett Jr.
Ms. Barbara Poindex ter
Mr. C harl es E. Pooley
Kin g Frank & Queen Ca ro le
Pro fessor David Potter
D r. & Mrs Ronald R. Primeau
M r. Steven Quinken & Mr. Thomas P. Wilczak
M r. & Mrs. Ri chard K
Ra ppleye
Hope & Larry Raymond
M r. & M rs. J ohn W Reddy
Mr. & Mr s. jo hn H Red fi e ld
Dr. Monique Reeves
Mr. Dennis C. Regan & Miss
Ell en M. Strand
Mr. Luis Resto
Mrs. Ru ta Ricci
Mr. & Mrs f Ri ce
D avi d & Am anda Ric h a rd s
Ms. j u di th Riley
M r. & Mrs. David Ripp le
Mrs. M.jan e Roberts
Mr. & Mr s. Peter J. Roddy
M r. C h a rles Route
Or. & Mrs. Bernard Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy H Runk
Mr. Da ni el G Rusecki
C h arles & Ad am Russ m a n
Mr. Daniel Ruz ycki
Mr. Steven Rybicki
j ohn & Aileen Sande rs
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Saperste in
Mr. W illi am Sarver
Kare n L. Saxton
M r. & Mrs. Charles Sch iffe r
Mrs. Lori Sch oenenberge r
D rs. Rob ert & Franziska
Sc h oen fel d
Sazerac Compan y, lNC.
M r. GeorgeS. Schulte, Jr.
Ms. Le ig h Schul tenove r
Mr & Mrs Willi am Schume r
Mr. & Mrs William
Sc hwed ler
Mr. juliu s Scou
M r & Mrs. Kin gsley Sea rs
Ms. Caroline Serfass
Ma rc & Naomi $habe rma n
The IRA Chari tabl e Ro ll ove r p rovisio n was ex te nd ed through Decem ber 3 1 , 2011. This is a specia l op p ortunity for yo u to give to Michigan Opera Thea t re !
Thanks to this provisi on , if you are 70 1/2 or ol d er, you can di stribute any amount up to $ 100 ,00 0 from yo ur IRA to Mi ch iga n Ope ra Thea tre through Decemb er 31. Th is amo u nt wi ll count toward your requ ired m in imum d is t ributi on for t h e year an d will not b e trea ted as taxab le in com e.
If yo u are interes ted in supp orting MOT in this way, p lease contact KimLan Trinh at (313) 237-34 08 or em ail kt ri nh@m oto pera .org with your gi ft design a ti on or for mo re in formation
The IRA ro ll ove r provision is effective n o w th ro u gh Dece mb er 3 1 , 20 ll , so t h ere is s till plenty of tim e to take adva ntage o f thi s b enefi t I
Th ank you for yo ur support of Michi gan Op era Thea tre I
Mr. &: Mrs. H e r bert $10,000- $24,999
Sh anbaum Anonymous
$1,000- $5,000 j an ice&: Michael In Memory of Mrs. Judith
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Israe l Matuszewski Slotkin
M rs. Lilli an Davis S h aye M r. &: Mrs. Ma nuel Moroun Benard L. Maas Foundation Helen &: Nicho las Migh ion H elen Arnoldi
Mr. &: Mrs Patrick D.
Sheeh y
Mr. &: Mrs. Irv ing Rose MGM Reso rts Foundation Ven u s &: Harry Mighion Floy &: Lee Bart hel
Mr. &: Mrs. Ch r is Miltimore So p h ia &: Donald Moore Gloria&: Fred C la rk
Mr. &: Mrs. james Sherman $5,000- $ 9 ,999 Lee &: Maxine Peck judi t h &: Richard Ridgway Dodie &: Larry David
Dr. &: Mrs. Donald She rman
Dr. &: Mrs Pau l Siat czynski
Mr.&: Mrs. Lee Barthel Founda t ion
Robin Sta nton &: Jamie David DiChiera
Ms. Phyllis Funk S now Pietron Barbara &: Mars h a ll Di s n e r
Mrs. Marilyn Sicklesteel &: $1,000 Volkswagen Group o f Geo rge Ward Gina&: Arthur Horwitz
Mr. David A Szymbors ki Ms joanne Da nto &: Ame ri ca, Inc. j e nnifer Whittea ke r Amy&: Kentjidov
Mr. &: Mrs. H aro ld Sieb ert
Mr. &: Mrs. William Sikora
Dr. Arnold Weingard e n
Mr. &: Mrs. Dav id j ac k so n $ 100- $999
Mr. &: Mrs. j o hn Snyder Ms. Linda Rodney &: Mr. Ted Mrs Sh e r yl Burley
Dr. Gino Sovran Shin k le
Dr. Mildred Ponder S tennis
Dr. &: Mrs. Sheldon St e rn
Daniel&: Ruth Ann Stum p
D r. &: Mrs. Choichi Sugawa
Ms. Elizabeth Su llivan &: Dr.
Steven D Ge ll man
Ms. j ane Ta lia
C lifford &: Lucille Taylor
Dr. Arni e Tay lor
In Memory of Ms H elen Millen &: Hea the r
Walentina j ew icz Hamilto n
Ms. Na n cy McNeil King jennifer&: Steve Marlette
Mr. Mil es Eichenhorn In Honor of Carla Lagodna Chery l & j ames Mc!lhon
Mr.&: Mrs. David Trott H untington Woods Women's &: Jim Daniska - Happy Mary &: Charles Parkhill
Mr.& Mrs Ric h a rd V las ic League
Mr. &: Mrs jo hn A. Bo ll , Sr.
40'h Anniversary ! Sha n e Pliska
Mrs. Mary j o hn son Monique &: j effrey Ba tes Shawn Willi a ms
Dr. Na n e tte Ke ise r
In Honor of Drs. William In Apprecia tion of Mr &:
Ms. Michele Ko z iara Kupsky &: A li Moiin Mrs. R. jamison Williams
Mrs. Barbara Frankel &: Ms Marl e ne M La ndry Mary J a n e Deasy Kups ky &: Ba rba ra Franke l &: Ron
Mr. Ron Micha la k Ms. LaDonna Leve re tt J effrey Kupsky Michalak
Mr. Ka rl Overma n Barbara Martin In Memory of Mrs Marion
Ms. Ardith Ritte r In Memory of Mr Richard Zeltzer
Dr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Tay lor - DANCE PATRONS larson Kevin Dennis &: j e remy
Ms. Ma r y Teachout
Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Tenkel DIRECTOR
Februwy 12, 2011
M r &: Mrs. George W $5 ,000+ to Augu st 30, 2011
Te wksbury
M rs. Laura Thompson
Mr. Victo r Adamo Zeltzer
The Aponte Family
Ms. Megan Baker/Neiman BRAVO BRAVO!
Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel In Honor of Mrs. Judith E Marcus 2011 Spon sors
Ms. j oanne Danto &: Dr. Byrn e - Happy Mother's
Ms. Ruth P Thrash Arnold We i nga rd e n Day!
M r. &: Mrs Paul Tomboulian Dr. David DiChi era Dav id Byrn e
Doris &: Tecksoo Tong In M e mory of Mrs Martha
Barbara &: Stuart Trager
- Dr. &: Mrs. Re nn ard B $2,500- $4, 999 Eve lyn Macl n tyre
Mr.&: Mrs. Th omas In Honor of Ms julia
Dr.&: Mrs. Valnutis K. An d e rso n Darlow
Vaitkevi c ius
Mr. F lamur Vaka
j ose ph Valentin , DDS
Ms. Deb ra Be rn ste in-S iege l Zivit and David C o h en
Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew C herna
Martha &: William Cox $10 ,000
D avid DiChiera Bank of America
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn Fred erick MGM Grand Detroi t
Viv ian &: j erry Grenier
Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Gross $ 5 ,000 - $9 ,999
Co nnie &: H erman Houi n Emagine Entertainment
David V j ohnso n Great Lakes Beverage
Michele&: Tom Kli ppste in Moroc h
Mrs. Marianne End ico tt In Honor of Profess or Ms. Doreen Mc Phail Koh r Qu ic k e n Loans
Mrs. Barbara F r ankel &: Mr. Armando Delicato and Anneliese &: j oseph Kra uter
M r. &: Mrs. Melvin C. Ron Micha lak Michigan Opera Theatre Tin a&: Frank Lagrou Cabana Sky box
Van c;lerBrug
Miss Lisa M. Varn ie r
Darlene S. Vasi
Mr. &: Mrs. Tony Vent imiglia
Ms. Margare t Wa lter
Mr. &: Mrs Stua rt Frankel Ad ult Lea rning Inst itute Ms. j e nnifer Lawter $ 2 ,500
Mrs. E llen Ka hn In Memory of Mr. Frank W Shirley M. &: D Gregory Eclipse Creative
Ms Diana O m ecinsky Donovan , Jr. Lucas Micron Electric/Conti
J a n et &: Ro na ld Baxte r Gordo n R Ma itla nd , Jr.&: Electric

In Memory of Mr Jo e j oseph Mengden ( The Ex- Scarle t Co m m unicat io n s
Ms Ca ro l Wa rd $ 1 , 5 00 - $2. 4999 Flasche r Dividend Club ) Volkswagon of Am e rica
Dr.&: Mrs. Creed W ardjr
Nemo &: Suzanne Warr
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Bi ngh a m Kevin De nn is &: J e re my Georgiana &: Jack P
Ms. Linda Dresner &: Mr. Ze ltzer
Mattieson Mainstage R e treat Sponsor
Mr. &: Mrs. Leo S Edward Levy Jr. In Memory of Mr. David Me lissa &: Andrew Mc Leod $ 2 ,000
Wasagesh ik
Mr. D o n a ld K Wedding
Mr. Lawre n ce G lowczews ki Gaze ll e
Maxine &: W ill iam M oseley Marc Baker
Dr. Ali Moiin &: Dr. W illiam Bar b a ra Franke l &: Ron Pame la Nik itas- Joan Politically Sm art
Mr. &: Mrs. Ric h a rd Ku ps k y M icha lak Anderson Trave l Service, We ie rmill e r
Ms. J ane t We ir
Dr. j oseph Weiss
Mr. j onathan Orse r In Memory of Mr H u g h In c. $ 1 ,000- $2,0 00
Ms. Su sa n S ills - Le vy R. G ill
Mr. &: Mrs. Gilbert Al a n Dro z &: Roc h e lle Gach
Mr. N ik lo s C. Pe th o H arve y M Rice F DN. Fro m
Ms. F ra n ces G Peth o john Soleck i
Prof. M ic h ae l We llma n Silverman G lo b al Ente rprises (Your Valerie &: Norman Purdy T h e Wes tin Book Ca dillac
Mr. Paul Wemhoff
Ms Phyllis F unk S n ow Fri en ds at) Roz &: St e ven Sell Detroit
Wes tland D ental , PLLC In M e m ory of Mrs Sandra &: Ke vin Tay lor
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert E PREMIER DANCER Kath e rine Stratis Gribbs j an &: Tom We lls In-Kind Donors
Whitma n $1 ,000 - $ 1 ,499 Andrea &: Ke it h Bridges
Dr. Nila Wilson
Mr. Bradley K Wilson
Mr &: Mrs. jon Wojtala
Mr. &: Mrs . C h a rles W right 42 Below
Ms Be tt y Blazok Zo uwa n &: j e rry Ch isnell In Memory of Mrs Dores Allegra Print &: Imaging
Mr. &: Mrs. josep h Bloc h Lois &: Ave rn Co hn
M cC r ee Ren Cen
Mr. Kevi n D e nnis &: Mr. Constan ce & john Cond er The De tro it St u dy C lub!Ms Amy Kamins ky Produc t io n s
Mr. David D. Woodar d j e re m y Zeltze r Ms. Mo lly Lu e mpert - Coy Gene t Ba rthwell , Treasurer And iam o Restau rant Gro up
Mr. Thomas Wood s Dr judie Goodm an &: Mr. Mary Ann C ris tia no & j o hn Di edre C. Todd Ange lina I tal ian Bis tro
Dr. &: Mrs. J o se E. Yane z Kurt R. Vilders Waggo n e r In Honor of Michigan Ara ncio Wine Bar
M r. &: Mrs. Thomas V Ya t es Ms. T h e resa S p ea r &: Mr. J eff David Di C h iera
Ope ra Theatre Bacardi Arctic G ra p e Doum a janet Du l mage Mr. D a vid Mill e r Ba lvenie
In M e mor y of Mrs Julia Barefoot Wine&: Bubb ly SOLOIST Carla Bri s boi s-C ribb s&: Rad z ik Beam Global
Adele&: Mi c hael G lu sac
Timo th y Br is b o is Mary &: C h a rl es Parkhi ll Big C ity Bar &: G r ill
S PON SORS Ms. Mary Maz u re Eight Mil e Boulevard
In Honor o f Mr An thon y Booki e's Bar &: Grill
$25, 000 Associatio n - Ms. j ea n Rug i e ro Bombay Sapphire
Be tty, Marv i n&: j oanne MOT CH ILDRE N ' S Cha mbe r la i n

Danto Dance E n dowme nt C HORUS
Th e j affrey Ball et Product io n

Pamela &: J e ffrey Head ley
G lad ys C i fe lli Bourbon Steak
In Honor of Mr James Breeze Des ign Stu dios
Mr. &: Mrs. Harold Ka ll is S h e rman's Special Birthday Brown Forman
S pons or $5,000+ WilliamS .&: Diana Laitner Ell en &: J ames Labes Buildin g Service S p ecialis ts , Mr. &: M rs. jos h Eic h e nhorn Rebecca &: John]. Lawson Inc.
Bulle it Bourbon
ButterOy Unique Banque t & Conference Center
Colo nial Events
Como 's
Crave Resta urant+Sushi
Cuattro Cirrus
Culi nary Assoc iates
De troit Beer Company
Detroit Sea food Market
Detroit Yacht Club
Display Group
Dragon Bleu
E & J Gallo Spi rits
Eljim ador
Extreme Va let LLC
F inest Call
F inl andi.a
Flower to Flo ur
Fountain Bistro
Gallo Wines
Good People Popcorn General Linen ·
General Wine & Spirits
Got Ro cks
Great Lakes Beve rage
Hana Kil
Hangar One
Hard Luck Candy F lavored
Heaven Hill
H erradura Tequila
Hpnotiq Harmon ie
l ee Dr eam s Sculptures
l griite MGM Gra nd Detroit
J acoby's German Biergarten
jack Daniels O ld No.7
La Zingara Trattoria
Levitation Stagi n g
Lunazul Tequ il a
Maes tro Dobel Tequila
Maj estic Cafe
Marilyn's Ame rican Tave rn
Mario 's
Mi lagro Tequila
McDona ld's
McCormick Dis tilling
MGM Grand Detroit
Banquet and Cat ering
Mrs. Ty ler's Full Serv ice
Moet H ennessey
Movem e nt Elec tronic
Mus ic Festiva l
NWS Wine World
Opti cs
O pus One/Opus To Go
Palmbay Internationa ls
Pama Pomegranate
Pearl Vodka
Pe p s i
Pernod Rica rd USA
Piece o f Cake Liqu eurs
Pinnacle Whipped
Plaka GriiVHoliday Inn
Proximo Spirits
Rain Vodka
Roj o Mexica n Bis t ro
Sa ilor j e rry
Sa lon Bli ss Roc h este r
San d er s Fine C ho co latie rs
Saze rac
SE E Eyewea r
Sidney Frank
Sin cere ly Yours Body
Co llection
Slows To Go
Small Plates
Sobieski Vodka
Source Audio

Star Lanes a t Emagine
Royal Oak
Th e Night Move
Te nnessee Honey
Three Olives Flavo rs
Ton gu e Thai'd
Tubby's Grilled Subma rines
UV Vodka/Phillip s
Distillin g
Valentine Vodka
Vicente's Cuban Cuisin e
Vintage W in e
Viviano Wine
White Rock Distilleries
Wolfgang Puck Grill e Woodford Reserve
Zod iac Vodka
Media Partners
944 Magazine
After 5 Detroit
Ambassado r Magaz ine
Crave Restaurant+Sushi
Fox 2 WJBK Detroit
Metro m ix
Metro Tim es
Mi Es tilo
Real Detro it Weekly
WDET l 0 1. 9FM
WGPR l0 7 5FM
Yel p I
In -Kind Donors 42 Below
Centau r Martini Ba r
Detroit Beer Company
Display Group
OJ Tom T
DP Studios
j e rr y Jankiewicz
Lake land Cater ing
Lu xco Spirite d Brand s
Metro m ix
Motor-Ci ty Sowing
Pea rl Vodka
Real De troi t
Sand er's Fine C hocolatie rs
Scenic Prop Des ign
Kate Sch e ib le Des ig n
Shutte rboo t h
Tubby's So uthgate
Zumba Mex ica n Grille
Me d i a P a rtn ers
93.9 The Ri ver
Afte r 5 De tro it
Metromix Metro Tim es
Mi Es tilo
Mix 96.7
Rea l Detroit
IN-KIND DONORS Lil & Alex Erdeljan
Forest Gri ll
2010 Ope r a Ba ll Barba ra Frankel & Ron
Edmund T Ahee j ewelers Michalak
Angelina's Itali an Bistro Aviva & Dean F ried man
Lisa Applebaum j ulie Garrisi
Assagi Bistro Great Lakes Wine & Spirits
Beau Jack 's H eather Hamilton & Helen
Debra Bernstein- Siegel Millen
Torya Blancha rd/Good Doreen H erm elin
Girls Go to Paris Crepes, Renee J anovsky
Detroit Lexa Lea therda le
Marlene &john Boll , Sr. London H otel New York
joanne & Richa rd Bro di e Denise & Bob Lutz
Betty & Bill Brooks Mario's Detroit
Vick i & Tom Ce lani/Cela n i Michigan Opera Theatre
Family Vineyards Michigan Opera Theatre
Centaur Wine & Martini Child ren's Cho rus
Bar Moffat McGuire, Inc.
Gloria & Fred Clark Monjin Lau
Coach Insignia Nora & Mattie Moroun
Shelly & Peter Cooper Mosaic
Crave Rest a urant +Sush i Barbara & Stephen Munk
Bar+Lou nge Nederlande r Detroit
Cuisine Neima n Marcus
Dodie & Larry David Opus One
Gretchen & Ethan Linda O rl ans
David son Mary & Charlie Parkhill
Maureen & jerry D'Avanzo Kathryn & Roger Fen ske
Detroit Institute of Arts Roe Peterhans Design
Detroit Pistons Basketball Phoencia
Co m pany Cha r li & Chuck Podowski
Detroi t Symphony Patti & Jim Prowse
O rchest ra Ru th Rattner
Rosanne & Sa ndy Dunc an Ronin Sushi Bar
Mariann e Endicott Sa nder's Fine Choco lates
For your generosity, please take some credit.
judi e & Roge r Sherman
j essica Silverman
Wendy Silverman
Sm all Plates
Stacey Leu li ette/Stacey
Leullette Gracious Living, Birmingham
Dan Sta ll & Th e Auction
Tea m
The Ambassador Bridge
Th e Detroit Tigers
The Palace of Auburn H ill s
The Whitney
Dr. Lorna T h omas
Ka ren & Rick Will iams
Mary Lou Zieve
Mi scellaneous
Dod ie David
Dr. David Di Ch iera
Haberm an Fabrics
Moffat McGuire, Inc.
Beverl y Wynn
Between the Lines, Media Sponsor
Co mmunity Foundation for Sout heast Michigan
Masco Corp o r ation
Sander's Fine Chocolati ers
Yel p!, Media Sp ons01; Rigoletto
H e l p ensu re t h e future of th e M ic hi gan Opera Theatre by cont ribu ting t o our en dowment f un d at the Comm unity Foundatio n for So uth east Mi c hi gan. State law e ntitles you to a tax c redit of 50 pe rce nt of t h e amount you contr ibute, subje ct to certa in l imits.
And if you g ive $1,000 or more, th e Com munity Founda ti on w ill match up t o 50 p erce nt o f your g ift *
Ju st wr ite a c heck payable to the Commu nity Foundat i on for So uth east Mi c h igan , in dicate t h e Mi ch i gan Ope ra Th eatre endo wment fund i n the "subject" l in e, an d ma i l by December 3 1 to:
Comm unity Fo u ndation for Southe ast M ichigan
333 W. Fo rt St ., Su it e 2010
D et ro it , Ml 48 22 6 -3 1 34
For m ore informatio n on th e Mi c hi gan tax credit or th e matchi n g g ift opportuni ty, ca l l 888 -W E- EN DO W (933 -6369)
in part nership with CARE I in p artn e rsh ip with with ca u ses that MATT ER c om m u n 1tyjou
connect mg those who
Dea r Friends o f Michigan
O p era Th ea tre ,
As the ne w MOTVA Presid ent I want to tak e a moment to recognize all o f our d evoted volunteers Michigan Op era Thea tre and the De troit Op era Hou se present one of the mos t di verse op era and dance series in the count ry Th ese p rogra m s req uire the co ll aboration of many, esp ecia lly tho se who help out b ehind the sce n es.
I wo uld ltke to rec ognize some of o ur key vo luntee r g roup s: the h osts o f our op ening night dinne rs, cast p arties and th e c ommittees that cr eate our hallmark BravoBravo l e vent ; our r esident historians wh o condu c t O pera Hou se tours ; our extrao rdin ary corp s o f u sh er s ; an d our MOTVA Board members . To each of you w ho supp ort s u s th ro u gh gen ero u s gift s of time and resources , m y mos t sincere thanks .
lf yo u ar e no t ye t a volunteer , I h ope tha t yo u wi.ll consider joining u s Yo ur tax -d ed u c tibl e m emb ership en titles yo u to pa rticipa te in our individ u a l voluntee r grou p s For m embe rship in formatio n please con s u l t the MO TVA we bp age a t www.michiganope ra.org under "supp ort u s," or ca ll Ch r istin a Wagn er a t (3 13) 237 -3236.
I h op e th a t you enj oy th e 2 0 11 - 1 2 season. I look forwa rd to wo rking wi.th yo u and th ank yo u for yo ur interes t and invo lve m en t in the Michigan Oper a Th eatre Volunteer Asso cia tion.
M ichigan Op er a Theatre an d the De tro it Opera Ho use present on e of the fin est and mo stdlVer se op era and d ance series in the countr y. This ambmou s endeavor re qmres the co llab orati on of many, including those wh o h elp out b ehmd the scen es. The talented , gi ving hands o f our corps o f vo lunteers m ak e a s1gmficant p osi tive impact on the over all op eration of the compan y. We all thank you for your d edica tion and s uppo rt !
MOTVA Executive Committee
Te rry Sh ea , Presid ent
Nan cy Moor e , Sec r etary
Steven Ma rlette, Past Presi d ent
Dodie David , Pa st President
Gloria Clark , Pas t President
MOTVA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
H elen Arno ldi -Rowe, Divas/D ivos
Kat hie Bo oth , Ush ers
Gwen Bowlb y, Publi ci ty & Developm ent
Gloria Clark , Ope r a Leagu e & So irees
Do die Davi d , O p er a Leagu e
Dani elle DeFau w, Boutique
Kevin Den nis, Board Memb er
Marian n e Endico tt , Com munity

Rosemary Gu gino , Volun tee r Reco gni tion
Hea ther Hamilton , Sp ec ial Projects
Manage r
Am y Jid o v, Memb ershi p
Myrn a Maz ure , O p erations
Ch er yl Mcllho n , Dan ce Cou ncil
H elen Millen , Am bassad ors
J errid Moo n ey, Yo u n g Professionals
J oan Na gra nt , Office Vo lu nteers
Dr. Wallace Peace, Op er a Lectures
Curtis Po suniak , Board Memb er
J erem y Zeltzer , Board Memb er
2011 OPERAtors
Lee Ba rthel
Gwen Bowlb y
Gloria Clark
Dodie David
Ma riann e Endi co tt
Barbara Frankel
Alan Israel
Amy Jidov
De lphine Kerney
Ka th leen Maher
John Novak
Anthony Ru da
Patrici a Schult z
Bernadette Weingartz
MOTVA Soiree Hosts
Ri ck Bower s & Dan Tred e r
Debo r ah & Mich ael Savoie and Ma rlene & Carl Bihlm eyer
Deborah Meade
Victoria & Robert Liggitt
Deb ra & Rich ard Partrich
BravoBravo! 20 1 1
Co-Ch a irs
Domin ic Arell an o
Pip er Ca rter
J errid Moon ey
President MOTVAFor more information on one of the many ways to volunteer at Michigan Opera Theatre, please call (313) 237 -3236.
Administration & Staff
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera , Direc tor of Community Programs & Learning at the Opera House
Carol Halsted, Director of Dance
Dewan Mitchell, Director of Bookings & Events Management
Rock Monroe , Director of Safety & Security
Laura R. Nealssohn, Director of Communications
David W Osborne, Director of Production
Mary Parkhill, Director of Development
Jason Warzecha , Director of Theatre & Parking Center Operations
William Austin, Executive Assistant to the General Director
Timothy Lentz, Archivist & Director, Allesee Dance & Opera Resource Library
Bryce Rudder, Senior Librarian, Allesee - Dance & Opera Resource Library
Kimberly A. Mogielski, Patron & Ticket Services Manager
Michael Hauser, Marketing Manag er
Kimber-ly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Felicia Burgess , Tunisia Brown, Patron & Ticket Services Associates
Christy Gray, Receptionist & Administrative Assistant
Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator
J eff Strayer, Communications Coordinator
john Grigaitis, Photographer
Crystal Ceo, Account Executive, Solomon Frie dman Adv ertising
Toby Faber, BRAVO Sales
Bill Carro ll , Public Relations Volunt ee r
Mark Vondrak, Associate Direc tor & Tour Manager
Betty Lan e , Op erations Manager & Singing Voic e Specialist
Dolores Tobis , Marketing Manager
Be tsy Bronson , Maria Cimarelli , Dan Greig , Bernard Holcomb , Jo seph j ackson , Lois Ka arre, Betty Lane, Debbi e Lann en , Amy Dolan Malan ey, Kim Parr, Mi chae l Parr, Ma del yn Porter , David Pulice, Amanda
Sabelhau s, Karl Schmidt, Trish Shandor, Christopher Vaught , Mark Vondrak , Alvin Waddl es , Karin White

john Grigaitis , Information Tec hnology Manager ·
Shelly Ratliff, LAN Administrator
Kim Smith, Administrative Assistant
Kim-Lan Trinh , Associate Director of Development , Planned Giving & Major Gifts
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager
Michell e Deland , Corporate Campaign Manager
Carolyn Geck, Proj ec t Manager; BravoBravo! 2012
Heather Hamilton, Special Projects Manager
Katherine Kucharski, Foundation & Government Grants Manager; Database Consultant
Christina Wagner, Annual Fund Manager
Stephani Yates , Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager & Project Manager; BravoBravo! 2012
Derrick Lewis , Controller
Kimberly Burgess-Rivers, Rita Winters, Accountants
Nick Williams , Accounting Assistant
Randy Elliott, House Manager
Dennis Wells , Facilities Manager
jesse Carter, S enior Building Engin eer
Ben Latimer, Building Engin ee r
Robe rt Me ttetal , Building Engin eer
Timothy johnson , Building Maint enanc e
Bernard Williams , Building Maintenance
Angela Donaldson , Food & Bev erage Manag er
james Young, Assistant Food & Bev erage Manage r
Corey Sco tt , Exec utiv e Chef
Edna Robinson , Sous C hef
Lt. Lorraine Monro e, Sup e rvisor
Nicole Park e r, Eric Strickland , Stag e Door Office rs
Anthony Dorsey, Keith Lee, Ric hard jones, Pamela Sco tt , Sg t. Daryl Stuckey, Contro l Ce nte r Officers
Robert Neil, Manager
Paul Bolden, Event Supervisor for Parking
Elizabeth Anderson, Production Coordinator
Carolyn Geck , Production Administrator
Ken Saltzman, Stage Manager
Brian Augustt, Amy Duffy* , Nan Luchini *t, Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski , Production Volunteer
David DiChiera, Music Director
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Direc tor & Chorus Master
Rob erto Mauro, Artistic Consultant
Diane Bredesen, Orchestra Personnel Manager
jean Schneider, Repetiteur
Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director
Monika Essen, Property Master & Scenic
Kendall Smith, Lighting Coordinator
Bobby Tacoma, Assistant Lighting Designer & Assistant Technical Director
Orsin Thanasi, Tec hnical Assistant
D ee Dorsey, Sup e rtitle Op erator
Rudi Lau e rmann , Reco rding Engineer
Suzanne M. Hanna , Costume Directo r
Mark Baiza, Cutt er/Draper
Laura Brinke r , Cutter/Drap er *
Alice Moss , Wardrobe Mistress
Katie H e in, First Hand
Susan A. Fox , Stitcher
Monika Essen, Costum e Paint er
E lizab e th Gec k , Ass istant Wig & Make up Designer
j o hn Kinso ra , Head Carpenter
Rob ert Mesinar, Head Elec trician
Alan Bigelow, Head Propertyman
Henry Ruiz, Head Sound
Rob ert Martin , Head Flyman
Gary Gilmore, Production Electri cia n
Mary Ellen Shuffett , Head of Wardro be
IAT SE Local #3 8 , Stage C rew
IATSE Lo cal #7 86 , Wardrob e
*Th e Medium /C armina Burana
tT he Marriage of Figaro
General Information

Photography or recording during any performance is strictly prohibited. You are welcome to take photographs in the lobby before or after a performance and during intermission. As a courtesy to our guests , please switch all electronic devices to silent mode and refrain from using them during the performance
Doctors and parents are advised to leave their seat location (located on ticket) and our emergency number, (313) 237-3257 , with the service or sitter in case of an emergency Please observe the lighted exit signs located throughout the theater. In the event o f fire or similar em ergency, please remain calm and walk - do not run - to the n earest exit. Our u sh e rs are trained to lead you out of the building safely A trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is onsite during most events. Please see an usher or staff m ember to contact the EMT.

· Ladies' restrooms are located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway Street entrance), down the stairs; and on the third floor (Madison Street enm;mce) - press "3R" on the elevator to reach this fa cility. Gentlemens restrooms are located unde r the Grand Staircase a nd also on the third floor (Broadway Street side)press "3" on the eleva tor to reach this facility. All third floor restrooms are wheelchair accessible. A unisex, wheelchair accessible restroom is located in the Cadillac Opera Ca fe.

The De troit Opera House is a s moke- free fa cility. Ash receptacles are provided a t the exterior of all enny doors for those who wish to smoke.

Us h ers are stationed at the top of each aisle. If you h ave a question or con cern , please inform an u sh er, who will contac t managem ent. If you are interested in b ecoming a vo lunteer u sh er, please call the u sh er hodine at (313) 237-3253.

Latecomers will b e seated only during an appropriate pause in the program. Late seatin g policies are at the discre tion of the produc tion, not Opera House managem ent.

Lost and Found is located in the Safety and Security Department. Please see an usher if you have misplaced an article, or call (313) 961 -35 00 if you have already left the theater. Items will be held in Lost and Found for 30 days.

We encourage all our guests to take advantage of the Detroit Opera House Parking Center, located n ext to the Detroit Opera House. Pre-paid parking is available for all guests and can b e purchased with tickets online or through the Detroit Opera House ticket office. This facility is reserved specifically for Detroit Opera House patrons during regularly scheduled performances. Entrances and exits are located on both john R. Stree t and Grand River Ave Call (313) 23 7-7464 for more information

Accessible seating locations for patrons in wheelchairs are located in all price ranges on the orch estra level. When purchasing tickets , please ask about these locations if you require special accommodations.
Assisted Listening Devices are available on a first-com e, first-served basis Please see an usher to request this service, or visit the Guest Services desk located in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street entrance) Although this is a complimentary service, we will hold a piece of p ersonal identification while you are u sing the d evice. Please contact the tick et office at (313) 237-7464 should you desire special consideration

Children are welcome; however, all guests are required to hold a tick e t, regardless of age. In all cases, babes in arms are n o t p ermitted
Concessions stands are located on all levels Please note that food and drinks are not p ermitted in the auditorium a t any time. Coat Check is loca ted at the Gu est Services d esk in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street side). Please note that the Detroit Opera House does not accept responsibility for any p ersonal articles tha t are not check ed a t the coat ch eck.
Be advised that, for purposes of Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 28 425o(l)(D , this is an entertainment facility which has a seating capacity of more than 2 ,5 00 individuals It is therefore against the law to carry a concealed pistol on the premises.


The Detroit Opera House is available for rent by your organization Please call (3 13) 9613500, and ask to speak with the Director of Booking & Events Managemen t.
The De troit Opera House ticket office hours are Monday-Friday, lO a.m. to 5 :30 p.m. On p erformance days hours are lO a.m. through the first intermission of the p erformance, except w eekends , when the ticket office will open two hours prior to curtain time. Tickets are available online at www.MichiganOpera org. Tickets for all public events at the Detroit Opera House are also available through all Ticke tMaster outlets, by phone at (800) 745-3000 , or at www. TicketMaster.com.

Come join the Opera House Ambassadors for a backstage tour of the Detroit Opera House! Learn about the history of the Opera House and its restora tion, meet the p eople behind the scenes, tour the stage and see h ow it operates. Tours are $ 10 p er p erson For more information, please call (3 13) 2373425 , or visit www.MichiganOpera org.

EMERGENCIES (313) 237-3257

Michigan Opera Theatre .... . (313) 96 1-35 00
Gen eral Information (313) 96 1-3500
Los t and Found (3 13) 96 1-3500
Tick e t Office (313) 237-SING (7464)
Usher Hotline (313) 237-3253

Theater Rental Information 313) 96 1-3500
De troit Opera House Fax (313) 23 7-3412
Press and Public Relations (313) 237-3403 De troit Opera House Parking Center (313) 965-4052 Web s ite www.MichiganOpera.org
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