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The Officia l Magazine of the Detroi t Opera House
BRAVO is a Michigan O p er a Thea tre publica tion.
J eff Strayer, E ditor Mitch Carter, Contributing Editor Contr ibuto r s J oh n Grigaitis
Sco tt Stafford
Publis her Echo Publications, Inc. Ro yal Oak, Michigan
www ech opu blica tion s. com
To m Putters, President TobyFab er, Ad vertising Sales Direc tor
Physicians ' services provided b y Henry Ford Me di cal Center
P epsi-Cola is the official so ft drink and juice provi d er of th e De troi t Opera House.
Ca dilla c C offee is the official coffee of the Detroit Opera House Sanders Fin e C ho cola t es is the officia l chocolatier of the Detroit O pera House.
Steinway is the o fficia l p iano of the Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre Steinway pianos are provid ed b y St einway Piano Gallery of De t roit , exclu sive representative for Steinway and So ns in Michigan .
Presi de nt Tu xed o is the o ffi cial provider of formalwear for the Detroit Opera House .
Eclip se Creative is the official med ia production company of the Detroit Op era House.
Michigan O p era Theat re is a n onprofit cultural organiza tion , whose activities are supported in part by t he Michigan Cou ncil for Arts and Cultural Affairs , t he National for the Arts, and o the r in dividuals; corpo rations and fou nd a tions. Mic h igan Opera Theat re is an Equ al Opportunity Employer.
ARTWORKS. an.gov D etroit Op e ra House CONTENTS Spring 2012 WELCO ME L ETTE R FROM D AviD D ICHI ERA 4
H AROLD AND TH E P URPLE C RAYON . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . ... .. .. . . . . ... . . . .. . . . ........ 6 ALVIN AI LEY A MERI CAN D ANCE THEATER 10 T H E P EARL FISHERS 16 C ONVERSAT ION WITH Z AN D RA R HODES 18 B ARC ELONA B ALLET : S wAN LA KE 20 I p AGLIACCI 24 CO NVERSATION WITH jiLL G ARDNER .. .... .. ...... .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. 2 6 MO T CC: H.M.S . PINAFORE 2 7 MICHI GAN OP E RA TH E A T R E Boa r d of Direc t ors and Tru stees ..... .. . . .. .. . . .. . ... . .... . .. . . .. ... . . . ......... ... ... 5 Artist Profil es . . . . ...... . . .... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . ... . . . . . .... ... . . ..... . .. ... .. .. ... . 2 8 Ch o ru s and Orch es tra 32 Administration and Staff. ...... .. .. . .. . . .......... .. . .. .. . . . ........ . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . 33 Commu n i ty Programs an d Da n ce Ed ucation 34 Family Album ................. .. .. ... . ... .... . .............. .. .. ... . . . . .. . .. . . .. ... . ....... 46 CONTRI B UTORS Ava n ti Society 36 Campaign to Res tore th e Detroit Op er a Hou se .... .... ...... ...... .. .. ..... 3 7 Mi chi gan Opera Thea t re Con trib ut ors 39 Vo lu nteer Information 45 Gen era l Information . . . ... . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . ... . .. . . ... . .. . .. .......... .. ... . . . . . . .. 4 7 www.M ic hi ganOp e ra .org BRAVO 3
Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's 41st spring season
Our spring season of "Fate " continues with works exploring the destinies of lovers and enemies, friends and foes.
The spring opera season begins with Georges Bizet's exotic The Pearl Fishers. We' re pleased to bring back our production by iconic fashion designer Zandra Rhodes , whose wildly colorful designs perfectly match Bizet's vivid orchestrations. I'm delighted that Leah Partridge, who last performed with us as Roxanne in the world premiere of Cyrano, returns to us as Leila , along with soprano Sarah joy Miller alternating in the role. We also welcome ba ck Noah Stewart and jesus Garcia as Nadir, while baritones Nmon Ford and Edward Parks both make their company debuts in the role of Zurga .
In May, we present Leoncavallo 's classic I Paglia cc i , after a very long absence from our stage Italian tenor Antonello Palombi returns to the company as Canio, after his last appearances with us in Tasca , and we' re also thrille d to welcome back baritone Gordon Hawkins as Tanio . Soprano jill Gardner will make h er company d ebut as Nedda.
Our Maggie Allesee Danc e Series co ntinu es in March with the return of the always enjoyable Alvin Ailey American Dance T heater. We're happy to continue our partnership with this impressive group, who never fail to awe and inspire, and we congratulate Robert Battle on his first season as the company's new artistic director
In April , I'm in credibly proud to present the No rth American premiere of Barcelona Ballet's Swan Lak e The troupe is a realiza tion of d ancer Angel Corella 's d ream to found a Spanish dance company, and h e w ill appear on stage at certain performances. Of course, Tchaikovsky's haunting score will be performed live b y our very own Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra.
As always , eve n th e smallest among us will find so mething to love on our stage. In March , Hubbard Stree t 2 brings the end earing Harold and th e Purpl e Crayo n to life in an interactive dance performance for childre n . T h e Michigan Opera Theatre Children 's Ch orus con tinu es to thrive, and once again presents i ts very own production with H.M S. Pinafore later that month. We are one of th e few opera companies in the country to have a perman ent ensemble of yo ung people , which is a vi tal part of our mission to bring cultural enrichment to the communiti es we serve
We are most grateful for the gen ero u s support of our sponsors who make each season possibl e. I feel an exceptional gra titude to our corpora te partners, as well as the foundations and individual donors w h o graciously ex t end their support so tha t we may continue to presen t wo rld- class performances. A ver y special thanks goes to Maggie Allesee, who sponsored our entire 20 11-12 dance season , an d to our spring opera seaso n sponsors, the General Motors Foundation and Cadillac.
Enjoy !
www Mic h iganOpera. org Detroit Opera House
M r R j a miso n Williams , Chai rman
D r. David DiChiera , Presi d e nt
Mr. Cameron B. Duncan, Treas urer
Mr C. Tho mas Toppin, Sec re tary
Mrs. Ro bert A Allesee
M r. Douglas F Allison
Mr. Joseph Angil e ri
Ms. Lori Arpin
M r. Lee Barth e l
Mr. Richard A. Brodie
Mrs. W illia m C. Brooks
Mrs. Fre d erick H Clark
Mrs. Pete r Coo p e r
Ms. j o anne D anto
Mr. Ta rik S. Daoud
julia D o n ovan Darlow
Mr. Lawren ce N David
Mrs. Ba rbara Fra nkel
M r. Herma n Franke l
Mr. Dean F riedma n
M r . Richard G. Goetz
M r David H andle m an
Mr. Kenne th E H art
Mr. Gary E. johnson
Mrs Pe ter Karmanos
Mr. Etha n Davids on M rs Mich ae l Kratchma n
Mrs Ch a rl es M Endicott
M rs. Alex Erdeljan
Mr Pau l E. Ewing
Mr. Tho m as M Krikorian
Mr. Cha rles E Le tts Jr.
Mr. H a rry A. Lo m ason II
Mrs. D avid Fisch er Mr. Alph o n se S. Luca re ll i
D r. Marjo ri e M. Fish e r Mrs. Robe rt A. Lu tz
Mrs. Manu e l Maro u n
Dr. Stephe n Mu n k
Mr. Dan iel Pehrson
Dr. Charlo tte Podowski
Mr. W james Prowse
Mrs. Ruth Ra ttn er
Dr. Irvin D Reid
Mr. Roy S Robe rts
Mr. Grego ry Sc h wartz
Ms Elham Shayota
Mr. Terry Sh ea
Dr. Lo rna Thomas
Mr. J am es Vella
Mr. George C. Vincent
Dr. &: Mrs . Roger M Aj luni
Mr. &: Mrs. Ke nn Alle n
Mr &: Mrs. Ro bert A. Allesee
M r &: Mrs. D ouglas F Allison
D r. Lo urdes V And aya
j u li e D ouse - Angil eri &: j oseph An gileri
Mrs. T h o m as V Angott
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Appleb aum
D r. Agu s tin Ar bu lu
Lori &: j ames Arp in
Dr. Haro ld M. Arrington
D r &: Mrs. Do n ald C. Aus tin
T h e H a n. &: Mrs Edwa rd Ava d enka
M r j o n Ba rfie ld &: D r. Vivian Ca rpente r Barfield
Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthe l
Mr. ]. Addison Ba rt ush
Mr. &: M rs. Mark Alan Baun
Mrs. Ara Be rberian
Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell Berman
Ms. Debra Bernstein-Siegel
Mr. &: Mrs. j ose ph Bloch
Mr. &: Mrs. j o hn A. Boll , Sr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Ric h ard Bowlby
Betty ]. Brig ht
Mr. &: Mrs. Ric h ard A. Brodie
Mr. &: Mrs. Willi am C. Brooks
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Cela ni
Mr &: Mrs Al fred C h eesebrough Ill
M r. &: Mrs. Mich ael Chirco
M r. &: Mrs. Fre d erick H Clark
T h e H a n &: Mrs. Avern L. Cohn
M r. Thom a s Cohn
Mr. &: Mrs. Pe ter Cooper
Ms. j oann e Danto &: D r. Arnold We ingarden
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S Daoud
julia D o n ova n Darlow &: J o hn C. O' Meara
M r. &: Mrs. J err y P D'Ava n zo
Mr.&: Mrs. Lawr ence N. David
Mr. &: Mrs. Eth an Davidson
Mr. T h omas]. Delan ey
M r Kevi n De n n is &: Mr. j eremy Zeltzer
Dr. David DiChiera
M rs. Ka ren Va n derKloot
Di C h ie ra
T he H an. &: Mrs. jo h n
D inge ll
Ms. Ma ry Jane D oe rr M r. &: Mrs. Mi c h ae l
Dr. I r vin D Reid
Mr. &: M rs. P e te r Do lan Kratchm a n &: D r Pa m ela Trotman Reid
M r. &: M rs. Cam e ron B. M r. &: Mrs. Tho m as M. D r &: Mrs. jam es Rigby
Du ncan Kriko ri a n
Mr. &: M rs. Roy S. Roberts
M r. &: M rs. Ke nn eth D r. &: Mrs. Ric h ard W Ku lis Ms Pa t ricia H Radzik
Eisenbe rg D r. &: Mrs. Ald en Lei b
M rs. Cha rles M. Endicott D r. Melvi n A. Les ter
Mr. &: M rs. I rving Rose
Mr. &: Mrs. Norman
Mr. &: Mrs. Alex Erdelj an Mr. C h ar les E Le tts J r. Rosenfeld
Dr. Fern R Espin o Ms. Li n d a Dresner Levy
&: M r Thomas Sh ort &: Mr. Edwa rd Levy
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing Dr. &: Mrs. Kim K. Lie
D r Ha ifa Fakh o uri
Ma rgo Co h en F e inbe rg
Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross
Mr. &: M rs. Anth ony Rugiero
Dr &: Mrs. He r shel Sand b erg
Mr. &: Mrs. A. C. Lieb ler M r. &: Mrs. Dona ld Schmi d t
Mr. &: Mrs. Harry A.
&: Robert Fein berg Lomaso n II
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Schwa rtz
Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory ].
M r. &: Mrs Oscar Feldman Mrs Lawre n ce LoPatin Sch wartz
M r. &: Mrs . Davi d F isch e r
Dr. Marjo rie M. Fish e r
Mr &: M rs. Carl B F o ntana
Mr. &: Mrs james H Lo Pre t e
Mr. Alph o n se S. Lu care lli
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe rt A. Lu tz
M rs. Ela ine Fonta n a Ms. Florin e Ma rk
M rs. Ba rbara Franke l
Mr. &: Mrs. St eve n Marlette
&: Mr. Ron Mic h ala k Dr &: Mrs. Ro n ald Marte ll a
H e rman &: Sharon Fran k el
The Han j ack Martin
M r Marvin A. Frenkel &: Dr. Bettye A rr ington-
Mr &: Mrs. Dean Friedman Martin
Mrs jam es Garavagli a Mrs. Richard McBrien
Am bassa d or &: M rs . Yo u si f Mr. &: Mrs Eu ge n e A. Miller
G h afari
Ms. Mo ni ca Moffa t
M r &: M rs. Vito P G ioi a &: Mr. Pa tric k McG uire
M r. &: Mrs. Richard G Goetz D r. Ali Moiin
Mr Bre t A. Sco tt
Mr. &: Mrs. Me rton Segal
Mr &: Mrs. Ma rk Shaevsky
M rs. F r ank C. Sh aler
Ms. El h am Shayota
Mr. Terry Shea
M r. &: Mrs Roger F Sherman
M r. &: Mrs. Richard Sloan
Mr. Wil liam H Smith
Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow
Mr &: M rs. David Snyder
Mr Anth o n y L. Soave
Mr. Rich a rd A. Sonenklar
Ms. Ma ry Ann Stella
Mr. &: M rs. Arnold Gord o n &: D r. Wi ll iam Ku p s ky D r. Calvin St evens
Mr. &: M rs. H arvey Grace
Mr. &: Mrs. Theod o re
Mr. &: Mrs. W illi am Stone
M r. &: M rs. Samu e l Monolid is M r. &: Mrs. George Strumb os
H aberman
Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Maroun Dr J o n ath a n Swift
Mrs. Berj H Ha idostia n Mr. E. Cla ren ce M u laro n i Mr. Rona ld F Switzer
Mr. &: Mrs David Drs. Barbara &: Step h e n
Mr. &: Mrs j oel Tauber
H a ndleman Munk D r. Lo rna Thomas
M r. Kenne th E. H ar t
Mr. &: M rs. E Mich ael D r. Ro b e rta &: Mr. Sheldo n
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene H a rtwig Mutc hler To ll
Mrs. D avid B Herm elin
Mr. &: Mrs Derek Hod gson
Mr. &: Mrs. Allan Nach man Mr &: M rs. C. Thomas
Mr. &: Mrs. I rving Nusbaum Toppin
T h e H an .&: Mrs. J oseph N Dr. juliette Okotie-Eboh
I mpastato
M r. &: M rs. Alan Israe l
M rs. Una j ackma n
Mr. Don jensen &: Mr Leo
Ms Lind a O rl ans
M rs Lyn n A Townsend
M r. j ames Vella
Mr. &: Mrs. Graham Orley M r. &: Mrs. Paul Victor
Mr. &: Mrs Ric h ard Pa rt ric h M rs. Steven I. Victor
Mr. &: M rs. Spen cer Partrich M r. &: Mrs. George C. Dove lle
M r. &: Mrs. Ke ntjidov
M r .&: Mrs. Gary E. j o h nson
Mr. &: Mrs. D a ni e l Pe h rso n Vin ce nt
Dr. Robert E L. Perk in s M rs. Am e li a H Wilhelm
Mr. &: Mrs. Broc k E. P lumb Dr &: Mrs C h r istopher D
M r .&: Mrs Lawrence S. D r Cha rlotte&: Mr. Charles W ilhelm
j o n es Podowski
Mrs. W ill iam Kah n
Mr. &: Mrs Peter Karm a nos
M r. &: Mrs. R. j amison
Mrs Heinz P rechter W illiam s
Mr. &: M rs. W j ames Prowse M rs. Sam B Williams
Mr. Patrick]. Ke rz ic &: Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn Rako lta, Jr. The H a n joan E. Young
Chairmen Emeriti
Mr. Ro b ert E. Dewar t
Mr. Lynn A. Townsend t
Directors Emerit i
Mrs. D ona ld C. Au s tin
Mr. ]. Addison Bartus h
Mr. Fra nk W Donovan t
Mr. ja m es H. Gram t
Mrs . W illiamjohnston t
Mr. D avid Pollack t
Mrs. Irving Rose
M r. Robert VanderK!oot t
Mr. Rich ard Webb
Mr. George M. Ze ltzer t
Mr. Mort Zieve t
Trustees Em e rit i
Mrs. j ames Merria m Ba rnest
Mr. t Mrs. t Ro be rt E. D ewa r
Dr. t &: Mrs. t Ro b ert Ge risch
Mrs. Aaron Gershe n son t
M r. t &: Mrs. t jam es G ram
Mrs. Katherine G rib bs t
M rs . Robert H amad y t
M rs. &: Mrs. E. Ja n H a rtmann
Mr. t &: Mrs t Maxwe ll jospey
D r. Zophia and M r. t Mitchell Kafarski
M rs. Walton Lewis t
Mrs j esse Mann t
Mr s. Wade H McC ree jr. t
Mr. &: Mrs. j ules L. P a llone
Mrs. Ral p h Polk t
Mr. t &: Mrs t David Po lloc k
Mr. &: Mrs. t Fred Schneidewind
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens t
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Robe rt VanderKloot
Mrs. R. Alexand er W r igley
Founding Members
Mr. t &: Mrs Lyn n A. Townsend , Founding Cha irman
The Han. &: Mrs. t Avern L. Cohn
Dr. &: Mrs John DeCa rl o
D r. &: Mrs. David D iC hiera
M r. t &: Mrs t Aaron H Gershenson
M r. &: Mrs. Dona ld C. Graves
Mr. t &: Mrs t jo h n C. Griffin
Mr. &: Mrs Harry L. Jo n es
The Han t &: Mrs. t Wade McC ree Jr.
Mr. H arry ]. Nederlan d er
Mr. E. Harwood Ryd h o lm t
Mr. &: Mrs. N eil Sn ow
M r &: Mrs. Richard Strichartz
M r t &: Mrs t Robe rt C. VanderKloo t
D r. t &: Mrs. Sam H W illia m s
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Theodo re 0. Yntema
M rs. Step hanie Germack
Mrs Ru th Rattner &: Mr Thomas L. Kerz ic
Mrs. C h arles Kessler
Mr. &: Mrs Eugene L. Klein
Mr &: Mrs. Robe rt Klein
M r. &: Mrs. Mike Koj aian
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rea Sch ell e n b e rg
Mrs Morton Zieve
Mrs Paul Zuc kerman
D e tro it Op e r a Hous e
www.Mi c hi ga nOpera .org
A Dance Adventure
Taryn Kaschock Russell Director, Hubbard Street 2
Glenn Edgerton Artistic Direc tor
jason D. Palmquist Executive Director
*HS2 Appre ntic e MAGGIE
Terence Marling Rehearsal Director
MARCH 3, 20 12
Kristen Brogdon General Manager
Alejandro Cerrudo Res id en t Choreograph er
Claire Ba ta ill e Director, Lou Conte Dance Studio
Andy Brown Production Manager
Ishanee DeVas Company Manag er
Kilroy G. Kundalini Audio Engineer
Stephan Pane k Head Carp enter
Matt Miller Lighting Directo r
Aprill C. C le m e nts Stage Mana ger/Prop erties Mast er
Emily Predny Lighting Sup erv iso r
Lou Co nte Fo under
Rebecc a Shouse Wardrob e Sup erv isor
Northern Thust Lead Commission in g Sponsor
This project is partially supported by a CityArts grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cu ltu ra l Affairs and Special Events and a grant from the Illinois Arts Co u nci l, a st ate agency. Haro ld image reprinted with the permiss io n of th e Estate of Ruth Kra uss, Stew art I Ede lste in , Executor. All ri g hts reserved www.M ic hi ga nO pera .org Detroit Opera Ho u se
Harold and the Purple Crayon: A Dance Adventure
Inspired by the book Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett johnson
Taryn Kaschock Russell , Director
Terence Marling and Robyn Mineko Williams , Choreography
Andrew Bird, Music
joel Cory, Narration
Matt Miller, Lighting D esign
Rebecca Shouse, Costum e D esign
Ryan Wineinger , Sc enic and Projection Design
Music: "The Giant of Illinois "
Scene 1 - Harold's Bedroom
Music : "Lull "
Scene 2- The Long Straight Path
Music: "N yatiti "
Scene 3 - The Apple Tree
Music : "Carrion Suite ," "Yawny at the Apocalypse"
Scene 4 - The Ocean
Musi c : "Nomenclature " (original and instrum ental)
Scene 5 - A Nap on the Shore
Music: "The Nightshade Gets In It"
Scene 6 -A Picnic Lunch
Music : "Depression- Pas illo "
Scene 7 - Goodbye to Friends
Music: "Theme 1 (restated) "
Scene 8 - Climbing the Mountain
Mu s i c: "Carrion Suite"
Scene 9 - Falling
Music: "Spinney"
Scene 10- A Fine View
Music : " Choru s of th e Swan"
Sce ne 11 - Stomp Stomp Clap Stomp
Mu s i c: Mad e b y yo u!
Scene l2 - A Whole City Full of Windows
Music: "So m e thing Sinis t er "
Scene l3 - Directions
Scen e 14 - Police m a n
Mu sic : " Carri o n Suite "
Scene 15- Right around th e Moon
Mus i c: "Them e 1 (Waltz ) ," "The Giant of Illinois "
Harold and the Purple Crayon: A Dance Adventure is an hour-long , interactive dance adaptation inspired by the 1955 classic children's book Harold and th e Purpl e Crayon by Cro c kett johnson , which tells the story of a young boy named Harold, who, equipp ed with his purple crayon and an infinite imagination, choreographs h i s own adventures
"After reading Harold's adventures again as an adult , I found m yself immediately making connecti ons between how Harold creates his own world with his purp le crayon and how we create new works at Hubbard Street Danc e Chicago, " comm ents Hubbard Street 2 Director Taryn Kas ch ock Russell. "I hop e that this work will inspire children to us e their bodi es and imagination to communicate throu gh dance ."
Harold and the Purple Crayon: A Dance Adv enture is Hubbard Street 2's first program-length work created sp ec ifically for young people and famili es , who can h elp create Harold's next adventure through their own exp loration of movement. This proj ect is not only uniq ue to Hubbard Stree t 2 , but to contemporary dan ce as a who le. Whil e theater and clas si cal balle t compani es often cat er to famili es with produ c tions inspired by children's literature , contemporary dance has seldom focused on narrative choreography, let alon e sought inspiration from a children 's novel.
Northern Trust is the Lead Commissioning Sponsor of Harold and the Purple Crayon: A Dance Adventure Technical support provided by the McAninch Arts Center at the Coll ege of DuPage .
Crea ted fo r and premi er ed by Hub bard Street 2 at the j ohn F. Kenn ed y Ce nte r fo r th e Pe rforming Arts on Novemb er 13 , 2010 Mus ic by Andrew Bird : "Yawn y a t the Ap oca lypse ," from the album Ann chai r A pooy ph a , " No me ncla ture ," from th e album N obl e Beast, "Nyatiti ," " Carrion Suite ," Sp inne y, " from th e a lbu m Usel ess Crea tures as r ecord ed b y Fa t Poss um for Chrysalis , "l ull ," fro m t h e a lbum Weat her Sys tem s as reco rd ed by Ri g hteou s Bab e for Chrysalis, "Depressi o n - Pasill o ," fro m th e album T hrill s as reco rd ed b y Ry kodisc fo r Chrysa lis , "Th e Nig h ts h ade Gets In It ," fro m th e album Frit z an d Dizzy spell s, and "T hem e l ( res ta ted ), " "Som e thin g Sini s te r," "Spinney," " Ch o rus o f th e Swan ," "Dan ce of Death ," "and "T h em e l (Wal tz )" fro m th e a lbum Ba ll ad of the Red S hoes as record ed b y Wegawa m Music fo r Chrysa lis , "T he Gia nt o f Illin ois ," fro m the Red H o t Compil a tio n Dar /1 was th e N ight as r eco rd ed by 4AD fo r Bu g Mus ic Sp ecia l tha n ks to An drea Troolin o f Eko n omis k Man age m ent and Kim Peter Kovac at th e Kennedy Center Harol d i mage reprinted wi th th e p ermission o f th e Es tate o f Ruth Kra uss , Stewart I. Edelstein , Executo r All rig h ts reser ved
Hubbard Street 2
Hubbard Stree t 2 (HS2 ) , fo unded b y julie Nakaawa Bottcher and n ow led by Tar yn Kasch ock Ru ssell , was formed in 19 97 to prepar e d an ce rs ages 18- 25 for th e life o f a p rofessional d an cer in a co n temp o rary co mp an y. HS2 p rovid es tal ented yo ung d an cers a ch ance to d evel op their p ro fessional exp e rien ce , and in this vibra nt environm ent, they quickly be come d yn a mic , bold d an cers , d eveloping s t ro n g t echniqu e and a n individual vo ice. HS2 dan cer s ar e kn own fo r their a thle ticis m and fearless d an cing. To date , 1 7 HS2 d an cer s h ave ad vance d to th e m ain comp an y, and m an y more h ave j oin ed o th er n a ti o n al an d intern a tiona l comp anies . HS2 initia ted the annu al Na ti o n al Ch oreo grap hic Co mp e titio n in 1999 as p art o f Hu bb ard Stree t's initia tive to identify a nd nurture young c horeographer s . Ea ch y ear, the co mp e tition prov ides a r esiden cy to three ch o reogr apher s , who create an o riginal wo rk on th e co m pa n y and condu ct m as t er classes fo r th e co mmuni ty. Th e co m pe tition h as ga ined an es teem ed
D e tro i t Opera H o u s e ww w Mi c hi g a n O p e ra.o rg BR AVO 7
reputati o n , international recognition and a growing pool of submissions Alm ost 30 new works have been created for HS2 as part of th e NCC.
(Director, HS2) joined Hubbard Street Danc e C hi cago after an extensive career with th e Joffrey Ba ll e t. Starting in 1995 s h e s pent seven years p erforming and touring ex ten sively with the company. During that time , she expan d ed h er artistry by dancing the principal rol es in classic works b y Agnes DeMille , George Balanchine , Martha Grah am and John C ranko . Sh e was also the first woman outside of David Parso n s' company to dance hi s signa ture so lo Cmtght. Kasc ho c k Russ ell joined Hubbard Street Dance Chicago in 2002 and the following January was n a m ed one of Dance Magazine's "25 to Watch. " H er Hubbard Stree t rep e rt o ire included master works by Jirf Kylian , Nacho Du a to , William Fo rsy th e a nd Ohad Na h arin. Kaschock Russ ell also participated in numerous original crea ti ons whil e a m e mb er o f the co inp an y. In 2007 , she b eca m e a m e mb er o f Hubbard Street's artistic sta ff a nd b egan teaching compa n y class, cond u c ting rehearsals and r e-se tting ch oreograp h y. Sh e was n amed Director o f Hubb ard Stree t 2 in 2008 and also coo rdinates Hubbard Street's Na ti o n al Choreog raphi c Co mpetition. In 2010 Kaschock Ru ssell conceived and direc t ed th e cri ti ca ll y accla im ed Hubbard Stree t 2 famil y program Harold and th e Purple C ra yon: A Dance Adventure
GLENN EDGERTON (Ar tistic Direc tor) j o ined Hubb ard Stree t Dance Chi cago after an international career as a danc er and direc tor. H e began hi s dan cing career at th e J offrey Ballet wh er e, m entored by Ro b ert Joffrey, h e p e rfo rmed lea ding ro les in th e company's co nt emp orary and classical repertoire for 11 years. In 1989, Edgerton joined th e accla im ed Ne d erl ands Dans Th eater (NDT) , w h e re h e dan ced for fiv e years He r e ti red from p er formin g to become artis t ic director o f th e main co mpany, leading NDT for a d eca d e and presenting the works ofJirf Kylian , Han s van Man en , W illi am Forsy the, O h ad
Naharin , Mats Ek, Nacho Duato, Janna Elo, Johan Inger, Paul Lightfoot and Sol Leon , among others. From 2006 to 2008 , he directed the Co lburn Dance Institute at th e Co lburn Sc ho o l of Performing Arts in Los Angeles. Edgerton joined Hubbard Street's artistic leadership team full - tim e as associate artistic director in 2008. Since 2009, Edgerto n has guided the company forward as artisti c director, building on more than three decades of artistic l eadership from both Lou Co nte and Jim Vincent , whose extraordinary work established the company as a leader in danc e performance, education and appreciation.
ALICIA DELGADILLO (C harl otte, NC) was born in San Francisco, CA. Sh e recei ved h er training in th e Royal Academy of Danc e a nd Ceche tti styles o f ball e t under th e t ut e lage of Susan Hayward. After m ovin g to Ch arlotte , North Caro lina , s h e continu ed h er studi es with Gay Porte r and Bridget Porter Young at th e C harlotte Schoo l of Ballet. In 2004 , Delgadi ll o bega n study ing full time with Danie l and Rebecca Wiley at Pie dmont Sch oo l of Mu s ic and Dance. Sh e h as atte nded s ummer programs with Hubbard Stree t Dance Chicago, American Ballet Th ea tre, Juilliard , San Francisco Co ns e rva tor y of Dan ce, and Springboard Danse Mo ntreal. Most recently, Delga dillo h ad the opportunity to perform with Alvin Ailey Am erican Dance Theater in Alvin Ailey's M emor ia. Curre ntly s h e is fini s hing h e r d eg ree in d anc e with the Ailey/Fordham BFA Program where s h e ha s p er form ed works by Sidra Bell , J e nnifer Mull er and Camill e A: Brown . Delgad illo j o in ed Hubbard Stree t 2 in Augu s t 20 11
NICHOLAS KORKO S (Sa n Francisco, CA) train ed pre d ominan tl y at Alo n z o King LI NES Ballet Sch oo l , as well as San Francisco Sch oo l of th e Arts and Purcha se Co llege, SUNY. At age 15 Korkos p er fo rmed in and toured T he Rite of Spring with LINE S.
From 2008 - 2010 , Korkos was a memb e r o f both Robert Mo ses' KI N a nd Kara Davis' Project Agora in Sa n Fra n cisco. During tha t time h e p e rform ed in II Tro vatore with th e San
Francisco Op era In addi ti on t o Davis , Moses and King, Korkos h as p erformed the works of Yannis Adoniou , Sidra Bell, Alex Ke tley and Katie Faulkner. Korkos joined Hubbard Street 2 in September 2010.
EMILIE LERICHE (Santa Fe, NM) began her danc e training at the age of eight. In 2007 she moved to th e Bosto n area to study at Walnut Hill School for the Arts. She h as attended summer programs at Magnu s Mid west ( form erly Jaffre y Midwest) , Comp lexions
Contemporary Ballet, San Francisco Co n serva t ory of Dance and Hubbard Street Danc e Chic ago In 2009 s h e p erforme d alongside the d ancers of zoe ljunip er in th e devi l yo u know is bett er than the devil yo u don 't. Ler iche join ed Hubbard Street 2 as an apprentice in September 20 lO and becam e an HS2 company member in August 2011.
FE LICIA MCBRIDE (San An toni o, TX) b egan her balle t training under the direc tion of Julie Morton Simp so n in San Antonio, Texas. She attended summer pro grams at Hou sto n Ba lle t , Ch atauqua Ballet, Tul sa Ba llet a nd Ballet Au stin. After sp ending h er seni or yea r as a train ee wi th North Caro lina Danc e Th ea ter s h e dan ced with Ballet Austin 2 for o n e season. In 200 9 McBride joined Dom inic Walsh Dance Theater (DWDT) w h ere s h e performed works b y Jirf Kylian , Mats Ek , Mauro Bigo n ze tti , Vaclav Kunes and Do mini c Walsh. After two seasons with DWDT, McBride joined Hubbard Stree t 2 in August 2011.
JOHNNY MCM ILLAN (Sault Ste. Mari e, ON) bega n his training in Sau lt Ste Marie, Ontario, at age 12 He grad u a ted from Interlochen Arts Academy rece iving the yo ung artists ' award in dance. H e h as a tten d ed summ er programs a t the San F rancisco Co n s e rvator y, Bartholin Interna tional Ba ll et Seminar and Hubbard Stree t He has worked with Gleich Dances und er th e direc ti on of Julia Gle ich a nd was awarded first place a t the 2010 Ameri can Balle t Co mp e tition in both th e classical and co ntemporary divisions .
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D e tro it Opera Ho u se
He has performed roles in ballets such as Arthur Saint-Leon's Coppelia, August Bournonville's La Sylphide and Frederick Ashton's Les Patineurs; as well as works by Randy Duncan, Patrick Corbin, Kim Robards and Hannah Baumgarten. McMillan joined Hubbard Street 2 as an apprentice in September 2010 and became a company member in August 2011.
JUSTIN RONALD MOCK (Pittsburgh, PA) began his dance training at age 17 at the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School. He has participated in summer dance programs at Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Lou Conte Dance Studio and American Ballet Theatre. He r eceived his B.A. from Point Park University in 2011, where he first became acquainted with Hubbard Street's repertoire while dancing Bardo by Toru Shimazaki. Mock joined Hubbard Street · 2 as an apprentice in August 2011.
. LISSA SMITH (Miami, FL) began her danc e training in Miami, Florida. She graduated from New World School of the , Arts High School arid atte nded the Boston Conservatory Smith danced in summer programs at Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Jacob 's Pillow, the Juilliard School, Alonzo King LINES Ballet, Martha Graham, the J offrey Ballet and the Joffrey Midwest Workshop. She h as performed works by Martha Graham , Jos e Limon , Gregory Dawson, Hofesh Sh ecter, T h ang Da o , Peter London, Alwin Nikolais and Uri Sands. In 2009 , Smith won the "Arts For Life !" dance scholarship presented b y Fl orida 's Former First Lady Columba Bush. Smith joined Hubbard Street 2 as an apprentic e in August 2011.
ANDREW WRIGHT (Burlington, ON) began his dan ce training at the age of e ight. He has attende d summer intens ives with Hubbard Street Danc e C hicago and River North Chicago Dance Co mpany. H e a lso attended Springboard Danse Montreal wher e h e worked with Les Ballets Jazz d e Montreal a nd Batsheva Danc e Company performing rep ertoire
by Aszure Barton and Ohad Naharin. He is currently pursuing his BFA in dance at Point Park University where he received the "Rising Star in Dance" award and has performed works by Gerald Arpino, Trey Mcintyre, Toru Shimazaki and Kiesha Lalama. Wright joine d Hubbard Street 2 as an apprentice in August 2011 and plans on finishing his degree in December 2011 while performing with the company
TERENCE MARLING (Choreographer & Hubbard Street Rehearsal Director) began his ballet training in 1982 at the Ruth Page School of Dance under the direction of Larry Long. In 1994 , he joined the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater directed by Patricia Wilde, performing works by George Balanchine , Glen Tetley, Paul Tay lor, Jiri Kylian, Ohad Naharin , Kevin O ' Day and Dwight Rhoden , as well as many full-length classi cal ball e ts. In 2003 Marling was invited to join the National Theatre Mannheim in Germany under the direction of Kevin O ' Day, where he participated in the creation of many new works . Marling joined Hubbard Street Dance Chicago in April of 2006 a nd danc ed with the c ompany until D ecember of 2009. Marling became Rehearsal Director for Hubbard Street in January of 2010 and co-choreographed Harold and the Purple Crayon: A Dance Adventure for Hubbard Street 2 later that year.
(Choreographer) b ega n dancing at ag e five under th e direction of Yvonne Brown Collodi. She continued studying dance at the Lou Conte Dance Studio on full scholarship from 1993 to 1995 Williams d anced with River North C hi cago Dance Co mpany for four years before becoming an apprentice with Hubbard Street Da nc e Chicago in June 2 000 She b eca m e a full company m emb er in Sep t emb er 2001. In 2010, s h e co -c horeographe d Harold and the Purpl e Crayon: A Dan ce Adventure for Hubbard St reet 2.
D et roit Opera Hou se
www M ic hi ga nOpera org Classical Music with Dave Wagnef and Ghris Felcyn
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am-7 pm
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater grew from a now-fabled performance in March 1958 at the 92nd Street Y in New York City Led by Alvin Ailey and a group o f young AfricanAmerican modern dancers, that performance changed forever the perception of American dance. The Ailey company has gone on to perform fo r an estimated 23 million people at thea ters in 48 sta tes and 7l co untries on six continents as well as millions more through television broad casts. In 2008, a U.S. Congressional resolution designated the Company as "a vital American cultural ambassador to the world " that celebrates the uniqu eness of the African-American cultural experien ce and the preservation and enrichm ent o f the American modern dance h eritage. When Mr. Ailey began creating dances , h e drew u pon his "blood m emories " of Texas, the blues, spiritu als, and gospel as inspiration, which resulted in the creation of his most popular and criticall y acclaimed work , Revelations. Although he created 79 ballets over his lifetime, Mr. Ailey maintained · - that his company was n ot exclusively a repository for his own work. Today, the Company continues Mr. Ailey's mission by presenting important works of the past and co mmissioning n ew ones. In all , more than 200 works by over 80 cho reograph ers h ave been part of the Ail ey company's repertory
Before his untimely death in 1989, Alvin Ailey named Judith Jamison as his successor, and over the n ext 21 years, she brought th e Company to unprecedented success. Ms. J a mison , in turn , personally se lected Robert Battle to succeed her in 2011. In announcing his appointment as Artis ti c Director, s h e s tated , "Combining an intimate knowl edge of the Ailey company with an indep endent perspective, Robert Battle is without ques tion the crea tive force of the future. "
Alvin Ailey Ame ri can Dance Theat er gratefu lly acknowl edges
The joan & Sandy Weill Global Ambassador Fund, which provides vital support for Ail eys nati o nal and inte rnational tours
Robert Battle b ecame Artistic Direc t or of Alvin Ailey American Danc e Th ea te r in Ju ly 2 011 , making him only th e third person to h ead th e Co mpany since it was founded in 1958 Mr Battle h as a long-s tanding associa tion with th e Ail ey organiza tion A frequent choreogra ph e r and artist-inresidenc e at Ailey s in ce 1999 , h e has set many of his works on Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and Ailey II , a nd a t The Ailey Sc hool. Th e Co mpan y's cu rrent rep ertory includ es his ba lle ts Th e Hunt , In /Sid e , Lov e
Detroit Op e ra Hous e
Stories (a collab o r a tion with judith jamison and Re nni e Harris) , and Tahademe. Mr. Battle's journey to the top of the mod e rn dance wo rld began in th e Lib erty City n eighborh ood of Miami, Florida. He s howed artis tic tale nt ea rl y a nd studied dance at a high school arts magnet progr am before mo vi n g on to Miami's New World School of the Arts , under the direction of Dani el Lewis and Gerri Houlihan, and finally to the dance program at The J uilliard School , und er the direction of Benjamin Harkarvy, w h ere h e met his m e ntor Ca r olyn Adams. Mr. Battle danced with th e Parsons Dance Company from 1994 to 2001, a nd also set his choreography on that company starting in 1998. H e th en founded his own Battleworks Dance Company, wh ich made its premiere in 2002 in Dusseldorf, German y as the U.S . representative to th e Wo rld Dance Alliance's Gl oba l Assembly. Ba ttleworks subsequently p erformed ex tensively at venu es including The Joyce Th eater, Dance Theater Workshop , American Da n ce Festival , and Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival. He h as also create d n ew works and restaged his ballets for suc h companies as Introdans , River North C hi cago Dan ce Company, and Ball e t Memphis. H e ha s regularly conducted r eside ncies at universiti es throughout the United States and gives mas t er classes around the globe. Mr. Battle was honored as one of th e "Masters of African-American C h oreography" by the Kennedy Center for the Pe rforming Arts in 2005 , and h e r eceived th e prestigiou s Statue Award from th e Prin cess Grace Foundation-USA in 2 00 7 In jul y 2010, he was a guest speaker a t the Un ited Na tions Leaders Programme in Turin , Italy.
Masa zumi Chaya was born in Fuku oka , J ap an, where h e b egan his classica l balle t training. Upo n m oving to New York in D ecember 1970 , he studied modern dance and perform ed with th e Richard Englund Repe rtory Company Mr. Chaya joined Alvin Ailey American Dan ce Theater in 1972 and p er formed with the Compa n y for 1 5 years In 1988 , h e beca m e the Co mpany's Rehearsa l Director a ft er s erving as Assistant Rehearsal Directo r for two years. A maste r teacher, both on tour wit h th e Co mp any and in his native japan , h e served as c horeographi c assis tant to Alvin Ailey and john Butler. In 1991 , Mr. Ch aya was n amed Ass ociate Artistic Direc tor of th e Com pan y He continu es to provide in valu ab le crea tiv e assistance in all face ts of i ts operations In 2002 , Mr. Ch aya coordinated the Company's appearance at the Ro c kefell e r Cente r Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, broadcast on NBC. Mr. Chaya h as r es ta ged num erou s ball e ts , includin g Al vin Ailey's Flowers for
the State Ballet of Missouri (1990) and Th e River for the Royal Swedish Ballet (1993), Ballet Florida (1995) , Nat ional Balle t of Pragu e ( 1995), Pennsylvania Ball e t ( 1996) and Colorado Ballet (1998). H e h as also restaged The Mooche, The Stach-Up , Episodes, Bad Blood , Hidd en Rites, Urban Fo l11 Dance, and Witness for th e Company At the b eginning of his tenure as Associate Artistic Director, Mr. C haya r estaged Ailey's For "Bird" - Wit h Love for a "Danc e in America " program en titled Alvin Ail ey American Danc e Th eat er: Steps Ahead. In 2000, h e restaged Ail ey's Night C reature for th e Rome Opera House and The Ri ver for La Sca la Ballet. In 2003 , he res taged The Riv er for North Carolina Dance Theatre and for julio Bo cca's Ballet Argentina. Most recently, Mr. Chaya restaged Blues Suite, Mary Lou s Mass, Three Blacl1 Kings, Forgott en Tim e, Hymn, a nd Streams for th e Company. As a performe r, Mr. Chaya appeared onjapanese te levision in both dramatic and musical productions. H e wishes to recognize the artistic co ntributi o n and spirit o f hi s late fri e nd and fellow artist , Michihiko Oka.
Alvin Ail ey was born on january 5, 1931 in Roger s, Texas. His experiences of life in the rural So uth would la ter inspire some o f his most m e mora bl e works At age 12 , he moved with his moth er to Los Angeles , where he was introdu ced to danc e b y p erformances of th e Balle t Russe d e Monte Carlo and th e Katherine Dunham Danc e Company His formal dan ce tra inin g bega n with an introduction to Lester H orto n 's classes by his friend , Carmen de Lavallade. Horton, the found e r of one o f the fir s t racially-i ntegra ted danc e companies in the Uni ted States, b ecam e a m entor for Mr. Ailey as h e embarked on his profess iona l career. After Horton's d eath in 19 53 , Mr. Ail ey became direc tor of the Lester H o rton Dan ce Theater and began to choreograp h his own works. In 1954 , he was invited to dance in th e Broadway musica l Hous e of Flo wers Mr. Ailey s tudi ed dance wit h Martha Gra ha m , Doris Hump hrey, C h arles Weidman , Hanya Holm , and Karel Shook and also took acting class es with Stella Adler. In 195 8, he found ed Alvin Ailey American Da n ce Th ea ter to carry out his visio n of a company d edicated to enric hing th e American modern dan ce h eritage an d preserving the uniqueness o f the African-American cultural exp erien ce. H e establis h ed the Al vin Ailey American Da n ce Ce nter ( now Th e Ailey Schoo l) in 1969 and for m ed the Alvin Ai ley Repertory Ensemble ( now Ailey II) in 1974. Mr. Ail ey was a pioneer of progra ms promoting arts in educatio n , particu la rl y th ose b en efitin g underse rve d com munities T hro u ghout hi s life tim e, h e was awarded num e rous h onorary
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doctoral degrees, NAACP's Spingarn Award, the United Nations Peace Medal , the Dance Magazine Award , the Capezio Award , and the Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award. In 1988 , he received the Kenn edy Cente r Honor in recognition of his extraordinary contribution to Am e rican culture. When Mr. Ailey died on December 1 , 1989 , Th e N ew York Times said of him, "you didn't need to have known [him ] personally to have been touched by his humanity, enthusiasm and exuberance and his courage ous stand for multi-racial broth erhood. "
Judith Jamison joined Alvin Ailey Am erican Dance Theater in 1965 and quickly became an international star. Over the n ext 15 years, Mr. Ail ey created s om e of his most enduring rol es for her, mo s t notably the tour-de-force solo Cry. During the 19 70s and '80s, she appeared as a guest artist with ballet companies all over the world , starred in the hit Broadway musical Sophi sticat ed Ladi es, and form ed her own company, The Jamis on Proj ect.' Sh e return ed to Alvin Ail ey Am e ri ca n Dance Theater in 1989 , wh e n Mr Ailey asked her to su cceed him as Artis ti c Director. In the 21 years that fo ll owed , she brought the Company to unpreced ented heights · - including two his toric engagements in South Africa and a 50 -city global tour to ce lebrate the Company's 5 0 '" anniv er sa ry. Ms. Jamison is the rec ipie nt of num erou s awards and hon or s , among them a prim etim e Emmy Award , an American C horeography Award, the Kennedy Center Honor, a National Med al of Arts , a "Bessi e" Award , the Pho e nix Award , and th e Ha ndel Medallion . Sh e was also lis ted in " TIME 100: The W o rld's Most Influ ential People" and h o nored b y First Lady Mic h elle Oba m a at the firs t White Hous e Dan ce Seri es event. As a highly rega rd ed c horeograph er, Ms. Jamison has c reated many cel ebra ted w o rks, including Div ining ( 1984), Forgo tt e n Tim e ( 1989) , Hy mn (199 3), H E RE N OW ( commi ssion ed for the 2002 C ultural Ol ympiad ), L ove Stori es (with additi o n al ch o r eography b y Rob ert Ba ttle a nd Renni e H arris, 200 4), and Amon g Us (Privat e S paces: Publi c Places ) (2009 ) H er autobio graph y, Dan c ing Spirit , wa s edited by Ja cqu elin e Kenn ed y Onassis and pub lish ed in 1993. In 200 4, under Ms. Jamis on 's artis ti c direc torship , h er id ea of "a bigger p lace, " the p erm a n ent h o m e fo r th e Ailey comp a n y, w as r ea lized an d named after b eloved ch airman Joa n Weill Ms. J a mison continu es to d ed ica te h er self to asserting the promin e n ce o f the a rts in our culture, and s h e r em ains committed to promo ting the s ig nifican ce of th e Ailey l egacy - u sing d a n ce as a
medium for honoring the past , celebrating the present and fearlessly reaching into the future
Matthew Rushing was born in Los Angeles , CA He began his dance training with Kashmir Blake in I nglewood, CA and later continued his training at the Los Angeles County High Schoo l for the Arts He is the r ecipient of a Spotlight Award and Dance Magazine Award and was nam ed a Preside ntial Scholar in the Arts. He was a scholarship student at The Ailey School and later became a member of Ailey II , where he danc ed for a y ear During his care er, Mr. Rushing has p erformed as a guest artist for galas in Vail , Colorado , as well as in France , Rus sia , Canada , Austria , and Italy. He has p erform ed for presidents George H Bush , Bill Clinton , George W Bush, and Barack Obama, as w ell as at the 2010 White Hous e tribute to Judith Jamison. During his time with the Comp a ny he has choreog raphed two ballets : A cce ptanc e In Surrender (2005), a c ollabora ti o n with Hop e Bo ykin and Abdur Ra him -Ja c kson , and U ptown ( 2009) , a tribute to the Harle m Ren aissance. Mr. Rushing joined the Company in 1992 and became Rehearsal Director in June 2010.
GUILLERMO ASCA (Rego Park, NY) or "Mo e, " as h e is a ffec tiona tely known , graduated from LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts. He was a s cholarship s tudent at The Ail ey School and danced with Ail ey II , Balle t Me tropolitano d e Ca racas, Balle t Hisp ani co , Dan ce Comp ass , Sh apiro & Smith , a nd Footprints Dan ce Projec t. In 2 010 , h e p erfo rm ed a t the White Hous e tribute to Judith J amison Mr Asca j oined th e Company in 1994
KIRVEN JAMES BOYD (Boston , MA) b egan his formal d a n ce training a t the Bos ton Arts Academ y a nd j oined Bos to n Youth Moves in 1999 und er th e direc tion o f Jim Viera a nd J eann e tte N eill. H e also trained o n sch ola r s hip a t th e Bos ton Co n se rvatory and as a s cholarship s tud ent a t Th e Ail ey Sc hool. Mr. Bo yd h as d a n ced with Battleworks Dan ce Company, The Pa r sons Dance Comp a ny, and Aile y II. H e p e rformed at the White Hou se tribute to Ju d i thJ amis on in 2010 Mr. Boyd j oin ed th e Comp a ny in 2004
HOPE BOYKIN (Durha m , N C) is a threetim e r ecipi ent of th e America n Da n ce Fes tival's Young Tuition Schola r s hip. Sh e a tte nd ed H oward University a nd w hile in Washin g to n , DC sh e p erfo rmed with
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Lloyd Whitmore's New World Dance Company. Ms. Boykin was a student and intern at The Ailey School. She was assistant to the late Talley Beatty and an original member of Complexions. Ms. Boykin was a m e mber of Philadanco and received a N ew York Dance and Performance "Bessie" Award. In 2005, Ms. Boykin choreographed Acceptanc e in Surrender in collaboration with Abdur-Rahim Jackson and Matth ew Rushing for Alvin Ailey Ameri can Dance Theater Most recently, she choreographed Go In G race with award-winning singing group Swee t Honey In Th e Rock for the Company's 50th anniversary season. Ms. Boykin joined the Company in 2000.
SEAN A. CARMON (Beaumont , TX) began his danc e training under Bonnie Cokinos with guida n ce from Lucia Booth and Eva LeBlan c He was a m emb e r of Elisa Monte Dance and is a gr aduate of the Ail ey/ Fordham B. F. A. Program in Dance. Mr. Carmon was an origina l cast member of the 2010 reviva l of La Cag e Aux Foli es on Broadway and was also a cast memb er of th e Broadwa y production of Th e Phantom of th e Op e ra. As an assis tant to C h r is to ph er L. Huggins, h e app eared as a gu es t a rtist with the International Dan ce Ass ociation in Italy and with the Cap e Dance Company in South Africa Mr Carmon joined th e Co mpany in 2011.
SARAH DALEY (South Elgin , IL) b egan h er traini n g at th e Faubourg School of Balle t in Illinois und er th e direction of Watmora Casey and Tatyana Ma zur Sh e is a 2009 graduate of the Ailey/Fordham B F. A Program in Dance . Ms . Dal ey has train ed a t institutio n s s u c h as Th e Kiro v Acad em y, Natio nal Balle t School of Can ad a , Th e San Fra n cisco Conse rva tor y of Dan ce , a nd inten s ives s u c h as Ball e t Cam p Illi nois a nd Balle t Adriati co in Italy. Sh e is a recipi e nt of a Youth American Grand Prix Award and an ARTS Fo unda tion Award . Sh e w as a m e mb er of Ail ey II a nd joined the Company in 2011.
GHRAI De VORE (Was hingto n , D C) b ega n h er form al d a n ce training at the Chi cago Multi cultural Dan ce Center. and w as a s cholar s hip s tude nt at Th e Ail ey Scho o l. Sh e h as co m p le t ed s umm er p rog r a m s at th e Kirov Acad em y, Balle t Chi cago , Deepl y Ro oted Da n ce Thea t er, American Ball e t Thea tre, a nd Al o n zo King's Li nes Ball e t. Ms. DeVore w as a m em b er of Deeply Roo ted Da n ce Th ea ter 2 , Hubba rd Stree t
2, Dance Work s Chicago, and Ailey II Sh e is a recipie nt o f th e Danis h Q u een Ing rid Schol a rs hip o f Hono r a nd the Dizzy Fee t Foundatio n Scholars hip , and s h e was a 2010 n o minee fo r the firs t a nnua l Clive Barnes
D e tro i t O pe ra Hou se
Award Ms. DeVore joined the Company in 2010 .
ANTONIO DOUTHIT (St. Louis , MO) began his dance training at age 16 at the Center of Contemporary Arts under the direction of Le e No lting and at the Alexandra School of Ballet. He also trained at North Carolina School of the Arts, the joffrey Ballet School , San Francisco Ballet, and the Dance Theatre of Harlem School. Mr. Douthit became a m ember of Dance Theatre of Harle m in 1999 and app eared in featured rol es in the balle ts South African Suit e, Doug !a , Co n certo · in F, Return, and Dwight Rho den's Twist. He was promoted to soloist in 2003. He also performed with Les Grands Ba llets Canadiens de Montreal. Mr. Douthit joined the Company in 2004 .
BELEN ESTRADA (Lawrence, MA ) b egan h er formal dance training at the Boston Arts Acad emy, where she gr aduated as valedictorian. She has been mentored by Earl Mosley and danced with Camille A. Brown & Dan cers for three years , during ·- w hic h time she p erform ed at Th e joyce Theater, j ac,ob's Pillow, and th e Dancers Responding to AIDS events Dan ce fro m the H eart and The Fire Island Dance Festival. Ms. Estrada wa s ail apprentice for Ronald K. Brown/Eviden ce, A Danc e Company, and has p erform ed with Lula Washingto n Dance Theater, Nathan Trice , and Roge r C. j effrey. Sh e assisted Matth ew Rus hing wi th his ballet Uptown for th e Ailey compan y in 2009. Ms. Estrada j oined th e Compan y in 20 11.
RENALDO GARDNER (Ga ry, IN) b ega n his d ance training w ith Tony Simpson and is a gra duate o f Talent Unlimited High Sc h oo l. He attended the Emerso n Sch oo l for Visual and Performing Arts and studi ed wi th Larry Brewer an d Mich ael Davis. Mr. Gardner was a scho larship s tudent at Th e Ailey Sch oo l, h as tra ined on scholarship a t Balle t Chicago and Deep ly Rooted Dance Theater, and h ad an internship at the Marth a Graham Sch oo l of Con te mporary Dance In 2008 , h e r eceived seco nd place in modern d a nce from the Natio n al Foundatio n for Advan cem ent in th e Arts and received th e Dizzy Feet Scholarship in 2009. He was a memb er of Ail ey II and j oined the Company in 201 1.
b egan d an cing a t Curie Performing a nd Creative Arts High Schoo l in Chi cago and later studied at th e joseph Holm es Chicago Dan ce Thea tre with Harrie t Ro ss, Marquita Levy, and Em ily Stein . H e a ttended Barat Co ll ege as a d a nce scholarship recipient and received first plac e in the all-city NAACP ACT-SO Co mp e titio n in Dance in 1993 . H e s tudi ed as a sch olarship s tude nt at T h e
Ail ey School and was a member of Ailey II. In 2010 , he performed at the White House tribute to judith jamison Mr. Gilmore is an active choreographer for the Ailey Dancers Resource Fund and has choreographed for Fire Island Danc e F es tival 2008 and jazz Foundation of America Gala 2010; he also produced th e Dance of Light Project in january 2010. Mr. Gilmore is a certified Zena Romme tt Floor-Barre® instructor. He continues to teach workshops and master classes around the world. Mr. Gilmore joined the Co mp any in 1997
JACQUELINE GREEN (Ba ltimo re, MD) began her dance training at the Baltimore School for the Arts under the direction of Norma Pera , Deborah Robinson , and Anton Wilson . She is a graduate of th e Ail ey/ Fordham B.F.A Program in Dan ce Ms. Green h as attended summer programs at Pennsylvania Regional Balle t , Chautauqu a Institution , Ea rl Mo s ley's Ins titute of the Arts, and jacob's Pillow. She was the r ecipient of the Martha Hill's Young Professional Award in 2009 a nd th e Dizzy Feet Scholarship in 2010. Ms. Green was a m ember of Ailey II and j oin ed th e Company in 20 11
DANIEL HARDER (Bowi e, MD ) bega n dancing at Suitland High School's Center for the Visual and Pe rforming Arts in Maryland. He is a r ecent graduate of the Ailey/ Fordham B.F.A. Program in Da n ce w h ere h e was awarde d the j erome Robbins/Layton Foundation Scholarship and participated in th e Holland Dance Festiva l with th e Sc h ool and as a memb er of th e Fra n cesca Harp er Proj ec t. After da ncing in the European to ur of W est S ide Story, Mr. Hard er became a member of Ail ey II He joined th e Company in 2010
DEMETIA HOPKINS (Ora n ge, VA) b ega n h e r dance training at th e Ora n ge Sc h oo l of Pe rforming Arts under the direction of h er uncl e Ri cardo P o rter and H ea th er Powell. Sh e h as s tudi ed with th e Na ti ona l Youth Ballet of Virginia, Virginia Sch ool of the Arts, th e Summer Dance International Course in Burgos, Spain , Th e Rock Sch ool , and Da n ce T h eatre of Harlem Sch ool. Ms. Hopkins gradua ted with honors from th e Ailey/ Fordham B F.A. Program in Da n ce in 2009. She was r ecen tly selected as a recipient of a Leonore Annenberg Fellowship in the Arts. Ms Hopkins was a m emb er of Ailey II a nd joined th e Co mpany in 2010
MICHAEL J ACKS ON , JR. (New Orlean s, LA) b egan h is danc e traini ng at age 14 a t th e Duke Elling ton Sch oo l of the Arts in Washington , DC under the direc tion of C h arles Au gins. H e b eca m e a m emb er of Dan ce T h ea tre of Harl em Dancing th roug h
Barriers Ensemble in 2005 In 2006 , he joined Dallas Black Danc e Theatre and in 2008 joined Philadanco , where he also worked as Artistic Director of D3. Mr. jackson joined the Company in 2011.
MEGAN JAKEL (Waterford, MI) trained in ballet and jazz in h er home town. As a senior in high school, she spent a year dancing with the City Ballet of San Di ego. In 2005 , Ms. jak e! was an apprentice and rehearsal direc tor for the Fran cesca H arp er Proj ec t. She graduated with hon or s in May of 2007 fr om th e Ailey/Fordha m B.F.A. Progra m in Dance. She was a m ember of Ailey II and joined the Company i n 2009.
YANNICK LEBRUN (Caye nne , French Guiana ) b egan training in his n ative country a t th e Ada clam School und er the guidance of j ea nine Verin In 2004 , he m oved to New York Ci ty to study at The Ailey Sc h oo l as a scholarship student. Mr. Lebrun h as performed with the Fra nces ca Harper Proj ec t Modo Fusion He was named one of Dan ce Mag a z ine's "25 to Watch " in 2011. Mr. Lebrun was a m emb er of Ailey II and joined the Comp a n y in 2008.
ALICIA GRAF MACK (Co lumbia, MD) train ed at Balle t Ro yale Institute of Mar yla nd under Donna Pidel and a ttended summer inte n siv es a t the School of Amer ican Balle t and Ameri can Ballet Thea tre. Prior to dancing with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater from 2005 to 2008 , Ms . Mack was a principal d ancer with Danc e Theatre of Harlem and a m emb er of Complexions Contemporary Balle t. In addition to several galas and festivals, s h e has been a guest p erformer wi th Alonzo King's LINES Balle t a nd with Andr e 3000 and Beyonce at Radio City Music Hall. Sh e is the recip ient of the Co lumbia U ni versity Medal of Exce ll en ce and Smithsonian Magaz in e's Young Inno vator Award. Ms. Mack gradua ted magna cum laude with h o n ors in history from Co lumbia Universi ty and received an M .A. in nonprofit managemen t from Washington University in St. Lo uis. She is also a gu es t wri ter for sever al n ation ally dis tributed dance publications. Most r ecently, Ms. Ma ck served as a Visiting Assis tant Professor of Dance a t W eb s ter University in St. Louis Ms. Mack rejoined th e Compa n y in 20 11.
MICHAEL FRANCIS McBRID E Qohnso n City, NY) began his tra ining a t th e Danek Sc ho ol of Performing Arts and later trained a t Amber Perkins Scho ol of the Arts in Norwich , NY. Mr McBride a tte nd ed Earl Mos ley's Institute of the Arts for two consecutive summers and was also assistant to Mr. Mosl ey when h e se t the piece Sadd le UP ! on th e Compa ny in 200 7 Mr. McBride
D e tro i t Op e r a House
www.M ic h iga nOpe ra.org
grad u a ted magn a c um laude from the Ailey/ Fordham B.FA Program in Danc e in 2010 after h e joined th e Co mpany in 2009.
RACHAEL MclAREN (Ma nitoba , Canada ) bega n h e r form al dance trainin g a t th e Roya l Winnipeg Ballet School. After gradu a ting hig h school, Ms. McLaren j oined th e Toronto cas t o f Mamma Mia! Sh e mov ed to New York to stud y at The Ailey Schoo l as a sc holarship s tud e n t and later j o in ed Ailey II She joined th e Comp any in 2008
AISHA MITCHELL (Syracu se , NY) r eceived h e r primary dance training at the Onon d aga Dance Insti tut e , Dance Cen tre North , an d with Anth o n y Sa latino of Syracus e Un iversity. She s tudi ed at No rth Carolina Da n ce Theatre, Lines Ballet Sch oo l , The Joffrey Ballet School , an d The Ailey School as a scholars hip student. Ms Mitchell is a gradu at e of the Ailey/Fordham B.FA. Pro g ram in Da nc e a nd was a m e mber of Ail ey II. She was a m edalis t a t th e NAAC P Na ti onal ACT-SO co mp e tition and recentl y s e r ved as co-ch oreograph er for the Syracuse L es Pecheurs d e Perles. Ms. Mitchell j o in ed the in 2008.
'AKUA NONI PARKER (Kins ton , NC) b egan h er ballet training ·a t the age of th ree an d move d to Wilmington , DE at age twelve to co ntinu e h er professional training at the Academy of th e Dance. In 2000 , s h e j oined Danc e Theatre of Harl em, w h ere sh e d a n ced lead ro les in Agon, Gise ll e , and T h e Four Temperam en ts. T h ereafter s h e danc ed w ith Cin ci nnati Ball e t and Ball et San Jo se Ms. Pa r ke r has p erfo rm ed aro und the world and h ad worked with legendary ico n s Fredri c Franklin and Geo ffr ey Holder Sh e j oin ed th e Company in 2008.
BRIANA REE D (St. Petersburg, FL) b egan h er dan ce training at th e Academ y of Balle t Arts and The Pinellas Co unty Center for Arts. Sh e the n s tudied at The Ailey Scho ol as a sch olarship s tudent. In 1997 , Ms . Reed g raduated from Th e Juilliard School and b ecame a m emb er of Ailey II In 20 10 , she p e rform ed at the White Hou se tribute to Judith Jamison . Sh e is a li cen sed Gyrotoni c ins tru c tor Ms. Reed joined th e Compa ny in 1998.
SAMUE L LE E ROBERTS (Qu akertown , PA ) began hi s dan ce training under the direc tion of Kathl eenJohns ton a nd a tte nd ed Th e Juilliard Sc hoo l. H e p erformed in th e first interna tional s how of Radi o City · C h r is tm as Sp ec ta cu lar in Mexi co Ci ty and d a n ced with th e New York cast from 19992004. Mr. Rob e rts p e rform ed during th e awa rd ce r emon y at th e 2002 Sal t Lake City W in te r Olymp ics, d an ced w i th Corbin Da n ces and Keig win + Comp an y, and was
a fo unding m emb er o f Battleworks Dance Co mp a ny. In May o f 2006 , Mr Roberts was named Dan ce Magaz ine's "On the Rise" Da n cer. H e also p e rformed severa l ro les in Julie Taymor's film Ac ro ss th e Univ e rs e a nd the original opera Grendel. Mr Rob erts j o ined th e Co mp a n y in 2009.
RENEE ROBINSON (Washington , DC)
b egan h er training in class ica l ballet at the Jones-Haywood School of Ballet. She was the recipien t of two Ford Foundation sch olarships to th e Scho ol o f Am erican Balle t a nd was awa rd ed full sch olarships to th e Danc e Th ea tre of Harlem School and The Ail ey School. She performed at th e Wh it e House State Dinn e r in 2003 in h onor of the President o f Kenya , Mwai Kibaki , a n d at the White Hous e tribute to Judith J a mison in 2010. Ms. Robinson was a memb er o f Ailey II and joined the Compan y in 1981.
KELLY ROBOTHAM (New York, NY ) is a grad u a te of New World School o f th e Arts and train ed as a sc h ola r s hip student at Th e Ail ey Sc ho o l and Dance Th ea ter o f Ha rlem Sh e is also a graduate of Th e Juilli ard Schoo l , wh ere she work ed with Robert Battle . In 2009 , Ms . Robotham was sel ected from The Juilliard Danc e Division to participate in a cultu ra l exc h a n ge tour to Cos ta Ri ca and soo n after became a n apprentice with Rive r North C hi cago Dan ce Co mpany. Sh e was a memb er of Ailey II and j oined the Company in201l.
KANJI SEGAWA (Kan agawa , J apan) b egan hi s modern dance training with his mothe r, Erika Ako h , a nd stu died ball e t with Kan and Ju Horiu chi a t Uniqu e Ballet Theatre in Tokyo. In 1997 , Mr. Segawa cam e to the U S under the J apanese Governm ent Artist Fellowship to train at Th e Ail ey Sc h ool. Mr Segawa is a form e r m e mber of Ail ey II from 2000-200 2 a nd Robert Battle's Ba ttl eworks Dance Company from 200 2-201 0. He work ed ex tensively with choreograph er Mark Morris from 2004-2011 , r ep ea tedly appearing in Mr Morris's va rious p ro du c tions , i n cluding as a principal danc er in J ohn Adam 's N ixo n in C hin a a t Me tropolitan Op e r a He h as also p erform ed with J ennifer Muller/ Th e Wor ks , Asz ur e Barton's Aszure and Artists , and J essica Lang Dan ce. Mr Segawa joined th e Company in 2011.
GLENN ALLEN SIM S ( Lo n g Branch , NJ) b egan his classical dan ce trainin g a t the Acad e m y o f Da n ce Arts in Red Ba nk , NJ. H e a tte nd ed Th e Juillia rd Sch oo l unde r the a rtistic gu idan ce o f Be njamin Harkarvy. In 2004 , Mr. Sims was the youngest p er so n to b e indu c t ed in to th e Long Bra n ch High Sc hool's Dis tinguis h ed Alumni Hall of Fame . H e h as b een seen in sever al
n e two rk televisio n programs i n clu din g BET H o no rs , D ancing with the Stars and Th e Today Show. In 2010 , Mr Sims taught as a m as ter teacher in Ravenna , Italy for "Da nc e Up Ravenna ," spon so red b y Intern atio nal Dance Associatio n , a nd p er fo rm ed i n the White H o u se tri bu te to Judith J amison. H e h as per form ed fo r the King of Moro cco an d is a certifi ed Zen a Romme tt Floor-Ba rre® instructor. In sum m er 2011 , Mr. Sims wrote a featured guest blo g for Dan ce M aga z ine. Mr. Sims j oin ed t he Co mpany in 1997
LINDA CE LESTE SIMS (Bron x , NY) b egan h e r dance trainin g at Ballet Hispanico Sc h oo l o f Dance and is a gradu ate of LaGuard ia High Sch ool of the Performing Arts. In 1994 , Mrs. Sims was granted an award by th e Na tional Foundation for Advanc ement in the Arts. She h as been highlighted in the "Bes t of 2009" list in Danc e Mag a z ine and h as p erformed as a gu es t s tar on S o Yo u T hinlz You C an Dance, Dancing with the Stars , and Th e Today Show. Sh e h as also made guest app eara n ces at the White House tr ibute to Judith Jamiso n , Yo uth Ameri ca Grand Prix, Vail International Dance Festival , and galas in Budapest and Vienna Mrs Sims j oin ed th e Company in 1996
JERMAINE TERRY (Washing t on , DC) began his dan ce tra ining in Kissimmee , FL a t James Danc e Center He graduated cum la ud e with a B.FA . in Dance Performance from the Un iversi ty of Sou th Florida , w h ere h e received scho larships for excell en ce in p erforma n ce and choreograph y. Mr. Terry w as a scholarship stu d ent a t Th e Ailey Schoo l and a m ember of Ail ey II , and h e h as performed with Bu glis i Da n ce Theater, Arc h Dance , Danc e !quail , and Philadanc o. H e joined th e Company in 2010.
MARCUS J ARRELL WILLIS (Hous ton , TX) b egan his forma l training at the Johns ton Performing Arts Midd le Sch oo l , the High Sch ool for the Performing and Visu al Arts , a nd Discovery Dance Group in Houston , Texas. At age 16 , h e mov ed to N ew York City and studi ed at The Ail ey Sc hool as a s ch olarshi p student. Mr. W illis is a rec ipi e nt of a Level 1 ART S award given by th e N ational Foundation fo r th e Adva n cem ent in th e Arts and h as received sch olarships to many schoo ls, including The Juilli ard Schoo l. H e was a m emb er of Ailey II and als o worked with Pas cal Rio ult Da n ce Th eater, Domini c Wals h Dan ce Th eate r, and Tan ia Per ez-Salas Co mpaftfa d e Dan za. Mr. Willis joined th e Co mp a ny in 2008 .
The Ail ey dan cers ar e s upport ed , in part, by The judith McDonough Kaminski Dance r Endowm e nt Fund
www.M ic hi ga nOp e r a .o1·g
D et r o it Ope ra Hou se
Joan H . Weill , C hainnan
H enry McGee, President
Simin N. Allison , Guido Goldman, Debra L. Lee, Linda M. Lindenbaum , Arthur). Mirante II , John H. Schaefer, Christoph er). Williams , Vic e-Chairmen
James G. Abruzzo
Gina F Adams
Eleanor S. App lewha ite
Rob ert Battle
Antoinette Cooper Blair
Judith Byrd
Anthony M. Carvette
Kathryn C. Chenault
David S. Daniel
Ca therine Davis
Daria L. Fo s ter
Anita -Agnes 0 Hassell
Robert Kissan e Mich elle Y. Lee
Anthony A. Lewis
Sharon Gersten Luckman
Leslie L. Maheras
Arthur). Mahon
David E. Mann
Gabriell a E. Morris
Robin Ro yals
Richard Speciale
Lemar Swinney
Philip Laskawy, Harold Levine, Stanley Plesent, Esq ., Chairmen Emeriti
Recipi ent of a National Medal of Arts
Sharon Gersten Lu ckman- Executive Directo r
Calvin Hunt - Senior Director, Performance and Produ ction
Be nne tt Ri nk- Senior Direc tor, Developm e nt and Ex t ernal Affairs
Pamela Robinso n - Chief Financial Officer
Matthew Rushing Reh ea rsal Direc tor & Gu es t Artist
Linda Celeste Sims Assistant to the Rehearsal Directo r
Dacquiri T'Shaun Smittick Company Manager
E.J Corrigan Technical Director
Isab ell e Quattlebaum
Business Manager
Kris tin Colvin Young Stage Ma nager
Nicole A Walters Ass istant Stage Manager
Jon Ta ylor Wardrob e Supervisor
AI Crawford Lighting Direc tor
Ro ya Abab
Assistant Lighting Director
David Kerr Mas ter Elec trician
Jo e Ga ito Mas ter Carp enter
Russell). Cowans IV Sound En gineer
Edward De j esu s Property Mas ter
Andrew Blacks Flyman
Curtis Reik Assistant Elec trician
Dante Baylor Wardro b e Assista nt
Erika Ku ehn Wardrob e Assistant
Mych ael Chinn Assistant Co mpa n y Ma n ager
Chris tina Collura Per formanc e and Produ c ti o n Associate
Gin a Costaglio la Pro du c tion Ass is tant
Donald). Rose, M D Direc tor of the Harkness Center for Dance
Shaw Bronn er
Sh eyi Ojofeitimi
Chris tine Keller
Injuri es, Hospital for Joint Disease Director of Physica l Thera py Physical Th erapis t Physical Th erapis t
North American Agent OPUS 3 ARTISTS 470 Park Avenue South , 9th Fl North New Yo rk , NY 1001 6
Tel ephone: 212 584 7500
Fax: 646 300 8200
www.o pu s3artis ts com
Inte rnational Agent
Lincoln Hou se, 3 00 High H olb orn , London WC1 V 7JH , United Kingdom
Telephon e: +44 20 74 00 1700
Fax: +44 20 7400 1 799
Jona than Fleming , Senior Proj ec t Mana ger jonathan fl emin g@as konasholt. co. uk
Pa ul Szil ard , Impresario Emeri tu s
Lig hting system provided b y 4Wall En tertainm ent. Touring sound syste m provi d ed by Gibson Entertainm ent Servi ces.
Domes tic trucking servi ces p rovided by Stage Ca ll Corpora tion
Alvin Ailey is a proud m emb er of Da n ce/USA, th e nationa l servi ce organ iza tio n for profess io n al danc e.
AILEY TOUR MERCHANDIS E Ail ey To ur Merc h an dise a nd AileyS h op.com a re m a n aged by The Araca Group
www.AileyS h op.com
www.facebook.com/AlvinAileyAmericanDanc eT h eate r
D e t ro i t Op e ra Hous e
www Mi c hi ga n Op e 1·a.o 1·g ALVIN AILEY
Premiere: Paris, September 1863
In French with English supertitle translations
Presented in two acts
Two hours, thirty minutes
A co- produ cti o n of Mi chiga n O pe ra Th ea tre and Sa n Diego O p e ra Sets e x ecu t e d by Sa n Diego Opera Sce nic Studio. Cos tum es execute d b y Sa n Diego Ope ra Costume Sh op. General Motors IIFOUNDATION The G M Fo und ati o n and Ca dill ac p ro ud ly spo nsor t he Sp rin g Ope ra Season 16 BR A V O J. ERNEST & ALM EN A G RAY WILDE FUN D Pro du ct io n Sponsor www. Mi c hi ga nOp era. ot·g DE RO Y TESTAM ENTARY FOUNDAT IO N Opening Ni g ht Perfo rm ance Spo nso r D etro it O pe r a H ou se
Cast l'
In order of vocal ap pearance
Zurga Nmon Ford (14 , 18, 21) *
Performances made possib le by a generous gift from Ric hard Sonenh lar
Edward Parks (20, 22)*
Nadir Noah Stewart (14 , 18 , 21) jesu s Garcia (20, 22)
Leila Leah Partridge (14, 18 , 21) Sarah joy Miller (20, 22)
Nourabad Andrew Gray
Eisen h ower Da n ce Ensemb le
Greg Blackmon
Andrew Cribbett
Alicia Cutaia
Alex Hathaway
Rebecca McLindon
Angela Patmon
W ill jordan Peake
Morgan Williams
lain Young
Emily Zatursky
* Mi chigan Opera Th eatre debut
Michigan Opera Th eatre last produced Th e Pearl Fish ers in Jun e 2004.
On the beach , the pearl fishermen are preparing for the diving season and choose Zurga to lead them. They await the arrival of the consecrated virgin, who will ward off storms. Zurga's old frie n d Nadir returns after a long abse n ce, and the two reminisce about their night together at the gates of Candi, where they encountered a beautiful , m ysterious woman. Both instantly fe ll in love with her, but renoun ced that l ove in order to preserve their friends h ip
A veiled woman approaches. She is the consecrated virgin , whose duty it is to protec t th e fisherman while they a r e at sea by singing and remaining inviolate. Acclai med by the pearl fishermen , she swears an oath of obedience an d is l ed to the p lace of h er sacred vigiL Nadir recognizes her as Leila , the woman from his past. Despite his assurance to Zurga, he has never stopped loving h er, and mak es himself known to her.
Night falls , and the hig h pries t Nourabad reminds leila of h er sacr ed vow. She assures him the she n ever breaks a promise and recalls how, as a child, she once risked her life to prot ect a fugitive The fugitive gave her the necklace she no w wears, pro of of her fidelity:
l a ter that evening , Nadir appears, declaring his love. Le ila does not r eject him , and a s torm e rupts at sea. Nourabad r e turns with his guards and sei z es th e guilty lov ers Zurga at firs t pardons them , but b eco m es furious upon recognizing leila a nd withdraws his pardon.
Zurga later r egre ts condemning his old fri end Leila appears to b eg for Nadir's life, offering h er own to spare his Her d evo tion to Nadir rekindles Zurga 's j ea lousy and he rej ec ts h er p l ea l eila and Nadir are to be sacrificed at sunris e As she is l e d a way, leila hands h er n ecklace to a diver, aski n g him to p ass it on to her mother Zurga enters with n ews that th e village is burning. As th e villagers rush off to save their homes, Zurga frees Leila and Nadir, and admits that he lit th e fir e himself. H e had recognized the n ec kla ce , for he was th e fu gi tive whom she had saved in h er c hildh oo d . The lovers fl ee , l eaving Zurga b e hind to fac e the co n sequ en ces of his selfless act.
I RevielNs
An e-for um for operagoe rs
Afte r t h e sh ow, sca n t h is i mage w ith your sm art p ho n e an d sha re your co mm e nts with ot her operagoers. Or v i sit www mic h iga n opera.org to sh are you r t houg hts
Maureen O'F ly nn and Nathan Gunn as Leila and Zurga in MO T's 2004 production.
.[!] D e troit Op e ra Ho u s e www.MichiganOp e r a .org BRAVO 1. 7
A conversation with Zandra Rhodes
By Mitch Cart er
How did you become involved in designing for opera?
When I became a part-time San Diego resident , I began going to the opera there, and a few friends kept telling (San Diego Opera general direc tor) Ian Campbell , "You should use Zandra for costumes. " In 2001 , I did the costumes for The Magic Flute , but not the sets. After, I was asked if I'd like to do the s e t and costumes for Th e Pearl Fish ers. I had enjoyed doing Magic Flut e so much that I didn't r eally have to think about it. But I said , "You'll have to have someone help m e ," because I'd never done sets before. I'd practically never walked onto a stage.
How did you liegin designing Th e Pearl ' Fis hers?
They gave me three years! I'd do a bit of it and then I'd do another bit. Then I h a d a hip op eration so I would lie in bed thinking about it .
W e d ecide d that th e audie n ce p er s p ec tive would b e from the beach looking out to sea, rath er tha n from the sea looking at the beach. I drew a vague id e a of th e sets and met with (director) Andrew Sinclair. We disc uss ed wh er e w e were going and it wasn't quite right. I did a few more sk e tches and th ey w er en 't
quite right. Since the opera takes place in Ceylon, it needs a vaguely Indian feel. I adore that part of the world and while I was off on a trip to judge Miss India, I managed to swing a visit to Sri Lanka.
We w e nt sketching and visiting all the different places. There was a wonderful medieval palace where you climbed up 2 ,000 stairs to a plateau on the rocks. In the caves on the way up were paintings of the ladies of the court, floating around on the c eilings , and that influ enc e d how I did the r est.
How did you arrive at the colors?
We d ecided to l e t the colors represent the groups. For example, the priests and the priest ess es are in ye llows a nd golds and r ed s , whi ch are religious colors in the e ast. And w e decided th e crowd would be in blues and greens , like the sea. And once we 'd gotte n into the mood of deciding what colors w e w ere going for, we w e nt on a coupl e of shopping trip s
W e w ent up to Littl e India, outside Los Ang eles , and bought ever y blue sari w e could find Any thing w e fo und that looked right , we got. That gave us a good basis, and on them we printed s eash ells and starfish and o th er designs I had. The end r esult is a disguised sari.
Would a fan of yours walk into the opera and say, "Oh yes, that's a Rhodes"?
T h ey would. I'm a t ex tile d esign er, so I worke d on the premis e tha t th ey had to look like textile designs and they had to be imaginary The people I've most admired have always made things that look lik e th em. If you look at a wond erful Chaga ll s e t , or at a David Ho ckney, they look lik e the p erson who did them It's not a case o f how r e alistically you can dra w We'r e n o t looking for r ealistic palm trees , w e'r e looking for a fa ntasyland that co n veys th e s ea
Did th e music inform y our creative choice s?
I played it initially, but r eally it was m y con versati o n s with the direc tor and the p eople I w o r k e d with that w e r e m os t important. It was only mu c h lat er, during th e fabul ou s r eh ears als, th a t I r ea lly got t o s tart list e ning to the mu sic. I c ould probably hum you the music n ow, but at th e tim e , I co uldn't.
Do y ou chan g e costume d e sign s to suit sp e cific singe rs?
No t u su a lly, but if it's o n e o f th e m ain singers and yo u find tha t they'r e very s exy, you make th em a bit nud er or wha t ever.
' w w w.Mi c hi ga n O p e 1a . org
D e t r o i t Op e ra H ou se r I
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Memories of lives lived weave th e fa b r i c o f a fu mily's history
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Angel Corella
Yevgeny Voronko
Carmen Corella • Momoko Hirata • Angel Corella
Aaron Robison • Dayron Vera
Kazuko Omori • Fernando Bufala • Al ejandro Virelles
Ana ·Calderon • Cristina Casa • Yuka Is eda
M• jose Sales • Kirill Radev
Corps de Ballet
Ana Maria Arias • Helena Balla • Laura Busquets
Leire Cabrera • Yoko Callegari • Annelise Caro
Alba Cazorla • Claudia Faubel • Rachel Gil
Gwenaelle Poline • Madeline Hollander • Trac y jones
Carla Lopez • Marta Ludevid • Almudena Maldonado
Isapelle M e nard • Laura Perez • julia Roca
Raquel Santamarta • Ana Cabral • Yvonne Slingerland
· Ion Aguirretxe • jaume Costa • jonata n Diaz
Russell Ducker • Francisco Es tevez • Oriol Figuerola
Michael Marinelli • Laurie McSherry-Gray
Miguel Adrian Rodriguez • Pedro Santos Philippe So lano
Carlo s Taravillo • james Waddell
ACT I. In the Garden of the Castle
Prince Siegfried celebrates his birthday surrounded b y his friends when his mother, the Queen, arrives to present him with a present: a cross-bow for hunting While at the party, the Queen reminds Siegfried that it is now time for him choose a wife. The thought of marriage does not appeal to the yo ung prince With the intent of getting his mind off of marriage, his friends invite him to embark on a hunt.
ACT II At the Lake
Si egfried arrives at a n earb y forest with his mind set on hunting , when suddenly Odette apears He stops h er and she exp lains the curse tha t has b ee n placed on h er and h er friends by the evil sorcerer, vo n Rothbart. The curse turns them into swans, only allowing them to return to th eir human fo rm by night , and can only b e brok en if a man promis es enternallove .
Princ e Si egfried, entranced by Odette, requests her attendance at the b all that will b e held in the cas tl e the n ex t day. Just as Siegfried is about to d eclare his e terna l love for Odette, fr eeing her and h er friends from th e sp ell , von Rothbart appears.
ACT III. Inside the Castle
Everything is prepar ed in the ballroom where Siegfried will c hoos e a princess to b e his wife
The Queen enters with h er son as th e Master of Ceremonies announces the beginning of the balL Throughout the course of th e evening, the princesses serena d e th e young prince with th e traditional danc es of th eir kingdoms. The Queen urges Siegfried to choose his wife, but h e refuses , as h e can on ly think of Odette
Swan Lake
Swan Lake is one of the most r eprese ntativ e works o f th e classica l ballet r ep ertoire, not only for it s storyline , full of dramatic and lyrica l nu ances, but also beca us e of the powerful score composed by P.I. Tchaiko vsk y. This production respects the origina l choreographic work b y Marius Petipa and Liev Ivanov, but has b een submitted to a rigorous review b y Angel Corella with the intention of upda ting it for today's audienc es.
Barcelo n a Ball e t's produc tion of Swan Lak e is notab le fo r b eing crea t ed solely in Spain , with n ew set and costume d esigns b y British scen ographer Benjamin TyrrelL It is the first tim e that a full l ength ballet has b ee n produ ce d and danc ed b y a Spanish company in over twenty years.
The Angel Corella Foundation's mission is to promote the a rt of classica l ball e t in Spain A production of this magnitud e wou ld not have b een possibl e wi thout th e co ntribution by ins tituti ons that s upport th e Foun dation. In particular, the Angel Core lla Fo undation would lik e to tha nk the co-com miss ioning p artners , Calde ron Theatre of Valladolid , Campoamor Thea tre of Oviedo, a nd Theatre Auditorium of Sant Cu ga t and Caja Segovia for th eir collaboration.
At that same moment the Mas t er of Ceremoni es a nnounc es the arriva l of an unfamiliar g u est named Baron von Rothbart , accompanied by his d a ughter, Odil e Baron von Rothbart cas ts the prince und er a spell to make him think that Odil e is actually Odette The prince ch ooses her to b e his wife, a decision warmly welcom ed b y the Qu ee n
With nothing holding him back , Prince Siegfried swears e tern al l ove to Odil e but, as soon as th e promise is m ad e , Baron vo n Rothbar t r eveals a vision of Ode tte to Siegfried. Upon realizing his terrib le mistake , h e runs out of th e cas tl e back to the lake in search of his tru e lov e
ACT IV. At the Lake
On the banks of the lake, th e young swans await the return of Od ette. When she arr ives, they ga th er to tell h er th e tragi c story of what h appe nd during th e ball , as tears ro ll down th eir faces . Sh ortly after, Sieg fri ed arriv es and b egs fo r Odette's forgive n ess, but they are interupted by vo n Rothbart , who co mes to take the swans away again.
This time Siegfried and Odette unit e to fi ght agains t the evil von Rothbart a nd his curse but, b ecau se Si egfrie d swore his l ove to Odile, t h e curse cast over Od e tte can no longer b e broken. Aware of their defea t , both lo vers th row themse lves into the lake Their sacrifice d es troys von Rothbart and with his d ea th the yo ung s wans are released from his s p ell , and the sp irts of Odette and Siegfried are joined in eternal love.
=== TEATRO CAMPOAMOR Co -produ cing Th eatres IBERIA• Official Airlin e T l ArRE -AUDITOR! ::-.:: S \N' I n :<;,\1 __ -=- + Annua l Sponsor SWAN LAKE
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Barcelona Ballet (formerly Corella Ballet) , founded by American Ballet Theatre's principal dancer, Angel Corella , is the only classical ballet company in Spain. Sinc e its formation in 2008 , Barcelona Ballet has received critical acclaim both in Spain and internationally.
After 12 years as principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre and a guest of numerous renowned compani es around the world , Corella decided to focus on cre ating a foundation that would promote th e art of classical balle t in Spain. Witn essing the number of Spanis h danc ers working abroad , Corella considered it his responsibility to stop the exodus of native tal ent. In 2001 , Corella created the Angel Corella Foundation , with two principal mis sions. First , the creation of a worldclass balle t c ompany that would provide a pla ce for Spanish dancers to d eve lop th eir art form , an opportunity that had not been available to them in over 20 years. Second , the creation of a ballet s chool . that would integrate academic and artisti c s tudi es, include a full - time r eside n ce , and provid e finan cial aid to tho se in n eed. With th e op ening of Barcelona Balle t in 2008, the foundation has sinc e fulfill e d its first mission. Plans for the opening of th e sch?ol are now in their final stages.
In th e few years since its establishm ent , Ba rce lona Balle t has acquired an impress ive rep ertoire including two fullle n g th works, La Bayadere from Natalia M a karo va a nd Swan Lak e, as w ell as four mix e d r ep ertoire programs featuring w o rks from renowned choreographers The company has toured to all major th e atres in Spain as w ell as s eve r a l su c c ess ful international tours, including N ew York , los Angeles , Cha rl eston , N ew Orl ea n s , Sea ttle, Santa Ba rbara , Mex ico , Moro cco , Italy, F ran ce, a nd Portu g al , among oth ers
Ailgel Core lla (Artistic Director & Principal Dancer)
Angel Corella was born in Madrid in 1975 He b egan his ball e t studies in C olm en a r Viejo , and la ter s tudi ed in Ma drid w ith Vi c tor U lla t e . Tr a ined b y Ka r e mia Moren o, in May 1991 , Co re ll a was award ed First Priz e in the Na tional Balle t C omp e titio n of Sp a in and in Dec emb er 1994 , h e won th e G r a nd
Prix and Gold Medal at the Concours International de Danse de Paris , dancing the Pas de Deux from Don Quixot e and Le Corsaire.
Corella joined the American Ba ll et Theatre as a Soloist in April 1995, and in August 1996, was promote d to Principal Dancer. Core lla has also been a guest star with the Royal Ballet (Great Britain) , Australian Ballet , La Sca la Ballet, Asami Maki Ballet Tokio , Ballet of Chil e , Hungarian National Balle t , Ballet of Georgia , Finland Balle t , Pu erto Rico Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, N ew York City Balle t and Kirov Balle t of Saint Pe t ersburg Angel Corella's repertoire includes all the principal roles of the leading classical, neoclassical and contemporary ballets.
In May 2000, Corella received the Prix Benois d e la Danse for his work in Other Dan ces by Jerome Robbins, and in Novemb er 2002 , h e wa s awarded the Nationa l Dance Prize of Spain "as an exceptional dancer and representative of a generation which enhances Spanish dance in the most outstanding international compani es "
Core lla h as danced for s everal leading international fi gures s u c h as Qu een Sofia of Sp ain and the Infanta s Elena and Cristina of Spain; Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret of Great Britain , President G e orge W Bush and First Lady laura Bush and Preside nt Bill Clinton and Firs t l a d y Hillary Rodham Clinton and , r e c ently, for the Firs t l a d y Miche lle Obama
In 2001 , Angel Corella created the Ange l Corella Foundation to promote classical danc e in Spain and to offer the opportunity for th e fin est profess ional training to all d an ce r s, providing fin a ncial aid to thos e who n ee d it. After s ix ye ars of work , one of the m a in proj ects, the Barcelona Ball e t , b ega n in April 2008 at the Royal Plac e of La Granja (SegoviaSpain).
In 2008 , Corella was award ed the Comunidad d e Ma drid Arts Interna tiona l M e dal a nd Ciudad d e Sa la m a nca 's C ulture Sta r In 2009 , the Galil e o Award F ound a tio n Co mmittee fo rme d b y J ack lang, Irene Papas , Irina Strozzi , Marc o Giorge tti and Alfons o d e Virg iliis gav e him the Ga lileo 2000 Award for "his exc epti onal ta le nt. " In 2 011 , Co r ella r ec eive d the firs t Ba lle t Int ernational Awa rd and th e Microfono d e O ro (G olden Mi c ro pho n e) fr o m th e Sp a ni sh Press. His foundation w as aw arde d th e Barce lona Sports and C ulture award .
Carmen Corella (Principal)
Carme n Core ll a trained at the Victor Ullate Schoo l of Dance from 1986 to 1990 , b efore joining Victor Ullate Ballet , where she danced until 1995. In 1998 , sh e appeare d as a guest artist with American Ballet Stars Tour of China. She also repres ented Spain at the E xpo/98 in Portugal , dancing Le Corsaire Pas de Deux and La Sylphide Pas de Deux with her brother, Angel Corella Corella joined American Ball et Theatre as a member of the c orp s de ballet in April 1998 and was appointed Soloist in Au gu s t 2003. In 2008 , she co - found e d Barce lo na Balle t and is Associate Artistic Director and Principal Dancer. Her vast r epertoire includes La Bayadere , Th e Sl ee ping Beauty , Gis elle, Don Quixote, Le Corsaire, Swan Lak e , Manon , Copp e lia, Ci ndere lla , Th e Green Tabl e, Dim Lustre, S echs Tan ze, Pu sh Com es To Shov e, In Th e Upp er Room, and Apollo, among others.
Momoko Hirata (Principal)
Born in Gunma , Japan, Momo k o Hirata started dancing at the age o f five. She trained a t the Reiko Yamamo t o Balle t School and the Royal Balle t Sch o ol and d a n ced the pas de deux from Th e Two Pigeons with the Royal Ballet in 2003. She joined the Birmingham Ro ya l Balle t in 2003 and w as promoted to Firs t Artist in 200 5 to So lo ist in 2008 and then to First Solois t in 2010 . In 2011 Mom o k o joined Ba rcelona Ballet as a First So lo is t and w as promoted to Prin cipa l in J a nu ar y 2012. H er repertoire includes works from F redrick Ashton , George Balanchine, David Bintley, Kim Brands trup , Oliver Hindle, Kenne th Mac Millan , Marius Petip a, Twyla Tharp and Pe ter Wright She w as also a winer of the 2001 Prix d e lausanne.
Aaron Robison (Pricip a l)
Aaron Ro bison was born in Co ventry, England , and trained with Elise lumnis in Barcelona a t t h e Ins titut del Tea tre , and at th e Ro ya l Ballet School. In 2 00 4 , he won th e En couragem ent Awa rd a t th e Prix d e l au sanne, fi rs t pl ac e a t the Yo ung Britis h Dan cer of the Year C omp e titio n , and g old medal at th e Se oul International Balle t Comp e titi o n H e joine d Birming h a m Ro yal Ba lle t in 2004 and w as p ro m o t ed to Firs t Artis t in 2 008. His r ep ertoir e includ es Th e N utcrack er, Th e Sl eeping Beauty, Swan Lak e , Coppelia , Gisell e, Pin eapp le P o ll , La F ill e Mal Gard ee, Wes tem Sym phony , and For 4, a mong o thers. He was n a m e d Dan cer of the Mo nth b y Dan cing Ti m es in 2009 , joine d Bar celona Ballet as So l oi s t in 2010 , a nd was promoted to Principal in J a nuary 20 12.
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Dayron Vera (Principal)
Dayron Vera started his training in 1996 at Alfonso Perez Isaac, the Vocational Arts School in Matanzas, Cuba. In 2001, he continued his studies at the Cuban National Ballet School and won the bronze medal at the Ballet Students International Competition in Havana. In 2003, he was awarded the silver medal in the same competi tion After graduating, he joined the National Ballet of Cuba under the direction of Alicia Alonso. Vera has been coached by j osefina Mendez, Loipa Araujo, Aurora Bosch, Marfa Elena Llorente, Ramona de Saa, Rosa Elena Alvarez, Marta Iris Fernandez and Svetlana Ballester. Vera toured internationally with the National Ballet of Cuba and was promoted to Soloist in 2007 and to Principal two years later. In 2010, he danced with the Victor Ullate Ballet before joining the Barcelona Ballet. His repertoire includes DGV, Swan Lake, Clear, Raymonda's Suite, and Bruch Violin Concerto, among others
Kazuko Omori (First Soloist)
Kazuko Oinori was born in Fukashima, japan She began her dance studies at age four a t the Susuki Ballet Academy. At 17, she was accepted to the Royal Ballet School of F landers in Belgium. She has coached by Kazuko Suzuki, Toru Shimazaki, Etuko Sumii, Eva Dalis, Maria M etchkarva , Yen Stolk , Anatole Karpuhin, Etienne de Canne , Michele Swenn en, Rovert Denvers, Stephen jeffrys, Rashna Homji, Wong jo-Hong, Tang xiu-yun and Patricia Llington. Omori danced with the Royal Ballet of Flanders for a year before joining the Hong Kong Ballet in 2001. In 2 006, sh e joined Angel Corella's touring group with American Ballet Theatre 's stars, and in 2008, she joine d Barcelona Ballet as First So loist. Omori has won many awards, including the silver medal in the All japan Ballet Competition, a finalist in the Second japan Interna tional Ballet and Modern Dan ce Co mp e tition , and a semi-finalist at the Prix d e La usanne H er repertoire includes S lee ping B eauty , Th e Nutcracker , Cinderella, Turandot , Rit e of Spring, Swan Lake, La Bayadere, a nd Firebird, among others.
Fernando Bufala (First So loist)
Fernando Bufala b ega n training with N a die Boiseabert at th e age of 12. In 2000, h e gradu a t e d from the Royal Ba lle t after completing his studi es at London Studio Center with Honors . Bufala d a n ced with the Bejart Ballet Company b efore joining the Englis h Nationa l Balle t
in 2001. In 2004 , Dancing Times named him the Dancer of the Month. He joined Barcelona Ballet in 2008 , was promoted to Soloist in 2009 and First Soloist in 2010. His repertoire includes Bruch Violin Concerto, In The Upper Room, Clear, Macbeth , and Le Bayadere, among others.
Alejandro Virelles (First Soloist)
Alejandro Virell es started his tra ining at the Vocational Ballet School in Santiago de Cuba and contiued his studies in 2000 at the National Ballet School in Havana. While still training h e won several important competitions such as the Silver Medal at th e Varna International Ballet Competition. In 2004 he joined the National Ballet of Cub a, where he soon became Principal Dancer. In 20 l2 Alejandro joined th e Barcelona Ballet as a First Soloist.
Ana Calderon (Soloist)
Ana Calderon trained at the Royal Conservatory of Dance in Madrid and Carmen Roche Ballet School. In 2004, she was awarded the Grand Prize by the Princess Grace Foundation of Monaco. Her professional career b ega n in 2 00 5 at th e Zurich junior Ba lle t , where she performed various classical balle ts from Heinz Spoerli, including Don Quixote, Swan Lake, Coppelia, Midsumm e r Night's Dream , and Les Inde s Galant es In 2006, s h e joined Zurich Ballet a nd then danced with Corella & Fri ends for a year before joining Barcelona Ba llet. In 2010, s h e was promoted to So l oi st. Her repertoire includes Bruch Violin Concerto No 1 , La Bayadere, String Sextet, L e Corsaire, Swan Lak e, Macb eth , Who Cares?, and DGV, among others.
Cristina Casa (Soloist)
Cris tina Casa started h er d ance studies at the Africa Guzman School. She graduate d with Honors at the Royal Academy of Dance and later joined the school's yo uth b a ll et. In 2003, s h e was invite d to participate at the Adelina Genee Competition in Sydney and danced a t the Best Dancer ACAD E Gala She also studied at Steps on Broadway and at American Ballet Theatre School. In 2005, she danced in theN ew York Internationa l Ballet Comp etition, w h ere s h e obtained a r ecommendation from the ABT Studio Co mpany Director john M eehan. Sh e won first priz e at th e Cas t ellon City Award s and was granted a scho lars hip to study with the Compaiiia Naciona l de Danza. Casa's repertoire includes S leeping Beauty , Cindere lla , La V ivanderi e, Gise ll e, La Bayad e re , and George Bala n chin e's
Tchaihovshy Pas de Deux , among others. She has danced with Ireland Ballet and English National Ballet , and has also performed with Complexions
Contemporary Ballet. In 2008 , she joined Barcelona Ballet and was promoted to Soloist in 2009.
Maria jose Sales (Soloist)
Maria jose Sales began her studies at the age of seven at the Valencia Center of Dance with Mari Cruz Alcala and Inmaculada Gi l Lazaro. She won th e Honor Prize at the National Contest of the City of Ribarroja (Va lencia) and received a professional degree from the English National Ballet School in 1996. Sh e performed in Swan Lak e at the concert to celebrate Princess Diana and joine d English Nationa l Ba ll e t in 2001. In 2008 , she joined Barcelona Ballet and was promoted to Soloist in 2009. H e r roles with the company repertoire include In The Upper Room , Bruch Violin Co n certo No. 1, L e Bayadere, VIII, and String Sextet , among others
Yuka lseda (Soloist)
Yuka lseda was born in Tokyo, japan, and b egan h er training a t l' Eco l e de Ballet "PUCK" when she was five. Since 2005 she has worked with several companies such as Dresden Semperoper Ballett, Dutch N ational Ballet, Norwegian National Ballet , Tulsa Balle t and Ballet Carm en Roche. She was also invite d to the fes tiva ls in Central America, China and Germany. Her repertoire includes Cinderella in Cinderella , Aurora in Sleeping B eauty, Clara in N utcrac k er, and works from George Balanchine, john Neum eier, Uwe Scho lz, Natalia Makarova , Anna -Marie Ho lmes, Ben Stevenson, C hristoph er Wheeldon , and Amaya Gal eo te. In 2 012 she joine d Barcelona Ballet as a soloist.
Kirill Radev (Soloist)
Kirill Radev studi ed a t th e Russian Ballet Academ y. In 1999 , h e was made a F irs t Sol ois t at the Imperia l Russian Ballet. H e has performed roles in Walpurg i snac ht , Dreams of L ove, Sleeping B eauty, Th e Nutcrack er, Romeo and juli e t , L e Cors aire , La Sylphid e , Swan Lake and G ise ll e, a mong others. Radev h as participate d in numerou s international galas and c omp etitions, including the International Ba lle t Competition of Lu xemburg in 2 00 3 and the Dance rs' Ballet Competition of Russia. In 2008, h e joined Barc elona Ballet as a So loist.
Detro i t Opera House
www.Mi c hi ga nOpe ra org
LEONCAVALLO Premiere : Milan , May 1892 In Italian with English supertitle translations Pre sented in two acts One hour, forty minutes MAY 12-20, 2012 C ONDU C TOR ST EV E N MERCURIO DIRE CTOR BERNARD UZAN CH ORUS MASTE R SUZANNE MALLARE ACTON SET DES I G N CLAUDE GIRARD C O STUME DESIGN CYNTHIA SAVAGE LI G HTIN G D ES I G N DONALD THOMAS HAIR & MAKEU P DESIGN CINDY LUDWIG ASS ISTANT DIRECT OR REE D FISHER STAGE MANAG E R KEN SALTZMAN SU P ERTITLE S ROBERTO MAURO Costum es exec uted by Seattle Opera Costum e Sh op. Scenery originally crea t ed for Opera de Montrea l Motor::. II FOUNDATION Th e G M Fo und at ion and Ca d ill ac proud ly spo nso r the Spri ng Opera Season 24 BRAVO IDA A ND CONRAD H SMITH EN DOWM ENT FOR MI CH IGA N OPE RA T H EATRE Ope nin g N ig ht Pe rforma nce Sponsor www. M ic hi ga n Opera.o •·g ARTWORKS. a rfs gov Detroi t Opera Hou se
In order of vo cal appearance
Tonio ... .. ... . ...... .... .. . ............... ..... ...... Gordon Hawkins
Antonello Palombi (12, 16, 19) John Pickle (18, 20 )*
Nedda Jill Gardner*
Beppe Philippe Pierc e*
Silvio .................................................... Luis Ledesma
* Michigan Opera Theatre debut
Michigan Opera Theatre last produced Pagliacci in October 1985.
Before the opera begins , th e clown Tonio steps before the curtain to say that the author has written about actors, who know the same joys and sorrows as other people
PART I. Southern Italy. Excited villagers mill about as a small theatrical road company arrives at the outskirts of a Calabrian town Canio, head of the troupe, describes that night's offering and, when someone jokingly suggests that th e hunchback Tonio is secretly enamoured of his young wife, Canio warns h e will tolerate no flirting with Nedda. As vesper bells call the women to church, the m en go to the tavern , leaving Nedda alone Disturbed by her husband's vehemence and suspicious glances, she envies the fre edom of the b irds soaring overhead Tonio appears and indeed tries to make love to her, but she scorns him. Enraged, he grabs h er, and she lashes out with a whip , getting rid of him but insp iring an oath of ve ngeance. Nedda in fact does hav e a lover - Silvio, who now arrives and persuades her to run away with him at midnight. But Tonio , who has seen them , hurries off to tell Canio . Before long the jealous husband bursts in on the guilty pair. Silvio escapes, and Nedda refuses to identify him , eve n when threa tened with a knife. Beppe, another player, has to restrain Canio, and Tonio advises him to wait until evening to catch Nedda's lov er. Alone, Canio sobs that he must play the clown though his h eart is breaking.
PART II. The villagers, Silvio among them , assemble to see the play "Pagliaccio e Colombina." In the absence of her husband , Pagliaccio (played b y Canio), Colombina ( Nedda) is serenaded by her lov er Arlecchino (Beppe), who dismisses h e r buffoonish servant, Taddeo (Tonio). The sweethearts dine toget her and plot to poison Pagliaccio , who soon arriv es; Arlecchino slips out the window. With pointed malice, Taddeo assures Pagliaccio of his wife's innocence , firing Canio 's real -life jealousy. Forge tting the script, h e demands that Nedda reveal her lov e r's name. She tri es to continu e with the play, the audienc e applauding the realism of th e "acting. " Maddened b y her d efiance, Canio stabs Nedda and then Silvio , who has rush ed forward from th e crowd to h elp h er. Canio cries out that the com ed y is ended
Co urtesy of Ope ra N ews
I Revie"Ws
Diana Sovi ero and Maurice Stem as Nedda and Canio in MOT's 1985 production
th e show, scan this image with your smart phone and share your comments with other operagoers. Or visit www.michiganopera.org to share your thoughts. D et roi t Op era House www.Mi c hi ga nOpe r a .org BRAVO 25
A conversation with ]ill Gardner
By Scott Stafford
How did you first get your start in opera?
I've alw ays sung, and I grew up with a strong musical background. Growing up in North Caro lina I did many styles of singing; gospe ls , musical theater-l've always been a big belter. I got my und ergraduate d egree in piano , and it wasn 't until my time in college when I really began to develop a love for opera-I couldn't get enough. What really attracted me to opera was the ability to combine my love for music with dramatic theatricality.
What was it like to be a young performer on the opera scene when you started your career?
Very exciting . It takes a lot of drive and perseverance but, because it is m y -passion , I was hell bent and it's what I wanted. What's difficult in the beginning is that nothing comes easy- this is a career that very few people are h anded. Going through the audition process, I had to remember that rejection is bound to happen , and oftentimes it can be over factors that are completely out of m y control. Thi s can be disheartening, but you have to dig deep and have a lot of faith and trust.
Why do you think Pagliacci is so appealing to audiences?
It's short, concise, and involves real p eopl e in th e enter tainm ent industry and th e raw emotions thes e p eop l e, who live s o close ly toge th er, h a ve to d eal with . The backbon e of this piece has a true surrealist quality indicative of painters like Salvatore Dali or Frida Kahlo , with an inability to distinguish fantasy (Ia commedia) from reality (the rea l -life dra m a ). The multi -layer ed quality of th e s how adds excitem ent and s u sp en se fo r th e audie n ce, who b egin to feel as if they are on stage with the chorus , watching the drama play out. Leoncavallo b eautifully captured th e dark psyc hological s ituations that th es e chara c te rs exp erie nc e
Tell u s a bout Nedda. What is s h e like?
Wild! She's v er y passionate . Though sh e comes from nothing , she's drawn to the theatrical world What's inter es ting about h er relationship with Canio is that , in a way, h e saves h er from this
life of poverty, and exposes , trains and immerses h er into a world that she wouldn't have been able to experience without him Nedda 's youth and passion for life are ultimately what sabotage her relationship with him, and her desire for freedom and uninhibited love l eads her to develop a relationship with Silvio. Though she recognizes the dangers in doing so , she's willing to risk it all and truly live a life for love.
How do you prepare to take on this role specifically?
The role requires extremely passionate singing and p erformance, so it's r eally important to know how to pace . Having a s ecure tec hnique is also vital-it's importa nt to utilize a vo cal techniqu e that is not going to hurt you , but still deliver. And the key to it all is making the whole process l ook effortless, working endlessly to live by the d e mands of the piece- a combination of the vo cals a nd the dramatic motivations. That kind of duality keeps m e out of prison! I'm so charged by the thrill
of it. This type of role is not for the faint of heart-an opera singer ne eds to b e equipp ed to sing with utter und er s tanding and control so that the y can le t it go and le t it fl y, committing to the dramatic situ atio n. It needs to b e raw.
If you hadn ' t been involved in singing or theater as your career, what would you be doing?
A NAS CAR driver. Dani ca Patrick is one of my idols!
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Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus
Su zanne Ma ll are Acton, Director
By Si r Arth ur Sullivan and WS Gilbert
Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 2 :30pm
Conduc t or: Dianna Hoc h e lla
Direc tor : David Pulic e
Pianist: joseph jackson
Synthesizer: D an Greig
Set Design: Monika Essen
Costu me Design: Suzan ne Hanna
Lighting D es ign: Bobby Tacoma
Hair/Mak eup D es ign: Elizabeth Geck
Stage Manager: Nan Luchini
Supertitles : D ee Dorsey
In orde r of vocal appearance Understudies listed in parenth eses
Little Buttercup Emily Crombez (Emily Fink els tein)
Bill Bobstay, the Boatswain's Mate Tyler Bouque
, (Annie Yo ungs)
Dick Deadeye Avery Rausch (Antonio Cipria no )
Ralph Racks t raw .Alex Cape n eka
Captain Corc ora n .. ... ... .. . .. .. .. ..... . .... .. . . .. ... . . . ..... .. Ryan Hurley
josephine Bailey Spry (Alaina Matthews)
The' Rt. Hon. Sir] oseph Porter K. C. B Miles Eichenhorn
Cousin Hebe Steffi Roche (Cassia Burley)
Bob Becket, the Carpenter's Mate ...... .... . .. Antonio Cipriano (Lauren Hackett)
C h orus of Sailors Madele in e Elizabe th Duus
Tyler Bouque Reardon Gabrielle Feher
Ch ailyn Bryce Isabe l Rocha
Antonio Cipriano Elizabeth Sheeren
Hos ey Cu suma n o john Vandeven
El en a Dsouza Christina Wa llag
Kristen Dubicki Claire Yonkus
Lauren Hacke tt Annie Youngs
Arnie Heitchue
Riley Kalt Chorus of
Madelyn Kap lan Relatives
Ryan Kotlinski
Anne Ko z iara
Teagan Lewis
Kaila Madison
Emily Finkelstein
Aurora Haziri
Brittany johnson
Alaina Matthews
Rachel Miltimore
Olivia Motz er
Steffi Roche
Isabelle Ross
SteFannie Savoy
Jamila Ammary Gabr ie lle Tifft
Isabelle Bepler Arie ll e Sturr
Cassia Burley
Natalie Corrigan
The s h ow op ens with th e sa il ors proudly polishin g th eir s hip, t h e H.M.S . Pinafore. They are interrupted b y Littl e Buttercup , t h e l ovable bo a t woman, who s e lls th em trinke ts, laces and swee ts for th eir girl friends and wiv es. Buttercup is taken aback when s h e observes Ralph Ra ckstraw, one of t h e lowly sailors, profess his love for the high-born Cap t ain's daughter josephine A t the end of his h eart-felt confession we m ee t Dick D eadeye , a n unfortuna te creature with a n abrasive personality to match H e a ttempts to bring
Ralph back to reality, but is scorned b y Ralph 's supportive messmates An attack on Deadeye is averted when all snap to atte n tion with the ar riva l of Captain Corcoran. W h en the sa ilors re tu rn to th eir duties , t h e Captain is l eft a lone with Buttercup . He confesses h is co n cern ove r his dau ghter's r el uctance to embrace the idea of marriage with the Monarch of th e Queen's Navy, Sir j oseph Porter K.C.B., who is on his way to clai m h er h and ] oseph in e enters and sings h er co nfession of love, n ot for Sir josep h , but for a low -b orn sa il o r, Ra lph Rackstraw! She tells h er father, but he sternly reminds h e r of h er s tation. josephin e d ec ides that s h e must follow h er du ty and not her h ea r t , as we h ear the arriva l of Sir jos eph's barge His elaborate en tr ance is o nly enh an ce d b y an e ntoura ge of Co usin H ebe, and his s isters, co u sins and au nts. When a ll exit , Ralph professes his lo ve for josephine Althou g h s h e feels the same , she does her duty and puts him in his place. In d esperation, Ralph tries to kill hims elf w ith a pistol. josephine co nfesses h er tru e feeli ngs and th e pair plan to el ope that n ight. The sail ors are thrille d , except Deadeye. All exit to plan the esca p e. The Capta in and Buttercup continu e t he actio n and s h e tells him that a ll will be revealed in du e time. Sir joseph approac h es josephine and informs h er that "Love levels all r anks " Misinterpre ting his words, she no lon ger fee ls gu il ty of h er love for Ra lph D ea deye warns the Cap tain o f the elopement, and they thwart it at the la st moment. Sir joseph is appalled b y Ra lph's ac tions , and arrests him Buttercup in tercedes and fina lly t ells the secret she h as been hiding - s h e mixed up Ralph and the Cap tain at birth! Ral ph is r ea lly the Captain and can now marry josephine . The Captain is really Ralph, and ca n marry his s ecret love , Butterc up Sir joseph r eluctantly agrees to m arry Cousi n H eb e. Three h appy co uples, on th e sa m e day united. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurray !
Friday, March 23, 2012 at ll a .m .
Tick e ts purch ased in advance: $ 10 Student/$25 Adult
One free ad ult ticket for every ten students
For more information visit www.motcc org
Audition Information
Auditions for the MOTC C's 2012-2013 season will be held at the D e troit Op era Hous e on May 21: 4 -8:30 p .m.
June 9: 12-5 p.m.
June ll : 4-8:30 p .m.
To order student dress tick ets o r to sc h edule an au dition , co ntact Megan Warz ec h a at mwarzech a@motop er a.o rg or visi t www. motc c org
D e troit Op e r a Hous e www M ichiganOpera .org BRAVO 27
Chorus Master, Pearl Fishers, Pagliacci
As long-term Chorus Master of MOT, Suzanne Acton has received wide critical acclaim for her choral direction involving more than 125 productions in seven languages. Conducting credits include West Side Story, Barber of Seville, Music Man, Pirates of Penzance, The Mikado , Daughter of the Regiment, Carmen , La Traviata and Carmina Burana with The Medium for MOT; My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera; M erry Widow and Madame Butt erfly for Artpark; and Tasca for Augusta Opera. As founding Director of the MOT Children's Chorus, Ms. Acton was instrumental in developing the inaugural 2007 -08 season.
Conductor, Pearl Fishers
Conductor Mark Flint has led the majority of orchestras in world-renowned opera houses throughout the United States and Canada, including New York City Opera, Opera de Montreal, Opera Company of Philadelphia, Florida Grand Opera, Opera Theatre of St. Louis, Fort Worth Opera , Arizona Opera and Hawaii Opera Theatre. H e conducted th e world premiere of Tobias Picker's Th erese Raquin in Montreal , the premiere of Ned Rorem's Our Town at Lake George Op era , and in 2007 orchestrated and conducted the world premiere of David DiChiera and Bernard U zan's Cyrano.
Zurga, Pearl Fishers (14, 18 , 21)
Panamanian-American baritone Nmon F ord make s his company d ebut this spring. A fe atured so loist on the 20 10 G rammy Award-winning Transmigrations and the three- time 2006 Grammy Award-winning Songs of Innocence and of Experienc e, Mr. Ford has enjoyed many s u ccessful major d ebuts in recent seasons , including with Orch estre Nationa l d es Pays de Ia Loire in Mahle r 's Li eder e in es fahrenden Gese ll en , conducted by john Axelrod. La st seaso n , h e app ea r e d at Tea tro Comunal e di Bologna in the title role of Pier Luigi Pizzi's production of Don Giovanni , followed b y Escamilla in Ca rm en at the Szeged Open-Air Fes tival in Hungary.
Na dir, Pearl F is h e rs (20, 22)
American t enor j esu s Garcia r e turns to the compa ny after last p erforming in Daughte r of the R egim ent in 2005
Sp ecia liz ing in the romantic roles of the Italian and Fren ch r eperto ire, his dynamic stage prese nce and soaring vocalism h ave m a d e him one o f op era 's most soug ht-a ft er r ising s tars Mr Garcia is the r e cipi en t of num ero u s awa r d s , including a 2003 Tony Award Ho n or for his work as Rodolfo in Baz Luhrmann's production of La Bo hem e on Broadway. Previous roles include Fenton in Fa lstaff with Houston Grand Op e ra and Op era Company of Phil adelphia, and Ferrando in Cos l Jan tutt e with Berlin Staatsoper and th e Spole to Fe s tiva l U SA.
Nedda, Pagliacci
American soprano jill Gardner makes her company debut this spring In the current season and beyond, performances include Cio-Cio San in Madame Butterfly at Arizona Opera and Tri-Cities Opera, and Beethoven's Mass in C Major with the Wichita Symphony. In recent seasons , Ms. Gardner made her Lyric Opera of Chicago debut performing Nedda and covering Mimi in La Boh eme, her Florida Grand Opera debut as Musetta in La Bohem e, her Boston Lyric Opera debut as Mimi followed by her role debut as Tasca , and her Madison Opera d ebut as Marguerite in Faust
Set Designer, Pagliacci
Quebec native Claude Girard began his design career in 1967 at Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. He has since design ed sets, costumes and lighting for productions including Die Entfuhrung aus dem S e rail, La Cenerentola, Romeo and juliet, Norma, La Boheme , Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi, and Madame Butte rfly, among many others, for Op era de Montreal , Opera de Nancy in France, Liege, Philadelphia , Portland , Seattle, Tulsa, Detroit, Day ton, Louisville, Hamilton, Winnip eg, Ca lgary and Vancouver. His sets last appeared at MOT for the 2010 production of La Boheme.
Nourabad, Pearl Fishers
Australian-Am erican bass-baritone
Andrew Gray most recently app eared wi th the company as Figaro in last fall's Marriag e of Figaro. He made his professional d eb ut with MOT in 2 009's Nabucco , and h as also performed with the company as Colline in La Boheme, Masetto in Don Giovanni , Angelotti in Tas ca, and Mr. Lindquis t in A Little Night Musi c Recent e ngagements include th e Imp erial Commissio n er in Madam e Butte rfly and the King in Aida with Pho enix Opera; and th e titl e rol e in G ianni S chi cc hi with Ob erlin in Italy. This s eason als o marks a r e turn to Pho enix Op era for Rigo le tto.
Tonio, Pagliacci
American b ariton e Gordon Hawkins l ast app e are d with th e company in 2 006 's Porgy and B ess. H e recently made a triumphant San F r ancisco Opera d ebut as Alb erich in Franc esca Zambe llo's highly -acclaimed Ring Cycle. Considered the lea ding Alberich in th e world , h e h as a lso p erform ed the ro l e with Washington Na tional Op era , Tea tro d e la Ma estranz a in Seville , a nd Los Angeles Opera. In the current s eas on and beyond, en gagem ents include Alb eri c h and Telramund in Loh en grin a t Deutsc h e Op er Berlin , Alberich in Si egfri ed a t Tea tro d e la Ma estr an z a, and Amonasro in Aida a t Lyric Op er a of C hi cago .
2 8 BRAVO www.Mi c hi g a nOp e r a .org Detro i t Op e ra Ho u s e
Silvio, Pagliacci
Mexican baritone Luis Ledesma returns to MOT after his company debut as Germont in 2008 's La Traviata. His career already includes appearances in several international opera houses around the word , including Teatro alia Scala in Milan and the Liceu in
Barcelona. His current season features appearances as Tanio in Pagliacci for Ottawa Opera and Germont for Syracuse Opera. Last season included Escamilla in Carmen with Arizona, New Jersey and Manitoba Operas and the Orlando Philharmonic; Tanio for San Antonio Opera; Gerard in Andrea Chenier for Nashville Opera; and Valentin in Faust for H awa ii Op era
Wig&: Makeup Designer, Pearl Fishers, Pagliacci
Cindy Ludwig most recently designed last spring's Rigoletto for MOT, having previously been with th e company for l3 seasons through 2000. She has been involved with over 225 opera productions throughout the Americas since 1987 with more than 28 opera companies, including Baltimore , Cincinnati, Cleveland , Glimmerglass, Miami , Palm Beach, Sarasota and Syracuse. Ms. Ludwig was the wig designer for Ringling Brothers Barnum &: Bailey Clown College from 1989 until its closing in 1998 , and has also worked in film , television and on Broadway.
Choreographer, Pearl Fishers
John Ma lashock is Artistic Director of Malas ho c k Danc e, which h e founded in San Diego a fter a dis tinguished performing career with Twyla Tharp 's company in New York. With Tharp , he performed world-wide, appeared in the Academy Award-winning film Amadeus, and p er form ed in concerts with Mikhail Baryshnikov. Mr. Malashock's work has b een co mmiss ioned b y La Jolla Playhouse, the Old Globe Theatre, San Di ego Opera, and othe rs, and h e has ga rnered four Emmy Awards for his d anc e films. His choreography for Pearl Fish ers has been seen in San Francisco , New York and Detroit, among other cities.
Co ndu ctor, Pagliacci
Pagliacci marks American maestro Steve n Mercurio's seven t eenth produ c tion with MOT, after last co ndu c ting Ri go le tto in 2011. H e has conducted more than fort y differ ent operas in s ix l an guages in many of the world's leading opera houses, a nd for five years was Music Director of the Spoleto F es tiva l a nd Principal Conducto r of the Opera Company of Philadelphia. In addition to Maes tro Mercurio 's operatic rep ertoire , his symphonic appearances have spanned the world , and h e is an acclaimed a nd sought-after arranger and orchestrator, creating arrangements for a wide array of a rtis ts including Andrea Boce lli , Placido Domingo and Sting
Assistant Choreographer, Pearl Fishers
Michael Mizerany last appeared with MOT as a dancer in the 2004 production of Pea rl Fishers. He is the Associate Artistic Direc tor for Malashock Dance in San Diego and has danced in venues across the nation , including Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center. Mr. Mizerany has choreographed extensively and his works are in the repertory of such companies as MAD/CO, San Diego Civic Dance Company, Michiga n Dance Collective and Malashock Dance. He has also served as a guest artist with such companies as Yorke Dance Project, Francisco Martinez Dance Theater, and Los Angeles Chamber Ballet
Leila , Pearl Fishers (20, 22)
American soprano Sarah Joy Miller r eturns to MOT after her company debut as Gilda in last spring's Rigoletto. Last year also marked the release of an album of arias she recorded with the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Steven Mercurio in Pees , Hungary. Recent appearances include Musetta in La Boh eme at New York's Symphony Space, Micaela in Carmen with New York Lyric Opera , and Violetta in La Traviata with Long Island Op era. Ms. Miller also performed in concert with Marcello Giordani in celebration of his newly created foundation , and was selected as a featured soloist with the St. Bart's Music Festival.
Canio , Pagliacci (12 , 16 , 19)
Italian tenor Antonello Palombi last performed with the company in 2010's Tas ca. In the current season and beyond, engagements include Radames in Aida and Calaf in Turandot at Dallas Opera, Calaf and Foresta in Attila at Seattle Opera, and Manrico in Il Trovatore at Opera Carolina. Among multiple other en gagem ents abroad, Mr. Palombi performs Verdi's Requi em with the RT E National Symphony Orchestra in Ireland under Giordano Bellincampi, the title role of Andrea Chenier in Cascina, Calaf in Turandot in Poznan , and concerts in Tbilisi and Budweis in the Czech Republic.
Zurga, Pearl Fishers (20 , 22)
Am e rica n baritone Edward Parks makes his company debut this spring A r ecent graduate of the Me tropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artists Program, h e mad e his Me t d ebut as Fiorello in Barber of Sev ill e, a nd h as s ince appeared there in productions of La Boh em e a nd La Fancuilla del W est and toured with the compa n y in J apan. O ther r ecent engagements include Ford in Falstaff with the Boston Youth Symp hony, Co unt Almaviva in Marriage of Figaro at Op era Theatre of St. Louis , and p erformanc es of Schubert's Winteneis e at the Schubert Club in St. Paul a nd in Carnegi e H a ll's Weill Recita l Hall.
r-···, ,,,, . , I.# '
Detroit Op e 1a House www.Micbi ga nOp e ra .org BRAVO 29
Leila, Pearl Fishers (14, 18, 21)
Soprano Leah Partridge, a Georgia native, returns to the company after last appearing in the 2007 world premiere of David DiChiera 's Cyrano. She has received praise worldwide for her compelling stage presence and intelligent interpretations of op era 's most bel oved characters Ms. Partridge has recently performed with the Metropolitan Opera as the First Niece in Peter Grimes, La Charmeuse in Thais and Marie in Daughter of the R egimen t. Additional performances hav e taken h er to the stages of Semper Oper in Dres den , Florida Grand Op era, Michigan Opera Theatre, Atlanta Opera and the Opera Company of Philadelphia.
Canio, Pagliacci (18, 20)
American tenor John Pickle mak es his co mpany debut this spring. His career encompasses opera , oratorio , recital and concert, and he adapts to a variety of genres Upcoming engagements include Calaf in Turandot with Mobile Opera; Canio w ith Western Plains Op era; and Tagliapietra Gauro, Ori Declo , Pietro Ors e olo and Giorgio T,radonico in Tea tro Gra tta cielo 's La Nave . Recent engagem e nts include Cavaradossi in Tasca, Erik in Der fli egende Holland er, and a Gala Conc ert for Mobile Op era ; and cover for Pollion e in Norma with Opera Company of Philadelphia.
Beppe , Pagliacci
Ten or P hilipp e Pierce m akes his company debut this spring. In the current seaso n and b eyond , h e s ings the role o f Gerarci!Narrator in Philip Glass ' Les Enfant s Tenibles with North Caro lina Opera , Gasto n e in La Traviata with Nash vill e Op era, and Spoletta in Tasca with Op er a Western Reserve. Rec ent engagements include d Gastone at Dayton Oper a, Remendado in Carmen w ith Opera Western Reserve , Normanna in Lucia di Lammennoor a t Opera Cleveland , a nd Mercury in Orpheus in th e Underworld and Goro cover in Mada m e Butterfly at Cen t ral City Op era
Produ c tion Des ign er, Pearl Fis h ers
Zandra Rhod es h as sta mp e d h er identity o n the internationa l world of fashion w ith h er pink h air, theatrical mak eup and art j ewelry, and was part of t h e wave of British designers w h o put Lo ndo n at the for e front of the international fashion sce n e in th e 1970s. Ms. Rh od es designed h er firs t op era , Mag i c F lut e, in 2 001 for San Diego Op era , fo ll owe d by Pearl F ishe rs and Aida. Sh e h as enj oyed a l ongstanding private cli ente le from ro ck stars to royalty, including Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2003 , Ms . Rhod es founded the Fashion a nd Tex til e Mus eum in Lon don.
Stage Director, Pearl Fishers
British direc tor Andrew Sinclair has staged num erous productions at the Royal Opera Covent Garden sinc e 1986. He direc te d a semi-staging of Der Ring des Nibelungen at Royal Albert Hall and made his Italian debut with Verdi's I masnadieri at Teatro Comunale of Bologna. Mr. Sinclair d ebuted in the U.S . at San Diego Opera in 2001 wi th Loh engrin , follo wed by Zandra Rhodes' Pearl Fish ers in 2004, which was su ccessfully r eviv ed for a numb er of companies including Michigan Op era Theatre. In 2011, h e m ad e a ve ry successful d ebut a t Lyric Opera of Chicago with Loh engrin.
Lighting Des igner, Pearl Fishers
Kendall Smith has designe d lighting for more than 60 productions with th e Mi chigan Opera Theatre , making his d ebut in 1988 with The Ballad of Baby Doe , and most recently designed lighting for the company's fall 2011 production of Maniage of Figaro. His work has b ee n fea ture d in num erous pro ductions b y r espected opera co mp an ies , thea t ers and fes tivals , including Florida Grand Opera, the Oregon Sh akespeare Festival , Indianapolis Opera , the Westo n Playhous e , Geva Theatre and Boston Lyric Opera
Nadir, Pearl Fish e rs
American tenor Noah Stewart last appeared with MOT i n 2 010 as Rodolfo in La Boheme. He has establis h ed himself as o n e of the world's fast est-rising yo ung t enors , m aking d ebuts in Bregenz , Johannesburg , Leeds , Lisbon , Lo ndo n, Paris, New York , Chicago and Det ro it in repertoire includi n g Cavaradossi in Tasca, Don J os e in Carmen , and Pinkerton in Madam e Butt erfly. Mr. Stewart att end ed th e Juilliard Sc hool on a full sc h ola rship, the Academy of Vocal Arts, and was an Adl er F ell ow a t the San Fra n cisco Opera. Up coming engage m ents includ e Radames in Aida for the Glimm erglass Festiva l and Don J ose for Florentine Ope r a.
Lighting Design er, Pagliacci
Dona ld Thomas returns to th e compan y aft er d es igning Rigo le tto last s ea son , and Marriage of Figaro , Il Trovatore , S alom e and Romeo and juli et in previous seasons H e also designed th e world premiere of David DiChiera's Cy rano for MOT and sub s equent productions for Opera Co mp any of Philadelp hi a a nd F lori da Gra nd Op era, w h er e h e also d esi gn ed Don G iovanni. Oth er r ecent desig n s include Ca rmen for Lyric Op e ra of Kansas City, Ot e llo for Palm Beach Op er a, and La Voix Humain e a nd Paglia cc i for Op er a Cleveland Mr. Thomas is a graduat e o f the Yal e Sch ool of Dram a.
3 0 BRAVO ww w.Mi c hi ga nOp e ra .org D e tro i t O pe ra Ho u se
Stage Director, Pagliacci
Having most recently directed Rigoletto in the spring of 2011, Bernard Uzan's long history with MOT began with his debut as director for Faust in 1983. A native of France, his extensive background in the arts includes success as a general director, artistic director, stage director, librettist, designer, actor, novelist , and manager His productions have graced t h e stages of 50 opera companies in North America , France , Italy, Switzerland and South America with more than 300 productions. As a libre ttist and stage director, Mr. Uzan collaborated with composer David DiChiera and conductor Mark Flint on their new production of Cyrano.
Eisenhower D ance Ensemble
Now celebrating two decades of dance in Detroit, Eisenhower Danc e Ensemble (EDE) was founded by Artistic Director laurie Eisenhow er in the summer of 1991. Along with Ms Eisenhower's highly acclaimed choreography, EDE has also boasted works by internationally known choreographers such as David Parsons, Stephen Koester, Michael Foley, Kiesha lalama-White, Mark Dendy, Joel Hall, Eddy Ocampo, lila York , Colin Connor, jose limon, and Billy Siegenfeld.
With support from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the company has also collaborated with Michigan Opera Theatre, the Warren Symphony, the Immigrant Suns, the Rackham Symphony Choir in Carmina Burana, and with the Motor City lyric Opera and To l edo Opera in Amah! and the Night Visitors. Through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts , EDE restaged lar lubovitch's Feet during the 2010 -2011 season. EDE has produced several full-evening l ength touring productions. These include Motown in Motion, a visual salute to the tunes that made Motown records famous; Laugh Tracks , an evening of comedy in dance ; Igor Stravinsky's A Tal e with Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings as part of the Great lakes Chamb er Music Festival ; and Dances from the H eart of Rock and Roll, a heartfelt tribute s e t to folk and rock music.
In September of 1995 , EDE opened the doors to the EDE Center for Dance , and in january of 2008 , the Center was relocated to a beautiful new facility on South Street in Rochester. A second EDE Center opened in Birmingham in September 2008. The Centers serve as bases for the company's community outreach and education programs.
D e t ro i t Op era Hou se
www.Michi ga nOp e ra org BRAVO 3 1
Vi olin I
Charlotte Merkerson, Concertmaster+
Laura Leigh Roelofs, Assistant Concertmaster+
Velda Kelly+
Bryan Johnston+
AndrewWu +
Beth Kirton +
Molly Hughes +
Kevin Filewych +
Emily Barkakati
Vio lin II
Victoria Haltom*+
Daniel Stachyra +
Henrik Karapetyan+
Anna Welle r+
Janet Sullins
Elizabeth Rowin
Tamara Sherman
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra
Vio la Flu te Horn Harp
John Madison *+ Amanda Sparfeld* + Andrew Pelletier *+ Patricia Terry-Ross* +
Scott Stefanko + Laura Larson + Carrie Banfield +
Kathleen Grimes+
Dennis Carter
Susan Mutter Timpani
James Greer Scott Graddy Tamara Kosinski Terence Farmer
Julianne Zinn
Catherine Franklin
Helen Near
De nise Root-Pierce
Kurt Civilette
Andrew Buchanan
O b oe Percussion
Cello Sally Pituch + Trumpets John Dorsey*+
Nadine Deleury* + N ermis Mieses David Ammer *+ David Taylor
Diane Bredesen + Gordon Simmons+ Daniel Maslanka
Rob ert Reed+ Clarinet Derek Lockhart
John Iatzko Brian Bowman*+ Mitchell Wechs ler
Sarah Cleveland ]. W illiam King+
Stefan Koch
Andrea Apel
Gregory ·Ashe
Ryan Banar
Moniqu e Bates
Heidi Bowen Zook
Kim Brooks
Fred Buchalter
Elizabeth Cedroni
Laurie DiSabatino
Darren DeWit
(May 12, 16, 19)
Isabe lle Bepler
Cass ia Burley
Antonio Cipriano
Elizabeth Duus
Emily Finkelstein
La uren Hackett
Ryan Hurl ey
Brittany Johnson
Riley Kalt
Made ly n Kapl an
Ryan Kotlins ki
* Principal
Suzanne Rozmar y- Trombon e + Michigan Opera Surdu Maury Okun* + Theatre Core
Bass Greg Near+ Orchestra
Derek Weller*+ Bassoon
Bryan Pokorney
Clark Suttle+ Pawel Wnuk*+ Gary H ellick Detroit Federation of Greg Sheldon Roger Maki -Schramm Musicians Local #5
Jean Marie Posekany Marat Rakhmatu ll aev Tu ba
American Federation of Fritz Kaenzig
P h ilip Sinder
Michigan Op era Th eat re Chorus
Gerianne Ditto-Harvey
Rosaline Guastella
Amy Dixon Quishaun Hill
Amy Dolan-Malaney Branden C.S. Hood
Isaac Droscha
Ken Ebaugh
Richard Ja ckson , Jr
Tom Kabala
Elizabeth Nicholson
Ron Reinhart
Monica Sciaky
Ken Shepherd
Kyl e Stegall
Tamara Whitty
Jeff Wilkinson
Thomas Younger
Sara Zegl evski
Brandy Ellis
Annie Klark
Jerrold Lee
Gregory Stinson
Lucy Thompson
Musical Artists is the
The American Guild of Rebecca E ngelhard
Michael Fowle r Stacey Mason
Kyle Tru ax official union of the Kurt Frank
Michigan Opera Theatre
Yvonne Friday
Conda Green
Brad Miller
Pe tte Mo ore
Peter Morgan
Mari Voelker
Tiffanie Waldron Chorus
Justin Watson
Michigan Op era Th eatre Children's Chorus
Anne Koziara (May 18, 20)
Kail a Madison
Alaina Matth ews
Is abel Rocha
Steffi Roche
Stefannie Savoy
Eli zabeth Sheeren
Gabriell e Tifft
John Vandeve rt
Christina Wallag
Claire Yonkus
Jamila Ammary
Tyler Bouqu e
C h ailyn Bryce
Alex Cap eneka
Natalie Corrigan
Emily Crombez
Hos ey C u s um ano
El ena Dsou za
Kris te n Dubi cki
Mil es Eich enhorn
Gabri ell e Feb er
Aurora Haz iri
Arnie H eitc hu e
Teagan Lewis
Rachel Miltimore
Olivia Motzer
Av er y Rausch
Madel eine Reardon
Isabelle Ross
Bail ey Spry
Ari elle Stu rr
Annie Youngs
ww w. Mi c higanOp e r a. org D e t r oit Op e ra Hous e
Administration & Staff
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera , Director of Community Programs & Learning at th e Opera House
Carol Halsted, Director of Dance
Dewan Mitchell , Director of Bookings & Events Management
Rock Monroe , Director of Safety & Security, DOH & DOHPC
Laura R. N ealssohn , Director of Communications
David W Osborne , Director of Production
Mary Parkhill , Director of Development
jason Warzecha , Director of Theatre & Parking Center Operations
William Austin, Exe cutiv e Assistant to th e General Director
Timothy Lentz , Archivist & Director, Allesee Dance & Op era R esource Lib rary
· - Bryce Rudder, Senior Librarian, Allesee
Dan ce & ppera R esource Libra ry
Kimberly A. Mogidski, Patron & Ticket Services Manag er
Micha el Haus er, Marketing Manag er
Kimberly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Feli cia Burgess , Tunisia Brown, Patron & Tick e t S erv ices Associates
C hris ty Gray, Receptionist & Administrative Assistant
Mitchell Carter, W ebsite Coordinator
Jeff Strayer, Comm uni cations Coord inator
John Griga itis, Photograph er
Crysta l Ceo, Acco unt Executive, R ea l Int eg rat ed Adve rtising
Toby Faber, BRAVO Sal es
Bill Carro ll , Publi c Relations \f'oluntee r
Mark Vondrak , Assoc iate Direc t or & Tour Manager
Betty Lane , Operati ons M anager & S ing ing Voice Specia li st
Dolores Tobis, Mark eting Manager
Betsy Bronson , M aria Cimarelli , Dan Greig, Bernard Holcomb , j oseph
jack son, Lois Kaarre, Betty Lane, D ebbi e Lannen, Amy Do lan Malaney, Kim Parr, Michael Parr, Madelyn Porter, David Puli ce, Ama nda
Sabelhaus , Karl Schmidt , Trish Shandor, Christoph er Vau g ht , Mark Vondrak, Alvin Waddles, Karin White
john Grigaitis, Information Technology Manager
Shelly Ratliff, LAN Administrator
Kim Smith , Administrative Assistant
Kim-Lan Trinh, Associate Direc tor of Dev e lopm ent, Planned Giving & Major Gifts
Daniell e DePauw, Boutique Manager
Michelle DeLand, Corporate Campaign Manager
Carolyn Geck , Project Manager; BravoBravo ! 2012
Heather Hamilton , Special Proj ec ts Manager
Katherine Kucharski , Fo undation & Go v ern m ent G rants Manager; Database Consultant
Christina Wagner, Annual Fund Manager
Stephani Yates, Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager & Proj ect Manager; BravoBravo! 2012
Derrick Lewis, Controll e r
Kimberly Burgess-Rivers , Rita Winters, Accountants
Nick Williams, Accounting Assistant
Rand y Elliott, Hous e Manag er
Dennis Wells , Fac iliti es Man age r
j esse Carter, Sen ior Building Engineer
Ben La tim er, Building Engin ee r
Timoth y johnson, B uild ing Maintenance
Bernard Williams, Building Maint enance
Angela Donaldson, Food & Bev erage Manag er
james Yo ung, Assi stant Food & Beve rage Manager
Corey Scott, Execut iv e C h ef
Edna Robinso n , Sous C h ef
Lt. Lorraine Monro e, S upervi sor
Steven Kowa lski , Stage Door Officer
Deloni e Kno tt , Dem e trius N ewbo ld, Pame la Scott, Sgt. Daryl Stuck ey, Co ntro l Cente r Offic ers
Robert Neil , Manager
Paul Bolden, Event Sup erv isor for Parking
Elizabe th Anderson, Production Coordinator
Carolyn Geck, Production Administrator
Ken Sal tzman, Stage Manag er
Brian August, Nan Lu c hini, Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski , Production Volunteer
David DiChiera, Music Direc t or
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Ass istant Musi c Direc tor & C horus Mast er
Rob erto Mauro , Artistic Con su ltant
Diane Bredesen , Orchestra Perso nne l Mana ger
jean Schneider, R ep e tit eur
Daniel T. Brinker, Technica l Director
Monika Essen , Prop erty Master & Scenic Artist
Kendall Smith, Lighting Coordinator
Bobby Ta co m a, Assistant Lig hting
D esign er & Assistant Technical Direc tor
Orsin Thanasi, Tec hni ca l Assistant
Dee Dorsey, S upe rtitl e Op erator
Suzanne M. H anna , Cos tum e Director
Mark Baiza , Cu tt e r/Drap er
Alice Moss , Wardrob e Mistress
Katie Hein , First H a nd
Su san A. Fox, St itc h er
M o nika Esse n , Costum e Paint er
Elizabeth Geck , Ass istant Wig & Makeup D esigne r
john Kinsora, H ead Carp ent er
Rob ert Mesinar, H ead E l ectrician
Al a n Bigelow, Head Prop ertyman
H enry Ruiz , Head So und
Rob er t Martin , Head Flyman
Gary Gilmore, Production E lec trician
Mary Ellen Shuffett, H ead of Wardrobe
IATSE Local #38, Stage Crew
IATSE Local #786 , Wardrob e
D e troit Ope ra House
www Mic hi ga nOp e ra org
of Community Programs & Learning at the Opera
Karen V. DiChiera, Director
Now is the time to arrange for speakers and lecturers for yo ur 2012-13 m ee tings o f clubs, sororiti es , frat erniti es and oth er g roups th at wo uld enjo y h earing fro m ou r professional prese nte rs!
Offe rings fea ture overviews of our season , Lives of Fa mous Composers , Women Compo sers , Fo lk and Fairy Tales in Opera a nd Dance, the _History of De troit Theater s, and many more unu s ual , fun and fascinatin g topics.
Create and Perform
Stud e nts fro m age 10 and up can participate in Cr eate and Perform , iii whi ch s tud e nts improvis e stories, compose the{r own music , a nd p e rform t11eir production for an audience in our rehearsal studio. This creative worksh op tak es pla ce from Monday, june 25 , through th e final p erforman ce on Friday, july 6. Older s tude nts are welcome if they wo uld like to b e p a rt of this progra m Instructors are Karen V. Di C hiera, Lamar Richards o n , and p e rcu ssionist Christopher Cervinak.
Each year we present a Gilb ert a nd Sulli van operetta with our s tude nts ages 10 t o 18 This three-w eek camp runs fr o m Mond ay, july 9 , to th e p e rformanc e on Frid ay, july 2 7. T h e program is taught by a profess io n al s taff that includes s inger a n d s tage direc tor julie Smith , s inger a nd voice Wendy Bloo m , and ac co mp a nist j oseph ja ckson Th ese fin e ins tru c tors produc e a profess iona l quality produ c ti o n in three w eeks wi th our ta lented yo ungster s P er form ed in our main stage th ea ter, th e produ ctio n is cos tum ed a n d full y s ta ged Auditio n s for m ain r oles tak e p lace after all s tud ents are regis tered for th e works h op.
Opera Camp & Workshop
Opera Camp is an in-d e pth program for p eo ple anticipa ting a career in the fiel d of opera. Beginning o n Monday, july 23, master classes on his tori c d a n ce, ch arac t eriza ti on , ac ting, improvisa ti o n and make-up wi ll culmina t e in a n evenin g r ecital and final sce n es perform ed o n Sunday, Augu s t 5. Taught b y contral to Candace d e Lattre a nd visiting professors.
Lens on the City
Le n s on th e City is an in te rgen e rational p rogram for famili es , fr ie nds a nd yo ungsters to h ave th e opportunity to photograph n ew De troit d es tin a ti ons
c h osen every su mmer b y Karen DiChi era ( Direc tor of MOT Community Programs ) and Kare n Najher (Histo ric Prese rva tionist) along with p h otograp h e r Ara Howran i. These ad ventures tak e p l ace the mornings of]ul y 30 , 3 1 a nd Augus t l. O ur very own p h oto exhibit will take p lace o n Sund ay, Au gu s t 5, during the fina l p erformance of Opera Ca mp and Workshop Participating p h otographers are invited to a ttend the performan ce for fr ee.
For more i nfor m ation on any of these opportunities, vis i t www.michiganopera.org and click on "Learning, " o r call (313) 237-3429.
News from the Department
Masco Corporation Foundation proudly sponsors Community Programs
Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta
A photograph fro m last summ e r 's Lens on th e City.
www.Mi c h i g anOp er a.or g
D e troit Op era Hou se
Master Classes
Learn from professional dancers when they come to the Detroit Opera House. Master Classes are an excell ent opportunity for dancers of any leve l to l earn from the professionals they see on stage Classes are FREE with a ticket to the corresponding performance ; otherwise, each class is $25. Classes take place in the Margo V Cohen Center for Dance or the Chrysler Black Box Theater in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. Advance registration is required; to register, send your name and contact information to dance®motopera.org or call - (313) 237-3251.
Hubbard Street 2
Friday, March 2
Interm ediate/Advanced Ballet Class 6-7:30 p.m.
Ages , 14 and up
$25 (this class is not free with a ticket)
Saturday, March 3
Family Workshop, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m (free with ticket)
Alvin Ailey
Saturday, March 31
Intermediate/Ad vanc ed Mod ern Class 11 a .m . to 12 :30 p .m.
Ages 14 and up
Corella Ballet
Saturday, April 28
Intermediate/A d vanced Ballet Class 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Ages 14 and up
· Get Involved!
Do yo u lov e danc e and have a d esire to support th e arts by volunteering ?
Bec ome a member of the Detroit Opera House Dance Council. This group is in n ee d of hig hly motivated danc e l overs who are willing to host gatherings, d evelop n ew fundraising id eas and, mo s t of all , e njoy d a nc e in De troit. For more informati on, contact Cheryl Mcllhon a t mcilhon@comcast.net.
Dance Film Series
Dance lovers come together for dance films, food , drink , and discussion on Tuesday evenings. All dance films take plac e at the Detroit Opera House in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. A $10 donation is payable at th e door, and refreshments are provided. No reservations required. For more information , ca ll (313) 237-3 426. All films b egin at 7 p m.
March 20: "Comedy in Dance" featuring selections from Tharp , Robbins, and Ballet Trocadero
April17: "An Evening of Viennese Dances" with old Vienna danc es from Balanchine to Roland Petit
May 15: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderla nd " E njoy the presentation of the full ballet by the Royal Ballet of England
Year-Round Dance Classes
Balle t Renaissance makes the De troit Opera House home, offering yea rround class es for students ages 4 -adult, Monday through Friday from 5-8 p.m. For more information or to register, call (313) 469 -0694 or visit www.ba ll etren org
Inn er City Dance Scope also ca lls the De troit Opera Hous e home, offering y ear-round cla sses including ball et , jazz , tap , modern , pointe, hip hop, and other styles. Class es take place
on Saturdays from 10 a m- 3 p.m. for both children and adults, ag es 21/2 and up. Fo r more information or to register, ca ll (313) 926-6654 or visit www.innercitydancescope.webs.com.
Th e Ailey School
Monday, April1, at 11 a .m.
For: Certificate Program, Independen t Study Pro gra m , Su mmer Intensive Program
Inform a ti on : www. thea ileysch oo l. edu
For information on auditions , co n tact Kim Smith at dance@mot op era.org or 313-237-325 1.
D e tro it Op e r a House
The Detroit pre m ie re tak es place at the D et ro it Film T he atre on Apri l 12 and 14, 20 12 (dia.o rg/dft). For in formation abo ut even t s schedu le d by the Detroit Friends of Joffrey, cal l (313) 237-3426
www.Micbi g anOpe ra org
BRAVO 35 -
Ensuring the Future
ne a gi ft that outlives yo u-that touches future gen erations in your ab sence-to experience and enj oy the world of opera.
Th at's the goal of the Avanti Soc iety, Michigan Opera Theatre's Planned Gi ft Recognition Program.
The Avan ti Society represents a d esignated group of friends of Michigan Opera Theatre who h ave made plans to inclu de t h e organization in their estate plan s-wh e ther b y will , tru st, insurance, or life income arrangement. Membership in the Avanti Society is open to all .
Members of the Avanti Society rec eive a b eautifully d esigne d lapel pin , reco gnition at the annu al Avanti Evening and invitations to special events and p er formances, and are liste d as m emb er s in our program books throughout each season.
The growth of Michigan O p era Theatres permanent Endowment Fund ensures the growth and future vitali ty of one of the region's grea test cultural asse ts. Yo u a re invi ted t o crea te your own legacy-your Avanti-th rough Michigan Opera Theatre. You ma y u se the attache d confid e ntial reply card to indicate your gift , or contact Kim-Lan Trinh at (313) 237-3408 to discu ss gift op;io ns th at may benefit yo u , your h eirs and Michigan Opera Theatre.
Mr. Robe rt G Abgarian
Mr & Mr s. Rob ert A. A llesee #
Mrs. Adel Amerm a n *# +
Dr. Lo urd es V Andaya*
Mr. & Mrs. Agusti n Arbulu *
C h es t e r & E m elia Arnold *
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barth e l
Mr. & Mrs. J. Addiso n Bartus h * #
Mr. & M rs. Brett Batterso n *
Mr & Mrs. Mande ll Berma n
Mr. & Mrs. Art Bla i r *
Mr. Robe rt Bomier
Mr s. Margaret Borden **
Gwe n & Ric h a rd Bowlby
Mary C. Caggegi
R oy E. & lise C alcagno *
G ladys Ca ldroney*
Dorothy Ozog Carson & Tho m as
E. Ca rso n **
Dr & Mrs. Vic tor J. Cerve n a k *
Mr. A ll e n B. C hristman
Prof. Kennet h Co llinso n
Mr. & Mrs. Robe rt C. Co m stoc k #
Dr. Robe rt A Corne tte * #
Mr. & Mrs. Tar ik Daou d * #
Mr. & Mrs. Marv in I Da nto
Mr T h omas J. Delan ey
M s. Marjori e Adele D eV li eg
M1: & Mrs. Robe rt E. D ewar * #
M 1: jam es P. Diamond
Dr. D av id Di C hie ra #
Kare n Vande rKl oo t DiCh iera * #
Ms Mary J a n e D oerr #
Mr. & Mrs. C h a rles H Dunca n *
Mrs. C h a rles M. Endico tt * #
Mrs . C harlotte Bus h Fai ling
Mr. & Mrs H e rb Fis h er*
Mrs. Ann e E. Ford**
Pa m ela R. Franci s *
Barbara F rankel & Rona ld
M ic h a la k * #
Mr & Mrs. H e rm a n F r a nke l *#
Mrs. Re ma F ra nke l * #
Mr. & Mrs. H a rvey Freeman
Mrs Jan e Sh oemak e r French
Mr. Edward P. Fro hlic h
Dr. & Mrs. Byron P. Georgeso n *
Priscilla A. B. G oode ll
Mr. Ernes t Goodman
Mrs. Fre da K. G oodman
Prisci lla R. G ree nb erg, Ph.D. *#
Mr & M rs. Ste phe n H agop ian
Mr. Lawre n ce W. H a ll *
Mr. & Mrs. J e ro m e Ha lperin *
Mrs. Robe rt M Hamady
Ms. H ea ther H a milton **
Mr. David Randle man*#
Mr. Ken n e th E. H a rt *
M r & Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwig*
Dr. & Mrs. Ge rh a rdt A H e in
M s. Nan cy B. H en k
Ms. Mary A. He ster
Mr. Bru ce Hillma n
Patricia Hobar **
Karen & D e rek Hodgson
Mr. Gordo n V. Hoialmen
Dr. C indy Hung*
Mr. Ca rl]. Hu ss
Kr is tin Jaramillo *
Mr. D ona ldJ en se n *
Ms. Hel e n Barbara john s ton
Mr P a trick ]. & Mrs Stephani e
Germa c k Kerz ic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kle i n#
Mrs. jos ep hine Kl einer
Mr & M rs. Erwin H. K lop fer * #
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ko lto n
Mi sses Ph y llis & Selma Korn *
Mr & Mrs Arthur Krolikows ki *
Mr Max Le p le r & M r. Rex Dotson
Mr. Philip L eon
Mrs. Wad e H. McCree *
Ms. J a n e McK ee*
Mrs. L uc ie B M e ininger
Drs. O rlando & Doroth y M iller *
M o nica Moffa t & P a t M cGuire
Mrs. E ll a M Montroy
Mr Rona ld K. Morriso n *
Ruth Raw lings Matt
Mr s. B e tty ]. Mueller
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen M unk
Jonathan E Orser
Ms. Jul ie A. Owens
Mr D a le ]. Pangonis *
Mary & C h arles A. Parkhill
Mrs. El iz ab e th Pe cse nye
C larice Odge rs Percox
Mr. T homas G. Porter
Mr. Ric h a rd M. Raisin *
Mrs. Ruth E Rattn er * #
Mr. J oshua Rest
Marg u eri te & J a m es Rig b y*
Mr Brya n L. Ri ves
Ms. P a tricia Radz ik *
Mr. Mitc h e ll]. R omanows ki
Ms. J oann e B Rooney
Ms. Su s a n Sc h ooner *
Drs H e inz & Ali ce P latt Sch warz*
Mrs Frank C. Sh al er*
Ms. Laura Sias
J un e & Harold Siebert
Mrs. Marge Sl ezak
Ms. A nne Su llivan Smith
Ms Phyllis Funk Snow *
Mr. Edward L. Sta hl
Mr. & M rs. Ric h ard
St a r kwea the r *#+
Mrs. Mark C. Steve ns * #
Mr. Sta nford C. Stoddard
J o n a than Swift & Thomas A.
St. C h a rl es*
Mr. Ro n a ld E Switzer *
Ms. Mary Ell en Tappan *#
Dona ld & Margaret Thur be r *
Mr. Edwa rd D Tusse t *
Mr. & Mrs George Vincen t * # +
Mr.]. E rn es t Wilde
Mrs. A m e lia H. Wilhelm *#
Mrs R ut h W il kins
Mrs. Hele n B Witt e nberg
Elizabe th & W a lt er P. Work *
O lga & jo seph]. Z afarana **
Ma ry Lo u & La rry Zan gerle
Mr & Mrs G eorge M . Zeltze r *
Avanti Logo & P in D es ign
Monica M o ffa t & Pat McGuire
* Fou nding Members
# Touc h the F uture donors
+ Avanti Soci e ty Sponso rs
Italics = d eceas ed m e mbers
** New
www.Mic hi ga nOp era.org
D et roit Opera Hous e
Michigan Opera Theatre Donor Honor Roll
Michigan Opera Theatre gratefully acknowledges the ge nero us in dividual donors w h o m ade cumulative gifts to seve ral annual cam paign s totali ng $ 10,000 a n d above be tween july 1, 2010 , and j une 30,2011. T heir su pport plays an in tegr a l part in the company financ ial s tabi lity which is necessary for p roduci n g qua lity g rand opera, da n ce and award -winning educa tion al activities.
$8 0 ,000 a nd a bove
Mandell L & Madeline H. Berman Fou ndation
$5 0 ,000 and a bove
Mr. & Mrs. j ohn Boll , Sr.
$25, 000 a nd a b ove
Mr. & Mrs Ethan Davidson
Erb Family Foundation
The Shirley K. Schlafe r
Fou nd a tion
Elham Shayo ta
Mr. & Mrs. R. jamison Williams
Max M. & Marjorie S. Fish er Foundation He rman & Sharon Frankel
$20, 000 a nd ab ove
Susanne McMillan
Mr. & Mrs. Manu el Moroun
$15,000 and above
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alonzo
Barbara Franke l & Ron Michalak
Mr. & Mrs. N orman D. Katz and Mrs. Rut h Rattn e r
Mr. & Mrs. Ir ving Rose
W illiam Smith
j oan n e Danto & Dr. Arnold $ 10 ,000 and a b ove
We ingarde n
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthe l
Mr. & Mrs. Frede rick Clark
Dr. David DiChiera
Marianne Endicott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lutz
Cyri l Moscow
Dr. Ch a rlotte & Mr. Charl es Podo wski
Ms. Phyllis Snow
Richard Sonenklar
Richard Ventura
Contributors to Annual Campaigns
Michigan Ope ra Theat re gra te fu ll y acknowledges the ge n e rous corpora te , fou n dation, government, and individual donors w h ose contrib ut io n s were mad e bet ween july 1, 20 10 , an d j u n e 30, 2011. T h eir ge n e rosit y is vita l to t h e com pany's finan c ial s tabili ty, n ecessary to susta in MOT's position as a va lued c ultu ra l resou rce.
- $14,999 Gen e ral Operat ing Gener a l Ope rati n g GOVERNMENT Ban k of Am erica Su ppo rt Support SUPPORT - OPERA &: SIGNAL BENEFACTOR BravoBravol Sp on s or BravoBr avo ! Sp o ns o r Ba rris, So tt , Denn &: D riker, DANCE
$ 50,000- $ 199 ,000 Co m p u ware Co rpora tion MOT C hildre n 's C h orus P. LL C.
Ford Moto r Company Fund O p er a Ba ll Table Sponsor Sp onso r Ge n er a l O p e rating GOVERNMENT
Fall O p e ra Season Sponsor Doeren Mayh ew Support Michigan Coun cil for Arts
A lvin Ail ey Anwica n Da nce Opera Ball Table Spo nsor PATRON
Theat er Mack Ave nu e Records $ 2 ,5 00 - $ 4 ,999
Edu cational Outreach
C N Corporation and Cu ltural Affairs
Ge n eral Operatin g National Endowme nt for
Too Hot to Handle Spon s or Eclipse C rea t ive Support the Arts
Spon s or MGM Gra nd Cas ino Bravo Bravo l Skybox Howa rd &: H oward
Opera Ball Silver S pons o r BravoBravol Spo n sor Sponsor
Ope ra Ba ll Box Spon sor $ 100,000 +
General Motors Foundation Opera Ball Box Spon s o r lATSE - Loca l 38 Jaffe Rait H e u e r &: We iss The Co mmunity
Mi lle r Can field General Ope rat ing Opera Ba ll Box Sponsor Fo u ndation for South east
Co mmunity Programs
Spon so r Ope ra Ba ll Table Spon sor Suppo rt Kin derMorgan Foundation Michigan
O rlans Associates PC Meadowbrook Insuran ce Ge n e ra l O p erat ing T h e Kresge Foundat ion
Masco Corporat ion
Fou nda ti o n Ope ra Ball Tab le Sponsor Age n cy Support McGregor Fu nd
PN C Found ation Golf Outing Sponso r Michae l Coyne Design
Gene ra l Opera ti ng
Sup p ort Co mmunity Progra m s General O p e ra tin g Op era Ball Box Spo n sor $3 0 ,000 - $99 ,99 9
Community Progra ms Spon so r Support
Su pp o rt
Po litica lly Sm a rt , LLC Mand ell L and Ma de lei n e Sig m a Associa tes, ln c/Eiham MGM Mirage Vo ice BravoBravo! Sponsor H Be rman Founda tion
Sh ayota Foundat ion Sil verman Design DeRo y Testam enta ry
MAJOR BENEFACTOR Ope ra Ball Silver Sp o nso r MOT Chil d re n 's Chorus O p e ra Ball Box Sponsor Found ation
$ 25 ,000- $ 49 ,999
DTE En e rgy Found a tion
La Boheme Pe r formance
Sponsor Th e Westin Book Cadillac Young Artist Appre nt ice
SUSTA I NER Mic ron Electric/Con ti BravoB ravol Hosp ita li ty Program Sponsor
$5 ,000 - $ 9 ,9 99 Electric Spons or Rigoletto Performa n ce
Spons o r Arts Midwest BravoBravo l Sp ons or Will iam s, W illi a m s, Rattner Sponso r
Al vin Ai ley Am erica n Dan ce Th e jaffrey Ball et Sponso r Scarlet Comm u n icat ion s & Plunk e tt Max M. & Marjorie S.
Theat er Pe rforman ce Em agin e En terta inm e nt Br avoB ravol Spo n s or Op e ra Ba ll Box Sponsor Fi s h er Foundat ion
Bra voBravo ! Go ld Sp o n s or Wolverin e Pac k in g Sage Fou nd at ion
S pon so r
J P Morgan Chase G rea t Lakes Be ve rage Com p any
Alvin Atl ey Ame1ican BravoBra vo ! Go ld Sp onsor Genera l Ope rating
Dance Th eater Educa t ional Marat h on Support
Outrea c h Sponsor Alvin Ail ey Am erican
Ge ne ra l Operating
Dance Th eater Educational DONOR
O utreac h Spo n s or $ 1 ,000 - $ 2 ,499
Su pport Moroc h
$500- $999
$ 10 ,000 - $ 29,999
AME American Music Arts Midwest
Environme nts, Inc /Tom & Grand Rapi ds Ba llet Th e
Debbie Krikorian Nutcracker Pe r forma nce
Go lf Outing Spon sor Sponso r
Ambassador Bridge/N ora & Maddin , Hau se r, Warrell, Alvin Ailey America n
O p era Ba ll Silve r Spo n s or BravoBravo ! Go ld Sponso r Man u e l Marou n Roth et a l Dance Th eater Educa ti on
Go lf O utin g Spons or
Pe ns ke Corpo rat ion
Opera Ba ll Pl atin um
North e rn Trus t Bank
Opera Ba ll Box Spon so r Ge n e ra l O p e ratin g Spon sor
O pera Ball Antonio 's C ucina lta lia n a Suppo rt
Qu ic ke n Loans Genera l Ope ra tin g
Spons or BravoBravol Go ld Sponsor Supp ort
F red A. and Barbara M Er b
Family Found a t ion
Sally Mead Hands
So me rse t Co ll ecti on Fou n dation
C h a rita b le Fo undation
Comm unity Progra ms
Ash Steve n s FOUNDATIO N &: OPERA &: DANCE $ 10 ,000
n of America
De u o it Op e ra House www Mi c h i ga nOp e ra.org BRAVO 39
Alice Kales Hartwick
Fo un dation
Hudson -Webb er Foundatio n
O liver D ewey Marcks
Fo und ation
Shirley Schla fe r Foundation
Alvin Ailey Am e ri can Dan ce
Theater Education Sponsor
Id a &: Conrad H Smith
En dowment for t h e
Mich igan Ope ra Th eatre
Rigo letto Performa n ce
Sp o n sor
Mary T h omp son Foundat io n
Co mmunity Programs
Sa muel L. Wes terman
Mat ilda R Wilson Fund
$5, 000 - $9 ,999
Fra nk G. and Gert rude
Dunl a p Fund
Ann a nd Gordon Ge tt y
F ou ndation
He rbert and El sa P a n ting
Co mmunity Programs
Elizabeth , Allan and Warren
She lde n Fund
lou is an d Nellie S ieg Fund
Youn g Wo m an's H ome
Co mmunity Programs
$ 1 ,000 - $4,999
Anonymo u s
Detroit Industrial School
Co mmunity Programs
Detroit Public libra ry
F riends Foundatio n
j a m es &: l yne ll e H o lden
Benard l. Maas Fou n da tio n
MOT C hildren !; Chorus
Pe r formance Spon sor
lee &: Maxin e Pec k
MOT C hildren 's C h ams
Music li brary Sponsor
Karen &: Drew Pes lar
Ralph l. and W inifred E Polk Foundation
Sigmun d and Sophi e Rohlik Fou n dat ion
Village Wo m an 's Club
Fou nd atio n
Commun ity Progra m s
Weisblat F oun d ation
Co mmun ity Progra m s
$5 0 ,000
Mr. &: Mrs. john Bo ll , Sr.
$3 0,000
Herman &: Sh aron Frankel
$ 10,000- $ 12 ,000
Su sa nne McMilla n
Cyril Moscow
Ruth Rattner, Anne F. Katz &: Norma n D. Katz
$5, 000
Anne &jo hn Roberts
$ 10,000+
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Alonzo
Mr. &: Mrs. Eth an Davidson
Mrs. Marianne Endi cott
Mrs. Ba rbara F r ankel &:
Mr. Rona ld Michalak
Sharon &: H e rman Fra nke l
Mrs. Susa nne McMillan
Mr. W ill iam Smith
Mr. Richard Sonenkla r &:
Mr. G regory H aynes
Mr. Ric h a rd D. Ventura
$5, 000 - $ 9 ,999
Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas F.
Allis on
Anon ymo us
The H o n &: Mrs. Edwa rd
Mr. &: Mrs lee Barth el
Mrs. lise Calcagno
Mr. Thom as Cohn
Dr. David DiChiera
Ms. N ell Duke &: Mr. David Amm e r
In his own words
I can do without many things and many services but I cannot do without music. Opera has be e n part of my life sin ce I w as a chi ld, and I w as then a n opera sing e r mys e lf. Every tim e I ex p e ri e nc e an op e r a in our m agnificent theater, I relive the joy-filled experiences of my life
From the moment I started singing opera under the tutelage of Dr. David DiChi e r a, it w as as though I h ad st art e d an opera ti c b ank acco unt with v e ry hi g h int e r est
I cannot allow Mi c hig an Opera Theatre to be financia lly drained I do my best to pre vent thi s.
- Dr. Jon ath a n Swift
Ho Oey Fo undation
Mrs. Harriet Hull
Mr. &: Mrs. Addison
Igleh eart
Mrs. Stephanie Germack
Ke rzic &: Mr. Pa trick
Dr. William Kupsky &: Dr. Al i Moiin
Mr. &: Mrs. H arry A.
lom ason II
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. l utz
Dr. &: Mrs. Stephen A.
Dr Cha rlotte &: Mr. Ch arles
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy Ro b erts
M rs. Ca rol yn l. Ross
Ms. Elham Shayota
Mr. &: Mrs. Kinni e&: Mary Beth Smith
Ms. Phyllis Snow
Dr. Calvin L. Steve n s
Mr. &: M rs Thomas Terre ll
Mr s. Barbar a Van Dusen
Mr &: Mrs. George C.
$ 2 ,500- $ 4 ,999
Mr. &: Mrs Robert A. Allesee
Dr. l ourdes Andaya
Mr. &: Mrs. Thom as
Ande rson
Mr &: Mrs. jose ph An g ileri
Dr. &: Mrs. Agus ti n Arbul u
D r H arold M itch e ll
Mr &: Mrs. j ohn Axe
Mr. &: Mrs. j a m es M
Mr &: M rs. Ma rk Alan Baun
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Bliz m an
Mr. &: Mrs. G. P e ter BJorn
M rs. Margaret Borden
Mr. &: M r s . Ric h a rd Bowlby
Mr. &: Mrs. Ge rald Brig ht
Dr. Carol S. C h adwick &: Mr. H. Taylo r Burleso n
Mr. &: Mrs Alfred Cheesebrough lll
Th e Hon &: Mrs. Avern L. Cohn
Mrs. RoseA nne Comstock
Dr. Mary Carol Conroy
Drs laura &: j e ffrey
jill&: j ay Cra ig
Mrs. Mary Rita Cuddohy
Mrs. Vi ctor C uratolo
Ms. j oanne Damo &: Dr.
Arnie Weingarden
Ms. julia Donovan Darlow
&: The H o n. john C.
O'Mea ra
Mr. &: Mrs. j erry D 'Ava n zo
Mr. &: Mrs. Anth ony Earley
Mr. Sanford H ansell &: D r
Ra in a Erns toff
Ms. Dori s Ewing
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. &: Mrs. lloyd C. Fell
Mrs. Max M. F ish er
Mr. &: Mrs. Carl B. Fon tana
Mrs El a in e Fontana
Mr &: Mrs. Stuart Frankel
Mr &: Mrs. H arvey Freeman
Mr. &: M rs. An drew
Gi an ca milli
Mr. Allan G ilmour
Mrs. Al fre d R Glancy, Ill
Mr. &: Mrs. Rich ard Goetz
Mr. &: Mrs Eu gen e H artwi g
Mrs. D avid B. H e rm e lin
Mr. &: Mrs. De re k H odgson
Mr. Wi ll iam Hulsker
Mr &: Mrs. Alan Is rael
Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. !stoc k
Mr. &: Mrs. Gary E j ohn s on
Marjori e &: Maxwell jospey
Mr. &: Mrs. Ma rtin Kellman
Mr. &: Mrs. Steve Kesle r
Mr. &: Mrs. C hak lai
Dr. j e nnife r Langowski &:
Mr. Tom Kostecke
Mr. &: Mrs Pa ul Lavin s
Mr. C h arl es letts
Dr. &: Mrs. Zvi l evra n
Mrs Linda Dresn e r l e vy &:
Mr. Edwa rd l evy, Jr
Dr. &: Mrs. Migu e l
lis-Pl a n e ll s
Mrs Florence LoPa tin
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucare ll i
Mr. &: Mrs . Ste phen
Man cu s o
Mr. &: Mrs Ron Marte lla
Ms. Mary C. Mazure
Mr. &: Mrs Richard McBrien
Mr. Phillip D. Minch
Ms. Anne Maroun
Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Maroun
Mr. &: Mrs Xavier Mosquet
Mr. jonathan Orser
Mr. &: Mrs. Stanford
Ovsh insky
Mr. joseph R. Papp
Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Peh rson
Mr. &: Mrs. Brock E. Plum b
Mr. &: M rs. Bill Powers
Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner
M rs. Pa m ela Trotman-Reid &: Dr. Irvin Reid
Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Mr. &: Mrs. Norm a n H. Rosenfeld
M r. &: Mrs. Hugh C. Ross
Ms. j anice Ross
Mrs. Luigi Ruscillo
M r. &: Mr s. William Sand y
Ms. Georgia Scappaticci
Dr. Barb ara&: Mr. l au re n ce Sch iff
Kim &: Donald Schmid t
lois &: Mark Shaevsky
Arlen e Shaler
Mr. Ste pha n Shar f
Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin S. Simon
Ms. Phy llis Snow
Mr &: Mrs. David S Sn yd e r
Dr. &: Mrs. Robe rt]. Sokol
Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Sonye
Dr. Gregory Ste ph ens
Dr. &: Mrs. Ge rald H
Sta llma n
Dr. j o n a th an Swift
Mr. Ronald F. Switzer
Dr. lorna Th om as
M r. &: Mrs. C. Th o m as
Topp in
Dr. Dana Zakali k &: jo hn
W e b er
Mr. j o hn Wickey
M rs. Ame li a H Wilh e lm
M r. &: Mrs. R. j a miso n Wil liams, Jr
Mrs. Beryl Winke lman
Dina &: Eric Winte r
Mr. Andrew W ise
Mr &: Mrs l arry Zange rle
M rs Paul Zucke rman
Since 1996 , Dr. Swift h as been a s t a un c h supporter of MOT, participating in capita l as we ll as a nnu al ca mp aigns for opera a nd d an ce, a nd a ll major fundra isers and specia l e ve nts He is a m e m b e r of th e Gen e ra l Director 's Circle a nd the Avanti So ciety, MOT's gro up of friends who have m ade arra n ge m e nts to include MOT in pla ns.
"Th a nk you, Jon ath a n , f or your k ind word s! " - Da vi d DiChi e r a
4 0 BRAVO Ms Marjo ri e M. Fi s h er
Carole &: No rm
www.Mic hi ga nOpe ra.org
D etroit Op era Ho us e
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy H Run k
Mr. Paul Wemho ff
Mr. Dan ie l G Rusecki
Wes tl an d Denta l , PLLC $1 , 000- $1,499
CHORUS Sam Haberman- Happy Charles & Adam Ru ssman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F
Mr. Dan ie l Ruz ycki Whitman
Mr. Steven Rybicki
Dr. Nila W il son
Ms. Betty Bl azok Holidays!
M r. & Mrs. joseph Bloch $5 ,000+ Drs Ali Moiin & Bill Kups k y
Mr. Ke vin Dennis & Mr.
Mr. & Mrs. josh Eichen h orn
In Honor of Mr. Michael j oh n & Aileen Sa n de rs
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Sapers tein
Mr. William Sarver
Karen L. Saxto n
Mr. Bradley K W ilso n jeremy Zeltzer Hauser
Mr. & Mr s. jon Woj tala
Dr. J udie Goodman & Mr $1 ,000- $5 ,000
Mr. David D. Woodard Ku rt R Vilders
Mr. Th omas Woods
Ms. T h eresa Spear & Mr. jeff
Mr & Mrs. Ch arles Sch iffe r Dr. & Mrs. j ose E Yane z Douma
Mrs Lori Schoenenbe rge r
Drs Robert & Franz iska
Mr. & Mrs Th o mas V Yates
MAJOR GIFTS - DANCE $ 500- $ 999
Sazerac Company, INC. Ms . Ma ry Mazure
Mr. George S Schulte , J r. THE]OFFREY BALLET
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Israel
Benard L. Maas Fou nda t ion
The Village Cl ub
In Memory of Mrs. Ella
MGM Resorts Founda t ion Anne H einrich
Mr. & Mrs. Ch r is Miltim o re Ms Elai ne She ldo n Adelson
Lee & Maxine Peck
Mr. & Mrs Frede rick Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence David
Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow Detroit Swiss So ci ety
Vo lkswagen Group o f Ms Kimbe rly Lifto n
Ms. Le ig h Sc hu lten over SPONSORS RESTRICTED America, Inc . Mary & Charles Par khill
Mr. & Mrs. William
CONTRIBUTIONS Nancy & Robert Ruedi Schumer Be tty, Marvin &joanne
$ 25 ,000
Mr. & Mrs Will iam Danto Dance Endowme nt 2010 Opera Ball
$ 100- $999
Mr. & Mrs . Leon Saperstein
Mrs Sh e ryl Burley In Memory of Mrs. H e l e n Sc hwed le r Th e j affrey Ballet Production
Mr. Miles Eich e nho rn
Mr. julius Scott Sponsor $25 ,000 Platinum Huntington Woods Wome n 's L Hertler
Mar ia nne & Rob in Ferri b y
M r. & Mrs. Kingsley Sear s Sponsors
Ms. Caroline Serfass
Mr. & Mrs. H erbe rt
$10,000- $2 4 ,999 Gretchen & Ethan Davidson
Mrs. Mary j ohn son In Memory of Mrs. Marc & Naomi Shab er man Anonymous General Motors Corp o r a ti on Dr. Nanette Ke iser Jacqueline Kaczmarek
Mr. & Mrs. Ma n u el Maroun Pe nske Corporation
Mr. & Mrs Irvi ng Rose Kare n & R. jamison
Mrs Lillian Davis Shaye Williams
Mr. & Mrs Pa trick D $5, 000 - $9,999
Sh ee hy
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel $1 0 , 000 Silver Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs. j a m es Sh erma n Arvin Me ritor, Inc.
Ms. Michele Kozi ara Mary & Cha r les Parkh ill
Ms Marlene M. Landry
Ms LaDonna Le verett I n Memory of Mr George
Mr. Karl O verm an Killoran
Mr. Lauren ce Shear
Ms Ardith Ritter
In Memory of Mr. & Dr. & Mrs. Donald Sher man
Dr. & Mrs. Pau l Siatczynski
$1 ,000 Ford Moto r Company Fund
Ms. joanne Dan to & H er m an & Sh aron Frankel
Mrs. Marilyn Sickles tee l & Dr. Arno ld We ingarden Ms. El h am Sh ayota/Sigm a
- Mr David A Szymbo rs ki
Mr. & Mrs H a r9 ld Siebert
Mr. & Mrs David j ackson Associates , Inc
Ms Linda Ro dney & Mr
Mr. & Mrs Wil liam Sikor a Te d Shink le $5, 000 Full Table
Mr. & M;s. j o hn Sn yd er Mr. & Mrs. David Trott Sponsors
Dr Gino So vra n Mr.& Mrs Rich ard Vlas ic C ompu war e C orporat ion
Mrs. Semon E. Knudsen
September 1, 2011, t o Mr. Robe rt Hunt Berry
january 24, 2012
In Honor o f Drs. William
In H o nor of Noel Baril & Kuspky & Ali Moiin
Dr. J e ff Tra n c hida- Happy Noel Baril & Dr. j effrey
Holidays ! Tra n ch ida
Drs Ali Mo iin & Bill Kupsky Elizabeth S Kupsky
Dr. Mildred Ponder Stennis Doere n Mayhew In Memory of Mrs. Loris In Memory of Mrs.
Dr. & Mrs. She ldon Stern $500 Elanah & Rick Hunger Birnkrant Ethelwyn " W y n " La ndis
Daniel & Ruth Ann Stump
Mr. & Mrs. joh n A Bo ll , Sr Dani all e & Peter Ka nnanos , Ms. Barba ra Frankel & Mr. Ruthe & Saul Stein
Dr. & Mrs. Cho ich i Sugawa Mrs. Ba rbara Franke l & Jr
Ms Elizab e th Su ll iva n & Dr. Mr. Ron Michalak De n ise & Robe rt Lu tz
Steven D Gellman Mi ller Canfield
Ron Mic hala k Mr. Ra lp h Wiltzius & Famil y
In Honor o f Marle n e & In Me mory of M rs. Rita
Ms. j ane Talia INDIVID UAL SUPPORT O r lan s Associa ties PC John Boll , Sr. Levy
C lifford & Lu c ille Taylo r - DANCE PATRONS D r. Cha rlotte & Ch a rles
Dr. Arnie Tay lor Pod ows k i
Dr. & Mrs. Lawr ence Tay lor DIRECTOR
Tara & Dr St even Grekin Ms. Ba rbar a Fr anke l & Mr.
In Honor of G r e t ch e n & Ro n Mi chalak
Ethan Dav idson- H a ppy In Memory o f M rs . Isabel
Ms . Mary Teachout $5 ,000+ $ 2 ,5 00 Partial Table Holidays! A. Mallare
Mr. & Mrs . F rank Te nkel Mr & Mrs Lee Ba rthe l Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs Geo rge W Ms. joan n e Dan to & Dr. Aviva & Dean Frie dma n
Te wksbu ry Arno ld Weinga rden
Drs Ali Moi in & Bill Kupsky Mary & Ch arles Pa rkh ill
In Honor of Dr D avid In Honor of Drs. Shiva
Mrs. Laura T h om p son Dr. David Di C hie ra $2 , 000 Nex t Generation DiC hie ra - Happy Ma rala ni & Ma rk H erman
Ms. Ruth P Th ras h Box Sponsors Ho lidays ! - Happ y Holid ays !
Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul Tom boulian C ONDU C TOR Elie W ine Comp an y Dr s. Ali Moiin & Bill Ku psky Drs. Ali Moiin & Bill Ku psky
D o ri s & Tecks oo Ton g $2 , 5 00 - $ 4 ,999 H oward & Howa rd
Ba rbara & Stuart Trage r
Dr & Mrs. Renna rd B. Anderso n MGM Grand De troit
In Hon o r of Mr Kevin In Me mory of Eri Morales
Mr. & M rs . T h omas Ja ffe Rai tt Heu e r & We iss D e nnis a nd Mr. J erem y
Zeltzer's Birthdays
Mr Jeffrey D. Callis on Tu ck e r Ms. Deb ra Bernstein-Sie gel Philli p Coo le y/Sl ows Bar BQ Gail & john Urso
In Honor of Mr & Mrs.
Dr. & Mrs. Va inutis K. Mrs Marianne Endic ott Mich ael C oyn e Design Manuel Moroun a nd Mr. & Vait kevicius
Mrs. Ba rbara Franke l & Mr. Nora & Manual Marou n/
In Honor of Dr Yvonne Mrs Matthew Moroun
Mr. Flamur Vaka Ron Mic h a lak T he Ambassa do r Bridge Friday 's work in Anonymou s j ose ph Vale ntin , DD S
Mr. & Mrs Stu art Fra n kel Ro e Peterh a n s Design Washing ton D. C.
Mr. & Mrs . Me lvin C. Mrs Ell en Kah n Silver m an Des ign Er ica Ward Gerson & Ralp h In H o n o r of Dr & Mrs. Va n d erBrug Ms . D ian a Omecinsk y Williams, W illi ams, Ra ttn er Ger son Barry Nemon
Miss Lisa M. Varnie r & Plu nke tt
In Memory of Mr. James Ms. Barbara Quinn
Da rle n e S Vas i CHO REOGRA PH ER Ms. Pa tric ia Ann Rike r
Mr & Mrs. Ton y Ve ntimiglia $1,5 00 - $ 2 ,4 99 $ 1 ,000 and above Donors
Ms . Ma rga re t W alte r
Ms C aro l W ard
Mich a el Garavaglia
Ba rba ra Fr ank el & Ron In Honor of Lind a Orlans -
Mr. & Mrs Robe rt Bingh a m Sa rah & Douglas Alliso n Micha la k Happy Holida ys!
Ms. Lind a Dresn er & Mr. Kare n Davidso n Ma ry & Ch arles Parkhill Drs. Ali Mo iin & Bill Ku psky
Dr. & Mrs Cree d Ward j r Ed ward Levy J r. Lil & Alex Erdelj an
Nem o & Su zann e Wa n
Mr. & Mrs Leo S
Mr. Lawrence Glowczew s ki j enn ifer & David Fisch e r
In Memory of Mr David In Me m o r y of Mrs
Dr. Ali Mo iin & Dr. William Doroth y Byron Ger son Gazell e D oro thy Papp
Wasages hik Kupsky Erica & Ra lph Gerson
Mr. Don a ld K. Weddin g
Mr. & Mrs. Rich a rd
Ms . j a ne t Weir
D r. j oseph Weiss
Mr. jo na than O rse r Allan Gilm our & Eric ji rge ns
Ms. Floren ce Morris Northe rn Trus t Ba nk
Ms. Su san Sills- Levey Barb ara & Ham Sc h irm er
Mr. & Mrs. Ch a rl es Parkhill Mr jose ph R Papp
In Me mory of Mr Hugh In Honor o f Mrs. Elha m
" Randy" G ill Shayota and Family
T he N ea le Bau gh Family Mauree n &jerry D'Avan zo
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Adel B. Dissett
Silve r man
Pro f. Mich ae l We ll m an Ms. Ph yl lis Fu n k Sn ow
D e troit Op era Ho u s e www Mic hi ga nOp e ra .o rg BRAVO 4 3
In Memory of Ms Judith
Mr. Donjensen
In Honor of Mrs Elizabeth
Terry's 90'• Birthday
Mr. &: Mrs. Martin S. Baum
In H onor of Mr. Rick Williams ' Birthday
Linda &:john Axe
Stephanie &: Steve Gasper
Amy &: J eff Messa n o
In Memory of Mr. George
"Mi k e" Ze ltzer
Patricia A. &: William D
Mr. Mandell Berman
Dodie &: Lawrence David
Dr. David DiChiera
Ms. Barbara Frankel &: Mr. Ron Michalak
Aviva &: Dean Friedman
Rose &: David H andleman
Ms. Doreen H erm elin
Dr. Stuart Itzkowitz
j ennifer&: Steven Marlette
Patricia &: Larry Moss
Mary &: Charles Parkhill
Deb be &: Leon Saperstein
Ms. Ph yllis Snow
Shell ey &: j oel Tauber
lv\r. Jeffrey Zeltzer
Ms. Gayla Zoghlin
i Oll Sponsors
$ 10 ,000
Bank of America
MGM G'rand Detroit
$3,5 00 - $ 9 ,999
Emagine Entertainment
Great Lakes Beve rage
Q ui cken Loans
Cab a n a Skybox
$ 2 ,500
Eclipse Crea tive
Micron Electric/Conti
Elec tric
Po litically Smart
Sca rl e t Communications
Volkswagon of America
Ma instage Re treat Spo n sor
$ 2 ,000
Marc Baker
$ 1 ,000 - $2, 000
The Westin Book Cadillac
De troit
In-Kind D o n ors
42 Below
Allegra Print &: Imaging
Ren Cen
Am y Kaminsky Productions
Andiamo Restaurant Group
Angel in a Ita lian Bistro
Arancio Wine Bar
Bacardi Arctic Grape
Bare foot Wine &: Bubbly
Bea m Glob a l
Big City Bar &: Grill
Bookie's Bar&: Grill
Bombay Sapphire
Bourbon Steak
Breeze Design Studios
Brown Forman
Building Service Specialists, Inc.
Bu lleit Bourbon
Butterfly Un ique Banquet &: Con fere n ce Center
Ch a mbord
Co lonia l Even ts
Crave Restaurant+Sushi
Bar+ Lounge
Cuattro Cirrus
Culinary Associates
De troit Beer Comp any
De troit Seafood Marke t
De troit Yacht Club
D isplay Group
Dragon Bleu
E &: j Gallo Spirits
Extreme Valet LLC
Finest Call
Fin landia
Flower to Flour
Fountain Bistro
Gallo Wines
Good Peop le Popcorn
General Linen
General Wine &: Spirits
Got Ro cks
Great Lakes Beverage
Hana Kil
H angar O n e
Hard Luck Candy Flavored
H eaven Hill
Herradura Tequila
Hpnotiq Harmonie
lee Drea ms Scul ptures
Ignite MGM Grand Detroit
j acob y's German Biergarte n
j ack Dan iels Old No.7
La Zinga ra Tratto ria
Levitation Staging
Lunazu l Tequila
Maestro Dobel Tequila
Majestic Cafe
Marilyn 's American Tavern
Mario 's
Milagro Tequila
McCormick Distilling
MGM Grand De troit
Banqu et and Catering
Mrs Tyler's Full Service
Cateri n g
Moet Hennessey
Moveme nt Electron ic Mus ic
NWS Wine World
Opus One/Opus To Go
Palmbay Internationa ls
Pama Pomegran a te Liqueurs
Pearl Vodka
Pe rnod Ricard USA
Piece o f Ca ke Liqueurs
Pinna cle Whipp ed
Plaka Grill/H oliday Inn
Proximo Spirits
Rain Vodka
Rojo Mexi can Bis tro Sa ilor j e rr y
Salon Bliss Rochester Fox 2 WJBK Detro it Tubby's Southgate
Sanders Fine Choco latiers Metromix Zumba Mexican Grille
Sazerac Metro Times
SEE Eyewear Mi Estilo Media Partne rs
Sidney Frank Real D et roit Weekly 93.9 The River
Sincerely You rs Body WDET l0l. 9FM Aft er 5 Detroit
Collection WGPR l 07.5FM Metromix
Slows To Go Yelp' Metro Times
Small Plates Mi Estilo
Sobieski Vodka HAUNTED Mix 96.7
Source Audio IN THE HOUSE Real De tro it
Star Lanes at Emagine Ro yal 2010
Stoli In-Kind Donors
Tennessee H oney 42 Below 20 l 0 Op e ra Ball Three Olives Flavors Bacardi Edmund T. Ahee jewelers Tongue Thai 'd Centaur Martini Bar Angelina's Ita lian Bistro Tubby's Grilled Sub m arines Detox Lisa Applebaum UV Vodka/Phillips Distilling Detro it Beer Company Assagi Bistro Valentine Vodka Display Gro up Beau j ack's Vicente's Cuban Cuisine OJ Tom T Debra Bernstein-Siegel Vintage Wine DP Studios Torya Blanchard/Good Girls Viviano Wine jerry J ank iewicz Go to Paris Crepes , Detroit White Rock Distilleries Lakeland Caterin g Marle n e &: john Boll, Sr. Wo lfgang Pu ck Grille Luxco Spirited Brands joanne&: Richard Brodie Woodford Reserve Metromix Betty &: Bill Brooks Zod iac Vodka Mosaic Vicki &: Tom Celani/Celani Motor-City Sowing Family Vineyards Media Partners Pearl Vodka Centaur Wine &: Martini Bar 944 Magazine Real Detroit Gloria &: Fred Clark After 5 Detroit Sande r 's Fin e Chocolatiers Coach Insignia Ambassador Magazine Scenic Prop Design Shelly &: Peter Cooper Crave Restaurant+Sushi Kate Sc h eible Design Crave Restaurant+Sushi Bar+Lounge Shutterbooth Bar+ Lounge Provide for those you love. And those whose names you'll never know. M ake a p lann e d g ift to t he e nd ow m e nt of the Mi c hi gan Opera Theatre and h e lp u s carry o ut o ur miss ion for yea rs t o come Find out mo re by ca lli ng Kim - La n Tr inh of t h e Mi chiga n Opera Theatre at 313.237.3408. MICHIGAN comm u nityfoun d ation connecting those who CAR E in pa rtn e rship with I FOR SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN With causes that MATIE R ©2006 CFSE M www.Mic hi ganOpera.org Detroit Opera Hou se
Dodie &: La rry David
Gretchen &: Eth an Davidson
Maureen &: j erry D'Avanzo
Detroi t Inst itute of Arts
Detroit Pistons Basketball Compa n y
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Rosanne &: Sa n dy Du n can
Marianne Endico tt
Lil &: Alex Erdelj an
Forest Grill
Barbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak
Aviva &: Dean Friedman Garrisi
Great Lakes Wine&: Spirits
H eather Hamilton &: Helen Millen
Do ree n H e rm e lin
Re n ee J an ovsky
Lexa Leath e rdale
Lon do n H otel New Yor k
De n ise &: Bob Lutz
Mario 's Detroit
Mich igan Opera Th ea tre
Mich igan Opera Th ea tre Children 's
Moffat McGuire, Inc.
Monjin Lau
Nora &: Matt ie Moroun
Mosa ic
Barbara &: Stephen Mun k
Nederlander De troit
Neiman Marcus - Opus One
Linda Orlans
Mary &: Ch arlie Pa rkhill
Ka thryn &: Roger Pen s ke
Ro e Peterhans Design
Ph oencia
Charli &: Chuck Podowski
Patti &jim Prowse
Rut h Rattne r
Ron in Su shi Bar
Sand e r's Fine Chocolates
judie &: Roger Sherman
j ess ica Silver m an
Wen dy Silverman
Sma ll Plates
Stacey Leuliette/Stacey Leuli ette
Gracious Living , Birmingham
Dan Stall &: Th e Auction Team
The Ambassador Brid ge
The Detroit Tigers
T h e Palace o f Au b urn Hills
The W hitney
Dr. Lorna Thomas
Ka ren &: Rick Williams
Mary Lou Zieve
Miscell a n e ous
Dodie David
Dr. David DiChie ra
Habe rm an Fabrics
Moffat McGui re , Inc.
Beve rly Wynn
Between the Lines, Media Sponso r
Co mmunity Foundatio n for Southeas t Michigan
Masco Corporation Foundation
Sander 's Fin e Chocolatiers
Ye lp! , Medi a Sponsor, Rigo letto
Greetin gs fro m the MOT Voluntee r Asso ciati on !
I am d elighted t o send you my w armest greetings as we b egin our Spring Season
O p er a as an art form and the Michigan Ope r a Th eatre ar e ve r y important to m e. MO T produ ctions are tru ly world class and the organ iza tion h as a cu lture and tr adition of excellen ce in all it does. Presenting on e o f the m ost d iver se op era an d dance ser ies in the co untry requires the collaboration of m an y, especially those who h elp out behind the scenes , and I w ould like to reco gnize som e of our key vo lunteer grou ps: the h os ts of our op ening nigh t dinners, cast p arties and soir ees; the commi ttees tha t cr eate our hallmark BravoBravo! even t ; our resident histor ian s who conduct O p era Ho u se tours; our extraordinary corps of u shers; and our MOTVA Board m embe rs. To each o f yo u wh o su pports u s through gen erous gifts of time an d reso urces, m y m ost sincer e thanks.
If you ar e n ot ye t a volunt eer, I h ope tha t you will con sider j oining u s. Your tax- d edu c tible m emb er sh ip entitles yo u to pa rticipa te in our individual volunteer grou ps. For m emb ership info rma tion , p lease con su lt th e MO TVA web page at www.michigan opera.or g u nder "su pport us," or ca ll Ch ristina Wagn er at (3 13) 237-3236.
I h ope tha t yo u enjoy th e 2011 -1 2 season I look fo r ward to working with you an d than k you for yo ur inter est and in volvem en t in the Michigan Op era Thea tre Volu nteer Associa tion
Pr esid en t
MOTVA Executive Committee
Ter ry Sh ea, President
Nancy Moore, Secretary
Steven Marle tte, Past Presid ent
Do die David, Past President
Gloria Cla rk , Pas t Presiden t
Gwen Bowlby, Treasurer
MOTVA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
H elen Arnoldi-Rowe, Divas/Divas
Kathie Booth , Ush ers
Gloria Clark , O p era League
Do d ie David , Opera Leagu e
Dan ie lle DeFau w, Bou tiqu e
Kevin Dennis, Board Member
Marianne Endicott , Community Pro grams
Ro semary Gugino, Volu nteer
H eath er H amilton , Special Proj ects Manager
Amy J idov, Memb er sh ip
Myrna Mazure , Operations
Ch er yl Mc llhon , Dance Council
Helen Millen, Ambassa d ors
Dominic Arellano, Young Professionals
Joan Nagrant , Office Vo lunteers
Curtis Posuniak, Board Member
J erem y Zeltzer, Board Memb er
2011 OPERAtors
Lee Barth el
Gwen Bowlby
Gloria Clark
Dodie David
Marianne Endicott
Barbara Fr an kel
Alan Israe l
Amy J idov
Delphine Kerney
Kathleen Mah er
Steven Mar le tte
J ohn Novak
Anthony Ruda
Patricia Sch u ltz
Berna dette Weinga rtz
MOTVA Soiree Hosts
Rick Bower s & Dan Treder
Deb orah & Mich ael Savoie and Marlene & Carl Bihlmeye r
Deborah Meade
Victoria & Robert Liggitt
Debra & Richa rd Partrich
BravoBravo! 2011 Co-Chairs
Dominic Arellan o
Pip er Carter
J errid Mooney
Detroit Op era Hou se
www.M ic h iga n Ope ra.org
Love, Fate & Fortune Opera Ball
Annual Trustees Meeting
Ball co-chairs Juliette Okotie-Eboh, Marlene Boll, Joanne Danto, Patti Rhodes-Prowse , and Shel ley Tauber with David DiChiera
Ron Michalak, Jason Warzecha, Barbara Franke l, G loria & Fred C lark
www Mic hi ganOpera .org
Curb Gardner and Betty Brooks with David DiChi era
D etroit Op e ra Hous e
Opera Bal l chairs Arnold We ingarden and Joanne Danto
General Information
Photography or recording during any performance is strictly prohibited. You are welcome to take photographs in the lobby before or after a performance and during intermission. As a courtesy to our guests , please switch all electronic devices to silent mode and refrain from using them during the performance.
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B R AVO 47
Ma rtin M arg iela
Thursday, March 29, 2012
HOM E (20 11)
C h o re ogra phy by Rennie Harri s
Assistant C horeographer: Nina Flagg
Mu sic by Dennis Ferrer, Raphael Xavier Costumes by J on Tay lor Li g hting by Stephen Arnold
Matth ew Ru s hin g • , Renee Rob inson , Linda Celeste Sims, Hope Boykin , Akua Noni Park e r , Ali c ia GrafMack, Kelly Robotham , Belen Estrada , Guillermo Asca , Glenn Allen Sims, Antonio Douthit, Ki rven J ames B oy d , Re naldo Gardner, Michael Jack so n, Jr
• Guest Artist
Bris t ol -M yers quibb is proud to s upp o rt thi s new work which was inspi r ed by the ''Fight HIV Your W ay" initiative.
Loren zo Rennie H a rri s was born and raised in an African-American comm un ity in 'orth Philadelphia . In 1992, h e fo unded Renni e H arris P uremovement, a hip-hop dance theater co mpan y dedicated to preserving and disseminating hip-hop cu lture. Vo t ed one of th e most influential people in the last o ne hundred years of Philadelphia history, Mr Harris has received seve ral acco lades, including the H erb Alpert Award in th e Arts, th e Governor's Arts Award, a U nited States Artist Fell owsh ip , and an honorary d oc t o rat e from Bates Co llege. Tile London Times wrote of Mr . I farri s that he is "t h e B asq u ia t of th e U.S. conte mporary dan ce sce ne : · Mos t re ce ntly , R ennie Harri s Puremove me nt was c hose n by DanceMoti on USA as one of four com pani es to se rve as c itizen dipl o mat s, and the y will tour Egyp t , Israel, Pales tinian territ o rie s and J o rdan in 20 12. Thi s seaso n, Ailey's repertory feature s both Mr. H arris' Love Stories (a collaboration with Judith Jami son and Robert Battl e) and Hom e.
··Underground Is My I lome•· wrillen and performed by Dennis Ferrer. Published by Sfere Mu sic (BM I) ?Y Bug. Courtesy ofBPM King 's Street Sounds!N itc Groove by arrangement \\'l.tll Bug. All ngl11s reserved. Used by permission. ·•J See ... Do You ·· composed by Raphae l Xav1er. Performed by Raphael Xavier. with D. Sabela Grimes.
Cho r eography by R obert B att le
Music by S h eila C h and ra
Costume by Mi ssoni
Costume recrea ted by Jon Taylor
Li gh tin g by Burk e Wilmore
L inda Celes te Sims
Ge n e ro us su pport for this Co mpan y premiere was provided by Th e Pamela D. Zilly & Jo hn H . Schaefer New Works Endowment Fund and the Kansas C ity Friend s of Alvin Ailey throug h th e ge neros ity of the Muriel McBrien Kauffman Fo undati on and individual donors.
"S peaking in Tongues II'' performed by She ila Chandra. Co urtesy of Real World Records Ltd.
Choreography by Ro be rt Battle
Assistant to the c h o reog rapher : E rika Pujiki c Mu sic by Les Tambours du Bronx
Costumes by Mia McSwain
Li ghtin g by Burke Wilm ore
Jermaine Terry, Antonio D o uthit , Kirven J an1es B oyd, Yanru ck Lebrun, Glenn Allen Sims, Marcus Jarrell Willis
Generous s upport fo r this Company pre miere was provided by The Pamela D . Zilly & John H . Schaefer New Works Endowmen t Fund and L inda Stocknoff
" Jungle Jazz' ' by L. Blomme, performed by Lcs Tambours du Bronx. "Lcs Boulets Se Rebiffe nt" by A. Dipace, J.Y. Lefloch, Y. Nisga nd , B. Pingo n, a nd J. M. Tramoy. performed by Lcs Tambours du Bronx. " Black Bull" by L. Le Map ihan , performed b) Lcs Tambo urs du Bronx. Mus ic from th e recording Silence ( 1999). Used with permission by Right B:mk Music. lnc.
C horeography by Robert Battle
Music performed by Nina Simone
Lighting by Burke Wi lm ore
Lee Roberts
·'Wild Is The Wind .. by Ned Washing1on, music by Dimitri Tiomkin '0 195 7, rcne,,ed 1985 Patti Washington Mus ic (ASCAP). Catharine Hineo Music (ASCAP), Chappell & Co.. In c. (ASCAP), Anne Rac hel Music Corpora tion (ASCA P) and Volta Music Corp (ASCA P). Catharine I linen Mu sic is administered exclusively for use by Joma Music Group, ln c. Used by permis sio n All rights reserved.
Choreography by Alvin Ailey
Mu sic: Traditi onal and cosntm es by Yes Harp e r
Cos tume s for ·'Rocka My Soul" redesigned by Barbara Fo rbes
Li gh tin g by Nicola Cemovi t ch
I Been ' Buked ...................................................................... Th e Company Mu:;ic arranged b) Hall Johnson•
Didn ' t M y Lord Deliv e r Daniel.. Michael Fran cis Mc Bride, Hope Boykin, Mu sic arranged by James Mille tt- Jacqueline Green
Fix Me, Jes us ................................................. Alicia Graf Mack, Je nn aine Terry Mu sic arranged by Hall John son•
Process ional/llonor, 1-t onor ............. Daniel Harder, Megan Jakel, Mi c ha el Ja ckso n, Jr., Mu s ic adapted and arranged by l loward A Roberts Marc us Jarre ll Willi s
Wade in the Water................. Linda Celeste Sims, Glenn A ll en Si ms, Renee Robinso n
Mus ic adapted and arranged by Howard A Roberts
"Wade in the Water•· sequence by Ella Jenkins
"A Man Went Down 10 the River·· is an original composi tion by Ella
I Wannn Be Ready Kirven James Boyd
Music arranged by James Mille r+
S inner Man ...................... Marcus Jarrell Willis , An tonio Do uthit , Vemard J. Gilmore
Music adapted and arranged b) lloward A. Roberts
The Day is Past and Gone.......................................................... TI1 e Com pan y
Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
You 1\-ta y Run On The Company
Music arranged by Ho'-"ard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
Rocka My Sou l in the Boso m of Abraham Th e Co mpany
Mus ic adapted and arranged by ll oward A. Roberts
• Used by arrangement with G. Sc hinn e r, Inc.. publi sher and copy right owne r. +Used by special arrangement with Galaxy Mu s ic Co rporation. New York City
All perfonnances of Reve lations are pennanently e nd owed by a ge nerous g ift from Donald L Jonas in cele brati on of the birthday of hi s wife Barbara and her deep c<>mmitment to Alvin Ailey Ame ri can Dance Theater.
F rid ay, March 30 , 2012
HO M E (20 II)
Choreography by Rennie Harris
Assistant Choreographer: Nina Flagg
Music by Dennis Ferrer, Raphael Xavier
Costumes by Jon Taylor
Lighting by Stephen Amold
Matthew Rushing•, Renee Robinson, Linda Celeste Sims, Hope Boykin, Akua Noni Parker, Alicia Graf Mack, Kelly Robotham, Belen Estrada, Guillermo Asca, Glenn Allen Sims, Antonio Douthit, Kirven James Boyd, Renaldo Gardner, Michael Jackson, Jr.
• Guest Artist
Bris tol- Mye rs Sq uibb is proud to support this new work which was inspired by the "Fight H!V Your Way" initiative.
Lor e nzo Re nni e Harri s was born and raised in an African-American community in North Phlladelphta. In 1992, he founded Rennie Harris Puremovement, a hip-hop dance theater company dedicated to preserving and disseminating hip-hop culture. V:oted one of the. most innuential people in the last one hundred years of Philadelphia htstory, Mr. Harns has received several accolades, including the Herb Alpert Award in the Arts, the Governor's Arts Award, a United States Artist Fellowship, and an honorary doctorate from Bates College. The London Times wrote of Mr. Harris that he is "the Basquiat of the U.S. contemporary dance scene." Most recently, Rennie Harris Puremovement was chosen by DanceMotion USA as one of four companies to serve as citizen dip lomats, and they wi ll tour Egypt, Lsrael, Palestinian territories and Jordan in 2012. This seaso n, Ailey's repertory features both Mr. Harris' Love Stories (a collaboration wit h Judith Jamison and Robert Battle) and Home.
Is My Home" written and performed by DeLmis Ferrer. Published by Sfere Music (BMI) Bug Courtesy ofBPM King's Street Sounds!Nite Groove by arrangement w•.th Bug. All nghts reser.ed . Used by permission. ·•r See ... Do You'' composed by Raphael Xavter. Performed by Raphael Xavier. with D. Sabela Grimes.
TAKAD E M E (1999)
Choreography by Robert Battle
Music by Shei la Chandra
Costume by Missoni
Costume recreated by Jon Taylor
Lighting by Burke Wi lmore
Yannick Lebrun
Generous support for this Company premiere was provided by The Pamela D. Zilly & John II. Schaefer New Works Endowment Fund and the Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey through the generosity of the Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation and individual donors.
"Speaking in Tongues TT" performed by Sheila Chandra. Courtesy of Real World Records Ltd.
THE H UN T (200 I)
Choreography by Robert Battle
Assistant to the choreographe r: Erika Pujikic
Mus ic by Les Tambours du Bronx
Costumes by Mia McSwain
Lighting by Burke Wilmore
Renaldo Gardner, Daniel Harder, Samuel Lee Roberts, Vemard J. Gilmore, Michael Francis McBride, Kanji Segawa
Generous support for this Company premiere was provided by The Pamela D. Zilly & John H. Schaefer New Works Endowment Fund and Linda Stocknoff.
"'Jung le Jazz'' by L. Blomme. performed by Lcs Tambours du Bronx. "Lcs Bou lcts Se Rebiffcnt" by A. Dipace, J.Y. Lclloc h Y. Nisgand, B. Pingon. and J.M. Tramoy, performed by Lcs Tambours du Bronx. "Black Bull'' by L. Lc Mapihon, pcrformcu by Les Tambours du Bronx. Music from the recording Silence ( 1999). Used with penuission by Right Bonk Music. Inc.
I N/SIDE (2008)
Choreography by Robert Battle
Music performed by Nina Simone
Lighting by Burke Wilmore
Kirven James Boyd
·'Wild Is The Wind.. words by Ned Washington, mus ic by Dimitri Tiomkin © 1957, renewed 1985 Patti Washington Music (ASCAP), Catharine Hinen Music (ASCAP), Chappell & Co., Inc. (ASCAP), Anne Rachel Music Corporation (ASCAP) and Volta Music Corp (ASCAP). Catharine Hinen Music is administered exclusively lor use by Joma Music Group, Inc. Used by permission . All rights reserved.
REVEL AT IO NS ( 1960)
Choreography by Alvin Ailey
Music: Traditional
Decor and costumes by Yes Harper
Costumes for "Rocka My Soul" redesigned by Barbara Forbes
Lighting by Nicola Cernovitch
I Bee n ' Buked ...................................................................... The Company
Music arranged by Hall Johnson•
Didn 't M y Lord Delive r Da ni el.. .................. Michael Francis McBride , Hope Boykin, Music arranged by James Mille r+ Jacque line Green
Fix M e, Jes us Alicia GrafMack , Yannick Lebrun
Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
Process ional/H on o r , Hono r ...................................... Kanji Segawa, Belen Estrada, Michael Francis McBride, Samuel Lee Roberts
Music adapted and arranged by lloward A. Roberts
Wade in th e Water ..................... Ghrai DeVore, Glenn Allen Sims, Renee Robinson
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
''Wade in the Water'' sequence by Ella Jenkins
"A Man Went Down to the River" is an original composition by Ella Jenkins
I Wa nn a Be R eady ............................................................. Matthew Rushing/\
Music arranged by Jame s Miller+
S inn er Ma n Daniel Harder, Antonio Douthit, Vemard J. Gilmore
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
T he D ay is Pa s t and Gon e TI1e Company
Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
You Ma y Run On The Company
Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
R ocka My Soul in th e Bos om o f A braham The Company
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
" Guest Arti st
• Used by arrangement with G. Schirmer, Inc. , publisher and copyright owner. +Used by special arrangement with Galaxy Music Corporation, New York City.
All performances of Revelations are permanently endowed by a generous gift from Donald L Jonas in celebration of the birthday of his wife Barbara and her deep commitment to Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
Sat urd ay, Ma r c h 31, 201 2, a t 7:30 p . m .
STREAMS ( 1970)
Thi s new production is dedicated to Patricia and Philip Laskawy for their long-standing commitment to Alvin Ailey American Dance Theat er.
Choreography by Alvin Ailey
Restaged by Masazumi Chaya
Music by Miloslav Kabelac
Lighting by Chenault Spence
Coral e............................... ...... .. ..... . ............... .Jermaine Terry & TI1e Company
Giubiloso ................................ .............. ...... ...... Me gan Jakel , Vemard J. Gilmore
Recitative ............................................ . .............................. Akua Noni Parker
Scherzo Kirven James Boyd, Antonio Douthit
Lalllentoso .............................. . ...... ..................... ................ Alicia GrafMact..
Danza ...........................Briana Reed , Ghrai DeVore, Daniel Harder, Demetia Hopkins, Marcus Jarrell Willis, Sarah Daley, Sallluel Lee Roberts
Aria...................................................... ... ..............................The Company
Diaboli co The Company
Mil os lav Kabe lac was bom in Prague in 1908. At age 20, he entered the Prague Conservatory and studied co mpos ition , conducting and piano An inquiring spiri t whose interests included exotic musical fonns, he achieved mastery of the complexities associated with orchestrating for a percussion ensemble with these '·Eight Inventions ." Written for the Strasbourg Percussio n Ense mble , the composition was first perfonned in April 1965.
Choreography by Ulysses Dove
Restaged by Masazumi C haya
Music by Michael Torke
Costumes and set by Andrew Jackness
Lighting by Mark Stanley
Original assistant to Mr. Dove: Dawn Woo d
Linda Celeste Sims, Michael Jackson , Jr., Hope Boy kin. Matthew Rushing
Funds for the original Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater production were provided, in part, by Altria Group. In c., and th e Ailey New Works Fund
Urban Folk Dance was originally commissioned by Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, as part of an artist-in-residen ce project featuring Ulysses Dove and Dayton Contemporary Dance Company. Urban Folk Oance received its world premiere in 1990 by DC DC on the cam pu s of Miami Unive rsity.
The late beloved Ulysses Dove was a "choreographer with a bold new voice ," whose works can be see n in the repertories of major dance companies such as Alvin Ailey American Dan ce Theater, The Culberg Ballet, Bayerische Statsoper and Ballet France de Nancy. A native of Columbia, South Carolina, Dove began stu dying modem dance and ballet with Carolyn Tate, Xenia Chjlstowa, Jack Moore, Judith Dunn, Bertralll Ross, Helen McGehee and Mary Hinkson. After receivin g his bachelor's degree from Benni ngton College, Dove moved to New York City where he studied with Maggie Blact.. and Alfredo Corvino, and perfonned with Jose Limon, Mary Antony , Pearl Lang and Anna Soko low. In 1970, he received a scholarshi p to the Merce Cunninghalll Sc hool, and later joined the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Shortly thereafter, he made hi s choreographic debut in 1979 with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Fro m 1980-83 Dove was the assistant director o f Groupe Recherche Choreographique de !'Opera de Paris, where he taught company classes and cho reographed.
' flint'" by Michael Torke, by arrangement with Adju stable Mus ic , publi sher and copyright holder. Billl-lolab Music : Sole Agent. -INTERMI SS IO N-
"Otto lnvcn7ion s" by Kabelac by arrangement with Czec h Mu s ic Fund and Boosey & llawkcs. In c.
Choreography by Ohad Naharin
Restage d by Danielle Agami
Music by Various Artists
Costumes by Ohad Naharin
Lighting by Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi)
Rachael McLaren , Ghrai DeVore, Demetia Hopkins , Megan Jakel. Sarah Daley, Linda Celeste Sims, Aisha Mitchell, Jacqueline Green , Briana Reed , Belen Estrada, Antonio Douthit, Michae l Jackson, Jr ., Marcus Ja rrell Willis, Kirven James Boyd. Samuel Lee Roberts, Yannick Lebrun, Kanji Scgawa, Dani e l Harder, Guillermo Asca, Scan A. Carmon
Leadership s upport for thi s Company premiere was prov ided by A meri can Ex pr ess Generous support was also provided by NJPAC Alternate Routes.
Minus /6 is based on excerpts from Mabul {1992), Anaphaza ( 1993 ). Zachacha ( 1998), and Three (2005). The duet set to " Nisi Dominus, R.608 - IV. "Cum dederif ' (Andante)" by Vivaldi was originally created for Mari Kajiwara .
O had Na h a rin is one of the world 's preeminent contemporary choreographers and has been the recipient of several major awards. Born in 1952 in Kibbutz Mizra, Mr. Naharin trained at Bats heva Dance Company, The School of American Ballet. The Juilliard School, and Maurice Bejan·s Ballet du XXe Sicc le in Brusse ls, among others. After living in New York from 19781990, he returned to Israe l in 1990 when he was appointed Artistic Director of Batsheva Dance Company. Mr Naharin has since choreographed over 20 works exclusively for Batsheva, and he has restaged many of those works lor companies around the wor ld. He has also pioneered " Gaga,'· a movement language that emphasizes exl'loration of sensation with improvi sational techniques Mr Naharin dedicates the Ai ley performances of Minus 16 to h is late wife Mari Kajiwara (1951 -2001). who was a dancer with the Ailey company from 1970 -1 984.
" It Must Be True " performed by The John Buzon TriO. Wntten by Gus Arnhe1m. Harry Barris and Gordon Ctiftbrd. Used by penmssion with EMl Mil ls Music Inc . " Hava Nag •Ia" C l963 , ren. 199 1 SurfBcal Musi c. All rights reserved . Wntten and arranged by Dick Da le under hcense from Surf Beat Music (ASCAP) . " Echad M1 Yodc ' a" Lyrics and Mus1c Traditional Arranged by The Tracto(s Revenge (Green, Bellel i, Lelbovitch) Published by The Tractor 's Revenge (Green , Belleli, Lcibovilch) "Nisi Dominus , R 608 - IV " Cum dederit " (Andante)" by V1valdi perfonned by James Bo\\man, The Academy of Ancient Music and Christopher Hogwood. "Over The Rainbow" by E.Y . ' YIP ' Harburg and Harold Arle.n. Used by permission of EMl Fe1st Cata log Inc One Hundred Perce nt ( 100%) ASCAP " Hooray For Ho llywood " (R1chard Wh•t· ing and Johnny Mercer) 0 1937 (Renewed) WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) All nghts reserved . Used by penm s· sion Written by John Me rcer and Richard Whiting Used by permission with Warner/Chappel l Music . "Sway" by Pablo Beltran Ru1z, LUIS Demctno, Tracoms Mohna, and Norman Gimbel ; Words West LLC d/b/ a Butterfield Mu sic (BM1) Al l ri ghts reserved
REV E LATION S ( 1960)
Cho reography by Alv in A iley
Music: Traditional
Decor and cos tumes by Ves 1-larper
Costumes for " Rocka My Sou l'' rede s ig ned by Barbara Forbes
Lighting by Nicola Cernovitch
I Be en ' Buk ed ............................................................. . ................. The Company
Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
Didn't My Lo rd Deli ver Daniel. ...................... Kanji Segawa, Megan Jakel, Aisha Mitchell
Mus1c arranged by Jan1es Miller+
F ix M e, J es u s Linda Celeste Sims, Glenn Allen Sims
Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
Proc ess ional/Honor, Honor........ . ...... Renaldo Gardner. Kelly Robotham , Sean A. Carmon.
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. RobertS .Jennaine Terry
Wade in th e Water Rachael McLaren, Matthew Rushin g" Briana Reed
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
·'Wade in the Water" sequence by Ella Jenkins
"A Man Wenl Down to the River' ' is an original compositio n by Ella Jenkins
I Waun a Be R ead y .............................................. ..... ............... Vemard J . Gilmore
Music arranged by Jan1es Miller+
S inne•· Man ...... . ................ Samue l Lee Roberts, Jem1aine Terry , Michael Francis McBride
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
Tb e Day is Pa s t and G one The Company
Music arranged by Howard A. RobertS and Brother John Sellers
You May Run On The Company
Music arranged by Howard A. RobertS and Brolher John Sellers
Rocka My Soul in the Bosom of A braham ............. .... . ........ .............. .... The Company
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
" Guest Artist
* Used by arrangemem with G. Schinner, Inc.. publisher and copyright owner.
+ Used by special arrangemen t with Galaxy Music Corporation New York Ci ty
All performances of Revelations are pen nanent ly endowed by a generous gift from Donald L. J onas in ce le b ratio n of the birthday of his wife B arbara and her deep comm itme nt to A lvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
16 (1999)
Sa turd ay, Ma rch 31 ,201 2, a t 2 :30p.m.
ARDEN C O URT ( 1981)
Choreog raphy by Paul Taylor
Music by William Boyce
Restaged by Cathy McCann Buck
Set and costumes by Gene Moore
Lighting by Jennife r Tipton
(First performed by the Paul Taylor Dance Co mpany in 198 1)
Hope Boykin, Yannick Lebrun , Michael Francis McBride , Samuel Lee Robe rts , Ghrai DeVore, Jermaine Terry , Sarah Daley, Sean A. Carmon. Michael Jack son, Jr.
Generous support for this Company premiere was provided by Harlan B. Le vine , M.D. and Natasha 1. Leibel, M.D. and The E llen Jewett & Ri c hard L. Kauffman New Works Endowment Fund.
Original production by the Paul Taylor Dance Company was made possible b) contributions from th e National Endowment for the Arts, the Mobil Foundation, In c., and the NeY. York State Council on the Arts.
Dance maker Pa ul T ay lo r is the last living member of the pantheon that crea ted America's indigenous art of modern dance He continues to win acclaim for the vibrancy, relevance and power of hi s new works as well as his classics, while offer ing cogent observations on life 's complexities and society's thorniest issues. Hi s ever-growing collection of works, now numbering 135, is performed by the Paul Taylor Dance Company , Tay lor 2, and dance companies throughout the world. The Paul Taylor Dance Company has performed continuously around the globe since Mr. Taylor established it in 1954.
Excerpts from Symp!tomes Nos /, 3, 5. 7, 8 by William Boyce, edited by Max Ooberman. by arrangement with Doblinger U.S.A. for lhc publisher and copyright owner.
HOME (2011)
Choreography by Renni e Harri s
Assistant Choreographer: Nina Flagg
Music by Dennis Ferrer, Raphael Xavier
Costumes by Jon Tayl o r Lightin g by Stephen Arnold
Daniel Harder , Briana Reed , Ghrai DeV ore, Aisha Mitchell, Sarah Daley, Jacqueline Green , Demetia Hopkins, Rachacl Mc Laren , Samuel Lee Roberts, Sean A. Carmon, Yannick Lebrun , Marcus Jarrell Willis , Vemard J Gilmore, Jermaine Terry
Bris tol- Myers Squibb is proud to support this new work which was inspired by the " Fight 1-!IV Your Way " initiative
L o r ell20 R ennie Harris was born and raised in an African-American community in o rth Philadelphia . In 1992, he founded Rennie Harris Puremovement, a hip - hop dance theater company dedicated to preserving and di sseminating hip-hop culture. Voted one of the most influential people in the last one hundred years of Philadelphia history, Mr. Harris has received several accolades, including the Herb Alpert Award in the Arts, the Governor's Arts Award, a United States Artist Fell owsh ip , and an honorary docto rate from Bates College . The London Times wrote of Mr. Harris that he is '·the Basquiat of the U.S. contemporary dance scene." Most rece ntly , Rennie Harris Puremove ment was chosen by DanceMoti on USA as one of four co mpanies to serve as citizen diplomats, and they will tour Egy pt, Israel. Pal estinian territories and Jordan in 20 12 This season, Ailey's repertory features both Mr Harri s' Love Stories (a collaboration with Judith Jamison and Robe rt Battle) and Home.
·'Underground Is My I lome" written and performed by Dennis Ferrer. Published by Slere Music (BM I) Administered by Bug. Courtesy ofBf>M King's Street Sounds/Nite Groove b} arrangement with Bug. All rights reserved. Used by permission. ·•J Sce Do You composed by Raphael Xavier. Performed by Raphael Xavier, with D. Sabcla Grimes.
JOURNEY (1958)
Choreography by Joyce Trisler
Restaged by Diane Grumet
Music by Charles lves
Costumes by Malcolm McCormick
Lighting by Nico la Cemovitch
Demetia Hopkins
Generous support for this new production was provided by Tbe Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey- Sara & Bill Morgan New Works Endowment Fund and The Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn & Nicolas Rohatyn New Works Endowment Fund.
This work has also been made possible, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature
Joyce Tris ler joined the Lester Horton Dance Theatre at the age of IS , where she met and performed with Alvin Ailey. Following her move to New York, she spent five years as a leading dancer with Doris Humphrey's Juilliard Dance Theatre before performing with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater until 1964. Ms. Trisler staged numerous operas and Broadway shows, including Joseph Papps ' New York Shakespeare Fes t ival productions. In 1974, she formed the Joyce Trisler Danscompany and created several acclaimed works, including Dance for Six, Rite of Spring, and Four Temperaments. Shortly after her untimely death in 1979, A lvin Ailey created his tribute ballet Memoria and dedicated it to ''the joy the beauty the creativity and the wild spiri t of my friend Joyce Tri sler."
"The Unanswered Question" by Charles lves. Used by permission of Peer International Corporation . -PAUSEREVELATIONS ( 1960)
Choreography by Alvin Ailey
Music: Traditional Decor and costumes by Yes Harper
Costumes for "Rocka My Soul" redesigned by Barbara Forbes
Lighting by Nicola Cemovitch
I Been 'B uked .. ...... ... . . .... ....... ...... .... ........ ... .. ... .................... The Company
Music arranged by Hall Johnson•
Didn 't My Lord Deliver Daniel.. .................. . ... Marcus Jarrell Willis , Ghrai DeVore, Music arranged by James Millert Sarah Daley
Fix Me, Jesus ... .......... .. ......... .. ........... . ........ .. . .. Aish a Mitchell, Jermaine Teny Music arranged by HaU Johnson•
ProcessionaVHonor, Honor : ................. Daniel Harder, Megan Jakel , Sean A. Carmon, Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts Michael Jackson, Jr.
Wade in the Water Belen Estrada, Renaldo Gardner, Briana Reed
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
"Wade in the Water' ' sequence by Ella Jenkins
"A Man Went Down to the River'' is an original composition by Ella Jenkins
I WannaBe Read y ..................................................... . .......... Yannick Lebrun
Music arranged by James Millert
S inner Man .............................. Michael Jackson, Jr., Sean A. Carmon, Kanji Segawa
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
The Day is Pa st and Gon e ... . ...................................................... Tite Co mpan y Mu sic arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
Yo u May Run On The Company
Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
Rocka My So ul in the Bosom of Abraham ... ........ ..... ........ ........... ... The Company
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
* Used by arrangement with G. Schirmer, Inc.. publisher and copyright owner. +Used by specia l arrangement with Galaxy Music Corporation , New York City.
All performances of Revelations are permanently endowed by a generous gift from Donald L. Jonas in celebration of the birthday of his wife Barbara and her deep commitme nt to Alvin Ailey American Dan ce Titeater.
S und ay, A prill , 2012 , a t 2:30 p . m .
ARD EN COURT ( 1981)
C horeography by Paul Taylor
Music by William Boyce
Restaged by Cathy McCann Buck
Set and costumes by Gene Moore
Lighting by Jennifer Tipton (Firs t performed by th e Paul Taylor Dance Co mpany in 1981)
Vernard J . Gilmore, Yannick Lebrun, Megan Jakel , Daniel Harder, Demetia Hopkins , Renaldo Gardner, Kelly Rob otham, Kanji Segawa, Michael Jackson, Jr
Generous support for this Company premiere was provided by Harlan B. Levine, M.D. and Natasha I. Leibel. M.D. and The Elle n Jewett & Richard L. Kauffman New Works Endowment Fund .
Original prod uctio n by the Paul Taylor Dance Company was made poss ible by co ntributi ons from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Mobil Foundation, In c., and the New York State Council on the Arts.
Dance maker Pau l Tay lor is the last living member of the pantheon that created America's indigenous art of modem dance. He continues to win acclaim for the vibrancy, relevance and power of his new works as well as his classics, while offering cogent observations on life 's complexities and society's thorniest issues. Hi s ever-growing collection of works, now numbering 135, is performed by the Paul Taylor Dance Co mpany, Taylor 2, and dance companies throughout the world. The Paul Taylor Dance Company has perfonned continuously around the globe since Mr. Taylor established it in 1954.
Excerpts from Symphonies Nos. 1. 3. 5. 7. 8 by William Boyce, edited by Max Gobc rman by arrangement with Doblinger U.S.A. for the publisher and copyright owner.
HO M E (2011)
Choreography by Rennie Harris
Assistant Choreographer: Nina Flagg
Music by Denni s Ferrer, Raphael Xavier
Costumes by Jon Tayl or Lighting by Stephen Arnold
Daniel Harder, Briana Reed , Ghrai DeVore, Aisha Mitchell. Sarah Daley, Jacqueline Green, Demetia Hopkins , Rachael McLaren, Samuel Lee Roberts , Sean A. Carmon, Yannick Lebrun. Marcu s Jarrell Willis, Vemard J. Gilmore , Jermaine Terry
B ri s tol-M ye r s Sq11ibb is proud to support this new work which was inspired by the "Fight HIV Your Way " initiative
Lo r e nzo Re nni e Ha rr is was born and rai sed in an African-American community in North Pl1iladelphia. In 1992, he founded Rennie Harri s Puremovement, a hip-hop dance theater company dedicated to preserving and disseminating hip-hop culture. Voted o ne of the most influential people in the last one hundred years of Philadelphia history, Mr. Harris has received several accolades, including the Herb Alpert Award in the Arts, the Governor's Arts Award, a United Stares Artist Fellowship, and an honorary doctorate from Bates College. The London Times wrote of Mr Harris that he is ''t he Basquiat of the U.S. contemporary dance sce ne." Most recently, Rennie Harri s Puremovement was chosen by DanceMotion USA as one of four companies to serve as citizen diplomats. and they will to11r Egypt. Israel, Palestmian territories and Jordan in 2012. This season, Ailey's repertory features both Mr. Harri s' Lo1•e Stories (a collaboration with Judith Jamison and Robert Banle ) and Home.
''Underground ls My Home ' ' \Hitten and perfonned by Dennis Ferrer. Published by Sfere Music (BMI) Administered by Bug. Courtesy ofBPM King's Street Sounds/Nite Groove by arrangement with Bug. All rights reserved. Used by pem1ission. " I See ... Do You" composed by Raphael Xavier. Performed by Raphael Xavier, with D. Sabela Grimes .
JOURNEY (1958)
C horeography by Joyce Trisler
Restaged by Diane Grumet
Music by Charles lves
Costumes by Malcolm McCo rmick
Lighting by Nicola Cemovitch
Alicia GrafMack
Generous support for this new production was provided by The Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey- Sara & Bill Morgan New Works Endowment Fund and The Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn & Nicolas Rohatyn New Work s Endowment Fund.
This work has also been made possible, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
J oyce T r isler joined the Lester Horton Dance Theatre at the age of 15 , where she met and performed with Alvin Ailey . Following her move to New York, she s pent five years as a leading dancer with Dori s Humphrey 's Juilliard Dance Theatre before performing with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater until 1964. Ms. Trisler staged numerous operas and Broadway shows, including Joseph Papps ' New York Shakespeare Festival productions. ln 1974, she formed the Joyce Trisler Danscompany and created several acclaimed works , including Dance for Six, Rite of Spring, and Four Temperaments. Shortly after her untime ly death in 1979, Alvin Ailey created his tribute ballet Memoria and dedicated it to " the joy ... the beauty ... the creativity ...and the wild spirit of my friend Joyce Trisler."
"T he Unanswered Question" by Charl es fve s. Use d by pem1ission of Peer fnternational Corporation.
I Been ' Bu ked The Co mpany
Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
Di dn 't My Lord Deliver Daniel ........ .. ......................... Daniel Harder, Megan Jakel, Music arranged by James Miller+ Aisha Mitchell
Fix Me, J esus ............................................. Ghrai DeVore, Marcus Jarrell Willis
Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
P rocess ion a VH on or, Hono r .................... Kanji Segawa, Sarah Daley, Sean A. Carmon, Music adapted and arranged by How11rd A. Roberts Renaldo Gardner
Wa d e in tb e Water Demetia Hopkins , Vemard J Gilmore, Alicia GrafMack
Music adapted and arranged by How11rd A. Roberts
"Wade in the Water" sequence by Ella Jenkins
"A Man Went Down to the River•· is an ori gi nal composition by Ella Jenkins
I Wa nn a Be Rea d y ............................................................ . Yannick Lebrun
Music arranged by Jame s Miller+
S inn er Ma n Jermaine Terry , Sean A. Carmon, Samuel Lee Roberts
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
T he Day is Past a n d Go n e .......................................................... The Company
Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
Yo u Ma y Run On The Company
Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
R oc k a My So ul in th e Bosom of Ab ra ham .......................... . ........... 'TI1e Company
Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
* Used by arrangement with G. Schirmer, Inc.. publisher and copyright owner.
+Used by special arrangement with Galaxy Music Corporatio n. New York City.
Choreography by Alvin Ailey
Music: Traditional Decor and costumes by Ves Harper
Costumes for " Rocka My Soul" redesigned by Barbara Forbes
Lighting by Nicola Cemovitc
All performances of Revelations are permanently endowed by a generous gift from Donald L. Jonas in celebration of the birthday of his wife Barbara and her deep commitment to Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.