PROGRAM: Bravo 2013 Spring Opera and Dance

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The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House

BRAVO is a Michigan Ope r a Theatre publicati o n

J eff Strayer, Editor Mitch Carter, Contributing Editor


John Grigaitis

Publisher Echo Publications, Inc. Royal Oak, Michigan

www ec hopublica tion s .com

Tom Putters , President

Toby Fabe r, Advertis ing Sales Director

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Michigan Opera Thea t re is a nonprofit cu ltural o rgan ization, whose ac tivities are supported in pan by the Michigan Counci l for Arts and Cu ltu ral Affairs, the National Endowment for th e Ans, and o ther individuals, corporations and foundations Michigan Opera Theatre is an Equa l Opport unity Employer.

ARTWORKS. Ori$.QOV O e troir Opera Hou se michigan coun c il tor &arts cu ltura l f affairs
WELCOME L ETTER FROM D Avm DrCHIERA 4 ON STAGE R ED, H oT & BLuE ............ . .. . ............................. ... .......... ......... 6 D ANCE TH EATRE OF H ARLE M 10 ALVIN A ILEY AMERI CAN D ANCE T HEATE R 16 FIDEUO ....... . ....... . .... . .... . ........... . .. . .... . ................. .................. 22 B EETHOVEN'S DREAM OF FREED O M & JUSTICE 2 4 AIDA ······26 FAMI LY O PERATION 28 MOTCC: T HE H APPY PRINCE 35 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Board of Direc tors and Trus tees .. . .. . ... .. ... . . ... .. ... ..... ... ... .. .. . ...... . ....... 5 Art ist Profiles 2 9 Chorus and O rchestra 33 Administration and Sta ff. 34 Community Programs and Dance Education .. .............................. 36 CONTRIBUTORS Avanti Society 38 Preserve the Legacy Campaign .... . .... . .. .... . .. ...................... . ..... ... . . . 39 Michigan Opera Theatre Contributo rs ... .. ... .. .. .. . ................ . .. . ....... 4 3 Vo lunteer Information 49 General Infor m a tion SO www.M i c hi g an O p e 1·a.o 1·g BR AVO 3
CoNTENTS Spring 2013

Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's 42nd spring season

Our 17th seaso n of "Dance in the D" continues in january with th e r et urn of metro Detroit's own Eisen h ower Dan ce En semble and the ir production of Red, Hot & Blu e In Februa r y, we're thrilled to welcome back th e es teemed Dance Theat re of Harlem, a fter its recent revi talizati on. In March, we present th e ever-popu lar Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater , round i ng out another yea r at the home of dance in Detroit.

Our season of "Dra ma in the D" co ntinues this spring wit h th e co mp any premie re of Beethoven's onl y opera, and Verd i's grand masterpi ece.

ln April, we bring yo u Bee thoven 's Fidelia. With th em es o f courage, justice and freedom, it co ntinu es to be relevant even in th e modern age, andl'm happy to present our premiere of this work. We welcome a number of artis ts to the company for this production, in cl ud ing tenor Eri k Ne lson Werner and so prano Christine Goe r ke in t he leading rol es

ln May comes one of the most gran d an d dramatic spec tacles in all op e ra, Verdi's Aida. Soprano Lato ni a Moore, our Aida, stepped into the sa m e rol e at the last minut e at th e Metropolitan O pe ra last sp ring, to grea t acclaim. I t's my pleasure tha t s he reprises that role wi th us, al ong wi th Canadian soprano Yannick-Muriel Noah We also have two reallife couples as Amneris and Radames: Anita Rachvelishvili a nd Ric cardo Massi , a n d husban d -an d-wife Milijana Niko lic and Rosario La Spina

We are ever grateful for the suppo rt of our spri ng opera season s ponso rs, th e General Motors Foundation and Cadillac. l also mus t thank the three women who hav e mad e our dance seaso n possibl e: Marlene Bo ll , joanne Dan to and No r a Maroun. As al ways, it is our individua l donors an d vo lu nteers wh ose g ifts of time and investmen t allow u s to p r ese nt th ese world class programs each year

Thank you for visit ing, and enjoy this dramatic season !

www.J\1. ie hi ga n0pera.o t·g D etroit Ope ra Hou se

Mr. R Jamison Williams, Chairman

Dr. David DiChiera, President

Mr. Cameron B. Duncan, Treasurer

Mr. C. Thomas Toppin, Secretary

Mrs. Robert A. Al lesee

Mr Douglas E All ison

Mr. joseph Angi le ri

Mr. Lee Barthel

Mr. Richard A. Brodie


Mrs. Wil liam C. Brooks

Mrs. Frederi ck H. C lark

Mrs. Pe ter Cooper

Ms. Joanne Damo

Julia Donovan Darlow

Mr. Lawrence N David

Mr Ethan Davidson

Mrs. Charles M Endicott

Mrs Alex Ercleljan

Mr. Pau l E. Ewing

Mrs. David Fischer

Mrs. Barbara Frankel

Mr Herm an Frankel

Mr Dean Fried man

Mr. Ri chard G Goetz

Mr. David 1-lancl leman

Mr. Gary E. johnson

Mrs. Pe ter Karma nos

Mrs. Michael Kratchman

Mr Thomas M. Kriko1·ian

Mr. Charles E. Lens Jr.

Mr Harry A. Lomason ll

Mr Alphonse S. LLJcarelli

Den ise Lutz

Mrs. Manue l Maroun

Dr Stephen Munk

Mr Daniel Pehrson

Dr. Charlotte Podowski

Mr. W James Prowse

Mrs Ru th Rattner

Dr. Irvin D Reid

Mr. Roy S. Roberts

Ms . El ha m Shayota

Mr. Terry Shea

Dr. Lorna Thomas

Mr. james Vella

Mr. George C. Vincent

Chairme n Em er it i

Mr Robert E. Dewar+

Mr. Lynn A. Townsend t


Mr. & Mrs. Kenn Allen

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Allison

Dr. Lourdes V Andaya

julie Douse-Angileri & Jo sep h Angileri

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Applebaum

Dr. Agustin Arbulu

- Dr. Harold M. Arrington

Th e Hon. & M,rs. Edward Avadenka

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel

Mr. J. Add ison Bartush

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun

Mrs. Ara Berberian

Mr. & Mrs. Mandell Berman

Ms. Debra Bernstein-Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. joseph Bloch

Mr. & Mrs. john A. Boll , Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowlby

Beu y J. Bright

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie

Mr. & Mrs. Wi ll iam C. Brooks

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cela ni

Mr. & Mrs. Mic hael Chirco

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Clark

The Hon. & Mrs. Avern L. Co hn

Mr Thomas Cohn

Mr & Mrs Peter Cooper

Ms. j oanne Damo & Dr Arnold Weingarclen

Mr. & Mrs Tarik S. Daoud

Ju li a Donovan Darlow & The Hon. J ohn C. O'Meara

Mr & Mrs. Jerry P. D'Avanzo

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. David

Mr & Mrs. Ethan Davidson

Mr. Thomas J. Delaney

Mr. Kevin Dennis & Mr. Jeremy Zeltzer

Dr David DiChie ra

Mrs. Karen VanclerKioot DiChiera

The Hon. & Mrs. John Dingell

Ms Mary j ane Doerr

Mr. Cameron B. Duncan

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg

Mrs. Charles M. Enclicou

Mr. & Mrs Alex Ercleljan

Dr. Fern R Espino & Mr. Thomas Short

Mr. & Mrs Pau l E Ewing

Margo Cohen Feinberg & Robert Feinbe rg

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Feldman

Mr. & Mrs. David Fischer

Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher

Mr & Mrs. Ca rl B. Fontana

Mrs. Elaine Fontana

Mrs. Barbara Frankel & Mr. Ron Michalak

Herman & Sh a ron Frankel

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Friedman

Mrs. james Garavaglia

Ambassador & Mrs. Yousif Ghafari

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G Goetz

Mr. & Mrs Arnold Go rdon

Mr. & Mrs Harvey Grace

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Haberman

Mrs. Be1j H. Haiclostian

Mr. & Mrs David Hancl le man

Mr. & Mrs Eugene Hartwig

Mrs. David B. Herme lin

Mr. & Mrs. Derek Hodgson

Mr. & Mrs Alan Israe l

Mrs Unajackman

Mr Don Jensen & Mr. Leo Dove\le

Mr & Mrs Kent J iclov

Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. johnson

Mrs. William Kahn

Mr & Mrs Peter Karmanos

Mr. Patrick]. Kerzic & Mrs. Steph an ie Germack


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kratchman

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Krikorian

Dr. Melvin A. Lester

Mr Charles E Leus jr.

Ms. Linda Dresner Levy & Mr. Edward Levy

Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie

Mr & Mrs. A C. Liebler

Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason II

Mrs lawrence LoPatin

Mr. & Mrs James H. LoPrete

Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli

Mrs Den ise Lutz

Ms. Fl01ine Mark

Dr & Mrs. Rona ld Marte ll a

Th e l-Ion. j ac k Martin & Dr. Bettye ArringtonManin

Mrs. Richard McBr ien

Mr Patrick McGuire

Mr & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller

Ms. Monica Moffat

Dr Ali Moiin & Dr. William Kupsky

Mr & Mrs Theodore Monoliclis

Mr. & Mrs Manuel Maroun

Drs. Barbara &: Stephen Munk

Mr. & Mrs E Michael Mutchler

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Na ch man

Mr. & Mrs Irving Nusbaum

Dr. juliette Okotie -Eboh

Ms Linda Orlans

Mr. & Mrs Graham Orley

Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Panrich

Mr & Mrs. Spencer Partrich

Mr. & Mrs. Dan iel Pehrson

Dr Robert E L. Perklns

Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plumb

Dr. Charlo tt e & Mr Charles Poclowski

Mrs Heinz Prec hter

Mr. &: Mrs W james Prowse

Mr.&: Mrs John Rakolta, Jr.

Mrs Ruth Rattn e r

Dr. Irvin D Reid & Dr. Pamela Tro tm an Reid

Dr. &: Mrs. james Rigby

Mr. & Mrs Roy S. Roberts

Ms. Patricia H. Radzik

Mrs. Irvi n g Rose

Mr & Mrs. No rman


Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross

Mr & Mrs. Anthony Rugi ero

Di re ctors Em er iti

Mrs. Donald C. Austin

Mr.]. Addison Banush

Mr. Frank W Donovan t

Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher

Mr. James H. Gram t

Mrs. William johnston t

Ms. j enn ifer Nasser

Mr. David Pollack t

Mrs Irving Ro se

Mr. Frank Stella t

Mr. Robert VanderK \oot t

Mr. Richard Webb

Mr. George M. Zeltze r t

Mr. Mort Zieve t

Dr & Mrs. Hershel Sandberg

Mr & Mrs. Donald Schm idt

Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaevsky

Mrs Frank C. Shal er

Ms. Elham Shayota

Mr. Terry Shea

Mr. Wil liam H. Smith

Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow

Mr. & Mrs David Snyder

Mr. An thony L. Soave

Mr. Richard A Sonenklar & Mr. Gregory Haynes

Ms. Mary Ann Stella

Dr Stevens

Mrs. George Strumbos

Dr. J onathan Swift

Mr. Ronald E Swi tzer

Mr. & Mrs. joel Tauber

Dr. Lorna Th omas

Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin

Mr. James Vella

Mrs Steven I. Victor

Mr. & Mrs George C. Vincent

Mrs. Amelia H. Wi lhe lm

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhe lm

Mr. & Mrs R. Jamison Will iams

Mrs. Sam B Williams

The Hon Joan E. Young & Mr. Thomas L. Sc he ll enbe rg

Mrs. Monon Zieve

Trus t ees Emer iti

Dr & Mrs. Dona ld C. Austin

Mrs. James Merriam Earnest

Mr. t Mrs t Robert E Dewar

Mr. Marvin A. Frenkel

Dr. t & Mrs. t Robert Gerisch

Mrs. Aaron Gershenson t

Mr. t & Mrs. t James Gram

Mrs. Kath eri ne Gribbs t

Mrs. Robert 1-lamacly t

Mr. & Mrs Preston Happel

Mrs. & Mrs. E jan Hartmann

Mr. t & Mrs + Maxwell j ospey

Dr. Zophia and Mr t Mi tchell Kafarski

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kl ein

Mrs Walton Lewis t

Mrs. j esse Mann +

Mrs. Wade H. McCrcejr. t

Mr. & Mrs Jules L. Pol lo ne

Mrs Ra lph Polk'"

Mr. t & Mrs. t David Pollock

Mr. & Mrs. Will iam Sanely

Mr. & Mrs t Freel Schneidewind

Mr. t & Mrs. Richa rd Starkweather

Mrs. Ma rk C. Stevens t

Mrs . Lynn Townsend

Mr. t & Mrs. t Raben VanclerKloo t

Mr. &: Mrs. Pau l Victor

Mr. & Mrs. t


Mrs. R Alexander Wri gley

F ounding Mem bers

Mr. t & Mrs. Lynn A Townsend, Founding Chairman

The Hon. & Mrs. t Avern L. Co hn

Dr. & Mrs John DeCarlo

Dr. & Mrs David DiCh iera

Mr. + & Mrs. t Aaron H. Gershenson

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Graves

Mr. t & Mrs. t John C. Griffin

Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Jones

The Hon. t & Mrs. t Wad e McCree Jr.

Mr. Harry j. Necler land er

Mr E. Harwood Ryclholm t

Mr. & Mrs. Nei l Snow

Mr.&: Mrs Richa rd Strichartz

Mr. t &: Mrs. t Robert C. Vande rKloot

Dr.+ & Mrs. Sam H Williams

Mr. t & Mrs. t Theodore 0. Yntema

Oe t•·oit Opera House
www.M ic hl ga n Ope



Choreography: Stephanie Pizzo

Mus ic: Share Your Love , Lord Protect My Child and Sweet Forgiv eness by Susan Te d esc hi

Costumes: M.E. Cameron-Scott and Shari Bennett

Dancers: Andrew Cribbett, Alicia

Cutaia, Katharin e Larson , Moll y McMullen, Morgan " Mo " Williams, Emily Zatursky

Stephanie Pizzo set Uncon ditional on ED E during the 2007-08 season . I t premiered at the Macomb Center for th e Performing Arts in Clinton Township, MI , in April 2008.


Choreographer: Michael Fol ey

Assistant to th e Choreographer : Courtney Smith

Music: The Mi!hy Bar T<id, A.R. Rahman and Manuel Wandji

Dancers: Andr ew Cribbett, Alicia

Cutaia, Thomas Fant , Molly McMullen, Morgan "Mo" Williams , Emily Za tursky

Michael Foley created No Angels in my Kamikaze Heaven in November 2007. It premiered at the Lake Orion Performing Arts Center in lake Orion, MI , in December 2007.


Choreography: laurie Eisenhower

Music: Primavera by Ludo vi co Einaudi

Cos tum es: Shari Bennett

Dancers: Andrew Cribbett , Alicia

Cutaia , Thomas Fant, Katharine Larson, Molly McMullen, Matthe w Schmitz , Morgan "Mo" Williams, Emily Zatursky

Threads premiered at the Forest Roberts Theatre in Marquette, Ml, in November 2011.


Conception an d Choreography: Dani el


Music: Ballard MacDonald and J ames E

Hanl ey, reco rded by th e Dorsey Brothers

Costumes: Shari Be nnett

Dancers: Lindsay C hiri o, Andr ew

Cribbe tt, Thomas Fan t, Kath a rine

Larson, Molly McMullen, Matthew

Schmitz, Morgan "Mo" Williams, Emily Zatursky


Indiana is an exce rpt from Encore, which is an evening-length backstage dance musical that the Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company premiered in 2007 at New York's Joyce SoHo. The choreographer set the work on EDE in Fall20 10 .


Choreography: laur ie Eisenhow er Music: Burlesque and Arios o from Su ite for Klezmer Band and Orchestra by Sid Robinovitch

Costumes: leslie Littell

Dancers in order of appearance:

Ringma ster: Kath arine Larson

Father: Matthew Schmitz

Child: N ina King

Fallen Man: Thomas Fant

Ingen u e : Alicia Cutaia

Couple: Emily Zatursky, Morgan "Mo" Williams

Sailor on leave: Andrew Cribbett

French Maid: Lindsay Chirio

Ballerina: Molly McMullen

The Show was inspired by th e work of Federico Fellini, whose films ' imagery often depicts life as a circus. This dance premiered at the Troy Perform in g Arts Center in Troy, Michigan in January 2004. Nina King is a stud en t at the EDE Center for Dance in Birmingham


Ch oreograp hy : laurie Eisenhower

Music : Sound mix including Lose Yourselfby Eminem,Jeffrey Irwin&: luis Edgardo -performed by Astrazz, Dragons by Carava n Palace, Daisy Bell by Tin Hat Trio , Sleepwa lk by Hapa, Tashweesh b y Ramallah Undergroundperformed by Krenos Quarte t, and The Book by Tin Hat Trio

Costumes: Leslie Littell, Shari Bennett

Dance rs: Andrew Cribbett, Alicia

Cutaia, Thomas Fant, Katharine l arson Moll y McMullen , Matthew Sc hmitz , ' Morgan " Mo" Williams, Emil y Za tursk y

Love, Love, Love premiered a t th e Varner Recital Hall in Rochester, Ml , in October 2010


Choreography: Harrison McEldowney

Music: Various

Announcers: Joel Cory&: Mark Swanhart

lighting: Kerro Knox, after an original design by Todd Clark

Dancers: Andrew Cribbett, Alicia Cutaia, Thomas Fant, Katharine Larson, Molly McMullen, Matthew Schmitz, Morgan "Mo" Williams, Emily Zatursky

Dance Sport was originally commissioned and performed by Hubbard Street 2. Harrison McEldowney set the work on EDE in November 2011. EDE premiered th e work at the Seligman Theatre in Beverly Hills, MI , in December 2011.

Laurie Eisenhower would like to acknowledge the dan ce rs for their contribution to the choreographic process. Artist ic input in the s tudio is vital to the creation and performance of a new work.


Eisenhower Dance Ense mbl e Michigan 's premier co nt e mporar; danc e company, is in the midst of its 2 2nd professio nal seaso n . Artistic directo r Laurie Eisenhower founded the company in the summer of 1991 in metropolitan De troit. Since its inception, the Eisenhower Dance Ensemble has bee n dedicated to the performance of a diverse rang e o f co ntemporary dance works. Along with Ms. Eisenhower's highly acclaimed choreography, EDE showcases the works o f young talented artis ts along wi th ch oreogra phers with established reputations The co mpany has boasted wor ks by internationally know n choreographers s uch as David Parsons, Lar Lubovitc h , Stephen Koester, Michael Foley, Kiesha LalamaWhite, Mark Dendy, Jo e l Hall , Lauren Edson, Lila York, Colin Connor and Billy Siegenfeld, among o th e r s. The company has produced several largesca l e productions. T h ese include Motown in Motion, a visual sa lute to the tune s t h at mad e Motown records famous , Laugh Trachs, an even in g of co m edy in dance, Igor Str avinsky's A Soldier's Tal e and The Rite of Spring with De troi t Chamber Winds &: Strings as part of the Great Lakes Ch amber Music Festi va l , a nd Dances from th e Heart of Ro ck and Roll , a h eartfe lt tribute se t to folk a nd r ock musi c.

Opera Hou se RED, HOT &: BLUE


Considered by many cri tics to be one of the finest contemporary danc e companies in th e nation , Eisenhower Dance Ense mb l e has received ove rwhelming critical acclaim a long with enthusiastic aud ie n ce support: "stunnin g" (G lor ia Shay, Holland Sentinel), "intelligently c raft ed repertoire" (Susan Isaacs-Ni sbett, Dance Magazin e), "dance that touches the so ul" (Susan Hall-Balduf, Detroit Free Press ) , "an eye-popping production" (Davi d Lyman , Detroit Free Press), "a hearty, no-nonsense way of moving Qack Anderson, The New Yorh Times), and "a finely interwoven co mpan y" (California, Bev er ly Hills Outlooh) Th e company's 2012-13 touring season includ es residencies and performances in Cali fornia, Arizona, New Mexic o, Ala bama, Georgi a, Flor i da , Ohio, lllinois, New York and Virginia




Direct or, received h er BAE and MFA degrees in dance hom Arizona State University where she received the Wanda· Turk Choreog raph y Award a nd the Faculty Excellenc e Award. In the ea rly years of h e r career, s h e dan ced professio n a ll y in both California and New York City with various dance compani es and choreographers, most notabl y, Pilobolus Dance Theatre, Da vid Parsons, C h en an d Dancers, Harry Streep lll , and Mel Won g.

Ms. Eisenhower began her professional choreographic ca reer when sh e set a work for th e Prospect Park Dance Festival in Brooklyn, NY. Since th e n , s h e h as set h er works on numerous professional and univ ersity dance co mpani es incl uding

Balle tM et Col umbu s, Desert Dance Theatre, State Street Ballet a nd Harbinge r Dance Compa ny, to name a few.

I n 19 9 1, s h e forme d the Eisen hower Dance Ensemble, which, with the h e lp of com mitt ed and tal ented dancers, has become th e premiere dance company in th e sta te of Michigan Since the founding of EDE, th e compa n y has grown from a sm a ll ensemble o f four dancers o n a pay-pe r-performan ce basis to the current company with an ex t ensive sch edule o f re h earsals, performances a nd touring. Th e com p any h as t ravel ed as far as St. Petersburg, Russia, tours n a tiona lly, and is n ow in the m idst of its 22nd season.

Ms Eisen ho wer h as created over 100

dances for EDE and has received frequent grants and honors for her ch ore ogr aphy. She has b een awarded several Creative Artists grants from state arts foundatio n s, the Michigan Dance Association Choreographers Fes tival Award, the Women in Art Award for Choreography, ArtServe Michigan Governor's Arts Award for Outstand ing Mich igan Artist and, most rece ntly, the pres t igious 20 12 Kresge Artis t Fell owship. Her work has als o b een s upported throu g h gra nts from the Nationa l Endowment fo r the Arts, th e Community Foundation for So uth eas t Michigan, the Skillman Foundation, th e Kresge Foundation , the Nation a l Dance Project, and the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.

Ms Eisenhower is also well known for h er teaching a nd is a former Dance Program Di recto r and Professor of Dance at Oakland University in Ro ches ter, Mic higan. At OU, sh e was awarded a Travis Professo rship and was ho nored twice by t he OU Board of Trustees. Sh e also r eceived an OU Resea rch Fe llowship, 25 faculty re search grants , and th e Faculty Recogni ti o n Award for her outstanding con tributi o ns in th e field of danc e. I n 2012 , s h e was appointed the status o f Professor Emerita


Ar tistic Direc t or, is a native of Cli nton Township, Michiga n wh ere s he began her training with Orchid Diane and Deni se Boucke an d continued on with Evelyn Kreason She danced with the Michigan Ballet Theatre, Oakland Dance Theater and Harbinger Dance Company. She h as a Bachelor o f Arts with a n emphasis in Danc e from Oakland University. As a student, she received the Ja cob S. Decker Award for Outstanding Achievemen t in Dance a n d a sc holarship from th e American College Dance Festi va l to s tud y with th e Ririe Woodbu ry Dance Co mpany in Utah. In 2009, sh e received a Distinguished Alumni or "Ma TilDa " award from th e Departme nt o f Music , Theatre and Da nce a t Oakland Uni versi ty. As a founding m ember of ED E, Ms Pizzo cur re n tly teach es company class, reh earses the co mp any, and c horeog rap hs Sh e has staged works by Laurie Eise nh ower on numerous companies and unive rsi ties including Desert Dance T h eatre, Scottsdale Com munity College, Collin County Co mmuni ty College and Al ma College. She has set h e r own choreog raphy a t llli n ois Wesleyan Unive rsity an d numerous works on Eise nho wer Dance Ensembl e Ms Pizzo is a special l ecturer in dance a t Oakland

Univers ity and also enjoys teaching ballet at the Detroit Skating Club to National and I nternational Competitive Figure Skaters.

MARY DEVITT, EDE Reh ea rsal D irec t or, from Sterling Heigh ts, Michigan, first performed with EDE as a student at the EDE Center fo r Dance. Ms. Devitt continued h er training on scholarship at Oakland Univers ity where sh e earned h e r BA in Dance She graduated magna cum laude and was th e recipient of the j acob S. Decker Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance She also trained at th e Limon Institute in NY C as a Maggie Allesee Summer Study Scholarship recipi ent. Ms. Devitt h as p erformed wi th Oakl and Dance Theatre and OU Repertory Dance Company and, prior to joining EDE , appeared as a gu es t dance r and apprentice with the Company. She has performed danc e rol es in Aida at the Detroit Opera H ouse and in Motor City Lyric Opera's Amah! and the Night Visitors. Ms. Devitt is als o the Director of th e EDE Center for Dance where she is in her ninth seaso n as an instructor.


ALIC I A CUTAI A earned her BFA with honors from Point Park Univ ers ity with a double major i n Ballet and J azz. H er previous training include d sch ola at Hubbard Street Dance, No rth Carolina Da n ce Theatre, and River North Dance Co mpan y Sh e has worked with and performed pieces by man y renowned choreographers, incl uding : Lar Lub ovitc h, Louis Falco, Mi ch ael Foley, Kei s ha Lalama -Wh ite, j oel Ha ll, Lou Conte, Lynn Tay lo r-Co rb ett, Da ni el Ezralow, Choo-Sa n Goh, Alan Hine lin e, Harrison McEl downey, Kev in O'Day, Frances Patre lle, David Storey, Margo Sappin gto n, and Chris tia n Ho ld er Ms Cutaia previously danced with Hubbard Stree t a nd Gi ordano j a zz Dance C hi cago. Her c horeography has b een c h osen as a fina lis t in th e jazz Dance World Con gress "Leo's Ch oreograp h y Competitive Event" , the "Maggie All esee New C horeography Award", "Michi gan Yo uth Arts Festival " and the "NSAL Mid- Michigan Chapter." Ms Cu ta ia's teaching credits inclu de th e Lou Conte Dance Studio, Oa k la nd University, th e ABT Summ er Intensive, and the EDE Ce nt er for Dance Sh e also enj oys t eac hing m aster classes an d se ttin g choreography. Ms. Cu ta ia is sponso red by jennifer & Dan Gilbert for the 201 2-13 Season

W'\-Vw.l\'lichiganOp e ra.or g
Deu·oi t Ope ra House

MORGAN WILLIAMS began his dance t ra i ning at t he Joe l Hall Dancers & Center and the H yde Par k Sch ool of Ballet in Ch icago. He a ttend ed th e Chicago Academy for th e Arts, w h ere he st u died und e r Randy Dunca n , Guillermo Leyva, and t h e late Anna Pas kevska. He h as received scho larships to at te n d summ er intensives at Alvi n Ailey Ame rican Dance Theater, Deeply Rooted Pro du cti ons, and Hubbard Stree t Dance Chicago. He has p e rform ed wor ks by lar lubovitc h , Rand y Dunca n , Troy Powell, joel Hall , Kevin l ega Jeff, Harriso n McEldow n ey, and j osep h Holmes. He has danced professionally with Dance Kaleidoscope a nd joe l Ha ll & Dance rs , and is now in his t hi rd seaso n wi th Eisenhower Dance En se m ble. Mr. Wil liams a lso dan ces in co mm ercia l projects and h as danced fo r musi c art ist Gi nu wi n e and J Q. In addit ion, h e has choreograph ed fo r Gi nuwin e a nd ass is te d C h a rles l awre n ce, and is on facu lty with Dance Rogu e Int en sive Workshops. Mr. Williams is s ponsored by Precisio n Pri nt & label for the 2012-1,3 Season

ANDREW C RIBBETT , originally from Thomasboro, llli"noi s, began h is danc e trai n ing at the age o f s ix. He traine d wi th Chris tin e Rich and Lu c iana Rezende at the Chris tin e Rich Studi o Dance Academy a nd Perfor ming Arts Center in Savoy, Illinois. H e also gu es t starred in Champaign - Ur bana Ballet productions. At t h e age o f 16, Mr. C ribbett rece ived a full scho la rs h ip to t h e Was h ingt on Sch oo l of Ballet in D .C. to further h i s training whi le attending Duke Ell ingto n Sc h ool o f t he Arts to finis h his senior year of Hi g h Sc h oo l. Mr. Cribbett ha s received sc h ola rs hips t o attend su mmer intensives a t Wash ing ton Sc h ool o f Balle t , Hubbard Street Dan ce C hi cago, T h e Rock Sch ool o f Balle t in Philadelphia , and Faubourg Balle t Chica go. Mr. Cribbett i s sponsored by an an onymous donor fo r the 2012-13 Season

EMILY ZATURSKY was raised in Killingworth, Con necticut whe r e she received her early dance trai n ing wit h Starship Dance Theatre, Eastern Co nnec t icut Ba llet a nd New Have n Ballet. After gradu a ting h igh sc hoo l in 2007, Ms. Zat ursky a tt ended The Hartt School a t the Un ivers ity of Har tford where s h e gradu ated su mma cum laude with a BFA in Dance. Sh e has spe nt sum m er s dan c ing wit h Ame ri ca n Ballet Theatre, j affr ey Ba llet School and Alo n zo King LINES Ba ll et Sc hool. Ms Zatursk y danced with

D e troit Oper a H o u se

Full Force Dan ce Th ea tre during their 20 10-2011 season. She ha s danced works by Antony Tudor, J ose Li mon, and Emery LeCro n e.

THOMAS FANT grew u p in No rfol k , Virg ini a whe re h e was ex posed to the ar ts at a yo ung age t hro ug h various mu sical t heatre produ c ti ons. In hi gh school h e bega n classica l da n ce training at the age of fifte e n. Late r, h e a tte nde d the Governor's Sc hoo l for th e Arts unde r th e direction of Debor ah Thorpe. The re, h e st udied ballet and modern danc e with Todd Rose nli eb, Lorrain e G rav es, Kath y Brenner-Lasakow, and j o ni Petre-Scholz. Upon graduatin g in 2008 , h e joined Todd Rosenlieb Dance as a co mpan y member where h e danced th e works of Bill Evans , Er ick Hawkins, Ricardo Me le nd ez, and Yuki Ozeki (afte r jerom e Robbi n s). He has d a n ced profess io nall y wit h Vi rginia Ballet Theatre, Lyri c Opera Virginia , Virginia Mu si cal Thea tre , an d The Virginia Arts F es t ival , and has been fea ture d as a guest a rti s t with Hampto n Roads Civic Ballet.

KATHARINE LARSON , origina lly from Kingwo od, Texas, g rew up dan ci ng und e r the di rec tion o f Sh er yl Rowla nd Sh e g ra duated summ a cum laude from th e U niversity of Arizona with a BFA in Dan ce and a min or in Chemistr y. At U of A, s h e was th e recipient of the Cos tum e Manager Trip le Threat Award and the Gert rud e Shurr Modern Dance Awa rd . Ms. Larso n has worked wi t h a n d p e rformed pi eces by Ann Reinking, Mia Michaels, Bella Lewits k y, j ames Clo u se r, Michael W i lliams, Sa m Wa tson, Amy Ernst , Elizabeth Geo rge, Su san Quin n , and Ron n Stewa rt Sh e has p re viousl y trained at the ju ill iard Sc h ool, Alonzo King's LI NES Ba llet, and Thodos Dance Ch icago. Ms Larson also ha s a love fo r c h oreograp hing a nd h as had severa l works se lec t ed to p erform at Conder Dance's Breakin g G round, U A Dance Stude nt Spotlig h t, and RDA's Southwest Fes ti va l.

MOLLY MCMULLEN began h e r dan ce training at So uth Dayton School of Dance in Day ton , Ohio. She was a tenyea r m e mb er of Sou th Dayto n Da n ce T h ea t re , w h e re s h e d anced frequently wi th Dayton Co nte mporary Dance Compan y mem b ers. Ms. McMullen has attend ed various s ummer intensive programs including Cincinnati Ba llet, Balle t Chi cago, DCD C, Pa r sons Dance, Paul Tayl or a nd Hubb ard Street Dance Chi cago. Sh e also danced for Pittsburgh 's www.M


Attack Theater in the 2011 Dirty Ball. She has performed in several RDA balle t fes ti vals and in 2006 received the Jera ld yne Blu nden Award, w h ich a llowed her t o atte nd th e nati onal Cra ft of Ch o reog rap hy Co nfe rence a t Utah Va lley Sta te College with a fu ll sc holars hip. Ms. McMu lle n gr adua t ed fro m Poin t Park Un i vers ity magna c um laude in 20 1 2 with a BFA in dance. Sh e has had th e great oppo rtu nity of p erformi n g work s by Dani e l Marshall , Jo n athan Phelps, Doug Va r one, George Balanchine, Darrell Grand Mou ltr ie, Kies h a La l am a, a nd Alan Hin eline.

MATTHEW SCHMITZ graduated with a BFA in Dance from Webster U nive rsity w h ere h e received departmental a nd gene ral academic honors. He was a scholars h ip rec ip ie nt at The Boston Ba llet, Jeffrey Ballet (C h icago), Kans as City Ballet, a nd Hubba rd Stree t Da nce Chicago. He has perfo rm ed c h oreograp h y by Ant ony Tudor, Alvin Ailey, lyun Harriso n , Eddy Oca mpo, Michael Uthoff, Antonio Do uthit, Kirven Boyd, Maggi Due k e r, a nd C hri stine Kardell. Mr. Schmi tz 's profess io n a l cre dits inclu d e Dawn Karl ovs ky and Dancers, As hani Dances (Seattle), a nd the Municipal Thea tre Assoc iatio n of St. Louis (MUNY).


LI NDSAY C HI RIO began her training at a you n g age as both a dance r and a gym nast. She t ra ined at Big City Dance Ce nt er in Wixo m , Mich iga n under t h e direc ti on of Lisa F ru c h ey. Sh e is a sch olarship s tud e nt a t Oa k land University, w here she is wor kin g towa rd h er BA in Da n ce She has per for m ed as a member o f Oa kland Dan ce Theatre a nd OU's Re p ert ory Dance Compan y and has h ad th e h o n or of working with num e rous c h o reographers, inclu d ing Danie l Gw irtzman, Luis Piedra, Rodney Brown, Laurie Eise nhowe r, Du san Tynek, and Meg Paul. Sh e has studi ed with professional co mpanies , s u c h as Dayton Co nte mp orary Dance Company, Complexions Con te mporary Ballet Company and Eisenh ower Dance Ensemble. In add itio n , she h as trained and attended wo r ks h ops with ma n y com m e rc ial c h oreogra ph er s, su ch as Sonya Ta ye h , Dennis Caspa ry, KC Co mbs, Ma ndy Moore , and Pa mela Boling. She is current ly a teacher at Big City Dance Ce nter and g u es t t each es a t o th e r studios throughout the De troit Me tro area.

ic hi g anOpe ra.oi·g


Arthur Mitchell

Karel Shook


Virginia johnson


Laveen N aidu


Keith Saunders


Eliz ab e th Engla nd


Michaela D ePrince

Ch yrstyn F entro y j e n elle Figgins

Emiko Flanagan

Ale xandra jacob

Ashley Murphy

Lindsey Pitts

Gabrielle Salvatto

Ingrid Silva

Stephanie Rae Williams

Fredrick Davis

Da' Von Doa n e

Taure an Green

j ehb re al jack s on Dustin james

F ra ncis Lawr ence

Anthony Sav oy

Samuel Wilso n



Arthur Mitch ell

Dance Th ea tre of Harl e m is supported in p a rt by public a nd p r iva t e funds fro m

The Andrew W Mellon Foundation

T h om pson Fami ly Foundation

The Ford Fou nda tion

Bloomb erg Philanth ropies

The Carl &: Lilly Pforzh eimer Fou nda tio n

Th e Rockefeller Foundation NYC

Cul tura l Innovation Fun d

Th e Shubert Fou n dation

NYC Department of Cul tural Affairs i n

Partners h ip with City Council

New York Sta t e Coun cil on th e Arts with th e supp ort of Governor And rew Cuomo and the New York Stat e Legis la ture

Nationa l End owment for t he Arts

Upper Ma nha tta n Empowerment Zone


Dance Theatre of Har lem is a leading dance institution of unparalleled globa l acclaim that uses the art form of classical ballet to change people's lives. Through performances by our internationally acclaimed Company, training in our world-class school, and participation in our multi-face ted arts education program, Dance Theatre of Harlem has made a differenc e in the world for 43 years.

Inspired to bring new opportunity to the lives of the young people in the Harlem neighborhood in which he grew up by the examp le of Dr Martin Luther King , Jr , Arthur Mitche ll and the late Karel Shook founded the Dance Theatre of Harlem in the base ment of a church in 1969. Mitchell, who had found success as a principal dancer with the reno wned New York City Ballet, und erstood the power of training in a classical art form to bring disciplin e and focus to a challenged co mmun ity Dance T heatre of Harlem's unprecedented success, as a racially div erse company, scho ol and so urce of arts education was built on creating innovative and bold new forms of artistic ex pressio n. Through these varied artis tic interactions, our a mbassadors have helped to build character and have provided valuabl e life s kill s to cou ntl ess people in New York City, across the co untry and around t h e world.

As Dance Theatre of Harle m traverses its fifth decade , we remain committed to the excellence that has s ustain ed us over the years At the same time , we dedicate ourselves to reaching new audiences with a message of self- reliance, self-exp ression and individual responsibility through the rela un c h of the Dance Theatre of Harlem Co mpany.

Now unde r the leade rs hip of a second gen era tion of artists inspired by Arthur Mitchell's vision, Artistic Directo r Virginia j ohnson, founding member/former prima ballerina and Executive Director Laveen Naidu , former school director/ choreog raphe r, our goal for the 21st century is to build community, inspire and uplift through the p ower of art.

VIRGIN I AJ OHNSON (Arti stic Direc tor)

Virginia johnso n was a foundi ng member of Dance Theatre of Harlem and its principal ballerina over a car eer that spanned nearly 30 years After retiring in 1997, Ms. johnson founded Pointe Magazine where she was editor-in- c hi ef for 10 years

A n ative o f Washington, D .C., Ms .

johnson began her training with Therrell Smith and studied with Mary Day at the Washington Schoo l of Ballet. She graduated from the Academy of the Washington School of Ballet and went on to be a Univers i ty Scholar in the School of the Arts at New York University before joining Dance Theatre of Harlem.

Virginia johnson is universa lly recogn ized as one of the great ballerinas of h er generation and is perhaps best known for her performances in such ballets as Giselle, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Fall River Legend. She has received such honors as a Young Achiever Award from the National Council of Women, Outstanding Young Woman of America and the Dance Magazine Award, a Pen and Brush Achi evement Award, the Washington Performing Arts Society's 2008-2009 Pola Nirenska Lifetime Achievement Award an d t he 2009 Martha Hill Fund Mid-Career Award.

ARTHUR MITCHELL (Co-Fo un der and Arti s t ic Director Emeri tus)

Arthur Mitchell is known around the wor ld for creating and sustaining the Dance Theatre of Harlem, the internationally acclaimed ballet company he co-founded with Karel Shook in 1969. Fo llowing a brilliant career as a principal artist with the New York City Ballet, Mr. Mitchell dedicated his life to changing perceptio n s, and advancing the a r t form of ballet through the first permanently established African American and ra c ially diverse balle t company.

Born in New York City in 1934 , Mr. Mitch e ll began his dance training at New York City's High School of the Pe rfo rming Arts, where h e won th e coveted annual dance award and subsequently a full sc holarship to the Sc hool of American Ballet. l n 1955, he became t h e firs t African American to become a permanent member of a major ballet company when h e joined New York City Ballet. Mr. Mitchell rose quickly to the rank of Principal Dancer during his fifteen-year caree r with New York C ity Ballet and elec trifi ed audiences with his performances in a broad spec trum of rol es. Upon learning of the death of Rev ere nd Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr and with financial assistance from Mrs Alva B. Gimbel, the Ford Foundation and his own savings, Mr. Mitchell founded Dance Theatre of Har lem with his mentor and ballet instructor Karel Sh oo k.

With an illustrious career that ha s s panned over fifty years, Mr. Mitc h ell is th e recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors, a National Medal of the Arts, a

MacArt hur Foundation Fellowship, the New York Living Landmark Award, the Handel Medallion, th e NAACP Image Award, and more than a dozen honorary degrees .


Fred ric k Davi s, Broohlyn, New Yorh Born in New York City, Fredrick Davis moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee and started his training at the age of ll with a full scholarship for Ballet Tennessee. ln 2004, he graduated from the Chattanooga High School Center for Creative Arts and moved back to New York City to continue his training with the j offrey Ballet School. After completing three years with j offrey, he was able to study with a full scholarship at summe r intensives by American Ballet Thea tre, Boston Ballet, North Carolina Dance Theatre, Ballet Academy East, Magnus Midwes t Dance and Ballet Tennessee. Mr Davis then joined Roxey Ballet Company, dancing in work s su c h as Othello, Cannen, Diana and Actaeon and Sleeping Beauty. Soon after fin ishing his seaso n with Roxey, Mr. Davis joined t h e Dance T heatre of Harlem Ensemble. He has also worked as a freelance r with Ballet Fantastique, Benjamin Briones Ballet, Staten Is land Ba llet and Ajku n Ballet Theatre Mr. Davis has participated in the Dan ce for America Tour, DTH Vision Ga la, The Kennedy Center Honors, the Donald McKayle Tribute performance in I rvine, California and the Paramount Theatre Gala in Seattle, Washington

Michael a DePrince, S ierra Leon e, West Africa

Michaela DePrince was born in Sierra Leo ne, o r phaned by the c ivil war th ere and adopted by an American family in New j e rsey when sh e was 4 years old. She b ega n dancing at the age of 5, studyi ng balle t, modern , tap and jazz at Dalia Hay's Dance Academy in Cherry Hill , New j ersey. She began h er formal ballet studi es at The Rock School for Dance Education , where she continued her interest in o the r dan ce forms as well. Whi le at The Rock School, she won both th e Hope Award and th e junior Grand Prix at the Philadelphia Regiona l Youth America Grand Prix. From ages ll to 13, Ms DePrince s tudi ed ballet in Northern Vermont with Vanina Wilson, Alaina Albertson- Murphy and Alexander Nagiba. She a lso had the good fortune to study with Daniel Seillie r in Montreal and Arthur Mitc hell at the Dance Theatre of Harl e m's Summer Intens ive. She attended the Ame rican Ballet Theatre's Summer

D etro it Opera !-louse
www Mic higanOpe t·

Inte nsive in New York City when sh e was l3 and was named a National Training Scholar. Ms. De Pr ince wa s a particip an t in the 2010 Internatio na l Ballet Competition in j ackso n , Mississ ippi As a finalis t at the Yout h America Gra nd Prix in New York C ity, s h e was awa rd ed a sc h o la rs h i p to The j acq ueline Ke nnedy O n ass is Sc hool of th e American Ba ll et Theatre Sh e is also a tw oyear recip ien t of The Beverly G. Sm it h Sc ho lars hip at ABT and was featured in the documentary Fi rst Posi tion. She has danced for Darrell Grand Moult r ie, the Harl em Sc h ool o f the Arts Dance Benefit, the Fran cesca Harper P roj ect in the 2011 De ni se J efferson Memorial, Ballet Verite in The Levi Halevi Me moria l Concert, Daniel Ulbricht's Dance Aga ins t Can ce r Gala , De Dutch Don't Da n ce's production o f Abdallah e n de Gazelle van Basra , and the Sou th African Ballet T h eatre, as well as th e T V p rog ram Dancing with the Sta rs.

Da' Von Doa n e, Sa li sb ury, Mary land

Da' Vo n Doane bega n his tra ining at the Salisbury Studi o o f Dance ( n ow Salisb ury - Dance Acade m y) wh er e he tra ined w ith Be tty W e bster, Ta tiana Akinfieva-Smith and Elen a Manakhova. As a me mber of the sch ools' regiqn a l dance company, the Eastern Shore Ballet Theat re, he performed vario u s ro l es in annua l produ'ctio ns o f The N utcrack er, Coppelia, Sc heherazade a nd the Polovtsian Dan ces, a m o n g ot h ers. Mr. Doane has attended summ er inte ns i ves a t the Kirov Academy of Ba llet (Was hington, D.C.) a nd th e Atlanti c Conte mporary Ballet Theatre. At age 1 5, he re turn ed to ACBT as a full -tim e acade mic s tud en t and train ed t h ere for fo ur years. In 2008, Mr. Doa n e m oved to New York City to join the Dance Theatre of H ar lem Ense mb le and performed at the j acob's Pill ow Dance Fes tival th at s umm er. I n 2009 , Mr. Doa n e performed with Ba llet Noir a t Eas t Riv er Park as pa rt of Summ e rStage and with jacob's Pillow on ce aga in. I n the fa ll of 2009, h e da n ced as part of the Dance Theatre of Harlem with ro l es in t h e joplin Dan ces, New Bach, the excerpt "Mother Popcorn ," Concerto I n F, Fe te Noir an d South Aj1ican Suite. An d in th e winter o f 2009, he began touring wi th DTH as a part of its Dance for Am e ri ca Tour As a gues t artis t , Mr Doa n e has perfo rmed with the Class ical Co nt emp o rary Ballet Theat re and with choreographe r ja' Malik in 2009's E-moves Emergin g C h oreographers Showcase In thesummerof2010, Mr. Doa ne p erfor med once again with Ba lle t Noir in th e 200th Anniversary C h opin Celebra ti on and the 2010 Wor ld Dance Ga la in Kielce , Po land In 2011, Mr. Doane dan ced r oles i n Glinka

Pas de Trois , In til e Mirror Of Her Mind and Contested Space.

C h yrs tyn Fe n troy, Lo s Angeles , Ca liforn ia Chyrs t yn Mariah Fentroy was born and raised in Los Angeles, Califo rnia, w h ere she trained with he r mo th er Ruth Fentroy until t h e age of 17. She th e n mo ved to New York Ci ty after b e ing offered a sc ho larshi p to th e j o ffr ey Ballet Schoo l trainee p rog ram. Duri ng her first year th e re, s h e was asked to join the Jo ffre y Ballet Sch oo l Perform a nce Compa n y in which she danced several principal ro les in wor ks suc h as Gerald Arpino 's Birthday Variations and Davis Ro b e rtso n's UnEq uilib rium. Ms. Fentroy competed in the Youth Ame ri ca Grand Prix finals in New York in 2010 a nd 20 11 , w h ere s h e was the n asked to compe te in the Beij ing International Balle t and Choreograp h y Co mpetition. Sh e has also ha d h e r con te mp ora ry ch o reography recognized in othe r compe titi o n s.

j enelle F iggin s , Was hi ngton , D.C. jenelle Figgins began h er training at the j o nes- Haywood Sch ool o f Ballet, Dance In stitute o f Was h in gton and Duk e E ll ington Sc hool of th e P erforming Arts. Whil e tr aining, sh e received scholarships to attend Dance Theatre of Harlem's Kenned y Summ er Inten s ive She went o n to atten d SUNY Purchase New York o n partial sc ho la rship and in 2011 rece ived h er B.F.A. with honors in dance. Following grad uation, s h e a tte nded Spring boa rd Danse Mo ntreal in 20 ll. Ms. Figgi n s has bee n fea t ure d in wo rks b y Sarah Mettin , Kevi n Thomas, Emil y Molnar, Twyla Tharp, Pa ul Tay lo r, George Ba lan chine, Nora Reyno lds and Hinton Ba u le. Sh e h as danced professi onally with Mettin Movement Collective, Collage dance Collec ti ve and Les Grands Balle t Ca nadi.e ns d e Montrea l.

Emi ko Fl a n aga n , W es tlah e V illage, Ca l ifornia Emiko F la n aga n received h er ea r ly dance trainin g from Ca liforn ia Da n ce Theau·e and attended s umm er programs at Pacific Northwes t Ballet, Boston Balle t , and San Franc isco Conserva tory o f Da n ce. She continued h er st udies a t UC Irvine as a BFA s tud e nt in Dance Pe r forma n ce. After her so pho m o re year, she to o k a leave of abse nce from school to be a trainee with the j o ffrey Balle t in Chi cago The following year Emiko was an app rentice with th e Ri c hmo nd Ba lle t for the ir 20 102011 seaso n and th en spent o ne year in th e Alonzo Kin g LIN ES Balle t Training

Progra m Sh e has p e rfo rm ed in works b y ch oreographers such as George Balanc hin e, W illiam Forsy the , Sa lvatore Aiello, jodi e Ga t es, Alexei Kre mn ev, a nd Keelan Whit more.

Tau r ea n Green , Porlla nd , Maine

Ta urean Gree n return ed to Dance Theatre of H arl e m in 20ll aft er eight seasons dancing with co mp ani es s uc h as Pacific No rth west Ballet, Ci ty Ballet of San Diego a nd, most recently, Co mpan y C Co ntempo rary Ballet. At DTH , Mr. Gree n danced fea tured roles in George Ba lanc hin e's Agon and The Four Temp eram ents , Michael Sm uin's A Song for Dead Warriors and St. Louis Woman a nd j erome Robbins' Fancy Free, a m on g othe rs. At PNB, Mr. Gree n was fea tured in man y Balanchine ballets as well as o ri gi n a l works crea ted for the co mpan y l n San Diego, he performed leading ro les in Don Q, Apo ll o, A Mids um mer N ight's Dream, Til e Four Seaso ns a nd La Bayadere, just to n am e a few; a n d in San Francisco, Mr. Gree n h ad seve ra l origina l wor ks se t o n him as well as reprised old e r works by n oted ch oreograp h e rs s u c h as Twyla Tharp a nd Lar Lub ovitc h

j e hbreal Muh ammad jackson , Da ll as, Texas j e hbrea l Muhammad jackson began his formal trainin g in ballet at lO yea rs old, being placed accide ntally into the wrong classroom by an a ftersc h ool program advisor. He found his heart in classical a nd contemporary dance and continued t o study a t th e Dallas Black Da nce Acad e my, W E. Grein er Mid dl e Sc hool o f the Ex p lora tory a nd Pe r fo rming Arts, and th e Boo ker T. Was hin gt on Hig h Sch ool fo r the Pe r for min g a nd Visua l Arts. Mr. jackson is a gradua t e of The juilliarcl Sch ool in New Yo r k un der th e direction of Law rence Rh od es, where h e performed the works of Alexa nd er Ekman, Stijn Celis, Mar k Morris, jerome Robbins, Will iam Forsythe a nd O had Naharin. Recently, Mr j ac kso n performed as a gues t with Ballet No ir NYC, s h aring the stage with pe rformers from American Ballet Thea tre a nd the Polish National Ballet for t he ir Chopi n festival. ln Octob e r 2010, h e p erfo rmed wit h Keigwin + Co mpa ny a t the annual Fa ll for Da nce festival at New York Ci ty Ce nte r. He has also been a fea tured voc alist with vario u s j azz bands at juillia rd and em barked o n a co n cert to ur to Brazil.

Alexa ndra j acob, Oa hla nd, Ca lifornia Alexandra j acob b ega n h e r first formal Vaganova balle t tra ining at th e ag e of

www.Mic h i ga nOp era.o rg
Deu·oi t Opera H ouse

8 at Berkeley City Ballet. Ms. Jacob also attended summer programs at the Dance Theatre of Harlem and Alonzo King LINES Ballet on scholarships. After graduating hi gh sch ool, s he pursued an architecture degree at the California College of the Arts. Three years into her college ca reer, she rediscovered her love for ballet and decided to r etu rn to New York in the fall of 2004 to attend theJoffr ey Ballet School. She joined the Dance Theatre o f Ha rl em Ensemble in January 2005 under the direction of Arthur Mitchell. Ms. Ja cob t oured with the ensemble throughout the United States and internationa lly, performing featured roles by Peter Pucci, Donald Byrd, Christopher L. H uggins, Lowell Smith and Arthur Mitchell.

Dustin J ames, Houston, Texas

Dustin James began his dance training at age 11 in Houston and later attended the city's High Sch ool for the Performing and Visual Arts. While attending HSPVA, he also began studying at Houston Ballet's Ben St evenson Academy and became a member of Houston Ballet ll for two years. Whi.le there, Mr. James was trained and coached b y Claudio Munoz as well as Lazaro Carreno, Phillip Broomhead and Priscilla Nathan-Murphy. After completing his training, Mr. James joined BalletMet Columbus, where he danced for four seasons and performed works by such c horeographers as Stanton Welch, Darrell Grand Moultrie and Ma Cong.

Francis Lawrence , Melbourn e, Australi a Francis Lawrence studied at The Australian Ballet School where he graduated with a dip loma in dance. While a t the school , he danced with The Australian Ballet and with its regional Dancers Company for two years. Upon arriving in the sta t es, Mr. Lawrence joined New York T h eatre Ballet for their 30th seaso n in Cindere lla and Dance/Sp eak: The Life of Agnes d e Mille and has danced for the Grand Rapids Balle t Company under the direction of Patricia Barker. During his time in the compan y, he performed repertoire by George Balanchine , Twyla Tharp, J ose Limon, Paul Taylor, Ulysses Dove, Lew Christensen, David Parson and Mario Radacovsky. In the s ta t es h e has studied under programs offered by The Ailey School, Complexions and Hubbard Stree t, getting to work with choreograp h ers like Pedro Ruiz, Dwigh t Rhoden and Desmond Richardson. Mr. Lawrence most recently worked with Olivier Weavers on Fragments , as well as a new work, The Couch.

Ashley Murphy, Shreveport, Louisiana

Ashley Murphy b egan her dance training at age 3. She was enrolled in the preprofessional division at Carol Anglin Dance Center from 1993-2002, where she b ecame a member of Louisi ana Dance Theatre, an Honor Company of Regional Dance America. She has also performed for Slu·eveport Opera and Moscow Sta te Ballet as well as in the premiere of William Jo yce's The Leaf Men and The Brave Good Bugs. Sh e r epresented LDT in the Regional Dance America performance at the International Ballet Competition in Ja ckson , Mississippi and attended summer programs at New York's Jaffrey Ballet School and The Ailey Schoo l. In 2002, Ms Murph y went on to train and perform with Dance Th eatre of Harl em's Dancing Through Barriers® Ensemble. The following year, she was accepted into the DTH Company and toured with them throu ghout the United States and to foreign countries that included Grea t Britain, Germany, Italy and Greece. Ms. Murphy has also taught for the DTH PreProfessional Residency at th e Kennedy Center White House specia l, appearing on BET's 106 & Park and the game show jeopardy, and representing the U.S in a cu ltural exc h ange program in Kingston, Jamaica. In 2011 , she was chosen for a n ew work by Chri stopher L. Huggins

that was co mmissioned for Dancers Respo nding to AIDS.

Lindsey Pitts, Midland, Texas

Lindsey Pitts began her formal balle t training at Coleman Academy under the direction of Susan Clark and Jud y Col eman. She continued her studies during summer intensives with Milwaukee Ballet, Atla nta Ballet, Orlando Balle t, Ballet Austin and The Ailey School. Following high school, she a ttended Butler University, where sh e received dual degrees in dance arts administration and suategic communi cation s Ms Pitts began her professional career with Nashville Ballet's second com pany, performing under the direction of Paul Vasterling in full-length ballets that included The Nutcracke1 ; Giselle and SwanLake.

Gabrielle Salvatto, New York, New York

Gabrielle Salvatto, a native New Yorker born and raised in the Bronx, studied at The School of American Ballet and received h er high school diploma from La Guardia 1-l. S. of Music & Art and Performing Ar ts. She went on to graduate from the Juilliard dance B fA. program, where she performed repertoire by Ohad Naharin, Jerome Robbins, Nacho Duato, Eliot Feld and Jose Limon, among others. Ms. Salvatto has since danced for Austin

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McCo rmick's Com pany X IV and Sarah Be rges Dance. Furthe r training includes H ubbard Stree t , Complexions and Springboard Danse Montreal.

An t h o ny H . J avie r Savoy, Jr. , A nn apo li s, Mary la nd Anthony J avi e r Savoy was born in Annapolis, Mary land and began his forma l tra ining at th e age o f 15 s tud ying at schools in Ma ryla n d and Washington, D C. In 2006, Mr Savoy was awarded th e title, Maryland All State D ancer by th e Cong ressiona l H o u se Represe ntative H e continued his s t udies at Point Park University. In th e sp ring of 2008, h e attended Anne Arunde l Community College working towards a d egree in Fine Arts and Biology. Savoy has att e nd ed summer inte nsi ves a t Earl Mosley$ I ns titute of the Arts, Po int Park Un iversity, The Kirov Academy, American Balle t Theat re a nd Da n ce Theatre of Harlem. He s p ent two ye ars with th e Dance Theatre o f Harlem Ensemble p e rforming works b y George - Bal an chine , A rthur Mitc h ell , Donald By rd , and Ro bert Garland. In 2011, w hil e a m em ber o f th e e nsembl e, he had th e o pportunity to work wi t h cho reographer Christopher Hu ggi ns on " In the Mirro r o f her Mind" a p iece co mmissio n ed in collabo ra ti o n with Dancers Respondi ng to AIDS and Broadway Ca res. In 2012 Mr. Savoy acted as a c ultura l ambassador for the United States w hil e performing and do ing community o utreach in Kin gsto n , J a ma ica

I ngrid Sil va, Rio de j anei ro , Braz il Ingrid Sil va began he r forma l ballet training at th e age of 8 at Danc;ando Pa ra Na o Danc;ar, t h e Deborah Colker sc hoo l and Escola d e Danc;a Maria Olenewa. Sh e ha s also apprenticed wi t h Company Grupo Corpo in Brazil. Afte r e nte r ing th e U n iver ci dade da Cidade Co llege, s h e d ecided to fo llow h e r passio n and traveled to New York in 2007. That s umm e r, s h e atte nd e d th e Dance Theatre of Harle m Summe r I ntensive Program , and afterwards joined the school's Professional Tr aining Program. S he b eca m e a m emb er o f the Da nc e Theatre of H a rl em Ensemble in 2008 Ms. Sil va ha s al so performed w i th Armitage Gone! Dance performing GAGA-Galw at the j oyce Theater in 2011.

Stepha nie Rae W illia m s , Sa lt La lle C ity, Uta h Bo rn in Utah and rai sed in Texas, Ste phanie Rae Williams rece ive d her ea rl y train ing a t Dallas Dance Acade my wi t h Fiona Fairri e. Ms W ill iams made h er

p ro fessio nal d e but wi th Ben Stevenson's Texas Ballet Theater in 2006-07, and s h e mos t recently danced as a company memb er with the Francesca Harp er Proj ect a nd Balle t Blac k M s. Williams w as an appren tice wit h Comple xions in 2009, and h as also st udi ed during summe rs at T h e juill iard School, Alo nzo Ki ng LINES Ball et a nd Housto n Ballet's Ben St even so n Academy. She was a fellowship recipient at The Ailey School, a 2006 Na tio n al Foundatio n o n the Arts aw a rd winner, a 2006 Youth Amer ica Grand Pr ix Finalist and a 2004 Texas Commission on the Arts You ng Master

Samu e l Wilso n , Breme r to n, W as hi ngton Samue l Wilson started dan cing ballet at the age of 15 with th e Peninsula Dance Thea t re. Since th e n , he has danced in s umm e r progra m s such as S umm er Dan ce La b in Walla Walla, Washington and America n Ballet Theatre in Aus tin , Texas. It wasn't until 2003, whe n Mr. Wilson came to Dance Thea t re o f Ha rl em that h e s t a rte d his professional career and joined the Dan ci ng Through Barriers® Ensemble. DTH has provided Mr. Wilso n with th e o ppo rtunity to perform in venu es such as the White House, BET's 106 & Pa rll, Fox 5 News, The Kennedy Center and The joyce Theater in New York. He has a lso had the opp ortun ity to wo rk with wo rld -renown ed choreographers and s tud y und er influential teachers like Arth ur Mi tc he ll and Eva Ev d okimava. Mr. Wilso n has a lso d evelo ped into a high caliber teacher and d a nce coac h himself, working in ballet sc hools and s umm er programs such as Usd an Center for the Creative and Perfo rm ing Arts and the Voo r h ees Ballet.


KE IT H SAUN D E RS (Ba lle t Master ) Keith Saunder s, a native of Ba ltim ore, Maryland, began dancing in 1971 w hil e a s tud e nt at Harva rd University. He b egan h is b alle t t raining i n 1973 at t h e Na tional Center fo r Afro-American Artists in Dorchester, Massach use tts. M r. Sau nders j oi ned Dance T heat re o f Harle m in 1975 and con tinu ed hi s d evel o pmen t under t h e tutel age of Arthur Mitc h e ll, Kare l Shook and William Griffith. He became a princ ipa l dan cer wit h DTH and pe rformed a wide range of roles th roughout th e co mpany's repertoire fo r m ore than 17 years. H e also danced with France's Ball e t d u No rd ( 1986) and BalletMet of Columbus, Ohio (1987 -1989).

As a guest artist, Mr. Saund e rs appeared

wi th Bos t on Rep erto r y Balle t, Maryla nd Ballet, Eglevsky Ballet, Balleth nic Dance Compa n y, and th e David Parsons Co mpa n y, a m ong ot he rs He has been a fa cu l ty m emb er o f th e Dance Thea tre of Harlem Sch oo l, the Ballet Met Dance Acade m y ( where he also served as Education Directo r), the New Ballet Sch ool (now Balle t Tech), a nd the 92nd Street Y. In 2003, Mr. Saunders was Gues t Artistin-Res idence in the Dance Department at the Un iversi t y o f Wyo m in g, and he taught and choreographed at th e ir Snowy Range Dance Festiva l from 2003 - 2008.

Keith Saunders was appointed Dance Theatre of Har lem's ass istant balle t maste r in l 994 and ba ll et master in 1996 From 2004 - 20 10, Mr. Saunders was director of Dancing Through Barriers®, Dance Theat re of Harlem's international e duca tio n a nd ou treac h in it ia ti ve , in addition to directing th e DT H Ensem ble

ROBE RT GAR LAN D ( Re si de n t Choreograp h er)

Rob ert Ga rla nd was a principa l d ancer with th e Dance Theatre of H arlem , and is now Reside nt Choreogra pher. He has crea ted wor ks for the Dance Thea tre of H arlem Co m pa n y, and th ei r Sc hool Ensemble. lie has also cho re ographed for New York City Ballet, The Royal Ball et, a nd Oakland Balle t , am o ng m any others.

After creat ing a work fo r the Dance Theatre of Harlem Sch ool Ense m ble, Arthur Mitchell i nvi ted Robert Garland to crea te a work fo r T he Da n ce Theatre of H a rl em Co mpa ny. Up o n hi s retirement from t he stage, he was appointed by Arthur Mitchell and became the organization's first Resident Choreog rapher.

His com m erci al work has included music videos, comme rcials and s h ort fi lms, incl uding the chi ldren's television show Sesame Street, a N ike commercial featuri n g New York Ya n kee Derek Je t er, th e NAAC P I mag e Awa rds , a s h ort fi lm for d esign er Donna Karan , and the "Channin Cha- Cha" for Proctor a n d Gamble.

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Detroit Opera House

Dan ce Thea tre of Harl e m , lnc.

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New York, NY 10031-18 14

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DTH Board o f D ir ec t o r s

Kendrick E Ashton Jr., Chairman

Mi c hael Am1strong, Vice-Chairman

Frank Bake r, Treasurer

D o n M . Tc llock, Sec re tary

Nancy Pforzhe im er Aronson

Rev er end Dr. Ca lvin 0. Butts Ill

Step hen Donato

Chloe Drew

Smo ke y D. Fon taine

Moira forb es

Ja i jai Ramsey Greenfield

Isabe l Kallman

Kev in Kovsky

Aliya Leekong

Sylvi a R Lindsey

Spencer Means

Leslie Wims Morris

Ackneil "Trey" Muldrow, Ill

j essye

Za ndra Perry Ogbo m o

Olivia Scott Perk in s

As h a Ri c hards

Anne E Robin so n

Rodn ey Slat er, Esq

DT H Co mpan y Staff

Ba llet Master, Keith Sa und ers

General Manager, Elizabeth England

Prod Manager/Li ght ing Supervi sor, Pe te r D. Leo n ard

Stage Manager, jack Lynch

Wardrobe Manager, Oran Bumroongchart

Accompanist, Br uce Lazarus

Harl em Dance Works 2.0 Project Coordinator, Kc ll ye Saunders Booking Manager, Edward Schoelwer

Res iden t C h oreog rapher, Robe rt Garland

Public Rela ti ons, Gilda Squi re Media Relatio n s

Phys ica l Therapist, Alison Deleget, Harkn ess Center for Dance Injuries

DTI-1 Sta ff

Art is tic D ir ec t or, Virginia j o hnson

Exec ut ive Direc tor, Laveen Na idu

Ass t to t he Artist ic/Executive Director, S tefanic Blue

Adm in istration &: HR Mana ger, Marilyn Abalos

Director, Individua l Giving, Sharon Wi lli ams Duncan Indiv id ua l Giving Manage r, Amanda Gee

Director, Institutional Giving, Rodney Trapp

Deve lopment O ffi ce r, joAn n Wong

Deve lopment Associate, Lisa Van Putte n

Alumn i Liai so n/Arc hives&: Preservation, judy Tyrus So lin

Marketing Manag e r, Melissa Hund ell Marketing Associate, Keya na Pa tterso n Maintenance, Alberto Recin os, Kenia Sanch es and Carolay Tave ras

DTH Sch oo l St a ff Sc hool Directo r, E ndalyn Taylor

Business Affairs O fficer, Ruben Ortiz

DTB" Educa tion &: Outr each Manage r, Geneva Manley

Student Affairs O ffi ce r, Kenya Massey-Rodriguez

reI design Detroit O p e ra House HOME The Store Your Home Has Been Waoting For www.i\'\ ic hi ganOpc1· Classical Music with Weekdays 6 am-7 pm ,,., • . ,. .. . .:...J.- ..... - "'!"' -.-- L, II til ""; ":1Alistener supported service of Detroit Public Schools and Detro it Publoc TV. BRAVO 15


Alvi n Ai l ey American Dance Theate r gr ew from a n ow-fable d p erfo rmance in Ma rch 1958 a t the 92 n d Street Y in New York City. Led by Alvin Ailey and a group of yo un g African-A me ri ca n modern dance rs , that p erform ance c hanged forever th e p erception of American da n ce The Ailey co mp any h as go n e on to pe rforn1 for an es t ima ted 23 milli o n people a t theaters in 48 s tates an d 71 co un tri es o n six co ntinents - as we ll as millions m ore through te levision broad cas ts ln 2008, a U S Congressi onal resolution d esig na ted the Co mp any as "a vita l Ame rican cultura l a m bassador to t he world" th at celebrates th e un iqu en ess o f th e Afr ican-Ameri ca n c ultu ral experie n ce a nd the preserva tion an d enri chm e nt of th e Ame ri ca n mod ern dance heritage. When Mr. Ailey began c rea ting dances, h e d rew upon his "b lood memories" of Texas, t h e blues, spiritua ls, a nd gosp el as ins piration , which resulted in th e creatio n of his m ost popular and critically accla imed work , Revelations. Although h e crea ted 79 ballets ove r h is lifetim e, Mr Ailey ma in ta ined that his was no t exclusively a repository for his own work. Today, th e Co mpa n y co ntini.tes Mr. Ailey's mi ssion by presenting impo rtant works of th e past and co mmissioning new ones. In all , more than 200 works by over 80 c ho reographers have been part o f th e Ailey co mp a n y's repertory. Before his untime ly d e ath in 1989, Alvin Ailey na m ed Jud ith Jamison as his successor, and over the n e xt 21 years, s h e bro ugh t the Compan y to unprece dent ed s u ccess. Ms . J amison, in tu m, persona lly select ed Robert Battle t o s u cceed h er in 2011, and The Washington Pos t declared h e "has the troupe 's forwa rd mo m entum we ll in han d "

Alvin Ailey Ameri can Dance Theater gratefully aclmowl edges The joan & Sandy Weill Globa l Ambassador Fund , which provides vita l support for national and intemational tours.


Robe rt Ba ttle b ecame Artistic Directo r o f

Alvin Ail ey Ame rica n Dance Thea t er in July 20 11, a fter b e in g p e rso n a lly sel ec t ed by Judith Jamiso n , m a king him on ly the th ird person to h ead th e Co mpan y sin ce it was founded in 1958. Mr. Battle has a long-s tanding associa tion with the Ail ey orga nization A freque n t ch o reograph e r and artis t - in-residence at Ailey si nce 1999, h e h as se t many o f his wor ks o n Alvi n Ailey Am er ica n Dance Theater and Detroit Opera Hou se

Ailey II , and a t The Ailey Sch ool. The Co mpany's curren t repertory includes hi s ballets Strange Hum ors, The Hunt, In /Side, a nd Talwd eme. In add ition to ex pa nding th e Ail ey re p ertory with work s by artis ts as diverse as Paul Taylo r, Re nni e Harris, jiff Kylia n , Garth Fagan, and Ky le Ab raham , Mr. Battle has also instituted a New Direc tors Choreography Lab, lO h e lp develo p th e next ge n e ration of choreogra phe rs. His j ourney to th e top of th e modern dan ce world b ega n in th e Liberty City neighbo rhood of Miami, F lo rida. Mr. Batt le s h owed artis tic talen t early a nd studied dance at a hig h school arts magnet prog ram before moving on to Miami's New World School of the Arts, un der tlle directio n o f Daniel Lewis and Gerr i H o u lihan, and finally to the dance progra m at The Juilliard Scho ol, und er t h e direction ofBenjam in Ha rkarvy, where h e me t his m enlOr, Ca ro lyn Adam s. H e danced with t he Parso n s Dan ce Com pan y from 1994 to 2001, and a lso set his c horeog raph y on tha t com pan y starting in 1998. Mr. Battle th en fo unded his own Battleworks Dance Co mpany, wh ich made its pre mi e re in 2002 in Dusseldorf, Germany as the U.S. rep rese ntative to the World Dance Allian ce's G lobal Asse mbly. Battlewo rks su bseq u e ntl y perform ed ex t en sively at ven u es including The joyce Theater, Dance Theate r Workshop, Ame rican Dance Festival, and Jacob's Pillow Da n ce Festival. Mr. Battle was h ono red as o ne of th e "Mas ters of African-Ame rica n Choreography" by th e Kennedy Center for the Pe rfo r ming Arts in 2005, and h e received t h e p restigious Statue Award from the P1incess Grace Fo undation-USA in 2007. He is a soughtafter keynote s peaker and h as addressed a num be r of hig h p rofile orga n ization s including t h e Uni ted Nat io n s Leaders Programme and t h e UNICEF Senior Leade rs hip Develop m en t Programme.


Masazumi Chaya was born in Fukuoka, jap an, where h e b ega n hi s classical b alle t t rain ing. Upon moving to New Yo r k in December 1970, he s tud i ed modern dance and per fo rm ed wi th t he Ric h a rd Eng lund Repertory Compa ny. Mr. Ch aya j oi ne d A lvin Ailey American Dan ce Thea te r in 1972 and perfo rme d with th e Company for 15 years. I n 1988, he became the Co m pa ny's Rehearsal Direc tor after servi ng as Assis ta n t Rehearsal D irec tor for t wo yea rs. A m as ter teache r, both on t o u r wi th t h e Compan y a nd in h is native J apan, h e se rved as c h o reographi c ass istant to Alvin www.l\'ti c hi ga n


Ai ley andJohn Butl er. In 1991, Mr. Chaya was n am ed Associate Art istic Directo r o f the Compa ny. H e con tinu es to provid e inva lu ab le creati ve assis t ance in all facets o f its operations. ln 2002, Mr. Chaya coo rdi nated the Company's appearance at th e Roc kefeller Center Chris tm as tre elighting ceremony, broadcast on NBC. Mr. Ch aya has restaged num e rous ba llets, including Alvin Ailey's Flowers for t he St ate Ballet of Missouri ( 1990) and The River for the Roya l Swedish Ballet ( 1993 ), Ballet F lorida ( 1995), Nationa l Balle t o f Prague ( 1995), Pennsylvania Ballet (1996) and Colorado Ba lle t (1998) . He has a lso restaged The Mooche , The StackUp, Episodes, Bad Blood, Hidden RiLes, Urban Foll1 Dance, and Witness fo r t h e Compan y. At the beginning of h is t en u re as Associ a te Artis ti c Director, Mr Chaya restage d Ailey's For 'Bi rd' - With Love for a "Dance in America" program entitled Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater: Steps Ahead. I n 2000, he restaged Ailey's Nig ht Creature for the Rome Opera House and The River fo r La Scala Ballet. In 2003, he res ta ged The Ri ve r fo r No rth Caroli n a Dance Theatre and fo r julio Bocca's Balle t Arge ntina Most recent ly, Mr. Chaya res taged Blu es Suite, Forgotten Time, Strea ms , Urban Fo11? Dance, and Vespers for the Compa n y. As a performer, Mr. Ch aya a ppeared on Japa nese television in both dramatic and musical productions. He wishes to recognize the artistic cont ributio n a nd spiri t of his late friend and fe llow art is t , Mich ihik o Oka


Alvin Ailey was born o n January 5, 193 1 in Rogers, Texas. His experiences of life in the rural Soutl1 would later inspire some of h is most memorab le works. At age 12 , h e moved with his m other to Los Angeles, where h e was introdu ced to d ance by p erfo rman ces of th e Ballet Russe de Monte Ca rlo and the Ka the rin e Dun ham Dance Co mp an y. His forma l dance tr ai ning began with an introduction to Lester Horton's classes by his friend, Ca rme n de lavallad e. Horton , th e founde r of one of t h e firs t racially-integ ra t ed dance compa n ies in th e Un ited Stat es, beca me a mento r fo r Mr. Ail ey as he emba rked o n his p rofessio nal career. After H o rton's death in 1953, Mr. Ailey beca me director of the Les ter H orto n Dance Theater and bega n to ch oreograph his ow n works . In th e 1950s and 60s Mr. Ailey performed in fo ur Broad way s h ows in cluding House of Flowe rs and jamai ca. Mr. Ailey s tudi ed da n ce with Martha Gra ham, Doris Humphrey, Ch ar les Weidma n ,



Hanya Holm, and Karel Shook and also took act ing classes with Stella Ad ler. In 1958 , h e founded Alvi n Ailey Am erican Dance T h eater to carry out hi s vision of a company dedi cated to e nriching t h e Ame ri can mod ern da n ce heritage and prese rving the uniqueness of the AfricanAmerican cultura l experience. He estab lish e d the Alvin Ailey Am erican Dance Cen ter ( now The Ailey School) in 1969 and fonned the Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensembl e ( now Ailey II ) in 1974. Mr. Ailey was a pioneer of prog rams promoting a rts in education, particularly those benefiti ng underserved communities. Throughout h is lifeti me , he was awarded numerous honorary doc toral degrees , NAACP's Spingarn Award, the Uni ted Nati ons Peace Medal, the Dance Magazine Award, the Capezio Award, a nd the Samuel H. Scripps Ameri can Dance Festival Award. In 1988, h e received t h e Kennedy Center Hon or in recognition of his extraordinary co ntribution to American cultu re. W h en Mr. Ailey d ied on Decem b er l , 1989, The New Yorh Times said of him , "you didn't need to have known [him] personally to have been touched by his humanity, enthusiasm and exu berance a nd h is courageous stand for multi-ra cial brotherhoo d."


judith j am ison joined Alvin Ail ey Ameri ca n Dance Theater in 1965 and quick ly becam e a n interna tional s ta r. Over the n ex t 15 years, Mr. Ailey crea t ed some o f his mos t enduring ro les for her, most notabl y th e tour-de-force solo Cr y. During t he 1970s and 80s , s h e appeared as a guest artist with ballet com panies all over th e world , s tarred in the hi t Broadway musical Sophisticated Ladies , and formed h er own company, T h e Ja mis on Project. Sh e re tu rned to Alvin Ai ley Ame rican Dance Theater in 1989 when Mr. Ailey asked her to succeed him as Artistic Director. In t h e 2l yea rs that followed, s h e brought the Compan y t o unpreced ented heights - including two historic engagements in South Africa and a 50- ci ty global tour to celebrate the Company's 50th anniversary. Ms. Jamiso n is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, among them a p rim e time Emm y Award, an Ameri can Cho reograp hy Award, the Kennedy Center Honor, a Na tional Meda l of Arts, a "Bessie" Award, the Phoenix Award, and the Handel Medallion. Sh e was also listed in "The TIME 100: The World's Most Influential People" and honored by First Lady Michelle Obama at the fi rst W hit e House Dance Ser ies event. As a highly 18 BRAVO

regard ed choreographer, Ms. Jam ison has created many celebrated wo rks, including Divining (1984), Forgotten Time ( 1989), Hymn (1993 ), HERE NOW (co mmission ed for the 2002 Cultural O lympiad), Love Stories (wi th additional c horeograp h y by Robert Battle and Rennie Harris, 2004), and Among Us (Private Spaces: Publi c Places) (2009). Ms. Jamison's autob i ograph y, Da ncing Spirit , was edited by jacque line Kenned y Onassis a nd published in 1993. In 2004, under Ms. j amison's artistic directo rs h ip , h e r idea of a perm ane n t home for the Ailey company was realized and named after beloved c h airman joan Weill. Ms. jamison co ntinu es to dedi cate herse l f to assertin g t h e promin e nce of th e arts in our cult ure, and she remains committed to promoting t he s ignifica n ce of the Ai ley legacy -u si ng da nce as a m ediu m for honoring the past , celebra ting t h e presen t and fea rl essly reaching in to the future.


Matth ew Ru s hing was born in Los Angeles, CA. He bega n his dance training with Kas hm ir Blake in Ing lewood , CA and later continued h is training at the Los Angeles County High School fo r the Arts. He is the recipient of a Spotlight Award a nd Dance Magazine Award and was n amed a P reside n tial Sch o lar in the Arts. He was a scholarship student a t The Ailey School and later became a member of Ailey II , w h ere h e d an ced for a year. Du ri ng his career, Mr Rushi ng h as perfor med as a guest artist for galas i n Va il , Colorado, as well as in France, Ru ssia, Canada, Austria, and I taly. He has performed for presidents George H Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Bar ack Oba ma, as well as at the 2010 Wh ite House Dance Series. During his time with the Company h e has choreograp h ed two balle ts: Acceptance In Sunender (2005), a collaboration with Hope Boykin and Abdur-Rahim jackson, a nd Uptown ( 2009), a tribute to the Harlem Re naissa n ce. In 2012, h e created Moan, which was set on Philadanco a nd premiered at the joyce Theate r Mr. Rushing joined the Company in 1992 and b ecame Re hearsal Directo r in june 2010.


GU ILL ERMO ASCA ( Rego Park, NY) or "Moe ," as he is affectionately k n own, gra du ated fro m LaGuardia High School of the Performing Ar ts. He was a scholarship s tudent at The Ailey School and danced wi t h Ailey II , Ballet Metropolitano de Caracas, Ballet Hispanico , Dance Compass ,

Shapiro & Smi th, and F oot prints Dance Project. In 2010 , he perfon ned at the White House Dance Series Mr. Asca jo ined the Compan y in 1994.

KIRVEN JAMES BO YD (Boston, MA) began his formal dance trai ning at the Boston Arts Academy and joined Boston Youth Moves in 1999 und e r th e directio n o f J im Viera and j eanne tte Neil l. He a lso trained on sc holarship at the Boston Co nservatory a nd as a sc holarship sLUdent at The Ailey School. Mr. Boyd has danced with Batt leworks Dance Company, T h e Parsons Dance Company, a nd Ailey II. He performed at the Wh ite House tribute to J udith Jamison in 2010. Mr. Boyd join ed t h e Compan y in 2004.

HOPE BOYKIN (Durham, NC) is a threetime recipient of the American Dance F estival's Young Tuition Scholarsh ip. She attended Howard Un iversity and while in Washing ton, DC she pe rformed with Llo yd Whitmore's New Wo rld Dance Company. Ms. Boykin was a studen t and intern at The Ai ley Sch ool. Sh e was ass istan t to the la te Talley Beatty and an original member of Complexions. Ms. Boykin was a member of Philadan co and received a New York Dance and P e rformanc e "Bessie" Award. In 2005 , Ms. Boykin c horeographed Acceptance In Surrender in collabo ration with Abdu r-Rahim J ackson and Matthew Rus h ing for Alvin Ailey Amer ican Dance Theater. Most recently she choreographed Go In Grace wi th award -wi nnin g singing group Sweet Honey In The Rock fo r the Company's 50th an n iversary season. Ms. Boykin joined the Company in 2000.

SEAN A. CARMO N (Bea u mont, TX) bega n his dan ce training u n der Bonnie Cokinos with guidance from Lucia Booth and Eva LeBlanc. He is a graduate of the Ailey/Fo rdh am B.FA. Program in Dance and was a memb er of Elisa Monte Da n ce. Mr. Carmon was an original cast member of the 2010 revival of La Cage Aux Folies on Broadway and was a lso a cas t membe r of the Broadway produ cti on of The Phantom of the Opera. As an assistant t o Christopher L. Huggins, he appeared as a gues t artist wi t h the I n t ernational Dance Associa ti on in Italy and with t he Cape Dance Company in South Africa. Mr. Carmon joined the Company in 2011.

SARAH DALEY (So u th Elg in, IL ) began her trainin g a t the Faubourg Schoo l of Ballet in Illinois und er the direction of Watrnora Casey and Tatyana Mazur. She is a 2009 graduate of t he Ailey/Fordham B. FA. Program in Dan ce. Ms. Daley has Detroit Opera House

www.M i c h iga n Ope ra.or·g

trained at instiruti ons su ch as the Kirov Acade m y, Natio n al Ballet School of Canada, The San Francisco Conservatory of Dance, and intensives suc h as Ballet Camp Illinois and Ballet Adriatico in lLal y. She is a recipient o f a Youth Amelica Grand Prix Award and an ARTS Foundation Awa rd. She was a member of Ailey II and jo ined the Compa n y in 2011.

GHRA l DeVORE (Washing ton, DC) began her formal dance training at the C hicago Multicultural Dance Center and was a scholarship s tud e nt at The Ailey Sc h ool. Sh e has completed summer programs at the Kirov Academy, Ballet Chicago, Deep ly Rooted Dance Theater, America n Ballet Theatre , a nd Alonzo King LI NES Ballet. Ms. DeVore was a m ember of Deeply Rooted Dance T h eater 2, Hubbard Stre et 2, Dance Works Chicago , and Ailey II. She is a recipient of the Danish Queen Ingrid Sch o larship of Honor and the Dizzy Feet Foundation Scholarship , and s he was a 2010 nominee for the first annual Cli ve Barnes Awa rd Ms. DeVo re joined th e Company in 2010.

AN T ON IO DOUTHiT (S t. Louis, MO )

began his dance tr ai ning at age 16 at the Center o f Co ntempo rary Arts under the direction of Lee No lting and at th e Alexandr a Schoo l o f Ballet. He also trained a t North Caro lina Schoo l of the Arts, the Jaffrey Ballet Schoo l, San F ran c isco Ballet, and the Dance Theatre of Harlem Sch ool. Mr. Douthit became a member o f Dance Thea tre of Harlem in 1999 and appeared in featured rol es in the ballets South African Suite, Doug/a , Concerto in F, Return , a nd Dwight Rhoden 's Ii.vist. He was promoted to solois t in 2003. He also performed with Les Gra nds Ballets Ca na die ns de Montreal. Mr Douthit joined the Compa n y in 2004.

RENALDO GARDNER (Ga ry, IN ) b egan his dance training with To ny Simpson and is a graduate of Talent U nlimited Hi gh School. He attended the Emerson Sch oo l for Visual and Performing Arts and studied with Larry Brewer and Michael Davis. Mr. Ga rdn er was a schola rship student at T h e Ailey Schoo l , has trai ned on schola rship at Ballet Chicago and Deeply Rooted Dance Theater, and had an inte rnship at th e Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance. In 2008, he received second place in modern dan ce from the National Foundation for Adva n cement in the Arts and received the Dizzy Feet Sch o la rship in 2009. ln 2012 , Mr. Gardner was h o n ored with the k ey to the city of Gary, Indiana , his hometown. He was a member o f Ailey II and joined the Co mpany in 2011.

VERNARD J. G I LMORE ( Chicago, I L) began dancing at C u r ie P erforming and Creative Arts Hig h Sc hool in Chicago and later studi ed a t th e joseph Holmes Chicago Dance Theatre wit h Harriet Ross, Marquita Levy, and Emily Stein. He attended Barat College as a dance sc h o larship recipient and received first place in th e all-city NAACP ACT-SO Competition in Dance in 1993. He st udie d as a scholars hip student at The Ai ley Scho ol and was a member o f Aile y II. In 20 10 , he p e rform ed a t the White House Dance Series. Mr. Gilmore is an active c horeographer for the Ailey Dancers Resource Fund and has ch oreographed for Fire Island Dance Festival 2008 and jazz Fou nd atio n o f Ame ri ca Ga la 2010; he also produced th e Dance o f Light Proj ect in january 2010. Mr Gilmore is a certifi ed Ze na Romme tt Floor-Ba rre®instructor. He co nti nues to tea c h workshops and mas ter classes around the world. Mr. Gilmore joined th e Company in 1997.

JACQUELINE GREEN (Ba ltimore, MD ) began h e r dan ce training at th e Baltimore Sch oo l for the Arts under the direction of Norma P era, Deborah Rob i nso n , a nd Anton Wilson. She is a gradua t e of th e Ailey/Fordham B.FA Program in Dance. Ms. Green has attended summ e r programs at Pennsylvania Regional Ballet, Ch auta uqua Institu tion, Earl Mos ley's Inst i tute of the Arts, and j acob's Pillow Dance Festival. Sh e has perfo rme d works by a var iety of c h o reog raphers, including Elisa Monte, He len Pickett, Fra n cesca Harper, Aszure Barton, Earl Mos le y, and Michael Vernon. Ms. Green was the recipient of the Martha Hill Funds Young Professional Awa rd in 2009 and th e Dizzy F eet Scho lars hip in 2010 She was a member of Ailey ll and joined the Company in 2011.

DANIEL HARDER (Bowie, MD) began dancing at Su itland High School's Center for the Visual and Performing Arts in Maryland. He is a recent grad ua te of t h e Ailey/Fordham B.FA. Program in Dance w h ere h e was awarded th e jerome Robbins/Layton Foundation Scholarship a nd participated in the Ho lland Dance Festival with the Schoo l and as a m em b er of th e Francesca Harpe r Project. After d ancing in the European tour of West Side Story, Mr. Harder became a member of Ailey II. He joined the Co mp any in 2010.

DEMETIA HOPKINS (Ora nge , VA) bega n h er dance training a t th e Orange School of Performing Arts under the directi on o f h er uncle Ricardo P orter and Heath er www.J"l ic hi gn n Opcra. org


Powell. She has studied wi th the Na ti onal Yout h Ballet of Virginia, Virginia Sch ool of t h e Arts , the Su mm er Da n ce International Course in Burgos, Spain , The Rock School, and Dance Theatre of Harlem School Ms Hop kin s graduated with h o n ors from the Ai ley/Fordham B. FA. program in Dance in 2009, and she was a recipient of a Leonore Ann en berg Fell owship in the Arts in 2011 Ms. Hopkins was a me mber of Ailey li and joined the Compan y in 2010.

MICHAEL J ACKSON, JR. (New Orleans , LA) began his dance training at age 14 at the Duke Ellington School o f the Arts in Washington, DC under the d irection of Charles Au gins. He became a member o f Dance Theatre of Harle m's Dancing th rough Barriers Ensemble in 2005. In 2006, h e j oin ed Dallas Black Da nce Theatre and in 2008 joined Philadanco, where he also worked as Artis tic Director of D3. He has performed works by Arthur Mitchell, Milton Myers , and Gene Hill Sagan. Mr. Jackson joined the Company in 2011.

MEGAN J AKEL (Waterford, Ml) trained in ballet and jazz in h er hometown As a se nior in high sc h ool, s h e s p ent a year dancing with the C ity Ballet of San Diego. In 2005, Ms. Jakel was an app rentice a nd rehearsal director for the Francesca Harper Project. She graduated with honors in May 2007 from the Ailey/Fo rdham B.FA. Program in Dance. Ms. Jakel has performed works by ch oreographers David Parsons, Debbie Allen, Thaddeus Davis, Hans van Mane n, a nd Dwight Rhoden. Sh e was a m ember o f Ailey li and joined the Company in 2009.

YANN ICK LEBRUN (Caye nn e, French Guiana) began train i ng in h is native co untr y at the Adaclam School und er the guidance o f jeanine Verin. After graduati ng high sc h ool in 2004, h e moved to New York City to study at The Ail ey School as a scho lars hip student. Mr. Lebrun has performed works by c h o reograp hers Troy Powell, Debbie Allen, Scott Rink , Thaddeus Davis, Nilas Martins , a nd Dwigh t Rhoden a nd danced with the Francesca Harper Project Modo Fusio n. He was named one o f Dance Magazine's "25 to Watch" in 20 1 1. Mr. Lebrun was a member of Ailey II and joined the Company in 2008.

ALICIA GRAF MACK (Co lumbia , MD) trained a t Ballet Roya le Institute o f Maryland under Donna Pidel and atte nd ed summ er intensives at the School o f Amelican Ballet and American Balle t

D etroit


Theatre. Prior to dancing with Alvin Ailey American Dan ce Theater from 2005 to 2008 , Mrs. Mack was a principal dancer wi th Da nce Thea tre of H a rlem and a member o f Comp lexio ns. In addition to severa l ga las and fes tiva ls, she has been a gu es t performer wi th Alo nz o King LI N ES Ballet and with Andre 3000 and Beyo n ce at Radi o City Mus ic Ha ll. Sh e is th e recipient o f the Colum bia University Medal of Exce lle n ce and S mithsonian MagazineS Yo ung Inn ovat o r Awa rd . Mrs. Mack g raduated magna c um laude with honors in his t ory from Columbia University and received an M.A. in n onprofit management from Was h ington Un iversity in St. Louis. Sh e rejoin ed th e Co mpany in 2011.

MICHAEL FRANCIS McBRIDE Uo hn so n City, NY) began his training a t the Danek Sch ool of P e rforming Arts and la te r trained a t Am ber Perkins Sch oo l o f th e Arts in No rwic h , N Y Mr McBride a tt e nd ed Earl Mos ley's I nstitute of t he Arts for two co nsecuti ve su mm e rs and was also ass is tant to Mr. Mosley wnen h e se t th e piece Sadd le UP! on the Company in 2Q07. In January 2012, Mr. McBride pe rfo rmed and taught as a Gues t Artis t with th e JUNTOS Collective in Guat e mala. Mr. McBride graduated magna cum laude fro m th e Ailey/Fo rdham B.F.A. Program· in Da nce in 2010 after he j oined the Co mp an y in 2009.

RACHAEL McLAREN (M anitoba , Ca nada ) began h er formal dance training at th e Royal W in n ipeg Ballet School. After g raduat ing h igh sc hool , she joined th e To ronto cas t of Mamma Mia! Ms. Mclaren moved to New York City to s t ud y a t The Ailey School as a schola rship s tude nt and later joine d Ailey ll. She has p e rform ed works b y Karole Armitage, Dwig ht Rhod en , Francesca Harper, a nd Nilas Martins . Ms. Mc Lare n j oined the Co mpany in 2008.

AISHA MITC HELL (Syra c u se, NY) receive d h e r primar y danc e training at the Ono n daga Dance Ins titute, Dance Centre No rth , and wit h Anthony Salatino of Syracu se Uni vers ity. Sh e studied at North Carolina Dance T h ea tre , LI N ES Ba llet Sch oo l, T h e j o ffrey Balle t Sch ool, and Th e Ailey Sch ool as a scholarship stude nt. Ms. Mitchell is a graduat e of the Ailey/ Fordha m B.F.A. Program in Dance a nd was a m e mbe r o f Ailey II. Sh e p e rfo rm ed works by choreograp h e rs Alonzo King, Dwight Rho den , Debbie Allen , Sea n Curran , and Nacho Duato. She re ce ntly served as cocho reograp h er for the Syracuse Opera's Les Pec heurs de Perles Ms Mitchell was


also a m e d alis t at th e NAAC P National ACT-SO co mpetitio n Sh e joined the Company in 2008.

AKUA NON l PARKER ( Kinsto n , NC) b egan h e r ballet training at th e age of three and moved to Wil min g t o n , DE at age twe lve to co ntinu e h er p rofessio n al train in g a t th e Ac ad e m y of the Dance In 2000 , s he joined Dance Theatre of Harle m , where s h e da n ced lead roles in Agon, Giselle, and The Four Temp eraments. Thereafte r, s he dan ced with Cin cinnati Ballet a nd Ball e t Sa n j ose. Ms. Parker joined the Company in 2008.

BELEN P EREYRA ( Lawre n ce, MA) began h er form a l dance training at the Boston Arts Academy, w here s h e graduated as valed icto ri a n She was also a m ember of Origination C u ltural Arts Center in Bosto n . Upon m ovi n g to New York City, Ms. Pe reyra w as closely mentored by Earl Mos ley a nd danced with Camille A. Brown & Da n cers for th ree yea rs, during which ti me s he pe rformed at The joyce Theate r,jaco b's Pi llow Dance F es tival , and th e Dancers Respo nding to A IDS' annua l eve n ts, Dance fro m the H eart and The Fire Isla nd Dance Festiva L Ms. Pereyra was an apprent ice for Ronald K Brown/Evidence, A Dance Co mpany, and has performed with Lula Was hing t o n Dance Theater, Nathan Trice, and Roger C. Jeffrey She assisted Ma tth ew Ru s hin g with his ballet Uptown for t h e Ailey co mpany in 2009. Ms. Pe reyra j o ined th e Com pan y in 2011.

BRIANA REED (St. Petersb urg , FL) began h er d a n ce training a t th e Acad em y o f Ballet Arts a nd The P ine llas County Cen t er for Arts. S he th en s tudi e d at The Ailey Sc hool as a sc h o lars hi p st ud e nt In 1997, Ms Ree d graduated from The ] uilliard School and b eca me a m e mb er of Ailey II. ln 2010, s h e performed at th e White House tribute to Judithjamiso n. She is a licensed GYROTON I C® trainer Ms. Reed joined the Co mpany in 1998.

JAMAR ROBERTS ( Miami , FL) graduated from th e New World Scho o l of the Arts. He trained at the Dan ce Empire of Miami and as a fe llows hip stud e nt at T h e Ailey Sch ool. Mr. Robe rts was a me mbe r of Ailey ll and Co mpl exio n s. H e firs t j oined th e Compan y in 2002

SAMUEL LEE ROBERTS ( Quakertown, PA ) bega n hi s dance training under the direc tion o f Ka thlee n johnston and attended The juilliard Scho o l. He performe d in th e firs t internatio nal s h ow o f Racli o City Christmas Spec tacular in www.i\'\i c hi ga nOptwa.o l'g

Mexico City a nd danced with the N ew York cas t fro m 1999-2004. Mr. Ro berts perfo rm e d during th e awa rd ceremony at the 2002 Salt Lake Ci ty Winter Olympics, wo rk ed with Co r bin Dances and Keigwin + Co mpan y, a nd was a fo undin g m emb er of Battlewor ks Dance Co mpa n y. ln May 2006, Mr. Roberts w as nam ed Dance Magazines "O n t h e Rise" Dance r. He performed several roles in Julie Ta ym or:S film Across Lite Uni verse and the o rigi nal ope ra Grendel. Mr. Ro berts j o ined the Company in 2009

KELLY ROBOTHAM ( N ew York, NY ) is a graduate o f New Wo rld School of the Arts and tra ined as a sc h o lars hip student at Th e Ai ley Sch ool and the Dance T h ea tre o f Ha rle m Sch ool. She is also a g radu a t e of The Juillia rd Sch ool, w h ere s h e studied und er th e direc tion of Lawrence Rhod es and worked with Robert Battle. Ms. Robotham has a lso perfo nne d wo rks by j ose Lim6n , Martha Graham, Mark Morr is , and Jerome Ro bbins. In 2009 , s he was se lected fr o m The Juilliard Dance Division to parti cipa t e in a c ultural exchange tour to Cos ta Rica a nd soo n after beca m e an apprent ice with Riv er North Chicago Dan ce Co mpany. Ms. Robotham was a memb e r of Ailey ll and joine d the Company in 2011.

KANJI SEGAWA (Ka naga wa , Japan) began hi s m ode rn dance training with his mo ther, Erika Akoh , and s tudi ed ballet wi th Kan and ju Horiuchi at Uniqu e Ballet Thea tre in Tokyo. In 1997 , Mr. Segawa came to t h e U.S. under the japanese Government Ar tist F e llows hip t o tra in a t T h e Ailey Scho ol. Mr. Segawa was a member of Ailey ll from 2000-2002 and Battl eworks Dance Company from 2002-2010. H e worked extensively with ch oreographe r Ma rk Morri s from 20042011 , repea t edly appearing in Mr. Morris' various produ c tion s, includin g as a principal dan cer in john Adams' Nixo n in China a t Me tropolitan Opera. H e has also worked with J ennifer Muller/The Works, Aszure Barto n :S Aszure and Artists, and j essica Lang Dance. M r Segawa j o ined th e Co mpany in 2011.

GLENN ALLEN SIMS ( Lo ng Branch , NJ ) began h is classical da nce tra ining at the Acade m y o f Dance Arts in Red Bank, N]. H e attended The J u illiard Sc hoo l under the artist ic gu idan ce of Benjamin Harka r vy. ln 2004, Mr. Sims was the yo unges t pe rson to be inducted into the Lo n g Branch Hig h Sch ool's Distinguis h e d Alumni Hall of Fame. H e has be en seen in several n etwork te levisio n programs

Detroit Ope•·a Hou s e

including BET Honors , Dancing with the Stars, Th e Today Show, and So You Thinh

You Can Dan ce. In 2010 , Mr. Sims taught as a mas t e r t eac h er in Ravenna , Ital y for " Dance Up Ra ve nna ,» s ponsored by th e Interna t io nal Da n ce Association , and p e rform ed in th e W hite House Dance Series. He has pe rformed for the Kin g of Moro cco a nd is a ce rtified Ze na Rommett ins tru ctor. ln 2011, Mr. Sims wrote a fea tured g ues t blog for Dance Magazin e. Mr. Sims joined the Company in 1997.

LINDA SIMS (Bronx , N Y)

began he r dance tram m g at Ballet His panico School of Dance and is a graduate of LaGuardia High School of th e Perfo rm ing Arts. ln 1994, Mrs. Sims was g ra nted an award b y the N ational Foundatio n for Ad v an cemen t in the Arts. She has been hi g hlighted in th e " Best of 2009» li st in Dan ce Maga z in e and has p e rformed as a gu es t star on So You Thinh You Can Dan ce, Dan cing with the Stars, a nd The Today Show. She has a lso made guest app ea rances a t the White House Dance Ser ies, Youth Ame ri ca Grand Prix, Vail Interna ti onal Dance Festival , and ga las in Budapes t and Vienna Mrs. Sims joined the Co mpany in 1996.


b ega n his dance training in Kissimmee a t Jam es Dance Center. He graduated cum laude with a B.FA. in Dance Perfonnan ce from th e Uni versity o fSo uth Fl orida , w h e re h e re ceived sc ho la rs hips for excellence in pe rformance and choreogra ph y. Mr. Terry was a sc ho lars h ip s tud e nt a t The Ail ey Sc ho o l an d a member of Ailey II , and h e ha s performed wit h Buglisi Dance Theatre , Arch Dance, Dance !quail, and Philadanco. Mr. Terr y j o ined the Company in 2010

MAR CUS JARRELL WILLIS (H ouston, TX) began his for mal training at the J o hn ston Performing Arts Middle School , the Hi gh Sch ool for the Performing and Visual Arts, a nd Discovery Dance Group in Houston , Texas. At age 16 , he moved to New Yo rk City a nd s tudied at The Ai ley School as a sc holarship studen t. Mr. W illis i s a recipient of a Level 1 ARTS award g ive n b y the National F ou ndation for Advance m e nt in the Arts and has received sc holars hips to m a n y sc h ools, including The Juilliard Sch oo l. He was a member of Ailey II and a lso worked with Pascal Rioult Dance T heater, Dominic Walsh Dance Theater, and Tania Perez- Salas Compaii.fa de Danza. Mr. Willis joined t h e Compa ny in 2008.




joan H. Weill, Chairman

Henry McGee , Pres ident

Simin N. All ison, Daria L. Foster, Guido Goldman, Debra L. Lee, Linda M. Linden baum, Arthur j. Mirante II , john H. Schaefer, Vice-Chairmen

james G. Abruzzo

G ina F Adams

Frank R. Ahim az

Eleanor S. App lew haite

Robert Batt le

Nico le A. Bernard

jud ith Byrd

Anthony M. Carvette

Kathryn C. Che n au lt Da vid E. Monn

Anita-Agnes 0. Hassell

jenny Ireland

Rob e rt Ki ssa ne

Mi c hell e Y Lee

Natasha Leibel Levine, M.D.

Anth ony A. Lewis

Leslie L. Maheras

Gabrie ll a E. Mo tTis

Marylin L. Prince

Robin C. Royals

Richard Speciale

Lemar Swinney

Ph ilip Laskawy, Harold Levine, Stanley Plesent , Esq., Chairmen Emeriti


Recipient of a Nationa l Medal of Arts


Bennett Rink- Executive Director

Calvin H unt- Senior Di rector, Performance a nd Production

Pamela Robinson -C hi ef Fin a nci a l Officer



Matth ew Rushing, Rehearsa l Director

Linda Celeste Sims, Assistant to the Rehearsal Di recto r

Dacquiri T'Shaun Smittick, Company Manager

E.J. Corrigan, Teclmical Director

Isabelle Quattlebaum, Business Manager

Kristin Colvin Young, Production Stage Manager

AI Crawford, Lighting Director jon Taylor, Wardrobe Supervisor joe Gaito, Master Carpenter

David Kerr, Master Electlician

Russell J. Cowans IV, Sound Engin eer

Kari-Gosta Larsson, Property Master Mychae l G. Chinn, Assistant Company Manage r

Ni cole A. Wa lters, Assistant Stage Man ager

Roya Abab, Assistan t Lighting Director

Dante Baylor, Erika Ku ehn, Wardmbe Assistants

Andrew Blacks, Flyman Curtis Reik, Assistant Electrician

Christina Collura, Pe1jormance and Production Associate/Ticket Coordinator

Monique Alleyne, Assistant Tic/1et Coordinator Shannon O'Neil, Production Assistant

Donald). Rose, M.D., Director of the Harkn ess Cente r for Dance Injuries, Hospital for joint Disease

Shaw Bronner, Director of Physical Th erapy Sheyi Ojofeitimi , Physical Th erapist


No rth Ame ri ca n Agent


470 Park Avenue South, 9th Fl North New York , NY 10016

Te lephone: 212 584 7500

Inte rnati onal Age nt


Linco ln House , 300 High Holborn, Londo n WCl V 7JH, United Kin gdo m

Telephone: +44 20 7400 1700

Jonathan Fleming, Se n ior Project Manager

Paul Szilard, Impresario Emeritus


Domestic trucking services provided by Stage Call Corpora ti on Lighting system provided by -+Wall Entertainment. Touring sound system provided by Gibson Entertainment Services

Alvin Ailey is a proud member of Dance/USA, th e national service organization for profess ional dance

AAADT's Alicia Graf Mack photo by And rew Ecc les.


Ailey Tour Merchandise and are managed by The Araca Group

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

The joan Weill Cente r for Dance 405 West 55th Street New York, 1 Y I 0019-4402

Tel : (212) 405-9000

www.A iv in Ai

www.face b AlvinAileyAmerica nD anceT h ea ter

Detroit Opera ALVIN AILEY
www.l\'l i c h iganOpe1·


In orde r of vocal appearance

j a quin o Bradley Wisk* t joyce Cohn Young Artist

Marze ll ina .......................... ................ Ange la Theist DeRoy Testamentary Foundatio n Young A rtist

Rocco Pe r Bach Nissen*

Leo n ora .......... .. .. . .. .. . ...... . Christine Goerke (13, 17, 20)* llea na Monta lb e tti (]9 , 21)*

Don Pizarro Carsten Wittmoser*

F irst Pr iso n e r ........... .. ... . .... ........ . ... .... .... .. Nicho las Fitzer

Second Priso n e r.. ........... ............................. Errin Brooks

F lo r es tan Erik Nelson Werner (13, 17, 20)* jason Wickson (19, 21)

Don Fe rn a nd o Ricardo Lu go*

*Michiga n Opera Theatre debut

t Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program


In a priso n in Spain in the 18th century Marz e llina , daughter o f th e jailer, Rocco, rejects the attentions of h e r fath e r's ass is tant, jacquin o, who hopes t o marry h er. Her heart is se t ins tead on th e n ew e rrand bo y, Fidelio. T he latt e r, a hard work ing lad , arrives wit h provis io ns and d i spatc hes, and is dis t ressed b y Ma rzell ina's inte res t in him , especially s in ce it h as t h e b lessi ng o f Rocco. F ide lia is in fa ct Leo nora , a nobl ewo man of Seville who has c ome to the j ail disguised as a bo y to find h e r hu s band,


Florestan, a political prison e r languis hing so mewhere in chains . When Rocco mentions a man lying n ear death in the vaults be low, Leonora , suspecti ng it might be Flo res t an, begs Rocco to take h er on h is rou nds He agrees , though the governo r of the prison , Don Pizarro , allows o nl y Rocco in th e lower levels of th e dungeon.

As soldiers assemb le i n th e co urt ya rd , Pizarro learns fro m the dis p atc h es brought t o him that Don Ferna ndo, minister of s tate, is on h is way to ins pec t th e fort ress. At th is news the governor resolves to ki ll Flores tan , h is e n e my, without de lay and orders Rocco to dig a gr ave for th e victi m in th e dungeo n Leo n ora, overh earing h is plan , realiz es Pizarro 's ev il natu re and the pligh t of his victim. Aft e r pra ying for s tren gth to save her hu sband and keep up hop e, sh e aga i n b egs Rocco to le t her acco mpan y him to th e condemned man's ce ll - an d a lso to allow the other prisoners a few m o m ents of air in the cou rtya rd. The gasp ing men relish their glimpse o f freedom but are o rd ered bac k by Pizarro , who hurri es Ro cco o ff to di g F loresta n's grave. With apprehension, Leo n o ra fo llo ws him into the dungeon.


ln o ne of t he lowest ce lls of the priso n , Flo restan dreams he sees Leonora arrive to free him . But hi s visi on turns to des pair, and he sinks down exhaus ted. Rocco and Leo nora a rrive and begin digging the g ra ve. Flores ta n awake n s, not re c ognizing his wife , and Leo nora almost loses h er co mp osu re at the famil iar sound o f h is voice. F l oresta n moves t h e jailer to offer him a drink, and Leonora gives him a bit of bre ad, urging h im n ot to lose fa i th. Ro cco th en blows o n his whistle t o s igna l Pizarro that all is ready. The governor advan ces with dagge r drawn to strike , but Leo nora stops him with a pistol. At this moment a trump et sounds from th e b attleme nts : Don F e rnando ha s arrived. Rocco lead s Pizarro out to meet him as Leonora and Flo restan rej oice in eac h other's arm s

In the prison co urtya rd , Do n Fe rnando proclaims justice for all. He is amazed when Rocco brings hi s friend F lorestan before him and re lates th e deta ils o f Leonora's heroism. Pizarro is arrested , a n d Leonora h e rself re m oves Flores t an 's chai ns. The o th er priso ne rs are freed , and the crowd hai ls Leo n o ra.

-co urt esy of Opera News

- ·Opera IReviews An e-forum fo r ope ragoe rs After the show, go online and share yo ur co mments with other operagoers. Visit and t e ll us your thoughts. Det1·oi t O p era 1-lou sc www.M ic higa nOp et·a oJ·g BRAVO 23


With Martin Luthe r Kin g's "1 Have a Dream" speech as a prime exa mple , p er haps it's n ot too obvious to say that th e greatest m en and wome n are i n fact always dreamers and visionaries who work endlessly t o make th e i r visions a r ealit y. There are e ndl ess quotes on thi s subj ect that sp rin g to m ind: Fre idri ch Hebbel's "The human being is a blind m a n w ho dream s that he ,can see," a n d Oscar Wilde's "We a r e all in the gutter, but some of u s are looking at the s ta rs ."

With his posi tion arnong the ver ita ble ti ta ns of t h e mus ical world, 1 be lieve that there has b een n o greater dream e r t h a n Bee th oven His dream was that through l ove co m es justice a nd freedom from oppression. Th is is clearly sta t e d by Do n Fernand o in th e fina l moment o f Fideli a: "Es s ucht d er Bri \d e r, unci ka nn e r h e lfen, hilft er gern: A brother see k s his b roth ers, and gladly h elps if h elp he can "

Beethoven's obsession wit h the idea o f freedom and justice was evid e ntl y in spired by h is his to r ical positioning a t t he en d of t h e 18th

century with its massive soci al

this is sim p ly not th e case. Beet h ove n's con vul s io n s, as the ideas of libe rty and message is sadl y s t ill as potent t oda y justice started to replace th ose of the as i t was at the tim e o f its writing. French world of aris t ocratic Knowing that th is dream privilege. lt is perhaps wo rth remembering th at in t ha t corrupt society o f abso lute power, virtua lly a n yo n e co uld b e imprisoned without tria l si m ply by use o f th e infamous ca rt e blanche.

It wo uld be comforting to know th a t with the passage

B EETHOVEN'S of justice i s in fact ete rn al , MESSAGE IS AS but a lso wanting to a llow Beethoven t o s peak to u s POTENT TODAY with his own voice, l have AS IT WAS AT used the t im e period t o THE TIME OF remain at th e ce nt er of my production. O nly as th e ITS WRITING p risoners a re finally freed do

o f m or e th a n two hundre d yea rs s ince th e opera's co mp osi t io n , t he idea of imprisonm ent w i th out t ri al or jury had become a thing of the past, but

we see that they com e from an e ndl ess range o f eras

Finall y, in trying to find th e cen ter of an ope r a that seems a t fi r s t s igh t t o lurc h from co mic op e ra to divine

m e lod rama, I was truly i nspired by a s t a te m ent fro m Wilhelm Furtwangl e r, who wrote that "Fide li a is a Mass, not an ope ra " The se mi - religious world o f j usti ce a nd freed om that Bee thove n explo r ed in his uniquely p e rsonal a nd hybrid form is clearly surrea l - it is, quite simply, a dream. l h ave tried to present it as s u c h.

l n my produ ction , th e unjustly i mpriso n ed Florestan is supported in th e darkest nig h t b y th e sa m e e nd l essly repeated vis ion of love and j u s ti ce. Beethoven called th a t dream "FlDE LI O."

j OHN P ASCOE january 2013, Lucca Ita ly

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D et roi t Ope r a lio u se
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Giuseppe Verdi


Antonio Ghislanzoni


Cairo, December 1871

In Italian with English supertitle translations. Presented in four acts. Three hours , fifteen minutes.


Steven Mercurio


Bliss Hebert


Suzanne Mallare Acton


Rosa Mercedes


Allen Charles Klein


Thomas Hase


Cindy Ludwig


john de los Santos


Ken Saltzman


Roberto Mauro


In order of vocal appearance

Ramfis Peter Volpe

Radames Riccardo Massi (11, 15, 18)*

Rosario La Spina (17, 19)*

Amneris An ita Rachvelishvili (11, 15, 18)*

Performances supported by the Barbara Williams Principal Artist Fund Milijana Nikolic (17, 19) *

Aida Latonia Moore (11, 15, 18)*

Yannick-Muriel Noah (17, 19)*

King ofEgypt Andrew Gray

Messenger Bradley Wiskt

joyce Cohn Young Artist

High Priestess Angela Theist DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Young Artist

Amonasro Gordon Hawkins

Eisenh ower Dance Ensemble

Lindsay Chirio Molly McMullen

Andrew Cribbetts Will Jordan Peake

Alicia Cutaia Matthew Schmitz

Thomas Fant Morgan "Mo" Williams

Ki!tharine Larson Emily Za tursky

* Michigan Opera Theatre debut

t Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program

Michigan Opera n1eatre la st produced Aida in April 2006.


Setting: Ancie n t Egypt, i n the ci t ies of Me m phis and Thebes

ACT l , Scene One

In the royal palace at Memphis Radames, a young captain of the guard, l earns fro m the high priest, Ramfis, that Ethiopia has again attacked and invaded Egypt's south ern border, and that a n ew army commander has been selected by the god d ess, Isis . Alone, Radames hopes h e is the c hose n one, envisioning a glorious victory so he can free his b eloved Aida, the Ethiopian slave of Amneris, the King's daughter. Amneris, who loves Radames herself, comes in a nd questions him shrewdly; h er s uspicion that he loves her s lave increases when Aida en ters. The King has urgently called his court together to hear a messenger report that the Ethiopian army, l ed by King Amonasro, is marching on Thebes. The Egyp tian King announces Rad a m es appointment as Egyptian commander and leads the assemblage in a battle hymn. "Return victorious!" cries Amneris, ec h oed by the people, and, alone, Aida repeats the words, appalled t h at h e r beloved is go ing off to battle her father, h er family and her people-for Aida is in fact the princess of Ethiopia. Torn b y co nfli cting loyalties, she begs the go ds for mercy.

Scene Two

In the temple of Fthd Radames is dressed in the sac red armor during a solemn ceremony of consecration to th e se rvi ces of his cou ntry The fate of Egypt is in his hands.

ACT 11, Scene One

Radames has beaten the Ethiopians, and on the morning of h is triumphal return Amner is is groomed by her ladies-in-waiting and distracted from her romantic daydreaming by a group of court musicians and dancers At Aida's approach she dismisses her attendants , hoping to confirm her impression that Aida loves Radames To test her, she claims Radames has died in battle, then says he lives. Certain from Aida's reactions that this mere slave is her rival for Radames' love, Amneris threatens her and leaves for the festivities as Aida follows in despair, reiterating her prayer.

Scene Two

At the gate of Thebes, the people welcome the returning army bringing captured golden idols and treasures; triumphal dances are performed. Radames is borne in to be crowned with a wreath by Amneris. Ethiopian captives too, are led in, among them Aida's father, King Amonasro, who remains unre cognized. In an aside he warns her not to betray his hand , then p leads for his fellow prisoner's lives Ramfis and the priests urge death for the captives, but Radames intercedes , supported by the pleas of the prisoners and the popu lace. Since the co mmander is the hero of the hour, the King releases all but Amonasro and Aida, then presents Radames with the hand of Amneris, das h ing Aida's and Radames ' dreams of happiness toge ther.


On a moonlit bank of th e Nile

Ramfis leads Amneris into the temple of Isis for prenuptial praye rs Aida arrives for a secret mee ting with Radam es; overcome with nostalgia, she laments her conquered homeland Startl ed out of her reverie by Amonasro , sh e learns that h e r father is plotting a new attack and he proposes that Aida trick Radames into revealing the route of the Egyptian army. Horrified at the proposal, Aida nevertheless succumbs to her father's demands. Amonasro hides as Radames appears, ardent with promises to make Aida his bride after his coming victory in the renewed war She suggests instead that they run off together, asking what route his army will take. No sooner has he answered than Amonasro steps out, triumphantly revealing his ide ntity as King of Ethiopia Amneris, leavi n g th e t emp le, overhears the betrayal and denounces Radames. Amonasro lunges at her with a dagger, but Radames shields her and surrenders himself to Ramfis as the two Ethiopians escape.

ACT IV, Scene One

ln a temple ofjudgment

Amneris determines to save Radames When h e is led in, she o ffers to spare his life if h e will renounce Aida This h e says h e will n ever do. Enraged, Amneris sends him to his doom but immediately repents, listening in despair as the priests three tim es demand that h e d efend himself. Three times he is silent. T h ey condemn him, and when they file past, Amneris pleads with th em t o le t him live . When th ey refu se, she curses them .

Scene Two

Radames, buried alive in a vault beneath the temple, turns his last thoughts to Aida, who physically and emotionally spent by the ordeal of her escape a nd the capture and death of h er fa ther, now appears to hav e hidden in the c rypt earlier that day to s h are his fate . Radames trie s va inly to dislodge the s ton e t hat lock s them in Bidding farewell to earth , th e lovers gree t e te rnity while above them in the templ e the repentant Amneris prays for Radames' soul.

-Cottrtesy of San Francisco Opera

Detroit Opera House www Mi c hi ganOp BRAVO 27


Husband and wife star in Aida

Milijana N iko li c was fi v e yea rs ol d when s h e fe ll in love wi th o pe r a afte r h earing i t o n th e r ad i o. "l took up trying to imitate it ," she s a ys, " and m y pa rents didn't know if they s h o u ld se nd me to a d oc tor, or what!"

The mez zo-so prano, wh o s in gs the rol e of Am n e ris in thi s sp rin g's Aida, would hav e to wait a dozen ye ars to purs u e sin ging formally Throughout h e r c hildh ood s he trai ned on va ri o us musi cal instruments, but th e re were n o vo ice teach e rs in h er hom e t own o f Srem ska Mitrovica , Serbia , about 40 mil es wes t of Be lgra de.

At 17, an instructor recogni zed Milija na's gi ft for

Rosari o,

s ing ing and, a ye ar later, s he co mp e ted t o join La Scala's Academy for Young Sin gers This being th e fi r st and o nl y time the Academ y ca me to Belgrade in searc h of ta lent, it was a one-sho t dea l for th e tee n

F rom a fi e ld o f hundreds of h opefu ls from throu g hout the co untry, M ilij a na p laced firs t , and was off t o Milan.

Her hu sba nd , t e nor Rosario La Spina, took a mark edl y di ffe re nt path t o ope ra. Unlike his wife, h e ha d no forma l music training as a c hild . And , a ppare ntl y, h e didn 't n eed a ny.

By age 12 h e was a professi on al s inger a ppeari n g on n atio nal Aus t ra lian t e levision s h ows su ch as Hi Hell o. At 16 ,

h e t raveled to England with a si n gi n g group, but i.t di sba nd e d afte r th ree years of to urin g Needing to make a ca r eer d ecisio n , at 19 h e beca m e an app renti ce bri c k layer with his fath er. Fate struck - violen tl y- fo ur year s later when an expl odin g rock c utter l an d ed him in the h osp ita l with an i njure d a rm.

Ro sa ri o reso lved to ne ve r lay bri c ks again. (Thou gh Milijana quips , "I told him that i f th e s in gin g doesn' t wo rk out , h e ca n s till build m e a h o use.")

Encouraged by his yo un ger sis ter, a professio nal musician, t o ge t formal vo ice t raini n g, Rosario ente red Sydn ey Co n se rvatorium at age 22 and later was accepted at La Scala's Academy, wh ere h e met his future wife

Aswit h thi s production o f Aida , the cou ple h as been fortunate t o be cast toge t h e r in a few p r od u ctio ns, o fte n as tra g ic lover s. Rosario enjoys pla yi n g Don jose to h er Carmen, w h ere, h e jokes , "I ge t to kill Mi li every ni gh t. " But in Aida, it's his cha rac t er who s uffe r s a bruta l end.

Bei ng on stage with yo ur wi fe is a differ ent musical ex p e rie n ce, Rosario says.

"W h e n I'm s in ging with Mili , for ins tan ce, durin g t he fo urth act du e t ,

l lis t e n m or e inte n t ly. You a lways care, you always want the ot h er performers to do well, bu t n ow you care even m ore. " The role o f Radam es is wrough t with c h allenges , he sa id, no tin g the co lossal Act I aria , " Celeste Aida ," and the physica l e nergy req uire d to su stain a three- h o u r perform ance. Bu t the d em ands e nhance the experie n ce "I love s in ging h eroic roles , especia lly in an opera as beautiful as Aida ," h e said.

Describing Rosario as "th e m ost relaxed s inger I know," Mi lijana a dmi ts th at every performance invites at leas t a touch of a n xi ety for h er.

" I liste n n ervously until his fi rs t e ntrance, then I say ' everyt h in g's go ing to be okay.' "

And a lways , she said , it is. For Milijana, th e ro le of Amn e ris has its chall e n ges as well. "Musica lly, i t tes ts t h e vo ice from t op to bottom, and you have to s i ng i t b eau ti full y- as every Verdi role re quires."

"Sh e's a princess in ever y meaning of the word . Glamoro us, wa n ts things d o n e h er way. When Radam es r ej ec ts her for Aida , t h e real bitch co m es oul. But she tri es to save Rad ames from d eath b ecau se s h e h as a heart, too. "

Like m a ny opera si ng er s, Ro sari o a nd Milij a n a m easu r e th e ir commute t o wo r k in t h e hundred s , some tim es th o u sands , o f mi les fr om h o m e . Pe rfor ming in Detroit is n o exce ptio n. Yet when asked w h e re "ho m e" is , th e cou p le has many answers from which to choose . They co nsid er Aus tra lia home to th e m , for its lifestyle a nd year- rou nd su n s h i n e , and Rosario 's kin Serbi a i.s h ome, too , becau se o f Milijana 's fam il y co nnec tio n s. And Italy feels like home b e cau se th ey lived t h e re fo r seve ra l years. They ke e p apartments in bo th Brisbane and Milan. For Rosario, Mili and, n ow, fivem onth -old Enrico, home is as much a n idea as it is a n y one geog rap hical l ocati on " Hom e ," sa ys Milija n a , " is whe reve r we a re t ogether."

Mi li and Enrico enjoy a day at the beach.
As Radames and Amneris in Opera Austral ia's Aida.
w\i c h iga n
D e t roit Op e ra Hou se



Chorus Mas te r, Fide li a, Aida

As lo ng- t e rm C h orus Master of MOT, Suza n ne Acto n has received wide critical accla im for h er c h oral dire c tion invo lving mo re tha n 125 productions in seve n languages. Co n ducting c redits includ e West Side Story, Barber of Sev ill e, Music Man, Pirates ofPenzance, Th e Mikado, Daughter of the Regim ent, Carmen, La Trav iata a nd Cannina Burana w i th T he Medi um for MOT; My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Da yto n Opera; Merry Widow and Madam e Butte rfly for Artpa rk; a nd Tasca for Augusta Opera As founding direc tor of th e MOT Childre n's Cho ru s, Ms . Acton was instrum ental in d eveloping the inaugural 2007-08 season.


Condu c to r, Fidelia

Condu c tor Ch ris t ia n Badea m ost re cen tl y appea red wit h the co mpan y for 2010's Don Giovan ni. He has received acclaim th rough o ut his c are er, encom passing pres tigious e n gagements in the foremos t co n cert halls and opera houses of Europe, No rth America a nd

Asi a. As a guest at the Metr o po lita n Ope ra for many years, Mr. Badea co ndu c te d over 170 p e rformances in a wide var iety o f re pe rt oi re including Don Giovanni, Boris Godwwv, Tasca, La Boh eme, Madam e But terfly and La fanciulla del wes t , as we ll as th e Ga la O p e ning of the 1990-91 seaso n with Mire lla Freni an.d Placido Domingo.


Leonora, Fideli a (13, 17 , 20)

So prano Christ ine Go e rke makes her co mp a n y d ebut t his sp r in g, a n d ha s appeared in the major ope ra h o u ses o f t he wo rld including th e Metropolitan Ope ra, Sa n Francisco Ope ra, Lyric Ope ra of C hi cago, Royal Opera House Covent Ga rden, Paris Opera, La Scala , Tea tro Real in Mad rid , and th e Saito Kine n Festival. She has sung man y o f t h e g reat sopr ano ro les, beginning with the heroines o f Mozart a nd Hande l , a nd now m ovi ng into dra matic so prano re p ertoire w h er e s he rece ntl y received accla im for her p or tr aya ls of th e titl e rol es i n Aridane auf Naxos and El ektra, Leo n o ra in Fid eli a, Ortru d in Lo hengr in , E boli in Don Ca rlo s and Briinnhilde in Die Walhure.


King o f Egypt, Aida

Au s tralia n-American bass baritone

Andrew Gray ha s appea red severa l tim es with t he co mpan y i n s uch roles as Colli n e in La Boheme, Poo h- Bah in Th e Mikado, Figaro i n Marriage oJFigaro, No urab ad in Pearl Fishers, Mase tto in Don Gi ovanni , Angelo tti in Tasca, a nd Mr. Lindquist in

A Li ttle N ight Mu sic, all si n ce his debut in Na bu cco in 2009

T his season, Mr. Gray s ings Antonio in Marriage of Figaro w ith th e O rl a nd o Philharmonic and performs th e rol e o f Bo tto m in

A Midsumm er Night's Dream with Opera Napl es. He is also a for m e r yo ung artis t app re nti ce of Mi c higan Opera Thea tre


Lighting Designer, Aida

Thomas Hase's work in t he Uni t ed States incl udes des ign i n g fo r Los Ange les, New York City, Seattle, Min n esota, Da llas, F lo rid a Grand , Goodsp eed, Po rt land, and New O rl ea n s O p e ras; Ci n c inna ti Pla yh o use in th e Park; Cen t e r Stage Thea tre; All iance Theatre; Da llas Th eate r Ce nte r ; Milwaukee Repe rtory Theat re; Re p erto r y Theatre of St. Louis; and Main e Stat e Musi c Thea t e r. Mr. Hase recen t ly designed j o hn Doyl e's Co mpany on Broadway and Th e Ri se and Fall of the City of Mahagonny a t Los An ge les Opera, both to inte rnati on a l criti cal accla im a nd re leased on DVD.


Amo nasro, Aida

Amer ican G o rdon Hawkins, who most recentl y appeared wi th the co mpan y in last spring's Pagliacci, is c ri tically acclaimed th roughou t th e wo rld for his i n-depth in terpret atio n s and lu xuri a n t ba ri tone vo ice. This season h e r eprises th e roles of Alberi ch in Siegfried at Teat ro d e Ia Maest ranza in Seville and Telramund in Lohengri n at Deu tsch e Op er Berlin, will sin g Scarp ia in Tasca with Ari zona Opera, a nd Am o nas ro in Aida with Cinci n nati Ope ra l n future seaso ns Mr. Hawkins will p erform with O p era Co lorado and return to b oth De utsch e Oper Berlin and Was h i ng to n National Opera


Stag e Directo r, Aida

Bliss He bert has s taged ove r 200 productions of m o re t h an 80 operas wi th 25 different co mpani es. Recent n o tab le e ngage m e n ts include a h ig h ly accla ime d producti on o f Der Rosenhava li er for Fl or e nt ine Opera, Sa lome and Madame Btttt erjly for Florida Gra nd Ope ra, La Boheme for Atlant a Opera, and La Traviata and Turandot for Dallas Opera His n ew prod u c t ion of A ida has been see n a t Florida Grand, Michigan and Florentine Operas, and will b e s een in Ci ncinn ati in 2013. His new p rodu c t ion of La Tra v iata has b een seen at Florida Grand O per a a nd C inc inna ti Opera.


Li ghting Designer, Fide lia

Ruth Hutso n des igns for th e co mpan y for th e firs t time thi s spri ng. Favorite co mpani es for h er exte n sive o p era designs includ e Was hin gton Natio nal , Sa n Diego, Virginia, Amarill o, Indianapo lis, Sa n Anto n io, an d Pensacola Ope ras, as we ll as Opera Co mpany o f Philadelp hi a and Sp ol e to Festival, USA, w here s he has bee n involved for 15 seaso n s. Rece ntl y, Ms. Hu tson d esig n ed at Lo ndon 's 02 Arena for The Gift of Music. Previously, the show ( a collabora tio n wit h Dame j ulie Andrews) enjoyed gre at success in a n ati on al t our durin g the sum mer o f 2008, the high light o f which was perfo rmin g at th e Ho llywood Bowl.

OctJ oit Opc 1·a Hou se www. J\'\ ich i g anOp e 1· BRAVO 29



Set Desig n e r, A ida

American d esigner Allen Charles Klein is one of the world 's most sough t -a fte r sce ni c artists The on ly American designer to have fo cused his career exclusively o n production and design for th e operatic stage, his work h as b een feat ure d b y man y of th e world 's great o pera c ompanies a nd fes ti va ls , includin g t h e Metropolitan Opera , Opera de Mont r ea l, De utsch e Oper Be rlin, Vienna State Opera, th e Edi nburgh Festival a nd t he Glyndebourne F es ti val. H is d es ign s were most recently see n at t he co m pany for 2011 's Marriage of Figaro, an d oth er recent MOT productio ns include Turandot an d Rigoletto


Radames , Aida (17, 19)

Deb utin g with the company th is spring, Rosario La Spina is Au s tralia 's preemin ent ten o r, hav in g performed more than 20 leading rol es at t h e Sydney Opera Ho use . He is a fre quent guest soloist with th e Sydney, M elbourne, Quee nsl a nd and Ade la ide Syn1phon y Orchestras; his discog raphy includes Pu.cci ni Romanc e w ith the Queensland Symph ony, the Prince in Ru.salka under Richard Hic k ox, a nd Rosario with the Orc h es tre Philharmonique d e Monte Carlo. In 2013, Mr. La Sp ina app ea rs in the Un ited States, j apan , Taiwan , Au s tralia a nd New Zealand s ing ing Don Al varo in Laforza del destino, Don j ose in Carm en , Radames in Aida , a n d Verdi's Requiem.


Hair & Makeup Designer , Fidel ia, Aida

Cin dy ludwig most rece ntly design ed las t fa ll 's ju.lius Caesar for th e company, h aving previously b ee n w ith MO T for l3 seaso n s through 2000, and retu rning for 2011's Rigol etto She has been involved with ove r 225 o pe ra produ c tio n s throughout t he Americas since 1987

with more th a n 28 op era co mpanies, including Baltimore, C incinna ti , Cleveland , G limmergla ss, Miami , Palm Beach , Sara so ta and Syr acuse . Ms. Ludwig was th e wig d esign e r for Rin gling Brothe r s Barnu m & Bailey C lown College from 1989 un t il its clos ing in 1998 , and has a lso worked in film , t elevision and on Broadway.


Don Ferna n do , Fide lia

Puerto Rica n bass Ricard o Lugo h as participated i n Me tr op o litan Ope ra productions o f Ariadne au.f Naxos, Th e Nose, La Gioco nda, Adrin a Leco uvreu r, MacbeLh, The Gamb ler and Sa lome, and mad e h is deb u t wi th San Fra n c isco Opera s in ging Re in mar vo n Zweter in Tannhau ser. Most r ece ntl y h e sang Leporello in Don Giovanni with Tea t ro d e la Ope ra and Ti o Salvado r in La vida breve with Festiva l Casa ls. O t her recent a nd upcom in g engageme nts include hi s return to the Metropolitan Ope ra roster, Timur in Tu.randot wit h th e Opera de P u erto Rico, his ro le d eb ut o f Don Pasquale , a nd


Radames, A ida (11, 15, 18)

Italian te nor Ri ccar do Massi makes his company d ebut this s pring, and is ra pidly ea rn ing internatio na l recognition as an exciting spinto t enor. A s pecialist in the handling of ancient and medieval weapons, he finan ced his musi cal s tudi es worki n g as a s tuntman in severa l films a nd series, i ncluding Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York , ABC's " Empire," and HB O's " Rome. " Mr. Massi mad e h is op er ati c debut in 2009 as Radames in Aida in Sal ern o under Daniel Oren. I n 2012 h e m ade his debut a t t h e Me tropo litan O p e ra in Aida with Viol eta Unnana, s ung Tasca in Avignon , a nd No rma at Terme eli Caracalla in Rom e

R OSA ME RCE D ES Choreogra ph er, Aida

Spanish c h oreog rap h e r Rosa Mercede s made her com p any d ebut choreogr a phing

A ida in 2006 and retu rn ed in 2007 for TurandoL A featured danc e r and choreog ra pher with m any of th e world's leading opera co mpani es, s h e has worked with th e Metropolitan Opera , Ope ra eli Roma , Florida Grand O p era and Baltimore Opera, among oth ers. Ms Me rced es has choreographed numerous productions , i ncluding La Gioconda, S alom e, Don Giovanni and Carmen She h as also enj oyed a distingu ished career as a soloi st and principa l dancer with th e world's fore m ost Spani s h dance a nd Fla m enco co mpani es, and is th e Founding and Arti sti c Director o f Due nd e Balle t Espana!.

STEVEN M E RCU RI O Co ndu c t or, Aida

This sprin g m arks Am elican ma es tro Steve n Me rc urio's e ightee nth produ ction with MOT, aft e r m os t rece ntly co nducting las t sp ring's Pagliacci. An internati onall y a c claimed co ndu c t or a nd compose r whose mu s ical versat i lity e n co mp asses the sy m phonic and operatic worlds, h e was Mus i c D irec t o r of th e Spol eto Fes tiva l and Prin cipal Co ndu c tor of the Ope ra Company o f Philade lphia for five year s Mr Me rc urio is a lso a s ought-after co llab o rator fo r m a n y a ward winnin g record ings, arrange m ents and film proj ec t s. For th e stage, h e h as co ndu c te d more th an fo rty-five operas in seve n differen t languages in m any of th e wo rld 's best loved oper a h ouses.


Leo n ora , Fid elia ( 19, 21)

Ca n ad i an so prano Ilea n a Mo ntalbetti , a gr a du a t e of th e Canadian Opera Company Ensembl e Studi o, ma k es h e r co mp any debut th is sp rin g. The cur re nt seaso n incl ud es h er debuts wit h Edmo nt o n Opera as An t onia in Ta les of Hoffma nn ,and a r e turn to th e Canadi a n Oper a Company to cover bo th Leo nora in 1l Trovatore and Rosa linde in Di e Fledermaus. Ms Mo n ta lbe tti also appeared as Ro sa hnde in a New Year's Day co n ce rt with the Gu elp h Sympony O rc h est ra, and makes a return to h er hom e town of Saskatoon for a s o lo r eci t a l prese nte d by th e Lye ll Gust in Recital

•··" ' .· • \ "
Dulcam a ra in Ope ra Memp his' El ixer of Love. 30 BRAVO www.Nl ic h i g an Ope1a.o 1·g De tro it Oper·a Ho u se
Seri es.



Aida, Aida ( ll , 15, 18 )

Am e rican soprano Latonia Mo ore makes h er co mpan y debut thi s s pring. Sh e made a n un ex pec ted and triumphant d eb ut at t he Metropolita n Opera in Mar c h 2012, repla c in g Vi o le t a Urmana as Aida in a performance broadcast o n live radi o, a nd was received rapturo u s ly by the press a nd publi c alike. Ms. Moore began thi s seaso n with h er d eb ut at th e Berlin Philh a rm onic as Bess in co n cert p e rfo rman ces o f Porgy and Bess , and n ext sang Aida for Dallas O p e ra. Sh e a lso si n gs that ro l e thi s seas on for San Di ego and Cincin nati Ope ras, and app e ar s in co n cert with t he Co lorado Symphon y O rc h es tra with Andrew litto n and a t th e Ravinia Festival.


Amneris, Aida ( 17 , 19)

Serbian- born soprano Milijana Niko li c makes h e r co mp any debut thi s sp ring. A gra du ate of the Acade m y for Soloists at La Sca la , Milan, she h as s un g th e t itl e ro le in Carmen in Finlan d , j apa n , and throughout Austra lia and New Zealand; Eboli in Don Carl o in Kore a and Hong Kon g; and the tit le role in Viva ldi 's juditha Triumphan s a t th e Mace ra ta Fes ti val. Ms. N ikolic appears fre qu e ntl y w ith Ope r a Au st r a lia in suc h roles as Ca rm e n , Amneri s in Aida , Az u ce na in II trovatore, Venus in Tannhtiuser and U lrica in A Mas k ed Ball. In 20 13, s he sings Carmen and Azuce n a for Opera Austra lia a nd m akes importa nt role debuts in Finland and Adelaide.


Rocco, Ficlelio

Danish bass Pe r Bac h Nissen d e buts with the company thi s s pring. H e joined th e en sem ble at Hann ove r State Opera this season, w h e re his perfo rm an ces include Prin ce G rem in in Eugene Onegin, Ve il Pog nc r in Di e Meistersinger vo n Nurnberg, Boris in Lady Macb eth from Mtsensl?, and II G ran lnquisitore in Don Carl os. Las t season h e made hi s U.S. debu t at Opera Co mpan y o f Philadelph ia as Os min in Die Entfiihrung aus dem Serai/, a nd at Sch leswig Hols t e inisc h es Land est h ea t e r h e per fo rm ed the ro les of E re mit in Der Freisc hi.U z and Lo thari o in Mignon.


Aida , Aida (17, 19)

Ca nadia n sopra n o Yannic k -Muriel Noa h makes her co mpan y debut thi s s prin g, and is recognized in Eu rope and North America for her s umptu o us lyrici s m and th e drama t ic in tensity o f her portraya ls. Sh e enjoyed a p erso nal triumph as Madame Butterfly w ith t h e Canadia n Opera Company, a role she later re pea ted fo r S taatso pe r Hannove r and cove re d fo r San Francisco Ope ra. Further E urop ean en gage me nts includ e Aida and La Wally for Stadtth ea te r Klagenfurt , A riadn e a uf Naxos and Aida in He ide lbe rg, and Margherita in Mejistofele in Vale n cia ( opposite Ram 6 n Vargas, cond uc ted by Ma estro Nicola Lu iso ui ).


Stage Director&: Production Des igne r, Fidelia Briti s h-born Americ an j ohn Pascoe made his MOT debut in 1984 w ith A nna Bol ena sta rrin g j oa n Suth e rland He has returned ofte n , recent ly des ig nin g th e se ts and costumes for Da vi d DiChi e ra 's Cyrano, and mos t rece ntl y direc ted Tas ca in 2010. Mr. Pascoe de s ig ned julius Caes ar for the English Na ti o n a l Opera, and his productions have bee n seen in C hi cago , Sa n F ra ncisco , Dallas, H o us ton , Rome , Ca nnes, Munic h and London. Recen tly hi s prod u cti o n of Don Giova nn i was see n at Kenn edy Center, Dallas O pe ra and Fl o rida Grand Opera, and his produc tion of D o nizetti's Lucrez ia Borgia fea turin g Re n ee Fleming was revived and film ed for HD release at San Francisco O p e ra


Amneris, A icla ( ll , 15, 18)

A native of Tbilisi, Georgia, m ezzosopra n o Ani ta Rac h ve lishvili m a kes he r co mpa n y d ebut this spri n g. S h e has performed at Milan's La Scala, the Me trop o litan Ope ra, Munich's Bavarian State Ope ra , Berlin State Opera , Deu tsc he O pe r Berlin, Canadi an Opera Co mpan y, the Are na d i Vero na , a nd Sea ule Opera. Rece nt engage m e nts include Isab e lla in 1..1taliana in A lgeri at La Scala , O rfeo in Oifeo ed Euridi ce at t he Perelada F es ti va l, a nd Dalila in Sa ms on et Dalila in concert with Am sterdam's Co ncertge b o uw O rch es tra . A g radu a te of the La Scala's young artist program , she se r ved as a m embe r of th e Tbilisi Ope r a Ho u se from 2006 to 2007.


Marzellina , Fide l.i o; Priestess, A ida

Grosse Pointe nativ e Angela The is returns to th e co mpa n y afte r mos t recen tl y appearing in 2011's Mar-riage of Figaro. The sopra n o a lso a ppea rs this seaso n as Mabel in Pirates of Penza nee at Eugen e Opera and j o hanna in Swee ney Todd at Sy rac us e Opera. Other r ece nt o p eratic c redits include Zerlina in Don Giovanni, G rete l in Han sel and G retel, Pamina in Magic Flut e, F rasq uita in Ca rm en , and Barbari na in Marriage of Fi garo During h er res id e ncy wi th Utah O p e ra , Ms. The is sang Beth in Littl e Women a nd the Dew Fairy in Han sel and Gretel, a nd wa s a three- tim e solo is t wi th U tah Symp ho n y


Ramphis, A ida

American bass Pe t er Vo l pe m os t rece ntly appeared with the com pany in 2007's Cyra no. H e continually recei ves c riti cal and popula r acclaim o n four co ntin e nts. In th e c urre nt seaso n , pe rformances include Sparafu cile in Ri go letto at Manitoba Ope ra , Ferrando in II Trov at ore at Arizo na Opera, Z uni ga in Ca rm en at Florentin e Opera, the bass soloi s t in Ve rdi 's Requ iem wit h th e C hatta n ooga Symph ony, and his role debut as Daland in Flying Dutchman wit h Glimm e rg lass O p e ra. In addition, Mr. Volpe wi ll p e rform Ra imondo in Lucia eli Lamme rmoor wit h Po rtlan d Oper a and Philip ll in Don Carlo a t Aust in Lyric O p era.

Detroit O p e •·a House www.Mic hi g anOp BRAV O 31


Flor estan, Fidelia (13, 17, 20)

Tenor Erik Nelson Werne r makes his company debut t hi s s pri ng. Most recently, he made his Lyric Opera of Chicago d e bu t as G rigori in Bori s Godunov, and late r r eturned to the role of Siegmund in Die Walhiire with Britain's Opera North

I n t h e cur rent season, h e debuts the role of Flo r estan with Ope ra d e Rouen in F rance and joins the Dayton Opera fo r an all-Wagner co n ce rt. Mr. Werner made his d eb ut a t the O p era de Co lombia in Bogota durin g the summer of 2012 as t h e title rol e in Tannhauser and t e n o r soloist in Bee th ove n's Ninth Sy mphony, bot h un der t h e ba t on of Gustavo Dudame l.


Flo resta n , Fidel ia (19 , 21 )

Teno r J aso n Wickson las t a ppeared wit h the company in 2011 's Mania ge of Figaro. Possessi ng a voice that is c u rre n tl y being recog n ized fo r i ts vast power and beau ty, t he De t roit na tive this season performs

Do n jose in Carmen wi th Pie dmont Ope ra and the t en or soloist in Stra vins ky's Les Noces with G reat Lakes Ch a mber Music

Ftstival , makes his role d ebu t as Macdu ff in Verdi's Macbeth w it h Opera in th e He ig hts, de b uts the ro le o f Dick j o h nso n in La Fanciulla del West with Mobile Oper a, and mak es h is role d e but as Er ik in Fly in g Dutchman with t he Prince t on Fes tival.


J acqu in o, Fideli a; Messe n ger, A ida Tenor Bradley Wisk mak es his co mpany debut th is s pring. He h as perfor m ed for t he ce lebr ity j u dges of Am eri ca s Got Talent at the Orpheum Thea tre in los Ange les, where he a lso wo rked with voca l coach Seth Riggs. In 2011 , Mr. Wisk perform ed in th e Marcello Giordani mas t e r class, was a d ist ri c t w inner of the Me t ropolita n Opera Competition , and p erfo rn1ed at t he Her bs t Theat re in San Francisco. In 2009 , he pe r fo rm ed with th e Ve rdi Chorus as a leadi ng solois t, a n d has won th e Nic h o las lore n Co mp e t iti on, second place in th e Santa Barbara Per fo rm ing Arts Fou n dation Co m p etition , a n d a scho larship from the LA Opera Buffs


Don Pizzaro , Fide lia

Ge rm an bass Cars ten W ittmoser debuts with th e co mpany this sp ring After va rio u s engagements wit h th e Sta atso p er Stuttgart , he joi n ed th eir ensemble in 1997 wh ere h is role s includ ed Fi rst Nazarene in Salome and Basi li o in Barb er of Seville. During that t im e Mr Wittmoser also appeared a t th e Gergiev Festival in Ro tt e rdam , th e Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich, t h e Orff Summ er F estiva l i n And ec h s a n d th e Volksoper i n Vi en na He also appe ars in co ncerts and recita ls throug h o ut th e world with a wide repertoi re that includ es works by Mozart, Bac h , Haydn , Pu cci n i , Bee thoven and Brahms

CareMinders® 32 B R AVO HOME CARE www.careminders .com Regardless of age, C areMinder s®Home Care o ffer s a wid e range of both long and sh o rt term assist ance to adults. You or your loved one m ay h ave a t emporary or p er ma n ent dis ability or illness, or m ay just be in n eed o f someo n e t o assis t you or them with th e activities o f daily living Companion Care Services • Personal Care Services • Nursing Services 93 0 Eas t Mo unt Hope, Suite B , L an sing , MI 4 8911 51 7 90 8 3200 • info@caremind ersl ansing com 5 829 W es t Maple Rd., Suite 11 7, W es t Bloomfield , M I 4 8322 248 .85 1.435 7 www.Mic hi g a n Opera.or·g D e tr o ir Opera Ho u s e

Violin I Viola

Michigan Op era Theatre Orchestra


C ha rl o t te Me rk e rs o n , J oh n Madis on* + Amanda Spar feld * +

Trumpets Percu ssion

David Amm e r *+ J o hn Dorsey*+

Co n ce rtma st er+ Scott St e fanko+ Laura La rso n+ G o rd o n Simm o n s+ Da vid Tay lor

La ura Le ig h Ro elo fs, Kathl ee n Gri m es + D e nnis Ca rte r Derek Loc kha rt

Ass istant Barbara Zmic h +

Co nce rtma st er+ james Gre e r Oboe

Bryan j o hns t o n + N e rmi s Mieses* +

Neil Mu e lle r Harp

Matthew Thomas Patricia Te rry-Ross *+

Clark Irwin

Andre wWu + Cello Sall y Pituch+ Mitc hell W ec hs le r

Be t h Kirto n + Nad ine Deleury* +

John Hartw ick * Princi pal

Moll y H ug h e s+ Diane Bredese n + C la rinet + Michigan Oper a

Kevin Fi.le wyc h + Sarah Cl eve land + Brian Bo wman*+

jane t Sullins Ste fan Koc h J. Willi a m Kin g+

Tea Pro k es A ndre w Mcintos h


Trombon e Th eatre Core

Maury Okun * + Orches tra

Greg Near+

Brian Po k o rn ey Detroit Federation of

Vio lin ll Bass Pa we l Wnuk * + Musi cians Local #5

Vic t o ri a Haltom *+ De rek Welle r *+ Roge r Maki-Sc hra mm Cimbasso Ame rican Federation of

Da n ie l Stac h yra + Clar k Suttl e+

He nrik Ka rap etyan+ Greg She ldon Horn

Phillip Sinde r Musicians

A nn a We lle r+ A ndrew Pe lle t ie r *+ Timpani

E mil y Barka kati+ Carri e Banfiel d + Andrew Bu chan a n *+

E li za bet h Ro win Su sa n Mutte r

Ta ma ra Sh e rma n Tama ra Kosins ki

Michigan Op era Theatre Chorus

Bra n dy Ad a m s Gerianne Ditto- H a rvey Co nda Gree n Brad Mill er Lu cy Th o mps on Grego r y As h e Am y Dolan-Malaney Bra nd en C.S H ood Elizabe th Mitc h e ll Kevin Truax

Ryan Ban a r Ke n Ebau g h Te rry H o rn Da vid Moan Tiffa ni e Waldro n Mo n iqu e Ba tes jose ph Edmo n ds Ri c hard j ac k so n , Jr Pette Moo re justin Wa t so n

E mil y M Be nn e tt Nicholas Fi tzer j ose ph Kim Liz Pearse Tamara W hitt y

Heidi Bowe n Zoo k Iris F o rdjour- Hank i ns Ann ie Kl a rk j essi ca Pisto r C raig W i c kham

Errin Bro oks Michae l Fow ler A udrey Klin e Ro n Re inhart J e ff W ilkinso n

Fred Buc halte r Kurt Frank j e r ro ld Lee Tam i Sn yd er- Knu tso n Tho m as Youn ge r

Eli zabe th Cedron i Yv onne F riday Ad ri a n Les ki w St ephen St ew a rt

P a tri c k C la mpitt jos hua Glass m a n Ton y Lyn c h Terrenc e St e wart

Alexandri a Clark Emily Goodwin Sta cey Mas on Gre gory Stin so n

Rackham Symphony Choir (Aida)

Mic h ae l Boettc h e r Drew Ga le Alex is Le wis

Lave rn e Sc h enk Dia na Turne r

Simo n e Bo nin o Do na ld Ga y Ga ry Lind e ll Alan Seb astian Linda VanBure n

Hannah Ca r ro ll Emily Gay Lydia N ita

J oa n C raw fo rd Avital G ranat Ann e Ma te rs

Clifto n Sha w Anne Marie Viviano-

Kate Si kora Po lto rak

Kars hib ia David so n Art h ur J o n es Pa tri cia Minni c k Bill Stein er Arthur Whi t e

Be th De u e l C hris j o n es J e nnife r Pasha Aya n a Tho m as Kate Willia ms

C harl es D o ve Wendy Keebl er Ste ve n Pejuan Bre tt Tho mps on Wi ll Yea ts

D e troit Optwa 1-'lou s e www.Mi c hi g a n Op e BRAVO 33

Administration & Staff



Karen Va nderKlo ot Di C hi er a, Director of Comm unity Programs & Learning at tile Opera Hous e

Carol Halsted , Director of Dan ce

Dewa n Mi t chell , Direc tor of Boohings & Events Management

Ro c k Monroe, Director of Safety & Secu rity, DOH & DOHPC

Laura R Nea lssohn, Direc tor of Comm unicati ons

David W. Osborne , Director of Production

Ma r y Pa rkhill , Director of Dev el opment

jaso n Wa rz ec ha , Direc tor of TII eat re & Parhing Cente r Opera tio ns


William Austin , Executive Assista nt to the Ge nera l Director

Timothy Lentz, Archivi st & Director, A ll esee Danc e & Opera Resource LibrCily

Bryce Rudder, S eni or Librarian , Allesee · Dan ce & Op era Reso urce Library


Kimb erly A Mo gie lsk.i, Patron & Tichet Se rvi ce s Manager

Mi c hae l H auser, Marheting Manager

Kimberly Gra y, Tichet Se rvices Assistant Manager

Fe licia Burgess , Tunisia Br ow n , Patron & Ti chet Serv ices Associates

C h r is ty Gr ay, Recep ti onist & Administrativ e Assistant

M i tc h e ll Ca rt er, Webs it e Coo rdinator

J eff Strayer, Communi ca tion s Coo rdin a to r

j ohn Grigaitis , Ph otographer

Crys tal Ceo, Acco unt Exec ut ive, Real Int egrated Advertising

To by Faber, BRAVO S al es

Bill Ca rroll , Publi c Relatio ns Volunteer


Mark Vo ndrak , Associate Directo r of Co mmunity Programs

Betty lane, Operations Mana ge r & S inging Voice Specialist

Do lores Tobis, Marhetin g Manager


Be ts y Bronson, Maria Cimarelh , Dan Gre ig, Bernard H o lco mb , jose ph jac k son, l o i s Kaarre, Be tty l a ne, De bbie Lannen , Amy Dola n Malaney, Kim Parr, Michae l Parr, Madelyn Po rt er, David Pulice, Amanda Sa be lha u s, Karl Schmid t , Tris h Sh a ndo r , Chris top h er Vaught, Mark Von dr ak, Alv in Wadd les, Ka rin White


john Grigaitis, I nfo rm ation Tec hnology

Mana ger

S he ll y Ratliff, LAN Administ rat or


Kim Smith , Administrati ve As sistant


Kim - La n Trinh , Associate Directo r of Development, Plann ed G i vi ng & Major Gifts

l eo Dovelle, Boutique Mana ge r Mich e ll e Dela nd , Corporate Campaign Manager

Caro ly n Geck, Project Manager, Bra voBra vo!

Heath e r Hamil to n , Specia l Proj ects Mana ger

Ka th e rin e Kucharski, Foundati on & Governmen t Grant s Mana ge 1 ; Database Co nsultant

C hris tina Wagner, A nnual Fund Manager & Volunteer Liaison

S tep hani Yates, Danc e Pa tron Circle Campaign Manager & Project Manager, BravoBravo!


Derr ic k Le wis , Controller

K imbe rl y Burgess-Ri ve rs, Rit a Winte r s, N ic k Williams , Accountants



Ra nd y Ell io tt , Hous e Manager


Denn is We lls, Faciliti es Manage r

j esse Ca rter, Senior Buildin g Engin eer

T imothy j o hnso n , Buildi ng Maintenance

Bernard W illiams , Buildin g Maint enan ce


Ange la Dona ldson, Fo od & Beve rage Manager

jam es Youn g, Assistant Food & Beve rage Manag er

Edna Robi n so n , Cu linCll y Manager

Ba r ry Re id , So us Chef


Lt. Lo rra in e Monro e , S upervisor

Tara Stites, Willie Wicks, Stage Door Officers

Lee Griffin , A.M. Hightowe r, De lonie

Kn ott, Demetrius Newb o ld , Sgt. Da ry l Stu ckey, Contro l Ce nt er Officers www.Mic hi ga n Ope•·


Robe rt Nei l , Ma nager

P a ul Bolden, Ev ent Sup ervi so r for Parhing


Eliza b e th An de rson, Production Coordin ator

Carolyn Geck, Production Admini strator

Ken Sa lt zman , Stage Mana ge r

Bria n A ug u s t , Nan Lu c hini , Assistant Stage Managers

Na n cy Krol ikows ki , Prod uction Vo lunt ee r


David D iChiera , Music Direc tor

Suzan n e Ma llare Ac t o n , Assistant Music Director & Chorus Mast er

Ro b erto Mauro, Artistic Consultant

Dian e Bredesen, Orch estra Perso nn el Manager

j ean Schn e ider, Repe titeur


Dani el T. Bri n k er , Tec hni cal Director

Monika Esse n , Property Master & Sce nic Artist

Bo bb y Tacoma, Ass ista nt Light in g

Des igner & Assistant Tec hni ca l Director

Orsin Thanasi, Techni ca l Assistant

Dee Dorsey, S up ertitl e Operator


Su zann e M. Hanna , Costume Direc tor

Mark Baiza , C utt er/ Draper

Alice Moss , Wardrobe Mis tress

Ka ti e Price, First Hand

Susan A. Fox, Stit cher


E li z ab e th G e c k , Assistant Wig & Mal! eup

Des igner


j ohn Kin so ra , Head Carpent er

Frederic k G r a h am , Jr. , Acting Head


Pa t McGee, Acting Head Prope rty man

He nry Ru iz, Head Sou nd

Ro b e rt Martin, Head Flyman

Ga r y Gi lmore, Production Elec trician

Mar y Ellen Shu ffett, Head of Wardrob e

IATSE Local #38 , Stage C rew

IATSE local #786, Wardrob e

D e t ro i t Opea·a. Hou se


Composed by Malcolm Williamson

Based on the s tory by Osca r Wilde Sunday, Ap ril 28, 2013, at 2:30p.m. Children's opera in one act


T h e Wonhing LOn Famil y F o u ndat i o n

Production Sponsor

Conductor: Dianna Hochella

Director: Michael Yashinsky

Pianist: joseph jackson

Second PianisL: john Pavik

Set Design: Monika Essen

Costume Design: Suzanne Hanna

Lighting Design: Bobby Tacoma

Hair& Makeup Design: Elizabeth Geck

Stage Manager: Nan Luchini

Supertitles: Dee Dorsey


In the public square of a battered city, chi ldren dream of a better world. For solace, tl{ey look to th e st atu e of the Happy P rin ce The ruby on his swordhil t , the sapp hires i n h is eyes , and th e go ld leal' coveting his form rem ind them ange l. One night w hile migrating


In order of vocal appearance

Th e May or: Miles

Eichenhorn (Emily Crombez)

The Swallow: Aurora Haziri

The P ri n ce: Antonio

Cip ri ano (M iles

Eich en horn)

T he Sea ms t ress' Son: Isabel Rocha

T he Seams tress : Anya

Chudov (Arielle Sturr)

A Ri c h Girl : Cassia Burley (Emily Finkelstein)

Th e Auth or : Ameerah

Shakoor (Tyler Bouque)

Th e Ma t chg irl: Christina Wallag (Marielle Hill)

Parentheses denote understudies.

At the Friday performance , Isabel Rocha performs the Swallow and Isabelle Ross performs the Seamstress' So n

south for winter, a care free Swallow rests a t the statue's feet. The Prince speaks to the Swallo w, revealing that when a li ve, he lived a life o f pleasure secl uded in a great mansion, and was deemed happy. But pleasure is n o t happin ess, an d now that h e has been placed above the city and can see all of its despera tion, his name has become tru ly unfitting. He begs the Swallow to carry out a single errand: plucking out his ruby and bringing it to a fevetish boy whose mother cannot afford nourishing food. This the bird does, and returns. The P rince asks the Swallow to help him with but one more sacrifice: removing one of his sapphire-eyes, and delive ring it to a s tarving author who, numb with cold, canno t finis h his play. This, too, the Swallow does, and th ough t he weather grows ever icier, ret urn s to the Prince. The statue n ow begs th e b ird to extract his oth er eye a nd take i t to a penniless matchgirl whose wares have fallen into

the street. Though hating to do the Ptince harm, the Swallow does as told, and flies the sapphire to the grateful girl.

The Prince is now b lind, and enco urages his fr iend the Swa ll ow fina ll y to fly south. Bu t the Swallow, near frozen in body but warmed of heart, promises never to leave the Prince. And so the Prince asks t he Swallow to do him, and the people, one more kindness --pecking out all of his gold leaf, and distiibuting it among the suffering populace. The Swallow does so, and now, having stayed too long in the wintry metropolis, dies. The Prince's heart breaks. The Mayor orders the bird and dulled statue incinerated, for that which "is no longer beautiful. . is no longe r useful. " The people watch, stunned, as the bird and th e heart of the statue, though consumed in flame, do no t burn. A ba nd of ange ls descends and declares the dead Swallow and the leaden heart of the Prince the two most precious things in th e ci ty.

Ci t izen s

jamila Ammary

Tyler Bouque

Cassia Burley

Anya Chudov

Sarah Cohen

Emily Crombez

Kristen Dubicki

Elizabeth Duus

Katherine Espin

Emily Finkelstei n

Amie Heitchue

Teagan Lewis

Kri stin a Nash

Made lei ne Reardon

Marcella Staricco

Arielle Sturr

Svetha Subbiah

Lauren Ward

C h ildre n

Cooper Blankenburg

Ryan Blankenburg

Clare Brees:Oswald

Anna Chisholm

Natalie Corrigan

Gabrielle Feber

Em ma Fredin

Katherin e Fuller

Alexandra Hardin

Aurora Haziri

Marielle Hill

Ashley Wigton

Annie Youngs

Riley Klauza Angels

Ryan Kotlinski

Rachel Kret

Rachel Miltimore

Aditya Nambiar

john O'Dell

Alexandra Aubin

Hayden Bany

Brandon Cahee

Maria Cheriyan

Caroli ne Cooney

Danielle Phillips Lau ren Cooper

Isabel Rocha

Isabell e Ross

Melissa Corrigan

Edward Eic henhorn

Emma Guzman

Andreana Hardin

Colette Henry

Madelynn lixie

Josie Monahan

Myles Sherwin Mathews

Emily Robinson

Kevyn Roessler

Hannah Russell

Charlotte Salisbury

Zaycla Schneider

Klare Siple

SteFa nn ie Savoy Syd n ey Elms Grace Tav i

Ameerah Shakoor

Rebecca Feber

Benjamin Ward

J ade Sibert jaeden Foo t itt Olivia Wash ington

Caitlin Simonds jehnya Footill

Christina Wallag Zoe Frazier

Stu de n t Dress Re h ears a l Au d it ion Info rma ti on Frkl.ty. :\pril 2C'. 2Ll l 3, at [ 1 a.m. :\uditions for the i\IOTCCs 2tll 3-

f,ll groups <lf !0 Llr more. purchasL·d in ad1·;mce: lL1 for students. free chape1\ll1c ticket for ewry ten students lndl\·!dualtkkL·ts arc $15 for children and $2) ftlr adults For more inf,mnation visit \\'\\'\V.I11llll'l' .(ll'g

2tl 1-f season ''ill he held at the lktn1it Opna ll<lUse on i\lay 2Ll. june 3, ;md june ltl .-\udillllns hegin at 'i: 'ltl p m.

T,l ordn student dress rl'I1L'<H'S;tl tkkcts or to schedule an audition. pbb<' nmtact Mcg;ttt \V;tr:ccha at mw;1r:cchaGtlmotnpL'ra.nrg or \ 'isit \\'1\'\\'.llltl tCl' <ll'!!,-

Dett·oi t Ope •·a H o u se ·www.Mi c b iga n O p era.o rg BR AVO 35

Now i s the tim e to arra n ge for speake r s an d lec ture rs for your 2013 meetings of clubs, so r o rities , fraterni ti es and ot her gro up s that w o uld enj oy hearing from our pr ofession a l presenters ! Offeri n gs feature overviews of our seaso n , Lives of Famous Co mp oser s, Women Compose rs, Folk and Fai ry Tal es in Oper a a nd Dance, th e His tor y of Detroit Theaters, a n d more. For more info rm ation, con tact Dol ores Tobis at (313) 237-3429 or d tobis@ motope ra. org



and Perform

from age 10 a nd up ca n participa te in Create and Perfo r m, in whi ch s tudents improvise stories, compose th ei r own m us ic, and perform their produ c ti on fo r an aud ien ce in o ur rehearsa l s LU dio. Ins tructors are Karen V DiCh ie ra, Lamar Richardso n , and percussionist Ch ris topher Ce r vinak.

Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta

Each year we pr esent a Gil be rt an d Sulliv an opere tta with o ur s t ude nts ages 12 to 18, and this year's pr od u c ti on will be PaLience. This th ree-week prog ram is t au g ht b y a profession al s t a ff that includes singer and stage director julie Smi th, singer a n d voice teacher Wendy Bloom, a nd accom panis t j oseph jackson Th ese fine instructors p rodu ce a profess ional quality prod u c ti on in three weeks with our talented youngsters Perfor m ed on our ma i n s tage, the produc ti on is cos tum ed an d fully s taged

Opera Camp & Workshop

Opera Camp is an in-depth program fo r p eop le anticipating a career in the fi eld o f op er a Mas ter classes on histori c dance, chara cte riza ti on, acti ng, i mprovisation, mak e- up w ill cul minate in an eve ning rec ital and a fin al scenes . Taught by sop rano Ela ina Brown a nd con tralto C anda ce d e Laure.

Lens on the City

Le ns on the Ci ty is an inter ge n era tio nal pr ogram for fa milies, friends and youngs t ers to h ave th e oppo rtunity to

photograp h Detroit des tin at ions chosen ever y s umme r by Karen Di C hi era and Karen Najher ( Historic Preserva ti oni st)

a lo n g with p h otog raph er Ara Howr ani Our very own p hoto ex hi b it wi ll take place during t he fina l performan ce of Ope r a Camp a nd Works h o p. Participa ting p h o togr ap h ers are invi t ed t o a ttend for free.

For mo re information o n any of t hese opport uniti es, vis it www.m ich iganop e an d cl ic k o n "Learnin g, " or call (313) 237-3429.

A grant from the Mockingbird Foundatio n provided M ac Book laptop computers, electron ic keyboards and music writing software
www.M ic hi g anOp e ra .org
De t roit Ope ra Hou se

Master Classes

Learn from professional da n ce rs w hen they com e to the Detroi t Op era House Master C lasses a re an excelle nt opportunity fo r dancers of any level to l earn from t he professionals they see on stage Classes are fre e with a ticket to th e cor res po nding performance; ot h e rwi se, each class is $25 Cl asses are for s tude nts age 14 and ab ove, and take p l ace in the Margo V Co h en Center for Dance or the Chrysler Black Box Th eater in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. Ad van ce r egis tration is r equi red ; to register, send your name a nd co ntact information to dance@motop er a org or call (3 13) 237-325 1.

Dance Theatre o f Ha rle m

Saturd ay, February 2 , 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Inte rm ediate/Advan ced Ballet C lass

Alvin Ailey Am e rican Dance T h ea te r Sa turday, March 31, 11 a. m .-12:30 p.m. In te rmed iate/Advan ced Mod ern Class

Get Involved!

Do yo u love da n ce a nd ha ve a d esire to supp ort th e arts b y volunteering?

Becom e a m em ber o f the De t roi t Opera House Da n ce Council. Th is gro up is in n eed of hig h ly motivated danc e love r s wh o are willi ng to host ga th erings, d evelop n ew fund ra ising i d eas and, mos t of a ll, e nj oy danc e in De troit. Fo r more information , contact Cheryl Mcllhon at m cilhon @co mcas t.

Dance Film Series

Dance lo vers co m e toge ther fo r da n ce fi lms, fo od, drink , and discu ssi on on Tuesday e venin gs. All dance films take p l ace a t the De troit Opera House in th e F ord Center fo r Arts a nd Lea rning. A $10 donat ion is paya b le at the do or, and r efr eshme nts are provided. No reser vati o ns required . For more information, call (313) 237 -3426

All film s b eg in at 7 p m.

January 22: "An Evening with Bob F osse"

February 19 : " An Eve ning with Rudolph Nureyev" featuring selectio n s from many of his m ost fam o u s p e rforma nces

Marc h 12 : "C indere l/.a" by the Birmingham Royal Balle t

Apr il 23: " Balle ts for the Four Season s"

May 21: ''T h e Littl e Me rmaid" b y j ohn Ne umeie r and the San Franci sco Balle t

Year-Round Dance Classes

Balle t Re naissa n ce ma kes the De troit Opera House home, o ffering yearround classes for s tud e nts ages 4-adu l t, Mond ay through Th urs da y fro m 5 -8 p.m For more inform a tion or t o r egister, call (313) 469-0694 or vi si t www.balletren. org.

Inner Ci ty Dance Scope also calls th e De troit Opera Ho use h om e, o ffe ring yea r- round classes including ba lle t, j azz, tap , mod em , pointe , hip hop , and oth e r s tyl es. Classes tak e place on Fridays fro m 6 -8 p.m. a nd Saturdays fro m 10 a.m- 3 p m for both children and adults, ages 2 1/2 and up. For m or e info rm a ti on or t o register, call (313) 926-665 4 or visi t innercityd a n cesco p e webs. com

Upcoming Auditions

Dan ce T h ea tre of Harlem

February 2 at 1:30 p.m. (ages 8-13) & 3:30p.m . (ages 14- 18)

Ad ditional Informa tion : dancethea treofha r Iem .org

Inte rl oc h e n Ce nter for the Ar ts Fe bruary 9 a t 2 p.m.

Additio na l Information: cam p .interloc h e n. org/dance -summ e rprogra ms

Gel sey Kirkland Aca demy of Classical Balle t Ma rch 3 a t 1 p.m

Additional In forma ti o n : gelseykirklandba ll et.o rg

The Aile y Sch ool Ma rc h 24, 20 13 at 11 a .m.

For Certifica t e, Independe nt Study, Summ er Inte n sive Progra ms

Addit ional Informa tio n : thea ileysch ool. edu

For information o n au ditions, special progra ms, or mas t er class regis tration , contac t Kim Smith at dan ce@m o topera org or (313) 237-3251.

D etroit Opera !-louse
www. Mi c hi g an O p e r


Ensuring the Future

ne a gift that o u tlives you-that touche s future gene rations in yo ur absence- to expe rien ce and enjoy th e wo rld o f opera.

That's th e goa l of th e Avanti Socie ty, Michigan Opera Theatre's Pl ann ed Gi ft Recognition Program.

The Avanti Society represen ts a designated group of frie n ds of Michigan Opera Thea tre who have made p lans to include the orga niz a tion in their estate plans-w hethe r by will, t ru st, insurance, o r life income arrangemen t. Membership in the Avant i Society is open t o all

Memb ers of the Avanti Socie ty receive a beautifully designed lapel pin, recog nit ion at the annua l Avanti Evening and in vi tat ions to s pecial events and p erformances, and a re listed as m e mbers in our program books throughout each season.


The growt h o f Michigan Ope ra Theatre's permanen t Endowment Fun d ensures the growth a nd future v ita lity of o n e of the region's greatest cul tura l assets . You a re invited to c rea te yo ur own legacy-your Avanti-throug h Mich igan Opera Thea tre.

You may use th e attac h ed confi den tia l reply ca rd to ind icate your gift, or comact Kim- Lan Trinh at (313) 237 -3 408 to discuss gift options that may benefit you, your h eirs a nd Mi c higan Ope ra Theatre.


Mr. Robert G. Abgar ian

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. A llesee #

Mrs. Adel Amerman*# +

Dr Lourdes Y. Andaya*

Mr.&: Mrs. Ag us tin Arbulu *

Mr.&: Mrs. C h es te r Arnold*

Mr.&: Mrs. Lee Bart he l

Mr. &: Mrs j. Addiso n Ba rtu sh * #

Mr.&: Mrs. Brett Bauerso n*

Mr. &: Mrs. Mand e ll Berma n

Mr &: Mrs Art Blair*

Mr. Roben Bomier

Mrs. Marga ret Bo rden

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Bowlb y

Mrs Mar y C. Caggegi

Mr. &: Mrs. Ro y E Calcagno*

Ms. G ladys Caldroney*

Dr &: Mrs T homas E. Ca rso n

D•: &: Mrs Vic to rj. Cerve nak*

Mr. Alle n B C h ristman

Prof. Kenne th Co llinson

MJ:.&: Mrs. Robert C. Comstock#

Dr Robert A Co rn e tte* #

Mr.&: Mrs Tarik Daoud*#

Mt: & Mrs. Marvin I. Dan to

Mr. Tho ma s j. Delaney

Ms. Marjori e Adele DeVli eg

Mr. & Mrs Robe r t E. Dewa r *#

M•: ]am es P. Dia mond

Dr. Da vid DiChiera #

Mrs Kare n Va nderK ioo l DiChi e ra* #

Ms. Ma ry J a ne Doerr #

Dr. & Mrs. C ha rl es H Dunca11 *

Mrs. Charles M. Endi co n * #

Mrs. Cllarlot te Bus h fa iling

Mr. &: Mrs. Herb Fis he r *

Mrs. Ann e E. Ford

Ms. Pam ela R. Francis*

Ms. Barbara Frankel &:

Mr. Ron a ld Mic halak*#

Mr.&: Mrs Herman Fra nk e l*#

Mrs. Rem a Fra11l1el* #

Mr. &: Mrs Harvey Freema n

Mrs. Jan e Shoe maker French

Mr. Edward P. Fro hli ch

Dr.&: Mrs Byron P. Georgeson*

Ms. Pris cilla A. B. Goodell

Mr. Em es t Good111a11

Mrs Freda K. Goodman

Priscilla R. Green be rg , Ph.D.*#

Mr. &: Mrs . Steph e n Hagopia n

Mr. Law re n ce W Hall*

Mr &: Mrs. J e ro me Halperin*

Mrs Robe rt M Hanwdy

Ms Heather Hamilton

M1: Da vid Handl e man* #

Mr Kenn et h E. H art*

Mr. &: Mrs Eu ge ne L. Ha rt w ig*

Dr & Mrs. Gerhard t A He in

Ms Nancy B H enk

Ms. Mlll )' A. Hester

M•: Br uce Hillman

Ms Patricia Hobar

Mr. &: Mrs Derek Hodgso n

M1: Gordon V. Hoialme n

Dr. Cindy Hung*

M1: Carl]. Hu ss

Ms. Kris tinjaramill o*

Mr. Don a ldjensen*

M1:jolm Wjicld_ing, Sr. I

Ms Helen Barbara]olmswn

Mr. Pa t r ickj. &: Mrs. Step h a ni e Germack Kerzic

Mr. &: Mrs. Roben Kle in# Mrs. j osephin e Kl ein e r

Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin H Klopfe r*#

M•: &: Mrs Daniel Kolt o n

Miss es Phyllis & Sel ma Kol'll *

Mr. &: Mrs Arthu r Kro likows ki *

Mr. Max Lepler &: Mr. Rex DoLSon

Mr. Phil.ip Leo n

Mrs. Wad e H. McC ree*

Ms . J ane McKee*

Mrs Luci e B. Me ininge r

Drs O rland o&: Doroth y Miller*

Ms . Mo ni ca Moffat &: Mr. Pat McGuire

Mrs Ella M. Montroy

M1: Ronald K. Morrison *

Mrs Ruth Raw lin gs Matt

Mrs. Betty ). Mu e lle r

Dr &: Mrs Step he n Munk

Mr. J o nathan F. Orser

Ms. Juli e A. Owe ns

Mr. Da le J. Pan go ni s*

Mr. &: Mrs C ha rl es A. Parkhill

Mrs. Eli za beth Pecse nye

Mrs. Clarice Odgers Pe rcox

M1: T ho mas G. Porte r

Mr. Richard M. Raisin *

Mrs Ruth F. Rattn er* #

Mr. J oshua Res t

Mr.&: Mrs. J a mes Rigby *

Mr. Brya n L. Riv es

Ms. Pa tri c ia Rodz ik*

M1: Mit chell) Roman owski

Ms j oanne B Rooney

Ms. Susa n Sc h oo ne r *

Drs H e in z&: Ali ce Platt Schwa r z*

Mrs Frank C. Shaler*

Ms. Lau ra Sias

Mr. &: Mrs Harold Siebe n

Mrs. Marge Slezak

Ms Ann e Sull ivan Sm ith

Ms Phyllis Fu nk Snow*

M1: Edward L. Stahl

M1: &: Mrs. Ric h ard Starkwea the r* # +

Mrs. Marh C. Ste ve n s*#

Mr. Stanfo rd C. S toddard

Dr. j o nathan Swift&: Mr. Thomas A St. C ha rl es*

Mr. Ro nald F. Switze r *

Ms Mary Ell e 11 Tappan *#

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thurb er*

Mr. Edwa rd D. Tusset*

Mr.&: Mrs George Vin cent*# +

M•: J. Ern est W il de

Mrs. Amelia H. Wil hel m*#

Mrs Ruth Willlins

Mrs Hele n B Witt en berg

Mr. &: Mrs. Wa lter P. Work*

M•: & Mrs. j oseph]. Zafarana

Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Zange rl e

M •: & Mrs Geo rge M. Zeltzer*

Avan t i Logo &: Pin Des ign

Mo ni ca Moffat&: Pa t McG uire

* Fou ndin g Me mbe rs

#Tou ch th e Fu ture donors + Avanli Society Sponsors

Italics ; deceased members


i c h iganOpera org
D eu·oit O pe ra Hou se

Michigan Opera Theatre Donor Honor Roll

Michigan Ope ra Th eat re g ra te full y ac k nowledges the generous individ ua l donors w h o m ade general operati ng support gifts, e xclud in g Pres erve the Legacy contributions, totali ng $10,000 and above bet ween july 1 , 201 1 , a n d june 30, 201 2 Thei r support plays an integra l pa rt in t he company's financia l s tability which is necessary for producing quality grand ope ra, dance and awa rd -winning educational act ivities

$ 100 , 000 and above

Mr. &: Mrs. Ro b e rt All esee Ma nd ell L. &: Ma deline H . Berman Foundatio n

$50 , 000 and above

Mr. &: Mrs . john Boll, Sr.

j o ann e Danto &: Dr. Arnol d Weingarde n

$25,000 and above

Erb Fa mily Foun da ti o n

Karen & R. j ami so n

Wi lli a ms

$20 ,000 and above

Barbara Frankel & Ron Micha lak

Sus anne Mc Millan

The Shirley K. Schlafer Fou ndat io n

$ 15,000 and above

Gre tche n & Ethan Dav id so n

Mr. & Mrs. No rma n D

Ka tz an d Mrs. Ruth Raun e r

William Sm ith

Max M. &: Marj o rie S. Fis h e r F ound a t io n

He rm a n&: Sharon F ra nkel

$ 10,000 and abo ve

Mr. & Mrs. Ri cha rd

Al onzo

Mr & Mrs. Lee Ba rth el

Maria nn e Encl ico u

Den ise & Robert Lut z

Cy ril Moscow

Co nt ributors to Annual Campaigns

Dr. Charlo ue & Mr. Cha rles Po dowski

Rich ard Sonenklar

Richa rd Ventura

Michigan Opera Theatre gratefully acknowledges the generous corporate foundation government and individual donors whose contributions were made between july l , 20 l l, and june 30, 2012. Their generosity is vital to the company's financia l stabi lity, which is necessary to sustain MOT's position as a valued cultural resource.

CO RPORAT-E SU PP ORT MAJ O R BE N EFACTO R SUSTA! NE R MGM Mirage Voice Meadowbrook Insura n ce OPERA & DANCE $25 ,000 - $49,999 $5 ,000- $9 ,999 Fo und atio n Age ncy

DTE Ene rgy Fo und a ti o n Boyle Burde tt MOT C h ll clre n 's Ch o ru s Salo n Bliss

G RAN D BENE FAC'TO R Th e Ma rri age of Fi garo O p e ra Ba ll Tab le S pons or S po ns or Bravo Bravo! Bea uty Bar

$100 ,000 - $200 ,000 Pe rfo rm a nce Spo nso r Great Lakes Beverage Po li tica ll y Sm art, LLC Spo n so r

Fo rd Moto r Company Fu nd Alvin Ailey American Dance BravoBravo! Go ld Spo nso r BravoBravo! Skybox Th e West in Book Cad illac

Fali Opera Seaso n Sponsor Th eater Performa n ce Honigman Miller Schwa n z Spo nsor BravoBravo! Hosp itality

Carmina Burana & The Sponsor Cohn LLP PVS Chemicals Sponsor Medium Production BravoBravo' Cabana Opera Ball Table Sponso r Opera Bal l Pat ron Sponsor

Sponsor Sponsor Lear Corporation Sanders Candy and Ice CONT RIB UTOR

Alvin Ailey American McDona ld's Cream Shops 5 500 - $ 999

Dance Theater Student Meritor BravoBravo! Allesee

un dation FELLOW $ 1 ,000 - $ 2 ,499 O P ERA &: D ANCE

Ge neral Operating $ 10 ,000 - $ 14,999 PAT RON As h Stevens Support Co m puwa re $2 ,500- $4,999 Barris, So tt , Denn &: Drikcr, GOVE RN MEN T

Community Programs Opera Ba ll Table Sponsor Ambassador Bridge/D u ty PL.L.C. Mich iga n Coun ci l for Arts

Sponsor Grunweii -Cashero Free Shop C ristol's Bachlorette Party and Cultural Affairs

Golf Outing Presenting Opera Ball Box Sponsor BravoBravo! Main Stage National Endowment for S IGNAL BE NEFACTO R Sponsor Eclipse Creative - Eric Retreat Sponsor the Arts

550 ,000 - $ 99 ,000

Mack Avenue Records Longs Richard S. Elsea Marital

Bank of America Too Hot to Handle BravoBravo! Skybox Trust/Real Estate One $ 100 ,000 +

Opening Night Sponsor Presenting Sponsor Sponsor c Corporation Mandell L. and Madele ine

Bad Boys of Dance, MGM Grand Detroit

Greektown Casino Kindermorgan Foundation H. Berman Foundation

The Nutcracker, Alvin Ailey BravoBravo! Sponsor BravoBravo! Smith Lobby MOT Children's Chorus The Kresge Foundation

American Dance Theater Opera Ball Box Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor McGregor Fund

and Swan Lake PNC Foundation

Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss The Lifting As We Climb

BravoBravo! Entrance Community Programs Opera Ball Patron Sponsor Foundation

Lobby Sponsor Sponso r Micron Electrical Contractor BravoBravo ! Mai n Stage

Q u icken Loans BravoBravo! Skybox Retreat Sponsor

Fiat BravoBravo! Cad ill ac Cafe Sponsor

Marc Baker

BravoBravo! P rese nti ng Sponso r BravoBr avot Mai n Stage

Sponsor So m erse t Collec ti o n Re trea t Spo n sor

C ha ri ta b le Fo unda tio n

Performance Sponsor General Operating Lounge Sponsor Sponsor Environments,
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Support MHT Housing, Inc. GDC Lounge Chocolates Tom & Debbie Kr
Opera Ball Table Sponsor Opera
Table Sponsor Sponsor Golf Outing Tee Sponsor General Motors Foundation Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Nordstrom University of
Cranbrook General and Cadillac Th e Maniage of
Office of
Spring Opera Season BE N EFAC T O R Student/Senior Dress Development & Alumni Golf Outing
Sponsor $
Relations Mad
Toyota Northern
ratio n Ope
BravoBravo! Skybox AME American Music
Tee Sponsor
1 5 ,0 00 - 524 ,999
ison Electric
Ball Patron Sponsor
Alvin A iley American Opera Ball Tab le Sponsor Wolverine Packing Opera Ball Si lver Sponso r Dance Th eater Prod uction
lntcgratcd-Aviva &: Company
F riedma n
Co r po
ra Ball
le Spon
O ett·oi t Ope •·a .!-l o use BRAVO 43

$30 ,000 - $99,999

DeRoy Testamentary


Young Artist Apprentice

Program Sponsor

Pearl Fishers Perfor mance


Max M &: Ma rjori e S. Fis he r

Founda ti on

Sage Founda t io n

J Ernest &: Almena Gray

Wilde Fund

Pearl Fishers Production


$ 10 ,000 - $29,999

Arts Midwes t BalletMET Columbus

Nu /cracker Performa nce

Sponso r

Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb

Family Foundation

Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation

Sally Mead Hands


Community Programs

Alice Kales Han wick

Fou n dat ion

Hudson-Webber Fo u ndat ion

Oliver Dewey Marcks


Karen &: Drew Peslar Foundation

Shirley Schlafer Foundation

Alvin Ailey Amelican Dance

Theate r Education Sponsor

Ida&: Co nrad H Smit h

End o wm ent fo r t he

Mich igan Opera Theatre

I Pagliacci Performance Sponsor

Mary Thompson Foundation

Communit y Programs

Samuel L Westerman Foundation

Matilda R W ilson Fund

$5 ,000- $9 ,999

Fran k G and Ge rtrude

Dunlap Fund

General Operating Support

Golf Outi ng Golf Cart


The Mockingbird

Founda tion

Commu nity Programs

He r be rt and Elsa Pa nti ng

Fo un dat io n

Commu n ity Programs


"The perfprming arts are vital to the economic well-be ing of any metropo lita n area. MOT and Dr. DiCh i era have been leaders in th is cultural health of Detroit with their innovative approach and leadership

Dr. D iC hi era and my aunt's love of opera have made a big difference in my life

MOT and Dr. DiCh ie ra should have a ll the support and stability possible to make MOT a permanent fixture in our c ity

Elizabeth , Allan and Warren Shelden Fund

Louis and Nellie Sieg Fund

Young Womans Home Association

Com munity Programs

$ 1 ,000 - $4,999

Detroit Indus tri al Sch oo l Co mmun ity Programs

Drusilla Fa rwell Foundation

Lifting As We Climb


BravoBravo! Couch


james &: Lynelle Holden

Fu nd

Bena rd L Maas Fou n dat ion

MOT Childre n's Ch orus

Performan ce Sponsor

Lee &: Maxine Peck Foundation

MOT Childrens Chorus


Ralph L and Winifred E. Polk Foundation

Sigmund and Sophie Rohlik


Vill age Wo mans Cl ub Fo u nd at ion Co mmuni ty Programs


$60,000 and above

Herman &: Sharon Frankel

$ 10 ,000 and abo ve

Susanne McMi ll an Cyti l Moscow

Ru t h Rattner

$5 ,000 and above

The Foundation of the Greater Miami jewish Federation/james &: Helen Raisin Philanthropic Fund

Anne &: john Roberts




$ 10 ,000+

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Alonzo

Mrs. Marianne Endicott

Sharon&: Her man Frankel

Mrs. Susa nne McMi ll an

Mr. Wi lliam Smith

Mr. Richard Sonenklar &:

Mr. Gregory Haynes

Mr. Richard D. Ventura


$5 ,000- $9 ,999

Mr.&: Mrs Douglas F. All ison

Mr.&: Mrs Lee Barth el

Mr. &: Mrs. Ma rk Alan Baun

Mrs. Use Calcagno

Mr &: Mrs Michael Chirco

Mr. Thomas Cohn

Mr. &: Mrs Ethan Davidson

Dr. David DiChiera

Ms. Nell Duke&: Mr. David Am mer

Sylvia Rosales &: Dr. David Fi ke

Dr. Marj orie M. Fisher


$2 ,500 - $ 4 ,999


Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee

Dr. Lourdes Andaya

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Ande rson

Mr &: Mrs j oseph Angile ri

Dr. Haro ld Mitch ell


The Hon. &: Mrs. Edward Avadenka

Mr. &: Mrs. james M. Balccrski

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Blizman

Mr. &: Mrs. G. Peter Blom

Mr.&: Mrs. Richa rd Bowlby

Ru t h &: Paul Chosid

Mr. &: Mrs. Frederic k H. Clark

The Hon. &: Mrs. Avern L Cohn

Mrs. RoseAnne Comstock

Dr. Mary Carol Conroy

Drs. Laura&: jeffrey Co rrigan

Mrs Mary Ri ta Cuddohy

Mrs. Victo r Cu ratolo

Ms. j oanne Danto &: Dr. Arnie Weingarden

Ms. julia Donovan Darlow &: The Hon. john C. O'Meara

Mr. &: Mrs. j erry D'Avanzo

Leslie Desmond&: Philip Stoffregen

Mr. &: Mrs Cameron B. Du ncan

Dr. Raina Ernst off&: Mr. Sanford Hansell

Mr.&: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing

Mr. &: Mrs. Lloyd C. Fell

Mr. &: Mrs. Carl B. Fontana

Mr.&: Mrs. Stuart Frankel

Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Freeman

Mr. All an Gilmour&: Mr Eric J irgens

Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Ill

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Goetz

I grew up in a home filled with music My mother sang. My parents took me to concerts and operas starting at a very young age. My first introduction to Davi d DiChiera was with Overture to Opera. I saw how important music education was fo r the students. MOT grew out of this program, and I was honored to be a part of it. MOT has brought such pleasure, joy and interest to so many Through opera education our young peop le have found careers, it has he l ped them in their lives, and provided a positive focus for many of them MOT has been a cat a lyst for many Detroit businesses. As members of the Detroit community, it behooves us to support MOT. It is an honor for me to be a part of this legacy.

Since 197 1, Mrs . Endicott has been a s t aunch suppo rter of MOT, participating in capita l campaigns as we// as annual campaigns for opera and dance, and all major fundraisers and special events Sh e is a member of the General Directo r's Circle and the General Dire ctor's Circle Comm ittee, and the Avanti Society, MOT's group of friends who h a ve made a rrangements to include MOT in the ir estate plan s.

"Thank you, Marianne, for the memories!" - David DiChiera

Mrs . Barba ra Frankel &:

Mr. Ronald Michalak

The Carole &: Norman HoOey Foundation

Dr. William Kupsky &: Dr. Ali Moiin

Mr. &: Mrs. Chak Lai

Mr.&: Mrs. Harry A. Lo mason II

Mrs. Florence LoPat in

Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Mancuso

Dr.&: Mrs. Stephen A. Munk

Mr.joseph R. Papp

Dr. Cha rl otte &: Mr. Charles Podowski

Mr. &: Mrs. Roy Roberts

Mrs Pa tricia Radzik

Mrs. Carolyn L Ross

Mr. &: Mrs. S. Kinnie Smith

Dr. Calvin L Stevens

Mrs. Barbara Van Dusen

Mr.&: Mrs. George C. Vincent

Mr.&: Mrs. Herman W Weinreich

Harvey Grace &: Reva Kogan

Mr. Kenneth E. Hart

Dr. &: Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein

Mr. &: Mrs. Derek Hodgson

Mr. William Hulsker

Elanah Nachman Hunger&: Rick Hunger

Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Israe l

Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. lstock

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary E. johnson

Marjorie &: Maxwell jospey Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kellman

Mr. &: Mrs Steve Kesler

Mr. &: Michael Kratch man

Ela ine&: Dr. Gerald Lake r

Mr. Paul Lav ins

Mr. Charles Letts

Mrs. Linda Dresner Levy &:

Mr. Edward Levy, Jr.

Dr. &: Mrs. Miguel LisPlanells

Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli

Mr.&: Mrs. joseph Lupo

Mrs Den ise Lu tz

Mr &: Mrs. Ron Ma rte ll a

44 BRAVO www.M ic hi g anOp e 1a .o rg
Detroit Opera H o u se

Dr Bettye Arring ton-Mart in &: The Hon. j ack Marti n

Ms. Mar y C. Mazure

Mr. Ph illip D. Minc h

Ms. Anne Moroun

Mr. &: Mrs. Ma nuel Moroun

Mr.&: Mrs. Xavie r Mosque t

Mr. jonathan Orser

Mr. &: Mrs. Stanford


Mr.&: Mrs. Daniel Pe hrson

Mr. Jack Pe rlmutte r &: Mr. Da n Clancy

Mr. Cha rl es Pe ters

Mr. &: Mrs. David Peterson

Mr. &: Mrs. Brock E. Plumb

Mr.&: Mrs Bill Powers

Mrs. Ruth F. Ra t tner

Dr. Pamela Tro tman -Reid &: Dr. Irvin Reid

Mr. Kenneth Robinso n

Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose

Mr.&: Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfe ld

Mr. &: Mrs. Hugh C. Ross

Ms. Janice Ross

Mary &: Robert Sanders

Dr. Barbara &: Mr. Laurence Sch iff

Kim&: Donald Schmidt

Lo is &: Mark Shaevsky

Ar lene Sh aler

Mr. Stephan Sha rf

Mr. &: Mrs Sm ith

Mr. &: Mrs David S Snyder

Dr. &: Mrs Robe rt j. Sokol

Mr.&: Mrs. Frank Sonye

Ms. Betsy Duncan Spong

Dr Gregory Stephens

Dr & Mrs. Gera ld H Stoll man

Dr. Ruth St rausz

Mr.&: Mrs. Thomas Te rrell

Dr Lorna T ho mas

Mr &: Mrs. C. T homas


Mrs. Phy ll is Webb

Mr. john Weber &: Dr. Dana


Mr. john Wickey

Mrs. Amel ia H Wi lhelm

Mr &: Mrs R Jamison Wi ll iams

Mrs. Beryl Win kelman

Dina&: Eric Winter

The Hon joan Youn g &: Mr. Tom Schell enberg

Mr.&: Mrs Lar ry Zange rle

Mrs. Paul Zucker m an


$2 ,000- $ 2,499

Mr. &: Mrs. Kenn All en

Mr &: Mrs. Euge ne


Mrs. Dona ld]. Atwood

Noel Baril &: Dr. Jeff Tranch ida

j. Addison Bartu sh

Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell Berman

Mrs john G Bie lawski

Mr. &: Mr s Eugene W


Mr. &: Mrs. j ohn Boll , Sr.

Mr. Ji m Bo nahoom -

Wolverine Pac ki ng

Co mpany

Mr. &: Mrs. Donald J.

Bowe rm an

Mr &: Mrs. Dona ld Brasie

Mrs Betty Bright

Mr. &: Mrs. William Brooks

Dorothy Ozog Ca rson &: Dr

Th omas Ca rson

Mr. &: Mrs Michael Chirco

Mr. Edwa rd Cody

Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Cooper

Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N David

Mr. &: Mrs. Wa lter Dean

Mr. Thomas j. Delaney

Kristin &: Peter Dola n

Dr Charles H. Dunca n

Frances &: Kenne th

Eise nberg

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert B Fair,

J r.

Mr. &: Mrs. Osca r Feld man

Adrienne&: Robert Z. Feldstein

Dr Th eodore Fellenbaum &:

Mr. Mic hael Swain

Mrs. Elaine Fontana

Mr. Marvi n Frenk el

Aviva &: Dean Friedma n

Dr. &: Mrs. Cli fford n

Dr Glend on Ga rdner&: Ms. Lesli e Landau

Mr. &: Mrs. Kei th E. Giffo rd

Mr. Will iam Greene&: Mr Peter McGreevy

Nancy &: Carso n


Mr &: Mrs. Sam Haberman

Mrs. Hil da I. Hamburger

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Hamel

Mr &: Mrs Dav id

Hand leman

Mr. &: Mrs. David H Hill

Mrs. Harrie t Hull

Ma ry&: john Irvine

Mrs. Sybil Jaques

Amy&: Kentjidov

Ms. Mary Bart on Jo ll iffe

Mr &: Mrs. Norman D. Katz

Ms. lela King

Dr &: Mrs Edward Klar man

Dr. Me lvin Les ter

Mr. &: Mrs. John D Lewis

Dr. &: Mrs Robert P. Lisak

Marian &: Dr. Stephan Logins ky

Mark - Lis Fam ily Fu ndMrs Florine Mark

Dr an d Mrs Robert Matthews

Dr. Lisa Me ils

Mr. &: Mrs. Glen Mit chell

Ms. Monica Moffat&: Mr. Pat McGuire

Dr. &: Mrs. Van C. Mo mon,

J r.

Mr &: Mrs. Euge ne Mondry

Mr.&: Mrs Th eodore Monolidis

Mr &: Mrs Allan Nachman

Dr. &: Mrs Barry Nemon

Dr. &: Mrs . Pe ter N ickles

Prof. Leonard Niehoff

Mr. Arth u r A. Nitzsche

Mr.&: Mrs Irving Nusbaum

Dr. j ul iette O kotie-Eb oh

Dr. Wal lace Peace

Dr. Robert E L. Perkins

Dr. Boyd F. Rich ards &: Mr. j oshua j. Ronneba um

Dr. &: Mrs. james Rigb y

Dr. &: Mrs. Bernard Rubin

Mr.&: Mrs An thony

Rugie ro

Mrs. Luigi Rusc ill o

Mr. &: Mrs Hers h el

Sand berg

Mrs. Lee C. Saperstein

Mr &: Mrs Ala n E

Sch wart z

Mr. &: Mrs Mark Schwartz

Mr. &: Mrs. Merton Segal

Dr. &: Mrs. Michael ]. Sh ort

Ms Laura Sias &: Ms. Kat hy Coburn

Mr.&: Mrs Walter M St ar k

Dr j onat han Swi ft

Mr. Ronald F. Switzer

Mrs. Norm an j. Tabor

Mr &: Mrs Joel D Tauber

Dr &: Mrs. L. Murray

T h omas

Mrs. Steven I Victo r

Ms Carm en Wargel &: Mr. Ryan Fringer

Dr. &: Mrs. Ch ristopher D. Wil helm

Dr. &: Mrs. Clyde Wu

Mr. &: Mrs David].

Zmys lows k i


$ 1 ,000 - $ 1 ,999

Mrs N ina Ab rams

Mrs. Judith Lowitz &: Mr. joshua Adler

Mrs. Nancy Angott

Mr. Stan islaw Bialoglowsk i

Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice S. Binkow

Mr. Robert Bomier

Mr. &: Mrs . Gera ld Bright

Mr.&: Mrs Ri chard Brodie

Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard Brods ky

Mrs Dina Brodsky

Rev. Paul Chateau

Ms. Eleano r Christie

Mr. Douglas Cornelsen &: Ms Minka Christo ff

Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony

Delse ner

Mr. &: Mrs Curt DiChiera

Ms. I rene Dzialak

Dr. Leopold Eisenbe rg

Dr. &: Mrs Lio nel


Mr. J oh n Fleming

Mr.&: Mrs Robert Folberg

Dr. &: Mrs. Saul Forman

Mr. &: Mrs. Burke Fossee

Ms. Irene M. Garcia

Dr. &: Mrs Mic hae l Geheb

Thomas M. Gervasi

Mr. Nathaniel Good

Mr. &: Mrs. james Grosfeld

Mr. &: Mrs joseph Gua lteri


Michiga n Ope ra The atre n o tes wi th sadness the passing o f Trus tees and Gen eral Direc tor's Circl e m embers this p ast fiscal year. Their com mi tment and enth u siasm [or t he a rts a nd cu l tura l life of our communit y will be m issed .



j OH N w jJ CKLIN G , SR.







Mr.&: Mrs Robe rt Hage

Ms Nancy B. Henk

Mrs. David B Hermelin

Mr. &: Mrs. Pau l Hi ll ego nds

Dr. Dea nn a&: Mr. David Ho ltzman

Mr.&: Mrs. Addison

Igle heart

Mr. Henry M. Kassen

Sally &: john Kendri ck

Mrs. Les lie Lazzerin

Mr. Davi d Lebenbom

Dr. &: Mrs. Zvi Levran

Dr. &: Mrs. Stanley Levy

Ms. Patricia McKanna

Mr. &: Mrs Wi lliam

Micha lul<

Mr. &: Mrs Bruce Mille r

Mr.&: Mrs. Eugene Miller

Surayya h Muwwakki l

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard P.


Mrs. Sop hie Pearlstein

Dr. &: Mrs Claus


Miss Alma M. Pe t rini

Mr.&: Mrs Derek PO u m

Dr. &: Mrs. Peter]. Polidori

Mrs Waltraud P rec h te r

Mrs. Margaret Raben

Mr &: Mrs. Rip Rapso n

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Regoni

Mr. &: Mrs. Lloyd Reuss

The Elmira L. Rhein Fam il y

Founda ti on

Mr. &: Mrs. Cha rles Rooney

Mrs. Gerry Ross

Mr. &: Mrs. George

Ro u mell, Jr

Mr. &: Mrs William Salot

Mr. &: Mrs William Sandy

Mrs Elizabeth Schmidt

Mrs Steven Sell

Ms. Cynthia B Shaw

Ms Mauree n Shea&: Mr

Teny Shea

Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Silveri

Mrs Erwin S. Simon

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sloan

Ms. Re nate So ulen

Mrs Richa rd Starkweather

Mr. Dante Stella

Dr.&: Mrs. Mack C. Stirl ing

Mr.&: Mrs. Will ie Stone

Yoko Suzu ki

Mr. &: Mrs Richa rd Taylor

Mr. &: Mrs. Jo hn P. Tierney

Mr. &: Mrs . Gerri t Vreeken

Mr.&: Mrs. Henry Whit ing

Mr &: Mrs. Robert Whi t man

Mr. &: Mrs. john A Wise, Jr

Dr. Lucia Zamorano

Mrs. Monon Zieve




Dr. Lourdes Andaya

Gloria &: Fred Cla r k

Mauree n &: Jerry D'Avanzo

Dodi e &: Larry David

Eleano r &: Alan Israel

Marian &: Dr. Stephan Loginsky

Ron Switzer&: J im McClu re

The General Director's Circle Committee

Megan &: jason Warzecha

Karen&: Rick Will iams





Mr. &: Mrs. james W Allen

D. L. Anthony

Mrs. Chester Arno ld

Mr. John H. Barbes

Mr. &: Mrs. j effrey Bates

Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Bealore

D et ro i t Opera Hou se
w ww.Mic hi ga nOpe 1a. o rg

Mr No rber t Kidcl

Mr. David Kinse ll a & Ms. Joyce Urba

Lin da & Th o mas Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Kenne th


Mr & Mrs. Thomas N.

Klim ko

Mrs. Mar y F. Kn auer

Mr. Ma ri o J. Kocaj

Ms Mar y Krame r

Mr. & Mrs Will iam Kroger

Eric Krukonis & Susan Murray

Mrs Ca rolynne Kuberr

Drs. R & V Kulbersh

Ms. Deni se M. Kurowski

Mr. Albenj. Ku n

Mr Joseph W Labma

Ms Karen Lade!

Audrey Cho & EmmeLL Cho

Dr. Joseph Lap id es & Ms.

Arlene Go re lick

Mrs Richard M. Larson

Drs Ell en Lee & Michael Solomon

Suzanne Lei ch

Ms Corrine Lembe rg

Dr. & Mr. Co rey Leo n

Ms. Adrienne Leonard

Barbara Levin

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Levin

Mr. Norman Lewis

Dr. & Mrs. j ohn H. Libcke

Mr. & Mrs. Richa rdT.


Ms. Susan I. Lindqu ist & Mr. Ric hard Sawdon

Mr. & Mrs Mic hael


Mrs Mar y Lo ria

Mr. & Mrs. John Lowe

Mr. Ma rcus Lo zser

Dr. & Mrs. Sol Luft

Ms Vera C. Magee

Dr. Shi va Mara lani & Dr. Mark He rman

Mr. Mat thew Maso n & Ms.

Renate Klass

Dr. & Mrs David Mass ignan

Robert G Ma tlac k , Esq

Tom &Joan McDona ld

Mr s. Ca rol A. McKenna

Dr & Mrs j oh n Mclau g hlin

Mr. & Mrs. James Mclennan

Mr. & Mrs Donald McMechan

Mr. & Mrs Brian Mee r

james & Lisa Mene

Dr. Nicole Metcalfe

Mr. & Mrs Roben

Michiel utti

Dr & l'vlrs Stephen Migdal

Mr Anth ony Mikoy

Ms. Ani ta L. Miller

Mr. jo hn Mills

Dr An ne Missavage & Mr. Robe n Borcherd ing

Mr. & Mrs Ph ili p M

Mist re tta

Ms. Barbara Mi tchell

L.A. Monark

Ms Wanda Momibelle r, Ms

Lorena M. Skewes & Ms

Pr isc illa Ga ll inger

Dr. James L. Mose ley

Germ an o & Ann Mul aron i

Dr. G. Roy Musgrove

Mr. Mi chael Neuman

Mr. & Mrs Theodore


Ms. Lois E. Norma n

Mrs. Henr iet ta V

Nowa kowsk i

Mr. Ma ury Okun & Ms. Tina

To palian

Dr. & Mrs Giuseppe Paese

Ms JaneL Page

Mr. Rand a ll Pap pa!

Ms. Margo t Parker

Mr. & Mrs Frank K.

Pen irian , Jr

Mr. & Mrs James Pi ke

J im & Sarah Pip er

Mr & Mrs Tho mas Plun ket t

J r

King Frank & Queen Ca role

Professor David Potter

C rys tal L. Powell , PHD

Mrs. Constalllin Predeteanu

Mr Steven Quin ken & Mr. Tho mas P. Wilcza k

Mrs. Alma Ra m irez

Dr. Rob in Jo Ramsay

Hope & Larry Raymond

Mr. & Mrs. j o hn W Reddy

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Redfield

Mr. & Mrs john J. Ricca rdo

Rma Ricc i

Mrs Miriam C. Ri chardson

Ms. judith Riley

Mr. & Mrs. David Ripple

Mrs M j a ne Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. jack Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. Pe ter J. Roddy

Mr. Ja mes E. Rodgers

Mr. & Mrs. Sid ney Rose

Ms. Mart ha Route & Mr. Charles 'vV Rome

Mr. Dan iel G Rusecki

Ch arles & Adam Russman

Mr. Daniel Ruzycki

Mr. & Mrs john Sa nde rs, in memory o f Lu cie

Mei ninge r

Prof. & Mrs. Alvin Sa perstein

Mr. Will iam Sa rver

Mr. & Mrs. jon E. Sasinowsk i

Karen L. Saxton

Mr Pau l Sc heele

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schiffer

Ms. Leigh Schultenover

Mr. & Mrs. Griffin Scilli an

Mr. Ju lius Scou

Ms. Terry Seave r

Wi ll ia m & Kr isten Seik aly

Mr. & Mrs Louis C. Seno,


Ms Caroline Serfass & Mr. Pa u l Vandeven

Mr. & Mrs. Herbe rt

Shanba um

Su zanne Shank

Mrs Marilyn Shap iro & Dr joseph Weiss

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D.

Shee hy

Dr. & Mrs Donald Sh erma n

Mr. & Mrs. Jam es Sh erman

Mr. & Mrs George Shirl ey

Dr. Jeffrey Shulak & Mrs. Annabel Cohen

Ms. Marci Shulman

Mr. Zon Shumway

Dr. & Mrs. Pau l Siatczyns ki

Mr. Ro be rt W Siege l

Mr. & Mrs William Siko ra

Mr. & Mrs Donald Si mo n

Mr. & Mrs Ant ho ny R. Skwiers

Mr. Jamesj. Slowik

Drs. Alton & Wontika Smith

Dr. Gino Sovra n

Ms. Melani e Span g ler

Dr. & Mrs. Henry H. Sprague

Mr. & Mrs Theodore J St. Antoine

Mrs. Sa ndra Stanl ey & Mr. Frederic Stan ley

Dr. & Mrs Sh eldo n Ste rn

Mr. & Mrs. All an Stil lwagon

Mr. & Mrs Douglas Strayer

Ruth Ann & Dan iel Stump

Dr & Mrs. Choichi Sugawa

Cla ra & Fede rico Mariona

Mr. Robert Swee ten & Ms. Mary Margaret Sweeten

Mr & Mrs. Stephen Szaunari

Mr Charl es Tate

Dr. & Mrs Lawrence Tay lo r

Dr. Am ie Tay lor

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tenkel

Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Thomas

Dr. Ri cha rd Thomas & Dr.

Jun e Thom as

Ms. RULh f' Thrash

Mr. & Mrs. Pau l To mboul ian

Dr. Do ris W L. Tong & Dr. Teck Soo

Mr. & Mrs Stuart Trager

Dr. & Mrs. Re nnard B.


Rosemary Tyle r

Dr. & Mrs. Lar r y Ulrey

Dr Vainutis K. Vaitkevicius

Mr & Mrs. Melvin C.

Vande rBru g

Miss Lisa M Varnie r

Mr. &Mrs. Tony Ven ti miglia

Dr Ca rl os Vi llafane & Mrs.

Claudi a Civeriatli

Mr. & Mrs. Wi lli am Waak

Dr & Mrs Creed Ward Jr

Mr. & Mrs. LeoS

Was ageshik

Ms Ka th ryn Watte rson

Dr. Alan & Mrs Jean Weamer

Mr. Donald K. Wedding

Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard

We iermiller

Ms janet B. We ir

Mr. Craig Wellman

Pro f. Michael Wellman

Mr. Paul Wemh off

Mr. j ohn F. Wertman

Mr. Richard Wilkes

LauRyn A. Will iams

Dr. Nil a Wilson

Ms Kari Wilson

Chr istine Winder & Ru ssell


Mrs Sherene EI-A li Wink ler

Mr. David D. Woodard

Mr. & Mrs Ri chard D.


Mr. Tho mas Woods

Charli e & Ca rolyn Wright

Dr. & Mrs jose E. Yanez

Mr. & Mrs. Thom as V Ya tes

Ch ris tin e Yu lkowski

Mr joseph Ze in is john & Rosa lyn Zie lke


$ 1 00,000

Ma ggie & Bob Allesee


Mr. & Mrs john Boll, Sr



$5 ,000+

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Banhel



Mr & Mrs Th omas


Ms. Debra Bernstein -Siege l

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bingham

Dr. David DiChiera

Mr. & Mrs. Stu art Franke l

Dr Judi e Good man & Mr. Kurt R. Vilders


$ 1 , 500-$2,499

Mr. Kev in Dennis & Mr. Jeremy Zeltze r

Ms. Linda Dresner & Mr. Edward Levy, Jr.

Barbara Fra nkel & Ron Mi chalak

Dr & Mrs C lifford Furgison

Mr Lawrence Glowczews ki

Mrs. William L. Kahn


Detroit Op e ra Hou s e
www.l\ll i c h i ga nOpera.o rg BRAVO 4 7












Mr Laurence N. Shear Box Sponsors G lor ia & Fred Cla rk Co ntinenta l Catering & In-Kind Donors

Ms. Theresa Spear & T h e Ambassador Brid ge/ Events 1800 Tequila

Mr. jeff Douma Duty Free Shop

Honor of Dr. William Dale Morgan and Norm Silk 42 Below

Mr. & Mrs. joel D. Tauber Good Girls Go to Paris Kup s k y Detroit Beer Company Amsr.erdam Vodka Crepes Mary jane Deasy Kupsky Det r oit Seafood Market Bacardi

SO LOI ST MGM Grand Detroit (2) Barbara Martin Display Group Boston Tea Room

$500-$999 OJ Captn20 Corzo

Mr. & Mrs. james Mcllhon

$ 1 ,000 a nd abov e Donors In Honor o f Drs. W illiam Ext reme Valet LLC Dewar's

Mr. Ri chard A. Sonenklar & Mr. & Mrs. William Baer Ku s pky's& Ali Mo iin's FAWN E &j Spirits

Mr. Gregory Haynes



iO ll Opera Ball

Mr. & Mrs. Mandell L. 5 0th & 60 th Birthd ays Fathead E &j Wines Berman Dr. Lourdes Andaya Flower to Flour Bakery Eskimo jack's

Comerica Bank Fountain Bistro at Campus Extreme Valet

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E'ving

In Honor of Mr & Mrs Martius Park General Wine & Spiri ts

Mr. & Mrs. Bharat Gandhi Manuel Ma roun Great Lakes Wine & Spirits Kraken Black Spiced Rum

Mr. & Mrs. Byron H Anonymous

Greenbliss Design Center Lakeland Catering

$ 2 5,000 Platinurn Gerson Gree n Dot Stables Luxco Spirited Brands


joan ne Danto & Dr. Arnold


Karen &: R. jamison

Dr. julie He nry-Ke ll y & Mr. ln Honor o f Mr. & Mrs Hana Ki l Staff Management Malibu Black

john Kelly Matth e w Maroun lee Dreams Sculpt ures Pearl Vodka By Luxco

Mr. & Mrs Kentjidov Ano n ymous Ign ite Sp irit e d Bra nd s

Charles E Leus, Jr. In d ul ge Fin e Cakes & Pinnacle Vodka

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pehrson In Me m ory of Mrs. Edith Pastries P roximo Spirits Williams

Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas \Vasscnnan

$ 10,000 Silver S ponsors Toppin Barbara Frankel

Mr. & Mrs. john Boll, Sr.

jared Sy kes Sander's Fine Chocolatie rs

john Arnold Quartet Scheible Design

Mr. & Mrs. William Honigman Miller Schwartz just Baked Shuuer Booth

Ford Motor Company Fund Wets man & Co hn LLP Kirk Masters & Sons Th e Westin Book Cadillac

General Motors Foundation jewelers Detroit MOT CH I LDREN 'S BRAVO BRAVO ! Lazybones Smokehouse Three Olives



(2) Foundation Fiat Marilyn's American Tavern 93.9 The River

Gail Danto & Arthur Roffey Mario's After5

Gretchen & Ethan Davidson

$ 1,000+

$10,000 McDonald's

Mr. &: Mrs. josh Eichenhorn Bank of America Th e Melting Pot of Novi Metro T imes

Barbara Franke l & Ron MG M Grand Detroit Real Detroit

Mr. & Mrs Alan Israel MGM Cate r ing and Michalak Quicke n Loans

Aviva &: Dean Friedman/ Bernard L. Maas Fo und a tion Banquets IN- KIND DONO RS

Rea l Int eg rated MGM Resort s Fo und a ti on

Lee & Maxin e Peck

Nancy &: jim G ri osfeld

$3, 500-$5,000

G rea t Lakes Beverage

Honigman Mill e r Schwanz Founda ti on Mo roch Partners LP

Cohn LLP

Elanah & Rick Hunger IN TRIBUTE

M rs. Tyler's Fu ll Service

Caterer 20! 1 Opera Ball

The Nigh t Move Maggie &: Bob Allesee

Greektown Casino- Hote l Olmsted Associates Dr. Lourdes Andaya

Lori &jim Arpin and joy & Allan Na chman

Octob e r 1 t ltroug lt


Ca bana/S k y box S ponso rs Opus One/Opus To Go

General Motors Co rporation D ece mber 31 , 2012 $2,500

Denise & Robert Lutz


MHT Housing, Inc

DIE Energy

In Honor of Dr & Mrs Eclipse Creative


Marlene & john Boll, Sr.

Beny & Bill Brooks

Plaka Grill Cad illa c


Gloria & Fred Clark

Lucido Alca ntara 's 50th Micron Electric/Tooles Sanders Fine Chocolatiers Colonial Events

Northern Trust Wed ding Anniversary

Politically Smart, LLC

Dr. Charlotte & Charles Dr. Lourdes Andaya Sanders Fine Chocolatiers


jennifer & Noah Shore In H o n or o f Mr. john $ 1 ,000- $ 2 , 000

Anthony Soave Balle's Birthday

Christal's Bachelorette Party

Dr. Lourdes Andaya urting As We Climb

$2,500 Patron Sponsors Foundation

RoseAnn Comstoc k In Me m ory of Mrs. Sa ra Marc Baker

J a ffe, Raitt , He uer & Weiss Berman Salon Bliss

Slows BarBQ Crave Restaurant + Sushi

Small Pla tes Detroit Bar+ Lounge

Source Audio Systems llc Dan Stall & The Auction

Stacey "Hotwaxx" Hale Team

Sunday Dinner Company joanne Danto & Arnie

The Gratitude Steel Band Weingarclen

Tha Boogie

Maureen & jerry D'Avanzo

Tongue Th ai'd Dodie & Larry David

Town Host Events by Michel le Dela nd&: Brent

Ell en Kahn Barbara Fra nke l & Ron Westin Boo k Cadill ac Crystal Gard en s Kelso

Ire ne & Dr. Migu e l Michalak Det roit

Tubby's G rill ed Sub mar ines Edm und T. AH EEjewe lry

Li s- Pianells Co.

Kean Alphonse Lucarelli & In Memor y of The In-Kind Don ors Union Street
Ms. joan Mc
Prechter Ho n o rabl e Gus C ife lli $2 Car Wash U.S. Food Service
Sally &
Glad}'S Cifelli 526 Main & Tequila Blue Vicente's Cuban Cuisine
Ali Moiin & Dr. William Wal traud
Graham Orley
Inc. Allegra Print & Imaging Zumba Mexican Grille
Florence Morris
Sylvia Rosales-Fike & David In Me m o r y of Mr Felix RenCen
jonathan Orser
Partrich Fike C lancy Amy Kaminsk y Productions Media Partners
& Mrs. Spencer
john Solecki Dr. Lourdes Andaya Angeli na Italian Bistro After 5 Detroit
Ruth F. Rattner
Shelley &
Tauber B-Flyy Creations Ambassador Magazine
Susan Sills-Levey
& Mrs.
A. Alfred Taubman In Me m o r y o f Mr S t e phen Big City Grill Fox 2 Detroit Silverman Lorna Thomas, M.D. Cze iz le r Bookies Bar & Grill University of Michigan, Gladys Cifelli Bourbon Steak Metro Times PR EM IER DANC ER Office of Med ical Building Service Specialists, Real Detroit Weekly $ 1 ,000-$ 1 , 499 Development In H o n or o f Mrs. Calli e Inc WDET 101.9 FM
Irvin g Berg & Alumni Relations Gala Canape Can Yelp!
Wor ld Her itage Foundat ion/ Dr. & Mrs. j e ffrey Ram Cha ir Covers and Linens
Betty V Blazok
john & Dr Prech te r Family Fu nd Ch e li's Chili HAU NTE D IN THE Lilian Lai In Memory of Mrs. Debby Colo ni al Eve nt Renta l H OUSE 2011
$ 2 ,000 Nex t Generation Kodidek
Mary C. Mazure
Table Spo ns ors
S ponso r s
Staging Tubby's Southgate
Debra Bernstein-Siegel Le\vis Hensley Zumba Mexican Grille Boyle Burdett $ 10 ,000+
Prese nting Macho City Djs Compuware Corporation
Family S ponsor The Majestic Cafe Me d ia Pa r
www.Mi c hi ganOpel· Detroit O p e ra Hou se

Elite Island Resorts

Fa thead

jenn ifer&: David fischer

Ba rbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak

Lynn &: Bharat Gand hi

Genera l Motors

Good Girls Go To Par is Crepes

Heather Hami lton &: He len Mi ll en

Elanah &: Rick Hunger

Ice Dream Sculptures LLC

J. Alexander's Res taurant

jax Kar Wash

Ell en Kahn

Danialle &: Pete r Kam1an os

Linda Dresner Levy &: Edward Levy, j r.

Lu lu Lemon Athl etica

Denise&: Bob Lutz

Maalouf Salon

Nora &: Mattie Moroun

Kevin McManamon

MGM Grand Detroit

Mich igan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus and Children$ Chorus

Monika Essen

Neiman Marcus

Dr. juliette Okotie-Eboh

Opus O ne Restaurant/jim Kokas

Mary&: Charlie Pa rkh ill

Cha rl i &: Chuck Podowski

Pete r's Pa late Pleaser

Patti Rhodes- Prowse&: jim Prowse

Sanders Fine Chocolat iers

Kim &: Don

Ben Sharkey

Star Trax Event Produc ti ons

She ll ey &: joel Tauber·

The Detroit Tige rs

The Sports Cl ub of West Bloomfield

Stephani &: David Yates

Ma ry Lou Zieve

2012 Go lf Out ing

All eg ra Print and Imaging- Detroi t

Renaissance Center

Cranbrook An Muse um

Cranbrook Institute of Science

Crave Res taurant + Su s hi Ba r + Lounge

Cul inary Associates "A Taste of Excell ence"

David &: Elizabeth Run yon

Douglas j. Aveda Institut e

fath ead

Harvey Yates- L.B Office Product s

jeanne &: jack Bourge t j &: j Im porters

Kin g Par

Legends of Ic e

Lu igi Bruni Salon

Mel Leste r

Mi chigan Ope ra Th ea t re

Monji n Lau

Spray Chic Airbrush Ta nning

Vi cente's Cub an Cui sine

Western Golf&: Country Club

Zum ba Mex ica n Gri ll e

Miscellaneo us

Dodie David

Dr. David DiChi era

Haberm an Fabrics

Leon &: Lulu

Moffat McGuire , Inc

Real Integ ra ted

Sanders fin e C ho co lati ers


Gree tings fr om the MOT Volunteer Associat ion (MOTVA)!

Opera as an an form and Michigan Opera Theatre are very important to all of us. MOT producLions are world class and the Detroit Opera House offers one of th e most diverse opera and dance series in the co untry. These performances require the collabo r ation of many, especially those who help out behind the scenes.

Our key vo lunteer groups deserve speci al recogni tion: the hosts of our opening night dinners, cast parties and soi rees; the co mmittees that c reate our hallmark Br avoBravo! event; ou r resident h istorians who conduct Opera House tours ; our extrao rdinary co rps of ushers; and our MOTVA Board members.

To each of you who suppo rts us through generous gifts of time and resources, our most sincere thanks. If you are not yet a volunteer, please con sider j oining us Along with all of Lhe hard work, we have fun tool Voluntee ring is a great way to m eet oLher interesLing and involved people.

Your tax-deductible membership ent itles you to participate in o ur individual vo lunteer groups. For membership information please consult the MOTVA webpage at www.m, or call Christina Wagner a t (313) 237-3236. I hope that you enjoy the 2012-2013 season We look forward to work ing with you and thank you for your inte rest and involvement in the Michigan Ope ra Theat re Volunteer Association.



MOTVA Executive Committee

Terry Shea, President

Nan cy Moore, Secretary

Steve n Marlett e, Pas t President

Dodie David, Past President

Betty Brooks, Past President

Glor ia Clark, Past President

Gwen Bowlby, Treasurer

MOTVA Board of Directors and Committe e Chairs

Dominic Arellano, YoLtn g OperaHouse Council

Helen Arnoldi -Rowe, Divas/Divas

Kathie Booth, Ushers

Glo ria Clark, Opera League

Dodie David, Opera League

Leo Dovelle, Boutique

Rosemary Gugino, Vo lun tee r


Don jensen, Sp ecial Ev ents and Soirees

Amy jidov, Members hip

Myrna MaZLu e , Op erations

Cheryl Mcllhon, Danc e Council

C urti s Posuniak, Board Memb er

Bravo Bravo!

2013 Co-Cha irs

jeanine Fields

Amy Kaminsky

Will Robinson

Soiree Hosts

Kay Albertie

Floy &: Lee Barthe l

Amy&: Kent J idov

Su san Boynton

Anne&: john Roberts

2012 OPERAtors

Lee Barth el

Robert Bomier

Gwen Bowlby

G loria Clark

Dodie David

Marianne End icott

Barbara F ranke l

Alan Israel

Amy jidov

Delphine Kerney

Kathleen Maher

Steven Marlette

john No va k

Kathleen Plotzke

Anthony Ruda

Patricia A. Schultz

Detroit Op e r a Hou s e
www.Mic hi ga n Opera .org

General Information


Photography or recording during any perfonnance is strictly prohibited. You are welcom e to tak e pho tographs in th e lobby before o r afte r a performance and during inte rm ission As a co urtesy to our guests, please swi tc h all electronic devices to silent mode and refrain from us ing them during the performance.


Doctors and parents are advised to leave the ir seat loca tion (loca ted on ticket) and our e m ergency number, (313) 237-3257 , with the se1vice or sitter in case of an emergen cy. Please observe the ligh ted exit s igns located throughout the tl1eater. In tl1e event of fire or si mil ar emergency, please remain calm and wal k - d o no t ru n - to the nearest exit. O ur us hers a re trained to lead you out of the building safe ly. A trained Emergency Medical Techn ician (EMT) is onsite during most even ts. Please see a n us h er or staff member to con tact the EMT.


Ladies' r estroom s are located o ff the Fo rd Lobby (Broadway Stree t entrance), down the stairs; a nd o n the third floor (Madison Street entran ce) - press "3 R" on the elevator to reach tllis facility. Gentlemen$ res trooms are located under the Grand Staircase and also o n th e third floo r (Broadway Street sid e)press "3" on the elevator to reach this facility. All tl1ird floor restroom s are wheelchair accessible. A u n isex, w heelchair accessible restroom is loca ted in th e Cadillac Opera Cafe.


The Detroit O pera House is a smoke-free fac ili ty. Ash receptacles are pro vided at the exte rio r of all entry doors for those who wish to s moke.


Ush e rs ar e sta ti on ed at the top of each aisle. If you have a ques tion o r con cem , please infonn an usher, who will contact management. If yo u are interes ted in becoming a volu nteer ush er, please call the usher ho tline at (313) 237-3253.


Latecomers will be seated o nly during an appropriate pause in the program . Late sea ting policies are a t the discretion of the production , no t Opera Ho use m anagem ent.


Los t and Found is located in the Safety and Securi ty Depamnent. Please see an usher if you have mispla ced a n article, o r call (313) 96 1-3500 if you have alread y left the thea ter Items will be held in Lost and Found for 30 days.


We encourage all o ur guests to take advantage of the Detroit Opera Ho use Parking Cente r, loca ted next to the Detroit Opera H ouse. Pre-paid parking is available for all guests a nd ca n be purchased with tickets onli ne o r throug h t he Detroit Opera Hou se ticket office. This facili ty is reserved specificall y for Detroit Opera House patrons during regu larly sc heduled perfonnances. Entra nces and exits a re loca ted on both j o hn R. Street and Grand River Ave. Call (313) 237-7464 fo r m o re information


Accessible seating locations fo r patrons in wh eelchairs a re located in all price ranges on tl1e orc hestra leve l. When pu rchasing tickets, p lease as k abo ut th ese locatio ns if you req uire specia l accommodations.

Assis ted Liste ning Devices are available on a fi rst-come, first-se rved basis. Please see an ush er to request this service, or visit the Guest Services d esk lo ca ted in tile Vincent Lobby (Madison Street entrance). Altllough this is a co mplim entary se rvice, we will hold a p iece of personal identifica tion while you ar e us ing the d evice. Please contact the ticket o ffi ce a t (313) 237-7464 s h ould yo u d esire s pecial consideration


Children are welco m e; however, all guests are requ ired to ho ld a tic ke t, regardless o f age. In a ll cases, babes in arms are not pennitted.


Co ncessions stands are located on all levels P lease note that food and d1inks are not permitted in til e audito rium at any time Coat Ch eck is located at the Guest Setvices desk in tl1e Vin cent Lobby (Madison Street side) Please note that the Detroit Ope ra House d oes not accep t responsibili ty for an y personal arti cles that are no t c hecked at th e coa t check.


Be advised tlmt, for purposes of Michigan Com piled laws, Sectio n 28.425o(1)(f), this is an entertainm ent facility which has a seating capacity of m o re tilan 2,500 individuals. It is therefo re against the law to carry a concealed pis to l o n the premises.


The De tro it O pera Ho use is a vailab le for rent b y your organization. Please ca ll (3 13) 9613500 , and as k to spea k with th e Direc tor of Boo king & Events Management.


T he Detroit Opera Ho use ticket office hou rs a re Monday- F1iday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. On pe rfo nnan ce days ho urs are 10 a.m. throug h the frrst in temlission of the perfom1ance, except weekends, when th e ticke t o ffi ce will ope n two hours prior to curtain time. Tickets are availa ble online at Tickets for all public eve nts a t the De troit Opera Ho use ar e also ava ilable through all TicketMaster outlets, by pho n e at (800) 745-3000, o r at m.


Come j oin tl1e Opera Ho use Ambassadors for a backstage tour of til e Detroit Opera House! Learn about the history of th e Opera Ho use and its restora tion, meet tl1e people behind tl1e scen es, tour th e s tage and see h ow it operates. Tours are $ 10 per person For more info m mtion, please call (3 13) 23 73425, or vis it


EMERGENCIES (3 13) 237-3 25 7

Michigan Opera Th eatre (3 13) 961-3500

General Info n natio n (3 13) 961-3500

Lost and Found (3 13) 961-3500

Tick et Office (3 13) 237-SING ( 7464) Usher Ho tline (3 13) 237-3253

Theater Rental lnfonnati on 313) 961-3500

Detroit Opera Ho use Fax (3 13) 237-3412

Press and Public Re latio ns .. (3 13) 237-3 403 Detroit Opera House

Parking Ce nter (3 13) 965-4052

Website www.M ichiga


www.Mic h iga n
Detroit Ope1 a House

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