Program: Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2009

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table of contents

message from the organizers


hosts and supporting organizations


Program overview


site Plan 24 Program: wednesday, 3 JUNE 2009 27 Program: thursday, 4 JUNE 2009


Program: friday, 5 JUNE 2009


general information


alphabetical list of names








3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

message from the host

The media bear a great responsibility – and this is especially true of their active role in conflict prevention. They must be aware of this responsibility – and be able to fulfil it. This is what we want to promote with the second edition of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. This year, with the topic “Conflict Prevention in the Multimedia Age”, we address both established media producers and the new media protagonists from the various platforms. Issues involving civil society and the communication of values, governance and human rights, education and development naturally form an integral part of this theme. The many enquiries from prestigious institutions that are participating as partners for the first time show that we are on the right track with our concept. At over 50 different events, they will engage with the rapid developments on the international media markets and the future; role of both traditional and new media – in the context of regional and global crises. The success of the first conference last year encouraged not only Deutsche Welle to make the Global Media Forum in Bonn, with its international orientation and interdisciplinary approach, an established fixture: this year, more than 50 partner institutions and sponsors will take part, and representatives from media enterprises, non-governmental organizations and state and intergovernmental institutions will meet up. A large role has been played by the German Foreign Office and the Foundation for International Dialogue of the Savings Bank Bonn as co-organizers, and by the government of NRW, the City of Bonn and Deutsche Post, who have all given their support to the Forum. In the name of all participants, I wish you interesting discussions, stimulating impressions and a lively exchange of ideas. I am looking forward to continuing on from there next year.

Erik Bettermann Director General of Deutsche Welle


Message from the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs

The multimedia world is in constant flux. Here, too, the pace of technological progress confronts us with ever new challenges. What is newsworthy is no longer decided only by the media and professional journalists but increasingly also by viewers or media users, who share opinions and discuss issues through a host of interactive media networks. We’re now seeing a growing trend towards greater speed as well as more participants, more interactive networks and more media. These new opportunities for communication call for an appropriate response from the traditional mass media. Deutsche Welle – Germany’s international broadcaster – is therefore planning strategic changes that will help it remain a credible and authentic voice for audiences around the world. It wants above all to expand its programs in all spheres, tailor them more systematically to different needs and also involve its increasingly active listeners, viewers and users in real dialogue. All this combined of course with its multilingual approach will make its international programs even more attractive. The 2009 Forum will explore the many facets of this ongoing transformation of the global media, focusing particularly on the growing number of information sources available around the world as well as on communications technologies and their impact on those living in crisis and conflict zones. In many parts of the world unhindered access to information, strong and independent media and professional journalism are still patchy or non-existent, although they are of key importance for the development of genuinely pluralistic societies. As a broadcaster committed to journalism ethics and democratic values, Deutsche Welle has for decades been working in close cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office to promote these core ingredients of pluralism. The Federal Foreign Office supports particularly the DW-Akademie training programs designed to help young journalists

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

hone their editorial skills and familiarize them with media ethics and good practice. We also sponsor direct-impact projects such as the radio education program “Learning by Ear” in Africa. For all these reasons I take a keen interest in the Global Media Forum and so, as in previous years, I readily agreed to support this year’s conference. I wish you all interesting encounters, intensive exchanges and stimulating discussions. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs


message from the STATE GOVERNMENT OF NRW

It is a pleasure for me to welcome all of the national and international guests to the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. I am convinced that we can repeat the huge success of last year’s conference again this year. Or to be more optimistic: we will do our very best to top last year’s good results. Conflict prevention in the Multimedia Age is one of the most important challenges in our times. During the next three days, the Deutsche Welle’s Global Media Forum will bring together international journalists, media users and producers, peace-building and conflict-prevention specialists, as well as representatives from various media institutions. They are all here to network and to discuss solutions for the future of our one world. I wish all of the participants at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum successful debates, a fruitful exchange of opinions, and the chance to attain a new level of knowledge. The conference offers participants the opportunity to make new contacts and brings together a large number of experts from all over the world. The Media Industry in our State has become a strong economic sector. More than 330,000 people are active in this branch. North RhineWestphalia is Germany’s leader in the Media World. We are proud of this development and, at the same time, eager to communicate with the International Media World. For these reasons I am convinced that all our guests will find a productive atmosphere at all the meetings, workshops and other events during the conference. Please allow me to welcome you to our country. Enjoy your stay in our wonderful region and take home with you new contacts, new friends and hopefully a good impression that will bring you back to us in the future.

Andreas Krautscheid Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

message from the lady mayor of Bonn

As the Mayor of Bonn I extend a warm welcome to the participants of the second Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. I am delighted that Deutsche Welle International Broadcasting has organised this annual event. Its international attendance list and sustainability content and objectives make Bonn – Germany’s United Nations City – an excellent choice of venue. The triangle made up by the World Conference Center Bonn, Deutsche Welle International Broadcasting and the UN Campus serves to promote sustainability. Bonn is home to some 19 UN organizations, over 150 NGOs, numerous scientific institutions, multinational businesses, other authorities and, of course, the media. Bonn stands for interdisciplinary cooperation, new perspectives and innovation in telecommunications. Deutsche Welle International Broadcasting brings free and independent journalism to an increasingly global world. Last year, the Global Media Forum dealt with the role of the media in peacekeeping and conflict prevention. This year it will focus on conflict and the media in a digital world – from content supply to how the new media influences conflict worldwide. Again, there are many links to Bonn-based actors and their agendas. These include the United Nations University, the Bonn International Conversion Center and the telecommunications giants domiciled in Bonn. So welcome to Bonn and to a challenging conference. May you spread this spirit of dialogue and cooperation when you return home. And, if you happen to have some spare time in the next few days, I would like to invite you to explore our beautiful city.

Bärbel Dieckmann Lady Mayor of Bonn

message from the organisers: ...


3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY


message from THE CO-HOST

Sparkasse KölnBonn supports initiatives and projects that benefit the Cologne-Bonn region. One such initiative is the “Stiftung Internationale Begegnung der Sparkasse in Bonn” [Foundation for International Dialogue of the Sparkasse in Bonn], an organization whose activities demonstrate that the principle of a global approach to our present and our future is an essential element of sound regional policy. The Global Media Forum is an excellent example of that principle, as it promotes international understanding and cooperative development work in the Federal and UN city of Bonn through its commitment to international dialogue in the field of science and research. Today, media have a greater impact on everyday private and professional life than ever before. One of the greatest challenges we face is that of processing the flood of information, assessing its truth content and distinguishing between what is important and what is not. Media producers and media consumers alike are engaged in a never-ending process of learning how to deal with both traditional and new media. The Global Media Forum offers you an opportunity to discuss regional matters of global significance as well as global issues of regional importance in events, forums and networks in the Federal City of Bonn. On behalf of the “Stiftung Internationale Begegnung der Sparkasse in Bonn” I wish you all interesting discussions, new ideas and new perspectives that you can take home and pursue further after the Forum is over.

Artur Grzesiek Chairman of the Executive Board of the Stiftung Internationale Begegnung der Sparkasse in Bonn Chairman of the Executive Board of Sparkasse KölnBonn



message from the organisers: ...

Leading Members: akg-images, Bildagentur HUBER, dpa·bilderdienste, kpa photo archives, OKAPIA, Photoshot, Picture Press

A company of the dpa Group



3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

Telefon + 49 69 2716 - 34770,,




Your investment location in Europe North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the most important metropolitan regions in Europe. A location which offers you the best investment opportunities. More than 11,500 foreign companies are here already – and not without good reason: With 18 million inhabitants, including 11 million in the Rhine-Ruhr region alone, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous federal state in Germany. The infrastructure is outstanding: Seven airports offer more than 400 direct international flights every day. A dense network of roads, rail tracks and waterways guarantees fast connections to destinations all over the world. With over 60 leading international trade fairs, North Rhine-Westphalia is the world‘s no. 1DEUTSCHE trade fair venue. WELLE GLOBAL MEDIA FORUM

What‘s more: North Rhine-Westphalia offers Europe‘s densest research network – ideal conditions for effi cient technology transfer. We love the new. Contact us. As a one-stop agency we will support you with your investment projects:


hosts and supporting organizations

co-hosted by

supported by

The State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY



ØF[efb[ _d Wh[Wi e\ Yed\b_Yj Wh[ Yekdj_d] ed ki$Ç DR. JAMSHEED FAROUGHI, DW-RADIO/FARSI

We communicate the values of free democracy and support human rights.



in co-operation with

PCMLP the programme in comparative media law and policy

Academy for Information and Communication of the German Armed Forces

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

STRIVING FOR FREEDOM WORLDWIDE The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a German political foundation. Each year we organize more than 2,500 events in our two civic education centres and 16 regional institutes in Germany. Around the world, our 70 offices run projects in more than 100 countries. On the national and international level, we employ political education to promote peace, freedom, and justice. Our key concerns include consolidating democracy, promoting the unification of Europe, intensifying transatlantic relations and development-policy cooperation. As a think-tank and consulting agency, we develop scientific background information and current analyses, breaking the ground for political action. The Foundation’s Academy in Berlin provides a forum for discourse about issues of future relevance in politics, the economy, society, and science. We support gifted young people – not only from Germany but also from Central and Eastern Europe and from the developing countries – by providing moral and financial help. We keep close contact with more than 9.000 alumni.

International Institute for Journalism The International Institute for Journalism (IIJ) of InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Germany, was founded in 1962 in order to give young, up-and-coming journalists from developing and transitional countries the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the media business. The IIJ offers advanced training and dialogue for print and news agency journalists as well as for online journalists. The aim of the IIJ programme is to strengthen freedom of expression and the press in the partner countries of the German development cooperation and thus improve the conditions for democratisation and economic and social development. In this capacity, the IIJ represents a key pillar in the media development work of the Federal Government of Germany and in particular of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The IIJ currently offers up to 40 training courses and dialogue programmes per year which take place both in Germany and in the partner countries and reach approximately 600 media workers. A high proportion of our alumni hold senior positions in the media industry throughout the world. InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Germany, is a non-profit organisation with worldwide operations dedicated to human resource development, advanced training, and dialogue. Our capacity building programmes are directed at experts and executives from politics, administration, the business community, and civil society. We are commissioned by the German federal government to assist with the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. In addition, we provide the German business sector with support for public private partnership projects. Through exchange programmes, InWEnt also offers young people from Germany the opportunity to gain professional experience abroad. International Institute for Journalism (IIJ) of InWEnt StresemannstraĂ&#x;e 92 10963 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 30 43 996-297 Fax +49 30 43 996-260



“Global communication requires a broad range of languages. We are no strangers to speed, coverage and flexibility.” Tanja Cordes, Productmanager ots.International at news aktuell


Plenary Chamber



Room “Minister”


Room “Nauen”

Room AB

(Deutsche Welle)

Room FG 9:30 a.m.


11:00 a.m.

Opening ceremony

1:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Program overview Wednesday, 3 june 2009

Room C

11:30 a.m.


Keynote speech Soon-Hong Choi Assistant Secretary-General, Chief Information Technology Officer, United Nations Keynote speech Howard Rheingold Author and Professor at Stanford and Berkeley Lunch DW New direction of U.S. foreign policy: from confrontation to dialogue ICT4Peace How can technologies and information be leveraged to manage crises better? NASSCOM Security leaks in cross-border data flows Nokia Siemens Networks Mobile TV insights and reflections on consumer habits AIK The mutual responsibility of the armed forces and civil society SIGNIS and GPPAC Partnership for peace: cooperation between media and civil society institutions Stanford University Constructive innovation journalism DW Role of the media in peace building processes in Pakistan

4:00 p.m.

Coffee break

4:30 p.m.

DW The young generation: is anyone watching, anyone listening? DW Mediators under sustained fire from television images NASSCOM Security leaks in cross-border data flows (cont.) DW The media and human rights - Latin America panel Dart Centre Surviving kidnap SIGNIS and GPPAC Partnership for peace: cooperation between media and civil society institutions (cont.) Stanford University Constructive innovation journalism (cont.) Voices of Africa The mobile phone as a conflict prevention tool

6:30 p.m.

Boat trip and dinner (5 min. walk) 3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY


Program overview Thursday, 4 june 2009

Plenary Chamber



Room “Minister”


Room “Nauen”

Room AB

(Deutsche Welle)

Room C Room FG

8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Registration Plenary Session Traditional media vs. web media - friends or foes Symposium Re-inventing journalism? Journalistic training in the social media age

11:00 a.m.

Coffee break

11:30 a.m.

Media Storm “Stories you don’t forget” – multimedia storytelling meets crisis prevention Symposium Re-inventing journalism? Journalistic training in the social media age DW From joysticks to body count: ethical aspects of modern warfare Zurich University of Applied Sciences Covering conflict in Liberia Oxford University Media, power politics and post-electoral disputes EBU More channels, more news: no more room for profound reporting? InWEnt The impact of new media on political transparency in turbulent times OECD - A new resource to inform and reform

1:00 p.m.




Program overview Thursday, 4 june 2009

2:30 p.m.

KAS Political conflicts in Europe and the role of the media Symposium Re-inventing journalism? Journalistic training in the social media age DW Citizen journalism & freedom of speech Saarland University From representation to simulation: serious games and new approaches to crisis media InterMedia Media behavior in conflict zones: a global overview AMIC/ABU/AIBD Reporting conflicts - an Asian perspective DW (New) media and diaspora intervention in conflict resolution: the case of Somalia FIfF Information technology: provoking or preventing conflict?

4:00 p.m.

Coffee break

4:30 p.m.

Cellity Twitter as a power tool for journalists and the media Symposium Re-inventing journalism? Journalistic training in the social media age Johns Hopkins University & Ifri War 2.0 DW Media and money - journalism in times of financial crisis InterMedia Media behavior in conflict zones: a global overview (cont.) AMIC/ABU/AIBD Reporting conflicts - an Asian perspective (cont.) RWTH Aachen and Maastricht University Peaceful messages and war of frequencies - Visions and realities of broadcasting as a means of international understanding Press Now Cracking closed doors Saarland University From representation to simulation: serious games and new approaches to crisis media (cont.)

6:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m.

The BOBs award ceremony Reception at Deutsche Welle (3 min. walk) 3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

Plenary Chamber



Room “Minister”

Program overview


Room “Nauen”

Room AB

(Deutsche Welle)

Friday, 5 june 2009

Room C


8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Room FG

Registration CPJ Suppressed websites - will censors lose the race? Eyes & Ears of Europe News and information design for audio-visual media - how theatrical can, might or should it be? Radio La Benevolencija Psyops for peace? A presentation on the methodology, role and achievements of the “Great Lakes Reconciliation Radio” project Dart Centre The trauma factor: the missing ingredient in conflict journalism? DW The vision and mission of medica mondiale media21 Conflicts and responsible media - watcher of disaster...and actor of change BICC & AIK Security and the media

11:00 a.m.

Coffee break

11:30 a.m.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Pleasure, ideology and algorithm: the rise of the military entertainment complex RIAS Berlin Commission RIAS workshop on German-American coverage of terrorism issues - a transatlantic media comparison Eyes & Ears of Europe News and information design for audio-visual media - how theatrical can, might or should it be? (cont.) Robert Bosch Stiftung Civil Society 2.0 – How digital media are changing politics in Turkey DW The empire strikes back - Is the newly-found media freedom already heading to an end? n-ost Bypassing censorship through blogging? The blogosphere in Russia USIP Assessing media landscapes in conflict

1:00 p.m.

Closing ceremony

1:30 p.m.

Lunch reception hosted by the City of Bonn Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany - Bonn (10 min. walk)




21. Internationaler Fernsehkongress

Koelnmesse, Rheinparkhalle

Internationaler Filmkongress der Filmstiftung NRW

Internationaler Printkongress

22.– 24. Juni 2009

Internationaler Konvergenzkongress: Mobile Media, Games, Web 2.0

Das ist eine Veranstaltung der Landesanstalt für Medien NRW (LfM), gefördert mit Mitteln des Ministers für Bundesangelegenheiten, Europa und Medien des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Verantwortlich für Konzeption und Durchführung ist die LfM GmbH. 3 –5Nova JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

















site plan GROUND FLOOR























3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY


Program monday, 2 june 2008




panelists & presenters


location discussion panels & presentations



Wednesday, 3 june 2009


3 June

11:00 Opening ceremony Plenary Chamber Opening address: Erik Bettermann, Director General, Deutsche Welle Welcome addresses: Bärbel Dieckmann, Mayor of Bonn Andreas Krautscheid, Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia 11:30 Keynote speech Plenary Chamber Keynote speech: Soon-Hong Choi Assistant Secretary-General, Chief Information Technology Officer, United Nations Keynote speech: Howard Rheingold Author and Professor at Stanford and Berkeley “Cooperation, conflict, and participatory media”

Soon-Hong Choi 01:00

Howard Rheingold


3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY



wednesday, 3 june 2009

3 June 2:30 p.m.

New direction of U.S. foreign policy: from confrontation to dialogue Hosted by Deutsche Welle Washington Plenary Chamber According to the White House foreign policy agenda, President Obama and Vice President Biden will renew America’s security and standing in the world through a new era of American leadership: “Now is the time for a new era of international cooperation that strengthens old partnerships and builds new ones to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.” As the Vice President said in a foreign policy speech at an international conference in February in Munich, “the U.S. vision on foreign and security policy will make a symbolic break with the Bush years by emphasising co-operation, multilateralism, diplomacy and the need for strong partnerships”. Meanwhile there are indications that the Obama administration is making efforts to improve relations and reopen dialogue with Syria, Iran and North Korea, and is perhaps even reaching out to parts of the Taliban. This panel will target the changes in American foreign policy and its effects on the media agenda and efforts for conflict prevention.

James Appathurai

Wadah Khanfar


J.-F. Kallmorgen


Program wednesday, 3 june 2009

Keynote: James Appathurai, NATO spokesperson

3 June 2:30 p.m.

Panelists: Wadah Khanfar, CEO, Al Jazeera Wadah Khanfar is the Director General of the Al Jazeera Network which includes the flagship Al Jaazera Arabic Channel, Al Jaazera English, Al Jaazera Sports, Al Jaazera Mubasher, Al Jaazera Documentary as well as al He has covered the world’s significant political zones for the Al Jaazera Channel since 1997. In 2001/2002 he was a war correspondent in Afghanistan and Iraq. Later, he was appointed as the Chief of the Baghdad Bureau and was successful in re-establishing the bureau in the wake of Iraq’s new political landscape. Jan-Friedrich Kallmorgen, Co-publisher of, an online think tank for international politics and globalization Jan-Friedrich is a co-founder of, the first online platform for transatlantic debate on key issues of international politics and globalization, and a partner at Bohnen Kallmorgen & Partner, a public affairs consultancy based in Berlin, Brussels and Washington, D.C. Kallmorgen worked as a journalist in Germany and in the U.S. for the business consultancy AT Kearny and the World Bank. Before that he was an investment manager for Goldman Sachs & Co. in Frankfurt. From 2005 to 2007 he headed the Transatlantic Program of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). Steven Craig Clemons, publisher of the political blog “The Washington Note” and Director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation. Clemons is an American blogger and publishes the political blog The Washington Note. He is director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, and the former director of the Japan Policy Research Institute. Steven served as Senator Jeff Bingaman’s senior policy advisor on economic and international affairs. Earlier in his career, Steven was the executive director of the Japan America Society of Southern California from 1987 to 1994. Robert Ward, Director of the global forecasting team, The Economist Intelligence Unit

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY



wednesday, 3 june 2009

3 June 2:30 p.m.

As director of the global forecasting team, Robert oversees The Economist Intelligence Unit’s global forecast and in cooperation with country specialists also analyzes key global economic trends. Before joining The Economist Intelligence Unit in 1997, Robert worked in Tokyo in the international rating division of the Japan Bond Research Institute. With nearly 20 years of experience in the Asia region, Robert is well-equipped to comment on and analyze Asia’s fast-moving economic and political developments. Host: Rüdiger Lentz, Deutsche Welle Washington Bureau Chief and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Rüdiger Lentz has been the Washington bureau chief and senior diplomatic correspondent for Deutsche Welle since January 1999. Prior to his assignment in Washington he served as Deutsche Welle’s Brussels bureau chief. Before joining Deutsche Welle he worked as a correspondent for the German news magazine Der Spiegel and as a TV commentator and reporter at ARD/WDR. He has also held various positions including that of editor-in-chief at RIAS-TV Berlin. He is president of the Atlantic-Initiative U.S. and vice-president of the German American Business Council (GABC) in Washington.

Steven Craig Clemons

Robert Ward


Rüdiger Lentz


Program wednesday, 3 june 2009

How can technologies and information be leveraged to manage crises better?

3 June 2:30 p.m.

Hosted by ICT4peace Wasserwerk Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in crisis early-warning, response and management can save lives through effective and timely action. However, crisis response and disaster relief operations today continue to be handicapped by out-dated and ill-defined information practices, processes and technologies. Interoperability between agencies and systems, collaboration between humanitarian and peace-building actors, critical information sharing between governments and NGOs all need to be strengthened. What technological capabilities and organisational commitments are needed to address the challenges today? How will the United Nations act as a global thought-leader in this regard? We already have Web and Internet tools, services and platforms with millions of users – can they be leveraged to transform crises and for humanitarian aid? Why will crisis information management play a vital role in peacekeeping and peace-building operations in the future?

Not pictured: Satish Nambiar, Alain Modoux

Daniel Stauffacher

Choi Soon-hong

Sanjana Hattotuwa

Moderator: Alain Modoux, former Assistant Director General of UNESCO for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace As former Assistant Director General of UNESCO for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace, Alain is internationally recognized for his unwavering commitment to press freedom. He is, inter alia, the architect of the UNESCO proposal

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY



wednesday, 3 june 2009

3 June 2:30 p.m.

which led to the decision by the General Assembly of the United Nations to proclaim 3 May “World Press Freedom Day�. Introduction: Daniel Stauffacher, ICT4Peace Chairman Daniel is the former Ambassador of Switzerland to the United Nations (1999 - 2005) and has been Swiss Ambassador to the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis 2005. He worked with UNFPA and UNDP in New York and in Laos, China (1982 - 1990), with the Swiss Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs and was responsible for financial co-operation with major Asian countries, including India and China and subsequently with Central and Eastern Europe. Panelists: Assistant Secretary-General Choi Soon-hong, Chief Information technology, United Nations, New York Soon-hong is the Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Information Technology Officer of the United Nations Secretariat. In this capacity, he is responsible for the overall direction and performance of ICT activities in the Organization. He acts as the principal representative of the UN Secretary-General on information management and technology issues. Soon-hong is responsible for all substantive and operational needs on information and communication technologies (ICT) of the UN. Lieutenant General Satish Nambiar, Force Commander and Head of the United Nations forces in the former Yugoslavia 1992 - 1993, United Service Institution of India, New Dehli Satish commanded two battalions of the Maratha Light Infantry, a mechanised brigade group and a mechanised division. As Director General of Military Operations (1991), he led two defence delegations for discussions with Pakistan. Appointed the first Force Commander and Head of the United Nations forces in the former Yugoslavia he set up and ran the mission from 3rd March 1992 to 2nd March 1993. Satish has been Director of the United Service Institution of India since 1st July 1996. Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to ICT4Peace Foundation Sanjana is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Policy Alternatives and is Head of ICT and Peacebuilding at InfoShare, both based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. A Fellow of



Program wednesday, 3 june 2009

the Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation in Geneva, Sanjana also serves on a number of other technical assistance and project steering groups in Sri Lanka and internationally.

Security leaks in cross-border data flows Hosted by NASSCOM Pumpenhaus Day and night, sensitive and confidential data from banks, hospitals and health insurance companies, to name just a few, crosses the borders from the so-called developed world to be processed in computer centers in the South. After processing, this data then flows back to the companies from where it emanated. Like predators along these data highways, data pirates and other digital criminals convene to attack such data and either steal or change it. How secure are our international data corridors? Can really sensitive data fall into the hands of terrorists or just plain criminals?

Kamlesh Bajaj

Vinayak Godse

Frank Rieger

Josey V George

Presenters: Kamlesh Bajaj, Head of NASSCOM Security Initiatives, Data Security Council of India, New Delhi Kamlesh Bajaj has over 30 years of experience in the IT industry. His previous engagements include global head of information risk management practice at Tata

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

3 June 2:30 p.m.



wednesday, 3 june 2009

3 June 2:30 p.m.

Consultancy Services, founder and director of Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In). He established the techno-legal framework for public key infrastructure in India. He is a specialist for emerging technologies and cyber security in India and abroad. Vinayak Godse, Data Security Expert, NASSCOM, Data Security Council of India, New Delhi Vinayak Godse is a senior manager for security practices with the Data Security Council of India (DSCI). He has a total of 15 years’ experience in information security and telecom switching and Internet infrastructure. Godse has been a part of establishing DSCI as a Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) for data protection, enhancing trustworthiness of Indian IT/ITES service providers, engaged in executing various programs and activities as a domain expert. Frank Rieger, Spokesperson of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), Hamburg, Germany Frank Rieger is a spokesman for the Chaos Computer Club. His track record includes more than 15 years in the fields of information security, privacy, electronic voting and mobile applications. Rieger is a leading advocate for personal freedom and privacy in the digital age. Josey V George, Head Security Strategy & Architecture, Wipro Consulting

Mobile TV insights and reflection on consumer habits Hosted by Nokia Siemens Networks and Partner Room AB Over the last year there has been an evolution of the mobile TV business in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The highlights and key success factors for mobile TV service adaption will be elaborated by country. Finally, the impact of interactive applications and advertising on mobile TV consumption will be examined. The panel discussion “How will mobile TV influence the mobile information chain?” will



Program wednesday, 3 june 2009

provide a global picture of the mobile TV market, including regulation, technology and standards. Panelists: Stephan Skrodzki, CEO and Founder, GMIT GmbH, Berlin, Germany Stephan Skrodzki is CEO and founder of GMIT, a technical solution provider for IPTV and DVB-H based in Berlin. The company designs and implements software solutions for video headend, monitoring and interactivity. Before founding GMIT, Skrodzki held different management and R&D positions in the media and IT industry (digital equipment, convergence integrated media, contcast). Stefan Schneiders, Senior Vice President for Nokia Siemens Networks, Business Development Mobile TV and Advertising Stefan Schneiders supports the business development for mobile TV and mobile advertising within the consulting and system integration business at Nokia Siemens Networks. He is continuing his activities as senior vice president for ?Nokia? Siemens Networks, where he has been responsible for the business development of mobile broadcast since 2005. Schneiders has more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunication industry. Over the last decade he has been involved in industry innovations such as mobile payment, information security and biometrics.

Stephan Skrodzki

Stefan Schneiders

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

3 June 2:30 p.m.



wednesday, 3 june 2009

3 June 2:30 p.m.

The mutual responsibility of the armed forces and civil society Hosted by Academy of the German Armed Forces for Information and Communication (AIK) Room C The German armed forces – founded in the 1950s – is the first German military controlled by parliament. One of the underlying concepts of the armed forces is the organizational idea of “internal guidance”. The self-perception of the soldier here is that – even while wearing a uniform – he is still a citizen with all rights and duties. The soldier is a part of society. But what happens if you look at society as being separated from the military? What should the relationship between society and the armed forces look like – especially in times of changing political security and increasing missions in foreign countries? Is there a mutual responsibility? Can the armed forces rely on society and society on its armed forces? Does society support the missions sanctioned by parliament? How do the media see this mutual responsibility and how do they report on it?

Thomas Schirrmacher

Hans W. Odenthal

Günter Knabe

Presenters: Thomas Schirrmacher, international human rights expert Thomas Schirrmacher is professor of ethics at Martin Bucer Seminary (Bonn, Zurich, Prague, Istanbul) as well as professor of the sociology of religion at the State University of Oradea in Romania. As an international human rights expert he is a board member of the International



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Society for Human Rights, spokesman for human rights of the World Evangelical Alliance and director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (Bonn, Cape Town, Colombo). Hans W. Odenthal, Colonel (ret.) Hans W. Odenthal served as executive officer to the chief of staff, GE Armed Forces Staff, and the commander of allied air forces Central Europe, as foreign affairs fellow at the International Institute for Security Studies, London; as deputy military advisor to the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina with parallel duties as chief of the politico-military/defence reforms section at the OSCE mission in Sarajevo. He retired from active duty in 2007 as chief of staff of the Federal Armed Forces Academy for Information and Communication. Günter Knabe, Journalist Günter Knabe joined Deutsche Welle as editor in the Afghanistan-program in 1979 and six years later he became head of that program. In 1990 he became Head of the Asia Department of DW and was appointed Diplomatic Correspondent of DW in Berlin for Asia and the Islamic world in 2003. After retiring from DW he is still working for German and international media as an expert on Asian affairs.

Partnership for Peace: Cooperation between media and civil society institutions Hosted by World Catholic Association for Communication (SIGNIS) and Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC) Room FG The developments in multimedia have had an undeniable effect on the world. The resulting increase in interconnectedness and possibilities of interaction and participation have changed traditional roles and demarcations in the global community. When it comes to socio-political realities and developments, changes are clearly noticeable, equally so for armed conflicts and strategies of conflict prevention and peace building. At the same time, it has long been recognized that when it comes to dealing with

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conflicts and violence, it is essential to work with a multi-stakeholder approach. To put it simply, no one can do it alone. Traditional actors, each with their own influence on exacerbating or resolving armed conflicts, like armed factions, governments, civil society, media, inter-governmental organizations etc. all need to be involved and cooperate to be able to come to a durable and sustainable solution. However, the changes that multimedia developments have brought for each of these stakeholders, require a re-estimation of the roles and responsibilities of each of these actors when it comes to conflict prevention and peace building. And, potentially more importantly, they require a re-evaluation of how these different actors can and/or should cooperate.

Alvito de Souza

Vladimir Bratic

Damas Missanga

Moderator: Alvito de Souza, Secretary General, SIGNIS A. de Souza has been with SIGNIS since 2000 and became its secretary-general in 2008. Alvito de Souza has field experience in development cooperation, humanitarian and emergency relief work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. An accredited action research/organization development consultant, Alvito de Souza holds a Masters in cultures and development studies with a focus on inclusive learning processes and organization behaviour and social organization.



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Panelists: Vladimir Bratic, Assistant Professor of Media and Communications, Hollins University Vladimir Bratic is assistant professor of media and communications at Hollins University. He is the author of several journal articles, professional publications and reports on the role of the media in conflict and peace. Vladimir teaches and lectures on media’s capacity to promote the peaceful transformation of violent conflict across the world. He is co-author of an upcoming book on media strategy for peace-building and conflict prevention, published by the United States Institute of Peace Press in 2009.

Not pictured: Georgios Terzis

Florence Mpaayei

Augusto Miclat

Marte Hallema

Damas Misanga, Director of Radio Kwizera, Tanzania Damas Misanga is a Tanzanian Jesuit with experience in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya; currently he is Radio Kwizera’s director. He has studied and worked in Rome and the Philippines. Florence Mpaayei, Executive Director of the Nairobi Peace Initiative Before joining NPI-Africa, Florence Mpaayei was with a number of non-governmental, church-affiliated humanitarian agencies working in the areas of development and refugee settlement focussing on countries of East Africa, the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. She has extensive experience in conflict transformation training and facilitation and relief work. She was trained in conflict transformation and peace building in Africa and the U.S.A.

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Augusto Miclat, Director and co-founder, Initiatives for International Dialogue Augusto Miclat is the executive director and co-founder of the Initiatives for International Dialogue, an advocacy and solidarity organization based in the Philippines with campaigns and programs in East Timor, Mindanao and Burma. He is also a former journalist, editor, university lecturer, theatre artist and organizer. He was involved in the broad anti-dictatorship front against Marcos from the late 1970s up to the late 1980s and continues to be involved in other diplomacy and international solidarity work. Marte Hellema, Program Manager Awareness Raising at ECCP Marte Hellema works within the ECCP as the program manager for awareness raising, focussing primarily on the UN International Day of Peace campaign, the development of awareness-raising tools and strategies, as well as working on GPPAC media strategy. She also is the regional coordinator for Asia Pacific and previously worked on security and defence issues and with youth and diaspora groups on conflict prevention and peace building as project coordinator and trainer. Continued on page 55

Constructive innovation journalism Hosted by Stanford University Lobby Vice-Anbau Journalism can enable its audience to solve conflicts and crisis through a constant flow of stories about new, innovative ways to solve problems and insight into how well society is organized to make such innovations happen. This requires breaking the silo mentality of the traditional news beats since innovation is not a question of politics, business or technology, but a combination of these. This is not about sugarcoating and hiding realities; it’s about enabling people to find solutions to serious problems. In this workshop we will discuss the role of journalism in enabling societies to discuss new solutions to their problems, as well as their ability to find such solutions.



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Participants: Prof. David Nordfors, Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning David Nordfors is co-founder and executive director of the VINNOVA Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism at Stanford University. He is a senior research scholar at Stanford University’s H-Star Institute. He coined the concepts of innovation journalism and attention work and started the first innovation journalism initiatives in Sweden (2003) and at Stanford (2005). Nordfors is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Future of Media. Ulrik Haagerup, Head of News, Danish Radio Ulrik Haagerup is head of news and former editor-in-chief at Morgenavisen JyllandsPosten and NORDJYSKE Media. He is a John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University and a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council. Wilfried Rütten, Director, European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherland Wilfried Rütten is director of the European Journalism Centre. He has worked in German public and private broadcasting as a reporter and producer (ARD, RTLGroup) as well as in journalism education. Before joining EJC he was the head of the school for digital television at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, Austria Continued on page

Wilfried Rütten


Ulrik Haagerup

Prof. David Nordfors


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The role of media in peace building processes in Pakistan Hosted by Deutsche Welle Room Minister Pakistani media have been working under several restrictions and hurdles due to less tolerance from influential quarters. Despite strict media laws and impositions of bans, they still play a vital and courageous role in critical situations and important issues affecting the nation and influencing regional and world affairs. Pakistan’s contribution to fighting the war against terrorism is fully supported by the media. The delicate situation at the borders with India and Afghanistan has always been sensibly portrayed by the media. At the moment Pakistan is navigating a critical phase of its history and is tied in difficult situations. Relations with India are at ‘zero tolerance’ level after the tragic incident of terrorism in Mumbai recently. The border with Afghanistan is not safe due to ongoing fighting with the Taliban. Normal life in the country is also negatively affected and is unsafe due to suicide attacks. Pakistan needs immediate and permanent peace for the stabilization of its shattered economy and upholding its national repute. The media are more or less playing their due role in peace-building but their efforts can be accelerated and made more effective through joint efforts and constant dialogue on specified objectives.

Grahame Lucas

Syed Talat Hussain

Kamran Jamil Khawaja Tajdar Alam

Moderator: Grahame Lucas, Head of the South Asia Department at Deutsche Welle In this capacity he is responsible for DW’s multimedial output in Bengali, Hindi and

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Urdu as well as English for Asia. During his career at DW he served as a TV and radio correspondent in Bonn and Brussels with a strong interest in German and European affairs and international security and development issues. Later on Grahame was appointed Head of News and Current Affairs in the English Service and coordinator of web output. Speakers: Syed Talat Hussain, Executive Director of News and Current affairs, Aaj Television of Pakistan Syed Talat Hussain is executive director of news and current affairs at AAJ Television of Pakistan. He also presents a popular talk show “Live with Talat” mainly addressing political and social issues. He writes for Newsline, Time magazine and contributes to India Today. He has also worked with international broadcasters and news magazines. As a media professional he has vast experience in establishing news and current affairs systems at ARY TV, Pakistan TV, Prime TV (UK) and Telebiz Kamran Jamil Khawaja, country manager of Pakistan’s FM-100 in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Kamran Jamil Khawaja leads the pioneer group of private FM radio station of FM-100 in three main cities of the country. FM-100 radio was first to break the monopoly of state-owned electronic media in 1995. Kamran started his career as transmission controller of TV Asia in the UK and then worked as production manager in TV Asia and Zee TV in the UK. He also worked with The Pakistani Channel UK (now ARY Digital) as project manager. Since 2001 has been country manager of FM-100 network in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Tajdar Alam, managing director of Pakistan’s distant learning TV channels of Lahore based Virtual University Tajdar Alam was the first qualified professional to have launched a television channel, NTM, in the private sector. He was also the pioneer of launching a full-fledged TV channel specifically for Asians in Europe called TV Asia in the UK. Tajdar was selected by the government of Pakistan to head educational TV channels. For 35 years he has supported the promotion and development of television in Pakistan and abroad. In that period he has trained more than 400 television professionals who are serving different networks worldwide.



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Visual: Georg Dümlein 2008

research the way the net works.

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Najib Ahmad, director of programs at Power Radio FM-99 network Najib Ahmad joined the state-owned Pakistan Broadcasting service in 1988 as program producer until he resigned in 2002 to launch Power Radio FM-99, one of the two FM radios banned by General Pervez Musharraf in November 2007. Besides his professional expertise, he was pioneer of Web-based environmental radio in Pakistan. Najib gathered the new FM radio stations at the platform of the Association of Independent Radio (AIR) for protection of rights of new broadcasters. He was elected chairman of the influential association. Samar Minallah, Pakistani freelance writer, human rights activist and documentary filmmaker Samar Minallah is a Pakistani freelance writer, human rights activist and one of the country’s few documentary filmmakers. She is founder of Ethnomedia, a documentary production company. For the past 20 years Samar has been advocating the rights of rural women in Pakistan. She designed an outreach media campaign, “Violence Against Women in the Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan”, highlighting the plight of female Afghan refugees, and set up doctor and training services for women and their children living in jail. Peter Sturm, journalist for the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Peter Sturm started his career as a journalist at Wetzlarer Neuen Zeitung. In 1991 he joined Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, one of Germany’s nationwide newspapers, where he works as editor for political issues, in general with a focus on Asia.

Najib Ahmad


Peter Sturm

Samar Minallah


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The young generation: is anyone watching, anyone listening? Hosted by Deutsche Welle

3 June 4:30 p.m.

Plenary Chamber Parents often complain that their teenage children have lost contact to the traditional media – they hardly watch TV, do not listen to radio and never touch a newspaper. Nearly 100% of the 14-19 year olds in Germany are online. From 5% ten years ago to nearly 100% today – never before in history has a mass medium grown faster than the Internet.

Not pictured: Brooke Unger

Susan Gigli

What are the teenagers really doing online? Are they merely chatting, watching videos via YouTube and playing online games like World of Warcraft? Or is something new emerging? A way of using a mass medium which through its interactive features and its social networking possibilities makes traditional media look stale and boring by comparison?

Christina Heinz

Ingrid Volkmer

K. Neven DuMont

Guido Baumhauer

Panelists: Susan Gigli, Chief Operating Officer, InterMedia Ingrid Volkmer, University of Melbourne Ingrid Volkmer has taught at various international universities, such as in Europe, the US (New School University, New York) and New Zealand (University of Otago). She has worked for many years in the field of global communication. Volkmer has submitted various books and articles on these issues. Her particular interests are the

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new worldwide media infrastructure of political communication and the impact on societies and cultures. She is currently working on a book manuscript “The Global Public Sphere” for Polity Press, Cambridge.

3 June 4:30 p.m.

Konstantin Neven DuMont, Board Member of DuMont Schauberg Media Group In May 1995 Konstantin Neven DuMont joined the publishing company M. DuMont Schauberg in Cologne. Three years later he was elected group manager of the several in-house editing units. Since 1999 he has been one of the publishers of the German tabloid EXPRESS in the Cologne area. That year he also became member of the board of directors of the DuMont media group and publisher of two German newspapers. Brooke Unger, Economist Brooke Unger joined The Economist in 1990 as Banking Correspondent. In 1992 he went to Berlin to cover business and finance in Germany and Central Europe. In 1996 he returned to London as Europe Correspondent and in 1998 moved to Delhi as South Asia Bureau Chief where he covered politics, economics, business, finance and culture in all seven countries of the Indian sub continent. He then took the role of Bureau Chief in Sao Paulo, Brazil covering Brazil, Argentina and other South American countries. In 2007, he became Germany correspondent. Guido Baumhauer, Director of Strategy, Marketing and Distribution, Deutsche Welle A background in journalism and years of strategic experience led Baumhauer to his current position, which he has held since January 1, 2006. Prior to that he was editor-in-chief of DW-WORLD.DE, where he turned the website into a multimedia, online platform available in 30 languages. Since the mid-1990s Baumhauer has been in charge of media seminars for Deutsche Welle, WDR, the Medienakademie Köln, AkadeMedia and the Grimme Akademie. He also trains German ambassadors, helping to prepare them for interaction with the international media. Christina Heinz, Head of Research and Development, Burda Community Network (BCN) Christina Heinz is head of R&D at Burda Community Network (BCN), the central marketing house of Hubert Burda Media, one of Germany’s biggest media com-



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panies. BCN is in charge of the corporation’s entire advertising sales. Heinz joined BCN in September 2006 and has particularly developed the company’s customized, cross-media advertising impact research activities. Previous to working for Hubert Burda Media, Heinz conducted advertising research as a project manager for Gruner + Jahr in Hamburg. Her focus is on consumer insights and cross-media advertising impact.

3 June 4:30 p.m.

Mediators under sustained fire from television images Example from the Balkans Hosted by Deutsche Welle Wasserwerk War is conducted by politicians in situation rooms and officers in the field, but a war’s image is determined by pictures. Television reports from war and crisis regions influence the decision-making process, especially when these images are available to the public. Just a few seconds of video material can be enough to determine (or help determine) the decision on war or diplomacy, intervention or prevention. This became crystal clear during the Yugoslavian conflicts in the 1990s. Images from the massacre in Srebrenica, from supposed concentration camps in Omarska and from artillery attacks in the middle of Sarajevo are still remembered – and they directly influenced the political decisions back then. How does television influence politics? Do these images obstruct the nonpartisan point of view? How much pressure was put on the mediators?

Christian F. Trippe

Ch. Schwarz-Schilling

Roy Gutman

Friedhelm Brebeck

Joachim Angerer

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Panel Moderation: Dr. Christian F. Trippe, Director Brussels Studio, Deutsche Welle TV Christian Trippe was first started work for the BBC Radio German Service in London, Deutschlandfunk Cologne and then WDR-TV in Düsseldorf before joining Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle TV in 1993. Since then he has had job roles including editor, news and current affairs department (1993 – 1998), Moscow bureau chief (1999 – 2002) and head of political department in Berlin between 2002 – 2007, where he was responsible for DW-TV’s video journalism activities. Presently, Trippe is the Brussels bureau chief. Dr. Christian Schwarz-Schilling, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Christian Schwarz-Schilling was a member of the Landtag (parliament) of the German state of Hesse from 1966 to 1970 and of the German Bundestag (federal parliament) from 1976 to 2002. After resigning from this post he founded his own management consulting company in 1993, Dr. Schwarz-Schilling & Partner GmbH, for which he continues to work on a project-related basis. From 1995 to 2004 he was International Mediator in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for 17 months in 2006 and 2007 he served as High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, monitoring the Dayton Peace Accords. Roy Gutman, U.S. reporter for Newsday and Pulitzer Prize winner, New York Roy Gutman works as foreign editor for McClatchy Newspapers which belongs to the third-largest chain of U.S. daily newspapers. He was a reporter based in Washington D.C. for UPI in Frankfurt from 1968 to 1970 and after that became a reporter for Reuters in Bonn. Gutman worked as a Washington-based correspondent for Newsweek and was Newsday’s European bureau chief from 1989–1994. He ran reports on ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina, including the first documented accounts of Serb-run concentration camps, and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting in 1993. Friedhelm Brebeck, Correspondent for ARD during the Balkan War, Bad Neuenahr, Germany



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Joachim Angerer, WDR Editor, Documentation: “Es begann mit einer Lüge” about the forgery of news reports on the Kosovo War Joachim Angerer has been working for Germany’s biggest public TV station, WDR Cologne, since 1990. He was editor of the political TV magazine MONITOR from 1998 to 2003 and is presently editor of the documentary series “The Story”. Jo is specialized in peace and security policy with numerous publications on these issues.

Security leaks in cross-border data flows Hosted by NASSCOM Pumpenhaus Continued from page 33 Participants: Kamlesh Bajaj, Head of NASSCOM Security Initiatives, Data Security Council of India, New Delhi Vinayak Godse, Data Security Expert, NASSCOM, Data Security Council of India, New Delhi Frank Rieger, Spokesperson of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), Hamburg Josey V George, Head Security Strategy & Architecture, Wipro Consulting

The media and human rights - Latin America panel Hosted by Deutsche Welle Room AB Do new, multimedia technologies offer more opportunities for effective journalistic work in a context of political repression? Direct and indirect interference to journalistic work is part of daily life for Latin American journalists. Small grassroots radio stations are set on fire, journalists voicing criticism of the government are fired due to

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pressure from politicians, human rights activists must fear death threats. Mexico and Colombia are on top of the list for journalist killings worldwide. Mexico has even surpassed Iraq. On the other hand, undemocratic forces also use new media to their advantage, for instance Mexican drug cartels that are waging an information war with the government. They film executions and send their videos to the media or post them on YouTube, articulating threats and campaigning for terrorism.

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This panel will discuss the role of media (and the various opportunities they represent, such as the use of new media) in defending human rights, exploring the question of whether new technologies offer more opportunities for a decentralised, non-censurable media landscape and reflecting on the degree to which new media presents new channels for undemocratic forces.

Not pictured: Claudia Acuña,

Gloria Ortega

Mónica González

Angel Páez

Jan-Uwe Ronneburger

Panelists: Gloria Ortega, Consultant on Communication and Information Technologies, Medios para la Paz Gloria Ortega is a consultant on communication and information technologies with an emphasis on human and international humanitarian rights. She has been involved in executing proposals regarding human rights and IHR protection in the public, private, national and international fields. Until the early 90s she worked as a mass media journalist, mainly for radio, television and journals. She was director of “Medios Para La Paz” until 2006 and is still involved as an active member.



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Claudia Acuña,, Argentina Claudia is founder and president of, a communication cooperative dedicated to spreading information about civil organizations and the defense of human rights. She is professor of social communication of the universities of La Plata and Cuyo, Argentina. She is director of the Cátedra Autónoma de Comunicación Social, which teaches community media skills, and founded Alerta Argentina, a network of social organizations in defense of human rights. Mónica González, Centro de Investigación e Información Periodística CIPER, Chile Monica González is a journalist and author. Her most recent book, La Conjura: Los Mil y un Días del Golpe (The Conspiracy: The Thousand and One Days of the Coup, 2000), documents the events leading up to the coup that overthrew President Salvador Allende in 1973. Her investigative work revealed human rights violations and corruption during Pinochet’s dictatorship. She founded Siete+7 magazine and the newspaper Siete. Since May 2007 she has been the director of CIPER, a center for investigative reporting. Angel Páez, La República, Peru Ángel Páez started working for the daily newspaper La República in 1985. In 1990 he founded the investigative unit (unidad de investigación), a team of reporters which uncovered the corruption scandals surrounding the government of Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000). He is a correspondent in Lima for the Argentinean newspaper Clarín and the Mexican magazine Proceso, and a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a Washington-based organization that promotes global investigations. Moderator: Jan-Uwe Ronneburger, dpa correspondent, Latin America Jan-Uwe was born in 1960 in northern Germany. He studied law in Hamburg from 1982 to 1989, since then working for dpa in Hamburg, Moscow and Buenos Aires.

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Surviving kidnap Hosted by Dart Centre

3 June 4:30 p.m.

Room C The fear of being kidnapped is a daily reality for journalists working in unstable political environments. Any attack on the press can wreak havoc on the media’s ability to report but the terror of abduction places particular psychological challenges on newsrooms, journalists and their families. What – if anything – can individuals do to increase their personal resilience during such an ordeal? How does one manage the demanding transition from captivity back to freedom? What responsibilities do news organizations have towards the families and loved ones of a kidnap victim? What should editors do during the crisis, and what should they have in place in case a member of their staff is abducted? Addressing these questions, the panel will include journalists and editors who have experienced abduction together with psychology and safety experts. News teams from the world’s richer countries can mobilize impressive resources to protect journalists and their families. The focus here will be on Latin America and Asia and what smaller, less cash-rich, local news organizations and their reporters can do to weather the kidnap threat.

Not pictured: Sarah de Jong, Carlos A. G. Monsalve

Cait McMahon Rupert Reid Jineth Bedoya Lima Gavin Rees Presenters: Cait McMahon, Managing Director of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma Cait is a specialist in the journalism and trauma field, being the only Australian psychologist to date to explore the consequences of work-related trauma exposure on news gatherers. Cait has researched journalists with post-traumatic stress as well as



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post-traumatic growth – an emerging field of post-trauma outcomes. She has published in this area and has presented nationally and internationally. Cait has trained journalists, managers, editors and executives in trauma awareness and resilience issues in news organisations in the Asia Pacific region. Rupert Reid, Security Exchange Sarah de Jong, Deputy Director, International News Safety Institute Jineth Bedoya Lima, El Tiempo Carlos Alberto Giraldo Monsalve, El Colombiano Chair: Gavin Rees, Coordinator for Dart Centre Europe Gavin is the coordinator for Dart Centre Europe, part of a global network of journalists, journalism educators and health professionals dedicated to improving the media coverage of trauma and violence. The centre also addresses the consequences such coverage can have on journalists. Prior to that, Gavin worked as a journalist and filmmaker on documentaries and news programmes for the BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, CNBC and several Japanese TV channels.

Partnership for Peace: Cooperation between media and civil society institutions Hosted by SIGNIS - World Catholic Association for Communication and Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC) Room FG Continued from page 37 Moderator: Marte Hellema, Program Manager Awareness Raising at ECCP Panelists: Georgios Terzis, Associate Professor, Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Georgios Terzis is chair of the journalism studies section of the European Commu-

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nication Research and Education Association at Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in Belgium. He worked as a foreign correspondent for Greek media and as a course leader for the European Journalism Centre, training journalists from around the world in EU affairs. He also worked for Search for Common Ground and organized media and conflict resolution programs and trainings for journalists and journalism students. Jean-Paul Marthoz is currently professor of international journalism at the Université catholique de Louvain, foreign affairs columnist for Brussels-based newspaper Le Soir and a frequent contributor to French and Belgian current affairs magazines. He is a senior advisor for the impunity project of the Committee to Protect Journalists based in New York, a member of the advisory committee of Human Rights Watch/ Europe and Central Asia and the chair of the Groupe de recherche et d’information sur la paix et la sécurité (GRIP). Augusto Miclat, Director and Co-Founder, Initiatives for International Dialogue Presentation on SIGNIS by Alvito de Souza

Constructive innovation journalism Hosted by Stanford University Annex Continued from page 40 Participants: Prof. David Nordfors, Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning Ulrik Haagerup, Head of News, Danish Radio Wilfried Rütten, Director, European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands



Program wednesday, 3 june 2009

The mobile phone as a conflict prevention tool Hosted by Voices of Africa Media Foundation

3 June 4:30 p.m.

Raum Minister The mobile phone has ceased to be just a telecommunication device to become a multimedia news-making tool that can be used as a video camera, sound recorder, Web browser and so on. As the majority of people own one – which makes it less intimidating – the mobile phone is indisputably the most efficient device for measuring the political and social temperature that, if not controlled in time, can escalate into conflict. Conflicts are the culmination of long processes that can be traced back in time, and mobile reports can help in this tracing process. With the presence of four young Africans filing mobile reports in and about their local communities, the Voices of Africa Media Foundation wants to share during this workshop not only its experience in detecting the seed of conflict in Kenya, but also how that experience can serve as inspiration for other regions and contexts.

Henri Aalders

Oliver Nyirubugara

Pim de Wit

Presenters: Henri Aalders, Program Manager, Voices of Africa Henri Aalders is a program manager with working experience within organizations in Africa and Europe. For several years he has had his own radio program on a local radio station. At present Aalders runs the Voices of Africa Program: the training of young camera journalists.

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Oliver Nyirubugara, Mobile Reporting Project Coordinator, Voices of Africa Oliver Nyirubugara is the coordinator of the Voices of Africa mobile reporting project. He has worked as a journalist in Central Africa and is currently writing a PhD dissertation in media studies at the University of Amsterdam. Pim de Wit, Managing Director, Voices of Africa Media Foundation Pim de Wit is managing director of the Voices of Africa Media Foundation. He has a long track record in media and now devotes his energy and time to expanding the role of media on the African continent.




Program Thursday, 4 june 2009

Re-inventing journalism? Journalistic training in the social media age Hosted by DW-AKADEMIE Wasserwerk The attacks in Mumbai and the crash of a passenger plane in the Hudson River mark two further examples of an unstoppable media revolution. More and more professional journalists around the globe are finding themselves having to play catch-up with eyewitnesses when reporting breaking stories. Armed with mobile camera phones connected to the Internet, these citizen journalists are often determining the direction of news coverage. People who up until recently were just “users” or “consumers” of media are now often presented on-screen as instant correspondents. The technology behind the speedy development is called social media. This catch phrase describes Web platforms where users can have an open exchange of opinions, views and personal experiences. In other words, on social media platforms anyone can communicate with anyone, anytime about any topic. The speed in which this development has progressed is mind-boggling. In 2004, the fastest medium for reactions to the terrorist attacks in Madrid was pure text messaging. With the attack on Mumbai four years later, eyewitness accounts including pictures and videos were exchanged through social networking sites like Twitter, flickr and YouTube. The “Personal News Agency” was born – to conventional media either a competitor or a new partner, depending on your view. More speed, more participants, more linkage, more media: new technologies are leading to continuously changing possibilities in communication. This has had a significant impact on the working conditions and the professional expectations of journalists and at the same time demands new means of specialized training. The journalistic training symposium will focus on these current trends and challenges. Among the strategies that will be discussed will be how journalists can utilize the fast-evolving media landscape to their benefit.


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The following questions will be at the center of the symposium: » What is expected of journalists today and are these expectations justified? » W hich qualifications and degree of knowledge do journalists need to report professionally, objectively and visibly better than the new players in the news market? » How are journalistic education and/or training adapting to the emerging challenges brought on by new media and the changing media landscape? » Social media platforms like Twitter, flickr and blogs can be valuable tools for journalists. Can they use these modern technologies to improve their reporting and if so, how? » The development of the media in developing and transforming countries is often shaped by unclear dynamics. How is journalistic training taking place in these complicated media landscapes? » Can social media platforms help in circumventing censorship? What opportunities do they offer for free and borderless communication and what does this mean for journalists? 09:30 - 09:45 Opening Address Gerda Meuer, Director DW-AKADEMIE, Germany

09:45 - 11:00 Gerda Meuer Panel 1: Rethinking journalism – Preparing for an uncertain future Today weblogs, wikis, podcasts and online videos are connecting users to knowledge and resources like never before. This growing variety of platforms and the ever-expanding online networks of data and content offer endless possibilities, but also pose new challenges. How will these topics play out in terms of journalism? And what does it mean for the training and continuing education of journalists?

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Program Thursday, 4 june 2009

Jonathan Marks

Prof. M. Krzeminski

Marko Milosavljevic

Juan Varela

Adam Weatherhead

Panelists: Prof. Michael Krzeminski, Media Scientist and Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany Marko Milosavljevic, Ph.D., Head of Journalism Department, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Juan Varela, Journalist and Consultant, Director Mediathink Consultores, Spain Adam Weatherhead, Project Manager, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, United Kingdom Moderator: Jonathan Marks, Director Critical Distance BV, The Netherlands 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 - 13:00 Panel 2: The advantage of being digital Best practices in international media development Small, flexible and cheap: digital technologies now allow for media projects that would have been unthinkable in analog times. Cassette recorders have been replaced by cheap digital recorders; expensive editing studios have been replaced by laptops



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and digital video cameras and archive shelves have been replaced by hard drives; the advantages of these developments are obvious. On the other hand, the disadvantages often only become clear in practice. Unlike analog technologies, which are basically straightforward, the complete flexibility of digital tools can be overwhelming. What if an audio or video editing program is not intuitively understood? Using real-world examples, including a community radio project in West Africa and a digital audio archiving project in Vietnam, the opportunities and challenges of such technologies will be discussed. Panelists: Freedom Fone - Citizen radio programming via mobile phone Brenda Burrell, Director Kubatana Trust, Zimbabwe Informotrac Modell Westafrica - Media for Development Bernadette von Dijck, Deputy General Manager, Radio Netherland Training Centre (RNTC), The Netherlands Living Memory - Digital audio archiving project in Vietnam Nguyen Pham Hoa Binh, Director Audio Centre, Radio The Voice of Vietnam Heidrun Speckmann, Project Manager Asia Divison, DW-AKADEMIE, Germany Moderator: Dr. Andrea Rübenacker, Head Africa Division, DW-AKADEMIE, Germany

Brenda Burrell

Bernadette von Dijck

Nguyen Pham Hoa Binh Heidrun Speckmann

Dr. Andrea Rübenacker

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13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break 14:30 - 16:00 Panel 3: Does journalism training make sense? And if yes, when and why? Good journalism works. At least this is the hope of those who want to promote development and democratization through supporting journalists worldwide. But journalists act within complex systems and are subject to numerous factors of influence. Such factors, like the degree of press freedom, the regulatory situation in a country or economic independence of the media can promote, block and/or hinder professional journalism. Those who aim for sustainability in media development have to be aware of and consider the dominant factors of influence which shed light on the degree to which professionalization projects can be successful. Panel 3a will investigate which influencing factors are beneficial for the sustainability of media projects. It also asks how these factors can be influenced positively. International experts discuss the preconditions and guarantees for sustainable training and present starting points for networked strategies and initiatives. Panelists: Quality of journalism and journalism training... South America: JesĂşs Arroyave, Ph.D., media scientist and Associate Professor at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia Africa: Prof. Guy Berger, Head of School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa Asia: Dr. Helmut Osang, Head Asia Division of DW-AKADEMIE Moderator: Jonathan Marks, Director Critical Distance BV, The Netherlands.



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Jesús Arroyave

Prof. Guy Berger

Dr. Helmut Osang

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break 16:30 - 18:00 Panel 4: Social media journalism Exactly who is a journalist when today anyone can report about anything from just about anywhere? How will quality journalism then be defined? And will it remain in sufficient demand to survive? What is more threatening to classic journalism – the pervasion of the once passive, now increasingly active public into the sphere of journalism or the movement of users from traditional consumer-oriented media to self-produced content? What happens when members of the traditional media adopt the methods and platforms of social media? Where would their “unique selling point” then lie? Panel 4 will explore how journalism works in and with Web 2.0 and discuss what consequence will arise from these new platforms both for the individual and for society. Panelists: Kevin Anderson, The Guardian‘s blog editor, United Kingdom Emer Beamer, Research and Development Director of Butterfly Works, Social Design Agency, The Netherlands Marcus Bösch, Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany Guy Degen, Reporter, Deutsche Welle, Germany Ulrike Langer, Media Journalist, Germany

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Moderator: Daniel Hirschler, Project Manager Asia Division, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Germany

Kevin Anderson Not pictured: Guy Degen

Emer Beamer

Marcus Bösch

Ulrike Langer

Daniel Hirschler

Opening address: Gerda Meuer, Director DW-AKADEMIE, Germany Gerda Meuer started her career as a correspondent for development policy-oriented news agency Inter Press Service, in Bonn, with several postings in Latin America. She worked for Deutsche Welle’s news service for two years before moving to Tokyo for five years as a foreign correspondent. From August 2000 onwards, Gerda worked as European Affairs and NATO correspondent at DW-RADIO’s Studio Brussels. She returned to Deutsche Welle’s Bonn headquarters in mid-2003, where she took over management of the newly-formed DW-AKADEMIE, with bases in Bonn and Berlin. Panelists: Prof. Michael Krzeminski, media scientist and lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany Michael Krzeminski has been a professor of multimedia, electronic media and online publishing at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences since 2000. Research and lecturing has led him to many journalistic institutes in Germany and around the world. Formerly he worked as acting director for the Catholic Media Council in Aachen, and went to the University of Siegen where he became member of a media research group dealing with screen media. He is also a co-founder of the Academy for Advanced Media Training (FAM).



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Marko Milosavljevic, Ph.D., Head of Journalism Department, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Marko Milosavljevic is head of the department for journalism and apart from that works as a researcher on media regulation and law, ownership and management. He is an evaluator of SEENPM network and also holds the post as president of the commission for pluralization of media at the Slovenian Ministry of Culture. Juan Varela,journalist and consultant, Director Mediathink Consultores, Spain Juan Varela works as a journalist, consultant and blogger in Spain, with several years of work experience in digital journalism. He is an editor for a few newspapers and digital media companies. Adam Weatherhead, Project Manager, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, United Kingdom Adam Weatherhead is a project manager for the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association. Previously he worked in community radio in Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia. He holds a BSc from Monash University and is currently completing an MBA at London Metropolitan University. Jonathan Marks, Director Critical Distance BV, The Netherlands Jonathan carries out many (keynote) presentations in the area of emerging media. He runs invitation-only workshops that investigate relevant technology and assess its application in the real world. Jonathan works as a consultant at management level and has experience with interim management of creative professionals. He is involved in running a media lab in West Africa that is testing relevant technology for the whole continent and produces web content for several relevant media platforms. Brenda Burrell, Director Kubatana Trust, Zimbabwe Brenda Burrell is one of Africa’s most innovative information communication technology practitioners. Focusing on democratizing the dissemination of information, she uses integrated media tactics to reach out to people living in repressive media environments and conflict areas. Bernadette von Dijck, Deputy General Manager, Radio Netherland Training Centre (RNTC), The Netherlands

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Bernadette von Dijck combines 15 years of journalism with a wealth of experience in research and training. She specialized in the area of gender portrayal in media in Europe, later expanding this expertise to quality programming and public accountability of broadcasting organizations and the ethics of program makers. Nguyen Pham Hoa Binh, Director Audio Centre, Radio The Voice of Vietnam As director of the audio center, Nguyen is in charge of Voice of Vietnam’s program production and management of its studio equipment, archive system and broadcasting computer network. She holds degrees in electronics and telecommunication engineering and informatics engineering from Hanoi University of Technology. Nguyen is a member of the group that assists VOV’s directorate on technology and strategy and the purchase of modern equipment in the production domain of VOV. Heidrun Speckmann, Project Manager Asia Divison, DW-AKADEMIE, Germany Heidrun Speckmann is an experienced Project Manager at the Asia Division of DW-AKADEMIE, Deutsche Welle’s international training institute. She actively develops technical strategies and conducts broadcast trainings and consultancies all over the region, focusing on network technologies, digital archiving and new media technologies. She headed the German expert team which advised the Vietnamese broadcaster Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) on the planning and implementation of the digital audio archive. In honor of her years of commitment, Heidrun Speckmann was presented during the long-term consultancy with the “Radio Broadcasting Award” by Radio the Voice of Vietnam. Dr. Andrea Rübenacker, Head Africa Division, DW-AKADEMIE, Germany As a television journalist she worked for several public broadcasters such as WDR, ZDF and the BBC in London. She also worked as a reporter in Bangkok,Thailand, for an Asian news agency. In 2001 she was appointed duty editor for DW’s newsmagazine “Journal” and the recipient of the “International Media Award for Interreligious Dialogue”. As a long-term consultant for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD ) she moved to Cambodia in 2003 where she established the first journalism course at the Royal University of Phom Penh. In 2005 she moved to the DW-Akademie as project manager.



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Jesús Arroyave, Ph.D., media scientist and Associate Professor at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia Jesús Arroyava is the chair of the school of communication and journalism and director of the communication master’s program at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. His research works in the area of media studies and Latin American journalism have been presented to several international conferences and published in journal articles, professional publications and a book chapter. Prof. Guy Berger, Head of School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa Guy Berger is head of the school of journalism and media studies at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. As a media activist and academic, Guy has a strong interest in media policy and new media. Dr. Helmut Osang, Head Asia Division of DW-AKADEMIE Since joining the (former) radio training center of DW in 1993 as a journalism trainer and media consultant, Helmut has held dozens of workshops in Germany and abroad, for example in Africa, the Middle East, South-East Europe and Asia, particularly South-East Asia. He has been a radio journalist with DW since 1984 and previously worked as a writer and editor for various magazines, daily newspapers and news agencies (Reuters, Inter-Press Service). In 2006, Helmut co-founded the German Forum Media and Development (FoME). Kevin Anderson, The Guardian‘s blog editor, United Kingdom Kevin Anderson is responsible for researching emerging digital tools and services and working with journalists to use these tools to continue The Guardian’s strong tradition of journalism. He joined The Guardian in 2006 as their first blogs editor. Previously he worked as BBC’s first online correspondent abroad in their flagship Washington bureau. He also helped launch BBC’s World Service award-winning interactive radio program, World Have Your Say. Emer Beamer, Research and Development Director of Butterfly Works, Social Design Agency, The Netherlands Emer leads the research and development unit of cross media social programs at Butterfly Works. The social media agency is specialized in finding sustainable answers

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to international social issues. Emer studied economics at University College Dublin, Ireland, and graphic design at the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy in the Netherlands. Marcus BÜsch, journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany Marcus is a freelance producer and reporter with Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle. He does a weekly radio show about blogs and teaches online journalism at DW Academy. Guy Degen, reporter, Deutsche Welle, Germany Ulrike Langer, media journalist, Germany Ulrike is a freelance media journalist covering social media journalism, social media marketing and the digital media shift. Daniel Hirschler, Project Manager Asia Division, DW-AKADEMIE, Germany Daniel Hirschler currently works as a project developer and manager in media development and coordinates the activities of DW Academy in Laos. Apart from that Hirschler organizes workshops worldwide with a special focus on digital storytelling, communication and development.




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Multimedia revolution and the traditional media Hosted by Deutsche Welle Plenary Chamber

4 June 9:30 p.m.

Multimedia revolution has been one of the biggest buzzwords among media people for more than ten years. But not until the last couple of years have the frown lines on the faces of many media managers started becoming seriously deeper. Web 2.0 applications such as YouTube, flickr and Facebook are consuming the media time budget of young audiences. Bloggers and Internet-only broadcasters compete for the attention of users, online publications like the Huffington Post deliver free news to everyone, causing media managers like Bodo Hombach of the internationally active German multimedia corporation, WAZ Group, to fear that with the omnipresence of free media, the end of quality journalism might be near.

Cristiana Falcone

Tim Weber

Dr. Nick Brambring

Salim Amin

Moderator: Simon Spanswick, Chief Executive, Association for International Broadcasting, London Simon Spanswick is founding director of the Association for International Broadcasting, the trade association for the cross-border broadcasting industry. He joined BBC World Service in 1986, having contributed as a freelance journalist to World Service English output since 1981. He spent time with BBC Monitoring and then moved to Corporate Affairs. In 1996, he



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joined the World Radio Network as director of Corporate Affairs. He worked on a variety of projects and secured funding from the European Commission to launch pan-European radio services. He also led the project, part funded by Britain’s Department of Trade and Industry, to develop the world’s first portable DAB receiver. Panelists: Cristiana Falcone, Director Media and Entertainment Industries, World Economic Forum USA Inc. Cristiana leads the media, entertainment and information industries division at the World Economic Forum. She joined the Forum in 2004 from the International Labour Organization where she worked as an associate advocacy expert. She began her career at RAI, followed by several years in radio, print and online media. Cristiana is a member of the journalists’ guild of Italy, the board of RayTV, is co-owner of Les Enfants Terribles and one of the seven founders of the Italian youth movement NEXT.

Axel Schmiegelow

P N Balji

Simon Spanswick

Tim Weber, Business Editor, BBC News - interactive + radio, UK Tim has been with the BBC since 1991, online since 1994, and is now a trimedia journalist – although mainly looking after the BBC’s business output on domestic radio and all interactive (online) services. Tim holds a PhD from Free University Berlin, and is a graduate of the German School of Journalism in Munich.

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4 June 9:30 p.m.

P.N. Balji, Director of the Asia Journalism Fellowship, Singapore After spending the last 20 years building two of Singapore’s most successful newspaper start-ups, veteran editor P. N. Balji turned his attention to professional development as the director of the new Asia Journalism Fellowship at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Previously he served as editorial director of MediaCorp’s news operations. From 1982 to 1988 Balji was deputy editor of The Straits Times, the country’s national daily and the largest English-language paper in Southeast Asia. Dr. Nick Brambring, Vice-President Advertising and Regional Manager CEE (Central and Eastern Europe), Zattoo, Switzerland Nick is vice-president advertising and regional manager CEE (Central and Eastern Europe). Before he joined Zattoo, Nick worked for the Boston Consulting Group, where he provided strategic consulting for companies in the consumer goods industry. His industry expertise includes the TV and music business. Nick is a trained lawyer and holds a PhD in law from the University of Cologne and an MBA from Insead in France and Singapore. Salim Amin, head of pan-African media company A24 Media, Nairobi, Kenya Salim Amin is CEO of Camerapix, founder and chairman of The Mohamed Amin Foundation and chairman of A24 Media. In 1963, his father Mohamed “Mo” Amin, a renowned photographer, cameraman and publisher, launched Camerapix from a small shop in Dar es Salaam. From these humble beginnings grew a modern, independent media concern with a reputation for delivering world exclusive images and stories at the forefront of journalism in Africa. Axel Schmiegelow, CEO, sevenload, Germany As a serial entrepreneur and CEO of denkwerk Group, a full-service internet agency, Axel has been involved in marketing, media, the Internet, and start-ups for the past 15 years. In 1999 he helped found the world’s first bookmarking and tagging startups, oneview, which he rolled out in 16 countries and ten languages. Axel is an active board member of the travel commerce company itravel, and a board member of the search and rating company Qype. Since September 2006 he has been CEO of the TV and internet media company sevenload.





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News of violence and tragedy has an enduring impact. How it’s covered matters. The Dart Centre, a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York, provides training, support and specialist resources to journalists who cover violence and its after-effects worldwide. With

4. June 11:30 p.m.


regional offices operating out of London and Melbourne, the Dart Centre offers: Consultancy in trauma management for news organisations Specialist training in covering victims of violence and tragedy Resilience training for individual journalists and news teams An international network and thinking space for journalists who cover conflict

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“Stories you don‘t forget”- multimedia storytelling meets crisis prevention Hosted by Media Storm Plenary Chamber

4 June 11:30 p.m.

Storytelling opportunities continue to evolve as a result of technological innovations and an expanding media universe. The digital age is giving documentary photographers and photojournalists extraordinary new ways to tell stories and become indepth visual storytellers. Highly acclaimed producer and photojournalist Brian Storm has redefined the benchmarks for quality multimedia journalism. His outstanding and gripping stories have won two Emmys and various other high-profile media awards in recent years. While covering topics like the war in Iraq, the crisis in Darfur or genocide in Rwanda, Storm and his associates at MediaStorm have proved how to bring audiences back to high-end, well-done and truthful journalism. Brian Storm will share some of his multimedia magic in the context of crisis reporting and crisis prevention. Speaker: Brian Storm, President of MediaStorm, New York City MediaStorm‘s principal aim is to usher in the next generation of multimedia storytelling by publishing social documentary projects incorporating photojournalism, interactivity, animation, audio and video for distribution across multiple media. Prior to launching MediaStorm in 2005, Storm spent two years as vice president of News, Multimedia & Assignment Services for Corbis, a digital media agency founded and owned by Bill Gates. From 1995 to 2002 he was director of multimedia at

Brian Storm



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From joysticks to body count: ethical aspects of modern warfare Hosted by Deutsche Welle Pumpenhaus Human beings have been fighting each other since prehistoric times, and people have been discussing the rights and wrongs of it for almost as long. The purpose of war ethics is to help decide what is right or wrong, both for individuals and countries, and to contribute to debates on public policy, and ultimately to government and individual action. War ethics also leads to the creation of formal codes of war (e.g. the Hague and Geneva conventions), the drafting and implementation of rules of engagement for soldiers, and in the punishment of soldiers and others for war crimes. How can the media make a meaningful contribution to answer the following three key questions? Is it ever right to go to war? When is it right to wage war? What is the moral way to conduct a war? Modern computer technology in connection with the development of unmanned fighting machines on the ground, in the air and under the sea makes the problem even more pressing: can the decision over life and death be left to machines who “are not bright enough to be called stupid”?

Hans-Jeorg Kreowski

Noel Sharkey

Jürgen Altmann

Panel: Noel Sharkey, artificial intelligence and robotics expert, University of Sheffield Noel Sharkey is a multidisciplinary researcher with many years’ experience in psychology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence and robotics. He also holds a chair

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in public engagement with a focus on ethical issues in engineering and emerging technologies. He has published widely on the ethics of new autonomous weapons. Juergen Altmann, physicist and peace researcher Juergen Altmann is a physicist and peace researcher. He works on sensor systems for co-operative verification of disarmament and peace agreements and in military-technology assessment and preventive arms control, e.g. concerning “non-lethal” weapons, nanotechnology and unmanned military vehicles.

4 June 11:30 p.m.

Hans-Joerg Kreowski, Chair of the Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility Hans-Jörg Kreowski has been professor for theoretical computer science at Germany’s University of Bremen since 1982. His main research topics are formal languages, concurrency, and formal modeling. In addition, he is interested in all aspects of computer and society. Since 2003 he has been chair of the Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIf F).

Covering conflicts in Liberia Hosted by Institute of Applied Media Studies IAM of Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW Room AB A decade of thinking around journalism covering conflicts has produced quite a lot of different theoretical concepts, from ‘de-escalating journalism’ to ‘conflict-sensitive journalism’, ‘peace journalism’ and ‘conflict transformation media’. To bring the debate about these concepts a step further, a research project in Liberia is especially dedicated to reviewing the practise of journalism and assessing how different media (4 newspapers and 10 radio stations) have covered conflicts in Liberia. For comparative reasons it looks at various media with different concepts for covering conflict and also investigates less contentious themes, like reconstruction of schools and roads.



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The first results of this project allow assessing questions like: What are the differences in actual reporting between ‘peace-oriented’ stations and normal media? Do they realize their different concepts: How do they provide information on the background of conflicts, on different viewpoints, on solutions? Do they use stereotypes differently? What are the differences in covering conflict in comparison with coverage of other issues? What are the differences between newspapers (elite-oriented) and radio (larger audience-oriented). Speaker: Christoph Spurk, media researcher at IAM, Winterthur, Switzerland Christoph Spurk is a media researcher at the Institute of Applied Media Studies at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. He conducts research on the influence of mass media on democratization processes in developing countries and on journalism, conflict and peace-building in post-conflict societies. He is mostly interested in applied research, elaborating indicators to assess quality of mass media and has conducted numerous studies on radio quality in Africa.

Christoph Spurk

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Media, power politics and post-electoral disputes Hosted by the Program in Comparative Media Law and Policy, University of Oxford Room C Room C

4 June 11:30 p.m.

As part of a post-war nation and state building process, leaders are often under substantial pressure, both internal and external, to hold elections. In Africa competitive elections have often been delayed for years, or even decades, allowing the ruling parties time to consolidate power. This project is often met with a varying range of success. However, in recent years an increasing number of competitive multi-party elections have been held which have in turn posed a greater risk of post-election disputes. This panel will examine the complex relationship between the media and those in power, or seeking power in post-war contexts. All forms of media, from newspapers to blogs to poetry, can have a role in both exacerbating and mediating tensions. Using case studies from the continent we will analyze the particular nexus between efforts in the post-war consolidation of power, the media and competitive elections. Possible options for interventions and regulation will also be considered.

Nicole Stremlau

Emmanuel S. Abdulai

Yusuf Gabobe

Daniel Bekele

Presenters: Nicole Stremlau, University of Oxford Research findings from study on media and post-election violence Nicole Stremlau is coordinator of the program in comparative media law and policy



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and a research fellow at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. Her primary research is on politics and media in the Horn of Africa during and after armed insurgencies. She is currently engaged in a research project on flows of information in Somaliland and is co-authoring a book of oral histories of guerrilla fighters who later became journalists in Eastern Africa Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, Society for Democratic Initiatives, Sierra Leone Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai is the executive director of the Society for Democratic Initiatives, a civil society organization working on transitional justice in post-war Sierra Leone. He is a part-time teacher of international humanitarian law at the Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. Yusuf Gabobe, Editor-in-Chief, Haatuf Media Group, Somaliland Yusuf AbdiGabobe is editor of The Somaliland Times and the chairman of Haatuf Media Network(HMN). In 2007 he sentenced to two years in prison and his paper’s publishinglicense was indefinitely revoked over stories critical of President DahirRayale Kahin. Daniel Bekele, University of Oxford Daniel is a civil and human rights activist engaged in a wide range of activities including democracy building, consulting for Ethiopian CSOs, law reform initiatives and anti-poverty campaigns. Most recently Daniel served as the manager for policy research and advocacy department of Action Aid Ethiopia Office. He was recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience in their top category of human rights defenders when he was detained in Ethiopia from 2005 - 2008. He is currently a PhD research student at Oxford

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More channels, more news: no more room for profound reporting? Hosted by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Room FG

4 June 11:30 p.m.

With all the sources of information out there – newspapers, radio, TV, blogs, other online resources – people who want to find out what’s going on in the world probably have more choices than ever before. That‘s a good thing for consumers. The number of television channels around the world is already huge and continues to grow. Specialized news channels provide live coverage and news from all continents round the clock. However, does this multitude of channels, the increased competition and the pressure of deadlines still allow for profound reporting? How can media avoid impairing stories due to lack of funds and experienced journalists? To what extent can debates on ethics and credibility help maintain journalistic standards in the changing media environment? Presenters: Ruxandra Obreja, BBC World Service Controller, Business Development & Chairman, DRM Consortium Lem Van Eupen, Radio Netherlands World (RNW) Head of Strategy Arthur Landwehr, SWR Chief editor, Radio, Deputy Director Radio Kris Boswell, Radio Sweden, Head of the English and German services Petra Kohnen, CEO for editorial matters, Euranet

Not pictured: L. Van Eupen, Kris Boswell

Ruxandra Obreja


Arthur Landwehr

Petra Kohnen


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The impact of new media on political transparency in turbulent times Hosted by the International Institute for Journalism of InWEnt – Capacity Building International Annex Access to information is essential to the development and health of democracy. By helping to understand operations of government the media ensure that citizens make responsible and informed choices. In addition, independent and critical media serve as a watchdog by holding government officials and political decision makers accountable. The media are especially crucial to the conduct of democratic elections. Free and fair elections are not only about casting votes in proper conditions but also about having adequate information about parties, policies, candidates and the election process. The media is now well-recognized as a critical influence in whether societies resort to violent conflict or not. Increased media professionalism has a powerful ameliorating influence on violent conflict. With the growing influence of new media the monopoly of professional journalists on the publication of news and views has gone forever. Weblogs, podcasts, web-videos and mobile reporting generate an information flow and enhance network reporting that has the potential to challenge closed-door politics. Presenters: Astrid Kohl, Head of the International Institute for Journalism (IIJ) Astrid Kohl, head of the International Institute for Journalism (IIJ), joined InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Germany, in December 2006. She designed an advanced training course on the media’s role in conflict transformation and peace building for mid-career journalists from West African countries. Previously, she worked as an international media adviser in Kiev, Ukraine, and reported as a permanent correspondent on Eastern European affairs for the Swiss daily Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Prof. Harry Dugmore, MTN Chair of Media and Mobile Communication at the School of Journalism and Medias Studies at Rhodes University, South Africa

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Harry Dugmore runs a major project funded by the U.S.-based Knight Foundation entitled “Iindaba Ziyafika - The news is coming�. It aims, among other things, to better equip media producers in Africa with the skills and the software to use mobile phones to democratize both news production and news dissemination. Before joining Rhodes, Dugmore worked for the office of the President in South Africa creating long-term scenarios for both the country and the African continent. Mildred Ngesa,Journalist Mildred Ngesa is a seven-time award-winning journalist from Kenya. She has had the opportunity to work for all the three mainstream print media houses in Kenya: The Kenya Times, The East African Standard and until recently, The Daily Nation. Negesa is also the founder and executive director of an alternative pro-active media organization, Peace Pen Communications, that seeks to redefine the role of the media in investigating social change, building peace and conflict resolution as well as building and sustaining resilient communities through media

4 June 11:30 p.m.

Halifax Ansah-Addo, Political Editor, Daily Guide, Ghana Halifax Ansah-Addo is a journalist working as senior political and human rights reporter with Daily Guide, a private, nationwide newspaper in Ghana. He is an alumnus of the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ) and has a diploma in communication studies from the African University College of Communication (AUCC) in Ghana. He is also the deputy editor of News-One, a social newspaper from the stable of Western Publications, publishers of Daily Guide.

Astrid Kohl

Prof. Harry Dugmore


Mildred Ngesa

Halifax Ansah-Addo


Program thursday, 4 june 2009 - A new resource to inform and reform Hosted by OECD Development Center Room Minister In March 2008, the OECD Development Center launched an innovative information platform called Wikigender. This web 2.0 tool allows users to access statistics, country reports and in-depth analyses of issues related to gender equality, including information on the major role gender relations play in building peace and preventing conflict. Wikigender invites web users to share their knowledge, either by participating in discussions or by posting new material. It also serves as a virtual meeting place for gender rights advocates who can share their experiences and best practices. This is a collaborative workspace and a new channel for dialogue within the framework of the OECD. Wikigender educates the public and policy makers, promotes knowledge on gender rights and increases awareness of the need for change and reforms – all important elements in the struggle to prevent conflict. Speaker: Johannes Jütting, OECD Development Centre Andreas Neus, IBM Institute for Business Value, Global Media and Entertainment Estelle Loiseau, OECD Development Centre Espen Prydz, OECD Development Centre Ilona Koglin, freelance journalist

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4 June 11:30 p.m.


speakers sha - smy


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Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Political conflicts in Europe and the role of the media Hosted by Konrad Adenauer Foundation Plenary Chamber Marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is calling attention to the role of the media during the political change in central and Eastern Europe from 1989-1990.

4 June 2:30 p.m.

Visitors from Germany, Poland and Romania will be called upon as references and witnesses. With the expansion of the Internet and mobile technology in the second half the 1990s, new methods of mass communication and information have been established. These new media channels have played an important role during political upheaval in Serbia in 2000, Georgia in 2003 (the Tulip Revolution) and Ukraine in 2004 (the Orange Revolution). Guests from these countries will report on these issues. The goal is to identify the role of new media and the opportunities and risks during future political conflicts.

Tamara Skrozza

Andrij Shevchenko

Presenters: Tamara Skrozza, journalist Tamara is a journalist for Vreme, a political magazine based in Belgrade, deputy editor-in-chief at the Centre for Investigative Journalism, a member of the Belgrade Media Centre Executive Board and coordinator of the gender section of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia. She is also editor of an educational teen magazine and a journalists’ trainer specialized in media ethics and writing. At the end



Program thursday, 4 june 2009

of the nineties, Tamara worked for Radio Index, an independent radio station which was repeatedly shut down by the Milosevic regime. Andriy Shevchenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Free Speech Committee Andriy has worked as a multimedia journalist since 1994 for 1+1 TV Channel, Novyi Kanal, Radio Voice of America and others. Under the administration of President Kuchma he was one of the leaders of the journalists’ movement against censorship. In 2002 he left Novyi Kanal under political pressure and established Kyiv Independent Media Union. During the Orange Revolution of 2004 Andriy was the editorin-chief of the Channel of Honest News, the only network not controlled by the government. He is the president of the Center for Public Media, an NGO promoting public broadcasting in Ukraine.

Citizen journalism & freedom of speech Hosted by Deutsche Welle Pumpenhaus Thomas Jefferson once said that “every citizen should be a soldier.” But if Jefferson were alive today, he would most likely proclaim that every citizen should be a blogger. “Citizen journalism & freedom of speech” will discuss the continuing explosion of blogging around the world and the expanding role of citizen journalism (CJ) in the global media landscape. The panel will be made up of an international group of bloggers from the front lines of the CJ movement who were recently awarded for their work at the 2008 Deutsche Welle International Blog Awards. Known as “The BOBs”, the annual awards recognize outstanding bloggers who utilize the Internet to inspire and inform their fellow citizens and thereby the rest of the world. Panelists: Five winners of the Deutsche Welle International Blog Award 2008 Nazli Farokhi, Reporters Without Borders Special Award Olivier Nyirugubara, Best Videoblog LIU Xiaoyuan, Best Weblog Chinese

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 2:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

IsraĂŤl Yoroba GuĂŠbo, Best Weblog French Nancy Watzman, Best Weblog English

4 June 2:30 p.m.

Moderator: Peter Bihr Peter Bihr is a freelance consultant for Web 2.0, weblogs and social media. For his clients, he develops and deploys online strategies to foster relationships of value with their stakeholders, customers and communities. Previously he studied communications and media at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Sydney and holds masters degrees from both universities. He also worked as an editor for several small online magazines and blogs about the topics Web 2.0, social media and digital life.

From representation to simulation: serious games and new approaches to crisis media Hosted by Saarland University Room AB How do we respond to the compassion fatigue among news audiences confronted with the ever-same images of crisis, with reports that follow all-too-established protocols of crisis coverage, and analyses that do little to encourage the development of alternative perspectives on conflict prevention? So-called serious games offer an opportunity to re-engage the question of crisis media. Developed by actors both inside and outside the traditional milieu of human rights media, serious uses of gaming technologies meant to solve real-world problems are relevant to those concerned about the role media can play in the analysis, coverage, and prevention of conflict.



Program thursday, 4. june 2009

Presenters: Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, CEO, Serious Games Interactive, Copenhagen, Denmark Simon Egenfeldt-Nilesen is CEO of Serious Games Interactive. He has studied, researched and worked with computer games for more than a decade. Over the years he has been involved in developing more than ten computer games. He has served on the Digital Game Research Association Board for three years, co-founded and authored three books on video games. Martin Lorber, PR Director, Electronic Arts GmbH, Cologne, Germany Martin Lorber is PR director of Electronic Arts Germany, a leading publisher of interactive entertainment. He is responsible for local corporate communication, government relations, corporate social responsibility and youth protection activities. The journalist and PR professional started his career as editor and presenter at the South German broadcasting corporation (SDR). Lorber has a university teaching position for public relations at the University of Siegen. Dr. Mercedes Bunz, Chief editor of In 1997 Mercedes Bunz co-founded DE:BUG, a monthly magazine for digitallifestyles, where she was editor-in-chief until 2001. Bunz reflects and writes primarily about digital media,journalism andsociety. Moderation and organisation: Dr. Julian Kücklich, Media Futures Associate (KTP), The Press Association, London, UK

S. Egenfeldt-Nilesen

Martin Lorber

Julian Kücklich

Mercedes Bunz

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 2:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Media behavior in conflict zones: a global overview Hosted by InterMedia Room C

4 June 2:30 p.m.

This session will look at patterns of media use in areas of the world where conflict and unrest is rife and where reliable media research can be carried out. Using data from surveys and qualitative research carried out by InterMedia in recent years, the session will examine trends, looking particularly at how new technologies are influencing the ways in which media are being used. The analysis will provide pointers for those using the media to convey material seeking to alleviate or resolve conflict, helping them to make more informed choices about the ways in which they use media, based on the behavior of actual users. Examples will be drawn from quantitative and qualitative research carried out in a selection of the following countries/environments: Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia, Haiti, Kosovo, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia (Mogadishu), Tibet (research with refugees) and Zimbabwe.

Allen Cooper

Peter Goldstein

Susan Gigli

Panel: Allen Cooper, consultant to InterMedia UK Ltd After more than 20 years of experience in planning and managing international media research for BBC World Service in London, Allen became associated with InterMedia in 2001, where he specialized largely in media research projects in Africa.



Program thursday, 4 june 2009

He also has extensive research consulting experience with other international broadcasting clients (for example DW, RCI and WRN). He has organized the program of the annual conference of public service international broadcasters’ audience research (CIBAR) since 1999. Peter Goldstein, Project Director, AudienceScapes Peter is in charge of developing, managing and promoting new media communications for InterMedia. He is also managing editor of, the company’s online portal for data and analysis. Peter previously was senior editor for global and economic news at Kiplinger. Before that, he spent 12 years in Europe working for Dow Jones, including stints as Brussels bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires and European news editor for the Wall Street Journal Online. Susan Gigli, Chief Operating Officer, InterMedia As one of the founding members of InterMedia, Susan has helped expand the strategic application of the company’s research and evaluation expertise in international media and communication. For more than 15 years she has been involved in directing research to measure the effectiveness in increasingly complex and competitive media environments. She has worked with various clients, such as the BBC, Deutsche Welle, U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors, International Monetary Fund, UNICEF, Sesame Workshop, USAID, U.S. Department of State and the Gates Foundation. Continued on page 107

Reporting conflicts - an Asian perspective Hosted by ABU/AIBD/AMIC Room FG The session will focus on the role of media in reporting conflicts, and what can be done when they are not allowed to cover a conflict fully - with Sri Lanka and Gaza as two examples. The session will also look at the new media and how they might help journalists get around restrictions on covering conflicts. It will also focus on

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 2:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

the safety of journalists in conflict zones and what can be done to give them better protection. Speaker: Cait McMahon, Managing Director of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma

4 June 2:30 p.m.

Rodney Pinder, Director, International News Safety Institute, Brussels Rodney Pinder is a former senior foreign correspondent and news executive for Reuters. He retired in 2002 after four years as global editor of Reuters Television News and 37 years covering international affairs. Currently Pinder is director of the International News Safety Institute, a Brussels-based organisation dedicated to the safety of journalists and other news media personnel working in areas of danger of all kinds. He has many years’ experience in conflict reporting. Alan Williams, Head Asiavision, ABU Chevaan Devavarathan Daniel, Channel Head- News 1st, MTV/MBC Channels Pvt. LTD. Chevaan Devavarathan Daniel is responsible for overall business and editorial operations of Sri Lanka’s largest private news media network and he is reporting directly to the Chairman of the company. Daniel launched Sri Lanka’s highest rated English TV Channel, Channel 1 MTV as a 24-hour entertainment channel in April 2007. Presently he is responsible for the channels overall business and programming operations. Continued on page 108

Not pictured: Alan Williams

Chevaan D. Daniel


Rodney Pinder


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

(New) media and diaspora intervention in conflict resolution: the case of Somalia Hosted by Deutsche Welle Annex Somalia is the proverbial “failed state”. Since 1991 it has been largely without a functioning central government and is instead ruled by clan-based warlords. It ranks among the least developed countries in the world, radical Islamists operating from both inside and outside the country have raised fears that Somalia, strategically located in the Horn of Africa, could become a safe haven for terror groups like Al Qaida. With pluralistic structures and a vibrant civil society largely absent, and media freedom severely curtailed, Somalis heavily rely on informal networks for news dissemination and policy dialogue. Traditionally a nomadic people, Somalis are keen users of mobile communication technologies – high-tech hub Dubai is serviced regularly from Mogadishu by air. Internet fora, run by the large and politically extremely vocal Somali diaspora, greatly influence news dissemination and political dialogue at home. But to what extent do these technologies contribute to conflict resolution? Can a case be made for the absence of a functioning regulatory body – and, ultimately, the absence of a functioning state? Moderation: Christopher Springate, freelance journalist, reporter and presenter, DW-TV

Abbas Gassem

Asha Hagi

Christopher Springate

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 2:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Christopher Springate became a freelance journalist in 1991, working for the BBC World Service, New Statesman and Society (a London weekly), local Berlin radio and several national newspapers in Britain. Ever since, whether in his mother’s native country Brazil, Mongolia or Libya, he has been fascinated by the task of discovering what parties and politicians stand for and what methods they use to climb the greasy pole of power. Since October 1999 he has been DW-TV’s English-language political correspondent as well as a presenter of DW-TV’s weekly politics program, “People and Politics”.

4 June 2:30 p.m.

Speakers: Abbas Gassem, founder of the Internet portal Abbas Gassem has over nine years’ experience in the Internet industry, working for Kelkoo and now Yahoo. He has worked directly in the areas of user-generated content (UGC), location-based services (LBS) and local search. Asha Hagi, Chair of Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC), Somalia In 1992 Asha Hagi co-founded SSWC, which works for a safe and sustainable Somalia by supporting women to overcome marginalisation, violence and poverty in their communities. Since May 2008, her focus is on the UN sponsored peace dialogue between the Transitional Federal Government and the Alliance Re-liberation of Somalia in Djibouti, where she is a member of the High Level Political Committee in the Djibouti Peace and Reconciliation Talks. Mohamed Amiin Adow, Deputy chairman of Shabelle, Somalia Mohamed Amiin Adow is the deputy chairman of Shabelle Media Network, a leading independent media network in Somalia. He has been with Shabelle since its foundation in Merca, a coastal town in South Somalia. He is not only confined to the administrative responsibility, but also has active journalism duties both at headquarters of the network and out in the field.



Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Mohamed Amiin Adow Thomas Scheen

Omar Faruk Osman

Omar Faruk Osman, journalist Omar Faruk Osman is a Somali journalist and one of the leading press freedom activists and representatives of journalists’ unions across eastern Africa and Africa as a whole. In 2007 he was elected to the international executive committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and in September of the same year, Osman was appointed secretary-general of the Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA). In November 2008 he was elected president of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ). Thomas Scheen, Africa correspondent Thomas is an Africa correspondent for the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. From 2000 to 2005 he was based in Abidjan, Côte Cote d‘Ivoire, and after that Johannesburg, South Africa.

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 2:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Information technology: provoking or preventing conflict? Hosted by Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIf F) Room Minister

4 June 2:30 p.m.

Often touted as progress benefiting humankind, information technology is now also used instrumentally in conflict situations. The development of violent conflict into asymmetrical warfare in particular would hardly be possible without the ubiquitous nature of global information and communication networks. When in these aggressive disputes one side has more sophisticated IT and military capabilities, the other side resorts to bomb attacks, suicide bombings and other covert forms of warfare, even beyond the actual theatre of war. The causal relationship of these conflict scenarios calls for the evaluation of their social and socio-political interactions. With the growing IT infiltration of society its use and misuse are no longer separable. Hence every attempt at prevention creates new conflicts as long as we do not reorient and reassess the application and handling of information and communication technology. Panelists: Cristopher Kullenberg, Editor, Resistance Studies Magazine Christopher Kullenberg is a doctoral candidate in the subject of theory of science. He also conducts research into the role of digital media in relation to surveillance, resistance and social change. He is the editor of Resistance Studies Magazine. Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht, Professor Emeritus, RWTH Aachen University Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht is a professor emeritus at RWTH Aachen University. From 1964 to 1983 he was affiliated with Philips Research Laboratories Hamburg. From 1984 to 2004 he was director of the Institute of Measuring & Image Processing, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Aachen University. He is has been a member of the board of Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (Fif F) since 1997. Hans-Jeorg Kreowski, Chair of the Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility, Bremen, Germany



Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Hans-Jörg Kreowski has been professor for theoretical computer science at Germany’s University of Bremen since 1982. His main research topics are formal languages, concurrency, and formal modeling. In addition, he is interested in all aspects of computer and society. Since 2003 he has been chair of the Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIf F). Meryem Marzouki, multi-disciplinary researcher, CNRS, France Meryem Marzouki is a senior researcher with the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), currently with LIP6 Laboratory in Paris, France. Her current multi-disciplinary research interests include Internet governance and the transformation of the rule of law, privacy and personal data protection issues, and usages in mobile and broadband communications. Marzouki has also been actively promoting human rights in the information society. She co-chaired the UN WSIS Civil Society Human Rights Caucus.

Meryem Marzouki

Cristopher Kullenberg

Hans-Jeorg Kreowski

4 June 2:30 p.m.

Dietrich Meyer -Ebrecht

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

B E E 102 T H O V E N F E S T B O N N

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thursday, 4 june 2009

4. June 4:30 p.m.

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Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Twitter as a power tool for journalists and the media Hosted by Cellity Plenary Chamber Technology is making the world turn faster, especially for the media and general public, so the relevance of quick-paced release and access to information has increased immensely. Winners of this daily battle are tools like Twitter because they enable a speedy exchange of news. Unsurprisingly, Twitter has made its way from the U.S. to Europe like lightning. This discussion will investigate the advantages and usage of Twitter as a power tool for journalists and the media, demonstrating how useful and necessary this tool is concerning future competition within media but also for members of the public at large. Speaker: Sarik Weber, Co-Profounder of cellity AG

Sarik Weber

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 4:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

War 2.0 Hosted by School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington, D.C. and Institut franรงais des relations internationales (Ifri), Paris Pumpenhaus War 2.0 argues that two intimately connected trends are putting modern armies under huge pressure to adapt: the rise of insurgencies and the rise of the Web. Both in cyberspace and in warfare, a public dimension has assumed increasing importance in recent years.

4 June 4:30 p.m.

Thomas Rid and Marc Hecker examine the public affairs policies of the U.S. land forces, the British Army, and the Israel Defense Forces. They compare the media-related counter-insurgency methods of these conventional armies to the more successful methods devised by their non-state adversaries, showing how such organizations as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Hezbollah use the Web not merely to advertise their political agenda and influence public opinion, but to mobilize a following and put insurgent operations into action. But the same technology that seems to level the operational playing field in irregular warfare also incurs heavy costs on terrorists and insurgents.

Thomas Rid

Marc Hecker

Presenters: Thomas Rid, writer and co-author of War 2.0 Thomas Rid is a Calouste Gulbenkian Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Rela-



Program thursday, 4 june 2009

tions in the School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. Previously he was a Tapir Fellow at the RAND Corporation in Washington, D.C., and the Institut Français des Relations Internationales, in Paris. He is co-author of War 2.0. Marc Hecker, researcher, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, writer and co-author of War 2.0 Marc Hecker is a research fellow at the Institut Français des Relations Internationales (Ifri) in Paris. He is also a member of the editorial board of Politique Etrangère. He has published several books including La presse française et la première guerre du Golfe (L‘Harmattan, 2003) and War 2.0., irregular Warfare in the Information Age (with Thomas Rid, Praeger, 2009). Sebastian Kaempf, University of Queensland

Media and money - journalism in times of financial crisis Hosted by DW Pumpenhaus At first reports in the media on the financial crisis created a feeling of uneasiness among users. Now the media industry is in crisis itself – economically because media companies are also recording financial losses and must publish their own poor results, and editorially due to criticism for reporting too naively on financial markets. So who is at fault? Overwhelmed journalists wanting to conceal their ignorance? Media companies tolerating poor quality due to a lack of editorial staff ? Or perhaps even users who prefer glossy company portraits to complex explanations or warnings of a possible collapse? Has the media failed in its role as a watchdog during the current crisis? Were cautionary voices overheard? Were journalists and financial institutions working too closely together? How can the industry cope with this crisis? Will journalistic quality be sacrificed for economic restoration? Is there still a chance for more clarity and a new sense of credibility?

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 4:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Andreas Stopp

4 June 4:30 p.m.

Helmut Heinen

Erik Bettermann

Cristiana Falcone

Roland Tichy

Participants: Roland Tichy, Editor-in-Chief, Wirtschaftswoche Roland Tichy has held high-level editorial positions at many prominent German economics and business publications, including deputy editor-in-chief of Handelsblatt and Capital, editor-in-chief of Die Telebörse, Euro, and since August 2007, WirtschaftsWoche, a German business weekly. He has authored many books and essays and is a frequently requested guest on television to provide insight into current economic issues. In 2008 Tichy received the Ludwig Erhard Award for business journalism. Helmut Heinen, President, Federation of German Newspaper Publishers Helmut Heinen is managing partner of the Heinen publishing company and publisher of Kölnische/Bonner Rundschau. He is also a co-partner of Berliner Verlag, a deputy vice chair of the association of newspaper publishers in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and has headed the Federation of German Newspaper Publishers (BDZV) since May 2000. Erik Bettermann, Director General, Deutsche Welle Erik Bettermann has been the Director General of Germany’s international broadcaster since October 2001. He was elected as the successor to Dieter Weirich in 2001. In November 2006 he was re-elected for a second term (2007 - 2013). Prior to joining DW, Betterman worked for the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen in European Affairs. He worked as a freelance journalist for several daily newspapers in Cologne and for a newspaper of the Evangelical church.



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Cristiana Falcone, Director Media and Entertainment Industries, World Economic Forum USA Inc. Cristiana leads the media, entertainment and information industries division at the World Economic Forum. She joined the Forum in 2004 from the International Labour Organization where she worked as an associate advocacy expert. She began her career at RAI, followed by several years in radio, print and online media. Cristiana is a member of the journalists’ guild of Italy, the board of RayTV, is co-owner of Les Enfants Terribles and one of the seven founders of the Italian youth movement NEXT. Moderation: Andreas Stopp, Deutschlandfunk (German Radio) Andreas Stopp has been assistant lecturer since 1992. He is editor with German Radio Deutschlandfunk, journalism trainer and lecturer on media sciences at University of Bamberg.

Media behaviour in conflict zones: a global overview Hosted by InterMedia Room C Continued from page 94 Panel: Allen Cooper, Consultant to InterMedia UK Ltd Peter Goldstein, Project Director, AudienceScapes Susan Gigli, Chief Operating Officer, InterMedia Guido Baumhauer, Director of Strategy, Marketing and Distribution, Deutsche Welle Christina Heinz, Head of Research and Development Burda Community Network

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4 June 4:30 p.m.


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Reporting conflicts - an Asian perspective Hosted by ABU/AIBD/AMIC Room FG Continued from page 96

4 June 4:30 p.m.

Speaker: Cait McMahon, Managing Director of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma Rodney Pinder, Director, International News Safety Institute, Brussels Alan Williams, Head Asiavision, ABU Chevaan Devavarathan Daniel, Channel Head- News 1st, MTV/MBC Channels Pvt. LTD.

Peaceful messages and war of frequencies – visions and ralities of broadcasting as a mmeans of international understanding Hosted By RWTH Aachen and Maastricht University Annex From a transnational historical perspective, the process of institutionalization of public service radio broadcasting in Europe after the First World War must be interpreted as a process of national appropriation and social shaping of radio as a broadcast medium. Just as radio had done after the Great War, television played a central role in the process of moral recovery in the post-WW2 crisis of national identity of many countries. The historiography of broadcasting has been a favorite object of national historical narratives, emphasizing the crucial role of broadcasting in the construction or stabilization of the nation as an imagined community. On the other hand, the transnational character of radio waves made them an issue of cross-border negotiation and legislation from the very beginning. The transnational character of broadcasting therefore calls for an historical contextualization, reflecting the dynamics of a communication tool that has reshaped time and space.



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Andreas Fickers

Ch. Heinrich-Franke

Christoph Classen

Nina Wormbs

Speaker: Andreas Fickers, associate professor for comparative media history, Maastricht University Andreas is associate professor for comparative media history at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. His main research interests are cultural history of broadcasting technologies and comparative (European) media history. Christian Heinrich-Franke, economic history researcher, University of Siegen Christian works at the department of history (economic history) at the University of Siegen in Germany. His main fields of research are European integration, international relations and radio/broadcasting history. Christoph Classen, historian specialised in media history, Center of Contemporary History at Potsdam Christoph is a historian and project director at the department for the history of the modern media and information society at the Center of Contemporary History at Potsdam. Specialized in media history, he is currently working on the impact of modern mass media on political cultures and the question of their transnational and nationalizing effects. Nina Wormbs, broadcasting researcher, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Nina works as a researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, where she also teaches engineering students in media history. Her research has focused on the politics and infrastructure of broadcasting from the 1920s to the 1990s. Petra Kohnen, CEO for editorial matters, Euranet

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 4:30 p.m.


Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Cracking closed doors Hosted by Press Now Room Minister

4 June 4:30 p.m.

How to deliver information to people living in war and isolation? How to counterbalance hate speech, nationalism, religious fundamentalism and war propaganda? Do modern technological developments help with answers to these questions? Can ‘media-in-exile’ play a role? These are questions to be covered in the workshop. In addressing them, distinguished speakers with significant experience in real-world practice, academic research and United Nations peacekeeping operations, will share their experiences and engage the audience.

Albana Shala

Shervin Nekuee

Leon Willems

Maung Maung Myint

Moderator: Albana Shala, Press Now, Southern Caucasus and Kosovo Albana Shala is responsible for the Southern Caucasus and Kosovo desk at Press Now, a Dutch organization that supports independent media in regions of conflict and countries in transition. She is specialised in radio projects and takes special interest in analyzing the role of media in global and local processes. Shala has extensively advised and lobbied with national, regional and international organizations and agencies that focus on media issues and democratisation, such as UNESCO, SWISSPEACE, OSCE, ICCO and ECCP. Panelists: Shervin Nekuee, sociologist, essayist, publicist, contributor to Radio Zamaheh



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Shervin Nekuee regularly contributes to leading Dutch dailies and frequently organizes and moderates public debates in the Netherlands on issues of migration, the role of religion and media. He is the co-founder of eutopia, an internationally oriented Dutch Web platform. Nekuee has regularly worked with different international NGOs as an advisor and expert on Iran and Afghanistan. Leon Willems, project coordinator Radio Darfur, executive director of Press Now Leon Willems is the executive director of Press Now, a Dutch organization that supports independent media in regions of conflict and countries in transition. He has been the project coordinator of Radio Darfur Network, a coalition of Sudanese journalists and international (media) development organizations to respond to the need for information in Darfur, broadcasting from the Netherlands. Leon has served 15 years in public broadcasting in the Netherlands and set up Miraya FM in South Sudan while working for the United Nations. Maung Maung Myint, President of the Burma Media Association Maung Maung Myint is the president of the Burma Media Organization, an independent organization established in January 2001 by overseas Burmese journalists, reporters and writers who practise and advocate freedom of expression in Burma. In the early 90s Myint worked as editor at the Democratic Voice of Burma in Norway. Since 1997 he has been special correspondent and editorial consultant at Radio Free Asia (U.S.A.).

From representation to simulation: serious games and new approaches to crisis media Hosted by Saarland University Room Nauen (Deutsche Welle) Continued from page 92 Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, CEO, Serious Games Interactive, Copenhagen, Denmark Martin Lorber, PR Director, Electronic Arts GmbH, Cologne, Germany Dr. Julian Kuecklich, Media Futures Associate (KTP), The Press Association

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 4:30 p.m.


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Special event: Youth Without Frontiers Hosted by DW-TV and ERTU Gremiensaal (Deutsche Welle building) “Youth Without Frontiers” is a unique talk show and the first show of its kind on international TV. It focuses on young people in Egypt and Germany and uses the studio as a forum for ten young people to talk about themselves, youth culture, music, family and work. It’s an exciting experience for the young people and offers a real dialogue between cultures. The show is a co-production of DW-TV and ERTU, the Egyptian state broadcaster. Filming alternates between Berlin and Cairo.

4 June 5:00 p.m.

The show will be produced at Deutsche Welle headquarters on Thursday, June 4 at 5:00 p.m. as part of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. Delegates are invited to attend and watch the talk show, which will be produced in Arabic. Translations will be available for the audience in English and German. Ahmed Refaat, Hossam El Deen, Mohamed Hany, Rania Galal, Sara El Hammawy, Sara El Batrawi, Youmna El Khattam, Osama El Sayed Aboelezz, Ören, Kadir, Frank, Luis, Tögel, Sebastian, Wahl, Lukas, Selinger, Joschka, Winkler, Franziska, Wallenfels, Laura Lorena, Stiefvatter, Amelie, Reinitz, Carolin Moderator: Sahar Nagui Editorial Team: Sherine Mounib, Emad Rabie Translator: Dr. Ola Gawad, Achmed Khammas



Program thursday, 4 june 2009

Special event: The BOBS 2008 award ceremony Hosted by Deutsche Welle Plenary Chamber Concerning freedom of information and freedom of speech, blogs have become more and more important. Around the world courageous bloggers take the risk of being threatened and arrested for standing up for their opinion. Deutsche Welle recognizes these efforts and awards the best blogs with an international blog award, The BOB. The BOB awards are given in 16 categories both by online voting and by a blogger jury. Five of the winners chosen by jury and online voting, representative of all winners, will be awarded with The BOB in this ceremony. The award winners can provide an authentic impression of what the situation for bloggers is like in countries with oppressed media and how important new ways of communication, such as mobile phones and the Internet, are for free expression. The question of how new technologies change the use of access to information and the (new) role of journalism in blogs can be discussed in an open panel. Is there a future for the “old” media? A question which is subliminally negated in blogs like the Spanish blog Can these technologies assist the process of democracy?

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

4 June 6:07 p.m.



Eyes & Ears of Europe Association for the Design, Promotion and Marketing of Audiovisual Media e.V. Mozartstr. 3-5 D-50674 Cologne Tel.: +49 (221) 606057-10 Fax: +49 (221) 606057-11


Program Friday, Headline 5 june 2009

Suppressed websites - will censors lose the race? Hosted by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Wasserwerk Many governments are trying to ban websites with content that – in their opinion – could be deemed unpatriotic or risky to national security. While government agencies pulling the informational plug say their actions are in the country’s best interests, dissidents, NGOs and free speech advocates say the trend is anti-democratic. In countries with dictatorial regimes people who disagree with popular opinion are being silenced and denied access to many websites. However, new technological developments enable users to bypass censorship regulations. What techniques are currently available to access blocked websites? Will censors be able to catch up with these new technologies? Who will win the race in the end?

5 June 9:30 p.m.

The panel will offer a unique mix of global and regional expertise. Yang Hengjun, a former Chinese government international political analyst, is among China‘s leading independent bloggers today. Noha Atef, founder and editor of www.tortureinegypt. net, is a young blogger and human rights advocate in the Arabic-speaking world. Dr. Yaman Akdeniz is a lawyer and expert on Internet policing, regulation and censorship in regions including Europe and Turkey. Lisa Horner is a development and communications expert who is overseeing a global examination of the impact of digital communication on human rights.

Not pictured: Yang Hengjun

Lisa Horner


Frank Smyth

Noha Atef

Yaman Akdeniz


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Panelists: Frank Smyth, journalist Security Coordinator, Committee to Protect Journalists Frank Smyth is the Washington representative and journalist security coordinator of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. He is a former reporter for CBS News Radio, and a former associate producer for CBS News Television. His news and opinion pieces have appeared in The Economist, Newsday, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other renowned publications. Smyth is a former investigative consultant for the arms division of Human Rights Watch. He is co-author of Dialogue and Armed Conflict, and a contributor to Crimes of War and The Iraq War Reader. Noha Atef, journalist and blogger Noha Atef writes for a number of newspapers in Egypt and the wider Arab world and has several years’ experience in print media. She covers the section on Egypt for Global Voices Advocacy (GVA), a project of Global Voices Online aimed at building a global anti-censorship network of bloggers and online activists dedicated to protecting freedom of expression and free access to information online. Atef is founder and editor of, a Web advocacy site aimed at spreading a culture of human rights by providing news and humanitarian reports. Dr. Yaman Akdeniz, Director of Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties, UK Yaman Akdeniz is the founder and director of Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties, a non-profit civil liberties organization since 1997. He worked as an associate professor at the CyberLaw Research Unit, School of Law, University of Leeds (UK) from 2001-2009. Akdeniz currently acts as an independent consultant and continues to work in the field of Internet-related legal and policy issues. He acted as an expert to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) Office. Yang Hengjun, Blogger Yang Hengjun is perhaps the leading blogger in China today. Filing for no less than 12 different websites across the nation, he is a well-known critic of politics as well as Internet freedom issues in China. Hengjun is also an author of political spy novels, and a former researcher on international relations and politics for the Chinese government.

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

5 June 9:30 p.m.


Program Friday, Headline 5 june 2009

Lisa Horner, Head Research and Policy, Global Partners & Associates, London Lisa Horner’s particular interests lie in human rights, communications and democracy from an international development perspective. She is currently coordinating the Freedom of Expression Project: a major international research and advocacy project which is examining the impact that digital communications are having on human rights. Funded by the Ford Foundation, the project is now into its third year, producing original research and convening expert workshops in the UK, Argentina, Kenya and Indonesia. The project has worked with a range of civil society organisations to develop a policy model for building communications environments that support human rights, and is currently working to apply the approach in national and international contexts through multi-stakeholder collaboration.

News and information design for audio-visual media - How theatrical can, might or should it be? Hosted by Eyes & Ears of Europe Pumpenhaus

5 June 9:30 p.m.

At first glance the notions of news and information on the one hand, and theatrics on the other, seem to cancel each other out. Theatrics brings to mind artificial staging, exaggeration and showiness. These are all characteristics that contradict the matterof-fact nature of news and information coverage, which serves the mandate of revealing the truth and reporting with cool distance, objectivity and balanced fairness. But theatrics also poses opportunities to communicate and condense the presentation of reality through images, signs and symbols. This age of digitalization, media-on-demand, blogging and Web 2.0 opens many new and exciting possibilities for information dissemination. But to what extent can the orchestration and special processing of news and information using AV media contribute to disentangling complexity? Or does it just lead to unwanted oversimplification, truncation, distortion and exaggeration of the real world as news and information formats seek to portray it that cannot be said to contribute in any positive way to sustainable conflict prevention?



Program Friday, 5Headline june 2009

Welcome and program: Wout Nierhoff, CEO, Eyes & Ears of Europe, Cologne, Germany Wout Nierhoff has been journalist, publicist, exhibition and event manager since 1988. He was founding managing director of Eyes & Ears of Europe from 1996 to 2001 and since then has been its CEO. He has also been a guest lecturer for marketing, communications and design management at the Film Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg since 2005. Since 2003 Nierhoff has been lecturer for marketing, communications and creation management at the ‘International filmschool cologne’ and secretary general of the European Council for the Design, Promotion and Marketing of Audiovisual Media since 2004.

Manfred Becker

Peter Kloeppel

Stefan Ströbitzer

Let’s talk about sets – real and virtual Peter Kloeppel, Editor-in-Chief, RTL Television, Cologne, Germany Peter Kloeppel attended Henri-Nannen-Journalistenschule in Hamburg. He joined RTL in 1985 and was U.S. correspondent based in New York from 1990 to 1992. Since 1992 Kloeppel was anchorman of “RTL aktuell” and since 1993 deputy editorin-chief. Since 1994 he has taken over the presentation of all election programs for German national and regional elections and became editor-in-chief at RTL in 2004. Prof. Manfred Becker, Creative Consultant, RTL Group From 1974 to 1985 Manfred Becker has run his own design studio for TV/print design with a partner in Cologne. Becker has been chairman of the management board and creative managing director for RTL Creation and creative consultant for the RTL GROUP enterprises. Since 1998 he has been working as a professor for film and TV design/promotion at the Film Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg.

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5 June 9:30 p.m.


Program Friday, Headline 5 june 2009

He is also a mentor and lecturer for the course media design production at the ‘international filmschool cologne’. The ORF newsroom Stefan Ströbitzer, Head of Information at ORF2 and Deputy Editor-in-Chief at ORF, Vienna, Austria Stefan Ströbitzer is a news service freelancer at ORF regional studios in Vienna, apart from being head of “Wien Heute.” In 1997 he moved to the Ö3 editorial department where he has been head author for two years and subsequently head of information at Hitradio Ö3, responsible for news, journals and all Ö3 programming. In 2002 Ströbitzer also became head of Ö3’s traffic department and coordinator of weather editors. Since 2007 he has been head of information at ORF 2, the second Austrian radio and TV channel.

5 June 9:30 p.m.

Ch. Hammerschmidt

Rupert Putz

Christoph Teuner

Rupert Putz, Head of Information Design, ORF, Vienna, Austria Rupert Putz has been at ORF in the following departments from 1987 to 1996: daily graphics, main graphics, design studio, projects ranging from live graphic enrolment and complex channel design to production. During the following three years he was with DMC in Vienna, primarily involved in design and production projects for ARD, the federal cooperation of public TV stations in Germany. In 1999 Putz founded an on-screen design company and has been working as head of information design at ORF since 2001. Promoting news on n-tv Christoph Teuner, anchorman n-tv, Cologne, Germany Christoph Teuner has been a TV presenter at various networks including Tele 5,



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RTL, CNN Deutschland, CNN International and Sat1 since 1987. He offered public broadcasting training as a speaker and news presenter at Bayerischer Rundfunk/Hörfunk. Teuner has been working as managing editor and news anchorman at n-tv since 2000. He has a second degree in arts for classical vocal training given by Hendrikus Rootering. Christoph Hammerschmidt, Director Marketing & Communications, n-tv, Cologne, Germany Christoph Hammerschmidt worked as project head in the advertising department for newspapers Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger and EXPRESS at the publishing house M. DuMont Schauberg. From 2001 to 2006 he was at RTL interactive (formerly RTL NEWMEDIA), ultimately working as senior marketing manager responsible for the conception and realization of all marketing measures for the RTL brand. In 2006 Hammerschmidt became director of marketing and communications at n-tv in Cologne. Music for news and documentaries Anselm C. Kreuzer, freelance composer & musicologist, Cologne, Germany Anselm C. Kreuzer started as a freelance radio journalist in 1995 and did several internships, e.g. at Klassik Radio/Hamburg, Saarländischer Rundfunk, WDR 3, WCLV in Cleveland, U.S.A., and the Vienna State Opera. He instructed journalism workshops from 1996 to 1998 and worked in RTL’s production management department, at the same time being a member of the editorial staff for film music till 2001. After that Kreuzer worked as a full-time composer, music producer and music consultant for film, television and CD publications as well as lecturer for film music at several universities. From black list to white list… Christoph Mecke, Managing Director, Liquid Campaign, Hamburg, Germany Christoph Mecke is conceptioner, account manager and creative director with a focus on Internet and new media. He has been executive creative director at Interone Worldwide in Hamburg since May 2005, where he is responsible for ‘Innovation Authority’, the agency’s research and development department. This year Mecke became managing director of Liquid Campaign in Hamburg.

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5 June 9:30 p.m.


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Heinz-Jörg Eberbach, General Manager, Interone Worldwide, Cologne, Germany Heinz-Jörg Eberbach has been a lecturer for new media at the Institute of Applied Research in Stuttgart, at the Multimedia Academy in Friedrichshafen and for Activ-Consult in Munich. In 1996 he founded Cutup Codes in Cologne and was its managing director. In 1998 the President of Germany honored him for innovative and courageous enterprise. In the following year Eberbach became managing director of Kabel New Media Cologne, the merger of Cutup Codes and Kabel New Media. After the takeover by BBDO he joined InterOne as managing director responsible for the Cologne and Berlin branches.

Heinz-Jörg Eberbach

5 June 9:30 p.m.

Anselm C. Kreuzer

Christoph Mecke

TEEVEEFX – instant branding Susanne Lüchtrath, Managing Director Creation, FEEDMEE, Cologne, Germany Susanne Lüchtrath worked for the graphic department of VOX from 1992 to 1994, after that in the areas of graphics and design at VIVA-TV. In the late 1990s she was a freelance director for various design agencies and post-production companies, especially development and realization of program openers and promotion clips. Since 1998 Lüchtrath has worked as co-founder of FEEDMEE Design (formerly feedmee mediendesign) and as managing director now responsible for the concept, production and direction sectors. Anton Riedel, Managing Director Creation, FEEDMEE, Cologne, Germany Since 1992 Anton Riedel freelanced in the fields of illustration, design and direction for various TV channels, production companies and design agencies. He co-founded FEEDMEE Design (formerly feedmee mediendesign) and has worked there since



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1999. In his current position as managing director Riedel is responsible for the areas of conception, production and direction. Wolfram Winter, Managing Director of Premiere Star and Honorary Consul for the Republic of Namibia in the German state of Bavaria, Unterfoehring, Germany From 1992 Wolfram Winter was head of the communication department at the Bavarian radio station Antenne Bayern. He became head of press at MGM Mediagroup Munich. Subsequently, he became divisional head of communication and corporate speaker of DSF, then head of programming at DF1. From 1998 to 2007 he had a managerial post at NBC Universal Global Networks Germany and since then has been managing director of Premiere Star. In addition to that, Winter lectures on media marketing at the Bavarian Academy of Advertising and Marketing (BAW). He is a voluntary board member of Powerchild e.V. Prof. Björn Bartholdy, Professor for Audiovisual Design, KISD, Cologne, Germany In the early 1990s Björn Bartholdy was a freelancer for BR, RTL, VOX and VIVA. From 1994 to 2002 he worked as managing director of the design agency Cutup, which was part of the Bertelsmann group (Empolis) by the mid-1999. Until November 2004 he ran verytv as managing director of communication and content. From 2000 to 2003 he managed the course on virtual design at the Film Academy BadenWuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg. After that Bartholdy became professor for audiovisual design at KISD, the International School of Design in Cologne. Continued on page 135

Susanne Lüchtrath

Anton Riedel

Wolfram Winter

Björn Bartholdy

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

5 June 9:30 p.m.


Program Friday, 5 june 2009

Psyops for peace? A presentation on the methodology, role and achievements of the “Great Lakes Reconciliation Radio” project Hosted by Radio La Benevolencija Room AB

5. June 9:30 p.m.

The basic idea behind “Great Lakes Reconciliation Radio” is to embed knowledge in large civilian audiences living in conflict areas and to provide them with role models on how to withstand incitement to violence, be it by outside influences or by their own psychology. The project is based on the work of psychologists Ervin Staub and Laurie Anne Pearlman. Their systematic comparison of the psychology of genocides around the world has resulted in a “simple-to-grasp vocabulary” of steps and elements that lead people to commit violence, as well as a systemic work on combining this knowledge with simple trauma treatment techniques, making this a potent civic tool in traumatized societies in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi. Using “entertainment and education” techniques developed at Johns Hopkins University, this research is packaged into messages that form the basis for radio drama series that have become immensely popular in Rwanda and Burundi. The campaigns have now been running for six years and are ongoing. Impact evaluations run by researchers from Yale University show groundbreaking evidence of positive impact of such a broadcast activity on the attitudes and behaviors of audiences.

Not pictured: George Weiss

Presenters: Johan Deflander George Weiss, Founder, Radio La Benevolencija George Weiss founded Radio La Benevolencija Humanitarian Tools Foundation in 2002. He work for La Benevolencija Sarajevo in the early 1990s inspired him to set up media projects that would teach people to resist manipulation




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3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY


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Program Friday, 5. june 2009

to violence, and to promote a solidarity pact between victims of hate violence. In addition to running Radio Benevolencija, Weiss is also head of Metropolitan Pictures, a documentary production company based in Amsterdam. Johan Deflander, International Development/Communication Expert Johan Deflander is an international development and communication expert specialized in community media, behavioral change projects and conflict prevention (peace, reconciliation, justice, trauma healing) media campaigns. He worked for the Panos Institute and La Benevolencija and has 14 years of overseas NGO experience in West and Central Africa on studies, design, implementation and monitoring of development media projects.

The trauma factor: the missing ingredient in conflict journalism? Hosted by Dart Centre Room C

5 June 9:30 p.m.

Wherever it rages, conflict can have a profound psychological and intellectual impact. Violence shapes individuals and the future development of their societies. Iraq, Gaza, the Democratic Republic of Congo and post-war Cambodia are only some examples of countries where large populations have been touched by terror and loss. In such places every reporter is a trauma reporter. Many other professionals – war crimes investigators and mental health professionals, for instance – are trained in trauma awareness. They learn techniques for interviewing people in distress and maintaining their own resilience in the face of the horrors they witness. Few journalists receive this kind of training. Interviewing a traumatised, and potentially volatile, child soldier safely is no easy task. Similarly complex is the ability to recover an accurate narrative from somebody who has been disorientated by prolonged sexual violence. All this only becomes harder, if – as is often the case – the journalist him or herself has been a victim of past, political violence.



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Presenters: Bruce Shapiro, Executive Director of the Dart Centre Elana Newman , Professor of Psychology at the University of Tulsa Allen Yero Embalo, Maison des Journalistes, Paris

Vision and mission of medica mondiale Hosted by medica mondiale Room FG Again and again sexualised violence is used as a strategic weapon in armed conflicts. Everyday, everywhere in the world. That is why medica mondiale fights to ensure that war crimes against women are punished and their rights are respected – all over the world. medica mondiale is an international non-governmental organisation who supports women and girls who have been sexually violated or suffer from other forms of gender-based violence during war and civil conflict. Through target group-oriented further education, international experts of various professional fields (i.e. development and humanitarian aid workers, journalists, health care professionals, lawyers) and local NGOs in conflict areas are trained for trauma and gender-sensitive work with affected women and girls.

Dr. Monika Hauser, founder of medica mondiale Monika Hauser From 1992 to 1994, Monika Hauser planned, set up and later served as head of Medica Zenica, a women’s therapy centre, together with Bosnian women experts. In connection with these activities, medica

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5 June 9:30 p.m.


Program Friday, Headline 5 june 2009

mondiale gradually evolved. In addition to founding medica mondiale as a professional and human rights organisation, Hauser’s most important task is public relations and awareness raising. Conflicts and responsible media - watcher of disaster...and actor of change Hosted by media21 Annex In a highly chaotic situation where millions of people are in danger, can media stay a passive and neutral observer? While preserving their independence and critical position, media and journalists should acknowledge the huge power they possess de facto and their potential role as player, both locally and internationally. Hence they may also be a resource for understanding between belligerents and exposure to the opposition’s mindset or toward proposals for peace. But who knows how?

5 June 11:30 p.m.

Panelists: Don Hinrichsen, Senior Development Manager, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, London Don is an award-winning writer and former journalist based in Europe and the U.S. For the past 15 years he has worked as a writer, editor, multimedia adviser and fund raiser for UN agencies and NGOs. He is currently the Senior Development Manager at IWPR based in London. Don was former editor-in-chief of Ambio, the journal of the human environment, and the first editor-in-chief of the World Resources Report published by the World Resources Institute, the World Bank, UNEP and UNDP. Edward Girardet, Afghanistan specialist; Program Director, Media21 Global Journalism Network Geneva Edward is a Swiss-American journalist, writer and producer who has reported widely from humanitarian and conflict zones in Africa, Asia and elsewhere since the late 1970s. As a foreign correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor, U.S. News and World Report, and The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour based in Paris. In the mid1990s, Edward became co-founding director of CROSSLINES Global Report and



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Media Action International. He is widely considered to be a leading expert on Afghanistan and one of the few to command such a broad perspective based on personal reporting and analysis. Dilrukshi Handunnetti, Editor Investigations Desk, The Sunday Leader, Sri Lanka Dilrukshi is an award-winning Sri Lankan journalist, currently working with The Sunday Leader as its editor of investigations. Besides writing the parliamentary column for the newspaper, she also writes and edits all investigative stories carried in her publication. Dilrukshi is a lawyer by training, having specialized in international law, and has worked as a journalist for over 17 years. She regularly writes for Himal South Asian, a regional current affairs magazine published in Kathmandu. Simon Horner, Head of Communication, European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) Simon is head of communication in the European Commission’s humanitarian aid department (ECHO). He has worked in the department for eight years and throughout his Commission career he has specialized in information and communication – mainly in the areas of development and humanitarian aid. Simon is a former editor of the ACP-EU Courier, a magazine on development issues produced by the European Commission in Brussels; he joined in 1987. Moderator: Daniel Wermus, Executive Director, Media21 Global Journalism Network (Geneva) and Crosslines Essential Media Ltd (London) Daniel is an international journalist and founder of InfoSud, a non-profit press agency

Not pictured: Simon Horner

Don Hinrichsen

Edward Girardet

D. Handunnetti

Daniel Wermus

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since 1988. He launched Media21 Global Journalism Network Geneva in 2006, grouping 310 journalists from 85 countries and 400 international collaborators representing the UN, NGOs, business and universities. Daniel has worked as a reporter for the Tribune de Genève (1976-1988) and freelanced for Swiss television (TSR/197884).

Security and the media Hosted by Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) and Academy of the German Armed Forces for Information and Communication (AIK) Room Minister The panel will critically reflect upon the role of the media in the securitization of recent headline issues, be they terrorism, energy or climate change.

5 June 11:30 p.m.

Securitization theory was developed by Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde in their highly influential book Security: A New Framework for Analysis. It refers to a succession of authoritative claims or statements wherein a particular problem is successfully presented as an existential threat to a referent object, in turn requiring emergency measures exceeding the normal bounds of political procedure by legitimizing the breaking of established norms and rules. The decision of whether an issue ought to be securitized or not should therefore not be taken lightly. In most cases it might be better to opt for de-securitization – to switch out of emergency mode and engage problems through the open and democratic deliberations of ‘normal’ politics. Depending on the ways in which they cover certain issues and events, the media have a direct influence on whether they become securitized or not. The panel will bring together a media representative and a political scientist to discuss the responsibility of the media in this regard. Chair: Jörgen Klußmann, Director of Protestant Academy in Rhineland Jörgen worked as news editor for Deutsche Welle and Deutschlandfunk and as press



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and project officer for several development organisations, such as the Peace and Development Foundation and Carl Duisberg Society. He is a founding member of the Forum Media and Development (FOME), and since 2000 a trainer for conflictsensitive journalism and conflict transformation for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Afghanistan, Indonesia, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Jörgen Klußmann

Andreas Zumach

Dr. Dieter Ose

Presenters: Andreas Zumach, journalist Andreas writes for German newspaper TAZ and has worked as a UN correspondent in Geneva. Andreas has many years of experience in conflict reporting and advocating peace journalism. Dr. Dieter Ose, First Counsellor, Head, Research and Joint Support Command of the German armed forces Dieter’s background is in engineering and as an army officer. Before entering his present position he was NATO Defence College Director of Studies and a faculty adviser at the Federal College for Security Policy Studies. His principal responsibilities are editor-in-chief for Troop Information Magazine, the “Leadership Training and Civic Education” series and audio-visual Troop Information news media. He has published numerous books and articles over the last 30 years. Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker, Institute for Political Science, Insbruck University and KomTech-Institute in Solingen Prof. Becker is the head of the KomTech-Institute for Communication and Technology Research. He taught at numerous Universities such as Marburg, Gießen, Wien,

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Salzburg and Innsbruck. Mr. Becker studied German studies, pedagogy and political Science at the universities of Marburg, Bern, Tübingen and Cambridge. He holds a PhD in political science and habilitated in the field of social science in 1981. He specializes in the fields of international relations, global media and cultural research as well as empirical social studies.

Pleasure, ideology and algorithm: the rise of the military entertainment complex Hosted by Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Plenary Chamber

5 June 11:30 p.m.

In today’s technology-driven world, multimedia journalism increasingly resembles infotainment, the military and entertainment industries join forces to form militainment, and still other crossover concepts arise to blur the lines between previously clearly segregated terrain. Not only are contemporary video games with military themes strikingly realistic, there are even cases which strive to replicate real-world events with journalistic legitimacy. To some degree they have become tools for reporting and recruitment. More than ever, cultural identity and perceptions of “the enemy” are as integral to the video game framework as any amount of technological realism and sophistication. The convergence of allegory and algorithm in computer digital games is redefining the way in which social and political narratives are constructed. This workshop will explore the concepts of game play and cultural identity as well as the changing relationship between gaming and interactive journalism. Speaker: Peter Mantello, Professor of New Media, Center for Advanced Media Arts Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan Peter Mantello is an imagemaker and writer with a penchant for funky algorithms in motion and discovery. He is the founder and lecturer of the Creative Advanced Media



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Arts Studies program at Ritsumeikan University in Japan. His book Requiem for A Novel: The Rise of MMORPGs will be published later this year.

RIAS workshop on German-American coverage of terrorism issues – a transatlantic media comparison

Peter Mantello

Hosted by RIAS Berlin Commission Wasserwerk German and American journalists will discuss how TV and the electronic media covers the issues of terrorism. What are the differences, what are the similarities? Has anything changed since Sept. 11, 2001, when a shocked U.S. asked “why do they hate us so much?” and the U.S. media promised to provide more background information on the roots and causes of terrorism? Is the German media doing enough to live up to the challenges of analyzing the reasons for this new global threat? What can the media do at home and abroad to fight terrorism and a looming global division along religious lines? Panel: David Patrician, journalist David Patrician graduated from the University of Maryland with a double degree in government and politics and German language and literature. For three years he was a radio news producer for the Voice of America with the Korean language service. Some of his assignments included being embedded with the German Bundeswehr in Afghanistan as well as hosting some special reports for WDR TV before and during the 2006 World Cup.

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Joachim Angerer, editor, WDR, Cologne, Germany Joachim has been working for Germany’s biggest public TV station, WDR Cologne, since 1990. He was editor of the political TV magazine MONITOR from 1998 to 2003 and is presently editor of the documentary series “The Story”. Jo is specialized in peace and security policy with numerous publications on these issues, including the film documentation Es begann mit einer Lüge (“It started with a lie”) about the forgery of news reports on the Kosovo War. Jon Ebinger, journalist Jon Ebinger facilitates the RIAS program in Washington, and works with the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation (RTNDF) on journalism education and training programs. He formerly was a producer with the program Nightline at ABC News, and has been involved with news coverage and programs for National Public Radio, the National Geographic Channel and the BBC. Among other projects, he produces semi-annual workshops for journalists and public officials.

5 June 11:30 p.m.

Michael Groth, correspondent for DeutschlandRadio Michael Groth is a correspondent with the Berlin bureau of DeutschlandRadio. He specializes in security issues, primarily in Afghanistan and has made regular trips to the region. He received his PhD from the University of Iowa in 1983 and worked for four years as junior editor for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Since 1988 he has been political editor at DeutschlandRadio, with two-time-assignments to its capital bureau in Berlin and with regular trips to the U.S. Miguel Marquez, journalist Miguel Marquez started his career at KSAZ-TV in Phoenix but quickly moved on to CNN Atlanta where he became the war desk anchor during the Iraq invasion. Since joining ABC News in May 2005, Marquez has reported extensively on the Iraq War. He was nominated for an Emmy Award for his part in reporting that al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab Al Zarqawi had been killed. He also reported from Germany on a U.S. investigation into a terror plot there. Dr. Jochen Thies studied political science and German history and has published a number of books on internatinal relations and German history, among them the critically acclaimed „The Dohnanyis“, a German family‘s fight against dictatorship and



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for democracy. Today Dr. Jochen Thies works as special correspondent in the editorial office for Deutschlandradio Berlin.

Jochen Thies

David Patrician

Joachim Angerer

Jon Ebinger

News & information design for audio-visual media - How theatrical can, might or should it be ? (Cont.) Hosted by Eyes & Ears of Europe Pumpenhaus Continued from page 118 Presenters: Wout Nierhoff, CEO, Eyes & Ears of Europe, Cologne, Germany Peter Kloeppel, Editor-in-Chief, RTL Television, Cologne, Germany Prof. Manfred Becker, Creative Consultant, RTL Group Stefan Ströbitzer, Head of Information at ORF2 and Deputy Editor-in-Chief at ORF, Vienna, Austria Rupert Putz, Head of Information Design, ORF, Vienna, Austria Christoph Teuner, anchorman n-tv, Cologne, Germany Christoph Hammerschmidt, Director Marketing and Communications, n-tv, Cologne, Germany Anselm C. Kreuzer, freelance composer and musicologist, Cologne, Germany Christoph Mecke, Managing Director, Liquid Campaign, Hamburg, Germany

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Heinz-Jörg Eberbach, General Manager, Interone Worldwide, Cologne, Germany Susanne Lüchtrath, Managing Director Creation, FEEDMEE, Cologne, Germany Anton Riedel, Managing Director Creation, FEEDMEE, Cologne, Germany Wolfram Winter, Managing Director of Premiere Star Prof. Björn Bartholdy, Professor for Audiovisual Design, KISD, Cologne, Germany

Civil society 2.0 - How digital media are changing politics in Turkey Hosted by Robert Bosch Stiftung Room AB Surfing, blogging, mailing – modern forms of communication have spread across Turkey, connecting people to the global community. This exchange beyond frontiers also dissolves traditional borders of thought. New ideas and visions are emerging, not only concerning civil rights but also in people’s awareness of identity and history. The political elite and established media no longer dominate public discourse.

5 June 11:30 p.m.

Murad Bayraktar, Editor WDR Kerim Arpad, CEO Deutsch-Türkisches Forum Stuttgart Sybille Thelen, Journalist

Kerim Arpad

Murad Bayraktar


Sybille Thelen


Program Friday, 5 june 2009

The empire strikes back - Is the newly-found media freedom already heading to an end? Hosted by Deutsche Welle Room FG Satellite broadcasters Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya have long been known as trailblazers of a cultural revolution in the Arab world. They were the first to offer programming that wasn’t controlled by the national censors. Over the years more and more media laws have been passed in the Arab world creating a kind of retroactive regulation. It was just this past year that Arabic information ministers expanded their control over the Arabic media and satellite broadcasters. There is currently movement in two directions: on the one hand, the control over the media has increased, and on the other hand, the content that should be regulated is being accessed on the Internet. In the areas of politics and society, the Internet continues to develop new forms of information and communication opportunities – all with unforeseen consequences. The virtual world will soon be nearly as important as the real world. The entire Internet, especially portals and communities like Wikipedia and Facebook, will continue to grow as well as being used and changed governments for their own purposes. The complexity of the Internet has lead to tools like blogging being used not only by the opposition, but also by government. Who is going to determine the content and technical standards of the World Wide Web in the future? Will the freedom of the Internet be undermined by the massive influx of money, technology and people? Can users trust the credibility and autonomy of online platforms?

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Bypassing censorship through blogging? The blogosphere in Russia Hosted by n-ost Annex Compared to Western Europe, the blogosphere in Russia is vibrant and blogging there is pervasive. Authorship differs, too. Most active bloggers are intellectuals who write in the evenings what they cannot say at work during the day. The mostly statecontrolled mass media offer no outlet, so blogging is their alternative. The opportunities bloggers have – and the powerful impact they can exercise on popular opinion – are now well known by governments, too. But easy use and the low distribution costs also entail problems in Russia. Anyone and everyone can blog – can that qualify as serious reporting? Do blogs in Russia pose an adequate opportunity to bypass censorship? What impact do they have on potential political upheaval and crises? And how far is their reach?

5 June 11:30 p.m.

Speaker: Markus Beckedahl, Entrepreneur and blogger Markus Beckedahl, organiser of the annual Internet communications conference re: publica, is an entrepreneur, blogger and campaigner for digital liberties. He is considered one of Germany‘s pioneers of political Internet communication. As a co-founder of newthinking communications ltd. he advises organisations and companies on digital issues. Beckendahl also teaches at Mannheim University.

Markus Beckedahl

Christian Mihr


Eugene Gorny


Program Friday, 5 june 2009

Christian Mihr, Senior editor Christian Mihr has been a senior editor of the Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe n-ost in Berlin since May 2008. Before he worked as head of press and public relations department at the German Development Institute in Bonn and as a journalist for various print- and online-media in Germany and Ecuador, as well as a media trainer in Germany and Russia. He lectured and published on international media regulation politics, the information society and the relationship between PR and journalism. He obtained a degree in Journalism and Political Science after having studied at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt and the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Eugene Gorny, Internet researcher Eugene Gorny received his Ph.D. by research at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His doctoral dissertation, “A Creative History of the Russian Internet”, will soon be published by VDM Verlag. He is Director of the Russian Virtual Library ( and an editor of Net Literature ( He also works as an expert in semiotics and Russian culture for Greg Rowland Semiotics and Space Doctors.

Assessing media landscapes in conflict situations Hosted by The Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict, and Peacebuilding at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) Room Minister The Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict, and Peacebuilding at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) has initiated a project to produce guidelines and a template for the assessment of the media landscape in conflict situations. A long-time concern of practitioners and donors alike, this template will offer a clear and concise process for evaluating the range of opportunities and challenges in producing peacebuilding programming in fragile states, providing a critical connection between integrating strategic media programming with peacebuilding planning. Although NGOs, donors, and policy makers have come to put considerable care

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into deciding what kinds of conflict-transformation undertakings they are going to launch, their discrete efforts have yet to be integrated into a unified assessment framework for determining an optimal media intervention strategy. An integrated assessment strategy that balances the social, political, cultural, and other needs of stakeholders with the needs and abilities of the media would permit a coherent set of options for achieving maximum impact.

Sheldon Himelfarb Speaker: Dr. Sheldon Himelfarb, Associate Vice President, USIP Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding, Washington, D.C., USA Sheldon Himelfarb joined USIP in June 2008 from the corporate executive board where he served on the technology practice leadership team. Prior to this he was foreign policy adviser to a member of the Senate foreign relations committee, the head of North American documentary development for Yorkshire TV, and the CEO/executive producer for Common Ground Productions. He has designed and managed media projects for peacebuilding in a number of countries, including Bosnia, Macedonia, Liberia, Angola, South Africa, Iraq and many others.



general information

Welcome to the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn! We hope you will have a pleasant stay. For all questions and services please contact the on-site Information Desk in the main lobby in front of the main plenary hall.

Accreditation & Press Services Access to the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB) will be restricted to those with a valid accreditation badge. Badges will be distributed at the accreditation desk at the entrance of the WCCB. Accreditation badges must be worn visibly during the entire programme. Please note that accreditation badges are strictly for personal use and that participants and media representatives may be requested to produce a proof of identity (national passport or ID card) at any time. A press centre has been set up in the WCCB building. Members of the press must all possess and carry accreditation issued by the conference organisers. Additional information concerning the press centre can be found in the press kit prepared for the members of the press. The times of all press conferences will be communicated by the messaging service/”info point” of the press centre (located at the entrance to the press centre, room 1.10 - please follow the signs “press centre”), Photocopying and other facilities will be available for journalists in the press centre. The press centre will be opened from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.). Press Office Secretariat: +49 (0) 228/9267 410

Bank services The currency in Germany is the Euro. Cash machines are located in the city centre and at airports. Credit cards are widely accepted by department stores, taxis and res-



general information

taurants. Currency exchange facilities are available at Cologne-Bonn Airport, Terminal 1, Departure level, opposite Germanwings (Reisebank, open daily from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.) and at Bonn Central Station opposite Ticket Sales (Reisebank, open Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) There is an ATM (“Sparda Bank”) in the vicinity of the WCCB. It accepts all major credit and bank cards.

Communication Services When phoning abroad from Germany, dial the international prefix (00), then the country code and the number you need to contact. For calls from abroad: The country code of Germany is +49.

Logistics & Transport The nearest airport is the Cologne-Bonn Airport (CGN) Distance: 35 km Airport shuttle bus line 670 (tickets available in bus) runs between the airport and Bonn central station every 20-30 minutes on weekdays, and at half-hourly or hourly intervals on weekends. Journey time: approx. 40 minutes Departure: Terminal 2/ ground level/D Price: about 8.00 EUR

Düsseldorf Airport (DUS) Distance: 85 km The Sky Train takes passengers from all terminals to the airport railway station. From there trains run to Bonn central station. Price: about 22.00 EUR

Frankfurt Airport (FRA) Distance: 170 km The railway station is located at the AIRail Terminal, right next to Terminal 1. The station is also linked to Terminal 2 via buses and the Sky Line. From there, trains run to Bonn central station or BonnSiegburg. From BonnSiegburg take line 66 to Bonn central station. Price: about 62.00 EUR

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general information

The World CC Bonn can be reached by bus and metro. A taxi stand will operate in the vicinity of the conference centre. If you need a taxi, please call (0228) 555555. Arriving at Bonn central station, take tram/underground lines 16, 63, 66 in direction “Bundesviertel” or Bad Godesberg. Exit at the Heussallee/Museumsmeile stop or take a bus line 610. Exit at the Deutsche Welle stop and follow the signs to the Bundeshaus. For further details, please have a look on the map provided in this guide. Please note: our offer of hotel accommodation includes a very important additional service - your accreditation badge is your ticket for the entire public transport system in Bonn and surrounding area which is valid for the whole period of your stay. However, for the bus transfer (Bus No. SB 60 ) from the Konrad Adenauer International Airport Cologne/Bonn to Bonn centre you have to buy a ticket which will be reimbursed. Only a few parking lots can be found within the residential area surrounding the conference facility and in the Deutsche Welle underground car park. Please use public transport. Taxis are available at airports, central railway stations and in front of the congress centre. Taxis can be called at +49 (0) 228/55 55 55. It is not recommended to take taxis from Frankfurt and Düsseldorf Airport to Bonn. Price: about 2.20 EUR per km Meeting point You can find the meeting point on-site at the Information Desk.

Proof of identity documents All participants and media representatives must carry a valid proof of identity at all times and must be prepared to present it upon request.



general information

Safety & Medical Services Please contact the Information Desk in case of emergency. Any emergency (fire, other hazard, break-in, illness, accident) should be reported to the Security Service by one of the following means: phone 112; break the glass of a red fire alarm box. The organisers are not liable for personal accidents or for loss or damage to the personal property of participants or media. Participants and media should make their own arrangements with respect to personal insurance. Luggage and coats can be left on-site at the wardrobe near the entrance of the WCCB. The loss of a badge should be reported immediately to the Information Desk. Lost objects will be gathered at the Information Desk in the foyer of the WCCB. The organisers of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum accept no liability for any loss of objects belonging to participants during the conference.

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alphabetical list of names

Aalders, Henri Program Manager, Voices of Africa


Abdulai, Emmanuel Saffa Society for Democratic Initiatives, Sierra Leone


Acuña, Claudia, Argentina Adow, Mohamed Amiin Deputy chairman of Shabelle, Merca, Somalia


Ahmad, Najib Director of programs at Power Radio FM-99 network


Akdeniz, Yaman Director of cyber-rights & cyber-liberties (UK) Alain Modoux Former Assistant Director General of UNESCO for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace

117 31

Alam, Tajdar Managing director of Pakistan’s distant learning TV channels of Lahore based Virtual University


Altmann, Jürgen Physicist and peace researcher


Amin, Salim Head of pan-African media company A24 Media, Nairobi, Kenya


Anderson, Kevin The Guardian‘s digital research editor Angerer, Joachim Editor, WDR, Cologne, Germany

65|66|69 134|135

Ansah-Addo, Halifax Political Editor, Daily Guide, Ghana


Appathurai, James NATO spokesperson


Arpad, Kerim CEO Deutsch-Türkisches Forum Stuttgart Arroyave, Jesús Media Scientist and Associate Professor at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia Atef, Noah Journalist and Blogger Bajaj, Kamlesh Head of NASSCOM Security Initiatives, Data Security Council of India, New Delhi Bartholdy, Björn Professor for Audiovisual Design, KISD, Cologne, Germany Baumhauer, Guido Director of Strategy, Marketing and Distribution, Deutsche Welle Bayraktar, Murad Edotor WDR Cologne Beamer, Emer Research and Development Director of Butterfly Works, The Netherlands Becker, Jörg Prof., Dr., Institute for Political Science, Insbruck University and KomTech-Institute in Solingen Becker, Manfred Prof., Creative Consultant, RTL Group Bekele, Daniel University of Oxford


136 64|65|69 116|117 33|51 123|136 107 136 65|66|69 131 119|135 82|85


alphabetical list of names

Berger, Guy Prof., Head of School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa


Bettermann, Erik Director General, Deutsche Welle


Bösch, Marcus Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany


Boswell, Kris Radio Sweden, Head of English and German services


Brambring, Nick Dr.,Vice-President Advertising and Regional Manager CEE (Central and Eastern Europe), Zattoo, Switzerland


Bratic, Vladimir Assistant Professor of Media and Communications, Hollins University


Brebeck, Friedhelm Correspondent for ARD during the Balkan War, ARD Bad Neuenahr, Germany


Burrell, Brenda Director Kubatana Trust, Zimbabwe


Bunz, Mercedes Dr. Chief editor of


Choi, Soon-Hong Assistant Secretary-General, Chief Information Technology Officer, United Nations


Classen, Christoph Historian specialised in media history, Center of Contemporary History at Potsdam

109 94|107

Cooper, Allen Consultant to InterMedia UK Ltd Craig Clemons, Steven Publisher of the political blog “The Washington Note” and Director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation Daniel, Chevaan D Channel Head- News 1st, MTV/MBC Channels Pvt. LTD.

29|30 108

de Jong, Sarah, Deputy Director, International News Safety Institute


de Souza, Alvito Secretary General, SIGNIS


de Wit, Pim Managing Director,Voices of Africa Media Foundation


Deflander, Johan Communication Expert, International Development

126 65|66|70

Degen, Guy Reporter, Deutsche Welle, Germany


Dieckmann, Bärbel Lady Mayor of Bonn Dugmore, Harry Prof., MTN Chair of Media and Mobile Communication at the School of Journalism and Medias Studies at Rhodes University, South Africa


Eberbach, Heinz-Jörg General Manager, Interone Worldwide, Cologne, Germany


Ebinger, Jon Journalist


Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon CEO, Serious Games Interactive, Copenhagen, Denmark Falcone, Cristiana Director Media and Entertainment Industries, World Economic Forum USA Inc.

93|111 74|75|105|107

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alphabetical list of names Fickers, Andreas Associate professor for comparative media history, Maastricht University


Gabobe, Yusuf Editor-in-Chief, Haatuf Media Group, Somaliland


Gassem, Abbas Founder of the Internet portal


George, Josey V Head Security Strategy & Architecture, Wipro Consulting Gigli, Susan Chief Operating Officer, InterMedia

34 94|95|107

Girardet, Edward Afghanistan specialist; Program Director, Media21 Global Journalism Network Geneva


Godse, Vinayak Data Security Expert, NASSCOM, Data Security Council of India, New Delhi


Goldstein, Peter Project Director, AudienceScapes González, Mónica Centro de Investigación e Información Periodística CIPER, Chile Groth, Michael Correspondent for DeutschlandRadio

94|95|107 52|53 134

Gutman, Roy U.S. reporter for Newsday and Pulitzer Prize winner, New York


Haagerup, Ulrik Head of News, Danish Radio


Hagi, Asha International peace and women rights advocate Hammerschmidt, Christoph Director Marketing & Communications, n-tv, Cologne, Germany Handunnetti, Dilrukshi Editor Investigations Desk, The Sunday Leader, Sri Lanka Hattotuwa, Sanjana Special Advisor to ICT4Peace Foundation Hauser, Monika Founder medica mondiale

98 121|135 129 31|32 127

Hecker, Marc Researcher, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Writer


Heinrich-Franke Christian, Economic history researcher, University of Siegen


Heinz, Christina Head of Research & Development Burda Community Network


Hellema, Marte Program Manager Awareness Raising at ECCP Himelfarb, Sheldon Dr., Associate Vice President, USIP Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding, Washington D.C., USA Hinrichsen, Don Senior Development Manager, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, London

40|55 140 1128

Hirschler, Daniel Project Manager Asia Division, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Germany


Horner, Simon Head of Communication, European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO)




alphabetical list of names Hussain, Syed Talat Executive Director of News and Current affairs, Aaj Television of Pakistan Kaempf, Sebastian Conflict researcher

43|44 105

Kallmorgen, Jan-Friedrich Co-publisher of Khanfar, Wadah CEO, Al Jazeera

28|29 29

Khawaja, Kamran Jamil Country manager of Pakistan’s FM-100 in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad


Kloeppel, Peter Editor-in-Chief, RTL Television, Cologne, Germany


Klußmann, Jörgen Director of Protestant Academy in Rhineland

130|131 85|86

Kohl, Astrid Head of the International Institute for Journalism (IIJ) Kohnen, Petra Program Director Deutsche Welle


Krautscheid, Andreas Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Kreowski, Hans-Jeorg Chair of the Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility, Bremen, Germany Kreuzer, Anselm C. Freelance Composer & Musicologist, Cologne, Germany Krzeminski, Michael Prof., Media Scientist and Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany

7|27 79|100|101 121|135 62,|66

Kücklich, Julian Dr., Media Futures Associate (KTP)


Kullenberg, Cristopher Editor, Resistance Studies Magazine


Landswehr, Arthur SWR Chief Editor Radio, Deputy Director Radio

84 65|66|70

Langer, Ulrike Journalist, Germany Lentz, Rüdiger Deutsche Welle Washington Bureau Chief and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent

30 54|55

Lima, Jineth Bedoya El Tiempo Lorber, Martin PR Director, Electronic Arts GmbH, Cologne, Germany


Lüchtrath, Susanne Managing Director Creation, FEEDMEE, Cologne, Germany


Mantello, Peter Prof., New Media Center for Advanced Media Arts Studies Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Beppu, Japan


Marks, Jonathan Media Researcher Marquez, Miguel Journalist Marthoz, Jean-Paul Economist Marzouki, Meryem Multidisciplinary researcher, CNRS, France

62|64|67 134 56 101

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY


alphabetical list of names

McMahon, Cait Managing Director of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma Mecke, Christoph Managing Director, Liquid Campaign, Hamburg, Germany Meuer, Gerda Director Deutsche Welle Akademie, Germany Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich Prof. Emeritus, RWTH Aachen University Miclat, Augusto Director and Co-Founder, Initiatives for International Dialogue Milosavljevic, Marko President of Commission for pluralisation of media at Slovenian Ministry of Culture Minallah, Samar Pakistani freelance writer, human rights activist and documentary filmmaker Misanga, Damas Director - Radio Kwizera, Tanzania Monsalve, Carlos Alberto Giraldo El Colombiano Mpaayei, Florence Executive Director of the Nairobi Peace Initiative Myint, Maung Maung President of the Burma Media Association Nambiar, Satish Lieutenant General Nekuee, Shervin Sociologist, essayist, publicist, contributor to Radio Zamaheh Neven DuMont, Konstantin Board Member of DuMont Schauberg Media Group Ngesa, Mildred Journalist, Kenya Nierhoff, Wout CEO, Eyes & Ears of Europe, Cologne, Germany Nordfors, David Prof., Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning

54 121|135 61|66 100 39|40|56 62, 67 46 38|39 55 39 111 31|32 110 48 86 118|135 42|56

Nyirubugara, Oliver Mobile Reporting Project Coordinator,Voices of Africa


Obreja, Ruxandra BBC World Service Controller, Business Development & Chairman, DRM Consortium


Odenthal, Hans W. Colonel (ret.) Ortega, Gloria Consultant on Communication and Information Technologies, Medios para la Paz Osang, Helmut Dr., Head of Asia Division of Deutsche Welle Akademie Ose, Dieter Dr., First Counsellor, Head, Research and Joint Support Command of the German armed forces Osman, Omar Faruk Journalist PĂĄez, Angel Journalist, La RepĂşblica, Peru Patrician, David Journalist Pham Hoa Binh, Nguyen Director Audio Centre of the Voice of Vietnam


36|37 52 64|65|69 131 99 52|53 133|135 63|68


alphabetical list of names


Putz, Rupert Head of Information Design, ORF, Austria Rees, Gavin Coordinator for Dart Centre Europe


Reid, Rupert Security Exchange


Rheingold, Howard Author and Professor at Stanford and Berkeley


Rid, Thomas Writer and Co-author of War 2.0


Riedel, Anton Managing Director Creation, FEEDMEE, Cologne, Germany Rieger, Frank Spokesperson of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), Hamburg, Germany

122 33|34|51

Ronneburger, Jan-Uwe dpa correspondent, Latin America


Rübenacker, Andrea Dr., Director, Africa Division, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Germany


Rütten, Wilfried Director, European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Scheen, Thomas Africa correspondent


Schirrmacher, Thomas international human rights expert


Schmiegelow, Axel CEO, sevenload, Germany


Schneiders, Stefan Senior Vice President for Nokia Siemens Networks, Business Development Mobile TV and Advertising Schwarz-Schilling, Christian Dr., High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Shala, Albana Press Now, Southern Caucasus and Kosovo Shevchenko, Andriy First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament’s Free Speech Committee Skrodzki, Stephan CEO and Founder, GMIT GmbH, Berlin, Germany Smyth, Frank Journalist security coordinatior, committee to protect journalists Spanswick, Simon Chief Executive, Association for International Broadcasting, London Speckmann, Heidrun Project Manager Asia Divison, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Germany Springate, Christopher Freelance journalist, reporter and presenter, DW-TV Spurk, Christoph Media researcher at IAM, Winterthur, Switzerland Stopp, Andreas Deutschlandfunk (German Radio)

49|50 110

Sharkey, Noel Artificial intelligence and robotics expert, University of Sheffield

Stauffacher, Daniel ICT4Peace Chairman


79 90|91 35 116|117 74|75 68 97|98 81 31|32 106|107

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY


alphabetical list of names

Storm, Brian President of StormMedia, New York City Stremlau, Nicole University of Oxford Strรถbitzer, Stefan Head of Information at ORF2 and Deputy Editor-in-Chief at ORF,Vienna, Austria Sturm, Peter Journalist for the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Terzis, Georgios Associate Professor,Vesalius College,Vrije Universiteit Brussel Teuner, Christoph Anchorman n-tv, Cologne, Germany Thelen, Sybille Journalist

20|78 82 119|135 46 55 120|135 136

Trippe, Christian F. Dr., Director Brussels Studio, Deutsche Welle


Unger, Brooke Econoist


van Eupen, Lem Radio Netherlands World (RNW), Head of Strategy


Varela, Juan Journalist and Consultant, Director Mediathink Consultores, Spain


Volkmer, Ingrid University of Melbourne


von Dijck, Bernadette Deputy General Manager, Radio Netherland Training Centre (RNTC), The Netherlands


Ward, Robert Director of the global forecasting team, The Economist Intelligence Unit


Weatherhead, Adam Project Manager, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, United Kingdom


Weber, Sarik Co-founder of cellity AG Weber, Tim Business Editor, BBC News - interactive + radio, UK

103 74|75

Weiss, George Founder, Radio La Benevolencija


Wermus, Daniel Executive Director, Media21 Global Journalism Network, Geneva and Crosslines Essential Media Ltd (London


Willems, Leon Project coordinator Radio Darfur, executive director of Press Now Williams, Alan Head Asiavision ABU Winter, Wolfram Managing Director of Premiere Star and Honorary Consul for the Republic of Namibia in the German state of Bavaria, Unterfoehring, Germany Wormbs, Nina Broadcasting researcher, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Zumach, Andreas Journalist


110|111 96 123 108|109 131


alphabetical list of names

Bonn. Wir bringen zusammen, was zusammengehört.


Politik und Wirtschaft, Menschen und Medien, Diskussionen und Lösungen: Bonn ist eine weltweit bekannte Destination mit demokratischer Tradition und unnachahmlichem Ambiente. Und das World Conference Center Bonn der Ort, an dem Ihre Tagungen, Konferenzen und Präsentationen Realität werden. Schon heute warten einzigartige Veranstaltungsräume auf Sie. Ab Ende 2009 steht Ihnen auch der Erweiterungsbau mit vielseitig nutzbaren Räumlichkeiten und modernster Ausstattung für bis zu 5.000 Teilnehmer sowie ein 4 Sterne Superior-Ameron World Conference Hotel zur Verfügung – angebunden an den berühmten Plenarsaal und das Wasserwerk. Willkommen am Rhein! Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter Tel. +49 (0)228-9267-0 und

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY



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Deutsche Post World Net


Getting there by public transport From Bonn’s main train station, take tram 16, 63 (to Bad Godesberg) or tram 66 (to Königswinter). Get off at Heussallee/Museumsmeile and follow the signs to the Bundeshaus. Stay on Heussallee until you reach the Platz der Vereinten Nationen intersection. Turn left and continue for about 100 metres. The World Conference Center Bonn will be on your right.





Press Contact

DW-MEDIA SERVICES GmbH Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3 53113 Bonn/Germany

Dr. Hendrik Schott P +49.228-429-2148 M +49.(0)173.850 72 81

P +49.228.429-2142 F +49.228.429-2140

Speeches, panel discussions and workshops will be recorded for journalistic and documentary purposes.

Publisher Deutsche Welle Corporate Communications 53110 Bonn/Germany

Responsible Dr. Johannes Hoffmann Editor: Marc Heinz Design: Alexandra Schottka, Ilja Wanka Print: Brandt GmbH, Bonn Cover photo: AP Images

Contact P +49.228.429-2041 F +49.228.429-2047

3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY






3 –5 JUNE 2009 · BONN, GERMANY

Research — Advisory Services — Training

BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion) • is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting peace and development • is one of the five leading institutes for peace and conflict research in Germany • provides policy recommendations, training, and practical project work • conducts research, runs conferences, publishes their findings and organizes exhibitions • has international staff and works globally BICC • An der Elisabethkirche 25 53113 Bonn • +49/228/911 96-0


Bonn. Wir bringen zusammen, was zusammengehört. Politik und Wirtschaft, Menschen und Medien, Diskussionen und Lösungen: Bonn ist eine weltweit bekannte Destination mit demokratischer Tradition und unnachahmlichem Ambiente. Und das World Conference Center Bonn der Ort, an dem Ihre Tagungen, Konferenzen und Präsentationen Realität werden. Schon heute warten einzigartige Veranstaltungsräume auf Sie. Ab Ende 2009 steht Ihnen auch der Erweiterungsbau mit vielseitig nutzbaren Räumlichkeiten und modernster Ausstattung für bis zu 5.000 Teilnehmer sowie ein 4 Sterne Superior-Ameron World Conference Hotel zur Verfügung – angebunden an den berühmten Plenarsaal und das Wasserwerk. Willkommen am Rhein! Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter Tel. +49 (0)228-9267-0 und


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