Discover the Diversity The tremendous diversity of German wines is unique among the wines of the world. It is a reflection of our individualistic wine-growers and their methods of viticulture and winemaking as well as the distinctive features of our wine-growing regions, each with a slightly different climatic and geological makeup. Exploring wine country – even on weekend excursions – is one way to tap these resources.
Tips, Addresses, Maps “Landmarks” hopes to pique your curiosity. It provides a survey of the 13 wine-growing regions and their wines, tips for sightseeing and maps to get you started on a journey of discovery. Those who want more detailed information can turn to the contacts listed at the end of each chapter. These organizations have maps for motorists, hikers and cyclists, as well as calendars of events to help you plan a regional tour.
Cultural and Viticultural Highlights Germany’s viticultural tradition dates from Roman times. As such, it’s not surprising that the wine-growing regions are rich in cultural and art historical treasures. Follow in the footsteps of bishops and princes as you tour venerable monasteries and splendid castles, or take a leisurely stroll through charming medieval towns.
Landsmarks of Wine Culture Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit Germany's 13 winegrowing regions each year, discovering their grand landscapes, fascinating people, picturesque wine villages and countless estates, cooperatives and wineries. Yet just off the beaten path there awaits a wealth of captivating yet virtually unknown highlights, each well worth a visit. These range from historical sights giving an up-close view of more than 2000 years of German viticultural history to ultra-modern wine shops that serve as the new anchors for local and regional wine communities alike. Landmarks of German Wine Culture