Robotic Clay Fabrication

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Course director : Dr.Elif Erdine


Emergent Technologies and Design

Founding director : Dr.Michael Weinstock

Studio Tutors : Abhinav Chaudhary, Alican Sungur, Eleana Polychronaki, Lorenzo santelli

Design I Group 04

Devaiah Ponnimada I Maximo Tettamanzi Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I



Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I



Biology to Computation Natural System Abstraction Computational System Logic System logic Trials

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

Rationalisation Architectural Proposed site Proposal - Ideation Modified System Logic System Logic Trials Selected Individual - Proposal

3.0 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5

Material Feasibility Test 1 - Shrinkage Test 2 - T & C Rationalisation

3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3

Robotic Clay printing Tests Observations


The Pavillion FEA Analysis Assembly Stratergy Final Proposal

4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3


5.0 2


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

1.0. Abstract

ABSTRACT This project describes further development of the agent-based system from Alyina Ahmed and Maximo Tettamanzi, generated in the Biomimetics seminar. The aim was to generate a pavilion to be fabricated in clay, with a system based on an abstraction of the life-cycle behaviors of the Vespula Vulgaris. Numerous iterations and modifications were made in order to achieve a suitable design to be located in Bedford square. Early stages consisted in altering the computational model to get a thorough understanding, comprehending its constrains and possibilities. Several iterations were produced, to finally choose the fittest one to further investigate. In order to successfully execute the pavilion, a rationalization strategy was developed, including two construction methods: robotic clay printing, and clay casting. Material tests were conducted to comprehend the properties and limitations of clay, usage of additives, and robotic 3D printing.

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2.0. Biology to Computation

Biology to Computation


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2.0. Biology to Computation

2.0. Biomimetics 2.1. Natural Principle The natural priniple is an abstraction of behaviors from the Vespula Vulgaris, often know as Yellow Jacket. It is inspired by the insects life-cycle based on seasonality. Wasp nests start in Spring, when the hibernating pregnant queen and her co-founders start building their nest. As temperatures starts to rise, the first set of workers are born, performing the tasks of foraging and nest building, leaving the queen for her more important role of breeding . During the summer the wasp colony size beigns to grow exponentially, and this is reflected in the size and morphology of the nest . Come winter, the scarcity if food resources leads to the decrease in the size of the colony and eventually the end of the colony.

2.2. Natural Principle Abstraction Wasp Lifecycle Behaviour

Queen Wasp Emergence

Workers are produced

Death of workers. Hibernation of queen

Algorithmic Abstraction

Attractor Points

Set of agents

Set of agents

Agent path geometry

Additional Factors




Colony size / age

Number of seasons = Number of stages

Rate of separation High temp higher rate Low temp lower rate

Rate of cohesion High fertility higher rate Low fertility lower rate

Algorithmic Abstraction

Nest growth pattern

Size : Number of agents Age : Old ~ Long path Young ~ Short path

In the computational model, the queen and the cofounder are represented by two attractor points moving randomnly in a defined domain, while the workers are represented by agents. Parameters are determined which enable the agents to move towards these attractor points and rule-sets comprising mainly of Alignment, Cohesion and Separation are defined which govern the agent behaviour. Thus enabling us to develop an agent based system based on the abstracted natural principle.

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2.0. Biology to Computation

2.2. Computational System Logic From the abstracted natural principle of wasps, the computational system logic was developed for the design of pavillion. The system logic is computed in the following steps :

1. Bounding Box

2 . Inner Repellor Geometry

3 . Agents Initial Position

4 . Attractor Points Domain

5 . Behaviour Ruleset

6 . Agents Behaviour Simulation

Alignment : 0.00 Cohesion : 0.10 Separation : 0.90

Number of agents : 100 Time Step : 0.04 Separation Distance : 0.2

1. The required bounding box of 4m x 2m x 3m is created. 2. An inner repellor geometry is generated to provide a spatial character to the geometry. 3. The location of agents starting position is defined. 4. The bounding box is divided into 4 equal domains, the attractor points may move randomly in one or more domains within the bounding box, resulting in varied agent behaviour. 5. The parameters on which agent based systems operate, mainly the values of Alignment, Cohesion and Separation are determined. To further control the system, other variables are determined. i.e Number of agents, Time-step, Separtion distance between agents . 7

Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

2.0. Biology to Computation

2.3. System Logic Trials / ABS control To understand the modelling system in further depth and to gain full control of the system, several trials were tested with different values of variables.

2.3.1 Inner Repellor Geometry

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Observations 1. The morphology and location of inner repellor geometry generates varied branching curves. Test 4

Test 5

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2. Agents travel on the surface of the repellor geometry to reach the attractor point. This potential can help achieve desired forms. 3. Agent based systems generate interesting branching patterns which has the potential to further be investigated as a topic in itself. 8

2.0. Biology to Computation

2.3.2. Agents Initial Position Keeping all the other variables constant, the system was tested for different initial positions of agents within the bounding box.

Agents Initial Position


Agents Initial Position

Test 1

Test 5

Test 2

Test 6

Test 3

Test 7

Test 4

Test 8


Observations 1. Agents starting point affects the morphology of tthe structure and the density of the curves . 2. When agents are split into two or more groups starting from two or more different curves, the resulting geometry is not as complex as if all the agents started from one closed curve.


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

2.0. Biology to Computation

2.3.3. Attractor Points Domain Considering the bounding box as the domain in which the attractor points would move randomnly for a set time interval, it was divided into four equal parts. The agent based system was tested for attractor points in different domains.



Test 1

Test 5

Test 2

Test 6

Test 3

Test 7

Observations 1. When the agents initial position is set in the topmost domain and the attractor points are set to the bottom most domain of the bounding box, two observations can be made : a. Branching of curves is more, closer to the inital position of the agents. b. The curves are closely packed and denser as the agents move towards the attractor point in the bottom most domain. 9

Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


2.0. Biology to Computation

2.3.2. Agents Behaviour Ruleset The agent based system has three primary parameters, i.e Alignment, Cohesion and Separation. By changing the values of these parameters, the agent based system can be used to generate varied iterations.

T1 Time-Step : 0.003 N.R : 0.60 S.D : 0.10 A : 0.20 C : 60 S : 0.00

T5 Time-Step : 0.004 N.R : 0.60 S.D : 0.10 A : 0.20 C : 60 S : 0.00

T2 Time-Step : 0.003 N.R : 0.80 S.D : 0.15 A : 0.40 C : 65 S : 0.20

T6 Time-Step : 0.004 N.R : 0.80 S.D : 0.15 A : 0.40 C : 65 S : 0.20

T3 Time-Step : 0.003 N.R : 1.00 S.D : 0.20 A : 0.60 C : 70 S : 0.40

T7 Time-Step : 0.004 N.R : 1.00 S.D : 0.20 A : 0.60 C : 70 S : 0.40

T4 Time-Step : 0.003 N.R : 1.20 S.D : 0.25 A : 0.80 C : 75 S : 0.60

T8 Time-Step : 0.004 N.R : 1.20 S.D : 0.25 A : 0.80 C : 75 S : 0.60

Observations 1. Time-step , Neighbourhood radius, Separation distance and Time - step are a few other variables which help futher detail the generated iterations. 2. When the time step is kept constant and the values of theother parameters are changed in linear incremeants, the branching of the curves is higher and the curves are not closely packed. 3. When the time step is changed and the values of the other parameters are kept constant, the characteristics of the curves almost remains the same, but the morphology of the over all geometry varies. 11

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2.0. Biology to Computation


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3.0. Rationalisation



Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

Material feasibility

Robotic Printing


3.0. Rationalisation

3.0. Architectural 3.1. Proposed Site Location The proposed site location is the square opposite the Architectural Association, Bedford Square. The location was chosen as the pavillion is envisioned to be a functional sculpture which is accessible to the public.


LEGEND Reference lines Proposed site 15

Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation

3.2. Design Ideation The proposed site location has the backdrop of Bedford square, which has lush greenery and tall trees. The idea was to design a pavillion which belongs to its location.The trees in bedford square exhibit interesting branching patterns which we would try to simulate using the developed agent based system. At the site we also noticed the failure of the public furnitures. Thus, we envisioned a pavilion which could be an outdoor sculpture which is functional.

View of Bedford Square Branching structures

Accessibility The pavillion design would be located such that it is visually and physically accessible from all directions. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

Branching The agent based system would be modified to simulate branching structures

Redundant Public furniture

Functionality The pavillion was envisioned to be functional, to be used by the public


3.0. Rationalisation

3.3. Modified System Logic The system logic was modified to perform to the given site context. The edge conditions of the site were taken as reference lines to modify the bounding box. The parameters were set respectively.




Bounding Box

Inner Repelling Box

Attractor Point Domain

Agents Starting Point

The inner repelling box was offset by 300mm from all faces other than the top and bottom face of the bounding box. The base of the inner repelling box was offset in the z- axis by 450mm from the base of the bounding box to be able to generate an ergonomic seating area for the pavillion.


T = 3s

T = 6s

T = 9s

T = 12s

T = 15s

T = 18s

T = 21s

T = 24s

T = 27s *s = seconds


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation

3.4. System Logic Trials 3.4.1. Trial I To test the modified system for the given site location, trials were run using a modifed bounding box of 6m x 6m x 3m with the initial inner repelling geometry.

Observations : 1. Branching curves were generated at extreme angles which would pose a challenge during the process of robotic clay printing. 2. The area of base geometry touching the ground plane was undesirable. 3.4.2. Trial II For Trial II, the bounding box from Trial I was split into half along the diagonal and one half was used. Keeping the inner repellor box the same, simulations were run.

Observations : 1. The generated geometry was relatively more desirable compared to results of Trial I, with a longer and more uniform base being generated which was desirable. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


3.0. Rationalisation

3.5. Fitness criteria Taking forward the results from Trial II for modified system logic, the iterations were ranked under the fitness criteria for longest length of base touching the ground plane.

Fitness Criterion (length) (m)

Individuals I1 ( L = 8.67)

I2 ( L = 10.75)

I3 ( L = 8.01)

I4 ( L = 12.10)

Fitness Criterion (length) (m)

Individuals I5 ( L = 11.51)

I6 ( L = 10.01)

I7 ( L = 7.41)

I8 ( L = 13.16)

I9 ( L = 7.11)

I10 ( L = 8.57)

I11 (L = 9.76)

I12 ( L = 10.16)

I14 ( L = 7.68)

I15 ( L = 8.44)

I16 ( L = 9.37)

Fitness Criterion (length) (m)


Fitness Criterion (length) (m)

Individuals I13 ( L = 9.13) 19

Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation

3.6. Selected Individual Individual I8 was selected based on the fitness criterion of length, having the longest length of the base touching the ground plane. We then simplified the geometry inorder to mesh it to get the final pavillion proposal.

1. Selected final iteration.

2. The original curves were reduced to 25% in order to achieve branching.

3. Divide selected curves into 10 equal segments.

4. Rebuild curves using new points.

5. Divide rebuilt curves, and provide a charge to each point in order to obtain the mesh using Chromodoris ( plugin for grasshopper ).

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3.0. Rationalisation

3.2. Material Feasibility 3.2.1. Test I - Shrinkage


MIX T U RE P R OP OR T IONS Clay (gms) 600 500


Water (gms)





400 300 200


200 50

100 0

200 25

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Clay (gms)




Water (gms)







20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 18 17.5 17 16.5 16 15.5

Clay + Saw dust 20

Clay + Glass fibre 20

18 17



Observations 1. Even though all three tests took over 48 hours of drying time, the mixture of Clay and sawdust dried relatively sooner than the other two tests. 2. Clay and saw dust proved to bind the material better compared to the other tests. 3. Clay and saw dust shrank evenly in every direction retaining its original shape better than the other tests, which shrank more in the centre.


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation

3.2.2. Test II - Compression and Tension

Methods : 1.To Test for tension, the beams were placed between two supports (located in the extremes thirds of the beams) with a strap acting as a point load at the centre which was attached to a bucket attached . Loads of 25 gm increments were added to the bucket, until the beam snapped and load was recorded. 2. The compression test was not as accurate as tension test as there were no appropriate tools available.However,the results can be taken into account. Also, the three components were not completely dry and for this reason the samples cracked, but did not break into pieces. The load applied should’ve been a uniformly distributed load, rather than a point load. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


3.0. Rationalisation

3.2.3. Rationalisation

Fabrication Stratergy II - Robotic Printing



B5 B2



Our first attempt to rationalise the pavilion consisted of dividing the final geometry into two components. Firstly, the base, which needed to be more robust to support the load of the branches, the load of people and to ground the entire structure with its self-weight. Secondly, the branches that need to self-stand their own weight. From this premise, it was decided that the base would be casted, and the branches printed using Kuka robot.


Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation

The branches were subdivided into 41 components. These were futher subdivided into two groups: Group A - components which are the union, the area where the branching happen (8 units) Group B - components which are the vertical units, the branches itself (33 units)



These components would later be stack together using clay as a mortar to bind them together.







The criteria used was: 1. Maximize the components produced per printing slot, considering the volume of the extruder and the time taken for mix preparation and filling the extruders. 2. Printing tall vertical components so as to have fewer components in the overall assembly. 3. Avoid components with steep angles to reduce the risk of collapsing while printing. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


3.0. Rationalisation

3.3 Robotic Clay Printing Component A1

Day: 1 Height (mm): 54 Width (mm): 172 - 106 Scale: 1:5 Material used (gr): 385 Layer distance (mm): 4 Nozzle size (mm): 10 Printing time (min.): 4:57 Heat Gun: no

Component A2

Inner walls: no Double walls: no Day: 2 Height (mm): 75 Width (mm): 180 - 110 Scale: 1:5 Material used (gr): 435 Layer distance (mm): 3 Nozzle size (mm): 10 Printing time (min.): 21:30 Heat Gun: yes

Component A3

Inner walls: no Double walls: no Day: 2 Height (mm): 27 Width (mm): 368 - 142 Scale: 1:2 Material used (gr): 736 Layer distance (mm): 8 Nozzle size (mm): 10

The aim for this component was to print it as fast as possible, therefore we used a 4 mm layer separation distance. The mixture was homogeneous, and the viscosity was right, allowing a high print speed. We applied heat evenly, at around 30 cm away from the model, and rotation through its sides. The heat applied was not sufficient to keep the layer stack together, making the unit collapse when extruding the final layers (the critical part as there were no inner walls)

Component A2 was successfully printed as the extrusion was paused several times. This allowed the piece to be exposed to the heat for longer time, in the area with greater risk of collapsing (upper layers, where A1 collapsed). Also, the extrusion and printing speed where reduced from the settings of test A1, for the same purpose. Reducing layer separation and printing speed makes more compact layers, and even though it increases printing time and amount of material needed, it guarantees that the layers bind together. This test failed, as the toolpath did not work as well as expected. The print path was higher than the tool path . The pressure and speed had to be adjusted as the mixture seemed to be relatively dry during extrusion. This is as the mixture had been left overnight and had started drying due to the presence of saw dust.

Printing time (min.): Heat Gun: yes

Component D1

Inner walls: yes Double walls: no Day: 2 Height (mm): 87 Width (mm): 260 Scale: 1:2 Material used (gr): 3073 Layer distance (mm): 3 Nozzle size (mm):10 Printing time (min.): 25:50 Heat Gun: no

This component was developed as part of a second rationalization strategy. It took 25:50 minutes to print and 3,073 gms of clay. Layer separation was reduced from 5 mm to 3 mm. No heating gun was needed. Our aim was to create the most robust component. Even though it was successfully executed, it is the least efficient in fabrication time and material cost.

Inner walls: yes Double walls: no Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


3.0. Rationalisation

Component C1

Component B1

Despite clay and glass fiber mixture having provednto work better in both, compression and tension than clay and clay and Height (mm): 36 sawdust, we decided to use sawdust as an Width (mm): 240 - 145 additive as it dried relatively quicker, and Scale: 1:2 the finish of the pieces in the surface was Material used (gr): 327 not as irregular as glass fibers. Layer distance (mm): 3 mm Sawdust is irregular as it has different fiber sizes, which blocked the 6 mm pipe, leading Nozzle size (mm): 6 us to change it to the 10 mm for the following trials. Printing time (min.): 9:55 Clay was not mixed homogeneously, so the Heat Gun: no viscosity was irregular (lacking water in some areas). This combined with a small nozzle Inner walls: no size prevented a continuous extrusion. Double walls: no Day: 1

Day: 1 Height (mm): 75 Width (mm): 76 Scale: 1:5 Material used (gr): 556 Layer distance (mm): 3 Nozzle size (mm):10 Printing time (min.): 5:43 Heat Gun: no

Component B2

Inner walls: no Double walls: no Day: 2 Height (mm): 254 Width (mm): 150 - 120 Scale: 1:2 Material used (gr): 2217 Layer distance (mm): 8 Nozzle size (mm): 10 Printing time (min.): 17:32 Heat Gun: yes Inner walls: no Double walls: yes

Component B2 has a scale of 1:2 while Component B1 scale is 1:5. Even though heat was applied, we wanted to reduce the chances of collpase by making the external wall double. This was the tallest component achieved using ¾ of the extruder and reaching a height of 254 mm. The computational model is 53 mm taller than the dried component. 21 mm is due to shrinkage, the rest is because the first rows squash due to the weight of the clay of the upper rows. Layer distance could have been increased, in order to decrease printing time. Even though heat was applied, we wanted to reduce the chances of collpase by making the external wall double. This was the tallest component achieved using ¾ of the extruder and reaching a height of 254 mm. The computational model is 53 mm taller than the dried component. 21 mm is due to shrinkage, the rest is because the first rows squash due to the weight of the clay of the upper rows. Layer distance was increased, but heat and a proper viscosity allowed clay layers to bind together.

Observations 1. In order to reduce the amount of clay used (and to make the pavilion as light as possible) our intention was to avoid inner walls. To compensate the support provided by the inner walls, a heat gun was needed to bind the clay layers faster, preventing collapse. 2. Viscosity: The initial water – clay – sawdust proportion used had to be modified. As sawdust absorbs water, the mixture was not able to flow in a continuous way through the nozzle, instead the extrusion was intermittent. Once more water was added, the viscosity was more appropriate for printing allowing continuous lines that bind better between layers than before. 3. Layer Separation: 8 mm worked in most trials proving to be efficient in making taller pieces using less material, therefore optimizing printing time. 4. Early tests often failed due to lack of knowledge in setting the robot. An example of this would be the air pressure, speed, and layer height which are closely related one another. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


3.0. Rationalisation

3.3. Robotic Clay Printing Component A3

Observations 1. The layers of clay instead of piling up they fell apart. The viscosity of the mix was not right, more water was needed, and it was not properly mixed as it was hand mixed. This provoked interruptions in the extrusion, as clay often got stuck in the nozzle. 2. The settings for the robot failed; printing started almost 1 cm away from the base. The layers did not bind together, also preventing the clay layers to stack one on top of each other. 3. When modelling the inner walls, it was not taken into consideration the travelling path the robot does to go from one wall to the other. This created unnecessary diagonals, wasting material. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

3.0. Rationalisation

Component A2

Observations 1. A mixing drill bit was used to guarantee the preparation would be mixed homogenously. This also improved preparation time. Mixing clay by hand to fill one extruder takes about 15 minutes, while by using the drill mixing time is reduced by half. 2. Printing and extrusion where paused 3 times during the fabrication process in order to heat the component for a longer time. The distance between the model and the heating gun was reduced considerably if compared to previous trials, to just 5 to 10 cm from the model. 3. Even though this process increased fabrication time, the component was achieved successfully without collapsing or the use of inner supporting walls. 25

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4.0. The Pavillion

4.0. The Pavillion 4.1. FEA Analysis

The cross section of the branches is smaller than the base, due to the difference in the fabrication stratergies. As the base is casted, the section is three times more than the clay printed branches.Thus representing a solid base element and hollow branch cross sections.

A wind load of 0.7 KPa was applied in the X - Direction . This resulted in the surfaces exposed to wind loads to behave under tension, while the surfaces on the other end work in compression. COmpression is most at the union beteen the branches and the base.

The original position of the structure before displacement is indicated in green. Displacement occurs in positive X direction, as a result of the wind load applied. Displacement is 0 in the casted base and increase gradually in the branches reaching its peak towards the final components. 25

Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I

4.0. The Pavillion

4.2. Assembly Process

Select points to divide branch splitting where branching occurs or taking into consideration maximum printing height possible.

Divide rebuilt curves from points

Create cutting planes obtaining orientation from the normal of the curve at each point.

Split into components using planes.

Robotic Printed Components : Printing Time : 18hrs and 30mins Overall weight: 161.2 Kg Casting Time : Casting Time : 168 Hrs Overall weight : 9043.75 Kg

10mm clay joint Reinforcement Rods Printed Components Casted Base

The proposed assembly process involves two major components, the casted base and the clay printed units for the branches. Since clay is a material that works in compression, a tension element was necessary to be used in order to build a stable structure.Thus the process employs the use of reinforcement rods which make up the framework of the base and continues to run through to the branches tieing up both components. The base is casted with an internal framework of reinforcement rods, with an additional rods bent in the profile of the branching and anchored to the internal framework of the base. Once the casted base has dried, the robotic arm printed components are assembled with a 10mm clay mortar joint between each unit. Before the final printed units are assembled, the rods are tensioned and clamped. After which the final units are assembled using a 10mm clay mortar joint. This allows for retensioning of the reinforcement rods when required. Emergent Technologies and Design - Design I


4.3. Final Geometry

4.0. The Pavillion

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4.0. The Pavillion

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5.0. Conclusion

CONCLUSION Computational Model 1. By altering the parameters ( Alignment, Cohesion, Separation ) of the agent-based system. It is possible to generate complex branching systems which can be further investigated. 2. Generating a mesh from curves is computationally intensive and time consuming. Materiality of Clay 1. The mechanical properties of clay in itself arent stong enough for the proposed design and hence additives had to be used. 2. The required equipment to conduct tests for Tension & Compression were not easily available, therefore primitive testing methods were used. This reduced the accuracy of the results. 3. Saw-dust binds the material better and dries relatively sooner than the other two mixtures, due to its hygroscopic properties. The only drawback being, the components can not be fired in a kiln. Robotic Clay Printing 1. Majority of the time from the first flot available for clay printing was used to understand how to robotic arm operates and to understand the settings of pressure, speed of toolpath, viscosity of the mixture and operation of the Kuka pendant interface. 2. The volume of the extruder limited the height of the components that could be printed. 3. Usage of the heating gun from the first layer enable every next consequtive layer to bind well to the previous one, preventing collapse. FEA Analysis 1. The data input into Karamaba was as per real-life scenario accounting for all aspects including wind loads. But certain assumptions had to be made due to Karamba’s limitations. 2. Results of deflection was reasonable, thereby informing the pavillion would be suitable for construction. Rationalisation 1. A lot of time was spent fine tuning and gaining control of the computational model, thereby restricting the time available to further explore assembly stratergies. 2. Casting clay was not possible due to time constraints.


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5.0. Conclusion

SCOPE 1. Investigating different methods of meshing curves without over-simplifying the geometry. 2. Adding a second fitness criteria of individual have most cylindrical cross-section for the base. 3. From our material testing observations, additives strengthen clay. In order to resue local resources, we aim to test how uniformly grinded polypropylene behaves as an additive. 4. Testing clay casting. 5.Using Newer clay printing technology like WASP printers, which allow orinting large scale components continuously. 6.Assembling an entire branch and attaching it to the base, in order to test the local geometry’s performance.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Resources 1. Fabricate 2011 - UCL Press - Ruairi Glynn & Bob Sheil 2. Fabricate 2014 - UCL Press - Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Silke Langenberg 3. Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014 - Wes McGee, Monica Ponce de Leon 2014. 4. Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014 - DAgmar Reinhardt, Rob Saunders, Jane Burry. Websites 1. 2. 3. 4. WASP Printer -

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