Third Spaces as Interculturality in Architecture

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This Design led-research project is based on the theme of EMUVE (Euro Mediterranean Urban Voids Ecology), a European funded research project. Many European cities’ urban landscapes have deteriorated economically due to economic downturns and socially due to the migrant and refugee crises, resulting in low socioeconomic capital EMUVE is a research methodology that seeks to revitalise these deteriorated landscapes in urban areas by creative reactivation design strategies, fostering a symbiotic interaction between the urban and natural landscapes, and boosting the cultural value of the area (Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M., 2013).

The existence and equitable interaction of diverse cultures and the possibility of generating shared cultural expressions through dialogue and mutual respect. (UNESCO Diversity of Cultural Expressions. 2022. Interculturality.)

1.8 Urban Decay - Gentrification

The existence and equitable interaction of diverse cultures and the possibility of generating shared cultural expressions through dialogue and mutual respect. (UNESCO Diversity of Cultural Expressions. 2022. Interculturality.)

Intersection of equitable interaction fo diverse cultures and shared cultural expression through dialouge and mutual respect and having an impact at social and urban level.

1.10 Perception of Different Authors on ‘Third Space’

Homi K. Bhabha, 1994 Edward Soja, 1996

Individual own Identity

Dominant and

Discrimination: social class, color, race, language

Cultutal Hybridity and Radical Openess

1.4 Interculturality for Deptford

Whites make up 57% of the population, the majority group. 27% of the residents in the borough are foreign-born. 32% of the borough’s population is thought to be made up of first- and second-generation immigrants.

The following ethnic groups are represented: Black Caribbean (13.40%), Black Africans (11.40%), Black Others (5.7%), and Indians (2.1%) (Intercultural citites, 2011).


Gentrification has an extensive affect on area’s social, cultural and economic aspects.

How the issues of this gentrification can be mitigated?

RQ: How can the social and cultural impact of Gentrification be minimised?

Ray Oldenberg, 1999

Spatiality Historicality


Trialectics of Being

Even though cultural diversity is an asset to the Deptford area of Lewisham, many Gentrifying urban developments in there is a creating a threat amongst the existing intecultural practices and promoting displacement

The research and conceptual evolution of the research starts with this topic of concern.


Third Space can help in minimising the affect of Gentrification and increase the social capital, community cohesion of the area.

RQ: How can the social and cultural impact of Gentrification be minimised through third spaces promoting interculturality?

Physical Mental


Trialectics of Spatiality

Restaurant Market Gym

Church Stores Park

Patricia Simões Aelbrecht, 2016


Node Threshold Edges Props


Third Spaces are one which are hybrid in terms of its users, activities, spaces, cultural boundaries that enforces good accessiblity, equality, social ineraction, cultural exchange on a neutral ground and promotes interculturality

Considering the context of Deptford (culturally diverese) and aim to create an intercultural node, for this research, I am more leaned towards the Bhabha’s third space theory of cultural hybridity.

RQ: How can cultural hybridity, a subset of third spaces, be used to promote interculturality and mitigate the socio-cultural impacts of gentrification?

Urban Development Social Capital

Lack of Affordability

Lack of indentity of place


Displacement of poor/ segregation

Social-Cultural disruptions

Affect on historic and heritage values

Earlier (ADR) Conceptual evolution on the Topic of Concern

1.11 Conceptual Framework and Research Question

Cultural problems

Cultural Hybridity

Restoring the lost historic and cultural values



Sense of belonging

Research Question

How can cultural hybridity, a subset of third spaces, be used to promote interculturality and mitigate the socio-cultural impacts of gentrification?

Sub Research Questions

How can Cultural Hybridity be attained in Third Space? How Third Space can regenerate the lost identity of the area?

1.1 EMUVE 1.2 Interculturality 1.3 Intercultural Node 1.5 Deptford’s Richness 1.6 Deptford’s Pathos 1.7 Deptford’s Pathos - Topic of Concern
Gentrification Social Impact Cultural Impact Economic Impact
1.9 Third Spaces - A solution to Gentrification
Proposing an ICN (Intercultural Node) in the Deptford | Board: 1 Unit A - EMUVE | Devanshi Khant | Supervisors: Dr. Federico Wullf, Oscar Brito WSA Masters in Architectural Design (MA AD) 2021-2022, Cardiff University Lewisham Deptford Cultural Condition Intercultural Multicultural Cross-cultural London
57% Whites Foreign born 1st/ 2nd gen. immig. 27% 32% Deptford LoungeGiffin Square festive celebrations St. Paul Church Deptford lounge creative events art exhibiton Lifting Bridge - a Heritage Albany theatreartists, communities and creative enterprise Deptford Cinema - runed by volunteers, a hub for community The Anchor - a reflection of past activities of shipbuilding in this place History of Shipbuilding and various Industrial wharves New Housing towers Closing of Job centre to a Bar Egg shop converted to a barber shop eviction of old tidemill wildlife garden Privatization of Public land issues with developers inequaltiy in Gender Crime and safety
issues shelter for homeless Deptford High Street Market, cafes, grocery, restaurant, art gallaries, informal market



Proposing an ICN (Intercultural Node) in the Deptford | Board: 2 Unit A - EMUVE | Devanshi Khant | Supervisors: Dr. Federico Wullf, Oscar Brito WSA Masters in Architectural Design (MA AD) 2021-2022, Cardiff University 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Gentrified/Gentrifying area Building Blocks lack of sense of belonging lack of green spaces Green Area River, Creek and Docks encouraging Displacement threat to local community threat to local business unaffordiblity Unemployment 2.2 Location of Site at Urban Scale Creekside Discovery Centre Lifting Bridge Creative small business Trinity Laban Dance centre Creek Area Connection with Deptford High Street Connection with Greenwich Borough of London North South • More gentrified Historic values are washed away Creek as an economic asset Little Industrial Character • Gentrified + Cultural Heritage • Historic values are retained but affected Creek as an asset of Biodiverse Landscape Industrial Character
Contextual Analysis of Urban Gentrifying Regenration projects
Analysis Types of Encrochment Naturalised Set back Steel Sheet pilling Vegetated intertidal terraces 1 1 Pedestrain/ Junction Wetland Flora Plant Life Bird Life Wall Species Wasteland flora Trees and Shrubs Industrail warehouse Pumping Station Pedestrain/ Junction 2 2

3.1 Literature Review 1 - Cultural Hybridity

The following extract has been obtained from: Cultural Hybridity - Vince Marotta, 2020, Integral Urbanism - Nan Ellin, 2007, Occupying third space: Hybridity and identity matrices in the multiracial experience - D. Brunsma, Daniel J. Delgado, 2008



Permeable cultural borders/ boundaries

3.2 Design Idea Testing 1

exchange of cultural values amongst different cultural groups


informal meetings with artists

Outdooor Exibiting the thoughts and works of artists

Integrating the current activity: archery fit with the activity of Organic gardening

Creating Physical connections on the Creek by Pedestrian Bridge connecting the other side of the creek

Creating Physical connections on the Creek by Pedestrian Bridge connecting the other side of the creek

Community of various artist Community of boaters, residentials and industries Lifting Bridge, Creek as the Border Edge on the creek, currently surrounded by industiral warehouses, new developments

Permeable social borders/ boundaries

2. intiating interaction and encounters between diverse cultural group, hosts and immigrants

Accessibility Engagement

Hybridity and connectivity Activities and people brings

4. Architecture and landscape develops/creates a cohesive environment bringing people from diverse background. Thus creating chances of interaction amongst them.

3.3 Literature Review 1 - Reference

El Forat de la Vergonya (the Hole of Shame), Ciutat Vella, Barcelona

Recreation area with outdoor vegetable gardens and sports fields, 2006

1. Planting a tree, old women chatting, kids playing football, squatters making traditional spanish dish for residents


Existing Connection with the creek Proposed Connection with the creek

Creating permeable social boundary between Deptford and Greenwich by Providing Accessiblity through pedestrian bridges.

3.5 Literature Review Mapping

Cooking traditional dishstrengthening the community of residents and squatters

2. Football ground, Basketbalcourt, kids play area

team sports activities developing the spirit of team amongst the community


3. For permeable cultural boundary having participatory activities generated by functions such as mentioned in the diagram discription

3.6 Research Topic Evolution

Cultural problems

Cultura Hybridity

Hybridity and connectivity in the site is achieved by having scattered fuctions at the different ends of the creek

3. Benches and stage amidst the area

Initiating and promoting people to gather and communicate

3.4 Design Idea Testing 2

4. Gardening the area with local vegetation

Green spaces developing the well-being of the community and enhancing its cohesion

Superimposing the intellectual stances of theories of various authors investigated under the umbrella of the previous research study of cultural hybridity deriving from third spaces has led to two research gaps/opportunities.

1)The activities that this intercultural space provides doesn’t enhances community empowerment, sense of belonging and social soliderity.There lies lack of trust, develpment and support amongst the community or society

2)Creating Edward Soja’s trialietics of spatiallity, historicality and sociality and thus a Third Space by iterating the past events, reminding of the place, sharing the cultural and social values of that space through Story - telling

3.7 Literature Review 2 - Managing/ Resisting/ Spatialising Gentrification

The following extract has been obtained from: Managing Gentrification - Deborah L. Myerson, 2006, Resisting gentrification, reclaiming urban spaces: Latin urbanism in London - Patria Roman Velazques, 2022, Resisting gentrification: The theoretical and practice contributions of social work - Amie Thurber, Amy Krings, Linda S Martinez, Mary Ohmer, 2021

• Mobilising inside the community to involve stakeholders and communities

• Creating historical and cultural stories

• Building alliances with different stakeholders

• Use of unused land and abandoned structures for the welfare of the neighbourhood Giving priority to non-profit organisations and underutilized public space Community activities to support employment, career, and skill development identity symbols like music, cuisine, and colour used as a form of resistance

3.8 Literature Review 2 - References

1) Papiroeen/ Paper Island, Copenhagen Street Food and Experiments, 2017-2022

Previous Research question

New Research question

Sub Research question

Community Development

How can cultural hybridity, a subset of third spaces, be used to promote interculturality and mitigate the socio-cultural impacts of gentrification?

How can cultural hybridity, a subset of third spaces enforces community development to promote interculturality and mitigate the socio-cultural impacts of gentrification?

How can community development aid in strengthening the trust of the community?

How can community be managed to have cohesivity amongst its people?

3.9 Case Study - Lea River Park, Lea River, London

River Lea valley project is about providing access and linking the fragmented parts of river valley with parks and interventions holding, inviting and co-operating the people. People from diverse cultural background can participate.

Context is simliar to that of the deptford creek of regenerating a degraded postindustrial site by infusing the cultural and social values of the place.

Participate Activities involving the community to participate, gather and share : promoting Ecological education

• Spatial

Promoting knowledge providing knowledge brings awarness and is a process of community develpment.

Access and Linkage providing horizontal as well as vertical access and linking the bits and parts to create cohesivity.


Using the local material such as wood, metal so that it merges with the context ans has theW

an ICN (Intercultural Node) in the Deptford | Unit A - EMUVE | Devanshi Khant | Supervisors: Dr. Federico Wullf, Oscar Brito WSA Masters in Architectural Design (MA AD) 2021-2022, Cardiff University
Activities 1 Culture People Space Interculturalism Conversation Co-operation Cohesion Integration Social inclusion Equality Social Soliderity Acceptance Sense of belonging Reminiscence Community Empowerment Inbetweenness Participation Representation Formal Cultural and Social values Informal 2
CulturalHybridity Intercultural Communication
Potluck Organic Garden Informal Gathering Informal Gathering With the context of site Considering the Stakeholders and their activities Dance Multifunctional room Music Leisure walk Game evenings Exhibiton space Creative art workshops Creative art workshops Story telling session Story telling session Cafe Holiday and festive celebrations Holiday and festive celebrations Common Ground linked to Participatory activities Common Ground linked to Participatory activities spaces for participatory activities spaces for participatory activities Sports Library Book Club
Community development
Historical background Third Space Produced collective living codes Common space character encouraging invitations
arrangement supporting each other via communal life practices
Suitable environment of free expression, without individualization

4.1 Design Intervention sites at urban level

4.2 Design Intervention site 1

Furniture made from the unwanted and waste wooden materials on the site -

Nearby Context: Community of various artist, boating community, other various artist, pub

Previous condition: Used as a left over place, under used

After ICN proposal: Informal meetings with artist, outdoor exhibitions, interacting and sharing knowledge amongst the locals, artist and boating community, story-telling session - LR2

4.2 Design Intervention site 2

Walls for exhibiting and advertising is a combination of brick, corrugated sheet and concrete - resonating the past and current materiality of the areaCase study

Consists of : Organic Garden Informal seating meeting room

Organic gardeningbenefiting the health of the community and its people, and creating cohesivity - LR1, LR2, Case study

Nearby Context: Community of boaters, residentials and industries

Previous condition: Used as a left over place, under used, backyard

After ICN proposal: Integrating the current activity: archery fit with the activity of Organic gardening - LR2

Encouraging invitations and common space characterLR2, LR1

4.3 Design Intervention site 3

Meeting room for storing the necessary items for organic gardening and also a space for story telling session and some random workshops amongst the community

Architectural level, scale 1:100

Nearby Context: edge on the creek, currently surrounded by industiral warehouses, new developments

Previous condition: under used, backyard to the deptford and to the warehouse, a sight from the ha’penny bridge

After ICN proposal: Access into the creek, learning centre spreading the knowledge of the ecology of the creek, a hangout space, a place to create reminisence

Encouraging invitations and common space character - LR2, LR1, Case Study

Site level - industrial heritage and ecology

Neighbourhood Level - Access, recreation

Urban Level - Deptford Creek and its image, socio - economic divide with greenwich Third Space Cultural Hybridity

Community Development


led to multiple soluitons of promoting interculturality through programmatic, spatial way. The various translations of theories into space and architecture has developed an ICN that not only has its impact on that particular scale but also on the neighbourhood and urban scale of the creek.

Proposing an ICN (Intercultural Node) in the Deptford | Board: 4 Unit A - EMUVE | Devanshi Khant | Supervisors: Dr. Federico Wullf, Oscar Brito WSA Masters in Architectural Design (MA AD) 2021-2022, Cardiff University
Architectural level, scale 1:100
Intervention site 3 Intervention site 2 Intervention site 1 Intervention site 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 Previous state of Creek After the intervention state of Creek A third space with Infomal spatial layoutcreating and supporting the communal life - LR2 reference 2 2 1 1
Organic gardening with seating alongside, initating to share stories and have conversations - LR1, Case study
View of the ICN intervention form the start of the walk View of the ICN intervention form the start of the walk Physical and visual connections to the different fragments of the intervention of ICN at the creek’s edge Consists of
Cultural open spaces Exhibition space Formal and Informal Lounge Meeting room and Workshop areas Multifunctional room Storage Rooms Organic Gardens Wash Area Services Roof Garden Which holds : Intercultural communication Sharing Knowledge and representing cultural values Cultural exchange of values Community development programs Celebration, learning Social interactions Necessary Facilities
View from the roof garden looking towards the mouth of the creek

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