Environmental Assessment of 2226 Building
Location - Brisbane - Australia
Architect - Baumschlager Eberle Architekten
Analysed by - Dev
This six- storey ofce building with a total height of 24M has a square-ish plan (24Mx24M) has centrally located structural core walls forming a pinwheel conguration that divides the internal spaces. The architect Baumschlager Eberle design strategies have helped in reducing the dependency on external source of heating and cooling. Also, with minimum elements within the building it helps in reducing the require costly maintenance and technical servicing.
External walls are constructed with two layers of Clay block, each 38cm thick, and are rendered externally with slaked lime and plastered internally with lime cement. The Triple glazing windows are set to align on the inner edge of the wall, accentuating the depth of the masonry and reducing solar heat input.
Roof Construction
Masonry wall construction
1 - External plaster has 8mm slaked lime plaster & 12mm lime cement plaster
2 - 380mm Clay Block — Porotherm Ziegel with 18mm mortar in between another 380mm Clay Block
3- Internal Plaster had 15mm lime cement plaster ground & 5mm lime-smoothed off
Triple Glass construction
The Glass is located on the inner edge of the wall so that some of the direct sun rays can be avoided. The void between the Glass and External wall act as a Buffer.
The at roof has a classical superstructure made up of sealing foil, 30 to 40 centimetres of Styrofoam tapered insulation and a gravel layer, and the shutter vents in the facade have vacuum insulation panels on the inside and thus the most efcient system that the insulation branch currently has to offer.
Lustenau , which is located on the Northern-Hemisphere Austrian Swiss border in the county of Voralberg, the building stands in a warm, humid, continental climate. The region has an average temperature of 9.1°C and the temperature average varies over the year between -0.79 and 18.4 C. Whereas Brisbane is located in the southern hemisphere and has a Sub-tropical climate. The Change in the location of the building would need changes in material of the building.
Lustenau is located in the northern hemisphere, the sun has a tilt to the south as it travels from east to west. During the summer months (June-August) the sun is at a higher altitude and is directly overhead at 12 noon and during the winter months (November-March) the sun angle is much lower and is in the south.
Figure - 1 Sunpath of Lustenau on 1st July
Figure - 2 Sunpath of Brisbane on 1st July
Whereas, for Brisbane being in the southern hemisphere the sun has a tilt to the north as it travels from east to west. During the summer months (January-April) the sun is at a higher altitude and is directly overhead at 12 noon and during the winter months (June-September) the sun angle is much lower and is in the north.
Figure - 6 Wind Velocity of Lustenau in wet Seasons
Building Analysis
April To September
The predominant wind directions are from the east, northeast, west and southwest with an average wind speed of 5m/s with the relative humidity at 80-90%.
September To April
The predominant wind directions during the dry season is from the north and west with average wind speed being 4m/s with the relative humidity at 50%.
September To April
The wind direction that are predominant yearround is mostly from the south-west, north-east and southwest. The average wind speeds range from 4-6 m/s.
3153.75 Window 3756.12
30050.26 Ventilation 0 Total loss 38665.09 Occupants 0 Lighting 0 Appliances 1555.2 Net Heat loss 37109.89 Table - 1 Net heat loss in Lustenau On comparing the total heat loss of both the location, it is much clear that the heat loss is more in Lustenau. The possible reason for this would be the temperature differences the weather here is mostly below 10 degree for more than six month. Most of the time the heat generated from the appliances helps in generating heat during cold days, but some time they need to rely on articial heating.
Table - 2 Net Heat loss in Brisbane
Table - 3 Net heat loss in Lustenau
Table - 4 Net Heat loss in Brisbane
On comparing the total heat loss of both the location, it is much clear that the heat loss is more in Lustenau. The possible reason for this would be the temperature differences the weather here is mostly below 10 degree for more than six month. Most of the time the heat generated from the appliances helps in generating heat during cold days, but some time they need to rely on articial heating.
The building relies largely on daylight that increases the visual and comfortable conditions to increase productivity. Energy efcient articial light compensates for the absence of daylight in the evening and night.
But through the analysis it can be concluded that the major heat gain in both the locations is through the external facade and especially through window openings. And ventilator play an important role in regulating internal temperature
Due to xed Windows used in the building, the natural ventilation is only possible through the ventilator that is controlled by sensors.
The Size of ventilators works in managing the heat gain in lustenau whereas it doesn't in Brisbane.
The possible solution would be either to change the Orientation of the building so that the heat gain can be reduced through the fascde or increase the size of the ventilator. Figure - 9 Original Size of Window & Ventilator
Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Fifth Floor Third Floor
Open plan ofce Studios Ofces Gallery Habitation Stairwell Staircase Achieve
- 5 Plans Indication Virtual Connection and internal
Comparative Analysis
- 1 External View Figure - 2 View of Studio
Material Figure - 3 External Glazing & Brick Detail
Figure - 5 Comparative Climatic analysis of Brisbane & lustenau
Areaof Heat Gain
Lustenau Brisbane Outlet Area( Sq.m ) 30.81 30.81 AverageWindSpeed(m2/s) 2.2 3.7 Factor 0.3 0.3 VolumeFlowrateof Air (m2/s) 20.03 34.2 VolumeFlowrate(m3/hr) 72095.4 123116.76 TemperatureInside
Does Natural VentilationWorks Yes
Figure - 4 Section Indicating the heat gain and Internal Ventilation
Heat Gain (W) Roof 460.8 Walls 852.36 Window 48927.47 Floor 0 Infiltration 0 Ventilation 0 Total Gain 50240.63 Occupants 37440 Lighting 898.56 Appliances 5184 Net Heat Gain 93763.19 Area Heat Gain(W) Roof 587.52 Walls 1086.77 Window 50350.52 Floor 0 Infiltration 0 Ventilation 0 Total Gain 52024.81 Occupants 37440 Lighting 898.56 Appliances 5184
Heat Gain 95547.37
(Ti) 26 26
(To) 17.7 24.4
Exchange(W) 198652.88 65662.27
No Areas Heat Loss(W) Roof 1198.08 Walls 4432.3 Window
Floor 1198.08 Infiltration 42232.8 Ventilation 0 Total loss 54340.13 Occupants 0 Lighting 0 Appliances 1555.2 Net Heat loss 52784.93 Areas Heat Loss(W) Roof
- 5 Natural Ventilation in Lustenau & Brisbane
Thermal Capacity doble block walls (760MM Thick) of
Ceiling height 4.21M on GFloor&3.36onUpperLevels Triple High Performance Glazing
Automatic vents ( Next to windows, Controlled by Co2 levels humidity & temperature sensors. Precast Concrete Slab Floor + Cavity + Timber Floorboard + Anhydrite Screed + 350mm Insulation (U=0.1W/m.k)
thermoplanBlock (U=0.12W/M2K)
adopts a range of passive design strategies to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, even during the extreme minimum and maximum temperatures Lustenau experiences. The materials in the external walls play a vital role to the success of the buildings performance. Exinlteration LEGEND Heat Gain through Roof & external Envelope Internal circulation
Design 2226
Figure 7 Wind Velocity of Lustenau in Summers
Figure - 8 Wind Velocity of Brisbane in Summer Season
Figure - 3 One Sided ventilation
In the existing strategy maximum heat gain through the external envelope is control with the help of small ventilators that are designed alongside the window which helps in regulating the internal temperature. Moreover internal planning of positioning stairwells and toilet block helps to divide the internal space into 4 zone which further helps the building in achieving the cross-ventilation as seen in gure - 1,2&3.
Design Assumptions
288 people inside (48/oor) in ofce environment doing moderate activity (130W / person).
Energy efcient lighting at l.6W/m2 (with abundant daylight).
Various ofce appliances: l.5W/m2.
Space is occupied during the Ofce hours on weekdays (9Am - 5PM), allowing night-time ventilation to cool internal mass in hot climates/weather/summer.
Air Changes/ Hour: 0.5.
For Base Cooling Analysis - this system is used
Design Goal
Targeted Indoor Operative temperature = 22°C to 26°C throughout the year
Energy saving Fixtures to be used to reduce the energy consumption.
Reducing the heat loss & gain from the external envelope.
Finding the alternative source of energy & adapting it to generate energyNatural sources such as sun & wind
Using sustainable materials that can be recycle or Material sourced from local market.
Proposed Strategy for 2226 - Changing the orientation of the Building (New Option)
Comparative Analysis of Base & New Option
Figure - 4 Orientation of the Building (Base Option)
Figure - 5 Orientation of the Building New Option)
Brisbane being in the southern hemisphere the sun has a tilt to the north as it travels from east to west. During the summer months (October - March) the sun is at a higher altitude and is directly overhead at 12 noon and during the winter months (April - September) the sun angle is much lower and is in the north. Due to this, base option of building orientation which is facing North & South receives direct radiation from sun . This exposes the northern facade of the building as seen in Figure 4. This orientation expose large portion of the northern envelope, which increased the heat gain. So to cut down the heat from the wall, a suggestive solution is to change the orientation of the building, which would help the building to cut down the heat gain from the external envelope & aid natural ventilation , which would improve the indoor air circulation
Figure - 6 Summer Design Week Analysis (Base Option)
Figure - 7 Summer Design Week Analysis (New Option)
The average indoor operative daily temperature during summer peek week ranges for the base option 30.67 to 29.45 , where as for the new °C°C option it ranges from 29.3 to 27.98 °C°C.By changing the orientation it had helped the building to reduce the indoor operative by 2°C, this was aided due to reducing the exposure of external envelope & improved cross air circulation based of the wind direction.
Figure - 7 Winter Design Week Analysis (Base Option)
Figure - 8 Winter Design Week Analysis (New Option)
On comparing both the option it could be concluded that the indoor operative temperature during winter peak week 22.5 to 21.95 °C°C. These ranges are within the targeted indoor operative temperature. The possible reason for the building to adapt would be the materials used in the external envelope, glazing and the roong system have help to prevent the heat loss.
Daylight Analysis (Uniform Cloudy Sky)
The sun-path in Brisbane is mostly in the north and its travels from east to west. This allows less day light to penetrate within the envelope of the building as seen in Figure - 4 & 5 . The building design has equal proportion of ventilator and window to the external wall .This further aids in better coverage of daylight to pass through.
So for the base option, It is observed that the ground oor has better daylight penetration in comparison with the other oors. It is also observed that the inner core of the building would be dependant mostly on the articial lighting for all the prospective oors. Also the recessed window in the existing design further reduce the light penetration within the building.
The New option allows more sunlight to penetrate through the area which is directly exposed that is the northern & southern edge of the building, whereas the inner side of the external wall relatively receives less amount of sunlight as seen in Figure -5. It is also observed that the ground oor receives more daylight in comparison with the other oors. Also in this option the inner core is also dependant upon the articial sunlight.
In conclusion the new strategy would help in increasing the daylight penetration in the building, but for the inner core area it would be dependant upon the articial lights. These articial light if replaced with the energy saving xture that controls indoor lighting with the help of light sensors would help in reducing the energy required for articial lighting.
2226 Building I Design Analysis - Brisbane
Figure - 2 Cross ventilation LEGEND A-One sided Ventilation B-Controlled Cross Ventilation C-Internal Spaces Figure - 1 Floor Plan indicating Cross ventilation
Cold Air
Existing Strategy used in 2226 - Cross-Ventilation (Base Option)
Hot Air
Figure - 9 Daylight Analysis of Base Option Figure - 10 Daylight Analysis of New Option
Comfort analysis (With Natural Ventilation)
2226 Building I Design Analysis - Brisbane
Internal Air Circulation Analysis
From the Previous studies it can be concluded that the outdoor temperature and wind speed collectively plays an important roles in regulating the indoor operative temperature. So, to analyse the effect of these two on regulating the indoor temperature, simulation have been run on different levels of both the options to study the effectiveness of natural ventilation in controlling the indoor temperature . A simulation is done on the two option on 17th Feb 3:00PM .
Heat Transfer Analysis
This simulation was done to analyse the heat transfer between the external envelope of the building and the internal. For this study materials such as wall, windows, roof & lighting system are take into consideration. A comparative graph shown in gure 7 & 8 would examine the heat transfer rate during the peek week of summer & winter.
Figure - 7 Heat Transfer Analysis for Summer Design Week
Figure - 5 Air Flow Simulations for New Option - Second Floor
Figure - 3 Air Flow Simulations for Base Option - Fifth Floor
The wind direction in Brisbane is s mostly from the south-west, north-east and south-west. With the help of these wind & cross ventilation the building have managed to in regulating indoor temperature. As seen from the above gures -1,2,3,4,5,6 ,the indoor temperature on the peek summer week have been reduced by 2°C in the New Option. As the change in the orientation of building have allowed better ow of wind ,Which helped in improving the crossventilation.
Figure - 8 Heat Transfer Analysis for Winter Design Week
From the gure 7 & 8 it is evident that the through general lighting is more heat is gained in compared with the others. This heat gain is more in both Summers & winter , these heat gain can be reduced by using light xtures with low heat transmission & low energy consumption. Other than this, the heat gain through window is more in both Summer & winter. But during summers the heat gain through the new option is bit than through the base option, where as in winters the heat gain through new option is more than the base option. This means that the new option have helped in reducing the heat gain during summers,& increase the heat gain during winter ,when heat is required.
It is also observed that lot of heat is lost, in both summers & winters through wall. This can be reduced by changing the insulation material in the external wall. The new option have would require new materials for the roong system & material, as the heat transfer in both summer & winter is more than the base option.
Energy Analysis
This simulation was done to analyse total yearly energy requirement for heating cooling , room electricity & indoor lighting of both the options. Since, the building was not able to reach the targeted indoor temperature ,so CAV Air cooled chiller system were used for the energy requirement for heating & cooling in both the options.
Figure - 9 Total Energy Consumed in Base Option (yearly)
Figure - 10 Total Energy Consumed in New Option (yearly)
From the Figure 9 & 10 it evident that the energy consumption is less in new option in comparison with the base option. Overall , 5% energy is saved using the new option. In both the option the energy required fro the lighting were the most.
In conclusion, the new option have helped in reducing the overall energy consumption & the indoor operative temperature of the building .But it materials hack in reducing the heat transfer rate ,due to which the dependancy on the HVAC system is increased. More energy efcient hvac & indoor lighting system need to be installed to further reduce the energy requirement. In terms of lighting, smart lighting system would be required to reduce the consumption of energy with the hep of sensors. Since Brisbane receives got amount of sunlight throughout the year, so solar panels could be installed to reduce the energy required from the grid.
- 1 Air Flow Simulations for Base Option Ground Floor
Figure - 2 Air Flow Simulations for Base Option - Second Floor
Figure - 3 Air Flow Simulations for Base Option - Fifth Floor
- 4 Air Flow Simulations for New Option - Ground Floor
2226 Building I Material Analysis - New Option
From the Previous Analysis, it can be concluded that the new option was more efcient in terms of saving energy and maintaining the indoor operative temperature. Still, this new strategy was not able to meet the targeted 22°C to 26°C Range of indoor operative temperature. It was also observed that lot of heat was lost and gained through the external envelope .This could be one of the reason for building not meeting the requirements. So following exploration is done by comparing the material used in the new option with suggestive new materials used for External wall, Window, Roof & the energy Equipment for cooling and lighting. Also, to reduce the consumption from the grip the option for photovoltaic cells on roof top is also considered.
Material Analysis - External Wall
1 - External plaster has 8mm slaked lime plaster & 12mm lime cement plaster C=0.8W/mK
2 - 380mm Clay Block C=0.136W/mK
3 - 100mm Standard Insulation C=0.04W/mK
4 - 380mm Clay Block C=0.136W/mK
5 - 15MM Gypsum Plastering C=0.4W/mK U-Value - 0.120 W/m2k
Figure - 9 New Option (Existing Material used for wall construction)
1 - External plaster has 8mm slaked lime plaster & 12mm lime cement plaster C=0.8W/mK
2 - 200MM Concrete Blocks C=2.3W/mK
3 - 200mm Polyurethane Insulation
4 - 200mm Clay Block C=0.136W/mK
5 - 200mm Polyurethane Insulation C=0.028W/mK
6 - 15MM Gypsum Plastering C=0.4W/mK U-Value - 0.051 W/m2k
Figure - 3 Suggestive Option - 02 Material used for wall construction
Material Analysis - Roof
1 - 200mm Precast Concrete Slab (dense)
2 - 380mm EPS Expanded Polystyrene
3 200mm Air Gap R=0.18m2K/W
4 13mm Plasterboard C=0.25W/mK
U-Value - 0.100 W/m2k
Figure - 7 New Option (Existing Material used for Roof Slab construction)
1 - 110mm Green Roof C=0.35W/mK
2 - 40mm Vapour Control R=1.5m2K/W
3 - 200mm Precast Concrete Slab (dense)
4 - 380mm EPS Expanded Polystyrene
5 - 200mm Air Gap R=0.18m2K/W
6- 13mm Plasterboard C=0.25W/mK
U-Value - 0.085 W/m2k
Material Analysis - External Glazing
1 - 3mm Clear Glass
2 - 13mm Air Gas
3 - 3mm Clear Glass 4 - 13mm Air Gas
5 - 3mm Clear Glass
S.H.G.C - 0.5
Light Transmission - 0.744
U-Value - 0.70 W/m2k
58MM Triple Glazing Argon/Air Filled Glass
1 - 6mm Clear Glass
2 - 10mm Argon Gas
3 - 6mm Clear Glass
4 - 30mm Air Gas
5 - 6mm Clear Glass
S.H.G.C - 0.604
Light Transmission - 0.696
U-Value - 0.604 W/m2k
1 - External plaster has 8mm slaked lime plaster & 12mm lime cement plaster C=0.8W/mK
2 - 380mm Clay Block C=0.136W/mK
3 - 100mm Polyurethane Insulation C=0.028W/mK
4 - 100mm Polyurethane Insulation C=0.028W/mK
5 - 230mm Clay Block C=0.136W/mK
6 - 15MM Gypsum Plastering C=0.4W/mK U-Value - 0.073 W/m2k
1 - 20MM lime & cement plaster C=0.8W/mK
2 - 300MM Thermoplan Block M270 R=4.285m2K/W
3 - 100mm Polyurethane Insulation C=0.028W/mK
4 - 200MM Thermoplan Block M270 R=4.285m2K/W
5 - 150mm Polyurethane Insulation C=0.028W/mK
6 - 15MM Perlite Plastering C=0.05W/mK
U-Value - 0.050 W/m2k
Figure - 4 Suggestive Option - 03 Material used for wall construction
1 - 20mm Thermoplan Membrane R=1.5m2K/W
2 - 120mm Flat Board Insulation R=7m2K/W
3 - 40mm Vapour Control R=1.5m2K/W
4 - 200mm Precast Concrete Slab (dense)
5 - 380mm EPS Expanded Polystyrene C=0.4W/mK
6 - 200mm Air Gap R=0.18m2K/W
7- 13mm Plasterboard C=0.25W/mK
U-Value - 0.049 W/m2k
Figure - 8 Suggestive Option - 01 Material used for Roof Slab construction
1 - 40mm Vapour Control R=1.5m2K/W
2 - 200mm Aerated Concrete Slab C=0.16W/mK
3 - 300mm Insulation Polystyrene C=0.028W/mK
4 - 200mm Air Gap R=0.18m2K/W
5- 15mm Gypsum Insulating Plaster C=0.18W/mK
U-Value - 0.062 W/m2k
Figure - 5 Heat Transfer Analysis of wall construction (Summer Week) Figure - 6 Heat Transfer Analysis of wall construction (Winter Week)
Building losses heat through the external wall, as see in the gure 5 & 6. This Heat lost might be benecial during the summers but during winter heat is required to maintain indoor temperature. Improving the insulation of the external would help in preventing these heat loss.
On comparing different materials with the base material for the summer peek week as seen in the gure 5 ,it can be concluded that option 03 material has help the building to prevent heat loss. This is due to material used which has low conductively value and also it was observed that for better performance of material the inner side of the wall insulation should be thicker than the external wall.
From the gure - 06 it is observed that none of the material could reduce the heat loss to nearly zero during the winter peek week. But option-02 & option -03 had a better performance in terms of preventing heat lost in comparison with the other materials. But the Option - 03 material would be the best t as the component of this option are eco-friendly materials in comparison with the others.
After comparing heat transfer analysis of both summer & winter peek week, It can be concluded that option -03 would improve the performance of the building.
36MM Triple Glazing Low-E Argon Filled Glass
1 - 3mm Clear Glass
2 - 13mm Argon Gas
3 - 3mm Clear Glass
4 - 13mm Argon Gas 5 - 3mm Clear Glass
S.H.G.C - 0.470
Light Transmission - 0.661
U-Value - 0.786 W/m2k
58MM Triple Glazing Argon/Air Filled Glass
1 - 6mm Bronze Glass 2 - 13mm Air Gas 3 - 1mm Coated Poly -44 4 - 13mm Air Gas 5 - 6mm Clear Glass
S.H.G.C - 0.198
Light Transmission 0.22
U-Value - 1.192 W/m2k
Figure - 11 Heat Transfer Analysis of Roof Slab construction (Summer Week) Figure - 12 Heat Transfer Analysis of Roof Slab construction (Winter Week)
The Base material used fro the roof slab construction had help the building to prevent heat loss, but the outer material which is precast concrete slab is uninsulated as seen in Figure - 7 and directly exposed to the sun, which allow the heat to penetrate and increase the indoor room temperature. During winter peek week it is essential that the materials used in the building prevents heat loss. By comparing all the options as seen in gure12 it can be concluded that option - 01& 02 has a better performance than others. While option-2 would require water to maintain the green layer & if these layers are not maintained than they might cause to damage the rood slab.
As seen in the gure -11 the option -01 has a better performance in controlling the heat gain through roof. In Brisbane the sun is mostly in the north and its travels from east to west. This exposes the roof to receive direction radiation from sun, And in this scenario during summers the heat gain through roof is reduced with the help of materials used in option-01.
So it can be concluded for the roof slab option - 01would help in preventing the heat loss & gain throughout the year.
Figure - 17 Heat Transfer Analysis of External Glazing (Summer Week) Figure - 18 Heat Transfer Analysis of External Glazing (Winter Week)
In most of the ofce building the maximum heat gain is through the external glazing. Now-a-days glazing systems such as one used in the base option of building helps to prevent the heat gain. It is essential before selecting any glazing system that the solar transmission rate is less and the light transmission rate is more.
As seen in the gure 17 & 18 ,the heat gain through the external glazing is reduced with the help of option-03, this is due to the low Solar transmission rate of the materials used in this glazing system. But for this material the light transmission rate is also less in comparison with other option, this would limit the daylight and would increase the dependancy on the articial lighting. From the previous analysis it is observed hat for this building the energy requirement for internal lighting is more than heating & cooling. So thus option would increase the energy required for the lighting, due to this reason option -01 would be the preferred glazing system to be used in the building.
In Conclusion , the performance of the building would be improved by using the suggestive materials like For external wall - Option 03, External Roof slab - Option 01 & External glazing - Option 01
- 2 Suggestive Option - 01 Material used for wall construction
Triple Glazing Low-E Argon Filled Glass
Figure - 13 New Option (Existing Material used for External Glazing)
Figure - 14 Suggestive Option - 01 Material used for External Glazing
for External
for External
Figure - 15
Option - 02 Material used
Glazing Figure - 16 Suggestive Option - 03 Material used
Figure - 9 Suggestive Option - 02 Material used for Roof Slab construction Figure - 10 Suggestive Option - 03 Material used for Roof Slab construction
2226 Building I Material Analysis - New Option
Energy Analysis - HVAC System
A HVAC system is introduced to the modied building, due to the building's inability to achieve the desired comfort level (Operative temperature between 22°C and 26°C. The building was simulated on an ofce occupancy and on a working hour schedule that is Mon to Fri ( 9Am to 5Pm). However, though the desired comfort levels are achieved, it is important to conduct an energy analysis between different HVAC systems to identify the most energy efcient one.
For this simulation following system are used based on their function & energy requirements -
Base Option - CAV Air Cooled Chiller Systems Option 01 - System VAV Dual Duct Water-Cooled Chiller Option 02 - Chilled Ceiling Air Cooled Chiller Option 03 Cooled Beam System
Analysis of New Option
Based on the previous studies, the materials used in the New Option are replaced with the suggestive new materials ,HVAC System & Energy Saving Appliances.
Following Materials are Used for the New Option - For External wall - 20MM lime & cement plaster , 300MM Thermoplan Block M270 ,100mm Polyurethane Insulation, 200MM Thermoplan Block M270, 150mm Polyurethane Insulation & 15MM Perlite Plastering. For Roof slab - 20mm Thermoplan Membrane ,120mm Flat Board Insulation, 40mm Vapour Control 200mm Precast Concrete Slab (dense), 380mm EPS Expanded Polystyrene, 200mm Air Gap & 13mm Plasterboard . For External glazing - 36MM Triple Glazing Low-E Argon Filled Glass. The Current HVAC System is Relaced with Chilled Ceiling Air Cooled Chiller System & the lighting xtures are replaced with more energy efcient LED sensor based lighting system. Also, Solar Panels are installed on the roof Slab Covering 50% area of roof to generate power from the natural source.
Comfort analysis of New Option (With Natural Ventilation)
Figure - 1 Energy Analysis (Summer Week)
Figure - 2 Energy Analysis (Winter Week)
From the results obtained above it is clear that the Chilled Ceiling Air Cooled chiller system uses the least amount of energy during the peek week load of summers & winters. The nal determining factor for the project would be based on the installation costs of the system and whether or not they are suitable for a commercial space. Even though Chilled Ceiling Air Cooled chiller system is easy to install & maintain , requires less ducting area thus increasing the room Height. Other systems that were investigated include a CAV Air Cooled system, VAV Dual Duct System & Cooled Beam System these system but these systems energy requirement was more in compared to Chilled Ceiling Air Cooled chiller system.
Energy Analysis - Lighting System
A simulation is Conducted on the base option which uses lighting equipments with energy requirements of 5W/m2-Lux & the Option-01 that uses the LED sensor based lighting system. These simulation are run during the peek week of summer & winter to nd the most efcient lighting system.
Figure - 3 Lighting System Analysis (Summer Week)
Figure - 4 Lighting System Analysis (Winter Week)
After replacing the current lighting system with the more energy efcient LED sensor based lighting system with its energy requirement of 1.5W/m2-Lux. The over all energy consumption have been reduced down by 91% for the summer peek week & 86% during the winters. It can also be observed that for the base option, since there were no daylight sensor installed ,so the energy required is constant throughout the week whereas in the option-01 its varying.
Energy Production - Solar Photovoltaic Panels
The optimal angle of solar panels varies throughout the year. Since the sun in Brisbane travels from east to west through North, so to get the best performance out of photovoltaic panels, it has been faced them north at the 28angle .So that the panel receives as much sunlight as possible at this time. The best angle for the solar panel also depends on solar azimuth angle. Its best performance are during the summer months (when there is the most sunlight), so the current photovoltaic panels is angled at 28 Degree. But varying these angles throughout the year, would benet by having the optimum performance from the solar system all of the time
Figure - 9 Summer Design Week Analysis (New Option)
Figure - 10 Winter Design Week Analysis (New Option)
From the Comfort Analysis it is evident that the new materials have helped to improve the building performance. In the summer peek week analysis it was observed that the average daily temperature ranged from 24.69°C to 28.31°C.Though these temperature range still doesn't meet the required temperature range of 22°C to 26°C. Still the overall power consumption for cooling would be less than required in the base option. For the winter peek week analysis ,the daily average indoor temperature was in the range of 23.22°C to 24.14°C,these temperature range is within the desired temperature range of 22°C to 26°C,So it can be concluded that this building doesn't required any external heating.
Heat Transfer analysis of Base & New Option
Figure - 11 Heat Transfer Analysis (Yearly)
Heat Transfer analysis of Base & New Option
Figure - 5 Solar Panel Angle at 4 degree (Winters)
Figure - 6 Solar Panel Angle at 28 degree (Summers)
Figure - 7 Solar Panel Angle at 52 degree (Autumn)
Figure - 8 Solar Panel 450W 22.5% Efciency
For the New Option ,50 % of the roof is used for installing these solar panels and the reset area is left for accommodating the services like HVAC system,
Figure 12 Energy required for the base Option (Yearly) Figure - 13 Energy required for the New Option (Yearly)
With the adoption of new strategy, the energy consumption of the building has been reduced signicantly. These reduction are not only through the use of energy efcient appliance but also due to the reduction in heat gain & loss of the building, as seen in gure-11. With Solar Panels the building is now self sufcient in generating energy.
In comparison, with the base model the new option has improve the energy performance of the building, it was observed that there was 66.74% reduction in the demand of electricity. This reduction in overall consumption was due to 72% saving in Lighting requirement,64% saving in cooling requirement &100% saving in the heating requirement as the new option doesn't require any external heating. With the help of Solar PV Panels, an excess of 20.69% energy was produced of total energy required from new option. These excess energy can either be stored or supplied back to the grid. This means that the Building is self-sufcient in generating its own power and does not require to depend upon the external power supply.
Ref No. Title
Man - 1 Man - 2 Man - 3 Man - 4 Man - 5 Man - 6 Man - 7
Management Total
Green Star Accredited Professional
Commissioning Clauses Building Tuning
Independent Commissioning Agent Building Users' Guide
Environmental Management Waste Management
Indoor Environment Quality
Ref No. Title Ref No.
IEQ - 1 IEQ - 2 IEQ - 3 IEQ - 4 IEQ - 5 IEQ - 6 IEQ - 7 IEQ - 8 IEQ - 9 IEQ - 10 IEQ - 11 IEQ - 12 IEQ - 13 IEQ - 14 IEQ - 15 IEQ - 16
Ventilation Rates
Air Change Effectiveness
Carbon Dioxide Monitoring and Control Daylight Daylight Glare Control
High Frequency Ballasts
Electric Lighting Levels
External Views
Thermal Comfort
Individual Comfort Control
Hazardous Materials
Internal Noise Levels
Volatile Organic Compounds
Formaldehyde Minimisation Mould Prevention Tenant Exhaust Riser
Ref No. Title Ref No.
Mat - 1 Mat - 3 Mat - 4 Mat - 5 Mat - 6 Mat - 7 Mat - 9 Mat - 10
Recycling Waste Storage
Reused Materials
Shell & core Fit Out Concrete Steel PVC Design For Disassembly De materialization
2/2 1/1 2/2 3/3 2/2 2/2 1/1 1/1
Materials Total 14/14
Ref No. Title Ref No.
Tra - 1 Tra - 2 Tra - 3 Tra - 4
Provision of Car Parking Fuel - Efcient Transport Cyclist Facilities Commuting Mass Transport
2/2 1/1 3/3 5/5
Transport Total 11/11
Total Points 47
To Summarize, the new option that is changing the orientation of the building along with changing the external materials, Lighting xtures & HVAC System have help the building to save around 66.74% of the energy required. Also, installation of Solar Panels resulted in Building producing an excess of 20.69% of energy than the total energy required for the building. The Building was not able to receive the targeted indoor temperature of Below 26°C during summers peek week but in winter peek week the indoor temperature was above the 22°C. It was also observed that the indoor temperature during summer peek was reduced by 4°C than the base option.
Since not all green star categories are applicable to the focus of this investigation they have been disregarded in the calculations. It is possible to achieve a higher rating through further investigation into the other ve categories: energy, emissions, water, land & ecology, and energy.
Green Star Rating
Environment Quality Total 27/22 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 2 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 0