Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Day With Customized Rubber Bracelets The month of May brings along with it different celebrations. This month is dedicated to foodaholics who love indulging in different kind of delicacies. The celebrations are on every day as each day is devoted to different types of food. So whether you love something salty or want to try out new dishes, May can be really exciting for you. While different foods are honored on different days, 15 th of May is celebrated as the national chocolate chip day. Who could have lived without the chocolate chip cookies? Over the years, chocolate chips have become so famous that they have a day of their own. This day is used to celebrate the sweet and delicious flavor of the chocolate chip. But do you know how this day was originated? According to sources, the chocolate chips were discovered by chance. Ruth Graves Wakefield is known to be the inventor of the first chocolate chip cookies. In 1938, Wakefield was baking cookies for her guest. During the baking process, she found out that she does not have sufficient bakers chocolate and thus used some semi chopped chocolate morsels. However, the pieces did not melt into the dough and thus the chocolate chips are said to be discovered. There is no wrong or right way to eat the chocolate chips. While they can be used to bake a cookie, they can also be used to bake a cake. Chocolates are loved by people from different age groups. Whether you are a 12 year old kid or a 70 year old person, nobody can resist chocolates. However, very few people know about this chocolate chip day. So do you want to create awareness about the day? If you answered yes, there is no other cheap way of doing this, except creating awareness through customized rubber bracelets. Customized rubber bracelets are easily available from an online seller, however, make sure that you are choosing a trusted seller. While making a choice between different manufacturers, contact their representative and tell them about your requirements in details. Choose a seller that offers highquality silicone wristbands at an economical price. You can use a customized rubber bracelet with the text, “I Love chocolates� to promote this day. Further, you can also make a choice between a vast array of colors and choose your favorite color. The wristband can also be embossed or debossed with different text and images. Another great idea is to use a light colored band and get the image of chocolate chips printed on it. The wristband will look amazing. Wristbands are worn by people of all age groups. You can see people wearing them at the mall, railway station, or you can even sight small children wearing them to school. Being made up of silicone, they are non-allergic and comfortable to wear. So what can be a better way to celebrate the national chocolate chip day than indulging in the delicious delicacies made up of the chocolate chip? Pick up a bag of chocolate chips and bake something delicious for your family.