Different Forms of Pendants
Amulets are known to keep dangers away and therefore are also called good luck charm. It is worn around the neck or the hand as a pendant. It is believed that they confer protection upon the one who possesses it. The pendant design is very much basic and even oldschool.
Just like an amulet, a talisman also has supernatural powers. They say it wards off evil and offers protection. The difference between the two is that apart from defensive purposes, talisman brings some benefits too. Probably a power of some sort. It is worn as a gold pendant or a ring.
Just like we’ve known, a locket is a small object that can open & often has sentimental value. This kind of locker usually holds a photograph and is worn around the neck. Sometimes it could hold something else like a lock of hair which has emotional value. Occasionally, a locket is also worn around the wrist using a bracelet.
A medallion is a piece of jewellery that has a medal and is often worn as a pendant. The medal usually represents an award or recognition. It could be a gold pendant in order to represent gold medal and many such other medals.
Functional Pendants
Functional pendants are pendants that are more than a pendant. Because of the pendant design, they perform different functions like USB Pendrive, or a lock or a key or probably the whistle. As time evolves, pendants will perform other functions too, like a camera or a microphone too.
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