Picking The Right Jewellery When you think about gifting something valuable and useful at the same time the first thing that comes to your mind is gold/silver. Gifting jewellery is very common, but still favourable to most. The reason being it’s looks and the increasing value of gold. One of the many reasons for gifting jewellery is that when in time of need it acts as instant money and at other times it’s something you like to flaunt. When you plan to gift jewellery, you have tons of options like gold rings, bracelets, earrings, chains and what not. When you walk into a jewellery showroom you find so many options in terms of products and designs. You come across various occasions in life where you get an opportunity to gift someone something valuable and memorable. For instance, When you get your first salary, the first person you gift is the one to whom your life is devoted to, your mom. The best gift for your mother is a silver coin/ artefact and in case your budget is more then you could plan for a piece of diamond jewellery. The happiness she receives by seeing this gift is incredible. At that moment you feel all the hard work you’ve done is all worth it. The happiness is not variable to the value of the gift. It is more than proportional to thoughts/ emotions attached to it. The next occasion to gift one might come across is when you plan to ask a girl to marry, you need to go by the golden rule- go to your favourite place and propose with a diamond ring. Most girls often think about the time when they are going to meet their Prince Charming, falling in love. And the way in which he’s going to propose her and then marry. Well you know how it’s said Diamonds are forever, the same way love is forever. One of the most desired occasion in one’s life is the birth of their child. Most people agree on the fact that the best moment of their life is their child’s birth. Apart from all the cute little things you buy for your child, the first the thing you gift them is gold/silver article. The reason being you wish wealth and prosperity in your child’s life. The next occasion is something that everyone strives for – buying your own house. Most people have failed to buy their own house without a loan. Buying a house is very expensive in today’s time due to increasing price of real estate, inflation etc. in a housewarming party along with the various decorative gift something silver is also gifted. Silver is gifted for good luck and prosperity. Gold and silver have always been known for good luck. Some may agree while some may disagree upon the fact of gifting your partner every anniversary. Some might say they like to cherish those happy moments, whereas other believe no moment is that special, all moments together are worth cherishing. Well everyone can have a different opinion. The point here is to gift your loved ones something precious.