These Wedding Planning Things Are Best Done Earlier Than Later It is really not easy figuring out all the little details of your big day. Especially since a lot of us tend to first start with all the big details, and sometimes things regardless of how important they turn out to be can simply slip right off our mind until the last minute. As your special day approaches, it might suddenly occur to you and then you will have to rush to figure it out. Be it the couple rings or the lighting, very often these rushed efforts cause tremendous stress to the bride and groom and can even end up being not exactly what you envisioned, and potentially even ruining the synergy of your big day. Just remember that not everything about a wedding needs to be planned a year or 8 months before, but some things definitely need to be planned way ahead to account for delays in the process, and so on. But there’s no need to fret, we have a few important things that should help you avoid all of this hassle altogether. Wedding bands - It is important to get the wedding bands out of the way as you begin your planning. After all, there will be no wedding without your wedding bands. Choose a ring design that goes well with your personality and sensibilities. A wedding ring is one piece of jewellery that you and your to be won’t take off for the rest of your lives, so make sure you both visit your jeweller together and choose designs that match each of your sensibilities as well as complement each other. Getting rings this early on means you can customize your rings to no end or even design them yourselves and not worry about it being ready in time. You will even have plenty of time if you need any alterations to the size or design. Venue - Once you’re done with purchasing your wedding rings, you should immediately move onto the next big thing - the reception venue. This isn’t just critical for those who are getting hitched during wedding season when hot venues and certain locations are in demand. It is important to narrow down a venue so that you can get started on your invites as well. It’s only once you figure out your venue that you’ll be able to figure out the decorations, etc. Guestlist - It is best to figure out who you want to celebrate your special day with earlier on itself. This way you already know how many people you need to account for when it comes to food and beverages, stay, favors, etc. If you want to plan an intimate wedding especially, you should draw up your guest list and send out invites and RSVPs months in advance so that you know the exact number of attendees. Help from family and friends - It is quite a task running around and taking care of all the nitty-gritty all on your own, especially if you aren’t hiring a wedding planner to help you out. In this case, the best thing to do is reach out to certain family members and friends you know you can rely on. It is best to let them know right off the bat so that they can figure out their schedule and understand your expectations.