Devils' Advocate 2022

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d e v i l s ’

a d v o c a t e april-may 2022

one event at a time- p.10 building a better future - p.13

hinsdale central high school | volume 100

senior spread 1-3 Spring UPD (3).indd 1

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he school year is coming to a close! The class of 2022 will be graduating very soon- or already have, depending on when you get this magazine. This year’s Advocate staff has been made up of entirely seniors, something completely unprecedented (though I am sure everyone and their mother is sick of that word). With graduation coming up, this issue we celebrate the seniors in Advocate and the entire school. The titular senior section is filled with bios, photos and the ‘college spread’, detailing the post-high school plans of every senior. In the front half of this issue, we gave some space to the incoming juniors, who wrote this issue’s feature and profile about construction and student council respectively. As summer rolls around, I’m very excited to pass on the torch to our next crew of people with this magazine. At the end of any year, there is always uncertainty. My assurance, and unwarranted advice is that there is nothing to be afraid of. I mean, there is plenty that’s scary but fear will get you nowhere. Not very helpful, I’m sure. But it’s the only advice I can offer. Thank you. It has been a pleasure.

10 Battleground Contributors

Club Contributors

Section Editors


Danyal Jawed

Hanna Florence

Grace Myall

Mara Severts

Katie Parkins

Kendall Florence

Maximillian J. Pohlenz

Managing Editors

Photo Contributor Grace Myall

Isabella Salti

Nadia Burt Killian Hughes

Copy Editor


Christine Leung Cover Design by Mara Severts Devils’ Advocate seeks to provide an open and diverse forum created by and for the students from Hinsdale Central. The staff of Devil’s Advocate aims to bring news to the community of the school and the surrounding area, by wokring with students, parents and faculty, as well as reporting on events in a fair and balanced manner. The publication strives to inform, educate and improve, the atmosphere and student body by sharing information and recognizing and ideas. 2 | Contents

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around campus 04 05 06 09




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Looking into the specifics of Hinsdale Central student council















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New changes and construction mirror shifts in student perspective


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b a t t l e g r o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danyal and K atie debate whether the United States should forgive student loan debt on a federal level, an idea which has gained trac tion as student loan burdens increase and payment continues to be difficult. student loan debt, it is reasonable to expect hile campaigning back in March of an increase in the cost of attendance at 2020, President Biden announced colleges and universities. Additionally, the his intention to relieve a minimum of temporary relief provided by the bandage $10,000 in student loan debt per borrower. that is student loan forgiveness would And recently, lawmakers have been pushing quickly fade, with the CRFB projecting Biden to take his generosity one step further student debt returning to its current level and forgive $50,000 per person for the over by 2025. 43 million borrowers. But the idea of this What may last though are the negative “forgiveness” sounds much better in theory economic repercussions. Debt cancellation than in practice. would lead to a substantial increase in the According to an analysis done by the spending ability of former debt-bearers. A Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Biden’s total debt cancellation, the CRFB reports, original $10,000 plan would cost the would lead to a 10-50 point increase in government $321 billion. And according our 40 year high inflation rate. So while to the CRFB, a full debt cancellation the idea of relieving the burden borne by would cost $1.6 trillion. With the Biden our nation’s students may seem beneficial, administration’s extensive pandemic relief we must also consider the implications of spending as well as the $30 trillion dollars government intervention at such a scale. in federal debt reported by the Treasury, With forgiveness not having any loan forgiveness would only exacerbate the elements of sustainability and giving rise to country’s own debt crisis. And in doing so, more issues for the United States’ economy, borrowers will not be as relieved as one the Biden administration should not hastily might expect. cancel any portion of debt for every single With the government subsidizing borrower.






n 2010, Americans owed a combined $845 billion in student loan debt. While this number is incomprehensibly daunting, in no way does it compare to the $1.71 trillion owed in 2020. Whether it’s due to rising demand, increased financial aid opportunities, or pure greed from those at the top of prestigious institutions, the cost


of higher education has been increasing. The political discussion of eliminating student loan debt on a federal level has parallelly become more driven, with proponents such as Rep. Cori Bush and Sen. Elizabeth Warren taking the lead. President Biden should eliminate student loan debt for those who attend private institutions, because it would properly boost the economy and lead to a more socially fulfilled country. President Biden should enact greater student loan forgiveness for people who attended public universities because it will generate healthy economic growth. Student loan debt is burdening the economy. Per the Federal Reserve, there is “a significant and economically meaningful correlation” between holding student loan debt and owning a failing business. The impacts domino from there: failing businesses mean unemployment rises, consumer spending decreases, burdening the country, fulfilling their career aspirations while boosting economic revenue. When a select group of people cannot take part in the economy, the economy weakens. Secondly, forgiving student loan debt will lead to a more socially fulfilled country. Student loan debt delays life-fulfilling milestones such as marriage, buying a house, and saving for retirement.The President has

the unique ability to grant people quicker access to a more fulfilled life. He can do this in two ways: firstly, he can just plainly wipe loan debt away; secondly, he can allow people to file for bankruptcy for a new start, which is currently impossible due to an 18th century law. By opening avenues to forgive student loan debt, President Biden would cultivate a more productive, happier country. While the economic and social benefits of student loan debt forgiveness are enticing, opponents argue that student debt reaches the important principle of financial responsibility. In fact, a 2020 survey revealed that almost half of Americans believe that forgiving student loan debt is a slap in the face to those who have responsibly worked to pay off their debts. However, it is unrealistic to trust an 18 year old student’s judgment and economic choices. These students are often deluded by possible salaries, or are simply naive teenagers who do not understand the consequences of student loan debt. We have the power and the ability to free people from the weight of financial debt, a weight that they probably did not even understand. Biden should forgive student loan debt in order to stimulate the economy, create a fulfilled population, and ease the burden placed on naive teens.

4| Current Events

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by Killian Hughes designed by Mara Severts

Twitter Takeover Elon Musk plans to buy Twitter and convert it into a private company First off, we have some tech news. Elon Musk announced in late April that he intends to buy Twitter, a publicly traded technology company, and take it private. Although there was no clear plan at the time for how he was going to finance the deal, money has begun to flow in. Musk is joining his own cash investment with several loans acquired from big banks and with funds from investors ranging from billionaires Marc Andreessen and Larry Ellison to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange. According to the New York Times, Musk has been light on details for his ultimate plan, and has mostly stressed that Twitter will become a more free speech friendly platform. In fact, according to a Reuters article, Musk has said that profitability is not his main concern, and instead he wants to spend the next stage of Twitter’s development turning it into a “public square” where users can speak their mind more freely. Many, including Twitter’s founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey, have voiced their approval of Musk’s takeover, and say that this redirection is what the company needs to realize its full potential. Critics say that Musk’s removal of moderation from the platform is going to increase the amount of hate speech that occurs on Twitter, and that dangerous users will have more of a platform to make inflammatory statements. As the issue gets more heated, students at Central will ultimately have to make the choice of whether to stay on Twitter, leave the site, or sign up for an account. This experiment, whether it succeeds or fails, will likely have large ripple effects across all of the social media platforms Central students use, and the results of Musk’s takeover will likely impact the way students interact with each other online.

Interest Rates

Courtesy of Wiki Commons

Roe v Wade

The Federal Reserve hikes interst Leaked Supreme Court documents reveal probable Roe v Wade coup rates and markets tumble Next, we have some big news in the economy. On May 4, 2022, the Federal Reserve announced that it would be hiking interest rates a half percent in order to dampen inflation. The hope is to decrease demand through limiting the funds available to lenders, which would lower the inflationary pressure placed on supplychain stressed suppliers. According to Axios, the market initially received the news well, closing up 3.2% on May 4, but the next day they closed down 3.6% in the worst day for US markets since the beginning of the pandemic. Markets have been trending downwards since the start of 2022, and if May 5 is any indication, the Fed’s planned interest rate hikes are going to continue to simultaneously drive down inflation and worry markets.

Finally, we have some shocking news from the Judiciary. On May 3, 2022, POLITICO obtained an unreleased majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito and published the document, exposing a clear signal that the court intends to overturn the historic 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Overturning the decision would mean returning the power to legislate around abortion to states, instead of enforcing the blanket abortion legalization handed down in Roe. The decision will come as the Supreme Court runs through one of its most conservative eras in recent history, with a 6-3 Republican majority. Now, the contentious issue will likely be passed down to the state level, where Republicans and Democrats will re-brandish half century old pitchforks. The issue will be particularly contentious because of the enormous amount of “middle ground” voters that still remain, which is becoming increasingly rare in divided partisan politics. As Five Thirty-Eight reports, a recent meta-analysis of abortion polling found that between 55% and 65% of Americans are in a sort of abortion “gray zone,” where they neither completely oppose nor completely support the practice. This middle section of Americans is large enough to spur intense partisan fighting, and it is likely that abortion will once again return to the Illinois state level as a decisive issue in elections.

Courtesy of Wiki Commons

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Can you please spell... HC Drama put on its spring musical in April by Advocate Staff Designed by Mara Severts Photos provided by Susie Jaffe

On April 22 and 23, Hinsdale Central Drama put on its final performance with a showing of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, a comedic musical. The musical included an ensemble cast of 18 students, 25 crew and 30 orchestra members. Based on a book by Rachel Sheinkin with lyrics by William Finn, the musical entails the story of a fictional spelling bee at a Putnam Middle School. The plot of the musical delves into the personal lives and backstories of the eccentric spellers. “This musical was a perfect fit for giving an ensemble experience to our cast, a fun score for our orchestra, and tells a relatable story about the pressure to be perfect in a

competitive world,” said Susie Jaffe, musical director and English teacher. Jaffe and assistant Erin Lundin, English teacher, directed the show with Matt Goeke who directed the orchestra. They also worked with Central graduate Peter Bromann who was the vocal director, auditorium manager of Central, Charlie Cooper, as the technical director, and Melody Rowland as choreographer. The performers began rehearsing for the

“It wasn’t even like they were playing characters. It was like them on stage as t h e m s e l v e s .”

show in February, with the crew being a part of the rehearsals after school as well. With a running time of 90 minutes and two acts, much was accomplished in what was a shorter musical. “My favorite thing about being assistant director was being able to watch the show grow from simply a concept into a hilarious performance from all characters,” Lundin said. With jokes and singing making the audience laugh, the musical included many moments of joy. “It made me laugh a lot because the cast was so energetic and they sang so well; the talent was amazing,” said Simrah Qasim, junior. “It wasn’t even like they were playing characters. It was like them on stage as themselves. And at one point they brought up Mr. [Chris] Kostro (English teacher) to the stage in an impromptu moment and it was funny because he didn’t know the word for the spelling bee.” While this was the last show of the season, HC Drama will return to the stage for its September show.


Sophomores Max Zhu (503), Miete Morris (284), Caroline Walsh (036), and Quinn Stromburg (in green) take part in the spelling bee competition during this spring’s musical The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.

6 | Daily Devil

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Booting up for Learning How students handle Chromebook issues by Kendall Florence Design by Mara Severts Illustrated by Mara Severts


very year, freshmen across District 86 get new Chromebooks that they use all four years of high school and get to keep when they graduate. The fee to acquire a Chromebook is $175; the fee also includes software licenses, GoGuardian, HAC management fees, as well as Canvas. The Introductional Innovation Coach (IIC) and the district administration both have a part in choosing what Chromebooks are issued to freshmen yearly. Technology specialist at Hinsdale Central, Sam Norris, said, “We take into account price, features, and durability when deciding what Chromebook to provide freshmen.” This year, freshmen were issued the Dell Chromebooks. Norris also said that about 1,100 Chromebooks are ordered every year to provide for all the freshmen in the district and also have spares to exchange for Chromebooks that are damaged or broken. These Chromebooks usually cost about $300 each. “The district actually gets a really good deal because the Chromebooks are bought in bulk,” Norris said. Many students enjoy the convenience of having a Chromebook issued to them. “I think it’s great because you also get a discount since the school buys them in bulk,” said Roslyn Thomas, senior. “[Chromebooks] also give all students access [to the internet and assignments].” Hinsdale Central also offers a studentrun help desk for Chromebook/technology issues called the Technology Support

Internship (TSI) in room 502. This class teaches students to repair Chromebooks and better understand technology. Students in the class are able to help other students with their Chromebook issues. Some common problems that they can help with include keyboard and screen repair, battery replacement, and providing loaners to students with dead batteries. The most common issue they face is trouble connecting to Wi-Fi. In this case, Norris advises students to shut down their Chromebooks and restart them, as that usually fixes the problem. Some issues that cannot be fixed are water damages, a lost or stolen Chromebook, or a lost charger. Under these circumstances, the students will be charged for a new Chromebook or charger. The Dell Chromebooks that were distributed to freshmen this year are also planned to be used next fall for the Class of 2026.

According to Norris, “They have been very durable and easy to work with for students.” The durability will certainly be tested at the end of the year for Thomas, as she notes she plans to chuck hers off of a roof, maybe.

“ They have been very durable and easy to work with for s t u d e n t s .” - SAM NORRIS

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Infographic | 9

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One Event at a Time

Looking into the specifics of Hinsdale Central’s Student Council by Rachel Brugge Design by Mara Severts Photos Provided by Sally Philip

tudents begin whispering about something fun happening in the new student commons. Some dismiss the excitement and think it’s not true. But as others clamor down the new steps to the commons area, making their way to the cafeteria, they can’t help but hear the uproar of laughter and encouragement around them. There are clusters of students surrounding various points in the student commons. What they are clustering around is hard to see. All they can hear is: “I almost got it! Hurry! It’s coming! Come on! You can do this!” And then a bellowing “Yes!” echoes off the floor to ceiling windows as a student breaks away to high five friends. Then it’s clear. The whispers were true. Standing in front of the student is a retro Pac Man arcade game. Glancing around the room, the other arcade games come into view with the familiar digital music of triumph. This pleasant surprise on a Wednesday morning on April 27 reflected the creative minds of the student council. Every March, student council elections for the upcoming school year take place. And freshman, sophomores and juniors campaign for those limited positions. But what is the actual role of these elected students in the school community? When you think of student council you may typically think of the high school movie version where students run with specific agendas in mind like putting healthier options in the cafeteria or changing the dress code to allow girls to wear shorter shorts and skirts. The stereotypical student council works with the actual school faculty and board to change rules to better favor the students. But, the student council at Hinsdale Central is definitely different. Student council at Hinsdale Central is made up of the president, vice president, secretary, public relations representatives, school board liaison, social chairs, as well as the specific class presidents and senators, along with the sponsors Mrs. Kristen Bronke and Mrs. Sally Phillip. “The thing I enjoy most about sponsoring student council is working with a variety of students from all grade levels,” Phillip said. “[The students] come up with ideas to support the entire student body and not just their own friends and I love that. We work hard in student council

10 | Profile

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to make sure that we are developing plans for all students and to remember that ideas might start with you but are not about you–they are about the greater good and entire school.” Shrihan Atluri, a current junior class senator that will be continuing his role next year as well, explains some of the responsibilities that the student council has. “We mostly help plan school spirit days and help think of ideas for what the student council can do to help the school community,” Atluri said. “For example, about a month ago we passed out snacks before school to help boost school morale.” The entire council meets once a week, while the executive board members meet twice a week. “Depending on what we have, like if we have an event like Mr. Hinsdale or the variety show, we have to work those events as well, [such as] selling tickets at lunch,” Atluri said. Carter Knotts, a current junior class senator and next year’s student body vice president, explains that some of the most recent student council events have been banana split day, where they served banana split ice cream sundaes during all of the lunch periods, and the St. Patrick’s Day bingo, where they led each lunch period in a game of bingo. “Banana split day was a big success,” Knotts said. “I think that we used to do it before Covid. But obviously a lot of stuff changed with regulations. So, we brought that back.” A big goal this year included adding days to get students excited and happy to be here. This is why the retro arcade game at the end of April became a reality. It was simply an opportunity for students to break away from everyday routine and studying to have a moment of play. “We [also organized] a Cubs and Sox day on May 3 where students wore and represented their favorite sports team,” Knotts said. However, to the rest of the student body, it’s not always clear what the student council does. “I know when they run for elections they say that they are going to make the school better, but all I really see them do is plan events,” said Kaya Hemmer, sophomore. But Hemmer was quick to point out her

appreciation for the events. “Events like root beer float day or pajama day are fun because it’s something you don’t usually do. And it’s usually around the time when people are getting discouraged, like from finals or AP tests,” Hemmer said. The student council elections at

The social chair representatives have the responsibility of leading and planning pep rallies and leading the student section at sporting events. While the presidents have their own responsibilities of planning and working on class events like class t-shirts and prom. “I think it’s important that the people

Students use arcade games in the commons on April 27, organized by Student Council for (Throwback Day).

Hinsdale Central are also a really big deal. There are strict deadlines for campaigning and applications, and the process is overall tedious. “You have to send in a video and an application to basically explain why you want to be involved in the student council. And then the rest is your own campaigning,” Knotts said. The campaigning tactics have evolved to reflect the times. Many candidates use popular apps to get messaging out to their prospective voters. “Recently there has been a lot of social media campaigning because you are able to reach the most people,” Knotts said. “In the past there have been a lot of posters in the hallways but now people just walk through the hallways on their phones, so you might as well post on social media.” Although the student council may not be the stereotypical student council, they have control and say over events that take place at school that are relatively important to the majority of the student body.

that you want to be on the student council and the executive board are on it,” Hemmer said. Due to the influence these students have on major school events, student voters matter when determining the atmosphere and future events of the school. And as the year comes to a close, these leaders will be hard at work planning for a fun open in the fall. “I am most looking forward to watching these new leaders develop and come into their own. I love the beginning of a new group of leaders because of all the new ideas and energy,” Phillip said. “We have a great group of new leaders and they have so many ideas [for next school year].”

Profile | 11

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Constructing a Better Future New changes and construction mirror shifts in student perspectives. by Annmarie Koziel designed by Christine Leung

Features | 13

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continuous sound of buzzing and drilling invade the classroom space, causing some students to glance towards the windows. The teacher continues with her lesson, accustomed to the momentary disruptions. But then yelling from the courtyard makes the teacher chuckle as she tells her students, “I wonder what they’re up to now.” Peering down from the second story window, the teacher sees a construction crew scrabbling to fit new windows in open spaces on a brick wall. By the next day the windows are all in place and the brick wall looks complete.

Now the humming can be attributed to the brick path being paved. For the past few years, construction has been the talk of Hinsdale Central. In April of 2019 District 86 voters approved a referendum to improve, update, and maintain South’s and Central’s campuses, and since then there have been shorter hallways, new sections, mud pits and updated classrooms. The general consensus on this construction is positive. People are

excited to get to use updated facilities and are willing to deal with some inconveniences to get there. Recently, the “student commons” was opened to students to use before and after school and during free periods. The response to updates like the commons (already dubbed the “learning staircase” by many students) and new office spaces has been overall positive. “They look really nice, and it could be a good space for students to unwind during their day, maybe socialize a little bit,“ said Amy Chen, sophomore.

way/place for them to focus, collaborate, socialize, etc. Some students, however, are underwhelmed by the updates. Some argue that the student commons is unnecessary when students already use spaces like the cafeteria and library for similar purposes. But many are much more optimistic about the impacts of these changes. “The new space allows for more collaboration and socialization throughout the school day. While it is still early and the space has only been open for a few weeks, it appears that people have been able to take

Though it is still relatively new, students have begun using the learning commons as a place to get together before school (much like how the cafeteria was already being used). Along with a space to pass time with friends, this area is also meant to provide a study space and, as Chen mentioned, a space to “unwind.” Areas like the commons and the newly updated offices and classrooms will, ideally, help students to find the best

advantage of the additional meeting spaces in order to foster positive study habits and further friendships and connections,” said Peter Hutcheon, school social worker. In addition to the student commons, classrooms and office spaces have been updated. This makes them “much more ADA accessible and spacious,” according to Hutcheon. These new areas are meant to facilitate learning for everyone, and where they’ve

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been implemented, they’ve been met with positive feedback. “The additional office spaces are great and have made student meetings and groups a lot easier to schedule,” said Hutcheon, also mentioning that they promote collaboration and teamwork. The extent of these spaces’ effect remains to be seen, and it will probably be different for everyone. Many people find that a new environment is a great place to hone in on work or to collaborate with peers, but others will probably have to find what works for them. For most people, though, it’s worth it to find that space. “In general, I know that having one’s own space to study and learn can have a great impact. In the past, I’ve heard students of mine tell me that going to their local library helps them focus. For others, it’s a coffee shop,” said Zaina Abdin, English teacher. “We all thrive in a different kind of environment and the impact of that is greater than some think.” Over the past few years, people all over the world have struggled with mental health and motivation, arguably more than ever before. According to a 2021 Penn State study, of roughly 43,000 students who sought mental health services, 68% said it was due to lack of motivation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Echoing this sentiment, Hinsdale Central has done various surveys and has held monthly social emotional learning lessons to reach students, especially those who have struggled with mental health after returning to campus. With this in mind, having a space, such as the student commons, offers more opportunity for students to break away from academics so that they can engage in face to face socialization. When considering how the new commons encourages students to be with each other, Hutcheon said, “Students are feeling an increased sense of connection with peers and adults and that is leading to improved mental health overall.” Other aspects of the construction that have kept students in mind is the design of the courtyard. The old courtyard included a dated pond that some said looked too artificial. “Since some kids ate lunch out there it made them lose their appetite because some students would throw garbage into [the pond], including a shoe,” said Rania Arain, senior.

This time around, the new design incorporates landscaping, a brick path and updated fountain. When completed the courtyard will include multiple benches and tables for students to eat lunch and study.

“Since some kids ate lunch out there it made them lose their appetite because some students would throw garbage into [the pond], including a shoe.” -Rania Arain

of students to campus. “ This summer the cafeteria and kitchen and library will be completely remodeled and redesigned. The tech ed wing in the basement will be blown out and opened up with all new labs and shop classes,” Maita said. “The old counselor office will become a community room, like a conference room. Coming out of the basement, what is currently the black and white photo labs, that will be brought upstairs to the second floor, near room 216.” According to Maita, another exciting area students can look forward to will include a new fine arts entrance, with a plaza out in front. He mentioned that it will be similar to learning stairs where students can sit and socialize. “There will be a mezzanine that will have an overhang with benches where students can sit,” Maita said. “Our music classes will use that outdoor space to perform. It will be a flex space too where teachers will be able to bring classes out.” So, while the drilling and occasional banging interrupted classes throughout the year, the new spaces will give students a respite from the traditional classroom. “[My favorite space] is the student commons. It is something that pretty much everybody walks through once a day; it is awesome to know what that was and now seeing students using the space, collaborating, socializing,” Maita said. “Even seeing some teachers using that space has been pretty neat.”

“[The courtyard] has been cut in half with the new student service edition; it now has new concrete and a new patio that will have student seating out there. There will hopefully be new seating by August,” said Ryan Maita, Assistant Principal for Operations. “There will be a path with a water feature, with benching and seating there. There is also some landscape, new trees and bushes to bring some greenery to the campus.” The next step in the construction includes finishing up a new main entrance that will be on Grant Street. Maita said this should also be done by fall, with other projects completed in time for the return Features | 15

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A purely Red Devil advice column to address your most pressing questions by Nadia Burt designed by Nadia Burt graphics by Mara Severts

How do you approach someone you want to be friends with? Sometimes it can seem as if making friends is harder than talking to your crush! However, don’t stress because there are several ways you can approach someone you want to be friends with and start making those connections. If you have a certain person in mind that you want to be friends with, then the first thing to do is to open up a conversation with them. For example, you probably know this person from a class or club, so when you see them, the first step is to casually say hello. When I walk into a class, I will usually say hi to the people sitting around me to start a conversation that breaks up any awkwardness or tired energy in the room. If you start a routine of engaging in a bit of conversation each day, a friendship naturally tends to form. If you are someone who is a little shy, I recommend that you try to talk to other people in your class as well! For example, when walking into a class don’t just say hi to this prospective friend. Rather, say hello to people all around the room so that it doesn’t feel like this prospective friend is being singled out. Another thing to do is to try and find commonalities that can spark topics of conversation. I know that we all tend to revert back to the same few topics when we are talking to someone that we don’t really know, such as “that test was so hard,” or “I’m so cold, aren’t you?”. Avoiding these topics and dead end conversations is essential, so focus more on similarities and remember to be genuine as people can sense when you are not being true to yourself. It can be intimidating trying to approach someone you want to be friends with - the biggest thing to keep in mind however, is that everyone has room for a new friend. Do your best to be authentic, invite them to hang out, send them random Tiktoks, anything that helps to make them less of a stranger and more of a friend! If the person

He left me on read, what should I do? In situations like these, I always revert back to my favorite phrase: we don’t chase, we attract. If he left you on read then that is his loss and your gain, because you have just avoided a poor communicator and he has lost someone who knows their worth. Now, if him leaving you on read is particularly hurtful, you can still hit back with the trusty trio of report, unadd, and block. It is 2022 and we are heading into summer - it’s time to stand tall and attract good people into our lives, rather than chasing mediocrity.

This advice column is simply how I chose to answer the question - if you or someone you know needs guidance on other issues, reach out to your social worker. If you are unsure who your social worke information online at the Hinsdale Central Social Work page or through the guidance office. 16 | Perspectives

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Do you think schools have an obligation to teach ethics to some extent? What is ethics? The general understanding of Ethics is that each person has a set of principles to guide them through making morally difficult decisions in the world. We use ethics, a mental and moral contemplation, every time we have to make a decision. Typically ethical is considered equivalent to good and unethical is equivalent to situations that are bad. This question is interesting because it specifically pertains to our education, but I do believe that schools have an obligation to teach ethics. Giving students the tools to think about their decisions and to make choices based on how those decisions will impact others is essential for numerous reasons. One focus at Central over the past few years using the SEL program is building the emotional literacy of the students. Teaching ethics would add on to this curriculum by helping students grow emotionally and providing them with a framework on how to make potentially difficult moral decisions in the future. Learning about the history of ethics and different ideologies is essential however, demonstrating to students that there is never a black and white answer as to what is ethical. Hopefully, a well rounded education within philosophy and ethics prepares students to be thoughtful decision makers and emotionally aware, as they move past high school and into the real world.

Why should we join the Devils’ Advocate team next year? I joined Devils’ Advocate at the beginning of my junior year and I can easily say it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in high school. I had previously tried out a few other electives like Intro to Business and Pre-Engineering, which I enjoyed but they didn’t seem to be in the vein of what I was interested in. I think for me, the issue was that I was interested in so many different things that it was hard for me to settle on one elective like business, technology, or art. However, that is why Devils’ Advocate turned out to be one of the best things ever for me. You should join Advo because of the sheer number of opportunities and freedom of what you can do with this class and club. Typically when people think of a magazine they think that they will only be writing but that’s simply not true. Advo is looking for writers, yes, but we are also looking for graphic designers, photographers, managers, etc. People who are personable and willing to go out and conduct interviews, write about the community, take photos, reach out to advertisers, create invoices and so much more. Every issue I get to choose what I would like to write - ideas are vetted by the head editors but typically there is a lot of freedom and creativity in what your final product looks like. Advo is also a really really close-knit group of students. This year there were only six of us putting together the magazine: six editors and two section editors. Although it may be stressful to create a print newsmagazine with only a few people, in reality you become very close with the people you work with. We are all great friends and we talk about so much more than just writing or Advo. It’s a collaborative space and I highly recommend people join our Devil’s Advocate team next year! you are unsure who your social worker is you can find Perspectives | 17

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p h o t o s p r e a d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ik ayel Sardar yan and K ayla Buk as photograph “Night at the Museum,” on April 30 at the Field Museum. designed by Christine Leung

18 | Photospread

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5/17/22 2:24 PM

Feeling overwhelmed in your own room? It might be time to declutter. Keeping your items in order can be a difficult task, esspecially as a teenager with a lot of things and not a lot of time. To make things easier on yourself, its worth considering if you should pass on any of your items.

You can ask yourself a few key questions to decide whether you should keep a given item.

- Does this item make me happy? - Have I used this item within the past month? - Does this item have sentimental value? - Can this item be combined with another item I already have?

Best of luck to everyone on their quest to tidyness!

Perspectives | 19

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20 |Senior Issue

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Senior Issue | 21

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Senior Bios Mara Severts — Editor-in-Chief Our Advocate team this year has been unprecedentedly small, and as a result felt unprecedentedly stressful. Trying to split a twenty person job among six people obviously means that we poured dozens of hours into this magazine, hunched over InDesign late into the night and edited club articles in lunch periods. It’s a somewhat fruitless labor. The magazine, no matter where we distribute it, always seems to go somewhat unnoticed. But the Advocate has been my baby, something I never expected to care as much about as I did. I remember the nights I spent in my junior year, doing last minute illustrations for last year’s seniors, and the hour long interviews for my articles I did in the summer. The magazine was something I could devote my time to and never get tired. Sometime in October, I decided that I wanted to shoot for the EIC spot. After 43 slides, four fake spreads and a couple panicked emails, here I am. My moral of this story is to implore everyone to find something that they care about too much, just like how I cared about this magazine too much. It got me through a tumultuous senior year, and gave me a goal and space to grow. My thanks go out to my parents and friends, who put up with my rantings about ‘spreads’ and ‘viso settings’, and Ms. Lopez who helped us organize this magazine even with a quarter of the amount of people. And above all, I thank my fellow Advocate staff and head editors for putting in your all even when it seemed pointless. We built an amazing group, and memories I cherish. To an Amazing year!

Nadia Burt — Managing Editor Devils’ Advocate has been one of the most life changing classes I’ve taken at Hinsdale Central. I entered this class not knowing what I would write about, how I would design an article, or make friends in a class full of strangers. However, I have genuinely found a home in Room 249, and I am excited to walk through its doors each day. In the past two years, I’ve learned digital design, interviewed New York Times bestselling authors, and crammed to meet deadlines more times than I can count. Most importantly though, I have met the friends that are now like family to me and get to work alongside them as head editors. Every day I get to spend an hour with some of my favorite people in the world, working to produce a magazine that I am always incredibly proud to see my name on. I didn’t think that I would have to write this bio so soon but as I look back on this year, I am so thankful for all of the skills that I have learned. I’ve found a new passion for writing and I’ve found my closest friends - I wouldn’t trade Advo for anything!

Killian Hughes — Managing Editor I joined Devils’ Advocate during the pandemic, and our class began as three dozen ceiling fans and a broadcasted google doc. Like most of my other classes, it wasn’t particularly fun or interesting. However, as the year went on, I got to know my writing partner, the head editors, and all of the other people in the class, and I started to love it. This year, working on Advocate fully in person, has been a blast. It’s been so cool seeing all of the creating people around me, and witnessing the magazine run smoothly even on a much leaner staff. I’ve learned so much about proper journalism, and I’m excited to incorporate the writing skills and ethical understanding I’ve gained over the past couple of years into the rest of my life. Go Red Devils!

22 | Senior Bios

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Christine Leung — Copy Editor When I joined Devils’ Advocate my sophomore year, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The first few days, it was mainly semi awkward get to know you’s over zoom with many ceiling fans and only a couple unfortunate unmuted moments. Nothing to write home about. Two years later, it’s become one of, if not my favorite, periods of the day. My tenth period in 249 is where I’ve met some of my closest friends that are now such a big part of my life! And they were originally just a new name in a little box on zoom. For anyone that’s debating joining Devils’ Advocate, I promise you that you won’t regret it - I know I certainly haven’t.

Maximillian Pohlenz — Section Editor My entry into Advocate was fueled by my unwillingness to take a philosophy elective my senior year and a penchant for Hunter S. Thompson. A penchant that, officially, I have kept separate from any and all journalistic and creative endeavors I have undertaken via Devils’ Advocate. Over the course of my first and only year with Advo, I have understood not only the joys of correct and proper journalism, but also the benefits of being a writer in a staff of six people. (The latter fact means that I can pitch whatever I want, and most of the time, I can do it). With the help of Ms. Lopez, and the collaboration with the Advo staff, I have been able to produce what I would consider some of my best writing. I now even plan to major in journalism in college. I have really discovered a place to funnel my creative instincts, and for that, I am thankful.

Grace Myall — Section Editor I got involved in journalism in sophomore year, taking journalism 1 because I loved writing and I just wanted to do more of it. Looking back, I’m so happy I made that choice. This class has expanded my knowledge of my community, my school, and of writing in general. I’ve been able to work with so many cool people and interview others on topics that I was passionate about and wanted to share with anyone willing to read about it. I grew to be excited to walk into the classroom every day, and to work on whatever needed to be done - whether it be design, photography, or writing and editing. It’s genuinely one of my favorite classes I’ve ever taken and I hope I find another little home in the journalism team in the future.

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A color-coded outline of Hinsdale Central Students’ density of atten Designed by Mara Severts

Number of Students

0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-39 40-69 70+

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al Students’ density of attendance to a school in each given state. Designed by Mara Severts

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Here is where your seniors plan to take the next steps of their journey. designed by : Mara Severts

ALABAMA Auburn University Mia Brent Emma Biegansky

University of Alabama Hana Freburg Maeve McInerney Kotryna Gucius Sabrina Potempa Sophia Zuaiter John Alter Justin Gomez

University of Alabama Birmingham Clarissa Rankin

ARIZONA Arizona State University Zaia Parks Mackenzie Cook Anthony Lee Anjali Shah Colin Kurimay

University of Arizona Grace Myall Luke Zeman Stella Kaplanov Lynden McCarroll Aaron Colleran Pavel Antipov

Grand Canyon University Lachlan Jackson Caitlin Barrett

CALIFORNIA Chapman Unviersity Zane Virant

Santa Clara University Riley Chafin Elise Fendon

California Polytechnic State University

Stanford University

University of California, Los Angeles

Pepperdine University

Kate Demakis

Leeland Zhang Vincent Jia

University of California, Davis Morgan Carlson Wilhelmina Kratz

University of California, Berkley Annette Ciupek Madelyn Chang

University of California, San Diego Vandana Patel

University of Southern California Nathaniel Lee

Santa Monica University Lukas Hext

Alexandra Collins Anna Amine Jui Khankari

Max Pohlenz

COLORADO Colorado State University Emma Klein Nico Kiperman Charles Black

Colorado School of Mines Dan Ortiz Tyler Folkmann

University of Colorado, Boulder Colin Hill Alexandra Parrillo Sydney Venetsanopoulos Claire Zeidel Annie Morel Amy Ackerman Michaela Morrell Andrew Yaeger Elise Lannert

26 | By The Numbers

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CONNECTICUTFlorida International Yale University Derek Pancratz Grant Zhang

Wesleyan College Henry Flaming

DELAWARE University of Delaware Olivia Quick Katherine Dollens

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA American University Eleanor Baumann Abby Fisher


Karina Shtogryn

Nova Southeastern University Francesca Rimbos John Riewer Shreeji Patel Evan Han

GEORGIA Emory University Julia DiTrani Dean Kamenev Hanna Florence Neha Kumar Luca Lipari

Savanah College of Art and Design Elie Paterno Enkhjin Michelle Boldbaatar Jacqueline Bosquette

George Washington University


Georgetown University

Augustana College

Isabella Insignares

Killian Hughes Isabella Terry


University of Miami Pavel Peev Henry Gruber

University of Florida Teddy Andrews Brooke Bauer

Jacksonville University Blake Edmonds

Flordia State University Amanda Shrader

Lynn University Calvin Sayad

Trin McCoy

Benedictine University Hamza Tamir Atif Kamal Amirah Mohiuddin Farzeen Khan

Bradley University Aidan Bendera

College of DuPage Gil Ramirez Stephanie Goodridge Richard Dolan Obada Abuzneid Thomas Sabanuskas Fawaz Ilumoka Josh Narcisse Zain Khwaja Ana Dragas Tessa Mainz Jack Rayner Jaydon Adams Lucas Salvatore Antonio Cimmarrusti

Owen Ricker Tasneem Saleh Nikolay Nikolov Carmel Lariosa Gustavo Calderon

DePaul University Colette Conway Leela Montiel Emilee Biondi Adrian Isufi Mohammad Al Sabek Zakaria Azmy Shaan Ahuja Maryam Naveed Jossie Ramirez Suzan Issa Arab

Oakton Community College Michael Pergantis

Elmhurst University Rayya Amina

Illinois State University Gyasi Salter Zoe Limparis JT Black Mason Beringer Dammy Babagbemi Erin Collins

Illinois Wesleyan University Michael Spitzer

Knox College Sam Black

Loyola University at Chicago Abraham Dulli Sarah Riaz Steven Pappas Emaan Pirzada Aliah Kamran Jai Vallurupalli Rasheed Farooqui Julie Dweydari Jayanth Pothuganti Aliyah Kamran Haniah Peracha

Northern Illinois University Rania Arain

Northwestern University Nadia Burt Shiven Shah

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Zaina Karim Nadir Muzaffar

North Central College Justė Kochanskytė Chris Rakos Thomas Skokna Chris Reyes Justin Paluch

Roosevelt University Alice Scaratti Olivia Cernok

Sacred Heart University Carter Lyons

Quincy University Harry Fandre

Lewis University Marleni Alcantar

University of Chicago Jackie Lopez Mateo Lopez Dylan Tang

University of Illinois at Chicago Vincent Zhang Anirudh Yallapragada Connor Hunter Lena Ivkovic Emaan Dada Jacob Tamas Hemamadhuri Rudraraju Eliza Abdullai Anujin Enkhtaivan Tamer Khatib Ayah Almusaddy Ward Aldasoqi Cole Brown Aminah Ahmed Sam Malitz

University of Illinois at Springfield Lucas Montesantos

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Rami Alkadri Mindaugas Ambrozas Emmelia Anderson

Rama Bagwhat Jacob Bauschard Sohum Banerjee Rohan Bhatt Dylan Biala Jackson Brown Roma Chandra Nicole Cheung Jaocb Chisholm Nicole Chung Angelina Duan Cyrus Fallah Faaris Hanif Katie Holland Vanessa Ivanov Noah Juzenas Schyler Karthan Karina Khanna Diana Kubilius Rohan Kumar Rhea Kumar Veylan Kumar Kaila Kuo Christine Leung Megan Lu Ava Marginean Delaney Marringa Mazen Morrar Amaan Musabji Sofia Pajak Lauren Peters John Prieto Zahrah Qureshi Rishabh Ranganathan Sami Raslan Abhi Reddy Kiyan Rismantab-Sany William Ryndak Najjar Sam Margaret Sanders Rohan Shah Sairaj Shetye Dmitriy Shvydkoy Allan Tang Kyle Tausk Asritha Tunuguntla Veronica Walsh Mingxiao Wang Saniya Wasti Nora Winters Anass Qneibi Caitlin Yopp Lauren Anderson

Wheaton College Daniel Ziegler Louisa Brorson

INDIANA Butler University Zoe Levin Julia Rock Nick Fahy Luke Speziale

Indiana University Trevor Schmitz Kylie Furlong Selena Ayub Bhavana Dronamraju Sophie Crabb Ian Nystedt Conor Furlong Daniel Robinson Max Dynis Peter Brown Ava Dillard Kendall Tanquilut Jack Huber Keaton Jones Megan Blanck Olivia Miller Ashley Nieman Riley Matthews Elena Wilson Jackson Haag Lucas Hildreth Patrick Whelan Logan Bousquette Erin Milligan Emmaleigh Parrillo Micheal Repicky Hayden Kemp Jack Alden Scott Towery Sydney Akers Cassidy Smith Kody Walker Ava Newcomer Ashley Nieman Kate Ferren Patricija Ivanauskaite Dawson Steere

Purdue University Yann Loges Sami Baridi Luke Anderson Ashwin Menon Kara Pearson Colleen McCarthy Leo Usher Arnima Agrawal Quinten Lane Natasha Bogdonoff

28 | By The Numbers

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Samantha Leddy

St. Mary’s University Maria Chibucos

Jacobs School of Music Elijah Park

Purdue Northwest University Marwa Wardak

Purdue University Fort Wayne Emmanuel Jurineack

University of Notre Dame Quinn Drescher Benjamin Walsh Vinny Galassi Aidan Walsh


Grinnell College Sophie Kempenaar

Iowa State University Aidan Lavelle Hannah Simpson Daniel Bieber Pascal Teoli

University of Iowa Jack Finley John Burbidge Pera Odishoo Vincent Arnold Noah Block Michael D’Aprile Sawyer Groszek Alexa McMahon Andriana Tistle Cody McKay Claire Kumskis Christopher Malcolm Audrey Hare William Mazure

KANSAS University of Kansas Medley Lesniewicz James Nalepa Olivia Widrig

James Owen Kingsfield Nina Sarros Lanie Randle Filip Zlatanovski

KENTUCKY University of Kentucky Nikola Sokolovic Libby Larson Haley Dynis Audrey Gallwas Amanda Sygnator

LOUISIANA Tulane University Luke Winiecke Kelsey Condon Sam Daw


Sacheen Upadhye

Boston College

Max Aschinberg Spencer Hogervorst Ravi Gitzlaff Luke Sutton Sydney Holmes

Boston University Mia Sekiguchi

Berklee School of Music Eliot Harris

Wellesley College Mara Severts Kiran Khan Katherine Parkins

MICHIGAN Michigan State University Jack Berends Emily Horton Stephanie Zeis Peter Robinson Luke Adams Matthew Notaro Alexander Panos Quinn McCarty Selma Sahli Ben Brelje

University of Michigan Emily Cavero Maurice Tobiano Athena Koulouris Cece Lynch Shriya Mehta Paton Mehrhoff Elise Gillman Amir Malik Brett Klovanich Jack Oosterbaan Rohan Tolani John Kapcar Lauren Borhani Annette Sommers Parker Peterson

Hope College

Micah McCurry

Western Michigan University Ella Horstman Domenico Nardulli Daniel McCardle

Clark University

Central Michigan University

Harvard University

Grand Valley State University

Mount Holoyoke College


Sophia Lee

Amy Dong

Briget McBride

Northeastern University Sam Romberger Anna Kinnas Colin Xiang

Rachel Palermo

Preston Hutchens

Macalaster College Karen Tan

Carleton College Xinran Xu By The Numbers | 29

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MISSOURI Saint Louis University Mara Hooten Raghav Sharma John Malec Sydney Laurel

University of Missouri Mia Hanlon Gabrielle Pruitt Jack McGarry Priyanka Patel Bridget Kallas Colby Revord Dominykas Vaiciulis Lucas Koranda

University of MissouriKansas City Iqra Mohammed

Washington University Elizabeth Grieve

MONTANA Montana State University Calum Kelly John Stout

NORTH CAROLINA Davidson University Avery Levine

Queens University of Charlotte Braxton Bokos

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Moira Martin Ann Ascher

Wake Forest University Gabrielle Becka Will Zander Eliana Villone Timothy Aziz Calista Otterberg

NORTH DAKOTA University of Mary Jessica Kratka

NEW JERSEY OHIO Princeton University Danyal Jawed

NEW YORK New York University Fhatima Shakir Nazia Kamal

Syracuse University Megan McCormick Sam Hutten Adhitya Suppiah

United States Military Academy Kayla Teuscher

Bowling Green State University Lauren LaDieu

Case Western Reserve University Aaron Chen Shivani Rao Carolyn Zhu Sofia Laurel

Denison University Andrew Russell

Miami University

Katie Matricaria Gabriel Bokich Lauren Biegel Luke Gooding Mason Shaker Marianna Angelopoulos

William Evan Jonlich Hannah Pjesky James Gruber Trevor Tavoso Nike Niesan Dayton Brown-Limjuco Estera Crisan Emmet Kelly Finnian Little

Oberlin College Aiden Rowe

The Ohio State University Olivia Plumpe Mikey Hinchman Lauren Harris Maurine Isaac Christian Kim Taylor Fodor

Ohio University Hannah Turek

University of Cincinnati Jackson Levine

University of Dayton Aiden Bonino Eleanor Monyek Dominic Russo

Xavier University Tommy Renehan

OREGON Lewis and Clark University Sara Quiballo

University of Oregon Claire Cunniff

PENNSYLVANIA Carnegie Mellon University Liam Carden

Drexel University Calvin Voorhees

Penn State University Reese Edgewater Meredith Lee Truman Carter Shiv Patel

30 | By The Numbers

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University of Pennsylvania Serene Safvi Aishvarya Godla

University Pittsburg Cate Robinson

RHODE ISLAND Brown University Bella Schopp Noah Hernandez Emily Wang

SOUTH CAROLINA Clemson University Ella Beargie

College of Charleston Sam Cutinelli

University of South Carolina Margaret Scheuerman Isabella Brown

TENNESSEE Belmont University Grace Stafford Reid Bergquist Griffin Walsh

TEXAS Baylor University Sydney Pjesky

Rice University Max Lai Matthew Cihlar Rohan Mahajan

Southern Methodist University Mara Mrksich Sophie Eberspecher Ethan Chow

Texas Christian University Holly Marcus Sarah Milligan Isabella Leigh Julia Gabriel Parker Donnan Jack Inabnit Jack Bilenko Isabella Tiritilli Tristan Moncief Isabella Nastas Austin Dolan

Trinity University James Dowell

University of Texas at Austin Tessa Howe Sara Jane Nicholson James Pyle


Southern Adventist University

University of Utah

Tennessee State University


Mila Boskocevic

Zechariah Lucy

University of Tennessee Sofia Cooper Trevor Butkus Hunter Tonn


Rana Dubauskas Amelia Cook

Nicolas Weller Alex Radu

University of Virginia Olivia Zelenka

Virginia Tech

Ethan Babaran Nicholas Dooley

WEST VIRGINA University of West Virginia Chris Gick

WISCONSIN Marquette University Loretta Fey Connor Schwarz Adam Haggard John Engels Alex Ritter

University of Wisconsin Madison Arun Marion Sandy Lau Praveen Pandikaran Louisa Barnum Meagan Hughes Madison Rose Kelly Klobach Maddie Rosenblum Gigi Gottfried Alyssa Aucoin Armaan Panjwani Arun Lal Declan Cain Masa Abboud Arman Akbar Tucker Hawthorne Andrew Holmes Daniel Hsiao Kelly Baird Abigail Turek Peter Deftos Andrew Goliak Megan Bauschard Andrew Callan Sidney Turnbull Ryan Chen Luca Lipari Liam Halpin

University of Wisconsin Whitewater Dimitri Ioannou Jake Quast

By The Numbers | 31

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GAP YEAR Emily Hu Sophia Pauline DeGrazia Sophia Schuurman


ABROAD University of Adelaide Rosyln Thomas

Antillean University Bianca Rugel

University of Toronto Vasilisa Kuzmanova

WORKFORCE Gilbride P Kaplan Brandt Peters Daniel Gebarowski

UNDECIDED/ PREFER NOT TO SAY Mia Colakovic Gabrielle Magdalena Krzysiak Lucas Pancratz Alexander James Rocque Magd Soliman

TRANSITION CENTER Colin Baar Jeremiah Adams Danyal DiPasquale

UNREPORTED Aminah Alam Lyah N Arnouk Ramsey Samer Barakat Lucas James Barakat Nikola Bastaja Brian Patrick Hailey Amanda Bezak Ramy Bouzo Bowers, Zachary Wayne Alex Christian Budina Angelo Cimmarrusti Julian Stone Costa Ali Azzam Dayoub Marco James Doyle James Farano Kristian Todorov Gagarov Grace Caroline Gasior Sofia Magdalena Gomez Wardell Gooden Jonathan Gueorguiev Amar Gupta Julianne Marie Hales Alexander Hillman Nicholas Hinojosa Ronnell Holmes Angelina Hui Matthew M Katsis Reda Kubaisi Angelina LaRocco Neal Marc Levendel Oisin Diarmaid Logan Carter Douglas Lynch Lia Mainz Allan Maldonado Tod Todkhuu Manlaibaatar Aja J Matthews Jason Michael Maurella Kaitlyn Micah Torio McCool Spencer J Miedona Damjan Mitic Gustas Vincas Mitkus Vilius Stasys Mitkus Khalida Mohammadi Keonte Isaac Moore Eshaan Mylavarapu Megan Nash Kevin Neal Malik Nichols Nicholas Gerald Nowak Julienne R Obena Hayden Greer Olvera Adam Khan Pelinkovic Daniel Ryan Phelan Filip Phillips Courtney Polarek Nahid Rahimi

Miljana Rajkovic Zayan Rana Leah Lauren Rodriguez Gabriela Rusnak Jack Joseph Sauder Alina Viktorivna Shavachuk-Baranovska Xiaochuan Shi Maximilian Salvatore Sprovieri Rodney Bruce Stokes Gabriella Tchavdarov Dominykas Togobickij Tiange Yang Kayla Anita Zahara Jasmine Zeng Cynthia Zheng

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CONGR ATULATIONS! A Note Before we go: The senior spread is a very daunting task each year, even more so with a tiny staff. It’s difficult to get information from the entirety of the senior class! If there are any discrepencies, let us know, but we are only human! Every person on the class list was sent a google form in their email at least three times, and the other 60% of information was manually entered. The point being that if you are not included on this spread, or if we mispelled or misreported your name, we sincerely apologize. We did the very best that we could. Much thanks,

Mara Severts, Editor in Chief

By The Numbers | 33

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Fortune For tune 500 CEO “The man with the sigma decadillionaire grindset” -President Hughes “He do be ballin’ tho” -Elon Musk


Nathan Lee

Best Hair

Most Likey To Be Late To Graduation

Max Aschinberg

Will Zander

34 | Superlatives

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E R L A T I V E S Most Likely to Win an EGOT

Most Likely To age like Fine Wine

Sam Hutten

Kylie Furlong

RHCP. Cali . 6. L41

Best Smile

fessio ome a Pro ly To Bec Most Like Athelete


speak for themselves)

Mikey Hinchman

Kyle Wong

Superlatives | 35

superlatives (3)_converted.indd 3

5/13/22 9:56 AM

Wrong Generation


ong Most Likely To Be Born In The Wr Generation

Max Pohlenz Most Likely To Make You Laugh Out Loud

Mara Severts

Most Likely To Win The SQUID GAME




36 | Superlatives

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Rohan Bhatt




Best Celebrity Look-Alike

Tessa Howe MOST Likely To Be

Patricija Ivanauskaite Superlatives | 37

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38 | Superlatives

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Dynis is the r Docto

Superlatives | 39

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r e d

d e v i l

r e p r i n t :

A Throwback to a Simpler Time

by Nadia Burt

The Class of 2022 is graduating and seniors are getting ready to embark on their post-graduate adventures! Though the world has certainly changed since 1942, it seems the way we appreciate our graduates hasn’t. This edition, we went back to the 40’s to look at Hinsdale Central’s original school newspaper, The High Times, to see how they reported on the last few weeks of school. As you will see below, they wrote poems and jokes and columns and comics that feel reminiscent of the modern day high school experience. As we look back with this Red Devil Reprint, we can truly see how much has changed in 70 years, but also how some things will always stay the same.

With less than 200 kids in their graduating class, the class of 1942 was tight knit. However, with this year’s graduating class having well over 650 students, it would be nearly impossible to “build a perfect senior.” No one would know who is who! Still, we’d like to see who you think has the best laugh, eyebrows, smile, etc. so fill out your senior favorites below.

Perfect Senior ______ _______________ hair _______________ eyes _______________ teeth ______________ nose ______________ laugh ______________ clothes ______________ self-confidence _______________ voice

Finals are always brutal, especially with the prospect of vacation just out of reach...

______________ personality

40 | Senior Issue

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The past four years have seemed like a blur for us seniors - the experiences of seeing our friends, teachers, and hallway crushes are now relegated to only memory. Even 70 years ago, the graduating class went through the same emotional turmoil at the thought of leaving behind the familiarity of Hinsdale Central.

What have your impressions been of Central? Each of us has experiences high school differently, by nature of the classes we are in, the clubs we join, and the people we meet. At the time of this article, Hinsdale Township was rebuilding, much like we are today however, I like to think our famously positive attitudes are the most lasting part of our legacy.

Growing up is a part of the high school experience; still it’s funny to think about how intimidating we once thought the upperclassmen were, especially as we get ready to bid farewell to all the underclassmen who instead now look up to us.

Senior Issue| 41

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Will Zander wears

a hat.

Devils’ Advocate staff and freinds sh their favorite memories of hi Design by Mara Severts and Max Pohlenz

rts s suppo urlong F r o n Co

afe driv


Better D

42| Photo Spread

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ter Days

ate staff and freinds share photos from favorite memories of high school

Dan Ort iz, outfits b Elie Paterno, an efore sch d ool on A Mara Severts, sh dam San dler day ow off their .

Design by Mara Severts and Max Pohlenz

Griffin Walsh does some golfing.

Lucas Montesantos records his approval of Mr. Wilbur’s hoodie.

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44 Spring UPD.indd 1

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Hinsdale Central High School c/o Devils’ Advocate 5500 Grant Street Hinsdale, IL 60521

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