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Appreciation goes to all the ISS students, batch of 2021/2022 for the efforts you each put into this academic year. The editorial team was headed by Drs. Peter Bardoel (ISS Faculty). The editing team appreciates his time and effort. Many thanks to each editor for their feedback, thoughts, and contributions. We also offer a special thanks to Livia Sá Dos Santos Souza and Tigist Gebermarian Yohannes for the graphic design of the internal pages and front/back covers. Many thanks also to the ISS teaching faculty for supporting and endorsing such high-quality essays from their courses. You made our job immensely difficult but also exciting by submitting these diverse and interesting writings. Appreciation also goes to ISS Marketing and ISS Library staff for the support towards publishing this compilation on the ISS website. One final thank you to those past, present and future writers and thinkers who we have collaborated with, learned from, and been inspired by. We may never fully recognise each person who has influenced this work. Our knowledge and reflection is truly a collective task.