Could you be one of our new recruits? Apply to be Junior Crew today!
You will receive a great joining pack including:‐
Membership card and limited edition badge Regular opportunities to see the helicopter/crew ‘Junior HeliPad’ magazine three times a year Special offers, discounts and competitions Members only area on our website Surprise joining gift All for only £7.50 a year
To apply fill in the form below and return it, together with your payment or completed standing order form to:‐ DAAT Junior Crew, 5 Sandpiper Court, Harrington Lane, Exeter, EX4 8NS
Registered Charity No: 1077998 Company No: 3855746
Full name of member– please PRINT name: Address:
Postcode: Email:
DD/MM/YYYY Boy Date of Birth: Girl Please tick
Signed by member: Date: Signed by parent/guardian:
Relationship to member:
I enclose a cheque payable to ‘Devon Air Ambulance Trust’ for £7.50
I wish to pay by standing order and have completed the form overleaf. I understand the membership pack will be sent on activation of my standing order.
Code No: JCC0309