Event profile DRAFT – please respond with comments/suggestions status Campaign BBC Radio Devon Appeal Name Airmiles for Air Ambulance Day (working title) Date & time Sunday 26th September 2010 (confirmed) Time unconfirmed Vision Range of circular walks accommodating different levels ability and interest taking place at the same time all over the county to engage as many people as possible Low cost entry to encourage participation Sponsorship forms to encourage people to raise funds and awareness Highlighting the beauty and diversity of the natural and built environment across Devon, size of the county, remoteness of much of county, all reinforcing need for and value of air ambulances Locally organised to maximise local take up and engagement DAAT & BBC provide support with pr and promotion, on the day cover, post event follow up Purpose Primary purpose is to engage as many people as possible in a walk in order to raise awareness of appeal and key messages of the campaign Secondary purpose is to raise funds via low entry fee, individual sponsorship and possibly local business participation eg special promotions for participants like ‘cream army’ teas at finish. Tertiary purpose to build DAAT database of ‘warm’ supporters for future events Target Individuals and local businesses and associations with an interest in: audience walking enthusiasts and groups personal fitness local history flora/fauna health promotion coast or countryside awareness families tweet‐ups Planning Need to: Recruit local walk leaders who will plan route, do risk assessment, advise on best ways to get people involved Create support packs for leaders PR plan Promotion Advance: Press releases, local freesheets, posters, website, facebook & twitter, Radio Devon On Day: Tweet progress using twitter hashtag (#DAATAirmiles?) and link to relevant web pages Post: Announce metrics – number participants, number walks, funds raised – and unusual stories – how can still get involved if missed the walks – further info
H&S & risk management
Post event
DAAT – recruit & support walk leaders; PR & promotion; entries; fundraising restrictions – eg where need licences etc; staff participation Walk leaders – local planning and promotion; on the day registration; possibly handling donations (need volunteer IDs) BBC – promote participation, on day coverage, presenter participation? DAAT to identify risk assessment requirements inc first aid, insurance issues, emergency contacts, info for meeting points, stewards if expect large crowd, responsibilities re parking, safety re: cash handling Local leaders to conduct risk assessment of route following DAAT guidelines BBC & poss aircrew use to promote sensible precautions walking in remote areas DAAT needs process metrics asap for social media then press & broadcast media Thank yous and follow up of new leads and contacts People: DAAT ‐ appeal team and volunteers; BBC ‐ ?; walk leaders Budget: posters; leader packs; participant registration; website Time: ID lead in for local licences, press, recruitment; follow up