Agenda community services committee 12 december 2016

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NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that a Community Services Committee meeting of the Devonport City Council will be held in the Council Chambers, 17 Fenton Way, on Monday 12 December 2016, commencing at 5:30pm. The meeting will be open to the public at 5:30pm. QUALIFIED PERSONS In accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993, I confirm that the reports in this agenda contain advice, information and recommendations given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation.

Paul West GENERAL MANAGER 7 December 2016


Page No.


APOLOGIES ............................................................................................... 1


DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ........................................................................ 1


PROCEDURAL............................................................................................. 2


PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ...................................................................................................................... 2


Questions on notice from the public ........................................................................................... 3


Question without notice from the public .................................................................................... 3


QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM ALDERMEN .............................................................................................. 3


COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORTS .................................................................. 4


Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee Meeting November 2016 (D448843) ............................................................................................................ 4


Minutes of the Community Development Strategic Special Committee Meeting (D449562) .......................................................................................................................................... 8


Minutes of the Arts Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee Meeting - 24 November 2016 (D449582) .......................................................................................................... 12


Torquay Ferry - Proposed partnership Agreement with Council (D450617)........................ 19


Beach Volleyball Courts (D451147) ............................................................................................ 22


Community Services Report - December 2016 (D448841) ..................................................... 30


CLOSED SESSION - CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS ................................................ 48 Out Of Closed Session .................................................................................. 49


CLOSURE ................................................................................................ 49

PAGE 1 Community Services Committee meeting Agenda 12 December 2016

Agenda of a meeting of the Devonport City Council’s Community Services Committee to be held at the Council Chambers, 17 Fenton Way, Devonport on Monday 12 December 2016 commencing at 5:30pm. PRESENT Present Chairman


Ald A L Rockliff Ald G F Goodwin Ald A J Jarman Ald L M Laycock Ald S L Martin Ald T M Milne

IN ATTENDANCE All persons in attendance are advised that it is Council policy to record Council Meetings, in accordance with Council’s Audio Recording Policy. The audio recording of this meeting will be made available to the public on Council’s website for a minimum period of six months. Members of the public in attendance at the meeting who do not wish for their words to be recorded and/or published on the website, should contact a relevant Council Officer and advise of their wishes prior to the start of the meeting.





PAGE 2 Community Services Committee meeting Agenda 12 December 2016





Members of the public are invited to ask questions in accordance with the following resolution of Council (Min Ref 54/16): 1.

Public participation shall take place at Council meetings in accordance with Regulation 31 of the Local Government (meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


Public participation will be the first agenda item following the formal motions; Apologies, Minutes and Declarations of Interest.


A maximum period of time of 30 minutes in total will be allowed for public participation.


A maximum period of time of 3 minutes will be allowed for each individual.


A member of the public may give written notice to the General Manager 7 days before an ordinary meeting of Council of a question to be asked at that meeting.


A member of the public will be entitled to ask questions relating to the activities of Council, giving an explanation that is necessary to give background to the question and ask supplementary or follow up questions relating to that specific matter that may come to light as a result of the answer.


Questions do not have to be lodged prior to the meeting, however they would be preferably provided in writing.


A question by any member of the public and an answer to that question are not to be debated.


The Chairperson may refuse to accept a question. If the Chairperson refuses to accept a question, the Chairperson is to give reason for doing so.

PAGE 3 Community Services Committee meeting Agenda 12 December 2016


Questions on notice from the public At the time of compilation of the agenda no questions on notice from the public were received.


Question without notice from the public


QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM ALDERMEN At the time of compilation of the agenda no questions on notice from Aldermen were received.

PAGE 4 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016





RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 5.3.4

Ensure effective committees






SUMMARY To present the Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee (SRSSC). This Committee provides the conduit between a number of local sporting organisations and Council.

BACKGROUND Council has formed three Strategic Special Committees namely the Community Development, Arts, Culture and Tourism, and Sport and Recreation Committees. These Committees include representatives from the community together with three Aldermen.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Under Section 24 of the Local Government Act, 1993, a Council may establish Special Committees on such terms and for such purposes as it thinks fit.

DISCUSSION The Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee met on Wednesday 30 November 2016. Key points discussed during the meeting included: 

Rod Andrews, President of the Devonport Strikers Soccer Club provided an overview of their season and learnings from the year.


The Committee was updated on the Australian Masters Games progress.


The Committee was briefed on the Draft Devonport Sporting Precincts Discussion Paper.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Committees allow Council to engage with the community at a level of collaboration. This means the public are partners in decision-making including the development of alternatives and identifying the preferred solution.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications which relate to this report.

RISK IMPLICATIONS There are no risk implications which relate to this report.

CONCLUSION The minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee are provided for Council’s consideration.

ITEM 4.1

PAGE 5 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016


Unconfirmed Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee Meeting - 30 November 2016

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee meeting held on 30 November 2016 be received and noted.

Author: Position:

Stuart Jones Marketing, Tourism and Recreation Manager

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.1

Shane Crawford Executive Manager Corporate, Community & Business Services

PAGE 6 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee Meeting - 30 November 2016

ITEM 4.1


PAGE 7 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee Meeting - 30 November 2016

ITEM 4.1


PAGE 8 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 5.3.4

Ensure effective committees






SUMMARY To present the minutes of the Community Development Strategic Special Committee. This Committee provides the conduit between a number of Special Interest Groups and Council.

BACKGROUND Council has formed three Strategic Special Committees namely the Community Development, Arts, Culture and Tourism, and Sport and Recreation committees. These Committees include representatives from the community together with three Aldermen.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Under Section 24 of the Local Government Act, 1993, a Council may establish Special Committees on such terms and for such purpose as it thinks fit.

DISCUSSION The actions of the following Special Interest Groups were received and noted by the Community Development Strategic Special Committee:     

Learning Communities East Devonport Building Families Community Safety Sister Cities Association

The Community Development Strategic Special Committee recommends: 

Council endorse the recommendation of the East Devonport Special Interest Group, that the Pioneer Park Master Plan be reviewed in 2017/18 Financial Year with the East Devonport Special Interest Group to be included as a stakeholder.

The Pioneer Park Master Plan was adopted 16 June 2008, with the park receiving many improvements in the years following. The East Devonport Special Interest Group have shown a particular interest in the park and in 2016 they were involved in the following park improvements:    

Skate Park artwork as part of Council’s summer Aerosol Art programming, Signage included to stop vehicles driving on park, Ablution facilities updated, and Garden beds surrounding the Apex memorial improved

The East Devonport Special Interest Group also actively promoted the proposal for the East Devonport Bike Safety Park, currently scheduled for development in Pioneer Park. The East Devonport Special Interest Group feel it is time to adopt a clear direction for Pioneer Park’s future. ITEM 4.2

PAGE 9 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016


Council endorse the Community Development Strategic Committee’s recommendation that LIVING CITY storyboards to be used throughout the city to educate and update the community on LIVING CITY progress.

Many cities place storyboards near large construction projects so people in the vicinity are aware of the purpose and details of a project. The Community Development Strategic Special Committee recognises that information has been placed on the LIVING CITY site fence surrounding the construction area but suggest that the Rooke Street Mall and other locations could be used to place more detailed and informative information.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Committees allow Council to engage with the community at a level of collaboration. This means the public are partners in decision-making including the development of alternatives and identifying the preferred solution.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Should Council support the recommendations, operational expenditure will be required for storyboards. Council may decide to complete this work in the current financial year or allocate funds in the 2017/18 financial year.

RISK IMPLICATIONS There are no risks implications which relate to this report.

CONCLUSION The minutes of the Strategic Special Committees are provided for Council’s information and there are two recommendations arising from those minutes.


Unconfirmed Minutes of the Community Development Strategic Special Committee - Meeting 29 November 2016

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the minutes of the Community Development Strategic Special Committee meeting of 29 November 2016 be received and be noted and that: 1.

Council agree to review the Pioneer Park Master Plan in 2017/18.


Council Investigate options to provide LIVING CITY storyboards throughout the City to educate and update the community on LIVING CITY progress.

Author: Position:

Danielle O'Brien Administration Officer Services


Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.2

Shane Crawford Executive Manager Corporate, Community & Business Services

PAGE 10 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Community Development Strategic Special Committee - Meeting 29 November 2016

ITEM 4.2


PAGE 11 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Community Development Strategic Special Committee - Meeting 29 November 2016

ITEM 4.2


PAGE 12 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 5.3.4

Ensure effective committees






SUMMARY To present the minutes of the Arts, Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee. This Committee provides the conduit between a number of Special Interest Groups and Council.

BACKGROUND Council has formed three Strategic Special Committees namely the Community Development, Arts, Culture and Tourism, and Sport and Recreation committees. These Committees include representatives from the community together with three Aldermen.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Under Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993, a Council may establish Special Committees on such terms and for such purpose as it thinks fit.

DISCUSSION The actions of the following Special Interest Groups were received and noted by the Arts, Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee:    

Devonport Maritime and Heritage Devonport Regional Gallery Public Art Devonport Food and Wine Festival

The Arts, Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee recommends: 

Council endorses the recommendation of the Devonport Maritime and Heritage Special Interest Group and recommend to the Community Services Committee that the area between the demolished toilet block and the Bowls and Tennis Club in Pioneer Park be reserved for a memorial garden to acknowledge the pioneers and early settlers including William Holyman.

The Devonport Maritime and Heritage Special Interest Group has been exploring the concept of establishing a memorial garden in Pioneer Park to acknowledge the pioneers and early settlers of the region. Pioneer Park is located in East Devonport and is bordered by Drew Street to the North, East Devonport Bowls and Tennis Club to the East, Thomas Street to the South and the Saint Paul’s Anglian Church and Cemetery to the West. The Pioneer Park Master Plan adopted 16 June 2008, advised that there was an opportunity to “develop a landscape theme that reflects and enhances the existing landscape setting and incorporates the cultural and heritage elements in the park.”

ITEM 4.3

PAGE 13 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016

The Master Plan suggested: 

Formed garden beds “should be considered to break up the starkness of the park”;


Interpretive opportunity should be included in the master plan to incorporate the old house that once stood in the park;


Directional signage to the adjoining cemeteries should also be included as part of the overall redevelopment of the park;


Several informal garden beds are recommended as depicted on the Master Plan; and


Soft landscaping improvements should be undertaken progressively as each section of the park is developed.

Preliminary design has not been completed on the proposed garden. Once completed, appropriate funds will need to be provided in a future budget. The images below show upcoming changes to the park and the location of the proposed garden.

Preliminary Road Safety Bike Park design for Pioneer Park

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Site Plan for updated ablution facilities. Memorial Garden location highlighted.


Council endorses that a feasibility study be conducted on the development of a mobile phone application that advertises local events and visitor information.

The Arts, Culture and Tourism Strategic Committee would encourage the development of a mobile phone application to promote Devonport Region Events and activities. The Committee acknowledge Events page on Council’s website, social media posts, What’s On poster and seasonal booklets and felt that a mobile phone application could only further publicise Devonport’s attractions. Should Council be supportive of this concept, a detailed investigation will be undertaken and will be subject to a report at a later date.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Committees allow Council to engage with the community at a level of collaboration. This means the public are partners in decision-making including the development of alternatives and identifying the preferred solution.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Should Council support the recommendations, further reports on the proposed provisional operational expenditure commitments will be provided at a later date.

RISK IMPLICATIONS There are no risk implications which relate to this report.

CONCLUSION The minutes of the Strategic Special Committees are provided for Council’s information and there is one recommendation arising from those minutes.

ITEM 4.3

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Unconfirmed Minutes of the Arts Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee Meeting 24 November 2016

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the minutes of the Arts, Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee meeting held on 24 November 2016 be received and noted and that: 1.

reservation of an area between the demolished toilet block and the Bowls Club in Pioneer Park for a future memorial garden be considered as part of a Pioneer Park Master Plan review, to acknowledge the pioneers and early settlers including William Holyman;


A feasibility study be conducted on the development of a mobile phone application that advertises local events and visitor information.

Author: Position:

Danielle O'Brien Administration Officer Services


Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.3

Shane Crawford Executive Manager Corporate, Community & Business Services

PAGE 16 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Arts Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee Meeting 24 November 2016

ITEM 4.3


PAGE 17 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Arts Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee Meeting 24 November 2016

ITEM 4.3


PAGE 18 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Arts Culture and Tourism Strategic Special Committee Meeting 24 November 2016

ITEM 4.3


PAGE 19 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 3.2.1

Support tourism through the provision of infrastructure and facilities

SUMMARY To consider a partnership agreement between Council and Mersey Bus and Coach Services Pty Ltd (trading as “Merseylink”) for the operation of the Torquay Ferry.

BACKGROUND In October 2015, Council entered into an “Agreement for Use” with Merseylink following Council’s purchase of the pontoon on the western side of the Mersey River enabling them to operate the Torquay Ferry. Merseylink own and maintain the pontoon on the eastern side of the river.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Section 77 of the Local Government Act 1993 states that “A council may make a grant or provide a pecuniary benefit or a non-pecuniary benefit that is not a legal entitlement to any person, other than a councillor, for any purpose it considers appropriate”. Such benefits are to be reported in Council’s Annual Report.

DISCUSSION As part of Council’s budget workshops, it was agreed that the sum of $25,000 be provisionally included in the 2016/17 budget to be allocated to Merseylink to assist in the operation of the Torquay Ferry. The payment is in acknowledgement of their contribution to Devonport by providing a cost-effective means of transport between West to East Devonport. A Partnership Agreement has been drafted and is attached for Council’s consideration. The Agreement makes provision for hours of operation of the ferry and operating during specific events in the City. It provides for a three year agreement with annual reviews with an option to continue or cease the arrangement. The partnership agreement will ensure there is clarity around Council’s expectations from Merseylink during the term of the agreement. An annual review will also ensure that both parties continue to remain satisfied with the arrangement.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT No community engagement has been undertaken as a result of this report.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The annual contribution by Council of $25,000 has been provisionally allocated in the 2016/17 operational budget and would need to be included in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 financial year budgets.

ITEM 4.4

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RISK IMPLICATIONS The community has an expectation that the Torquay Ferry will continue to operate. If Council do not provide a financial contribution towards the operations, the service may cease.

CONCLUSION A partnership agreement between Council and Merseylink will formalise arrangements to ensure the ongoing operations of the Torquay Ferry and will be subject to an annual review.


Torquay Ferry Partnership Agreement - Draft

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that it enter into a three year Partnership Agreement with Merseylink for the operation of the Torquay Ferry for the sum of $25,000 per annum.

Author: Position:

Karen Hampton Governance Coordinator

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.4

Paul West General Manager

PAGE 21 Torquay Ferry Partnership Agreement - Draft


ITEM 4.4

PAGE 22 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 4.1.2

Enhance and increase the utilisation of sport and recreation facilities

SUMMARY This report is to assist Council in considering advice from the Devonport Volleyball Association of their intention to cease maintenance of the beach volleyball court located at the rear of the East Devonport Recreation and Function Centre.

BACKGROUND The Devonport Volleyball Association (DVA) have written to Council stating they can no longer maintain the Beach Volleyball courts located at the East Devonport Recreation Centre and wish to hand responsibility for the facility back to Council. The Beach Volleyball Courts were completed in 1996 with an expected life of 10 to 15 years. The last full beach volleyball roster was held in 2012. The association currently has 88 registered playing members and three non-playing members.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS There are no statutory requirements which relate to this report.

DISCUSSION Wendy Dougan, Treasurer of the Devonport Volleyball Association, in her letter states: Over the last 4 years we have had numerous interruptions to our beach rosters which have (at this stage) resulted in dwindling numbers. The first couple of years seen our rosters cancelled due to safety concerns. With numbers dwindling we tried to run rosters the next 2 years but seen some terrible summer weather which caused many cancelled nights resulting in failed rosters. These rosters were run at a financial loss to the Association. After a very lengthy discussion at our meeting on Monday 26 September it has been voted that the D.V.A. can no longer afford to maintain the Beach Volleyball courts. Whilst our club very much appreciates the support from Council and the Department of Sport & Rec in building the facility, we are no longer in a financial position to keep up the maintenance on the courts. We have managed to maintain them up until this point in time (generally at a loss) but due to lack of volunteers and the fact that the courts are due for a major repair job we can no longer afford this. As a result of this, with much regret, and due to the fact that Council granted us the land "in kind" many years ago we wish to hand the Beach Courts back to Council. The facility is due to have the normal annual maintenance done (new sand plus treatment of such, hedge and garden tidy up) plus major work including tarps need repairing, shade cloth needs replacing, double gates need replacing and fencing needs attending to. Some of these works are annual things due to vandalism and we can't afford to keep repairing. The Association's focus is not solely Beach Volleyball but Volleyball in general. Our equipment will also need to be replaced this year.

ITEM 4.5

PAGE 23 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016

As stated, we no longer have the large amounts of money required for this and we certainly do not have the man power that it takes to complete these tasks. In response to the request, there are two options for consideration. Firstly, Council may accept responsibility for the future maintenance and replacement of infrastructure at the beach volleyball courts at the East Devonport Recreation & Function Centre. The existing courts require significant work to reach a suitable standard for play. Images 1 to 3 show the current state of the courts. 1.

Beach Volleyball Courts – EDR&FC


Beach Volleyball Courts – EDR&FC

ITEM 4.5

PAGE 24 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016


Beach Volleyball Courts – EDR&FC

The alternate option is for the Devonport Volleyball Association to consider relocating the beach volleyball to Bluff or Coles Beach or a site in the Bluff Precinct. Should this occur Council may consider the removal of existing court infrastructure at the EDR&FC and replace it with grass with the existing fencing and sand to be recycled and used at other Council facilities. Given the factors mentioned in the DVA letter regarding low participation and limited volunteers, an opportunity exists to relocate the sport to one of Devonport’s most popular and frequently visited beaches, Bluff Beach or Coles Beach. The move may generate additional interest in the sport. Bluff Beach is the preferred option as the landscape provides a barrier on windy days. The existing facilities, amenities, and café, provide additional facilities for participants and spectators. The high tide line at both beaches prevents any permanent structure from being erected, so any equipment purchased will be light weight, temporary structures which are likely to be low cost. Council should consider providing some funding to assist with relocation, establishment, marketing and promotion of a new league. The infrastructure for a new beach volleyball competition would be limited (similar to image 4 below) poles, nets and rope for line marking. 4.

Proposed “new look” beach volleyball court

ITEM 4.5

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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Community engagement may be required if the DVA is not interested in organising a new league.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Should Council determine to take over maintenance of the facility it would be responsible for the upkeep and replacement of court netting, fencing, gates and other infrastructure at the current site. No provision has been included in the 2016/2017 budget. Should the relocation of beach volleyball be pursued the new facility would have minimal impact on Council’s Budget; it would be played on the beach, no fencing or gates required (open field/s). Council may consider providing infrastructure such as poles and nets. Some minor financial and in-kind support for the relocation and establishment of a new league would also be required. Initially, there would be costs to Council to remove existing infrastructure at the EDR&FC and reinstate the grass, however future savings may be generated on maintenance and/or replacement of gates and fencing. The projected cost estimate to remove the volleyball area and reinstate immediately with grass is estimated to be approximately $21,000. This projected cost can be decreased though a staged removal process and through the use of top soil from alternative project sites being used to fill the current area, if and when the top soil becomes available. The existing fencing and sand could be used for other Council/club projects. Sand may be used at Little Athletics or at the Pony Club dressage area and fencing could be used for an extension to the Pony Club boundary fence which has been a priority for the club for several years. The asset has a current value of $24,133 of which $23,333 has been depreciated leaving a written down value of $800.

RISK IMPLICATIONS There are safety and reputation risks of having a deteriorating site closely nearby a Council facility.

CONCLUSION The maintenance at the existing facility is labour intensive, costly and impossible for the DVA to maintain due to the Clubs’ small volunteer base and limited funds. Providing the DVA with a viable alternative to relocate beach volleyball may see new interest in the sport and encourage new membership.


Letter From Devonport Volleyball Association - Re Beach Volleyball Courts


Beach Volleyball Courts - East Devonport Recreation & Function Centre letter to Devonport Volleyball Association


EDRC Volleyball Courts - Remove reinstate as grass - Preliminary Budget Estimate

ITEM 4.5

PAGE 26 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the report relating to Beach Volleyball be received and Council: 1.

encourages Devonport Volleyball Association to consider relocating beach volleyball to Coles Beach or a site in the Bluff Precinct;


agree to remove existing court infrastructure at the EDR&FC, to be replaced with grass; with fencing and sand to be recycled and used at other Council facilities; and


allocate funds in the 2017/18 budget to assist with relocation, establishment, marketing and promotion of a new Beach Volleyball league.

Author: Position:

Danielle O'Brien Administration Officer Services


Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.5

Shane Crawford Executive Manager Corporate, Community & Business Services

PAGE 27 Letter From Devonport Volleyball Association - Re Beach Volleyball Courts

ITEM 4.5


PAGE 28 Beach Volleyball Courts - East Devonport Recreation & Function Centre letter to Devonport Volleyball Association

ITEM 4.5


PAGE 29 EDRC Volleyball Courts - Remove reinstate as grass - Preliminary Budget Estimate

ITEM 4.5


PAGE 30 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 5.4.1

Provide timely, efficient, consistent and quality services which are aligned with and meet our customers needs

SUMMARY This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken in the Community Services Department during the period from 1 October - 30 November.

BACKGROUND This report is provided to the Community Services Committee every two months and aims to update the Aldermen and community on matters of interest. Community Development improves the ability of communities to collectively make better decisions about the use of resources such as infrastructure, labour and knowledge. A diverse range of strategies are employed by Council to deliver Community Development outcomes.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Council is required to comply with the provision of the Local Government Act 1993 and other legislation. The function areas of Council covered in this report include:     

Community Development and Engagement Arts and Cultural Development Recreation and Sports Development Tourism, Marketing, Promotion and Events Devonport Entertainment and Convention Centre (DECC)




Participation Across Facilities Levels of participation are a determinant of an inclusive, strong and robust community. Council monitors the level of participation to capture trends and demand for services, usage of existing services, opportunities to increase participation and customer satisfaction. The following table shows the activities delivered across Council facilities over the past two months. October 2016 Devonport Regional Gallery East Devonport Recreation Centre Devonport Recreation Centre Visitor Information Centre

Customers Door

through 2,053

the Number of Participants 712







ITEM 4.6


PAGE 31 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016

Bass Strait Maritime Centre Julie Burgess TOTAL TOTAL August 15/16 November 2016


0 15,890 15,169

0 5,462 4,495

Customers Door

Devonport Regional Gallery East Devonport Recreation Centre Devonport Recreation Centre Visitor Information Centre Bass Strait Maritime Centre Julie Burgess TOTAL TOTAL September 15/16 1.2


through 1,573

the Number of Participants 190





2,936 699

N/A 0

28 17,841 19,579

0 4,877 9,423


Council and Community Partnerships Council partners with a diverse range of community based organisations to achieve shared objectives. Existing partnership arrangements are included in the table below. Details Carols by Candlelight Devonport Brass Band

3 year Agreement. 30 June 2019

National Trust of Australia – Home Hill operations

3 year Agreement. 30 June 2019 2 year Agreement. 1 July 2018 3 year Agreement. October 2018

Youth and Family & Community Connections

5 year Agreement. 9 July 2018

Devonport Community House Tasmanian Arboretum


End date and length of agreement 2 year Agreement. 30 June 2018

Amount - If Applicable $ 3,000 P/A $12,000 Year 1 $10,000 Year 2 $ 8,000 Year 3 $25,000 P/A $22,000 P/A $28,000 P/A Rental agreement/ Youth services - in kind funding

Regional Youth Strategy An initial scoping meeting has been held with various stakeholders to develop a youth strategy with a regional focus. There are a range of activities and services delivered by multiple organisations which aim to improve the lives of and opportunities for young people. While each organisation readily demonstrates their individual commitments to supporting young people, a strategy aims to harness collective experiences to address young people’s concerns and opportunities in a more strategic manner. ITEM 4.6

PAGE 32 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016

A strategy at a minimum would provide a voice for young people – a voice where young people themselves can decide their own future and that of our community. It may aim to capture current and future challenges facing young people, acknowledge and celebrate young people’s achievements; and build active civic participation. The strategy will at this stage cover Devonport and Kentish local government areas but may broaden to neighbouring Councils given employment, services, recreational opportunities, education & learning, and relationships for young people are not confined to local government boundaries. A working group to guide the Strategy’s development is under establishment with the group to commence planning in February 2017. 1.4

Mersey Vale Memorial Park Children’s Cemetery Improvements Council is preparing a conceptual design to enhance the children’s cemetery as outlined in the Devonport City Council Mersey Vale Memorial Park Master Plan. A survey has been distributed to residents, funeral directors, religious and community organisations to seek further detail on issues and possible solutions for the existing cemetery and design opportunities for future development of the children’s cemetery to the south of current burial sites. The survey results will be used to inform the design improvements for the existing cemetery and future development. A second opportunity to provide input will be provided in the new year at a series of sessions where preliminary concept designs, based on survey results, will be presented for discussion.


Environmental Sustainability 1.5.1 Living Lightly Workshops The Living Lightly workshop series has commenced focusing on practical activities that one can do to lessen one’s impact of the environment whilst also potentially saving you money. Workshops completed include:



Feed your Garden Sustainability delivered by the Devonport Community House, 27 October 2016, three participants

DIY Chemical Free Skincare delivered by Filipa Bellete, 17 Nov, eleven participants

Breakfast with the Birds delivered by the Tasmanian Arboretum, 27 November 2016, fifteen participants.

Tasmanian Arboretum In accordance with Council’s partnership agreement with the Tasmanian Arboretum Council officers are assisting the Arboretum to develop a strategic plan incorporating elements of succession. The Arboretum Executive Committee have participated in two workshops to pursue a plan.

Seasonal Program and Publication The summer season program, “Devonport – Summer” has recently been released. The program is available for download on Council’s website. The program again focuses on a wide range of free and low cost activities. Initiatives delivered will be by Council and supporting partners, with a focus on arts, culture, heritage, health and wellbeing, learning, food and community connections. The Summer program also includes Devonport Regional Gallery TIDAL events.

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Community Financial Assistance 1.7.1 Donations November 2016 Donation Requests – Approved Organisation East Devonport Primary School Nixon Street Primary School Don College

Purpose Award

Amount Approved $50 $50










DECC 2.1.1 Theatre Performances & Events Productions staged at the DECC were as follows: Commercial Hire • • • • • • •

Sydney Comedy Festival Showcase – Century Entertainment The Nutcracker – The Imperial Russian Ballet Company Ducks Away Book Launch – Mem Fox – Linc and DCC The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards – ATA Allstar Artists Pty Ltd Jimeoin – A-List Entertainment Dance Graduation – Stardust Dance Studio World Festival of Magic – International Entertainment

ITEM 4.6

PAGE 34 Report to Community Services Committee meeting on 12 December 2016

DECC Entrepreneurial Program 

Always… Patsy Cline – Hit Productions

Theatre Performance Attendance & Income Totals Performance Commercial Hire Community Hire DECC Entrepreneurial program Totals

Number of Days Hired 6 1 1

Number of Perform/Events

Audience Attendances

Total DECC Income

6 2 1

1,724 600

$30,975.13 $ 1,853.25


$ 9,222.00





2.1.2 Meetings and Functions A total of 24 non-performance events including meetings and professional development sessions were held at the DECC in October/November. Meetings & Functions Meetings & Training DCC Bookings (No Charge) Totals

Number of Days Hired

Number of Attendees










Total Income

2.1.3 DECC Ticketing The DECC Box Office is now co-ordinating ticket sales for Concert in the Vines at Ghost Rock Vineyard. As in previous years, over the counter and phone sales will be processed through the box office with all internet sales going through the Centres ticketing system. This year, the DECC has engaged the Princess Theatre and the Burnie Arts and Function Centre as an agency for ticket sales. In addition, the box office has been contracted to sell for events within the upcoming Ten Days on the Island Festival and Rhythm X at Symmons Plains Raceway. During October and November, the DECC Box Office sold 1,531 tickets to events ticketed through the Centre’s in house system ( The takings from tickets during this period totalled $94,201.70 with 48% of customers purchasing tickets online. A total of 319 tickets were sold through Ticketmaster and Ticketek. 2.1.4 DECC Theatre Season 2017 The Devonport Entertainment and Convention Centre’s new 2017 Subscription Season was launched on Monday 5 December. The season offers a range of performances including dance, music, comedy, theatre and family entertainment. Performances include:    

Ahn Do “The Happiest Refugee Tour” The Melbourne International Comedy Roadshow The Sydney Comedy Festival Showcase Matt Hale - The Comedian Hypnotist ITEM 4.6

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     

Ellis Production’s Around the World in 80 Days Bakersfield Mist Diary of a Wombat Two free Teaching Artist workshops for local schools Moscow Ballet la Classique Swan Lake Papillon Circus, the music of Isla Grant

2.1.5 Ten Day on the Island Program 2017 In 2017, the DECC will be presenting the following shows within the Ten Days on the Island Program:   

The God That Comes The Frock Martha Wainwright

2.1.6 DECC Technical Update During October/November the DECC hosted nine varied shows. All shows were successfully presented. Shows like the Imperial Ballet usually tour to much larger venues, so smaller regional venues like the DECC have their work cut out to make the shows work, but the continued venue hire by the promoter shows that the venue and staff are capable of competing with larger regional centres for product. DECC Technical staff also supported:   

The Home Hill Fete The Living City Launch Remembrance Day Service

And started forward planning for:  

The Devonport Christmas Parade The Art Gallery Integration, including new staff office design

The DECC also procured a quality wireless microphone system for Devonport Council’s Communication Department’s Vlogs. DECC staff have spent the last few months investigating issues with the Council Chambers conferencing system. After working closely with IT, it was discovered that the Council Wi-Fi was clashing with the conferencing system. IT have now isolated the Wi-Fi to the 5 gig bandwidth, thus no longer interfering with the conferencing system. 2.1.7 Coming Events • • • • • • • • • •

Caroline Small’s School of Dance K C Studio of Dance Scottish Power Justice Crew Everly Brothers and Buddy Holly Charmaine Wilson Oh What a Night! The Best of the Eagles Anh Do – The Happiest Refugee Martha Wainwright

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Devonport Regional Gallery (DRG) 2.2.1 Exhibitions 1 October – 13 November Shapeshifters: 3D printing the future The Little Gallery Mae Finlayson: Conspicuous Craft 127 Students attended ‘Shapeshifters’ 661 People attended public programs Total visitation: 2,798 (in a 6 week period) This popular exhibition showcased contemporary 3D printed artworks and objects and traced the history of printing and technology including new uses for printed objects in medicine and building.

Visitors watch the 3D printer in action Tidal: City of Devonport National Art Award 26 November – January Opened 25 November by The Honourable Jeremy Rockliff, MP Opening: 100 attendees Judges Jane Devery and Jane Stewart judged the Tidal Award on Thursday 24 November and attended the cocktail party at Drift café in the afternoon for committee members, staff and investment partners to ‘meet the judges’. The award announcement was made the following evening at 7:00pm by Mayor Steve Martin and was presented to Julie Fragar for her painting titled Antonio Departs Flores on the Whaling Tide. The exhibition was opened by The Honourable Jeremy Rockliff, MP and the judges spoke about the exhibition and award recipient. Visitors have been constantly visiting the exhibition to see the 22 finalists work and to vote for their favourite artwork. Many visitors have commented on the sophistication of this year’s finalists work. Two newspaper articles and photographs were published on Tidal, one on the Thursday regarding the judges and one on Saturday featuring the winning work.

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Judges Jane Stewart, (TMAG) & Jane Devery (NGV) stand with Julie Fragar next to winning painting, Antonio Departs Flores on the Whaling Tide, 2016 2.2.2 Annual Funding The Gallery successfully applied for Tasmanian Community Funds for a ‘Youth Art Development Pilot Program’ which will enable The Droogs to work with a young professional coordinator on the Laneway Festival for National Youth Week 2017. The grant is valued at $12,540. 2.2.3 Tidal Festival The Gallery is very excited about the positive response to the call-out for investment into the Tidal Festival. The line-up of new partners includes: ‘Tidal Wave’ major partner IMPRESS, Think Creative and Ghost Rock Winery; High Tide investor Fairbrother and ‘Low Tide’ investors Hill Street Grocers, Gowens Toyota and Cradle Coast NRM (Natural Resource Management). 2.2.4 Public Programs        

1,2,3…Create! Books + Art Little Aesthetics Twilight Tour As I Age Floor talks School holiday workshops Street art talks x 4 conducted by Dianne Sheehan & attended by students from Our Lady of Lourdes

2.2.5 Education Below is a table of Education Programs run through October and November: Date 6 October 7 October 11 October

Program Floor Talk and Workshop Mersey Leven Care Floor Talk and Workshop, Children’s University, East Devonport Primary 1,2,3…Create!, community

ITEM 4.6

Attendance 20 8 17

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26 October 9 November 9 November 24 November 24 November 24 November 24 November

Little Aesthetics, Devonport Primary School, Grade 3-4 Little Aesthetics Our Lady of Lourdes (Grade 4) Little Aesthetics Our Lady of Lourdes Street Art Talk through Rooke Lane, Our Lady of Lourdes (Grade 6) Street Art Talk through Rooke Lane, Our Lady of Lourdes (Grade 5) Street Art Talk through Rooke Lane, Our Lady of Lourdes (Grade 5) Street Art Talk through Rooke Lane

26 31 35 24 25 25 25

2.2.6 Education The Gallery Director attended the Museums Australia, Victoria conference on Phillip Island, 5-8 October. A highlight of the conference was a panel discussion on education programs at museums and galleries and whether discussing these visits in terms of ‘education’ was creating the impression that they were set-up like schools rather than providing a very different experience where discovery and learning go together. The Gallery Director submitted an application for multi-year (four year) funding to Arts Tasmania on the 1 November. Notification will be sent in March 2017. The Director has also been working with consultants on aspects of the new gallery design and equipment requirements. The Curator of Collections is working on the exhibition of drawings and paintings by Annie Cocker and Kathleen Cocker. Working at the storage facility, she is also supervising the Robinson scanning project which is back up and running. Volunteer and Friends Committee member Brian Sollors who is a trained photographer is working on the project and enjoying all aspects of the scanning and Photoshop process. Members of the Friends Committee and SIG have been working on the Draft Strategic Plan with DRG Staff and Brooke de Jong. The Collection Policy was recently reviewed and the Disaster Plan for the Collection completed. 2.3

Bass Strait Maritime Centre 2.3.1 Recent Activities 

12 group bookings - cruise ship bus tours, coach group breakfasts and school groups have added to visitor numbers. The first cruise ship visit for the season was cancelled due to weather and did not berth at Burnie.


20 people attended the Maritime and History Talk “Jolly Jack Tar” on October 24 presented by volunteer, Chris Mitchell. The talk centred on naval ships that had visited Devonport between 1898 and 1940.


Preparations are well underway with activities to participate in the Tidal Festival in January. The highlight for the Centre will be the talk “Mooving with the Tides” to be presented by John Hammond of Robbins Island and will focus on the timing and movement of the cattle to the island from the mainland which is determined by the tides.


The Centre hosted the Ride2Work breakfast on 12 October with approximately 30 people attending. ITEM 4.6

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The verandah of the Harbour Master’s House has been stripped, repaired and repainted.


Damaged front entrance banners have been replaced.

2.3.2 Julie Burgess 

The slipping for planned maintenance and the annual survey by MAST was completed during October. There were no issues identified and the inspection was signed off by both the surveyor and the Master of the Vessel. Some faulty planks identified during the maintenance check were replaced.


Bookings are progressing well for the Australian Wooden Boat Festival with recent publicity resulting in a flurry of activity. The Parade of Sail from Kettering to the Festival is now booked out and a waiting list has been developed should there be any cancellations.


The Julie Burgess will be participating in the Tidal Festival with a special evening sail and an opportunity to learn about the tides in the Mersey River from the skipper of the vessel. Refreshments will also be served.

2.3.3 Collection Management 

A further two sessions for the development of the Disaster Preparedness Plan were held with a final draft prepared and circulated for feedback.


The new case for temporary displays has been delivered and is being prepared for the first display.


The model “Fancy” which has been in storage since the Bass Strait Maritime Centre redevelopment has been provided on a long-term loan agreement to the Channel Heritage Centre. The vessel “Fancy” which is privately owned and currently under restoration worked in the Channel area and the model will complement the current interpretation at the Heritage Centre.


The collection of Clements and Marshall documents have been sorted and relevant items scanned for collection records. The passing of the collection to Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office will now be progressed.


Work has begun on the Past Perfect database with collection items now being added in. A group of volunteers are being trained in the use of the database.




Sports Marketing Australia (SMA) Program There were no SMA Events during this period. 3.1.1 Other (non SMA) sporting events in October-November 

2016 Spirit of Tasmania Tour of Tasmania Cycling Event; 5-9 October. The event which formed part of the 2016 Subaru National Road Cycling Series was a great success and for the first time, Devonport hosted two stages of the event; Stage Two - Road Race: Devonport to Ulverstone Friday 7th October, 2016; ITEM 4.6

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Stage Four — Criterium Sunday 9th October, 2016; 

2016 Peaks Challenge Cradle Mountain Cycling Event 29-30 October. The event is in its second year. A large percentage of the 500 plus participants were from interstate, resulting in a significant economic boost for Devonport businesses.

3.1.2 Sports Marketing Australia (SMA) events SMA sporting events the Bowls Tasmania French-Holbrook Test Series between Tasmania and Victoria was held 4-6 December 2016 and the Bowls Tasmania Gala Bowls Week will be held from 2-8 January 2017. 3.2

2017 Australian Masters Games Update Registrations for the major sports opened 21 November. Registrations for the remaining sports due to open 21 February, 2017. Kate Sims, Sport & Operations Manager for the 16th Australian Masters Games advised that the first meeting of sports conveners was held at Camp Clayton, the following matters were discussed;           

What will be different in Tassie – key messages, social program, learning from Pan Pacific Games; Tourism & accommodation; Marketing – targets, strategy, campaign phases, communications channels; Application & agreement progress; Registration periods; Sport handbooks 7 critical task dates; Sports merchandise; Sports medicine; Sponsorship; Volunteer recruitment; Plan for the next 3 months;

It is proposed to hold a further five or six meetings of this type to ensure sports conveners are kept informed on all matters relating to the 2017 AMG. 3.2

Recreation Centres Bookings for facilities at Devonport Recreation Centre (DRC) for October and November are listed in the table below: Bookings - Devonport Recreation Centre Judo Room Meeting Room Sauna Squash Stadium Table Tennis Building Youth Centre Total

ITEM 4.6

October 2016 20 22 27 34 76 64 74 317

November 2016 15 2 17 9 67 65 71 246

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Bookings for facilities at East Devonport Recreation & Function Centre (EDR&FC) for October and November are listed in the table below: Bookings – East Devonport Recreation & Function Centre Community Room Stadium Total

October 2016 November 2016 21 22 43

26 27 53

Special events held at the DRC for October and November are listed in the table below: Special Events - Devonport Recreation Centre Councils School Holiday Program State League Basketball PFD Expo Taekwondo Grading NWPSSA Sports Expo Children’s Week Fun Expo (Playhouse) Devonport Senior Citizens Indoor Bowls Van Diemen Rollers Event BTAS High Performance Training Total

Date 4-7/10/2016 8/10/2016 9-11/10/2016 16/10/2016 24-25/10/2016 25/10/2016 23/11/2016 25/11/2016 26-27/11/2016 9

Special event/s held at the EDR&FC for October and November are listed in the table below: Special Events – East Devonport Recreation & Function Centre JayDee Events Devonport Stamp & Coin Fair Total 3.3

Date 27/10/2016 12/11/2016 2

Sports Grounds There were in total 45 sports ground/reserve bookings for the months of October and November, see table below: Ground/Reserve Reserves – Vietnam Vets Memorial Reserves – Bluff Reserves – Roundhouse Park Reserves – Kelcey Tier Reserves – Cenotaph Byard Park Devonport Oval Don Rec Ground Girdlestone Park Maidstone Park Meercroft Park & Eugene Total

ITEM 4.6

October 2016 0 7 2 0 0 1 3 1 2 2 3 21

November 2016 0 11 1 0 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 24

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There were in total 111 hall bookings for the months of October and November, see table below: October 2016 22 23 6 51

Hall Don Memorial Hall Spreyton Memorial Hall Melrose Memorial Hall Total 3.4

November 2016 22 32 6 60

Health & Wellbeing Programs – Recreation Officer 3.4.1 Canning Drive Bootcamp At a meeting held 17 November with key stakeholders including representatives from the East Devonport Child & Family Centre (EDCFC), Mission Australia, Youth Family & Community Connections (YFCC) and Council officers, future funding for this program was confirmed until term 3, 2017. Centre Leader, Jenny Mountney reported the benefits of the program, in particular the positive interaction between families which has improved significantly since Council introduced the program January 2016. Funding for the program for next year has been provided by the EDCFC and the SE Rotary Club. Both organisations have committed $1,000. Mission Australia and YFCC have committed to the program with in-kind support by providing staff resources to assist Council’s Recreation Officer. 3.4.2 School Holidays Program The Summer Holiday Program has been finalised and published. Council staff will trial a new format of pop-up sports days through January 2017 in lieu of the usual 4-day program. Activities include little athletics taster, PCYC fun (Zorb balls, sumo suits, ball sports), cricket, soccer, football, slipstream circus activities and hockey. Activities will be held on the following dates; • • • •

Tuesday 10 January 9.00am – 1.00pm @ Girdlestone Park East Devonport Thursday 12 January 9.00am – 1.00pm @ Meercroft Park & Bluff Tuesday 17 January 9.00am – 1.00pm @ Girdlestone Park East Devonport Thursday 19 January 9.00am – 1.00pm @ Meercroft Park & Bluff

3.4.3 Tai Chi for Seniors & Tai Chi for people with Parkinson’s, MS and Arthritis Both programs are very popular with participants. The final session for 2016 will be held 15 December and programs will resume in early February. 3.4.4 Mums n Bubs Fitness Program Sessions have been continuing and steadily increase in popularity with an additional three mum’s n bubs joining the group recently. Also at the meeting of key stakeholders Jenny Mountney, Centre Leader at the EDCFC announced further funding to support this program until at least July 2017. 3.4.5 New Yoga Program Council has applied for funding through Woman Sport and Recreation Tasmania, to fund a Yoga class to be based out of the Devonport Recreation Centre. Successful applicants of the grant will be announced in early December 2016.

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Negotiations have commenced with Haven Yoga regarding the delivery of the program. If Council’s funding application is successful, the program is scheduled to start in February 2017. Funding will assist in providing a low-cost program to encourage people of all ages to get active. 3.4.6 Tidal Recreation based activities have been included in the Tidal Festival program and will be held at the Bluff, dates and activities are; • • •

Wednesday, 25th January – Slipstream Circus and Beach Cricket; Friday, 27th January – PCYC (Zorb Balls, Sumo Suits, Ball Sports) and Slipstream Circus; Saturday, 28th January – Zoo Animal Rides.




Tourism 4.1.1 Tourism Development Strategy The Tourism Development Strategy 2009-2019 has a total of 109 actions/ recommendations of which 50 have been completed or are in progress. The recommendations include categories of:    

Activities and Attractions - Getting to and around Devonport Creating a Devonport Identity Quality of Experience Management and Resourcing

Council officers will continue to work with industry, Tourism operators and peak bodies in the progression of the strategy recommendations. 4.1.2 Cradle Coast Tourism Executive THE CCTE met Thursday 8 December in Strahan. reports and discussion on: • • •

• • •

Agenda items included

Introduction of new member to CCTE Todd Ashdown of Anvers Cradle Coast Visitor economy strategic action plan Cradle Coast Tourism Marketing plan  Budget  Social media  TT line advertising campaign Tasmania’s North West digital proposal Social media Cradle Coast Tourism marketing position

4.1.3 Cradle Country Marketing Group 

Filmed TV ad to go on the Spirit for 12 months, three 30 second commercials have been produced showcasing the region. The commercials are now being played on the TV screens on the Spirit.

ITEM 4.6

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 4.2

Work is well underway on the updated Devonport and Cradle Country Tourist Booklet

Marketing 4.2.1 Devonport Food and Wine Festival



Top Melbourne Chef Ian Curley has been officially announced as the 2017 Festival Ambassador.


Negotiations are underway with major sponsors for the 2017 Festival.


Events team and DFWF Committee are working on new event ideas for 2017 Festival.

Events 4.3.1 Christmas Parade The Christmas Parade moved to online registration system, with forty parade registrations received. Radio and Advocate banner advertising completed, social media promotion and additional road closure notification delivered to letterboxes. Multiple meetings with SES, Operations and TAS Police to coordinate route logistics. Early in the year Salvation Army approached Council with the idea of hosting a Christmas Market. With assistance from the events team the Salvation Army ran a night market after the parade. The market was a great drawcard that complimented the Parade and kicked off Christmas Celebrations within Devonport.

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4.3.2 Retail Activities On Saturday 10 December a Pop-Up Wine Bar will be in the Mall featuring Prickly Mo and Ghost Rock Wines. The Mall will be transformed into a wine bar haven with AstroTurf, picket fencing, deck chairs and a DJ. Saturday 17 December will see a Kids Day Out with jumping castle, face painting, Zoo Riders, roaming characters, and buskers. Christmas Eve will see a gold-coin gift wrap service where those purchasing last minute gifts can have them wrapped in wrapping stations in the Fourways and the Mall. Wrapping will cost a gold coin with donations going to charity partners who are manning the stations, Soroptimist and Devonfield. All activities have seen a great response through social media complimented by Radio and prime Advocate banner advertising. Free parking in all Council owned off-street car parks on weekends is being promoted through Radio and Social Media. Preliminary feedback from retail is that they have seen a boost in spending. 4.3.3 Tidal Market Events team are working with the Gallery to deliver this event to coincide with the Tidal Art Exhibition and to drive visitation in to the gallery to view the finalists. An Expression of Interest process was completed and from that 30 stallholders have been chosen to sell their artisan and handmade goods. There will also be food and beverage vendors, DJ and a street market vibe with silk flags, AstroTurf etc. 4.3.4 External Events With spring and summer upon us the Events team have been receiving and processing a large number of event applications. Some of the more complex events have required stakeholder consultation with interested parties such as Tas Police. Sets by the Sea and Skyfields scheduled for February and March respectively next year are two events that the team are currently moving through an approval process. The Event Application Process is proving to be a robust process for approving external events and the team are meeting regularly to discuss this process and any identified improvements. 4.3.5 Taste the Harvest (TTH) Council has worked closely with the Taste the Harvest Committee in the smooth handover to new TTH Chair, Liz Ferrara from Dale Hawkin. This has included providing Liz with examples of previous programs, collateral and signage as well as advising her of past practices and potential sponsors/partners. The team is in the process of updating the Heads of Agreement with Taste the Harvest. Council has engaged artists, sound providers, investigated staging, prepared a seven-hour program on two stages and organised the site’s children’s activities. Officers also attend regular meetings with the Taste the Harvest Committee and a working group for the event. 4.3.6 Carols By Candlelight As part of Council’s Heads of Agreement with Carols By Candlelight, Events Officer Maree Brodzinski is the event’s Musical Director. Maree has been attending regular meetings with the Committee, liaising with the City of Devonport Brass Band and MC. Responsibilities include engaging the performers, programming the entertainment for the event, organising Santa’s visit and transport, liaising with the MC and writing MC notes based on information from the performers. An invitation to join the community choir was advertised on social media and through direct contact with previous choir ITEM 4.6

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members and local singing groups. Some publishing activities for the event include formatting choir books according to the program and advertising the event through school newsletters and on social media. 4.3.7 Devonport Jazz There has been some research around potential headline acts for the 2017 program and contact with the management of the acts to negotiate availability and budget. The team has also had a meeting with Peter Bulman (radio presenter of the Jazz after Dark program on Edge FM Hobart and Coast FM), who has offered assistance in the absence of Viktor Zappner. Discussions are ongoing. 4.3.8 DFWF 19 November saw the media announcement of 2017 Ambassador Ian Curley. The events team worked with the Ambassador, DFWF committee and Hundred Acres to coordinate the event. Media representatives from Print, TV & Radio were present and the event saw great coverage in the Advocate and on radio. Meetings were held between the Events team and various potential sponsors for the 2017 DFWF, negotiations are continuing with Spirit of Tasmania and Hill Street Grocer as two major sponsors. Talks are ongoing with a number of potential sponsors. Potential sponsors were invited to a degustation dinner event at Ghost Rock where 2017 Ambassador Ian Curley cooked some amazing food. Regular committee meetings are occurring to discuss how the festival will run, new ideas, Ambassador’s role, sponsorship and charity events. 4.3.9 Cradle Country Television Commercial (TVC) Cradle Country Marketing Group engaged Southern Cross TV Productions to film a new TV ad to be screened on the Spirit of Tasmania for 12 months under a deal brokered by through the Cradle Coast Authority. The Events team liaised with the SCTV producers and Cradle Country Marketing Group to work out the best timetable for the shoot and select various locations and source some talent. The shoot was very successful and as a result SCTV had enough footage for three 30 second ads (instead of two). Liaison has been completed with Go Transit to get the TV ads on the Spirit, and two are currently running with the third to be swapped over in six months time. 4.3.10 Cradle Country graphic Using still images from the recent film shoot, the Events team have been revitalizing the Devonport & Cradle Country Tourist Brochure which was last updated April 2015. Work on the booklet has involved coordinating information from the four municipalities and their Visitor Information Centre’s, revamping the contents/order of the booklet to align with the Tasmaniasnorthwest website and ensuring all information is up to date. A draft copy is hoped to be out in the coming weeks and new edition printed in the New Year. 4.3.11 Tourism Association Officers have been attending the DCCTI meetings. The last meeting was held in Sheffield where presentations were given on the Sheffield Light Park and the Mt Roland Cable Car. Events provide updates at the meeting on various community events and tourism. ITEM 4.6

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4.3.12 Searoad Mersey II Vessel Launch Officers have been attending regular committee meetings for council’s support on the arrival of the new Searoad Mersey II. Events have been in communication with committee members and Searoad staff to ensure the Open day is a success. Searoad have requested Council support with VMS road signs (for the arrival day and open day), tables & chairs for the corporate function, PA system for open day, band for open day and promotional support. Council has been working with Searoad to assist with the Event Pack for the open day. The Mersey II is expected to arrive in Devonport at 1pm on Saturday, 10 December, with a VIP corporate function on Monday, 12 December and a public open day on Sunday, 18 December 2016.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The information provided above details all community engagement.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Any financial or budgetary implication related to matters discussed in this report will be separately reported to Council. There is not expected to be any impact on the Council’s operating budget as a result of this recommendation.

RISK IMPLICATIONS There are no risk implications which relate to this report.

CONCLUSION This report is provided for information purposes only and to allow Council and the Community to be updated on matters of interest.


RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the Community Services report be received and noted.

Author: Position:

Shane Crawford Executive Manager Corporate, Community & Business Services

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.6

Paul West General Manager

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RECOMMENDATION That in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the following be dealt with in Closed Session.

Item No


Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 Reference


The Huddle


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That the Committee move out of Closed Session.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at


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