Agenda infrastructure, works & development 8 august 2016

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NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that a Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting of the Devonport City Council will be held in the Council Chambers, 17 Fenton Way, Devonport on Monday 8 August 2016, commencing at 5:30pm. The meeting will be open to the public at 5:30pm. QUALIFIED PERSONS In accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993, I confirm that the reports in this agenda contain advice, information and recommendations given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation.

Paul West GENERAL MANAGER 3 August 2016



Page No.

APOLOGIES ............................................................................................... 1 Ald JF Matthews


DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ........................................................................ 1


PROCEDURAL............................................................................................. 2


PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ...................................................................................................................... 2


Questions on notice from the public ........................................................................................... 2


Question without notice from the public .................................................................................... 2


QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM ALDERMEN .............................................................................................. 2


TENDERS ................................................................................................... 3


Contract CT0167-01 - Supply, Delivery and Placement of Hotmix (D429932) ..................... 4


Contract CT0167-02 - Supply, Delivery and Placement of Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing (D429939) ...................................................................................................................... 11


INFRASTRUCTURE AND WORKS REPORTS ....................................................... 18


Sports ground Grass Lengths (D426773) .................................................................................... 18


Pedestrian Strategy 2016-2021 (D428315) ................................................................................. 22


Master Builders Tasmania Park Seat Request (D429151) ........................................................ 55




Development and Health Services Report (D427219) ............................................................ 57


Infrastructure and Works Report (D426566) .............................................................................. 87


CLOSURE ................................................................................................ 99

PAGE 1 Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting Agenda 8 August 2016

Agenda of a meeting of the Devonport City Council’s Infrastructure Works and Development Committee to be held at the Council Chambers, 17 Fenton Way, Devonport on Monday 8, August 2016 commencing at 5:30pm. PRESENT Present Chairman

Ald L M Perry Ald C D Emmerton Ald G F Goodwin Ald A J Jarman Ald L M Laycock Ald J F Matthews


IN ATTENDANCE All persons in attendance are advised that it is Council policy to record Council Meetings, in accordance with Council’s Audio Recording Policy. The audio recording of this meeting will be made available to the public on Council’s website for a minimum period of six months. Members of the public in attendance at the meeting who do not wish for their words to be recorded and/or published on the website, should contact a relevant Council Officer and advise of their wishes prior to the start of the meeting.


APOLOGIES The following apology was received for the meeting. Ald Matthews




PAGE 2 Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting Agenda 8 August 2016




PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Members of the public are invited to ask questions in accordance with the following resolution of Council (Min Ref 54/16): 1.

Public participation shall take place at Council meetings in accordance with Regulation 31 of the Local Government (meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


Public participation will be the first agenda item following the formal motions; Apologies, Minutes and Declarations of Interest.


A maximum period of time of 30 minutes in total will be allowed for public participation.


A maximum period of time of 3 minutes will be allowed for each individual.


A member of the public may give written notice to the General Manager 7 days before an ordinary meeting of Council of a question to be asked at that meeting.


A member of the public will be entitled to ask questions relating to the activities of Council, giving an explanation that is necessary to give background to the question and ask supplementary or follow up questions relating to that specific matter that may come to light as a result of the answer.


Questions do not have to be lodged prior to the meeting, however they would be preferably provided in writing.


A question by any member of the public and an answer to that question are not to be debated.


The Chairperson may refuse to accept a question. If the Chairperson refuses to accept a question, the Chairperson is to give reason for doing so.


Questions on notice from the public At the time of compilation of the agenda no questions on notice from the public were received.


Question without notice from the public


QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM ALDERMEN At the time of compilation of the agenda no questions on notice from Aldermen were received.

PAGE 3 Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting Agenda 8 August 2016



In accordance with Section 22(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 Council has delegated powers to the Infrastructure and Works Committee to accept tenders for activities related to the functions of the Committee to the extent of the estimates for the current financial year (Min 198/15 refers). The following item is to be dealt with by the Infrastructure and Works Committee in accordance with delegated authority. 4.1

Contract CT0167-01 - Supply, Delivery and Placement of Hotmix


Contract CT0167-02 - Supply, Delivery and Placement of Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing

PAGE 4 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 2.3.1

Provide and maintain roads, bridges, footpaths, bike paths and car parks to appropriate standards

SUMMARY This report seeks Council’s approval to award Contract CT0167-01 for the supply, delivery and placement of hotmix asphalt sealing services associated with the hotmix asphalt component of the annual reseal program, to Roadways Pty Ltd.

BACKGROUND This contract relates to the hotmix asphalt component within the re-sealing works listed in the 2016/17 capital works program. Included within the scope of works is supply only of asphalt materials and also milling and road edge treatments associated with hotmix sealing work. Tenderers were asked to submit a schedule of rates based on a bill of quantities. The bill of quantities is a prioritised list of roads requiring resealing. Only the higher priority roads were included in the bill of quantities for the purpose of tendering. After the contract is awarded, the areas to be resealed will be finalised and utilising the tendered schedule of rates the final cost will be determined. Council’s budget allocation will dictate the final list of roads to be resealed. The tender specification also makes provision for rise and fall adjustments in the contract rate. This is a sensible inclusion to the contract to lessen the risk to both Council and the Contractor during periods of oil and bitumen price volatility.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Council is required to comply with Section 333 of the Local Government Act 1993 and its adopted Code for Tenders and Contracts when considering awarding tenders over the prescribed amount.

DISCUSSION A Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee was formed to evaluate all tenders received. The Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee minutes and the tenderers schedule of rates have been attached as confidential attachments. Tenders were received from four companies. Three tenders received were conforming. The tender was based on a scope determined by Council officers. A list of sites was provided for the purposes of tendering. Sites will be added or subtracted as required limiting the value of work to suit the allocated budget amount. For the purpose of evaluating the tenders, the bill of quantities was utilised. The figures in table 1 are the tendered sums based on the bill.

ITEM 4.1

PAGE 5 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

Table 1 Roadways P/L Tendered Price

Hardings Hotmix P/L $317,690


Venarchie Contracting P/L $356,012

As highlighted in table 1, Roadways Pty Ltd ($302,359) is the lowest tender. The Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee has considered each of the selection criteria and has Roadways Pty Ltd ranked highest overall and therefore offer Council best value for money.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT A public advertisement calling for tenders was placed in the Advocate Newspaper on 9 July 2016 and tenders were also advertised on Council’s web site.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS A budget allocation of $700,000 has been allowed in the 2016/17 capital works budget for resealing of Council’s road network. This budget allocation is for both the hotmix asphalt and sprayed bituminous surfacing contracts as well as the design and project management costs (approximately $23,000) associated with the annual reseal program. Hotmix sealing works will be undertaken based on the accepted schedule of rates up to the allocated budget amount.

RISK IMPLICATIONS To minimise risk the tender administration processes related to this contract complies with Council’s Code for Tenders and Contracts which was developed in compliance with Section 333 of the Local Government Act 1993.

CONCLUSION Taking into account the selection criteria assessment and the tendered rates, the Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee has determined that Roadways Pty Ltd has achieved the highest total score and is therefore most likely to offer “best value” in relation to Contract CT0167-01.


Contract CT0167-01 Signed Meeting Minutes



Contract CT0167-01 Schedule of Rates


RECOMMENDATION That the Infrastructure, Works and Development Committee, in relation to Contract CT0167-01 – Supply, Delivery and Placement of Hotmix Asphalt Sealing Service and in accordance with the delegated authority provided to it by Council under Minute 198/15: a)

award the contract to Roadways Pty Ltd based on their tendered schedule of rates; and


note that design and project management for the total reseal project is estimated at $23,000 (ex GST).

Author: Position:

Shannon Eade Project Management Officer

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.1

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 11 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 2.3.1

Provide and maintain roads, bridges, footpaths, bike paths and car parks to appropriate standards

SUMMARY This report seeks Council’s approval to award Contract CT0167-02 for the supply, delivery and placement of sprayed bituminous surfacing services associated with the sprayed bituminous surfacing component of the annual reseal program, to Venarchie Contracting Pty Ltd.

BACKGROUND This contract relates to the spray seal component within the resealing works listed in the 2016/17 capital works program. Tenderers were asked to submit a schedule of rates based on a bill of quantities. The bill of quantities is a prioritised list of roads requiring resealing. Only the higher priority roads were included in the bill of quantities for the purpose of tendering. After the contract is awarded, the areas to be resealed will be finalised and utilising the tendered schedule of rates the final cost will be determined. Council’s budget allocation will dictate the final list of roads to be resealed. The tender specification also makes provision for rise and fall adjustments in the contract rate. This is a sensible inclusion to the contract to lessen the risk to both Council and the Contractor during periods of oil and bitumen price volatility.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Council is required to comply with Section 333 of the Local Government Act 1993 and its adopted Code for Tenders and Contracts when considering awarding tenders over the prescribed amount.

DISCUSSION A Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee was formed to evaluate all tenders received. The Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee minutes and the tenderers’ schedule of rates have been attached as confidential attachments. Tenders were received from four companies. Three tenders received were conforming. The tender was based on a scope determined by Council officers. A list of sites was provided for the purposes of tendering. Sites will be added or subtracted as required, limiting the value of work to suit the allocated budget amount. For the purpose of evaluating the tenders a bill of quantities was utilised. The figures in table 1 are the tendered sums based on the bill. Table 1

Tendered Price

Venarchie Contracting P/L $230,932

Hardings Hotmix P/ L

Roadways P/L



ITEM 4.2

PAGE 12 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

As highlighted in table 1, Venarchie Contracting Pty Ltd ($230,932) is the lowest tender. The Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee have considered each of the selection criteria and Venarchie Contracting Pty Ltd has ranked highest overall and therefore offer Council best value for money. Council have not previously used this firm for its reseal work, however referee checks have provided assurance they have the capacity to satisfactorily undertake the works.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT A public advertisement calling for tenders was placed in the Advocate Newspaper on 9 July 2016 and tenders were also advertised on Council’s web site.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS A budget allocation of $700,000 has been allowed in the 2016/17 capital works budget for resealing of Council’s road network. This budget allocation is for both of the sprayed bituminous surfacing and the hotmix asphalt contracts as well as the design and project management costs (approximately $23,000) associated with the annual reseal program. An earlier report for Contract CT0167-01 includes approval for the costs of the hotmix asphalt contracts as well as the design and project management costs.

RISK IMPLICATIONS To minimise risk the tender administration processes related to this contract complies with Council’s Code for Tenders and Contracts which was developed in compliance with Section 333 of the Local Government Act 1993.

CONCLUSION Taking into account the selection criteria assessment and the tendered rates, the Tender Planning and Evaluation Committee has determined that Venarchie Contracting Pty Ltd has achieved the highest total score and is therefore most likely to offer “best value” in relation to Contract CT0167-02.


Contract CT0167-02 Signed Meeting Minutes



Contract CT0167-02 Schedule of Rates


RECOMMENDATION That the Infrastructure, Works and Development Committee, in relation to Contract CT0167-02 – Supply, Delivery and Placement of Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing Services and in accordance with the delegated authority provided to it by Council under Minute 198/15: a)

award the contract to Venarchie Contracting Pty Ltd based on their tendered schedule of rates.

Author: Position:

Shannon Eade Project Management Officer

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 4.2

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 18 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016





RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 2.3.4

Provide accessible and sustainable parks, gardens and open spaces to appropriate standards

SUMMARY This report provides an update to Council on the current mowed height of grass on sports grounds, to address concerns raised at a recent meeting of Council’s Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee.

BACKGROUND At the Sport and Recreation Strategic Special Committee meeting held on Wednesday 15 June 2016 concerns were raised regarding negative feedback that had been received in regards to the Devonport Oval, specifically relating to the length of grass during the most recent cricket season. Similar concerns were raised about the Valley Road Soccer Ground. The Committee requested further investigation to be undertaken in regards to this matter. This report details the outcomes of that investigation.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Although there are no statutory requirements associated with this report, each sport has a governing body that set-out guidelines for a number of items including preferred grass lengths.

DISCUSSION Managing Council’s sports grounds is a complex process that involves a 12 month maintenance schedule and requires support from the user groups involved to achieve the best outcomes. The main aim is to provide the best possible playing surface for competitions. The majority of Council’s sports grounds are used for competition sport all year around. In most cases the usage changes from one sport to another seasonally. The change-over of sports is a significant maintenance activity that must be well planned out incorporating: 

Rostering requirements from finals of one sport to commencement of roster games for the next sport;


Infrastructure changes, for example goal post installation and covering of concrete cricket wickets;


Major maintenance activities, for example weed spraying, aerating, fertilising etc;


Ground renovation works to ensure the playing surface is of a high standard; and


Ground improvement works, for example installation of underground irrigation systems.

ITEM 5.1

PAGE 19 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

Weather is always a challenge for maintenance staff. Weather forecasts are monitored closely and maintenance activities including weekly mowing schedules are adapted to suit. In some cases, this may mean that grounds are mowed on Wednesday and line marked in preparation for the weekend matches if heavy rain is forecast. The following table details the sports that are currently played at Devonport Oval and Valley Road Soccer Ground, what length the grass is currently cut at and an indication of the grass length requirement from the governing body for the relevant sport. Ground


Devonport Oval

Australian Rules Football

Valley Road Soccer Ground

Grass cut length

Mower used

Governing body guidelines for grass length


Toro Reel Mower

Australian Football League - 28mm

Cricket/Athletics 17mm

Toro Reel Mower

Cricket North West Tasmania – no documented guidelines


Ferris Mower

Football Federation Australia – 25mm


Devonport Oval At the end of the 2015 football season, significant work was carried out on the eastern side of the ground in an attempt to improve drainage of the oval along that side of the ground. During the 2015/16 cricket season concerns were raised regarding the reinstatement of the turf following the work. Concerns were also raised regarding the condition of the turf for the running track for the athletic carnival held at the oval in late December. As a result, additional fertilizing and turf maintenance was carried out to ensure that the running track around the perimeter of the oval was the best possible surface for the athletics carnival. This work was ideal for the running track, and Council received very positive feedback from the Athletics Club. Unfortunately, the work caused a slow outfield for cricket. After discussions with the governing body for cricket the grass was rolled a number of times. This provided a temporary solution for the remainder of the season and the grand final was held at the Oval as planned. The governing body have indicated that they intend to ‘tender’ the ground allocations for the grand final rather than alternating between Devonport and Burnie Ovals as in previous years, in part due to concerns with the playing surface at the Devonport Oval. Hosting the grand final is a cost to Council and it may not involve the Devonport Cricket Club. The expectation that the ground will be mowed over that weekend etc is outside the normal operations with very little return to the City. In comparison, the athletics carnival that is held at the oval each year in late December brings thousands of spectators and competitors into the City. Whether Council would be interested in ‘tendering’ for the grand final is subject for another time. This football season has seen an increased usage of Devonport Oval from additional junior football games being played on the oval as well as an increased number of senior teams. The amount of rain received this football season has also increased considerably from previous years. ITEM 5.1

PAGE 20 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

To date the ground has held up well, providing a better surface for football. This is a direct result of the significant work that was carried out at the end of the 2015 football season. Additional maintenance works including scarifying, coring and dusting the ground to thin out the turf is included in the 2016/17 operational budget. This work was discussed with the governing body for cricket at the end of last cricket season. It is anticipated that this work will result in a quicker outfield for cricket. This work will be completed in August/September this year prior to the commencement of the cricket season. For the 2016/17 season the governing body for cricket have indicated that they will be recommending a grass length of 15mm at the Burnie, Devonport and Latrobe Ovals, as they are the most-watered grounds. Cutting the grass to 15mm is not recommended as it will cause stress on the turf (ryegrass foliage). This may result in a fungal disease occurring. which will require a chemical treatment so that the playing surface does not die off completely. Larger ovals (for example Blundstone Arena) are able to have a lower grass length as the stress caused to the turf is managed by an underground fertilising system. It is felt that thinning the turf will provide a better solution than reducing the grass height. Further discussions will be held with the governing body for cricket in coming weeks to resolve this issue prior to the start of the 2016/17 cricket season. There have been suggestions made that a separate mower could be purchased specifically for Devonport Oval however this is considered inefficient given the small number of hours per week that the mower is required to mow one ground and also does not address the concerns regarding the speed of the outfield. Changing mower height is an involved process that requires a specialist tradesperson. It is not practical to change the mower height for each ground, each week so once the exact height of Devonport Oval is confirmed with the governing body, Girdlestone Park and Maidstone Park will be mowed to the same height. It should be noted that any problems caused by a reduced mowing height will be repeated on all three grounds. Valley Road Soccer Ground Concerns have previously been raised regarding Valley Road Soccer Ground. This season Council in conjunction with the Devonport Soccer Club, have made a number of changes that have resulted in an improved playing surface. The grass at Valley Road Soccer Ground is cut in accordance with Football Federation Australia guidelines. Surface “speed� has been affected by the wet weather this season and a review will be undertaken with the club and governing body at the conclusion of the season to ensure mowing schedules and lengths remain appropriate for future seasons.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Through the preparation of this report the guidelines for each of the governing bodies was confirmed.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications as a result of this report. Council spent approximately $254,000 in 2015/16 for maintenance at the Devonport Oval. This figure does not include costs for depreciation of assets or cost of the water used to irrigate the ground in summer. Any changes to the current level of service will affect the maintenance budget. ITEM 5.1

PAGE 21 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


Asset & Property Infrastructure Council’s sports grounds are in high demand. Maintaining the surface at an acceptable level for a variety of sports is a challenge. Council need to ensure that maintenance, ground renovations and turf improvements are planned for and delivered to ensure that grounds do not risk being unsuitable for high level competition.


Consultation and/or Communication Council must consider and carefully mange the risk of adverse public reaction to any decisions relating to sports ground maintenance. Communication to user groups and the public needs to be well managed.

CONCLUSION Investigations into the concerns regarding the grass lengths at Devonport Oval and Valley Road Soccer Grounds have confirmed that current practises are in line with the current requirements of the governing bodies. The governing body for cricket have indicated that they will be recommending a grass length for the coming cricket season that is lower than what is currently mowed at Devonport Oval. This recommendation is not supported and further discussions will be held with the governing body in coming weeks. Additional maintenance will be carried out as planned at Devonport Oval in the coming weeks to thin the turf to increase the outfield speed for the upcoming cricket season.


RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the report from the Infrastructure and Works Manager regarding the sports ground grass lengths be received and that Council note: 1.

additional maintenance will be carried out as planned at Devonport Oval in the coming weeks in an attempt to increase the outfield speed for the upcoming cricket season; and


further discussions will be held with the governing body to address the concerns relating to reduced grass height.

Author: Position:

Kylie Lunson Infrastructure & Works Manager

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 5.1

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 22 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


PEDESTRIAN STRATEGY 2016-2021 File: 26157 D428315

RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 2.3.1

Provide and maintain roads, bridges, footpaths, bike paths and car parks to appropriate standards

SUMMARY This report seeks Council endorsement of the Pedestrian Strategy 2016-2021 (the Strategy) for public consultation.

BACKGROUND Council first adopted a Pedestrian Strategy in 2012 and has already undertaken a number of projects in accordance with the Strategy. The updated Pedestrian Strategy 2016-2021 has been prepared to continue to assist with the objectives and goals outlined in the Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Section 20 of the Local Government Act 1993 states: (1)

In addition to any functions of a council in this or any other Act, a council has the following functions: (a)

to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community;


to represent and promote the interests of the community;

The Strategy provides direction for these functions of Council.

DISCUSSION The objective of the Strategy is: To make walking in Devonport safe and convenient and to enable and encourage walking as a mode of transport. The issues that need to be considered to achieve the strategic objective include: 

Much of the path network is unlikely to comply with current standards


Social disadvantage, disability and age mean that many people rely on the path network being suitable for use


Driving a car in Devonport is very attractive, with limited public transport, little congestion and good availability of parking


There are many gaps in the path network

There are two main aspects to the implementation of the strategy, these being: 

Provision of infrastructure, helping to make walking safer and convenient


Provision of information that enables and encourages walking

The provision of infrastructure involves the development of a system to ensure that pedestrian facilities are available in locations that provide the most benefit to the community, making walking safer and convenient. Key parts of this system are: 

Establishment of a path hierarchy (refer to figure 1) ITEM 5.2

PAGE 23 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


Defining what facilities are provided in each hierarchy level (ie level of service)


Audit of existing facilities against the level of service


Prioritisation of identified new and upgrade projects to meet the level of service

This will generate a prioritised list of projects that can be considered for inclusion in the forward capital works program.

Figure 1: Path Hierarchy It is important to note that it is likely the priority projects will involve a combination of new facilities and improved facilities in the Devonport CBD and surrounds, the North West Coastal Pathway, and the East Devonport retail precinct. Projects that have previously been a priority, such as additions to the path network on minor streets and on the urban fringe will no longer be a priority. ITEM 5.2

PAGE 24 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

The provision of information involves a number of key activities to enable and encourage walking for both locals and tourists, including: 

Identifying, naming and promoting key routes


Promotion of programs and initiatives related to walking


Ongoing community consultation

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Council has undertaken community consultation on pedestrian issues on a number of occasions. This has been extremely useful in understanding the priorities of the community. Council also receive many inquiries and requests relating to pedestrian facilities. The Strategy proposes ongoing community consultation on pedestrian issues to help Council stay informed of the community priorities. It is recommended that Council endorse the draft strategy for a period of public comment prior to formal adoption.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS A significant allocation of staff time is required to implement the action plan but this can be achieved within existing resource allocations. It is likely that a number of capital projects will be proposed as part of the action plan implementation. Construction of new paths will result in additional operational expenditure, including maintenance and depreciation costs.


Asset & Property Infrastructure The implementation of the Strategy will ensure that pedestrian facilities provided by Council are available in locations that provide the most benefit to the community. As each project is considered for the forward works capital program, projects will be undertaken in accordance with good asset management practices.


Consultation and/or Communication Undertaking regular community consultation will ensure that Council continues to understand the community’s priorities relating to walking.


Risk Management Practices Risk management considerations will be required when prioritising projects.

CONCLUSION Adoption of the Strategy and the implementation of the action plan will assist Council to meet its Legislative requirements and long term strategic objectives and goals.


DRAFT Pedestrian Strategy 2016-2021

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the report of the City Engineer relating to the Draft Pedestrian Strategy 2016-2021be received and noted and Council endorse the release of the strategy for a 30 day public consultation period. Author: Position:

Michael Williams City Engineer

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 5.2

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 25 DRAFT Pedestrian Strategy 2016-2021


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ITEM 5.2

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RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 2.3.4

Provide accessible and sustainable parks, gardens and open spaces to appropriate standards

SUMMARY Council has received a request from Master Builders Tasmania to donate and install a park seat with plaque within Council’s public open space.

BACKGROUND Council from time to time receives enquiries from individuals, families, service groups and organisations regarding the possibility of donating a seat/memorial plaque to commemorate a wide range of contributions to the Devonport community. Donations for the supply of seats by private individuals, families, service groups or organisations is acceptable and is encouraged as a way of increasing the supply of seats for the community’s use. To assist Council in managing requests, guidelines were developed in 2010 after consultation with the community, Council staff and elected members. Council guidelines have provided a consistent approach when assessing requests.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS There are no statutory requirements relating to this report.

DISCUSSION Council has received a request from Master Builders Tasmania (MBT) to donate a seat and plaque to the Devonport Community as part of the 125th anniversary celebrations for MBT. MBT have offered to donate a seat to each of the municipalities where they have an office located. MBT originally established an office at 5 Stewart Street in 1968. The MBT Office remained there until 1979 when it moved to its current location at 41 Steele Street. MBT have suggested that they install the seat along Victoria Parade, the foreshore areas or as part of the LIVING CITY redevelopment. The request from MBT has been assessed in accordance with the guidelines. The following items resulted from that assessment: 

MBT have made a significant contribution to the Devonport Community providing a professional organisation to support an industry that employs a large number of people within the Devonport community.


The existing bench seating renewal program along Victoria Parade has a number of locations already identified for new seats. From discussions with MBT they will install a seat on the edge of the walking track along Victoria Parade opposite the end of Clements Street near the existing carpark where an old seat has been removed.


The MBT request suggested a seat type that they would like to donate. From discussions with MBT they have agreed that the donated seat and plaque could be ITEM 5.3

PAGE 56 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

the same as the seats and plaques that are currently being installed along Victoria Parade as shown in the following photo:

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT There was no community engagement as a result of this report.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The request from MBT details that they will fund the purchase and installation costs for a seat. There will not be any additional maintenance costs for Council as it is proposed that an existing seat that is at the end of its life is replaced by the new seat.

RISK IMPLICATIONS No risks were identified as a result of this report.

CONCLUSION Master Builders Tasmania have made a significant contribution to the Devonport Community over a number of years. The request to install a seat and plaque along Victoria Parade to mark their 125th year celebrations should be accepted.


RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the offer from Master Builders Tasmania to donate and install a seat and plaque along Victoria Parade to mark their 125 th year celebrations be accepted.

Author: Position:

Kylie Lunson Infrastructure & Works Manager

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 5.3

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 57 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016





RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 5.4.1

Provide timely, efficient, consistent and quality services which are aligned with and meet our customers needs

SUMMARY This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken by the Development and Health Services Department for the months of June and July 2016.

BACKGROUND This report is provided to the bi-monthly Infrastructure, Works and Development Committee meeting to summarise the activities of the Development and Health Services Department in the preceding two months. The Council functions undertaken by the Department are:     

Planning; Building and Plumbing Services; Environmental Health; Animal Control; and Regulatory Services.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS In carrying out its activities the Development and Health Services Department is required to ensure compliance with a substantial amount of legislation and regulation. The principal legislation administered by the Department includes the:       

Local Government Act 1993 Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 Building Act 2000 Public Health Act 1997 Food Act 2003 Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 Dog Control Act 2000


Planning Reform Update A draft of the new Tasmanian Planning Scheme was released for comment in May 2016. A consolidated local government response was made through LGAT. Although no declaration date has yet been announced it is understood that it is the State’s intention to finalise the state provisions of the scheme by the end of the calendar year. No timetable has been announced for the preparation of the complementary local provisions by each Council. ITEM 6.1

PAGE 58 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


Finalisation of Devonport Interim Planning Scheme 2013 The TPC is now close to finalising the Interim Planning Scheme. It has worked through most of the representations to the Devonport scheme, including those submitted by Council. In some instances it has accepted the representations and has itself made zoning changes. In other instances it has found that it does not have the authority to make the requested changes. In those instances the representor would need to follow the process set out in LUPAA to make a formal request for a zoning change. It is Council’s intention to pursue some of the issues through the preparation of the Devonport local provisions of the State Planning Scheme. A list of matters considered by the TPC to date is attached.


DHS Statistical Report for the Financial Year 2015/16 Building and Plumbing 282 building applications were received to the end of the financial year which is identical to the previous year. The nominal value of that building work as notified by the applicants was $36.9 million which is $4.3 million less than the previous financial year. 266 plumbing applications were received which was 4 more than for the previous financial year. Planning 174 planning applications were received for the year, an increase of 13 over the previous year. 102 of the applications received were for residential development with 38 applications for commercial or industrial development. 15 subdivision applications were also considered. Environmental Health A total of 1123 school and community immunisations were administered during the financial year. In October last year Council introduced a new internal assessment process for Events applications. The Health team contributed to 50 such assessments during the year to ensure all aspects concerning public health and food handling methods were adequately addressed. The Health team also dealt with 627 complaints during the year. These complaints involved a broad range of issues including noise, litter, environmental issues, water contamination and fire hazards. In the table “other” complaints includes myriad other matters dealt with by the team such as abandoned vehicles, overhanging branches, unsafe fences, untidy premises, breaches by campers in parks and reserves and parking on public reserves. As a result of the June floods the team also dealt with numerous issues involving live cattle coming ashore in the municipality or dead cattle found on beaches or river shores. Removing dead cattle has been a combined effort involving Council’s Works team, Environmental Protection Services and TasPorts as each situation required.

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 59 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

Animal Control At the end of the financial year Council records disclosed that 4,441 dogs were registered within Devonport. This is a very similar number to the previous financial year. Of concern were the 881 animal complaints received during the year. Although this is less than the 967 of the previous year it still represents an average of 73 complaints a month which does not reflect a culture of responsible dog ownership in the community. The majority of those complaints were concerning dog attacks, dogs at large and barking. 864 of those complaints were successfully closed during the year with only 17 yet to be finalised. The average response time to animal complaints was 1.2 days. 345 infringement notices were issued to dog owners during the year. A significant number of those were for unregistered dogs discovered during a door to door audit. Approximately 150 of those notices were subsequently withdrawn as a good will gesture when owners immediately responded by effecting registration in compliance with the requirements of the Dog Control Act.

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 60 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 61 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 62 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


DHS Statistical Report for July 2016 The statistical report for July 2016 is set out below. No detailed analysis is provided as it is too early to measure or analyse any significant trends. It would appear that in the area of applications at least there has been little variance from July of the previous year.

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 63 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 64 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 65 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 66 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The information provided above details any issues relating to community engagement.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Any financial implications arising out of this report will be reported separately to Council.

RISK IMPLICATIONS There are no specific risk implications as a result of this report.

CONCLUSION This report is provided for information purposes only about the activities of the Development and Health Services Department in June and July 2016.


List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the Development and Health Services report be received and noted.

Author: Position:

Brian May Development Manager

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 6.1

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 67 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Urgent Amendment under section 30IA of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 Devonport Interim Planning Scheme 2013 No.


Interim Planning Scheme Reference 5.4.2

Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

Insert a new 5.4.2 as follows:

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

5.4.2 Maintenance and repair of jetties, wharfs, navigation aids, boat ramps or airports





Insert a new 5.12 as follows: 5.12 Navigation Aids 5.12.1 The erection, maintenance or repair of navigation aids, other than a lighthouse, by or on behalf of the State Government, a Council, a statutory authority, or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State or by a statutory authority Insert a new 6.2.5 as follows: Minor upgrades by or on behalf of the State government, a Council, or a statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State or by a statutory authority, of infrastructure such as roads, rail lines, jetties, wharfs, navigation aids, boat ramps, airstrips, footpaths, cycle paths, drains, sewers, power lines and pipelines including:

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

(a) minor widening or narrowing of existing carriageways; or (b) making, placing or upgrading kerbs, gutters, footpaths, roadsides, traffic control devices and markings, street lighting and landscaping 4.


In the use table for the General Residential zone 10.2 Revise the No Permit Required Residential use class qualification to “if a single dwelling or home based business”

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island,

PAGE 68 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

In the use table for the General Residential zone 10.2 remove the qualification from the use class Residential in the permitted section of the use table

WaratahWynyard, West Coast

In the use table for the Village zone 16.2 in the No Permit Required part insert the use class Residential with the qualification “if a single dwelling or home based business”. In the use table for the Urban Mixed Use zone 15.2 insert Use Class Residential in the No Permit Required part with the qualification “if a single dwelling or home based business” 5.


Revise the objective in 10.3.2 to: “Use in this zone that is a discretionary permit use is required to serve local needs and must minimise adverse impact on the amenity of residential use”. Revise 10.3.2 A1 to “Permitted non-residential use must adjoin at least one residential use on the same street frontage.”

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Revise 10.3.2 A2 to “Permitted non-residential use must not generate more than 40 average daily vehicle movements.” 6.


In 10.4.13 remove the following from P1 (a) intended for residential use; (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

and insert the following as A1 a) and b) (a) intended for residential use; (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority 7.


Renumber 10.4.13 P1 c) to P1 a) Revise the objective in 12.3.2 to: “Use in this zone that is a discretionary permit use is required to serve local needs and must minimise adverse impact on the amenity of residential use”. Revise 12.3.2 A1 to “Permitted non-residential use ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West

PAGE 69 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

must adjoin at least one residential use on the same street frontage.”


Revise 12.3.2 A2 to “Permitted non-residential use must not generate more than 40 average daily vehicle movements.” 8.


Revise the objective in 13.3.2 to: “Use in this zone that is a discretionary permit use is required to serve local needs and must minimise adverse impact on the amenity of residential use”. Revise 13.3.2 A1 to “Permitted non-residential use must adjoin at least one residential use on the same street frontage.”

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Revise 13.3.2 A2 to “Permitted non-residential use must not generate more than 40 average daily vehicle movements.” 9.


Revise 13.4.1 P1 as follows:


A site or each lot on a plan of subdivision must –


(a) if intended for residential use be of sufficient size to be consistent with clauses 13.1.1, 13.1.2 and 13.1.3 having regard to (i)

the number, size and distribution of existing and approved lots on land in the vicinity;


the pattern, intensity and character of established use and development on other lots in the vicinity;

(iii) the capacity of any available or planned utilities; and (iv) capability of the land to accommodate residential use; and (b) be of sufficient size for the intended use having regard to the effect of one or more of the following as are relevant to the size of a site or lot (i)

topography of the land and land in the vicinity;


natural drainage of the land and land in the vicinity;


the desirability of protecting native

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 70 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

vegetation, landscape features, natural and cultural values; (iv)

provision for management of exposure to natural hazards;


provision of an accessible building area


compliance to the acceptable solution criteria in any applicable standard for location and separation of a building;

(vii) arrangements for the convenient provision of roads and access to the land; (viii) arrangements for the provision of a water supply and for the drainage and disposal of sewage and stormwater; (ix)

any restriction or requirement of a lawful easement or statutory interest in the land; and


opportunity for solar access to a building area.

Revise 13.4.2 P1 as follows: The number of dwellings on a lot or site must be consistent with: (a) clauses 13.1.1, 13.1.2 and 13.1.3 having regard to (i)

the size of any existing or approved lot or site on land in the vicinity; and


the pattern, intensity and character of established use and development on other lots in the vicinity; and

(b) the capability of the land for residential use having regard to the effect of one or more of the following as are relevant to the size of a site or lot (i)



natural drainage;


the desirability of protecting native vegetation, landscape features, natural and cultural values;


provision for management of exposure to natural hazards;

ITEM 6.1

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

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Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation


provision for access to the building area


compliance to the acceptable solution criteria in any applicable standard for location and separation of a building in relation to a frontage, side or rear boundary or zone boundary and from adjacent buildings;

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

(vii) arrangements for the convenient provision of roads and access to the land; (viii) arrangements for the provision of a water supply and for the drainage and disposal of sewage and stormwater;






any restriction or requirement of a lawful easement or statutory interest in the land; and


opportunity for solar access to each building.

In 13.4.3 A1 revise “A building, utility structure, garage or an external car parking area for the display, handling or storage of goods, materials or waste, must be setback from a frontage” – to “A building, utility structure, garage or carport must be setback from a frontage-”. In 13.4.3 P1 revise “The setback a building, utility structure, garage, carport or an external car parking area and any area for the display, handling or storage of goods, materials or waste from a frontage must be-” to “The setback of a building, utility structure or carport from a frontage must be -” Insert a new 13.4.3 A5 as follows: “Area for the display, handling of good, storage or waste must not be located in front of the building line. Insert a new 13.4.3 P5 as follows: “Area for the display, handling or storage of good must have regard have regard to the nature of the material, distance from the frontage and any screening that is available”. 13.4.3 revise to (a) clad and roofed with materials with a light reflectance value of less than 40%.

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, Waratah-Wynyard, West Coast

PAGE 72 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC



Interim Planning Scheme Reference 13.4.7




Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

In 13.4.7 remove the following from P1: (a) intended for residential use; (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a) and b) (a) intended for residential use; (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber 13.4.7 P1 c) to P1 a) Revise the objective in 14.3.2 to:

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

“Use in this zone that is a discretionary permit use is required to serve local needs and must minimise adverse impact on the amenity of residential use”. Revise 14.3.2 A1 to “Permitted non-residential use must adjoin at least one residential use on the same street frontage.”

Devonport, Central Coast, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, Circular Head

Revise 14.3.2 A2 to “Permitted non-residential use must not generate more than 40 average daily vehicle movements.” 14.


In 14.4.3 A1 revise “A building, utility structure, garage or an external car parking area for the display, handling or storage of goods, materials or waste, must be setback from a frontage-” to “A building, utility structure, garage or carport must be setback from a frontage-”. In 14.4.3 P1 revise “The setback of a building, utility structure, garage, carport or an external car parking area and any area for the display, handling or storage of goods, materials or waste from a frontage must be-” to “The setback of a building, utility structure or carport from a frontage must be -” Insert a new 14.4.3 A6 as follows: “Area for the display, handling of goods, storage or waste must not be located in front of the building line. Insert a new 14.4.3 P6 as follows: “Area for the display, handling or storage of good must have regard to the nature of the material, distance from the frontage and any screening that is available”.

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Devonport, Central Coast, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, Circular Head

PAGE 73 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC



Interim Planning Scheme Reference 14.4.3


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

Revise 14.4.3 A5 to read: A5

Burnie, Devonport, Central Coast, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, Circular Head

(a) Development must be located on land where the native vegetation cover has been removed. (b) Any replanting must use vegetation of a type consistent with the native vegetation of the locality. Revise P5 to the following: P5 Development must be located to minimise native vegetation removal and manage the natural and landscape values, having regard to: (a) the extent of native vegetation to be removed; (b) any remedial or mitigation measures or revegetation requirements; (c) the type, growth, habit, texture and suitability of the vegetation species proposed; (d) provision of natural habitat for native fauna; (e) the preparation, planting, timing and maintenance of the vegetation and landscaping during and after construction; (f) weed management; (g) the management and treatment of the balance of the site or native vegetation areas; (h) the type, size and design of development, including buildings, outbuildings, structures, car parking, roads, driveways, pathways, walking trails, storage areas, signage and utility services, fences, retaining walls and undisturbed areas; and (i) the extent that landscaping softens and screens the development; and as shown in a detailed landscaping plan. 16.


In 14.4.7 remove the following from P1: (a) intended for residential use; (b) b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a) and b) (a) intended for residential use; (b) b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Devonport, Central Coast, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, Circular Head

PAGE 74 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference










Commission’s Recommendation

corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 c) to P1 a) In 15.4.3 A1 revise “A building, utility structure, garage or an external car parking area for the display, handling or storage of goods, materials or waste, must be setback from a frontage” to “A building, utility structure, garage or carport must be setback from a frontage”. In 15.4.3 P1 revise “The setback of a building from a frontage must be” to “The setback of a building, utility structure or carport from a frontage must be” In 15.4.7 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a) (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) In 17.4.5 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a) (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) In 18.4.4 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a) (a) a lot required for public use by the State ITEM 6.1

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

Devonport, WaratahWynyard

Devonport, WaratahWynyard

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, King Island, Latrobe, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 75 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) In 19.4.4 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a) (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) Insert in Clause 20.2 Use Table, General retail and hire as a discretionary use with no qualification Insert Hotel Industry in the discretionary part of the Use Table 20.2 (with no qualification)

Interim Planning Scheme to amend







In Use Table 20.2 delete the qualification from ‘Discretionary’ residential use class and insert residential use into ‘Permitted’ with the qualification “If located on a floor above road or pedestrian level or to the rear of active frontage premises”

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, West Coast



Delete 20.4.4 A2 and P2

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, West Coast



In 20.4.6 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, West Coast

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, West Coast

PAGE 76 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference












Commission’s Recommendation

corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) Delete 22.4.4 A2 and P2 In 22.4.6 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) In 23.4.4 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) In 24.4.4 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) In the 25.2 remove the qualification from P and ITEM 6.1

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

Burnie, Devonport Burnie, Devonport

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Latrobe

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, West Coast

Burnie, Central

PAGE 77 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

delete Utilities from D.

Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

In 25.4.4 remove the following from P1: (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 b) to P1 a) Revise 26.2 Discretionary General Retail and hire qualification b) from “cellar door sales form a winery to “door sales of products from a vineyard, dairy, farm, orchard or similar primary production enterprise”

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast







In 26.3.2  In A1 (d) remove ‘not’ and insert lawful before existing  Delete A1 (f)  insert ‘or’ at the end of A1 e)  Renumber A1 (g) and (h) accordingly

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast



Revise the objective in 26.3.3 to:

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Residential use that is not required as a part of other use – (a) minimises the permanent and unnecessary loss of land with potential for resource development or an extractive industry; and (a) minimises likelihood to interfere with or constrain the existing or potential use of land for

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 78 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

resource development or an extractive industry In 26.3.3 delete P1 (c) and insert the following: 26.3.3 P1 (c) be on a site within which the existing or proposed development area – (i) is not capable by reason of one or more of factors of topography, resource capability, size or shape of being utilised for resource development or extractive industry use; and (ii) is not capable of utilisation in the operations of a resource development or extractive industry enterprise, regardless of ownership; and (iii) does not constrain or interfere with existing or potential resource development or extractive industry use of land including the balance area on the site. In 26.3.3 delete (d) and insert the following: (d) not be likely to impose an immediate demand or contribute to a cumulative requirement for public provision or improvement in reticulated or alternate arrangements for utilities, road access, or community service. 35.


Revise 26.4.3 A1 “New development for sensitive uses must” to “new development, except for extensions to existing sensitive use where the extension is no greater than 30% of the existing gross floor area of the sensitive use, must – Revise 26.4.3 P1 “New development for sensitive uses must minimise –to “new development, except for extensions to existing sensitive use where the extension is no greater than 30% of the existing gross floor area of the sensitive use, must minimise-“



Modify 26.4.3 A1(a) by deleting (iii) and substituting “(iii) 500m from the operational area boundary established by a mining lease issued in accordance with the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 if blasting does not occur; or” Insert the following new clauses and renumber other clauses accordingly (iv) 1000m from the operational area boundary established by a mining lease issued in accordance with the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 if blasting does occur; or ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 79 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

(iv) 500m from intensive animal husbandry Renumber subsequent sub-clauses 37.






In 26.4.4 remove the following from P1: (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 c) to P1 b) and renumber P1 (d) to P1 (c) In 28.3.1 P1 c) ii) delete the last occurring ‘the’ and replace with ‘any existing or potential’.

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Revise 28.4.2 A1 from:

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

“A building or a utility structure must be setback” – to “A building or a utility structure excluding bridges must be setback” – Revise 28.4.2 P1 from: “The setback of a building or a utility structure must be” - to

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

“The setback of a building or a utility structure excluding a bridge must be” 40.


In 28.4.3 remove the following from P1: (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 80 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC



Interim Planning Scheme Reference


(also 29.4.1




Commission’s Recommendation

government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 c) to P1 b) and renumber P1 (d) to P1 (c) In 29.3.1 – (a) Delete A1(a); (b) Modify A1(b) to A1(a) and correct a construction error to read “the use is in accordance with any applicable reserve management plan;” (c) Renumber A1(c) as A1(b) (d) Renumber A1 (d) as A1(c) In 29.4.1 – (a) Delete A1(a); (b) Modify A1(b) to A1(a) and correct a construction error to read “the development is in accordance with any applicable reserve management plan;” (c) Renumber A1(c) as A1(b) (d) Renumber A1 (d) as A1(c) Add a new 29.3.2 A1 as follows: Discretionary permit use, other than residential use, must be -



(a) on a site that is not located in an area of significant ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic value; or (b) consistent with any advice or decision of the relevant entity for a statutory outcome applying for protection, conservation and management of a significant ecological, scientific, cultural, or aesthetic value of the land or adjacent land In 29.4.4 remove the following from P1: (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 c) to P1 b) and renumber P1 (d) to P1 (c) ITEM 6.1

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 81 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC





Interim Planning Scheme Reference 31.4.2




Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

In 31.4.2 remove the following from P1: (b) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority; or (c) and insert the following as A1 a): (a) a lot required for public use by the State government, a Council, a Statutory authority or a corporation all the shares of which are held by or on behalf of the State, a Council or by a statutory authority Renumber P1 c) to P1 b) and renumber P1 (d) to P1 (c) Revise E 3.2.1 The Code applies for – To The Code applies for (a) land in the Environmental Living, Environmental Management, Open Space, Rural Living or Rural Resource zones which is (i) the site of threatened native vegetation communities within the meaning of the Nature Conservation Act 2002; or

Burnie, Circular Head, Devonport, Latrobe, King Island


part of the habitat for a threatened species within the meaning of the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995; or


native vegetation within 30m of a named water body or watercourse; or


native vegetation in a wetland, or within 30 m of a coastal shoreline

(b) land shown on the planning scheme map as significant for scenic, biodiversity or landscape value; or (c) land with a low, medium or high likely risk from landslide identified by Code E6 – Hazard Management under this planning scheme; In E3.4 insert (d) for level 2 activities or matters called in for assessment by the Board of the Environment Protection Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994.

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 82 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC



Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend


Interim Planning Scheme Reference E3.4.1

Insert a new E3.4.1 c) as follows: E3.4.1 (c) in the Port and Marine zone



Insert a new E4.4.4 (a) (iii) as follows: E4.4.1 (a) (iii) for the Port and Shipping use class in the Port and Marine zone,



Delete E5.2.1 (a)(ii), renumber E5.2.1 (a)(iii) as E5.2.1 (a)(ii) and link E5.2.1.(a)(i) and E5.2.1.(a)(ii) with ‘or’ not ‘and’. Delete from E5.6.4 P1 b) “and on adjacent land”



In E 3.6.2 delete the words “The harvesting of timber or”



In E3.6.3 A1 (b) after “a landslide hazard risk assessment” insert the words “as defined in E6”. In E3.6.3 P1 after “There must be a hazard risk assessment” insert the words “as defined in E6”.



In relation to parts (b) and (c) of the submission referring to the reference to Table 1 in E6.2.1 (c), no action is recommended as the matter has already been addressed by an urgent amendment to remove drafting errors and improve the clarity and consistency of provisions.

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, Waratah-

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 83 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC




Interim Planning Scheme Reference




Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

The Panel notes that Central Coast and Devonport will need to update the landslide maps using the data available on the LIST, DPAC landslide data named ‘Landslide Planning Map V2 – Hazard Bands’ as part of the Local Provision Schedules. In clause E6.3 revise the table as follows (a) in the definition corresponding to hazard risk assessment add the following:

Wynyard, West Coast

means an assessment and report prepared by a suitably qualified person, in accordance with the Australian Geomechanics Society – Practice Note Guidelines for Landslide Risk Management 2007; In the definition corresponding to vulnerable use Revise E3.6.1 A1 to: A1 (a) Vegetation must not be any of the following (i)

a threatened native vegetation community;


contain threatened flora or be threatened fauna habitat; or


be within 30m of a water body, watercourse, wetland, or coastal shoreline; or

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

(b) the removal or destruction of any rare or threatened species or rare or threatened communities protected under state or commonwealth legislation must not occur unless authorised by the appropriate agency 55.


in E3.4.1 after insert “or” after on previously cleared land In (b) after “in accordance with a reserve management plan;” insert “or” including an exemption (c) as follows: (c) clearing within a road reserve



In E3.6.3 A1 (b) after a landslide hazard risk assessment insert “(as defined in E6)”

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 84 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC



Interim Planning Scheme Reference E6.4


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

In E6.4.4 - insert delete (d) and replace it with: (d) a new building and an extension to a building on land located in a Low Landslide Hazard Area shown on the planning scheme map; In E6.4.4 insert new standard (i) and (j) as follows: (i) an extension to an existing building on land located in a Medium Landslide Hazard Area shown on the planning scheme map if the gross floor area of the extension is not greater than 50m2.

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

(j) subdivision of land located in a Low Landslide Hazard Area shown on the planning scheme map; 58.


Insert a new E6.4.5 as follows: E6.4.5 Development is exempt under this Code if for the Port and Shipping use class in the Port and Marine zone,



Remove the word “unacceptable” from E6.5.2 A1 and P1 and E6.6.2



Revise E5.6.2 as follows: E5.6.2 A1 Demolition achieves the conservation outcomes for a building, place or conservation area shown in Column 4 of the table to this Code E5.6.2 P1 Demolition in whole or in part of a building or place may be permitted, having regard to (a) the heritage significance of the affected parts of the building or place; (b) the likely benefits of renovating, rehabilitating, reconstructing or modifying the building for an approved use; and (c) the impracticability and cost of retaining and conserving the building or place; or (c) overriding environmental, public health or economic considerations.

ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 85 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC



Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend


Interim Planning Scheme Reference E8.4.1

Revise E8.4.1 from ‘Development is exempt from this Code if –‘ to ‘Development is exempt from this Code unless Code E2 applies if –‘



Delete E9.5.1 A1 b), (c) and (d)



Devonport Local Area Parking Scheme Revise as follows: Use or development is exempt from this Code if the site is (a) Within an area shown on the planning scheme map to which the Devonport Local Area Parking Area applies (excluding a dwelling in the General Residential Zone), unless the use or development includes voluntary on-site car parking in which case only clauses E9.5.3, E9.6.1 and E9.6.2 apply

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, Waratah-Wynyard, West Coast Devonport

Revise E9.5.3 objective as follows:The provision of parking spaces on land to which the Devonport Local Parking Area applies is (i)reduced to the minimum necessary to satisfy the Building Code of Australia in regard to provision of access for disabled persons, and (ii) intended to maximise the ground floor area of the site available for retail and business floor space Revise E9.5.3 A1 as follows:On-site car parking must not increase above existing parking numbers. Revise E9.5.3 P1 as follows: On-site car parking must be necessary for the operation of the use on the site having regard to (a) the requirements of the use needing to locate parking spaces close to a building entrance on the site; (b) the proximity and convenience of dedicated public car parking areas;

ITEM 6.1

PAGE 86 List of IPS Amendments reviewd by TPC


Interim Planning Scheme Reference


Commission’s Recommendation

Interim Planning Scheme to amend

(c) the availability of on-street car parking near the site; (d) the proximity of bus stops and taxi ranks (e) the frequency and convenience of public transport services (f) the ability to maximise use of the site for business or retail floor space; (g) any requirements for the loading or unloading of vehicles; and







The proximity and convenience of on-street loading bays. Delete E9.6.1 and footnote

In E10.2.2 revise “This Code does not apply for land within the Port and Marine zone” to This Code does not apply to (a) land within 30m of a constructed channel or a farm dam. (b) land within the Port and Marine zone (c) use or development in the Port and Shipping Use Class which are for navigation aids. In E10.6.2 (a) Modify the Objective to read Coastal waters and the shoreline area are protected against likely impact of development within 30m of or located in, over, on or under a the coastal waters or shoreline area on economic, ecological … In E10.6.2 P1 d) v) insert ‘and’ after ‘place;’

Greg Alomes Executive Commissioner Tasmanian Planning Commission This amendment comes into effect on ITEM 6.1

Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast Burnie, Central Coast, Circular Head, Devonport, Kentish, Latrobe, King Island, WaratahWynyard, West Coast

PAGE 87 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016



RELEVANCE TO COUNCIL’S PLANS & POLICIES Council’s Strategic Plan 2009-2030: Strategy 5.4.1

Provide timely, efficient, consistent and quality services which are aligned with and meet our customers needs

SUMMARY This report provides a summary of the activities undertaken by the Infrastructure and Works Department during the months of June and July 2016.

BACKGROUND The report is provided to the Infrastructure and Works Committee and aims to update Aldermen and the community on matters of interest. The functional areas of Council covered by this report are:             

Asset Management Program (forward planning and maintenance) Capital Works Roads, Footpaths and Cycleways Streetscape Design (incl lighting, signs, furniture, vegetation) Stormwater Management Traffic Management Waste Management Recreation Reserves (incl. playgrounds, parks and gardens) Sporting Grounds and Facilities Tracks and Trails Public Buildings (incl public halls, toilets) Marine Structures (incl jetties, boat ramps) Recreation and open space planning

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Council is required to comply with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and other relevant legislation.


2015/2016 Capital Works Program The 2015/2016 Capital Works Program has been completed as anticipated, with most projects being finalised during June. As previously reported to Council, a small number of jobs were not undertaken for various reasons and some projects have been carried forward to the 2016/17 financial year. Details regarding a number of key projects which have recently been completed are outlined below. 1.1. Mersey Vale Memorial Garden – the garden is now operational and a number of requests have been made for ash interments and reservations.

ITEM 6.2

PAGE 88 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

1.2. Picnic Tables & Bench Seating Renewal – furniture in a number of locations along Victoria Parade and the East Devonport foreshore was replaced.

1.3. Devonport Oval Facility Plan Actions – a disability access ramp has been installed for the canteen at the Devonport Oval.

1.4. Payne Avenue Carpark Retaining Wall Renewal – one of the existing retaining walls within the Payne Avenue has been replaced.

ITEM 6.2

PAGE 89 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


2016/2017 Capital Works Program Work has commenced on the 2016/17 Capital Works Program and a number of projects have been progressing, items of note are outlined below. 2.1. Sister Cities, 20 Year Anniversary Project – the cherry blossoms have been sourced and will be planted when weather conditions are suitable. 2.2. Devonport Road/Formby Road/Westport Road Reconstruction – concept plans have been produced for consultation with State Growth and TasRail.

2.3. Woodrising Avenue new footpath – Leila Avenue to Walter Street. The design has been finalised and construction will commence in coming weeks. 2.4. Steele Street/Fenton Street upgrade – concept plans have been produced for consultation with State Growth and Devonport Primary School. 2.5. Mersey Bluff Caravan Park Internal Road Improvements – the design for the improvement to the internal roads at the caravan park has commenced. It is intended that this project will be finished prior to the summer camping season. 3.

Management 3.1. Large Vehicle Parking – Devonport CBD and East Devonport. A letter was sent to the owner of 41 Oldaker Street requesting approval for Council to install signage and line marking changes to their carpark in an attempt to encourage RV vehicles to access this carpark for short term parking purposes. The owner has responded to Council and a copy of the letter is attached to this report. 3.2. The following table is a summary of the action requests for the Infrastructure and Works Department: Balance of Action Requests as at 31/5/2016 Number of Action Requests created in June & July Number of Action Requests completed in June & July Balance of Action Requests as at 25/7/2016

ITEM 6.2

468 581 453 596

PAGE 90 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

3.3. The following graph details the breakdown of the action requests completed during June and July:

Completed Action Requests Bi-monthly Breakdown 7%

Buildings 0 Cemeteries




Parking Parks Roads


Service Assistance Signage





Trees & Weeds

6% 6% 3%

Waste Other


3.4. The following graph details the total number of action requests completed this financial year by the Infrastructure & Works Department: Completed Action Requests 400










Jun-16 233











16/17 Monthly Total

May-17 220

15/16 Monthly Total













Technical and Engineering 4.1. The storms that occurred on 6 June 2016 resulted in infrastructure damage in a number of locations. Contractors have been engaged to undertake repair works at Collins Way, Buster Road, Paloona Road and the ferry pontoon. Expressions of interest have been called for the rebuilding of Durkins Road. This project will be tendered as a design and construct. ITEM 6.2

PAGE 91 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

It is expected that the total repair bill for Council will be in the order of $800k. Council will be able to recover approximately 75% of costs from damaged infrastructure resulting from the storms. 4.2. Aquatic Centre pool heating modifications – the contract has been awarded and the contractor has commenced on site. The scope of works requires that the heating system will need to be shut down for a period of time for the new system to be commissioned. The contractor is working with Splash staff to determine the optimum time to complete those works. 4.3. The State Government have announced that they will fund an upgrade of the Bass Highway off-ramp at the Middle Road intersection. Council will deliver this project on behalf of the Government as part of the 2016/17 Capital Works Program. 4.4. Following the resolution from the May Council meeting to install metered parking along Victoria Parade opposite the fire station, meters have been installed. The meters installed were meters that had been removed from Fenton Way outside the old Council Chambers. 4.5. The rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) has commenced in East Devonport. 4.6. A consultant has been engaged to complete the hydraulic model for Chinamans Creek catchment. This work will include calibrating the hydraulic model and identifying network improvements. 4.7. Condition assessments of the stormwater pipe network identified pipes with ongoing tree root intrusions, which result in regular cleaning to maintain the pipe’s serviceability. Council engaged a contractor to trial relining a pipe in Madden Street to eliminate this issue. The picture below shows how the technology relines the existing pipe.

4.8. The following is a summary of the projects capitalised in June and July: Number of projects capitalised in June & July (to 31/7/2016) Total value of capitalisations in June & July Total value of Works in Progress (WIP) as at 31/7/2015 Number of projects awaiting capitalisation next month * includes $5.5M LIVING CITY costs yet to be capitalised

ITEM 6.2

15 $0.87M $10.5M* 7

PAGE 92 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

4.9. Five National Heavy Vehicle Regulator Assessments were completed in June and 6 were assessed in July. The following graph details the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator Assessments that have been issued so far this calendar year: National Heavy Vehicle Regulator Assessments 60




















































4.10. The following graph details the engineering development assessments that have been completed to date this year: Development Application Engineering Assessments 45 40 35

30 25

20 15 10 5 0


Feb-16 Mar-16

Building Assessments


Subdivision Assessments


Planning Assessments


Pre Assessments










21 3

May-16 Jun-16
















ITEM 6.2





Nov-16 Dec-16

PAGE 93 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

4.11. The following graph details the Road Occupational Permits that have been issued so far this year: Road Occupation Permits 2016 8
























Tas Gas





































4.12. The following graph details the Dial Before You Dig requests that have been processed this calendar year:

DBYD - Dial Before You Dig Requests 250 200


2016 2015



50 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


ITEM 6.2

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

PAGE 94 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

4.13. The following graph details the 337 Certificates that have been assessed by the Infrastructure and Works Department this calendar year:

337 Certificate Requests 100 90 80 70 60






30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Civil Works and Stormwater Maintenance 5.1. Maintenance in accordance with the Service Level Document, undertaken in June and July included: 

Storm responses on a number of occasions


Minor works to Durkins Road in an attempt to stabilise the bank until repair works can be completed


Annual footpath inspections


Cleaning of culverts at various locations

ITEM 6.2

PAGE 95 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

5.2. Next month it is anticipated that civil works and stormwater maintenance works will include:



Footpath replacements


Installation of concrete plinths at Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery


Replacement of stormwater pit lids at various locations

Parks and Reserves Maintenance 6.1. Maintenance in accordance with the Service Level Document, undertaken in June and July included: Vegetation clean-up after the recent storms including tree removal Turf repairs to sports grounds

 

6.2. Next month it is anticipated that parks and reserves maintenance works will include: 

Planting 8 conifers at Home Hill to replace the pine trees that were removed due to risk issues earlier this year


Rose pruning at various locations


Sports ground turf reinstatement

6.3. Mersey Vale Memorial Cemetery interment figures to date this financial year are as follows:

Mersey Vale Cemetery Interment Figures 18

16 14 12

10 8

6 4 2

0 Burial Ash Interment


Jul-16 7













16/17 Monthly Total


15/16 Monthly Total













14/15 Monthly Total













Building and Facilities Maintenance 7.1. Maintenance in accordance with the Service Level Document, undertaken in June and July included:

ITEM 6.2

PAGE 96 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016


Installation of seats along the walking track near the Spirit of the Sea. The seats were donated by the Spirit of the Sea Committee


The external plywood cladding on the surf club building was re-stained


The BBQ cook top was replaced at the Dell Luck picnic area after it was damaged as a result of the recent floods


A new litter bin was installed outside the Visitor Information Centre

7.2. Next month it is anticipated that building and facilities maintenance works will include: 

Internal and external painting of the amenities at the surf club building


Installation of a new kitchenette in the Meercroft Park kiosk

8. Waste Management Operations 8.1. Waste Management Services were conducted in accordance with the Service Level Document during June and July. Items of note include: 

743 drums were collected as part of the DrumMuster program

8.2. The following graph details the volumes of waste and recycling from the domestic collection services and the total volume of waste to landfill from the Spreyton Waste Transfer Station: Waste & Recycling Monthly Figures 1600








0 Domestic Waste (tonnes)

Jul-15 567

Aug-15 520

Sep-15 617

Oct-15 650

Nov-15 630

Dec-15 709

Jan-16 732

Feb-16 647

Mar-16 572

Apr-16 616

May-16 615

Jun-16 568

Domestic Recycling (tonnes)













Total Waste to Landfill (tonnes)













ITEM 6.2

PAGE 97 Report to Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting on 8 August 2016

8.3. The following table details the monthly figures for the Spreyton Waste Transfer Station: Item

May 2016

June 2016

July 2017

15/16 Total

1.28 tonnes 21m³ 34 611

0.66 tonnes 36m³ 40 755

0.58 tonnes 28m³ 63 545

12.8tonnes 218m³ 500 7,958

14/15 Total 5.52 tonnes 181m³ 431 6,555











42 tonnes

37 tonnes

35 tonnes

74 tonnes

58 tonnes

59 tonnes

541 tonnes 958 tonnes

427 tonnes 831 tonnes

773 tonne

704 tonne

9,376 tonnes

7,656 tonnes

78 tonnes

78 tonnes

53 tonnes

843 tonnes

0 tonnes

0 tonnes

0 tonnes

9.9 tonnes





687 tonnes 93.48 tonnes 307

Asbestos – large loads Asbestos – small loads Mattresses Vehicle Loads – up to 0.5m³ Vehicle Loads – 0.5m³ to 1.5m³ Vehicle Loads – 1.5m³ to 2m³ Truck Loads – landfill waste Truck Loads – non-landfill waste DCC Garbage Trucks (Domestic & Commercial Collection Services) Steel Recycling e-Waste Tyres


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The information provided above details any issues relating to community engagement.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Any financial or budgetary implications relating to matters discussed in this report will be separately reported to Council.

RISK IMPLICATIONS Any specific risk implications will be outlined in the discussion above. Any specific issue that may result in any form of risk to Council is likely to be the subject of a separate report to Council.

CONCLUSION This report is provided for information purposes only and to allow Council to be updated on activities undertaken by the Infrastructure and Works Department.


David Yaxley - RV Friendly Parking Response

RECOMMENDATION That it be recommended to Council that the Infrastructure and Works report be received and noted. Author: Position:

Kylie Lunson Infrastructure & Works Manager

Endorsed By: Position:

ITEM 6.2

Matthew Atkins Deputy General Manager

PAGE 98 David Yaxley - RV Friendly Parking Response


ITEM 6.2

PAGE 99 Infrastructure Works and Development Committee meeting Agenda 8 August 2016



There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting closed at <insert time> pm.

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