Minutes council meeting 17 june 2013

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Ald S L Martin (Mayor) in the Chair Ald G B Kent (Deputy Mayor) Ald P G Hollister Ald A J Jarman Ald J T Keay Ald L M Perry Ald A L Rockliff Ald W M Squibb Ald W P Wilson

Council Officers: General Manager, I McCallum Assistant General Manager Customers and Community, E Ewins Assistant General Manager Technical and Finance, M Atkins Executive Manager Corporate Support, S Crawford Administration Officer, R Woolsey 1.0

APOLOGIES 135/13 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Keay That the apology from the Mayor Ald S L Martin from the Closed Session of the meeting be received.



Aldermen Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



LEAVE OF ABSENCE 135/13 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Squibb That the Leave of Absence for Ald Cole, Ald Goodwin and Ald Laycock for tonight's meeting be noted.



Aldermen Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Ald Kent declared an interest in Agenda Item 11.3

4.0 CLOSED SESSION 136/13 RESOLUTION Ald Keay / Rockliff That the meeting be closed to the public, to enable Council to consider Agenda Items 4.1 to 4.6 which are confidential matters as prescribed in Regulation 15(2) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005. 4.1

Application for Leave of Absence


Unconfirmed Minutes from the Board Meeting of the Cradle Coast Authority held on 14 May 2013.

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 5 of 16 4.3

Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting - Audit Committee - 3 June 2013


Recognition of Civic Service Award


Mersey Bluff Precinct


Living City Consultancy


Aldermen Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson




RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RAISED AT PRIOR COUNCIL MEETINGS 144/13 RESOLUTION Ald Jarman / Hollister That the report advising that no responses have been forwarded to questions raised at a prior Council meeting be received and noted.



Aldermen Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



Questions asked at this meeting DOUGLAS JANNEY – 23 WATKINSON STREET, DEVONPORT (26544) CAPEX Progress 12 months ago the Council set the CAPEX budget at $22.003m. Today’s Agenda to the end of May in Item 13.1 states spends as follows: Actual


Budget $18.669m Forecast $16.149m The Forecast has been reduced since last month by $2.486m. The 2013-2014 Annual Plan & Estimates suggests a carryover from 2012-2013 of $5,258,765. The Chart on p255 would suggest an Actual of less than $15m. It was obvious with the Actual expenditure to December that the annual expenditure would get nowhere near the $22.003m. Nothing much has been done since December to lift performance (work and expenditure). The foregoing show that productivity in the CAPEX arena is well below the budget level and as a result suggests that some CAPEX personnel are being carried by Operations which would then exceed the Operations budget unless there was a reduction in the work force. Ie too many people on the books! This financial year and the previous financial year CAPEX spend suggests that capacity, capability and productivity were not matched to the Budget dollars approved. Q

What say you to the last statement?

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 6 of 16 Response The Assistant General Manager, Technical and Finance advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR KAY KIDD – 99 NORTH STREET, DEVONPORT (26370) Mr Kidd referred to his previous letter to the Editor of the Advocate as shown below: We have heard that the Devonport City Council is currently considering increasing rates for higher valued properties in the municipality by a further 12.5% for the next financial year. This is on top of massive increases for several years now that have resulted in many of these properties currently being billed at more than twice the average for other properties and without any attempt to determine the owners ability to pay. Aldermen are aware that they are required by law when setting rates, to take into account the ability to pay. As our elected representatives, they should take some time to assess the two to three hundred properties involved. They will find that most of the higher valued properties are occupied by elderly folk who have lived there for most of their lives and are now retired and trying to live on ever reducing incomes. Some of these properties only have one resident remaining and the bulk of them are either pensioners or self funded retirees. It is understood that Council will provide some remission to pensioners but unfortunately they do not recognize self funded retirees in the same way. This is most unfair. Many self funded retirees living off interest payments have had their incomes slashed by reduction in interest rates and are no better off than aged pensioners. We therefore ask our elected representatives to: 1.

Ensure that there will not be any increase in rates for the coming year.


Start cap rates on the 200 to 300 higher valued properties to establish equity and


Treat low income self funded retirees in the same way as other pensioners.

Questions for Council 1.

It was reported in Friday’s Advocate by the management that it would cost the Council $170,000 to give remissions to higher valued properties hitting them with a further 12.5% increase. Other properties will incur an average increase of only 1.6% Many people would assume that this implies that this $170k cost would be incurred if high value properties were not charged more this year. The increase at 12.5% from the current cap would be $247 (to a new cap of $2223). An increase at 1.6% on this cap is $31.62 (The average increase is $17). The difference in the proposed increase between 1.6% and 12.5% would therefore amount to $215.38.

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 7 of 16 This means that if the 1.6% were then applied to the said 290 properties at their present cap, the reduced revenue would be a maximum of $62,460 (reduced by any pensioner discounts allowed). This is a long way short of the $170,000 implied, but more importantly it is peanuts in a budget of around $35M. Not collecting this $62,000 is a small price to pay rather than to further alienate and even worse, cause distress to a considerable number of our older residents. Bear in mind that they will remember come voting day! Although we would prefer a zero increase for this coming year, in the interests of equity, we ask our elected representatives to reject the 12.5% and to vote for a standard increase of 1.6% for all properties across the board? 2.

We understood from last years discussions that Council had moved to examine rating options and to arrive at a new and fairer system before last Xmas. What is the current status of this examination?

Response The General Manager responded that the first question would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. In response to the second question the General Manager advised that many different rating models have been examined thoroughly by Aldermen, including AAV, Land Value, Capital Value, Average Area Rating and in view of the number of huge fluctuations across Council’s ratepayers it was decided by them to leave the rating system as is for the time being. Mr Kidd further asked if the fixed component had been considered, the General Manager advised it had. The Mayor took his seat and the Chair at 7.26pm. DAVE RENODEN – 2 ELLICE HILL DRIVE, SPREYTON (26370) To make rates more affordable and sustainable at the minimum increase possible, Council needs to continually look at ways to be more efficient. Earlier this month Aldermen were made aware of the fact that Launceston City Council established an independent review, to see if any cost savings could be achieved. Aldermen are also aware that the review concluded that the Council could save millions of dollars and that operations should be trimmed to enable Council to cut its cloth to suit. Such a review has been advocated by the Devonport Ratepayers Action Group for almost a year. Can the Mayor advise ratepayers if such an independent review has been undertaken and if so, who conducted the review and what was the result? If not aren’t ratepayers justified in concluding that such inaction could reasonably be described as negligent? One Alderman commented that rates needed to rise to keep up with inflation. If this is the case and inflation in Tasmania is around 1%, why was it necessary to raise rates last year 1.8%, 4% for higher value properties and 5% for commercial properties, resulting in ratepayers paying more than double inflation? The same appears to be on the table for this year with higher value properties rising by 12.5%. Will our elected members vote against this gross inequitable rating policy and that they will not increase rates any more than inflation in Tasmania and deliver the same increase to all ratepayers? In the Advocate newspaper on the 11th June, when talking about the purchase of four buildings at a cost of $7.5 Million, on paragraph four it said, Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 8 of 16 “We are not planning on raising rates, Mr McCallum said.” So how did this plan change within a 24 hour period, when the next day was a report on rate increases? Response The General Manager responded as follows: 1.

To compare Launceston City and Devonport City Councils in this manner show a gross level of misunderstanding of both Councils. It was reported in The Examiner that Launceston’s independent review identified the fact that they have been deficit budgeting for many years and their current Annual Plan and Estimates for 2013/2014 is based upon a $4.2 million operating deficit for the year. This Council after a significant amount of work by all concerned, is about to adopt a balanced Operational Budget for 2013/2014 which has been its practice for the last six years. The Launceston City Council review highlighted the need for it to “cut its cloth to fit”, something that this Council did some three years ago. It did this without engaging an outside consultant to tell it that this needed to happen and has been achieved by reviewing services, determining service levels, adopting asset management plans and long term financial management plans to determine the levels of expenditure to provide the services required by its community.


He declined to comment on a rhetorical question that needed to be answered by Aldermen in relation to higher valued property rating; and


The article in The Advocate that Mr Renoden refers to was specifically in relation to Council’s decision to purchase four properties in the CBD as part of the LIVING CITY project and my response to a question about the effect on Council rates as a result of the purchases was given in that context. Indeed, the property purchases have had a positive effect on Council’s budget and bottom line.

MR KEN TYSON – 5 JINGELLA PLACE, DEVONPORT Mr Tyson asked why he was advised by Council that it would cost $20,000 to install stormwater at his property, but an individual contractor was able to provide the same service for $5,000; and Is it true that Alderman Goodwin who is on holiday overseas at the moment and wanted to vote against the rate increases in the Council Budget was prevented from doing so by “Skype”, by the General Manager? Response The Mayor advised that the first part of his question would be taken on notice and a response would be provided in writing. He then asked the General Manager to respond to the second part of the question. Response The General Manager advised that a request from Alderman Goodwin to “Skype” into the Council Meeting was denied by him for the following reasons: 1.

Council needed to take advice as to the legality of such a move; and


Aldermen had not been given the opportunity to consider the legality, its implications, practicalities and procedures around such participation in

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 9 of 16 Council Meetings and indeed would not be implemented on the request of one Alderman until such time as all Aldermen had approved this method of participation in its Council Meetings by Aldermen who are absent from the Council Chamber. GARY RAYNER – 7 JINGELLA PLACE, DEVONPORT (26370) Mr Rayner said he would like to remind Aldermen that they have been voted onto Council to represent the ratepayers on issues of concern to them. He stated that since 2010 the rates on his property had increased by $600 and asked if Aldermen thought that was fair. Response No response was provided to Mr Rayner’s statement. JANET RAYNER – 7 JINGELLA PLACE, DEVONPORT (26370) Mrs Rayner said that she supported her husband’s comments. Further stating that even with the late decision to seek a proxy voting it was still within the time limit of this meeting and that Aldermen should be able to vote using Skype. Mrs Rayner stated that she can’t see the equity of her house being rated at 12.5% which is the same as a million dollar home. All residences are provided with the same services, so why should she have been pay exorbitant rates, there should be a fairer more equitable system in place in Devonport. Response The Mayor and General Manager responded that the mechanism is not in place to allow a hook up using Skype and that the Local Government Act does not allow proxy voting. CAROLYN WATSON – 11 CHALMERS LANE, DEVONPORT (26370) Mrs Watson referred to the fact that Ald Laycock who is on holiday with Alderman Goodwin was also refused the right to vote. Response The General Manager advised that this was not a correct statement because no such request had been received by him from Alderman Laycock. The Mayor advised that he had received an email from Alderman Laycock, but not in relation to this issue. 6.0


Council Meeting - 27 May 2013 145/13 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Squibb That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27 May 2013 as circulated be taken as read and confirmed. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson





Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 10 of 16 146/13 RESOLUTION Ald Wilson / Keay That the report advising of Workshop/Briefing Sessions held since the last Council meeting be received and the information noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



8.0 PLANNING AUTHORITY MATTERS There were no Planning Authority Matters to consider.

9.0 NOTICES OF MOTION The Mayor vacated the Chair at 7.46pm and the Deputy Mayor took the Chair. 9.1

GREEN WASTE - SPREYTON WASTE TRANSFER STATION - NOTICE OF MOTION ALD S L MARTIN (D298610) 147/13 RESOLUTION Ald Martin / Rockliff That Council prepare a cost benefit report into Council undertaking a three month trial of users dropping off green waste for free at the Spreyton Waste Transfer Station and during the same period, monitor the cost to Council of dealing with illegal dumping of green waste and resulting weed infestation. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



The Mayor resumed the Chair at 7.54pm.


MAYOR'S MONTHLY REPORT (D298418) 148/13 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Hollister That the report advising of the Mayor’s meetings and functions for the month of May 2013 be received and noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson




ANNUAL PLAN AND ESTIMATES 2013/2014 (D298499) 149/13 RESOLUTION Ald Kent / Perry That Council: 1.

Adopt the Annual Plan for 2013/14 in accordance with Section 71 of the Local Government Act, 1993;


Adopt the estimates of capital and operational revenue and expenditure as detailed in the Annual Plan and Estimates 2013/14 in accordance with Section 82 of the Local Government Act, 1993; and 2.1. in accordance with section 82(6) of the Act, authorise the General

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 11 of 16 Manager to make minor adjustments up to $50,000 to any individual item so long as the total amount of the estimate is not altered. 3.

Adopt the Fees and Charges as detailed in the Annual Plan and Estimates 2013/14 in accordance with section 205 of the Act and ; 3.1. authorise the General Manager to modify or waive any fee or charge at his discretion


Authorise the General Manager to negotiate a debenture loan of $1.0 million in accordance with Section 78 of the Act


Make rates and charges for the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 as follows: 5.1

General Rate 5.1.1

Pursuant to Section 90 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council makes the following general rate on all rateable land (excluding land which is exempt pursuant to the provisions of Section 87) within the municipal area of Devonport for the period commencing 1 July 2013 and ending 30 June 2014, namely a rate of 14.2950 cents in the dollar on the assessed annual value of the land.


That pursuant to Section 107 of the Local Government Act 1993 Council declares, by absolute majority, that the general rate is varied as follows and by reference to the following factors;




for all land which is used or predominantly used for primary production vary the general rate by decreasing it to 6.9928 cents in the dollar of the assessed annual value of the land;


for all land which is separately assessed and is predominantly used as a residential dwelling and where the number of residential dwellings does not exceed 1 on such land, vary the general rate by decreasing it to 9.7225 cents in the dollar of the assessed annual value of the land;

Pursuant to Section 88A of the Local Government Act 1993, Council, by absolute majority, sets a maximum percentage increase in the general rate which is payable on any rateable land of 20%.

Waste Management 5.2.1

Pursuant to Sections 93, 94 and 95 of the Local Government Act 1993 Council makes the following service rates and service charges on all rateable land within the municipal area of Devonport (including land which is otherwise exempt from rates pursuant to Section 87 but excluding land owned by the Crown to which Council does not supply any of the following services) for the period commencing 1 July 2013 and ending 30 June 2014 namely; (a)

a service rate for waste management (garbage removal) upon all land to which Council supplies or

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 12 of 16 makes available a garbage removal service of 1.8392 cents in the dollar of the assessed annual value of the land. Pursuant to Section 93(3) Council sets a minimum amount payable in respect of this rate of $20; (b)

pursuant to Section 107 of the Act Council, by absolute majority, declares that the service rate for waste management (garbage removal) is varied by reference to the use or predominant use of land as follows; (i)


for all land which is separately assessed and which is predominantly used as a residential dwelling and where the number of residential dwellings on such land does not exceed 1, vary the service rate to $0.00 cents in the dollar of the assessed annual value of the land and vary the minimum amount payable to $0.00;


in addition to the service rate for waste management, Council makes a separate service charge for waste management (garbage removal) for all land to which Council supplies or makes available a garbage removal service of $224;


pursuant to sections 94(3) and 107 of the Act, Council declares by absolute majority that the service charge for waste management (garbage removal) is varied to $0.00 for all land which is liable to pay the service rate for waste management determined at clause 5.2.1(a) of these resolutions.

Service Rates - Fire Service 5.3.1

Pursuant to Section 93A of the Local Government Act 1993, Council makes the following service rates in respect of the fire service contributions it must collect under the Fire Service Act 1979 for the rateable parcels of land within the municipal area of Devonport for the period commencing 1 July 2013 and ending 30 June 2014 as follows; District Cents in the dollar of Assessed Annual Value Devonport Urban Fire District 1.255 Forth/Leith Fire District 0.4507 General land 0.3074

5.3.2 5.4

Separate Land 5.4.1


Pursuant to Section 93(3) of the Act Council sets a minimum amount payable in respect of this rate of $36. For the purposes of these resolutions the rates and charges shall apply to each parcel of land which is shown as being separately valued in the valuation list prepared under the Valuation of Land Act 2001.

Adjusted Values 5.5.1

For the purposes of each of these resolutions any reference

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 13 of 16 to assessed annual value includes a reference to that value as adjusted pursuant to Sections 89 and 89A of the Local Government Act 1993. 5.6

Instalment Payments 5.6.1

Pursuant to Section 124 of the Local Government Act 1993 Council; (a)

decides that all rates are payable by all rate payers by four instalments which must be of approximately equal amounts;


determines that the dates by which instalments are to be paid shall be as follows; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)



Pursuant to Section 128 of the Local Government Act 1993 if any rate or instalment is not paid on or before the date it falls due then there is payable a penalty of 5% of the unpaid rate or instalment.

Words and Expressions 5.8.1


if a ratepayer fails to pay any instalment within 21 days from the date on which it is due, the ratepayer must pay the full amount owing.

Penalty 5.7.1


the first instalment on or before 31 August 2013; the second instalment on or before 31 October 2013; the third instalment on or before 28 February 2014; the fourth instalment on or before 30 April 2014;

In these resolutions words and expressions which are the same as those used in the Local Government Act 1993 or the Fire Service Act 1979 have in these resolutions the same respective meanings as they have in those Acts.


Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



LONG TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2014 TO 2023 (D298941) 150/13 RESOLUTION Ald Keay / Rockliff That Council adopt the long term financial plan covering the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2023. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff, Squibb and Wilson



Ald Kent left the meeting at 8:26pm. Ald Wilson left the meeting at 8:28pm and did not return. 11.3


Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 14 of 16 That Council further consider at a workshop, a remission to the class of ratepayers liable to pay the General Rate identified in Clause 5.1.2(b) of Council’s rates resolution for the 2013/2014 financial year by remitting any amount levied in excess of the sum of $2,223 for the year. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb



Ald Kent returned to the meeting at 8.40pm. 11.4

RATES AND CHARGES POLICY (D298662) 152/13 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Kent That Council adopt the amendments identified and included in its updated Rates and Charges Policy.



Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb



TASMANIAN WATER AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION (D297892) 153/13 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Keay That the information in relation to the General Meeting of the Tasmanian Water and Sewerage Corporation held on 16 May 2013 be received and noted.



Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb



LAUNCESTON CITY COUNCIL AND TASWATER (D298456) 154/13 RESOLUTION Ald Kent / Rockliff That Council advise Launceston City Council that it supports the decision of the TasWater Owners’ Representatives at their recent meeting for the matter of the Launceston’s shared sewerage and stormwater systems to be dealt with directly by the Board of TasWater.



Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb


Alderman Jarman

ELECTED MEMBERS EXPENDITURE REPORT (D298557) 155/13 RESOLUTION Ald Perry / Keay That the report advising of Mayoral and Aldermanic Expenditure for the month of May 2013 be received and the information noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb





Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 15 of 16 That Council place on public exhibition the draft Energy Efficiency Strategy 2013-2015.



Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb



MINUTES OF CONTROLLING AUTHORITIES, WORKING GROUPS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS (D298047) 157/13 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Keay That the Combined Minutes of Controlling Authorities, Working Groups and Special Committees be received and noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb




FINANCE REPORT TO 31 MAY 2013 (D297445) 158/13 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Perry That the Finance Report for May 2013 be noted.



Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb



CAPITAL WORKS REPORT (D298250) 159/13 RESOLUTION Ald Perry / Rockliff That the progress report on the 2012/13 Capital Works Program be noted.



Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb






Note the information concerning crash history data and endorse the road infrastructure priorities identified in this report for the Tasmanian Government Community Roads and West Coast Roads Program for the years 2015/16 to 2019/20.


Write to the Minister for Infrastructure Hon. David O’Byrne seeking confirmation that State Government funding will be provided in 2014/15 to upgrade the Stony Rise and Middle Road junction.


Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb




Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

Page 16 of 16 161/13 RESOLUTION Ald Kent / Keay That: 1.

Council consider the information provided in this report and endorse the Traffic Committee recommendation that Wenvoe Street remains unchanged and Council continue to monitor the traffic situation.


Council advise the Wenvoe Street resident of Council’s determination.


Council close parking on one side of Wenvoe Street between Turton Street and Ashburner Street.


Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb



There being no further business on the agenda for the open session, Council the meeting was declared closed at 9.13pm. PROCEDURAL MOTION 162/13 RESOLUTION Ald Kent / Perry That Council move back into Closed Session. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Kent, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Perry, Rockliff and Squibb





Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 17 June 2013

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