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New Stanley Bay principal has Shore experience

Stanley Bay School has appointed experienced North Shore educator Emma Tolmie as its principal.

Tolmie, who is finishing up as deputy principal and special-education needs coordinator at Richmond Road School in Grey Lynn, has previously held roles at Murray Bay Intermediate and Mairangi Bay School.

She will join Stanley Bay at the start of Term Two, later this month.

Stanley Bay School deputy principal Scott Boniface has been holding the fort as acting principal in Term One, following the resignation of Lucy Naylor late last year to become principal at the larger Milford School.

School board member Eddie Christian said the board had consulted parents and staff about what people wanted to see in their next leader.

“We heard that people wanted an individual who values education and success, is a great communicator, could continue taking the school in a positive direction, is respectful, transparent, collaborative, empathetic and able to make the hard decisions. The board is confident Emma will deliver on all these attributes.”

Tolmie’s track record includes speaking at conferences in New Zealand and overseas on implementing personalised learning in flexible spaces.

She has four children. Her husband served as a police detective for almost two decades.

Tolmie has a masters degree in educational leadership and management, along with a teaching diploma and bachelor of arts degree.

Best hot-cross buns

Eversleigh Rd bakery Daily Bread has bagged the title for making the nation’s best hot-cross buns, for a second year running.

Baking New Zealand judges said a “perfect” sourdough starter was used in the recipe, which was tweaked with a little extra butter in the mix. The buns are again topped by a shiny orangejuice glaze, developed last year, and contain candied orange peel left over from juicing.

Around 7000 buns a day are produced by the bakery in the lead-up to Easter. The ‘lievito madre’ style starter is similar to that used in making the Italian Christmas bread panettone.

Red-stickers drop

The number of red-stickered properties on the Devonport peninsula from the January floods has fallen to two – both at Stanley Pt, according to Auckland Council figures.

As of last Friday, Stanley Pt also had 10 yellow and 24 white-stickered sites. Devonport had eight yellow and seven white; Narrow Neck six white; Belmont three yellow and one white; Bayswater three yellow and eight white; and Hauraki five yellow and 20 whitestickered properties.

Auckland Council said it had no further reports of slips at Stanley Pt or Bayswater in recent weeks.

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