The Rangitoto Observer Page 22
Arts / Entertainment Pages
July 9, 2021
Master carver helping make Matariki more meaningful
Takapuna Library BETTER BANKING WORKSHOPS Learn to be more comfortable with internet banking To help people in our communities with everyday banking, ASB is offering a one hour workshop covering a range of topics including staying safe online, learning how to avoid fraud and scams and an introduction to different ways of banking. The workshops will be held at Takapuna Library on the following dates: 8th July 2021, 10am to 11am 15th July 2021, 10am to 11am 22nd July 2021, 10am to 11am 29th July 2021, 10am to 11am Seats will be limited so if you would like to attend, please RSVP Anne Betts at: 890 4902, or email:
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ARE NEARLY HERE! Our main theme is Matariki, with the additional theme: Taku taiao, Taku tuakiri – My environment, My identity. Join us for lots of fun activities including making a water filtration system using recycled bottles and dirty water, learning to make – whetu – (stars) using harakeke (flax) na or make a wind catcher using sticks, feathers, shells, string and wool. Join us in our pop-up theatre for a Matariki-inspired children’s movie - grab a cushion and settle in!
Check out Eventfinda or our Facebook page for dates, times and more exciting events. PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY
Kathryn Robertson
Residential Sales
021 490 480
It’s tempting to call Natanahira Te Pona time to celebrate the Earth and show respect for the land on which we live.” North Shore’s Matariki man. Sokolova’s striking inlaid carving (picAfter all, the master carver and tutor has been running workshops for local schools tured) was inspired by the creation legend and is currently a key contributor to two of how Matariki came to be in the sky. It is entitled Mata Ariki, or the Eyes of exhibitions with works exploring the topic. These – at the Lake House Arts Centre in Ariki, and draws on the story of the forced Takapuna, where Te Pona is based, and at separation of the Earth Mother PapatuDeport Artspace, Devonport – include his anuku and the Sky Father Ranginui by their own carvings and those of adult whakairo children eager to emerge into the light. Tawhirimatea (guardian of wind and rains) students he has mentored. Te Pona is well versed in spreading en- was opposed to his brothers plan, and after thusiasm and cultural understanding of the battling them unsuccessfully he ripped out Maori New Year. ”There was an obvious his eyes, crushed them and threw them to gap. I saw it a long time ago, and wanted heaven where they became stars… hence to build a community around it,” he told why the wind is seen as unpredictable. For Te Pona, it is pleasing to see how the Observer. But his korero on Matariki quickly con- Puanga Matariki has grown from being vinces that even the name deserves more little known a decade ago to widely recognised. context. Next year it will be a national holiday. To some iwi, this time of celebration and contemplation is named for the star The Birkdale resident, who grew up Puanga (Reigel) in Orion’s Belt, rather than in Turangi and has Nga Puhi ancestry, sees it as a chance to Matariki (the Pleiades spread understandcluster, sometimes reing. He also teaches ferred to as the Seven te reo out of the Lake Sisters, and by the House. Japanese as Subaru, Tomorrow, Saturmeaning gathered today 10 July, Te Pona gether). The difference will lead an open-toin name is because in all lantern hikoi from certain northern and the base of Takarunwestern areas of the ga in Devonport at country, Puanga is 6pm. more visible than MaEnvironmentally tariki, rising from its friendly lanternearly winter absence making is another to herald a change of of the community season. classes he has been As to the art, interrunning. He hopes pretations are equally recent participants layered. Te Pona’s own will bring their lancarving skills were deterns along, but this veloped in study at the is not necessary to Maori Arts and Crafts enjoy the walk and, Institute in Rotorua and The eyes have it... weather permitting, honed over 30 years. Kristina Sokolova’s carving, some star-gazing too. Grounded in tradition, Mata Ariki The hikoi will end his pieces include conat the Depot Artspace and mark the closing temporary mixtures of wood and bronze. At the Lake House he has two works night of Te Hauhake – Harvesting, in which (pictured on opposite page) depicting both Te Pona and Sokolova have works. In all, 10 artists are involved in the Depot Tawhaki and Hapai, he human, she celestial. They united on Earth, then parted, with show, half from Tamaki Makaurau and half Hapai returning heavenward and Tawhaki from the Hokianga. This again adds to the labouring to follow her. Eventually ascend- differing perspectives on Matariki. Anyone wishing to see the Lake House ing, he too became divine, with lightning flashing across the skies from his armpits. exhibition, He Kākano Ahau and Te ao Some of his students are from other Mārama, best be quick. It ends today, Friday, cultures, integrating new ideas into what 9 July, with the carvings complemented by the paintings of guest artist Ramari Tauroathey have found in Aotearoa. Among them is Kristina Sokolova who Tibble. Carved finials in the show will be able settled here from the Balkans. She says: to be appreciated for longer. After a blessing “Today Matariki is still seen as an important they will be installed on the main building.