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FA031 Discovery Art 6 0.4 Credit

This is a fundamental art course, which introduces the proper use of a variety of art tools and materials. Students are presented with three dimensional as well as two-dimensional media; they are taught the elements and principles of design, and encouraged to practice craftsmanship. This course emphasizes improvement of craft, and the importance of becoming skilled builders, and creators. Through guided lessons, based on process not product, students are encouraged to manipulate a variety of materials and understand their functions. With an underlying focus on abstraction students are encouraged to release expectations, and immerse themselves in an experimental process.

FA002 Introduction to Music I 6 0.4 Credit

Introduction to Music I students study music throughout history and culture. Students learn simple rhythms and basic music theory, including music literacy and composition. Students will create, perform, respond, and connect through music. And also explore basic concepts of music theory and write their own music. This course is open to beginners.

FA035 Middle School Band 6-8 NC

Did you ever want to learn a musical instrument? Do you enjoy hanging out and performing with your friends? Then Welcome to Middle School Band! In this elective, students will learn a band instrument of their choice and will perform both in small and large ensembles. This course will include a private group lesson and one group rehearsal per cycle. This course is for enrichment and does not have bearing on the student’s GPA.

FA032 Art Explorations 7 0.4 Credit

As the second level artists begin to develop their confidence with different tools, they are allowed more creative freedom to experiment in this course. With slightly more rigor attached to lessons and projects, students are encouraged to problem solve and ideate. Each medium used will have an added point of comprehension; craftsmanship will be expected, as well as the execution of product through independent explorations. This course will encourage students to follow through on learning experiences, to the extent of their full ability.

FA032 Media Arts 7 - 8 1 Credit

1 Semester

In this artistically diverse class, students will learn to identify different types of mixed media and be able to create examples of each. Additionally, students will compose basic melodies on their own and in groups. This will stretch the student’s ability to problem solve, think creatively, and utilize multiple senses. In doing this, the student will develop a love for the arts, a critical understanding of music both on the page as well as in society, and an appreciation for various forms of music and art collaborations.

Experienced artists will begin to develop their artistic voice and display an understanding of a variety of mediums. This course will be dedicated to overviewing the major styles and movements within Art History. Students will explore each of these time periods through project-based learning and artistically render their comprehension of the topic. Students will continue to use a variety of mediums, two dimensional as well as three-dimensional with an added point of rigor towards mastery.

FA027 Acting Fundamentals 9-12 0.4 Credit

Introduction to acting is a year-long survey of acting and theatre designed to allow students to explore theatre in an inclusive environment. Students will learn the basics of stage craft and character work and study scenes from Shakespeare to Arthur Miller and everyone in between. Students will also have the opportunity to write their own scenes and monologues.

FA005 Studio Art I 9-12 0.6 Credit

This course explores fundamental art skills. Students will be encouraged to experiment with different mediums, such as drawing, painting and sculpture. They will learn how to think and talk about art and develop their artistic voice. Through a variety of drawing, painting and sculpture projects, students will study the different Elements and Principles of Design. The course will include content based around art history and cultural arts. Students will learn about art critiques and to evaluate self and others work.

FA006 Makerspace Sculpture/Construction I 9-12 0.6 Credit

This course is an introduction to a variety of three-dimensional mediums. Projects will be focused on the creation of sculpture and understanding different ways to assemble and manipulate 3D mediums. Students will learn about different art historical movements within sculpture and art, which will inform and inspire the creation of their own pieces. All lessons will be project based using materials such as cardboard, wood, and clay. Students will learn how to use the different mediums as well as create pieces with great attention to detail and craftsmanship. The importance of planning and drawing will also be introduced, as it is a fundamental skill in all types of design.

FA007 History of Music 9-12 0.6 Credit

In History of Music, students will look at music’s development through the lens of European history. Students will understand how music was a direct reflection of the political landscape and innovations that were occurring in Europe from the middle ages through the 21st century. From Bach to The Beatles, this class has it all!

FA022 Music Theory I 9-12 0.6 Credit

This class tackles the basic principles of Music Theory from note identification and time signature to harmony and writing your own music! By the end of the year, students will be able to read and compose ad proximorum utilitatemtheir own music. 64

This year-long companion course to the American History course covers art in a chronological survey from the Native American era through Postmodernism and dovetails with the major social, political and historical movements taught in that course. A number of field trips to local museums (The Barnes, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts) give students the opportunity to engage in the study of actual works of art. Goals for this course are for students to value the intellectual challenge of learning about how art is both a response to and an inspiration for history makers, to visit art museums with regularity, to achieve a high degree of visual literacy, to understand the role art has played in history, and to consider the role it plays in contemporary society.

FA015 Jazz Band 9-12 0.4 Credit

The Jazz Band is open to high school musicians with experience playing a Jazz instrument. The band plays at an intermediate to advanced level. Students enrich their skills through applied performance of jazz music in the classroom and school wide performances. Throughout the course of the year students will be exposed to a variety of musical styles. Students will also be given the opportunity to learn jazz improvisation, as well as techniques for playing jazz in a small group setting. Private lessons are limited but available upon request.

FA016 Choral Singing 9-12 0.4 Credit

Devon Prep’s choral program where students sing everything from Bach to the Beatles. Students will rehearse and perform 2-3 concerts per year with varied repertoire. We will also participate in choral competitions with fellow schools starting in the Spring of 2022. Meets 3 times per cycle.

FA017 Rock Band 9-12 0.4 Credit

The Rock Band focuses on Rock as their main playing style. This group is open to musicians with a developed talent who would like to perform with a group of their peers that share a similar taste and style of music. Students are given a lot of autonomy in the songs they choose to practice and perform. “Jam sessions” occur during class time and students enjoy taking creative liberties with songs played together. Students enrich their skills through applied performance of Rock music in the classroom and school wide performances.

FA029 Music Production Lab 9-12 0.6 Credit

This class is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to use technology to produce songs, music videos, and promotional materials. This course will utilize GarageBand for IOS, Noteflight, and iMovie to help students create their own music media. We will use these techniques to explore sampling, mixing, and composing music for a variety of mediums from music videos to film. There is no prerequisite for Music Production, but it is highly recommended that students take theory or have equivalent experience to get the most out of this course.

This art course offers an opportunity to students who wish to create three-dimensional Art using Ceramics as a medium. Students will explore the element of form using hand building clay methods such as slab, coil and pinch. They will learn how to slip and score clay together to create multi-scale pieces of artwork, and how to properly manipulate clay to receive desired products. Students will also take part in the glazing process, and learn about different firing methods as well as learn how to load and fire a kiln. All the while students will also be working to learn how to center clay on the wheel and throw a cylindrical form.

FA012 3D Digital Prototyping 10-12 0.6 Credit

This course focuses on the evolution of 3D printing as well as the design process behind the production of objects. Students will learn about Industrial Design and rapid prototyping. This course is structured in three main units (3D Printer Anatomy, CAD computer aided design software, and Product Design). By focusing on hardware, software and design theory, each of these units will thoroughly explore the fundamentals of industrial engineering and product design. Students will learn how to fabricate objects using CAD and print them using 3D printers. There will be a focus on exploring the Design Thinking process and learning how human centered design impacts our world. *Must be taken with FA013

FA013 Design Thinking in Engineering 10-12 0.6 Credit

Design Thinking is a methodology used by small scale and large scale design corporations. This Design method is human centered and evaluates the user experience in order to create innovative objects and systems. This is a Design Science course which focuses on the Design Thinking method to teach students how to be innovative thinkers and leaders within their chosen field. This course will help students to understand the design process and how it is applied today in multidisciplinary professions. Technological advances have led to prioritizing a new way of problem solving and generating human centered ideas. Future leaders are those who are innovative and comfortable with creation. By touching on different types of professions and a contextual focus on Design Thinking students will advance their creative and entrepreneurial skill set. This course will encourage analytical thinking through empathy and the human experience. *Must be taken with FA012

FA023 AP Music Theory 10-12 0.6 Credit

Students will develop musical skills that will help build their understanding of music composition and music theory. They will also be able to recognize, understand, and describe basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a piece of music. Prerequisite: Music Theory I

FA034 Design, Material and Methods 10-12 0.6 Credit

This course will explore a broad range of materials at a more experienced level. Students will be covering mediums such as drawing, painting, ceramics, 3D Printing and Woodworking. Projects will be posed as Design Challenges giving students the freedom to develop their skills and express their own style. Artistic ad proximorum utilitatem 66

voice will be a central theme and their personal visions will be discussed. Students will take part in Art Critiques and learn how to talk about Art and evaluate aesthetic success. Students will be shown a variety of artists, designers and engineers for inspiration. By the end of the course students will have a healthy variety of portfolio pieces. This is an excellent course for students who are interested in advancing their problem solving skills. Prerequisite: At least one High School Art or Design class

FA014 AP Studio Art 11-12 0.6 Credit

The AP Studio Art Portfolio course is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art and wish to develop mastery in the concept, composition, and execution of their ideas. The course teaches students how to develop their own work so that it moves beyond duplication. Work will be based on students’ personal expression and own artistic vision and voice. In this course, students will focus on making through inquiry, investigation, practice, experimentation, revision, communication and reflection. This is an excellent course for students who are looking to build a portfolio for *college applications. (Product Design, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Architecture, Fine Art Majors etc. all either suggest or require portfolios which include multiple mediums for college applications. Consider taking this course if you are applying to any of those majors) Prerequisite: Must have taken either 2 High School Art classes previously or apply with a portfolio

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