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Haig Shamlian

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Morgan Unruh

Morgan Unruh

Haig Shamlian9th gradeOriginal artwork

Cole Kelly11th gradeDramatic Monologue

Does it Matter

But does it matter? You lie on a small oblate sphere spinning at hundreds of miles an hour, orbiting along with 7 other spheres around a bright star thousands of times larger than your sphere, that as a system spins on its own around a galaxy billions of light years wide. And that galaxy spins itself around a massive hole of complete darkness that is billions of times larger than your miniscule solar system. This galaxy is among trillions of other galaxies in its own cluster, and that cluster is among trillions of other clusters that make up what we know to be the observable universe. A universe that is constantly expanding, into itself? Into nothing? Who knows? But this universe is just a bubble among trillions and trillions of other bubbles; where no two bubbles abide by the same rules. You’re a grain of sand in this galaxy, and in this Multiverse of bubbles you’re just a length, no greater than plank. Your problems grow exponentially more and more insignificant as this universe, so large that our minds aren’t able to comprehend it’s shere scale, expands indefinitely. But our minds tend to forget these facts. And we begin to establish our corner of the world as the only corner there is. The universe revolves around us after all, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t you agree? No. A human life only makes up .000000006% of the universe’s galactic history, from the big bang to now. But was the big bang even the first of its kind, or only one of a repeated vicious process of expanding, contracting, and expanding again. It may be, it may not be. We don’t know. The only thing that we know is that your problems don’t matter. So take a deep breath, and chill out.

Cole Kelly11th gradeYoda-inspired ceramics project

Cole Kelly11th gradeDramatic Dialogue

“Hi, How are ya. I’m John”

“Hi John, I’m Eric. Nice to meet you.”

“Have you heard the reports?”

“What reports?”

“That 2+2=3...you haven’t heard them yet?”

“I’m serious.” “Ha. Ha. Very funny. Man I can’t stand those people who actually believe that crap.”

“You can not be serious. We all

Know that 2+2=5. It’s just fac tual, it’s been known for cent uries!”

“Maybe that’s so, but just because we’ve always believed it doesn’t mean we should continue to do so. Here look at this: actual evidence that shows that 2+2 does equal 3.”

“Oh that’s fake, that’s just pro paganda. Fake facts. Fake math. Fake evidence. Here’s some evidence right here that shows 2+2=5. You can’t deny this stuff. The proof is in the pudding.”

“Oh that’s just balony. Your evidence is A fallacy of real information. False info. False logic. False equation. Next thing you’re going to tell me Is that you’re one of those idiots who thinks Australia doesn’t exist.”

“You believe Australia exists!?1? Are you dumb. A giant island with the baddest of the bad:wild crocodiles, hostile dingos, kan

garoos that know jujitsu? Ah. So scary. It’s bs. And you’re uneducated if You think it does exist. Look at the broader picture! You guys are so closed minded. Next thing you’re going to tell me Is that you’re one of those nimwits who believes there’s a secret gorilla under world that controls The United Nations!”

“You don’t believe in the Gorilla Republic? I am actually convinced that you got no education. How can I even talk to such an imbecile. I can’t Be friends with such an uneducated, incoherent, Ignorant little man.”

“Oh but of course you’re one Sharp cookie, aren’t ya?”

“You believe in cookies!?!”

2019: Objective Truth

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