Now Do It Right

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NOW DO IT RIGHT Guidance from Above...Simply copyright Doug Blair, Waterloo ON, 2016

Sanctuary Stranger

Ryan, the priest-novitiate nudged his superior in the arm and pointed to a pew mid-way down the sanctuary on the right side. "There he is again. Same time almost every day. Looks around and then just sits there for about twenty minutes. Sort of a seamy looking character. I wonder if he means well? Remember the recent thievery?" Monseigneur quietly examined the old fellow in the dwindling late afternoon light. Quiet surroundings. Votive candles flickering nearby. Archie practicing some Bach on the organ up front. Nothing to worry about. Just sitting there. Head slightly bowed. Old tweed overcoat. Peaked winter cap in hand... The two men went on to other matters. But then the simple visitor stopped showing. One day in a hospital visitation, Ryan had left a parishioner's bedside and was headed for the elevator when he noticed the old fellow propped up in a bed in a four-patient ward room. He yielded to the temptation to drop in for a short visit. After introductions he learned that "Patrick", a retired machinist and widower, had been in for about

eight days following a surgical procedure of some complexity. There followed some small talk about children and grand-children in distant cities and Patrick's interests and pass times in retirement. Finally curiosity brought Ryan around to the subject of the elder's daily church stops. "Oh that's really quite simple. I love the feel of the place. The quiet. The Gospel pictures. The courtesy. The candles. Any music is a bonus. My wife periodically came to St. Mark's. I didn't. But now I come to pray." "If you don't mind my asking, what sorts of prayers do you lift up. I'm a great student of prayer." "Not much I guess. I sit down. Settle myself. Think of Heaven. Think of the many good things that have come my way. Think of ways to improve. Remember some friends. Quietly, I say something like, 'Hello Jesus, it's Patrick'. Then I wait for about ten more minutes. That's all." A few more tid-bits were exchanged. Then the handshake. The departure. But Ryan had resolved to pay another visit soon. The opportunity came the following Monday. On the seventh floor at the nurse's station, Ryan thought to stop and inquire about the patient's progress. He was told,"That Patrick is remarkable. Never a complaint. Always a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. Pleasant sense of humour. Often able to get the other patients in his room talking about something interesting. A real treat." Bedside, Ryan brought up the nurse's good report to the mysterious man. "Oh, that's all thanks to my visitor. He comes at break of day and stands at the end of my bed. I have always been an early riser. This hospital isn't going to change that. Expect to be out of here in three more days." "You have a regular visitor?" "Yep, Jesus." "Are you serious?" "No kidding, Ryan, it has been wonderful. Standing right there. Just as plain as you are." "And what does He say?" "For a while He just smiles at me, but then, "Hello Patrick, its Jesus."

Simple Illustration The previous story directs us to keep it simple and relational. Focus upon Jesus in the best ways that you can (Gospel reading and prayer and meditation). Give Him the prime part of your innermost

person. Expect after a time of seasoning, probing, meditation and bumps and grinds, that your common sense decisions will be the will of God for you. It is not a matter of familiarity with rules but rather with Him. His light shines forth from you. The 14th chapter of Romans deals with controversy between believers on matters of behaviour and practice that do not necessarily touch upon the “non-negotiables” of Christian faith. Paul refers to holy days set apart and ceremonial qualities of food or abstinence. We would have a long list of other lifestyle rules these days. Sermons pour over with the “do's and don'ts”. Hear the last comment in the chapter: 23. But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.

I would now present to you the guiding principle to the life of another seasoned old saint:

Jes Talkin

I's here agin An ah have so few woids But it's the gittin togetha Most mattas Ah believe. And You has the time Fatha Always has the time Lookin down from Brilliance an Glory Settin aside those angels' songs Jes to consider ma squallin Or ma pleadin Ma thankin or my Plain ole wonda. Dis ole man Done had many a hard job Often cruel or stupid orders From tha Man. A spell in the joint An keen ears an

A much sharpened shiv Jes ta raise up the odds. Afta dark. An a wife and two chillen Hardly knew me afta The twelve year stint. But you knows me You stick in dere fo me. And you brought Some good folks Crosst ma path Prayin and heppin An smilin folks. Ah can almose smell Yo Spirit on em. Second chances and singin. Friendly talkin nights Clean woik now. Ah sketches a little as well Scenes of pain, hope or joy Two of em sittin Up now on the library wall Folks considerin Provin dis ole man Sees an thinks Feels an releases Fatha you have ma devotion Such as tis. An ma good repote. I love Ya Gwine stop now ta Read Psalm one-oh-seven. Name-a-Jesus Ayymann.

James 4: 6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your

hearts, ye double minded. 9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Double-mindedness…what’s that?

To listen to God in one ear and to the trends and wanderings of a hell-bent world in the other; to be consistently unsure of self; to miss the Lord’s smile; to sense the pollution of traitor in one’s being; to dodge repeatedly any serious considerations of the end game; to lack the revivifying dynamic of righteousness; to be miserable.

And all the while we thought that we were just being well-informed.

"Power Of Your Love"

Lord I come to You Let my heart be changed, renewed Flowing from the grace That I have found in You And Lord I have come to know The weaknesses I see in me Will be stripped away By the power of Your love Hold me close Let Your love surround me Bring me near Draw me to Your side And as I wait I will rise up like the eagle And I will soar with You Your Spirit leads me on In the power of Your love Lord unveil my eyes Let me see You face to face The knowledge of Your love As You live in me And Lord renew my mind As Your will unfolds in my life In living every day By the power of Your love Hold me close Let Your love surround me Bring me near Draw me to Your side And as I wait I will rise up like the eagle And I will soar with You Your Spirit leads me on In the power of Your love [repeat chorus twice] And I will soar with You Your Spirit leads me on In the power of Your love

(lyrics of a song by Geoff Bullock, Hillsong)

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