Unity of Heart

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UNITY OF HEART my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise Psalm 108: 1a copyright Doug Blair, Waterloo, ON, 2017

Rest The fourth chapter of Hebrews describes a very enviable condition for people of faith. A quality decision has been made to follow the lodestar that God only speaks truth and in Love...His kind of love. Faith in the promises and warnings has become ground zero in all decisions, statements and actions. The heart is fixed or established in this rock-bed of reality and purpose. The vacillating and powerless posture of unbelief is over. This had been described in chapter three, and as pertaining to those Hebrews who made it out of Egypt with Moses, but never made it into the Promised Land, peace and rest, because of their unbelief. Go also to Psalm 112 and the description of the man who delights greatly in God's commandments. What an enviable list of victories in the heart! But what of a heart of compromise and divided motives?

Double-mindedness‌what’s that?

To listen to God in one ear and to the trends and wanderings of a hell-bent world in the other; to be consistently unsure of self; to miss the Lord’s smile; to sense the pollution of traitor in one’s being; to dodge repeatedly any serious considerations of the end game; to lack the revivifying dynamic of righteousness; to be miserable.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the entire Bible. It lists almost beyond imagining the delights coming to the one who cherishes and adheres to God's Laws, Commandments, and Statutes. We need only cite one verse:

77: Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight.

Considerations of the Vine

In Isaiah 5 God speaks of the Vineyard of Israel being remarkably tended but still unproductive. In Ezekiel 15 God speaks more harshly about an idolatrous Vine that will ultimately be worthy of burning and nothing else; not good building material, that. But the Vine is all about fruit bearing isn't it? In John 15 Jesus, meeting in the Upper Room, tells His disciples about a glorious potential coming only in abiding in the True Vine (Jesus), thriving upon His life's sap and accepting periodic pruning from the Heavenly Father as husbandman. One might also look over at Luke 16 and the story of the slick-practiced steward, getting himself equipped for dismissal by his master. Jesus stated that it was a given that “the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” (verse 8). Was He suggesting that we are dull or unambitious or without enterprising spirit? No...He was just suggesting that our primary target is fruit-bearing for sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. This will cost in time and commitment if we are truly sold out to His agenda and opportunities.

Salmon Lead the Way

At the last salmon swim upriver triumphantly, displaying their richest colour. Rocks, cascades and predators notwithstanding. Leaping, yes leaping The goal is at the source And not a rock Or obstacle will Stray you from your course. The stream you know Its thrilling flow Now seems to push you back But you must swim Faith’s verve and vim Renewing your attack. And rapids show Your prowess so And glorious red of years Gleams on your side Complete this ride The End becalms all fears. What map Delivers confidence And holds you to the True? God made you He holds you To see the journey through.

Another Death

I'm sitting by the window And the evening breeze has entered And it speaks of all your goodness And the trials you brought me through. But I'm troubled now and teary For the misdeeds fumbled lately And the muddy paths that I have caused Your Name to wander through. The light has oft' been precious And the closeness of my Saviour. But the dark I've let around me Like a blanket of deceit. Disguised I thought,and clever Many others see me holy But I'm dirty and disgusting And I fall now at your feet. The prize you've shown is priceless And my heart cries out for pardon While the Serpent hisses softly at my side. I'll kill it; wicked wavering Through this precious pain and penance With assurance Jesus' arms are opened wide.

Acts 11: 18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

Sanctified...oh really?

It's not about sweat And not about learning And not about twelve steps Or fifteen or eight.

It comes from a love Humbled, undeserving And brimming with thanks For mercies of late.

No other glue known To evoke such commitment Such clinging with trust To Salvation's Horn.

And joyful the pathway No pain in the service Or witness so constant As marks the twice-born.


It’s a river we search for Yes a stream lined with trees For the healing of nations In the Spirit’s fresh breeze. And the saints there are gathered All the broken made whole And the glorious creatures And apostles twelve-fold. Not a suffering remembered Not a sigh damps the glow Of the Lamb’s throne eternal Only dreamed of below.

And His servants are busy Want it no other way Casting crowns all before Him Who alone lights the Day. And this Day springs eternal Bitter nights all forgot Revelation a-plenty For what Mercy has wrought. (Revelation chapters 21 and 22)


Your very life is in this flock You cannot come and go No turning for another path You need this Shepherd so. And green may seem some other field You wonder if to break Would open grazing glorious Hold fast, for goodness sake. The wolf is there and waiting The hot sun burns the ground And wretchedness you never knew Repent and turn around! And run into His fond embrace And walk beneath His staff And treasure, Sheep, His every word And thrive and grow and laugh.

John 6: 66-69

The Short List

That's it. I will not expend any more time or curiosity attending so-called Christian movies. Period. Here is my short list of the ones that are truly good: Ben Hur starring Charlton Heston Barabbus starring Anthony Quinn The Apostle starring Robert Duvall The Mission starring Robert DeNiro Heaven Is For Real starring Greg Kinnear Luther starring Joseph Fiennes The Way starring Martin Sheen Risen starring Joseph Fiennes Movies may inspire but they do not regenerate. It is only the scripture, the Word of God that begets new life, alignment and correction. Neither is it Doug's “brilliant� argument or testimony or snappy allegory or rhyme. Neither is it yours. I no longer see motion pictures as the tools of evangelism envisioned by many in today's churches. Illiteracy in the Word is hitting in these places too. There needs to be a sharp rebuke felt from the Spirit of Holiness. There needs to be a pulpit-offering that progresses systematically through Gospel teaching and Psalms' praise and supplication. One that does not return tediously to the oft-cited fundamentals, until they are cheapened in the repetition. I listen to this hum-drum coming from the big radio Gospel ministries as well. Often these days I would much rather get alone in my brokenness and hunger with a Bible and perhaps a couple of trusted friends in the faith. I would ask for direction to real needs in my immediate circle. I would repent often. I would get very quiet and listen for God's gracious whisper. I would under-gird an evidently suffering one. That does not occur in the crowds of either sanctuary or theatre.

The Necessary Food

It's just as good as food you know The settling that comes In doing right And saying right In workplace and in homes.

The Father speaks a fitting Word And one is quick to hear And ways and means Begin to show To act His will so dear. Sometimes it's missed The gist of it So eager, yet off-base But Father shows And wisdom grows The more we seek His face. In tandem with the Lord of all Oh could it be so real? A certainty of victory To rescue and to heal. No thrill comes close No chore compares To fill the day with joy Than hearing His soft “Go ahead” And later, “That's my Boy!” Psalm 37: 4 John 4: 34

Loving the Lord's Monologue

Again you have Shut down other signals This is good As I have a word or two: I delight in you No this is not impossible I delight in you Not because of do-gooder stuff Many others go that route And are duplicitous. You are my child Plain and simple A Father looks At the ups and downs And smiles. And you have sensed the smile And you need it. Seeking me

Through my Son's story You are rewarded. Your Elder Brother Inspires confidence Family likeness grows Through time, tending And absorption. The signal grows strong As you step into Singleness of purpose. That's the mustard-seed message Remember? My Son told it Have faith, Church Like that mustard-seed Small but undivided Uncompromised Unmixed Hearing again and again One of my words of promise And stepping forward on it. Where you are Where you can speak Or where you can uplift. To me that's just Like a home run Child. It moves mountains And I get the glory.

Following the Monologue

Really were charged up Over that last exchange Weren't you? Sensing my pleasure And my calling Simple as it may seem. Now I suspect You want to race forward Into more. Don't be disappointed When I say “slow down�

Absorption takes time. The patient walk Is the quality walk Obedient and finely-tuned. My voice is not Always that clear. Perhaps a single scripture A word from a friend A stumbling addressed And corrected A song lyric A walk in the park. My agencies are Without limit. But they are all Of me, from me Right purposes in you. And you will come To recognize my whisper Nothing is just coincidence When I adopt And take up in Hand. I called You answered. I rewarded You gave thanks. I am Love You are relinquishing Doubt. A workable partnership Yes? Remember the Psalm? Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet Clarity...a step at a time, Son.

A Proper Response: Unite My Heart

You must do it You must draw me To that place of perfect peace Where your truth Becomes my balance And your smile my heart's release. I am tired of

Double motives And the soul pushed to and fro' I would rather Listen to you For directions where to go. And the past proved You are worthy To receive my utmost trust. What a marvel! Heaven stoops down, Daily shepherds wayward dust. Other fears now Duly quieted By the one fear of your law And the comfort Of your keeping Fills this settled heart with awe.

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