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Worship cheeks are wet...and belly quivers copyright Doug Blair, Waterloo, ON, 2016

Open Up the Heavens

No these are not mere words We’re done with games Done with prescribed religious talk Our gut growls With the unsated hunger of searching We’ve searched your Book We’ve searched on our knees We’ve searched the experience of friends And your footprint shows But not your face Not your kindly embrace. You inhabit the praises of your people You’ve told us that You inhabit abandon

And brokenness. And expectation. And now “by prayer and supplication With thanksgiving” We come, and we come together. Show us Lord, the reluctance The unforgiveness, the pretension The testiness and impatience Pull out all stops. Please. The diaphragm quivers The face is wet The phrases come with melody And we are released Into You.

Worship Experience

“Having a worship experience”. Yes that’s what the praise leader said. And true there was song and agreement From those who had come here half-dead.

The instruments artfully joining To pluck at each singer’s heartstrings, And soon there were tears and hand-raising. “Oh listen, the Bride of Christ sings!”

And each celebrant felt a presence

To talk about after that night. They “got” something truly “anointed” But did they “give ” praises aright?

For worship is all about giving Our Lord must receive blessing first From hearts pouring out adoration And quenching a righteousness thirst.

And if there are tears, it’s the Spirit Accepting a sacrifice rare And having His way with the music And moving through those gathered there.

Gist of “Church On the Hoist”

In the churches there is no simple fix for the problems of stultifying routine and over-dependence upon professional ministry. One cannot point-by-point lay out a format to force increased spiritual zeal and sincerity. Service and evangelistic opportunities will be different in each community. The momentum achieved in "theatrical" worship will

be hard to reverse for something more participatory. Words from the floor have their place. Trust will have to be developed before testimony fulfills its powerful purpose in a gathering. Believers are personally responsible for moving beyond the basics in their understanding of God's Word, and the Gospel in particular. Bible study helps abound. Corporate prayer should be developed, and program announcements minimized. Worship time is precious. The rush of service number two at the heels of service number one is dampening. But perhaps I can help in tendering the following comments: 1. God loves to be sought out. 2. God loves to touch the broken and contrite spirit. (Psalm 34) 3. God loves intercession. 4. God loves the five-fold ministry. 5. God loves families. 6. God loves the child-like spirit. 7. God loves His appointed day of rest to be simplified and sincere. (Isaiah 58) 8. God would rather hear from a wounded one than a learned one. 9. God loves to be thanked. (Psalm 107) 10. Treasure "the pearl" (Matthew 13) and speak of it to others (Matthew 28: 18-20). 11. Sing. The day is coming when God will rejoice over us with singing. (Zephaniah 3) It has not been my intention to cast comment on any particular assembly in our little story; rather it is a blend of numerous observations from numerous places. See our EBook "Church on the Hoist": http://issuu.com/deedub51/docs/church_on_the_hoist

The Twenty-Seventh

The how and why of worship at church may be found in this Psalm: 3Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 4One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to

enquire in his temple. 5For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. 6And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. 7Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. 8When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek. 9Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. Particular attention should be given to each of the italicized phrases. If our gatherings miss these points of focus, there must be an adjustment. I will pass comment on just a few: enquire - We must come with expectation and not fuzzy "Sunday morning heads". With the preparation of personal prayer we have asked that specific questions be addressed, or we will engage with a trusted fellow believer on such points at the appropriate time. Growth necessitates that we present our own questions. shall hide me - There is sanctuary in the presence of our God. A respite from daily pressures and worries. A fortifying reminder of His keeping care. set me up upon a rock - One is reminded of the opening verses of Psalm 40. That rock, of course, is the sure foundation of the Gospel. The merciful bestowing of God's favour and shepherding for the simple asking through Christ. Let all other tempting stories of interest, current affairs or personal anecdote be set aside. I will sing praises unto the Lord - Not the professional praise team, not the overhead video...I will sing. Delightfully modulated breath given back to the Giver. Thy face, Lord, will I seek - Far beyond doctrine and observance one comes to a recognizing of the face, the countenance, the nature and names of our God. To grasp these is to grasp peace, assurance and a Friend who sticks closer than a brother. Put not thy servant away in anger - We do not get what we deserve. Because of who He is and what He promises, we have reconciliation and fellowship.

His Singing

Ask me for the short list of Bible books that I would never be without. Probably no great surprise here. From the New Testament, the four Gospels and Acts, epistles to the Philippians and Hebrews, and the Revelation. From the Old Testament, the Psalms, First Samuel, Isaiah and Amos. Perhaps a surprise to you that I would add the little work of Zephaniah. I cannot get over the picture of a God delighting in the gathering in of a remnant who mourn for the solemn assembly. And He SINGS over them. God sings! Think of all the powerful emotional influence, for good and for bad, that has been wielded by music and song. And the faithful will live in a community of delightful peace, colour, service and music, capped off by the incredible singing of their Creator and Saviour. Heaven it is.

Let's Sing, Together

Come now, together, Let’s sing for the joy of it.

Gather with brothers And sisters of grace. Tell of the stories Of Jesus the marvelous Captain of courage Who died in our place. Whate’er the trouble Preceding the glad refrain Soon it will vanish Like mists of the morn. Saints with new vistas Of God in the commonplace. Shaking the tambourine, Sounding the horn.

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