Climate action project

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How to solve the effects of the climate change Stop global warming

Save energy at home! This is the easiest way to help limit global warming. Start today !!!

When you buy a car, let it be economical and not harm nature. This will not only save you money but will also prevent the emission of more harmful gases.

Wind farms and solar power plants are also being built in Bulgaria. When built in the right places, they help to limit the production of energy from the burning of coal, for example.

Weatherize, weatherize, weatherize ! Building heating and cooling are among the biggest uses of energy.

ď‚– When traveling on an airplane, you contribute significantly to the carbon dioxide emissions that cause climate change. So take your break closer to home or travel with other modes of transport, such as a train, a bus or a ship.

What the world should take to stop global warming

Limit the harmful gases from cars. Produce more electric cars

What my country can take to stop global warming Stop the overcutting of forests. Take action against those that pollute the water.

What my country can take to stop global warming To stop the rise of degrees, we must not pollute nature. We should plant more trees that way the carbon dioxide is swallowed by the trees.

How can everyone stop global warming

Dispose your garbage at designated locations.

How can everyone stop global warming ď‚– Saving water reduces carbon pollution, too. That's because it takes a lot of energy to pump, heat, and treat your water.






“Change only happens when individuals take action. There’s no other way, if it doesn’t start with people.”

Hristo Smirnenski Primary School Bulgaria

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