Liquid Bar Top Decor Products
Behind deziner Panels Deziner Panels prides its self on helping you and others like you, by solving your decorating challenges by providing innovative, affordable custom dĂŠcor products. Changing the way people approach their project design and decorating one job at a time. Our parents always bought us up to help people that are in need and who are less fortunate. We use this philosophy in everything we do.
aBOUT liQUid Bar TOP dÉCOr PrOdUCTs These tiles are suitable for any home surrounding including, the bathroom, kitchen or laundry. The Akwa Tile is also suitable for commercial applications like bars/clubs, hotels, schools, kindergartens, early childhood Learning centers, medical centers, community clubs, scouting/girl guide halls and many more. We have two different options for our Liquid tiles, they can be made with a solid white back and white boarder or a clear back with a clear boarder which makes the tile transparent
OUr liQUid Tiles dimensiOns are 500mm x 500mm and 5.5mm ThiCk and COmes in a wide range Of COlOUr’s.
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