The Sith Empire

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The Sith Empire

The first Dark Lord of the Sith- King Adas

Adas was King of Korriban and the Sith in a reign that lasted nearly three hundred years. He was large for his species, his skin was unusually charcoal-colored, and he was raised as a chosen being from his youth. Encasing himself in ebon armor, he wielded a massive battle-ax, and became a master of Sith magic. Circa 28,000 BBY, Adas united the disparate nations of Korriban in a series of bloody conflicts, eventually solidifying himself as the sole leader of his people. The Sith hailed Adas as the Sith'ari, or "Overlord." The commonly held belief was that he was invincible, and that his reign would be eternal. Circa 27,700 BBY, Rakatans from the Infinite Empire arrived on Korriban, and taught Adas how to harness the technology of holocrons. Adas created one of these devices, but soon realized that the new arrivals were attempting to conquer Korriban. He took his battle-ax to the aliens, and with his people at his side, drove them off. In doing so, he lost his life. Adas's influence, however, would continue for many years following his death. His holocron, lost on Ashas Ree during the Great Hyperspace War, would later be found by fallen Jedi Knight Freedon Nadd, who used Adas's teachings to subjugate and rule Onderon. When that planet cast off the yoke of Sith oppression in 4,000 BBY, the Jedi attempted to hide the holocron, so that it would not fall into the wrong hands. For nearly four thousand years it remained safely hidden on Kodai, but was retrieved in the years prior to the Clone Wars. Murder was committed several times in attempts to gain control of the holocron, and it was eventually returned to Korriban while in the possession of Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya.

The first Dark Lord of the Sith-Ajunta Pall

Ajunta Pall was the leader of the Dark Jedi that were exiled from the Republic following the Hundred Year Darkness. Upon his arriving on Korriban, he became the first Dark Lord of the Sith. Ajunta Pall was a disciple of the dark side who battled the Jedi Order during the century-long war known as the Hundred-Year Darkness. Like many prominent Dark Jedi of the time period, he was a master of the art of Sith Alchemy.He slew more than a dozen Jedi during the final battle of the war, but he and his fellow Dark Jedi were defeated nonetheless. The Jedi stripped them of their weapons and exiled them from the Republic. When, through luck or fate, the Exiles subsequently arrived on the remote planet Korriban, Ajunta Pall was their leader.By the time of the arrival on Ziost, he had a lightsaber. Later his successors were either unable or unwilling to recreate lightsaber technology. He and his followers defeated and subjugated the native Sith species, and his new Sith subjects granted him the title of 'Jen'ari,' meaning 'Dark Lord' of the Sith.The Exiles, under Ajunta Pall, founded the Sith Empire, and they paved the way for a Golden Age of the Sith.

Karness Muur-Sith Lord of the Old Sith Empire

Karness Muur was one of the earliest Sith Lords of the old Sith Empire, creator of the Muur Talisman and the Codex of Karness Muur. Before that, he was amongst the members of the Jedi Order who turned to the dark side of the Force and caused the Hundred-Year Darkness. Karness Muur was one of the Dark Jedi during the Hundred-Year Darkness, alongside XoXaan and Ajunta Pall. He was one of the creators of creatures such as Leviathans as well. Muur fought in the Battle of Corbos and was amongst the surrendering survivors. Alongside Pall and XoXaan, Muur was exiled from the Republic and arrived on the planet Korriban with his fellow Dark Jedi. At the time he encountered Korriban's native species carried a yellow-bladed protosaber, which he brandished in their presence as a display of his superior power. Muur and his fellow Dark Jedi recognized the potent and untapped Force-sensitivity of the Sith race, and immediately sought to enslave them through the dark side of the Force. After conquering the Sith species, Muur like his fellows anointed themselves as Lords of the Sith, and were the very first to don the honorific. Karness Muur also created his own personal Sith amulet, one he imbued with tremendous dark side power, should the wielder have the strength to dominate it. Muur's talisman afforded him the power to transform those in his close proximity into mindless thralls for him to command. When the Talisman was found not to work on Force-sensitives or certain alien species, Muur further engineered the Rakghoul Plague, an infection which could be spread by those already under his thrall. With his army of rakghouls, Muur intended to use them to rule the galaxy. He also created the Codex of Karness Muur around this time, in which he illustrated the power of his beloved Talisman and its intentions for the Sith. At this point he was already using a modern lightsaber, as opposed to a protosaber.Muur was not without rivals among his brethren, though. One such enemy was another Sith Lord named Dreypa who created an specialized stasis pod to capture and neutralize Muur and the power of his Talisman. However, Dreypa was never able to contain or capture Muur within his oubliette.

XoXaan-Sith Lord of the Old Sith Empire

XoXaan was a humanoid female Dark Jedi who, along with others such as Karness Muur, was exiled from the Jedi Order following the Hundred-Year Darkness. After a battle on the Outer Rim world of Corbos, XoXaan was among the Jedi who abandoned the Republic and traveled to Korriban, where they found the original Sith species. XoXaan and her fellow Dark Jedi enslaved the natives, christened themselves the first of the Sith Lords, and instituted a new order that centered around worship and practice of the dark side of the Force. Though other Sith Lords possessed similar talents, XoXaan was noted amongst her peers for her skills in dark side healing. She recorded her knowledge in a holocron, which was entombed with her in Korriban's Valley of the Dark Lords. Her spirit waited thousands of years for someone to come along whom she felt was worthy of her Sith teachings. XoXaan's spirit found one such student in the ex-Jedi A'Sharad Hett. From her holocron, Hett learned the ways of the dark side, and eventually created a new Sith Order based on XoXaan's teachings. After Hett assumed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith under the moniker Darth Krayt, he constructed a massive statue in reverence of XoXaan—who was considered his first and greatest Sith teacher—within the Temple of the Sith on the planet Coruscant. After his death during the battle of Had Abbadon, Darth Krayt's body was taken to XoXaan's temple on Korriban, where he first embraced the ways of the Sith. It would serve as the place of his final interment.

XoXaan and Karness Muur are worshiped by Korriban's native Sith species. XoXaan was a humanoid female member of the Jedi Order during the Old Republic era. She was aligned to a group of Jedi, including Karness Muur, who became corrupted by the dark side of the Force and embittered with the Order itself. This caused a rift between these Dark Jedi and those who still followed the light side. The result was a war that spanned one hundred years, which culminated with the Dark Jedi's defeat on the Outer Rim planet Corbos. XoXaan and her contemporaries were exiled from the Jedi Order and banished from the Galactic Republic into deep space, left by the Jedi to contemplate the error of their ways. XoXaan and the other Dark Jedi traveled aimlessly through space until, in 6,900 BBY, they arrived on the Outer Rim world of Korriban. XoXaan and her brethren introduced themselves to the native Sith people, who revered the Dark Jedi as gods and worshiped the power that they wielded.Along with her colleagues, XoXaan took up the mantle of Sith Lord and began the creation of a Sith-dominated empire.As XoXaan progressed further in the ways of the Sith, she developed a talent for healing through the dark side of the Force, and was renowned amongst her fellow Sith Lords for it. At some point XoXaan passed away, but not before recording much of

her knowledge within a Sith holocron. She was laid to rest within Korriban's Valley of the Dark Lords in her own mausoleum, along with her holocron. Though her flesh had died, XoXaan's spirit resided within her holocron and waited for one she felt had—like her—found the teachings of the light side to be lacking. More than four thousand years passed, and eventually, XoXaan's wait ended with the arrival of A'Sharad Hett, a bounty hunter who had once been a Jedi Knight.

Dark Lord of the Sith -Marka Ragnos

Feared, obeyed, and admired among the Sith, he was considered to have been the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith of his age. The details of his century-long reign are few, although his death marked the end of the golden age of the Sith Empire, despite his reluctance to continue expansion. Before his death, he likely composed the epistle of Marka Ragnos. Immediately following his funeral, a schism erupted between the leaders of the Sith, and further events led to a major war with the Galactic Republic and ultimately, because the schism was never healed it spelled the end of their interstellar empire. His death resulted in the rise of another Sith Lord, Naga Sadow, shortly before the Great Hyperspace War. Ragnos lived on as a Force Ghost after his death, trapped within the confines of his tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban. About one millennium after his death, Marka's spirit was summoned from the grave using a pair of Sith talismans and crowned Exar Kun as the new Dark Lord, and Ulic Qel-Droma as Kun's apprentice, all in an attempt to restore the lost empire of a thousand years prior. The Great Sith War devastated the galaxy once again, but the Sith Empire was not restored. Ragnos's spirit lingered about until once again returning from beyond the grave, this time summoned by a Sith cult known as the Disciples of Ragnos whose leader was Tavion Axmis, Desann's student. Tavion used an ancient scepter made by Ragnos to drain residual Force energy and use it to empower her followers. She then planned to use the collected energy to resurrect Ragnos. When Jaden Korr entered the tomb, intending to stop Tavion, she managed to resurrect Ragnos by allowing his spirit to possess her body, but was nevertheless defeated by Jaden. Ragnos's ghost was forced back into his sarcophagus, screaming out a dark promise that he would return

Dark Lord of the Sith- Naga Sadow

Naga Sadow was a male Sith Lord, and renowned dark side magician during the days of the first Sith Empire. Sadow had ancestors among both humans and the Sith species of the planet Ziost. He rose to prominence in the final days of the Sith Golden Age, when Marka Ragnos, the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, passed away, leaving the mantle of Dark Lord vacant. During the Ragnos' funeral, Sadow engaged in a duel with rival Sith Lord Ludo Kressh for Ragnos' title, only to have their contest ended by the spectre of the deceased Dark Lord himself. After a brief admonition, the ghost departed while issuing a warning to both Sadow and Kressh, stating that the fate of the Sith Empire hung on the balance of their decision on how to proceed with leadership of the Sith people. However, the unexpected arrival of two Hyperspace-traveling siblings on Korriban, Gav and Jori Daragon, immediately spurred Sadow's progressive nature. Seeing them as passports to an ideal opportunity for conquest of the Galactic Republic from which they originated, Sadow masterminded a plot that resulted in his ascendance to Dark Lord of the Sith, with many of the lesser Sith Lords swearing fealty to him—save Ludo Kressh and those loyal to him. Kressh in turn gathered his own followers, and made an attempt on Sadow's life, striking at his decoyfortress on the planet of Khar Delba in error. Kressh's attack was thus fruitless, and his forces were defeated by those of Naga Sadow. Now the undisputed ruler of the Sith Empire, Sadow allowed one of the alien travelers, Jori, to return home in feigned earnest; he was in truth allowing the girl to unwittingly lead his forces directly to the Republic. Daragon made her way to the Empress Teta system to warn the Republic of the impending Sith invasion, but the Sith fleet emerged from hyperspace before an ample defense could be mustered. Leading the Sith forces from his personal meditation sphere, Sadow gave command of his flagship to Gav Daragon, and the Sith launched attacks against various unsuspecting Republic worlds. However, Sadow was betrayed by Gav when he fired upon the Dark Lord's sphere and interrupted his meditations, causing the illusions he had been projecting to fade. The tide of battle immediately turned in favor of the Republic as the bulk of Sadow's forces simply disappeared, and the war ultimately lost to the invaders. His fleet in shambles, Sadow then fled back to Sith space, where he engaged in a final battle with Ludo Kressh, one that resulted in the latter's death. Under the forces of Empress Teta, the Republic followed Sadow to his Empire, in an attempt to destroy the remaining Sith, once and for all. Sadow fled to Yavin 4 with his remaining Massassi warriors, where he hoped to rebuild the Empire. Failing in his goal, Sadow entered a Sith sarcophagus with hopes that he would be able to one day resurrect his lost Empire. Revived 600 years later, he would instruct the fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd in the ways of the Ancient Sith. It is unclear if he was killed by his apprentice.

Dark Lord of the Sith- Freedon Nadd

Freedon Nadd was an Old Republic Jedi prodigy whose conscious decision to embrace the dark side of the Force had a significant impact on galactic events for many generations after his death. Nadd's career began as a student in training on the planet Ossus, but a lust for greater power caused him to slay his Master, Matta Tremayne, and renounce his affiliation with the Jedi Order. He fled Ossus and made his way to the heart of the old Sith Empire, where he gained an enormous wealth of dark side knowledge. He eventually followed the Force to the jungle moon of Yavin 4, where he found and apprenticed himself to the ancient Dark Lord Naga Sadow. Sadow trained Nadd in the Sith arts, and led the young Jedi even further down the dark path. When he determined that he had learned all his Sith Master had to offer, Nadd used his newfound powers to destroy Sadow and left Yavin 4 behind in search of a world to conquer as his own. He proclaimed himself Dark Lord of the Sith, and used his sorcerous powers to subjugate the world of Onderon, where he ruled as king from the capital of Iziz until his physical demise in 4,350 BBY. His body was entombed below the royal palace of Iziz, which became a focal point of Sith power. Nadd's spirit lingered in the tomb, from whence it taught the descendants of his bloodline and further steeped Onderon in the miasma that was the dark side of the Force. By 4,000 BBY, the exaltation of Freedon Nadd's memory was the catalyst for the final battle of the centuries-spanning Beast Wars of Onderon, a conflict that arose between the citizens of Iziz who worshiped the deceased Dark Lord and those who had been cast out for their refusal to pledge allegiance to the Sith. A team of Jedi Knights led by Arkanian Master Arca Jeth came to Onderon, ended the battle, and brought a temporary halt to Nadd's influence over the planet with the defeat of Queen Amanoa. However, Amanoa's husband, King Ommin, reasserted Sith influence over the planet when he summoned Freedon Nadd's spirit from Chaos. The restored Naddist cult then rose up in arms and stole the Dark Lord's sarcophagus in a surprise attack during Amanoa's funeral. Nadd revealed himself to the Jedi and participated in the capture of Arca Jeth, who was ultimately rescued by the Jedi after the defeat of King Ommin during the final stages of the Naddist insurrection. Conceding failure, Nadd abandoned Ommin to the mercy of the Jedi, and his spirit was forever banished from Onderon by the power of Arca Jeth. Prior to his departure, however, Nadd happened upon Tetan socialites Aleema and Satal Keto—who had come to Onderon in search of dark side knowledge—and chose to pass the Sith teachings on to them. While Nadd's tomb was relocated to Onderon's jungle moon by the Jedi, his spirit appeared to one of them, Ulic Qel-Droma, and foretold the young Knight's destiny as a Lord of the Sith. For months Freedon Nadd trained the Ketos in Sith magic, but his interests shifted when Exar Kun, a powerful fallen Jedi with dark side curiosities, stirred the Dark Lord's spirit from within his lunar grave. Nadd guided Kun to the ancient Sith homeworld of Korriban where, through a series of trials designed to test his resolve, he decided that Exar Kun was worthy of Sith apprenticeship. Nadd then led Kun to the ancient dwellings of his own Sith Master on Yavin 4 and was pleased when Kun wholeheartedly embraced the Sith after he defeated an enormous Sith wyrm and subjugated the native Massassi warriors. Finally convinced that his apprentice had become one with the dark side, Nadd revealed his need for Exar Kun to create a physical body for him through alchemical means, that he might once again command the power of the Force. Kun, however, refused to entertain Nadd any longer, and in that moment betrayed him. His apprentice's strength tremendously amplified by a Sith amulet, Nadd was attacked by Kun with a potent blast of Force energy that mortally wounded the Sith spirit. Consigned to oblivion for a

second time, Nadd contacted the Ketos in his final act and warned them of the threat that Exar Kun posed. He then declared that, along with Ulic Qel-Droma, the future of the Sith rested with Satal and Aleema, before fading into Chaos and dying a second death.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Exar Kun

Exar Kun was a Human male Jedi Knight under the tutelage of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Kun displayed an unusual curiosity into forbidden teachings, so much so that upon completion of his Jedi training, he abandoned his Master and set out in pursuit of the knowledge and power of the ancient Sith. His quest led him initially to the planet Onderon and then its jungle moon Dxun, where he invaded the tomb of a long-deceased Dark Lord of the Sith named Freedon Nadd—and, in doing so, awakened his spirit. Seduced by Nadd with the promise of power through acceptance of the dark side of the Force, Kun allowed himself to become Nadd's apprentice. As Kun rapidly progressed in the sorcerous ways of the Sith, Nadd directed him to Yavin 4, where Kun acquired even greater Sith powers. He then destroyed Nadd's spirit, and set out on his own quest for galactic domination. Kun was aware of several of Nadd's other prospects, and saw them as hindrances to his ascension to the mantle of Dark Lord. Thus, he journied to the Empress Teta system to eliminate the Krath Sith cult, the other darksiders under Nadd's instruction. After a brief confrontation with Krath warlord Ulic Qel-Droma, Kun and his opponent were visited by the ghost of the ancient Dark Lord Marka Ragnos—who completed their initiation into the ways of the dark side and christened Kun the new Dark Lord, with Qel-Droma as his first apprentice. Kun then partnered with Qel-Droma's Krath to form the infamous Brotherhood of the Sith, and together, they waged total war upon both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order which protected it. After traveling to Ossus and killing Odan-Urr, the Jedi Keeper of Antiquities, Exar Kun stole an ancient Sith holocron in the Draethos Master's possession and used it to corrupt many Jedi Knights to his cause, forming the foundations of a Sith-inspired galactic empire. He then ordered his converts to strike down their Masters in an attempt to destabilize the Jedi Order's leadership; Kun himself would confront his own former Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, on Coruscant during the trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, where he slew both the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and Master Baas. Kun then set Qel-Droma free, and the two Lords of the Sith resumed their campaign of galactic terror. After instigating the destruction of the Cron star cluster, Exar Kun led his forces in a raid on the Jedi's stronghold world of Ossus, where he pillaged as much of the ancient lore of the Jedi as possible. He then retreated to his temple on the moon of Yavin 4, but was unaware that Ulic Qel-Droma had betrayed him to the Jedi, and had also led them to Yavin to stage a final offensive against him. Using ancient Force techniques that even he did not understand, Kun separated his spirit from his body in an attempt to elude capture. However, he was defeated when Nomi Sunrider led thousands of Jedi in the creation of a Wall of Light; the power of which destroyed the landscape of Yavin 4, and trapped the Dark Lord's spirit within the walls of his temple forever. Thousands of years later, Exar Kun's spirit returned to wreak havoc on the students of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's praxeum on Yavin 4. After haunting several of the trainees, Kun's spirit subletly corrupted one of them, Gantoris, to the dark side of the Force, but killed Gantoris when he tried to reject the Dark Lord's influence. He also took Master Skywalker's soul from his body, but was ultimately defeated when the students banded together and eventually defeated by the combined power of Luke's students.

The Sith Lord-Ulic Qel-Droma

Ulic Qel-Droma was, during different times in his life, a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, a warlord in the Empress Teta star system, and a Dark Lord of the Sith. A Human male native of the planet Alderaan, Ulic and his brother Cay were born to Jedi Master Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma, but trained alongside the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta under Master Arca Jeth at Jeth's praxeum on Arkania. In 4,000 BBY, Ulic was sent with Cay and Doneeta to resolve the centuries-long Beast Wars of the planet Onderon. Initially siding with the citizens of the capital city Iziz, Ulic and his fellow Jedi eventually allied with the Beast Riders of Onderon after learning that Iziz's inhabitants worshiped the dark side of the Force under the leadership of Queen Amanoa. War subsequently broke out between the Queen's forces and those of the Beast Riders, but ended when Ulic's Master Jeth arrived to assist in the defeat of Amanoa, bringing peace to Onderon temporarily. Amanoa's husband, King Ommin, emerged from hiding in 3,998 BBY to disrupt Onderon's peace by waging war in the name of his ancestor, an ancient Dark Lord of the Sith named Freedon Nadd. Ulic and the Jedi once again fought to defend Onderon, but when Master Jeth was captured by Ommin and Freedon Nadd's spirit, Ulic requested aid from the Galactic Senate. QelDroma's help arrived in the form of the Republic navy and a team of five additional Jedi Knights, led by novice Jedi Nomi Sunrider—with whom Qel-Droma would later fall in love. Bolstered by the strength of the navy and Sunrider's innate talent with Jedi battle meditation, Ulic and his comrades rescued Master Jeth, defeated King Ommin and his dark side army, and banished the influence of Freedon Nadd's ghost from the planet forever. In the aftermath of the final battle of the Uprising, Qel-Droma was visited by the spectre of Nadd who, much to Qel-Droma's surprise, foretold his destiny as a Lord of the Sith. When the Jedi learned of a political uprising staged in the Empress Teta system by a newlyformed Krath cult, Qel-Droma acted as a liaison for the Order and joined the Republic for an assault in Tetan space. However, Qel-Droma was unprepared to deal with the scope of the Krath's powers, and suffered near fatal wounds as he led the Republic into retreat after their defeat against the Tetan usurpers. The Jedi had become increasingly concerned with the galactic threat posed by the Krath, and gathered en masse on the planet Deneba to discuss a course of action. It was here that Qel-Droma unveiled his controversial plan—one that was looked upon unfavorably by nearly all those present—to infiltrate the dark side organization, and attempt to destroy them from within. Before the convocation was brought to an end, the Krath ambushed the gathering with a bombardment of war droids. Qel-Droma fought valiantly alongside his fellow Jedi, but was devastated when Master Jeth was killed after saving Ulic's life. He then swore to take revenge and decided to carry out his proposed mission against the pleas of his peers. Ulic traveled to Empress Teta and joined the Krath, initially pretending to be a fallen Jedi, and eventually taking the Sith sorceress Aleema Keto as his mistress. However, when he was injected with a rage-inducing poison by Krath warlord Satal Keto, things began to spiral out of control. When his friends came to Empress Teta in search of him, he lashed out with the dark side of the Force and rebuked them, though they vowed to return and rescue him from the influence of the Sith. During that same confrontation, Qel-Droma slew Lord Keto in a fit of rage, who had been implicated as the aggressor of the ambush on Deneba, and assumed his position as warlord of the Krath alongside Aleema. Later, when the Jedi returned and failed yet again to extract Ulic, another of Freedon Nadd's students, Exar Kun, arrived to eliminate the Krath. QelDroma engaged him in a duel, but the contest was interrupted by the spirit of a long-deceased

Sith, who proclaimed Kun the new Dark Lord, with Qel-Droma as his first apprentice. QelDroma united his Krath with the forces of Exar Kun to form the notorious Brotherhood of the Sith, which immediately waged war upon both the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic. While Exar Kun attended his own matters, The Dark Lord Qel-Droma began to consolidate his own power, first by subjugating the Mandalorians and hijacking Republic military resources before finally leading an attack on the galactic capital of Coruscant. It was here that he was betrayed and abandoned by Aleema, then captured by Jedi Knights under the leadership of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, and scheduled to stand trial as a war criminal before the Galactic Senate. He was ultimately rescued by Kun and Mandalore the Indomitable, with whom QelDroma resumed his campaign of terror against the Republic. He also dealt with the treachery of Aleema Keto by tricking her into undertaking a suicidal battle with the Jedi at the Kemplex IX space station; as the sole leader of the Krath, Qel-Droma next joined Exar Kun in assaulting the Jedi fortress-world of Ossus. He was confronted there by his brother, and eventually slew him in combat while Ulic's former comrades looked on. The act of fratricide mortified him into renouncing the way of the Sith, but also served to enrage the Jedi; a furious Nomi Sunrider exercised her power to sever Ulic's connection to the Force. Utterly defeated, Qel-Droma decided to lead the Jedi to Exar Kun's stronghold on Yavin 4 where he was defeated in a final battle. With the war over, Qel-Droma spent the next decade a broken man wandering the galaxy, mourning his brother's loss, and searching for a means to restore his connection to the Force. Finally, Ulic was redeemed by Nomi's daughter Vima, whom he had trained to be a Jedi. Shortly after this, he was killed by the spacer Hoggon, after being presumed to still be a threat. However, he became one with the Force, as he had finally come to terms with his actions.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Revan

Revan, renowned as "the Revanchist" and dreaded as Darth Revan, was an eminent Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire. A human of unknown origins, he was trained as a Padawan by Kreia and a number of other Jedi Masters, both on Coruscant and at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Acknowledged as a very gifted pupil, by 3,964 BBY he was a Jedi Knight respected enough to amass a notable following that argued for Jedi intervention in the Mandalorian Wars. The Jedi Council, though opposed to this course of action, ultimately sanctioned Revan and his movement when the horror of the Mandalorians' genocide of the Cathar came to light, allowing the charismatic Jedi and his closest friend, Malak, to recruit and lead a faction of the Jedi Order to war without fear of reprisal. A talented military tactician and strategist, Revan directed the Galactic Republic to victory after assuming command of its forces in 3,961 BBY, finally ending the conflict the following year with the defeat and execution of Mandalore the Ultimate, the destruction of Malachor V and the disarmament of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Yet in the wake of this triumph, Revan, his loyal Jedi followers, and the third of the Republic fleet that remained under his direct control ventured into the Unknown Regions and ceased all communications with the known galaxy. Having embraced the seductive Sith teachings he encountered at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, Revan tracked down ancient Rakatan Star Maps in pursuit of the Star Forge, a superweapon of the Infinite Empire. Succeeding in this, he returned to the civilization he had left behind openly as Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Commanding the continued obedience of many veterans of the Mandalorian Wars, and alongside the man who was now his Sith apprentice, Darth Malak, Revan betrayed the Jedi, turned against the Republic, and plunged the known galaxy into the Jedi Civil War. Utilizing the Star Forge to spawn an immense armada, Revan cut a carefully calculated path of conquest through the Outer Rim, establishing a powerful Sith Empire to which new converts regularly flocked. Though the Republic staved off total defeat for two years, thanks to the extraordinary battle meditation of the gifted Jedi Bastila Shan, Revan's ultimate triumph seemed inevitable until he and Malak were ensnared by a Jedi trap. As a Republic fleet engaged that of the two ruling Sith, a strike team led by Shan boarded Revan's flagship and battled its way to the Dark Lord. Moments before the Jedi engaged Revan in combat, however, Malak—sensing an opportunity to be rid of both the Jedi and the Master whose power he coveted—had his own vessel open fire on the distracted Sith Lord's bridge. Caught by surprise, Revan was incapacitated by Malak's attack and then captured by the strike team while his traitorous apprentice, believing his Master destroyed, seized control of the Sith Empire. His mind shattered, his memories scattered, and soon thought dead by the galaxy–at–large, Revan's life was preserved by none other than Shan, an act that forged a Force bond between them. Either unable or unwilling to restore their prisoner's true self, but requiring the knowledge buried within his mind, the Jedi Council used the Force to rebuild Revan with a new identity loyal to the Republic. Almost one year later, after Revan, still oblivious to his true past, rescued the captive Shan alongside Commander Carth Onasi and an eclectic band of allies on Taris, the Jedi Council on Dantooine opted to retrain him. Reawakening to his former skills and charged with unearthing the source of Malak's colossal fleet, Revan and his loyal comrades thwarted all obstacles and adversaries as he and Shan were guided by shared "visions"—in truth Revan's own memories—to the Star Maps on Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Korriban. In the midst of this

odyssey, the group was ensnared by Admiral Saul Karath, commander of the Sith fleet, and imprisoned aboard the Leviathan. Though Revan and his friends escaped, killing Karath along the way, Darth Malak confronted his former Master, revealed his true identity and ultimately recaptured Shan, the woman Revan had come to love. Continuing in the face of this loss, Revan and his allies successfully discovered the final Star Map and the location of the Star Forge. There, in the Rakata System, Revan rejected the darkness of his past, turned Shan—whom Malak had broken to his will—back to the light and vanquished the reigning Dark Lord, playing his part in the battle that brought the war he had instigated to a close. A year onward, having driven the warring Sith factions from Korriban, Revan—with more memories returning—left the known galaxy behind on a solitary quest against the "true" Sith. As of 3,623 BBY, he was thought to have never returned.

The Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Malak

Darth Malak was a Human male who took the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith during the Jedi Civil War. He was, prior to becoming a Sith Lord, a famed Jedi Knight and military commander. Born on the planet Quelii as Alek, he escaped the Mandalorian's attack on Quelii. Shortly after, the immigration records listed Alek's home village, Squinquargesimus, as his surname. Nicknamed Squint by his fellow Jedi, Squinquargesimus befriended the Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and, after taking the name "Malak," assisted him in defeating the Jedi Covenant. During the Mandalorian Wars, Malak gained a reputation as a headstrong warrior who would recklessly charge into danger. He eventually drew closer and closer to the dark side, ultimately being seduced by Sith teachings imparted to him by his closest friend and fellow Jedi Knight Revan. After the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars at the Sith world of Malachor V, the two twisted the allegiance of the Revanchists and the forces of the Galactic Republic under their command, building the foundations of what would eventually become a new Sith Empire. In his role as Revan's chosen apprentice, the newly-christened Darth Malak helped his Master track down the Star Maps, devices that led to the Star Forge, an ancient space station built by the Rakata. A year after Revan and Malak disappeared from known Republic space into the Unknown Regions, they returned and declared war on the Republic, determined to end the "tyranny" of the Jedi Order. At one point under Darth Revan's tutelage, Malak's entire jaw was removed by a lightsaber strike from his own Sith Master, forcing him to wear a large metal prosthesis. After the Jedi dispatched a strike team to capture Revan and Malak, the latter betrayed his Master, ordering the guns of his flagship, Leviathan, to fire on Revan's vessel. Convinced that his Master had died, Malak usurped Revan's mantle of Dark Lord and ruled the Sith unchallenged, brutally conquering territory after territory. He even took an apprentice of his own, a former Jedi named Darth Bandon. It would not be long until Malak was proven wrong about his beliefs on Revan's death. The next year, Malak intercepted the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and an amnesiac Revan, whose identity as the Dark Lord had been replaced with loyalty to the Republic by the Jedi Council. After Malak told Revan of his former identity as the Dark Lord, the two fought each other, but Shan allowed herself to be captured by Malak so that Revan and his companions could escape. Malak corrupted Shan, whom he had once considered a threat. She eventually became his apprentice, replacing Darth Bandon, whom Revan and his companions had previously killed. Now assisted by Shan's battle meditation, Malak considered his Sith Empire to be invincible. However, when the Republic fleet attacked the Star Forge above Rakata Prime, a redeemed Revan boarded the ancient superweapon and confronted Malak in a lightsaber duel that resulted in the Dark Lord's defeat. With that, Malak's reign as the Dark Lord ended, and the Republic emerged victorious from the war.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus was a Force-sensitive Human male who lived during the Dark Wars. He lost everything during the Mandalorian Wars, surviving the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator at the Battle of Malachor V, which surrounded the planet with a destructive spacial phenomenon known as a mass shadow that obliterated almost everything and everyone on and around the planet. The experience of the shadows made him "hunger" for Force energy, and the affliction began to ravage his body. In his pain he became a wound in the Force and was found by a seeker of such things, Darth Traya, who told him that she could teach him to feed his hunger. He accepted her offer and came under her apprenticeship at her Dark Jedi academy, choosing to wield the dark side of the Force as his weapon, and over time became one of three concurrent Dark Lords of the Sith. Together, the three formed a triumvirate with Traya at its head and her other apprentice, Darth Sion, as the third member. The trio chose individual names for themselves and Nihilus became the Lord of Hunger. The apprentices grew in strength during their training and eventually overpowered their Master. Sion defeated Traya, while Nihilus sapped her energy, before the two Sith exiled her and combined their powers to sever her ties to the Force. Nihilus's affliction developed to the point where the Dark Lord was forced to call upon the dark side of the Force to encase his spirit within his mask and armor to stay alive. Nihilus and Sion then became the main perpetrators of the First Jedi Purge, causing the virtual extinction of the Jedi Order. Nihilus was responsible for the Devastation of Katarr, killing and absorbing the Force energy of the Jedi at the Conclave on Katarr, along with every other living thing on the planet, save one Miraluka woman named Visas Marr. Having survived, Marr was taken by Nihilus, and unwillingly became his apprentice. One year later, Nihilus sensed a growing presence in the Force so he sent Marr to investigate and destroy it. The presence was a female Jedi, known only as the Exile, who was on a quest to find the remaining Jedi Masters who had survived the Purge. When Marr attempted to assassinate the woman, the Exile defeated her and convinced her to turn to the light side of the Force in the process. Although Nihilus returned to lurking the fringes of known space, the man was eventually tricked by Traya into initiating the Battle of Telos IV in an attempt to absorb a Jedi Academy without any actual Force-sensitives aside from the instructor. There he met a large fleet comprised of Galactic Republic and Mandalorian forces. In the carnage, Ravager was secretly boarded by a small force, resulting in Nihilus's death as well as the ship's destruction at the hands of Marr, the Exile, and Mandalore the Preserver in 3,951 BBY.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Sion

Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars. As a Sith Marauder in the Great Sith War, Sion fought for Exar Kun's Sith Empire until the day he was struck down. Rather than die, though, Sion found that by calling on his pain, anger, and hatred, he could rise from certain death and achieve immortality, at the cost of all-consuming agony. With a body fractured and decomposing, but held together by the dark side of the Force, Sion survived the Great Sith War. Sion allied himself with the next Sith Empire to arise in the galaxy, that of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Those Sith, too, fell, and he watched from the Sith Academy on Korriban as the Empire tore itself apart. Sion soon found new purpose with Darth Traya and Darth Nihilus, a pair of Sith Lords who together with Sion formed the Sith Triumvirate, dedicated to restoring the Sith and eliminating the Jedi. In their headquarters on Malachor V, Sion served as Traya's disciple. Eventually, frustrated with her teachings, he and Nihilus stripped her of the Force and cast her out. The two ruling Sith Lords went on to reunite most of the surviving Sith remnants and continue their war on the Jedi, with great success. With the Jedi all but eliminated, Sion took notice of a new Jedi returning to known space, the Jedi Exile of the Mandalorian Wars. His attempt to kill her was thwarted by Traya, who managed to get the Exile to Peragus II. Sion followed in a captured Republic ship, the Harbinger, but the Exile and her companions escaped once more. He encountered her again at Korriban, but beginning to feel strange new feelings for her, he let her escape. Traya eventually betrayed the Exile and returned to take command of the Sith and Sion. Sion awaited the Exile on Malachor V; in their final battle he was struck down again and again, but rose each time. The Exile showed Sion the price he paid for immortality, convincing him to let go, and the Sith Lord at last allowed himself to die. The Human who would become Darth Sion lived in the time around 4,000 BBY. Sion—which may have been his given name—was for a long time susceptible to infirmity and pain much the same as any other person. Combined together, they were intolerable to him, and he lived a life steeped in hatred. Rather than suffer in silence, Sion chose to embody his pain as his uniqueness, becoming Darth Sion, Lord of Pain. In the Great Sith War of 3,996 BBY, Sion served as a Sith Marauder in Exar Kun's Sith Empire. Seeking death, Sion went into battle against the Jedi but continued to survive the encounters. He became convinced he was immortal as he built up a greater and greater tolerance for pain. Eventually, Sion was struck down, but he did not die. Instead, the pain within him welled up to agonizing levels, driving Sion to rise once more and strike down his would-be killer with all his anger and hate. Sion found that he could hold his own decomposing body together with the dark side of the Force. Though this process brought him excruciating pain and forced him to continuously concentrate on his rage, Sion considered it a worthy price for immortality. Kun ultimately lost the war, but Sion survived the fall of the Sith Empire.In 3,963 BBY, the Sith Acolyte Haazen prophesied that the Jedi Guardian Lucien Draay would teach Haazen's new Sith, suggesting "Darth Sion" as a possible name he could take;Haazen was later defeated and Draay turned away from the path of the Lord of Pain.

In time, the Mandalorian Wars fell across the galaxy as the clans of the Mandalorians invaded the Galactic Republic. Sion was shaped in these wars;when they ended and a new Sith Empire was formed by Darth Revan, the new Dark Lord of the Sith, and his apprentice Darth Malak, Sion became a Sith Lord of the Empire. Yet this one was not to last either; Sion was shocked, as Revan, redeemed by the Jedi Council, succumbed to what Sion saw as weakness and betrayed the Sith. Malak was killed by his old master and, with his death, the Empire came apart. Sion was at the Sith Academy on Korriban in its final days, and he watched as the Sith turned on each other. Sion survived this bout of backstabbing, though. With the disintegration of the Empire, a number of Sith Lords declared themselves to be warlords of their own domains, while other remnants fled for the Unknown Regions

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Traya

Kreia was a blind Human female Jedi Master and a historian prior to the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars. She was exiled by the Jedi Council because her former students followed the Jedi Knight Revan, who was her former Padawan, into battle against the invading Mandalorians. After she withdrew from the Jedi Order, she retraced Revan's footsteps to the ancient Sith world of Malachor V, being drawn to its Force echoes. She discovered the Trayus Academy on the planet, and turned to the dark side, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Traya, the Lord of Betrayal. During the Dark Wars, Traya searched for other Force-wounds, and discovered Darths Sion and Nihilus. She formed a triumvirate with them, intent on wiping out the Jedi. Eventually, Sion and Nihilus overthrew Traya and stripped her of her connection to the Force. After having been exiled by both the Jedi and Sith, she held an abhorrence of how both Orders were used by the Force to its own ends, harboring delusions of freeing the galaxy of its influence. Going under the guise of "Kreia" once more, Traya located a former Jedi General in the Mandalorian Wars, a human female known as the Jedi Exile. Traya saw the Exile as having the potential to bring her purpose to fruition, and took it upon herself to "rescue" the Exile and retrain her in her own views. Even as Traya orchestrated the First Jedi Purge, she continued in her attempts to mold the Exile, and those she traveled with aboard the light freighter Ebon Hawk, into her own image. The Exile eventually located Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Vrook Lamar and Kavar, convincing them to reconvene at the ruins of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave. Traya betrayed the Exile by openly revealing her true identity as a Sith Lord, and murdered the Masters in the Enclave's remains. Traya then traveled to the Jedi Academy on Telos IV, and convinced Jedi Master Atris to turn to the dark side. After the Exile participated in the battle above Telos—in which she redeemed Atris and vanquished Darth Nihilus—the Exile journeyed to Malachor V to confront Darth Traya, dueling and ultimately killing the Sith Lord in the depths of the Trayus Academy. After Kreia was exiled by the Jedi for her role in training Revan,she began to question her beliefs, and silently withdrew from the Order. Some believed that she had followed Revan and his Jedi to war, but she instead traced her former Padawan's footsteps, searching for an answer that she alone could provide. Kreia was eventually drawn to the Force echoes of the Sith world Malachor V, a nexus of dark side energies and part of the ancient Sith Empire. On the surface, Kreia found Darth Revan's former stronghold, the Trayus Academy, an ancient dark side praxeum that contained the deepest and most intimate secrets of the Sith. She encountered Sith assassins left by Revan, but rather than attack the Jedi Master, they presented Kreia with Sith hermetica. The Sith manuscripts that Kreia used the Force to read through intimated that the truths of the cosmos were not intended for the sane. Kreia believed that the manuscripts' authors were pureblooded descendants of the ancient Sith species. The Sith sorcerers claimed that they had privileged insight into secret realities, arguing that even though the contradictory and aimless nature of existence appeared oblivious to all intelligent beings, awareness of the Force exposed this obvious "fact" as a lie, further stating that the Force betrayed Force-sensitives, making them live in a compromised, chaotic universe–to live the lie. As much as she wanted to denounce them and their arguments, she fell under their seductive spell, and became Darth Traya, the Lord of Betrayal.Traya also learned of a forgotten legacy of the Sith that had lurked in the Unknown Regions for thousands of years. From that moment, she

firmly believed that Revan had never "fallen" to the dark side,and that a greater cause had come that called for certain actions to be done.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Desolous

Darth Desolous was a male Pau'an Dark Lord of the Sith. Before falling to the dark side of the Force, he was a revered Jedi Master whose name had long been forgotten. Desolous was born nearly 3,500 years before the Clone Wars. His lust for battle led him to the dark side and in search of Sith teachings. He was expelled from the Jedi Order, took on his Sith name and vowed to have his revenge. After returning to his homeworld of Utapau, Desolous began training an army of Pau'ans in his own style, using cortosis alloy shields and melee weapons. He eventually rallied his army against the Jedi, ambushing Jedi Knights across the galaxy, leading to the slaughter of nearly two thousand Jedi. With each victory, he grew more reckless and bold, his hatred against the Jedi eclipsing all his other emotions. He was lured into a trap at Yaga Minor, his army engaging a small force of Jedi Knights. A large Jedi fleet emerged from hyperspace, preventing his retreat, and, outnumbered and outmatched, Desolous' army was destroyed and the Sith himself killed by, as he claims, the entire Jedi Council.

Sith Lord-Darth Phobos

Darth Phobos was a female Theelin Sith Lord, who lived eons before the outbreak of the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. She was born on the ancestral Sith burial-world of Korriban. She developed incredible mental powers, using the Force to warp and control the minds of the weak. Her main powers revolved around shifting into the form of her opponents' friends in order to confuse them. She fought using a double-bladed red lightsaber. Phobos was considered manipulative and evil, murdering many of her rivals to achieve power. Eventually, her Sith brethren turned on her, almost killing her, but she survived and fled her home planet. Over many decades, the deranged former Sith Lord assembled a fanatical group known as the Cult of Darth Phobos. She sent her acolytes across the galaxy to recruit others, and also to assassinate powerful Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. Both Jedi and Sith alike recognized her a major threat to the galaxy, and grudgingly joined forces to stop her. She was eventually killed in a battle against Jedi and Sith warriors, but her cult remained active for a long time, finally disappearing around the time of the "Fourth Great Schism", almost two thousand years before the Clone Wars.The Sith called her "The Hidden Fear".

Dark Lord of the Sith-Belia Darzu

Belia Darzu was a female Shi'ido changeling and Dark Lord of the Sith who reigned from 1,250 to 1,230 BBY, in a period of the New Sith Wars known as the Sictis Wars Before she became a Sith Lord, she was considered to be a Dark Side marauder. She crafted a suit of heavy battle armor that was imbued with dark side powers, which granted her invisibility and boosted her physical strength. The armor was reportedly worth 37,000 credits. Belia Darzu also used nanogene technology to create an army of Technobeasts which she controlled with mechu-deru, an ancient form of Sith Alchemy that infused mechanical objects with dark side energy. This power was believed to have been lost by the era of the New Jedi Order, but Roganda Ismaren discovered several ancient scrolls which documented its usage. Darzu did all her research from a black durasteel twin-towered citadel on Tython, defended by several ion cannons. Deep inside were laboratories, containing specimens and Darzu's notes. Further in, near the centre was a long room containing Darzu's holocron on a pedestal. Darzu was killed on Tython when she was poisoned by the Mecrosa Order at the behest of her fellow Sith Lords. Darth Bane would later travel to Tython during 990 BBY to access information from Darzu's holocron on how to construct his own Holocron. After her death, her army of Technobeasts slowly retreated into the Holocron room, where Darzu's last vestiges of power lay. Her citadel was the site of a fierce battle between a group of Jedi and Darth Bane and Darth Zannah which was won by the Sith.

Sith Lord-Darth Rivan

Darth Rivan was a Zelosian male who was a Sith Lord during the time of the New Sith Wars, having taken his Sith name from a corrupted Sith manuscript which identified Darth Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith who was redeemed during the Jedi Civil War, as "Rivan. During the New Sith Wars, Darth Rivan visited the uncharted Cularin system and settled on the planet Almas, despite this world's inhospitable atmosphere. There, he built a fortress, intending to delve in the mysteries of the dark side. Rivan's true purpose for constructing the fortress, however, lay in the creation of Sith Battlelords. Rivan's vision for this elite new corps lay in the very nature of the dark side itself; specifically, in its inherent discord. Whenever many darksiders gathered in one location, sooner or later some of them would die, or turn on one another. Enlightened inter-cooperation was not held to be a virtue by darksiders. Eliminating insubordination amongst the Sith ranks became a mission of Rivan's, and his creation of the Battlelord would serve to Force-bond a commander to his troops—if a soldier attempted to harm his/her commander, the intended wound would instead be inflicted upon the soldier. Analysis of the fortress performed shortly after the Battle of Naboo revealed that the dome on the fortress was well over 1,000 years old. The fortress itself was essentially a gigantic dark side focal-point, capable of shooting lightning at passing starships. The castle was plagued with mechanical traps which could not be detected with the Force or with advanced technological means. Rivan would use Mandalorian iron, resistant to the Force and to the lightsaber, to keep his most valued books, and for the floor of his lightsaber training room. He also designed the fortress so that his slaves/prisoners (which included at least one Jedi) would be cut off from the Force, feeling absolutely lost and despaired. Darth Rivan wrote his autobiography in Sithese in the inner walls of his fortress. Darth Rivan was known for being the wielder of the powerful artifact known as the Darkstaff, a semi-sentient weapon capable of draining Force-essence from a living being. Darth Rivan also created the kaluthin grass to modify the planet's landscape and atmosphere, and make it breathable. Although the kaluthin terraformed Almas to a gardenlike place, it could not remove the noxious local gases and Almas's atmosphere would never be exactly pure. Rivan lived in Almas for decades until driven off by the Jedi Knights, at some point before 1,250 BBY. During the Battle of Almas, the Jedi destroyed Rivan's fortress structure, although the core tower, impervious to blaster fire, survived the attack. In the end, it is known that Rivan's quest for physical immortality never truly succeeded. It was initially believed that, after being driven off Almas by a massive Jedi/Republic assault, Darth Rivan barely escaped with his life, and eventually perished after being betrayed by his fellow Sith—specifically, his own apprentice,Darsin. In actuality, however, Rivan left the fortress one day leaving Darsin behind, and Darsin died before Rivan, his body modified by Rivan's alchemies to create a slave Force spirit. Rivan

managed to harness the power of the Darkstaff to create a Force Storm that swept him through time and space to the planet Ruusan, during the battles between the Jedi Army of Light and the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness several centuries later. There, with his Force power drained by the Darkstaff, he was easily slain by a Force-sensitive warrior, someone who had been another apprentice of Rivan (but not Darsin). Rivan could not be buried in the crypt he had created for himself. Portions of Rivan's journals were excavated and recovered from his Almas fortress during the Clone Wars, and presented to the Jedi Council on Coruscant for study.

Dark Lord of the Sith-The Dark Underlord

The Dark Underlord was a Dark Lord of the Sith during the New Sith Wars. His origins were a mystery, but theories about his identity ranged from him having been summoned from the realm of Chaos, to him being the spirit of the Lettow General Xendor. During the first quarter of the New Sith Wars, the Dark Underlord was known as a bloody marauder earning the ire of the Galactic Republic. As the leader of the Sith forces, he was able to consolidate a large group of elite Sith warriors known as the Black Knights. Roughly 1,750 BBY, the Dark Underlord and his Black Knights had set up base on the planet Malrev IV. The planet contained a powerful Sith Temple which magnified the use of the dark side of the Force. The temple itself may have been constructed by the Dark Underlord to help counteract the Jedi army; however, it's possible the temple was built before the Dark Underlord's time. In any case, the Jedi General Murrtaggh, a perennial enemy of the Dark Underlord, prepared to eliminate the dangerous Sith Lord while his forces were stationed there. Unknown to the Dark Underlord, Murrtaggh paid a large group of Mandalorian mercenaries to stage a diversionary attack on the Black Knights while Murrtaggh prepared to sneak behind the enemy lines to assassinate the Sith leader. As the battle commenced, the Dark Lord sent his foremost general to lead his forces against the Mandalorians. During the chaos of the battle, Murrtaggh executed his plan and infiltrated the Dark Underlord's fortress. As the two engaged in battle Murrtaggh fell to the dark side, striking down the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Kaan

Kaan was Dark Lord of the Sith in the last years of the New Sith Wars and ascended to leadership of the New Sith Empire almost a decade before the Ruusan campaign, ending a long and protracted civil war among various self proclaimed Sith warlords. After uniting the surviving remnants under his banner, Kaan led them into a final war against the Jedi on the world of Ruusan, before destroying himself and his followers with the thought bomb. At the time of Kaan's ascent, the New Sith Empire had fractured, with dozens of Sith Lords claiming the title of Dark Lord and waging endless campaigns against each other, rather than uniting to bring down the ailing Republic. Sensing that their endless quest for supremacy and power would destroy the Sith, Kaan set about reuniting the various splinter states under his banner. His idea of cooperation and equality among the Sith Lords was unique in their history. Rather than challenge each of the self-proclaimed "Dark Lords" and threaten the war effort, Kaan acquiesced to their vanity, and named them all "Dark Lord of the Sith", and declared "All are equal in the Brotherhood of Darkness."But he forbade any Sith to take the historic title of Darth, since he held that title as being solely responsible for the jealousy and infighting that had destroyed the Sith in the past. Kaan became the founder of the Sith army known as the Brotherhood of Darkness, and managed to turn it from a scrabble of feuding warlords into a powerful force to take control of the galaxy. The two most powerful Sith warlords—Kopecz and Qordis—pledged themselves to his cause, and they were followed by others, such as Kas'im, LaTor and Kaox Krul. With his charisma and power, the Sith struck back at the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. Thousands of Sith and Jedi battled one another across the galaxy. Among the most notable opponents of the Sith was the aged Jedi Master Lord Hoth, who became a General with the Republic forces. Although the conflict was widely regarded as an all-out war, the Republic claimed that it was simply fighting a series of engagements against an illegal organization. A startling victory at the Battle of Korriban enabled the Sith to retake their ancestral homeworld. Kaan authorized the reopening of the Sith Academy, and placed Qordis in charge. The reinvigorated Sith pushed the Jedi back, winning great victories. Kaan proved to be a brilliant strategist, and an excellent tactician, capable of winning victory after victory against the Jedi forces. All the while, putting his charisma to good use, luring many Jedi to serve him. While Kaan was a charismatic and skilled general, his rule was more fragile than it seemed, a weakness that would be exploited as the war ground on. As long as the victories continued, however, the Sith would remain united behind him.

Sith Lord-Kaox Krul

Kaox Krul, also known as The Marauder, The Dark Killer, and The Madman,was a Sith Lord and warlord of the New Sith Empire.He was a formidable warrior within the Brotherhood of Darkness and targeted as a threat by the Jedi near the end of the New Sith Wars. Krul was an avid supporter of Lord Kaan and had developed a mental link with the leader of the Brotherhood of Darkness, so that he could be summoned at great distances. As Krul fought with the brotherhood, he became known for his brutality, hating the Jedi with a dark side-fueled passion. As the war pushed on, he was targeted for assassination by the Jedi Council, and the Jedi Crian Maru was assigned to hunt him down. In 1,002 BBY, he was responsible for the destruction of the Duros colony on Harpori. Later that year, just before the Ruusan campaign, he was finally tracked down by Crian Maru and was subsequently killed during a Duel on Balowa. Kaox Krul was a devoted disciple of Lord Kaan, but his days before joining the Brotherhood of Darkness are largely unknown. Krul resented the Jedi for their devotion to peace and tranquility and believed them to be liars to their own true nature. Eventually, due to his talent in the Force, Krul was recruited by the Brotherhood to fight in the New Sith Wars. As a member of the lower echelons of the Brotherhood army, Krul fought in numerous conflicts, using his abilities in the Force and whatever weapons he could get his hands on. A mammoth of a man, Krul was an imposing figure on the battlefield, both very tall and heavily built. He was very formidable, and frightening to behold when angered, which aided him in exploiting his enemies' fears to obtain victory. Eventually, Krul found himself in personal combat with an unknown Jedi. Krul's talent in the dark side allowed him to kill the Jedi, and he ripped the Jedi's lightsaber from his still-warm fingers, claiming it for his own. Krul replaced the weapon's lightsaber crystal with a synth-crystal that created a red blade. Equipped with his lightsaber, Krul began to make a name for himself on the battlefield. To remove what he called the Jedi taint of his acquired weapon, Krul began to slaughter members of the Army of Light with an unbridled ferocity. Krul's dark side fury during battle eventually caused him to be dubbed The Marauder. In campaigns during the New Sith War, Krul racked up more than a hundred kills with his lightsaber, causing the Jedi army to take special note of his formidable power. Elevating himself from a simple Sith warrior to a Sith Lord, Krul created a specialized suit of Sith armor. Protective padding and composite plates adorned with Sith symbols made up the armor, and they were arranged in a specific pattern of Krul's design. As a final addition to the suit's power, Krul used Sith Alchemy to imbue the armor with dark side energy, providing "some protection from the abilities of the Jedi."

Sith Lord-Githany

Githany, nicknamed Githa, was a female Human who fought as a Sith Lord in the New Sith Wars, wielding both a lightsaber and a lightwhip. Originally a Jedi who had trained under Master Handa, Githany defected to the Brotherhood of Darkness, betraying her former lover, Kiel Charny, and delivering to Lord Kaan vital information concerning the battle strategy of the Army of Light. She manipulated the youth Darovit into murdering Charny with the Jedi General's own lightsaber, and then took the young boy as her apprentice. Despite her defection, she abandoned her fellow Sith Lords when she learned of Kaan's desire to use the thought bomb, a highly destructive use of the dark side of the Force. However, she was delayed while attempting to escape, ensuring that she perished along with her fellow Sith on Ruusan. During the early months of the Ruusan campaign, Githany turned to the dark side, and joined the Brotherhood of Darkness, though for a while she kept her treachery secret. Upon her defection, she met with the Sith Lord Kaan and the other Dark Lords in their camp, and turned over valuable strategic information pertaining to the Jedi to the Brotherhood, notably Lord Hoth's battle plans, which she had obtained due to her relationship with Charny, one of Hoth's most prominent generals. After the Sith were satisfied with what she had to offer, Githany was then sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban where she would begin her training as a Sith adept. There, she quickly made allies with another student named Bane, and used him in her scheme to defeat the top student at the school, Sirak. Seeing potential in him, Githany secretly began to train Bane, even as every other Sith Master refused to do so, teaching him the art of Force lightning. It was during this secret training that Githany began to develop feelings for Bane, even sharing a kiss with him. Bane eventually fought Sirak and won, but to Githany's dismay, he allowed the Zabrak to live. Feeling that Bane had failed to live up to her expectations, Githany allied herself with Sirak. Along with fellow students Yevra and Llokay, Githany and Sirak ambushed Bane when he returned from the Valley of the Dark Lords. During the ensuing fight, Githany once again changed her alliance, killing Yevra and Llokay. Bane then killed Sirak.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Bane

Darth Bane, born under the name of Dessel, was one of the most pivotal Dark Lords of the Sith and the long-expected Sith'ari. Born in 1,026 BBY, he was raised as a poor miner on the Outer Rim planet Apatros. After killing a Galactic Republic ensign in a fight in 1,003 BBY, he was in danger of being arrested by the Republic. With the help of his friend Groshik, Dessel escaped off-world to join the Brotherhood of Darkness. Initially serving as a foot soldier in the Gloom Walkers, he was recognized as a Force-sensitive, and taken to the Sith Academy on Korriban. He studied there for a time, quickly becoming one of the best students before he lost his faith in the dark side of the Force. After a short time, Bane, as he was now known, was able to regain his faith and determination to become the best. However, he would soon lose confidence in the Brotherhood of Darkness, believing its leader, Kaan, to be a coward and a fool. Deserting the order, he studied the holocron of Darth Revan, and, armed with new knowledge, helped destroy the Brotherhood, allowing him to create his own Sith Order. Bane then instituted a Rule of Two, which stated that there could be only two Sith to avoid the infighting that had plagued the Sith for millennia. He styled himself as "Darth" Bane, and took as his apprentice a Human female he christened Darth Zannah. In 990 BBY, he sought to learn how to create a holocron through which he would pass down his knowledge to future Sith Lords. The Sith Lord journeyed to the Deep Core world of Tython to locate the holocron of the ancient Dark Lord Belia Darzu. However, while Bane was on Tython, the Jedi learned of his existence, and sent a group of Jedi to kill him and his apprentice, who had recently arrived to tell him that they were being hunted. Once the Jedi arrived, they confronted the two Sith in Darzu's fortress. Though outnumbered, the Sith were able to defeat the Jedi; however, Bane was grievously injured. Zannah took him to Ambria, where she convinced the healer Caleb to help them. Caleb notified the Jedi Council, only to have Zannah use her powers to drive her cousin Darovit insane. He then killed Caleb, and was killed by a group of Jedi when they arrived, as they believed him to be the Sith Lord. Thus, Bane's order was kept safe from the Jedi. A decade later, Bane began to worry that his apprentice was too weak to overthrow him and assume the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, as was necessary under the Rule of Two. He began to research the secrets to prolonging his life by tranferring his essence to another body. He traveled to Prakith, where he claimed the holocron of Darth Andeddu. However, while Zannah was returning from her mission, Bane was ambushed, and, grossly outnumbered, he was defeated and captured by a team hired by Caleb's daughter. Taken to Doan, he was imprisoned and interrogated, only to covertly gain his freedom a short time after. Bane was attacked by Zannah, but he escaped and tracked Serra to Ambria with Darth Cognus, an Iktotchi assassin skilled in use of the dark side who Bane planned to take as his apprentice if Zannah proved herself weak and unworthy. After Cognus killed Serra, Bane, determined to test his apprentice for the last time, sent Zannah a message to meet him on Ambria. After a heated duel to the death, Bane attempted to transfer his essence into her body. However, her will proved to be too strong and Zannah defeated him, ending the life of the Sith'ari, yet also proving herself worthy as his successor. A millennium later, his Sith Order would defeat the Jedi, and overthrow the Republic. Bane arrived at the Academy and immediately began to study the ways of the Sith under such masters as Qordis and the blademaster Kas'im. On his own initiative, he also frequently studied the archives in the academy, which contained documents about the dark side and the history of

the Sith, something that was discouraged by the Sith Masters who emphasized their difference, rather than their continuity to the ancient Sith. Despite his late discovery of his Force powers, Bane began to exceed many of the students who had been trained since birth. However, Bane began to abandon the archives he studied at the beginning of his training in favor of increased focus on physical and mental exercise. After much training, and when he felt he was ready, Bane challenged a Makurth student named Fohargh, who had previously beaten him, to a duel. After beating Bane in lightsaber combat, Fohargh began to taunt him, causing Bane to fill with rage. He unleashed his anger, killing him with a wave of dark Force energy (against Kas'im's instructions), earning him the attention of Sirak, the favorite of Lord Qordis and one of the most prominent students at the academy. Following this event, things began to change for the worse, when Bane, thinking on his use of the dark side to kill Fohargh, realized that he had in fact been responsible for the death of his father, years before. This revelation caused Bane to doubt his ability, and he began to lose his connection to the dark side. Realizing that unless he acted he would fall behind the other students, he rashly challenged Sirak, who easily defeated Bane in combat and beat him savagely. Later, while in recovery, Bane wished that Sirak had killed him. After his loss, Bane was denied by Qordis the right to train with the other students and was consigned to learn what he could from the archives which he had previously abandoned. It was while studying them that he learned more about the history of the Sith Lords, more specifically about the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan. Bane began to question the direction the Brotherhood of Darkness had taken, and he seemed especially interested in finding out why none of the current Sith Lords took the title Darth. It was at this time that a Jedi deserter named Githany arrived, and Bane saw his chance to reclaim his place among the other students. Githany in turn saw Bane as a tool she could use against Sirak, her only real rival at the Academy. Requesting that Githany secretly teach him Force techniques she learned from the masters, he also began private lightsaber combat instruction with Kas'im—neither teacher was aware of the other, ensuring that Bane had an edge over both. Bane and Githany soon began to realize that they had feelings for each other, though they did not want to admit it. As his training progressed, Bane learned far more from the archives at the Academy than he had originally thought possible, and continued supplementing his knowledge of the Force with the teachings of the ancient Sith. In one of their secret tutoring sessions, Githany was amazed at the speed at which Bane not only learned to harness Force lightning, but that in a few short hours he was able to unleash a storm none of the other students, including herself, could manage. Kas'im too noted how far Bane had come with his skill with a lightsaber, and believed that soon he may surpass Sirak. Bane once again entered the challenge ring atop the Academy but this time easily defeated and humiliated Sirak, although he stopped short of killing him, causing Githany to believe he was weak. This led to her training Sirak instead and planning to attack Bane in the archives. Following this victory, Kas'im presented Bane with the curve-hilted lightsaber that had previously belonged to Kas'im's master, a Sith Lord named Na'daz, who saved the blademaster from slavery on Ryloth. Kas'im also revealed that he had killed his master in a personal test of skill and took his weapon as a reminder of what his master taught him—this revelation left a lasting impression on Bane.

Once again under the gaze of the Academy Masters, Qordis summoned Bane to his chambers and revealed to the apprentice that he had been aware for some time that Githany was teaching him. Qordis then told Bane that he was to stop studying the archives at once. To defy Qordis and the Brotherhood, the young apprentice left the Academy for the Valley of the Dark Lords in search of answers from the ancient tombs of fallen Sith Lords. Bane came to the conclusion that the Brotherhood was flawed, and that their leader, Lord Kaan, placed the greater good of the order over the dark side as a whole. Many of the Dark Lords were weak, and in Bane's mind this made them unworthy of the title they carried. Bane also learned that Kaan himself forbade any Sith from taking the title Darth as he wished to avoid the infighting and jealousy that had nearly destroyed the Sith thousands of years earlier. After a fruitless two weeks in the Valley, Bane returned empty handed, feeling foolish and nearly dead from exhaustion and hunger. He arrived just in time to learn that the students were to be raised to the level of Dark Lords of the Sith on the orders of Lord Kaan, and were to be sent to Ruusan to participate in the later battles against the Army of Light. Promoted along with the rest of the Academy students, Bane almost fell victim to a trap in the archives orchestrated by Sirak with the participation of Githany on the night of his return. Upon seeing his power, Githany changed sides and killed Sirak's allies, watching as Bane slew his helpless rival. Following the fight, however, Bane did not leave for Ruusan with the rest of the Sith present. Instead, he denounced their teachings and Kaan's Brotherhood and proclaimed himself Darth Bane before stealing Lord Qordis's personal spacecraft, the Valcyn. Bane made his way to Lehon, hoping to find true understanding of the dark side. Zannah told Bane that the Jedi, led by Valenthyne Farfalla, had followed her, and the two prepared for battle. Though they were outnumbered by three, the Sith put up an excellent fight, thanks to the ferocity of Bane's fighting style and the advantages allowed by his orbalisk armor, and they managed to triumph. However, just as he was dying, one of the Jedi used the Force to deflect Bane's Force lightning back on himself, frying the Sith Lord and killing the orbalisks. In response, the parasties released a poison that had the power to kill Bane in days if he did not get a cure. Zannah knew only one person who cure her master, the healer Caleb. She took him to Ambria along with Darovit, and found Caleb. However, the healer refused to cooperate, and as his daughter lived on another world, she had no leverage over him. Prodded by Darovit and by Caleb's insistence that he would heal Bane if she gave up herself and her master to the Jedi. Zannah then sent out message drones saying the Sith that had killed 5 Jedi on Tython was on Ambria. Caleb then began to heal Bane. When Bane awoke days later he was free of the orbalisks and cured of their poison. Zannah told him what she had done, and he expressed his disappointment before asking her to kill him. However, Zannah had had another plan in mind all along. Igniting her lightsaber, she killed Caleb, and then used her power to drive Darovit mad. The Jedi soon came ready to arrest the Sith, but Zannah had hidden herself and her master under the hut. All they found was Darovit, who, in his madness, attacked the Jedi. They killed him easily, believing he was the Sith. At long last, the Jedi thought they had finally eliminated the Sith. When Bane awoke, Zannah told him of what had happened, and he admitted that he had underestimated her, and was proud of her. One day, he told her, she would have the power to overthrow him and take an apprentice of her own. However, due to the incident the duo abandoned Ambria.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Zannah

Zannah, known as "Rain" in her childhood, was a Human female from the planet Somov Rit, and was the cousin of males Root, Darovit and Hardin. She was initially recruited by Jedi Scout Torr Snapit to fight for the Army of Light during the Ruusan campaign of the New Sith Wars. However, upon her arrival on Ruusan, Rain was separated from her cousins during a Sith attack and was presumed killed. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, Rain was saved and befriended by a member of the native Bouncer species called Laa. When the Dark Lords of Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness unleashed a planet wide Force storm during the Sixth Battle of Ruusan, Rain survived by instinctively enveloping herself and Laa with a bubble of Force energy. Not long afterward,the young girl watched as Laa was killed haplessly by Jedi scouts; she was so stricken with anger and grief that she unwittingly gave into the dark side and murdered them in kind. Rain's display of rage attracted the attention of the war's only surviving Dark Lord, Darth Bane, who decided to take the youth as the first and only apprentice in his fledgling Order of the Sith Lords. Rain cast away the handle of her youth, and became Darth Zannah. Zannah's initial instruction in the ways of the Force took place on the planet Ambria, where she studied the ancient magic of the Sith and achieved proficiency as a dark side sorceress. As an extension of Bane's will, Zannah executed a variety of missions that were designed to incite anarchist movements throughout the Republic, including the manipulation of the terrorist AntiRepublic Liberation Front into a botched assassination attempt on former Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum. When Zannah was implicated as the cause for the mission's failure by several of the ARLF's members, she was brought before their leader, Hetton, who recognized her Sith status. He pledged allegiance to Zannah, and from him she recovered information regarding the creation of holocrons, a secret highly sought by her Sith Master, Bane. Zannah later tricked Hetton into attacking Bane at the Sith's camp on Ambria, which resulted in Hetton's death. When the parasites that comprised Bane's body armor began to cause him concern, Zannah was tasked with infiltrating the archives of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to obtain whatever information was available about the creatures. The unexpected presence of her cousin Darovit in the Temple brought Zannah's mission to a halt; the young man had exposed her to the Jedi, and then confessed to her his guilt. Zannah took Darovit and fled to her Master on Tython with the Jedi in pursuit, and prepared herself for the impending confrontation. Despite their superior numbers, all the Jedi were ultimately slain, though Bane lay grievously wounded and on the brink of death. Zannah returned with her dying Master to Ambria, and demanded that the local healer, Caleb, save the Dark Lord under penalty of death. She betrayed and killed Caleb upon his completion of the procedure, and also used her power to drive Darovit mad before tricking the Jedi into believing that Darovit was the Sith Lord whom they sought. While the true Sith remained in hiding, Darovit was killed by the Jedi, effectively convincing them that the Sith threat had been finally eradicated. With no remaining witnesses, the existence of Darth Zannah and her Master remained safely anonymous. Ten years after the tricking the Jedi into believing the Sith had gone extinct on Ambria, Zannah and her Master relocated to the planet Ciutric IV. Though Zannah had progressed considerably in the ways of the Sith, she had yet to confront Darth Bane for the position of Dark Lord. Her Master believed that Zannah lacked initiative and was thus unworthy to inherit his legacy; Zannah, however was simply biding her time.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis, also known as Darth Plagueis the Wise, was a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian manipulation, who lived during the century leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Obsessed with eternal life, Plagueis experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians. He played a large role in galactic events, inciting Darth Sidious, whom he trained in the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, to take control of the galaxy and bring about an age of the Sith. Sidious, concerned with being replaced as Plagueis' apprentice, eventually killed the Muun in his sleep. The legend of Plagueis was later used by Sidious to sway Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, though Plagueis himself remained a mysterious figure to the Jedi and their allies well into the time of the Galactic Alliance. Darth Plagueis was a Muun, in the Sith lineage of Darth Bane, who reigned in the time around 60 BBY.By the time of the Galactic Alliance, nothing was known of Plagueis' origins,and no one was sure how he came to train Palpatine. At some point, though, he took on Palpatine, a gifted student, as his apprentice and named him Darth Sidious.With the longevity granted to his species,Plagueis would spend a lifetime seeking power over death.Sidious learned from Plagueis over the course of decades,during which Plagueis taught his apprentice everything he knew to prevent the power he had amassed from being lost forever.During Sidious' training, Plagueis gave his apprentice access to his Sith holocrons. Plagueis' lessons involved forcing Sidious to face his fears, denying him pleasures, and taking from him the things he loved. He taught Sidious that emotions such as envy and hatred, though necessary to master the dark side, were simply means to the end of casting aside usual notions of morality for a greater goal. Plagueis also lectured his apprentice on the means of taking power, with the eventual goal of control over the galaxy. Sidious, meanwhile, began training his own apprentice, Darth Maul, without Plagueis' knowledge,and may even have trained other apprentices before Maul.Sidious would not kill his master, however, until he understood the lessons of Plagueis and had become powerful enough to defeat him.

Dark Lord of the Sith(Emperor of the Galactic Empire)-Darth Sidious

Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was the last Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Trained in the ways of the Force by Darth Plagueis, he was a Dark Lord of the Sith who followed the Rule of Two and was one of the most powerful Sith Lords the galaxy had ever known.Palpatine was able to establish his Empire by concocting a complex master plan, which involved starting the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict that cost billions of sentient lives. Palpatine himself headed both the Galactic Republic and, secretly, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which allowed him to prolong the conflict in order to gain more executive powers from the Senate. When his power as Chancellor had reached its dictatorial peak, Palpatine abolished the Republic and replaced it with the first Galactic Empire with himself as leader. With the Imperialization of the galaxy, Emperor Palpatine effectively had total control over its people, and was able to create one of the most powerful military forces the galaxy had ever seen. For seventeen years, Palpatine's rule would go relatively unopposed, until disgruntled former Imperial senators founded the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Galactic Civil War would last for many years, but in 4 ABY, he was killed by Darth Vader, his former Sith apprentice who redeemed himself as the Chosen One, during the Battle of Endor. However, this did not mean the end of the Empire. His spirit traveled to Byss, where he inhabited a clone body that he had prepared beforehand. Six years after his first death at Endor, he launched a massive offensive from the Deep Core—one that came close to destroying the New Republic. The victories, however, would not last long, as Palpatine's clones were sabotaged by the former Emperor's Royal Guard, Carnor Jax. Palpatine was killed one final time during his attempt to possess Anakin Solo's body on Onderon, when, after Han Solo shot him, Empatojayos Brand, a former Jedi Knight, bound his soul to Palpatine's, dragging Darth Sidious deep into the depths of the Force.

Sith Lord-Darth Maul

Darth Maul was a Zabrak Sith Lord during the Naboo crisis. The apprentice of Darth Sidious, he was taken at an early age to be trained in the ways of the dark side of the Force. In 33 BBY, Sidious gave Maul his first mission: put the criminal organization Black Sun in disarray.Maul carried out this task perfectly, dealing the group a grievous blow. In 32 BBY, the Invasion of Naboo began. Set up by the Dark Lord with the aid of his apprentice, the goal was to get Sidious, as Senator Palpatine, elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. After Amidala, queen of the Naboo, escaped, Maul was dispatched to follow her. He found her on Tatooine, where he had a short but intense duel with the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Later, Maul was sent to Naboo, where he fought Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Though he killed the Jedi Master, he underestimated Kenobi’s skill and was slain by the Padawan. Sidious would quickly replace Maul with a more powerful apprentice: the late QuiGon Jinn's fallen former master Dooku, dubbed as Darth Tyranus. In 0 BBY, Darth Vader encountered and defeated a clone or dopplegänger of Maul created by the Secret Order of the Empire, possibly under orders from Sidious. Maul believed that he could easily defeat Vader and serve under the Emperor once more. However, he was eventually slain by the fallen Chosen One. Maul was a master of Juyo, Jar'Kai, and Teräs Käsi, with training in Niman.Maul chose to wield a red-bladed saberstaff in combat.Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Maul was dispatched to eliminate the Jedi who had been sent by the Republic to settle the conflict. After tracking them to the planet of Tatooine using the Force—and killing Aneesa Dym, a Pa'lowick smuggler who got in the way—Maul engaged the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Following a brief but intense duel Qui-Gon escaped, but with the fear of what would become the eventual revenge of the Sith. He only used one side of his double-bladed lightsaber in this short duel. Maul, having failed in his task to prevent Queen Amidala and the Chosen One from reaching Coruscant, was eager to exact revenge on the Jedi Knights.In a second, vicious duel on Naboo—this time against both Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi—Maul showed his true mastery of the lightsaber arts. A long and intense battle ensued, with Maul seemingly on the defensive, but in actuality, steering the battle to a location of his choice. Drawing the Jedi out of the hangar and into the Palace reactor room, he engaged them on the high catwalks. Kicking Obi-Wan off the platform onto one of the lower catwalks, he turned to Qui-Gon, only to be knocked down himself. As Qui-Gon leapt down to deliver the killing blow, Maul kicked him in the gut and quickly righted himself.When the wall deactivated, Qui-Gon immediately attacked, driving Maul to the edge of the shaft. However, Maul managed to regain the offensive. In the confined space around the shaft, Qui-Gon was unable to adequately counter-attack, and Maul eventually smacked the Jedi Master in the face with his weapon's long hilt, stunning Qui-Gon. Once this act was finished, Maul quickly impaled him in the stomach. Turning to Obi-Wan, Maul again awaited the laser-walls deactivation. As soon as it did, the Jedi Padawan viciously attacked, momentarily catching Maul off guard, even managing to sever Maul's weapon in two. Discarding the nonfunctional lesser half of his weapon, Maul unleashed a flurry of his own attacks, driving Obi-Wan back. Eventually, Maul pushed Obi-Wan into the reactor shaft. As Obi-Wan grasped hold of a input nozzle, Maul kicked the Jedi Padawan's lightsaber into the reactor pit. As Darth Maul struck the edge of the pit repeatedly with his

lightsaber, the Jedi Padawan managed to calm himself. Although Maul disposed of his lightsaber, Obi-Wan remembered his fallen master's weapon still lay at Qui-Gon's side. Using the Force, Obi-Wan leaped out of the shaft and summoned the lightsaber to his hand. The Jedi Padawan landed after a mid-air turn, executing a blindingly fast horizontal slash that bisected Maul and temporarily ended the darkness of the sith lord. However, the Jedi Master delivered a flurry of attacks and drove Maul along the catwalk into the laser-walled security hallway protecting one of the exhaust shafts. Suddenly, the walls activated, separating Qui-Gon and Maul, but also Obi-Wan from Qui-Gon. With the battle momentarily halted, the three took a moment to recover, with Maul pacing like a caged animal. Flinching in shock and pain, Maul fell backwards into the shaft with a vague and muted yell, his two halves separating. After briefing the Jedi Council and the newly elected Supreme Chancellor, Obi-Wan was sworn to secrecy, as well as Queen Amidala, regarding the identity of the assassin and his connections to the Sith. Maul's death was an unfortunate setback for Darth Sidious, but for a calculating man with foreknowledge of the future, it was not a disaster. Within a year, Maul would be replaced with the late Qui-Gon's former Master, Darth Tyranus, who was not only a fully capable warrior and duelist, but also a charismatic idealist, exactly the traits Palpatine needed to instigate the Clone Wars.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Tyranus

Dooku was a Jedi Master who fell to the dark side of the Force and became the Dark Lord of the Sith, known as Darth Tyranus. Born on the planet Serenno, he was the heir to vast wealth and the noble title of Count. Dooku was taken by the Jedi Order as a child and apprenticed to Thame Cerulian. As a Jedi Knight, he took Qui-Gon Jinn as his first Padawan, and later trained Komari Vosa. Dooku was a respected instructor in the Jedi Temple and one of the most renowned swordsmen in the galaxy. Only Masters Yoda and Mace Windu were considered to have fought on equal terms with him. Dooku spent nearly seventy years as a Jedi, but a disastrous battle on Galidraan shook his faith in the Order and the Galactic Republic. He fell under the influence of Senator Palpatine of Naboo, and left the Jedi Order. After learning that Senator Palpatine was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, Dooku turned to the dark side and became a Dark Lord of the Sith himself, replacing the slain Darth Maul as Sidious's second apprentice. His new master bestowed upon him the Sith title of Darth Tyranus. Reclaiming his birthright as Count of Serenno and his vast fortune, Dooku conspired with Sidious to force the galaxy into a war that would bring the Sith to power. He forged ties between corporations and planets discontented with the Republic, and became the leader of the Separatist movement that coalesced into the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Thousands of star systems flocked to Dooku's banner and seceded from the Galactic Republic. As the political leader of the Confederacy, Dooku led the organization against the Republic in a conflict that would become known as the Clone Wars. He recruited and trained three of his greatest warriors to lead the Separatist Droid Army: Durge, the brutish Gen'Dai bounty hunter; Asajj Ventress, Dooku's protĂŠgĂŠ and secret Sith apprentice; and General Grievous, the infamous Jedi-slaying cyborg and droid leader. The war culminated in a great battle over the Republic capital of Coruscant. In a duel aboard the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker defeated Dooku. Skywalker then executed the dismembered and helpless Dooku at the instigation of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Dooku's own Sith Master. He would quickly be replaced by the very man who had killed him, Anakin Skywalker, who would soon fall to the dark side and be transformed into the fearsome Darth Vader.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker (nicknamed Ani by his mother) was a Human Jedi Knight who served the Galactic Republic in its final years, and later became the Sith Lord Darth Vader. He was the son of Shmi Skywalker. Later in his life, he became the secret husband of Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, and the father of the Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo. He was also the grandfather of Ben Skywalker, and Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo. He was the great-grandfather of Allana, and an ancestor of Nat, Kol, and Cade Skywalker. Although he would later become one of the most important people in the galaxy, Skywalker came from humble origins. He spent the first years of his life on Tatooine as a slave along with his mother. In 32 BBY, Skywalker met Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. After obtaining his freedom, by having been bet on by Jinn and winning the Boonta Eve Classic, Jinn took Skywalker and departed from Tatooine, though they had to leave Shmi Skywalker behind, something her son always resented. Skywalker took part in the Battle of Naboo, destroying the Droid Control Station despite his young age. Soon after, he joined the Jedi Order, becoming a Padawan to ObiWan Kenobi. Skywalker was believed to be (and indeed was) the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, one who would bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, which was why the Jedi Council chose to bend the Jedi Code and permit his training. In 22 BBY, Skywalker was reunited with Padmé Amidala, the former queen of Naboo and new Senator of the Chommell Sector. They fell in love and married soon after the Battle of Geonosis, despite the Jedi Order's restrictions of Jedi, which kept them from making their marriage public. In the midst of these events, Skywalker also endured the violent death of his mother. Skywalker fought in the Clone Wars with his master and became a Jedi Knight in 22 BBY, taking Ahsoka Tano as his own apprentice. Throughout the conflict, Skywalker became an icon to the public, known as the "Hero With No Fear". Despite this, he carried with him a great sense of loss in addition to great anger. His inability to control these traits led to his downfall when, in 19 BBY, he turned to the dark side. Apprenticed to Darth Sidious, better known as his friend Chancellor Palpatine, he became Darth Vader. The Galactic Empire was founded, with Palpatine at the helm as Emperor. The Jedi were exterminated by Order 66, with fewer than a hundred surviving. Two of the survivors were Grand Master Yoda and Skywalker’s old master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. His children, Luke and Leia, were born at this time, though Vader remained unaware of their existence. As a master of the dark side, Vader became the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge which would last until 1 BBY. An extension of the Emperor’s will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings or arrest corrupt Imperials. When Vader began planning to impress his Master before overthrowing him, he found, manipulated, and trained a "secret" Sith apprentice named Galen Marek to not only to help hunt down remaining Jedi, but also to expose the Emperor's enemies and have them destroyed. However, Vader's betrayal had Marek turn to the light side and sacrifice his life for the leaders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic to escape, thus starting the Galactic Civil War. Vader continued to train apprentices, this time, under Sidious's notice, including Tao, Flint, and the future Sith Lady Lumiya.

In 0 BBY the Empire’s great superweapon, the first Death Star was destroyed by a young Rebel pilot. Vader became obsessed with discovering the identity of this pilot, and spent the next several years searching. Vader eventually learned that the pilot’s name was Luke Skywalker, and he deduced that the boy was his son, born before the death of Amidala. Vader fought the Rebel Alliance while concocting a plan to turn his son to the dark side. Darth Sidious, however, was aware of Vader's plans, and initiated his own plot to make young Luke his apprentice. In 4 ABY the two sides came together at Endor for one great battle to decide the fate of the galaxy. Luke surrendered to Vader, and in the throne room of the second Death Star, Sidious attempted to turn the young Jedi to the dark side by having him duel Vader. Luke defeated Vader, but refused to give himself to the darkness, proclaiming himself a Jedi, like his father before him. When Sidious attempted to kill Luke using Force lightning, Anakin Skywalker emerged from Darth Vader and came to his son’s rescue, saving him and killing the Emperor by throwing him down the main reactor core. Mortally wounded by the Force lightning, he died soon after but he died as a Jedi once more, having redeemed himself by saving his son and fulfilling his destiny by destroying the Sith. Upon his return to Coruscant, Skywalker was reunited with his wife where she informed him of her pregnancy, which he was overjoyed to hear. However, he was later troubled by visions of Amidala dying in childbirth. To save his wife, Skywalker desired to look upon and research holocrons of learned Masters, holocrons that were restricted by all but the Jedi Masters. When Palpatine made Skywalker his representative on the Jedi Council, he naturally assumed that made him a Master, thus giving him access to the restricted holocrons. However, though the other Jedi reluctantly accepted Anakin's placement on the Council, they denied him the rank of Jedi Master, infuriating and frustrating him. After the session a tense Skywalker expressed his incensed opinion to Kenobi on the matter, working around the fact he needed to be a Master to save Amidala.

Further severing his trust in them, the Council urged Skywalker to keep tabs on Palpatine, although Kenobi was against this decision. This led Skywalker to lose his respect for the members of the governing body, a mistrust and plaguing uncertainty that he revealed to his wife. It was shortly after this time that Skywalker was met by Iguni who, after sharing a brief conversation with him, had a Force vision of Anakin's fall to the dark side; what Iguni did with this vision is unknown. Skywalker sought Yoda's counsel about his intense, prophetic visions that someone close to him would die, though he did not reveal the identity of the person in question. Yoda, unaware of the intensity of Skywalker's love for Amidala, told him to "Train yourself to let go... of everything you fear to lose." Anakin was unsatisfied with this response. As he continued to meet with Palpatine, the Chancellor slowly began to plant the seeds of the dark side in Skywalker. Playing to his fear of Amidala's death, he told Skywalker the story of a Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, who was powerful enough to stop others from dying, which caught Skywalker's attention. Eventually Palpatine revealed his true self, and offered Skywalker the chance to learn the ways of the dark side and use its power to save Amidala. Skywalker promptly reported Palpatine's identity to Windu, though he regretted his choice as Palpatine’s words tortured his mind. Windu, after instructing Skywalker to remain at the Jedi Temple, went, with three other Jedi—Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto—to arrest the Chancellor. Palpatine fought with the Jedi, slaying three of them almost immediately and leaving only Windu. He and Palpatine continued to fight until the Jedi Master gained the advantage, pointing his weapon at the throat of the cowering Sith (although Palpatine appeared to have lost, this may have been intentional on his part for the purpose of gaining sympathy from Skywalker, his hoped-for protégé). Back at the Jedi Temple, meanwhile, Skywalker brooded over an overwhelming thought: with Palpatine's death, he would lose the chance to save his wife from the fate in his dreams.Tormented by thoughts of Amidala dying without the benefit of Palpatine's knowledge, Skywalker rushed out of the Temple, grabbing an airspeeder and hurrying to Palpatine’s location. He was uncertain what he was going to do; all he knew was he had to do something. Coincidentally, Skywalker arrived just in time to see Windu preparing to kill Palpatine. As if on cue, Palpatine attacked Windu with Force lightning while pleading to Skywalker for help. Barely managing to deflect Palpatine's lightning, Windu shouted at Anakin not to listen. During the self-inflicted onslaught, Palpatine went through a physical transformation as he struggled to intensify his dark side powers with his own life force, his face becoming hideously deformed and his eyes turning yellow. Windu prevailed and expressed a desire to kill Palpatine and end the Sith; however, Skywalker confronted him, stating that Palpatine must stand trial, and that to execute him was not the way of the Jedi. This was likely out of his regret for killing Dooku before in a similar situation, but clearly also out of his fear for losing the chance to save his wife from death. Windu ignored Skywalker and prepared to kill Palpatine, but in haste and rashness, the panicked Skywalker drew his lightsaber and severed Windu's right hand. Before Windu could respond, Palpatine used Force lightning to send the Jedi Master through the shattered window to his death. Upon realizing the full significance of what he had just done, Anakin was stricken with guilt and questioned his actions, but was too emotionally drained and dazed to resist Palpatine, who stated that he was fulfilling his destiny. He further encouraged Skywalker to embrace the dark side and become his apprentice. Anakin agreed to do anything Palpatine desired; all he wanted was to save Amidala's life and his help to do so. Palpatine promised Skywalker that, together, they

could find the secret, tacitly admitting that he did not have the ability to hold back death. Anakin Skywalker then pledged himself to the Sith Order, and Sidious endowed him with a new name: Darth Vader.

Dark Lady of the Sith-Lumiya

Lumiya, originally known as Shira Elan Colla Brie, was a female Human dark side adept trained by Darth Vader, and, later, a Dark Lady of the Sith. Lumiya was also known for her use of a lightwhip. Brie was a member of Imperial Intelligence, and on Vader's orders she went undercover to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance and discredit Vader's son, Luke Skywalker. After Brie had suffered serious injuries due to being shot down by Skywalker, Vader rescued her and had her enhanced with cybernetic parts, much like his own. Now calling herself Lumiya, she was secretly instructed in some Sith lore by Vader and was offered to Palpatine as an Emperor's Hand. After the deaths of Palpatine and Vader at the Battle of Endor, Lumiya proclaimed herself Dark Lady of the Sith. She went on to turn and train Vader's grandson, Jacen Solo, as a Sith and inflame the Second Galactic Civil War before falling to the lightsaber of her former lover, Luke Skywalker, in 40 ABY, enabling her apprentice, now Darth Caedus, to fully inherit the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.Born on Coruscant, Shira Elan Colla Brie was raised on an estate belonging to Palpatine, and as a teenager lived in the Imperial Palace as part of COMPNOR's adolescent indoctrination program. Shira came to learn and accept the Galactic Empire's New Order doctrine.Shira began her service to the Galactic Empire as a pilot trainee at the Coruscanti Pilot Institute, where she became friends with fellow Cadet Myrette Davani (though Davani's mother thought Shira was "a snob"). Six months after the Battle of Yavin, during her final year, Shira transferred to the Academy of Carida to complete her training. There, Davani was her roommate and underwent much of the same training.In addition to her field and pilot training, Brie came under the Force tutelage of Darth Vader, who had placed her in accelerated training for Imperial Intelligence after first sensing her Force potential. She was also trained in numerous forms of combat, including Echani and Noghri Stava. In addition, Shira underwent numerous biological alterations to her body's defenses, giving her accelerated healing and a high pain threshold.While at the Academy, Shira got her first taste of destruction and was given free reign to test her budding powers. An example of this was the incident where, while testing MT-STs, her walker was equipped with actual lasers as opposed to training ones; Brie ended up killing six students and destroying a dozen of the MTSTs, and was never as much as investigated by the Academy staff. In another incident, recounted in one of Myrette Davani's personal letters, the two cadets spent a night on the town to celebrate their impending graduation. Davani claimed that when a Caridan asked to buy them a drink, Shira turned him down and caused the man to fall unconscious without touching him. It was thought that Brie had perished in her fighter's crash; but she had survived due to her biological modifications and unknown to most, Vader had her damaged body nursed back to life and enhanced with cybernetic parts, giving her the ability to fire energy blasts from her hands. Now, taking the name Lumiya, she was taken further under Vader's tutelage and was instructed by him in the more advanced methods of the dark side and even some of the ways of the Sith. Knowing his master would not approve of him taking an apprentice, he presented her to the Emperor as an Emperor's Hand. Prior to the Battle of Endor, Lumiya had traveled to the planet Ziost to train further in the dark side. When she had learned both her masters had perished in the Battle of Endor, she vowed revenge and claimed for herself the title of Dark Lady of the Sith. While on Ziost, she had

constructed her signature weapon: the lightwhip. Crafted from Mandalorian iron and a shard of the Kaiburr crystal, it resembled a lightsaber, but with the ability to flex and move like a leather whip. Lumiya then set out to take revenge upon the Alliance. Shortly after, Lumiya began training a young stormtrooper from Belderone named Flint as her Sith apprentice. She then sent Flint, now calling himself the Dark Lord of Belderone, to oversee the subjugation of the planet Naldar. When Luke Skywalker later managed to turn Flint back to the light, Lumiya was furious enough to order the execution of her former apprentice. When the attempted execution failed, she then decided to cut her losses and set about consolidating her forces.

Sith Lord-Darth Caedus

The son of Han and Leia Organa Solo, Jacen Solo was a leading Jedi Knight who proved crucial in defeating the Yuuzhan Vong and protecting the galaxy during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The grandson of Darth Vader, Darth Caedus was a Sith Lord who turned against his family and friends, betraying his former principles and leading the Galactic Alliance he once championed into a reign of terror as he attempted to bring order and stability to a fractured galaxy. It was Solo's desire to protect the galaxy and his increasing willingness to accept any cost in that cause that facilitated his fall to the Sith. Born in 9 ABY, Jacen Solo spent most of his early years as the target of various kidnapping plots and schemes against his famous parents. When he was thirteen, he and his twin sister Jaina began attending the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, where their uncle Luke Skywalker taught them the ways of the Force. There he made several friends, among them the Hapan princess Tenel Ka Djo, to whom he became strongly attracted. While training, he and his friends defeated numerous plots against the New Republic and, in 24 ABY, he and his younger brother Anakin were apprenticed to Skywalker. A philosopher who struggled with the idea of employing violence to fight violence, Solo entered a personal crisis with the outbreak of the Yuuzhan Vong War. He preferred to serve off the front lines, but felt obligated to volunteer for the strike team assembled to eliminate the voxyn queen at Myrkr. There, Anakin Solo was killed and Jacen Solo stepped up to lead the team, killing the queen and ending the voxyn threat before he was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. Solo spent nearly a year in captivity, during which he was tortured for weeks at a time. Solo struggled with his circumstances and with the teachings of his captor and mentor, Vergere. He slipped to the dark side before returning and embracing the idea of responding to the universe with unconditional, all-encompassing love. He escaped Yuuzhan Vong custody with Vergere, a former Jedi of the Old Republic, and rejoined the war effort. In the final battle of the war, Solo stormed Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane's Citadel and defeated Onimi, who was mentally controlling the Supreme Overlord, while experiencing a moment of unity with the Force. Afterward, he spent five years visiting and learning from various Force-using sects. During his time with the Mind Walkers, he experienced a vision of a dark figure ruling the galaxy and became determined to prevent its fulfillment. He returned to the Jedi during the Dark Nest Crisis and, armed with a more ruthless philosophy of accepting various sacrifices in the name of the greater good, conspired to eliminate the Killiks to prevent another vision of galactic war and protect his infant daughter Allana, secretly conceived with Tenel Ka Djo. In 40 ABY, he agreed to become the Sith apprentice of Lumiya after probing the future and finding that, if he did not do so, he would kill Luke Skywalker and the galaxy would be consumed by chaos. He embarked on a year-long descent into the dark side, slowly turning against the Jedi and his family as he grew darker and more extreme. After seizing control of the Galactic Alliance, killing Mara Jade Skywalker, torturing his former apprentice Ben Skywalker, committing multiple atrocities, and ascending to Sith Mastery as Darth Caedus, he was finally killed by his twin sister Jaina.

Sith Lord-Carnor Jax

Carnor Jax was a Royal Guard and aspiring Sith Lord who made a bid for the vacant Imperial throne. Jax was the second Sith apprentice to the self-proclaimed Dark Lady of the Sith, Lumiya, and served her after the deaths of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Jax and Lumiya were responsible for the extermination of the last few remaining Prophets of the Dark Side on Bosthirda. After Palpatine returned in the form of several clone bodies, Carnor Jax succeeded in ensuring the demise of the last of Palpatine's clones, opening a path to the throne. Jax was also responsible for the destruction of the Royal Guard, and had all but one of them killed off in a surprise attack on the planet Yinchorr. The remaining member, Kir Kanos, became a fugitive, forcing Jax to concentrate his efforts on capturing the man. The chase led Jax to capturing the Rebel leader Mirith Sinn and subjecting her to torture. However, in an unfortunate series of events, the actions of Kanos helped Sinn to escape, and Jax and Kanos found themselves in a final showdown on Yinchorr. The following battle was evenly matched, but the unexpected prowess of Kanos threw off the balance and Jax was killed. Carnor Jax's death left Lumiya without a known apprentice for almost 30 years.As a young man, Jax joined the Galactic Empire and was enlisted as a stormtrooper, even serving under Agent Blackhole in the so-called Blackhole stormtroopers.[4] Jax stood out among his squad as one of the best, and it was not long until Jax was recognized and removed from his squad to receive training to become a Royal Guard. Alongside forty-three other recruits, Jax was brought to Yinchorr, where the original inhabitants had been removed to provide the perfect training ground for Emperor Palpatine's most elite warriors.[2] In the roughest conditions, Jax was subjected to intense training that included mastery of the deadly fighting art known as Echani. This fighting style was supplemented by thorough instruction on the use of the force pike and the vibroblade.[5] Under the watchful eye of Master Ved Kennede, Jax, along with the other recruits, would test their mettle and their fighting skills in a fighting arena known as the Squall. It was in this arena that Jax first met Kir Kanos, and the pair were often sparring partners in the Squall. Jax was almost always the victor in these encounters and loved to lord his dominance over Kanos.[2] Both of them were trained early on by Myn Kyneugh.[6] Although Jax and Kanos were standouts in their class, another recruit was more highly praised for his perfect fighting technique and unmatched skill. Burr Danid was known as the best of the recruits when Emperor Palpatine arrived in an unexpected visit. Jax and Kanos watched as Palpatine's foremost disciple, Darth Vader requested that their finest recruit join him in the Squall.[2] Burr Danid joined Vader in the center of the squall, and under observation from the Emperor, Vader ordered Danid to attack him, adding that he "hold nothing back". Although Danid's technique and fighting form were perfect, Jax was able to see that Vader was just toying with the man. Vader mercilessly killed the young man in front of the entire audience of recruits. Although Kanos was shocked and appalled at the brutality, Jax looked on the event with a stonecold demeanor. He understood perfectly the lesson that was being taught, and from that point on he trained ferociously to become the best among his class.[2] As the initial number of recruits dwindled to a much smaller number, the remaining men were

put into pairs to learn to rely on their "brothers" for support and aid. The trials and training took a drastic step up at this point so that the pairs would be forced to rely on each other to complete the tasks set before them. Jax was paired with another recruit, Alum Frost, with whom he lived and trained with for an entire year. Jax did not fully respect Frost and attributed all of their success to his own efforts. Despite their inability to work together on the level of some of the other pairings, Jax and Frost were able to become one of the last two pairs to survive the intense training.

Dark Lord of the Sith-Darth Krayt

Darth Krayt, born A'Sharad Hett, was a Human male who served as a Jedi Knight in the waning days of the Galactic Republic. The son of legendary Jedi Knight Sharad Hett, he eventually became the Padawan of Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi, and later, An'ya Kuro. When he was only a teen, Sharad Hett was murdered by the Jedi assassin Aurra Sing, who was later defeated in a duel by a young A'Sharad Hett. During the Clone Wars he served the Republic as a General, and established himself as a charismatic leader who often led his troops from the front. He eventually became friends with the young Anakin Skywalker and helped Anakin come to terms with the destruction which had been wrought by the galaxy-wide war. A'Sharad took part in key conflicts during the war such as the Battle of Boz Pity and Mission to Saleucami. He managed to survive the Clone Wars, and was one of the few Jedi known to have escaped the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY. A'Sharad Hett eventually made his way back to his homeworld of Tatooine where he vowed to wage a private war against the new Galactic Empire. However, after a confrontation with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was exiled from Tatooine and later discovered that it was Anakin Skywalker who became the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had murdered the Jedi Order. A'Sharad blamed himself for the destruction of the Jedi Order and became a bounty hunter. During one of his missions, he found himself on Korriban, where he trained as a Sith by Dark Lord XoXaan. Hett eventually fell to the dark side after capture and torture by the Yuuzhan Vong and soon proclaimed himself Dread Lord and Dark Lord of the Sith, taking the name "Darth Krayt". As Krayt, he became the founder and leader of the One Sith. As Krayt, he rebuilt the Sith Order and kept its existence hidden from the Jedi by cloaking their presence on Korriban. To survive, Krayt spent many years in stasis before reemerging to form an alliance with Moff Nyna Calixte and to spark the Sith-Imperial War that led to the destruction of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. At the climax of the war, Krayt deposed Emperor Roan Fel and brought about the murder of the current Jedi Order. Darth Krayt ruled the galaxy with an iron fist for seven years before the alliance between Roan Fel and Galactic Alliance admiral Gar Stazi threatened his rule. Furthermore, Krayt discovered the existence and survival of a Skywalker: Cade. Krayt feared that with these deteriorating conditions and his bad health would lead to his demise before his dream was finished, and sent about the hunt for Cade Skywalker. However, during a skirmish on Had Abbadon, Krayt was stabbed and sent hurtling off a cliff. The Sith Lord's powers proved strong, however, when they saved his life. Darth Krayt was then approached by Darth Wyyrlok (his most trusted advisor) who murdered Krayt, believing the Dread Lord would lead to the Sith Order's destruction. When Hett's clans reached the boundaries of the small moisture farm of Owen Lars, they were stopped, to Hett's surprise and shock, by his former Jedi comrade, Obi-Wan Kenobi, by then living in exile on the desert world as well. Kenobi had noticed Hett's recent activities, and believed Hett was frighteningly close to the dark side, becoming the very thing he was claiming to fight. He begged Hett to stop his crusade there and then (not mentioning to Hett exactly why he had chosen to defend this small farm), but Hett refused to listen; the settlers and farmers had killed countless Tuskens, and blood called out for blood. With little choice, both Jedi ignited their

lightsabers and fought a brutal duel on the desert flat, with the entire Tusken army watching them. The duel ended with the loss of Hett's right arm, and the extra humiliation of having his mask removed. To the Tuskens, to expose any part of the flesh is forbidden, and with one hand, Hett could not hope to wield the traditional Tusken weapon, the gaderffi also known as the gaffi stick. The clans turned on him and he departed without a word spoken. Hett was now an outcast, and asked Kenobi to finish him off. But Kenobi would not kill his old comrade. Instead, he made Hett swear on the honor of his late father that he would leave Tatooine and never return, hoping that one day, Hett would see the error of his ways and again take up the Jedi way. But it would not happen; in fact, decades after the fact, Hett learned that the very moisture farm Kenobi had been defending concealed the son of Anakin Skywalker, who was, as he would also learn, the man who had destroyed the Jedi Order. When he realized that Skywalker and Darth Vader were one, Hett bitterly regretted protecting Skywalker's bloody secret on Aargonar; to have turned him in then, or simply killed him, Hett believed, would have spared the galaxy untold suffering.[12] Hett vs Kenobi. Following his departure from Tatooine, Hett became a bounty hunter, masking his Jedi skills. While pursuing a bounty named Resk to the planet Korriban, a storm forced them down, and Hett continued his pursuit of Resk. Hett killed him after Resk threatened to turn him over to the authorities when Hett revealed himself to have been a Jedi. He shortly afterward heard a voice summon him.

Hett followed the voice that he felt rather than heard, a darkness calling to his darkness. He found and shattered a sealed door and discovered a glowing Sith holocron. The specter of the ancient Sith Lord XoXaan, one of the first of the Sith Lords, stated that she had been waiting for someone like Hett to find her. She offered him the teachings of the Sith, and Hett agreed to learn. XoXaan opened Hett's eyes to the dark side, and Hett deluded himself into believing that he was only pretending, that he was really just learning new skills with which to avenge himself on Vader and Palpatine. But when he resurfaced from the tombs, he found that more time had passed than he had thought; the Battle of Endor had already taken place, and the Emperor and Vader had already been defeated by Luke Skywalker. Disillusioned yet again, Hett left Korriban behind and made for the Unknown Regions, determined to lose himself. In the Unknown Regions, Hett was captured by a Yuuzhan Vong advance scout ship. Imprisoned in the Embrace of Pain, Hett was met by Vergere. He was tortured endlessly by the Embrace and was subjected to the experiments of the Shapers; his cybernetic arm was replaced by an organic one and his left eye was replaced by the eye of a Yuuzhan Vong creature. During his imprisonment, Vergere taught him how to use his agony to open himself to the dark side, and that's when Krayt received his vision of his new Sith Order. He had conversations with Vergere (mirroring those with Jacen Solo in the future) and he came to believe that the galaxy was fractured and weak, and that a single will was needed to make it whole and strong again. Shortly after Vergere left him to join with the main invasion force, Hett escaped and destroyed the scout ship, and returned to Korriban.There, Hett took the name Darth Krayt, after the fearsome krayt dragon of his homeworld,[15] and reestablished the cult under his leadership, pledging to reunify the galaxy according to the will of the Sith. Unlike the previous incarnation, however, Krayt abolished the Rule of Two, Darth Bane's ancient diktat commanding that there could be only two Sith at any one time—a Master and an apprentice. Instead, there would be the Rule of One—that one being the Sith Order itself, under which there would be many minions.

After the Yuuzhan Vong war, Krayt sought to recruit Lumiya to his Order, but she instead chose to side with Vergere and her "creation", Darth Caedus. When Caedus went about with the Second Galactic Civil War, the Jedi were distracted away from Krayt's order, which grew in strength, hidden under Korriban's miasma of dark side energy. For more than a hundred years, Krayt grew and strengthened, along with his Sith, on Korriban, surreptitiously planning to bring its vision of peace and order to the galaxy. Krayt's body could not have survived the Vong implants, but he endured by placing himself in extensive periods of stasis, his mind only open to his closest disciples like the first Darth Wyyrlok. Krayt was living well beyond his standard lifespan and his body began to fail him, his condition kept at bay by healing trances. He estimated that the Vong implants would consume him within a decade or two, and his later interest in Cade Skywalker, motivated by a sense that the young Jedi apprentice in exile had once used the Force to revive his Master from the edge of death, was tied into this fact.

Sith Lord-Darth Nihl

Darth Nihl was a Nagai male Sith Lord serving in Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire during the SithImperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War. A former Nagai warlord, Nihl had been recruited into the One Sith by Darth Krayt, and was initially made into his Fist, or military leader. However, this changed when Krayt's Hand, or enforcer, died, and Nihl was promoted to the position in 130 ABY as a result. One of Nihl's first missions was leading the assault on the Jedi Praxeum at Ossus, in which he killed Jedi Master Kol Skywalker and mortally wounded the Zabrak Master Wolf Sazen. Nihl returned to Coruscant and participated in Krayt's ascension to Galactic Emperor, in which the former Emperor of the Fel Empire, Roan Fel, was thought to be slain, although he actually survived. Over the next seven years, Nihl acted as Krayt's top enforcer over the galaxy, until the Dark Lord promoted another, Darth Talon, to also serve in the position of Hand. Talon was sent to capture Fel's daughter, Marasiah, and Nihl was sent to reinforce her during the confrontation on Vendaxa between the Sith, Fel, Imperial Knights, and the Jedi who aided them. Skywalker's son, the bounty hunter Cade was among those who aided Fel, and confronted Nihl during the battle on Vendaxa, hoping to kill the Sith Lord for revenge over his father's death. Though Nihl did not defeat Skywalker, he later captured the bounty hunter when Skywalker infiltrated the Temple of the Sith to rescue the Bothan Jedi Knight Hosk Trey'lis. While Krayt attempted to turn Skywalker to the dark side of the Force, Nihl expressed doubts with Krayt's decisions, especially his obsession over Skywalker. Skywalker subsequently escaped, and the Emperor's Hand was sent to defeat him in combat. Nihl was bested in a duel, and had his right arm chopped off while Skywalker escaped. As a result, he was stripped of his title of Hand for his failure to defeat Skywalker and was put under Maladi's charge so that she could perform experiments on him using Yuuzhan Vong biots.

Darth Nihl on Ossus

Two standard days after the Empire captured Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Alliance, Nihl led the Sith in an attack on the Jedi Temple at Ossus—with orders from Krayt to leave no Jedi alive.In the midst of carrying out his Lord's mandate, however, Nihl and his legion of Sith stormtroopers were confronted and attacked by Kol Skywalker, a Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order, in an attempt to provide a group of Padawans a means to escape Ossus. While Skywalker and his former Padawan, Zabrak Wolf Sazen, had some initial success against the Sith, it was in vain. Nihl engaged Sazen in combat and used his long-handle lightsaber to defeat the Jedi Master. Sazen's weapon arm was severed, and afterward, he was impaled by the Sith Lord, mortally wounding the Zabrak. After Sazen's defeat, Skywalker directly fought Nihl alone, injuring him in hopes of a last stand. Skywalker's son, Cade, soon arrived to help his father in combat, who had become momentarily distracted from his duel with Nihl. The elder Skwalker commanded Cade to take the wounded Sazen to the Jedi's escape shuttle, thus preventing Nihl from slaying the wounded Master. Skywalker continued his stand against Nihl and his Sith, but to no avail; Nihl unleashed his Force lightning to kill the Jedi Master. With the majority of the Jedi on Ossus dead, Nihl left the planet, victorious over the New Jedi Order. He traveled to Coruscant, where he witnessed Krayt's ascension as Emperor of a newly created Sith Empire by killing a decoy of Emperor Roan Fel in order to take control over the Fel Empire. In the wake of the decoy's death, the Imperial Moffs swore fealty to Krayt. However, Skywalker had different plans; he lied about his eagerness to be trained as a Sith, and attempted to escape the Temple of the Sith. This escape attempt was foiled by Talon, and Skywalker was brought to Krayt to kill Trey'lis, so that he could become a Sith in truth. Nihl watched as Krayt commanded him to kill Trey'lis or be killed himself, but Skywalker refused. Krayt attempted to stir Skywalker's hatred of people dying for him as motivation to kill Trey'lis, but the Bothan Jedi intervened, expressing his hope that he would not be used as a weapon of the Sith. For his interference, Krayt struck him down and a skirmish between Nihl, Talon, Krayt, and Skywalker occurred when the latter had a vision of his father. Using the Force, Skywalker pulled his father's lightsaber toward him, impaling Talon with it, and engaged Nihl in combat.[13] As Nihl defended himself against Skywalker, he was betrayed by Krayt; the Dark Lord encouraged Nihl's opponent to use his anger and Kill the Nagai in vengeance. The duel continued, and eventually Nihl's arm was severed by Skywalker. Defeated and unconscious, he was then attacked by Skywalker using Force lightning, whose intention was to kill Nihl as revenge for his father's death.[6] However, upon Krayt's beckoning, Skywalker engaged the leader of the Sith in combat instead of killing Nihl. Skywalker was subsequently rescued by his mother, Morrigan Corde, who had aligned herself with her son's companions in a plan to rescue the bounty hunter. The plan was a success and Skywalker escaped, resulting in the failure of both Nihl and his fellow Hand to keep Skywalker within the clutches of the Sith. Krayt was determined to make them both pay for their failure. Immediately after Skywalker's escape, Nihl was tended to by Maladi and Wyyrlok, along with Talon and Krayt. Though the latter was not injured, Nihl and his fellow Hand were hurt extensively, and Maladi was put in charge of their healing. Since the Nagai's arm was cleanly cut, Maladi offered to have it reattached, but Krayt refused; Nihl's incompetence had failed the Sith, and Krayt felt that he was no longer worthy of his arm as a result. Instead, Nihl was to

receive a Yuuzhan Vong bioform replacement for his severed limb. Krayt had originally wanted to kill Nihl for his failure, but Wyyrlok convinced him otherwise, explaining that while he was no longer able to continue his position as a Hand, Nihl still had use to the Dark Lord. Krayt then replaced Nihl with Darth Stryfe, his Fist, as his new Hand, and sent him and Talon to be healed. Nihl protested his replacement, saying he had earned his place as Krayt's Hand, but Krayt brushed the complaint off. Maladi took the two to her laboratory, and placed both Nihl and Talon in bacta tanks. As the injuries he sustained were more severe than Talon's, Nihl continued to heal on Coruscant, while the Twi'lek recovered completely. The former Hand remained in bacta while Lords Krayt, Maladi, Stryfe, and Talon, answered the summons of a mysterious female Jedi, who claimed to have Cade Skywalker imprisoned on the Deep Core world of Had Abbadon. Lured into a trap by Skywalker and his colleagues, which included several Imperial Knights, Nihl's fellow Sith were attacked and subsequently defeated. Though Darth Krayt survived the battle, he was murdered shortly afterward by Darth Wyyrlok, who feigned the Dark Lord's survival to all while acting in Krayt's stead as both leader of their Order and Galactic Emperor. Meanwhile, Nihl had recovered fully and bore a new arm, and later joined Wyyrlok with several of the more prominent Sith when they returned to Coruscant to secure the Imperial throne in the name of Darth Krayt.

Sith Lord-Darth Talon

Darth Talon was a female Lethan Twi'lek Sith Lord in Darth Krayt's One Sith as of 137 ABY. Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body, head, and lekku; each having been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by Krayt himself. As a Sith apprentice, Talon was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith Lord named Darth Ruyn, whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a swift decapitating strike of her lightsaber, shortly before ascending to the rank of full fledged Sith Lord herself. Talon was a third-generation Sith, raised and trained on the ancient Sith burial world of Korriban to serve as the second of Darth Krayt's two Hands, Darth Nihl being the other. Thus, she had no idea of what life was like outside the order and had no purpose to her existence other than to serve as the executor of Krayt's will. A test of her loyalty came early when Krayt ordered Talon to kill her instructor, Darth Ruyn, who had just presented her to Krayt for final evaluation. Talon responded without hesitation. Recognizing her unshakable loyalty, Krayt had Talon become one of his two Hands, extensions of his own will. In this capacity, Talon found herself working alongside the other of Krayt's Hands, Darth Nihl. Talon was often tasked with her master's most important missions; including the capture of Cade Skywalker. Indeed, for a short time, Talon acted as the Sith Master of Skywalker, however, he soon renounced the Sith, injuring Talon in the process; though she survived, her position in the eyes of her master was severely undermined.

Sith Lord-Darth Stryfe

Darth Stryfe was a male Human and a member of the One Sith Order led by Darth Krayt, a Dark Lord of the Sith. Eventually rising to the rank of Sith Lord, Stryfe served Krayt after the deposing of Emperor Roan Fel at the end of the Sith-Imperial War. In the time of the ensuing conflict, he was selected to be Krayt's Fist, the head of the Empire's military. In 137 ABY, Stryfe oversaw a search for Jedi in the academy on the planet Ossus, and ordered its destruction. In that same year, after Krayt's Hands, Darth Nihl and Darth Talon, let former Jedi Cade Skywalker— who Krayt sought for his healing ability—escape the Sith Temple on the galactic capital of Coruscant, Stryfe was named Krayt's new Hand to replace Nihl. The Sith discovered that Skywalker and his companions had attacked an Imperial outpost on the Deep Core world of Had Abbadon, and that among them was the spirit of the ancient Sith Lord Karness Muur. After Muur requested a meeting with Krayt, Stryfe was among those Krayt took with him to Had Abbadon. Discovering they had walked into a trap, the Sith engaged Skywalker and his allies. The Sith were defeated and Stryfe's body was recovered by Krayt's most trusted advisor Darth Wyyrlok, who placed the Human Sith Lord in a bacta tank. Unbeknownst to Stryfe, Wyyrlok had killed Krayt after the battle, deciding that the Dark Lord needed to die in order for Krayt's vision of the Sith to live. Taken to the Sith Temple on the Sith homeworld of Korriban for further healing, Stryfe awoke to discover he could no longer feel his Lord Krayt in his mind, and was convinced his master was dead. However, Wyyrlok convinced Stryfe that Krayt still lived, and explained that he would be taking control of the Empire while their Lord recovered. Believing the deception, Stryfe swore he would give his support to the Chagrian Sith Lord. Together the two left for Coruscant to secure the throne and implement the next stage in Krayt's plan for a unified galaxy. When Cade Skywalker set his plan to kill Darth Krayt in motion, he initiated an attack on a Sith outpost on the Deep Core world of Had Abbadon, which was under the command of the Devaronian Sith Lord Darth Reave. Reave managed to escape, and brought the news to Krayt on Coruscant. During the attack, Reave had been bitten by a rakghoul—an ancient and thought-to-be extinct form of Sithspawn—while fighting Skywalker and his companions,[8] and before he could complete his report, he succumbed to the effects of the bite. Transformed into one of the rakghoul mutants, Reave charged to attack Darth Krayt. However, he never reached Krayt, as Darth Stryfe intercepted the former Sith and proceeded to behead the creature. The head of Sith Intelligence and Assassination and Sith scientist, Darth Maladi, confirmed that the transformation was the result of ancient Sith Alchemy. Not long after, Lord Krayt was contacted via hologram by the spirit of Karness Muur, an ancient Sith Lord who was controlling the Old Republic Jedi Celeste Morne through the power of the Muur Talisman, an ancient Sith artifact. Muur informed Krayt that he was in control of Morne as well as the rakghouls, and proposed a meeting between the two Sith Lords. As an incentive, Muur offered Krayt his knowledge of dark side healing, as a method of aiding Krayt with his afflictions resulting from Yuuzhan Vong implants. Furthermore, Muur presented a shackled Cade Skywalker as his prisoner, and threatened to kill him if Krayt did not come to Had Abbadon. Krayt ordered his Sith Lords, including Stryfe, to leave for Had Abbadon immediately. [9] While en route to the planet in Krayt's royal transport, the Relentless, Stryfe had a small confrontation with Darth Talon, stating that he was surprised she had been allowed to live after

failing Lord Krayt. Talon replied that she lived by Krayt's command, and at his word she would not hesitate to take her own life or Stryfe's.

Sith Lord-Darth Wyyrlok III

Darth Wyyrlok was a Master in the One Sith, and the most trusted servant of Darth Krayt himself. A Chagrian, Wyyrlok was the third to hold that title after his grandfather and his mother before him. He also had a daughter in training on Korriban, whom he hoped would one day replace him. Following the Massacre at Ossus, Wyyrlok journeyed with Krayt to Coruscant. As the Sith-Imperial War was declared over by Grand Admiral Morlish Veed of the Fel Empire, Krayt installed himself as Emperor, and established his own Sith Empire. Over seven years, Krayt continued to establish his empire with Wyyrlok at his side. Simultaneously, the new Emperor's body continued to deteriorate, due to the presence of YorikKul in his body. Wyyrlok sought remedies to the ailment, but was unable to find a cure for his Master. Krayt attempted to bring Cade Skywalker, who possessed unique healing abilities, into his Sith Order, but failed to do so. Although Krayt remained optimistic about his condition, Wyyrlok was not satisfied, and he set off on a perilous journey into the Deep Core to find a cure for his ailing Master. Unable to find one, Wyyrlok later killed his Master on Had Abbadon, after Krayt had been severely injured in a battle with Imperial Knights and criminals led by Skywalker. However, Wyyrlok was the only member of the One Sith that knew of Krayt's demise; he collected and interred the Dark Lord's body in a stasis chamber within XoXaan's Temple on Korriban. While pretending that Krayt had resumed one of his many periods of regenerative hibernation, Wyyrlok traveled to Coruscant where he assumed the Dark Lord's position as Galactic Emperor, and continued implementation of Krayt's dream—to initiate every living being of the galaxy into the One Sith Order. To begin his bid for galactic dominance, Krayt had his order side with the Fel Empire, which was at war with the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The Sith-Imperial War persisted for three years, until the decisive Battle of Caamas, which crippled the Alliance's naval power, and the Massacre at Ossus, during which the ranks of the New Jedi Order were thinned greatly.[6] Shortly after the Massacre at Ossus, Wyyrlok accompanied his Master, as well as Darth Nihl and Darth Talon, to Coruscant, the new throneworld of the Fel Empire. While Grand Admiral Morlish Veed informed a man who appeared to be Emperor Roan Fel that the Sith-Imperial War was over following Ossus and Caamas, Krayt and his companions entered Fel's throne room. Without hesitation, Krayt attacked and killed Fel's Imperial Knight bodyguards, before killing the apparent "Emperor" himself while Wyyrlok watched on. Krayt then sat himself on the throne, and cowed the present Moffs, making them swear loyalty to him. He then dismissed the Moffs, before openly stating that the "Fel" he had just killed was actually a double. After reprimanding his head of intelligence, Darth Maladi, for failing to detect the ruse, he dismissed everyone else, save for Wyyrlok. When he was alone with his trusted lieutenant, Krayt complained that his body was failing him due to his affliction, but Wyyrlok believed it to be exhaustion. He suggested that Krayt, who was now Emperor, should go into a healing trance, or even back into stasis, but Krayt was reluctant. The new Emperor considered the prospect of a healing trance, but thought stasis to be out of the question, since the citizens of the galaxy needed to see him and see that he was strong. Wyyrlok tried once more to reason with his Master, but Krayt persisted, speculating that without treatment, he might succumb to the ailment within no more than two decades. He also told Wyyrlok that during the Massacre at Ossus, he had detected a murmur in the Force, which had

drawn life back from death. The source had been a Jedi, and while Krayt confessed to his lieutenant that his vision for the galaxy was not complete, he insisted that it would be, in due course.Shortly after Krayt's ascension to Emperor, Wyyrlok was written about in passing by fugitive Padawan Ellu Viss, who added her knowledge of Krayt's order to histories written by Jedi Tionne Solusar during the Second Galactic Civil War. Hurriedly, Wyyrlok put his Master back into a stasis chamber, and began searching for a way to stave off Krayt's inevitable death. Scouring his Sith texts, he found nothing of value, and so turned to one of the few ancient Sith holocrons in existence: that of Darth Andeddu. Andeddu had been able to animate his body and mind even after his death, and so Wyyrlok believed that an answer to the Emperor's problems laid with the ancient Sith. However, the holocron, when activated, did nothing but mock Wyyrlok and Krayt's Sith, and would not impart its knowledge to anyone it did not deem worthy. Wyyrlok then suggested that a being able to resurrect Andeddu once more might be worthy, a prospect that the holocron neither agreed or disagreed with. Through his research, the Sith Master had learned that Andeddu's tomb on Korriban was a falsity, but the holocron was able to confirm that the true tomb was located on Prakith, a world within the Deep Core. Flying to Prakith, Wyyrlok was able to locate Andeddu's Keep, a lone structure located at the foot of a mountain. Striding into the tomb confidently, the Sith Master was soon met by a large group of lightsaber wielding Force adepts who labeled themselves the "Malevolence." Wyyrlok, undaunted by the fact that he was vastly outnumbered, used the Force to project images into the minds of his adversaries, making them all appear to be him. As such, the adepts ended up striking each other down, unaware of what they were doing.

Wyyrlok prepares to battle Darth Andeddu.

The sole survivor, Gerlun, knelt before Wyyrlok in servitude. The Sith Master, seeing some use in the adept, had Gerlun lead him to the lowest level of the tomb. However, upon reaching that level, the pair found that the room they were presented with was empty. Placing Andeddu's holocron on the ground, Wyyrlok ordered it to reveal what he supposed would be the hidden entrance to the room that held the ancient Sith Lord's body. The holocron's image did so, and as the Sith Master had suspected, hidden gates opened. Entering the hidden room, Wyyrlok instructed Gerlun to light the sconces, while he opened Andeddu's coffin. Inside were the Sith Lord's remains, prompting the holocron to goad Wyyrlok into placing the device on the body's chest. The Sith Master refused, though, and chose to content himself with the multitude of books and scrolls that lay around the tomb. Gerlun, however, was still angered at how easily the Malevolence had been trounced by Wyyrlok, and he placed the holocron on Andeddu's chest. As a result, Gerlun's life force was drained into the ancient Sith Lord, who was instantly resurrected. Before he could even intervene, Wyyrlok had Darth Andeddu standing before him. The Sith Master realized that the holocron had not been what it seemed—instead, it was a shell containing Andeddu's spirit, in much the same way that his remains had also been a shell. The pair, when connected, had been able to bring Andeddu back to life, free of hindrance. Even though he had returned from the dead, Andeddu refused to impart his knowledge to Wyyrlok, instead launching bolts of Force lightning at the Sith Master. Wyyrlok, in response, merely deflected the bolts with his open hand. Andeddu began goading and taunting his opponent, while attacking him with a Force Push. Continuing his attack, Andeddu pummeled Wyyrlok with shattered rock shards, which he sent flying at the Sith Master with the Force. At that moment, Wyyrlok realized that the shards were not real, and were merely a Force Illusion much like the one he had used to trick the Malevolence. The danger, however, was very real, and if Andeddu could make Wyyrlok believe he was dead in the illusion, he would die in reality. The two Sith Lords matched wits, with their minds serving as the selected field of battle. They began battling with fictional gouts of lava, but neither one of them were able to gain the upper hand. To break the stalemate, Wyyrlok made it appear as though he was destroying all of Andeddu's books and scrolls, as a way of destroying all trace of Andeddu himself. In doing so, Wyyrlok ended the battle; in the end, the books and tomes were complete, but Andeddu himself was once again a lifeless corpse. Recovering several of the ancient Sith's books and documents, Wyyrlok left the tomb and departed Prakith, confident he could find a solution to his Master's problem. Back on Coruscant, Wyyrlok joined Krayt, Maladi, Talon, and Stryfe in hearing a report from a wounded Darth Reave. He reported that he had seen Cade Skywalker at the Sith base on Had Abbadon, and claimed that a Jedi woman helping him had turned his troops into monsters. The monsters had then attacked him, inflicting severe wounds. Reave then transformed into one of the monsters, prompting Stryfe to strike him down immediately. Maladi, inspecting the corpse, suspected that he had been turned into one of the rakghouls of ancient Taris, though she did not know how, as the creatures had been extinct for some time. Wyyrlok then received an urgent message for Krayt from Had Abbadon, which his Master turned his attention to.

Krayt's death, at the hands of Darth Wyyrlok. The holographic image was that of the Jedi woman, Celeste Morne, and she was flanked by rakghouls. However, on her neck she wore the Muur Talisman, and as such, she was possessed by the essence of Lord Karness Muur, an ancient Sith Lord. Muur, through Morne, requested that Krayt come to Had Abbadon, as he claimed to have captured Skywalker. Krayt was shown Skywalker in binders, but he was still reluctant, prompting Muur to attack his captive with Sith lightning. The Emperor relented, and Muur claimed he would be able to heal him of his ailment with his arcane powers. On the trip to Had Abbadon, Wyyrlok informed Krayt of what he had learned of Muur from Andeddu's scrolls—namely, that he may have been around to fight in the Hundred-Year Darkness, and that instead of choosing to preserve his body to escape death, he chose to embed his essence in his Talisman, which then afforded him access to the Force powers of the wearer. Wyyrlok's Master began to grow concerned that his Sith Order would not survive his death, which Krayt felt was rapidly approaching. Wyyrlok, however, assured Emperor Krayt that his vision would survive. Wyyrlok was also ordered to stay on the ship and continue to gather information about Muur, while Krayt and several other Sith Lords landed on Had Abbadon. Arriving planetside, Krayt met with Muur, but the Dread Lord had entered a trap—Skywalker was merely feigning his captivity, and the Imperial Knights Antares Draco, Azlyn Rae, and Ganner Krieg, as well as Jedi Knight Shado Vao were all waiting in ambush. A duel broke out, as Talon, Maladi and Stryfe battled rakghouls and criminals alike. As the battle raged, Wyyrlok sensed that his master would soon have need of him, and he took his shuttle down to Had Abbadon's surface. During the skirmish, Krayt was stabbed in the back by Rae, and then blasted off by Morne. In the aftermath, Wyyrlok discovered his fallen master's body, and retrieved Krayt's mask. To the Chagrian's surprise, Krayt awoke, and revealed that he had discovered a way in which he could heal himself. Wyyrlok, however, had other ideas, and he electrocuted his master with Sith lightning, killing the Emperor. Using the Force, the Chagrian then levitated his late Master's body, bringing it to the shuttle.

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