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Rubber Mulch

Our playground turf is designed from the ground up Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (IPEMA). Combined with foam padding underlayment and available today.

Pour in Place Rubber
Rubber mulch is a uniquely protect children from falls on playgrounds. Over 200,000 playground injuries result in emergency room visits each year!
Children falling during play is inevitable; Getting seriously hurt doesn’t have to be. Rubber Mulch surfaces have been proven to playground injuries. In fact, rubbermulch provides the highest safety rating of anyplayground surface.
Since this mulch requires minimal maintenance, dries quickly after rain, andwill not freeze, compact, or decompose, you can beassured that it is the most cost-effective playgroundsurface available.
Rubber mulch meets the latestCPSC safety guidelines, ASTM F-1951, and ASTM F-1292. It is safe, fun and economical, and is so wellmanufactured that it’s guaranteed to last a lifetime!
Rubber surfacing combines high tech polymer resins with rubber to create a resilient, non-skid surface that is virtually indestructible. Rubber surfacing is surface. It is available in many different colors.