Cameron Marshall 2015

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07712 885272 CAMERON_202@HOTMAIL.CO.UK Northumbria University - Newcastle

Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design


Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout me


My name is Cameron Marshall. Currently studying Industrial Design at Northumbria University Newcastle in the second year of the course. As part of the course it is encouraged we go and work in industry for a greater breadth of knowledge. I am seeking an opportunity for a 3 month+ work placement commencing in March 2015 onwards.

GCSE - 12 GCSE’s AS Level - Maths, ICT A-Level - Product Design, Physics, Chemistry University - Design for Industry

“Without question my greatest interest in life lies within the realm of industrial design. I carry my passion for this wherever I go. So much so, that from the buildings and surroundings I find myself in, to the products I buy, they are all viewed with keen interest into their design, construction, the thinking and justification for their form and function.”

Work Experience

“Fundamentally a future career in design is the only pathway that will fulfil my dream of contributing to the lives of others through the practise of wellconsidered, sustainable and inclusive design.”

In May 2014, my father bought a dilapidated house, which I then designed for major refurbishments and renovations, whilst also taking part in the renovation work. This is include scale drawings for the house and floor plans. With this experience I then set up a new business, Marshall Home Improvements Ltd, where I act as director and review design, finance and ICT related jobs.

07712 885272 CAMERON_202@HOTMAIL.CO.UK 201 Helmsley road, newcastle, ne2 1rd

Software Experience










Philips Sketching Non-literal Product Model Making Solidworks Al Fresco Dining


Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout Philips see great potential in creating propositions specifically targeted at a youth market. In order to achieve this Philips believe it is essential to develop a deep understanding of youth culture. Philips interest are with in developing a deep understanding of how young men and women first become interested in their appearance, in style and in beauty, how they explore and experiment with hair and skin care as well as shaving, trimming and grooming, with self-expression in general and in how they eventually find and settle on particular personal care and grooming solutions.





Shaving Skinz With a product collaboration between Lynx and Philips - we initiated our design thoughts about how the two companies could create a lost cost item to increase brand awareness. With the electrical shaving side of Philips and the the fun grooming brand of Lynx - we created the concept of Lynx Skinz, where by the user buys Lynx products and receives a Philips Razor plastic attachment to add customisation to the razor.


The teenager has been given his first shaver which introduces him to the Philips brand at an early stage. This is accompanied with a Lynx product and an introduction to the loyalty card with ‘Pulling Points’



After logging into the app the After the order has been user then sets out to amass a placed, the chosen skin total of 20 points to confirm arrives! Sealed within a Philips his first purchase of a skin of and Lynx branded package his choice. Thus beginning the cycle.


Browses through potential beard choices from Pocket Puller alongside the tips and tricks of shaving and how to get the girls


The user would then apply his chosen skin to his Philips shaver and continue it’s use achieving the style he has took interest in


The final stage shows the user with the desired trim, looking dashing and ready to win every heart of every girl. Go get ‘em!

Log in menu for the app, simply register or enter details

Home screen of the app - credits, style videos, Philips range, Lynx range, Razor Skinz, and Lynx QR code

This gives the overall feel of how credits are accrued and length of beard indicates how many

Video tutorials for grooming all with the names of Lynx Sub-brands like Lynx Africa

Able to explore the Philips razor range and purchase more products from them

Able to explore the lynx range and purchase more products from them

Able to select the razor skin that is your preference

QR Code so you can use the phone as the Lynx Card, to collect points

Summary On the right, it shows the products and services that are used with in our product collaboration with Lynx. You have the skin overlay on the Philips razor, Lynx products - such as body spray and after shave, Lynx Mobile App and the Lynx Card.


Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout Kettles play an important part in everybody’s day, from making the first cup in the morning to the last drink before bed. Designing and sketching such a product allows for development creating multiple stages where design has to be considered, balanced and well thought out. Establishing an overall form, starts by rapidly sketching forms including construction lines, allowing different view angles. After thinking through the form, the interrogation of finer features of the form. Finally, sketching the details.

Non-Literal Product

Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout This project is about creating a final model of representable size in modelling foam to highlight the thought and justification towards the design criteria that the product needs to meet. The model needed to convey the image of rotational encapsulated electronics, not arbitary applied decoration. Therefor studying historical and contemporary electronic product detail, interfaces, allowed development to the final outcome.

Model Making

Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout Designers need to be able to communicate and plan their design intentions so that an object can be made. This applies whether it is a one-off model or a manufacturing production run. The objective of the brief was to produce an exact replica of a lego mini-figure at 3:1 scale. Initially, obtaining a lego figure and take all the relevant measurements, then produce a technical drawing to help aid the model making.

ABout Design a set of ‘games pieces’, which could be used in an unspecified theoretical board game. The pieces can take formal inspiration from any source, but must be visually well balanced, working individually as well as in a group. The development of non-literal forms that still communicate personal ideas and structure is important as a design tool as we increasingly move into new areas for design to operate within.


Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout With design there is many types of mediums to display your ideas and designs, below signifies a medium which has become more popular through the years; due to the advancement of computers and software. Below is a Parker Jotter Ball Point Pen rendered using SolidWorks.

Al Fresco Dining

Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

ABout More and more business men and women are buying lunches on the go, this is a trend that is catching on with uni students; because they have limited time and often feel in a rush to have lunch and some skip this important meal. Al Fresco dining introduces the outdoors to mealtimes, therefor combining a lunch and outdoor experience - how can a solution be created for this opportunity?

In association with

Dining Package A new experience awaits in every taste box; from the clever divisions that can be quickly created, to the clever storage compartment for the eating utensils. The container embellishes the Northumbria blue colour, keeping a brand identity to the product.

Mobile Application A new app brought to the fingertips of students at Northumbria University. Creating an enjoyable and social experience for lunchtime. Giving you a different “taste” everyday. Encourages students and staff at Northumbria University to give new cuisines a “taste” with the enjoyment of dining Al Fresco with friends.

The customers can pay for prepaid amount of tastes, added to their account, the prices reduce as more meals are purchased

A dedicated app will allow the customers of taste to quickly and efficiently order their food

The intuitive home screen allows for easy manoeuvrability, providing simple options

The menu is displayed simply in list format, with the simple press of a button to order food

View what the food looks like and check the nutritional information

The app intuitively creates an appointment in the phones calendar to remind the customer

When the food is ready to be collected Taste messages the customer, allowing for early collection

The app engages the customers to be social and invite friends to an Al Fresco style lunch

Thank You

07712 885272 CAMERON_202@HOTMAIL.CO.UK Northumbria University - Newcastle

Design Portfolio 2015 Industrial Design

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