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Paris, 15 April 2014

OECD Quarterly Employment Situation News Release: 4th Quarter 2013

OECD employment rate at 65.3% in fourth quarter of 2013 The OECD area employment rate – defined as the share of people of working-age who are in employment – increased by 0.1 percentage point (to 65.3%) in the fourth quarter of 2013. This was the third consecutive quarterly increase, but the level is still 1.2 percentage points below the one recorded in the second quarter of 2008, the quarter preceding the start of the global financial crisis. In the Euro area, the employment rate rose by 0.1 percentage point to 63.6%, having been stable over the three previous quarters. The employment rate also increased in Japan (up 0.4 percentage point to 72.2%, the seventh consecutive quarter of increase), and in the United Kingdom (up 0.3 percentage point to 71.2%), while it was stable in the United States (at 67.4%) and in Canada (at 72.4%). Compared with the fourth quarter of 2012, the highest annual increases were observed in Ireland (up 2.1 percentage points to 61.3%), Hungary (up 1.9 percentage points to 59.4%) and New Zealand (up 2.6 percentage points to 73.8%), the highest decreases in Greece (down 1.3 percentage points to 49.1%), Italy (down 0.9 percentage point to 55.5%), the Netherlands (down 0.9 percentage point to 74.0%) and Slovenia (down 0.9 percentage point to 63.2%). The employment rate of older workers (aged 55-64) in the OECD area continued to increase, by 0.2 percentage point (to 56.7%), in the fourth quarter of 2013, compared with the previous quarter, while the employment rate rose by 0.1 percentage point for youth (to 39.4%) and people aged 25-54 (to 75.7%). In the Euro area, the increase in the total employment rate was mainly due to a rise in the older workers’ employment rate (by 0.4 percentage point to 50.7%), while the employment rate of youth decreased by 0.2 percentage point (to 31.1%). On the other hand, in the United States, a rise in the youth employment rate (by 0.5 percentage point to 47.0%) compensated a 0.3 percentage point decrease in the older workers’ employment rate (to 60.6%). In Japan, the employment rate increased for all age groups, but to a lesser extent for youth (up 0.2 percentage point to 40.0%) than for people aged 25-54 (up 0.4 percentage point to 81.8%) and for older workers (up 0.5 percentage point to 67.5%).

Employment rates

Change in employment rates

Employment as a percentage of the workingage population OECD - Total

Euro area

United States


Percentage points - Q3-2013 to Q4-2013 Youth (15-24) Prime-age workers (25-54)


Older workers (55-64)

0.6 0.5






0.2 0.1


0.0 65

-0.2 2008Q2 2008Q3 2008Q4 2009Q1 2009Q2 2009Q3 2009Q4 2010Q1 2010Q2 2010Q3 2010Q4 2011Q1 2011Q2 2011Q3 2011Q4 2012Q1 2012Q2 2012Q3 2012Q4 2013Q1 2013Q2 2013Q3 2013Q4 2014Q1



-0.3 -0.4

* Note: statistical breaks in Q1-2011 and Q3-2011

OECD - Total



United States

Euro area

Methodological Notes: http://www.oecd.org/std/labourstatistics/50273955.pdf All rates and levels quoted are seasonally adjusted (s.a.). New Quarterly Labour Market Statistics: http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=STLABOUR Country Note: The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Contacts: For further information readers are invited to contact the OECD's Media Relations Division on (33) 1 45 24 97 00 or e-mail news.contact@oecd.org For technical questions contact stat.contact@oecd.org Next release: Mid-July 2014 1

Paris, 15 April 2014

OECD Quarterly Employment Situation News Release: 4th Quarter 2013

Table 1: OECD Employment Rates and Levels (15-64), s.a. Employment as a percentage of corresponding working age population and levels

Employment rates 2010




2008 Q2

2012 Q3 Q4

Levels Q1

2013 Q2 Q3



OECD - Total Major Seven European Union Euro area

64.5 67.3 64.0 64.1

64.8 67.5 64.2 64.3

65.0 67.7 64.1 63.8

65.2 68.1 64.1 63.5

66.5 69.6 65.8 65.9

65.0 67.8 64.0 63.8

65.1 67.9 64.0 63.6

65.0 67.9 64.0 63.5

65.1 68.0 64.0 63.5

65.2 68.1 64.1 63.5

65.3 68.2 64.2 63.6

Q4 - 2013 534,240 326,738 212,593 137,910

Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland 1 France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States

72.4 71.7 62.0 71.5 59.3 65.0 73.4 61.0 68.2 63.9 71.1 59.6 55.4 78.2 59.7 60.2 56.9 70.6 63.3 65.2 59.7 74.7 72.3 75.3 59.0 65.6 58.8 66.2 58.6 72.2 78.6 46.3 69.5 66.7

72.7 72.1 61.9 72.0 61.3 65.7 73.2 65.1 69.0 63.9 72.5 55.6 55.8 78.5 58.9 60.9 57.0 71.1 63.8 64.6 60.0 74.9 72.6 75.3 59.3 64.2 59.3 64.4 57.7 73.6 79.4 48.4 69.5 66.6

72.4 72.5 61.8 72.2 61.8 66.6 72.6 67.1 69.4 63.9 72.8 51.3 57.2 79.7 58.9 66.5 56.8 70.6 64.2 65.9 60.9 75.1 72.2 75.8 59.7 61.8 59.7 64.1 55.4 73.8 79.4 48.9 70.1 67.1

72.0 72.3 61.8 72.5 62.3 67.7 72.6 68.5 68.9 64.1 73.3 49.3 58.5 81.1 60.5 67.1 55.6 71.7 64.4 65.7 60.8 74.3 73.1 75.4 60.0 61.1 59.9 63.3 54.4 74.4 79.6 49.5 70.8 67.4

73.3 72.3 62.2 73.7 57.2 66.7 78.1 69.9 71.2 64.8 69.8 62.0 56.5 84.4 68.3 60.0 58.8 70.9 63.9 63.9 61.2 77.1 75.0 78.1 59.1 68.5 61.9 68.2 64.9 74.4 79.5 45.1 71.8 71.2

72.3 72.6 62.1 72.2 62.0 66.8 72.1 67.7 69.6 63.9 73.0 50.6 57.7 80.1 58.9 67.1 56.8 70.7 64.3 66.4 61.4 75.1 72.1 75.7 59.6 61.9 59.9 63.5 55.0 73.8 79.8 48.8 70.3 67.1

72.3 72.4 61.8 72.5 61.8 66.9 72.5 67.0 69.2 64.0 73.1 50.4 57.5 80.1 59.2 66.7 56.4 70.8 64.1 66.2 60.5 74.9 71.2 75.5 59.7 60.4 59.4 64.1 54.6 73.8 79.6 49.7 70.6 67.4

72.3 72.1 61.6 72.6 62.1 67.3 72.7 68.2 68.9 63.9 73.1 49.6 57.4 80.0 59.7 66.9 56.0 71.3 64.1 65.5 60.4 74.7 72.6 75.5 59.6 60.1 60.0 63.3 54.5 74.2 79.4 49.9 70.4 67.2

72.2 72.4 61.8 72.6 62.3 67.8 72.8 69.3 69.1 64.0 73.3 49.3 58.3 80.9 60.1 66.7 55.6 71.5 64.3 65.7 60.9 74.4 72.8 75.4 59.9 60.7 59.9 62.9 54.3 74.3 79.4 49.7 70.6 67.3

71.9 72.4 62.2 72.4 62.4 67.8 72.4 68.1 68.8 64.2 73.4 49.2 58.7 81.7 60.8 67.3 55.5 71.8 64.6 65.8 60.7 74.1 73.2 75.4 60.1 61.4 59.8 63.7 54.2 74.5 79.3 49.2 70.9 67.4

71.7 72.4 61.5 72.4 62.4 68.1 72.4 68.1 68.6 64.2 73.5 49.1 59.4 81.7 61.3 67.3 55.5 72.2 64.9 65.9 61.3 74.0 73.8 75.3 60.3 62.0 59.9 63.2 54.6 74.7 80.2 49.3 71.2 67.4

11,079 4,104 4,471 17,114 7,354 4,849 2,613 593 2,394 25,554 39,646 3,543 3,958 168 1,849 3,341 21,912 56,853 23,372 237 47,445 8,152 2,169 2,527 15,348 4,290 2,315 884 16,618 4,578 4,360 24,891 29,030 136,629

Statistical break in Q4-2012 for France, as a revised questionnaire was used from 1 January 2013 onwards. European Union and Euro area aggregates are also affected, and, to a lesser extent OECD-Total and Major seven aggregates. Detailed information on these methodological changes and their impact is available in INSEE's website http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/inforapide.asp?id=14 Box "Pour en savoir plus". 2 1

Paris, 15 April 2014

OECD Quarterly Employment Situation News Release: 4th Quarter 2013

Table 2: OECD Employment Rates (15-64) by Gender, s.a. Employment as a percentage of corresponding working age population


2013 OECD - Total Major Seven European Union Euro area

57.4 62.3 58.7 58.2

2012 Q4 57.1 62.0 58.6 58.1

Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland 1 France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States

66.4 67.6 57.2 69.6 51.0 59.6 70.1 65.7 67.8 60.4 68.8 40.1 52.8 79.0 55.9 63.0 46.5 62.5 53.9 59.1 45.0 69.9 67.9 73.5 53.4 58.2 53.3 59.2 49.7 72.5 74.4 29.7 65.9 62.3

66.5 67.5 57.4 69.6 50.1 58.7 69.7 64.0 67.8 60.1 68.4 41.3 52.2 78.9 55.3 62.8 46.9 61.0 53.5 59.5 44.6 70.5 65.9 73.4 53.0 57.6 52.2 60.2 49.9 71.8 73.8 29.6 65.7 62.4



Q1 57.2 62.0 58.6 58.1

2013 Q2 Q3 57.3 57.5 62.2 62.4 58.6 58.8 58.1 58.3

Q4 57.6 62.5 58.9 58.3

66.7 67.2 56.8 69.6 50.7 59.1 69.7 65.3 68.0 60.2 68.5 40.5 52.2 77.7 55.5 62.7 46.7 62.0 53.5 59.2 44.4 70.3 67.8 73.4 53.0 57.4 53.1 59.3 49.8 72.1 74.2 29.9 65.7 62.1

66.6 67.7 56.8 69.6 51.0 59.6 70.2 66.0 68.1 60.3 68.6 40.1 52.4 78.7 55.7 62.9 46.4 62.2 53.7 59.8 45.2 70.0 67.4 73.4 53.2 57.6 53.2 58.9 49.6 72.4 74.2 29.7 65.8 62.3

66.2 67.7 57.0 69.5 51.2 60.0 69.9 65.9 67.6 60.7 69.1 39.8 53.7 79.6 56.3 63.1 46.5 63.2 54.4 58.9 45.3 69.6 68.5 73.5 53.8 59.3 53.8 59.1 49.8 72.9 75.1 29.5 66.2 62.4

66.3 67.7 58.2 69.6 50.9 59.7 70.4 65.5 67.6 60.5 69.1 39.9 52.8 79.8 56.2 63.3 46.5 62.6 54.2 58.7 45.0 69.8 67.9 73.5 53.5 58.5 53.3 59.5 49.6 72.5 74.1 29.5 65.9 62.5

73.1 73.9 69.4 68.8

2012 Q4 73.1 74.0 69.5 69.1

Q1 73.0 73.8 69.3 68.9

2013 Q2 Q3 73.1 73.0 73.9 73.9 69.4 69.4 68.8 68.8

Q4 73.2 74.0 69.6 68.9

77.6 77.1 66.4 75.4 73.8 75.7 75.0 71.4 69.9 67.9 77.7 58.4 64.3 83.2 65.1 71.2 64.8 80.8 74.9 72.2 78.3 78.7 78.5 77.3 66.6 64.0 66.4 67.1 59.1 76.3 84.7 69.5 75.6 72.6

78.1 77.4 66.1 75.4 73.6 74.8 75.3 70.3 70.6 68.0 77.7 59.4 63.0 81.2 63.2 70.7 66.0 80.5 74.8 72.7 78.1 79.2 76.7 77.4 66.4 63.3 66.5 67.9 59.3 75.8 85.4 70.0 75.5 72.6

77.9 77.1 66.5 75.5 73.7 75.3 75.6 71.2 69.8 67.9 77.5 58.7 62.8 82.2 63.9 71.2 65.3 80.4 74.6 71.7 78.0 79.1 77.7 77.4 66.3 63.0 66.7 67.0 59.0 76.1 84.5 70.0 75.2 72.6

77.8 77.2 66.8 75.5 73.7 75.7 75.3 72.8 70.2 67.9 77.8 58.4 64.3 83.1 64.6 70.6 64.8 80.8 74.8 71.4 78.2 78.7 78.3 77.3 66.6 63.7 66.6 66.7 59.0 76.1 84.4 69.7 75.4 72.5

77.2 77.2 65.9 75.3 73.8 76.0 74.8 70.4 69.7 67.9 77.9 58.3 65.3 83.7 66.5 71.6 64.6 81.1 75.3 72.7 78.7 78.4 79.2 77.0 66.9 64.8 65.9 67.0 59.4 76.5 85.2 69.2 76.1 72.6

77.5 77.1 66.2 75.3 73.9 75.7 74.4 70.9 70.1 68.0 77.7 58.3 64.8 83.5 65.5 71.4 64.5 80.9 75.0 72.6 78.1 78.3 78.7 77.2 66.7 64.4 66.2 67.6 58.8 76.5 84.5 69.0 75.9 72.5

Statistical break in Q4-2012 for France, as a revised questionnaire was used from 1 January 2013 onwards. European Union and Euro area aggregates are also affected, and, to a lesser extent OECD-Total and Major seven aggregates. Detailed information on these methodological changes and their impact is available in INSEE's website http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/inforapide.asp?id=14 Box "Pour en savoir plus". 3 1

Paris, 15 April 2014

OECD Quarterly Employment Situation News Release: 4th Quarter 2013

Table 3: OECD Employment Rates by Age, s.a. Employment as a percentage of corresponding working age population Youth (15-24)

OECD - Total Major Seven European Union Euro area Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland 1 France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States

Prime-age workers (25-54)

Older workers (55-64)

Q1 39.1 42.1 32.4 31.5

2013 Q2 Q3 39.3 39.3 42.2 42.4 32.3 32.3 31.6 31.3

Q4 39.4 42.6 32.3 31.1

Q1 75.5 78.1 76.8 76.0

2013 Q2 Q3 75.6 75.6 78.1 78.1 76.7 76.7 75.8 75.7

Q4 75.7 78.2 76.8 75.7

Q1 56.0 59.2 49.5 49.4

2013 Q2 Q3 56.3 56.5 59.3 59.7 49.8 50.4 49.9 50.3

Q4 56.7 59.7 50.9 50.7

58.9 53.9 23.3 55.1 30.8 25.7 54.3 31.6 41.4 28.5 47.0 11.6 19.0 68.4 28.6

59.1 54.2 23.8 55.3 30.4 25.7 53.8 33.7 41.5 28.5 47.0 11.7 19.6 67.6 28.9

58.7 53.8 24.5 55.0 30.3 25.4 53.1 32.2 41.1 28.4 46.9 12.0 20.1 70.3 29.1

58.0 53.5 23.0 54.8 30.4 25.4 53.4 31.7 42.2 28.9 46.6 12.1 20.5 72.2 29.2

16.6 39.5 23.7 22.0 41.8 63.0 49.6 52.5 24.1 21.1 20.8 26.9 16.7 40.8 62.4 32.6 46.8 45.9

16.7 39.6 23.8 22.0 42.4 62.6 49.8 51.8 24.4 21.6 20.7 26.3 16.6 41.2 61.3 32.8 46.1 46.2

16.4 39.8 24.2 19.7 41.7 61.9 49.8 51.6 24.1 23.3 20.4 27.2 16.4 42.1 61.0 32.5 46.7 46.5

15.7 40.0 24.9 23.7 42.0 61.8 51.3 51.1 24.2 23.0 19.8 25.6 16.5 42.6 62.9 31.1 46.9 47.0

79.4 84.8 78.9 81.5 74.9 83.2 82.0 80.0 81.3 80.5 83.3 62.0 74.2 83.9 70.2 77.0 69.4 80.9 74.6 82.9 70.4 83.0 80.5 84.0 76.6 73.4 76.1 81.8 65.3 85.5 86.1 59.4 80.7 75.8

79.2 85.0 79.3 81.5 75.3 83.7 82.5 80.4 81.5 80.5 83.4 61.6 75.5 84.8 70.6 76.8 68.3 81.3 74.8 82.0 70.5 82.6 80.2 84.0 76.8 74.0 76.0 81.4 65.2 85.4 86.2 59.1 80.9 76.0

78.9 84.8 78.8 81.5 75.2 83.7 81.7 81.1 80.5 80.8 83.2 61.2 76.6 84.7 72.1 77.1 68.1 81.8 75.4 82.8 71.1 81.8 81.5 84.1 77.3 75.7 76.0 82.1 65.6 85.2 87.0 59.1 81.2 76.0

61.6 43.5 40.6 60.8 63.1 50.5 60.8 62.5 58.1 45.5 62.6 35.6 37.6 79.8 50.3 65.3 41.5 66.4 63.4 41.2 54.3 59.4 73.8 70.4 39.8 45.4 44.2 32.5 42.8 73.1 71.4 31.9 58.8 61.2

61.9 44.9 41.7 60.7 64.0 51.3 61.8 64.6 58.7 45.6 63.0 35.9 38.4 80.8 50.5 65.1 42.2 66.4 64.1 42.7 55.1 59.8 75.1 71.6 40.2 46.8 43.8 34.0 43.1 73.3 72.0 31.6 59.6 60.9

61.1 46.1 41.7 60.2 65.0 52.6 61.7 61.5 58.5 45.8 64.4 35.1 39.3 81.3 53.0 64.5 43.8 67.5 65.0 39.0 55.6 60.8 74.8 70.8 41.6 47.5 44.0 33.6 43.8 74.3 71.8 31.3 60.6 60.6

79.0 85.0 79.2 81.5 75.2 83.5 82.0 80.0 80.9 80.8 83.3 61.3 75.8 85.4 71.3 77.2 68.0 81.4 75.2 83.7 70.5 82.0 81.3 84.3 77.2 74.9 75.8 82.4 65.2 85.4 86.3 58.8 81.0 76.0

61.2 45.0 42.8 60.4 63.6 52.1 62.3 61.8 58.9 45.7 64.0 35.8 38.7 81.3 51.5 63.6 43.1 67.0 64.7 39.2 55.0 60.4 74.1 71.4 40.8 46.9 44.1 33.9 43.6 73.7 71.6 31.3 60.2 60.9

Statistical break in Q4-2012 for France, as a revised questionnaire was used from 1 January 2013 onwards. European Union and Euro area aggregates are also affected, and, to a lesser extent OECD-Total and Major seven aggregates. Detailed information on these methodological changes and their impact is available in INSEE's website http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/inforapide.asp?id=14 Box "Pour en savoir plus". 4 1

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