Art Basel 2016

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Art Basel i n s p i r a t i o n r ev ie w

Basel, June 2016

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inspiration review

a r t ba s e l 2016 I n s p i r at i o n Review

co n t e n t

about PAGES 4 - 5 unlimited PAGES 6 - 57 galleries PAGES 58 - 67


ab o u t

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art basel Since 1970, Art Basel’s goal has been to connect the world‘s premier galleries and their patrons, as well serving as a meeting point for the international artworld. Now, over forty years later, its three fairs in Basel, Hong Kong and Miami Beach - rank as the premier shows of their kind, presenting 20th and 21st century art with a strong curatorial perspective. The 2016 show, one of the most successful in Art Basel’s history, brought the international artworld together, with more than 280 of the world‘s leading galleries showing the work of over 4,000 artists. A full program of artworld talks took place each day. Exhibitions and events were also offered by cultural institutions in Basel and the surrounding area, creating an exciting, region-wide art week.

Art basel 2016 unlimited + galleries

unlimited Curated by New York-based curator Gianni Jetzer, Unlimited is Art Basel‘s pioneering exhibition platform for projects that transcend the classical art-show stand, including massive sculpture and paintings, video projections, large-scale installations, and live performances.

Galleries The anchor of Art Basel is its Galleries sector, where a selection of the world's leading galleries ofmodern and contemporary art show 20th- and 21st-century artworks. Visitors discover a breadth of works including paintings, drawings, sculpture, installations, prints, photography, video and digital art by more than 4,000 artists.

inspiration review dfrost

Feature The Feature sector emphasizes precisely curated projects that may include solo presentations by an individual artist or juxtapositions and thematic exhibits from artists representing a range of cultures, generations, and artistic approaches.

Statements In this sector, Art Basel presents exciting new solo projects by young, emerging artists. Each year, two outstanding artists in this sector are awarded the Baloise Art Prize. The Baloise Group also acquires works by the award-winning artists which it donates to important European art institutions.

Edition Leading publishers of editioned works, prints and multiples exhibit the results of their collaboration with renowned artists.


0 1 J o n at h a n m o n k

6 7

Jonathan Monk  /  Site / Specific / Pallet / Rock 2014-2015

Jonathan Monk He replays, recasts and re-examines seminal works of Conceptual and Minimal art by variously witty, ingenious and irreverent means. Through wall paintings, monochromes, ephemeral sculpture and photography he reflects on the tendency of contemporary art to devour references.

02 Sol lewit t

you shouldn‘t be a prisoner of your own ideas sol lewitt

Sol LeWitt / Black Styrofoam on Black Wall 1993


03 k a d e r at t ia

8 9

Kader attia He takes a poetic and symbolic approach to exploring the wide-ranging repercussions of Western modern cultural hegemony and colonialism on non-Western cultures, investigating identity politics of historical and colonial eras, from Tradition to Modernity, in the light of our globalised world, of which he creates a genealogy. For several years, his research focuses on the concept of Repair, as a constant in Human Nature, of which Kader Attia /  The Culture of Fear: An Invention of Evil, 2013

the modern Western Mind and the traditional extraOccidental Thought have always had an opposite vision. From Culture to Nature, from gender to architecture, from science to philosophy, any system of life is an infinite process of repair.

0 4 T h o m a s bay r l e

Thomas Bayrle / Flugzeug (Airplane) 2012


0 5 c h i h a r u s h i o ta

10 11

Chiharu Shiota / Accumulation: Searching for Destination 2014

chiharu shiota

Dialogues in walsall

Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota is renowned for her

The suitcases are hung low at one end of the gallery,

dramatic immersive installations which frequently

becoming increasingly higher towards the other end,

utilise found objects such as clothing, shoes, old

altering the usual orientation of the space and forcing

furniture, vintage suitcases and doors and windows

the viewer to negotiate it in an entirely new way. The

from demolished and derelict buildings. Such items

redrope connects the sea of suitcases and the stories

resonate with personal and emotional if elusive

of their journeys together, creating a visual coherence

histories. Chiharu’s installations alter and energise

as well as a stunning theatrical presentation.

the physical and architectural space, challenging our perceptions of the immediate environment and embracing the viewer as an integral part of the experience.

0 6 bi r d h e a d

12 13


China stolen moments scenes of every life personal histories

Birdhead / Welcome to Birdhead World Again, Passions Bloom, Ambitions from Vagina 2016

07 n i n a c a n n e l l

Nina Cannell / Mothers Tankstation Limited 2016


08 marinus boezem

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Marinus Boezem / Show IX – Curtain Room 1965

Marinus Boezem He is one of the first artists who introduced conceptual art in the Netherlands in the 1960s. He discovered that he could use elusive elements such as air, weather, wind and light as visual materials. He created one of his most famous works of art, when he had a skywriting airplane sign the sky with his name and Boezem also created a lot of works in public space and land art.


09 pope .L

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Pope.L / Circa 2015

pope.l William Pope.L calls himself “The Friendliest Black Artist in America”. He is among the foremost contemporary performance artists, addresses labor, race, and identity in projects both searing and humorous. His work, which also includes photographs, sculptures, writings, paintings, drawings, and community projects, aligns with Fluxus. “When people use the word activism today, it sounds like after-ism… The space I create in my work for others is more formalist, like ‘change the world’.”

1 0 pau l m cc a r t h y

Already SOLD For $ 4.562.500

Paul McCarthy / Tomato Head (Green) 1994


11 christophe r martin

18 19

Christopher Martin / Untitled 2016

1 2 j o s e p h ko s u t h

Joseph Kosuth / Titled (Art as Idea as Idea) 1968

joseph kosuth Joseph Kosuth is one of the pioneers of conceptual art and installation art, initiating language-based works and appropriation strategies in the 1960s. His work has consistently explored the production and role of language and meaning within art.


1 3 V l a s s i s c a n ia r i s

20 21

Vlassis Caniaris / In Praise 1993

1 4 a da m p e n d l e t o n

repeating forms, repeating words Adam pendleton

Adam Pendleton / A Victim of American Democracy, 2016


1 5 aa b r o n s o n

22 23

A A Bronson / Folly 2015

16 tim rollins And K .O. S .

Tim Rollins And K.O.S. / Dark Water VI 2016


17 ai w e i w e i

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Ai Weiwei, White house 2015


1 8 e l a n at s u i

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El Anatsui / Gli (Wall) 2010

James Rosenquist Leading Pop artist James Rosenquist—who came to prominence among New York School figures like Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Willem de Kooning—is well known for his largescale, fragmented works that bring the visual language of commercial painting onto canvas. In his use of mass-produced goods and vernacular culture rendered

1 9 ja m e s r o s e n q u i s t

in an anonymous style, Rosenquist‘s work recalls that of Andy Warhol, while his seemingly irrational, mysterious pictorial combinations owe a debt to Surrealism.

James Rosenquist / Four New Clear Women 1982


20 ding yi

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Ding Yi / Appearance of Crosses 2016-B10 2016

2 1 c i p r ia n m u r e s a n

Ciprian Muresan / Palimpsest 2016

ciprian muresan Ciprian Muresan’s allegorical artwork reflects on post-Soviet life and questions artistic production. While best known for short, darkly humorous videos, Muresan works across various media to communicate a sardonic world view shaped by coming of age during Romania’s revolution and the political disarray that followed.


22 Sol lewitt - 23 peter halley

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Sol LeWitt / Irregular Tower 1999

Peter Halley / Weak Force 2016 |

24 robert grosvenor

Paul McCarthy / Tomato Head (Green) 1994

Robert Grosvenor / Untitled ( yellow) 2016


2 5 ja m e s t u r r e l l

32 33

James Turrell / Coconino, from the Tall Glass series 2016

Copyright: Florian Holzherr


2 6 P e d r o Cab r i ta R e i s

34 35

Pedro Cabrita Reis / South Wing 2015

Pedro Cabrita Reis ‘South Wing is about exclusion, rejection, being outcast. It’s a fragile, precarious construction no longer inhabitated. It might have been constructed by someone alone or by a group, we will never know. Materials from places formerly inhabitated were used for its construction. They could be from a prison, an asylum or social housing. That is what South Wing is about’ .


2 7 Ray ya n e Tab e t

36 37

Rayyane Tabet   /  The Dead Sea In Three Parts 2013

2 8 Jacq u e l i n e h u m p h r i e s

Jacqueline Humphries  / Untitled 2015


29 Tony Ou rsle r

38 39

Tony Oursler / Template_variant_friend_stranger 2014

Tony Oursler A pioneer of new-media art since the mid-1970s, Tony Oursler is best known for his video projections and installation works that explore technology‘s effects on the human mind. Honing in on much of humanity‘s compulsive relationship with computers and virtual networks, Oursler orchestrates microcosmic scenes, tableaus, and interventions that convey the obsession, escapism, isolation and sexual fetish that cause or grow out of technological dependence.


3 0 Wi l l ia m K e n t r i d g e

40 41

William Kentridge / Notes Towards a Model Opera 2015

31 G retche n b e nde r

Gretchen Bender / Total Recall 1987


3 2 Ha e g u e Ya n g

42 43

Haegue Yang  /  Sol LeWitt Upside Down - Structure with Three Towers, Expanded 23 Times 2015

3 3 G e r wa l d R o c k e n s c h au b

Gerwald Rockenschaub / bend it (remodeled) 2015


3 4 A l a n C h a r lt o n

44 45

Alan Charlton  / Wall of 8 greys 2016

35 anish k apoor

The work seems to have darkness, seems to be somewhere in between body, cave and beast anish kapoor

Anish Kapoor / Dragon 1992


3 6 Ha n s O p d e B e e c k

46 47

Hans Op de Beeck / The Collector’s House 2016



48 49

ZOOM PAVILION Zoom Pavilion is a panoptic audiovisual installation that features 12 computerised surveillance cameras trained on the public. The piece uses facial recognition algorithms to detect visitors and record their spatial relationships within the exhibition space. A live archive of recordings is shown to make evident the data-gathering mechanisms in use.


3 8 T r ac e y e m i n

50 51

Tracey Emin /The more of you the more I love you 2016

Tracey Emin A prominent member of the Young British Artists (YBAs), Emin works in a wide range of mediums, including film, painting, neon, embroidery, drawing, installation and sculpture. Her work is intensely personal, revealing intimate details of her life with brutal honesty and poetic humor.


3 9 t u n ga

52 53

Tunga / Me, you and the moon 2014


Jannis Kounellis / Untitled 2014


41 J o h n M cC r aC k e n

54 55

John McCracken / Six Columns 2006


Frank Stella / Damascus Gate (Stretch Variation I) 1970

frank stella “What you see is what you see,” a statement that became the unofficial credo of Minimalist practice.


4 3 a m a l ia p i c a

56 57

Amalia Pica / Memorial for intersections #18 2016

subversive &   w i c k e d ly funny THE WH I TE REV I EW

Elmgreen & Dragset / Dawn 2016


4 4 Tom Bu rr

58 59

Tom Burr / Other People’s Pants 2010

4 5 Sa lvat o r e S c a r p i t ta Salvatore Scarpitta / Sal Ardun Special 1964-1983


4 6 A LE x a n d e r c a l d e r

60 61

Alexander Calder 1986

47 a l b e r t o bia s i

Alberto Biasi / La O di Giotta in rosso 1986


48 jeppe hein

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Jeppe Hein / Throat Chakra 2015

4 9 R e m o Sa lva d o r

Remo Salvadori / La stanza delle tazze 2016


5 0 jau m e p l e n s a

64 65

Jaume Plensa / White Forest (Lou) 2015

5 1 A n n a o p p e r m a n n & S o fia H u lt é n

Sofia Hultén /  Speculative Fiction 2016

Anna Oppermann /  ‫‏‬Portrait of Mr. S 1969-1989 |

I had never i m agi n e d a n empt y room co u l d b e d e s ig n at e d a s a r t. I wa s s o wrong .

D F ROST G m b H & C o . K G | H a u p t s t ä t te r S t r . 5 9 a | 7 0 1 7 8 S t u t t g a r t t + 4 9 7 1 1 6 6 4 8 1 7 – 0 | F + 4 9 7 1 1 6 6 4 8 1 7 – 2 0 0 | i n f o df r os t . c o m

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