FEBRUARY 2022 Southwest Retort

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Fifty Years Ago in the Southwest Retort The March ACS tour speakers will be Dr. Wolfgang H. Vogel of Thomas Jefferson University speaking on “Is There a Chemical Basis of the Mind” and Dr. Philip H. West of LSU lecturing on “Toxic and Carcinogenic Compounds in our Environment.” In the Texas A&M ACS Section, Dr. F. Albert Cotton has arrived on campus to take up his appointment as the new Welch Professor. He comes to A&M after seventeen years at MIT. At UT-Austin in the Central Texas ACS Section, Welch Professor Michael J. S. Dewar gave a series of Phi Lambda Upsilon lectures on molecular orbital theory at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. W. Adcock on sabbatical leave from Flinders University in Australia has joined Prof. Dewar’s group. Dr. Allen J. Bard attended the Gordon Research Conference in Santa Barbara CA Jan. 10-14. At Southwest Texas State Dr. Patrick Cassidy attended a Santa Barbara Gordon Conference Jan. 24-28. Compiled by E. Thomas Strom

gional Meeting in San Antonio. Faculty member Dr. C. T. Skinner is a coauthor of two recent textbooks on analytical chemistry. At UT-Arlington Drs. Edward Bellion and Andrew Ternay recently received Welch grants, as did UNT faculty members Drs. Robert Desiderato, James Marshall, and R. W. Gracy. At the Mobil Field Research Laboratory Dr. E. Thomas Strom recently attended a Varian course in Palo Alto on Electron Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR) and Electron Electron Double Resonance (ELDOR). The East Texas ACS local section recently completed its first year of operation. The Section thanks C. H. Whiteside for serving as Chair for this first year. Dr. C. E. Rodriguez of East Texas State University will be the speaker at the section’s March meeting in Longview. The following have been elected as officers this year at the Heart O’ Texas ACS Section: Chair, Robert D. Krienke, Texas State Technical Institute; Chair-Elect, A. G. Pinkus, Baylor; Councilors, Malcolm Dole and Thomas C. Franklin, Baylor; Secretary-Treasurer, Leona Cockrell. Dr. Dole was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Ouachita Valley ACS local section held at Northeast Louisiana University. At the University of Arkansas ACS section, the seminar program for the semester was initiated by speakers Mary L Good of LSU and T. Neal Waters of the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

In the DFW ACS Section, Drs. Edward Biehl and Perry Reeves of SMU presented papers at the recent ACS Southwest ReFebruary 2022

The Southwest RETORT


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