JANUARY 2022 Southwest Retort

Page 11

From the ACS Press Room

An Ice-inspired Lubricant Improves Osteoarthritis Symptoms in Rats “Ice-Inspired Lubricated Drug Delivery thritis, but this molecule degrades rapidly inParticles from Microfluidic Electrospray side the body. So the researchers used a microfluidic device to make tiny methacrylate for Osteoarthritis Treatment” anhydride-HA gel parACS Nano ticles, which they reaWith the Winter Olympics approaching, soned might be strongmany people will soon be tuning in to watch er and persist longer in events that take place on ice, such as figure the body than an HA skating, speed skating and ice hockey. An solution. To enhance ultrathin, super-lubricating layer of water on the lubrication of the particles, the team coatthe ice’s surface is essential for skaters’ ed them with 2-methylacryloyloxyethyl phosgraceful glides. Inspired by this surface, re- phorylcholine (MPC), which has positively searchers reporting in ACS Nano have de- and negatively charged chemical groups that veloped a treatment for osteoarthritis that attract a thin layer of water, similar to ice. In enhances lubrication and reduces friction addition, the particles’ pores were loaded with and inflammation in a rat model of the dis- an anti-inflammatory drug, which could be ease. slowly and continuously released. The reOsteoarthritis, a chronic disease common in searchers then injected drug-loaded HA-MPC middle-aged and older people, is character- particles into the knee joints of rats with early ized by persistent inflammation and degen- -stage osteoarthritis. The joints of treated rats eration of cartilage in the joints. Anti- were more lubricated and had less cartilage inflammatory drugs can help relieve pain destruction, joint friction and inflammation and inflammation, but long-term use can re- compared with a control group. The treated duce their effectiveness or cause gastrointes- rats also expressed higher levels of collagen II tinal problems. Corticosteroids injected di- and aggrecan, two markers of healthy cartirectly into the joint provide temporary relief, lage. The particles have great potential for but frequent treatments can sometimes dam- clinical applications, but first they must unage the cartilage. Yuanjin Zhao and col- dergo additional animal and biosafety tests, leagues wanted to develop drug delivery the researchers say. particles that, when injected into a joint, The authors acknowledge funding from the could safely enhance lubrication and de- National Key Research and Development Procrease inflammation. gram of China, the National Natural Science The researchers based their particles on hya- Foundation of China, the Natural Science luronic acid (HA), a natural polysaccharide Foundation of Jiangsu and the Shenzhen Funalready used as a lubricant to treat osteoar- damental Research Program. January 2022

The Southwest RETORT


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