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Fifty Years Ago
The 1971 Southwest Regional Meeting was held in San Antonio on Dec. 1-3. The General Chair will be Dr. John T. Goodwin, Jr. of the Southwest Research Institute. The Technical Program Chair will be Dr. Dale A. Clark of the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base.
The upcoming ACS tour speaker for April will be Dr. Dean F. Martin of Duke University. His talks will be taken from the following group of three: “Chemical Challenge of the Sea;” “Recent Red Tide Research;” and “Chemical Compiled by Reactions of the Sea.” E. Thomas Strom
Southern University, Shreveport-Bosier Campus and the Ark-La-Tex ACS local section have announced a massive, no fee, summer science program for 50 high school students. The Second Annual Summer Program will be offered June 14 through July 30 at the Shreveport-Bosier Campus of Southern University.
Pan American Laboratories, Inc. of Brownsville, Texas, has expanded its environmental testing department with new gas chromatography equipment. Pan American Laboratories, a member of the American Council of Independent Laboratories, was organized in Brownsville in 1954.
Dr. Ronald W. Estabrook of UTSouthwestern Medical School attended a December meeting in San Francisco of the NSF Bionational Indian Science Committee. Also at UT-Southwestern Drs. Bettie Sue Masters and Charles E. Mize have received research grants from the Welch Foundation. At Texas Woman’s University Drs. L. R.
Caswell, W. S. Hamilton, J. E. Johnson,
L. C. Sams and G. H. Stewart attended the Welch Conference on “Solid State Chemistry” in Houston, Nov. 9-11. At East Texas State Dr. Charles S. Rohrer received a $54,668 grant from NSF for a four week summer sequential institute for junior and senior high school teachers. Three master’s degrees programs have been approved for Tarleton State College by the Coordinating Board of the Texas College and University System. These degrees are for Master of Education, Master of Arts-Teaching, and Master of Arts-Science-Teaching. Dr. Jack Towne has joined the faculty of the University of Dallas as Professor of Chemistry. At Mobil Field Research Laboratory Drs. Donald E. Woessner and Brinkley S. Snowden, Jr. attended the 12th Experimental NMR Conference held Feb. 18-20 at the University of Florida.
The University of Arkansas chemistry department has been awarded an NSF Research Instruments Grant to purchase an EPR spectrometer. Faculty member Dr. Lothar Schafer visited East Texas State University on Feb. 16 to present a seminar. He also presented a later seminar at TCU. Dr. Arthur Fry presented seminars on “Carbon-14 Tracer Studies of Ketone Rearrangements” Mar. 3 at Southern State College, Mar. 4 at Centenary College and Mar. 5 at Northwestern State University.
At Baylor University Welch Professor Malcolm Dole received a $73,700 NSF grant to support his research on macroions in the gas phase.