2 minute read

Fifty Years Ago


The 1971 ACS Southwest Regional Award has been won by Dr. Bruno J. Zwolinski, founder and head of the Thermodynamics Research Center at Texas A&M University. Dr. Zwolinski is honored for his pace-setting work in kinetics, thermodynamics, and thermochemistry. This month’s ACS tour speakers are Dr. Theo Gerritson of the University of Wisconsin Medical Center and Dr. Sidney Siggia of the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dr. Gerritson’s talk is on “Inborn Errors of Metabolism as a Cause of Mental Retardation,” while Dr. Siggia’s two topics are “Fads and Fashions in the Teaching and Practice of Analytical Chemistry” and “Organic Functional Group Analysis by Chemical and Instrumental Methods.” At TCU, faculty members giving presentations at this fall’s ACS National Meeting were Dr. Clifford Venier and Dr. John Albright. Dr. Manfred Reinecke is on sabbatical this year working with Dr. Ernest Beyer in Tubingen, Germany. At UT-Dallas Dr. Richard A. Caldwell, recently arrived from Cornell University, was named Acting Chairman of the Chemistry Faculty. At North Texas State recent promotions in the Chemistry Department include Dr. S. J. Norton from associate to full professor and Drs. James L. Marshall and Robert Desiderato from assistant to associate professors. Dr. Marshall has started teaching a sophomore laboratory course which does not depend on lecture courses but stands as a course in its own right. Dr. Marshall has developed a textbook for this new course. Dr. G. R. Dobson presented a seminar recently at UT-Arlington. At the Mobil Field Research Laboratory Dr. Earl S. Snavely, Jr. gave a lecture on “Cahodic Protection Fundamentals” at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Brinkley S. Snowden attended the “Clay Minerals Conference” in Rapid City, SC. Drs. Peggy M. Dunlap and E. Thomas Strom attended the fall ACS National Meeting in Washington, D.C.


Texas Tech Welch Professor C. W. Shoppee represented the Royal Society at the inauguration on Sept. 24 of Dr. Norman Hackerman as President of Rice University. Dr. James M. Hinton of the University of Arkansas participated in the Fourth International Symposium on Compiled by E. Thomas Strom Magnetic Resonance at the Weizmann Institute of Science Aug. 24-Sept. 6 in Israel. Among those from Texas A&M University attending the fall ACS National Meeting were Drs. Arthur E. Martell and Barry Shapiro. At Baylor, Welch Professor Malcolm Dole gave a seminar at the Research Triangle Institute in North Carolina on “Free Radical Reactions in Irradiated Polyethylene.” From the University of Houston Dr. W. W. Wendlandt presented the plenary lecture for the International Confederation of Thermal Analysis meeting held Aug. 23-27 in Davos, Switzerland. Dr. Albert Zlatkis presented lectures on chromatography at the South African Chemical Institute at Johannesburg and at universities in Capetown, Port Elizabeth, Durban, and Pretoria.

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