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DGMT views itself as an enabler, drawing on the work and experience of civil society organisations and other implementing partners and funders. It holds a privileged position as an independent foundation, with windows into the work of partners in local communities and relatively good access to policy-makers, the media, private sector and other investors. We are constantly aware of and inspired by the commitment and energy of those in our networks for change.


1. Kingdon, J. 2003. Agendas, alternatives and public policies. New York: Pearson.

2. Statistics South Africa. 2017. South Africa demographic and health survey 2016: key indicator report. Report no. 03-00-09. https://www. statssa.gov.za/publications/Report%2003-00-09/Report%2003-00-092016.pdf

3. Van der Berg, S. et al. 2019. The cost of repetition in South Africa. Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP13/2019. https://www.ekon. sun.ac.za/wpapers/2019/wp132019

4. Adapted from Christensen, C. 2002. The innovator’s dilemma. Boston, MA: Harvard Press.

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9. Deaton, The great escape.

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13. Resources available at UN Environment Programme. 2022. https://wesr.unep.org/

14. Pride and aspiration can be gauged through participation and ownership of community issues and programmes by community members. However, this term needs more definition and measures that will help us focus and better define outputs.

15. Angelsen, A. et al. 1995. Poverty and the environment. Bergen: Comparative Research Programme on Poverty. https://www.crop.org/ Viewfile.aspx?id=1105

16. Environmental degradation can be defined broadly as encompassing climate variability, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, land degradation, waste and pollution.

17. Statistics South Africa. 2020. More than 60% of South African children are poor. Media release, 7 July. https://www.statssa.gov. za/?p=13438

18. Extrapolated from the Thrive by Five Index. https://thrivebyfive.co.za

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20. Gustafsson, M. 2020. A revised PIRLS 2011 to 2016 trend for South Africa and the importance of analysing the underlying microdata. Working Papers 02/2020, Stellenbosch University, Department of Economics.

21. This includes reading clubs, partnerships and activations such as World Read Aloud Day.

22. Currently 25% – South African Book Development Council. 2016. National survey into the reading and book reading behaviour of adult South Africans. https://www.sabooksellers.com/wp-content/assets/Final-Report-NRS-2016.pdf

23. Reddy, V. et al. 2022. The South African TIMSS 2019 Grade 5 results: building achievement and bridging achievement gaps. Cape Town: HSRC Press.

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25. Parents are defined here as significant carers of children, whether biological or not. See DGMT. 2019. The human factor: the heart of parenting – how the alchemy of love, hope and fear prepares children for life. https://dgmt.co.za/the-human-factor2/

26. Statistics South Africa. 2016. Community survey 2016. Accessed via Youth Capital. 2022. Linked in: rising through social and economic connections. https://youthcapital.co.za/linked-in-werise-socialconnections-brief/

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28. Delannoy, Why is youth unemployment so intractable?

29. ILO. 2022. Global employment trends for youth 2022: investing in transforming futures for young people. Geneva.

30. Statistics South Africa. 2023. Gender series volume VII: informal economy, 2013–2019. http://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/ Report-03-10-23/Report-03-10-232019.pdf

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35. SABC News. 2018. Northern Cape residents want answers to water crisis. 21 Nov. https://www.sabcnews.com/sabcnews/n-caperesidents-want-answers-to-water-crisis/

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