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Case Study

The Mikhulu Child Development Trust runs a book-sharing programme specifically targeted at fathers. Ixesha lam noTata (isiXhosa for Time With My Father) is made up of weekly sessions, running for a period of six weeks. It formed part of a research study on fatherhood that took place between August 2021 and December 2022. This study was conducted with 70 fathers of children aged one and two years old in Gugulethu, Western Cape.

“Dialogic book-sharing” is a special kind of interaction between an adult and a young child using a wordless picture book. It is not simply “reading” to a child who listens passively – instead, it is an active exchange, led by the child, and supported by an adult who is attentive to their interests and communication. This enjoyable and simple activity has been proven to improve children’s language and cognitive development, and help children understand and get along with other people. It also influences the adult’s behaviour to be more sensitive and reciprocal in their relationship with the young child.
Source: Mikhulu Child Development Trust (https://mikhulutrust.org/)
After the study concluded, five NGOs were recruited to run the programme with fathers of young children in their communities. Kaathima Ebrahim, CEO of Mikhulu Child Development Trust, says these organisations were eager to embark on the initiative because their work with fathers and men tends to be less structured and focuses on helping men understand why they behave the way that they do. Generally, men gather to talk about issues, but this programme gives them something to do – it gives them a tool that directly helps them shift those behaviours.
Ebrahim says the outcomes are similar to those reported by women: “I did not know this about my child/I learnt this with my child/I couldn’t believe this thing my child said.” Fathers feel excited about spending time with their children and using book-sharing as a tool to support their relationship.