section 5 /
This section explores how schools can begin to map gender-responsive dropout prevention plans. The first step is getting to grips with key concepts that can be used to shape thoughtful gender policy and programming.
modelled “Equal treatment of learners of all genders must be (SMTs). by teaching staff and School Management Teams choir. Boys can also sweep floors and sing soprano in the a tie. Girls can play soccer and can wear grey pants and during break Equal treatment must be integ rated in playgrounds hing and times, in queues for school nutr ition, and during teac der-targeted] learning times. However, schools must also have [gen will support resources such as sanitary towels and sickbays that ods. girls during pregnancy and during their monthly peri for Teachers and learners need to adopt a zero tolerance t in school.” stigmatising attitudes towards girls who are pregnan Nom fund iso Rafu za umbane Development Organisation Education Programme Officer with Masib