Diana GarcĂa
This is my sister, she has intrapersonal intelligence. She loves working on her own and she is really interested in her own feelings and behaviours. She enjoys being along and the only thing she needs to keep in contact with her friends is internet connection. She could be the perfect candidate to go to Marte, as long as there is wifi.
This is my mother. She is a good example of logical and mathematical intelligence. She loves all kind of numbers; she knows the measurements of every piece of furniture at her place and she enjoys revising bank papers. She used to work in an office but I think she could have been a wonderful Minister of Economy.
This is Raquel, my elder sister. She has linguistic intelligence. When she is preparing for an exam, every time she revises her notes she needs to rewrite them again.
This is my father, he has naturalistic intelligence. He enjoys working in the garden and being outdoors.
This is my cousin, he has spatial and visual intelligence and he is the best plumber I have ever known. He only needs five minutes to plan how he is going to set the pipes. Even in the most complicated situation, he finds the way.
This is my aunt, she has interpersonal intelligence. She works helping people reaching an agreement. When I have problems with someone, I usually ask her for advice because she always looks at the situations from different perspectives.
This is my brother in law, he has spiritual intelligence. He is a yoga teacher and he is building a hut in the mountains in his free time. Every day in the morning, he practices his ashanas before breakfast.
This is my nephew Irati, she has bodily kinesthetic intelligence. She is moving all the time and whenever she hears a song she dances. She cannot sit still, so when she has to sit down, she swings on her sit.
This is my friend Paula. She has musical intelligence. She is the “Orchestra woman�. She has always a song in her head and she usually does not realize that she is singing aloud so it is really fun to hear how she changes styles and how a simple word or situations prompt her to sing a song.