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Joey’s Actions Speak Volumes on the Job
For someone who is nonverbal, Joey certainly has a lot to say these days. He has found a way to express his thoughts throughthese his hard work.his “Joey is nonverbal for the most part and with that comes a few challenges,” challenges,” explains MRCI Employment Specialist Lisa Lobe. “But “But nothing was going to stand in his way once he decided he was ready to work. I was meeting with his family and they mentioned mentioned that they frequent a restaurant named Boonies, and that after dinner Joey loved to clean up the table. Not only his own table, but others as well. They mentioned that this might be a great job opportunity for him. “ Lisa left the meeting and immediately went to Boonies where she spoke to a supervisor on duty and left a packet of information spokeshe about MRCI.about “My intention was just to plant a seed, let them know what our“My company was about and that we were interested in partnering withcompany them to allow our client the opportunity to see what the restaurantthem industry wasindustry like,” Lisa says. “Right as I was about to leave, the supervisor supervisor had tears in her eyes and said, ‘We would love to work with Joey! I have two brothers that have disabilities, and thiswith program sounds incredibly beneficial toprogram not only all of us staff but to Joey! She passed my number along to the owner of Boonies.”to A couple of days later, Lisa got the call, Boonies wanted to offer Joey a job.Joey “I got the opportunity to job coach Joey his first week. His duties ranged from clearing tables and wiping them down, to wiping off menus, seating guests, to filling ranch cups in the kitchen, filling water cups for guests, and filling the ice behind the bar,” explains Lisa. “Although he is nonverbal, we all found a way to communicate and teach him! By the second day Joey was bussing tables without being asked or shown what to do. Joey gained a confidence that was clearly shown by his smile and through his actions. He kept pointing to his work shirt saying proudly, “BOONIES!” Everyactions. He kept time I have checked in on him they have had nothing but positive things to say, and through natural supports, Joey doesn’t have just a job, he is a part of the team!”
Joey is just one example of how MRCI employment programs help individuals achieve their goals. For more information, visit mymrci.org or call 507-386-5600.
About MRCI
MRCI provides genuine opportunities for people with disabilities and disadvantages at home, at work and in the community. To become an employment partner, or for more information, please call 507-386-5600.