3 minute read
From the Editor
from Mankato Magazine
Robb Murray
DESIGNER Christina Sankey
CONTRIBUTORS James Figy Jean Lundquist Leticia Gonzalez Ann Rosenquist Fee Pete Steiner Nick Healy Dana Melius Renee Berg Michael Lagerquist
ADVERTISING SALES Danny Creel Jennifer Flowers Jordan Greer-Friesz Josh Zimmerman Theresa Haefner Tim Keech
PUBLISHER Steve Jameson
Mankato Magazine is published by The Free Press Media monthly at 418 South Second Street, Mankato MN 56001.
To subscribe, call 1-800-657-4662 or 507-625-4451. $59.88 for 12 issues.
For all editorial inquiries, call Robb Murray 507-344-6386, or email rmurray@mankatofreepress.com.
For advertising, call 344-6364, or e-mail advertising@mankatofreepress.com.
By Robb Murray
Cheers to the sober life
Fifteen years ago or so, my good friend Bob Fenske and I had an idea for a great piece of journalism that would shine a light on the world’s greatest thief, a thief who hides in plain sight, a thief who makes a lot of promises, a thief with millions of friends.
Bob was a recovering addict (he was also one of the best writers I’ve ever worked with). I didn’t know Bob when he was drinking, but his stories made it clear that using alcohol stole a lot from him.
I grew up with an alcoholic father, the kind that drank, on bad nights, half a case of beer before stumbling off to bed. Just the other day, in fact, I was telling my daughter about my daily chores and how, after taking the garbage out, I’d have to gather up my father’s empty bottles of Pfeiffer beer and bring them to the basement.
On a couple of occasions, I remember holding up one of the bottles to see if there was anything left, and taking a sip of the few drops that remained from last night’s drinking. I wanted to know what it tasted like and why he spent so much of his life with the stuff.
But about this great journalism project that never got done (or started, for that matter). We wanted to do something about the dangers of alcohol, the drug that kills more people than opioids, cigarettes, meth or any other drug.
According to the Addiction Center: “Alcohol ranks number one on this list due to its accessibility and the extensive health problems and injuries associated with use. An estimated 95,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually. In addition to causing health issues such as cancer, liver damage, hypertension, heart disease, and fetal damage, alcohol abuse increases the risk of suicide, violence and motor vehicle accidents.”
That great piece of journalism never got done. Bob moved to Iowa and my ADHD mind moved on to shinier objects.
I bring this up not to demonize people who consume alcohol. I consume alcohol regularly in moderation. Many people do. But for some, moderation becomes laughably impossible. And in a world that has come to embrace craft beer, locally made wine and spirit rooms — all of which are lovely and are not really the problem — it can be lonely for those whose lives simply can’t allow it anymore.
This month our cover story is a serious one. We sat down with three people who are among those whose relationships with alcohol grew problematic and asked them what it’s like to live in a world where they no longer rely on a drink (or drugs) to get through a day. The results were astounding. In all three cases, these folks are living lives that are far better than when they were allowing alcohol to make all the decisions.
This piece isn’t meant to suggest anyone should stop frequenting breweries or bars. We’re not advocating for Mankato to become a dry city. The goal is to remind us all that, while we’re enjoying the latest IPA or blueberry Manhattan, let’s not forget our friends who can’t, or choose not to, join us.
Robb Murray is associate editor of Mankato Magazine. Contact him at 344-6386 or rmurray@mankatofreepress.com.