Music Man Square is a popular location to visit in Mason City Iowa.
Mini ‘Twin Cities’ Mason City and Clear Lake, Iowa, offer shopping, art and music Photos courtesy Visit Mason City Iowa
hundred miles south of Mankato are two small cities nine miles apart that each offer a wide variety of activities for the day-trip traveler. Mason City, the larger of the two towns, is in Cerro Gordo County and has a population of almost 27,000. Clear Lake, in the same county and nine miles due west of Mason City, tops out at 7,000 people. Mason City is known for its large number of Prairie School style of architecture, made famous by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The style typically features geometric structures made of brick or stucco. In the city’s downtown, the Park Inn Hotel and City Bank buildings were designed by Wright. Both have been renovated and are open to the public. Scattered throughout the area are other examples of Prairie School architecture, many of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 14 • JUNE 2021 • MANKATO MAGAZINE
Mason City is also home to a historic steam locomotive, the Cannonball 457, which is the last remaining Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway steam locomotive. Located in the picturesque Cannonball Gardens, train enthusiasts can visit the train for free. Another interesting spot to visit is The Music Man Square, 308 South Pennsylvania Ave. The indoor square is based on “The Music Man,” a popular musical written by Mason City’s most famous son, Meredith Wilson. The Music Man Square was created using set designs from the 1962 movie and has an ice cream parlor, gift store and plenty of yesteryear charm. For those who prefer being outdoors, Mason City’s downtown area is filled with shops, restaurants, bars and other retailers. For the art lovers, the Charles H. MacNider museum features fine original paintings,