==== ==== Older Women Dating: Dating for Older Women http://eyeluvthis.org/dating ==== ====
We have always heard of older men going for younger men. It has been a trend from the early days and many people have never seen anything wrong with that. But currently, the opposite has started becoming popular i.e. older women have started dating younger men. Such women are better known as 'cougars'. Many women who have been able to gain certain achievements without a man beside them are now looking for young men who may fulfill some of their needs. There have been stories of successful women dating young men who are 15 less their age. Probably you have heard of Madonna's story where she first dated someone 10 years her junior then went to another who was 15 years her junior! As hard as it may to believe, these things are happening! Some researchers have found out that successful career men usually find younger men very appealing. How this is I don't know...but since they have achieved most of the things they would have wanted i.e. a well paying job and a house, probably their social and sexual lives are lacking something in one way or the other. This is why you will find older women going for younger men so that some of these needs may be fulfilled. They may not necessarily want the man for marriage but just to fulfill their needs and desires. Another reason why older women would date younger men is to feel youthful again. We have all heard about how ladies don't like getting old. The true reality is that aging is inevitable. Thus, older women may go for younger men who are spontaneous and still have energy so that they can relive their youthful days. The main reason why older women may go for younger men is for the sex. It has been said that women peak sexually in their late 30s and early 40s while men reach their peak performance in their 20s, then it begins to decline. Older women feel that they missed a lot when they were younger and inexperienced and would like to relive that by going for men in their 20s who are at their peak.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Wells