Turning Software for CNC Lathe Machines
This powerful CADCAM software is a complete CNC programming solution for all simple and complex part turning. CAM Works 2 and 4 Axis Turning software for CNC lathe machines includes automatic roughing, grooving,finishing, threading, cutoff and single point (boring, drilling,reaming and tapping) cycles. CAM Works, assimilates Machining Intelligence for Automation, a suite of tools that automate recognition of feature and the generation of tool paths based on a userdefined technology database.
Automatic and Interactive Feature Recognition l
Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) examines the part shape and defines the most common machinable features such as the OD and ID of the part, front face and grooves. AFR identifies features on solid models or on solid parts imported through IGES, SAT, etc. When bar stock is utilized, AFR generates a cutoff feature on the alternate side of the face feature. CAM Works gives an Interactive Turn Feature wizard for elucidating features that need to be explained for your facility’s machining needs, such as custom OD and ID grooves.
Turning for 2 and 4 Axis Lathes l
CAM Works Turning gives fast, errorfree cutting using general inserts for both front and rear turret configurations and tool path, simulation and post processing brace for sub spindles. Machine algorithms utilize the latest tool path and gouge some protection methods. Explain stock as bar stock, a revolved draw, a 2D WIP sketch or from an STL file. Work in process supervising of stock increases efficiency of cutting.
Explain chuck to use for simulation of toolpath . Simulated stock shape can be saved as an STL file for use as Turn, MillTurn, Mill or Wire EDM stock shapes. Simulation, toolpath and post processing support for subspindles. Reverse machining for face end, turn end, bore rough and bore finish. Reverse machining for threading to yield left hand threads. Drill and center drill tools for both mill and turn can be specified from a common drill and center drill database.
l l l l
Cutoff operation spindle speed/feedrate slowdown option to decrease the speed and federate at a user specific length from the end of a cutoff toolpath. Rough groove cleanup pass to remove scallops generated by the rough groove toolpath. Conclude groove cutter compensation support. Single pass choice for groove cycle. Multiple groove tool driving point options. Choice to set minimum and maximum Z limits for turn operations either wholly or for each operation. Choice to define varying allowances on turn toolpaths. Ability to reflect about the centerline to generate toolpaths below centerline. APT CL support for external post processing.